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ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી | Earthquake Essay in Gujarati

ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી | Earthquake Essay in Gujarati

શું તમે ગુજરાતીમાં ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ શોધી રહ્યાં છો ? તો તમે બિલકુલ સાચા સ્થાને આવ્યા છો!

ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ

નીચે આપેલ ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં  100, 250  શબ્દોમાં નિબંધ ધોરણ  10 ,  11  અને  12  માટે ઉપયોગી થશે.

ભૂકંપ વિશે ગુજરાતીમાં નિબંધ 

  • ભૂકંપના પરિણામો નીચે મુજબ છે:
  • ઇમારતો, પુલો, માર્ગો, રેલવે લાઇનો વગેરેનો નાશ
  • લોકોના મૃત્યુ, ઇજા અને વિનાશ
  • અગ્નિ, ભૂસ્ખલન, ઝૂડા વગેરે જેવી અન્ય આફતોનું ઉદ્ભવ

ભૂકંપ નિબંધ ગુજરાતી PDF Download

ભૂકંપ નિબંધ ગુજરાતી વિડીયો, conclusion :.

  • જીવનમાં તહેવારોનું મહત્વ વિશે ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • યોગ નું મહત્વ ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • જીવનમાં રમત ગમત નું મહત્વ નિબંધ
  • સમયનું મહત્વ ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • જીવનમાં વાંચનનું મહત્વ ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • જીવનમાં પ્રામાણિકતાનું મહત્વ નિબંધ
  • માતૃભાષાનું મહત્વ નિબંધ
  • પરિવાર નું મહત્વ નિબંધ ગુજરાતી

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Essay on Earthquake

ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં | Essay on Earthquake In Gujarati

ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં | Essay on Earthquake In Gujarati - 900 શબ્દોમાં

ક્રસ્ટલ અસ્થિરતા અને નબળા રચનાઓના ઘણા ક્ષેત્રોને લીધે ભારતમાં ભૂકંપ અસામાન્ય નથી. દર વર્ષે દેશના વિવિધ ભાગોમાં ધરતીકંપના આંચકા જોવા મળે છે પરંતુ ભીષણ ધરતીકંપની આવર્તન લગભગ પાંચ કે છ વર્ષમાં એક છે. ભૂકંપની તીવ્રતાના આધારે પશ્ચિમે ભારતને ત્રણ સિસ્મિક ઝોનમાં વિભાજિત કર્યું છે.

1. ઉચ્ચ તીવ્રતાનો ઝોન - આમાં પૂર્વમાં આસામમાં કાશ્મીરથી સમગ્ર હિમાલયનો પટ્ટો સામેલ છે. અહીં ક્રસ્ટલ અસ્થિરતાને કારણે ટેકટોનિક ધરતીકંપ ઘણી વાર હિમાલયના ઉદયનું કારણ બને છે. સિસ્મોલોજિસ્ટ્સનો અમારો અભિપ્રાય છે કે હિમાલયમાં બે સારી રીતે વ્યાખ્યાયિત શીયર છે, જેમ કે, (a) મુખ્ય કેન્દ્ર (MCT) મોટા હિમાલયને નાના હિમાલયથી અલગ કરે છે, અને (b) શિવાલિકથી ઓછા હિમાલયને વિભાજિત કરતી મુખ્ય સીમા. વૈજ્ઞાનિકોએ શોધી કાઢ્યું છે કે મેક્સી ધરતીકંપ આ બે થ્રસ્ટ્સ વચ્ચે થાય છે કે સાંધા ઉચ્ચ દસની સ્થિતિમાં છે:

હિમાલય પ્રદેશમાં છેલ્લા 100 વર્ષોમાં (શિલોંગ, આસામ 1897, કાંગડા 1905, આસામ 1950) દરમિયાન રિક્ટર સ્કેલ પર 8 થી વધુ તીવ્રતાના ત્રણ ધરતીકંપો આવ્યા છે જેણે આ પ્રદેશમાં 450 કિમીના વિભાગોમાં પ્લેટ બાઉન્ડ્રીમાં તણાવની ઇમારતો બહાર પાડી છે. નવા તણાવ માટે ગઢવાલ-કુમૌની વિસ્તારમાં વિનાશક ભૂકંપની જરૂર પડી શકે છે અને ઉત્તરકાશીમાં 6.6ની તીવ્રતાનો ભૂકંપ તેની શરૂઆત હોઈ શકે છે.

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સ્ત્રોત: એનોન 1984, ભારતના સિસ્મિક ઝોનમાં વર્નાક્યુલર હાઉસિંગ, યુનિવર્સિટી ઓફ ન્યુ મેક્સિકો અને ઇન્ટરટેક, પૃષ્ઠ. 129, mimeo.

2. તુલનાત્મક તીવ્રતાનો ઝોન - આમાં ભારત-ગંગાના મેદાનનો સમાવેશ થાય છે જે હિમાલય પ્રદેશની નજીકના પડોશમાં આવેલું છે. અહીં ફરીથી કેટલીક ખામીઓની ઘટના, કેટલીક હિમાલયની સમાંતર અને અન્ય ટ્રાંસવર્સ, વસ્તીની ઉચ્ચ ઘનતા માટે ક્રસ્ટલ અસ્થિરતા માટેનું મુખ્ય કારણ છે અહીં પણ મધ્યમ તીવ્રતાનો ધરતીકંપ (રિક્ટર સ્કેલ પર 6 થી ઉપર) જીવનને ભારે નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે અને મિલકત દિલ્હી (1803, 1960), બિહાર (1934), પશ્ચિમ યુપી (1956), નેપાળ તરાઈ અને ઉત્તર બિહાર (1988)ના ભૂકંપના કિસ્સામાં આવું બન્યું છે.

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3. લઘુત્તમ તીવ્રતાનો ઝોન - આ ઝોન દ્વીપકલ્પ પર ફેલાયેલો છે જેને ભૌગોલિક રીતે સ્થિર બ્લોક તરીકે ગણવામાં આવે છે. પરંતુ મુંબઈ (1619), પંચ અને અમદાવાદ (1819), દક્ષિણ ભારત (1843), કચ્છ (1956), કોયના (1967,1973,1975), હૈદરાબાદ (1972), ખરડી (1983) જેવા ભૂકંપની ઘટનાઓ. બાદમાં (1993) અને ખરીદો (2001) વગેરે. આ તારણને રદબાતલ કરી દીધું છે. દ્વીપકલ્પની સપાટીની નીચે સંક્રમિત ઘણા જૂના ખામીઓ છે જે ક્યારેક આવા ધરતીકંપો પેદા કરવા માટે તણાવનું કારણ બને છે.

સિસ્મોલોજિસ્ટ્સ, ભૂસ્તરશાસ્ત્રીઓ અને એન્જિનિયરોની બનેલી સમિતિએ ભારતને છ સિસ્મિક ઝોનમાં વિભાજિત કર્યું છે જે મુજબ દેશના 60% થી વધુ વિસ્તાર મધ્યમ અને ઉચ્ચ સિસ્મિક ઝોન હેઠળ આવે છે. ઉત્તર ભારતમાં 3,500 કિમી લાંબો અને 500 કિમી પહોળો પટ્ટો ધરતીકંપની સંભાવના ધરાવતો વિસ્તાર છે જે વિનાશક ધરતીકંપો સાથે લાક્ષણિકતા ધરાવે છે. આકૃતિ 2.8.B વિવિધ ઝોનમાં નુકસાનનું જોખમ દર્શાવે છે. આકૃતિ 2.9 વિવિધ તીવ્રતાના ધરતીકંપો અને કાઉન્ટીમાં તેમની ઘટના દર્શાવે છે.

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ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં | Essay on Earthquake In Gujarati

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Essay on gujarat earthquake.

earthquake essay in gujarati


A massive earthquake struck Gujarat on January 26, 2001, India’s fifty-first republic day. The border district of Kachchh, which bore the brunt of the fury, was almost completely destroyed, with the urban areas of Bhuj (the district headquarters), Anjar, Bhachau and Rapar suffering the maximum devastation.

The quake, said to be the second strongest in the last fifty years in any part of India, measured 6.9 on the Richter scale [Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)’s recordings]. The entire northern Indian belt experienced tremors while “vibrations” were felt even as far south as Chennai. Mild tremors were also felt in Kolkata, Shillong, Agartala and Nepal.

The epicenter of the earthquake of January 26 is .believed to have fallen on the Alia Bund fault (the scarp that emerged after the 1819 Kachchh quake) within the Indian plate. (When an earthquake occurs along a fault line within the plate, it is called an intra-plate earthquake. The majority of the earthquakes occur along plate boundaries and not on intra-plate faults.)

The Alia Bund fault, which is a minor fault, has a history of earthquakes. The earthquake of 1819 had a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale and was located 20 km north of Bhuj. Since 1956 eighty-five earthquakes of varying intensities have been recorded from the same area.

Several thousands died and lakhs were injured; lakhs of houses were destroyed or damaged.

Interestingly, the nuclear power installations remained unaffected even though the earthquake was recorded at all of India’s power reactors located at Kakrapar (Gujarat), Rawatbhata (Rajasthan), Tarapur (Maharashtra), Narora (Uttar Pradesh), Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu) and Kaiga (Karnataka).

Even the Kakrapar atomic power station located closest to the epicentre, in the Surat district of Gujarat, continued to work satisfactorily. According to officials, nuclear power plants are, in the main, built on hard rock foundations and are fitted with seismic detectors that will order the plant to shut down, should the ground motion exceed a particular level.

But the quake adversely affected small and medium industries and historical monuments.

Tackling the Disaster Vinod K Gaur, professor at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, suggests in an article in The Times of India that “there is an overwhelming need to make a scientific assessment of earthquake hazard in all areas of perceived threat, notably the populous cities bordering the Himalayan foothills, and design appropriate mitigation strategies for enforcing regulatory measures in land use, construction practices and infrastructure planning.

Advance planning helps to identify vulnerable community assets, support systems and cost-effective remedial measures. Immediate priorities should be focussed on retrofitting of vulnerable buildings and lifelines, educational and awareness programmes to engender hazard consciousness and early advance warning for evacuation and closure of power and transport systems. Finally, there should be a quick assessment of the geographical spread of damage to direct rescue and relief operations.

“These tasks are extremely demanding, but recent developments in earthquake science, sensor design, telemetry, on-line computing and communication systems hold considerable promise to revolutionise the effectiveness of risk reduction strategies. Earthquake hazard zonation maps of India have been prepared and revised since 1953, and resilient building codes formulated by the Indian Bureau of Standards (BIS). However, greater understanding has now been gained of Himalayan tectonics, and DST, CSIR supported endeavours are underway to define the style and rate of these processes.

It now appears feasible to draw up a first order quantitative hazard map of India. The next task, of quantifying vulnerability, is more complex, because it requires a detailed knowledge of the terrain, habitation density, network geometry of lifelines and engineering characteristics of dwellings and public buildings. This can be accomplished by bringing together social and economic geographers, urban planners and engineers, to evolve a framework for representing vulnerability and actually determining it for some selected area(s) of high perceived risk.

“Endeavours to prepare a vulnerability atlas were made, based on the 1991 Census, under the urban planning ministry. But more incisive articulation is necessary for a meaningful evaluation of risk. Several proxy indicators are available from the national survey agencies’ soil and topography maps. Others like night luminosity and soil texture can be abstracted from satellite imagery.

“The final act of producing risk maps is not quite straightforward. Considerable literature on the subject as well as computational tools are available to help one design the first steps, fashioned for our specific socio-economic milieu. The most potent catalyst in this endeavour is the quality of hazard consciousness and that of expertise, resources and organisational structure of the national, state and municipal agencies who are the final executors of all risk reduction plans and strategies. The legislation of a National Disaster Mitigation Act could provide the right coherence and convergence needed in realising this goal and act as a spur in shifting the focus from crisis management to a designed strategy for reducing risk at all levels and stages.”

Much of what is needed to cope with disasters has already been suggested by the Eleventh Finance Commission (EFC) which has also recommended the establishment of a National Centre for Calamity Management. Besides monitoring calamities, the new centre should be associated with the formulation of a national disaster policy (also being talked about now, after the quake) that identifies the regions prone to each kind of calamity, how one can minimise the risk and what the short- and medium-term actions should be after a disaster.

The EFC’s eminently sensible suggestions include the organisation in each state of a group of 200-300 personnel drawn from different government cadres associated with the services that would be needed for rescue and relief. They would constitute a national force of 3,000 to 4,000 which could be deployed anywhere in the country once a disaster strikes.

The commission has also correctly recommended that these personnel be annually trained so that their skills are honed to a high degree of preparedness. Natural calamities, aided by human intervention, are sadly a routine part of daily life in India. It is, therefore, appropriate that government machinery is oiled to respond to them in a routine manner.

Following the September 1993 earthquake at Latur, Maharashtra, earthquake resistant houses have been built. After the 1999 Chamoli-Garhwal earthquake, the government in association with the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) is evolving an appropriate technology for building houses resistant to hazards like earthquakes and landslides. Information is also being collected regarding the pattern of damage, construction practices and availability of building materials in nearby areas of Chamoli-Garhwal region.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) with guidance from the Indian Meteorological Department is now trying to update India’s seismic zoning map revamped last in 1984. The map is a guide to the seismic status of a region and its susceptibility to quakes. The map would feature geologic, geophysical and tectonic data to help determine the seismic status more accurately.

High risk zones in India could replicate the efforts of Maharashtra to deal with disasters. According to reports, Maharashtra is the only state in India to have a comprehensive multi- hazard disaster management plan. The plan stipulates that information about the incident be immediately conveyed to control rooms through a satellite-based communication network (in Gujarat, information was a trickle even 12 hours later); the standard operating procedures for all government departments be automatically set in motion, without being ordered to; debris removal vehicles and fully equipped rescue teams be rushed from a pre-determined location to the disaster zone; paramedics follow fully rehearsed drills on what medicines and equipment for emergency orthopaedic surgeries to carry; health vans carry even a generator to assist surgery on the spot.

According to the plan, at rescue sites, the internationally-followed Triage method to segregate mass casualties through colour coding will be followed. Bands of different colours will be put on the victims, according to their condition, so that paramedics know whom to rush for immediate medical attention, and whom to assist with just first-aid.

Each district of Maharashtra has a detailed multi-hazard response plan based on comprehensive risk assessment and vulnerability analysis identifying disaster-prone areas. The plan is a ready reckoner on the location of ambulance facilities and debris-removing vehicles.

There are lessons to be learnt from world experience too. The January 1995 Kobe earthquake caught the Japanese government unawares as Kobe did not fall in the risk zone. As a result, there was delay in organising rescue efforts. But subsequent recovery efforts on several parallel tracks ensured speedy recovery. With almost 50,000 buildings reduced to ruins and with about 3,00,000 people at least temporarily homeless in the harsh winter month of January, shelter was identified as the primary need of the hour.

And the country made sure it would be better equipped to handle similar future calamities. The country’s disaster plan was revised which now allows the self-defence forces to be despatched even without an official request. Joint drills of different agencies involved have been prescribed so that there is better coordination when disaster strikes.

Most of the serious damage to larger commercial and industrial buildings and infrastructure in Kobe occurred in areas of soft soil and reclaimed land—the worst soil possible for earthquakes. While the latest seismic engineering techniques had. been applied, they had been done so without the benefit of adequate testing in strong earthquakes. Cooperation with the United States to further improve on seismic engineering has since been enhanced.

In Japan, scientists have created ‘smart buildings’ equipped with sensors to detect and counter quake tremors. The sensors in the basement pick up the tremors and immediately send the information to a computer. The computer then activates a hydraulic power device, which promptly shifts the building’s centre of gravity with the help of a steel weight.

California is another state which has an elaborate crisis management system in place. Lying on the top of the San Andreas fault, an intricate network more than 800 miles long, California is hit by thousands of earthquakes- big and small—each year. But the government has taken steps to minimise damage. It is actively involved in proactive planning. The Division of Mines and Geology develops statewide earthquake risk maps using information about California’s regional geology and earthquake history.

To record how the ground and structures shake during earthquakes, the California Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program installs and maintains instruments in and outside buildings, on dams and bridges, and in natural sites.

Seismologists and engineers analyse the data, compare it with information about how the buildings and ground behaved when shaken, and use the information to improve building codes and design safer buildings. In San Francisco, containers of layered steel and rubber are situated below the foundations of the buildings to act as shock absorbers. In, several cities, programmes are underway to strengthen or tear down older buildings most likely to collapse during earthquakes.

Under the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act, the state geologist is required to establish regulatory zones and issue appropriate seismic hazard maps. These maps are distributed to cities, countries, and- state agencies for planning and controlling construction and development. Before a development permit can be issued or a sub-division approved, a site-specific investigation is required to determine whether a significant hazard exists at the site and, if so, recommend measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

Stringent disclosure norms have also been put in place—if a property is located in a seismic hazard zone, the seller or the seller’s agent must disclose this fact to a potential buyer. Local emergency management offices also regularly keep in touch with communities and disseminate information about how to handle an earthquake. Thus, citizens are regularly advised to fasten shelves securely to walls, store breakable items in low, closed Cabinets with latches, hang heavy items such as pictures and mirrors away from beds, couches, and anywhere people sit, etc.

In Tangshan (China), local officials are empowered to take immediate decisions for relief if tragedy strikes. Provisions for back-up power and communication facilities are provided for. All the buildings are designed to withstand quakes of 8.0 Richter magnitude.

When a quake rocked Taiwan in September 1999, it was found that, most of the building where structural alterations were made like construction of additional rooms or breaking down of walls, the buildings were badly affected by the quake.

In Los Angeles, safer houses and quake survival training has led to lesser lives being lost.

Related Articles:

  • Prevention of Buildings against Earthquake
  • Speech on Earthquake: Seismic Waves, Facts, Effects and Safety Tips | Speech

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Gujarati Nibandh

ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ.2024 Essay on Earthquake

ધરતીકંપ પર 500+ શબ્દોનો નિબંધ Essay on Earthquake ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ : ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ: સાદી ભાષામાં કહીએ તો, ધરતીકંપનો અર્થ થાય છે પૃથ્વીની સપાટીનો ધ્રુજારી. તે પૃથ્વીની સપાટીની અચાનક ધ્રુજારી છે. ભૂકંપ ચોક્કસપણે એક ભયંકર કુદરતી આફત છે. તદુપરાંત, ધરતીકંપ જીવન અને સંપત્તિને ભારે નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે.

કેટલાક ધરતીકંપ પ્રકૃતિમાં નબળા હોય છે અને કદાચ કોઈનું ધ્યાન ન જાય. તેનાથી વિપરીત, કેટલાક ધરતીકંપ મોટા અને હિંસક હોય છે. મોટા ધરતીકંપો પ્રકૃતિમાં લગભગ હંમેશા વિનાશક હોય છે. સૌથી વધુ નોંધનીય છે કે, ધરતીકંપની ઘટના તદ્દન અણધારી છે. આ તે છે જે તેમને ખૂબ જોખમી બનાવે છે.

પર નિબંધ

ભૂકંપના પ્રકારો

ટેકટોનિક ધરતીકંપ : પૃથ્વીના પોપડામાં અસમાન આકારના ખડકોના સ્લેબનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. ખડકોના આ સ્લેબ ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટો છે. વધુમાં, અહીં ઊર્જા સંગ્રહિત છે. આ ઊર્જા ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટોને એકબીજાથી દૂર અથવા એકબીજા તરફ ધકેલવાનું કારણ બને છે. જેમ જેમ સમય પસાર થાય છે તેમ તેમ ઊર્જા અને ચળવળ બે પ્લેટો વચ્ચે દબાણ બનાવે છે.

તેથી, આ પ્રચંડ દબાણ ફોલ્ટ લાઇન રચવાનું કારણ બને છે. ઉપરાંત, આ વિક્ષેપનું કેન્દ્રબિંદુ ધરતીકંપનું કેન્દ્રબિંદુ છે. પરિણામે, ઊર્જાના તરંગો ફોકસથી સપાટી પર જાય છે. આનાથી સપાટી ધ્રુજારીમાં પરિણમે છે.

જ્વાળામુખી ધરતીકંપ: આ ધરતીકંપ જ્વાળામુખીની પ્રવૃત્તિ સાથે સંબંધિત છે. સૌથી ઉપર, આવા ધરતીકંપોની તીવ્રતા નબળી છે. આ ધરતીકંપ બે પ્રકારના હોય છે. પ્રથમ પ્રકાર જ્વાળામુખી-ટેક્ટોનિક ધરતીકંપ છે. અહીં મેગ્માના ઇન્જેક્શન અથવા ઉપાડને કારણે આંચકા આવે છે. તેનાથી વિપરીત, બીજો પ્રકાર લાંબા ગાળાના ધરતીકંપ છે. અહીં ધરતીકંપ પૃથ્વીના સ્તરોમાં દબાણમાં ફેરફારને કારણે થાય છે.

ધરતીકંપ સંકુચિત કરો: આ ભૂકંપ ગુફાઓ અને ખાણોમાં થાય છે. વધુમાં, આ ધરતીકંપ નબળા તીવ્રતાના હોય છે. ભૂગર્ભ વિસ્ફોટો કદાચ ખાણો તૂટી પડવાનું કારણ છે. સૌથી ઉપર, ખાણોના આ પતનથી ધરતીકંપના તરંગો થાય છે. પરિણામે, આ સિસ્મિક મોજાઓ ધરતીકંપનું કારણ બને છે.

વિસ્ફોટ ક ધરતીકંપ: આ ધરતીકંપ લગભગ હંમેશા પરમાણુ શસ્ત્રોના પરીક્ષણને કારણે થાય છે. જ્યારે પરમાણુ હથિયારનો વિસ્ફોટ થાય છે ત્યારે મોટો ધડાકો થાય છે. આના પરિણામે મોટી માત્રામાં ઉર્જા બહાર આવે છે. આ કદાચ ભૂકંપમાં પરિણમે છે.

ધરતીકંપ નિબંધ: ધરતીકંપ નિબંધ એ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ માટે શીખવા માટેનો એક મહત્વપૂર્ણ વિષય છે. તે વિદ્યાર્થીઓને ભૂકંપ શું છે અને તેની અસરો વિશે શિક્ષિત કરે છે. ભૂસ્તરશાસ્ત્રીય દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી, ધરતીકંપો (મેગ્નિટ્યુડ 2 અને તેનાથી નાના) વિશ્વભરમાં દિવસમાં ઘણી વખત આવે છે.

આ ધરતીકંપો ખૂબ જ દૂરના સ્થળોએ થાય છે અને તેની અસર લગભગ અગોચર હોય છે. મોટા અને વધુ વિનાશક ધરતીકંપો (મેગ્નિટ્યુડ 8 અને મોટા) ઓછી આવર્તન સાથે થાય છે; સામાન્ય રીતે વર્ષમાં એક કે બે વાર.

સામાન્ય રીતે, કેટલાક સ્થાનો અન્ય કરતા ભૂકંપ માટે વધુ સંવેદનશીલ હોય છે. આ સ્થાનો મોટાભાગે ટેકટોનિક પ્લેટો વચ્ચેના આંતરછેદ પર સ્થિત હોય છે – વિશાળ પ્લેટો જે પૃથ્વીના આવરણ પર સરકતી હોય છે. જ્યારે આ બે પ્લેટો એકબીજા સામે પીસતી હોય છે, ત્યારે ભૂકંપ આવે છે.

ભૂકંપના સ્થાનના આધારે, તે સુનામી, ભૂસ્ખલન, હિમપ્રપાત, કાદવ સ્લાઇડ અથવા જમીન વિસ્થાપન દ્વારા ઘણું નુકસાન કરી શકે છે. આ જીવન અને મિલકતને ગંભીર નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે; જો તેની તીવ્રતા પૂરતી વધારે હોય તો તે સમગ્ર અર્થતંત્રને પણ ખોરવી શકે છે. ધરતીકંપ વિશે વધુ અન્વેષણ કરવા માટે આગળ વાંચો.

ધરતીકંપની અસરો

સૌ પ્રથમ, જમીનનો ધ્રુજારી એ ભૂકંપની સૌથી નોંધપાત્ર અસર છે. તદુપરાંત, ધ્રુજારી સાથે જમીન ભંગાણ પણ થાય છે. જેના કારણે માળખાકીય સુવિધાઓને ભારે નુકસાન થાય છે. ભૂકંપની તીવ્રતા એપી સેન્ટરથી તેની તીવ્રતા અને અંતર પર આધારિત છે. ઉપરાંત, સ્થાનિક ભૌગોલિક પરિસ્થિતિઓ ગંભીરતા નક્કી કરવામાં ભૂમિકા ભજવે છે. ગ્રાઉન્ડ ફાટવું એ પૃથ્વીની સપાટીના દૃશ્યમાન તૂટવાનો સંદર્ભ આપે છે.

ભૂકંપની બીજી નોંધપાત્ર અસર ભૂસ્ખલન છે. ઢોળાવની અસ્થિરતાને કારણે ભૂસ્ખલન થાય છે. આ ઢોળાવની અસ્થિરતા ધરતીકંપના કારણે થાય છે.

ધરતીકંપના કારણે માટીનું પ્રવાહી બની શકે છે. આ ત્યારે થાય છે જ્યારે પાણી-સંતૃપ્ત દાણાદાર સામગ્રી તેની શક્તિ ગુમાવે છે. તેથી, તે ઘનમાંથી પ્રવાહીમાં પરિવર્તિત થાય છે. પરિણામે, કઠોર રચનાઓ લિક્વિફાઇડ થાપણોમાં ડૂબી જાય છે.

ધરતીકંપ આગમાં પરિણમી શકે છે. આવું એટલા માટે થાય છે કારણ કે ધરતીકંપ ઇલેક્ટ્રિક પાવર અને ગેસ લાઇનને નુકસાન પહોંચાડે છે. સૌથી ઉપર, આગ શરૂ થઈ જાય તે પછી તેને રોકવું અત્યંત મુશ્કેલ બની જાય છે.

ભૂકંપ કુખ્યાત સુનામી પણ બનાવી શકે છે. સુનામી લાંબી-તરંગલંબાઇના દરિયાઈ મોજા છે. આ દરિયાઈ મોજા મોટા જથ્થાના પાણીની અચાનક અથવા અચાનક હિલચાલને કારણે થાય છે. આ સમુદ્રમાં ધરતીકંપને કારણે છે. સૌથી ઉપર, સુનામી 600-800 કિલોમીટર પ્રતિ કલાકની ઝડપે મુસાફરી કરી શકે છે. આ સુનામી જ્યારે દરિયા કિનારે આવે છે ત્યારે તે મોટા પાયે વિનાશ સર્જી શકે છે.

નિષ્કર્ષમાં, ધરતીકંપ એ પૃથ્વીની એક મહાન અને ભયાનક ઘટના છે. તે કુદરત સામે માનવીની નબળાઈ દર્શાવે છે. તે એક જબરદસ્ત ઘટના છે જે ચોક્કસપણે દરેકને આંચકો આપે છે. સૌથી ઉપર, ધરતીકંપ માત્ર થોડીક સેકન્ડો માટે રહે છે પરંતુ અકલ્પનીય નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે.

ધરતીકંપ શું છે?

ધરતીકંપને એવી ઘટના તરીકે વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરવામાં આવે છે કે જ્યાં ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટ્સ એક બીજાની પાછળથી સરકી જાય છે, જે ધરતીકંપના તરંગો બનાવે છે જે પૃથ્વીના ખડકોમાંથી પસાર થાય છે. ધરતીકંપની તીવ્રતાના આધારે, અસરો નાની-મોટી માળખાકીય નુકસાનીથી માંડીને ઈમારતોને સંપૂર્ણ પતન સુધી બદલાઈ શકે છે, જેના પરિણામે જીવન અને સંપત્તિનું નુકસાન થઈ શકે છે. કેટલીકવાર, જ્યારે ભૂકંપ સમુદ્રની મધ્યમાંથી ઉદ્ભવે છે, ત્યારે તે સુનામી તરીકે ઓળખાતા અત્યંત મોટા અને વિનાશક મોજાઓનું કારણ બની શકે છે. જો કે, ધરતીકંપ વ્યક્તિ માટે સીધો ભય પેદા કરતો નથી; બીજા શબ્દોમાં કહીએ તો, લોકો ધરતીકંપથી મૃત્યુ પામી શકે તેમ નથી.

ભૂકંપનું કારણ સમજવું

હવે જ્યારે આપણે જાણીએ છીએ કે ધરતીકંપ શું છે, તો આપણે તે કેવી રીતે થાય છે તેની શોધ કરીશું. પૃથ્વી ચાર સ્તરોથી બનેલી છે – આંતરિક કોર, બાહ્ય કોર, આવરણ અને પોપડો. આવરણ અને પોપડો આવશ્યકપણે આપણા ગ્રહની સપાટી પર શેલના ખૂબ જ પાતળા સ્તર તરીકે વર્તે છે.

જો કે, આ શેલ એક જ ટુકડાથી બનેલું નથી; પૃથ્વીની નીચે કેટલાય ટુકડાઓ અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવે છે, દરેક ધીમે ધીમે એક બીજાની પાછળ સરકતા હોય છે. આ ટુકડાઓને ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટ્સ કહેવામાં આવે છે. હકીકતમાં સાત ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટો છે જે પૃથ્વીના પોપડાની નીચે જોવા મળે છે:

આફ્રિકન પ્લેટ એન્ટાર્કટિક પ્લેટ યુરેશિયન પ્લેટ ઈન્ડો-ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયન પ્લેટ ઉત્તર અમેરિકન પ્લેટ પેસિફિક પ્લેટ દક્ષિણ અમેરિકન પ્લેટ

તદુપરાંત, આ પ્લેટો ક્યારેય સ્થિર હોતી નથી, તે હંમેશા ફરતી રહે છે. પૃથ્વીના ઈતિહાસમાં, ટેકટોનિક પ્લેટ્સ અન્ય પ્લેટો સાથે ભળી ગઈ છે અને તેનાથી પણ મોટી પ્લેટો બની છે.

અન્ય ટેકટોનિક પ્લેટો નાની પ્લેટોમાં વહી ગઈ છે અને કેટલીક અન્ય પ્લેટો (સબડક્શન) હેઠળ પણ ધકેલાઈ ગઈ છે. આ એક સૌથી મોટું કારણ છે કે શા માટે આપણી પાસે ભૂતકાળમાં સુપરકોન્ટિનન્ટ્સ હતા, અને આજે આપણે જાણીએ છીએ તે સાત ખંડોમાં તેમનું વિભાજન.

જ્યારે બે કે તેથી વધુ ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટો મળે છે, ત્યારે તે વિસ્તાર સામાન્ય રીતે ધરતીકંપ માટે હોટસ્પોટ બની જાય છે. વાસ્તવિક ઘટના ત્યારે થાય છે જ્યારે આ પ્લેટો એક બીજાની પાછળથી સરકીને ભૂકંપના તરંગોના રૂપમાં ઉર્જા ઉત્પન્ન કરવાનું શરૂ કરે છે. સ્થાન અને તીવ્રતાના આધારે, આ ધરતીકંપના તરંગોમાં ઇમારતો અને કુદરતી ઇકોસિસ્ટમને સંપૂર્ણપણે નષ્ટ કરવાની ક્ષમતા હોય છે. આ ધરતીકંપો જ્યાં થાય છે તે વિસ્તારને ભૌગોલિક ખામી કહેવામાં આવે છે.

ભૂકંપ ક્યાં થાય છે?

ધરતીકંપ પૃથ્વી પર ગમે ત્યાં આવી શકે છે, જો કે, તે વધુ આવર્તનમાં થાય છે જ્યાં બે ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટો મળે છે, ખાસ કરીને ફોલ્ટ લાઇન સાથે. ફોલ્ટ લાઇનની લંબાઈ થોડા મીટરથી સેંકડો કિલોમીટરની વચ્ચે બદલાય છે. વિશ્વના મોટા ભાગના ધરતીકંપો પ્રશાંત મહાસાગરમાં રીંગ ઓફ ફાયર નામની જગ્યાએ થાય છે.

પટ્ટો ઘણી ટેકટોનિક પ્લેટો વચ્ચેની સીમાઓ શોધી કાઢે છે, પરિણામે, ત્યાં ઘણી હિલચાલ થાય છે. આના પરિણામે તે ભૌગોલિક રીતે સક્રિય બને છે અને સિસ્મોલોજીકલ પરિપ્રેક્ષ્યમાં તે ખૂબ જ “હિંસક” સ્થળ માનવામાં આવે છે. તદુપરાંત, ત્યાં ઘણા પાણીની અંદર સક્રિય જ્વાળામુખી છે જે આ સીમાઓને રેખાંકિત કરે છે, તેથી તેનું નામ છે: રિંગ ઓફ ફાયર.

ભૂકંપ કેવી રીતે માપવામાં આવે છે?

ધરતીકંપને મેગ્નિટ્યુડ નામના એકમનો ઉપયોગ કરીને માપવામાં આવે છે. સાધન જે આ એકમોને માપે છે તેને સિસ્મોગ્રાફ્સ કહેવામાં આવે છે. જો કે, વૈજ્ઞાનિકો મોટાભાગે મેગ્નિટ્યુડ સ્કેલ કરતાં મોમેન્ટ મેગ્નિટ્યુડ સ્કેલનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનું પસંદ કરે છે.

અગાઉ કહ્યું તેમ, ધરતીકંપથી માણસોને સીધું નુકસાન થતું નથી. જો કે, ધરતીકંપ મિલકતને નોંધપાત્ર નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે. સૌથી અગ્રણી જોખમો પૈકીનું એક ગ્રાઉન્ડ ડિસ્પ્લેસમેન્ટ છે. ફોલ્ટ સાથેની કોઈપણ ઈમારત તૂટી શકે છે, જેનાથી માણસોને ઈજા અથવા મૃત્યુ થઈ શકે છે. ધરતીકંપના તરંગોના પરિણામે જમીન ધ્રુજારીની અસર ઇમારતોની માળખાકીય અખંડિતતાને પણ અસર કરી શકે છે. નુકસાનને કારણે રસ્તાઓ અને પુલો પસાર થઈ શકતા નથી.

ધરતીકંપ પણ લિક્વિફેક્શન નામની ઘટનાનું કારણ બને છે. જ્યારે રેતી અથવા માટી ભૂગર્ભજળ સાથે ભળી જાય છે ત્યારે તે ખૂબ જ નરમ બની જાય છે ત્યારે આવું થાય છે. જ્યારે બિલ્ડીંગની નીચે લિક્વિફિકેશન થાય છે, ત્યારે તે તેના ઉપર છેડો પડી શકે છે, કેટલાય ફૂટ ડૂબી શકે છે, જેનાથી બિલ્ડિંગને જોખમ બની શકે છે.

ભૂકંપ પર વારંવાર પૂછાતા પ્રશ્નો

Q1 વિસ્ફોટક ધરતીકંપ શા માટે થાય છે?

A1 પરમાણુ શસ્ત્રોના પરીક્ષણને કારણે વિસ્ફોટક ધરતીકંપ થાય છે.

Q2 ભૂકંપને કારણે ભૂસ્ખલન શા માટે થાય છે?

A2 ઢોળાવની અસ્થિરતાને કારણે ભૂસ્ખલન થાય છે. સૌથી નોંધનીય, આ ઢોળાવની અસ્થિરતા ધરતીકંપને કારણે થાય છે.

ભૂકંપ ટૂંકો નિબંધ શું છે?

A: ધરતીકંપ એ પૃથ્વીના પોપડામાં ઉર્જાનું અચાનક પ્રકાશન છે જે સિસ્મિક મોજાઓ બનાવે છે. તરંગો તેમના સ્ત્રોત પર અથવા તેની નજીક ચળવળનું કારણ બને છે, સામાન્ય રીતે એક મુખ્ય ટેક્ટોનિક ફ્રેક્ચર અથવા ફોલ્ટ લાઇન જ્યાં બે ટેક્ટોનિક પ્લેટો મળે છે. ધરતીકંપ ભાગ્યે જ ધ્યાનપાત્રથી લઈને વિનાશક રીતે શક્તિશાળી સુધીના હોઈ શકે છે.

તમારા પોતાના શબ્દોમાં ભૂકંપ શું છે?

A: ધરતીકંપ એ પૃથ્વીના પોપડામાં સંગ્રહિત ઊર્જાના અચાનક પ્રકાશનને કારણે થતી ધરતીકંપની ઘટના છે. વિસ્ફોટથી સ્પંદનો થાય છે જે વિસ્થાપનના કેટલાક મીટર સુધી ઉત્સર્જિત કરી શકે છે અને તે ગરમી છોડે છે જે આસપાસના વિસ્તારોને ગરમ કરે છે.

આ બ્લોગ પર તમને નિબંધ, ભાષણ, સારા વિચાર, અને સ્ટોરીઓ વાંચવા મળશે. તમારે પણ કોઇ સ્ટોરી લખવી હોય તો અમારા બ્લોગમા લખી શકો છો.

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An Essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake for Children, Students and Kids

  • March 7, 2020 March 6, 2020

Gujarat Earthquake 2001

2001 Gujarat Earthquake was happened on January 26, 2001. On this day, India was celebrating 52nd Republic Day and suddenly the ground/land vibrating at large sharply at 08:46 am (local time IST) and lasted for several seconds. In these several seconds, thousands of villages and towns destroyed completely.

This was the deadliest earthquake in the history of Gujarat. Several thousands people died in few minutes across the state. The sky of Gujarat filled with dust and extreme grief of people .

Gujarat Earthquake 2001

Gujarat Earthquake 2001

Places Which Affected Most

The entire Kutch region was affected badly as the epicentre of this earthquake was located in the district. Several towns and villages completely wiped out from the map in Bhuj, Anjar, Bhachau, and Gandhidham. The damage was widespread and thousands of people lost their lives due to collapse of buildings.

Saurashtra region was also badly affected, but not equals to Kutch. Maliya Miyana, Wankaner, Morbi, Rajkot, Amreli, and other places were affected by this earthquake. In these cities and towns, people also lost their lives . Several crores of properties and wealth destroyed in this deadly earthquake.

Gujarat Earthquake 2001

Relief by Around the World

The earthquake destroyed the economy of the state of Gujarat for several months. A relief materials, including cash was sent by many NGOs and foreign governments for the state of Gujarat. A large number of NRIs sent relief materials and cash for the betterment of Gujarat state people. A good number of rescue team were also sent by a few countries for helping in rescue missions.

In just few days, Gujarat Government and large number of NGOs received large amount of money as part of relief to the people of Gujarat . Several large NGOs from other countries sent important goods and consumer products which are necessary.

Gujarat Earthquake 2001

How Armed Forces Helped in Gujarat Earthquake 2001?

In Gujarat Earthquake in 2001, the Indian Armed Forces and Indian Air Force played important role in relief operation. The Armed Forces of India launched “Operation Sahayata”, the largest operation in India for earthquake relief . The Indian Air Force airlifted essential supplies to the remote areas of Gujarat.

A troop positioned in the Indo-Pakistan border (near Rajasthan) were also asked to join the rescue operation. Another army division of the Desert Corps alongside the border (in Gujarat) also asked to join the rescue operations.

In this operation, the Indian Air Force used IL-76 (aircraft), Mi-17 helicopters, Mi-26s, Chetak, and Cheetah helicopters.

Felt in Other Countries Too

2001 Gujarat Earthquake was also felt in Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. These countries has also faced so many deaths on that day. The earthquake was happened due to the Indian plate pushing northward into the Eurasian plate. Later on, it created a larger earthquake for several seconds.

Important Note: This essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake is written for knowledge and awareness only. You are not allowed to copy this essay for your personal work. You could translate this essay in Gujarati and Hindi languages with the help of online translation tool.

Article Title: An Essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake for Children, Students and Kids Article last re-published on March 7, 2020.

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Gujarat Earthquake

earthquake essay in gujarati

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Essay on Earthquake in Gujarat 2001

Essay on Earthquake in Gujarat 2001: On 26th January 2001, 8.45 am , when everyone was celebrating Republic Day, Gujarat was being hit by an earthquake. An earthquake which, destroyed everything within a few seconds.

This earthquake was measured at 6.9 on the Richter scale. Its-epicenter was found to be 20 km away from Bhuj in North-East. The Government’s aid reached the victims of Gujarat a little later. There was an immense loss of life and property. In Anjaar, Bhuj and Bhachau districts of Gujarat devastation was on a major scale. These cities changed into a complete picture of destruction. The military and paramilitary came to the rescue of people of Gujarat. Aids were provided in kind from all over the world. Even Pakistan was not left behind. An approximation was made in regard to loss, of life, and property. Nearly 30,000 to Lakh people died and there was a loss of Rs. 6000 Crore worth of personal property and Rs. 1000 crore worth of public property. It will take a lot of time to rebuild Gujarat. It is true that a furious nature is hard to tame.

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1290 Words Essay on Gujarat Earthquake

earthquake essay in gujarati

When the whole country was busy with Republic Day celebration on January 26, 2001, Gujarat experienced a devastating earthquake that took life of more than 15, 0000 people and injured 3 lakhs or more as rescuers struggled hard to reach thousands of trapped survivors.

Nearly 390 school children were among the dead. BJP general secretary Namenda Mode said on returning from the tour that 13,000 had died in the Kutch region of Gujarat itself and 2,000 elsewhere in the State. The figure was confirmed by Defence Minister Mr. George Fernandez during a ‘visit to Buhl, the township closest to the epicenter of the quake.

Buhl was just 20 kilometers south-west from the epicenter of the quake. So, maximum damage had occurred to ‘Bhju itself. “Bhuj town’ is completely flattened and the district resembles a bombed zone” was the remark of Mr. Mode -after Ariel survey.

Several hundred houses in Bhju had been collapsed or on the verge of caving in. Cracks had been developed on almost all the survivors. The people of Bhuj spent nights in the open, braving the chilly weather. The situation was worst to believe in. But one thing is clear; this will be one of the monstrous earthquakes in recent history.


The Richter scale reading of the intensity of the Bhuj earthquake in the Indian Meteorological Department though was 6.8 but the United States Geological Survey and the Hong Kong Observatory recorded the figure as 7.9. China’s Seismological Bureau registered the quake- as 7.8 on the Richter scale.

The Earth Sciences Observatory in Strasbourg, France, put it at 7.6. Hence the Richter scale reading of 6.9 to 7.9 about the rate of the intensity of the earthquake was the worst quake and though the epicenter was near Bhuj, it also affected Bachau, Rapa, Ajar, Morbid-Malaya and Parts of Paten, Banaskantha and Mehsana districts in the Latch region extending even up to Ahmedabad, The 26th January quake was not the end.

There were nine tremors, measuring between 3.5 and 3.7 on the Richter scale shook parts of Gujarat including Ahmedabad and. the Kutch region on Monday, January 28, 2001: Panic- striken residents of the affected areas ran into the open fearing for their lives. The State meteorological department reported that there were 15 fresh tremors on January 28, 2001 alone, taking the total tremors since the earthquake on January 26, 2001 to 77.

Ahmedabad was also the worst hit. More than 12 hours after the first rumblings were heard thousands were camping in the open fearing aftershocks. Nearly 80 buildings were reported to have collapsed, including a dozen multi-storied building and also some buildings still under construction.

Nearly eighty persons were trapped to death in diamond polishing factories on Friday’s massive earthquake as the gates were locked from security point of view. The death tolls were 27,087 and 30 in Ahmedabad, Jamnagar and Rajkot respectively excluding more than 13,000 in the Bhuj areas itself over 50,000 people living in high rise building in the quake hit parts of Ahmedabad city their houses fearing termers by January 27, 2001.

Tremors were also felt across a vast tract of central and northern India, in New Delhi and Mumbai, as well as Chennai and Pondicherry. The quake also rocked four major cities in. Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Hyderabad taking life of four persons.

Almost the entire country was rocked by Friday’s (January 26, 2001) earthquake. But it was Gujarat alone that bore its brunt. In Rajasthan, several historic buildings, including Jaywalker Fort were damaged. The back portion of the Salem Singh Ki Haveli near the Jaywalker fort collapsed. There were also reports of cracks in the walls of Cochran fort.

The rescue teams from all over the world had arrived in Ahmedabad immediately after receiving the news. The International Committee of Red Cross had dispatched a mobile surgical hospital to treat the victims; U.K. had sent a team of 69 rescue workers to Ahmedabad to search out the trapped persons. Germany, Russia, Turkey; Switzerland had also sent rescue teams, some of them had headed for Bhuj, where thousands of bodies were lying beneath the rocks. The foreign teams were equipped with sniffer dogs and life detector instruments to find out the survivors beneath the debris.

The Army was deployed immediately in the affected areas equipped with latest instruments to clear up the debris in Kutch. As-many as 68 giant earthmovers and cranes had been engaged in the affected areas.

The British Government had also pledged $ 4.5 million for quake relief. On his part, Prime Minister Aral Bihar Vajpayee sanctioned Rs. 10 crores from the PM’s Relief Fund. Kuwait donated 2.5 lakhs for the earthquake victims. Even Pakistan, our arch rival, had offered relief to the victims. Reliefs poured into Ahmedabad and Bhuj from USA, China, Turkey, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, and Japan.

The Gujarat earthquake was, in fact the worst one in terms of magnitude the country had experienced in more than 40 years. We have a long history of occurrence of earthquake, even bigger than the magnitude of Gujarat – one in Assam, on Independence Day in 1950 measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale.

A chronological list of occurrence of earthquakes in the past is given below:

  • January 15, 1934— Strong quake near Bihar. Nepal border measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale. Extensive devastation in Kathmandu, Patna and Darbhanga.
  • June 26, 1941— Heavy quake in Andaman Islands. The Richter scale reading was 8.1.
  • August 15, 1950- 1,538 killed in earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale in Assam.
  • August 20, 1988- More than 1,000 killed in Bihar.
  • October 20, 1991 – More than 1,000 killed and thousands injured as earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale rocks Uttarkashi hills.
  • September 30, 1993 – Around 10,000 killed and thousands injured in Latur and Osman Abad areas (Maharashtra) in quake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale.
  • May 22, 1997 – 43 killed and over 1,000 injured in Jabalpur areas.
  • April 23, 1999- More than 110 killed and Over 300 injured as an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale rocks Chamois, Rudraprayag and other hilly areas of Uttaranchal.
  • January 26, 2001 – Buhl’s severe earthquake Measuring 6.9 – 7.9 on the Richter scale.

The cause of the devastating quake that flattened parts of Gujarat as expressed by the scientists was due to growing “intra plate” stress on the earth’s surface. A plate in geological terms is a large piece of the earth’s surface that moves around very slowly.

The surface of the earth is broken into large plates and the edges of these plates, where they move against each other, are sites of intense geologic activity such as earthquake, mountain building and volcanoes. Preliminary investigations by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) suggest that “intra plate” stress was due to “faults” or weak zones within the plate. ‘The whole Kutch is a fault. Bhuj, which bore the brunt of the nature’s fury, lies close to the all bund fault”- said by Mr. S.K. Srivastav, Additional IMD Director General.

According to him, “the Indian plate, as such, is moving in north-north east direction and colliding with Eurasian plate as a result of which the Himalaya is growing at its junction and leading to frequent earthquakes in the country.

However, the Bhuj earthquake seems to be due to stress within the plate where there are faults too. Besides, it falls under the Kutch region, which is the most seismically prone area in the country. “The misfortune is that, no technique is available to predict earthquakes with reliable degree of accuracy in space or time” as expressed by Dr. Srivastav.

Hence, India’s seismically most active regions are the Himalayan belt, the north east and Kutch. Delhi incidentally also comes in the next most active area category.

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Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences Essay

Nature and its actions are often unpredictable and frightening. Almost every day, TV channels and news websites report on natural disasters in different parts of the world. Many of these events are caused by global warming and other climatic and environmental changes resulting from human activities. Although many natural disasters are natural and predictable, they cannot be managed or their consequences predetermined. One of these incidents is earthquakes, which occur everywhere with less or more force and threaten the lives and health of people.

An earthquake is one of the most ancient and frequent catastrophic events. Despite this, people have yet to determine where, when, and what strength the next earthquake will occur. It occurs when a sudden release of energy accumulates for a long time due to the movement of tectonic plates (Bolt). Imagine going to a coffee shop to have some caffeine boost, as you do every morning. You have already gotten used to the fact that many people are there at this time and have learned to maneuver, avoiding collisions. However, you were late this morning and could not join this usual flow of people. As a result, you run into another customer, and the coffee stain is spilling over your shirt and coffee shop floor. People are trying to get away from the ‘epicenter’ of events, and cafe workers are trying to eliminate the results of the morning ‘catastrophe’ as quickly as possible. Earthquakes occur on a much larger scale, and instead of a coffee stain, a disruption is formed in the earth’s surface, spreading for tens of miles.

The break in the ground surface is the most common cause of horrific consequences, and people often cannot get out of the epicenter of the incident. Seismologists study and predict possible earthquakes, but it is impossible to predict any natural phenomenon in detail. Tracking seismic waves and their properties, especially in areas with a greater likelihood of an earthquake, certainly helps to warn the population and take preventive measures (Bolt). Every year, hundreds of thousands of earthquakes occur worldwide, most of which are minor and not felt by people. However, about 50,000 earthquakes can be detected without the aid of special instruments, and more than 100 of them are strong enough to cause significant harm to people (Bolt para. 2). Moreover, today, earthquakes occur even in those regions that are less prone to them, and the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria confirm this.

The circumstances and the number of victims of this incident are simply shocking. Moreover, neither the people nor the authorities of Turkey and Syria were prepared for such a catastrophe, which led to even more victims and deaths. Imagine another situation, in the evening, you go to bed, preparing for a hard work week because tomorrow is Monday. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, it seems that the house is starting to stagger, and after a few minutes, you find yourself under the rubble of concrete slabs. The worst thing is that this is not a nightmare from which you can wake up but a new reality. That is exactly what happened on the night of February 6 in Turkey.

I was lucky, and I never found myself in the epicenter of an earthquake, and more precisely, I did not find myself in such a strong earthquake that I could feel. However, the news and photos from the scene in Turkey startled me. According to official information from the authorities, “approximately 7,000 buildings in the area have been damaged or destroyed” (Pamuk para. 24). This is approximately 25,000 victims who unknowingly slept in their beds. Moreover, this event was not limited to one region but moved about 60 miles and struck Turkey with another 7.5-magnitude earthquake (Pamuk para. 28). If at night the whole scale of the catastrophe was still not so visible, then in daylight, these events caused shock and chaos.

Any emergency is certainly accompanied by chaos, and this case is no exception. People who managed to escape the earthquake’s epicenter in time “wandered the streets in search of help or food” (Pamuk para. 28). Others looked for their relatives and friends who could remain under the rubble. The consequences of earthquakes are always unpredictable but are always accompanied by destruction and casualties among people. In addition, this natural event destroys infrastructure and communications, leaving the region isolated indefinitely. In southeastern Turkey, the earthquake destroyed water and heating systems, as well as serious problems with mobile communications (Pamuk). The inability to contact their relatives and friends who lived in the destroyed houses leads to even more panic and chaos.

Moreover, some consequences of earthquakes are not so obvious. For example, one of the most common consequences of earthquakes is tsunamis (Bolt para. 23). The wave covering the coastal regions is formed due to underwater earthquakes, which humans may not feel. The most devastating was the tsunami of December 26, 2004, in Indonesia, caused by the movement of tectonic plates on the ocean floor (Bolt para. 24). As a result, the infrastructure of cities was destroyed, but the most terrible consequence was the number of victims among people.

If people in Turkey had known about the impending earthquake, they would probably have gone to safer regions of the country, or at least would have left the city and would not have ended up under the concrete rubble of houses. If citizens and tourists in Indonesia had been warned of the magnitude of the coming tsunami, they might have moved away from the coast. It wouldn’t help protect the infrastructure or keep their homes intact, but it could save thousands of lives.

However, the world around us is unpredictable and impossible to control. Yet this does not mean we cannot reduce the negative effects of natural events. Firstly, when building houses, their location is taken into account. That applies not only to proximity to the city center or the presence of developed infrastructure but also to the seismic safety of the location (Bolt). Secondly, people should know the basic algorithms of behavior during natural events. Moreover, as Turkey’s practice shows, this is necessary not only in regions where earthquakes occur frequently but in all countries. Researchers, of course, are doing a lot to reduce the scale of catastrophes from natural events, but any precautions will be reasonable.

In conclusion, the world is amazing and interesting, but also dangerous and uncontrollable. Storms, floods, earthquakes, and other natural events occur daily and have devastating consequences. The damage they bring to people is impossible to predict, but their negative consequences can be reduced. Basic knowledge and precautions can help save thousands of lives. Even if nature cannot be controlled, it can and should be studied to improve our security.

Works Cited

Bolt, Bruce A. “ Earthquake .” Britannica, Web.

Pamuk, Orhan. “A Girl Trapped Under Fallen Concrete. A Man Unsure of What to Do.” The New York Times, Web.

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1. IvyPanda . "Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences." January 25, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences." January 25, 2024.

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Gujarat Earthquake

Gujarat Earthquake Essay For Students And Children

admin June 25, 2018 Essays in English 7,654 Views

This major earthquake was measured on 6.9 Richter scale. Its epicenter was found to be 20 km away from Bhuj in North East. The State and Center Government help reached to the victims of Gujarat a little later. This earthquake brought an incalculable loss to the people of Gujarat. The people of Bhuj. Anjaar and Bhachau districts of Gujarat were the worst hit. Gujarat virtually changed into a complete picture of destruction. The military and paramilitary came to the rescue of people caught in isolation. Aids came to Gujarat from every part of world. Even Pakistan was not left behind. Aid was given in king rather than cash. An approximation was made with regard to loss of life and property, Rs. 6,000 crore worth of personal property, Rs. 1000 crore worth of public property was ruined. Nearly 3,000 to 10,000 people died, 35,000 injured and 1,00,000 people became nomads. It will take a lot of time to rebuild Gujarat. It is true that a furious nature is very hard to tame.

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Earthquake Essay for Students and Children

 Geography Book

500+ Words Essay on Earthquake

Simply speaking, Earthquake means the shaking of the Earth’s surface. It is a sudden trembling of the surface of the Earth. Earthquakes certainly are a terrible natural disaster. Furthermore, Earthquakes can cause huge damage to life and property. Some Earthquakes are weak in nature and probably go unnoticed. In contrast, some Earthquakes are major and violent. The major Earthquakes are almost always devastating in nature. Most noteworthy, the occurrence of an Earthquake is quite unpredictable. This is what makes them so dangerous.

earthquake essay in gujarati

Types of Earthquake

Tectonic Earthquake: The Earth’s crust comprises of the slab of rocks of uneven shapes. These slab of rocks are tectonic plates. Furthermore, there is energy stored here. This energy causes tectonic plates to push away from each other or towards each other. As time passes, the energy and movement build up pressure between two plates.

Therefore, this enormous pressure causes the fault line to form. Also, the center point of this disturbance is the focus of the Earthquake. Consequently, waves of energy travel from focus to the surface. This results in shaking of the surface.

Volcanic Earthquake: This Earthquake is related to volcanic activity. Above all, the magnitude of such Earthquakes is weak. These Earthquakes are of two types. The first type is Volcano-tectonic earthquake. Here tremors occur due to injection or withdrawal of Magma. In contrast, the second type is Long-period earthquake. Here Earthquake occurs due to the pressure changes among the Earth’s layers.

Collapse Earthquake: These Earthquakes occur in the caverns and mines. Furthermore, these Earthquakes are of weak magnitude. Undergrounds blasts are probably the cause of collapsing of mines. Above all, this collapsing of mines causes seismic waves. Consequently, these seismic waves cause an Earthquake.

Explosive Earthquake: These Earthquakes almost always occur due to the testing of nuclear weapons. When a nuclear weapon detonates, a big blast occurs. This results in the release of a huge amount of energy. This probably results in Earthquakes.

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Effects of Earthquakes

First of all, the shaking of the ground is the most notable effect of the Earthquake. Furthermore, ground rupture also occurs along with shaking. This results in severe damage to infrastructure facilities. The severity of the Earthquake depends upon the magnitude and distance from the epicenter. Also, the local geographical conditions play a role in determining the severity. Ground rupture refers to the visible breaking of the Earth’s surface.

Another significant effect of Earthquake is landslides. Landslides occur due to slope instability. This slope instability happens because of Earthquake.

Earthquakes can cause soil liquefaction. This happens when water-saturated granular material loses its strength. Therefore, it transforms from solid to a liquid. Consequently, rigid structures sink into the liquefied deposits.

Earthquakes can result in fires. This happens because Earthquake damages the electric power and gas lines. Above all, it becomes extremely difficult to stop a fire once it begins.

Earthquakes can also create the infamous Tsunamis. Tsunamis are long-wavelength sea waves. These sea waves are caused by the sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water. This is because of an Earthquake in the ocean. Above all, Tsunamis can travel at a speed of 600-800 kilometers per hour. These tsunamis can cause massive destruction when they hit the sea coast.

In conclusion, an Earthquake is a great and terrifying phenomenon of Earth. It shows the frailty of humans against nature. It is a tremendous occurrence that certainly shocks everyone. Above all, Earthquake lasts only for a few seconds but can cause unimaginable damage.

FAQs on Earthquake

Q1 Why does an explosive Earthquake occurs?

A1 An explosive Earthquake occurs due to the testing of nuclear weapons.

Q2 Why do landslides occur because of Earthquake?

A2 Landslides happen due to slope instability. Most noteworthy, this slope instability is caused by an Earthquake.

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Essay On Gujarat Earthquake

An earthquake happens about 50 times a day. That adds up to about 20,000 earthquakes each year (“11 Facts About Earthquakes”)! Many of these earthquakes are so small that they go unnoticed, but on January 26, 2001, one severe, disastrous earthquake struck the village of Gujarat, India, one of the poorest countries in the world. This earthquake knocked down even some of the toughest buildings that were built to withstand earthquakes. In 2001, the most devastating earthquake to strike Gujarat, India happened on a day of jubilation, caused extensive destruction, and lead to the need of many rescue and relief services to the many towns surrounding it. To start, the earthquake in Gujarat happened on a day that was meant for rejoicing. In subsequent years, there had been many other major disasters across the country such as multiple earthquakes, floods, and cyclones (Bhattacharjee). The earthquake that struck in Gujarat on …show more content…

This colossal event flattened even the toughest and equipped buildings. About half a million people were left without homes (Bhattacharjee). Many basic services such as electricity, water supply, and links to communication were down for extensive amounts of time. Many surrounding villages and towns were affected just as bad such as Bhuj, Bhachau, and Anjar because of their close location to the epicenter of the earthquake (Sapru). Even Bangladesh, which is 1,200 miles away, could felt the earthquake (Pararas-Carayannis). Around 20,000 people were killed and 167,000 people injured(Bhattacharjee). In total, the Indian government calculated that the earthquake affected 15.9 million people (Robinson)! Many children were left as orphans, and a number of students had died as they were participating in Republic Day celebrations at their schools (Sapru). To summarize, the earthquake caused major damage to the buildings in Gujarat, but human life as

Compare And Contrast Burke And San Francisco Earthquake

But people have similar and different views and opinions on this earthquake, and that is seen “Comprehending the Calamity” by Emma Burke and in Fred Hewitt’s “Horrific Wreck of the City”. In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake struck a little after five in the morning. The earthquake, at a magnitude of 7.8, shook and destroyed buildings. At least 250,000 people were homeless, and many camped out in a park. But that wasn't all.

Emma Burke 1906 Analysis

In 1906, an earthquake hit San Francisco, California. More than 3,000 people died. The earthquake that hit San Francisco was one of the largest earthquakes in northern California. It struck the coast of Northern California. "Horrific Wreck of the City" by Fred Hewitt and “Comprehending the Calamity:” by Emma Burke are both about the same thing but the two authors opinion on how this disaster affected people are completely different.

Earthquakes In Juneau Essay

Juneau is in a very unique situation. The city faces multiple geologic processes that could be dangerous. These processes can be very hazardous. Some of the hazards the city faces avalanches, earthquakes, heavy snow, landslides, and tsunamis. Although the city faces regular avalanches and the possibility of landslides the town’s major hazard is earthquakes.

1906 San Francisco Earthquake

In San Francisco on April 18, 1906 at about 5:13 am a HUGE earthquake hit recorded as a 7.7-7.9 . Damaging buildings from left to right. Many poorly structured buildings collapsed causing 500 million dollars in total damage (1906 money) translated to about 8.2 billion dollars today. It was recorded that most buildings immediately caught fire which trapped the victims, about 25,000 buildings were burnt down from the fire, a total of about 490 blocks.

1906 Earthquakes Report

Although the report released by Lawson provided insight about earthquake occurrence, it cannot help scientists and geologists to accurately predict when the next earthquake will occur. However, with advanced monitoring systems and computing power may help in better preparation of future earthquakes. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake brought geologists and scientists together and led to an understanding of earthquakes; how they occur, why they occur and how the world can prevent and manage such disasters in

Comprehending The Calamity By Burke Analysis

The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 7.9. This devastating event killed thousands. It was a normal day, people did not prepare for this, it just happened. Despite a quick response from San Francisco's large military population, the city was devastated. The earthquake and fires killed an estimated 3,000 people and left half of the city's 400,000 residents homeless.

Causes Of The San Francisco Earthquake Of 1906

The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 will never be forgotten of its devastating power and destruction. This earthquake was something never seen before and at the time could only be imagined. It was unexpected and terrifying at the 5:12 am, the first round started, The damage from the earthquake was terrible, only the most powerful force could cause the damage done to the city, and the people. The cost to repair everything was $400,000,000 at the time, which works out to around $8.2 billion today.

1906 Earthquake

Undoubtedly one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history, The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, set the stage for understanding earths forces and how to handle them effectively. San Francisco's transformation into a destroyed city, effective response to wide-spread disaster, and expensive reconstruction were all hurtles for the city to climb back to its previous economic power. Despite these challenges, San Francisco was able to rebuild itself into an even greater and more advanced power. The 1906 earthquake gave way to developments that continue to have a positive effect in today's society.

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Recently, on January 7th 2016, there was an earthquake caused by fracking, in Oklahoma, where earthquakes are rare. This particular quake was a 4.8 on the Richter Scale, which is the highest ever recorded. It occurred in the center of the state, was felt all over. Also, within the past week, there have been more than 20 quakes all over the state. in recent years, since 2011, earthquakes have occurred more and more often.

1906 Fire Essay

It is believed that approximately 3,000 people lost their lives in the fire. Tens of thousands of buildings were destroyed and were piles of rubble throughout the city. They were people’s businesses, homes, places of recreation, and buildings with other uses as well. The total amount of financial loss was estimated to be at approximately more than 500 million dollars in 1906 U.S dollars. The damage sustained would displace roughly half of a million people.

A Comparison Of The San Francisco Earthquake Of 1906

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“Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion…to change the world.” As a leading abolitionist, Harriet Tubman spent her life blazing new paths for freedom. She believed everyone has the potential to change the world. I stand determined change the world by pursuing my dream: lessening the devastation of natural disasters on the Gulf Coast. Witnessing the devastation of hurricanes cultivates my desire to devise strategies for hurricane-resistant structures.

Compare And Contrast Earthquake And Alaska Earthquake

There are a lot of unexpected thing happened to our life. The Valdivia earthquake and Alaskan earthquakes is the most strongest earthquakes that ever happen in the world and this earthquakes are giving both of the two country a very big impact to their population and economy, they also losing a lot of people, housed, money and a huge of the area that earthquakes happened got damage. By the way one of the American author, Thomas Sowell, had said that “All thing are the same except for the differences and different except for the similarities” and that it true however both of them are the top strongest earthquakes but they are some different and similarity between them. Valdivia earthquake and Alaska earthquake are happened in America.

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The earthquake of 2010 was a 7.0 on the Richter Scale. This large earthquake caused the death of 230,000 people. This was due to poor building structure and little warning. There were too many bodies to move and so few people who were capable of moving them (due to injuries) that the bodies would just be piled up on roads and in city squares. As a result of the earthquake, a total of 10,000 children were left orphaned.

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The Tohoku Earthquake was the most powerful earthquake recorded to have hit Japan. The earthquake was a magnitude 9.0 off the coasts of Japan that occurred at 2:46pm on Friday 11 March 2011, which triggered a powerful tsunami that reached the height up to 10.4 meters. A Japanese National Police Agency reported 15,889 deaths, 6,152 injured, and 2,601 people missing, 127,290 buildings totally collapse, 272,788 buildings half collapse, and another 747,989 buildings partially damaged. The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami caused severe structural damage in northeastern Japan, including heavy damage to roads, railways and dams, not to mention fires in many areas. It was the toughest and the most difficult crisis in Japan after the World War 2 leaving

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Dreaming about vacation? Consider a beautiful pair of sunglasses

Two people lay in a field of fake pink flowers.

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What is a dream if not a vacation for the mind? To get lost in a reverie is a momentary respite from the prison of the possible — a chance to experience the impossible for a second. If you can’t change your surroundings, you can at least change your perception of them. Vacations are dreams where you actually can change your surroundings. They’re fantasies of how you might live if you were a different person, with a different life and different priorities. A whirlwind romance, a chance meeting that could change your career prospects, a series of awful wardrobe choices that fortunately none of your friends or colleagues will ever see. It’s all possible on vacation. The greatest luxury of a vacation is the right to reinvent yourself, to see the world differently. And there’s no better way to see the world differently than through a beautiful pair of sunglasses.

Nikola wears Cartier Signature Cs; Kenzo rose fitted shirt in faded pink mesh polyamide; rose turtleneck top in faded pink mesh polyamide; kitten heel in leather covered by faded pink Kenzo rose printed textile.

Nikola wears Cartier Signature Cs; Kenzo rose fitted shirt in faded pink mesh polyamide; rose turtleneck top in faded pink mesh polyamide; kitten heel in leather covered by faded pink Kenzo rose printed textile.

Swap wears wears Cartier Signature Cs; Amiri men's floral beaded sweater vest; men's covered sequin layered shorts; Saint Laurent shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Swap wears wears Cartier Signature Cs; Amiri men’s floral beaded sweater vest; men’s covered sequin layered shorts; Saint Laurent shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

I own at least a dozen pairs, of varying cost and quality — Gucci, l.a. Eyeworks, Persol, Garrett Leight and maybe one or two from the bin at CVS. But if I were to imagine the ideal vacation, I’d wish for these Cartier Signature C sunglasses to fall out of the sky and into my lap. A striking pair of sunglasses recontextualizes your entire face, hiding your eyes and wrapping you in a sense of mystery that otherwise wouldn’t be there on your same old lumpy visage. They also shroud the environment around you in a smoky haze, making everything you see more dramatic.

Gabrielle Ebron and Xochi Chimalli pose in front of a teal backdrop wearing l.a.Eyeworks sunglasses

You haven’t truly made it in L.A. if you’ve never worn glasses from l.a.Eyeworks

To rock a pair of the iconic frames is to immediately signal to people around you that you don’t just want to stand out; you need to.

April 21, 2022

The Cartier Signature Cs are rimless and come in a variety of colors, with my personal pick being the green lenses. So your vacation is going to be kind of green most of the time. But that revision of the natural is what dreams are all about. Real dreams don’t usually take place in normal colors. They’re black and white or red or blue tinted. The gold finish on the temples is what justifies the exorbitant price tag and commands attention. There’s a gentle curve to the bridge at the front of the frames and what almost looks like horseshoes on the hinges that connect the temples to the lenses. In all dreams, there’s a bit of whimsy.

Swap wears Cartier Signature Cs, Lujo Depot X Freak City Suit, Saint Laurent loafers.

Trying on the Signature Cs is an experience unto itself. Cartier’s store is one big fantasy world, filled with objects most people can’t afford but lust after. It’s a favorite of the famous and the would-be famous. Seeing Timothée Chalamet in a Cartier Crash watch recently made me want to sell all my plasma just to afford a knockoff. Tom Cruise wore a pair of Cartier aviators in the latest “Mission: Impossible” film , and Michael Douglas wore a showstopping pair as the loathsome Gordon Gekko in “Wall Street.” Larger-than-life shades for larger-than-life characters. The Cartier store is as lofty as the celebrities that wear their goods, intimidating to a normal human being like me. I tried on the Signature Cs and immediately wanted to take them off. Not only did I not want to break them and be on the hook for more than a grand in product but I also just didn’t feel like I should be wearing them. More so than even the fancier frames I own, this felt like fighting above my weight class. I shuffled out as soon as possible.

Dreamworker Louise Rosager for Image. (aliana mt / For The Times)

This teacher will guide you into talking with your dreams. A warning: They will talk back

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For most, sunglasses are a disposable item — something to lose on a long flight or sit on by accident. My girlfriend has gone through more than a few pairs in the two years we’ve been together. It’s what keeps most people from investing in a pair of luxury sunglasses. They can’t be investment pieces, because they are sure to vanish eventually. This is why I dream about the Signature Cs. I can’t think of anything more luxurious than taking something disposable and elevating it; to be so rich and fancy that something people accidentally drop in a sewer drain or leave in a hotel bathroom while on vacation can cost $1,200.

Nikola wears wears Cartier Signature Cs; Courrèges textured vinyl crop jacket; vinyl re-edition mini-skirt; Ferragamo Shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Nikola wears wears Cartier Signature Cs; Courrèges textured vinyl crop jacket; vinyl re-edition mini-skirt; Ferragamo Shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Swap wears Cartier Signature Cs; Amiri men's floral beaded sweater vest; men's covered sequin layered shortsfrom Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Swap wears Cartier Signature Cs; Amiri men’s floral beaded sweater vest; men’s covered sequin layered shortsfrom Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

In the grand vacation of my dreams, I’m by the pool most of the day. Everyone I meet flashes a smile at me because I’m so interesting. My incredible, rare sunglasses are making people stop and do a double-take, wondering if I’m some kind of celebrity or visiting dignitary. I’m just a regular guy on holiday, but they don’t have to know that. Martinis magically appear in my hand every few minutes, but I’m never sick. For some reason, the rice balls at Capri Club are the only food on offer, but I’m not even in Eagle Rock. Everything I want is there, and everyone wants me there.

an abstract collage of Gucci luggage peaking through a shoji screen door, surrounded by two large hands and green hills

Pack your weekend bags, we’re going on staycation to Panorama City!

Whether you’re commuting across L.A. for a long-distance relationship or a short getaway from home, Gucci luggage is the ideal situation of the intracity adventurer who wishes to stunt.

April 18, 2023

But why is it that we dream in broad daylight? What makes us yearn for something more than what is there in front of us, especially here, in L.A., of all places? For decades, people have been coming to Los Angeles to chase their dreams. As a great woman once said, “ We come to this place for magic .” You hope that in L.A. you will be discovered, respected, elevated and understood. For most, that doesn’t happen, or it does on a much smaller scale than what they imagined. And not everyone’s dreams are the same, of course, though I suppose you could say most of them involve being rich. Even if you don’t explicitly want to be rich, the natural byproduct of success in the entertainment industry.

Swap wears Cartier Signature Cs and Simone Rocha RTW Spring 2024 shirt, pants from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Swap wears Cartier Signature Cs and Simone Rocha RTW Spring 2024 shirt, pants from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Nikola wears Cartier Signature Cs; Givenchy RTW Spring ‘24; Rabanne jupe fringe trim mini-skirt; tweed fringe trim cropped tank top; Bottega Veneta shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Nikola wears Cartier Signature Cs; Givenchy RTW Spring ‘24; Rabanne jupe fringe trim mini-skirt; tweed fringe trim cropped tank top; Bottega Veneta shoes from Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

The reality of life here, the necessity of survival , and the limits of one’s ambition chip away at the dream day by day. Paying your ever-increasing rent, bowing to the whims of trillion-dollar conglomerates that see your work as merely a line on a spreadsheet, and boy, how about that traffic? Eventually, you roll your eyes when people talk about how hard it is to live in L.A., because you’re doing it . It’s not a dream, it’s reality. So, what does one do when they live in the Dream Factory (or, Dream Factory-Adjacent, if you are trying to save money)? They leave.

Vacations are a thing not everyone can afford. Just the act of picking up and escaping the city is itself a luxury. A pair of sunglasses, even modest ones, can connect the wearer to the feeling of being in paradise. That paradise might be Van Nuys, but that’s all connected to perception. How you look at a strip mall or a gas station defines what it is and what it means. Maybe you can’t stand eating the same food or looking at the same faces every day, but have you considered that here, in L.A., you are living a version of the dream that brought you here? Maybe you can’t afford sunglasses that cost $1,200 (you probably can’t), but you can always find a new way to see the world. And that’s actually free.

Nikola Courreges textured vinyl crop jacket; vinyl re-edition mini-skirt; Ferragamo Shoes. From Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills.

Producer: Mere Studios Models: Nikola Bogdanovich, Swap MUA: Carla Perez Hair: Adrian Arredondo Photo assistant: Sadie Spezzano Lighting design: Ethan Benavidez Styling assistant: Izzy Huynh

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earthquake essay in gujarati

Dave Schilling is a contributing writer for Image. He regularly covers style trends and culture in Los Angeles and has written sharp, witty and hilarious criticism about the joys and peculiarities of fashion in Southern California, including an ode to exposed chest hair; an essay on the beauty of cis straight men in skirts; and a feature on how skinny jeans factor into the gentrification of Northeast L.A. His work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Guardian, New York Magazine and GQ.

earthquake essay in gujarati

Keyla Marquez is the fashion director at large for Image. Since working with the magazine, she has styled and fashion-directed some of Image’s most inventive, high-impact shoots, including a feature that recreated the “Homies” figurines in real life and a collaboration with Sister Kokoro that dressed the L.A. Dance Project troupe in L.A. designers. A native of Los Angeles, Marquez is also a costume designer and creative consultant.

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A person stands on a road that is covered with a large mound of dirt and rocks because of a landslide.

The Taiwan Earthquake’s Aftermath

A road in Taroko National Park was closed because of a landslide in Hualien, Taiwan, on Thursday. Credit... Lam Yik Fei for The New York Times

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By The New York Times

  • Published April 3, 2024 Updated April 7, 2024

A powerful earthquake of at least 7.4 magnitude struck Taiwan shortly before 8 a.m. on Wednesday.

The quake, the strongest to strike Taiwan in a quarter century, caused buildings in Taipei, the capital, to shake for a minute or more. In Hualien County , on the east coast and close to the epicenter, dozens of buildings were damaged, officials said. At least nine deaths and more than 1,000 injuries were reported. As of Thursday, 93 people were stranded in Hualien County, including dozens of cement factory workers in two rock quarries, according to officials.

Tremors were reported in mainland China, as far away as Hangzhou, Xiamen and Shanghai, and officials warned of more potentially strong aftershocks in the coming days.

Here are photos from the aftermath of the earthquake.

A rescue team preparing a search-and-rescue operation in Taroko National Park.

A crying woman hugs a relative who was rescued after being stranded in Taroko National Park.

A school track was used for tents for people evacuated from the earthquake area.

A road that was damaged in a landslide.

Evacuees in temporary shelters in an elementary school gymnasium.

A rescue team preparing to search Taroko National Park.

A search and rescue team in front of a building in the city of Hualien.

A search-and-rescue team trying to help a trapped person.

A search-and-rescue team moving a body.

A landslide caused by the earthquake on Wednesday.

Emergency workers assisting a survivor after he was rescued from a damaged building on Wednesday.

Students evacuated to a school courtyard after the earthquake.

New Taipei City

A damaged apartment after the earthquake on Wednesday.

Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan

People on a hotel rooftop watched the horizon as a tsunami warning was in effect from the earthquake in Taiwan on Wednesday.

Xindian district, New Taipei City

Damaged buildings on Wednesday.

A search and rescue team preparing to enter a damaged building.

A man surveying damage to collapsed brick wall in a house after the earthquake.

Residents rescuing a child from a partially collapsed building on Tuesday.

Passengers in line to board a train. Some train services were suspended in the aftermath of the earthquake.

People on rooftops watched the news as a tsunami warning was in effect from the earthquake in Taiwan on Wednesday.

Xiulin, Hualien

A landslide after an earthquake hit just off the eastern coast of Taiwan.

A barricade erected around debris in the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall compound.

An earlier version of this article inaccurately described the level of destruction caused to buildings by the earthquake. Dozens of buildings were damaged, but dozens did not collapse.

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earthquake essay in gujarati


  1. (PDF) Gujarat Earthquake: As it happened

    earthquake essay in gujarati

  2. Earthquake Geography in Gujarati

    earthquake essay in gujarati

  3. Earthquake essay in gujarati

    earthquake essay in gujarati

  4. ભૂકંપની સંહારલીલા અથવા ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ Earthquake Essay in Gujarati

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  5. The Aftermath of an Earthquake in Kathmandu Free Essay Example

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  6. How To Write Essay In Gujarati

    earthquake essay in gujarati


  1. Earthquake Essay In Bangla l ভূমিকম্প বাংলা রচনা l

  2. Japan Earthquake : જાપાનમાં ભૂકંપે ભયાનક તબાહી મચાવી, હજારો ઘરને અસર, લાખો લોકો રસ્તા પર

  3. ૨૬મી જાન્યુઆરી ગુજરાતી નિબંધ |ગુજરાતી નિબંધ લેખન

  4. India: Gujarat (2001)

  5. भूकंप : एक प्राकृतिक आपदा पर हिंदी में निबंध लिखिए

  6. Essay on Earthquake Precursors: Studies and Monitoring/Paragraph on Earthquake Precursors: Studies


  1. ધરતીકંપ- એક કુદરતી આફત/ ભૂકંપની સંહારલીલા/ ભૂકંપ-કુદરતસર્જિત આપત્તિ

    જ્યારે યુદ્ધ,રમખાણ, પ્રદૂષણ, વાહન-અકસ્માત વગેરે માનવસર્જિત આપત્તિઓ છે. - Earthquake Essay in Gujarati

  2. ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી

    Earthquaka Essay in Gujarati PDF Download. ... Earthquake Essay in Gujarati શું તમે ગુજરાતીમાં ભૂકંપ વિશે નિબંધ શોધી રહ્યાં છો ? તો તમે બિલકુલ સાચા સ્થાને આવ્યા છો!

  3. ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં

    Gujarati . हिन्दी বাংলা ગુજરાતી ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം मराठी தமிழ் తెలుగు اردو ਪੰਜਾਬੀ . Essay on Earthquake

  4. 2001 Gujarat earthquake

    The 2001 Gujarat earthquake, also known as the Bhuj earthquake, occurred on 26 January at 08:46 am IST.The epicentre was about 9 km south-southwest of the village of Chobari in Bhachau Taluka of Kutch (Kachchh) District of Gujarat, India.. The intraplate earthquake measured 7.6 on the moment magnitude scale and occurred at 17.4 km (10.8 mi) depth. It had a maximum felt intensity of X (Extreme ...

  5. Essay on Gujarat Earthquake

    Essay on Gujarat Earthquake. A massive earthquake struck Gujarat on January 26, 2001, India's fifty-first republic day. The border district of Kachchh, which bore the brunt of the fury, was almost completely destroyed, with the urban areas of Bhuj (the district headquarters), Anjar, Bhachau and Rapar suffering the maximum devastation.

  6. Essay on Earthquake-2022

    October 25, 2023 by admin. ધરતીકંપ પર 500+ શબ્દોનો નિબંધ. Essay on Earthquake ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ : ધરતીકંપ પર નિબંધ: સાદી ભાષામાં કહીએ તો, ધરતીકંપનો અર્થ થાય છે ...

  7. An Essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake for Children, Students and Kids

    Important Note: This essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake is written for knowledge and awareness only. You are not allowed to copy this essay for your personal work. You could translate this essay in Gujarati and Hindi languages with the help of online translation tool. Article Title: An Essay on 2001 Gujarat Earthquake for Children, Students and Kids

  8. Gujarat Earthquake

    Kirtan Patel. McNally. December 9, 2014. 2001 Gujarat Earthquake. On the morning of January 26, 2001, just when India was celebrating her 51st. Republic Day, an earthquake of 6.9 intensity on the Richter scale with epicentre 20 km northeast of Bhuj hit the western state of Gujarat ., Bhuj is the headquarters of the district of. Kutch.

  9. 573 words short essay on earthquake in Gujarat

    573 words short essay on earthquake in Gujarat. An Earthquake is a natural phenomenon and a calamity par excellence. Scientists believe that when the lava in the depths of the earth moves from one place to another, or twists, it causes the earth to shake, and we call it an earthquake. This movement can be mild and absolutely harmless and ...

  10. Earthquake in Gujarat

    Sample Essay on the earthquake in Gujarat of six hundred words for school and college students. India was celebrating her 52nd Republic Day on January 26, 2001, all of a sudden, the world collapsed on and around in Bhuj, Ahemedabad, Jamnagar and other cities and towns in Gujarat, as the earth shook for two minutes […]

  11. Essay on Earthquake in Gujarat 2001

    Essay on Earthquake in Gujarat 2001. Essay on Earthquake in Gujarat 2001: On 26th January 2001, 8.45 am, when everyone was celebrating Republic Day, Gujarat was being hit by an earthquake.An earthquake which, destroyed everything within a few seconds.. This earthquake was measured at 6.9 on the Richter scale. Its-epicenter was found to be 20 km away from Bhuj in North-East.

  12. 1290 Words Essay on Gujarat Earthquake

    1290 Words Essay on Gujarat Earthquake. When the whole country was busy with Republic Day celebration on January 26, 2001, Gujarat experienced a devastating earthquake that took life of more than 15, 0000 people and injured 3 lakhs or more as rescuers struggled hard to reach thousands of trapped survivors. Nearly 390 school children were among ...

  13. Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences Essay

    For example, one of the most common consequences of earthquakes is tsunamis (Bolt para. 23). The wave covering the coastal regions is formed due to underwater earthquakes, which humans may not feel. The most devastating was the tsunami of December 26, 2004, in Indonesia, caused by the movement of tectonic plates on the ocean floor (Bolt para. 24).

  14. Gujarat Earthquake Essay For Students And Children

    admin June 25, 2018 Essays in English 7,624 Views. On 26 January, 2001 when everybody in India was celebrating Republic Day at 8.45 a.m. Gujarat was hit by an earthquake. An earthquake which left nothing in Anjaar, Bhuj and Bhachau cities of Gujarat. Within few seconds Gujarat was destructed. Bhuj was 500 years old.

  15. Earthquake Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Earthquake. Simply speaking, Earthquake means the shaking of the Earth's surface. It is a sudden trembling of the surface of the Earth. Earthquakes certainly are a terrible natural disaster. Furthermore, Earthquakes can cause huge damage to life and property.

  16. Essay On Gujarat Earthquake

    Write An Essay About The Tohoku Earthquake 1009 Words | 5 Pages. The Tohoku Earthquake was the most powerful earthquake recorded to have hit Japan. The earthquake was a magnitude 9.0 off the coasts of Japan that occurred at 2:46pm on Friday 11 March 2011, which triggered a powerful tsunami that reached the height up to 10.4 meters.

  17. Mount Ruang Volcano Erupts in Indonesia, Forcing Hundreds to Evacuate

    Hundreds of earthquakes were detected in the weeks preceding the eruption of the volcano in North Sulawesi province. Hundreds of people were evacuated. By Christine Hauser Mount Ruang, a volcano ...

  18. Earthquake Essay In Gujarati

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  19. What We Know About the Earthquake in Taiwan

    April 3, 2024. Leer en español. A powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake that rocked Taiwan during the morning commute on Wednesday was the strongest quake to hit the island in 25 years. It initially ...

  20. How an Earthquake Can Throw the Body and Brain Off-Balance

    April 5, 2024. Earthquakes are always unnerving. But for some, the aftershocks can go on beyond the actual tremors: People can experience anxiety, sleep problems and other health issues in the ...

  21. A mysterious photographer of the Civil War, under a new microscope

    Double Exposure: Resurveying the West with Timothy O'Sullivan, America's Most Mysterious War Photographer. By Robert Sullivan. Farrar, Straus and Giroux: 448 pages, $32. If you buy books linked on ...

  22. Dreaming about vacation? Consider a beautiful pair of sunglasses

    A striking pair of sunglasses recontextualizes your entire face, hiding your eyes and wrapping you in a sense of mystery that otherwise wouldn't be there on your same old lumpy visage. They also ...

  23. Veteran NPR editor resigns after accusing network of liberal bias

    April 17 (UPI) -- National Public Radio editor Uri Berliner, who accused the network of liberal bias in a scathing article published last week in The Free Press, has resigned. The veteran editor's ...

  24. Strong Taiwan Quake Kills 9, Injures Hundreds

    The earthquake, with an epicenter off Taiwan's east coast, struck during the morning commute, shortly before 8 a.m. Taiwanese authorities said by 3 p.m., more than 100 aftershocks, many of them ...

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  29. The Taiwan Earthquake's Aftermath

    Lam Yik Fei for The New York Times. A powerful earthquake of at least 7.4 magnitude struck Taiwan shortly before 8 a.m. on Wednesday. The quake, the strongest to strike Taiwan in a quarter century ...

  30. Earthquake Essay In Gujarati

    Earthquake Essay In Gujarati - REVIEWS HIRE. 100% Success rate 347 . Customer Reviews. Words to pages; Pages to words; Show More. Harry. 4.9/5. Earthquake Essay In Gujarati ... Earthquake Essay In Gujarati, Essay Of The Aim Of My Life In 200 Words, 1000 Words Essay On Environmental Pollution, Lesson 7 Homework Practice Area Of Triangles Answer ...