Essay on Games

Games are an essential part of everyone’s childhood. Games are a fun way to keep kids entertained. They provide an interactive and engaging way to learn something new while considering themselves and others. They give children a break from daily study routines. Playing games improves kids’ immunity and helps them stay strong. BYJU’S essay on games allows the little ones to understand the difference between indoor and outdoor games and the importance of playing games.

Essay on Games

Table of Contents

Indoor games, outdoor games, importance of playing games.

The essay on games is an article that explains why playing indoor games is vital for the development of kids in their early years. Indoor games are essential for kids who spend a lot of time indoors. There are many benefits to playing these games, like improving a child’s vision and developing memory skills. These skills help them in academics. While playing indoor games, kids can have a friendly competition.

The importance of indoor games is something that many people have probably not thought about. Indoor games can teach children how to move a coin, improve coordination, and use their imaginations. Examples of indoor games are carrom board, table tennis, chess, scrabble, charades, paper games, ludo, etc.

Outdoor games are essential to children’s health and development. Children who play outdoors experience nature, which is good for their physical, social, and mental health. Outdoor games are a fun way to get out of the house, meet new people, and take an opportunity to bond with new friends.

The little ones need to engage in physical activities to stay healthy. They help children develop problem-solving, teamwork, communication, cooperation, flexibility, and physical activity skills. Outdoor activities can be more beneficial than indoor activities because they provide more exposure to sunlight. Examples of outdoor games are kabaddi, cricket, football, kho kho , etc.

Playing games is an excellent way for kids to learn about the world and make new friends. Games improve kids’ learning experience and interest in studies, which helps them score better grades. Experts say playing games has cognitive benefits and can help increase social skills.

When playing games, kids’ brains grow stronger and wiser. Games teach children how to interact with others and think strategically while they are still young and learning new things. They also provide a safe place for kids to learn and explore without fear of judgement. You can also use games to teach your child how to communicate using a game board or cards.

To conclude, games are an essential part of early childhood, and an essay on games helps children understand the value of playing games. When kids soak in the sun while playing, they become strong, improving their vitamin D levels. In addition, playing games keep the kids engaged and entertained. For more kid-friendly activities, stories , GK questions and other games visit, BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Games

What are the benefits of playing indoor games.

Indoor games provide kids with a way to exercise their minds while playing. Solving puzzles or educational games help children learn new skills, strengthen maths skills and improve memory. Research is also being conducted to see how playing indoor board games can improve children’s literacy skills.

Why are outdoor games important for children?

Parents should encourage their children to participate in outdoor games to teach them the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Games like kabaddi, cricket, and hockey are fun ways for children to stay active during the summer. They also help children build their physical strength.

Why is BYJU’S essay on games vital for kids?

BYJU’S essay on games is essential for children because it explains the significance of playing and how games allow them to release stress, have fun, and learn valuable skills.

essay on favourite childhood game

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Short Essay on My Favourite Game [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you are going to learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘My Favourite Game’. In this lesson, I will write three generalised essays on three different games within different word limits.

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favourite game (chess) in 100 words, short essay on my favourite game (hide and seek) in 200 words, short essay on my favourite game (cricket) in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on My Favourite Game

Games immune us physically as well as mentally. Games are important for us because they give us the fitness to stay healthy. If we are physically fit then automatically our brain will function better. I have never received any open playground in my childhood.

So I have grown up playing different indoor games with my parents and siblings. My favourite indoor game is chess. I love to play chess, especially with my father who has taught me all the rules and regulations of that game. The best thing about this game is the use of the brain. Even the easiest step can do checkmate. I have often lost to my father but still, I love to play it again and learn it always. 

Playing outdoors under the open sky is great fun and happiness. It means freedom from studies and the tensions in our lives. Every evening playing outside with my friends gives me lots of pleasure and joy. The best game that I like to play is ‘Hide and seek’.

Many people can play together and so it’s my favourite outdoor game. With many friends, it is great fun to hide in different places and make one search for all of us. Hide and seek involves lots of physical exercises and that enables us to stay fit, even without our knowledge. Also, that search is exciting. The sudden finding of one friend and often using that friend to get others to involve lots of mischiefs. The laughter at the end is worth the most to me.

Today due to the lack of any playground we hardly get a chance to play this game. However, it is still an important part of our memory. As we have grown up over the past years, we have realized how important the simple game was. Today we have smartphones and video games but then only this innocent play every evening meant a lot to us. Also running back home all happy and fresh in mind helped us to concentrate better on our studies. Hide and seek still remains to be more fun for me than just any other outdoor game.

Games are an essential part of human life. It is very important to play games as it helps us to remain healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. All sorts of diseases and pains can be reduced if we regularly play games.

Indoor games help us to immune our brains while outdoor games are important to build our own strong immunity and body. From my early childhood, I have loved to play games, especially outdoor games. My parents have always encouraged me to play games to keep a healthy and fit body. The game that I have played the most and also have seen the most is cricket. It is not only my favourite game but also the ideal one for me.

Cricket is generally a game played by men, but nowadays women equally engage in playing cricket. My inspirations in this game are Sourav Ganguly, Sachin Tendulkar, Jhulan Goswami, and also M.S. Dhoni. I have watched them play several matches and every time I have been inspired to play like them. My father taught me the basics of cricket and later on, I was admitted to a club. From there every morning I go and practice cricket. 

Cricket involves lots of exercise and practice. This game originated mainly in England as a colonial sport and later on spread over several countries. It happened when Britain started colonizing all over the world and the game spread all over as part of their culture. But today it is almost a native sport for the country as well. When I play cricket it does not seem that it was once used by a different country, but now it feels like it is my own. 

Cricket is played with a bat, ball, wicket, stumps, and a proper pitch for a smooth throw of the ball. The team contains 11 players and all need to be equally efficient to be a part of the cricket team. The best part of playing cricket is teamwork. I love to see the captain planning everything and then adjusting it with his or her team.

This constant equation between the team member is my favourite part of the game. Cricket has taught me lots of things. It has only made me physically fit. Cricket has taught me how to collaborate and work as a team. It has successfully built the team. It is always a great company to me than any simple outdoor game.

I have adopted a simplistic approach to writing essays on the topic for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this context, kindly let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such sessions.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Favourite Game’ For Lower Primary Classes 

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Favourite Game’ for Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘my favourite game is cricket’, essay on ‘my favourite game is kabaddi’, essay on ‘my favourite game is hockey’.

  • Essay On ‘My Favourite is Game is Ludo’

Essay on ‘My Favourite Game is Volleyball’

Short essay on ‘my favourite game is carrom’, essay on ‘my favorite sport is football’, long essay on ‘my favourite game is badminton’, what will your child learn by writing an essay on ‘my favourite game’.

If there’s one thing all children absolutely love, it is playing games. Be it an outdoor sport or an indoor game, children love their playtime. It is the time of day when they take a break from school, homework and other chores at home to have a good time. They get together with their friends and siblings, and enjoy activities that they all like. ‘My Favourite Game’ is an exciting topic for an essay for children of lower primary classes. They will be full of ideas for what to include in the composition. Organising these ideas and presenting them in words will improve their writing skills. When writing about sports, children will be expected to touch upon various aspects of it. Here are some samples which will guide children of classes 1, 2 & 3 to write about some popular sports.

‘My Favourite Game’ is a moderately challenging topic for children. They need to remember certain facts about the game of their choice and express why it is their favourite. Here are some essential tips:

  • When writing about a game, start by talking about the game’s popularity.
  • Write about the different aspects of that game that makes it your personal favourite.
  • Talk about how often you play the game.
  • Mention how it is a part of your school life.
  • Dive into details of the game only in a longer essay.

Cricket is a popular game in India, making it a topic that is easy for a short essay for children. Here is how to write a short 10-line essay on cricket for class 1.

  • Cricket is the most popular and loved sport in the country.
  • I enjoy watching cricket with my family and playing the game with my friends.
  • People in my country are very passionate about cricket and watch the matches with a lot of enthusiasm.
  • I play cricket with my friends at home and at school.
  • I am a good batsman and fielder, and my friends have the same opinion.
  • In cricket, there are 11 players on each team. Each team has a batsman, a bowler, a wicket-keeper and many fielders.
  • At the beginning, there is a coin toss. The winner chooses to bat or bowl.
  • My favourite cricket players are Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni.
  • Everybody is interested in cricket scores during an important match.
  • Seeing cricket on TV is fun but going to a stadium is the most fun you can have as a cricket fan.

Kabaddi is a regional sport that has existed for many generations in India. It is a physically demanding game played by seven players on each team. In the game, two teams stand opposite each other. A player from one team enters the opponent’s court while continuously saying “kabbadi”. If he touches one of the players and returns to his side, his team wins a point. The opposite team tries to stop him from going back till he runs out of breath and stops saying kabaddi. If they manage to stop him, he loses. I am very good at Kabaddi because I can run very fast before anyone can catch me. I am also able to hold my breath for a very long time. Kabaddi is my favourite because it is a challenging game and one has to be very strong and fast to win at it.

Hockey is my favourite game because it is challenging and also a lot of fun at the same time. It is the national game of India and is also played throughout the world. In the game, there are 11 players on each team. The teams have to chase a ball with their hockey sticks and score a goal. Along with playing hockey, I also love watching it on television. Although it is a national sport, hockey is not very common in the country. The popularity needs to increase, and more people should take up the game in schools and colleges.

Essay On ‘My Favourite is Game is Ludo’ 

Ludo is a popular board game among all children. I play it with my family and friends on weekends when we meet. Ludo is my favourite because I can play the game anytime and anywhere. The game is also available on mobile phones, but I like playing it on the gameboard when I am home. It requires at least two players and a maximum of four. In ludo, each player gets four tokens to play. The players roll the dice turn by turn and move ahead on the board accordingly. The first player who takes all his tokens to the finishing point wins. I also have a magnetic board and tokens for playing the game while travelling to a holiday destination. I like playing ludo with new people and making new friends.

I enjoy playing all ball games, but volleyball is my favourite of them all. The game has two teams standing on opposite sides of a court with a net in between. The first team serves the ball, and the opposite team returns it by hitting the ball with their wrist. If the ball reaches out of the court boundary or touches the net, the team that hits the ball loses. The game requires you to stay focused all the time, as even a small lapse of judgment can cost you the winning point. Unlike other games where you can take your eyes off the ball, you cannot do the same in volleyball until you have gained or lost a point. I like volleyball because it is all about strong team coordination. Everybody has to cooperate and work together to win.

Carrom is one of the best board games there is! It is a two-player game, but I love playing it alone too. I enjoy it because it requires strength, accuracy and swiftness while striking every move. The game is fun but challenging because it requires precise moves with an understanding of force and direction of the strike. It took me many months to learn how to shoot the striker properly and hit the tokens on the board. It takes a lot of time to become good at the game as we need a lot of practice to excel in it.

My favourite game is football. It is a popularly played sport throughout the world! The best teams from every country make it to the world cup, and people across the globe watch it with interest. I love football because there is a sense of freedom in playing the game. It is physically demanding as we have to run around the field to score a goal and simultaneously defend our side of the goal post. I play football every day in school with my classmates. I also play football with other children in my neighbourhood. It is a great way to make friends as you learn to play as a team.

Many of us dream of becoming great footballers someday. I always work on my skills because my coach says we can make it to the state or national level championships if we play well. Football is just as much about strategy and teamwork as it is about physical endurance. We also need great discipline and team cohesion to become a great football team.

When writing a long essay, students have to plan what they are about to write. For writing about a sport, they will need to give a few details about the game and why they like it in the rest of the essay. Here is a sample essay on badminton for students of class 3:

Badminton is a popular sport throughout the world. Many people worldwide watch it on TV, and many play it as a leisure sport. My interest in badminton started when I visited the sports centre in our locality. I was hooked on the sport soon after my first game. Unlike many other games that I play, I find that badminton is fun and challenging at the same time. The game requires two players. We need great stamina to move around the court to serve and return the shuttlecock by hitting it with the racket.

Badminton can be played by anyone as long as they love games. There are a few rules for playing the game in a competition or championship. You can choose to relax some of the rules and play just for fun as per your own plan. 

Badminton is a game that gives a full-body workout. You will have to constantly move around the court in the direction of the shuttlecock and hit it using your racket with the required force. Throughout the game, you exercise your legs, torso and upper body.

I am known as the best badminton player in my school because I practise in the evening every day. I have participated in many events at the regional and national levels, and won several championships. In recent years, badminton has also become popular in video games. My love for the sport makes me play that too, however, I prefer to play the sport on an actual court with a real opponent. The thrill of hitting the shuttlecock high into the air and running around to chase it is unmatched in a video game.

When writing an essay on their favourite game, your child will learn how to express themselves coherently in the written word. Writing about sports involves explaining the rules of a game, its unique rules, and several other aspects. Students will gather thorough knowledge about their favourite sport to write this essay. They will also improve their general knowledge while memorising facts like famous players of the sport.

Since playing games is a fun activity for children, they will enjoy writing this essay as they combine their knowledge, feelings and writing skills to compose an excellent essay. 

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My Favorite Game Essay For Students and Childrens

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Favorite Game: Sports are seen as an important aspect of our lives, on both a national and international level. Sports are often considered one of the healthiest activities for staying in shape. When someone participates in an outdoor game, his or her entire body, including the brain, is involved. Sports also teach us innumerable things such as teamwork and planning, which also keep our minds energized. my favorite game. Cricket is my favourite game because there are always new learning strategies, and I can work harder than other sports.

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Many games have been played on an international level in this modern era, and many are native to only a few locations, such as cricket, tennis, badminton, hockey, football, and others. These are the sports that are performed on a global scale, whereas rugby, kabaddi, and a few others are regional sports. But among all these sports, my favorite is cricket.

500+ Words Essay on My Favorite Game

The origins of cricket.

Cricket was first played in the 16th century in South East England. In the 18th century, the sport became England’s national sport, and in the 19th and 20th centuries, it was recognized worldwide as a part of the commonwealth experience in the various nations the British occupied. Since 1877, various international matches have been held, and it is now the second most popular sport in the world, after football.

At the international level, cricket is overseen and managed by the International Cricket Council (ICC). The game was originally known as “Creckett” and then began to be known as “Cricket” eventually. It rose to prominence in the 1800s and became well-known.

Essay on My Favorite Game

During the time of the British Raj in India, cricket was introduced as a sport and quickly became popular. Indians picked up the game and have since gone on to become global champions in this sport. Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, and many people like it. It is a game that was invented by Prince Edward and has since spread around the world.

Cricket is a bat-and-ball sport in which two teams of eleven players compete against each other. The rules of this game are simple enough that even children can follow and play it. As a result, cricket has become the most popular sport in the Indian subcontinent.

When a test match or a national/international level competition takes place, there is a large number of cricket fans across the world who throng the stadiums to watch the game. People have a favorite cricket team among the many that play as part of these tournaments. The teams have large fan followings and it is always an exciting experience when rival fans cheer for their teams in a filled stadium.

Cricket is not a native Indian sport, although it is enjoyed and played with great fervor in India.

Cricket matches normally last five days, with one day off in between, and feature two teams of eleven players each. The entire test match consists of two innings, the first and second innings. The highest total runs scored by the sides in these two innings determine who wins and who loses in the game. The team with the most runs at the end of the day is proclaimed the victor of the match.

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Why is Cricket my Favourite Game?

Every year, the International Cricket Council (ICC) organizes and approves a number of international matches. The ICC establishes cricket rules and regulations and allows teams to compete.

The Cricket World Cup, which is held every four years amongst high-ranked teams, is hosted by a different country each time and is a high-degree competition. The World Cup is the favorite cricket tournament for many people, including me.

A coin is tossed prior to the commencement of a match to determine which team would bat or bowl first. Whoever wins the toss gets to pick either of the two for their team. However, both teams get an opportunity to bat and bowl alternately.

Winning and losing are two features of the game that make it mysterious and intriguing. When a batsman hits a chauka (four) or a chhakka (six) with the ball, the entire cricket stadium and ground fills with the high-pitched sound of cricket fans, especially when one’s favorite cricket team is batting.

Cricket is one of India’s most popular sports, and it is enjoyed by all. Cricket is my favorite sport and I like watching every match that is played. Indians have grown up watching cricket and have all played gully cricket at some point in their lives, which makes the game that much more closer to our hearts.

Formats of Cricket

Some of the numerous formats of cricket are T-20, One-Day International, Limited Over, National League Systems, and Test Matches.

Test Matches

It is a type of long-form cricket played over a five-day period. The matches are played between two countries, and the ICC selects the teams. The play for each day lasts 6 hours, with at least 90 overs being bowled every day. It is slow-paced compared to other formats but is a very interesting format of cricket to watch, especially at the international level.

National League Systems

Various smaller teams in England, numerous states in Australia, various islands in the West Indies, and even India’s Ranji Trophy are all examples of this format of cricket. These bouts happen between smaller clubs and teams and might last around three to four days.

Limited Over Cricket

Also known as one-day cricket, it is a format where the match is aimed to be finished in a single day. It has various sub-types, from T-20 to 100-ball cricket. Every team is allowed to play by innings, and if the game is hampered by weather, the Duckworth-Lewis Method is used.

One Day International (ODI)

The 50-over One-Day International (ODI) is a match played between two countries. This is the most often used and followed format.

A T-20, or Twenty-20, is contested between two teams and consists of only 20 overs. This game is thrilling to watch, and it’s ideal for individuals who can’t wait a whole day to watch cricket, even if it’s their favorite sport. It is fast-paced and interesting, with matches happening at both domestic and international levels.

In India, cricket is seen as a religious pastime, and many regard the renowned player Sachin Tendulkar as a deity. Indians are extremely enthusiastic about cricket, especially when a match between India and Pakistan is taking place. When the game is between neighboring countries, the entire country comes to a standstill at that point. Cricket is my favorite sport, as it can also be a game that brings the country together and brings harmony to its citizens.

National Game of India

My Favorite Game FAQs

What is my favorite game.

My favorite game is Cricket.

How do I write a favorite game essay?

To write a favorite game essay, start by introducing the game, share why you love it, and describe your experiences playing it.

What is your favorite game paragraph?

My favorite game is basketball. I enjoy the teamwork and the thrill of making a perfect shot.

Why is cricket my favorite game essay?

Cricket is my favorite game because of its rich history, strategy, and the excitement it brings.

Why is cricket my favorite game?

Cricket is my favorite game due to its elegant play, strategic elements, and the camaraderie it fosters.

How do I write about my favorite sport cricket?

When writing about my favorite sport, cricket, I focus on its unique rules, memorable matches, and personal experiences that make it special to me.

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Thu, 16 Jun, 2022

An Essay On My Favourite Game!

Games are an essential element in the healthy development of childhood and beyond. Before telling you about my favourite game, I want to let you know why it is important for children to play games rather than only study .

Playing outdoor games with their friends allows children to experiment through trial and error; build physical, cognitive and emotional strength; work out the best strategies; bring in proficiency in skills; nurture their imagination; and help them find solutions to problems. So, children must follow at least 1 game that is their favourite.

For me, it was cricket. I used to play cricket with my friends while I was in school. I played many matches representing my school as I was in my school team. We used to cope with winning and losing (sometimes) as both are a part of the game. But, when we used to win the tournaments, it was a great feeling. It was a proud moment for our coach, all teammates, and the entire school.

Playing cricket

I found cricket the most exciting game among all other sports as the game is highly unpredictable. Moreover, the game has lots of drama; I did not find any other sport as dramatic as cricket. Many of my friends used to be spectators and watched me bowling, as I was a fast bowler.

Mostly, it was me and my other friend (who was the spinner) who took most of the wickets of the other team. The excitement when we say 'Howzat' (an abbreviated form of 'How's That') could be easily seen among the spectators as well as among the team players when we used to appeal for the batsman's dismissal. It is considered a way of asking the umpire whether a batsman is out or not.

So, I like cricket the most. However, for you, it may be something else. For instance, an outdoor game including badminton, tennis, football, or an indoor game like chess, table tennis, carom, ludo, squash, etc. could be the one you admire. Many other outdoor games entice children, including hide and seek, kick the can, four square, jump-rope & double dutch, etc.

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Whatever you like, participating in games is essential for kids to develop communication skills, make lasting friendships, learn to respect their teammates, and feel a sense of community. So, which one is your favourite game?

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Describe a game (not a sport) you played in your childhood – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers

Courtney Miller

Updated On Nov 22, 2023


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Describe a game (not a sport) you played in your childhood – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers

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This article contains the Describe a game (not a sport) you played in your childhood Cue Card Sample Answers.

During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and speak on a specific topic. This is the IELTS cue card task. You can learn how to communicate clearly and successfully by reviewing sample answers.

This IELTS cue card gives you an opportunity to share one of your experiences of a game you played in your childhood.

Practise IELTS Speaking Part 2 by referencing the Cue Card Sample Answers below.

Before you start, take a look at the expert tips and tricks below!

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For more Cue Cards, take a look at IELTS Speaking Part 2 | Topics, Questions and Samples Answers .

Describe a game (not a sport) you enjoyed as a child / Describe a game that you played in your childhood.

You should say:

  • What the game was
  • When you played it
  • Who you played it with
  • How you felt about the game

Sample Answer 1

Here is the sample for “Describe a game (not a sport) you played in your childhood  ” topic:

Just like other children, I have played a myriad of games in my childhood and teenage years. These games were both outdoor and indoor. In fact, whenever I had some free time in hand or I was on vacations, I preferred playing games more than watching TV or sitting idle. Out of all, I thoroughly relished playing snakes and ladders more than other games. For the uninformed ones, this one is an indoor board game that can be played by 2-4 players at a time. It requires tokens and a dice to conveniently play.

I used to play this game during afternoons when my mother used to take her nap and in the late evenings, after finishing my homework. Usually, I used to play this game with my friends and cousins on weekends. However, on weekdays, my sibling and parents used to be my competitors. Some days, all four of us – my parents, my brother and I used to play it together.

I always felt great and rejuvenated while playing this game. What I liked the most about it was the excitement of killing somebody or surpassing the opponent. Knowing that I was about to win was a feeling of pure joy. I have definitely played a lot of good, lifelong memories with this game.

Even today, whenever I get time, I play this game on my phone. Whenever I look back at the fond memories of my childhood, I feel jubilant.

Sample Answer 2

As a child I enjoyed playing chess. It is probably the best known board game in the world, where two players try to defeat the other by taking his or her pieces and finally trapping his King. This final move is called checkmate.

You probably know the Western version of this game, which is known as King chess. The former is more popular among younger generations, whereas the latter is mostly played by older people. I personally enjoy both of them equally.

These games are difficult in that you have think to ahead and plan your steps carefully, while keeping an eye on your opponent’s moves. This is exactly the kind of challenge that I relish, and I feel excited whenever I manage to outwit the other player.

Chess games are also a good way to build a bond with your friends, since they encourage healthy rivalry and prevent you from being arrogant because there’s always someone who’s able to beat you.

Here are the vocabularies for “Describe a game (not a sport) you played in your childhood  ” with examples:

  • Defeat: win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest Eg: India defeated Australia in today’s match. 
  • Trap: to catch or take in Eg: Finally, the mouse was trapped in the box. 
  • Relish: great enjoyment.  Eg: She relishes eating Biryani. 
  • Outwit: deceive by greater ingenuity or to obtain an advantage over someone by being more intelligent Eg: Somehow John manages to outwit his opponents. 
  • Opponent: a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it or tries to change it: Eg: He knocked his opponent down with a single blow.

Related Cue Cards:

  • Describe something A Child that Made You Laugh
  • Describe an experience you spent time with a child that you know
  • Describe a Child Whom You Know

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Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game: A Fond Memory of My Favorite Game

Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game: A Fond Memory of My Favorite Game

Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game: Childhood memories are always dear to our hearts. They remind us of simpler times, innocent joys, and carefree moments. For me, one of the fondest memories of my childhood was playing my favorite game. The excitement of playing the game with my friends, the adrenaline rush of winning, and the disappointment of losing are all memories that I hold close to my heart. In this blog post Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game, I will describe my favorite childhood game, the memories associated with it, and the impact it had on my life.

Table of Contents

Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game

In this blog Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game, we include About Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more  Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game is also available in different languages. In this, Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Description Of The Game

My favorite childhood game was “Hide and Seek.” It is a classic game that has been played by children all over the world for generations.

  • The rules of the game are simple – one person is chosen as the “seeker,” and the rest of the players hide.
  • The seeker counts to a predetermined number while the other players find a hiding place.
  • Once the seeker finishes counting, he or she sets out to find the other players.
  • The game ends when the seeker finds all the players or when the players reach a predetermined base without being caught.

The game does not require any equipment other than the players themselves, making it accessible to children of all ages and backgrounds. The objective of the game is to avoid being caught by the seeker and to be the last person standing. The game can be played indoors or outdoors, and the hiding places can range from a small room to a large park.

Memories Of Playing The Game

I have many fond memories of playing hide and seek as a child.

  • One of my favorite memories was when my friends and I decided to play the game at night. We used flashlights to navigate through the dark, and the thrill of being caught by the seeker was heightened by the eerie surroundings.
  • Another favorite memory was when I managed to find the perfect hiding spot in a tree, and the seeker never found me despite searching for what seemed like hours. The excitement and anticipation of being found or finding a hiding spot that would never be discovered were some of the most memorable moments of playing hide and seek.

Playing hide and seek also taught me many valuable life lessons. The game taught me the importance of teamwork, as players would often work together to help each other find hiding spots or distract the seeker.

Memories Of Playing The Game

Impact Of The Game On Your Life

  • Playing hide and seek had a significant impact on my childhood. It helped me develop my social skills and confidence, as it required me to interact with other children and make new friends.
  • The game also helped me develop my problem-solving skills and creativity, as I would often have to think outside the box to find the perfect hiding spot. The game also helped me develop my physical abilities, as it required me to run, jump, and climb to reach certain hiding spots.
  • Playing hide and seek also had a lasting impact on my life beyond childhood. The skills I developed while playing the game, such as teamwork, perseverance, and creativity, have helped me in my personal and professional life.
  • The game has taught me to think creatively and outside the box, which has helped me to come up with unique solutions to problems in my personal and professional life.
  • The game has also taught me the importance of teamwork and working towards a common goal, which has helped me to succeed in group projects and collaborative efforts.

Conclusion On Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game

In Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game, my favorite childhood game of hide and seek holds a special place in my heart. It was a game that brought me joy, excitement, and taught me valuable life lessons. Playing the game helped me develop my social, physical, and problem-solving skills, and has had a lasting impact on my personal and professional life. Reminiscing about my favorite childhood game reminds me of the importance of taking time to enjoy the simple things in life and to cherish the memories that make life worth living.

Read More: Essay On My Favourite Game Kho Kho

FAQs On Describe Your Favourite Childhood Game

Question 1. How do you talk about your favorite game?

Answer: My favorite game is an epic adventure, Full of challenges that test my skills and measure, The graphics are stunning and the soundtrack is sublime, Playing it is an experience that transcends time.

Question 2. Which is your favorite game and why?

Answer: Many games have unique essence, Each with its own story, gameplay, and style, Choosing a favorite is a matter of personal trial.

Question 3. What was your favorite game in childhood?

Answer: Many games from that time brought joy and ecstasies, Classics like Mario, Sonic, and Tetris, Are still played and loved by many for their simplicity and cleverness.

Question 4. How do I write about my game?

Answer: To write about your game, start with an introduction, Describe the gameplay, graphics, and function, Include details on the story and characters, And explain why it’s a game that truly matters.

Question 5. What is the best game in life?

Answer: As games are subjective, and there’s no clear winner that’s won, What’s best for some may not be best for all, The beauty of gaming is that there’s a game for every call.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: My Favourite Game

Writing a paragraph about your favorite game allows you to share your passion and enthusiasm for a specific game that has brought you countless hours of joy and entertainment. Whether it’s a video game, a board game, or a sport, describing your favorite game in a concise and engaging manner is key. We will explore the essential elements to consider when writing a paragraph about your favorite game, including the game’s title, genre, gameplay features, and the reasons why it holds a special place in your heart.

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On My Favourite Game

Begin with a Brief Introduction: Start your paragraph by introducing the title and genre of your favorite game. Provide a concise overview of the game’s premise and setting to give readers a basic understanding of what the game is about. This introduction sets the stage for the rest of your paragraph.

Describe Gameplay Features: Highlight the key gameplay features and mechanics that make your favorite game unique and enjoyable. Discuss elements such as the game’s controls, objectives, gameplay modes, and any distinctive features or mechanics that set it apart from other games in its genre. Focus on explaining why these features contribute to your enjoyment and make the game stand out.

Express Your Personal Connection: Share why this game is your favorite and how it has impacted you personally. Describe the emotions it evokes, the challenges it presents, or the sense of accomplishment it provides. Explain how the game resonates with your interests, preferences, or values, and why it holds a special place in your gaming experience. Be genuine and passionate in expressing your personal connection to the game.

Discuss Visuals and Atmosphere: If applicable, delve into the game’s visual design, graphics, and overall atmosphere. Describe the art style, attention to detail, or immersive qualities that contribute to the game’s overall appeal. Discuss how the visuals and atmosphere enhance your gaming experience and contribute to the game’s overall enjoyment.

Conclude with a Summary: Wrap up your paragraph by summarizing your thoughts and feelings about the game. Provide a final reflection on why it is your favorite and its lasting impact on you. Consider ending with a statement about how the game continues to bring you joy, inspire your creativity, or provide a sense of escapism. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Paragraph 1

My favorite game is “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” This open-world action-adventure game, developed by Nintendo, offers an immersive and breathtaking experience. From the vast landscapes to the intricate puzzles and engaging combat, the game captures my imagination like no other. The freedom to explore the expansive kingdom of Hyrule, uncover its secrets, and embark on epic quests makes “Breath of the Wild” an unforgettable gaming journey.

Paragraph 2

“Overwatch” is my favorite game, blending elements of first-person shooters and team-based gameplay. The diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles, adds depth and strategy to the game. The dynamic team dynamics and the exhilaration of coordinating with teammates to achieve objectives make “Overwatch” an addictive and exhilarating multiplayer experience.

Paragraph 3

I find immense joy in playing “Minecraft,” a sandbox game that allows infinite creativity and exploration. The ability to shape and build my own virtual world, gather resources, and engage in survival challenges is incredibly rewarding. With endless possibilities, “Minecraft” sparks my imagination and offers a relaxing and immersive gaming experience.

Paragraph 4

“Red Dead Redemption 2” is my favorite game for its immersive storytelling and richly detailed open world. Set in the Wild West era, the game follows the journey of Arthur Morgan, a member of an outlaw gang. The compelling characters, moral choices, and stunning visuals create a captivating narrative that draws me into the gritty and realistic world of the game.

Paragraph 5

“Rocket League” is an adrenaline-pumping game that combines soccer with rocket-powered cars. The fast-paced gameplay, skill-based mechanics, and competitive multiplayer matches make it a thrilling and addictive experience. The sense of satisfaction that comes from executing a perfectly timed aerial shot or making a game-winning save is what keeps me coming back for more.

Paragraph 6

I hold “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” in high regard as my favorite game. This epic role-playing game transports players to a vast and immersive fantasy world filled with captivating quests, memorable characters, and morally complex choices. The game’s rich storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and deep gameplay mechanics make it an unforgettable gaming experience.

Paragraph 7

“Super Mario Odyssey” is my favorite game for its nostalgic charm and innovative gameplay. As Mario, players embark on a whimsical journey through vibrant and imaginative worlds, collecting Power Moons and encountering quirky characters along the way. The game’s delightful design, tight controls, and creative level design make it a joy to play.

Paragraph 8

“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” is a game that has captured my heart. This expansive role-playing game offers a vast and immersive fantasy world to explore, with countless quests, characters, and secrets to discover. The freedom to forge my own path, develop my character, and shape the destiny of the game’s world make “Skyrim” an unforgettable and endlessly replayable experience.

Paragraph 9

I find myself deeply immersed in the enchanting world of “Animal Crossing: New Horizons.” This life simulation game allows players to create their own island paradise, interact with charming anthropomorphic animal villagers, and engage in various activities such as fishing, bug catching, and fossil hunting. The relaxing gameplay, charming aesthetics, and sense of community make it a delightful and comforting gaming experience.

Paragraph 10

“Fallout: New Vegas” holds a special place in my heart as my favorite game. Set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, this role-playing game offers a richly detailed world, branching storylines, and impactful player choices. The game’s atmospheric setting, memorable characters, and immersive RPG mechanics create a captivating and morally ambiguous narrative that keeps me engaged for hours on end.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

essay on favourite childhood game

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Describe a Game...

Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood - IELTS Cue Card


Mastering the IELTS speaking section requires practice, especially using cue cards that assess your ability to speak spontaneously on various topics. In this blog, we will elaborate upon one such popular cue card which is "Describe a game you played in your childhood." 

Childhood memories depict a series of events that shape who we are today. Among these fond memories, the games we played maintain a special position, serving as the canvas for our laughter and enjoyment. Explaining a childhood game in the context of an IELTS Speaking Test provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate language abilities while also generating a story that connects with the listener.

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What is an IELTS Cue Card?

The IELTS Speaking Part 2 requires candidates to speak coherently on a given cue card for about two minutes. To provide some direction, the cue card also mentions some pointers that can be covered by the candidate. This section lasts for three to four minutes. It gives the test taker a minute to structure the answer, two minutes to display their viewpoints, and another minute to answer the questions posed by the examiner. The speaking scores are given as band scores, ranging from band 0 to 9. Remember that IELTS speaking part 2 has more weight than part 1.

The breakdown of the duration of the cue card is tabulated below:

Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are crucial for several reasons:

  • The IELTS cue card section tests your language skills. It assesses your fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar while speaking.
  • It enables the examiners to test a candidate's ability to speak and think spontaneously.
  • The Cue card section score affects your overall Speaking test score. This score is important to meet the admission requirements in the top institutions abroad.

"Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood" - Sample Answer 1

In this part, I am going to talk about one of the most endearing games that I played during my childhood. When all the cousins would get together, we would go to the river bank, collect clay and make bowls, plates and other things out of it. 

What was the game?

When I visited my ancestral home, I met my cousins. They were delightful memories. We went to the river bank during sunset, and collected clay from the ground. We used this clay to carve out various kitchen items, such as plates, bowls, glasses, saucers, and even spoons. They weren’t shaped perfect, but we tried.

When did you play it?

We played it mostly during the summers, as the days would be longer. This meant that we could stay out of home for longer, and play around with cousins and friends. We would play this game before sunset.

Who did you play it with?

I played this game of carving beautiful things out of clay with my cousins. 

How did you feel about the game?

It was undoubtedly loads of fun. Living in the city hardly ever gave me the opportunity to touch clay, mud - and become one with nature. A visit to my native village allowed this liberty. I felt such a great sense of belonging. It was always fun playing this game with my cousins, and I cherish the memories. 

Though it cannot be called pottery as such, I thoroughly enjoyed this game of playing around with clay. Not only was it a creative exercise, but it gave me immense joy. Some of my best memories of childhood are associated with it.

"Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood" - Sample Answer 2

Every child has some positive memories associated with playing games in their childhood, and I am no different. One game that I would love to talk about in today's cue card on “Describe a game you played in your childhood” is hopscotch.

Hopscotch is an outdoor game, also called “kith kith” or “pandi attam”  It is a humorous hopping game enjoyed by both boys and girls in rural villages. Hopscotch is played by drawing one to nine rectangular boxes on the ground, tossing a little object on each, and then hopping or leaping to collect it. Stepping on the outlines or falling out gets you disqualified.

I regularly played Hopscotch with my friends between the ages of six to ten. Regretfully, then I shifted and playing this once-regular game became an occasional one whenever I visited my hometown.

Mostly, I played this game with my cousins and neighbours. We were a group of twelve, making it more enjoyable and competitive to play. 

Although Hopscotch is an outdoor game, it is not that risky. This game and the memories associated with it always bring a smile to my face. The sweetest part was that my cousins allowed me multiple chances to play because I was the youngest among them.

Hopscotch is a game that I will cherish forever, and perhaps encourage my children to play it too! 

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"Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood" - Sample Answer 3

Childhood is the period when we live stress-free, spending our days engaged in activities. I played many indoor and outdoor games during my childhood, but the one I enjoyed the most was “Pallanguzhi.”

Pallanguzhi, also known as Ali Guli Mane, is a two-player indoor game played on hardwood boards with fourteen pits. To tactically capture the counters of their opponent, players take turns picking up counters from one pit and planting them into successive pits. The winner of the game is the one who captures every counter or prevents their opponent from making any moves at all.

I used to frequently play this game when I went to my grandparents' house for vacation, which is in a village near Madurai. Now, however, I only play this game when my village friends visit me. 

I spent my childhood playing Pallanguzhi with my grandmother and friends, whenever I visited Madurai. My friends and I used to gather at my grandmother’s and play this game for hours!

Pallanguzhi is an entertaining indoor game, which can be played with family, friends, and neighbours. Anyone can quickly learn that game, and it isn't boring; it gets more exciting as we play.

With age, I have played several indoor games, but my top favourite is still Pallnghuzi. Playing it today reminds me of the happiest times at my grandmother's home, and the joy and excitement I felt on winning it.

"Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood" - Sample Answer 4

As an answer to the cue card “Describe a game you played in your childhood”, I am going to reminisce about Hide and Seek, my go-to outdoor game when I was a child. 

Hide and Seek is a popular game among youngsters and can be played by two or more people. The game requires one chosen player to count numbers up to wherever with their eyes closed, while other players hide. The player counting numbers then screams "Ready or not, here I come", and begins the seeking game.

Although Hide and Seek can be played at any time, my friends and I often played this game in the evenings, after completing our homework and a timely nap. Mostly, I was the chosen player to seek the hidden players, and that was the most exciting part. 

I played Hide and Seek with my siblings at home, and my friends in the compound. Fortunately, I still reside in the same place I was born, so my childhood friends are still my friends. 

The most fun time to play Hide and Seek was in the evening. Finding a hidden person in minimal lights might be frightening at times, but it only added to the excitement. From seeking everyone to sometimes losing the game on getting a “thappa” (pat) on the back that disqualifies you, playing Hide and Seek always thrilled me.

Hide and Seek is a game that can not only be played outdoors but also indoors. Kids who have a compound can enjoy playing outdoors, while those who don't, hide under the beds and tables in their homes. Irrespective, it is a wonderful game enjoyed by children even today, and that makes me very happy.

Describe A Chocolate You Didn't Like IELTS Cue Card

Sample/Follow-Up Questions and Answers

Following your response to the IELTS cue card about describing a game you played in your childhood, the following follow-up questions may be asked:

Q1. What kinds of games do today's children play?

A1. Nowadays, children are inactive and hooked to their smartphones, so predominantly I witness children playing computer games. However, in rural regions, children continue to play in the streets like in my time. 

Q2. Which game seems to be popular among children?

A2. Children in this generation are preoccupied with smartphones, so they choose video games that can be played while connected to a television. Some very popular computer games nowadays are PUBG and Minecraft.

Q3. Should parents encourage their kids to play games?

A3. Yes, parents should encourage their children to play games, rather than drowning them in textbooks only. There are so many traditional indoor and outdoor activities that parents can educate and allow their children to play. Encouraging children to play can promote their physical health and reduce their screen time.

Tips to Answer the IELTS Cue Card

Answering an IELTS Cue Card may seem difficult, but with practice, you will be able to ace it. Give enough time to the preparation, and follow the following tips to present your ideas :

  • Tip 1: Understand the topic. Make sure you address every question.
  • Tip 2 : Improve your pronunciation and intonation. Speak clearly, without interruptions.
  • Tip 3: Be conscious of your pace. Speaking very fast can lead to mistakes. Speaking slowly may make it seem like you're struggling to speak.
  • Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary. Present your ideas clearly and avoid repeating the same words.
  • Tip 5: Demonstrate your English proficiency by using compound and complex sentences.
  • Tip 6: Stay calm. It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Practise sufficiently to answer the question.
  • Tip 7: Be sincere in your engagement with the issue. Personal experiences and examples may help you provide a more persuasive solution.
  • Tip 8: Prepare for follow-up questions by adding details to your cue card responses.

Describing a childhood game like 'Hide and Seek' in the IELTS Speaking test is more than a language practice; it's a journey back in time, reviewing cherished moments that shaped one's early years. Embracing the tips ensures a good test performance in the “describe a game you played in your childhood” cue card and a storytelling experience that connects with the reviewer. As you weave your story, remember that the simplicity of childhood games can communicate profound lessons about life and words.

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FAQs on Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood - IELTS Cue Card

What makes 'Hide and Seek' a particular game from your childhood?

'Hide and Seek' was more than just a game; It was a shared experience that gave friends a sense of community. Its beauty in its simplicity and the way it inspired our imagination pushed us to create a new world within the confines of our environment.

How has 'Hide and Seek' affected the person you are today?

The game taught me the value of teamwork, planning, and trust. It established a love for the woods and honed my ability to think quickly and adapt — skills I carry into my adult life.

Do you think games like 'Hide and Seek' are still important for children today?

Definitely. In an age dominated by digital entertainment, games like 'Hide and Seek' support physical activity, human connection and connection with the physical world, providing a much-needed break.

How can I apply the lessons from childhood games like 'Hide and Seek' to my adult life?

Lessons learned from childhood games like 'Hide and Seek' can be applied to different aspects of adult life. For example, the benefits of teamwork, strategic thinking, and athleticism may be significant in professional environments. The ability to think and make quick adjustments, honed during games, is an asset to meet the challenges of adulthood.

Is there a recommended way to incorporate personal experiences into IELTS Speaking Beyond Childhood Memories cue cards?

Yes, the inclusion of personal experiences beyond childhood memories cue cards is encouraged in the IELTS Language test. If you want to create impactful responses, relate your personal experiences to broader contexts, and use vivid words to make your story compelling and connect to the topic. This shows your language skills and adds authenticity to your answers.

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Describe a game that you played in your childhood

You should say:

What the game was

When you played it 

Who you played it with 

How you felt about the game

I spent my childhood in an urban area that was full of natural graces and wonders. The vast green fields, rivers, hill, the blue sky and the playmates of my childhoods were my best part of my lively and magical childhood. I used to play lots of gamer in my childhood and among them blind-man’s-buff was one of my most favourite.

This game required minimum 4-5 kids to play. Initially one kid would be selected to be blindfolded and his/her eyes would be tied up so that s/he can’t see anything. A big circle would be drawn and no one is allowed to go out of this circle. The blind-folded kid would try to catch someone while others would try to protect themselves but would not be able to go outside the circle. If the blindfolded kid can touch someone and can say his/her name, the blindfolded kid would get free and the other one who was touched would be blindfolded this time. This was the basic rules of the game and we used to play this game according to this rule.

I mostly played this game with my cousins, neighboring kids and classmates. I was then around 4-5 years old and the other kids whom I used to play with were around the same age.

As I recall, I played this game when I was a kid if 4-5 years old. Probably I have not played this game after I was promoted to grade three. This was a game played by kids and in our country this is played by the kids only. It is not at all a game for the grown-ups and I have never seen any adult person playing this game. So, I do not play this game anymore. Among the games I play still now includes cricket, football, badminton, table tennis but not the blind-man’s-buff at all. This was a game for kid and I enjoyed this game as a kid.

essay on favourite childhood game

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Essay on My Favourite Game

Games are the best way of exercising our body and mind. Games bring a thought of playing, winning or competing in us. Games are an important part of our life. We come to learn a lot and also entertain ourselves by playing games. Each of us has different choices in games. Some of us love playing indoor games while some are interested in playing outdoor games. Playing games help us in attaining health and fitness of our body and mind.

Short and Long Essays on My Favourite Game in English

I hope, these essays may help you to get better about your favourite game.

My Favourite Game Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) I mostly like playing outdoor games as they are good for my health.

2) My favorite game that I love playing is cricket.

3) I play cricket every day in the evening with my friends.

4) I also love watching cricket on the television.

5) M.S. Dhoni is my favorite cricketer.

6) I’m good at batting and wicket keeping.

7) Cricket is a team game and I’m a good team player.

8) When we play cricket in the locality, my team always chooses me as a captain.

9) Recently, I also got selected for my school cricket team.

10) Scoring high runs and winning from another team gives me happiness and joy.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – My Favourite Game is Badminton


Games play a very important role in the development of our mind and body. Studies along with games lead towards the overall development of a person. We can see that in schools the time table consists of two or three-game periods during a week, focusing the necessity of games along with studies. Playing games makes us healthy and fit.

Game I Play

I usually played indoor games at my home like carrom, chess and Ludo. Playing these games along with my sisters is my favourite time-pass at home. Sometimes we fixed some gifts or winning price after winning the match.

My Favourite Game is Badminton

My favourite game is badminton among all the games. It was during winter days when my mother used to wake us early in the morning for walking and studying. Since I could not study in the morning therefore I decided to play badminton in the morning. It proved to be a great exercise for me and keeping healthy. I also have the problem of mood swing and this game made me feel relaxed.

Since I had got a good practice of playing badminton, I got selected in my school badminton team. I feel energized after playing badminton. Many of the times I had played from my school side and have received the awards too. I had got a craze for this game and therefore I used to reach to the ground on time for playing with my friends.

Games are necessary for fitness. When we play outdoor games, they make us fit and give exercise to our muscles.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – My Favourite Game is Hockey

It is said that the overall development of a child or a person, requires the mind and body to be fit and healthy. Playing games help us in achieving fitness of body and mind. We have seen that many people have made their career in games. There are many people who have a habit of playing games regularly. Games are also necessary as studies and other works are to us.

My Best – Loved Sport

I play many of the games like chess, carrom, and basketball. But, the game for which I have most liking is hockey. Hockey is a game which keeps us indulged. It requires attention and focuses to play this game. The game is played between two teams. Both teams play to make a goal towards the opponent’s side. I love playing as well as watching hockey matches on television. We have played for many of the matches organized in our streets.

The game of hockey consists of two teams and each team consists of 11 players. The players are playing with the spirit to make a goal. They hit the ball towards the opposite team to make a goal. The game is played on the grassy field. A single team consisting of the 11 players have 10 players and one goalkeeper. The team players have to make the ball to cross the line towards the opposite team to make a score. The players can not touch the ball by hands or legs but only by means of their stick. The goalkeeper can only touch the ball. The decision of the referee is final. The mistakes are penalized.

Hockey – as National Game of India and its Present Status

Hockey is an international game and played throughout the world. It is the national game of India. We have many of the best players in hockey in our country. Our country team has also bagged up many of the Olympic medals and trophies for winning.

It is sad to state that growth and fame of this sport have reduced from many years. Sports hockey is not getting any support over the other games like cricket in India. There is no heed towards the growth of this sport in our country. We do not have good facilities and playgrounds to support and train the aspirants. Since this game had a good history and also is our national game, therefore must be supported by the government.

Games must be a part of our daily routine. I love playing hockey and it helps in getting my mood refreshed. Every year in India, National Sports Day is celebrated in the honour of Major Dhyan Chand, a legendary hockey player.

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – My Favourite Game: Cricket

Games are important at each and every level of our life. Small children learn many things from games. They put their imagination and thinking while playing games and also learn to inter things. Playing games for children is important as it helps in the growth and development of the child. It also helps in personality development. Many children are born with talents to play well but the practice is required, for making their talent as a carrier.

Cricket – My Favourite Sport

I play many games such as basketball, carrom, chess, and kho-kho. The game I love playing as well as watching too is none other than cricket. Sachin Tendulkar and Vivian Richards are my favourite cricketers. From my childhood, I used to play cricket in my colony. I was given the task of fielding as I was small. Though I was not very good at playing this game, I found it the most interesting sport to play and watch.

It was a favourite time pass during our summer vacations. We spent most of the time playing or waiting for our chance. There were many fights initiated in this game as people got annoyed by the loud shouting or breaking of window glasses by hitting of the ball.

Most of the people are fond of this sport, when there is a match between India and Pakistan everybody clings to the television till the match ends. When I got admission in the college for completing my higher studies, I started playing with my college team. The team captain was very talented and good at playing cricket. I learnt many things from her. Later I got selected in my college’s women cricket team and played matches with the teams inside the college. I was good at fielding and bowling.

About the Sport

Cricket is a game having two teams, each consists of eleven players. There are additional players too for substitution if some player is unable to play or injured. Before the match starts, there is a toss done by the captions and toss winning team decides what to do first either batting or balling.

The runs are scored by batting team by hitting the balls, bowled towards the wicket. The balling team stops the batting team members from making runs. Other players are involved in fielding. The decision regarding any event on the ground is made by the umpire. The game is played on the pitch which is 22 yards (20 metres) long.

Generally, we observe people and children playing in the street, playground, and stadium. All over the world, people love playing and watching cricket. This reveals the love of cricket in different generations.

Valuable Life Lessons from Cricket

Every sport gives us some valuable lessons that we can implement in our lives. Basically, we learn from each and everything we do in our life. Playing games makes us learn and enhance our qualities. Some valuable things we acquire are enlisted below:

  • Gives a lesson to learn from our failure.
  • Enriches us with the feeling of healthy competition. It will help us to excel in our school, job or other spheres of life.
  • Make us realize the difference between what is right and wrong.
  • Teaches us that practice and hard work helps us in overcoming our failure.
  • Helps in boosting our confidence and speak for what is wrong.
  • Inculcates the spirit of teamwork and benefits of working with unity in a team, with the responsibility to achieve the goal.
  • Playing games enhances planning and strategy making capabilities.

I love playing cricket as it helps me in keeping my body fit. I also find playing games as a means of entertaining myself. We should play outdoor games along with playing video or mobile games, as playing outdoor games helps in building our stamina.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Game is an activity that helps in reducing our stress and gives us great joy.

Ans . The oldest game in the world is mancala.

Ans . It is necessary to play games because it helps in keeping our mind and body healthy and fit.

Ans . The qualities like discipline, self-confidence, teamwork, and patience are inculcated in us by playing games.

Ans . The most popular game in India is Kabaddi.

Ans . Video games came into existence in the early 1970s.

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Describe a game or sport you used to play in your childhood - cue card # 312, describe a game or sport you used to play in your childhood..

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My Favourite Game Cricket Essay

Cricket is not just a game but an emotion for all Indians. We consider it a festival, and it brings us immense happiness. It is sometimes also said that cricket is also the unofficial sport of India. We love it to the extent that we consider cricketers as our own family members. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘my favourite game cricket’.

My Favourite Game Cricket Essay

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Cricket

Cricket is my favourite game. It is a very famous sport and has immensely evolved during the ages. Cricket is for both men and women. It is an outdoor game which requires a total of 11 players. Two teams play against each other, and the team with the maximum number of runs wins the match. Cricket can be played in three forms - a test match, a twenty-twenty and a one-day game. Cricket has two parts - one is batting, and the other is fielding or bowling. The team that wins the toss gets to choose whether they are willing to bat or bowl. My favourite is batting since I excel in that part. Cricket is also known as the “game of uncertainty”, as the winner cannot be easily predicted until the last ball.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Cricket

I love playing all sports, but a sport that excites me is cricket. Two teams consisting of 11 players each play it. The official body that governs all cricket and organises tournaments is ICC. Cricket has three formats mainly: test format, ODI format, and T20 format. The test match is for five days. The ODI runs for 50 overs, and the T20 game is for 20 overs which is the shortest format.

Cricket has been an integral part of my life since my childhood. Playing gully cricket with my friends on Sunday afternoons is a memory that till now I love to relive. Each six, four, or wicket can bring tears to our eyes, either of joy or sadness. I still remember the world cup winning night in 2011. We were all jumping with happiness, and that six from Dhoni made us cry out of joy. I was also a batsman in a state-level team back then. Every game of cricket makes me happy, and the glee of playing or watching cricket is immeasurable. This game has taught me sportsmanship spirit and to never give up until the game is over. Cricket is not just a game but rather a beautiful emotion.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Game Cricket

Sports have always been an essential part of my life since childhood. Cricket is my favourite game. Cricket is the national sport of England. The Britishers introduced it before Indian Independence. Since then, it has become an essential sport for survival in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In India, too, cricket is widely played among men and women of all ages. I started watching cricket on television in my childhood. Since then, I have always been mesmerised by this game. Cricket, also known as the “game of uncertainty”, can never be predicted until the last ball. After the ICC Cricket world cup, IPL is considered one of the biggest cricket tournaments. The World Cup is my favourite tournament.

My Favourite Player

My favourite player is Virat Kohli. He is my inspiration and helps me to believe that we can achieve whatever we can if we are determined. His batting style and the attitude he carries on and off the field make me his fan. He plays an integral role in making India a strong competitor in the ICC tournaments. He has already achieved so many things at such a young age that he is known to be one of the most incredible men who have ever played the game of cricket.

About Cricket

Cricket is played between 2 teams; each team consists of 11 members. It has two main parts—the first being batting and the second being bowling or fielding. The team winning the toss can choose whether to bat or bowl first. The team with the maximum number of runs wins the match. A total of 3 umpires are present during a game to give their decision on whether the particular batsman is out, not out, hit a six or hit a four. The third umpire is the one to tackle a difficult situation where critical decisions need to be taken.

Significance Of Cricket

Cricket, also known as the “gentleman’s game”, has emerged as a worldwide sport. Earlier, women were not encouraged by society to play cricket. But over the years, the spirit of cricket has encouraged women to participate in this game too. Nowadays people visit and cheer for women's cricket tournaments. Even though cricket is not the national game of India, it is still considered to be one of the most played sports. India has won the ICC ODI (One Day International) World Cup twice. The first was in 1983, and the second one was in 2011 under the captainship of Kapil Dev and MS Dhoni, respectively. India also won the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the Champions Trophy in 2013. The World Cup is held every four years.

My Love For Cricket

Cricket is my favourite sport. I love batting. Playing with friends in summer and winter evenings is the best part of my day. Virat Kohli is my favourite batsman. It baffles me how much the man has gained at such a young age. He keeps on inspiring me with his skills and talent. Over the years, cricket has enhanced my critical thinking and also developed the qualities of team spirit and hard work. I want to be a great cricketer and represent my country on the international cricket platform.

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Favorite childhood game analysis.

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One of my most memorable childhood activities was the simple game of tag. The variant I remember most fondly was known as freeze tag, which involved players who had been tagged being required to stay in place until the round ended. The game was played as follows: one person was designated as it, and after a brief head start by the other players, the person who was it would give chase to the other players. The goal was to tag as many other players as possible, which involved simply touching the other player, and each player who was tagged had to remain in place until the round ended. After the round, the last player tagged was the next person who was it.

What I believe I learned from the game was how to follow certain rules associated with the activity, how to coordinate with others, and elements of strategy such as identifying certain hiding places. Because this was a physical game, there was also an element of physical conditioning involved. The game was simple, but this is what made it appealing. The most important social lesson I learned from this game was communicating with others for mutual benefit. This most commonly involved strategizing with other players to avoid being tagged, such as coordinating a strategy where both players would run in opposite directions from the person who was it.

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Freeze tag would fall under the Games with Rules category in Smilansky’s play scale, as there is a need to follow certain rules. While the basic framework of the game was simple, there were often additional rules that accompanied each play session. For instance, certain areas were designated as out of bounds. Players were not allowed to hide as they might in a game of hide and seek. Players who were tagged were considered frozen, and not allowed to move. All of these rules therefore meant we were learning how to follow rules in the interest of having the most fun, as breaking these rules would have disrupted the activity. Playing this game also demonstrated why having rules are sometimes necessary, both in regard to playing the game, but in general life situations as well.

When the Parten and Piaget play scale is analyzed, it can be seen that freeze tag would fall under the Associative category, although there were also elements of coordination. However, Associative Play is characterized primarily through interactions with others, either by initiating an action such as giving chase, or responding to an interaction by fleeing or freezing in place. Associative Play is the type that implements cause and effect parameters: if one person gives chase, the correct response is to flee. If the person fleeing is caught, then the reaction is to remain in place. There were elements of coordinated play in devising strategies among players who were not it, but the central framework of the game can be seen to fall under the Associative category.

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers can use these scales to identify a series of activities that are balanced in accordance with valuable lessons that can be gained from each. For instance, functional play can teach how different processes work; constructive play can teach children how to make progress on a specific task; dramatic play can teach creativity, and games with rules can teach how to follow rules. Similarly, solitary play can encourage independent problem solving, parallel play can teach how to learn through observation, associative play can teach social skills, and coordinated play can help with communication skills. Each type of play has its value in learning, so teachers who understand the different lessons that can be learned from each style will provide a more holistic education for their students.

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Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

The joy of my first bicycle.

As a child, my most cherished memory is the day I got my first bicycle. It was bright red, with shiny handlebars and a loud horn. I felt a rush of excitement the moment I saw it. My dad held the seat steady as I climbed on. The first few tries were shaky, and I stumbled a lot. But with each fall, I got back up, determined to ride smoothly.

Learning to Ride

After many tries, I finally pedaled without falling. The wind in my hair, I felt unstoppable. My parents clapped and cheered from the sidewalk. That day, I learned more than just riding a bike. I learned that with patience and practice, I could do anything. This memory of joy and accomplishment is one I’ll always treasure.

250 Words Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

My best childhood memory.

When I think of my childhood, many fun times come to mind. But the one I cherish the most is the day I learned to ride a bike. It was a bright summer day, and my older brother decided it was time for me to ride without training wheels.

My brother took me to the park with my shiny red bike. At first, I was scared. I thought I would fall without the small extra wheels on the sides. But my brother held the back of the seat and ran beside me. He kept telling me to keep pedaling and to look straight ahead. His words were like magic, and slowly, I felt less scared.

Success at Last

After many tries, something amazing happened. My brother let go, and I didn’t even notice. I was riding all by myself! The wind was in my hair, and I was going faster than ever. I felt like I was flying. When I finally stopped and looked back, I saw my brother clapping and cheering. I had done it!

Why It’s Special

This memory is special because it was the first time I felt truly proud of myself. My brother’s help and the joy of learning something new made that day unforgettable. It taught me that even when things seem hard, with a bit of help and courage, I can do anything. Every time I see a bike, I remember that summer day and smile. It was a simple day, but it is my favorite childhood memory.

500 Words Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

When I think back to my childhood, many memories come to mind, but one stands out the most. It was the day my family and I went to the beach during summer vacation. That day is my favorite childhood memory because it was filled with joy and laughter, and it brings a smile to my face every time I remember it.

The Trip to the Beach

It was a bright and sunny morning when we started our trip to the beach. My parents, my little sister, and I piled into the car, each of us excited for the day ahead. We sang songs and played games on the way there, making the car ride part of the fun. The drive felt short because we were having such a good time together.

Building Sandcastles

As soon as we arrived, I could feel the warm sand under my feet and hear the waves crashing. The first thing I did was to build a sandcastle with my sister. We used buckets and shovels to shape the sand into towers and walls. My parents helped us decorate our castle with shells and seaweed. It wasn’t just a sandcastle; it was our little masterpiece, and we were proud of it.

Playing in the Water

After building the sandcastle, we ran towards the water. The sea was cool and refreshing. My sister and I jumped over waves and laughed every time one of us got splashed. My parents watched us from the shore, smiling and taking pictures to capture the moment. It felt like the water washed away all our worries, and all that mattered was the fun we were having.

Family Picnic

When we got hungry, we had a picnic on the beach. My mom had packed our favorite snacks and sandwiches. We sat on a big blanket and ate while we looked at the sea. There’s something special about eating outside, with the breeze and the sound of the waves. It made the food taste even better.

Watching the Sunset

As the day came to an end, we watched the sunset together. The sky turned into beautiful colors of orange and pink. It was like watching a painting come to life. We sat in silence, taking in the beauty of nature. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Why It’s My Favorite Memory

That day at the beach is my favorite childhood memory because it was a day spent with my family. We didn’t need fancy toys or gadgets to have fun; just being together was enough. It taught me the value of family and how simple moments can become the most precious memories.

This memory is like a treasure in my heart. Whenever I feel sad or miss my family, I think about that day, and it makes me happy. It reminds me that happiness comes from love and togetherness. That’s why my trip to the beach with my family is the memory I hold dearest from my childhood.

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essay on favourite childhood game

Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on childhood memories.

Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times. Furthermore, some memories help us get by tough days and make us cheerful on good days.

Childhood Memories Essay

Memories are the little things which help in running our lives smoothly. In other words, memories are irreplaceable and they are very dear to us. They help us learn from our mistakes and make us better. In my opinion, one’s childhood memories are the dearest to anyone. They help in keeping the child in you alive. Moreover, it also is a reason for our smiles in between adult life.

Importance of Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely.

Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our future. They do not necessarily define us but they surely play a great role. It is not important that someone with traumatic childhood memories may turn out to be not well. People get past their traumatic experiences and grow as human beings. But, these memories play a great role in this process as well.

Most importantly, childhood memories keep the inner child alive. No matter how old we get, there is always a child within each one of us. He/She comes out at different times.

For instance, some may act like a child on seeing swings; the other may get excited like a child when they see ice cream. All this happens so because we have our childhood memories reminding us of the times associated with the things we get excited about. Therefore, childhood memories play a great role in our lives.

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My Childhood Memories

Growing up, I had a very loving family. I had three siblings with whom I used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play. Especially, in the evenings, we used to go out in the park with our sports equipment. Each day we played different games, for example, football on one day and cricket on the other. These memories of playing in the park are very dear to me.

Furthermore, I remember clearly the aroma of my grandmother’s pickles. I used to help her whenever she made pickles. We used to watch her do the magic of combining the oils and spices to make delicious pickles. Even today, I can sometimes smell her pickles whenever I look back at this memory.

Most importantly, I remember this instance very clearly when we went out for a picnic with my family. We paid a visit to the zoo and had an incredible day. My mother packed delectable dishes which we ate in the zoo. My father clicked so many pictures that day. When I look at these pictures, the memory is so clear, it seems like it happened just yesterday. Thus, my childhood memories are very dear to me and make me smile when I feel low.

Q.1 Why is Childhood Memories important?

A.1 Childhood memories shape our personality and future. They remind us of the good times and help us get by on tough days. Moreover, they remind us of past experiences and mistakes which help us improve ourselves.

Q.2 What can be a common childhood memory for all?

A.2 In my opinion, a childhood memory most of us have in common is the first day of school. Most of us remember what we felt like on the first day. In addition, our birthdays are also very common childhood memory that reminds us of gifts and celebrations on that day.

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