General Knowledge: 100+ GK Questions with Answers in English

Learninger gathered 100+ GK Questions with Answers in English for 2024. Easy and Simple General Knowledge for all classes and kids.

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Last updated on May 7, 2024

by Pallavi Nahata

GK Questions with Answers in English for 2024 : General knowledge plays an important role in our daily lives, constituting a fundamental aspect of our existence. By acquiring maximum general knowledge, you’ll get benefits since questions from GK are featured in almost all types of exams.

Here at Learninger , I’ve shared more than 100 easy general knowledge questions with answers in English for 2024. These GK Questions are suitable for all age groups, including children.

Top GK Questions with Answers for 2024

I have provided top gk questions with answers for 2024 below. These questions cover various aspects of Indian history, culture, geography, and notable personalities and more.

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General Knowledge Questions with Answers

If you want to read it offline, simply download PDF version.

Top 10 GK Questions with Answers

  • Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? Marie Curie, for Physics in 1903.
  • What is the chemical formula for water? H2O.
  • Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun? Japan
  • What is the chemical symbol for iron? Fe.


  • Who is known as the father of modern physics? Albert Einstein.
  • What is the chemical symbol for the element gold? Au.
  • Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”? William Shakespeare.
  • What is the capital city of Australia? Canberra.
  • Which planet is known as the Red Planet? Mars.
  • What is the longest river in the United States? The Missouri River.

Top 50 General Knowledge Questions with Answers


  • Who is known as the “Grand Old Man of India”? Dadabhai Naoroji.
  • What is the name of India’s space research organization? Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
  • Which Indian city is famous for its Hawa Mahal? Jaipur.
  • Who composed the music for the Indian national anthem? Rabindranath Tagore.
  • Who is known as the “Nightingale of India”? Sarojini Naidu.

Easy General Knowledge Questions with Answers

Here I’ve gathered GK questions and answers on different topics- such as largest, highest & longest things, national aspects, capital of Indian states and some Important days.

GK Questions about the Largest, Highest, and Longest

  • Kangchenjunga.
  • The Ganges River.
  • Marina Beach in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
  • Bharat Ratna.
  • Wular Lake in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Jog Falls, located in Karnataka.
  • Hemis National Park in Ladakh.
  • Mount Everest, located in the Himalayas.
  • The Nile River in Africa.
  • The Sahara Desert.

GK on Indian National Aspects

What is the national emblem of india.

The Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath.

What are the colours of the Indian national flag?

The colours are saffron, white, and green. The navy blue Ashoka Chakra in the center.

What is the name of the national anthem of India?

The national anthem is “Jana Gana Mana”.

What is the name of the national song of India?

The national song is “Vande Mataram”.

What is the national animal of India?

The Bengal Tiger.

Which bird is designated as the national bird of India?

The Indian Peacock.

What is the national flower of India?

Which tree holds the title of being the national tree of india.

The Banyan Tree.

Which river is considered the national river of India?

The Ganges.

What is the national fruit of India?

Gk questions on capitals of indian states with answers.

  • Visakhapatnam
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Gandhinagar

Important Days GK Questions

  • January 15th
  • January 26th
  • February 15th
  • February 26th
  • August 15th
  • August 26th
  • September 15th
  • September 26th
  • October 2nd
  • October 12th
  • November 2nd
  • November 12th
  • Republic Day
  • Children’s Day
  • Gandhi Jayanti
  • January 30th
  • February 28th
  • Independence Day
  • Teacher’s Day
  • September 1st
  • September 5th
  • September 10th
  • World Environment Day
  • National Unity Day

In summary, exploring general knowledge questions and answers is a fun way to learn new things and keep our brains active. Whether it’s through quizzes or casual reading, it’s a great way to expand our knowledge and stay curious about the world around us. So, keep exploring and enjoying the journey of learning! If you found this article helpful, don’t hesitate to share it!

Topics: General Knowledge , GK

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Pallavi Nahata

Pallavi shares daily dose of news. She is a dedicated news editor with a passion for delivering accurate and engaging content.

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GK Questions in English

GK Questions in English – In this article, you can easily discover the most common General Knowledge (GK) questions in English across all subjects.

General Knowledge is essentially about learning more about the world, memorizing it, and, when required, sharing it with others. Finding basic GK questions can be somewhat challenging nowadays. Therefore, we have gathered some common GK questions in English, along with their answers and explanations, across the following categories.

Top 100 GK Questions in English – General Knowledge Questions for all Exam

Table of contents.

What is the largest planet in our solar system? Answer: Jupiter.

Which gas do plants primarily use for photosynthesis? Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2).

In which year did Christopher Columbus first reach the Americas? Answer: 1492.

What is the chemical symbol for the element gold? Answer: Au.

What is the capital city of Australia? Answer: Canberra.

Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”? Answer: William Shakespeare.

What is the tallest mountain in the world? Answer: Mount Everest.

What is the largest ocean on Earth? Answer: Pacific Ocean.

Who painted the Mona Lisa? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.

Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”? Answer: Mars.

What is the currency of Japan? Answer: Japanese Yen (JPY).

Who was the first President of the United States? Answer: George Washington.

What is the smallest prime number? Answer: 2.

Which gas do humans breathe in? Answer: Oxygen (O2).

What is the longest river in the world? Answer: Nile River.

In which country was the famous physicist Albert Einstein born? Answer: Germany.

What is the process by which plants make their own food using sunlight? Answer: Photosynthesis.

Who wrote the novel “Pride and Prejudice”? Answer: Jane Austen.

What is the chemical symbol for water? Answer: H2O.

Which famous scientist developed the theory of relativity? Answer: Albert Einstein.

What is the national flower of Japan? Answer: Cherry Blossom.

Who painted the “Starry Night”? Answer: Vincent van Gogh.

Which gas do humans exhale when they breathe out? Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2).

What is the largest mammal on Earth? Answer: Blue Whale.

Who wrote the famous play “Hamlet”? Answer: William Shakespeare.

What is the currency of China? Answer: Chinese Yuan (CNY).

In which year did the Titanic sink after hitting an iceberg? Answer: 1912.

What is the capital city of Brazil? Answer: Brasília.

Who is the author of “The Great Gatsby”? Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald.

What is the highest waterfall in the world? Answer: Angel Falls.

Which gas do balloons float in? Answer: Helium (He).

What is the largest land animal on Earth? Answer: African Elephant.

Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”? Answer: Albert Einstein.

Easy GK Questions in English for class 6

Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star”? Answer: Venus.

What is the currency of the United Kingdom? Answer: British Pound (GBP).

In which country was the famous painter Pablo Picasso born? Answer: Spain.

What is the capital city of Russia? Answer: Moscow.

Who wrote the novel “1984”? Answer: George Orwell.

What is the chemical symbol for iron? Answer: Fe.

Which gas do fire need to burn? Answer: Oxygen (O2).

What is the largest bird in the world? Answer: Ostrich.

Who painted the “Sistine Chapel Ceiling”? Answer: Michelangelo.

What is the national flower of India? Answer: Lotus.

In which year did the American Declaration of Independence get signed? Answer: 1776.

What is the capital city of France? Answer: Paris.

Who wrote the play “Macbeth”? Answer: William Shakespeare.

What is the largest species of shark? Answer: Whale Shark.

Which gas is responsible for the green color of leaves? Answer: Chlorophyll.

What is the currency of Canada? Answer: Canadian Dollar (CAD).

Who is the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird”? Answer: Harper Lee.

What is the smallest planet in our solar system? Answer: Mercury.

Which famous scientist formulated the laws of motion and gravitation? Answer: Sir Isaac Newton.

What is the chemical symbol for silver? Answer: Ag.

What is the capital city of China? Answer: Beijing.

Who wrote the “I Have a Dream” speech? Answer: Martin Luther King Jr.

What is the national flower of the United States? Answer: Rose.

In which country was the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci born? Answer: Italy.

What is the process of converting sugar into energy within cells called? Answer: Cellular respiration.

Who is the author of “The Catcher in the Rye”? Answer: J.D. Salinger.

What is the chemical symbol for sodium? Answer: Na.

Which gas do humans need to inhale for respiration? Answer: Oxygen (O2).

What is the tallest tree in the world? Answer: Hyperion.

Who painted the “Last Supper”? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.

What is the national flower of England? Answer: Rose.

In which year did World War II end? Answer: 1945.

What is the capital city of Japan? Answer: Tokyo.

Who wrote the play “Hamlet”? Answer: William Shakespeare.

What is the largest species of penguin? Answer: Emperor Penguin.

Which gas is produced during photosynthesis? Answer: Oxygen (O2).

What is the currency of France? Answer: Euro (EUR).

Who is the author of “The Odyssey”? Answer: Homer.

What is the chemical symbol for potassium? Answer: K.

What is the capital city of Canada? Answer: Ottawa.

Who painted the “Girl with a Pearl Earring”? Answer: Johannes Vermeer.

What is the national flower of China? Answer: Peony.

In which country was the famous scientist Marie Curie born? Answer: Poland.

What is the process of water turning into vapor called? Answer: Evaporation.

Who is known as the “Father of the Indian Nation”? Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.

What is the currency of Germany? Answer: Euro (EUR).

Who is the author of “War and Peace”? Answer: Leo Tolstoy.

What is the chemical symbol for calcium? Answer: Ca.

Which gas is known as laughing gas? Answer: Nitrous oxide (N2O).

In which year did the Berlin Wall fall, leading to the reunification of Germany? Answer: 1989.

What is the capital city of South Africa? Answer: Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Cape Town (Three capital cities).

What is the currency of Italy? Answer: Euro (EUR).

Who is the author of “Frankenstein”? Answer: Mary Shelley.

Most Famous Top 100+ GK Questions with answers

What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen? Answer: N.

Which gas do plants release during respiration? Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2).

What is the national flower of Canada? Answer: Maple Leaf.

In which country was the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven born? Answer: Germany.

What is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in plants called? Answer: Photosynthesis.

Who is known as the “Father of Modern India”? Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.

What is the currency of Spain? Answer: Euro (EUR) .

Who is the author of “Don Quixote”? Answer: Miguel de Cervantes.

What is the chemical symbol for copper? Answer: Cu.

Which gas is known as the “silent killer” in homes? Answer: Carbon monoxide (CO).

What is the national flower of Australia? Answer: Golden Wattle.

Top 50 GK Questions in English

All of these top 50 GK questions in English are common general knowledge questions that we all need to memorize. If you find any mistakes in any question, please feel free to contact us.

These all are the most common GK Questions in English

Help us to improve our GK Questions in English

What are the common GK questions?

How many days are there in a week? Answer: There are 7 days in a week.

How many days are there in a year? Answer: There are 365 days in a standard year, and 366 days in a leap year.

Which animal is known as the king of the jungle? Answer: The lion is often referred to as the king of the jungle.

Name the National fruit of India? Answer: Mango is the National fruit of India.

Name the National river of India? Answer: The Ganges River is the National river of India.

Name the biggest continent in the world? Answer: Asia is the largest continent in the world.

Name the house made of ice? Answer: An igloo is a house made of ice and snow.

Name the largest mammal? Answer: The blue whale is the largest mammal on Earth.

Most Popular GK questions in English?

Q: Who was the first President of the United States? A: George Washington. Q: What year did World War II end? A: 1945. Q: Which ancient civilization built the pyramids? A: The Ancient Egyptians.

Q: What’s the capital of France? A: Paris. Q: Which river is the longest in the world? A: The Nile River. Q: Name the five oceans of the world. A: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean.

Q: What’s the chemical symbol for gold? A: Au. Q: What is the process by which plants make their own food called? A: Photosynthesis. Q: Who developed the theory of relativity? A: Albert Einstein.


Q: Who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”? A: William Shakespeare. Q: What is the title of J.K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter book? A: “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” (or “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” in the U.S.). Q: Name a famous work by William Shakespeare. A: “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” “Othello,” etc.

Q: In which sport is the “Super Bowl” a major event? A: American Football. Q: Which country won the most recent FIFA World Cup? A: The answer will vary depending on the current year. Q: Who is often referred to as the “king of cricket”? A: Sachin Tendulkar.

Current Affairs GK Questions in English:

Q: Who is the current Prime Minister/President of your country? A: The answer will vary depending on your country. Q: What major event happened recently that’s been making headlines? A: The answer will depend on the current news.


Q: What is the highest-grossing movie of all time? A: “Avengers: Endgame.” Q: Who played the character Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? A: Robert Downey Jr.

Famous Personalities:

Q: Who was Albert Einstein? A: A theoretical physicist known for the theory of relativity. Q: Name a famous artist from the Renaissance period. A: Leonardo da Vinci.


Q: Who co founded Microsoft with Bill Gates? A: Paul Allen Q: What does “www” stand for in a website address? A: World Wide Web.

Miscellaneous – GK Questions in English:

Q: What is the currency of Japan? A: Japanese Yen (JPY). Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa? A: Leonardo da Vinci.

What are the top 10 GK questions?

Name the Oceans of the World? Answer: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean.

Name the longest river on Earth? Answer: The Nile River.

Name the planet known as the Red Planet? Answer: Mars.

Who is the first woman prime minister of India? Answer: Indira Gandhi.

Who is the first citizen of India? Answer: The President of India.

Name the place known as the Roof of the World? Answer: The Tibetan Plateau or the Himalayas.

Name the National river of India? Answer: The Ganges River.

What is the National song of India? Answer: “Vande Mataram.”

What is the National Anthem of India? Answer: “Jana Gana Mana.”

Name the National animal of India? Answer: Bengal Tiger.

What is the best GK questions in English?

Here is the top 10 Best GK Questions in English

Which one is the smallest ocean in the World? Answer : The smallest ocean in the world is the Arctic Ocean. It is located around the North Pole and is characterized by its cold temperatures and unique ecosystem adapted to the extreme conditions of the polar region.

Which country gifted the ‘Statue of Liberty’ to USA in 1886? Answer : The ‘Statue of Liberty’ was a gift from France to the United States. It was dedicated on October 28, 1886, and symbolizes freedom and democracy. It stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor.

Dead Sea is located between which two countries? Answer : The Dead Sea is located between Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west. It is a saltwater lake known for its high salt concentration and buoyancy.

In which ocean ‘Bermuda Triangle’ region is located? Answer : The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is known for the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft, although many of these claims have been debunked.

Which country is known as the ‘playground of Europe’? Answer : Switzerland is often referred to as the “playground of Europe.” This nickname highlights its picturesque landscapes, ski resorts, and outdoor recreational opportunities that attract tourists from around the world.

Which country is also known as the ‘Land of Rising Sun’? Answer : Japan is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun.” This name is derived from the country’s name in Japanese, “Nihon” or “Nippon,” which means “origin of the sun.”

Which country is known as the ‘Land of Thunderbolts’? Answer : Bhutan is often referred to as the “Land of Thunderbolts” due to the frequent thunderstorms in the region, which are seen as powerful and symbolic in Bhutanese culture.

Which continent has the highest number of countries? Answer : Africa has the highest number of recognized countries among the continents. It is home to a diverse range of cultures, languages, and nations.

In which country, white elephant is found? Answer : White elephants are found in various countries in Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. These elephants have symbolic significance and are considered sacred or rare in some cultures.

Total number of oceans in the World is Answer : The Earth has five oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean.

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  • General Knowledge Test (GK)

General Knowledge Test (GK) (082)

The General Knowledge Test assesses the skills and knowledge all candidates need to begin effective careers as professional educators .

The General Knowledge Test consists of four subtests:

  • Essay Subtest (825)
  • English Language Skills (ELS) Subtest (826)
  • Reading Subtest (827)
  • Mathematics Subtest (828)

For more information about the history and development of the General Knowledge Test, see "About the FTCE/FELE: General Knowledge (GK) Test ."

Registration Information

You are not required to take all four subtests of this exam for your first attempt. You can split the subtests into two appointments of two subtests each, four appointments of a single subtest each, or any other combination desired.

When registering, you must create a separate registration for each testing appointment. For example, to split the subtests into two appointments, you must create two registrations, each with two subtests.

The subtests selected on a registration cannot be changed. If you have a current registration but want to change the subtests to be given in a single testing appointment, you will need to cancel your current registration and create one or more new registrations with the desired combination of subtests.

Tests may include test questions that are being evaluated for future administrations and that do not affect an examinee's score.

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FTCE General Knowledge (082) Practice Test

Prepare for your test with realistic questions.

The Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) is a series of content and application-based exams for the state of Florida that provides prospective educators the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in general education and subject area knowledge.

The FTCE General Knowledge (GK) test is one of seven exams developed by the state of Florida to reflect the state’s requirements, aligned with the student content standards approved by the Florida State Board.

Click “Start Test” above to take a free FTCE General Knowledge practice test!

FTCE General Knowledge Test Outline

The General Knowledge test is split into four subtests, which you can take all at once or in separate testing sessions. Regardless of how many you take at once, you must pass all four subtests to pass the full exam.

Essay Subtest

For the essay subtest, you will be asked to write a short essay on a given topic. When writing this essay, there are several things that you will be tested on:

  • How consistent your point of view is
  • How relevant your thesis is
  • Your use of college-level English standards
  • How effective your sentence patterns are
  • How relevant and adequate your textual evidence is
  • How well you introduce the topic
  • How well you organize your ideas
  • How well your concluding statement supports the information presented

English Language Skills Subtest (30 questions)

The questions in this subtest assess your knowledge and skills in three key areas:

  • Language structure (33%)
  • Vocabulary application (33%)
  • Standard English conventions (34%)

Reading Subtest (30 questions)

The questions in this subtest are based on reading passages. You will be asked to read five expository and/or narrative passages and answer the related questions.

You will be tested on your knowledge in three key areas:

  • Key ideas and details (40%)
  • Text structure and meaning (25%)
  • Integration of information and ideas (35%)

Mathematics Subtest (35 questions)

For this subtest, you will be given an on-screen calculator and reference sheet to help with any necessary calculations.

You will be tested on your knowledge and skills in four key areas:

  • Number sense, concepts, and operations (25%)
  • Geometry and measurement (25%)
  • Algebraic thinking and the coordinate plane (30%)
  • Probability, statistics, and data representation (20%)

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 Study Guide

FTCE General Knowledge Test Registration

To register for the General Knowledge exam, you must first create an online FTCE/FELE account. Once you are logged in, select “General Knowledge (GK) (082)” as your exam. From there, you can register for the exam, pay the $130 testing fee, and schedule your testing appointment.

On the day of your exam, you should arrive at the testing center 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled appointment time. Once you arrive, the check-in process will begin. You will be asked to sign in and provide two valid forms of government-issued ID, one of which must be a photo ID.

After the check-in process, you will be asked to place all personal items in a locker outside the testing room, or you may be asked to leave them in your car. If you wear eyeglasses, they will be briefly removed and inspected before you enter the testing room.

Once the test begins, you will be allowed to take breaks. However, the timer will not be stopped during your break, so use your break time carefully.

How the FTCE General Knowledge Test is Scored

Your final FTCE score is calculated using a scaled scoring method. This method works by taking the number of questions you answered correctly and converting it to a scaled score. To pass, you will need to achieve a scaled score of at least 200 on each multiple-choice subtest, and you must achieve a score of 8 out of 12 to pass the essay subtest. You must pass all four subtests to pass the exam.

You will receive your official score report within four weeks after testing.

Retaking the FTCE General Knowledge Test

If you wish to retake the test, you may do so after waiting 31 calendar days and re-paying the necessary exam fees.

Check Out Mometrix's FTCE Flashcards

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Online FTCE General Knowledge Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online FTCE General Knowledge prep course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The FTCE General Knowledge course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 550+ FTCE General Knowledge Practice Questions
  • More than 600 Electronic Flashcards
  • Over 270 Instructional Videos
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The FTCE General Knowledge prep course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their FTCE exam. Click below to check it out!

How many questions are on the FTCE General Knowledge test?

There are 95 multiple-choice questions and one essay on the test.

How long is the FTCE General Knowledge test?

The time limit for the test as a whole is just over 5.5 hours.

What is the passing score for the FTCE General Knowledge test?

To pass the test, you must achieve a minimum scaled score of 200 on the Reading, Mathematics, and English Language Skills subtests, as well as a score of 8/12 on the essay subtest.

How much does the FTCE General Knowledge test cost?

The testing fee is $130 for all four subtests combined.

gk questions in english essay

By Eric Richter

Eric is the Product Development Manager responsible for developing and updating the Mometrix Teacher Certification and K-12 products. Eric has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s of education in Teaching ESOL.

Other FTCE Tests

by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: March 4, 2024

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YB Study

GK Questions and Answers in English

GK Questions and Answers in English : Having a strong understanding of GK is extremely important for all competitive examinations held in India. Questions related to General Knowledge are a common feature in such exams.

Candidates with a strong grasp of General Knowledge can score well in competitive exams, increasing their chances of success. To aid in your preparation for exams like UPSC, SSC, Railways, NTPC, Banking, UGC NET, etc., we’ve compiled over 1000+ GK questions and answers below.

These GK questions and answers cover a wide range of topics and will be immensely helpful in your exam preparation. If you’re seeking expert guidance while preparing for competitive exams, you can download our General Awareness e-book.

GK Questions and Answers in English

Table of Contents

GK Questions on Science

Gk questions on politics, gk questions on history.

Welcome, friends, to our blog. In this post, we have compiled History GK questions in English along with answers, which will prove very beneficial for you in competitive exams.

History General Knowledge is an essential subject that forms a part of any government exam. It reflects a person’s intelligence and awareness. Even if one struggles with math or science, having a good grasp of History General Knowledge is crucial.

Today, we are presenting some History Gk questions and Answers to enhance your general knowledge, which can ultimately aid in securing a job. These questions will not only improve your History GK but also expand your knowledge about the country, the world, and history.

Let’s dive into the post and explore these History GK questions and Answers in English. You can also read about GK about India

GK Questions on World

GK Questions on World: This section encompasses questions from various subjects such as World Economics, History, Geography, etc. It is crucial for candidates to answer as many GK question on world as possible to prepare for exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Bank PO, Clerk, UPSC, and others.

There is no fixed pattern for this subject, as questions can be asked on any topic related to the world. However, this section aims to test candidates’ knowledge about various global subjects.

The World GK Quiz section is considered to be high-scoring and aims to test whether the candidates have knowledge about various topics related to the world.

Let us know about these World GK questions and answers in English. If you are preparing for competitive exams and looking for expert guidance, then you can download our GK Questions and Answers e-book.

GK Questions on Sports

Do you want to discover the answers to Sports GK questions and answers and other curiosities about the sports Below we give you all the solutions to 30+ sports GK questions and answers in English that will not leave you indifferent. Whether it’s football, basketball, cycling, boxing, gymnastics, or any other sport, I’m here to assist you.

Let’s dive in and explore the GK Questions on sports together. Feel free to ask any specific questions you have, and I’ll provide you with the answers. Let’s check out these GK Questions and answers on sports.

Read: GK Questions on Cricket

GK Questions on Current Affairs

General knowledge refers to a broad understanding and awareness of various topics and facts, encompassing subjects like history, geography, science, literature, and current affairs. Current affairs are also crucial as it aids individuals in comprehending the world, engaging in meaningful conversations, and making informed decisions.

Having a good general knowledge of current affairs can greatly assist in clearing competitive examinations. The stronger your current affairs general knowledge, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle question papers.

However, there are times when candidates come across confusing questions in exams. These questions are often challenging to GK questions and answers and are designed to test candidates’ skills and general knowledge.

When attending interviews for government jobs, the questions asked may seem easy, but candidates often make mistakes in answering them. Therefore, it’s important to familiarize yourself with common GK questions and answers on current affairs.

GK Questions on Solar System

Studying general knowledge about the solar system isn’t just about learning facts; it’s about delving into the mysteries of the universe. It helps us understand the cosmos better, boosts scientific literacy, supports space exploration missions, raises awareness about our environment, sparks curiosity, and connects us to our cultural and historical heritage.

Our Solar System GK Questions and Answers aim to provide you with a wealth of knowledge on this topic. Additionally, you can find General Knowledge Questions in English on this website, along with other valuable information.

Competitive exams often present challenging questions that can make students feel pressure. These exams might include multiple GK questions that require a deep understanding of various subjects. To excel in such exams, it’s crucial to engage in regular General Knowledge Quiz in English, stay updated with Solar System GK Questions and Answers, and current affairs, and continue studying general knowledge topics.

Human Brain GK Questions and Answers

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110 Important GK Questions for Class 10 with Answer

  • 1 Watch Important Questions of Class 10-GK on Youtube
  • 2 110 Important GK Questions for Class 10
  • 3.1 Why is it important for Class 10 students to know GK?
  • 3.2 What kind of GK questions can Class 10 students expect?
  • 3.3 How can Class 10 students improve their GK?

Welcome to Edukar. Test your knowledge with our list of GK questions for Class 10. These questions cover a wide range of topics and are designed to help you to increase your general knowledge.

These GK Questions cover a wide range of subjects such as history , geography , science , economics , politics , sports , and current affairs .

The purpose of this collection is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of important events, facts, and figures related to various topics that are crucial for their academic and personal growth. These questions are designed to enhance students’ critical thinking abilities and their ability to retain information.

Class 10

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110 Important GK Questions for Class 10

1. Who is the President of India?

Answer: Droupadi Murmu

2. Who is the Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Narendra Modi

3. Which is the largest state in India in terms of area?

Answer: Rajasthan

4. Which is the smallest state in India in terms of area?

Answer: Goa

5. Which is the largest city in India in terms of population?

Answer: Mumbai

6. What is the capital of India?

Answer: New Delhi

7. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?

Answer: Mount Everest

8. Which is the longest river in India?

Answer: Ganga

9. Which is the largest desert in India?

Answer: Thar Desert

10. What is the national animal of India?

Answer: Tiger

11. What is the national bird of India?

Answer: Peacock

12. What is the national flower of India?

Answer: Lotus

13. What is the national tree of India?

Answer: Banyan

14. Which is the national emblem of India?

Answer: Lion Capital of Ashoka

15. Which is the national song of India?

Answer: Vande Mataram

16. Which is the national anthem of India?

Answer: Jana Gana Mana

17. Who wrote the national anthem of India?

Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

18. Who wrote the national song of India?

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

19. Which is the first state in India to be formed on linguistic basis?

Answer: Andhra Pradesh

20. Who is known as the “Father of the Nation” in India?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

21. Which is the highest civilian award in India?

Answer: Bharat Ratna

22. Who was the first President of India?

Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

23. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

24. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Indira Gandhi

25. Who was the first Indian to win a Nobel Prize?

26. Who was the first Indian to win the Miss World title?

Answer: Reita Faria

27. Who was the first Indian to win an Olympic gold medal?

Answer: Abhinav Bindra

28. Who is the current Chief Justice of India?

Answer: Justice N.V. Ramana

29. Who is the current Governor of the Reserve Bank of India?

Answer: Shaktikanta Das

30. Which is the oldest university in India?

Answer: Nalanda University

31. Which is the first satellite launched by India?

Answer: Aryabhata

32. Who is the founder of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)?

Answer: Vikram Sarabhai

33. Which is the first Indian state to achieve 100% electrification?

Answer: Kerala

34. Who is the founder of the Indian National Congress?

Answer: A.O. Hume (Allan Octavian Hume)

35. Which is the first Indian newspaper?

Answer: Bengal Gazette

36. Who is the author of “Discovery of India”?

37. Which is the first Indian film to win an Oscar?

Answer: “Gandhi”

38. Who is the current Chief Minister of Delhi?

Answer: Arvind Kejriwal

39. Who is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh?

Answer: Yogi Adityanath

40. Who is the current Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu?

Answer: M.K. Stalin

41. Who is the current President of India’s main opposition party, the Indian National Congress?

Answer: Sonia Gandhi

42. Who is known as the “Iron Man of India”?

Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

43. Who was India’s first President?

44. Who is the current Vice President of India?

Answer: Venkaiah Naidu

45. Who is the current Chief Justice of India?

Answer: Justice N. V. Ramana

46. Which river is known as the “Sorrow of Bihar”?

Answer: Kosi River

47. Which Indian city is known as the “City of Lakes”?

Answer: Udaipur

48. Which Indian state is known as the “Land of Five Rivers”?

Answer: Punjab

49. Which Indian state is known as the “Spice Garden of India”?

50. Which Indian state is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”?

Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

51. Which Indian state is known as the “Jewel of Western India”?

Answer: Gujarat

52. Which Indian state is known as the “Land of Festivals”?

Answer: Nagaland

53. What is India’s national aquatic animal?

Answer: River Dolphin

54. What is India’s national bird?

Answer: Indian Peafowl (or Peacock)

55. What is India’s national animal?

Answer: Bengal Tiger

56. What is India’s national flower?

57. Which Indian city is known as the “City of Joy”?

Answer: Kolkata

58. What is India’s national currency?

Answer: Indian Rupee

59. Which Indian city is known as the “Silicon Valley of India”?

Answer: Bangalore (or Bengaluru)

60. Who is the founder of the Tata Group?

Answer: Jamsetji Tata

61. Which Indian state has the highest population?

Answer: Uttar Pradesh

62. Which Indian state has the lowest population density?

63. Which Indian city is known as the “City of Joy”?

64. Which Indian city is known as the “Pink City”?

Answer: Jaipur

65. Which Indian city is known as the “City of Dreams”?

66. What is the name of the second highest mountain peak in India?

Answer: K2 (also known as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori)

67. What is the name of the highest plateau in India?

Answer: Deccan Plateau

68. Who is the first person to step on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

69. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

Answer: Mars

70. Who is the founder of Microsoft?

Answer: Bill Gates

71. What is the name of the world’s largest desert?

Answer: Sahara Desert

72. What is the name of the world’s largest ocean?

Answer: Pacific Ocean

73. Who is known as the ‘Iron Lady’ of India?

Answer: Indira Gandhi.

74. Who invented the light bulb?

Answer: Thomas Edison

75. Who is known as the ‘King of Pop’?

Answer: Michael Jackson

76. What is the largest organ in the human body?

Answer: Skin

77. What is the smallest country in the world?

Answer: Vatican City

78. What is the largest continent in the world?

Answer: Asia

79. Who invented the steam engine?

Answer: James Watt

80. Who invented the telephone?

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

81. Who is the inventor of the World Wide Web?

Answer: Tim Berners-Lee

82. Which is the largest animal in the world?

Answer: Blue whale

83. Which is the largest river in the world by volume?

Answer: Amazon River

84. Who is the founder of Facebook?

Answer: Mark Zuckerberg

85. Which is the highest waterfall in the world?

Answer: Angel Falls

86. Which is the largest bird in the world?

Answer: Ostrich

87. Which is the deepest ocean in the world?

88. Which is the largest country in the world by area?

Answer: Russia

89. Which is the largest island in the world?

Answer: Greenland

90. Which is the highest lake in the world?

Answer: Tilicho Lake

91. Who is the first Indian woman to win a medal in the Olympic Games?

Answer: Karnam Malleswari

92. In which sport is the term “LBW” used?

Answer: Cricket

93. Which Indian athlete has won the maximum number of Olympic medals?

Answer: P.V. Sindhu

94. Which Indian cricketer has scored the highest number of runs in international cricket?

Answer: Sachin Tendulkar

95. Who is the first Indian female boxer to win an Olympic medal?

Answer: Mary Kom

96. Which Indian athlete won the gold medal in the 400m race at the 2018 Asian Games?

Answer: Hima Das

97. Who is the captain of the Indian cricket team in all three formats of the game?

Answer: Virat Kohli

98. In which year did India win its first cricket World Cup?

Answer: 1983

99. Which Indian football club has won the most number of National Football League/I-League titles?

Answer: Dempo SC

100. Which Indian shooter has won the most number of medals in the history of the Commonwealth Games?

Answer: Gagan Narang

101. Who was the founder of the Maurya Empire?

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

102. Who was the first female ruler of Delhi Sultanate?

Answer: Razia Sultana

103. Who is known as the “Father of the Indian Constitution”?

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

104. Who was the last ruler of the Mughal Empire?

Answer: Bahadur Shah Zafar II.

105. Who was the founder of the Khilji dynasty in India?

Answer: Jalaluddin Khilji

106. Who was the leader of the Indian National Congress during the Quit India Movement in 1942?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.

107. Who was the last Governor-General of India?

Answer: C. Rajagopalachari

108. Which is the largest river in India by volume of water?

Answer: Brahmaputra River

109. Which is the largest saltwater lake in India?

Answer: Chilika Lake

110. Which is the southernmost point in India?

Answer: Indira Point, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Why is it important for Class 10 students to know GK?

General Knowledge helps students to develop a broader perspective about the world. It helps them to understand various subjects in-depth. It also helps them to be updated about current affairs and events happening around the world.

What kind of GK questions can Class 10 students expect?

Class 10 students can expect questions related to history, geography, science, current affairs, sports, and culture.

How can Class 10 students improve their GK?

Class 10 students can improve their GK by reading books and newspapers, watching news channels, participating in quiz competitions, and using online resources.

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100 Interesting GK Questions in English

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1) What do you call a grouping of bucks? Answer: A brace or clash of bucks.

2) Which ruler was the last Egyptian Pharaoh to hold part of Palestine? Answer: Ramses III.

3) This tiny country is nestled between France and Spain: Answer: Andorra.

4) What is notable about the Atacama desert? Answer: Driest in the world.

5) What year was the King James version of the Bible published? Answer: 1611.

6) Who was the youngest Beatle? Answer: George Harrison.

7) How many theses did Martin Luther nail to the church door in Wittenberg? Answer: 95.

8) What 1895 H. G. Wells novel was originally titled The Chronic Argonauts? Answer: The Time Machine.

9) Who was the author of the book Great Expectations Answer: Charles Dickens.

10) Which river is the world’s longest river? Answer: Nile.

11) Which U.S. Constitutional Amendment granted women the right to vote? Answer: 19th Amendment.

12) In Australia, what are you if you’re crook? Answer: Ill.

13) What do you call a grouping of cats? Answer: A clowder or clutter of cats.

14) Which popular fast-food items has the same name as a term meaning “big lie”? Answer: Whopper.

15) What was the capital of Lithuania from 1920-1940, while Vilnius was seized by Poland? Answer: Kaunas.

16) Who was Popeye’s enemy? Answer: Bluto.

17) According to the Book of Genesis, why was the moon created? Answer: To denote the passing of time.

18) The island of Gotland belongs to which country? Answer: Sweden.

19) What did Edward Binney and Harold Smith invent in 1903? Answer: Crayola Crayons.

20) Which film director once said of Brigitte Bardot, “If she Didn’t exist, we”d have to invent her”? Answer: Federico Fellini.

21) Who were the only three presidents to win the Nobel Peace Prize? Answer: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson & Jimmy Carter.

22) What is the name of the river of which the Niagara Falls are a part? Answer: Niagara river.

23) Which war between Britain and the US ended on 24 December 1814? Answer: The War of 1812.

24) David Ben Gurion became prime minister of which country in 1948? Answer: Israel.

25) The asteroid belt is between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. True or False? Answer: True.

Interesting GK Questions in English Part 2

26) Who are the presidents whose countenances are memorialized at Mount Rushmore? Answer: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt & George Washington.

27) Which country includes the states of Loreto, Madre de Dios, and Ica? Answer: Peru.

28) Which of John Batman’s parents got a free trip to Australia on a convict ship? Answer: His father.

29) What do you call a grouping of cattle? Answer: A herd or drove of cattle.

30) In which type of restaurant would you order soba noodles? Answer: Japanese.

31) Who were the the giant gods who preceeded Zeus? Answer: Titans.

32) Which is the largest river in North America? Answer: Mississippi.

33) The earth is the _____ planet from the sun. Answer: Third.

34) What word, derived from the French, denotes an archway resting on columns, or a game player’s paradise? Answer: Arcade.

35) What war did the most Americans die in? Answer: Civil War.

36) Who set sail aboard HMS Beagle to South America in December 1831? Answer: Charles Darwin.

37) Who, when accused of being with Jesus, lied and said that he did not know him, three times? Answer: (Simon) Peter (Matt 26:69-74).

38) How many X’s are there in the name of Queensland’s famous lager? Answer: 4.

39) In politics, Richard Daley and his son Richard M. Daley have both served as mayor of what city? Answer: Chicago.

40) Which artist claimed he hadn’t washed for days and would soil the elegant Manet if he shook his hand? Answer: Cezanne.

41) Which animal is among the twelve represented in the Chinese calendar, monkey or lion? Answer: Monkey.

42) Although the Japanese did not start writing their history until approx. 600 A.D., the first Japanese people came from the Korean peninsula in what century B.C.? Answer: 3rd.

43) Which instrument does Nigel Kennedy play? Answer: Violin.

44) According to the lyrics of the classic Christmas song, what were Frosty the Snowman’s eyes made of? Answer: Coal.

45) Cilantro and _______ come from the same plant. Answer: Coriander.

46) What is the only metal that’s a liquid at room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure? Answer: Mercury.

47) This actor portrayed a police detective in the television show, “Dan August”: Answer: Burt Reynolds.

48) Polyatomic ions have at least two atoms. True or False? Answer: True.

49) This green pigment in plants is responsible for producing the basic elements of food: Answer: Chlorophyll.

50) What cell type contains hemoglobin? Answer: Erythrocyte.

Interesting GK Questions in English Part 3

51) Spain and which other country share the Iberian Peninsula? Answer: Portugal.

52) “A piece of baked dough or pastry shaped into a crescent, usually moist, flaky, and very rich in fat, originally made in France.” (National Spelling Bee winning word from 1970) Answer: Croissant.

53)Who was the author of the book Berlin Alexanderplatz? Answer: Alfred Doblin.

54) The Little Belt Strait separates an island and the mainland of which country? Answer: Denmark.

55) What is the name of the only Broadway show tune recorded by the Beatles? Answer: Till There Was You.

56) From which island is the tail-less Manx cat thought to originate? Answer: Isle of Man.

57) What is the world’s driest desert? Answer: Atacama.

58) This is Evelyn Waugh’s biting satire on American life and Hollywood mortuaries: Answer: The Loved One.

59) Below how many inches of rain per year usually requires irrigation for successful farming? Answer: 20.

60) Who is Harry’s least favorite teacher? Answer: Professor Snape.

61) What was the purpose of the 1884 Berlin Conference? Answer: To partition Africa into colonies.

62) According to a notable public service announcement, “Friends Don’t Let Friends” do what? Answer: Drive Drunk.

63) Who was the first person in space? Answer: Yuri Gagarin

64) What is the capital of Ukraine? Answer: Kiev.

65) The sun is thought to be: Answer: Half-way through its life cycle.

66) In which year was the Selective Service Act enacted? Answer: 1917

67) Which Emperor of the Roman Empire’s name meant, Little Soldier’s Boot? Answer: Caligula.

68) An example of the ability of an organism to respond to a stimulus is: Answer: A moth flying towards the light.

69) DNA is found in which part of the cell? Answer: Nucleus.

70) The positively charged particle in an atom is the: Answer: Proton.

71) Which country leads the world in rice exports? Answer: Thailand.

72) Which public official can order an inquest into instances of sudden, violent or suspicious death? Answer: Coroner.

73) What does the letter A stand for in the military abbreviation “MIA”? Answer: Action

74) Vitsyebsk, Mahilyov, and Baranavichy are cities in which country? Answer: Belarus.

75) Adhesion is the force of attraction between particles close to each other in: Answer: Different substances.

Interesting GK Questions in English Part 4

76) Cohesion is the force of attraction between particles close to each other in: Answer: The same substance.

77) Who was the author of the book Jacques the Fatalist and His Master? Answer: Denis Diderot.

78) Three main rock types are sedimentary, igneous and: Answer: Metamorphic.

79) What is the acronym for the agency set up in 1923 to provide co-operation between police forces worldwide? Answer: Interpol.

80) Which country had prior capital cities in Rabaul and Lae? Answer: Papua New Guinea.

81) The place in the atom which contains the protons and the neutrons is the: Answer: Nucleus.

82) Chlorine, fluorine and bromine belong to which family of elements? Answer: Halogens.

83) Where is the White Sands Missile Range? Answer: New Mexico.

84) The correct order from smallest to largest of an is: Answer: Cell, tissue, organ, system, organism.

85) Which World War II leader was born on July 29, 1883? Answer: Benito Mussolini.

86) What is the world’s poorest country, based on GNP per capita? Answer: Ethiopia.

87) Our Solar System Answer: Alpha Centauri.

88) What was the largest city in the U.S. in 1800? Answer: Philadelphia.

89) Which country does not use a peso as its monetary unit? Answer: Brazil.

90) Which city is farthest east? Answer: Knoxville, Tennessee.

91) Where is the Black Forest? Answer: Germany.

92) What was the Eighteenth Amendment, and when was it passed? Answer: The Eighteenth Amendment, which was adopted on January 29,1919, prohibited the manufacture, sale, importation, and exportation of intoxicating liquors. Prohibition was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment, which was adopted on December 5,1933.

93) What is the distance between the U.S. and Russia at the narrowest point of the Bering Strait (not including islands)? Answer: 56 miles (90 km).

94) What’s the name of Captain Kangaroo’s human friend? Answer: Mr. Green Jeans.

95) What recording company released the first recordings of Elvis Presley? Answer: Sun Records.

96) According to the World Bank, which country is not a peripheral country? Answer: Greece.

97) The Falkland Islands are a territory of? Answer: United Kingdom.

98) “The action or process of making somebody a god or goddess.” Answer: Deification.

99) The colors of the flag of Somalia are based on the colors of which flag? Answer: United Nations.

100) In 1517, who nailed The 95 Theses onto the door of the Palace Church of Wittenberg? Answer: Martin Luther.

Read more General Knowledge Questions and Answers

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Written by Wicky

Hello, My name is Angel Wicky, I'm from Bangalore (India). I am a teacher & I love teaching. Teaching is the best job in the world. Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

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Regards Wicky

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GK Bits in English

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  • CBSE Class 6
  • GK Questions for Class 6

GK Questions for Class 6 with Answers

GK Questions for Class 6 broadly covers GK questions pertaining to India, Sports GK Questions, Current affairs questions, Basic Science GK questions, and Computer GK questions. These GK Question Class 6 cover information on important heads of states of different nations, famous personalities who have achieved success in various fields. These GK Questions for Class 6 will also include questions based on famous deserts across different continents, major rivers across the globe, nicknames of different countries, cities, major events that takes place across different countries. The general awareness questions will also cover the well known islands across the globe, most famous seas which are important from current affairs perspective, bridges, statues, winners of most famous awards like the Nobel Prize across the domains of peace, science and literature. Sports GK questions for students covers most important international events like Olympics, other sporting events like Tennis, Football etc.

Solving GK Quiz for Class 6 will help young students pick up vital knowledge which will help them all through their life, as they grow up. GK Quiz for Class 6 will help students hone their thinking skills. Answering these GK Questions for Class 6 will help them become sharper and smarter. The questions and answers given in Class 6 GK quiz need not necessarily be linked to the syllabus of Class 6 or have an impact on his/her academic scores. However, it is definitely going to help Class 6 students to grow up as wise and knowledgeable human beings.

GK Quiz Questions for Class 6

Here are the GK Questions for Class 6. The below given GK Questions are also relevant for Class 6 CBSE. Here are the links to the GK Question Class 6. Students can also download GK Questions for Class 6 pdf of the same.

Frequently solving GK Questions in English for Class 6 will help students develop a strong knowledge base.

GK Questions For Class 6 With Answers:

Given below are sample GK questions for Class 6 with answers. The GK Quiz for Class 6 with answers will help in increasing the curiosity and thinking abilities of students.

  • Who is the Chancellor of Germany?

Answer: Angela Merkel

  • Who is the author of the book ‘Ignited Minds’?

Answer: APJ Abdul Kalam

  • Which country is known as the ‘Pearl of the Orient Seas’?

Answer: Philippines

  • Where is the location of Kalahari Desert?

Answer: Kalahari is in the African continent. It is spread over 3 countries – Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.

  • Who won the Nobel Peace Prize 2020?

Answer: World Food Programme

  • Who won the ‘Global Teachers Prize 2020’?

Answer: Ranjitsinh Disale

  • What is the capital of Switzerland?

Answer: Bern

  • When is Martyrs’ day observed in India?

Answer: 30th January

  • Which is the longest river in Europe?

Answer: Volga River

  • Where is Mount Kilimanjaro located?

Answer: Tanzania, Africa.

Class 6 students who make it a hobby to update themselves with General Knowledge will be very confident while interacting with their peers. These GK Questions for Class 6 will make their interactions with their classmates and friends very beneficial and knowledge sharable.

Visit our GK Questions Section

The GK Questions for 6th Class develop interest and aptitude in General Knowledge. Solving GK Questions Class 6 give them confidence to interact with new people, share knowledge with them and simultaneously continue to gain knowledge. GK Questions for Class 6 will also help them to build stronger bonds with like minded people, and expand their friends circle which would help them in the later stages of life.

General Knowledge is needed for complete development of a child. General Knowledge for Class 6 will broaden the horizon of thinking. Slowly and steadily the students will develop the capacity to understand complex situations and analyse better. It will boost self esteem and help the students face the world outside with greater confidence. GK Questions for Class 6 is acquired from various sources like magazines, newspapers, websites etc. An individual with good General Knowledge is always appreciated and respected by other people. Individuals with good GK usually have higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ) levels too.

Class 6 General Knowledge Questions will definitely support students’ journey of competing at intra school and inter school level quiz competitions. These questions contain GK questions for Class 6 CBSE as well as GK questions for Class 6 ICSE. These simple GK questions for Class 6 students will build greater enthusiasm in the minds of young students.

Why should you choose BYJU’S for your Class 6 Student?

In today’s world, when the competition is so high, you can’t just rely on schools for your little one’s education. As a parent, one might be facing issues in finding the perfect resources to help one’s kid while learning at home. To share your responsibility, BYJU’S brings you the best in class learning app for kids. We know and understand that kids need a lot of motivation to study and thus, we shape everything they need to learn according to their interests and learning capacity. We have a diverse range of GK Questions for Class 6 students along with answers which will help in building a strong foundation of your child.

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50+ Interesting GK Facts in English and Hindi

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Table of Contents

GK facts include interesting information about many topics, helping to increase knowledge and curiosity. These facts are useful for doing well in school, and they boost confidence in talks, interviews, and exams.

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Types of GK Facts

General knowledge covers facts related to culture, society, civilization, the human body, the animal kingdom, space, automobiles, cuisine, communities, countries, languages, current affairs, and more.

Benefits of Good General Knowledge

  • For Students : Good general knowledge is essential for interviews, competitive exams, and group discussions. Knowing various GK facts helps students participate in discussions and debates with confidence. It makes them stand out in a group, as it turns them into impressive conversationalists.
  • For Success : Having a strong grasp of GK facts in English about the world and current events helps students in interviews and quizzes. It earns them respect from their peers and admiration from their teachers.

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GK Facts in English

Interesting gk facts about the human body.

  • Unique Tongue Prints : Just like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print.
  • Strongest Bone : The thigh bone, or femur, is the longest and strongest bone in the human body.
  • No Blood Vessels : The cornea and cartilage tissues in the human body have no blood vessels.
  • Growing Features : Our noses and ears continue to grow as we age.
  • Hold Your Breath : Holding your breath cannot kill you.
  • Long Muscle : The tongue is the longest muscle in the human body.
  • Half of Our Bones : More than half of our bones are located in our hands, wrists, ankles, and feet.
  • Heart Stopping Sneezes : People say “Bless You” when you sneeze because your heart stops for a millisecond.

Global GK Facts

  • Land of the Rising Sun : Japan is known as the first country to witness the sunrise daily, earning it the title “Land of the Rising Sun”.
  • Shortest War : The Anglo-Zanzibar War in 1896 lasted only about 38-45 minutes.
  • Four Hemispheres : Africa is the only continent that covers all four hemispheres.
  • Snow Vocabulary : Scotland has 421 words related to snow.
  • Vending Machines : Japan has the highest number of vending machines, with one for every 40 people.
  • World’s Largest Sundial : Located in India.
  • Temple for Rats : Rajasthan, India, has a temple dedicated to rats.
  • No Pet Dogs : It’s against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland.
  • Rome Everywhere : There is a city called Rome on every continent.

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Fun GK Facts About Animals

  • Elephants Can’t Jump : Due to their heavy weight and foot structure, elephants cannot jump.
  • Three Pairs of Eyelids : Camels have three pairs of eyelids to protect their eyes from desert sand.
  • Long Sleeping Snails : In unfavorable weather, snails can sleep for up to 3 years.
  • Different Blood Colors : Mammals have red blood, insects have yellow blood, and lobsters have blue blood.
  • Headless Survival : A cockroach can live for several weeks without its head.
  • Fast Dragonflies : Dragonflies can fly at speeds of 50 to 60 mph.

Miscellaneous GK Facts

  • Shortest Complete Sentence : “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
  • Weigh Less Under the Moon : If the moon is directly overhead, you weigh 0.5g less due to its gravitational pull.
  • Tiny Mammal : The bumblebee bat is the tiniest mammal, weighing only 0.05-0.07 ounces.
  • Ants’ Resting Habits : A colony of ants rests for only 8 minutes in 12 hours.
  • Butterflies Taste with Their Feet : Unlike humans, butterflies have taste receptors on their feet.
  • Bacteria from Headphones : Wearing headphones for just an hour can increase bacteria in your ears, potentially causing hearing loss.
  • Philippine Islands : The Philippine Archipelago consists of 7,641 islands.

Interesting GK Facts About India

  • Rainy Masynram : Masynram receives the highest rainfall in India, with an average annual value of 11,872 millimeters.
  • Kumbh Mela 2011 : Over 75 million people gathered at the Kumbh Mela in 2011, visible even from space.
  • Science Day in Switzerland : Switzerland declared May 26th as Science Day in honor of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s visit in 2006.

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GK Facts in Hindi

यहाँ पर कुछ रोचक gk facts in Hindi दिए गए हैं जो आपके सामान्य ज्ञान को बढ़ाने में मदद करेंगे। इन interesting gk facts in hindi को पढ़कर आप अपने ज्ञान को और बढ़ा सकते हैं।

मानव शरीर के बारे में GK Facts in Hindi

  • अद्वितीय जीभ के निशान : जैसे फिंगरप्रिंट अद्वितीय होते हैं, वैसे ही हर व्यक्ति की जीभ के निशान भी अद्वितीय होते हैं।
  • सबसे मजबूत हड्डी : जांघ की हड्डी या फीमर, शरीर की सबसे लंबी और मजबूत हड्डी होती है।
  • कोई रक्त वाहिकाएँ नहीं : हमारी आंखों की कॉर्निया और कार्टिलेज ऊतकों में कोई रक्त वाहिकाएँ नहीं होती हैं।
  • बढ़ते नाक और कान : उम्र बढ़ने के साथ हमारी नाक और कान बड़े होते जाते हैं।
  • सांस रोकना : सांस रोकने से आप मर नहीं सकते।
  • लंबी मांसपेशी : जीभ शरीर की सबसे लंबी मांसपेशी होती है।
  • आधे से ज्यादा हड्डियाँ : हमारे हाथ, कलाई, टखने और पैरों में आधे से ज्यादा हड्डियाँ होती हैं।
  • छींकते समय दिल रुकता है : छींकते समय लोग “ब्लेस यू” कहते हैं क्योंकि उस समय दिल एक मिलिसेकंड के लिए रुक जाता है।

विश्व के बारे में GK Facts in Hindi

  • उगते सूर्य की भूमि : जापान को हर दिन सबसे पहले सूर्योदय देखने का मौका मिलता है, इसलिए इसे “उगते सूर्य की भूमि” कहते हैं।
  • सबसे छोटा युद्ध : एंग्लो-जांज़ीबार युद्ध 1896 में केवल 38-45 मिनट तक चला।
  • चार गोलार्धों वाला महाद्वीप : अफ्रीका एकमात्र महाद्वीप है जो चारों गोलार्धों में फैला हुआ है।
  • बर्फ के 421 शब्द : स्कॉटलैंड में बर्फ के लिए 421 शब्द हैं।
  • वेंडिंग मशीनें : जापान में सबसे ज्यादा वेंडिंग मशीनें हैं, हर 40 लोगों के लिए एक।
  • दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी धूपघड़ी : यह भारत में स्थित है।
  • चूहों का मंदिर : राजस्थान में चूहों के लिए एक मंदिर है।
  • पालतू कुत्तों पर प्रतिबंध : आइसलैंड में पालतू कुत्ते रखना कानून के खिलाफ है।
  • हर महाद्वीप में रोम : हर महाद्वीप पर एक शहर रोम नाम का है।

पशु साम्राज्य के बारे में GK Facts in Hindi

  • हाथी नहीं कूद सकते : अपने भारी वजन और पैर की संरचना के कारण हाथी कूद नहीं सकते।
  • तीन पलकें : ऊँट की आंखों को रेगिस्तान की रेत से बचाने के लिए तीन पलकों के सेट होते हैं।
  • लंबी नींद लेने वाले घोंघे : प्रतिकूल मौसम में, घोंघे 3 साल तक सो सकते हैं।
  • अलग-अलग रक्त रंग : स्तनधारियों का रक्त लाल, कीड़ों का रक्त पीला और लॉबस्टर का रक्त नीला होता है।
  • कटे सिर के साथ जीवित : एक तिलचट्टा अपने सिर कटने के बाद भी कई हफ्तों तक जीवित रह सकता है।
  • तेज उड़ने वाले ड्रैगनफ्लाई : ड्रैगनफ्लाई 50 से 60 मील प्रति घंटे की गति से उड़ सकते हैं।

विविध GK Facts in Hindi

  • सबसे छोटा पूरा वाक्य : “I Am” अंग्रेजी भाषा में सबसे छोटा पूरा वाक्य है।
  • चाँद के नीचे कम वजन : अगर चाँद सीधे सिर के ऊपर हो, तो आपका वजन 0.5 ग्राम कम हो जाता है।
  • छोटा स्तनपायी : बम्बलबी बैट सबसे छोटा स्तनपायी है, जिसका वजन केवल 0.05-0.07 औंस होता है।
  • चींटियों की आराम की आदतें : चींटियों का कॉलोनी 12 घंटे में केवल 8 मिनट आराम करती है।
  • तितलियों के स्वाद ग्रंथियाँ पैर पर : तितलियाँ अपने पैरों पर स्वाद ग्रंथियाँ रखती हैं।
  • हेडफोन से बैक्टीरिया : हेडफोन पहनने से कानों में बैक्टीरिया की संख्या बढ़ जाती है, जिससे सुनने की क्षमता कम हो सकती है।
  • फिलीपींस के द्वीप : फिलीपींस में 7,641 द्वीप हैं।

भारत के बारे में GK Facts in Hindi

  • बरसात वाला मासिनराम : मासिनराम में भारत में सबसे ज्यादा वर्षा होती है, जिसकी औसत वार्षिक मात्रा 11,872 मिलीमीटर है।
  • कुंभ मेला 2011 : 2011 में कुंभ मेला में 75 मिलियन से ज्यादा लोग एकत्रित हुए थे, जिसे अंतरिक्ष से भी देखा जा सकता था।
  • स्विट्जरलैंड का विज्ञान दिवस : स्विट्जरलैंड ने 26 मई को विज्ञान दिवस के रूप में घोषित किया जब डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम ने 2006 में वहाँ का दौरा किया था।

इन interesting gk facts in hindi को जानें और अपने ज्ञान का विस्तार करें। इन रोचक gk facts in hindi के साथ, हमेशा नए और अनोखे तथ्यों को जानने के लिए उत्सुक रहें।

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