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GCSE: Blood Brothers

  • English Literature
  • Willy Russell
  • Blood Brothers

"And do we blame superstition for what came to pass? Or could it be what we, the English, have came to know as class?" Which do you think is more responsible for the deaths of Mickey and Edward in Willy Russell's Blood Brothers.

"And do we blame superstition for what came to pass? Or could it be what we, the English, have came to know as class?" Which do you think is more responsible for the deaths of Mickey and Edward in Willy Russell's Blood Brothers.

Sam Plackett "And do we blame superstition for what came to pass? Or could it be what we, the English, have came to know as class?" Which do you think is more responsible for the deaths of Mickey and Edward? Blood Brothers is a play set in Liverpool, Willy Russell wrote it in 1983. Willy Russell has wrote plays based in Liverpool because this is where he was brought up as a kid in a working class family, Blood Brothers relates to this and aspects of class that he would have experienced when he lived there. Willy Russell grew up just outside Liverpool, he left school when he was only 15 to become a hairdresser, it was in his early twenties when he decided to go back to school and take his O levels. His plays were about everyday circumstances and his portrayal of life then. In this essay I intend to find out the reason for Mickey and Edward's deaths, whether it was superstition or class, I will evaluate both of the possible causes and how they are used within the play, then I will have to make a conclusion to which side of the argument proves to be the correct one. The main sources of superstition revolve around Mrs Johnstone because she is the character who believes that when certain things happen consequences will unfold due to this. Willy Russell points these superstitious events out to the audience, by using one of the characters to mention this or a song will be used

  • Word count: 2330
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English

"Blood Brothers" is set in Liverpool in the early eighties.

"Blood Brothers" is set in Liverpool in the early eighties.

"Blood Brothers" is set in Liverpool in the early eighties. The play follows the life of two main characters: Eddie Lyons and Mickey Johnstone. The play has proved extremely popular with audiences of all ages. In this essay I aim to consider all the dramatic qualities of the play and how Willy Russell uses them to promote the dramatic effectiveness of the play. In "Blood Brothers" the characters fall into two stereotypical groups: the working class Johnstones and their associates, and the middle class Lyons. It seems ironic that although the Johnstone family live on the breadline they start off cheerfully, compared to the Lyons who never seem content. This makes the audience what is wrong in the lives of both families and created dramatic tension. The main characters, Eddie and Mickey are people that we can relate to: we feel pathos with them as they face the trials and tribulations of life. Russell uses pathos to involve the audience so they feel pity when Mickey loses his job, fear at the end of the play when the shooting scene takes place, and experience childhood joy when Eddie and Mickey share jokes. Humour, in its various forms, plays a large part in æBlood BrothersÆ. It keeps the audience interested and balances out the conflict and sadness in the play. Throughout the play we experience different types of humour such as the use of a pun when Mickey and Eddie are

  • Word count: 892

"Blood Brothers", a play by Willy Russell, was set in the late sixties/early seventies and was written in 1981

"Blood Brothers", a play by Willy Russell, was set in the late sixties/early seventies and was written in 1981

DRAFT COPY OF BLOOD BROTHERS ESSAY "Blood Brothers", a play by Willy Russell, was set in the late sixties/early seventies and was written in 1981. It is a Liverpudlian West Side Story about twin brothers being separated at birth because their mother cannot afford to keep them. She gives one of them away to a wealthy woman who longs for a child. The two children grow up as friends in very different environments, not bothered about the old tale about a curse that states that if twins are separated at birth, they will die if brought back together during their lives. But a quarrel between the two boys soon brings trouble. Russell uses the play, including the scene that I am going to be focusing on, to put across views about 20th century society and to show the importance of class and life in Liverpool in the late sixties and early seventies. He also highlights the importance of environment and the way society, at the time, regarded single mothers. Single mothers were thought of as lower class characters that have many children born of different fathers. At the time that "Blood Brothers" was set, politics would've been really bad. The government probably wouldn't have cared or been bothered about the poor living conditions that some of the weaker families were living in. This would've had a large effect on those weaker families, such as the Johnstones, because of lack of money

  • Word count: 1713

Blood Brothers

> "Well how come you got everything...and I got nothing". This quote by Mickey highlights the relationship between class and opportunity which is what this essay is going to be focusing on. Willy Russell is a modern playwright but throughout history these themes have appeared in literature, for example world war one often revels the fact that men of a more lower class were sent to the front line whereas men from a wealthy class made all the decisions. The playwright uses a number of techniques to make the message accessible to the audience. Some of these include dramatic devices, language and the overall content of the play. The relationship between class and opportunity is that the opportunities you receive is based upon the class you are represented by. > Blood Brothers is a powerful illustration of how divisions in social class can affect the opportunity an individual has in life. It is a tragic musical written by the fantastic writer Willy Russell. Mrs Johnstone, a lonely woman whose husband has abandoned her and a houseful of mouths to feed, learns she is expecting AGAIN, however what she doesn't learn till later on is that she is having twins which adds to the life problems that her life comes to struggle with. She works for Mrs Lyons who is desperate for kid s but isn't able to have any her self, when she finds out about Mrs Johnstone's pregnancy she uses it to her

  • Word count: 815

Blood Brothers interview with Willy Russell

Blood Brothers interview with Willy Russell

Mr. Russell, welcome to our program, Writers' Question Time. Could you briefly tell us what your play is about? Thank you for inviting me to the show. "Blood Brothers" is about the story of twin brothers separated at birth. The twins' working-class mother - Mrs. Johnston - is too poor to keep both twins, so gives one to her very rich employer Mrs. Lyons, who cannot have children of her own. Mrs. Johnston is extremely superstitious, and Mrs. Lyons discovers this early on when Mrs. Johnston finds shoes on the table. Mrs. Lyons takes advantage of this, and tells Mrs. Johnston 'that if either twin learns he was one of a pair they shall both die immediately!' Until the twins are about eight years of age, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Johnston have no problem keeping their secret shut away. They then find that the twins have met, and have become very good friends without realising they are related to each other. Mrs. Lyons persuades her husband to move the family away from the city to the countryside. Later in the play, Mrs. Johnston and her children get moved from the slums, closer to the house of Mrs Lyons. As the twins discover each other once again, Mrs. Lyons' mental health begins to deteriorate, and paranoia starts to kick in. With Mrs. Johnston, anxious as ever that her secret will slip out, the general mood of the play becomes more sinister, and the ending is tragic. Mr. Russell,

  • Word count: 2740

Who is to blame for the tragic deaths of the twins in Willy Russell's 'Blood Brothers'?

Who is to blame for the tragic deaths of the twins in Willy Russell's 'Blood Brothers'?

Who is to blame for the tragic deaths of the twins in Willy Russell's 'Blood Brothers'? Blood Brothers, a story of twins separated at birth, growing up in completely different environments, but with the same genetic composition, "never knowing that they shared one name, 'till the day they died, when a mother cried, my own dear sons lie slain", is a compelling story of which we will discuss in detail, of who is to blame for their tragic deaths. There are many character in 'Blood Brothers', which can be blamed for the tragic deaths; Mrs.Lyons, the rich, devious woman, Mrs.Johnstone, the under-privileged mother of eight, Sammy, Mickey's brother and his influence, and even superstition and fate. First of all, we will discuss the case of Mrs.Lyons, a vindictive, manipulative woman who has a caring side to her, for the desperation of the love for a child. Indeed she did start all of this deception, by offering to take one of Mrs. Johnstone's baby's and lying to Mrs.Johnstone that she could see her child everyday. She also lied to her husband that the child was theirs and not an adopted baby (as Mr.Lyons hated the fact of adopting children). Mrs.Lyons decided to take it upon herself to have the child as her own, "He need never guess" was her response to Mrs.Johnstone, about the deceit...could this be the story of the twins' deaths; being cruelly separated at birth by Mrs.Lyons, not

  • Word count: 2139

The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers

The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers

The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers The narrator's role in 'Blood Brothers' is quite unusual. The convention of the narrator in most plays is such that they are usually brought on to introduce the next part of the play and then move offstage and the play continues. However, in Blood Brothers the narrator is a physical character and is on stage all of the time. At the beginning of the play the narrator says, "So did y' hear the story of the Johnstone twins?" This indicates that he is the storyteller. His presence at every scene thereafter shows that he is telling us about that part of the story. The narrator is on stage all the time, watching the characters and often lurking in the background, and this makes him seem a sinister and threatening character, which contrasts with other plays where the narrator is usually neutral. Also, as the narrator already knows the end of the story and is telling it back to the audience he can also suggest what is going to happen in the future which has a disquieting effect. Although the narrator knows what is eventually going to happen he doesn't try and prevent it in any way and even seems to be pushing the characters into performing their actions. The narrator speaks in rhyming couplets, which is akin to the supernatural characters used by Shakespeare; this would link with his prophetic knowledge and his cold presence around

  • Word count: 1225

Blood Brothers - The Narrator

Blood Brothers - The Narrator

To what extent do you think the Narrator is presented as a moral guardian or a figure of doom in the play? Give reasons for your opinions. Throughout the play of Blood Brothers I think that the Narrator is presented as a moral guardian. It could be argued that he is a figure of doom because of his actions, but I disagree with this statement because I see him in a different light and I feel that Willy Russell wants his audience to look beyond his actions and see the positive reasons why he delivers bad news. I believe that the Narrator makes his actions obvious and that Willy Russell has made sure that his audience see him as evil straight away because of he says and does. But I think that Willy Russell is hoping that his audience look deeper and don't judge him based on his outward thoughts and sayings. I feel that there is something hidden underneath all the bad forebodings which he gives. There is something else to him and I think this is why I can see him as a moral guardian. From the opening of Act one he sets the scene. 'He steps forward and starts to recite the prologue to his audience. In this soliloquy he tells 'the story of the Johnstone one was kept and one was given away...never knowing that they shared one name, till the day they died.' This soliloquy is very effective in the fact that it allows the Narrator to prepare the audience for the

  • Word count: 2281

What is the importance of the narrator in blood brothers?

What is the importance of the narrator in blood brothers?

What is the importance of the narrator in Blood Brothers? One of the most compulsory characters in Willy Russell's 1983 play Blood Brothers is the narrator. He is the main dramatic device and is critical for the audience. He makes the plot constantly flow and explains loose ends throughout the story. As well as being the narrator he plays various minor roles. He sings many songs, which show characters' emotions, and introduce and develop important themes. The narrator's main focus is to explain the story and what's happening. After long sections of speech he will briefly explain what's just happened, in case the actions don't make it clear. He also makes sure you fully understand the story. One example is just after Mickey shoots someone. The gun goes off and straight after the narrator says, "There's a man lies bleeding on a garage floor." This explains someone has just been shot and because you don't see it, you might not have known it had happened without him. He appears to be very omniscient by dropping hints about things that are going to happen in the future. This is one of the many devices he uses, to reveal the plot. The narrator plays many small roles in Blood Brothers as well as being the main character. Some examples are the milkman, Mrs Johnstone's ex husband, the policeman, the gynaecologist and the judge. All of these roles seem to bring negativity and bad

  • Word count: 938

The German Job

The German Job

The German Job By Tom Prendergast I could tell he was aiming bottom left. I just knew by the way he was standing nervously, waiting for the whistle. Putting the shiny white ball on the perfectly marked spot, stepping slowly back, lining up the crucial shot. Everyone silent. Ten other players hoping their schoolboy dreams would come true. Seventy six thousand fans from around the world packed into the Olympiastadion Berlin waiting anxiously for one single kick. Tens of millions watching carefully from houses, pubs and streets and then there was us, ten rows up, right behind the goal with a perfect view of the fear in the taker's eyes, ready to jump up in joy or drop in despair and after coming all this way we needed something special. All that long, hard labour, all of those brainless, dangerous risks and the bits of luck we had along the way, but to get so close to our dream only to be crushed and by the worst possible team, but........... wait, I better tell you how we got here first. My name is Jonathan Francis, also know as John, Jono, Frankie, Francy, Franny, King Kong - don't ask, but most people call me Johnny. I've always had this dream, since I was little enough to kick a ball, to go to a World Cup Final and see England win against the Germans in the final - for obvious reasons, but I always knew that it wasn't going to be very likely with it always being

  • Word count: 2727
  • Fewer than 1000 73
  • 1000-1999 112
  • 2000-2999 39

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  • 1 or more reviews 4

edward essay blood brothers

Blood Brothers

Willy russell, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions, linda quotes in blood brothers.

Class and Money Theme Icon

But you know that if you cross your fingers And if you count from one to ten You can get up off the ground again It doesn’t matter The whole thing’s just a game.

Coming of Age Theme Icon

What…Linda…Linda…Don’t…Linda, I wanna kiss y’, an’ put me arms around y’ an’ kiss y’ and kiss y’ an even fornicate with y’ but I don’t know how to tell y’ because I’ve got pimples an’ me feet are too big an’ me bum sticks out an’…

edward essay blood brothers

And who’d dare tell the lambs in Spring, What fate the later seasons bring. Who’d tell the girl in the middle of the pair The price she’ll pay just for being there.

Superstition and Fate Theme Icon

EDWARD: If I was him, if I was him That’s what I’d do. But I’m not saying a word I’m not saying I care Though I would like you to know That I’ not saying a word I’m not saying I care Though I would like you to know. But I’m not. LINDA: What? EDWARD: Mickey.

Nature vs. Nurture Theme Icon

I didn’t sort anythin’ out Linda. Not a job, not a house, nothin’. It used to be just sweets an’ ciggies he gave me, because I had none of me own. Now it’s a job and a house. I’m not stupid, Linda. You sorted it out. You an’ Councilor Eddie Lyons.

Class and Money Theme Icon


  1. Sample Answers

    Mickey's resentment builds when he learns that Edward has taken the 'one thing left in my life': Linda. However it is Mrs Johnstone's revelation that they are twins which finally drives Mickey's resentment to its peak: 'I could have been him!'. Despite this jealousy of Edward, and the shooting that follows, Mickey tells Edward ...

  2. Characters

    The main characters in Blood Brothers are Mickey Johnstone and Edward Lyons, and their mothers, Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons. Learn about the complicated and difficult lives they lead. Part of ...

  3. Edward Character Analysis in Blood Brothers

    Edward Character Analysis. Like his twin brother Mickey, Edward is a sincere, honest, and good-natured boy. Despite having grown up in the lap of luxury with the high-strung and snobbish Mrs. Lyons, he is not entitled or arrogant. Indeed, his sheltered upbringing has made him more innocent and trusting than his lower-class twin.

  4. Blood Brothers

    The Blood Brothers essay is worth 34 marks in total, because it also includes 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar ... Edward; Linda; It is always vital to remember - when considering Blood Brothers, or any text - that characters are deliberate constructions created by a playwright for a purpose. These characters often represent ideas ...

  5. Blood Brothers: Themes

    The boys, without knowing their kinship, become blood brothers, suggesting an innate connection between them. They refuse to stay apart despite being instructed to, highlighting their bond. When the boys are teenagers they are both rebellious at school, suggesting their similar nature.

  6. Blood Brothers Act 1 Summary & Analysis

    Themes and Colors Key. Summary. Analysis. As Act One opens, Mrs. Johnstone laments in song, begging the narrator and audience to "tell me it's not true.". The Narrator, meanwhile, introduces the audience to the story of the Johnstone brothers, twins separated at birth, who found out the story of their origins only moments before they died.

  7. Blood Brothers Study Guide

    Full Title: Blood Brothers; When Written: 1982 Where Written: Liverpool, UK Literary Period: 20th century musical Genre: Musical Setting: Liverpool, UK Climax: Mrs. Johnstone reveals to Mickey and Edward that they are twin brothers Antagonist: The English class system, as represented by the unstable and snobbish Mrs. Lyons

  8. Edward Edward's role in the play Blood Brothers (Grades 9-1)

    Edward's role in the play. Edward is the twin whom Mrs Johnstone gives to Mrs Lyons. In the play he: meets Mickey in the street when they are both seven and becomes his blood brother. is told by Mrs Lyons not to see Mickey again. is given a locket by Mrs Johnstone when he moves away. is suspended from school when he is fourteen.

  9. Sample Answers

    They decide that, because they share a birthday, they will seal their friendship by becoming blood brothers. Neither of them realises that they are in fact twins, separated at birth. Mickey is even prepared to stand up to his older brother Sammy when he calls Edward a 'poshy'. Mickey says that Edward is his 'best friend', showing that ...

  10. Blood Brothers

    There are many character in 'Blood Brothers', which can be blamed for the tragic deaths; Mrs.Lyons, the rich, devious woman, Mrs.Johnstone, the under-privileged mother of eight, Sammy, Mickey's brother and his influence, and even superstition and fate. First of all, we will discuss the case of Mrs.Lyons, a vindictive, manipulative woman who has ...

  11. Themes

    A theme is an idea that runs throughout a text. In Blood Brothers, the themes of social class and inequality, superstition and fate, and violence are explored. Part of English Literature Blood ...

  12. Sample question

    Sample question - Blood Brothers; Essay-writing tips: Planning an answer; Essay-writing tips: Is Edward admirable? Essay-writing tips: Question B; Essay-writing tips: Events in the extract


    In a way, they both want to be like each other, but for very different reasons. While Eddie wants everything Mickey has, that money can't buy, Mickey on the other hand wants the material aspects of Eddie's life. Class differences: Work on contrast between Eddie's schooling & Micky's. 1. Mickey and Edward are twins.

  14. Blood Brothers: Characters

    Edward. Edward, the twin who grows up as Mr and Mrs Lyons' son, represents a boy with a middle class upbringing, acting as a foil character for Mickey. He is presented as innocent, finding Mickey's rough ways amusing. Despite his trouble at school and with the law, he is offered a second chance, unlike Mickey.

  15. Nature vs. Nurture Theme in Blood Brothers

    The differences between the two boys are rooted in the fact that Mickey grew up in a rough and tumble neighborhood, while Edward came of age in the lap of luxury. At the same time, however, the boys feel a kinship with each other, calling themselves "blood brothers" years before they know they are in fact related.


    4 Teenagers. Mickey "If I was like him I'd know all the right words" "Naked knockers with nipples…" "She's a fuckin' head case." "she even says she loves me all over the place, but it's just like dead difficult" Edward "His hair's dark and wavy, mine's mousey to fair" "Tennis with tits.

  17. Blood Brothers: Context

    Context should inform but never dominate your reading of the play. Any comments on contextual factors must always be linked to the ideas in the play. When exploring the context in which Blood Brothers was written, you should consider: The contexts in which the text is set. The contexts in which the text is received. Its literary context (genre)

  18. PDF Blood Brothers

    Edward Mickey's twin. He is articulate, polite and well mannered. He is educated, wealthy and becomes a Councillor. He too loves Linda. Linda Mickey's wife and childhood friend. Also friends with Edward. Has daughter "Sarah" with Mickey and supports him through his depression but is also drawn romantically to Edward. Mr Lyons Married to ...

  19. Themes Friendship and brotherhood Blood Brothers (Grades 9-1)

    Theme tracker. Friendship and brotherhood. Act One, pp. 27-30: Mickey and Edward become best friends and blood brothers. Act Two, pp. 83-7: On the day before Edward goes to university, he sings about telling Linda he loves her, which he denies, then persuades Mickey to finally express his feelings for her.

  20. Blood Brothers (Grades 9-1) York Notes

    Summary. Mickey desperately roams the town, not sure what he is looking for or why, while Mrs Johnstone tries to catch up with him. Mrs Johnstone goes to tell Linda what Mickey is doing, and hurries with her to the Town Hall where Edward is giving a speech. Mickey appears with the gun trained on Edward. He says that Linda was the one thing he ...

  21. Spring Commencement 2024

    Join us for this afternoon's commencement exercises for our graduating class of 2024. #ForeverToThee24

  22. Blood Brothers: Key Quotations

    Social class. The musical, Blood Brothers, explores the influence of social class on an individual's ability to determine their own future. The play presents the twins' tragic lives from birth to death, presenting the influences of both privilege and discrimination on the families' emotional and physical well-being.

  23. Contexts Education and careers Blood Brothers (Grades 9-1)

    The average boarding school fees in the 1960s would have been approximately 25 per cent of the average wage and were therefore only affordable for those earning considerably more than the average. v PREVIOUS. NEXT u. Online study guide for Blood Brothers (Grades 9-1), Themes, Contexts and Settings Education and careers.

  24. Linda Character Analysis in Blood Brothers

    Linda Character Analysis. Linda begins the musical as a tomboyish young girl, but quickly morphs into an object of desire for both of the twin brothers. At the beginning of her adolescence, she only has eyes for Mickey, even telling him she loves him long before their first kiss. After years of poverty (and Mickey's imprisonment), however ...