
Essay on Ramayana

Students are often asked to write an essay on Ramayana in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Ramayana


The Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic. It is attributed to the sage Valmiki and narrates the life of Rama, the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu.

The epic recounts Rama’s divine purpose: to defeat the demon king Ravana. The story also includes his faithful wife Sita and loyal devotee Hanuman.

The Ramayana embodies the values of dharma (duty), loyalty, honor, and the power of good over evil. It teaches important life lessons and moral values.

The Ramayana influences Indian culture, literature, and art. Its teachings continue to inspire millions around the world.

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250 Words Essay on Ramayana

Ramayana, an ancient Indian epic, is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Mahabharata. Authored by sage Valmiki, the Ramayana is not merely a story, but a spiritual guide that embodies the fundamental tenets of Dharma (righteousness).

Plot and Characters

The epic revolves around the life of Prince Rama of Ayodhya. The narrative unfolds his royal birth, his rigorous training, his marriage to Sita, his unjust exile, the abduction of his wife by the demon king Ravana, his battle against evil, and his triumphant return to Ayodhya. The Ramayana is characterized by its rich tapestry of characters, each embodying virtues and vices.

Symbolism and Philosophy

Ramayana is replete with symbolic and philosophical undertones. Rama’s life symbolizes the path of Dharma, while Sita represents unwavering devotion. Ravana symbolizes ego and desire, and their eventual downfall. The epic underscores the victory of good over evil, and the importance of upholding one’s duties and responsibilities.

Impact and Legacy

The Ramayana has had a profound influence on Indian culture, art, and literature. Its teachings have shaped societal norms and values, and its characters are seen as ideals of moral conduct. It is not just a narrative, but a living cultural and spiritual legacy that continues to inspire millions.

Ramayana, a timeless epic, is a profound exploration of human values and the concept of Dharma. It serves as a moral compass, guiding individuals towards righteousness, and continues to be relevant in the contemporary world. The depth and wisdom of the Ramayana make it not just a story, but an enduring spiritual guide.

500 Words Essay on Ramayana

The Ramayana, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, is a timeless classic that has been passed down through generations. It is not just a story, but also a spiritual guide and a moral compass, offering valuable lessons on duty, honor, and love.

Authorship and Structure

Traditionally attributed to the sage Valmiki, the Ramayana is composed of about 24,000 verses divided into seven books. The epic is written in the form of a poem, and its narrative is infused with philosophical insights, making it a profound piece of literature.

Plot Summary

The epic revolves around the life of Prince Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal devotee Hanuman. The story begins with the birth of Rama, his upbringing, and his marriage to Sita. The plot thickens when Rama is exiled for 14 years, and Sita is kidnapped by the demon king Ravana. The epic then narrates the adventures of Rama and his allies as they strive to rescue Sita. The story concludes with Rama’s triumphant return to Ayodhya and his coronation as king.

Symbolism and Themes

The Ramayana is not just a tale of heroism and adventure; it is also rich in symbolism and deep philosophical themes. Rama, the protagonist, symbolizes dharma (righteousness), while Ravana, the antagonist, represents adharma (unrighteousness). The epic explores themes of duty, loyalty, devotion, and the pursuit of truth. It also portrays the ideal characteristics of a king, a wife, a brother, and a servant, thereby serving as a guide for righteous living.

Impact and Influence

The influence of the Ramayana extends beyond literature and has permeated various aspects of Indian culture. It has inspired countless works of art, dance, music, and drama. Its teachings have shaped the moral and ethical fabric of Indian society. The epic has also had a profound influence on South-East Asian cultures, where it has been adapted into various local versions.

The Ramayana is more than just an epic; it is a profound exploration of human nature, morality, and the struggle between good and evil. It continues to be relevant in the contemporary world, offering timeless wisdom and guidance. The epic serves as a mirror, reflecting the values and ideals of society, while also challenging us to uphold these values in the face of adversity. In essence, the Ramayana is not just a story to be read but a life lesson to be learned.

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essay short ramayana story in english

Essay on the Ramayana | Indian History

essay short ramayana story in english

Here is an essay on the Ramayana.

The Ramayana is known as the Adi Kavya (the earliest narrative poem). It contains 24,000 verses and is divided into seven books. The central theme of this epic is the con­flict between Rama, a representative of the Aryan civilization, and Ravana, a representative of the non-Aryan civilisation.

The style is simple and direct and does not indulge the literary gymnastics so common among later classical writers. There are few episodes which are not connected with the main story. The text of Ramayana was not regarded as sacred as that of the Vedas and therefore different recessions of the book were formed.

According to the story of the Ramayana, King Dasaratha ruled over Kosala (northern Oudha) with Ayodhya as his capital. He had three wives, Kaushalya, the chief queen, Sumitra and Kaikayi. He had four sons—Rama, (the eldest son born of Kaushalya), Lakshmana and Shatrughana (born of Sumitra) and Bharat (son of the youngest queen Kaikayi).


When Dashratha grew old, he wished Rama to succeed him to the throne, and therefore, appointed him Yuvraj.

This was quite distasteful to Kaikayi, the youngest queen, who wanted her son Bharat to succeed Dashrath. Utilizing the two promises or vardans given by King Dashratha in the past, she demanded the exile of Rama for 14 years, and throne for her son Bharat.

Rama as a dutiful son proceeded on exile with his wife and Lakshman, his brother who loved him most. Bharat, who also loved Rama very much, also refused to accept the throne and followed him in jungles. However, on persuasion of Rama he returned to Ayodhya and continued to rule in the name of Rama during the period of his exile.

During the course of exile while Rama was living in the forest at Panchavati near Nasik, Ravana’s sister visited them and asked Laxman to marry her. Laxman not only refused to marry her but also insulted her. Ravana, the demon king, took revenge for the insult of his sister by abducting Sita to Lanka (Ceylon).

Rama and Laxman marched towards Lanka to rescue Sita. On the way Rama helped Sughriva to regain his lost kingdom from Bali. As a token of gratitude for this favour Sughriva offered the services of Hanuman, his able army general.

Ultimately as a result of the great battle between Rama and Ravana at Lanka, Ravana was defeated and killed. Sita was brought back. In the meanwhile the term of fourteen years of exile was over and Rama returned to Ayodhya and became the king. He continued to rule for a long time.

However, the troubles of Rama were not over and he was forced to send away Sita from his palace because her chastity was suspected by some of the subjects. Sita ultimately found shelter in the ashrama of Valmiki and gave birth to Lava and Kusha.

Rama discovered about the identity of these two sons only when he performed the Ashvamedha sacrifice and his horse was detained by these brave boys. These boys later on succeeded Rama.

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Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Ideal couple

Sita’s capture, sita’s innocence, sita’s anger, lakshmana’s death, works cited.

The Ramayana is an epic Indian tale about the Indian life. It offers an example of dharma. The protagonists Rama and his wife Sita are an ideal couple who lived their lives according to dharma. They are an example of how married couples should be as Rama was an ideal husband to his wife and she was a faithful wife to him. For many years, the epic has been passed down from one generation to another and young Indians told to emulate Rama and Sita.

After marrying Rama, he was banished to live in the forest for fourteen years by his father at his stepmother’s word who wanted her real son to inherit the throne. Sita refused to remain behind in the palace and became adamant about following her husband to the forest as she said that a wife’s place is by husband’s side. Unfortunately, she was captured by the demon king Ravana. Later, Rama and Lakshmana rescued her.

However, Rama was in doubt of his wife’s faithfulness and purity because she had lived under King Ravana for a year. She had to go through fire to proof her purity and she was found to be innocent. The treatment that Rama gave his wife after her rescue is questionable because he is supposed to be a man of dharma hence of good thought. However, he doubts his wife and makes her go through fire, which she accepts (Hess 2).

Rama knew his wife was innocent but demanded for a proof for the sake of his subjects. In the second instance, he knew she was innocent because she had already passed the first purity test. However, he gave in to rumours about his wife’s impurity after hearing people question his taking back of Sita after she had been with King Ravana.

The culture of the Rhaghu Dynasty did not allow a man to live with an infidel wife and many people in the kingdom were wondering if Sita was faithful after living with King Ravana. Tradition demanded banishment of such a woman. He banished his wife because he felt he had a bigger duty towards his subjects than his personal life (Duiker and Spielvogel 62).

Sita was angry at her husband’s treatment concerning her purity. She wept and rebuked him for behaving like an ordinary man and treating her as an ordinary women yet she had already proved her purity (Hess 6). She felt betrayed because during all the time she was in captivity her mind was with her husband constantly. Her anger and humiliation made her request mother Earth to swallow her to find some peace.

The two sons of Rama Lava and Kush injured their uncle Lakshmana in battle of the horse not knowing they were related. Fortunately, he did not succumb to the injuries as he was revived using a certain herb. He died later after being expelled by his brother Rama and God Indra took him to heaven.

Duiker, William and Jackson Spielvogel. World History Volume 1 . New York: Cengage Learning, 2009.

Hess, Linda. “Rejecting Sita: Indian Responses to the Ideal Man’s Cruel Treatment of His Ideal Wife.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 67.1 (1999): 1-32

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ramayana/

"Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-ramayana/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ramayana/.

1. IvyPanda . "Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ramayana/.


IvyPanda . "Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life." February 20, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ramayana/.

essay short ramayana story in english

The Ramayana

R. k. narayan, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions.

Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on R. K. Narayan's The Ramayana . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

The Ramayana: Introduction

The ramayana: plot summary, the ramayana: detailed summary & analysis, the ramayana: themes, the ramayana: quotes, the ramayana: characters, the ramayana: symbols, the ramayana: theme wheel, brief biography of r. k. narayan.

The Ramayana PDF

Historical Context of The Ramayana

Other books related to the ramayana.

  • Full Title: The Ramayana (originally called Kaavyam Ramayanam Kritsnam Sitaayaas Charitham Mahat)
  • When Written: Valmiki probably wrote the original Ramayana between 500 and 100 BCE
  • Where Written: Kosala Kingdom
  • When Published: The edition used in this LitChart was published in 1972
  • Literary Period: Classical Sanskrit; Post-Vedic
  • Genre: Epic Poem
  • Setting: The Kosala Kingdom of ancient India and the island of Lanka
  • Climax: When Rama kills Ravana
  • Antagonist: Ravana, various other rashakas and demons
  • Point of View: Third person, though the author occasionally addresses the reader directly.

Extra Credit for The Ramayana

The First Poet. Valmiki is credited with inventing the shloka meter of verse poetry, which is the most common meter in classical Sanskrit poetry. Legend has it that he uttered the first shloka in grief and anger when he saw someone suddenly shoot a mating duck.

Squirrel. R. K. Narayan only mentions squirrels in passing, but Valmiki's Ramayana states that Rama stroked a squirrel in thanks for his help building the bridge to Lanka. The path of Rama's three fingers formed the three white stripes that run down the backs of Indian palm squirrels.

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Essay on “The Ramayana” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

The Ramayana

The Ramayana is one of India’s priceless epics, the other being the Mahabharata. The Ramayana has been translated, televised and made into motion pictures several times. In it, the great sage, Valmiki, has brought out his deepest thoughts and aspirations. It is regarded as a sacred book by the Hindus who view Lord Rama as a symbol of moral perfection. He was a devoted and obedient son, husband, brother, master, warrior, and a great and just ruler. He is worshipped ardently by one and all, throughout the country.

The philosophy propounded by the Ramayana is very deep. On the one hand, portrays the ideals of truth, bravery, fidelity, an unquestionable acceptance of hardships and personal loss; on the other hand, it depicts the wicked desires of an evil mind, which is man’s greatest destructive force. Ravana, a highly intellectual person, was reduced to nothing because of his wicked and unscrupulous desires.

The destruction of Ravana shows the ultimate victory of good over evil. Even to this day, Dusshera is celebrated with great pomp and show all over the country. On this day effigies of Ravana, Meghnathand Kumbhkaran are burnt to symbolize the victory of good over evil. Ramlilas are held in several places and they still attract a lot of people!

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The Ramayana of Valmiki

The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic, and the older of the two Great Epics of India. It is probably the most influential Indian text, having local versions in almost all Indian languages, as well as being the national epic of Thailand , Laos , and being an important source of cultural influence in countries like Indonesia. This website hosts the English translation of the Ramayana along with the Sanskrit version. The English translation was done by Ralph Thomas Hotchkin Griffith, and was digitized by Project Gutenberg . My work has been turning Gutenberg's plaintext into beautiful HTML and adding a search indexer to the epic. Billions have grown up with the Ramayana, and I felt it must be accesible in a modern digital format. Most Indians grew up watching Ramanand's Sagar Ramayan (1987) which aired on Indian state TV and remains the most view mythological serial with over 650 million viewers. Arguably the highest point of the serial was the famous 'हम कथा सुनाते राम सकल गुणधाम की' (We Tell The Tale of the Virtuous Rama) song, which has been translated to English prose on YouTube . There are of course, many versions of the Ramayana as shown above here, but we have decided like many others, to stick to the Valmiki version as it is considered "canon". Note: The original Griffith text has many cantos missing, many of these missing cantos have been filled using the prose translation and using GPT3.5 to generate a poem version similar to Ralph T.H. Griffith's style. These have been marked with a "GPT" beside the Canto heading. Regards, S.Gautam.  aasi-archive/rmy Corpus Search

The Ramayana Across Asia

essay short ramayana story in english

English Summary

Essay on My Favourite Book Ramayana in English

Ramayana is one of the main epics of the Hindu religion. It is a sacred book which teaches us about life. People believe that it was written by Valmiki. Ramayana is kept in houses and most people read it daily because reading it is like worshipping God.

Ramayana tells the story of Lord Ram who was the king of Ayodhya. Lord Ram’s father had three wives. When the time came for Lord Ram to become the king and sit on the throne, there occurs a problem. Kaikeyi asks her husband that her own son should become the king instead of Ram. She also asks him to send Ram to forest. Ram goes to forest with his wife, Sita for 14 years. Ram’s cousin brother Laxman also goes with him because he loves and respects him the most.

In the forest, Sita was kidnapped by evil Ravana. Then Ram goes to bring back his wife. Lord Hanuman and his monkey tribes help him. Ram kills Ravana and comes back to Ayodhya with Sita. People always celebrate their victory by lighting Diyas.

Ramayana teaches us about our duties. From Lord Ram, we learn that a king must listen to everyone in his kingdom. Lord Ram also teaches us how to be humble. He respects his father and loves his younger brothers. Goddess Sita is a strong woman who doesn’t get afraid of Ravana.

Ramayana is a poetic record of our ancestor’s history and their ways of living. It teaches everyone to become dutiful, loving and respectful towards others.

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essay short ramayana story in english

The Ramayana

The ramayana essay questions.

Traditionally, Sita was regarded as the model for ideal womanhood. Does Sita exemplify the traits that you think women should have? Why or why not ?

I think that Rama is the ideal model for both men and women. Rama is brave and courageous, whereas Sita's main virtues are loyalty and chastity. Perhaps this made sense during the time that the Ramayana was written, but in the modern era, it makes more sense for men and women to have similar virtues.

The Ramayana exists in many different versions. Develop your own version by rewriting a scene from the Ramayana from the perspective of a different character. First, identify the point-of-view character in a particular scene, then rewrite the scene from a different character's perspective.

Khara is a brave and noble rakshasa who has carved out part of the forest for his people to live in. Suddenly, a trio of loud and noisy humans appear in this peaceful place. They kill deer and cut down grass, and Khara decides that it's time to kick them out. Unfortunately, they don't listen to him....

The Ramayana shares many storytelling devices with other epic poems and sacred scriptures. Identify one aspect of the Ramayana with that of another story with which you are more familia. (For example, which of the episodes in the Ramayana have parallels in the Bible, the Iliad , the Quran?) Do these episodes accomplish the same purpose in the narrative? How do they differ?

In both the Ramayana and the Iliad , the catalyst for war is the kidnapping of a royal woman. In the Ramayana , Ravana kidnaps Sita, and Rama must enlist the help of the vanara army to save her out of his love for her. In the Iliad , the Trojan prince Paris kidnaps Helen (or does she willingly run off with him? The Iliad is less than clear on this point). Because of a promise that the kings of Greece made with Menelaus, Helen's husband, they go to war to get Helen back. In both cases, a long and bloody war is started over the kidnapping of a woman, but the Ramayana emphasizes the role that love plays in the struggle to free Sita.

The Ramayana suggests that much of Rama's greatness is the result of his choices to place dharma above his own personal interests. Likewise, Ravana possess many noble characteristics, but has chosen to use them for a life of evil. Do you think that being good or bad is a matter of personal choice, or are people simply born good or bad?

I think that good and evil are matters of personal choice. Though the text emphasizes Rama's divinity, I think it would have been possible for him to choose an evil path. For example, he could have assassinated Kaikeyi and Bharata for usurping his throne; in that case, maybe one of his other brothers would have assassinated him, and his kingdom would decline and suffer. Instead, he decided to go into exile to avoid confrontation. Likewise, Rama makes a bad choice in sending Sita away when the people of Ayodhya gossip about her, and he later regrets this evil mistake.

Ravana received a number of warnings to release Sita and apologize to Rama, but he chose to ignore this advice. Do you think Ravana deserved the terrible fate that befell him? Why or why not?

I do not Ravana deserved this fate. This would imply that he had the ability to change his course of action or alter his fate, and it is clear from the text that his love for Sita was so great that it would have torn him apart to see her go. However, I do not think that his rakshasa subjects deserved to die in a war that was caused by Ravana's private emotions.

How would things have been different if Bharata was happy to usurp his brother and ascend the throne?

The people of Ayodyha would not have accepted a Bharata who was happy to exile the beloved Rama. They would either have refused to listen to him, or they would have revolted against him. Either way, he would have found it extremely difficult to rule, and may have had to resort to force to keep his people in line. If Bharata were forcibly evicted from the throne, it is possible that the whole dynasty would have fallen. Alternatively, perhaps Rama would have been forced to come back from the jungle to rule. In that case, Rama would have suffered terrible guilt from breaking his father's promise, and he would never have served his life's purpose by killing the evil Ravana.

Sugriva is loyal to Rama, but he is also occasionally dishonest, cowardly, and duplicitous. Do you think he was telling the truth when he said that he shut his brother Vali in the cave by accident? How would it change the story if he did it on purpose?

I think it is very likely that Sugriva shut his brother Vali in the cave on purpose. Though he heard his brother screaming and saw blood flowing out, this does not necessarily mean that his brother was dead; he could have bravely gone to assist his brother. It is suspicious how quickly Sugriva wrote his brother off. If this is true, it seems a bit odd that Rama would ally himself with someone who tried to usurp his brother. Maybe this shows that Rama has human flaws; he doesn't know everything and sometimes trusts the wrong people. Another possibility is that Rama's friendship with Sugriva demonstrates that forgiveness can be extended even to those who have performed the most heinous acts.

Rama is deeply suspicious of Sita after her captivity in Ravana's palace; in book seven, he even exiles her due to his suspicions. Do you think this is the right or fair thing to do?

I think this is a fair thing to do. Sita spent almost a year in the palace of a rakshasa known for seducing women; it makes sense that Rama thought she too may have succumbed to Ravana. In book seven, despite the emotionally painful nature of the scene where he exiles her, his decision makes sense. Rama's first duty is to his people, and if his people think that their king is weak and without morals, they will start to behave badly and it will be difficult to maintain justice.

Who do you think is the most admirable character in the Ramayana ?

I think that Hanuman is the most admirable character in the Ramayana . He does not know Rama, Lakshmana, or Sita extremely well, but he performs incredible acts for their sakes. He flies over the ocean to assure Sita that Rama has not forgotten her, he ransacks Lanka, and he provides indispensable help to Rama in the final battle against Ravana. Hanuman does not stand to gain wealth or power by helping them; they aren't even the same species as he is. But he is loyal and a brave fighter, and he eventually helps them come out victorious.

Rama insists that his exile in the forest is destined by fate. What purpose did this exile serve?

At first, Rama's friends and relatives think that the jungle exile is (among other things) a terrible waste of time. Rama will lose fourteen years that he could have used to learn statecraft and ruling; instead of governing, he will wander in the woods. Moreover, he will no longer be a young man when he returns. However, Rama's exile into the forest is one of the most important parts of his story. It is in this moment that he sees the loyalty of Lakshmana and Sita, and he spends his time in the woods honing his rakshasa-killing skills and visiting powerful holy men. Moreover, it is his exile in the woods that sets him on the path to his confrontation with Ravana, which is the reason he was born into this world.

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The Ramayana Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Ramayana is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

stylictic features

Ironical; when Lakshamana leaves his wife behind and joins his brother in exile for 14 good years

Which of the following statements best explains why Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita go live in Chitrakuta Forest

"Which of the following" means that you have been provided with answer choices for your question. Please include all information in your posts.

Who is nobler Lakshmana or Bharata?

This question calls for your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer. In my opinion, both brothers are equally loyal to Rama. Bharata, however, in working to undo his mother's wrongs might be considered the nobler.

Study Guide for The Ramayana

The Ramayana study guide contains literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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  • The Ramayana Summary
  • Character List

Essays for The Ramayana

The Ramayana essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ramayana by Valmiki.

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  • Domination - The Power Shift from Women to Men Through Ancient Literature
  • Leadership in Epic Literature: Rama and Sundiata
  • How to Handle Your Feelings: Anger as an Antagonist in the Ramayana

Wikipedia Entries for The Ramayana

  • Introduction
  • Textual characteristics

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  • Life Skills
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  • Rhymes & Songs
  • Preschool Locator

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The Story Of Ramayana For Kids 


Origin And History Of The Ramayana Story

Story type of the ramayana story, story characters, the ramayan story for children, story summary, what lesson did your child learn from this story, how can children apply the lesson of the story in their real life.

India is well-known for its rich culture, traditions, mythological stories, and religious diversity worldwide. Stories like Ramayana are prevalent in the sensibilities of Indian people and play a vital role in preaching the overall ideal way of living in the world. It is an epic that strengthens the importance of brotherhood, sacrifices for loved ones, a sense of righteousness, culture, humbleness, and simple living with a touch of sacredness. Ramayana is much more than a mythological tale that teaches us about our heritage and some of history’s most significant events. Children should be taught these stories from an early age since it helps them understand Indian history much better. The Ramayana story in English is taught in many elementary schools as part of the curriculum. The Ramayana’s full story is of prince Rama’s journey with the help of an army of monkeys to rescue his beloved wife, Sita, from the hands of the great monarch of Lanka, Ravana. Learn more by reading ahead.

The Ramayana epic was written in Sanskrit by the sage Valmiki many years ago to teach Lord Rama’s sons, Luv and Kush. The Ramayana has been adapted in several Indian languages.

The Ramayana is a mythological saga and should be taught to kids to make them aware of their history and roots.

The Ramayana story has numerous characters; the most important ones are:

King Dasharatha: King Dasharatha ruled the kingdom of Ayodhya on the banks of the river Sarayu, located in the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh. He had three wives and loved his elder son, Rama, dearly.

Rama: Rama was King Dasharatha’s eldest son and was adored by everyone. He was well-known for his polite nature and fearless attitude.

Lakshmana: Lakshmana was King Dasharatha and his third wife, Sumitra’s son. He had a unique bond with his dear brother Rama and could do anything for him.

Sita: Sita was Raja Janak’s, the king of Mithila’s, daughter and was married to the eldest prince of Ayodhya, i.e., Rama.

Ravana: Ravana was the mighty king of the kingdom of Lanka. He kidnaps Sita from the forest and is later killed by Rama.

Hanuman: Lord Hanuman, son of Anjani, was a big devotee of Lord Rama. He was wise and played an important role in Ravana’s defeat.

A long time ago, there lived a king named Dasharatha, the ruler of the kingdom of Ayodhya. He had three wives: Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. The first wife, Kausalya, gave birth to the eldest son, Rama. The second wife, Kaikeyi, gave birth to Bharata, while the third wife, Sumitra, had twins and named them Lakshmana and Satrughna. In no time, the kids grew up into handsome princes and became well-known across the kingdom for their wisdom and strength. King Dasharatha loved all his kids but had a soft spot in his heart for his eldest son, Rama. One day, sage Vishwamitra took the young princes to the neighbouring kingdom of Mithila, which King Janaka ruled. He had organised a swayamvar for his daughters, Sita and Urmila. “Welcome, Princes!” announced King Janaka. “As you all know that I have organised this swayamvar for my two beautiful daughters, and any of you can get married to them. However, the only condition is that you have to string this great bow by Lord Shiva.” Many princes took turns stringing the bow, but none of them succeeded. In the end, Rama went and strung it in his first attempt to win King Janaka’s elder daughter Sita for marriage. Urmila got married to Lakshmana, and all of them were welcomed back to the kingdom with great pomp and show. Things were fine until one day, King Dasharatha expressed his willingness to throne Rama as the king. “My dear Ayodhya citizens. I have served you all for many years now. Now I am growing old and want to appoint my eldest son Rama as the king”, announced King Dasharatha, and the entire kingdom danced with joy. However, Dasharatha’s second wife, Kaikeyi, was unhappy with the decision as she wanted his son, Bharat, to be the king. She was charmed into thinking so by one of her closest servants Manthara. She immediately called for the king and asked him to fulfil the two wishes that he had granted him a long time back. “My dear King. I guess it’s time for you to fulfil the two boons you had given me”, said Kaikeyi. “I want you to make my son, Bharat, to be the king and send Rama to the forest for an exile of fourteen years”. Poor king had no option but to send Rama to exile. He was accompanied by his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana to the forest. As soon as Rama left for the forest, Dasharatha could not accept the fact and died within a few days. Rama, Sita and Lakshmana lived a life full of hardships in the forest. One day, Ravana’s sister, Surpanakha, saw Rama and was mesmerised by his beauty. She wanted to marry him, but Rama refused. Angrily, she went to attack Sita, but Lakshmana cut her nose in rage to protect Sita. She returned to Lanka and narrated the incident to her brother Ravana, who decided to take revenge on them. One day, Sita saw a beautiful deer in the forest and asked Rama to get it for her. The deer was nothing else but a trap by Ravana. When Rama did not return after a long time, Sita sent Lakshmana to look for him. Lakshmana was hesitant to go but eventually left after drawing a magic line on the door. “I urge you not to cross this line in any circumstances”, said Lakshmana and left. Meanwhile, Ravana came to Sita dressed as a sage and asked her to offer some fruits. As soon as Sita crossed the line, he grabbed Sita and took her to Lanka on his rath. When Rama and Lakshmana came to know about what had happened, they rushed to rescue Sita. On the way, they met the monkey king Sugreev and Hanuman, who decided to help them to rescue Sita. Hanuman flew to the kingdom of Lanka in search of Sita and saw her sitting in one of the backyards. She went to her and said, “Mata Sita. I am a messenger of lord Rama, and I am here to give you this ring. Lord Rama has sent this ring and said that he will come to rescue you very soon.” Later, the guards caught Hanuman and set his tail on fire. He burnt Ravana’s entire palace and returned to Rama. After that, Rama and the monkey army started their journey to Lanka to rescue Sita. They reached there after many days, and finally, the war began. Kumbhkarna, Ravana’s mighty brother, Indrajith, Ravana’s son, and other great warriors lost their lives in the battle. Finally, Lord Rama and Ravana came face to face. Lord Rama killed Ravana, and they took Sita back to the kingdom of Ayodhya, where he was crowned as the king.

The Ramayana Story For Kids1

Given below is a summary of the Ramayana story-

King Dasharatha, the ruler of Ayodhya, and his three wives had four children: Rama, Lakshmana, Bharat, and Satrughna. The king loved all his children dearly, but his favourite was his eldest son, Rama. He wanted him to be the king. However, the news did not go well with his second wife, Kaikeyi, as she wanted her son, Bharat, to be the king. She asked the king to send Rama to exile and make Bharat the king. Dasharatha agreed half-heartedly, and soon Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita left for exile.

In the forest, Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, the king of Rakshas. While escaping, Sita, Rama, and Lakshmana met Sugreev and Hanuman, who agreed to help them by providing them with their monkey army. With the help of the monkey army, Rama and Lakshmana successfully won over Ravana’s army and killed him, thus rescuing Sita and bringing her back to Ayodhya.

The Ramayana story teaches kids the crucial lesson of “Victory of good over evil”.

In the given story, Ravana was a very mighty and powerful king but was eventually killed by Lord Rama because of his bad deeds.

The Ramayana story teaches children the importance of doing good deeds and always helping others. Kids should always follow the path of good as, in the end, good prevails and bad loses. They can get inspired by Rama’s disposition. Even after many hardships, Rama didn’t leave his good nature until the end. He respected his parents, brothers, wife, and friends and always stood up for them. Kids can learn to form the character of Laxmana, Bharat, and Shatrughan on how to nurture sibling love. Kids can learn to be kind, respectful, and virtuous after listening to the story.

The Ramayana story with pictures makes up for an informative read for the children as it allows them to visualise the characters and familiarises them with ancient history. You can read this Ramayana story to them at bedtime and watch them drift off to sleep with a feeling of justness and righteousness.

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16 Interesting Short Stories From Ramayana For Kids

The reason for Ravana’s ten heads, Bajrangbali’s name, and more from Ramayana.

Visti Larsen has spent over two decades teaching and practicing Vedic Astrology. After a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, he completed a five-year Jaimini Scholar program and a five-year Parāśara Jyotiṣa course, thus becoming a Jamin... read full bio

Debolina Raja came into the writing world while she was playing around with words and participating in various literary events. She found her writing interest in various genres such as health, wellnes... read full bio

Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditin... read full bio

Praggya Joshi holds a bachelor's degree in Education and a master's in Ancient Indian History from University of Delhi. She has a robust knowledge of literature, society, and ethics. Praggya has been ... read full bio

Image: ShutterStock

Valmiki, a reformed robber, wrote the Ramayana, one of the grandest epics of Good vs. Evil. It’s the tale about how Lord Rama i The central character in the Ramayana, considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu fought the demon king Ravana i The main antagonist in the Ramayana, a demon king to rescue his wife, Sita. The Ramayana teaches us the true meaning of devotion, love, Karma, Dharma i The moral and ethical principles of Hinduism , valor, and relationship.

The epic was first handed over to Lord Rama’s children and has been handed down from generation to generation. And if you are looking to acquaint your little one with the Ramayana, here are a few short stories to give the kids a sneak peek into the world of Lord Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Laxman! We are sure the kiddies will love these stories. In this post, we bring you interesting short stories from Ramayana for kids. You may share or read them to your kids and see their faces light up in awe.

16 Inspirational Ramayana Stories

1. the story of a squirrel:.

After the abduction of Sita, Lord Rama along with this army of monkey and bears starts making a bridge over the sea that would connect them to Lanka i The island kingdom of Ravana in the Ramayana . Lord Rama was triumphant to see the passion, dedication and energy level of his army towards the construction of the bridge. A little squirrel was picking up a pebble in her mouth and putting it near the boulders. She did it repeatedly and effortlessly.

Just then, a monkey noticed her and started making fun of her. He told her to stay away lest a boulder crush her. Hearing this, everyone started making fun of her. The squirrel was in tears. Lord Rama was noticing all this from a distance.

Upset, the squirrel went to Lord Rama and complained about everyone to him. Lord Rama then demonstrated to the Army how the pebble thrown by the squirrel has worked as the connector between the two boulders. Even her contribution is as valuable as the other members of the army.

Acknowledging the squirrel’s effort, Lord Rama stroked the squirrel’s back. The stroking left the marks of his finger on the body of the squirrel. Since then, the squirrels have carried white stripes on their body. This is one of the interesting short stories from Ramayana for children.

2. When Hanuman Refused To Obey Lord Rama:

Image: Shutterstock

Lord Hanuman was morose after the coronation ceremony. He sat in the corner, meditating on Lord Rama with closed eyes. Tears were flowing incessantly from his eyes.

Sita noticed and informed Lord Rama at once about it. Rama went near to Hanuman and said, “I couldn’t give you anything in return for your Bhakti i Devotion to a God as a means to attain salvation in Hinduism and Devotion. The only thing I can do is take you along with me to Vaikunta i The ultimate destination for souls in Hinduism ”. Hanuman asked, “Will you be there with me in Vaikunta” to which Lord Rama replied, “yes, but not as Rama, but as Lord Mahavishnu i One of the three major deities of the Hindu triad, considered the preserver of the universe .” Lord Mahavishnu is the cause, and Lord Rama is the effect’.

Hanuman replied, “I wouldn’t go to a place where Lord Rama isn’t present. I will stay back in Ayodhya i A city in northern India, the birthplace of Lord Rama and will continue meditating on Lord Rama”.

3. The Story Of Shanta, Rama’s Sister:

Before the birth of Lord Rama, King Dashrath had a daughter named Shanta. Kaushalya’s elder sister Vershini had no offspring. Once, when Vershini came to visit her sister, she flippantly asked for her child. Hearing this, Dashratha agreed that she could adopt his daughter, Shanta. It’s belived that Lord Rama and his other brothers were not told about their sister.

4. The Story Behind Ravana’s 10 Heads:

Image: IStock

Ravana was a devout follower of Lord Shiva i One of the three major deities of the Hindu triad, known as the destroyer and transformer . After attaining the education, Ravana underwent an intense penance to please Lord Shiva. To appease Lord Shiva, Ravana even chopped off his head. Each time he chopped off his head, it grew back, thereby enabling him to continue his penance. This austerity of Ravana pleased Shiva, and he granted him ten heads. And thus, he became one of the most powerful beings on the earth. The ten heads of Ravana indicate the four Vegas and six shashtras that Ravana mastered. It can be the best story for kids to know about the great epic Ramayana.

5. The Birth Of Hanuman:

Lord Hanuman, one of the incarnations of Lord Shiva was born to Anjana by the blessings of Vayu, who later became Hanuman’s godfather. When Anjana was praying to Lord Shiva for her son, King Dasharath was also performing a Yagna to have children. He received a bowl of sacred pudding from the God of Fire to share amongst his three wives. By divine order, an eagle snatched some of the pudding and dropped where Anjana was meditating. Vayu, the deity of wind, transported the fragment of the dessert to Anjana’s hands, who ate it. Lord Hanuman was born soon after.

6. Was Sita The Daughter Of Mandodari?

This may come as a surprise to most of you, but Adbhuta Ramayana states that Mandodari was the mother of Sita. After killing the sages, Ravana would keep their blood in a large pot. Sage Gritsamada was a devout follower of Goddess Lakshmi. He even practiced penance to attain Goddess Lakshmi as his daughter. After storing the milk from the Darbha grass in a pot, he purified it with chants, expecting Lakshmi to dwell in it. But Ravana sneaked into Gritsamada’s house and poured the milk into his pot.

Mandodari was very frustrated with the evil deeds of Ravana, So she decides to commit suicide by drinking the blood that Ravana had stored in the pot. Instead of dying, Mandodari gets pregnant with the Sita, one of the incarnations of Lakshmi, all because of the milk. She leaves the baby in Kurukshetra, only to be found by Janaka.

7. Death Of Lord Rama:

It wasn’t possible for Lord Rama to die because Hanuman wouldn’t allow Yama i The god of death and justice in Hinduism to claim Rama’s soul. To divert the attention of Hanuman, Ram dropped his ring through a crack and asked Hanuman to fetch it for him. Hanuman reduced himself to the size of a beetle and entered the crack only to find himself in the serpent’s land. He asked Vasuki, the king of the Nag Lok for the ring. The king showed him a dome filled with rings, all belonging to Ram. Hanuman was baffled seeing this. Then the king informed him that Ram deliberately dropped down the ring to divert his mind from Lord Rama’s death.

8. When Ram Issued A Death Sentence To Hanuman:

Narada could not stand the harmony in the kingdom after Lord Rama took over his father’s place as the king. So he tried to create differences between Hanuman and Ram. When the sages appeared in the court, Narada tricked Hanuman to greet all the sages except Vishwamitra i A sage in Hindu mythology known for his power and knowledge , as he was not a sage by birth. Hanuman did as suggested, which did not bother Vishwamitra initially.

But following the instigation of Narada, Vishwamitra became all charged up and asked Lord Rama to issue a death sentence to Hanuman. Being the disciple of Vishwamitra, Rama could not contradict Vishwamitra’s command and ordered Hanuman’s execution by arrows. The statement of execution was also issued the next day. But none of the arrows could harm Hanuman.

Lord Rama then used the Brahmastra, his most powerful weapon. But even Brahmastra failed before Hanuman. Do you know why it happened? Because Hanuman kept chanting Lord Rama’s name. Narada realized his mistake and pleaded Vishwamitra to stop the war.

9. Do You Know How Bajrangbali Got The Name?

One day, when Sita was applying vermilion on her forehead, a curious Hanuman asked, “Why do you apply vermilion.” Sita replied “for longer and healthier life of Lord Rama.” The enthusiastic Hanuman smeared his entire body with vermilion. Lord Rama burst out into laughter seeing Hanuman smeared in Vermilion. He named him ‘Bajrangbali’, which comes from the word Bajrang, meaning ‘orange.’

10. Rama’s Brothers:

Lord Rama, as most of us know, is the incarnation of Vishnu, but what about his brothers Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughan? Bharat and Shatrughan are the Sudarshan-Chakra of Lord Rama, and Vishnu is his Shesh-Naag, Vishnu’s seat in Vaikunth.

Laxman was later born as Balram, Lord Krishna’s elder brother. Laxman had complained all his life that being born as the younger brother he has to obey all the commands of Ram. His wish to be an older brother was fulfilled when he was born as Balram.

11. Laxman Defeating Sleep For 14 Years:

Urmila, Laxman’s wife, was ready to accompany him when he was leaving for the exile, but Laxman forced her to stay home. Laxman wanted to protect Ram and Sita from all the dangers, defeating sleep. So he approached Nindra, the Goddess of Sleep and asked her to look over him for the next 14 years. Nindra commanded that someone had to sleep on behalf of him to create a balance. So Laxman asked her to consider Urmila for this. Nindra went to the palace of Ayodhya and asked Urmila if she would like to take up Laxman’s sleep, to which she gladly agreed.

Urmila slept for 14 years, until the day of Ram’s coronation. If Urmila had not helped, Laxman would have never been able to slay Megnath i The warrior son of Ravana and a character in the Ramayana , the one who was granted a boon that only Gudakesh i Another name for Arjuna, one of the five Pandavas in the Mahabharata could kill him. It can be one of the best stories from Ramayana for children.

12. Surpanakha, The Stimulus Of The Battle Of Lanka:

Most accounts of Ramayana suggest that Surpanakha, Ravana’s sister had no interest in Rama. But Valmiki’s Ramayana accounts that Surpanakha approached Rama, but he rejected her for Sita. Soorpnakha then proposed to Laxman, but even he rejected her. Angered by the rejection, Surpanakha tried to hurt Sita. Fearing Sita’s life, Rama told Laxman to chop off her ears and nose. To seek revenge, Surpanakha induced Ravana to kidnap Sita, which triggered the battle.

But other accounts suggest that Surpanakha enticed Ravana to kidnap Sita to avenge her husband’s death. Surpanakha was first married to Dushtabuddhi Rakasha, who enjoyed great favors from Ravana, But his greed for more enraged Ravana and he had him killed. Distraught by the death of Dushtabuddhi Rakasha, Surpnakha realized that only Rama could kill Ravana. So, when Laxman chopped off her nose, she provoked Ravana to kidnap Sita as an act of revenge. This is an ideal Ramayana stories for children .

13. When Ravana Deposited His Soul:

Before fighting the battle with Rama, Ravana gave his soul to a hermit called the Fire-Eye. The Fire-Eye was supposed to keep his soul safe and secure. In the battle, Rama was surprised that the arrows struck Ravana, but did not wound him. Only one of the allies of Rama knew the secret behind it. So he transformed himself to resemble Ravana and went to the hermit, asking for the soul. No sooner the soul was set free, Rama slayed Ravana.

14. Kubera, The Real Ruler Of Lanka:

Lord Brahma i One of the three major deities of the Hindu triad, considered the creator of the universe had produced ten mind-born sons or Prajapatis while creating the Universe and Sage Pulatsya, Vishrava’s father was one of them, Rishi i A sage or a wise man in Hinduism and Yoga philosophy Bhardwaj was totally mesmerized by Vishrava and even offered his daughter Ilavida for marriage. Ilavida and Vishrava gave birth to Kuber, the Lord of Wealth.

But Tataka and Sumali also wanted Kaiseki, their daughter to marry Vishrava to increase their powers through alliances with kings and Rishis. They even planned their meeting. Vishrava fell in love with Kaiseki and fathered Ravana. Kubera inherited Lanka from his father, Vishrava. Being a good son, he even shared all his wealth with his half-brother Ravana. But after receiving all kinds of boons from Brahma, Ravana overthrew Kubera from Lanka.

15. The Story Of Kumbhkaran’s Sleep:

Once, brothers Ravana, Kumbhakaran, and Vibhishan were asked what boon they wanted from Brahma. Indra, on the other hand, was well aware of Kumbhakaran’s valor and wit and knew that he would ask from the Indrasan, the Kingdom of Heaven. Fearing this, Indra requested Goddess Saraswati to tie Kumbhakaran’s tongue, which bound Kumbhkaran to ask for the eternal Nindrasan. Brahma granted him the boon of eternal sleep.

Seeing his brother’s plight, Ravana pleaded Brahma to undo the curse. Brahma did undo it, but with a condition. He said that Kumbhakaran would sleep for half a year and will stay awake for another half. Even during the Battle of Lanka, Kumbhakaran was asleep and was walked over by a thousand of elephants in an attempt to wake him up. It can one of the best and interesting stories form Ramayana for children.

16. The Victory Of Ram Over Ravana:

Towards the end of the battle, Ravana organized a Yajna to assure his victory. The only condition was that Ravana could not move out of the Yajna. When Rama got to know about it, he sent a group of monkeys along with Angada to destroy the Yajna.

These short stories are a great way to introduce children to mythology, Hinduism, heroism, morality, values, and Indian culture. The morals and lessons taught in these stories are still relevant today and can help children develop a sense of right and wrong.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What lesson does Ramayana teach to children?

Ramayana demonstrates the power of good over evil. It highlights the family’s importance and teaches children to obey their parents in every situation. Ramayana highlights the ill effects of selfishness and shares how one should control their temptations. Above all, Ramayana teaches children to respect everyone and value every resource and person around them.

2. Who were the main characters in the story of Ramayana?

From Ram and Sita to king Dashratha, Laxman, Hanuman, and Ravan, Ramayana has many characters, and every character teaches you some or other life lesson. Reading Ramayana stories can give children and adults wisdom that can help them be righteous, compassionate, empathetic, obedient, respectful, and courageous.

3. What happens during the battle between Lord Rama and Ravana?

During the battle between Ram and Ravana, Ram fires golden arrows at Ravana, which turn into serpents as they reach him. Although they cut off Ravana’s heads, they grew back again. This fight continues for days till Matali, Rama’s charioteer, suggests to Rama that he shoot the arrow of Brahma given by Agastya to kill Ravana. Rama then shoots this arrow which strikes Ravana’s heart and kills him.

4. What lessons can children learn from the character of Lord Rama in the Ramayana?

Children learn about giving respect to parents, loyalty, being trustworthy, and a commitment to duty from Lord Rama’s. He exemplifies ethics and ideals. Lord Ramaa’s life emphasizes being humble, not being afraid of challenges in life, and standing by your people and family.

5. How does Lord Rama’s exile impact the story of the Ramayana?

Lord Rama’s exile happens because of Kaikayi, her stepmother. This exile came at a time when Rama was to take the throne. But he chose to accept his exile because duty and loyalty to his parents were the most important to him. The period of his exile had Rama witnessing various challenges and hardships. But he faced all of them fearlessly.

Angada and the monkeys tried their best to divert Ravana’s attention but were unsuccessful. To grab Ravana’s attention, Angad dragged Mandodari’s by her hair right in front of Ravana. But Ravana was indifferent. Mandodari pleaded with Ravana to save her. She even taunted her by giving her the example of Ram and Sita. Her words moved Ravana, and he left the Yagna. This Ramayana short stories for kids explains about the victory of Ram over Ravana.

All the short stories from Ramayana for kids listed above help teach your children about this great epic and Lord Rama. They are also inspirational and motivating and will assist in imparting good teaching and vital life lessons in them. Whether it’s the “Story of The Squirrel,” “The Story Behind Ravana’s 10 Heads,” “Rama’s Brothers,” “The Story Of Kumbhkaran’s Sleep,” or other tales, your child will undoubtedly learn about great epics. So, take a break from your busy schedule to read them to your children or use them as bedtime stories.

Key Pointers

  • The Ramayana is a Hindu epic that teaches valuable lessons about relationships, duty, and righteousness.
  • The story of the squirrel can help children learn the essential lesson of inclusivity, as it teaches that even the smallest contribution matters.
  • The tale behind how Lord Hanuman got the name ‘Bajrangbali’ can introduce children to Hanuman’s unwavering love and faith for Shri Ram.
  • The implausible story about how Lakshman’s wife took up his sleep for 14 years teaches children about the love that family members share.
  • These tales help children understand the untold stories of famous mythological characters like Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Ravana.
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Short story of Ramayana in english in brief!

Whenever the point comes to India, You would have surely heard about the mighty epics of Hindus. You would have also heard about Lord Rama. One such mighty epic is Ramayana. If you want to read further, visit our blog post: Short story of Ramayana .

Lord Rama is the most popular and important God in Hinduism. He and his Ramayana are believed to be very sacred by the Hindus.

Ramayana is a big epic and it can’t be read easily, so today I will give you a short story of Ramayana in English. The Ramayana is daily read by millions of Hindus. 

Being an ancient Indian novel, this epic is closely related to the hearts of millions of Hindus. The people of India consider Lord Rama to be their ancestor, and He is considered to be the core of all Indian philosophies. 

Originally written by Maharishi Valmiki in Sanskrit Language, this epic has been re-written and translated in many other languages. Being the First Epic to be written, It is said to be Adi-Kavya or the first Epic.

The Ramayana consists of 24,000 verses and divided into 7 parts. The Ramayana is an epic which is based on the life journey of a mighty King named Rama.

He is considered to be the 7th human incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of this world. Lord Rama came to this world to eliminate the Evils and Adharma and establish the rule of Good and Dharma. 

After Mahabharata, Ramayana is the second largest epic of this world. It narrates the whole life of Rama as how he is born, his marriage with Sita, his killing of Ravana(the demon king) etc. In this blog post, I will give you a short story of Ramayana in English.

If you want to read more about Ramayana, please read our latest blog post: Short story of Ramayana .

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Brief Story of Ramayana (Summary)

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  1. Ramayana

    The Ramayana was composed in Sanskrit, probably not before 300 bce, by the poet Valmiki and in its present form consists of some 24,000 couplets divided into seven books. Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Lakshmana. Rama and Sita (seated) with Hanuman (kneeling) and Lakshmana, 18th century, India. The poem describes the royal birth of the god Rama in ...

  2. Essay on Ramayana

    Plot Summary. The epic revolves around the life of Prince Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal devotee Hanuman. The story begins with the birth of Rama, his upbringing, and his marriage to Sita. The plot thickens when Rama is exiled for 14 years, and Sita is kidnapped by the demon king Ravana. The epic then narrates the adventures of Rama and his ...

  3. Essay on the Ramayana

    Here is an essay on the Ramayana. The Ramayana is known as the Adi Kavya (the earliest narrative poem). It contains 24,000 verses and is divided into seven books. The central theme of this epic is the con­flict between Rama, a representative of the Aryan civilization, and Ravana, a representative of the non-Aryan civilisation. The style is simple and direct and does not indulge the literary ...

  4. The Epic Ramayana by Valmiki

    Ramayana is a book written a long time ago, and which is estimated to be between 1500 and the fourth century. It is one of India's greatest epics written to date. The story has been adapted, and retold in many different ways; however, this particular one is translated by Narayan. We will write a custom essay on your topic. 809 writers online.

  5. Ramayana: A Tale About Indian Life

    The Ramayana is an epic Indian tale about the Indian life. It offers an example of dharma. The protagonists Rama and his wife Sita are an ideal couple who lived their lives according to dharma. They are an example of how married couples should be as Rama was an ideal husband to his wife and she was a faithful wife to him.

  6. The Ramayana Study Guide

    Key Facts about The Ramayana. Full Title: The Ramayana (originally called Kaavyam Ramayanam Kritsnam Sitaayaas Charitham Mahat) When Written: Valmiki probably wrote the original Ramayana between 500 and 100 BCE. Where Written: Kosala Kingdom. When Published: The edition used in this LitChart was published in 1972.

  7. Ramayana

    The 'Ramayana' is an ancient Hindu epic about Rama and Sita. It is one of the two most important ancient epics of [India], the first one being the ancient Mahabharata .. The epic was originally written by sage ( rishi) Valmiki of Ancient India. The book has about 24,000 verses and is divided into six parts.

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  10. The Ramayana Summary

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  12. The Ramayana

    The Ramayana of Valmiki. The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic, and the older of the two Great Epics of India. It is probably the most influential Indian text, having local versions in almost all Indian languages, as well as being the national epic of Thailand, Laos, and being an important source of cultural influence in countries like ...

  13. PDF Table of Contents

    Narayan also published travel books, volumes of essays, the memoir My Days, and the retold legends Gods, Demons, and Others, The Ramayana, and The Mahabharata. In 1980 he was awarded the A. C. Benson Medal by the Royal Society of Literature, and in 1981 he was made an Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

  14. The Ramayana Essay

    Better Essays. 1480 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. The Ramayana Essay. The Ramayana by R.K. Narayan's is an epic story that provides insights into many aspects of Indian culture and still today influences the politics, religion and art of modern India. He based his novel on a poem from one of India's great Sanskrit epics also called " Ramayana ."

  15. Ramayana

    The name Rāmāyaṇa is composed of two words, Rāma and ayaṇa. Rāma, the name of the main figure of the epic, has two contextual meanings. In the Atharvaveda, it means 'dark, dark-coloured, black' and is related to the word rātri which means 'darkness or stillness of night'. The other meaning, which can be found in the Mahabharata, is ...

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    I think that Rama is the ideal model for both men and women. Rama is brave and courageous, whereas Sita's main virtues are loyalty and chastity. Perhaps this made sense during the time that the Ramayana was written, but in the modern era, it makes more sense for men and women to have similar virtues. 2. The Ramayana exists in many different ...

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  21. Short Story of Ramayana in english!

    The Ramayana is an epic which is based on the life journey of a mighty King named Rama. He is considered to be the 7th human incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of this world. Lord Rama came to this world to eliminate the Evils and Adharma and establish the rule of Good and Dharma. After Mahabharata, Ramayana is the second largest epic of ...

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  23. Brief Story of Ramayana (Summary)

    ರಾಮಚಂದ್ರ ಕೌಸಲ್ಯೆಯ ಮಗ. ಭರತನು ಕೈಕೇಯಿಯ ಮಗ. ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಣ (...) [/dk_lang] [dk_lang lang="ml"]The main story of Ramayana can be summarized as below: Raja Dasharatha of Ayodhya had three wives. The names of his wives were Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Ram Chandra was the son ...