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How should I be formatting my homework?

Neat homework can aid your comprehension and might make your teacher like you better. Purplemath's " Homework Guidelines for Mathematics " will give you a leg up, explaining in clear terms what your math teacher is looking for. The Guidelines link to examples of common errors, and demonstrate techniques that your instructors will love! In addition, students who get in the habit of explaining themselves clearly in their homework gain greater understanding of what they're doing, and therefore tend to do much better on their tests.

English teachers tell their students explicitly how to format their papers: what fonts, what page margins, what style guides, etc. Math teachers, on the other hand, frequently just complain amongst themselves in the faculty lounge about how messy their students' work is. Meanwhile, their students wonder why they've lost points on homework and tests.

Study these Guidelines , print out this " formatting " PDF, and improve your learning, retention, and test scores. Don't leave easy points on the table!

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How can I measure my study skills?

Many students, from time to time, wonder, "Do I have what it takes to succeed in math?" Much of one's success or failure in algebra can be laid at the feet of one's study habits. Do you have good math study habits? Take this survey and find out.

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Personalized Help ($): Investigate hiring a qualified tutor in your local area (US only), or try e-mail tutoring from Purplemath's author. But for in-depth, quality, video-supported, at-home help, including self-testing and immediate feedback, try . comes highly recommended by homeschoolers, military service members, and other practical people. If you're needing more intensive help, give a try!

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Algebra 1 Help | Free Algebra 1 Lessons & Practice Problems

Go through the lessons and practice problems below to help you learn Algebra 1 and excel in school. We’ll track your progress and help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Our Algebra 1 lessons is available to everyone, but you need to create an account in order to access the practice questions and track your progress.

Algebra 1: 01-Introduction to Algebra

Algebra 1: 02-solving equations, algebra 1: 03-solving inequalities, algebra 1: 04-functions, algebra 1: 05-linear functions, algebra 1: 06-systems of equations and inequalities, algebra 1: 07-exponents and exponential functions, algebra 1: 08-polynomials & factoring, algebra 1: 09-quadratic functions and equations, algebra 1: 10-radical expressions & functions, protected: order – march 16, 2020 @ 08:13 pm, algebra 1: 11-rational expressions & functions, algebra 1: 12-data analysis & probability, i. introduction to algebra, lesson: verbal to algebraic expressions & equations.


  • Practice 01
  • Practice 02
  • Practice 03
  • Practice 04

Lesson: Declaring Variables

Example: Mike is 3 inches taller than Semande. If Semande is s inches tall, express Mike’s height in terms of s .

Lesson: Order of Operations

3 - (5-8)^2

Lesson: Real Numbers (Including Rational vs. Irrational Numbers)

Lesson: order of operations with substitution.


Lesson: Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers

5 - (-2)

Lesson: Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers

-3 \times 4

Lesson: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson: Distributive Property


Lesson: Finding the Solution to an Equation

12 = 3x - 9

II. Solving Equations

Lesson: solving algebraic equations (one-step).


Lesson: Solving Multi-Step Equations

2x + 4 = 18

Lesson: Multi-Step Equations (Variable on Both Sides)

2x - 4 = -3x + 11

Lesson: Linear Equations


Lesson: Solving Proportions

\dfrac{x}{6} = \dfrac{20}{15}

Lesson: Solving Complex Proportions

\dfrac{x+5}{4} = \dfrac{3}{8}

Lesson: Percents

Example: What is 48% of 30?

Lesson: Percent Change

Example: What is the percent change from 50 to 72?

III. Solving Inequalities

Lesson: graphing inequalities.

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Solving Inequalities Using Addition or Subtraction

x - 12 > 8

Lesson: Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication or Division

-4x \geq 12

Lesson: Solving Inequalities

-7x + 19 \leq -2

Lesson: Solving Compound Inequalities

-3 \leq 2x -5

Lesson: Solving and Graphing Compound Inequalities

 0 \leq r + 5

Lesson: Absolute Value Equations


Lesson: Absolute Value Inequalities

3|5x + 1|

IV. Functions

Lesson: using graphs to relate two quantities.

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Patterns and Linear Functions

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Patterns and Non-Linear Functions

Algebra 1 Lessons

Example: For the set of ordered pairs, write the rule that represents the function. (0,1),(1,3),(2,9),(3,27),(4,81)

Lesson: Graphing a Function Rule

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Writing a Function Rule

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Formalizing Relations and Functions

Example: Is the following relation shown a function? (-2, 0.5), (0, 2.5), (4, 6.5), (5, 2.5)

V. Linear Functions

Lesson: slope.

Algebra 1 Lessons

  • Practice 01 – Slope from a graph & from 2 points
  • Practice 02 – Slope from a graph & from 2 points
  • Practice 03 – Slope from 2 Points
  • Practice 04 – Slope from 2 Points

Lesson: Equation of a Line

Lesson: point slope form, lesson: finding the equation of a line, given the slope and a point, lesson: standard form of the equations of a line.


Lesson: Finding the Equation of a Line, Given Two Points

Lesson: equations of parallel and perpendicular lines.


Lesson: Scatterplots and Trendlines

  • If the trend continues, what is the expected y-value when x is 8, based on the scatterplot shown below?

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Graphing Absolute Value Functions


VI. Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Lesson: solving a system of equations graphically.


Lesson: Solving a System of Equations Using Substitution


Lesson: Solving a System of Equations Using Elimination


Lesson: Applications of Linear Systems

Lesson: word problems – system of equations, lesson: graphing linear inequalities.

y \textless 3x-5

  • What system of inequalities is shown below?

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Solving a System of Linear Inequalities

y \geq x+4

VII. Exponents and Exponential Functions

Lesson: positive exponents.


Lesson: Negative Exponents


Lesson: Multiplying & Dividing Terms that have Exponents

 (4^3) (4^2)

Lesson: Graphs of Exponential Functions


Lesson: Exponential Growth

Lesson: exponential decay.


VIII. Polynomials and Factoring

Lesson: adding & subtracting polynomials.


Lesson: Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial


Lesson: Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial


Lesson: Factor Out the Greatest Common Factor


Lesson: Multiplying Binomials


Lesson: Multiplying a Binomial by a Trinomial

(2x-1)(3x^2 -x +2)

Lesson: Multiplying a Trinomial by a Binomial

(-x^2 +3x-5)(3x+2)

Lesson: Multiplying Binomials (Special Cases)


Lesson: Factoring Quadratics

x^2 +2x -24

Lesson: Difference of Perfect Squares

x^2 -64

Lesson: Factoring by Grouping

x^3 +4x^2 -4x -16

IX. Quadratic Functions and Equations

Lesson: evaluating quadratic functions.

y=x^2 +3x -2

Lesson: Properties of Quadratic Functions

y=x^2 +x -5

Lesson: Solving Quadratic Equations by Taking Square Roots

x^2 = 16

Lesson: Solving Equations by Factoring

 x^2 +9x +18

Lesson: Completing the Square


Lesson: Solve Equations by Completing the Square

x^2 +6x -10=0

Lesson: Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function by Completing the Square

y=x^2 +8x -12

Lesson: Solving a System of Equations Graphically (Linear & Quadratic)


Lesson: Solving a System of Equations Using Substitution (Linear & Quadratic)

 y=x^2 -4x +12

X. Radical Expressions and Functions

Lesson: pythagorean theorem, lesson: simplifying radical expressions.


Lesson: Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions

2\sqrt{27} + 3\sqrt{3}

Lesson: Multiplying Radical Expressions

\sqrt{3x^3} \cdot \sqrt{2x}

Lesson: Dividing Radical Expressions

\dfrac{\sqrt{5x^2 y^3}}{\sqrt{x^3 y^4}}

Lesson: Solving Equations That Have Radical Terms

\sqrt{x+3} -5 = 10

Lesson: Graphing Square Root Functions

y=\sqrt{x} -1

Lesson: SOHCAHTOA (sine, cosine, tangent)

\triangle ABC

Lesson: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

\overline{AB} = 12

XI. Rational Expressions and Functions

Lesson: simplifying rational expressions.


Lesson: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

\dfrac{2}{3} \cdot \dfrac{6x^3}{8}

Lesson: Dividing Polynomials

\dfrac{10x^4 - 15x}{5x^2}

Lesson: Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

\dfrac{3-x}{x^2+3x-1} + \dfrac{3-x}{x^2+3x-1}

Lesson: Fractional Equations

\dfrac{2}{x} + \dfrac{3}{8} = \dfrac{10}{x}

Lesson: Solving Rational Equations

\dfrac{5}{x^2} - \dfrac{2}{3x} = \dfrac{4}{x}

Lesson: Inverse Variation


Lesson: Graphing Rational Functions


XII. Data Analysis and Probability

Lesson: matrices.

  • What are the dimensions of this matrix?

Algebra 1 Lessons

Lesson: Frequency, Cumulative Frequency, & Histograms

Lesson: measures of central tendency & dispersion, lesson: box & whisker plot, lesson: samples and surveys, lesson: permutations and combinations.

_3 P _2

Lesson: Theoretical vs. Experimental Probability

Lesson: probability of compound events.

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Algebra Help

In this chapter, we will be discussing Algebra. Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses symbols to represent numerical values or members of a set of numbers. This representation is called an algebraic expression. Algebra is a powerful tool for solving mathematical problems.

  • Polynomials
  • Factoring Polynomials
  • Division of Polynomials
  • Solving Equations
  • Solving Inequalities
  • Solving Quadratics
  • Complex Numbers
  • Graphing Quadratics (Parabolas)
  • Systems of Equations (2x2s)
  • Systems of Equations (3x3s)
  • Determinants and Cramer's Rule
  • Inverse Functions
  • Exponentials and Logarithms
  • Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
  • Sequences and Series
  • Combinatorics
  • Advanced Graphing
  • Graphing Polynomials
  • Graphing Rational Functions
  • Conic Sections

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Math planet is an online resource where one can study math for free. Take our high school math courses in  Pre-algebra ,  Algebra 1 ,  Algebra 2  and  Geometry . We have also prepared practice tests for the  SAT  and  ACT . We have recently launched a basic programming course in Python language for beginners.

The educational material is focused on US high school maths . However, since maths is the same all over the world, we welcome everybody to study math with us, for free.

Every contribution, no matter the size, has a significant impact on Mathplanet. We are dedicated to offering a free, accessible platform for learning mathematics. Your support helps us continue this mission and ensures that knowledge remains within reach for everyone. Thank you for being a part of our math-loving community. Click on the donation button and support Mattecentrum!


Mattecentrum , established in 2008 within Sweden, is a non-profit membership organization. It has been dedicated to offering complimentary assistance in mathematics for all individuals engaged in mathematical studies, for free. The primary goal of Mattecentrum revolves around fostering equitable access to knowledge while also fostering greater interest and proficiency in mathematics and other STEM-related disciplines. The organization's membership spans ages 6 to 26.

Through its network, Mattecentrum orchestrates complimentary math labs throughout Sweden, conducted within schools, libraries, and various other venues spread across 24 different cities. Each month, over 3500 students nationwide receive personalized educational support courtesy of the contributions from Mattecentrum's dedicated group of 450 active volunteers.

Mattecentrum also offers FREE online help apart from Mathplanet:

Math labs for tutoring support Throughout 2022, math lab activities were carried out in 24 locations. Conventions were organized on eight occasions. Mattecentrum's member organizations collectively provided 35,696 hours of homework assistance within physical math labs.

Digital Math Labs In Mattecentrum's digital math labs, also known as Live Help, students can engage with the organization's volunteers through video meetings to receive personalized assistance with their math queries. Live Help offers both drop-in sessions and scheduled meetings.

During 2022, Live Help was manned by 27 digital volunteers and facilitated 1,642 student interactions, involving a total of 3,003 hours of homework assistance.

Pluggakuten Pluggakuten is Mattecentrum's digital homework assistance platform where members can ask questions and respond to others via an open chat, covering mathematics and other school subjects. In 2022, the site was supported by four moderators who ensured a safe environment and adherence to rules and guidelines. Mattecentrum measures the usage of Pluggakuten in homework help sessions (HS), where a session lasting at least 1 minute on is counted as a digital homework assistance occasion. In total, had 828,182 HS globally, with 779,205 being national.

Ekonomikoll in Swedish is a website that provides insights and tools in finance. We review fundamental principles and concepts that impact our financial future.

Matteboken in Swedish and Arabic Matteboken is Mattecentrum's digital knowledge site, offering math exercises, theory, and video lessons spanning from preschool to the highest level of high school. The site also includes puzzles, quizzes for college entrance exams, and a collection of old national exams. Matteboken is freely accessible and is also available in an Arabic language version.

Mattecentrum measures the usage of Matteboken in homework help sessions (HS), where a session lasting at least 3 minutes is counted as a digital homework assistance occasion. In 2022, had a total of 599,874 HS globally, with 561,794 being national. The Arabic version of had a total of 32,537 HS globally, with 5,745 being national.

Formelsamlingen is Mattecentrum's digital compendium of formulas in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Mattecentrum measures the usage of Formelsamlingen in homework help sessions (HS), where a session lasting at least 1 minute is counted as a digital homework assistance occasion. In 2022, the site had a total of 21,159 HS globally, with 19,532 being national.

Mathplanet Mathplanet is Mattecentrum's English-language digital math book, featuring exercises, theory, and video lessons covering high school mathematics. Mattecentrum measures the usage of Mathplanet in homework help sessions (HS), where a session lasting at least 3 minutes is counted as a digital homework assistance occasion. had a total of 130,252 HS globally, with 902 being national.

In total, there were 1,799,037 global homework help sessions in our combined digital tools during 2022, with 1,549,566 being national.

YouTube Mattecentrum has three YouTube channels featuring published math video lessons in both Swedish and English. These channels amassed a total of 17,063 subscribers, 912,798 views, and 30,610 viewing hours in 2022.

For more information about us, please visit .

To contact Mattecentrum, please send an email to: [email protected]

Every contribution, no matter the size, has a significant impact on Mathplanet. We are dedicated to offering a free, accessible platform for learning mathematics. Your support helps us continue this mission and ensures that knowledge remains within reach for everyone. Thank you for being a part of our math-loving community Click on the donation button and support Mattecentrum!

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The Best Free Algebra Homework Help Websites

The grade level where children make the transition from math to algebra can be very easy for some students, but difficult and confusing for others. Math concepts that are centered on clearly defined numbers and with all "factors" within the problem typically defined, are usually fairly easy for most students to follow and understand.

However, algebra concepts insert "unknowns" into equations and formulas that can really throw many students for a loop. Solving an equation for a factor that appears to be on the "wrong side" of the equal sign can feel like a very strange and impossible premise for those students.

As usual, help is available on the Internet, and the following list are some of the best free algebra homework help websites that can make the process of learning algebra a whole lot easier .

MyAlgebra - A Free Algebra Problem Solver

A very simple and useful resource is the MyAlgebra online problem solver application.  While this isn't the first place a student should go for help, because it simply provides the answer to the equation, it is an excellent website for students to check their work.

Students can work through their algebra problems, and when they've come up with a solution that they feel is correct, they can simply enter in the equation and click "Answer." Of course, solving for equations isn't the only thing the application can do - there is a long list of funcions in the drop-down list to choose from.

Obviously, the most common choice will be to "solve the equation," and the nice thing about this online application is that it converts both the problem and the solution into the same sort of format that it would appear in the textbook.

Unfortunately, "show steps" isn't really a legitimate option, as it takes you to a website for Bagatrix, where you can purchase Algebra solving software that provides step-by-step solutions. Regardless, as an answer-checker the free online app proves very useful.

Illuminations - Cool Algebra Activities and Lessons

Nothing is quite as frustrating for many students as trying to understand abstract concepts, and learning to do so by reading drab and boring textbooks that make you want to go to sleep. Luckily, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in the U.S. understands this problem and created a website called Illuminations that brings the subject (including algebra) to life for students.

The site includes high quality activities and lessons that cover all aspects of both math and algebra. Of all available free algebra homework help websites, this is definitely the one that's the most fun and interesting. For lessons, you select grade levels and topics (one area is devoted to just algebra), and you get access to dozens of valuable lessons that teach important algebra concepts. However, my favorite part of the site is the "activities" area that offers some really high quality and valuable online applications that graphically show algebraic principles, such as this "pan balance" app that graphically displays what happens when you change different elements of equations.

Tutorvista - Free Lessons

While Tutorvista isn't technically a free site, because the primary aim is to get parents to sign up their children for an online tutor, the website does offer an entire algebra help section with well formatted lessons that teach students about the many elements of algebra, from foundation principles all the way to the more advanced topics.

Of course, if you do need tutoring for your child, you can actually submit an assignment and for an average fee of $5, a tutor will actually send back the answer in a fully worked-out step-by-step solution. However, before you start dishing out your cash for any paid tutoring, make sure to check out the next free Algebra homework help website that actually does offer many tutoring services for free. - Math Tutors Who Just Can't Get Enough

Of course, the best place to get some free algebra tutoring is , an online community of mathematicians who are obsessed with the topic. You can turn their obsession into your child's advantage by posting problems for the tutor community to answer. The website itself offers more lessons and information than probably any other algebra help website out there.

Just the algebra section includes pre-algebra, algebra I and algebra II - and of course there's a quick and easy "Universal Simplifier and Solver" at the top that will either simplify or solve your algebra equations. At the top of the site, there's a "Free Tutors" menu option that'll take you to a section where you can either sign up to be a free tutor (a public service which gives you exposure for your tutoring business), or you can submit your own algebra questions to the tutors. There are almost a thousand active tutors - and the question/answer area is a huge community of fantastic tutors who are eager to help kids with their algebra problems. - Interactive Algebra Help

Another valuable site filled with step-by-step instructions and lessons for students to learn the most important algebra concepts is . This site covers both the basics as well as advanced concepts under categories like "The Language of Algebra", "Equations and Inequalities" and "Graphing Equations and Inequalities."

The lessons at take students through an easy step-by-step "wizard," and on each step there's often a "show me" option students can click where the application offers examples or additional information that better explains a specific topic. It's just like having a teacher available with instant answers to the typical questions that students often ask.

Drexel University  - The Math Forum

The Math Forum is a valuable public service offered by Drexel University that offers both students and teachers dozens of resources. Many of the resources are buried within internal links, but the Algebra Section alone offers classroom materials for teachers, Internet projects, public forums and even links to algebra software throughout the net.

The Math Forum is one of the largest math & algebra resources on the net, and if you can afford to donate it would be a valuable and worthy cause to contribute. Mathematics, and algebra in particular are critical skills for students to learn early on that can tremendously simplify their lives later on. Any free algebra homework help websites that exist on the Internet are very positive resources that should be promoted and applauded by everyone.

Do you know of any additional algebra resources for teachers, parents or students on the Internet? Share them in the comments section below.

Image credit: aussiegall

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  • Solve equations and inequalities
  • Simplify expressions
  • Factor polynomials
  • Graph equations and inequalities
  • Advanced solvers
  • All solvers
  • Arithmetics
  • Determinant
  • Percentages
  • Scientific Notation
  • Inequalities

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What can QuickMath do?

QuickMath will automatically answer the most common problems in algebra, equations and calculus faced by high-school and college students.

  • The algebra section allows you to expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression you choose. It also has commands for splitting fractions into partial fractions, combining several fractions into one and cancelling common factors within a fraction.
  • The equations section lets you solve an equation or system of equations. You can usually find the exact answer or, if necessary, a numerical answer to almost any accuracy you require.
  • The inequalities section lets you solve an inequality or a system of inequalities for a single variable. You can also plot inequalities in two variables.
  • The calculus section will carry out differentiation as well as definite and indefinite integration.
  • The matrices section contains commands for the arithmetic manipulation of matrices.
  • The graphs section contains commands for plotting equations and inequalities.
  • The numbers section has a percentages command for explaining the most common types of percentage problems and a section for dealing with scientific notation.

Math Topics

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  • Add Fractions
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College Algebra

Also known as "High School Algebra"

OK. So what are you going to learn here?

You will learn about Numbers, Polynomials, Inequalities, Sequences and Sums, many types of Functions, and how to solve them.

You will also gain a deeper insight into Mathematics, get to practice using your new skills with lots of examples and questions, and generally improve your mind.

With your new skills you will be able to put together mathematical models so you can find good quality solutions to many tricky real world situations.

Near the end of most pages is a "Your Turn" section ... do these! You need to balance your reading with doing . Answering questions helps you sort things out in your mind. And don't guess the answer: use pen and paper and try your best before seeing the solution.

So what is this thing called Mathematics? And how do you go about learning it?

  • Welcome to Mathematics
  • Learning Mathematics
  • The Language of Mathematics
  • Symbols in Algebra

Next, we need to think about mathematics in terms of sets .

  • Introduction to Sets

Now we know what a set is, let us look at different sets of numbers that are useful:

  • The Evolution of Numbers
  • Prime and Composite Numbers
  • Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
  • Whole Numbers and Integers
  • Rational Numbers
  • Using Rational Numbers
  • Irrational Numbers
  • 0.999... = 1
  • Real Numbers
  • Imaginary Numbers
  • Complex Numbers
  • Multiplying Complex Numbers
  • The Complex Plane
  • Common Number Sets


"Equal To" is nice but not always available. Maybe we only know that something is less than, or greater than. So let's learn about in equalities.

  • Introduction to Inequalities
  • Properties of Inequalities
  • Solving Inequalities
  • Solving Inequality Word Questions

We will be using exponents a lot, so let's get to know them well.

  • Variables with Exponents
  • Using Exponents in Algebra
  • Squares and Square Roots
  • Squares and Square Roots in Algebra
  • Fractional Exponents
  • Laws of Exponents
  • Exponents of Negative Numbers


Polynomials were some of the first things ever studied in Algebra. They are simple, yet powerful in their ability to model real world situations.

  • What is a Polynomial?
  • Adding And Subtracting Polynomials
  • Multiplying Polynomials
  • Polynomials - Long Multiplication
  • Dividing Polynomials
  • Polynomials - Long Division
  • Degree (of an Expression)
  • Special Binomial Products
  • Difference of Two Cubes
  • Factoring in Algebra
  • Solving Polynomials
  • Roots of Polynomials: Sums and Products
  • Rational Expressions
  • Using Rational Expressions
  • Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
  • Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem
  • General Form of a Polynomial

Graphing Polynomials

  • How Polynomials Behave
  • Polynomials: The Rule of Signs
  • Polynomials: Bounds on Zeros

And, of course, we need to know about equations ... and how to solve them.

  • Equations and Formulas
  • Solving Equations
  • Solving Word Questions
  • Zero Product Property
  • Implication and Iff
  • Theorems, Corollaries, Lemmas

Graphs can save us! They are a great way to see what is going on and can help us solve many things. But we need to be careful, as they sometimes don't give the full story.

  • Cartesian Coordinates
  • Pythagoras' Theorem
  • Distance Between 2 Points
  • Graph of an Equation
  • Finding Intercepts From an Equation
  • Symmetry in Equations
  • Linear Equations

They are just equations for lines. But they come in many forms.

  • Equation of a Straight Line
  • Point-Slope Equation of a Line
  • General Form of Equation of a Line
  • Equation of a Line from 2 Points
  • Midpoint of a Line Segment
  • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

A function relates an input to an output. But from that simple foundation many useful things can be built.

  • What is a Function?
  • Domain, Range and Codomain
  • Evaluating Functions
  • Increasing and Decreasing Functions
  • Maxima and Minima of Functions
  • Even and Odd Functions
  • Set-Builder Notation

Common Functions Reference :

  • Square Function
  • Square Root Function
  • Cube Function
  • Reciprocal Function
  • Absolute Value Function
  • Floor and Ceiling Function
  • Function Transformations
  • Equation Grapher
  • Operations with Functions
  • Composition of Functions
  • Inverse Functions

Equations of Second Degree

"Second degree" just means the variable has an exponent of 2, like x 2 . It is the next major step after linear equations (where the exponent is 1, like x).

  • Quadratic Equations
  • Factoring Quadratics
  • Completing the Square
  • Derivation of Quadratic Formula
  • Graphing Quadratic Equations
  • Quadratic Equations in the Real World
  • Circle Equations

We already have experience in solving, but now we can learn more!

  • Mathematical Models and Mathematical Models 2
  • Approximate Solutions
  • Intermediate Value Theorem
  • Solving Radical Equations
  • Change of Variables
  • Algebra Mistakes

We learned about inequalities above, now let's learn how to solve them.

  • Graphing Linear Inequalities
  • Inequality Graphing Tool
  • Solving Quadratic Inequalities
  • Solving Rational Inequalities
  • Absolute Value in Algebra

Exponents and Logarithms

We already know about exponents ... well logarithms just go the other way. And together they can be very powerful.

  • Introduction to Logarithms
  • Exponents, Roots and Logarithms
  • Working with Exponents and Logarithms
  • Exponential Function
  • Logarithmic Function
  • Exponential Growth and Decay
  • Systems of Linear Equations

What happens when we have two or more linear equations that work together? They can often be solved! It isn't very hard but can take a lot of calculations.

  • Types of Matrix
  • How to Multiply Matrices
  • Determinant of a Matrix
  • Inverse of a Matrix:
  • Using Elementary Row Operations (Gauss-Jordan)
  • Using Minors, Cofactors and Adjugate
  • Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Vectors
  • Matrix Calculator
  • More at Matrix Index
  • Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using Matrices
  • Systems of Linear and Quadratic Equations
  • Probability


Is it likely? You be the judge!

  • The Basic Counting Principle
  • Combinations and Permutations

Sequences, Series and Partial Sums

A Sequence is a set of things (usually numbers) that are in order. We can also sum up a series, where Sigma Notation is very useful.

  • Sequences - Finding A Rule
  • Sigma Notation
  • Partial Sums
  • Arithmetic Sequences and Sums
  • Geometric Sequences and Sums

These last few subjects use what we have learned above.

  • Partial Fractions
  • Mathematical Induction
  • Pascal's Triangle
  • Binomial Theorem

And that is all!

But there are many other interesting algebra topics such as:

  • Euler's Formula for Complex Numbers
  • Taylor Series (needs a basic understanding of derivatives )

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  • Pre Algebra Order of Operations Factors & Primes Fractions Long Arithmetic Decimals Exponents & Radicals Ratios & Proportions Percent Modulo Number Line Expanded Form Mean, Median & Mode
  • Algebra Equations Inequalities System of Equations System of Inequalities Basic Operations Algebraic Properties Partial Fractions Polynomials Rational Expressions Sequences Power Sums Interval Notation Pi (Product) Notation Induction Logical Sets Word Problems
  • Pre Calculus Equations Inequalities Scientific Calculator Scientific Notation Arithmetics Complex Numbers Polar/Cartesian Simultaneous Equations System of Inequalities Polynomials Rationales Functions Arithmetic & Comp. Coordinate Geometry Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Conic Sections Trigonometry
  • Calculus Derivatives Derivative Applications Limits Integrals Integral Applications Integral Approximation Series ODE Multivariable Calculus Laplace Transform Taylor/Maclaurin Series Fourier Series Fourier Transform
  • Functions Line Equations Functions Arithmetic & Comp. Conic Sections Transformation
  • Linear Algebra Matrices Vectors
  • Trigonometry Identities Proving Identities Trig Equations Trig Inequalities Evaluate Functions Simplify
  • Statistics Mean Geometric Mean Quadratic Mean Average Median Mode Order Minimum Maximum Probability Mid-Range Range Standard Deviation Variance Lower Quartile Upper Quartile Interquartile Range Midhinge Standard Normal Distribution
  • Physics Mechanics
  • Chemistry Chemical Reactions Chemical Properties
  • Finance Simple Interest Compound Interest Present Value Future Value
  • Economics Point of Diminishing Return
  • Conversions Roman Numerals Radical to Exponent Exponent to Radical To Fraction To Decimal To Mixed Number To Improper Fraction Radians to Degrees Degrees to Radians Hexadecimal Scientific Notation Distance Weight Time Volume
  • Pre Algebra
  • One-Step Addition
  • One-Step Subtraction
  • One-Step Multiplication
  • One-Step Division
  • One-Step Decimals
  • Two-Step Integers
  • Two-Step Add/Subtract
  • Two-Step Multiply/Divide
  • Two-Step Fractions
  • Two-Step Decimals
  • Multi-Step Integers
  • Multi-Step with Parentheses
  • Multi-Step Rational
  • Multi-Step Fractions
  • Multi-Step Decimals
  • Solve by Factoring
  • Completing the Square
  • Quadratic Formula
  • Biquadratic
  • Logarithmic
  • Exponential
  • Rational Roots
  • Floor/Ceiling
  • Equation Given Roots
  • Newton Raphson
  • Substitution
  • Elimination
  • Cramer's Rule
  • Gaussian Elimination
  • System of Inequalities
  • Perfect Squares
  • Difference of Squares
  • Difference of Cubes
  • Sum of Cubes
  • Polynomials
  • Distributive Property
  • FOIL method
  • Perfect Cubes
  • Binomial Expansion
  • Negative Rule
  • Product Rule
  • Quotient Rule
  • Expand Power Rule
  • Fraction Exponent
  • Exponent Rules
  • Exponential Form
  • Logarithmic Form
  • Absolute Value
  • Rational Number
  • Powers of i
  • Complex Form
  • Partial Fractions
  • Is Polynomial
  • Leading Coefficient
  • Leading Term
  • Standard Form
  • Complete the Square
  • Synthetic Division
  • Linear Factors
  • Rationalize Denominator
  • Rationalize Numerator
  • Identify Type
  • Convergence
  • Interval Notation
  • Pi (Product) Notation
  • Boolean Algebra
  • Truth Table
  • Mutual Exclusive
  • Cardinality
  • Caretesian Product
  • Age Problems
  • Distance Problems
  • Cost Problems
  • Investment Problems
  • Number Problems
  • Percent Problems
  • Addition/Subtraction
  • Multiplication/Division
  • Dice Problems
  • Coin Problems
  • Card Problems
  • Pre Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Conversions

Most Used Actions

Number line, algebra calculator.

The Algebra Calculator is a versatile online tool designed to simplify algebraic problem-solving for users of all levels. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Begin by typing your algebraic expression into the above input field, or scanning the problem with your camera.
  • After entering the equation, click the 'Go' button to generate instant solutions.
  • The calculator provides detailed step-by-step solutions, aiding in understanding the underlying concepts.
  • -x+3\gt 2x+1
  • (x+5)(x-5)\gt 0
  • 10^{1-x}=10^4
  • \sqrt{3+x}=-2
  • 6+11x+6x^2+x^3=0
  • factor\:x^{2}-5x+6
  • simplify\:\frac{2}{3}-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{4}
  • x+2y=2x-5,\:x-y=3
  • How do you solve algebraic expressions?
  • To solve an algebraic expression, simplify the expression by combining like terms, isolate the variable on one side of the equation by using inverse operations. Then, solve the equation by finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true.
  • What are the basics of algebra?
  • The basics of algebra are the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.
  • What are the 3 rules of algebra?
  • The basic rules of algebra are the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.
  • What is the golden rule of algebra?
  • The golden rule of algebra states Do unto one side of the equation what you do to others. Meaning, whatever operation is being used on one side of equation, the same will be used on the other side too.
  • What are the 5 basic laws of algebra?
  • The basic laws of algebra are the Commutative Law For Addition, Commutative Law For Multiplication, Associative Law For Addition, Associative Law For Multiplication, and the Distributive Law.


  • High School Math Solutions – Inequalities Calculator, Exponential Inequalities Last post, we talked about how to solve logarithmic inequalities. This post, we will learn how to solve exponential...

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  2. Algebra 1 Final Exam with Study Guide (Editable)

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  4. 13 Websites To Learn Algebra Lessons Online (Free And Paid)

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  5. Algebra 1 problems: An Introduction To Algebra: The Basics for Algebra 1

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    The Algebra 1 course, often taught in the 9th grade, covers Linear equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs; Systems of equations and inequalities; Extension of the concept of a function; Exponential models; and Quadratic equations, functions, and graphs. Khan Academy's Algebra 1 course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, engaging, and Common Core aligned experience!

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    Algebra Help. Algebra. In this chapter, we will be discussing Algebra. Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses symbols to represent numerical values or members of a set of numbers. This representation is called an algebraic expression. Algebra is a powerful tool for solving mathematical problems.

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  14. Algebra (all content)

    Unit 1 Introduction to algebra. Unit 2 Solving basic equations & inequalities (one variable, linear) Unit 3 Linear equations, functions, & graphs. Unit 4 Sequences. Unit 5 System of equations. Unit 6 Two-variable inequalities. Unit 7 Functions. Unit 8 Absolute value equations, functions, & inequalities. Unit 9 Quadratic equations & functions.

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  19. College Algebra

    College Algebra. Also known as "High School Algebra". OK. So what are you going to learn here? You will learn about Numbers, Polynomials, Inequalities, Sequences and Sums, many types of Functions, and how to solve them. You will also gain a deeper insight into Mathematics, get to practice using your new skills with lots of examples and ...

  20. Math

    The Algebra 1 course, often taught in the 9th grade, covers Linear equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs; Systems of equations and inequalities; Extension of the concept of a function; Exponential models; and Quadratic equations, functions, and graphs. ... Foundational material to help you prepare for Eureka Math/EngageNY 8th grade ...

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  22. Algebra Calculator

    The Algebra Calculator is a versatile online tool designed to simplify algebraic problem-solving for users of all levels. Here's how to make the most of it: Begin by typing your algebraic expression into the above input field, or scanning the problem with your camera.