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How to write strong essay body paragraphs (with examples)

In this blog post, we'll discuss how to write clear, convincing essay body paragraphs using many examples. We'll also be writing paragraphs together. By the end, you'll have a good understanding of how to write a strong essay body for any topic.

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Table of Contents

Introduction, how to structure a body paragraph, creating an outline for our essay body, 1. a strong thesis statment takes a stand, 2. a strong thesis statement allows for debate, 3. a strong thesis statement is specific, writing the first essay body paragraph, how not to write a body paragraph, writing the second essay body paragraph.

After writing a great introduction to our essay, let's make our case in the body paragraphs. These are where we will present our arguments, back them up with evidence, and, in most cases, refute counterarguments. Introductions are very similar across the various types of essays. For example, an argumentative essay's introduction will be near identical to an introduction written for an expository essay. In contrast, the body paragraphs are structured differently depending on the type of essay.

In an expository essay, we are investigating an idea or analyzing the circumstances of a case. In contrast, we want to make compelling points with an argumentative essay to convince readers to agree with us.

The most straightforward technique to make an argument is to provide context first, then make a general point, and lastly back that point up in the following sentences. Not starting with your idea directly but giving context first is crucial in constructing a clear and easy-to-follow paragraph.

How to ideally structure a body paragraph:

  • Provide context
  • Make your thesis statement
  • Support that argument

Now that we have the ideal structure for an argumentative essay, the best step to proceed is to outline the subsequent paragraphs. For the outline, we'll be writing one sentence that is simple in wording and describes the argument that we'll make in that paragraph concisely. Why are we doing that? An outline does more than give you a structure to work off of in the following essay body, thereby saving you time. It also helps you not to repeat yourself or, even worse, to accidentally contradict yourself later on.

While working on the outline, remember that revising your initial topic sentences is completely normal. They do not need to be flawless. Starting the outline with those thoughts can help accelerate writing the entire essay and can be very beneficial in avoiding writer's block.

For the essay body, we'll be proceeding with the topic we've written an introduction for in the previous article - the dangers of social media on society.

These are the main points I would like to make in the essay body regarding the dangers of social media:

Amplification of one's existing beliefs

Skewed comparisons

What makes a polished thesis statement?

Now that we've got our main points, let's create our outline for the body by writing one clear and straightforward topic sentence (which is the same as a thesis statement) for each idea. How do we write a great topic sentence? First, take a look at the three characteristics of a strong thesis statement.

Consider this thesis statement:

'While social media can have some negative effects, it can also be used positively.'

What stand does it take? Which negative and positive aspects does the author mean? While this one:

'Because social media is linked to a rise in mental health problems, it poses a danger to users.'

takes a clear stand and is very precise about the object of discussion.

If your thesis statement is not arguable, then your paper will not likely be enjoyable to read. Consider this thesis statement:

'Lots of people around the globe use social media.'

It does not allow for much discussion at all. Even if you were to argue that more or fewer people are using it on this planet, that wouldn't make for a very compelling argument.

'Although social media has numerous benefits, its various risks, including cyberbullying and possible addiction, mostly outweigh its benefits.'

Whether or not you consider this statement true, it allows for much more discussion than the previous one. It provides a basis for an engaging, thought-provoking paper by taking a position that you can discuss.

A thesis statement is one sentence that clearly states what you will discuss in that paragraph. It should give an overview of the main points you will discuss and show how these relate to your topic. For example, if you were to examine the rapid growth of social media, consider this thesis statement:

'There are many reasons for the rise in social media usage.'

That thesis statement is weak for two reasons. First, depending on the length of your essay, you might need to narrow your focus because the "rise in social media usage" can be a large and broad topic you cannot address adequately in a few pages. Secondly, the term "many reasons" is vague and does not give the reader an idea of what you will discuss in your paper.

In contrast, consider this thesis statement:

'The rise in social media usage is due to the increasing popularity of platforms like Facebook and Twitter, allowing users to connect with friends and share information effortlessly.'

Why is this better? Not only does it abide by the first two rules by allowing for debate and taking a stand, but this statement also narrows the subject down and identifies significant reasons for the increasing popularity of social media.

In conclusion : A strong thesis statement takes a clear stand, allows for discussion, and is specific.

Let's make use of how to write a good thopic sentence and put it into practise for our two main points from before. This is what good topic sentences could look like:

Echo chambers facilitated by social media promote political segregation in society.

Applied to the second argument:

Viewing other people's lives online through a distorted lens can lead to feelings of envy and inadequacy, as well as unrealistic expectations about one's life.

These topic sentences will be a very convenient structure for the whole body of our essay. Let's build out the first body paragraph, then closely examine how we did it so you can apply it to your essay.

Example: First body paragraph

If social media users mostly see content that reaffirms their existing beliefs, it can create an "echo chamber" effect. The echo chamber effect describes the user's limited exposure to diverse perspectives, making it challenging to examine those beliefs critically, thereby contributing to society's political polarization. This polarization emerges from social media becoming increasingly based on algorithms, which cater content to users based on their past interactions on the site. Further contributing to this shared narrative is the very nature of social media, allowing politically like-minded individuals to connect (Sunstein, 2018). Consequently, exposure to only one side of the argument can make it very difficult to see the other side's perspective, marginalizing opposing viewpoints. The entrenchment of one's beliefs by constant reaffirmation and amplification of political ideas results in segregation along partisan lines.

Sunstein, C. R (2018). #Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

In the first sentence, we provide context for the argument that we are about to make. Then, in the second sentence, we clearly state the topic we are addressing (social media contributing to political polarization).

Our topic sentence tells readers that a detailed discussion of the echo chamber effect and its consequences is coming next. All the following sentences, which make up most of the paragraph, either a) explain or b) support this point.

Finally, we answer the questions about how social media facilitates the echo chamber effect and the consequences. Try implementing the same structure in your essay body paragraph to allow for a logical and cohesive argument.

These paragraphs should be focused, so don't incorporate multiple arguments into one. Squeezing ideas into a single paragraph makes it challenging for readers to follow your reasoning. Instead, reserve each body paragraph for a single statement to be discussed and only switch to the next section once you feel that you thoroughly explained and supported your topic sentence.

Let's look at an example that might seem appropriate initially but should be modified.

Negative example: Try identifying the main argument

Over the past decade, social media platforms have become increasingly popular methods of communication and networking. However, these platforms' algorithmic nature fosters echo chambers or online spaces where users only encounter information that reinforces their existing beliefs. This echo chamber effect can lead to a lack of understanding or empathy for those with different perspectives and can even amplify the effects of confirmation bias. The same principle of one-sided exposure to opinions can be abstracted and applied to the biased subjection to lifestyles we see on social media. The constant exposure to these highly-curated and often unrealistic portrayals of other people's lives can lead us to believe that our own lives are inadequate in comparison. These feelings of inadequacy can be especially harmful to young people, who are still developing their sense of self.

Let's analyze this essay paragraph. Introducing the topic sentence by stating the social functions of social media is very useful because it provides context for the following argument. Naming those functions in the first sentence also allows for a smooth transition by contrasting the initial sentence ("However, ...") with the topic sentence. Also, the topic sentence abides by our three rules for creating a strong thesis statement:

  • Taking a clear stand: algorithms are substantial contributors to the echo chamber effect
  • Allowing for debate: there is literature rejecting this claim
  • Being specific: analyzing a specific cause of the effect (algorithms).

So, where's the problem with this body paragraph?

It begins with what seems like a single argument (social media algorithms contributing to the echo chamber effect). Yet after addressing the consequences of the echo-chamber effect right after the thesis sentence, the author applies the same principle to a whole different topic. At the end of the paragraph, the reader is probably feeling confused. What was the paragraph trying to achieve in the first place?

We should place the second idea of being exposed to curated lifestyles in a separate section instead of shoehorning it into the end of the first one. All sentences following the thesis statement should either explain it or provide evidence (refuting counterarguments falls into this category, too).

With our first body paragraph done and having seen an example of what to avoid, let's take the topic of being exposed to curated lifestyles through social media and construct a separate body paragraph for it. We have already provided sufficient context for the reader to follow our argument, so it is unnecessary for this particular paragraph.

Body paragraph 2

Another cause for social media's destructiveness is the users' inclination to only share the highlights of their lives on social media, consequently distorting our perceptions of reality. A highly filtered view of their life leads to feelings of envy and inadequacy, as well as a distorted understanding of what is considered ordinary (Liu et al., 2018). In addition, frequent social media use is linked to decreased self-esteem and body satisfaction (Perloff, 2014). One way social media can provide a curated view of people's lives is through filters, making photos look more radiant, shadier, more or less saturated, and similar. Further, editing tools allow people to fundamentally change how their photos and videos look before sharing them, allowing for inserting or removing certain parts of the image. Editing tools give people considerable control over how their photos and videos look before sharing them, thereby facilitating the curation of one's online persona.

Perloff, R.M. Social Media Effects on Young Women's Body Image Concerns: Theoretical Perspectives and an Agenda for Research. Sex Roles 71, 363–377 (2014).

Liu, Hongbo & Wu, Laurie & Li, Xiang. (2018). Social Media Envy: How Experience Sharing on Social Networking Sites Drives Millennials' Aspirational Tourism Consumption. Journal of Travel Research. 58. 10.1177/0047287518761615.

Dr. Jacob Neumann put it this way in his book A professors guide to writing essays: 'If you've written strong and clear topic sentences, you're well on your way to creating focused paragraphs.'

They provide the basis for each paragraph's development and content, allowing you not to get caught up in the details and lose sight of the overall objective. It's crucial not to neglect that step. Apply these principles to your essay body, whatever the topic, and you'll set yourself up for the best possible results.

Sources used for creating this article

  • Writing a solid thesis statement : https://www.vwu.edu/academics/academic-support/learning-center/pdfs/Thesis-Statement.pdf
  • Neumann, Jacob. A professor's guide to writing essays. 2016.


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Essay On Facebook

500 words essay on facebook.

Facebook has become one of the most famous social networking sites. However, it comes with its own sets of pros and cons. While it has helped a lot of individuals and business to create their brand, it is also being used for wrong activities. Through an essay on Facebook, we will go through all this in detail.

essay on facebook

Benefits of Facebook

Facebook is experiencing dramatic growth currently where the number of users has reached one billion. It comes with a lot of benefits like video calling with your close ones and uploading your photos and videos without charge.

Most importantly, it allows you to get in touch with people from the other side of the world without spending a penny. It is also a great way to connect with old school friends and college friends.

Further, you can also make new friends through this platform. When you connect with people from all over the world, it opens doors to learning about new cultures, values and traditions from different countries.

It also gives you features for group discussions and chatting. Now, Facebook also allows users to sell their products or services through their site. It is a great way of increasing sales and establishing your business online.

Thus, it gives you new leads and clients. Facebook Ads help you advertise your business and target your audience specifically. Similarly, it also has gaming options for you to enjoy when you are getting bored.

Most importantly, it is also a great source of information and news. It helps in staying updated with the latest happenings in the world and subscribing to popular fan pages to get the latest updates.

Drawbacks of Facebook

While it does offer many advantages, it also gives you many drawbacks. First of all, it compromises your privacy at great lengths. Many cases have been filed regarding the same issue.

Further, you are at risk of theft if you use it for online banking and more. Similarly, it also gives virus attacks. A seemingly harmless link may activate a virus in your computer without you knowing.

Moreover, you also get spam emails because of Facebook which may be frustrating at times. The biggest disadvantage has to be child pornography. It gives access to a lot of pornographic photos and videos.

Similarly, it is also a great place for paedophiles to connect with minors and lure them easily under false pretence. A lot of hackers also use Facebook for hacking into people’s personal information and gaining from it.

Another major drawback is Facebook addiction . It is like an abyss that makes you scroll endlessly. You waste so much time on there without even realizing that it hampers the productivity of your life by taking more away from you than giving.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Facebook

To sum it up, if we use Facebook in the right proportions and with proper care, it can be a powerful tool for anyone. Moreover, it can be great for marketing and networking. Further, any business can also leverage its power to make its business success. But, it is essential to remember to not let it become an addiction.

FAQ of Essay on Facebook

Question 1: What is the purpose of Facebook?

Answer 1: The purpose of Facebook is to allow people to build a community and make the world a smaller place. It helps to connect with friends and family and also discover all the latest happenings in the world.

Question 2: What is the disadvantage of Facebook?

Answer 2: Facebook is potentially addictive and can hamper the productivity of people. Moreover, it also makes you vulnerable to malware and viruses. Moreover, it has also given rise to identity theft.

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How To Write Essay Body Paragraphs

How To Write Essay Body Paragraphs

3-minute read

  • 4th October 2022

Writing essays is an unavoidable part of student life . And even if you’re not pursuing a career that involves much writing, if you can boost the quality of your essays , you’ll improve your grades and have a better chance of reaching your goals.

One effective way to improve your writing is to strengthen your essay body paragraphs. Those are the paragraphs between the introduction and the conclusion. In our guide below, we’ll consider four components of body paragraphs:

●  Purpose

●  Evidence

●  Analysis

●  Connection

For each paragraph you write , ask yourself: Why are you writing this paragraph? What point are you trying to make? This can be turned into a topic sentence, which is a brief sentence at the beginning of the paragraph clearly stating its focus.

Let’s say our essay is arguing that Fall is the best season, and, in this paragraph, we’re promoting the enjoyableness of Fall activities. Our topic sentence could be something like:

Fall activities, like apple picking, visiting a pumpkin patch, and playing in the leaves, are more enjoyable than activities in other seasons.

Now that you have a clear idea of the point you’d like to make, you must support it with facts. You can do this by citing scientific and/or academic sources; sharing data from case studies; and providing information that you’ve discovered yourself, such as by conducting your own study or describing a real-life experience.

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We sent a survey to 100 participants. One question asked: “Which activity do you prefer: apple picking, building a snowman, planting flowers, or kayaking?” Sixty percent of respondents chose apple picking.

Now that you’ve provided evidence, critically analyzing it is key to strengthening your essay. This involves explaining how the presented facts support your argument, what counterarguments exist, and if there are any alternative points of view.

Although the response to one question indicated that 55% of respondents prefer swimming to jumping in piles of leaves, the responses to the rest of the questions in the survey showed that most participants chose Fall activities as their favorites. These findings indicate that Fall activities are more enjoyable than other types of activities.

Each paragraph must be connected to the paragraphs around it and the main point. You can achieve this by using transitional words and sentences at the end of the paragraph to summarize the current paragraph’s findings and introduce the next one. Transition words include likewise , however , furthermore , accordingly , and in summary .

Therefore, Fall is the best season when it comes to activities. Furthermore, the clothing worn during this season is also superior.

Proofreading and Editing

This step should not be overlooked. Even the best writers will miss errors in their own writing, so it’s crucial to have an outside pair of eyes check your work for spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and readability.

Our expert editors can also ensure your referencing style is followed correctly, offer suggestions for areas where your meaning isn’t clear, and even format your document for you! Try our service for free today by uploading a 500-word sample .

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How to write an essay: Body

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Body paragraphs

The essay body itself is organised into paragraphs, according to your plan. Remember that each paragraph focuses on one idea, or aspect of your topic, and should contain at least 4-5 sentences so you can deal with that idea properly.

Each body paragraph has three sections. First is the topic sentence . This lets the reader know what the paragraph is going to be about and the main point it will make. It gives the paragraph’s point straight away. Next – and largest – is the supporting sentences . These expand on the central idea, explaining it in more detail, exploring what it means, and of course giving the evidence and argument that back it up. This is where you use your research to support your argument. Then there is a concluding sentence . This restates the idea in the topic sentence, to remind the reader of your main point. It also shows how that point helps answer the question.

Body paragraph example

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  • “She Argued Facebook Is a Monopoly” by Dina Srinivasan The article refers to the protection of personal data that may be inappropriately used by large social networks against the will of their users.
  • Conformity in Social Media: Facebook Consensus The need for convenience in communication and the sharing of information has led to the rapid technological advancement in the communication sector, hence, a number of other social media platforms are being created to satisfy […]
  • Connection Strategies: Social Capital Implications of Facebook-Enabled Communication Practices by Ellison Social capital is the essential foundation of social networks and the placement of individuals in the social structures, with the ability to reshape them and communicate.
  • Powerful Benefits of Facebook It means that it is a popular social network, and what I believe is that it owes its popularity with young people to the fact that it was launched by the students, who knew how […]
  • Facebook Addiction Problem Overview This paper is an in-depth analysis of the risks that Facebook poses to children and the steps that parents should take to ensure that their children do not become victims of Facebook use.
  • Facebook: The Latest Addiction Most delegates had laptops in the room connected to the internet and my surprise a good number of them were misusing the privileges of the internet provided by the UN by accessing Facebook and other […]
  • Should People Cancel Facebook? This seems to be a good and easy connection and it has attracted very many people who have registered and even uploaded their photographs. To solve the above problems it is important that people cancel […]
  • Changes of Facebook’s Policies Over Time Facebook has not always managed its users’ data well and this is the main reason as to why the Facebook team has come and reason together on the new policies in order to manage and […]
  • Monetization of Facebook Application ‘Fit-Ify’ Facebook application means providing the optional opportunities for which the users are to pay, which could be effective on the condition that the interests of the audience are taken into consideration and the right moment […]
  • Impact of Wiki and Facebook on Business Communication The use of wikis and facebook can be used to enhance the success of business organizations. Through the use of facebook, it is possible for the management of the firm establish an effective customer to […]
  • Facebook Social Network: Participant Observation However, this viewing is limited to users who are approved friends or are in the same network, and individual users have the option of allowing their friends to view their information.
  • Strategic Management. Facebook Faces Up In that sense Strategic management could be considered as the issue of decision making which with the use of flexible management would provide adaptation of the enterprise to the changing environment.
  • Facebook: What Does It Need for a New Face? Their interactions with social media, for example the Facebook, is a preparation for their later lives that will later be filled with excitement and frustration as they battle the competition and the “survival-of-the-fittest” strategies in […]
  • Op-Ed Piece: Facebook and Political Content That is why the public should promote the idea of adopting regulations and censorship for Facebook to protect users from the manipulation of information.
  • Streaming Murder on Facebook Live The discourse in the media is that people must not see the violent content under the guise of “safety”. However, the researchers that study online disinhibition make a point that it is situated firmly online, […]
  • Profit and Capitalism on the Facebook Example Milton and Friedman’s school of thought discusses the power of the market in the sense that the majority of economic fallacies are driven by the lack of attention to simple insight and the tendency to […]
  • Fired Over Facebook: Using Social Media to Complain As a result, the solution to the problem received a mixed response from the general public that was aware of the case.
  • Facebook Revealed User Data: Satirical Ad As the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg also answers to the public for the controversies and scandals surrounding his company.
  • Kakao Brand Marketing Communication on Facebook However, the “shop” page is arranged very nicely and allows the visitors to see all the splendor of the shop’s offerings.
  • Service Marketing at Myspace, Twitter, Facebook This is an effective way for a firm to determine the impacts that their products have and the changes that they need to put to improve the overall quality of their products hence achieving consumer […]
  • Facebook Network Globalization Perhaps, due to its easy and wide access to many people and the availability of web-enabled cellphones, Facebook has been a target by some authorities, mainly China and a host of Arab countries. In fact, […]
  • Saudi Female Students’ Facebook Usage In one case, the husband of the respondent encouraged her to join the SNS and in other cases, brothers, cousins, and uncles of the Saudi women were active participants of the SNS and this encouraged […]
  • Facebook as a Successful Social and Business Platform This, coupled with their ability to diversify user engagement levels in current and potential markets, is certain to place the company ahead of its competitors in the technology industry.
  • Plagiarism and Facebook Use in Students Despite the view that the current generation of students is somewhat neglecting the seriousness of plagiarism, it is still viewed that originality must be emphasized and not to allow digital technology to violate principles of […]
  • Stanford University’s vs. Facebook Inc.’s Administration The term “public administration” refers to the implementation of appropriate policies that can meet citizens’ needs. In public organizations, the term “external culture” can be used to refer to the environment served.
  • Facebook Company’s Financial Position, Performance and Liquidity This investment report seeks to present information about the financial position, performance, and liquidity of Facebook, Inc, as well as its relation to the industry and major competitors to provide recommendations for investing in the […]
  • Social Networks Diversity Analysis: Facebook In particular, regarding the criterion of a social class, the overwhelming majority is similar. In this context, it is appropriate to use the concept of “the wisdom of crowds” suggesting that larger groups can offer […]
  • Facebook as a Social Network and Its Privacy Policy The case study explains that the privacy policy and privacy settings on Facebook are such that they considerably violate the privacy of the social network’s users by selling their data to third parties for a […]
  • Facebook and Twitter Usage for E-Commerce This paper aims to discuss the question of Facebook and Twitter use for customer service and marketing, with the purpose to understand which companies are best suited for the mentioned platforms.
  • Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? The attractiveness of Facebook, the cause of its influence, is that it allows us to be social while getting us out of the disconcerting reality of the world – the unintentional revelations we make, the […]
  • Fake Facebook News: Awareness and Protection In the case with youth, it is of huge importance for the service to double-check the uploaded information since public opinion is usually formed of the knowledge people receive.
  • Facebook’s Privacy Policy and Ethical Controversy The momentous benefits of Facebook covered up for the shortcomings of the media. Since many people use this media to connect globally, companies have made the maximum advantage out of it by advertising their products […]
  • Facebook’s Strategic Management and Competitiveness The undeniable fact is that the company’s growth and success are attributable to the explosion of the Internet. The founders of the company must have been inspired by the need to support the goals of […]
  • Facebook’s Usage and Disordered Eating There is a potential to use this type of research not just to increase the understanding of the issue, but also to support strategies for solving it, and the fact that the authors did not […]
  • Facebook and Employees Political Bias Additionally, he refers to her personal opinions not discussed in her actual announcements, such as her posts on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Facebook’s Role of in Establishing Relations The appearance of social networking sites has changed the life of people and their relations. Nevertheless, these capabilities of Facebook might have a harmful effect on the people’s relations with their relatives and friends in […]
  • Social Anxiety and Facebook Time Spending I chose social anxiety as the concept that might have an effect on the amount of time spent on Facebook each day because of the increasing number of teenagers and young adults who identify themselves […]
  • Facebook Communication and Social Capital The purpose of the study by Ellison, Vitak, Gray, and Lampe was to scrutinize the relationship between certain types of Facebook-enabled communication, and the perceived bridging social capital.
  • Google, Apple and Facebook Companies Competition The point of the article is that mobile computing and Internet services can be very profitable and that the company that dominates the market can earn a lot of money.
  • Kalimah Brand’s Facebook Networking Group The garments are modified with embroidery and print to add the value and quality of all the company’s merchandise. By using the site it is easy to know the number of people liking your product […]
  • Facebook: Marketing Objectives, Tactics and Strategies It is likely that Facebook users with pets follow such pages and will see the project P.A.W.S.mentioned in some of the posts.
  • Facebook Effects on Our Self-Esteem The title of the article “Facebook envy: how the social network affects our self-esteem” speaks for itself: the author Andrea Shea reflects on the impact that the social media has on its users, and in […]
  • The Right to Privacy is Not a Right to Facebook Through the article The Right to Privacy is Not a Right to Facebook Castro tries to explore the issue of online privacy by focusing on a Facebook company that recently came up with new privacy […]
  • Facebook and the Well-Being of College Students This experiment focused on determining the impact of the use of Facebook on attitudes, self-esteem, social adjustments, and performance of the undergraduate college students.
  • What Drives Advertising Success on Facebook? The analysis of the data utilized direct aggression approach to calculate the compound advertising effect for each of the stimulus that was studied. The findings of the study indicated that advertising on Facebook had an […]
  • Facebook: Web Page’ Ethical Statement The statement reads that the company has all the rights to use the information that is uploaded by the users for research purposes.
  • Facebook Advantages over MySpace Facebook had a number of advantages entering into a market that was not completely unaware of the functionalities of a social networking site.
  • Facebook Online Marketing Manager’s Functions Understanding the underlying subject and the tone of the discussions will help the company adjust to the needs of customers and come up with their best voices in social media.
  • Social Media: Facebook Problems, Decisions and Actions Facebook experienced the third problem of the internationalization and globalization. The process of Facebook internationalization is the most challenging.
  • Facebook and Infidelity Behaviors Because of the increase in the use of social networking sites, it would be helpful to comprehend how Facebook unfaithfulness is comparable or dissimilar to other infidelity conducts.
  • Facebook Company Since the establishment of Facebook Inc, the company has been facing legal proceeding in regard to the use of the social networking idea.
  • Social Media Marketing: Facebook Important Components for Consideration by a Legally Astute Social Media Marketing Manager A marketing manager must firstly understand the knowledge that relates to specific regulations, tools, and the general resources involved during the use of […]
  • Facebook’s Business Strategies From its humble beginning in a college room, facebook has managed to be one of the leading social media sites in the world. Facebook has managed to capitalize on this fact to increase the number […]
  • Facebook an Important Weapon in the Politics of Vietnam A key aspect in the success of any media platform in a country is knowledge of the spoken indigenous language. There is a rampant use of social media use in Vietnam, and Facebook has the […]
  • Facebook: An Indispensable Social Networking Tool It is the responsibility of users to handle their privacy issues and not the responsibility of Facebook. It is necessary for people to learn to use Facebook effectively and appropriately.
  • Using Facebook for Multinational Cosmetics Companies In this research proposal, I will discuss the research methodology with the focus on data collection and analysis of the appropriateness of close reading and focus group methods to answer the formulated research questions in […]
  • Two Step Flow of Information: Facebook In principle, therefore, the opinion leaders are responsible of disseminating the information they have gathered to the rest of the people in the community.
  • Online Advertising: Facebook and Twitter It is therefore paramount that a firm with a website can apply these search engines techniques to increase the visibilities of the results enlisted during the search for the same by potential customers.
  • Uses and Attitudes of Consumers: Facebook Identifying the research objectives This research intends to unveil various facts related to the application of social networks in the society with respect to facebook.
  • Role of Facebook in Social movements The paper traces the origin of the phenomenon of social movements and social media, provides evidence for the recent influence, and concludes by recapping some of the key discussions in the body of the paper […]
  • Issues Surrounding Facebook IPO Most investors did not like the extent to which Facebook exercised control over its IPO and the action of the company’s underwriters. The price of $1 billion shows that Facebook has a niche for mobile […]
  • Online Policy Primer – Facebook And in order to effectively use the services provided by Facebook, users have been required regularly to agree to terms and conditions that Facebook, as a company, has established.
  • A Discussion of the Strategic Management Practice in Facebook The following was the breakdown of the paper: The author began with an introduction that reviewed the background literature and revisited the problem statement.
  • Facebook and Nielsen Company The objective of the case study is to explore the significance of online marketing in the expansive Arab world marketing industry.
  • Click, and Facebook revises privacy by Tim Dick The article discusses the issue of privacy on the Internet taking Facebook as a bright example of how your interests and activity can be revealed to other users of this global social network.
  • Facebook Initial Public Offering: What Went Wrong? Receiving share of the company, one can face the risk of lawsuits because the possession of the company’s asset imposes a legal responsibility on all activities and operations carried out with Facebook.
  • Facebook’s Marketing and Communication Patterns Speaking of the rhetoric used in the Facebook, one must also consider the peculiarities of the service itself, namely, the subconscious messages that it sends to the users, convincing the users to follow certain prescriptions […]
  • An Analysis of Facebook and Twitter I will admit to being a Facebook and Twitter user.as such, I can understand the concerns that the security professionals have and continue to warn people about about the way these social networks seem to […]
  • Optus Solutions: Facebook as a Communication Medium This information was gathered and documented for use in the report to determine if the company was using the right channels and media of communication to reach existing and potential new customers to the company.
  • How Facebook and Other Social Networks Promote Narcissism Culture and Other Dangers in the U.S. S, the culture of narcissism is promoted by social networks; thus, the dangers of Facebook and other social networks outweigh the benefits involved.
  • Facebook Usage in Business The page shows the popularity of Safaricom limited due to the comments made on their Facebook wall and credible attitude designated by the ‘likes’. This makes Safaricom and Facebook trustworthy to the customers.
  • Social Media Metrics: Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter For an individual to share a video through YouTube there will be need for the individual to sign up for an account with YouTube.
  • Facebook Is a Positive Phenomenon Notably, Facebook helps people to share their ideas, images and pictures, and this helps them express themselves aesthetically; this social network also has a practical implication as Facebook users may communicate, share news and find […]
  • Facebook: Change and Innovation Moreover, the administrators of Facebook should lobby for a reduction on the charges levied to the company by organizations that monitor online trade.
  • How Race and Class Shaped American Teen Engagement with MySpace and Facebook In conclusion, all these aspects touched race and class that led to the movement of some people from MySpace to Facebook.
  • Social Networking Site: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter Today, social networking sites, such as Facebook, Orkut, YouTube, Tagged, Twitter, and MySpace, are some of the most important forms of communication, connecting billions of people from all corners of the world at the click […]
  • Ethical Case: Facebook Gossip or Cyberbullying? The best option to Paige is to apologize publicly and withdraw her comments. The final stage is to act and reflect the outcome of the choice made.
  • Facebook’s Primary Activity Facebook has no control as to the content communicated on the network, hence it is subject to misuse. The new facebook settings were a good start for the administration in the overhaul of its privacy […]
  • The Effect of Using Facebook as Background Checks on Job Candidates This paper shall argue that while Facebook has some positive contributions to the hiring process, its negative impacts far outweigh the positive and as such, the use of Facebook as a profiling tool is mostly […]
  • Facebook: Why Add as a Friend and Different Personalities of Strangers on Facebook From the results of the survey conducted to determine why several people who are strangers to Joy choose to add her as a friend, various things stands out that motivate different people of differing personalities […]
  • Facebook Ethics Aspects As much as business ethics applies to all issues that are supposed to be undertaken by businesses, they are expected to guide the general conduct of individuals and organizations at a given period of time.
  • Facebook Is Good, But Real Life Relationships Are Better The development of technology has led to such phenomenon as the development of social networks. Many people claim that the social networks are dangerous because of threat of sexual abuse.
  • Facebook Pages and Local Saudi Car Dealerships The amount of sales is often the unit for measuring performance, thus the amount of transactions generated through online advertising determines the capability and effectiveness of this interactive form of medium.
  • Does Facebook Benefit College Students Socially and Academically?
  • How Can Facebook Leverage Its Products and Services in the Workplace?
  • Why Is Facebook the Best Social Media?
  • Does Facebook Change People?
  • What Type of Person Is Addicted to Facebook?
  • How Do Different Narcissistic Traits Influence Facebook Use?
  • Is Facebook Bad for Self-Esteem?
  • What Is the Theory About Facebook Addiction?
  • How Did YouTube and Facebook Earn Their Success?
  • Does Facebook Have a Generally Positive Psychological Effect?
  • What Are Facebook’s Biggest Challenges?
  • How Can Facebook Be Used Positively?
  • Who Is Facebook’s Biggest Competitor?
  • How Does Facebook Change the Way We Communicate?
  • Why Are People Leaving Facebook?
  • How Does Facebook Advertising Affect Its Users?
  • Does Facebook Make Us Unhappy and Unhealthy?
  • Why Do People Like to Use Facebook?
  • Has Facebook Positively Impacted Society?
  • What Effect Does Facebook Have on Democracy?
  • Is Facebook No Longer Popular?
  • Why Doesn’t Gen Z Use Facebook?
  • How Does Facebook Treat Their Workers?
  • What Gives Facebook a Competitive Advantage?
  • How Do Fashion Companies Promote Themselves on Facebook?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/facebook-essay-examples/

"169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/facebook-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/facebook-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/facebook-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "169 Facebook Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/facebook-essay-examples/.

Body Paragraph: Craft the Heart of Your Essay


Table of contents

  • 1 Purpose of a Body Paragraph
  • 2 Key Elements in the Structure of a Body Paragraph
  • 3 Body Paragraph Structure
  • 4 Transition Sentences of a Body Paragraph
  • 5 How Do You Write a Body Paragraph of an Essay?
  • 6.1 Using Different Types of Evidence.
  • 6.2 Varying Sentence Length and Structure.
  • 6.3 Avoiding Irrelevant Information.
  • 6.4 Maintaining Consistency.
  • 6.5 Supporting the Overall Thesis.
  • 6.6 Using Clear and Concise Sentences.
  • 6.7 Avoiding Transitions at the End.
  • 7 Essay Body Paragraph Example
  • 8 Conclusion

Completing an essay is more than just combining words – creating effective body paragraphs. They are like the building blocks of your text, giving it substance and strengthening your main point.

In this article, we’ll explore how to write a body paragraph for an essay and what methods to use to make it impactful.

  • We’ll walk you through the body paragraph format, purpose, and principal elements,
  • Cover using evidence wisely and make sure your sentences connect well,
  • Deliver step-by-step guidelines and tips to create paragraphs that grab attention,
  • Provide a body essay example.

Let’s start this journey into the writing world and learn how to make your essay interesting and well-structured.

Purpose of a Body Paragraph

This section is the backbone of any essay. A well-organized structure of the body paragraph helps your writing be readable. That’s why organizing the information to achieve this goal is essential. When writing body paragraphs in an essay, you focus on presenting and developing one point that supports the main argument.

Whether you write the text for yourself or go for essay papers for sale , each paragraph focuses on a specific aspect of the topic. It provides evidence, examples, analysis, or elaboration to strengthen and clarify the main point. The body of a paper helps guide the reader by making the ideas flow smoothly. This section aims to make a strong case for the essay’s thesis. It should keep the reader interested with well-developed and organized content.

Key Elements in the Structure of a Body Paragraph

Knowledge is the basis for any writing. Thus, any text you deliver should reflect your level of knowledge. For this, posing strategic and insightful questions to refine your thoughts and reinforce your argument is essential. A well-written body section is a compulsory component of any impactful document.

There are several key parts of a body paragraph in an essay.

  • The first element is a transition, linking the preceding and current paragraphs. It should be clear, helping the reader in tracking the conversation. Using starting words for body paragraphs signals a change in focus or introduces a fresh idea.
  • The second body paragraph element is the main idea, which is crucial for any text. You must state your argument in the topic sentence, which should be precise and brief. The main statements should relate to the thesis and support the idea.
  • The third component is analysis, where the writer elaborates on the perspective. Providing proof and explaining how it supports the thesis statement is necessary. The examination should also be relevant and focused on the introduced topic. This way, you will make the essay structure coherent and easy to follow.
  • The final element is the warrant, which explains how the evidence supports the main view. The warrant must be clear and connect the data to the principal argument. It should also focus on the topic and strengthen the argument.

Body Paragraph Structure

Well-thought-out body paragraphs are critical in an essay outline and the writer’s arguments. To effectively structure the body paragraph, you must understand its overall organization. A well-formatted academic essay helps writers communicate their reasoning and convince their audience. However, it’s better not to consider this a fixed and immovable object. Depending on the treated argument, its goal, length, and structure can be adapted to your needs.

You can imagine the skeleton of this part of the text in the following way:

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences
  • Concluding sentence

The topic sentence is one of the ways to start a body paragraph. It should be a precise and focused statement that encapsulates the main argument of the passage. It connects the introduction paragraph in the essay with a thesis and provides a roadmap for the rest of the section. It will help the reader understand the point and how it relates to the writing. In some cases, it can even be formulated as a question.

Following the topic sentence for the body paragraph, you must provide supporting sentences. They present evidence and analysis to underpin the central idea. They should connect to the topic sentence and be clear and concise. Use language that is easy for the reader to understand.

To create a persuasive assertion, provide information that supports the main argument. The evidence can take many forms, including facts, statistics, or examples. Data should be reliable and relevant to the topic discussed. Research-based proof helps the writer convince the reader that their position is credible.

The concluding sentence is the ultimate statement and a kind of short conclusion you should use when you base your essay on body paragraphs. Its purpose is to summarize the idea and provide a transition to the later passage. This sentence helps the reader comprehend the main claim and its implications. Think of it as the answer to a question or the core information.

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Transition Sentences of a Body Paragraph

To make your writing flow smoothly and be more engaging, use transition words that help connect ideas. You can utilize three types of linking words and phrases:

  • Bridging the introductory paragraph to subsequent sections (e.g., a transition from introduction to body): To begin with; In the first place; Initially; As an introduction; Turning to; As we delve into; Now that we have established.
  • Connecting body paragraphs: Furthermore; Moreover; In addition; Additionally; Similarly; Likewise; Not only…but also; Besides that; In the same vein; Another key point.
  • Linking the final body sentence to the conclusion: In conclusion; To sum up; Finally; In summary; Ultimately; Concluding; To conclude; To wrap things up; As a final point; All in all.

These words and phrases contribute to a coherent and logical essay, guiding the reader through the content. Use transitions to introduce a body paragraph and make your ideas clear and captivating to the audience.

How Do You Write a Body Paragraph of an Essay?

Completing this section requires consideration and attention to detail. It can be challenging to organize your thoughts and reasoning. However, it might be daunting, and professional assistance may be necessary. And this is where PapersOwl can be of great help. Our seasoned paper writing website offers expert homework help to achieve your academic goals.

How long should a body paragraph be? A general recommendation is to aim for 5-7 sentences. It allows you to explore one idea without giving too much information. The most important thing is to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Introducing a concise topic sentence will be a good way to start a first body paragraph. Topic sentences should be specific and concise. Using them, you provide the reader with a clear understanding of the point you will discuss further. It should also relate to the thesis and connect to the perspective.
  • After the topic sentence, use supporting sentences to provide additional information and analysis. This way, you will bolster the main argument. These parts of a body paragraph can include examples, facts, statistics, or expert opinions. Ensure that the information used is reliable and relevant to your idea.
  • Employ transition sentences to link your ideas to the preceding and subsequent paragraphs. They make it easier for the reader to follow the main argument.
  • Use brief and clear language to present your ideas and rationale. Avoid using complicated vocabulary or technical jargon that may confuse the reader. Instead, be straightforward when writing a body paragraph.
  • Finally, end this section with a conclusion sentence. It acts as a summary of the main statement and offers a transition to the next section. The concluding sentence should bring closure to the point in one paragraph. It should also prepare the reader for the next parts of the writing.

When you write a body paragraph in an essay, follow these steps to ensure clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness in your essay. Adhere to these guidelines to make your ideas concise and transparent and your arguments strong and persuasive. If you follow these steps, your essay will be concise and compelling. Implementing these measures ensures that your text is clear, persuasive, and effective.

Essential Tips to Write Flawless Body Paragraphs

Discover the following comprehensive strategies for crafting effective body paragraphs for your research.

Using Different Types of Evidence.

Incorporate a variety of quotes, statistics, and anecdotes to provide evidence and enhance the appeal and credibility of your writing. This multifaceted approach captivates the reader and reinforces your argument with diverse supporting elements.

Varying Sentence Length and Structure.

Mitigate monotony in the body of an essay by diversifying sentence length and structure. Integrate a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences to enhance the overall readability of your composition. This nuanced use of syntax contributes to a more engaging and dynamic writing style.

Avoiding Irrelevant Information.

Don’t introduce irrelevant information that might distract or dilute the focus of your paragraph. Each sentence should serve a purpose, aligning seamlessly with the central theme and your essay’s purpose.

Maintaining Consistency.

Stay consistent with the tone and style throughout your text. The body paragraphs should harmonize with the established voice of your writing, creating a cohesive and unified reading experience for your audience.

Supporting the Overall Thesis.

When you start a body paragraph, ensure that each sentence significantly reinforces your overall thesis. Every argument, example, or piece of evidence should advance the central claim of your essay, reinforcing its coherence and persuasiveness.

Using Clear and Concise Sentences.

Break down complex topic sentences into clear and concise points. It facilitates a better understanding of your ideas and prevents the reader from feeling overwhelmed by overly intricate or convoluted language.

Avoiding Transitions at the End.

Refrain from using transition words and phrases at the end of paragraphs, as this can disrupt the natural flow of your writing. Instead, strive for seamless transitions within the paragraph’s content, allowing ideas to connect organically without explicitly signaling the conclusion.

Follow these tips to create a strong body paragraph layout for your document. If you need support or lack time and energy to craft your academic papers, do not hesitate to contact our writing experts. When you pay for a paper at PapersOwl, be sure your essay will adhere to all these instructions and requirements with zero flaws. Our team of writers has expertise in various fields and crafts quality papers for you. We deliver plagiarism-free essays and guarantee timely delivery. Whether you need an essay for school, college, or university, PapersOwl is the right choice.

Essay Body Paragraph Example

What is a body paragraph, and how to complete it correctly? Here is a good example to clarify these questions:

[Start with a topic sentence] J K Rowling, in her first book – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, claims that the appearance of a person can sometimes be misleading, [followed by supporting details] showing one of the kindest and most favorite characters – Hagrid as a scary person. His eyes are ‘glinting like black beetles,’ and his face is ‘almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard,’ says the author (Rowling 46). [Then goes an explanation] The author declares that the main character of the book – Harry Potter, is frightened by this intimidating figure, which misleads the reader, making Hagrid appear as a villain. [Explains the significance] However, this image is wrong. Later the reader gets to know Hagrid’s true character, which is the opposite. [Ends with a conclusion and transition to the following part] This example proves how misleading an appearance of someone can be, which is easily proved by many other examples from literature and real life.”

Crafting effective body paragraphs in an essay is an indispensable skill for anyone seeking to elevate their writing. This article gives suggestions to help you write a good body paragraph. Our recommendations allow you to transform your essays into compelling and persuasive texts. These strategies can help both experienced writers and beginners with essay construction. They serve as a valuable toolkit for enhancing the impact and coherence of your text. When you write, remember that a well-organized essay body helps express thoughts clearly, engage readers, and convince them.

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Topic Sentence in an Essay: Pillar of Your Writing


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facebook essay body

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Essay on Facebook

Facebook Essay | Essay on Facebook for Students and Kids in English, Is Facebook Good or Bad?

Facebook Essay: Facebook is a long-range interpersonal communication site that associates individuals from one side of the planet to the other. It has made the planet earth a worldwide town. With only a single tick, you can associate with somebody living abroad.

Facebook has become one of the most popular people-to-person communication destinations. Notwithstanding, it accompanies its own arrangements of advantages and disadvantages. While it has helped a ton of people and businesses to make their image, it is likewise being utilized for wrong exercises.

It expects to unite the world with the force of the local area. You can likewise become more acquainted with what is happening all throughout the planet. You can even pen down your musings on that stage.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Essay on Facebook Benefits and Disadvantages

The Internet has brought a big revolution to society and the communication world. Facebook is a piece of it. Facebook is for the most part known as the main online media. It is an online stage where we can get associated with individuals and can cooperate with them. It has made the world little and simple to get to. Anybody can get associated with anybody now. It has opened another entryway for business, correspondence, and relationships.

There are huge provisions that Facebook has. Anybody can join there for nothing. You need a web associated versatile or PC. You can join with your email or telephone number. When you joined, you will discover loads of individuals’ records there who you know, all things considered. Facebook consistently energize adding individuals that you know. Then, at that point, others will discover your record of their feed and will send you a companion demand. In the event that you acknowledge their companion demand, they will go to your companion list. An individual who is in your companion can make an impression on you.

At the point when you share a photograph or compose something on your profile or timetable, individuals of your companion rundown can see these. Not just see they can respond to them. Indeed, even they can remark on their viewpoint in the remark box. Facebook has a decent element named bunch. You can make a gathering and can add your companions there. It is an extremely simple and basic technique to make online home bases or offer things to a designated crowd. You can make a page for your business to advance on the web. Pretty much every business has a Facebook page now. They advance their items online with individuals. Counting all, there are heaps of provisions of Facebook that you can appreciate.

Benefits of Facebook

Facebook is encountering sensational development presently where the quantity of clients has arrived at one billion. It accompanies a ton of advantages like video calling with your nearby ones and transferring your photographs and recordings without charge.

Above all, it permits you to reach out to individuals from the opposite side of the world without spending a penny. It is additionally an incredible method to associate with old school companions and school companions.

Further, you can likewise make new companions through this stage. At the point when you associate with individuals from everywhere the world, it opens ways to find out with regards to new societies, qualities and customs from various nations.

It additionally gives you includes for a bunch of conversations and visits. Presently, Facebook additionally permits clients to sell their items or administrations through their site. It is an incredible method of expanding deals and setting up your business on the web.

Disadvantages of Facebook

Other than this load of good sides, there are a few disservices of Facebook. Facebook has turned into a period killing machine for understudies. In an understudy life, you need to stay away from web-based media like Facebook or Twitter. The youthful age is being dependent on Facebook. They are going through quite a while with it. What’s more, it has been an integral justification for their investigation hamper. The gatekeepers ought to know about this. They should restrict their child’s Smartphone utilizing time. Something else, that could be truly downright awful is their schooling.

Conclusion on Facebook Essay

To summarize it, in the event that we use Facebook to the right extent and with legitimate consideration, it very well may be an integral asset for anybody. In addition, it tends to be extraordinary for promoting and systems administration. Further, any business can likewise use its ability to make its business achievement. Be that as it may, it is fundamental to recollect to not allow it to turn into a fixation.

Facebook Essay

Small Essay on Facebook

Facebook is among the most famous online media organizing locales in the present occasions. Facebook is profoundly famous because of its different applications and the simplicity of correspondence it offers to the client. It permits clients to share pictures, occasions and situations with a solitary stage.

Facebook has various advantages like the capacity to shape gatherings, talk with companions and discover data on different points. Facebook is likewise profoundly instructive because of the different pages on a large group of points including yet not restricted to wellbeing, schooling, science, practice and so forth

It is likewise an optimal correspondence stage for family members, companions and individuals from a family who can remain associated with a solitary stage.

A later expansion to the online visit program is the video calling highlight which has acquired monstrous ubiquity. Not exclusively would one be able to converse with individuals yet in addition see them live with the assistance of this video talk highlight.

One more vital element of Facebook is the internet gaming gateway that it offers to its clients. There are a huge number of games on Facebook which one can play at some random time. The intriguing angle is the capacity to play these games with companions.

Facebook is turning into an exceptionally fruitful stage not just for making new companions and discovering old ones, however forgetting worldwide and nearby news also. The greater part of the news and media organizations have dispatched their Facebook pages.

FAQ’s on Facebook Essay

Question 1. Why do you like Facebook?

Answer: Individuals Are Addicted To Facebook Because It Is A Social Network platform. Having Facebook causes you to feel like you are very much educated with regard to everything everywhere. Facebook allows you the opportunity to stay in contact. You can stay in contact with your loved ones.

Question 2. What is Facebook?

Answer: Facebook is an interpersonal interaction webpage that makes it simple for you to interface and offers with loved ones on the web. Initially intended for undergrads, Facebook was made in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was selected at Harvard University.

Question 3. What are the uses of Facebook?

Answer: Facebook is a site that permits clients, who pursue free profiles, to interface with companions, work associates or individuals they don’t have the foggiest idea, on the web. It permits clients to share pictures, music, recordings, and articles, just as their own considerations and feelings with anyway many individuals they like.

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Body Paragraph One

To be sure, Macbeth’s assault on women and children, in an attempt to eliminate all future rivals for the throne, demonstrates some courage.

Reflecting upon the prophecy that Banquo’s sons will become kings, Macbeth calls upon “fate” to enter “into the list” and help him fight “to th’utterance” (3.1.76-7).

Instead of accepting the prediction that Banquo’s children will inherit the crown, Macbeth boldly resolves to enter the combat arena and fight to the death against it.

Similarly, Macbeth speaks of the daring it will take to kill Macduff’s wife and children: rather than “boasting like a fool,” he resolves to perform the murder “before this purpose cool” (4.1.174-5).  Macbeth has to act quickly before he loses his intent, implying that the act does require some bravery.

Body Paragraph Two (and Three, and Four, etc.)

[Transition:] Despite the degree of courage Macbeth requires to execute his plans, [Topic Sentence:] he is driven primarily by fear of who will succeed him as king.

Repeat (2) through (4) above.             

DO document all quotations and paraphrases by including in parentheses page numbers (for novels, short stories, essays, and modern plays), line numbers (for poems), or act/scene/line numbers (for Shakespeare).

DO make sure the body of the paper provides evidence for every claim made in the thesis statement and does not introduce any new claim not made in the thesis statement.

DON’T provide plot summary.  Assume your reader has read the texts and needs to be convinced of your argument, not told the plot.

* Special thanks to Dr. Dallett for creating and giving permission to use this information.

  • Begin a new paragraph with a topic sentence that supports your thesis statement and expresses the main idea of the section of support. Not only did Hamilton have major success with his military work, but his revolutionary political ideas were also necessary for the survival of the U.S. In this section, the author argues one piece of the thesis—that Hamilton’s political ideas were beneficial for America.
  • Then provide evidence to support the topic sentence. According to U.S. historian Broadus Mitchell, Hamilton played a key role in many of Washington’s policies, including his foreign policies and control of federal power. Mitchell also noted the “major part [Hamilton had] in drafting Washington's Farewell Address.”   Note that the author incorporates a lead-in by introducing the author of this quotation.
  • Next, explain how the evidence illustrates the topic sentence. With how close the two men were and how trusted their relationship was, Hamilton was able to have considerable influence on Washington’s strategies and the young country at the time. The author spells out for the reader how their evidence--Hamilton’s close friendship with George Washington--led to Hamilton helping to shape America.   
  • Repeat (2) and (3) above, in either the same paragraph or a new one, so that the section of support provides two pieces of evidence for the topic sentence.  
  • Finally, provide a transition into the topic of the next section of support. Hamilton’s political work oftentimes goes unnoticed; however, through his constitutional work and political influence, he truly was essential in the survival and growth of the young country.

DO include footnotes for all quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. DON’T include any information in the paragraph that doesn’t relate to the topic sentence. DON’T ever use the first person (“I”) or second person (“you“). Remember that this is an academic paper and should include formal writing.

Boldface quotations from Marciano, Nick. “Alexander Hamilton: The True Greatness of a Forgotten American Leader.” United States History Research Paper, 2020.

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Writing a Persuasive Essay About Using Facebook

Facebook persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs

Whether or not to use Facebook can be a controversial topic of debate. When you’re writing a persuasive essay, either for or against Facebook use, it’s important to be aware that there are a lot of nuances to the situation, and many points of both agreement and disagreement.

In your introduction, make sure to set out your thesis clearly, but it may be too harsh if you imply, for instance, that people are morally right or wrong to use Facebook. Be decisive but not aggressive. It may help to admit to some advantages or disadvantages of using Facebook right away.

Introduction examples

Pro: Facebook is a great way of keeping friends and family of all ages in touch, of building communities based on common interests and/or location, and a good way to keep up with current events as long as you keep your wits about you.

Con: Facebook is no longer relevant for our times, because it’s now full of spam from companies you don’t care about, advertisements, and fake news, rather than being a place for friends and family to keep in touch.

As you move on into the body of your persuasive essay, touch on all the arguments against your thesis, as well as for it, that you can think of. It’s good to have a full defence ready to go, as missing out any mentions of either benefits or negatives, depending on which side you’re taking, can make your argument look weak.

Body paragraphs examples

Pro: It’s true that there are some who try to exploit Facebook to spread total falsehoods, or marketers who use Facebook primarily as a way of advertising to their customers rather than listening to them and building a community with them. However, this isn’t the majority of the content on Facebook, and you can clear the clutter from your own feed quite easily. Facebook gives you the tools to do this by hiding things you’re not interested in, or giving you the ability to unfollow groups, pages, and even acquaintances you’ve lost interest in. At heart, Facebook still retains the benefits it always had, allowing you to easily talk with, share pictures and video with, and play games with, people you know.

Con: At one point, certainly, Facebook had a lot of benefits as a social media site. However, since then, it’s become a wasteland full of maniacs, advertising, and people pretending their lives are better than yours. Facebook changed the order you see your feed in so that you see “Top Stories” rather than the most recent updates, defeating the point of having a feed in the first place. You can now see updates with a lot of activity multiple times while never seeing the update from your friend that you really needed to see, because it was lost in the mania. It’s a popularity contest taken virtual, and there’s really no point to it anymore.

Your conclusion should then be a brief, succinct summary of your main points, followed by a request for the reader to do something, even if just to consider what you’re saying with an open mind.

Conclusion examples

Pro: Facebook isn’t perfect, but it’s not exactly a howling wasteland either. It has both good and bad points. Let’s improve the bad points rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Con: When considering the pros and cons, it’s easy to just maintain the status quo rather than say: “This isn’t good enough, and I can’t take it anymore,” and move on from there. There are many other social media sites on the Internet, and most of them are a lot better than Facebook.

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The Influence of Facebook Use on Body Image and Self Esteem 20200721 120877 12mxdbv

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Nowadays, communicating is essential in coping with the world’s demand on altered aspects in life like work, health, learning and face-to-face interaction. Socialization is a vital part of young adults in their daily life (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). Humans are equal and similar in some point and because of that, they compare themselves to others in social settings. As innovation enhances and advances, social media sites such as Facebook have a much bigger contribution in society as part of their everyday lives so it often has effects on self-esteem. The curiosity into other people’s personal and social lives has created a huge social accumulation on the World Wide Web. It has been observed by the changing behavior of the people that social media has many negative outcome on people. Social networking sites help people to make social comparisons which increase the psychological distress of individuals and as a result lower the overall level of self-esteem (Chen & Lee, 2013). Presently the largest social networking site is Facebook with 727 million daily active users and 1.19 billion monthly active users. The amount of time spent on Facebook varies and ranging from 10-30 minutes per day to 90 minutes and 60-120 minutes per day. Studies have showed that one of the primary uses of Facebook is to keep in touch with old friends and make new ones. Other researchers found results indicating that Facebook is used for self-promotion and to impress others. According to We Are Social (2018), there were 67 million accounts on Facebook in the country matching the total number of internet users with spent an average of 3 hours and 57 minutes a day. With all this time spent, it allows users to communicate, share information and build up a self-image in online world. In this regard, the usage of smartphones of the students and their easy access to the mainstream media especially on Facebook and having a less face-to-face communication affect their personal interaction. Students who have a strong Facebook presence that may display psychological disorders like anti-social behaviours, they seldom participate in school activities or not participating at all. This can be quite dangerous. Facebook usage might also cause them stress, anxiety or worst depression. They are more visible to possible danger that may affect their self-esteem. Social media help to make social comparisons which lead to psychological distress of individuals’ that may results in lowering the overall level of self-esteem. But then again they use it to cope with the feeling of sameness with peers. The excessive use of Facebook increases the possibilities in personal socializing either positive or negative thus affect their performance in school. One of the researchers’ objectives is to determine the effects of Facebook; as a most popular and frequently used social to the students’ self-esteem. Also, the aim of the researchers' is to enhance their study through the use of a theoretical framework and provide a useful guide that will help the students to analyze their over indulgence on social media and its possible consequences on lowering their social esteem.

Social media encompasses all applications, websites, and blogs that allow people all over the world to interact over the internet, chat, and share material, as well as a variety of other features. To become a member of any social media network, a person must first sign up and then sign in to gain access to information as well as share and talk with other users. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Snapchat are just a few of the popular and commonly utilised social networking networks. The usage of social media has both beneficial and harmful consequences for today's youngsters. In this article, I want to highlight the effects of social media on this generation's youth in particular. There are both good and bad effects. Social media has grown in popularity and growth over the last two decades to the point that many scholars are now interested in understanding more about these social platforms and their effects on the community. Despite the fact that practically everyone in the community is linked to at least one social media platform, kids and teens are the most active and enthusiastic users of these platforms, going so far as to socialise while in class or even at church. In this context, experts have discovered that social media sites have a significant influence on the morality, conduct, and even education of our kids in society.


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If any body is a beach body, any book is a beach read. Try on these books this summer.

Just like any body can be a beach body, any book can be a beach read. 

When you’re packing a travel bag this summer and mulling over the Beach Reads ! display at your local independent bookstore , stop and ask yourself: What do I really want to read? What do I enjoy reading?

The category “beach read,” as best as anyone can tell, came into fashion in the 1990s, according to The Guardian. It’s a marketing trick, not a mandate. 

As a marketing term, it’s successful because it’s aspirational. We see ourselves on a beach, relaxed and lazily reading that fun book with the bright cover, one that looks nothing like spreadsheets or reports, a book that entertains but doesn’t ask too much. 

But not everyone relaxes the same way.

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Maybe you really do want to spend time with the light contemporary fiction, steamy romance, or compulsive thriller that generally gets labeled “beach read.” Totally fine. We’ve got some suggestions for you.

On the other hand, lazy days and long flights mean vacation can be a perfect time to tackle the books you’ve always meant to read. Classics, essays, literary fiction — if you’re a reader who considers heavy reading light work, we’ve got some less conventional recommendations, too. 

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"The Other Side of Disappearing," Kate Clayborn (Kensington, pp 432.. Out now)

What does “smart romance” mean? This book gave me a definition: a romance in which a happy-ever-after ending happens but doesn’t feel required because the characters all had emotional growth. Here, Clayborn sends a true crime podcast producer and a tough-as-nails older sister on a road trip that will change their lives. 

More like this: "Summer Romance," Annabel Monaghan; "When I Think of You," Myah Ariel; "Funny Story," Emily Henry

Literary Larks

"Martyr!," Kaveh Akbar (Penguin Random House, pp.352, out now)

Akbar is a poet, and you can see that in the lyrical writing of his debut novel. The story dips in and out of time and memory and points of view, always twisting around the idea of love. Fun and touching and a little weird, this book is made for hot summer nights. 

More like this: "Help Wanted," Adelle Waldman ; "Come and Get It," Kiley Reid; "Family Meal," Bryan Washington

Literary Adventures

"James," Percival Everett (Doubleday, pp 320, out now)

Consider this retelling of "Huck Finn" your summer reading assignment. Told from the perspective of clever and compassionate Jim, the dangerous Mississippi River raft trip includes familiar stops and characters (no need to read the original), but is sharper and comes with higher stakes as our hero tries to reunite his family. 

More like this: "The Vaster Wilds ," Lauren Groff; "Lies & Weddings", Kevin Kwan; "Lone Women," Victor Lavalle

"While We Were Burning," Sara Koffi (Penguin, pp. 304, out now)

Unreliable narrators and blurry relationship boundaries make this story, examining race and class in Memphis, especially twisty. 

More like this : "First Lie Wins," Ashley Elston; "A Line in The Sand," Kevin Powers; "Bright Young Women," Jessica Knoll 

"The Count of Monte Cristo," Alexander Dumas (Penguin, pp. 1,276, out now)

Don’t be intimidated by size. Many classics, including this one, were written in installments, which means short chapters and built-in cliffhangers. And no matter the time period, people are the same, loving and scheming and struggling. Think of this classic revenge story like your latest binge watch. 

More like this : "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Zora Neale Hurston; "Anna Karenina," Leo Tolstoy; "Jane Eyre," Charlotte Bronte 

"Bite by Bite ," Aimee Nezhukumatathil (HarperCollins, pp. 224, out now)

Essay collections are excellent vacation reads, able to be picked up and put down without interrupting a narrative. Each of these short essays is a perfect little bite, exploring the ways food sparks memory and meaning in our lives. 

More like this: "Divine Might," Natalie Haynes; "The Comfort of Crows," Margaret Renkl; "A Praise Song for Kitchen Ghosts," Crystal Wilkinson

"There’s Always This Year," Hanif Abdurraqib (Random House, pp. 352 out now)

If you want nonfiction that requires you to go a little deeper, Abdurraqib delivers. This is a book about basketball. It’s also about belonging and grief, ambition and America. And all of it is delivered in a structure that perfectly, brilliantly mimics a basketball game. Everything comes down to the final two minutes. 

More like this: "A Map of Future Ruins," Lauren Markham; "Grief Is for People," Sloane Crosley; "This Is What It Sounds Like," Susan Rogers & Ogi Ogas

Hillary Copsey is the book advisor at The Mercantile Library in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Killer whale body slammed on cam, man hit with fine, killer whale body slammed on video.

A New Zealand man thought it would be a brilliant idea to body slam a killer whale -- but the stunt was not only dumb but also seriously irresponsible, and he's now paying the price.

Check out the clip -- the man goes full WWE ... launching himself off a boat near the coast of Auckland and landing inches from an adult orca and its calf.

As you can see ... the 50-year-old daredevil, who hasn't been identified, yells out in delight he touched the orca and eagerly asks his boatmates if they caught his wild encounter on camera.

As he tries to touch the orca again, the folks on the boat are no better -- laughing and cheering him on like it's the highlight of their day.

After a concerned citizen alerted the Department of Conservation to the clip, principal investigation officer Hayden Loper said it left officials genuinely stunned.

In a statement Tuesday, they said his behavior showed a shocking disregard for the orca's welfare, adding it was illegal to swim with these powerful animals who weigh 12,000 pounds or more.

They noted things could have ended badly if the animal was aggravated or spooked -- so the man seriously dodged a bullet!

The incident actually went down in Feb, and is making a comeback online 'cause the man has officially been hit with a fine of 600 New Zealand dollars, roughly $365.

Quite the price to pay for a moment of misguided adventure, huh?

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  • Other Affiliation: Center for Population Health Research, National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico
  • Other Affiliation: Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, United States
  • Affiliation: Gillings School of Global Public Health
  • Other Affiliation: Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
  • Background: In Mexico, a 10% tax to sugar-sweetened beverages was implemented in 2014. Projections of the potential health effect of this tax in children are not available. Objective: To estimate the 1-year effect of the tax on the body weight of children 5 to 17 years old, and estimated alternative scenarios with higher tax rates (20%, 30%, and 40%). Methods: We used a dynamical mathematical model, recalibrated to the Mexican population. Input data were obtained from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 and 2012. We estimated the expected average weight reduction, stratified by category of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption. Results: With a 10% tax, we estimated an overall weight reduction of 0.26 kg for children and 0.61 kg for adolescents; in high consumers, the reduction could reach 0.50 and 0.87 kg, respectively. Higher tax rates would produce larger weight decreases; in high consumers a 40% tax would result in a reduction of 1.99 kg for children and 3.50 kg for adolescents. Conclusion: The tax represents an effective component of any child or adolescent weight control program, and must be considered as part of any integrated population-level program for children and adolescent obesity prevention.
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  • https://doi.org/10.17615/y9cp-8c82
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  • National Institutes of Health, NIH, (P2C HD0550924, R01DK108148)
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Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop, additional reporting by Sarah Wu and Zoey Zhang in Beijing; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle

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Body of missing Space Force Guardian recovered after days-long search in Rocky Mountain National Park

ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, Colo. (KKTV) - The search for a missing Colorado Springs man has ended after national park officials said his body was located and recovered in Rocky Mountain National Park on Thursday.

Lucas Macaj, 23, was located on Mills Glacier, near the base of Lamb’s Slide. Search efforts for Macaj began on Monday after friends reported him overdue from attempting to summit Longs Peak on Sunday afternoon.

Macaj was a Space Force Guardian and was stationed at Schriever Space Force Base.

Officials said search efforts included air reconnaissance, ground teams and dog teams searching the Longs Peak Trail and along the Keyhole Route, glassing areas above Black Lake, areas above Sandbeach Lake, the Hunter’s Creek Drainage to the base of Keplinger’s Coulier and areas near Chasm Lake to the Loft.

Officials with Rocky Mountain National Park said initial investigation indicated Macaj took a “significant fall,” but the Boulder County Coroner will determine and release his cause of death.

Schriever Space Force Base sent out the following statement on his passing:

U.S. Space Force Sgt. Lucas Macaj, a Schriever Space Force Base Guardian, has been identified as the missing hiker whose remains were recovered May 16, 2024, in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Macaj was a space operator for the 8th Combat Training Squadron, part of Space Delta 8 headquartered at Schriever SFB.

“Space Delta 8 is a family and we have lost one of our own,” said Col. David A. Pheasant, Space Delta 8 commander. “I extend my deepest personal condolences to family, friends and teammates who will be grieving through their loss. We will make every effort to ensure those within our team grieving this loss have full access to the trained helping agencies available.”

Macaj joined the Space Force in August 2023 as an interservice transfer from the U.S. Marine Corps. His USSF awards include the Air and Space Longevity Service Award.

Macaj’s remains were recovered as the result of an intensive search by Rocky Mountain National Park search and rescue personnel. Multiple agencies and organizations assisted with search and recovery efforts including Flight for Life Air Ambulance, the State of Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC), and Colorado Army National Guard assisted with air reconnaissance operations. Also assisting were the Colorado Search and Rescue Association (CSAR), Search and Rescue Dogs of the United States, Larimer County SAR Dog Team, assisted by Boulder County Sheriff Dog Team, as well as Park County SAR Dog Team and El Paso County SAR Dog Team.

Copyright 2024 KKTV. All rights reserved.

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Community outraged after alderman posts photo of severed human arm on Facebook

An alderman in Illinois is under fire after he reportedly posted an image of a severed human...

WAUKEGAN, Ill. (WISN) – A gruesome social media post made by a city leader in Illinois has drawn backlash from constituents.

There was horror and outrage at the Waukegan City Council meeting Monday from the community and Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor after a photo appearing to show a human arm showed up on Waukegan Alderman Keith Turner’s Facebook page.

“I literally, myself, almost passed out when I saw that picture, so I can’t even imagine what this poor mother went through,” Taylor said.

Taylor referred to the mother of Sade Robinson. Robinson was a Milwaukee woman who is believed to have been killed and dismembered after a first date last month.

Experts are still trying to determine if the arm found May 11 in Waukegan belongs to Robinson. Alderman Turner’s original post included a photo of a severed arm and a caption, but there has not yet been a report or mention from the administration if it was identified as Robinson’s.

“I was outraged like most people should be. All I could think of was this poor family and what they were going through as a mother and a grandmother myself. I can’t even imagine what they’re going through and then to have to see that, it’s despicable,” Taylor said.

The post has since been deleted.

However, Alderwoman Lynn Florian said the council has not forgotten. It would fall on the city council to censure Turner.

“I’ve already talked to some of my fellow aldermen and we plan to do that at the next city council meeting,” Florian said.

Robinson’s family called on Turner to be fired.

“I have been longing for my child in that moment when I saw her body again, should have been and only for my eyes and my family,” Robinson’s family wrote in a letter from their attorney.

Turner declined to speak at Monday’s meeting.

“Waukegan cares about them and that this is not something that the city supported in any way, shape or form. This was an individual,” Taylor said.

Copyright 2024 WISN via CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

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Tattoo artist Shani Louk became a symbol of the music festival massacre by Hamas. The IDF has finally recovered her body.

  • The IDF recovered three hostages' bodies from the Gaza Strip, including Shani Louk's.
  • Hamas militants killed the hostages on October 7 during the Nova Music Festival massacre.
  • Shani Louk became symbolic of October 7 after photos and video footage of her abduction went viral.

Insider Today

The Israel Defense Forces recovered three hostages' bodies from the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military announced on Friday.

In a press briefing, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, IDF spokesperson, said, "It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that last night the Israel Defense Forces and ISA forces rescued the bodies of our hostages: Shani Louk, Amit Buskila and Yitzchak Gleren-ter."

Shani Louk became a symbol of Hamas' October 7 terrorist incursion into Israel after photos and video footage of her body being abducted went viral.

Hamas militants killed the three hostages on October 7 as they tried to flee the Nova Music Festival massacre, and their bodies were taken into Gaza.

Louk's father, Nissim Louk, spoke of the "relief" of finally having secured the body of his 22-year-old daughter.

"We were informed that soldiers of a commando team were found bodies, and the condition of the body was really good. It was in a relatively deep place in a deep tunnel and very cold," he said, per The Daily Mail.

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The three bodies were transferred to medical professionals for forensic examination and identification, per Hagari's statement. After the procedure was complete, the IDF notified their families.

"We will leave no stone unturned," said Hagari. "We will do everything in our power to find our hostages and bring them home. We will not rest until we do."

The Associated Press freelancer Ali Mahmud won the Reynolds Journalism Institute's award for the team picture story of the year for an image showing Shani Louk's lifeless body in the back of a pickup truck and surrounded by Hamas militants.

Louk's father, Nissim Louk, defended the controversial decision to award the distressing image.

"It's good that the photo won the prize," he said. "This is one of the most important photos in the last 50 years. These are some of the photos that shape human memory."

More than 360 people were killed at the Nova festival near Kibbutz Re'im, and 40 were captured, per the Times of Israel .

On October 7 Hamas militants also seized 252 hostages in Israel; 129 hostages are still in captivity in the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli broadcaster Kan .

Since October 7, Israel's retaliatory military campaign on Gaza has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. More than 10,000 are missing or trapped under rubble from the IDF's bombardments.

Watch: Israel bombs Gaza refugee camp

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