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Lessons In It’s Not All Rainbows And Butterflies: Disney Channel Bad Hair Day Film Review #BadHairDay

Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Disney and the Disney Channel.  I received an all-expense paid trip from Disney so that I could gather and share this information. However, all experiences and opinions are always 100% my own as this post is written by me in its entirety.

Ever woken up and felt like not only did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but perhaps you didn’t sleep at all? Worst feeling ever right? Kind of like when you have that gut feeling that nothing can possibly go right for you that day. Try as you might will the day to be better, it’s just going from bad to worse? If you knew in the end that a powerful and valuable lesson would be learned, would you be willing to sacrifice just one not so perfect day?

Picture this, it’s the biggest day of your life ever, the day you’ve been waiting for like FOREVER. You’ve dreamed of it, planned for it and have done everything in your power to prepare for it. And like an unexpected pull of a string on a knit shirt, it all starts to unravel.


Everything happens for a reason though right? At least that’s what many people tend to say. For me this isn’t just any old saying, it is something I strongly believe in. Want to know why? Tune into the Disney Channel on Friday, February 13 at 8pm EST to watch the newest Disney Channel original movie Bad Hair Day and you will totally understand why I believe so.

Just a courtesy reminder that this is a movie review and if you continue to read past this point you may encounter scene spoilers, but it’s totally worth it!!!

Bad Hair Day Movie Poster

While I was in LA I visited the Disney Channel studios building for a special screening of Bad Hair Day staring Laura Marano (“Austin & Ally”) and Leigh-Allyn Baker (“Good Luck Charlie”.) Not only was Leigh-Allyn there personally watching the movie with us – myself along with 24 really cool bloggers – but Baker also granted us an interview during which I may have blinded her , oops. Enough about me though, lets talk Bad Hair Day!

The girls aren’t yet old enough for the Disney Channel so we usually stick with Disney Junior, as I type this I can hear it playing from the living room. Had it not been for this screening I likely would have missed an amazing movie since my TV time is pretty limited (about an hour a week.) Being that this was a Disney Channel movie I was picturing pretty flowers, a few unicorns, a rainbow with a pot of gold and beautiful butterflies fluttering about. Oh and at least one Prince Charming, a bad dream/nightmare (to explain the Bad Hair Day title away) and lots of puffy red hearts. Instead I got a dose of reality, some lessons in life and a bunch of laughs to drink it all down with.


Bad Hair Day brings together two characters from very different walks of life. Unbeknownst to them, they are more alike than different, except when it comes to fashion sense and grace. Marano plays the role of Monica, a techie high school senior, who desperately wants to win the approval of her peers and become Prom Queen. On what is supposed to be her best day ever events begin to unfold and a teenage girls nightmare follows due to a series of unfortunate events, think fried hair – melted prom dress – broken shoes. Add to that she encounters Liz, a once upon a time cop with bad style, no personality and a knack for embarrassment. Liz wants her job back – which will only happen if she can recover the stolen jewels she “lost” – and Monica needs to get herself – her hair, her dress and her shoes – back in order, and take her driving test, all before the no good Ashley – the movies version of a high school mean girl – steals yet another things from her, the Prom Queen title!


Liz tracks the stolen jewels to Monica, who saw them in a store window singing to her. Liz pretends to be a private investigator looking to recover the jewels for her client, but that cover doesn’t fly with the intelligent Monica. But Liz isn’t the only one on a mission, Monica’s world is slowly collapsing around her and she needs to pick up the pieces, FAST ! Monica promises to turn over the jewels to Liz, but only if Liz will drive her to the shopping mall and the motor vehicles office.

BAD HAIR DAY - Disney Channel viewer favorites Laura Marano ("Austin & Ally") and Leigh-Allyn Baker ("Good Luck Charlie") star in "Bad Hair Day," a buddy comedy about a high school tech-whiz whose prom day abruptly shifts into a wild ride across town, thanks to a down-on-her-luck cop and a jewel thief. Leigh-Allyn Baker also executive-produces this Disney Channel Original Movie, premiering FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT). (Disney Channel/Jan Thijs) JAKE MANLEY, ZOE DE GRAND MAISON, LAURA MARANO, LEIGH-ALLYN BAKER

As they go through their day one bad move encounters another, at one point Liz discovering Monica’s boyfriend schmoozing with the enemy – Ashley. As Monica runs off in tears after being embarrassed and berated by her boyfriend and Ashley, respectively, Liz comes to her rescue by hilariously embarrassing Monica’s boyfriend, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It’s all fun and games until the real mall security shows up and carts off Liz to the police station.

Monica discovers that for Liz this isn’t just about recovering the stolen jewels, but gaining the love and approval of the Police Chief, Liz’s own mama!!! Just when you think things can’t get any hairier, the jewel thief tracks down Monica and Liz just as Monica is taking her driving test. Running red lights and driving on sidewalks while being pursued by the jewel doesn’t win Monica any awards – especially not a driver’s license.

The comedy is non-stop as Liz and Monica both continue to seek out the approval of the peers, find support and love in each other and realize it’s what is on the inside that really matters. You will find that comfort comes in the form of friends, family and a bit of self-reflection to realize what it is you are seeking.

Bad Hair Day also stars a few fun and slick male characters, which will appeal to the Papas of the house, Pierce – actually he looks a little like Pierce Brosnan – the slick Jewel Thief, Ed – Liz’s former partner, and Monica’s dad – the single dad trying hard to raise a daughter on his own – and fit in with the times. You will laugh, cry, and laugh some more. A must see for the entire family!

Synopsis: Popular actresses Laura Marano (“Austin & Ally”) and Leigh-Allyn Baker (“Good Luck Charlie”) team up to star in the comedic buddy adventure “Bad Hair Day,” a Disney Channel Original Movie scheduled to premiere in 2015. Leigh-Allyn Baker makes her foray into producing as executive producer of the movie. Marano stars as a high school tech whiz who’s bound and determined to be crowned prom queen. But on the big day, everything that can go wrong does go wrong, starting with her sudden and epically uncontrollable hair and her once lovely yet now destroyed prom dress. She soon comes to rely on a down-on-her-luck cop (Baker) who’s in pursuit of a missing necklace that the teen unwittingly has in her possession. Prom day goes from bad to mad as the pair is pursued by a dogged jewel thief on a wild ride across the city. Christian Campbell (“Neighbor”) has been cast as the jewel thief.

Bad Hair Day premieres on Friday, February 13th at 8pm EST on Disney Channel, with WATCH Disney Channel simulcast. In case you miss it, Bad Hair Day will be available for purchase through Apple iTunes, Amazon Instant Video Store and Google Play on February 14th. Get social online with the official movie hashtag #BadHairDay to learn more and interact with other fans on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .

Chat live with the stars of Bad Hair Day during the premiere on Friday and be sure to submit questions you have for them using #BadHairDay on Twitter!

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Mama E

Multitasking mama to 3 living in Miami. Blogging about parenting, lifestyle, cooking and traveling. Covering everything from diapers to dorm rooms. Ask me anything, I've done it all.

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' src=

hi I just want to say hi to Laura marano and Leigh-Allyn Baker . Also I watch Austin and Ally and I also watch good luck Charlie every night

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Home » Bad Hair Day Movie - a Review of the Disney Channel Film

February 13, 2015 By Ruth V. 5 Comments

Bad Hair Day Movie - a Review of the Disney Channel Film

Are you a fan of Laura Marano or Leigh-Allyn Baker? If so, you're going to love Disney Channel's Bad Hair Day movie . I've got the scoop about the film and some tidbits from the stars plus information about how you can stream it.

bad hair day movie

Bad Hair Day Movie Review

I don't know if you've ever had one of those moments where you're watching TV or a movie with your child and all of the sudden the subject matter takes a different turn and you're left feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed. This happened to me while babysitting my nieces about 5 years ago. We were watching a show, in broad daylight mind you, when suddenly the teenage actors started a mega make-out session. There were my two young nieces looking at me like, "What the heck is this?!" I scrambled for the remote wishing I could rewind time and erase the whole situation, but it was too late. From that day on, I vowed no more random shows or movies. I was sticking with the tried and true Disney Channel or Disney G-rated movies. There's just not enough quality, age-appropriate programming for kids these days and this is precisely why I was thrilled to get invited to a press trip with Disney and ABC to screen the upcoming Disney Channel's Bad Hair Day movie.

Bad Hair Day, starring Laura Marano and Leigh-Allyn Baker, is a comedy about a high school tech whiz, Monica (Marano), who is determined to become prom queen. Unfortunately, on the big day, she suddenly wakes up having a terribly bad hair day. She finds her prom dress has been destroyed, along with her shoes, and everything that can go wrong does. She encounters a police officer (Baker) that's searching for a necklace that Monica innocently bought at a pawn shop to go along with her prom attire. Prom day gets even worse and the pair find themselves on a wild ride being chased by jewel thief. Despite the mayhem, the unlikely buddies learn important lessons about each other and life.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I had the opportunity to screen Bad Hair Day with the film's executive producer and lead actress Leigh-Allyn Baker  and interview her afterwards (be sure to check that post out!), and although I'd read a bit about the movie prior to my visit, I had no idea I was going to enjoy it quite so much. Sure the synopsis sounded cute enough, but I'm in my mid-thirties, so would I really get into the storyline and relate? Turns out, YES!

Bad Hair Day

Bad Hair Day

(Disney Channel/Jan Thijs) LAURA MARANO

Right away, Monica (played by Disney Channel favorite of "Austin & Ally", Laura Marano) grabs your attention and you become enthralled in her story. Her maturity shines through, but not in a "trying to be adult before her time" way; it's more apparent in her clever comebacks and her computer programming skills. Soon you find out that this cute, popular girl has been accepted to MIT and she's struggling to decide between a state school with her friends and leaving them behind to be a "nobody" at a school far away.

Bad Hair Day

(Disney Channel/Phillippe Bosse) LEIGH-ALLYN BAKER, LAURA MARANO

Once her path crosses with Liz (played by Baker) over a missing necklace that Monica purchased second hand from a pawn shop, the story takes several hilarious twists and turns. Marano and Baker had such chemistry and the comedic timing between the two was perfection. I found myself laughing out loud with the crowd pretty often.

bad hair day


From the worst hair day ever to a two-timing boyfriend to a stressful driving test, Monica's prom day really can't get much worse; but rather than sulk she and Liz take action and make the best of the situation. There are so many important messages for young people delivered in this film. Monica isn't your typical heroine. She doesn't end up with her prince charming and she chooses to forge her own unique path for her life rather than stick with the status quo. It's a great example for young girls to learn that you don't have to rely on other people to validate you or make you happy. It's all within yourself.

As Baker told us during her interview, they wanted to make people laugh of course, but they also wanted to pull at their heartstrings. Mission accomplished! Even though the movie is mainly comprised of laugh out loud moments, there are definitely some tender moments as well with Liz taking on a sort of surrogate mother role as the day goes on. Liz even learns a few lessons herself; mainly why it's so important to rely on others when you need help. This is certainly something most of us can relate to.

Bad hair Day

  (Disney Channel/ Jan Thijs) ) LEIGH-ALLYN BAKER, LAURA MARANO in Bad Hair Day movie.

Overall, I would definitely recommend watching this film with your entire family. At the risk of sounding like an old timer, it's just "good clean fun"! Marano and Baker play off of each other so well and I know you'll love this film as much as I did. I hope there's a sequel for Bad Hair Day 2 in the works because I'd love to see what comes next for these two characters.

If you missed the movie on Disney Channel, you can stream Bad Hair Day thanks to Amazon .

Be sure to check out my interview with Leigh-Allyn Baker too !

If you like Bad Hair Day, you'll probably also like the Disney Channel show Stuck in the Middle. Check out my interview with the Stuck in the Middle cast  to learn more about the show. You might also like Bizaardvark too! Check out my Bizaardvark review and interview with the Bizaardvark cast .

Disclosure: I was able to screen this film as part of a press trip held by Disney and ABC. All opinions are 100% my own. 

Reader Interactions

February 13, 2015 at 2:04 pm

This looks so cute! I can't wait to see it tonight! Those are both great actresses so this is sure to be a hit! Thanks for sharing !

Suzanne C says

February 14, 2015 at 6:57 am

I'm glad to hear this is a good movie- I've been wondering whether to let my girls watch it. We've had the same problem with finding appropriate shows for them to watch. I don't even let them watch most Disney shows, because I don't appreciate how the kid-adult relationships are portrayed. So many of the adults are idiots who have to be gotten out of trouble by the smart-mouth kids. And the writing is so mind-numbingly stupid. (I'm looking at you, Dog With a Blog!!!) So it's great to know this movie is worth watching. We'll have to pop some popcorn and snuggle.

Amy @ Body Anatomy says

February 14, 2015 at 2:26 pm

Looking foward to the movie with my two girls! 🙂 I know how akward some of those making out moments can be.. :))

Beth R says

February 17, 2015 at 2:53 pm

This looks so cute! I love that you can rely on Disney for television that is appropriate for the whole family

Amanda Morris says

February 19, 2015 at 12:12 pm

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bad hair day movie review

Bad Hair Day

bad hair day movie review

Where to Watch

bad hair day movie review

Laura Marano (Monica) Leigh-Allyn Baker (Liz) Christian Campbell (Pierce) Alain Goulem (Dad) Christian Paul (Ed) Kiana Madeira (Sierra) Jake Manley (Kyle) Zoé De Grand Maison (Ashley) Mike Paterson (Impound Clerk) Pauline Little (DMV Women)

Erik Canuel

A buddy comedy about a high-school tech whiz whose prom night abruptly shifts into a wild ride across town, thanks to a down-on-her-luck cop and a jewel thief.


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Based on 12 kid reviews

cute movie, tweens would enjoy

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Quick fun movie night, would watch again, bad hair day, dumb and its boring, really good, good message but to emotional, light movie, more like "sass: the movie".

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Bad Hair Day Movie Review

*Disclosure: I received an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles for the coverage of several press events for Disney. All opinions are 100% my own.

Bad Hair Day is a must see movie that is going to be on the Disney Channel on Friday, February 13th! As a parent of a teenage daughter, I could definitely relate to all of the antics in Bad Hair Day. But it isn’t just for the teenage girls, but younger girls as well as parents making it a perfect family film! With Prom just around the corner for us, this movie is one that girls will enjoy no matter what their age is! 

Bad Hair Day

I don’t want to give away the whole movie for you but what I can tell you is this: 

  • Leigh Allyn-Baker and Laura Marano are the perfect duo for this movie because they are both funny as well as great actresses.
  • There are ups, downs, and everything in between to make this the perfect movie! 
  • Dresses, danger, antics, role reversals and of course some theft comes into the plot to make this outstanding movie! 
  • Your identity, who you are, comes from the inside. It doesn’t come from the outside.

 Liz (Leigh Allyn-Baker is an ex-cop because she let a jewel thief get away with some priceless jewels and didn’t call for back up. But the jewel thief looses the jewels, and Laura Marano (Monica) picks them up at a local store to wear with her “perfect” prom dress, hair and of course shoes. But when all things go astray the main character role is reversed and they both get what they deserve respectively.

Leigh Allyn Baker  and Laura Marano along with the cast of Bad Hair Day have made an outstanding movie, that pulls at your heartstrings and gives you a few laughs too!! But the most important message of the entire film was to remember who you are on the inside and to believe in yourself! 

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'Bad Hair Day': TV Review

Bad Hair Day Still - H 2015

Kids today. They live in a technological world not even fathomable a decade ago.

High school senior Monica ( Laura Marano ) crowd sources everything from what she should wear to prom to whom she should date. She’s a tech wizard who turns every little detail of her life into an online poll. She’s currently tracking the minute-by-minute results of her campaign to be prom queen. Her entire life is one big technological open book.

The Bottom Line While decidedly goofy, this Disney Channel flick carries a nice message of being true to yourself in this social media age

On the eve of big dance, Monica gets a little too enthusiastic, tries out a bunch of different hairstyles and goes heavy on the styling products. She wakes up with a disastrous coif which sets off a day full of increasingly ridiculous shenanigans.

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Of course, Monica could just take a shower to try to fix her hair. But then the movie would only be about five minutes long. Instead, she meets Liz ( Leigh-Allyn Baker ), a former police officer tracking down a stolen necklace, a necklace Monica just happened to buy at a pawn shop. Monica doesn’t have her driver’s license yet and makes a deal with Liz — she will give her the necklace if Liz takes her shopping.

Monica and Liz hit the mall so Monica can get a new prom dress (hers melted), get new shoes (hers broke) and get her hair fixed. There’s a bunch of fun jabs at modern society from how snooty some hair salons can be to how ridiculous it is to pay $540 for sunglasses.

The movie’s big bad is international jewel thief Pierce ( Christian Campbell ), who wants his stolen necklace back. Campbell sports a British accent and comes across as Disney’s version of James Bond. He’s played more for laughs and there’s never a question about who will triumph by the end of the movie.

Marano and Baker, who also serves as executive producer on the movie, are both popular Disney Channel stars. Marano headlines Austin & Ally and Baker was the mom in Good Luck Charlie . The pair play well off each other and for a movie on a network aimed at tweens, Liz is the more interesting character. Baker brings just the right amount of humor to the role.

Liz speaks for every adult mystified by today’s adolescents. “Get some haircuts all of you, you look ridiculous,” she tells a bunch of overly styled boys while admonishing others that they’re wearing jeans that make them look silly. She can’t believe that Monica doesn’t know who Marlon Brando is and thinks it’s terrifying that she has an app on her phone that lets people know where she is at all times.

While she over delivers some lines, Marano, only 19 in real life, actually looks like she could be a teenager. Monica is refreshingly age-appropriate. In a TV landscape where teens can be up to all sorts of no good, the biggest scandal in Bad Hair Day is that Monica’s boyfriend tells her he can’t spend the day with her because he’s volunteering. But he’s actually out to lunch with another girl — out to lunch, not in bed with. If I had a 12-year-old, I’d much prefer her to watch Bad Hair Day then, say, Pretty Little Liars .

Of course since this is a Disney production, Monica has no mom. Her mom left when she was only three years old and it’s just Monica and her dad (Alain Goulem). Being abandoned by her mom has turned Monica into a perpetual pleaser. “Why is it so hard for you to make a choice on your own,” Liz wonders. “I could be a disappointment. People might not want to be around me,” Monica tells her.

While many plot points are completely outrageous (particularly Monica’s reaction to a loved one being placed in grave danger) and the movie is decidedly goofy, it never gets too slapsticky.  Sure, it’s utterly ridiculous that Monica and Liz would bond so much in just one day, but their emotions are genuine. The plot won’t offer any big surprises (take a wild guess at who ends up being prom queen), but the movie is entertaining nevertheless. The whole thing plays out like a junior version of Thelma & Louise albeit with a much, much happier ending.

The message in the end is to be true to yourself and not worry so much about what other people think. Not a bad lesson for us all.

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The best thing I can say about Justin Simien ’s Black hairstyle horror satire “ Bad Hair ” is that it made me want to put a killer weave on my head. I would look like Thulsa Doom from 1982’s “Conan the Barbarian,” but I’m fine with that. I’ve always wanted to shake my hair like Cab Calloway . Plus, I have scores to settle. Creature feature horror is one of my favorite genres, and I gauge them on whether I would want to own the monster. In that regard, this film is successful: Though it eventually doesn’t play by its established rules, the killer coif is pretty cool from a visual perspective. It thrives on blood and isn’t picky about where it comes from or who it has to kill to get it. Like “The Blob,” it has the ability to reshape itself as it hunts prey. It also makes the eyes of its owner, Anna Bludso ( Elle Lorraine ) glow while giving her flashbacks that look like a Kwanzaa greeting card.

Where “Bad Hair” is not so successful, however, is in reckoning with the hornet’s nest it kicks regarding its subject matter. At almost two hours, Simien has time to interrogate the natural vs. processed hair argument instead of only hinting at it occasionally. It took Spike Lee just over six minutes to create such a dialogue in the “Straight and Nappy” number in “ School Daze .” That film came out in 1988, one year before “Bad Hair” takes place. The lack of focus on this controversial issue is more a product of the screenplay biting off more than it can chew. We also have to deal with workplace sexism, racial micro- and macroaggressions, gentrification, the media’s need to catering to a White audience—and that’s just on the satire side. On the horror side, we’ve got witches, folktales, slavery and UltraPerms gone bad. The horror side works out better, even if it doesn’t live up to its promise of a weave-based Verzuz battle featuring Vanessa Williams .

Williams plays Zora, the new head of Culture TV, an MTV-ish channel in mid-pivot due to falling ratings. Zora with the “good hair” is replacing Anna’s old boss, Edna ( Judith Scott ). It’s implied that Edna’s reign was too Afrocentric, evidenced by the addition of Grant Madison (James van der Beek), a White man with ideas that will supposedly save the network. I was confused about Anna’s job. Was she even being paid by Edna for all her years of work? Her father Amos ( Blair Underwood in a jarring grey beard) refers to his daughter’s job as an internship and Anna can barely pay her rent. Anna’s big dreams are to be a VJ, though the station already has its quota of one Black onscreen celebrity with natural hair, Sista Soul ( Yaani King Mondschein ). Anyone else whose hair is less than Dark ‘n Lovely is faced with unemployment. The most ominous moment in “Bad Hair” may be when Zora asks Anna “who does your hair?”

It’s a rare time anyone discusses hair in this movie, which is a problem because we never get a feel for what the women’s hair choices meant to them. Anna thinks straight hair will get her the coveted position, but why a weave? Simien offers a flashback of a traumatic experience Anna had with a no-lye relaxer that left her with permanent scarring. My aunt used to say they called it a no-lye relaxer because “it burned the hell out of your scalp and that’s no lie.” Still, it’s easier and cheaper than a weave. “Bad Hair” spends more plot time dealing with trifling-ass men like Anna’s thieving ex-boyfriend, Julius ( Jay Pharaoh ) than any of the female relationships that might shine a light on the hair-related issues.

Zora recommends a beauty salon run by Virgie ( Laverne Cox ). After Anna begs for an appointment, Virgie fits her in as her last customer. “Are you tender-headed?” asks Virgie, leaning on the word so hard  that my now-bald kitchen had sense memories of my mother’s comb yanking itself through my hair. What follows is a gory scene of the killer weave being sewn into Anna’s hair. It’s ridiculously over the top, with a memorably sinister Cox and a suffering Lorraine cementing the scene's effectiveness. All the subsequent attacks by the monster are pitched at this level as well, which adds to the fun.

Simien populates this film with so many extra characters that it feels like a pilot for a TV series rather than a movie. This excess of characters worked for “ Dear White People ,” the director’s prior effort, because it took place on a college campus and had an episodic “day in the life” approach rather than a straightforward narrative. “Bad Hair” gives us underutilized characters like Anna’s co-worker Brook-Lynne ( Lena Waithe ) and Anna’s sister, Linda ( Chanté Adams ). Linda is potentially fascinating because she knows about the African folk tale that may have something to do with the modus operandi of Anna’s weave. The scenes with Anna’s family feel off-kilter when they should be essential to the story. We should be more concerned with the myth-making elements of the book of folklore Linda cites, rather than her relatives shaming Anna’s professional choices.

It takes almost an hour before the weave claims its first victim, though it provides Anna with more than a little warning of its impending intentions. As much as I enjoyed the murderous shenanigans, I’m still left with far too many questions. Movies like this need to move fast enough for us to not focus on its implausible elements, and I don’t mean any of the horror stuff. This material would have worked better either by directly and uncomfortably confronting the subject it’s satirizing, like Spike Lee does in “ Bamboozled ,” or by completely bypassing the message altogether in favor of pure grindhouse tactics. By playing coy with what the notion of good and bad hair means to its owners, “Bad Hair” fails at the kind of Black experience-related relevance Jordan Peele wrung out of “ Get Out .” The hirsute creature almost saves the movie, but it misses by a hair.

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Odie Henderson

Odie Henderson

Odie "Odienator" Henderson has spent over 33 years working in Information Technology. He runs the blogs Big Media Vandalism and Tales of Odienary Madness. Read his answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire  here .

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Bad Hair (2020)

115 minutes

Elle Lorraine as Anna Bludso

Vanessa Williams as Zora

Jay Pharoah as Julius

Lena Waithe as Brook-Lynne

Blair Underwood as Amos Bludso

Laverne Cox as Virgie

Yaani King Mondschein as Sista Soul

Kelly Rowland as Sandra

James Van Der Beek as Grant Madison

Usher as Germane D.

Chanté Adams as Linda Bludso

Moses Storm as Executive Justin

Nicole Byer as Gina

Justin Simien as Reggie Watson

  • Justin Simien


  • Topher Osborn
  • Phillip J. Bartell
  • Kris Bowers

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Season 1 – Bad Hair Day

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Watch Bad Hair Day — Season 1 with a subscription on Max, or buy it on Prime Video.

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Angie Phipps

Ryan Wesley

Tom Cappello

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John Bassett

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Bloody Disgusting!

“Bad Hair Day”: Original ‘The Crow’ Director Alex Proyas Shares His Thoughts on Reboot Images

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One of this week’s biggest news stories was the reveal of several first look images from The Crow , Lionsgate’s fresh new reboot of the 1990s classic starring Bill Skarsgård  ( IT ) as Eric Draven/The Crow. Those very first images put the spotlight on Skarsgård’s Draven and FKA Twigs’ Shelly Webster, promising a very different version of the material.

What does original The Crow director Alex Proyas ( Dark City ) think of the new movie?

Alex Proyas has made it pretty clear over the years that he’s never been in favor of the original movie being remade – he wrote a heartfelt post on Facebook back in 2017 explaining why he feels a remake is disrespectful to the late Brandon Lee’s memory and legacy – and it seems he hasn’t softened much on that general stance in more recent years.

Taking to Facebook earlier this week, Proyas posted one of the first look images of Bill Skarsgård’s Draven and shared his honest thoughts. He captioned the photo,” Eric Draven’s having a bad hair day .” Proyas continued in the same Facebook post, “ Next reboot thanks .”

Proyas popped back up on Facebook the next day to defend his right to have an opinion. He wrote, “ For all those raging at me because I made a joke about a haircut – why do you care what I think? What does it matter? If your enjoyment of a movie can be ruined so easily by one person you don’t even know isn’t that kind of sad? Go see it if you are excited about it – I don’t want to take anyone’s joy away. God knows we need all the joy we can get in life right now.”

All press is good press, right? The Crow  reboot will release in theaters on  June 7 .

In the new movie, “Soulmates Eric Draven (Skarsgård) and Shelly Webster (FKA Twigs) are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to save his true love by sacrificing himself, Eric sets out to seek merciless revenge on their killers, traversing the worlds of the living and the dead to put the wrong things right.”

bad hair day movie review

Writer in the horror community since 2008. Editor in Chief of Bloody Disgusting. Owns Eli Roth's prop corpse from Piranha 3D. Has four awesome cats. Still plays with toys.

bad hair day movie review

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“Crystal Lake”: Kevin Williamson and Bryan Fuller Planned an “Hour Long Chase Episode”

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We learned earlier this week that “Hannibal” creator Bryan Fuller is no longer the showrunner of A24 and Peacock’s Friday the 13th TV series “ Crystal Lake ,” with A24 choosing to “go a different way with the material.” What does that mean? It means A24 is still planning on bringing a Friday the 13th series to life, but the overall vision will likely change.

Kevin Williamson  ( Scream, Sick ) had been on board to write an episode of the “Crystal Lake” series, and Williamson took to Twitter today to tease some of those original plans.

Williamson writes, “Bummin’ hard, so sorry I won’t be a part of what would have been an epic Bryan Fuller show. Your pilot was so beautifully realized. A gorgeous portrait of a mother unraveling in her grief. Not to mention bloody horrific!”

He adds, “I was so looking forward to our hour long chase episode! “

Kevin Williamson is of course known for writing incredible slasher movie chase sequences, including the ones seen in the original Scream and Scream 2 , as well as I Know What You Did Last Summer and last year’s Sick . It’s hard not to imagine how cool an hour-long Friday the 13th chase episode could be in Williamson’s hands, but alas, it’s not happening anymore.

The silver lining? Williamson is directing the next installment in the Scream franchise.

The director of Cube , Splice and several episodes of “Hannibal,” Vincenzo Natali also took to Twitter this weekend to give us a taste of the “Crystal Lake” series we’ll never see.

Natali tweets, “ I have read the first two episodes. Bryan Fuller’s   Crystal Lake was well on its way to becoming another Hannibal -level reinvention that was simultaneously beautiful, sad, poetic, funny and horrifying. I mourn its passing .”

A24 and Peacock are now searching for a new showrunner for the series. Stay tuned.

Peacock had given the project a straight-to-series order in 2022, with “Crystal Lake” being described as an “expanded prequel” to the original  Friday the 13th  franchise featuring both Jason Voorhees and his mother, Pamela Voorhees. Original  Friday the 13th  final girl  Adrienne King  had even signed on for a recurring role in the planned A24 television series.

Bummin’ hard, so sorry I won’t be a part of what would have been an epic Bryan Fuller show. Your pilot was so beautifully realized. A gorgeous portait of a mother unraveling in her grief. Not to mention bloody horrific! I was so looking forward to our hour long chase episode! — Kevin Williamson (@kevwilliamson) May 11, 2024
I have read the first two episodes. @BryanFuller ’s Crystal Lake was well on its way to becoming another Hannibal-level reinvention that was simultaneously beautiful, sad, poetic, funny and horrifying. I mourn its passing. https://t.co/ob0kF4MQHM — Vincenzo Natali (@Vincenzo_Natali) May 11, 2024

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‘Bad Hair’ Review: That Weave Is Killer

In a cutthroat business, style opens doors, but behind them are observations about cultural identity — and a touch of camp.

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‘Bad Hair’ | Anatomy of a Scene

The writer and director justin simien narrates a sequence from his horror satire..

“Hi I’m Justin Simien. I wrote and directed ‘Bad Hair.’ So we are at Culture TV, which is a music video television network in 1989. They are the Black alternative to RMV, which mostly plays rock and pop music. And Anna Bludso, played by Elle Lorraine is an assistant there, but she’s got everything it takes to be a host and a producer, if only the folks at her job would give her the chance.” “We got a banging exclusive from the princess of pop soul, ‘I Get It,’ by Sandra.” “So one of the things that I found in my research is that 1989 was very much a pivotal year in the history of the weave. That was a year where it really began to explode in terms of a consumer product for Black women. Sandra, played by Kelly Rowland— she’s an amalgamation of Janet Jackson, Jody Watley, Karen White. That sort of Black female pop star that was embracing urban Black culture, particularly with the sound of new jack swing, but trying to be a breakout pop star at the same time. In a lot of ways, Sandra is an analogy for what Anna is also trying to do.” ”(SINGING) The ones that you’re thinking of—” “Huh, that must be glued down. Or a really good relaxer, maybe.” “Which is to hold onto as much of herself as she can, but also make it in the world and find some success for herself outside of her little community. We had a choreographer. Her name is Jamila Glass. She and I went to high school together. What I love about Jamila is that she understands that the camera is also a participant in the choreography. The camera moves need to be in sync with the dance, so we had a good time putting that together. Part of it was location. We found this amazing house that felt like it was stuck in 1989. And then the rest of it was watching a lot of music videos from the time period, taking in the resources that we had, and figuring out, what would they have done in 1989 if they had this house, this lighting equipment, this dance, these costumes? What would they do? And that’s what we did. And I have to say, until we got to some of the crazier kills, it was probably the most fun that everybody had on set.” “I get it, O.K.?”

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By Teo Bugbee

With “Bad Hair,” the writer and director Justin Simien, best known for the TV series and movie “Dear White People,” enters the post-“Get Out” renaissance in Black horror. This movie builds its fright night around the oppression Black women face in the form of discrimination against their natural hair. But despite the potentially heavy (or heavy-handed) material, “Bad Hair” is self-consciously and pleasingly campy, and it delivers a new cinematic monster: the sew-in weave.

In 1989 Los Angeles, Anna (Elle Lorraine) is working at a music television channel where she hopes to become an on-air host. She does her own hair, having worn it in natural styles since childhood. But kinky hair is a barrier to advancement at Anna’s work, where appeal to a white audience is vital to executive approval.

At the urging of her new boss, Zora (Vanessa Williams), Anna gets her first sew-in weave. It’s an excruciating styling session (administered by Laverne Cox), and the pin-straight weave turns out to be a killer. Because while Anna may be ambitious, her weave is hungry, too. At the sight of blood, whether from a juicy hamburger or Anna’s period, her new hair demonically extends, reaching out its tendrils to soak up nourishment, as its bloodthirsty impulses begin to possess Anna.

The movie is a bit rough around the edges. The anachronistic period styling frequently distracts and suggests the limits of Simien’s budget. Costumes look like the dowdy dregs of vintage stores, and the sets seem inconsistently modeled, sometimes recalling the 1970s and at other times the 2010s. Even so, this low-budget aesthetic works for the goofy B-movie quality of the horror scenes, which rely on practical effects to inspire squirms. Mixing body horror with monster movie tropes, Simien shows needles digging into scalps and endless strands of hair creeping out of place. Avoiding jump scares, he creates thrills by pushing familiar physical sensations — like sitting for braids while tender-headed — to their extremes.

Horror provides a useful framework for Simien’s critical voice. Black women have been asked to compromise their identities to satisfy white people, and “Bad Hair” literalizes their sacrifices with blood, sweat and tears. The genre’s conventions — mythologies must be revealed and bloodlust sated — allow Simien to take aim at racism cinematically and without didacticism. Here, there is always an attack to survive or a kill to mop up. As a result, his dialogue and style in “Bad Hair” are less fussy than in his previous work. Like Anna’s demon weave, Simien’s social critique gathers vitality from the gore.

Bad Hair Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 42 minutes. Watch on Hulu .

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Bad Hair Day (2015) Stream and Watch Online

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Want to behold the glory that is ' Bad Hair Day ' in the comfort of your own home? Discovering a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Erik Canuel-directed movie via subscription can be a huge pain, so we here at Moviefone want to do right by you. We've listed a number of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription alternatives - along with the availability of 'Bad Hair Day' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty of how you can watch 'Bad Hair Day' right now, here are some finer points about the Muse Entertainment comedy flick. Released February 13th, 2015, 'Bad Hair Day' stars Laura Marano , Leigh-Allyn Baker , Christian Campbell , Kiana Madeira The G movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 30 min, and received a user score of 65 (out of 100) on TMDb, which collated reviews from 274 top users. Want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "Monica is desperate to be prom queen, but on the big night, her hair is an uncontrollable mess. Meanwhile, FBI agent Liz Morgan is on the hunt for a jewel thief who is looking for a stolen necklace, which Monica has in her possession. Soon, she and the agent chase the jewel thief, and she's whizzed on a wild adventure in the city." 'Bad Hair Day' is currently available to rent, purchase, or stream via subscription on Disney Plus , YouTube, and Google Play Movies .

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  1. Bad Hair Day

    Bad Hair Day (2015) Bad Hair Day (2015) View more photos Movie Info. Synopsis On the day of her senior prom, a teen (Laura Marano) winds up helping a down-on-her-luck policewoman (Leigh-Allyn ...

  2. Bad Hair Day (TV Movie 2015)

    Bad Hair Day: Directed by Erik Canuel. With Laura Marano, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Christian Campbell, Alain Goulem. A buddy comedy about a high-school tech whiz whose prom night abruptly shifts into a wild ride across town, thanks to a down-on-her-luck cop and a jewel thief.

  3. Bad Hair Day TV Review

    Bad Hair Day is an unusual buddy comedy, given the age gap between the teen and the grown-up, but it offers something for both kids and parents and facilitates a heartwarming mentor relationship that does both parties a lot of good. Central to the story is a bold reminder of the value of listening to your heart and being true to yourself, even ...

  4. Bad Hair Day (2015 film)

    Release. February 13, 2015. ( 2015-02-13) [1] Bad Hair Day is a Disney Channel Original Movie which premiered on February 13, 2015, starring Laura Marano and Leigh-Allyn Baker. [2] The story centers on 16-year-old Monica Reeves, who is running for Prom Queen at her high school. One day, she wakes up with crazy hair after combining loads of ...

  5. Disney Channel Original Movie Bad Hair Day Review

    BAD HAIR DAY - Disney Channel viewer favorites Laura Marano ("Austin & Ally") and Leigh-Allyn Baker ("Good Luck Charlie") star in "Bad Hair Day," a buddy comedy about a high school tech-whiz whose prom day abruptly shifts into a wild ride across town, thanks to a down-on-her-luck cop and a jewel thief. Leigh-Allyn Baker also ...

  6. Bad Hair Day

    Bad Hair Day Reviews. The plot won't offer any big surprises... but the movie is entertaining nevertheless. Full Review | Sep 26, 2019. This TV movie is trivial and silly, but that pales in ...

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    Bad Hair Day Movie Review. I don't know if you've ever had one of those moments where you're watching TV or a movie with your child and all of the sudden the subject matter takes a different turn and you're left feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed. This happened to me while babysitting my nieces about 5 years ago.

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    Film Movie Reviews Bad Hair Day — 2015. Bad Hair Day. 2015. 1h 27m. TV-G. Adventure/Comedy/Family. Where to Watch. Buy. $7.99. ... Sneezing Baby Panda: The Movie.

  9. Bad Hair Day (TV Movie 2015)

    Permalink. 9/10. Fun, smart, sassy, family friendly. mdoherty-239-675299 14 February 2015. Fun, fast, empowering, emotional ...movie for all ages to enjoy. Specifically like how they tackled stereotypes ( prom queen but also tech savvy, male nurses, self image) without losing the comedic side.

  10. Parent reviews for Bad Hair Day

    Kids say (12) age 11+. Based on 3 parent reviews. Rate TV show. Sort by: Most Helpful. Luis B. Adult. December 12, 2023. age 17+.

  11. Kid reviews for Bad Hair Day

    Read Bad Hair Day reviews from kids and teens on Common Sense Media. Become a member to write your own review. ... My sisters like the movie, but it's a typical cheesey disney channel movie. Hope this review helps :) Show more. This title has: Great messages Great role models 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Report. Report this review ...

  12. Bad Hair Day

    After a night of testing different hair styles, Monica wakes up on prom day to a nightmare - the worst BAD HAIR DAY EVER! Desperate to fix it and with no way to get to the salon, Monica is forced to team up with a down-on-her-luck cop, Liz, who shows up at her door in pursuit of a multi-million dollar necklace. The unlikely pair ultimately discover that they have more in common than they ...

  13. Bad Hair Day Movie Review

    Bad Hair Day Movie Review *Disclosure: I received an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles for the coverage of several press events for Disney. All opinions are 100% my own. Bad Hair Day is a must see movie that is going to be on the Disney Channel on Friday, February 13th! As a parent of a teenage daughter, I could definitely relate to all of ...

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    20151h 33m. Coming of AgePolice/CopComedyBuddy. GET DISNEY+. After a night of testing different hair styles, Monica wakes up on prom day to a hair nightmare. Desperate to fix it and with no way to get to the salon, Monica is forced to team up with down-on-her-luck cop Liz, who shows up at her door in pursuit of a multimillion dollar necklace.

  15. 'Bad Hair Day': TV Review

    Bad Hair Day Still - H 2015. Disney Channel/Jan Thijs. Kids today. They live in a technological world not even fathomable a decade ago. High school senior Monica ( Laura Marano) crowd sources ...

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  17. Bad Hair movie review & film summary (2020)

    Still, it's easier and cheaper than a weave. "Bad Hair" spends more plot time dealing with trifling-ass men like Anna's thieving ex-boyfriend, Julius ( Jay Pharaoh) than any of the female relationships that might shine a light on the hair-related issues. Zora recommends a beauty salon run by Virgie ( Laverne Cox ).

  18. Bad Hair Day: Season 1

    Watch Bad Hair Day — Season 1 with a subscription on Max, or buy it on Prime Video. Patients with extreme hair-related medical issues seek out Dr. Angie Phipps, Dr. Meena Singh and Dr. Isha ...

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    One of this summer's most hotly anticipated new movies is A24 and Ti West's MaXXXine, a follow-up to X and Pearl that brings Mia Goth's title character into the 1980s.. With her past ...

  20. 'Bad Hair' Review: That Weave Is Killer

    With "Bad Hair," the writer and director Justin Simien, best known for the TV series and movie "Dear White People," enters the post-"Get Out" renaissance in Black horror.

  21. Bad Hair Day (2015) Stream and Watch Online

    Released February 13th, 2015, 'Bad Hair Day' stars Laura Marano, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Christian Campbell, Kiana Madeira The G movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 30 min, and received a user score of ...