Tourism Essay for Students and Children

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Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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Chapter 14. Back to the Big Picture: Globalization and Trends

14.1 Globalization and the Tourism Industry

A toy airplane sits on a table in the dark. Behind it is a glowing globe.

In today’s integrated and interdependent world, multiple forces represent both opportunities and threats to tourism. This chapter explores the topic of globalization and how it relates to tourism, and then examines trends (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental influences — PESTLE ). The chapter closes with a reflection on what all this means for tourism in British Columbia.

Depending on the focus of the discussion, globalization can be defined in several ways. One broad definition is:

A complex web of social processes that intensify and expand worldwide economic, cultural, political and technological exchanges and connections (Campbell, MacKinnon, & Stevens, 2011, p. 4).

Globalization can also be simply described as the movement of goods, ideas, values, and people around the world. The term was first used in the early 1950s to recognize the increasing interdependence of economies and societies around the world. Globalization, however, has existed for centuries by way of evolving trade routes, including the slave trade, colonization, and immigration.

Narrow boats filled with food, clothes, hats, and much more float in a canal alongside a market.

Today, we are divided into separate countries, each looking out for its own national self-interest, with all its flaws and benefits. At the same time, other entities such as multinational corporations cross borders, which leads to global economic and political integration. Many benefits can result from global integration and interdependence, but we also need to heed its negative effects.

We can look at the relationship between globalization and tourism in several ways. For the purposes of this chapter, we will consider the impact of tourism and travel on globalization, and the impact of globalization on tourism. But first, let’s keep in mind why it is important for a local tour operator, general manager, or tourism business owner to think about globalization. More importantly, let’s consider where we should be looking to understand globalization and future trends. The rest of this chapter will address these topics.

The Impact of Globalization on Tourism

We can assess the impact of globalization on tourism from a number of perspectives. Here, we will discuss five examples: global mobility and ease of travel; population and demographic trends; terrorism, safety, and security; increased awareness of new destinations; and poverty.

Global Mobility and Ease of Travel

The advances made in transportation that have enabled global mobility are particularly significant. Modern aircraft, cruise ships, trains, and other modes of transport allow people to move quickly and relatively cheaply. Aircraft such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner have opened new routes by creating an aircraft capable of flying “long haul” distances with a smaller passenger load. Fast trains, road systems, and even city bike rental programs enable people to move, tour, and explore the world. These changes have allowed more people to travel more often in less time.

Black-and-white panorama of people lined up along a runway, near several airplanes and a hangar.

Ease of travel has also helped to overcome the barriers of fear, frustration, and expense. For example, an international banking system allows access to money almost anywhere in the world. Multinational corporations, which provide flights, local transportation, and accommodation and food, have allowed for “one-stop shopping” for travel bookings. Mobile devices have also changed the nature of travel in terms of what travellers do and how they interact with a destination, making it easier to, for example, select a restaurant, navigate a big city, or translate a foreign language. As a result, there are fewer unexplored places in the world anymore.

The ease of travel has also facilitated the rapid global transfer of viruses. While spread owing to global air travel has occurred in other outbreaks such as SARS in 2003, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 illustrates the new challenges faced by the air transportation system. The willingness for quick action to contain future viruses means that airlines will need to be ready, willing and able to terminate travel routes upon any notice of health concerns.

Population and Demographic Trends

According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2019a), the world population reached 7.7 billion in 2019 and is projected to exceed 9.7 billion by 2050. The population continues to increase, but not uniformly across the world. The overall global population rate of increase is slowing but birth and death rates are vastly different between developed and developing nations (UNDESA, 2019b). For instance, among developed countries, there is a growing percentage of people over 65 that will reach 25% by 2050 (UNDESA 2019a). With a smaller percentage engaged in the workforce, there will be implications on social and health services. Globally, the people under the age of 24 will decline in every region of the world. Among developing countries, half the global growth between 2019 and 2050 will come from Sub-Saharan Africa. For instance, Nigeria will double its population to 4 million by 2050 (UNDESA 2019b). The two most populous countries, India and China will also experience different trajectories; India will surpass China as the most populous country in the world by 2027 (UNDESA 2019b).

Other critical population trends affecting global development and tourism include the following (UNDESA 2019c; UNDESA 2019d):

  • By 2100, approximately 40% of the world’s total population is expected to be African. While birth rates are tending to fall around the world, they are still higher across Africa than in most other parts of the globe. This could result in a youth dividend or further exacerbate problems on the African continent.
  • More people are migrating than ever before, with 272 million recent migrants in 2019 alone compared with about 175 million in 2000. The top five destinations are the United States, Germany, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom.
  • Some 55% of the global population is urban, and the urbanization trend is expected to continue as people search for more jobs, more social and health services, and more activities. Not everyone benefits equally though, as housing and other infrastructure struggles to keep up with the growing urban population.

To keep up with all of these changes in demographics, destinations will need to provide products and services to suit the older, culturally diverse, multi-generational travellers as well as the adventurous youth. Additionally, hiring and retaining staff will require a rethinking of human resource policies and procedures, compensation, and other aspects for the changing population of employees.

Terrorism, Safety, and Security

Terrorist attacks and political unrest globally have certainly disrupted tourism, but not halted it. The areas most affected, of course, are those where unrest has occurred and has been the focus of extensive media attention. A global terrorism index produced by the Institute of Economics and Peace (2019) shows that while fatalities from terrorism have declined since 2015, the number of affected countries, 71, is the highest since 2002. Of note is the rise in far-right terrorism in western countries, with an increase of 320% over the past five years (p. 4).

The 2020 global pandemic for COVID-19 resulted in a massive and sudden transformation in the relationship between safety and travel. Starting in early March, 2020, the Canadian government moved toward closing the borders and curtailing outbound and inbound travel. These efforts were to, at first, contain the spread of the virus internationally, evolving toward a national quarantine to “flatten the curve” of number of people effected. Clearly, the pandemic has changed how we travel, and how we define safety of travel in a global setting.

While safety and security may not be the driving reasons for tourists selecting a particular destination, certainly a lack of safety and security often eliminates a location from travellers’ “wish lists.” Safety and security for travellers is becoming more important as countries move to protect their citizens. Government agencies around the world produce advisories and warnings for their citizens to stay away from dangerous locations and political unrest.

Take a Closer Look: Travel Advisories

Travel advisories serve as warning systems for people from specific countries to avoid particular destinations because of actual or potential threats to citizens. To learn more about advisories for specific countries, see the Canadian government web page at Canada’s Travel Advisories and compare them to Australia’s Travel Advisories , the United States’ Travel Advisories , and the United Kingdom’s Travel Advisories .

The focus on safety and security has had several impacts on travellers. Most notably, security at most airports has been increased in an effort to protect people and planes (Flight Global, 2015). Screening procedures can take longer and some items are no longer allowed on board. Other security requirements, such as showing passports and providing fingerprints, have been implemented for entry into some countries. While all acts of terrorism cannot be stopped, the tourism industry is attempting to provide as much safety and security as it can.

Increased Awareness of New Destinations

Another influence of globalization on tourism is a greater awareness of destinations and the range of leisure activities, sites, and cultures to visit around the world. Generating knowledge of a destination is obviously a key first step in marketing a destination, and this is achieved by way of travel shows, films, social media, and other forms of communication. The competition to attract visitors is fierce considering the sheer number of places available for travel; it can be easy to get lost in the noise of global competition.

A small child with cloth wrapped around their head plays with debris in the street.

Globalization has contributed to increased demand for goods and services and overall economic growth, with the result of global poverty having decreased over the years. However, at the same time, the gap between the richest and poorest has expanded. A significant portion of the world’s population is simply unable to participate in, or benefit from, tourism. The economic gains from a tourism economy in a developing country such as Honduras versus a developed country such as Canada is unequal. Simply put, not everyone has the same opportunities to profit. Environmental costs are also unevenly distributed in the world, with poor countries lacking the resources to adapt to impacts (such as droughts, increased disease, soil erosion), and shouldering the majority of the repercussions of phenomena such as global warming.

Another way to analyze the interplay between tourism and globalization is to consider the reverse view: the impact of tourism on globalization.

Impact of Tourism on Globalization

In this section, we will look at tourism as a global force — for peace, for cultural homogenization, for commodifying cultures, and for shaping the way we see the world.

Tourism as a Force for Peace

In the 1980s, a popular hypothesis was that tourism supported global peace by allowing travellers to learn about other cultures and meet people from other nations, as well as offering benefits accrued from international business. Peace is an obvious requirement for tourism if the industry is to be robust and sustainable. However, to date, there is little empirical evidence to support the claim that tourism fosters peace, however attractive as the idea may be. However, there is a growing body of research on the relationship between tourism, social justice, and human security, both negative and positive. Clearly, the simple presence of tourism does not immediately equate to societal benefit. Careful planning and a focus on policies supporting community well-being and sustainability are required.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are important for tourism organizations to take into account. They help in guiding the evolution of tourism and travel toward a more positive and hopeful form of tourism as well as enabling a more sustainable, and peaceful, future.

Tourism as Cultural Homogenizer

People dressed in classic Disney character costumes perform for a crowd of children.

Nevertheless, tourism does offer the opportunity to teach people about how to respect other cultures. Whereas some argue that globalization has a homogenizing effect on cultures, as Western values are spread through music, fashion, film, and food, rendering one culture indistinguishable from the next. But tourism cannot be viewed as the only means of transmitting western values.

Some beliefs and values, such as embracing equality, inclusion, and diversity, or the need to protect children from harm, should be shared around the world. In the context of tourism and travel, these values are significant. For instance, companies need to ensure that their human resource practices are consistent and fair throughout the world. Exploiting children for sex is illegal, punishable in both the country visited and the home country of the tourist; some airlines and hotels are actively involved in supporting the prohibition of child sex tourism. Travellers are expected not to deface heritage sites or take rare or endangered natural or cultural objects as souvenirs. Such regulations speak to the universality of certain values and beliefs, which we all are required to follow as global citizens.

Tourism as Commodifier

Dancers in grass skirts, board shorts, and leis perform on a stage.

Another possible influence of tourism on globalization is the process of cultural commodification , which refers to the drive toward putting a monetary value on every aspect of culture, from buying a sculpture stolen from an ancient temple, to buying endangered objects such as ivory and coral, or buying a T-shirt that desecrates a symbol or object important to another culture. This trend results in the degradation or devaluing of cultural values and beliefs and was explored in Chapter 12 on Indigenous tourism.

As one of the world’s largest industries, tourism impacts local, regional, and global economies. Resorts dot coastlines around the world and offer a welcome respite from colder climates to anyone wishing to experience a tropical beach, as well as the local culture and nature. While benefit comes to the community in the form of jobs, more often than not the larger share of the wealth leaks offshore. In response, local entrepreneurs and aid organizations have helped with initiatives that embrace local ownership in order for the wealth generated from tourism to stay in country . Community-based tourism, responsible tourism, and social entrepreneurship all aim to bring greater benefit to local communities.

Tourism As a World View

Tourism is also a major influence in how we see and understand the world. Keith Hollinshead (2019) refers to it as tourism world-making , or the way in which a place or culture is marketed and/or presented to tourists. Unlike local people, travellers experience a place for a few days, with limited knowledge of the culture and local way of life. Some visitors rely on available tourist information to make the most of the experience and to see the highlights. Others turn away and attempt to “go local” in search of the authentic experience with the belief that they can truly understand a place by avoiding the tourist sites.

An elephant lies in a stream while a person washes his body with a brush.

If tourists stay in their resort in a given country, their only interaction with a local culture may be the staff at the hotel. In many cases, visitors experience a place in a fragmented, disconnected way, seeing only a portion of a place. How much can be gained from such short and transient experiences? This debate leads to one of the often discussed, if not hotly debated, topics in tourism, that of authenticity of experience . In 1976, Dean MacCannell released his book  The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class , in which he argued that even those events that seem to be authentic are in some way staged for the visitor.

Take a Closer Look: Cannibal Tours

In 1988, Dean O’Rourke shot a documentary profiling the experiences of jet-set travellers as they encountered locals in Papua New Guinea. The movie highlights the challenges that happen when visitors meet with “the other,” in that their expectations shape the behaviours of the locals. The movie features interviews with the locals as well as tourists. Watch the movie Cannibal Tours .

As a quick review before leaving here, drag the following factors to the correct description between globalization and tourism.

Now let’s look at some predominant trends in the industry.

An acronym for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental forces.

The movement of goods, ideas, values, and people around the world.

Making the same, i.e., the effect of tourism helping to spread Western values, rendering one culture indistinguishable from the next.

The drive toward putting a monetary value on aspects of a culture.

A term to describe using a local-ownership approach in order for the wealth generated from tourism to stay in a destination.

The way in which a place or culture is marketed and/or presented to tourists.

A hot topic in tourism that started with MacCannell in 1976 and continues to today; discussion of the extent to which experiences are staged for visitors.

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2015, 2020, 2021 by Morgan Westcott and Wendy Anderson, Eds is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Tourism Essay

An introduction.

Tourism is the largest and fastest-growing industry across the world. It is a source of revenue and employment. It also gives the opportunity for people to understand the culture, civilization, and religious aspects of a country. There are many countries whose main source of revenue is Tourism. It is an export that is not visible which earns valuable foreign exchange without any substantial or actual loss of internal resources. Tourism is a unique type of highly labor-intensive industry. It provides different services that are needed as well as expected by the incoming tourists. Tourism is one of the largest industries in terms of money spent by tourists in the countries they visit. The amount received from the Tourism industries sometimes exceeds the Gross National Product of many countries.

India is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia and has been successful in attracting domestic and international tourists. India has fascinated many tourists across the globe with her secularism and her culture. The scenic landscape, hill stations, historical sites, architecture and monuments, beaches, and enchanting backwater, places of religious interest make India a preferred destination for tourists from all over the world. Tourism in India has immense potential of developing into a high revenue-generating industry. Better connectivity of transport and communication, improved hospitality services and standard of living and value of money to the tourists from foreign countries have led to an increase in domestic as well as international Tourism.

Tourism is one of the most important and fastest-growing industries in today’s world that creates a lot of job opportunities. It generates a lot of revenue and adds to the economy of the country. Apart from generating jobs and revenue, it gives an opportunity for people of different countries and cultures to move and mingle with other cultures and social environments for the purpose of entertainment as well as professional purposes. It is only through Tourism that the world can get closer and know each other both socially, culturally and religiously. It creates good bonding among people of different languages and cultures. It also paves the way to understand and explore the rich heritage and ancient history of an unknown place.

It is an export that is not visible which earns valuable foreign exchange without any substantial or actual loss of internal resources. Tourism is a unique type of highly labor-intensive industry. It provides different services that are needed as well as expected by the incoming tourists. Tourism is one of the largest industries in terms of money spent by tourists in the countries they visit. The amount received from the Tourism industries sometimes exceeds the Gross National Product of many countries.

India is one of the most preferred tourist destinations in Asia because of its beautiful landscape, rich cultural heritage, myriad attractions and valuable ancient history. India serves as the hub of different cultures and languages within it and has always attracted domestic and international tourists. In 2019 it has attracted 10.93 million international tourists and this contributed to almost 4.7% to India’s GDP.  India has also attracted international tourists because of the liberty it gives to different religions. The peaceful existence of people of 22 languages and 9 religions is a source of attraction for all international tourists.  India has a mosaic of enchanting hill stations, magnificent architecture and monuments, picturesque beaches, and enchanting backwater. India has always been famous for its hospitality services. Our guests are considered as God and the tourists feel quite safe in India. A lot of solo travellers prefer certain parts of India over any other place in the world. Indian Tourism gives proper value to tourists from foreign countries.

Benefits of Tourism in India

The Tourism industry gives a wide scope of employment to people. It has not only provided employment opportunities to people but also alleviated poverty and sustained human development. Tourism has promoted and benefitted small and local handicrafts and cultural activities. It has played a significant role in promoting national integrity and international understanding. The most important benefit of Tourism is to give a sense of relief and relaxation to people when they get tired and exhausted from their hectic schedules and hustle-bustle of city life. It is a pleasant gateway for people. The Tourism industry has also benefited other sectors like aviation, transport, horticulture, and handicraft. The hotel industry has immensely benefited from Tourism and provides ample employment and help in earning foreign exchange. This industry has become one of the major contributors to the GDP of the country. It has significantly contributed to the economic development of India by improving transportation and infrastructure facilities across the country.

Tourism has played a very vital role in reviving India’s art and culture. Tourists from foreign countries show a keen interest in the rich culture and heritage of India and this boosts the morale of the small artisans and adds to their novelty.

Promotion and Development of Tourism

For better growth, the Indian Government is taking a keen interest in promoting the different sections of Tourism such as rural Tourism, eco-Tourism, and spiritual Tourism, spa Tourism, and adventure Tourism. Nowadays, medical Tourism has also become an important source of revenue for the healthcare sector. Many people from our neighboring countries and from our western countries are turning towards India for affordable and world-class health care services and treatment.

Indian Tourism has grown significantly over the years. The services rendered to the tourists visiting India from foreign countries are the indiscernible products of the Tourism industry.  These products like hospitality services of all kinds for tourists turn into invisible exports because these services generate a lot of earnings without leaving Indian soil. The Tourism Ministry of India has played a major role in the development of the industry. The India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) formed by the Tourism department has carried out many vital developments to encourage Tourism in India. The ITDC hotels are situated at the prime locations of important tourist destinations in India and provide comfortable and affordable boarding and lodging.

The launching of the ‘Incredible India’ campaign by the Government of India is instrumental in promoting India as a holistic tourist destination in the domestic and international markets. Other specialized international media campaigns under ‘Incredible India’ have been launched and even the celebrities of our country have been roped into making this campaign of ‘Incredible India’ a big success in foreign lands also.

The ‘Clean India’ campaign launched by the Indian Government ensures full cleanliness, which has become an indispensable norm at all the tourist destinations. The Government has also conducted regular studies to analyze the market in order to identify the key factors, income figures, holiday habits, and psychology of people. This helps them to identify the key drivers in the Tourism industry and tackle the issues that deter the scope of Tourism.

According to research reports, the medical Tourism market in the Indian healthcare sector is valued to be worth over three hundred million dollars with more than one lakh foreign patients coming every year. The Government has also gone a step further to permit foreigners to visit India on an e-Tourist Visa for attending short-term yoga programs. 

The Tourism industry is the largest service industry in India and has the potential to stimulate the economic growth of the country. It becomes important for all citizens to develop the Tourism infrastructure and maintain tourist destinations, railway stations, airports, rest houses, and hotels.


FAQs on Essay on Tourism

1. Which Countries in the World Depend on Tourism for Their National Revenue?

Countries like Maldives, Bahamas, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and many such countries depend on tourism for national revenue.

2. How does Tourism Benefit India?

Tourism in India generates mass employment and raises the income levels thereby contributing significantly to the economic development of the country. It has led to significant improvement in the transportation and infrastructure facilities across the country. The hotel industry benefits from tourism and provides ample employment and help in earning foreign exchange. This industry has become one of the major contributors to the GDP of the country. Tourism has also played a very vital role in reviving India’s art and culture.

3. What Measures did the Indian Government Take to Promote Tourism?

The Indian government has taken many measures for promoting the different sections of tourism such as rural tourism, eco-tourism, and spiritual tourism, spa tourism, and adventure tourism. Nowadays, medical tourism has also become an important source of revenue for the healthcare sector. The government has also taken a step to permit foreigners to visit India on an e-Tourist Visa for attending short-term yoga programs. The Government of India has launched the campaign of “Incredible India” which is instrumental in promoting India as a holistic tourist destination in the domestic and international markets. Other specialized international media campaigns under ‘Incredible India’ have been launched and even the celebrities of our country have been roped into making this campaign of ‘Incredible India’ a big success in foreign lands also. The Tourism Ministry provides financial assistance to the states, union territories, and other central agencies to develop tourism in their area and promote the culture and natural beauty of different regions and pilgrimage sites.

4. What is the ‘Clean India’ Campaign Started by the Ministry of India?

The ‘Clean India’ campaign started by the Ministry of India ensures full cleanliness, which has become an indispensable norm at all the tourist destinations.

5. What are the benefits of Indian Tourism?

Indian Tourism is one of the most important ways to add to its GDP. Tourism industry has released the excess dependency on the agricultural and manufacturing industry for employment to such a huge Indian population. It has given opportunities to the Indian craftsmen to get recognition of their work and income from their work. The Indian small scale industry has flourished mainly because of Tourism. The best part of Indian Tourism is that it has improved both national and international integration among the people. Indian Tourism has the capability to recharge, refresh and revive a tired mind with its beauty and different attractions.

6. Which is the most attractive type of Tourism in India?

India is famous for its rich cultural heritage. Variety of fairs and festivals throughout the year in different parts of the country makes it so colorful that international tourists cannot resist the attraction. Cultural heritage has been the best type of Tourism in the country. Good communication inside and outside the country makes it easily accessible also. Tourists can travel from the picturesque beaches of Goa to the great monuments of Agra and other parts of north India to great relaxing hill stations. It is definitely difficult to cover the whole of India in a month even but only a few famous parts can create such lingering memories in the mind of the tourists which they can cherish life long.

7. Why and what important measures have been taken to promote Indian Tourism?

The Tourism industry needs to be developed further to promote and strengthen national integration. It is the only way by which each and every Indian citizen is aware of their rich cultural heritage, a plethora of languages and religions. To improve the economy of the country this is one of the easiest ways to promote. Hence the Government has taken lots of measures to promote Indian Tourism. The Government has added spa Tourism and medical Tourism further to promote the Tourism industry. The India Tourism Development Corporation has taken lots of measures to encourage Tourism like the following campaigns:

Comfortable, safe and affordable hotels for tourists are not only prime locations but other areas also have been set up for the benefit of tourists.

The banner of the ‘Incredible India’ campaign by the Government of India has successfully promoted Indian Tourism among foreigners. The Indian celebrity has also taken part in this campaign to promote Indian Tourism.

The launching of the ‘Clean India’ by the Government provides a clean environment for the national and international tourists which is one of the most essential parts of Tourism.

8. How has the Tourism industry updated itself?

Tourism originated in the seventeenth century with the purpose of learning and understanding the history, civilization and rich art and cultural heritage of India. Indian international trade was also famous at that time for its huge resources. India has remained an attraction among international tourists since then. In the modern world, however, tourists are more business-oriented and commercially organized. This urges the need to promote business Tourism, sports Tourism, spa Tourism and also medical Tourism. Modern Tourism has taken a keen interest in the rich heritage of Ayurved both for medical and relaxing purposes. People who need medical help prefer India because of some good opportunities that they get in the Indian health system, comparable health infrastructure and affordable medical costs in India.

9. What are the roles of a citizen to promote the Tourism of the country?

The Indian Government has taken enough measures to promote Indian Tourism but that needs to be complemented by the people of India also. This is the responsibility of every citizen of the country to provide good hospitality and security to foreign travellers. The people of the country should always try their best to suggest the best tourist spots of the country and can give a brief outline of the country’s rich heritage. It is the responsibility of the citizens to maintain a clean environment for the travellers. The tourists should like India because of its hygiene and cleanliness also.

Tourism: Current and Future Trends Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Tourism trends, importance of understanding demographic trends, opportunities and challenges, facility management, perspective.

The modern tourism and hospitality business is significantly being influenced by demography, and it is posited that it will characterize the future of the area. Current demographic patterns will influence the demand for tourism and the choice of the workforce, which will impact how the industry operates, is structured, and how it will develop in a sustainable manner.

Furthermore, the tourism sector has to know what, why, how, and when something will occur, the repercussions, and the strategies that should be employed to exploit the benefits and play down the risks that these changes will bring. Tourism is quickly gaining a global dimension as people have a higher purchasing power, allowing them to tour cross-border destinations.

The World Travel & Tourism Council report shows that there were one billion international tourists in 2012. It also found that the global tourism and travel industry earned $2.057 trillion in direct global contribution to the gross domestic product in the same year, and it is estimated that this figure will grow to $3.0 trillion in 2022 (Fuller, 2013).

The industry has as well shown remarkable growth in the United States, as it accounted for $438.6 billion of the gross domestic product in 2012, and expectations are that it will rise to $628.5 billion in 2023.

This growth is attributed to a considerable change in customer demographics with a rising population of baby boomers and middle-class segments who can afford to travel for leisure. Moreover, statistics show that Asians form a significant proportion of travelers in modern-day tourism.

These changes have necessitated the need to study trends in tourist demographics in order to anticipate a swing in client preferences and develop products that meet these tastes. This is a discussion of current and future trends of tourist demographics and the challenges and opportunities they present to the tourism industry.

Travel and leisure patterns have changed over the years in several ways. For example, international tourism is gaining popularity as people desire to see more than what their country has to offer.

Records show that most of the guests who visit the United States are from Western Europe and Asia as shown in 2007 documentations where, 45.6% of all the arrivals were from Western Europe, while 26.9% were from Far East Asia (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2007). Furthermore, it is reported that in the same year, the average age of male leisure travelers was 42 years while that of females was 38 years.

The proportion of visitors from Western Europe and Asia was 43.2% and 26.6% respectively in 2010, which illustrates that the number of European tourists fell while that of Asians rose over the three year period. In addition, the average age of male travelers was 42 years and that of females was 37 years (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2010).

The rise in the number of Asian guests is an indicator that these countries are significantly impacting the global tourism industry as countries like China and India record a strong middle class, which is estimated to be approximately 600 million people in 2015. Experts also predict that, by 2030, the middle-class population in China will have grown by about two billion people.

Indonesia also anticipates that about 60 million people will join this group in the next couple of years (Fuller, 2013). Consequently, it is believed that there will be a higher demand for leisure travel, as the middle class is considered a strong indicator of travel intent, ability, and desire.

Additionally, analysts argue that baby boomers will form a critical component of the tourism industry, as it is projected that they will have a higher disposable income, and will be more youthful and determined to travel than their predecessors (Boksberger, Sund, & Schuckert, 2009). The above statement is explained by the fact that it is estimated that this age group will own about 60% of the nation’s wealth in the United States by 2015.

In addition, they will account for 40% of total spending in the same period and it is assumed that they will spend a substantial amount of time traveling after retirement (Deloitte, 2010).

Though boomers are likely to catapult the travel sector, the younger populace aged between 20 and 50 years is also keen on traveling albeit on cheaper budgets. Moreover, players in the business should also focus on this market because it has shown a desire to tour and are flexible to participate in a range of fun activities.

It is apparent that demographic trends in the tourism industry in the United States and globally will change extensively in the next few years. This change means that service providers must develop product offerings that appeal to the changing clientele in order to attract repeat customers.

Consequently, it will be essential to understand the cultural differences that come with these changes and efforts made to ensure that visitors feel comfortable while on vacation.

Some of these efforts include sensitizing staff to tolerate the different cultures, offering meals from different parts of the world, and employing multi-lingual tour guides. Besides that, it is essential to make sure that the leisure activities provided are suitable for the diverse market segments. Additionally, it will be vital to develop sustainable strategies that help businesses attract and retain different groups.

The current and future demographic trends of travelers present several opportunities for the hospitality industry for players who can package the products to take advantage of the expectations of the different segments. For instance, senior tourists are likely to be thrilled by cruise- related activities because they are, quiet, and are less risky.

In contrast, generation x and y may be more inclined to engage in precarious and social activities such as excursions. It is also imperative to consider the changing factors such as more holiday periods, intention to combine leisure travel with work, shorter vacations, preference for a participatory vacation and discretionary tourism, among other factors.

Secondly, younger travelers have access to information, which influences their choice of destinations and activities. They have become sophisticated clients who want value for money so they are deemed to be experience-oriented rather than destination-oriented. There is an opportunity to transform the market by offering customized holidays and providing personalized services, allowing visitors to take on a more active role during their trips.

All this information can be posted online to make it easily accessible and where possible allow for electronic booking, which has become a favorite travel option for the tech-savvy.

The shift in tourism demographics also creates prospects for forging alliances to derive synergy from each other. For instance, the middle class and affluent travelers would prefer to have an airport and hotel transfer services rather than having to arrange their own transport. Moreover, they would like tour operators to plan their itinerary and they are willing to pay a premium to avoid the inconveniences that come with self-planning for a vacation.

This new demand requires players to work together to ensure they deliver top-notch services to create delight and attract repeat business and referrals.

Unfortunately, the demographic changes have a downside. For example, the surge in baby boomer population comes with additional costs as this age group may require special treatment because of its fragile nature.

As a result, service providers with limited resources may opt to steer away from this market, and miss out on the returns that it can generate. On the other hand, a swell in the number of international visitors means that firms have to invest heavily in hiring and training multicultural staff to increase customer satisfaction. Lastly, there may be a need to forge partnerships to derive synergy; however, it is not easy to do so with competitors.

The process of management of a hospitality facility has multiple layers and very complicated infrastructure. Like any other type of business tourist business is oriented towards the maximization of revenue potential. This is done through the representation of new branches and services to the facility and exploring the range of benefits and activities the facility can provide for the customers.

This is why the statistical knowledge of the needs of potential clients is crucial. The success of the facility management lies in the accurate monitoring of the kinds of tourists using the services of the facility and the modern cost policy.

Contemporary customers have access to the information, which influences their expectations of the quality of services distributed by the facilities; this is why training a qualified staff is an important part of the management success.

The modern world is tightly connected to the technologies and the Internet. This is why every contemporary hospitality facility has to be equipped with a powerful IT team and the best software needed to provide predictive management based on diagnostics and planning.

It is highly important to keep an eye on all the modern newly developed trends within the business and quickly adopt all the changes, because the potential customers are most likely to be interested in the most modern services, so their choices of the facilities will be based on their levels of preparation for the season and on their abilities to please even the most spoiled customers.

There are various types of people traveling, and they have various demands, yet the hospitality facilities have to offer certain types of services that will never stop being popular. Such services are good, comfortable and clean accommodations, diverse and fresh meals, and a broad range of beverages. These are the aspects of the facility management that need the most of attention.

The tourism and hospitality sector is growing at a remarkable rate locally and globally. Analysts attribute this growth to demographic changes such as a strong global middle class, a rise in the number of senior tourists, and a rise in the number of international travelers. This shift means that the sector needs to understand current patterns, anticipate future trends, and understand the opportunities and challenges that they present.

Nevertheless, the most important thing for tours and hotel operators is to formulate strategies and tactics that will grow their competitive advantage because only those that can foresee and plan for new trends will survive in the trade.

Boksberger, P., Sund, K., & Schuckert, M. (2009). Between Past, Present and Future – Implications of Socio-demographic Changes in Tourism, Trends and Issues in Global Tourism , 29-36. Web.

Deloitte. (2010). Hospitality 2015: Game Changers or Spectators ? 1-26. Web.

Fuller, E. (2013). Impact of the World’s Travel/Tourism Industry Adds Up To More Than A Walk On The Beach, Forbes . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2007). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2007 Inbound . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2010). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2010 Inbound . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 26). Tourism: Current and Future Trends.

"Tourism: Current and Future Trends." IvyPanda , 26 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Tourism: Current and Future Trends'. 26 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism IELTS Essay: Sample

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Updated on 27 January, 2024

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. content writer & study abroad expert.

Kanika Pruthi

You can readily check out the samples for the advantages and disadvantages of a tourism IELTS essay here. There are 40 minutes that you will get for completing the essay, with the minimum word count being 250. The upper limit is not present in most scenarios. Make sure that you check the samples carefully for the writing style.

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Question-  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world .

Essay 1- 

In a time when globalization is sweeping the entire ecosystem, tourism has a crucial responsibility for developing global economies and nations. Nowadays, tourism is what makes widespread economic contributions to all countries, although there are a few negatives as well. This essay talks about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism before concluding with a final opinion. 

The biggest benefits of tourism are quite obvious, i.e., boosting the national GDP and economy and creating more employment for local citizens and communities. Tourists use diverse solutions while traveling, including booking hotels, flights, transportation, and guides. They also require food, shopping, and leisure while indulging in a wide gamut of other activities. This leads to extra income for thousands, which contributes handsomely to the country's economy. Tourism increases the GDP significantly and helps create more employment opportunities. People are always needed as tour guides, operators, booking agents, hotel and restaurant staff, transportation personnel, etc. Tourism thus has huge benefits to bring to the table for any country and its local population. 

Yet, there are some negatives of tourism as well. This includes the rampant damage of several well-known destinations and increased crime or illegal activities. The huge number of tourists thronging popular cultural and historical landmarks and monuments and other centers of pilgrimage lead to major structural and environmental damage. Along with this aspect, national resources are often overused and overexploited for handling this rush of tourists. At the same time, tourists bring their jewelry, money, and other expensive items, becoming targets for anti-social criminals and thieves, leading to a growth in illegal activities and crime. Hence, tourism has some disadvantages as well. However, the Government can take proactive steps to eliminate the same by providing more security and policing while maintaining popular monuments, tourist spots, and natural resources alike. 

To conclude, it can be said that while tourism does have specific disadvantages, it has a positive impact on livelihood, national economies, and overall employment. It also fosters cultural exchange, information gathering, and educational growth. Hence, while Governments may fix the negatives with proactive measures, the positives far outweigh them, in my opinion. (370 words)

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Tourism has witnessed rapid development over several decades, becoming a major industry worldwide. The global tourism sector is responsible for generating a major percentage of economic wealth for several countries. Most developing economies are also hugely dependent upon tourism for earning national income and the smooth operation of several business sectors and industries, along with maintaining their levels of employment generation. Yet, like every other sector and institution, tourism will always have some advantages and disadvantages. Hence, in this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of tourism in detail to have a balanced insight. 

The growth and development of global tourism naturally bring myriad benefits to entire cities, countries, and communities alike. Tourism is one of the biggest foreign exchange sources and boosts the monetary positions of countries by adding to their economy and GPD alike. Whenever tourists visit any other country, they usually use various services and products that enable industries such as hotels and hospitality, airlines, transportation, leisure, food and beverages, souvenirs, apparel, and more. Other benefits of tourism include better relationships and political equations amongst nations, easier travel regulations, and inter-cultural and socio-economic exchange, which fosters better understanding, knowledge, and education overall. Heritage is also promoted and understood by every country at a global level. 

However, there are several disadvantages of tourism as well. Growth in tourism means a higher chance of illegal activities and crime, especially theft, since tourists bring valuables in their wake. Secondly, foreign tourists often damage and vandalize places of national interest and importance. They often litter areas while damaging natural resources and beautiful spots simultaneously. They are often ignorant about social and legal conventions in foreign countries and end up violating the same in some situations. Tourism also opens up avenues for illegal migration and trading illegal items at times. However, despite all these disadvantages, I firmly believe that the advantages surpass them in every sense of the term. (339 words)

In conclusion, tourism undeniably plays a critical role in the global economy and cultural exchange, offering substantial benefits such as economic growth, cultural preservation, and international understanding. However, it also poses challenges including environmental impact, cultural commodification, and economic dependence. Balancing these advantages and disadvantages requires sustainable and responsible tourism practices that respect local cultures, protect natural environments, and promote equitable economic benefits. As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, understanding and addressing the complexities of tourism is essential for preserving its positive impacts while mitigating its negative effects. This nuanced approach to tourism, embracing both its benefits and challenges, is key to ensuring that it remains a positive force in our global society. Read More About IELTS:

Reading sample test

What are the benefits and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world?

Tourism has many advantages in the contemporary world. It promotes global connections and cultural exchange while leading to more information dissemination and helps people experience and understand new things. It helps in new business opportunities, generates direct and indirect employment, adds to the GDP of the country and earnings of the region and its local people, promotes entrepreneurship and also works to promote the country globally. 

The disadvantages include pollution, littering, waste and a strain on the natural resources and infrastructure of the country. Tourism often leads to severe income dependency and may cause fluctuations in the future as a result. It often leads to crime going up in a country owing to the influx of different people. It may cause chaos and congestion as well. Sometimes, over-tourism makes it difficult to preserve and maintain natural and cultural heritage as well.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism IELTS essay?

You will have to answer the question given in the essay which goes as follows-  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world . You will have to first provide an introduction talking about the question and your own opinion regarding the same. Then talk about the benefits of tourism in a paragraph, following it up with another paragraph on the negative aspects of tourism. You can then sign off with a conclusion.

What advantages can tourism bring to cities ielts?

You have to write about the distinct tourism advantages for cities. These include the fact that tourism infuses an economic boost for any city along with a steady flow of income and revenues for the Government. It adds to the city’s local economy, creates more jobs and entrepreneurship and also enables inter-cultural exchange and idea/information exchange. It helps a city showcase itself to the world, which brings more business and cultural collaborations in the future.

Why tourism is important for a country IELTS?

Tourism and travel have a huge contribution on the fortunes of any country. This is through not only higher employment and more revenues for the country (that it can spend on infrastructure development) but also through more entrepreneurship, global recognition of a country’s treasures, attractions and achievements and most importantly, the facilitation of cultural and social exchange amongst people of different nations. Travel and tourism plays a vital role in establishing a country’s role in the community of nations.

What are the structures for advantages and disadvantages of tourism essay?

You have to first talk about the given question in your introductory paragraph. You can then state your own opinion in brief about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. You can then start off with a paragraph detailing the benefits offered by tourism and then talk about the disadvantages of tourism in your essay as well. Thereafter, once these two paragraphs are done, you can write a conclusion, spelling out the topic, your opinion and what you think should be the way forward. This is the basic structure that you can follow in this regard.

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global tourism essay

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Student Essays

Essay on tourism

9 Essays on Tourism [ Benefits & Importance of Tourism for a Country ]

Tourism is one of the major sectors in the economy of countries. The number of tourists that visit different countries is much more than those who do business or take up jobs there. Tourism has become a great source for generating revenue and also provides the opportunity to people to make friends with other nations.

It not only gives the people of different countries a chance to move around and explore their own world, but also enables people who come from different regions to know more about each other. Tourism provides even more importance when they gather in such places for international events like Olympics, Football World Cup and cultural festivals like Deepawali, Ganeshotsav etc.

Essay on Tourism | Meaning, Purpose, Benefits & Importance of Tourism

Tourism is traveling on holiday, or on a day trip, with the primary purpose of visiting one or more specific places. It includes activities such as sightseeing, exploring historic areas, visiting museums and other attractions. Tourism can be domestic or international travel.

Essay on tourism

The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go “beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only”, as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”.

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Tourism typically brings large numbers of travelers into a given place, but can lead to substantial economic impacts locally. Visitors may also go to places (such as national parks) not mainly for recreation, but primarily to see the place. Tourism is often linked to other sectors such as employment, housing, and commerce.

Importance of Tourism for a Country

The tourism is important for economic development of a country because it bring large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations. It contribute majorly to the economy and employment opportunities of a nation. Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc. Tourism can help to run the economy of a country by replacing the loss due to decrease in other source. It brings large number of visitor and investors which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Benefits of Tourism

There are many benefits of tourism such as employment opportunities, increase in per capita income, foreign reserves, increase in education status, trade and commerce, investment in other sectors etc.

Tourism is a source of income because it help to improve the economy by increasing investors and tourists also help us to grow our economy by creating more jobs for unemployed people. When foreign companies expand business in our country it helps to create more jobs for unemployed people.

It creates awareness among peoples due to their intense interest, which result in more knowledge and learning about the culture of other countries. Tourism bring large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Tourism is important for economic development of a country because it brings large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations.

Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc.

Tourism affect the lives of individuals because those who are below poverty line due to expensive traveling they can easily afford by availing tourism service which provides affordable opportunities to all people with different income level. Tourism also improves interpersonal relationship among countries because we got to know each other culture and traditions

Tourism affects life on individual level firstly it help an individual to boost their knowledge by visiting various places, attracting different cultures etc. Tourism has got various benefits on health issues like less stress, more relaxation and healthy life. Hence it helps to make a better future for themselves and others as well.

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In a nutshell, Tourism is needed by all countries to boost their economy and make themselves heard in the world. It brings large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Essay about Tourism Industry:

The tourism industry plays a significant role in the global economy, accounting for 10.4% of the world’s GDP and employing over 319 million people worldwide. It involves the movement of people from their place of residence to another destination for leisure, business, or other purposes.

One major factor driving the growth of the tourism industry is technological advancements, which have made travel more accessible and affordable. The rise of the sharing economy, with platforms such as Airbnb and Uber, has also contributed to the growth by providing travelers with alternative accommodation and transportation options.

Moreover, governments around the world have recognized the potential of tourism and have invested in developing their countries’ infrastructure to attract visitors. This includes building new hotels, improving transportation networks, and preserving cultural landmarks .

Tourism not only contributes to the economy but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding between different countries and cultures. It allows people to experience new cultures, taste exotic cuisine, and learn about different customs and traditions. This can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of diversity.

However, the tourism industry also has its downsides. Over-tourism in popular destinations can cause strain on the environment and local communities. This can lead to issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and displacement of locals.

In conclusion, the tourism industry has both positive and negative impacts on society and the economy. It is important for governments and stakeholders to work together to ensure sustainable growth in the industry while preserving the cultural and environmental integrity of popular destinations. Responsible travel practices should also be promoted to minimize the negative effects of tourism.

Short Essay on Tourism:

Tourism is the activity of visiting places for pleasure or business reasons. It plays a major role in the economy of many countries and provides employment opportunities to millions of people. Tourism includes activities such as sightseeing, hiking, camping, and cultural experiences.

One of the main benefits of tourism is that it promotes cultural exchange between different countries. Tourists get to learn about new cultures, traditions, and customs while locals get to interact with people from different parts of the world.

Moreover, tourism also contributes to the preservation of historical and cultural sites. Tourists bring in revenue which can be used for the maintenance and restoration of these sites, ensuring they are preserved for future generations.

On the downside, mass tourism can have negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Overcrowding, pollution, and destruction of natural habitats are some of the consequences of irresponsible tourism.

Therefore, it is important for both tourists and governments to practice sustainable tourism in order to minimize these negative impacts. This involves being mindful of the environment, respecting local cultures and traditions, and supporting the local economy.

In conclusion, while tourism has its pros and cons, it is an important industry that has the potential to bring people from different backgrounds together and boost economic growth. It is crucial for all stakeholders to work towards responsible and sustainable tourism in order to ensure its long-term benefits for both the local communities and the environment.

Importance of Tourism Essay:

Tourism is an industry that involves traveling to different places for leisure, pleasure or business purposes. It has become a major source of income and employment in many countries around the world. In fact, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, with millions of people traveling and exploring new destinations every year.

One of the main reasons why tourism is important is because it contributes greatly to the economy of a country. Tourists bring in revenue through spending on accommodation, food, transportation and other activities. This money then goes towards supporting local businesses and communities, creating job opportunities and improving infrastructure.

Moreover, tourism also helps preserve cultural heritage and promotes cultural exchange between different countries. When people travel to new places, they learn about different cultures, traditions and ways of life. This not only broadens their perspective but also creates understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

Another significant benefit of tourism is that it can alleviate poverty in developing countries. By providing employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, tourism can help lift people out of poverty and improve their standard of living. It also encourages the preservation of natural resources, as tourists are more likely to support sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

Furthermore, tourism plays a crucial role in boosting international trade and investment. By attracting visitors from other countries, tourism can increase the demand for local products and services, leading to an increase in exports and foreign investment. This also helps improve the balance of payments of a country.

In conclusion, tourism is an essential industry that has numerous benefits for both the travelers and the destinations they visit. It not only contributes to economic growth but also promotes cultural exchange, preserves natural resources, and supports local communities. Hence, it is crucial for governments to invest in promoting and developing sustainable tourism practices to ensure its continued success and benefits for all involved.

Tourism Essay Advantages & Disadvantages:

Tourism is the act of traveling to a different location for leisure, recreation or business purposes. It is an important part of our economy and has become increasingly popular over the years. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.


  • Boosts Economy: Tourism brings in revenue and creates job opportunities for local communities. The money spent by tourists on accommodation, food, and activities goes into the local economy and helps in its development.
  • Cultural Exchange: Tourism allows people from different cultures to interact with each other, promoting understanding and acceptance. It also gives locals an opportunity to showcase their customs, traditions, and way of life to visitors.
  • Preservation of Heritage Sites: Tourists often visit historical or cultural sites, which helps in their preservation and maintenance. This not only benefits the local community but also contributes to the country’s cultural identity.
  • Infrastructure Development: To cater to tourists’ needs, governments often invest in improving infrastructure such as roads, transportation, and public facilities. This infrastructure can benefit locals even after the tourist season ends.
  • Employment Opportunities: The tourism industry generates a variety of job opportunities, ranging from hotel staff to tour guides. This provides employment for locals and reduces the unemployment rate in a country.


  • Environmental Impact: The influx of tourists can have a negative impact on the environment, such as pollution and damage to natural habitats.
  • Exploitation of Local Communities: In some cases, tourism can lead to exploitation of local communities, especially in underdeveloped areas. This includes unfair wages and displacement of locals from their homes.
  • Overcrowding: Popular tourist destinations often become overcrowded, causing inconvenience for both tourists and locals. It also puts a strain on resources and can result in increased prices for essential goods and services.
  • Cultural Appropriation: Sometimes, tourists may not respect the local culture and engage in activities that are offensive or disrespectful. This can lead to a loss of cultural identity for the locals.
  • Dependence on Tourism: Some countries heavily rely on tourism as their main source of income, which makes them vulnerable to economic downturns and natural disasters.

In conclusion, while tourism brings many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. It is important for governments and locals to strike a balance between development and preservation, ensuring that tourism is sustainable and beneficial for all parties involved. As individuals, we should also be responsible tourists and respect the culture, environment, and people of the places we visit.

Essay on Tourism in Manipur:

Tourism is a major industry in Manipur, a state located in Northeast India. It is known for its scenic beauty, rich culture and traditions, and warm hospitality. Tourism has been growing steadily in Manipur over the years, thanks to the efforts of the state government and private organizations.

One of the main attractions of Manipur is its natural beauty. The state is home to many picturesque valleys, hills, lakes, and waterfalls. The Loktak Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India, is a popular tourist spot. Tourists can also enjoy trekking in the lush green forests of Manipur or go on a wildlife safari in one of its national parks.

Apart from its natural beauty, Manipur is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The state is home to various ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions. Tourists can witness these vibrant cultures through the numerous festivals celebrated in the state, such as the Manipur Sangai Festival, which showcases the rich tradition and culture of the state.

Moreover, tourism has also played a crucial role in boosting the economy of Manipur. It has created job opportunities for the locals and generated revenue for the state. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism in Manipur by improving infrastructure, promoting eco-tourism, and collaborating with private organizations.

However, the tourism industry in Manipur still faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, lack of promotion at the national level, and political instability. But despite these challenges, the state continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

In conclusion, tourism in Manipur has tremendous potential for growth and development. It not only showcases the natural beauty and rich culture of the state but also contributes to its economic growth. With proper planning and support from the government and private sector, Manipur can become a top tourist destination in Northeast India

Essay on Tourism in Pakistan:

Tourism is an important industry in Pakistan. It plays a significant role in the country’s economy and has great potential for growth. Pakistan offers diverse landscapes, rich culture, and historical sites that attract tourists from all over the world.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan is the northern areas, known for its breathtaking mountain ranges, lush green valleys, and crystal clear lakes. It is also home to the world’s second-highest peak, K2.

In addition to natural beauty, Pakistan also has a rich cultural heritage that fascinates tourists. The ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Taxila are major attractions for history lovers. The country is also home to various religious sites such as the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad.

However, tourism in Pakistan has faced challenges due to security concerns and negative media portrayal. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism and improve security measures for tourists. These efforts have shown positive results, with an increase in the number of international visitors in recent years.

In conclusion, Pakistan has a lot to offer for tourists, from scenic landscapes to cultural and historical experiences. With proper promotion and security measures, tourism in Pakistan has the potential to become a major contributor to the country’s economy. Therefore, it is important for all stakeholders to work together to showcase the beauty of Pakistan and make it a must-visit destination for travelers.

Global Tourism Essay:

Tourism is a rapidly growing industry that has a significant impact on economies around the world. It involves the movement of people from one place to another for leisure, business, or other purposes. With increased transportation options and improved connectivity, travel has become easier and more affordable, leading to an increase in global tourism.

The growth of global tourism has brought numerous benefits to countries, including job creation, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. Many developing countries rely heavily on tourism as a major source of income. In 2019, travel and tourism directly contributed 3.4% to the global GDP and provided employment to over 330 million people worldwide.

However, the rapid growth of global tourism also presents challenges that need to be addressed. One of the major concerns is the negative impact on the environment. The high demand for travel has led to an increase in carbon emissions, pollution, and overconsumption of resources.

Another challenge is the issue of overtourism, which occurs when there are too many tourists in a destination, leading to overcrowding, damage to local ecosystems, and strain on resources. The COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in travel restrictions and border closures, highlighted the vulnerability of the tourism industry to external factors.

To ensure sustainable growth of global tourism, it is important for countries to implement responsible tourism practices. This involves promoting cultural sensitivity, preserving natural resources, and minimizing the negative impact on local communities. Governments must also work together to develop policies that balance economic benefits with environmental protection.

Essay on Tourism in India:

India is a country known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality. It has been one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world due to its vibrant colors, breathtaking natural beauty, and fascinating history.

Tourism in India has played a significant role in contributing to the country’s economy and providing employment opportunities. According to a report by the World Travel and Tourism Council, India’s travel and tourism industry generated 9.2% of the country’s total GDP in 2018, creating around 42 million jobs.

The diverse landscapes of India make it a perfect destination for all kinds of travelers. From the snow-capped mountains in the North to the tranquil backwaters in South, from the bustling cities to the serene beaches, India has something to offer for every type of tourist. The country is also home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and Hampi. These historical monuments not only attract tourists but also serve as a window into India’s rich cultural past.

Apart from its natural and cultural beauty, India is also known for its spiritual tourism. With a vast array of temples, mosques, and churches, India has been a destination for people seeking spiritual enlightenment for centuries. The ancient cities of Varanasi and Rishikesh are famous pilgrimage sites for Hindus, while the Golden Temple in Amritsar attracts thousands of Sikh devotees every year.

Another unique aspect of tourism in India is its rich cuisine. Each region in India has its distinctive flavors, aromas, and cooking techniques that will leave any food lover craving for more. From the mouth-watering chaats of Delhi to the spicy curries of South India, from the delicious seafood dishes of Goa to the exotic biryanis of Lucknow, Indian cuisine offers an explosion of taste and a gastronomic delight.

India has also emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism due to its cost-effective and advanced medical treatments. People from all over the world come to India seeking affordable medical care, making it one of the fastest-growing segments in the country’s tourism industry.

In conclusion, tourism in India is a vast and ever-growing industry that offers diverse experiences for travelers. With its rich culture, natural beauty, spiritual destinations, and delicious cuisine, India has something for everyone. It is no wonder that the country continues to attract millions of tourists each year and will continue to do so in the future. So, if you are planning your next vacation, India should definitely be on your list! Happy travels!

Essay on Tourism in Nepal:

Nepal is a country situated in South Asia and one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual atmosphere. The tourism industry plays a significant role in Nepal’s economy, contributing to around 8% of the country’s GDP.

One of the main attractions of Nepal is its majestic Himalayan mountain range, including Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. This has made Nepal a popular destination for trekking and mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the globe. The country is also home to numerous national parks and conservation areas, making it a perfect location for wildlife lovers.

Apart from its natural beauty, Nepal is famous for its diverse cultural heritage and traditions. The country has a vibrant culture, and its people are known for their warm hospitality. Nepal is home to numerous ancient temples, monasteries, and historical sites that showcase the rich history of the country. It is also a melting pot of different religions, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the major ones.

Tourism in Nepal has significantly contributed to the country’s development, providing employment opportunities to thousands of people. It has also helped in preserving and promoting the country’s culture and heritage, as tourists are drawn towards these aspects of Nepal. Tourists also contribute to the local economy by purchasing souvenirs and traditional handicrafts.

However, like any other tourist destination, Nepal also faces challenges in managing tourism sustainably. The government has taken several measures to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities.

It has implemented strict regulations for trekking and mountaineering activities to preserve its fragile mountain ecosystem. The government is also promoting eco-tourism, which focuses on preserving and protecting natural areas while providing economic benefits to the local communities.

In conclusion, Nepal is a country that offers something for everyone. From its spectacular mountain ranges to its vibrant culture, there is no shortage of things to explore in this beautiful country. However, it is essential to remember the responsibility that comes with being a tourist and to travel sustainably so that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of Nepal.

Q: How do you start a tourism essay?

A: Start a tourism essay with an engaging introduction that presents the topic and its relevance, often with a hook or a brief overview of what the essay will cover.

Q: How do you write a tourist essay?

A: To write a tourist essay, choose a specific aspect of tourism to focus on, such as its economic impact, cultural significance, or environmental consequences. Research your topic and present a clear argument or analysis.

Q: What is tourism in 100 words?

A: Tourism is a global industry encompassing the travel of people to destinations away from their usual place of residence. It involves various activities, such as sightseeing, recreation, and cultural experiences. Tourism plays a crucial role in many economies, promoting cultural exchange, creating jobs, and generating revenue. However, it can also have negative environmental and social impacts, making sustainable tourism practices important.

Q: What is the meaning of tourism in an essay?

A: In an essay, the meaning of tourism refers to the comprehensive understanding and analysis of the tourism industry, encompassing its various aspects, impacts, and significance, often with a specific focus or argument related to tourism.

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Overtourism: a growing global problem

global tourism essay

Researcher, Lecturer and Consultant in Tourism, Ostelea - School of Tourism and Hospitality

global tourism essay

Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics, Monash University

global tourism essay

Professor of Tourism and International Development, University of Brighton

Disclosure statement

Claudio Milano is team member of a consortium of researchers led by Prof. Paul Peeters (NHTV), which is the recipient of European Parliament's funding to study Over-Tourism in the EU. Claudio is also co-editor with Joseph M. Cheer and Marina Novelli of (1) Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism (To be published by CABI International in 2019) and (2) Special Issue on overtourism in the journal Tourism Planning & Development (Taylor & Francis)(2019).

Joseph M. Cheer is board member of the International Geography Union (IGU) Commission on Tourism and Leisure and Global Change and Steering Committee Member, Critical Tourism Studies Asia-Pacific. He has received Australian government research funding. Joseph is also co-editor with Claudio Milano and Marina Novelli of (1) Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism (To be published by CAB International in 2019) and (2) Special Issue on overtourism in the journal Tourism Planning & Development (Taylor & Francis)(2019).

Marina is team member of a consortium of researchers led by Prof. Paul Peeters (NHTV), which is the recipient of European Parliament's funding to study Over-Tourism in the EU. Marina is also co-editor with Claudio Milano and Joseph Cheer of (1) Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism (To be published by CAB International in 2019) and (2) Special Issue on overtourism in the journal Tourism Planning & Development (Taylor & Francis)(2019).

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

Universitat de Lleida provides funding as a member of The Conversation ES.

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global tourism essay

The summer holidays are in full swing – and protests against overtourism have begun ( yet again ) in a number of popular European cities. Overtourism is not a new problem.

Barcelona , in particular, is at the centre of these mounting concerns about the rapid growth of tourism in cities, especially during peak holiday periods. In fact, Destination Barcelona estimates that there were 30m overnight visitors in 2017, compared to a resident population of 1,625,137 .

But across southern Europe protests and social movements are growing in number. This has led to the formation of organisations such as the Assembly of Neighborhoods for Sustainable Tourism (ABTS) and the Network of Southern European Cities against tourism (SET) . They are at the forefront of the fight against overtourism and the impact it has on local residents.

While many tourists want to “live like a local” and have an authentic and immersive experience during their visit, the residents of many tourism-dependent destinations are seeing the unique sense of place that characterised their home towns vanish beneath a wave of souvenir shops, crowds, tour buses and rowdy bars. They are also suffering as local amenities and infrastructure are put under enormous strain.

It is a truly global issue. Other destinations where overtourism has reached disruptive proportions include Palma de Mallorca , Paris , Dubrovnik , Kyoto , Berlin , Bali and Reykjavik . Recently, Thai authorities were forced to act when the number of tourists visiting Maya Bay , the beach made famous by Danny Boyle’s film The Beach, led to shocking environmental damage .

global tourism essay

What does overtourism look like?

We define overtourism “as the excessive growth of visitors leading to overcrowding in areas where residents suffer the consequences of temporary and seasonal tourism peaks, which have enforced permanent changes to their lifestyles, access to amenities and general well-being”. The claim is that overtourism is harming the landscape, damaging beaches, putting infrastructure under enormous strain, and pricing residents out of the property market. It is a hugely complex issue that is often oversimplified.

It can have an impact in multiple ways . The international cruise industry, for example, delivers thousands of passengers daily to destination ports. While comparatively little is returned to communities, cruise activity creates physical and visual pollution .

City residents also bear the cost of tourism growth . As cities transform to cater for tourists, the global travel supply chain prospers. This coincides with increasing property speculation and rising costs of living for local communities. AirBnB, for example, has been accused of reducing housing affordability and displacing residents.

global tourism essay

Amsterdam wants to take direct action to prevent this by banning short-term rentals and directing cruise passengers away from the city centre. AirBnB is also making efforts to address the problems they are accused of creating.

Things are made worse by the fact that key destinations are mostly unprepared to deal with overtourism. According to the Italian sociologist Marco d’Eramo , in 1950 just 15 destinations were visited by 98% of international tourists, while in 2007 this had decreased to 57%. This indicates the rapid expansion of global tourism beyond established destinations.

Overcrowding and the establishment of typical tourism-focused businesses, such as clubs, bars and souvenir shops, overwhelm local businesses – and rowdy and unmanageable tourist behaviour is common. This diminishes the unique ambience of destinations and leads to crowd and waste management pressures.

global tourism essay

Clearly, tourism brings jobs, investment and economic benefits to destinations. But overtourism occurs when tourism expansion fails to acknowledge that there are limits. Local government and planning authorities have so far been powerless to deal with the overwhelming influence of the global tourism supply chain. This has led to widespread “ tourist-phobia ” – first described by Manuel Delgado more than a decade ago as a mixture of repudiation, mistrust and contempt for tourists.

Dealing with overtourism

Dealing with overtourism must now be a priority. But despite the mounting howls of protest, tourism promotion endures – and unsustainable hordes of tourists continue to descend on cities, beaches and other natural wonders.

Managing the flow of tourists seems an improbable and unwelcome task. But some cities have taken drastic measures to limit the effects of overtourism, including the introduction of new or revised taxation arrangements, fines linked to new local laws, and “demarketing” , whereby destinations focus on attracting fewer, high-spending and low impact tourists, rather than large groups.

But it’s a fine line to tread. If tourist arrivals to a destination decline suddenly and dramatically it would likely have considerable economic repercussions for those who rely on them.

global tourism essay

Overtourism is a shared responsibility . City administrators and destination managers must acknowledge that there are definite limits to growth . Prioritising the welfare of local residents above the needs of the global tourism supply chain is vital. Prime consideration must be given to ensuring that the level of visitation fits within a destination’s capacity.

The global tourism supply chain also bears a major responsibility. It must ensure that product development achieves a balance between the optimal tourist experience and a commensurate local benefit. Tourists must also play their part by making travel choices that are sensitive to the places they visit and those who live in and around them.

Tourism should be part of the wider destination management system, which must also consider transport and mobility, the preservation of public spaces, the local economy and housing, among other aspects of daily life. Research, planning and a close and ongoing dialogue between city administrators, the tourism industry, civil society groups and local residents are essential.

Perhaps overtourism is a symptom of the present era of unprecedented affluence and hyper mobility, a consequence of late capitalism. We need to urgently rethink the way cities are evolving to uphold the rights of their residents.

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Impacts of COVID-19 on global tourism industry: A cross-regional comparison

The tourism industry was one of the world's greatest markets; until the world met a pandemic in the 21st century, COVID-19. This study aims to present the reactions of travelers during the pandemic trends outlined by adopting text mining techniques. Between December 30, 2019–March 15, 2020, approximately 75,000 comments are retrieved from the TripAdvisor forums, and 23,515 cases from the US, Europe, and Asia forums are employed for analyses.

The results reveal that the tourism sector is easily affected by global crises. It is almost the same day that travelers decide to cancel or delay their trips, with the spread of the news. More in-depth analyses uncovered several topics consisted of comments on benefiting from travel insurance and refund due to the travel cancellations. Travel insurance has become a hot topic, which may be a way of reanimating the industry by offering travel packages, including travel insurance services.

  • • The dataset began to be recorded since the first COVID-19 case was recorded (in Wuhan).
  • • The travelers cancel or delay their trips “on the same day”, with the spread of the news.
  • • Flexibility and agility are two critical features needed in the tourism industry.
  • • Travel insurance has become a hot topic in all forums, especially in Europe and Asia.
  • • Travel insurance and refund policy update are required for reliability and flexibility.

1. Introduction

Traveling is the most entertaining way to meet strangers and explore new places if the route is free of illness, crime, and catastrophes. However, most of the time, with the right know-how, the risks can be minimized or mitigated, and the travel diaries fill up with unforgettable experiences. Epidemics and pandemics are two of the most frightening news for travelers or planners. In such cases, it may be difficult or impossible to avoid the disease. Besides, not only the travelers but also other people they contact during the journey are at risk. Passengers play a serious role in the transfer of epidemics or pandemics between locations ( Hollingsworth, Ferguson, & Anderson, 2006 ). In recent months, the world is focused on epidemics due to the emergence of a new coronavirus.

New coronaviruses trigger epidemics and pandemics. The pathogens are highly infectious and mutate quickly. As a result, new, unexpected outbreaks can occur at any unexpected time. Coronaviruses are mostly transmitted from animals to humans. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus was probably transmitted from birds to humans in 2002. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, discovered in 2012, was derived from camels ( Al-Tawfiq, Zumla, & Memish, 2014 ). Infected people then pass the virus on to other people through droplets or smear infections.

The SARS epidemic in 2003 is a good starting point. It was also triggered by a coronavirus, so it is epidemiologically comparable. On the other hand, it also started in South Asia. Third, it was the first epidemic in the age of globalization and the Internet, which is why similar behavior can be expected today. Between November 2002 and June 2003, around 8000 people were infected with the SARS virus, almost two-thirds of them in the People's Republic of China and a fifth in Hong Kong ( Mackey & Liang, 2012 ). There were also higher numbers of illnesses and deaths in Taiwan, Singapore, and Canada. Given the overall low number of infected people, the effects of SARS on the job offer and, thus, on production were limited. However, the indirect effects were noticeable. So tourists avoided the Southeast Asia region for a while in order not to run the risk of infection.

The first cases of previously unknown lung disease were reported in the Wuhan (Hubei province) region of China in December 2019, initially appeared in a market where live animals were traded. A new form of the coronavirus was identified as the causative agent and discovered in numerous patients with pneumonia. Its global spread is keeping the whole world in suspense. The novel coronavirus (CoV) is now called SARS-CoV-2, the infection COVID-19. “COVID” stands for “Corona Virus Disease” and 19 for the year of discovery. With around 80% of all confirmed cases, the province of Hubei remains the epicenter. Flights and train travel from the largest cities in this province have been canceled until further notice, roads are closed, and there is still a general obligation to wear a mask. In the meantime, the SARS-CoV-2 has also reached Europe and Switzerland. News from newspapers, radio, and television roll over every day with new figures on infections and deaths. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an international health emergency. 1

At the end of January, almost 10,000 people were infected worldwide, more than 98% of them were in China, and almost three quarters were in the province of Hubei. In the days that followed, the number of infected people increased by an average of around 3000 per day. Cases outside of China also increased. According to the WHO, the virus has spread to 115 countries, and almost 4300 people have died in two months. COVID-19 is called a pandemic disease by WHO on March 11, 2020. 2

In addition to the human suffering involved, larger-scale epidemics and pandemics also have economic effects. The direct consequence of this is that the sick people are absent at the workplace, meaning that the job offer is at least temporarily reduced. If the disease is associated with numerous deaths, it even drops in the long term. Indirect effects also result from the measures taken to contain the pandemic. For instance, one of the parents is unable to work when the schools get closed because children have to be looked after. Economic activity is also affected if entry and exit are restricted in the regions concerned. However, indirect effects can also arise from changes in behavior, for example, when consumers forego shopping or tourists avoid regions that appear to be risky to avoid the risk of infection. In the corona crisis, worldwide travel traffic has come to a standstill. Many countries prohibit foreigners from entering the country and close their external borders.

It is not possible to estimate the extent of the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak because the course and duration of the outbreak are still unknown, and both cannot be predicted, according to experts. However, economic deterioration is much more significant than the SARS outbreak, even in its current state.

In any case, the higher number of patients speaks for more significant direct effects. Currently (as of July 12, 2020), at almost 12,500,000, this is more than one thousand times as large as SARS, and it continues to increase significantly ( Fig. 1 ). However, COVID-19 decreased the potential global labor force; this can be assumed still tenable in terms of the global employment potential. In the 1918 flu epidemic, between 25 and 35% of the population contracted the flu between September 1918 and January 1919.

Fig. 1

Epidemic curve of confirmed COVID-19, by date of the report and WHO region, December 30 through July 12, 2020.

In particular, the indirect effects of COVID-19 are likely to be considerably higher than with SARS. The governments have taken drastic measures to control the epidemic. The affected provinces were immediately sealed off from the rest of the countries or quarantine, and isolation rules started to be implemented. Besides, any form of a gathering of people is avoided. Many public and private institutions, including schools, restaurants, hotels, convention centers, have been temporarily closed.

The effects on global mobility are also higher than in the case of SARS because China is now more closely linked to the global economy than it was then. Production losses in China can, therefore, interrupt global value chains. Also, China plays a more significant role in tourism, which reacted particularly sensitively during the SARS epidemic. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Chinese tourists spent the equivalent of $ 277 billion abroad in 2018; it is announced to be 21% of global travel spending by UNWTO. 3 Now, recent travel restrictions due to pandemic, not just the mobility of the Chinese tourist but also international mobility ceased to exist. The restrictions will hit tourism revenues, compellingly, since tourism is now a more significant economic factor than at the beginning of the millennium. In Thailand, e.g., tourism revenue accounted for around 11% of GDP in 2018; ten years ago, it was only 6%. 4

Another channel of impact, which in principle already worked during the SARS epidemic, but which is likely to have become more critical, is the rapid dissemination of reports (and false reports) about the COVID-19 pandemic on social media. It may unsettle consumers even in countries that are only marginally affected by the pandemic and can also dampen economic activity there.

Risk communication can be regarded as a good start point to evaluate the change in the mobility plans of potential travelers and reveal a meaningful forecast for the tourism industry. Risk communication is intended to explain, educate, or warn about potential risks, but also denotes a process that is selective in several respects. This is due to several factors, such as the information-sharing social groups (politics, health workers, individuals), the technical dissemination processes, or the risk perception influenced by various factors (experience, background knowledge, interests, and attitudes) on the part of the information recipients. It should also be taken into account that different risk characteristics and the quality of the information transmitted have an impact on risk acceptance and thus, on the assessments regarding the impending extent of damage and its probability of occurrence ( Penney, Snyder, Crooks, & Johnston, 2011 ).

The fear of COVID-19 led to significant uncertainty and chaotic conditions in many industries. The tourism industry has experienced sharply falling revenues and is an economic sector among those most severely affected by the pandemic. The shock affects both the demand side (restrictions on freedom of movement, border closings, guests' fear of infection) and the supply-side (closure of accommodation and catering establishments as well as leisure facilities used for tourism).

The study focuses on the very early period of the pandemic. The comments began to be recorded since the first COVID-19 case was recorded (in Wuhan) and ended four days after the declaration of the pandemic by WHO. This preliminary dataset (captures between December 30, 2019 – March 15, 2020) allowed the first approach of travelers to be examined before mobility came to a halt. Within the scope of this research, comments of users who made travel plans during the specified date range were examined using the TripAdvisor platform. 23,515 comments on the US, Asian, and European forums were analyzed using text mining techniques, and effects on the tourism industry were interpreted. These specifications allowed many original findings, and of the pandemic negatively affected the tourism industry instantly.

2. Literature review

The individual travel motifs of the potential travelers represent one of the decisive elements in the course of the travel decision ( Bieger, 2008 ). However, due to the almost endless variety of possible travel destinations of modern tourism, potential travelers often make their choice for a destination, primarily depending on the perception of feeling safe and secure at the preferred destination. ( Kuschel & Schröder, 2002 ).

Tourism as an open system is characterized by its high degree of networking with the environment. The numerous interactions with the various dimensions of the outside world not only influence the tourism system itself but also influences the environment. The environment as a whole can be divided into technological, socio-cultural, political, economic, and ecological dimensions. Due to the many interrelationships, tourism, with all its components, is very susceptible to changes in all dimensions of the environment ( Haedrich, Kaspar, Klemm, & Kreilkamp, E. (Eds.)., 2010 ).

There are also a variety of external influences that can have a significant impact on traveler mobility. These potential external factors can be summarized in two main categories; the natural offer of the destination and the potential risk of crises based on the different environmental dimensions.

The consideration of the issue of the crisis and especially the aspects of crisis management has increased steadily in recent years due to the increased number and scope of the incidents recorded ( Glaesser, 2005a ). In particular, since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, with its devastating effects, interest in this research area has increased ( Ritchie, 2009 ). Dealing with crises is not uncommon for companies in the tourism industry since almost every tourism company is faced with extraordinary events over time ( Dreyer, Dreyer, & Rütt, 2004 ), but the occurrence of tourist crises often leads to a loss of safety consequences. It can, therefore, have a substantial impact on the travel decision of the individual traveler and also on travel behavior as a whole ( Dreyer, Dreyer, & Obieglo, 2010 ). Besides, although many of the crises that have occurred in recent years are not fundamentally new phenomena, their dimensions and dimensions are many times larger and longer-lasting than before, which makes a more in-depth investigation of the topic seem essential ( Glaesser, 2005a ).

Tourist crises are often separated according to different criteria for better understanding. The most common ways of distinguishing are the subdivision according to the geographical extent of the crisis and a distinction between endogenous and exogenous crises. The division, according to the spatial dimension, divides crises into geographical ranges locally, regionally, nationally, internationally, and globally. A local crisis, for example, is water damage in a resort or hotel, which is limited to this and does not have any more significant, connected consequences. The regional impact is already devastating. A striking example of this is a particular region that is affected by flooding. The civil war in Somalia can be cited as an example of a national crisis. It refers to the entire country of Somalia, but not to other neighboring countries. In contrast, the Kosovo crisis is described as international because it clearly defied the borders of individual countries and affected several countries directly ( Dreyer et al., 2010 ). Finally, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008 had a considerable impact on the global tourism industry due to the minimized number of tourist mobility.

Another differentiation option is that between endogenous and exogenously induced crises, which is particularly crucial for the further examination of the crisis since this makes an initial assessment of the underlying cause of the crisis. Endogenous causes arise within the organization and have their origin in humans or technology. These can, therefore, be relatively easily prevented or at least positively influenced by the company and are therefore not considered further in the ongoing chapter on external effects. Exogenous triggers, however, are deeply rooted in the circumstances of the external environment and are, therefore, outside the company's sphere of influence ( Dreyer et al., 2010 ; Kuschel & Schröder, 2002 ).

The current crisis research is aware of an almost infinite number of possible causes of the crisis, and there are almost as many approaches to categorize them. The classifications given by various authors vary in particular concerning the number and specification of the categories of causes of the crisis. Based on Freyer, Glasser, and Kreilkamp,  a separate subdivision is made below, which is based on the holistic approach of tourism science and thus takes into account the various environmental dimensions of the open tourism system. The categorization distinguishes the following six classes of risks: economic, socio-cultural, political, ecological, technical, and medical risks Freyer (2004) , Glaesser (2005b) , and Kreilkamp (2005) .

This research focuses on medical risks, which can be evaluated through two main risk factors: the dangers which the individual traveler can come into contact through his travel activity, and the epidemics, which can spread significantly easier and faster due to the mobility associated with modern, international tourism. Due to the continually evolving travel behavior, a steadily increasing number of people travel to increasingly distant and exotic destinations. Many third world countries and emerging countries are attractive travel destinations of modern tourism, which often do not meet the standards prevailing in the source countries of travelers concerning the hygienic and medical conditions on-site. Despite the relevant information of tour operators before the contract is concluded about health-related formalities, i.e., vaccination regulations, many tourists take insufficient prophylactic measures in advance of such trips to protect themselves from the medical risks of the destination areas.

In the destinations they travel to, they often come into contact with pathogens, bacteria, parasites, viruses that are not or no longer to be found in their home countries, so that their immune system, therefore, does not have an adequate defense against the diseases there ( Sonnenberg & Wöhler, 2004 ). Common diseases that are associated with travel activities are considered differentiated according to the type of transmission options. These include fecal-oral infections such as traveler's diarrhea, typhoid, amoebic dysentery, hepatitis A, pathogens that are transmitted through body fluids (e.g., HIV / AIDS, hepatitis C) and drinking water (e.g., typhoid, cholera), droplets (e.g., SARS, flu viruses, tuberculosis) or aerosols (e.g., anthrax, fungal spores) ( Spira, 2003 ). The choice of travel destination for many tourists is now also determined by the health and infection situation of the target countries and the costs of possible prevention.

The risk of actually getting one of the infections listed depends on the disease itself and also varies among destinations. Also, personal factors such as travel behavior, the previously taken prophylactic measures, age, the handling of food and beverages, and many other influences play an essential role in the likelihood of being infected with one of these diseases ( Lück, 2004 ).

The most critical risk factor of a medical crisis is the risk of epidemics or pandemics spreading. Such rapidly spreading infections interact actively with the system of international tourism. On the one hand, tourism promotes the spread of epidemics around the world due to high mobility; however, the outbreak of an epidemic also influences tourism. This cycle becomes particularly evident when we referred to the SARS epidemic in 2003. Starting from a province in southern China, the virus was carried on to Hong Kong via a human host, from where they spread in the metropolis hotel continued. The infected hotel guests carried the disease further to their home countries such as Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, and countless others. After a relatively short time, as mentioned in the introduction, 8000 people worldwide were infected with the SARS virus in over 30 countries around the world. The WHO issued travel warnings to a variety of Asia and North America regions to curb the spread of the disease, but more than 800 people worldwide died from SARS.

The economic consequences of the epidemic were also fatal: According to estimates by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the SARS epidemic caused sharp falls in the tourism GDP of numerous Asian countries affected. In China the GDP fell by 25%, in Vietnam by 15%, and in Hong Kong and Singapore by more than 40% of the previous year's values  ( Ritchie, 2009 ). This example shows the severe consequences that medical risks and epidemics, in particular, can have for international tourism.

The recent pandemic, COVID-19, figures out a pessimistic scenario for all industries but especially the tourism industry in terms of very low or no mobility. Because the virus is spreading rapidly outside of China, the economic impact will not only result from the decline in Chinese demand but also directly in the countries concerned. In the pessimistic scenario of the OECD, global GDP growth will decrease by 1.5% in 2020, and global trade volume will even decrease by 3.75%. Other predictions show even more dramatic effects ( McKibbin & Fernando, 2020 ).

Tourism-related activities also have been negatively affected due to internal processes. The recent spread of the virus (with or without state quarantine measures) leads to a noticeable decline in so-called “social consumption”. The restrictions include restaurant visits, domestic tourism, visits to cultural events, trade fairs ( Hoque, Shikha, Hasanat, Arif, & Hamid, 2020 ). Several prominent events have already been postponed or even canceled in many countries. Given the high number of cancellations, the airline industry has reduced the flight plans by almost half.

Hardly any other industry is as dependent on the development of intangible values as the tourism sector. Tourism spends are based on provision, short or long time plans, and sometimes on dreams. This fact illustrates the vulnerability of the tourism sector to adverse events. An incident can destroy these intangible assets in the long term.

In a short period, some researches have been conducted examining the tourism effects of COVID-19. The vast majority of these studies focus on regional impact analysis. Dinarto, Wanto, and Sebastian (2020) investigated the impact of the virus on Bintan's (an island in the Riau archipelago of Indonesia) tourism industry; Centeno and Marquez (2020) made their research on the loss of the tourism industry in the Philippines, Correa-Martínez et al. (2020) examined the spread of the virus in a ski area in Austria. Nepal (2020) focused on the impacts on Nepal in his commentary. Also, few studies are focusing on the global impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism industry. Gössling, Scott, and Hall (2020) evaluated the effect of global travel restrictions and stay at home behavior on tourism and projected global change; Niewiadomski (2020) commented on de-globalization and post-COVID-19 tourism industry, where Galvani, Lew, and Perez (2020) evaluated the sustainability of the industry.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that aims to reveal the effects of COVID-19 on global tourism, in the light of travelers' comments. This study differs from current research in terms of data set, regional comparison, and date range that begins with the start date of the outbreak. Therefore, the data set, analysis method, timing, and findings reveal the importance and significance of this study.

Three keywords (coronavirus, corona virus, COVID) were determined to compile the dataset of this research. Between December 30, 2019–March 15, 2020, all comments (cases) containing these keywords on TripAdvisor forums were recorded for text mining. The recording process was carried out using a specially developed API; comments on the Tripadvisor forums were automatically retrieved.

The concept of text mining, which is accepted as a specific type of data mining, can be defined as “the process of extracting hidden information from textual data” ( Feldman & Sanger, 2007 :1). From the perspective of Natural Language Processing (NLP), text mining can be defined as a partial understanding of natural language texts, visualizing texts in the information form, and making inferences within the framework of the information extracted from the text ( Zhai & Massung, 2016 ). Fig. 2 shows the flow of the text mining process. As can be seen, text mining is an iterative process in which analyzes can be repeated with adjustments to achieve better results ( Chakraborty, Pagolu, & Garla, 2013 ).

Fig. 2

Text mining process flow (Prepared based on Chakraborty et al., 2013 :29).

A basic text mining process begins with the collection of a textual data set. At this point, structured or semi-structured texts are obtained from sources such as documents, web pages, social media, user/consumer comments, etc. The collected text set is divided into the smallest units (token) with the support of natural language processing functions. Sentence elements are determined (part-of-speech-tagging), and then different forms of expressions are reduced around word roots (stemming) and/or original forms (lemmatization) ( Akbıyık, 2019 ) ( Fig. 2 ).

As of the text filtering stage, there is a cyclic iteration. Words or phrases that are not related to the subject examined in the obtained text set (stop words/exclusion list) or below a specific number/criterion are filtered out of the text set at the filtering stage ( Akbıyık, 2019 ). This process can be repeated by determining new criteria based on feedback as a result of problems and observations encountered during the text mining phase.

The data transformation phase is carried out to give the filtered text set a structured view. In this context, the words in the text set are weighted based on their cumulative use and frequency of occurrence in cases. At the end of the data conversion process, a term-by-document matrix is created, in which all the words in the text set represent a row, and documents (cases) represent a column.

At the last stage, topics and contents within the scope of information extraction (topic extraction) are determined. Words or phrases are clustered according to their distance from each other and the probability of occurrence. Link analysis is carried out in which the presence and power of one or more connections between two or more words or phrases are visually demonstrated. Documents or words are classified according to their categories or titles, and then class predictions of new inputs are made based on this classification. The process can be repeated by directing the findings and images obtained at this stage to text filtering as feedback and then to the data transformation stages.

4. Findings

4.1. descriptive statistics.

There are approximately 75,000 cases in the initial dataset. During the filtering process, duplicate records and comments posted outside specified dates were eliminated and excluded from the study. At the end of the sorting process, 32,122 unique cases were obtained. The vast majority of these cases are in the US, Europe, and Asia forums. Cases recorded from other regional forums were not included in the study since their representation power was low; in this context, only cases from the US, Europe, and Asia forums were analyzed. Within the scope of the research, 23,515 cases recorded between 01.01.2020–15.03.2020 were evaluated. Under these criteria, a total of 74,768 sentences containing 1,329,825 words were examined. Some of these words are not meaningful words by themselves; therefore, 844,253 words (e.g. “and”, “or”, “I”) were extracted as a result of the lemmatization process.

Most of the cases in the data set were retrieved from Asia forums. A total of 12,285 comments, containing the specified keywords, were made in Asia forums within the particular date range. Following the same criteria, 7002 cases were recorded in Europe region forums and 4228 cases in the US forums ( Table 1 ).

Case frequency per location.

In the graphic below, the changes in the number of comments by region are listed chronologically and the rise, peak, and fall areas for each region are visualized (see Appendix for the extended graph – until April 26, 2020).

Developments in the pandemic should be taken into consideration while examining the data fluctuations to produce a significant picture revealing traveler reaction speed ( Fig. 3 ).

Fig. 3

Case frequency per review date.

Although news about COVID-19 began to spread earlier through unofficial sources, on December 31, 2019, Chinese authorities informed the Chinese WHO office that, from early December, several cases of pneumonia occurred in Wuhan City. Covid-19, not mentioned in European and US forums in the first weeks of the year, became a topic in regional forums as infections appeared, and the frequency of mention increased daily.

On January 11, the first death was reported by China. Subsequently, there has been a rapid increase in the number of comments made in Asian forums. The Thai WHO reported the first case of infection outside of China; after that, infections were reported in the US, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Singapore, and Taiwan in the week of January 20. Wuhan was quarantined on January 23, and the virus reached France on January 24.

In January, the number of comments in all forums tripled. The number of comments on European and US forums remained low because there were no deaths outside of Asia yet. Until February, this problem was seen only as a Chinese problem, and it was not understood that the epidemic would become pandemic. Asian forums contained questions/comments from those planning to travel to Asia. Travelers exchanged information about Asian security, travel restrictions, and protective measures. In European and US forums, those who planned to travel to cities with infections responded. Also, Chinese tourists asked whether there is a visa application at the destination. Chinese who plan to travel to Europe were afraid of being returned at the airport.

On the week of January 27, WHO declared a health emergency due to the increasing spread of Covid-19. There were approximately 7760 infected and 170 dead worldwide, with all deaths located in China. Some airlines, such as Lufthansa, canceled flights to China, and the Trump government restricted flights from China on January 31. During this period, high numbers of comments continued at the same level in all regions. During the first week of February, the first fatality outside of China was reported in the Philippines. A cruise ship was quarantined in Japan waters, and the number of infected people onboard increased. These developments kept Covid-19 on travelers' agenda.

In the week of February 24, the first death in the region occurred in Latin America, while in Europe, Italy confirmed that there were 800 infected cases on February 28. The first leap in the European forum was experienced during the week of February 24, when the first death in Europe was reported on February 15 and the second in the next week. On February 23, Italy set up restricted areas in Lombardy and Veneto to restrict spread. Also, new and suspected cases were reported in Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, and Poland. These developments caused thousands of travelers to experience security concerns. During that week, travelers looking for methods of safe travel started to ask questions about hotel/flight cancellations. At that point, travel insurance is the most discussed in forums. Travel to Europe is higher than other regions. At the end of February, the Covid-19 issue in the European forums overtook the Asian forums. By that time, South Korea was the second most affected country. An increasing number of suspected cases were being reported in Iran, and these developments caused a high number of comments in Asian forums (see Appendix for the extended graph – until April 26, 2020).

Changes observed in the chart and the developments in the pandemic are more harmonious than expected. Considering the pattern of events and cases, travelers responded very quickly to developments. This finding proves the fragility of the tourism industry. In the forums, ideas were exchanged on many topics, such as hotel/flight cancellation policies, reimbursement, safe destinations. Travelers, who learn very quickly about developments and steps to take, act before the industry develops a plan B.

4.2. Transformation

Following the descriptive analysis of the cases, further analyzes were conducted to examine the words and phrases. In the text formatting process, various restrictions have been applied in order not to include less frequently repeated and sparse words in the dataset. Five hundred words with the highest TF * IDF value are listed in the word analysis; the words are required to be contained in at least 100 cases and to be repeated at least 200 times. A word cloud was prepared to contain the words in the list generated after formatting, with a frequency of 1000 and above.

Word cloud represents the word frequency within the cases. The words used in the word cloud are not just chosen randomly but are created by automated text analysis. The words with greater prominence, which appear with higher frequency in the text, are visualized in larger fonts. The tool thus serves different purposes, such as highlighting essential terms or generating attention and can be practical when it comes to not only spicing up a presentation visually but also creating an introduction to the topic. Word cloud enables us to examine the big picture of frequent words with one hand ( Fig. 4 ).

Fig. 4

Word cloud.

Since word frequency analysis includes statistics on individual tokens, words may not generate a meaningful big picture even if they have a significant frequency. In this research, the most frequently repeated words are basic ones and also give insight into the thematic structure of the dataset. When the figure is examined, respectively, PEOPLE, TRAVEL, VIRUS, DAY, CASE, TIME, CANCEL, and TRIP stand out. All of these words have a frequency of over 3000. Therefore, even this limited number of tokens may indicate that most of the users tend to cancel their travels. The words FLIGHT, WEEK, CORONAVIRUS, CHINA, POST, COUNTRY, and GOOD were repeated in the frequency range of 2000–3000.

Word cloud is the initial schematic proof of the agenda of travelers and the trends in the forums. Further analyses prove the strength of the words indicated in the word cloud as the words are powered by their frequency of occurrence.

Text analysis may end up with only basic words, and it can be difficult to deduce and to evaluate the results. Phrase extraction enables a more accurate understanding compared to word frequency analysis, although it remains lower in frequency. In order to provide a more detailed insight into the data set, phrases containing at least two and at most five words were extracted and examined. The phrases listed in the phrase extraction analysis were required to be repeated in at least 50 cases, and as a result, 155 expressions matching the criterion were listed. The table above lists the top 50 most frequently repeated phrases. As expected, CORONA VIRUS is at the top of the list; the phrase was repeated 725 times in 658 cases ( Table 2 ).

Extracted phrases.

TRAVEL INSURANCE stands out as the second most frequently repeated phrase. This phrase refers to protecting travelers from trip cancellation to flight delays and ensuring assistance for medical emergency or baggage loss. However, when the cases containing CREDIT CARD, FULL REFUND, and TRAVEL AGENCY were examined, it was observed that the comments were about the refund of all or some part of the payments, and change or cancellation of travel plans. The evaluation of the phrases with high co-occurrence frequency indicated that people are in search of insurance or refund solutions during the crisis. Also, the cases containing CREDIT CARD mention that tourism expenses made with credit cards of specified banks are refunded; additionally, the ways to apply for refund are described.

After the COVID-19 experience, travelers, who are not accustomed to take the probable crises into account and to prepare alternative plans, will probably include the travel insurance in their plans. It is foreseen that travel insurance sales will increase when this global crisis ends. Travel agencies can minimize travelers' reservations about long-term planning by offering affordable travel insurance options to their customers. Following the pandemic, the easiest factor in restoring tourism statistics may be travel insurance options, the importance of which is now understood by consumers.

Following the list are pandemic protection measures such as WEAR MASK, FACE MASK, HAND SANITIZER.

CRUISE SHIP mostly refers to the quarantined cruise ships. The comments mentioning the cruises were about the risky situation of the cruises, the evacuation of the passengers, the number of deaths, and infected people on cruises. Although the most frequently mentioned cruise was the “Diamond Princess”, the comments containing the “World Dream” and the “Westerdam” cruises were also encountered. Diamond Princess had been quarantined off the coast of Japan for two weeks in January due to the coronavirus with 3700 people on board. More than 700 people were tested positive for the pathogen, at least six of them died. Diamond Princess quickly became a symbol of the epidemic. A cruise ship with more than 1800 passengers and 1800 crew members is also moored in Hong Kong. The virus was found in three people who had traveled with the World Dream in January. The Westerdam completed the first odyssey with 1450 passengers. The cruise was banned from docking in Japan, Taiwan, Guam, Philippines, and Thailand, although there was no suspicion of a viral infection. It was only Cambodia that allowed docking in the port of Sihanoukville. However, the disembarkation was hindered: an 83-year-old was wrongly tested positive, almost a thousand guests and crew members had to stay on board and be checked.

As in word analysis, suspicions about the safe journey and tendencies towards cancellation of travel plans come to the fore among expressions. SAFE TO TRAVEL, TRAVEL PLAN, TRAVEL RESTRICTION, TRAVEL BAN, CANCEL MY TRIP, and CANCEL OUR TRIP phrases refer to COVID-19 concerns and cancellation of travel plans.

Named entity extraction reveals frequencies related to the specific names in the data set. The list contains the name of locations with a frequency of 300 or more. The list of extracted names uncovers the significant relation among the pandemic spreading route, COVID-19 case number ranking of countries, and the order of listed locations ( Table 3 ).

Extracted named entities.

Statistics show that users mentioned the most about China in their comments as expected. Italy, which is listed among the locations in the Asia region, has become the most mentioned country in the comments after China as it is one of the fastest increasing centers of COVID-19 cases in Europe. In the continuation of the list, Asian countries struggling with the epidemic come to the fore since the first phase of the virus emerged and spread rapidly. Despite their geographic proximity to China, especially Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and South Korea, strive to slow the spread of COVID-19. There are two main reasons why these locations are frequently included in the comments. The first one is the travelers who plan to visit these regions are curious about the bad news and ask questions to the people who are already there. The second cause is some travelers mention that they had already canceled or plan to cancel their trip to these locations. The Asian extracted names are on the agenda, mostly because of their region.

Hong Kong, with the impact of the SARS epidemic experience in which 299 people died throughout the country in 2003, became one of the countries that quickly introduced measures such as travel restriction and school closure after the coronavirus spread. Hong Kong is one of the stop points for those traveling to the Asia region. In the comments, whether the virus emerging in China is seen in Hong Kong, whether there are Hong Kong among travel restrictions or destination suggestions are mentioned. It is worrying that Hong Kong citizens who will switch to the mainland because of the New Year will also spread the virus to the region. Therefore, concerns are observed about traveling to the region. Also, users state that planes flying to that region increase the risk of contamination, so they plan to cancel even connecting flights from there.

Singapore, which is the country with the highest incidence of COVID-19 outside China with 58 cases in mid-February, has become one of the countries that can limit the spread of the disease. To date, 78 of more than 160 people who have had positive results have managed to recover. In Singapore, which adopts a strategy based on isolating people from each other, the penalty for not following the rules is determined as 10 thousand dollars or six months in prison. Although South Korea is an Asian country with the highest number of coronaviruses after China, it was able to slow down its spread rate at the beginning of March. These developments and measures taken by countries are asked or explained in the comments of travelers.

The fact that the words UK and London are at the top of the list can be explained by the different COVID-19 action plans of the UK government. According to the news about the lockdown policies across Europe, the UK acted relatively slowly in terms of closing schools and workplaces. Herd immunity, namely community immunity, was declared as the primary weapon against the virus. The comments containing the UK and/or London indicate that the herd immunity perspective frightened some of the travelers, and they considered delaying or canceling their travel plans to the UK region and London with concern for contamination. Also, the government's statement that they are expecting 80% transmission caused users to get more anxious.

Comments and concerns regarding Rome, France, and Paris locations have increased since the first case that resulted in death outside of Asia was experienced in Paris. On February 14, an 80-year-old Chinese tourist died in a hospital in Paris. This case is the fourth death caused by the virus outside China, which has caused the death of 1500 people, most in Hubei cities.

4.3. Text mining

Data mining techniques help to understand topics travelers discussed in their comments containing Covid-19. In order to reveal the thematic structure of the cases and to reveal a clearer insight into the big picture, topic extraction was performed. Below are the results of the topic extraction analysis and seventeen topics automatically clustered and named via WordStat.

When the topics and keywords are examined, a significant structure emerges. The clustered keywords are highly related to each other, and the topics, which are named automatically by the software, are also in harmony with the main structure ( Table 4 ).

Extracted topics.

The first topic, which has the highest frequency and case distribution in the context of case occurrence among groups, is about canceling travels. In 40.81% of the cases, travelers comment on canceling their travel or flights. It is evident that tourism will be one of the most affected industries by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this analysis offers insight into the speed and size of the effect.

The second topic was compiled from keywords such as staying at home, risky being out of risk, and quarantine applications in order to reduce spread and contamination. Similarly, seven more themes (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) deal with current news, cases, statistics, official announcements, and methods of protection about the outbreak.

When other topics are examined, the comments of users about the conditions of benefiting from travel insurance, refund, and reimbursement come to the fore due to the travel cancellations that are evident in the first topic. Travelers are looking for ways to make their travel cancellations with minimal losses. For example, under the travel insurance topic, it was mentioned that some banks' credit cards give a full refund for canceled travel expenses. It is observed that travelers are in search of refund policies and application methods.

All the listed topics were analyzed according to the forum location and date of comments. In these analyses, the rate per 10,000 words was taken into account. Thus, the number of comments differing on location and date basis has been normalized and prevented from affecting the analysis result. It has been observed that the topic named as VISA ON ARRIVAL; CHINESE TOURIST demonstrate significant difference concerning locations and dates. Although this topic is mentioned in every region, most of the discussions were in Asia forums, and fewest were in US forums. The reason why the theme is mostly spoken in Asia forums is investigated by examining the referring cases (the cases containing the keywords in this topic). It is generally seen that the travelers in the Asia region have discussions about whether a visa query is made during their entry into other countries. In particular, Chinese travelers are concerned about the visa on arrival practices of the countries on their routes and beware of not being able to enter the countries.

On the other hand, this issue was discussed by the EU and US citizens in other forums. Citizens declared their worry about Chinese tourists or groups of tourists entering their home countries. It was argued that this mobility accelerates the spread of viruses to countries, and restrictions and travel bans should be implemented as soon as possible. Comments under this topic were most observed in January, and as time went on, the number of comments decreased. The number of cases, which decreased in February, continued to decrease in March. International mobility was already significantly limited during these periods, and with the spread of the epidemic to Europe, the issue began to cease to be a curiosity for travelers.

The topic, RESTAURANT; OPEN, contains many places to visit but also contains the keywords OPEN and CLOSED at the same time. The dendrogram analysis was used to provide more insight into the structure of the theme. In dendrogram analysis, repetition is taken into consideration, and 100 clusters are listed in the agglomeration order. Link analysis was used to analyze and visualize the relationship between clustered expressions.

In the dendrogram notation, it was observed that particular words were clustered together, similar to the topic extraction analysis. When the link analysis of the cluster was examined, the relationships in the figure were determined. Accordingly, it is seen that the areas that are listed as open in the comments are restaurants, bars, and shops. The museum, school, and activity centers are closed. The reason for the activity centers to be associated with both CLOSED and OPEN is because travelers ask whether these areas are open or closed ( Fig. 5 ).

Fig. 5

Link analysis.

Content differences of the comments were examined by region, but mergers and divergences were visualized through a correspondence plot to obtain a more in-depth analysis. The frequency of extracted phrases by locations was transformed into a crosstab and then to a correspondence plot. The figure indicates that Asia forums differ in terms of discussing on visa on arrival issues. This finding also manifested itself in the topic extraction analysis. Safe travel (used for the ones who “must” visit this region for business trips), tour groups, crowded areas, and precautions that can be taken, such as and wearing masks seen mostly in the Asia forums ( Fig. 6 ).

Fig. 6

Correspondance plot.

The US has taken a position that is more distant to the phrase intensity than other location forums. This finding indicates that the statements that are more frequently found in the US forums are also spoken in other forums, and in this context, no particular divergence is observed. The number of comments on precautions and cleaning warnings in the US region is higher than in other country forums. The reason for this can be explained as the fact that the US does not see the epidemic as a severe threat as of the date of data collection and only discuss basic protection methods. Statements regarding the cancellation policy and getting a refund to credit cards were mostly observed in comments on Europe forums. Travelers in Europe tend to cancel their travel to the Asia region. For this reason, users ask questions about cancellation policies, or those who have experienced cancellation give advice and guidance. The agenda for insurance companies and travel warnings have been discussed with similar frequency in the forums of Asia and Europe regions.

5. Conclusion

The cultural and social change of the modern service and industrial society, as well as technical and economic innovations, especially in the transport system, led to enormous changes in the tourist demand side. However, other factors, such as the increased geopolitical stability and the opening of many national borders, are reasons for an all-round increase in international tourism ( Franklin, 2003 ; Weaver, 1998 ). Despite a decline in growth rates, tourism was one of the world's fastest-growing markets; until the world met a new brand pandemic in the 21st century.

This study aimed to present the decisions and reactions of individual tourism actors, tourists because of the pandemic trends outlined. Specifically, this study focused on revealing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on global tourism in the light of the comments of travelers and travel planners. The forums on the world's largest travel platform ( ) have been examined. Between December 30, 2019–March 15, 2020, all comments (cases) containing the three specified keywords (coronavirus, corona virus, COVID) on TripAdvisor forums were recorded for text mining. The recording process was carried out using a specially developed API; approximately 75,000 comments were retrieved automatically from the Tripadvisor forums.

This research adopted text mining techniques to evaluate a large data set consisting of 23,515 unique cases after several sorting, filtering, and refining processes. Comments posted on TripAdvisor forums of the US, Europe, and Asia regions were analyzed. Within the scope of the research, a total of 74,768 sentences containing 1,329,825 words were employed for evaluation.

The results of this research reveal that the tourism sector is very sensitive and easily affected by global crises. The crisis that started with the emergence of COVID-19 became the focal point of travelers, even when it was still in local dimensions. It is almost the same day that travelers make a decision to cancel or delay their trips, with the spread of the news. With the announcement of the COVID-19 case as a pandemic, travelers decided to cancel the trips immediately and started to discuss travel assurance issues.

The most frequently repeated words within the cases were, respectively, PEOPLE, TRAVEL, VIRUS, DAY, CASE, TIME, CANCEL, and TRIP. All of these words had a frequency of over 3000. Therefore, even this limited number of tokens indicated that most of the users tend to cancel their trips.

In order to reveal the thematic structure of the cases and to reveal a clearer insight into the big picture, topic extraction was performed. The cancellation of travel plans was first on the agenda of travelers, from the keywords; cancellation of trips was mentioned in 40.81% of the cases. It is evident that tourism will be one of the most affected industries by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this analysis offered insight into the speed and size of the effect.

These findings are indicative of the sudden entry of the tourism sector into a bottleneck. Although it is not clear when major crises such as epidemic, pandemic, natural disaster, terrorism will occur, it is quite difficult and costly to be ready for them. The B plan of the tourism sector can be attracting tourists from different locations, highlighting different attractions, presenting influencers as brand faces, and increasing location reputation. However, in global crises, all of these plans lose their meaning and effectiveness.

Another negative aspect of these crises is that it takes time for travelers to return to their old mobility even after the crisis has ended. People are affected by the environment of fear, anxiety, and insecurity for a long time and they become accustomed to staying still and local. This trend further extends the tourism industry's reinstatement time.

Phrase extraction revealed that TRAVEL INSURANCE scored as the second most frequently repeated phrase after CORONA VIRUS. Travel insurance refers to protecting travelers from trip cancellation to flight delays and ensuring assistance for medical emergency or baggage loss. The evaluation of the phrases with high co-occurrence frequency indicated that people were anxious and in search of insurance or refund solutions during the crisis. Also, the cases containing CREDIT CARD mentioned banks' specific return practices; additionally, the ways to apply for refund are described. Conformably topic extraction uncovered several topics consisted of comments on benefiting from travel insurance, refund, and reimbursement due to the travel cancellations. Travelers were looking for ways to make their travel cancellations with minimal financial losses.

Within this context, one of the striking findings that emerged within the scope of this study is that the travelers grasped the importance of travel insurance. Travel insurance has become a hot topic in all forums, especially in the Europe and Asia forums, after the announcement of the pandemic. Travelers who did not take into account the possibility of crises and risks occurring and ruining their travel plan, and did not need to invest in travel insurance, sought different ways for refund.

5.1. Implications

The travel industry already faced difficulties. Many companies mastered the challenges of digitization and were successful in the changing environment. However, the magnitude of the consequences of Covid-19 is not comparable to previous crises.

Important information reaches millions of people instantly, thanks to the Internet, which has many benefits and some disadvantages. Technological advances make it compulsory to keep abreast of the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world. In this study, these generalizations are critical for the tourism industry, as supported by the date range and statistical analyzes. Travelers react to sudden changes and tourism businesses need more time to prepare plan B. Players in the tourism sector must conduct accurate risk analysis and develop appropriate crisis management policies to survive.

The study implies that the tourism industry is greatly affected by the outbreak, as expected. Also, the findings provide original clues in terms of necessary steps that should be taken to reanimate the industry. Comments indicate that travel insurance would be on the list of must-haves from now on. Tourism companies that would include this option in their travel packages for free or at small prices would be preferred. Travelers should make sure their plans are safe and protected to temp to invest in the tourism industry. In this context, travel insurance and the possibility of change of date or location without paying a fee difference can encourage travelers to make future travel plans and ensure tourist mobility.

Flexibility and agility are two critical features needed in the tourism industry. In the future, it is expected that the need for mobility, consumption, and freedom will remain high, but a reflection will shape it on the local context. Along with efforts to normalize, the tourism sector needs to provide confidence to travelers against the risks. Updates to the travel insurance, refund, and plan change policies are required so that enterprises can serve with full reliability and flexibility.

Declarations of Competing Interest

Acknowledgements, biographies.

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Object name is fx1_lrg.jpg

Naciye Güliz Uğur is a faculty member of the Management Information Systems Department at Sakarya University. Uğur received her BA, MA, and Ph.D. in the field of Management Information Systems. She has more than five years of industry experience in the Business & Management field and gives lectures on information systems, system analysis and design, operations research, and human-technology interaction. Her research interests include socio-psychological theories, diffusion of innovations, and behavioral aspects of emerging technologies.

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Object name is fx2_lrg.jpg

Adem Akbıyık is an associate professor of Management Information Systems. His research is focused on consumer analytics, HR analytics, and social media analysis. He has taught courses focusing on requirements management, system analysis and design, and IS project management. Dr. Akbiyik completed his Ph.D. at Sakarya University, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the McMaster Digital Transformation Research Centre (MDTRC) at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.

1 (2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov)




Appendix A. Particle velocity in the dilute region

The updated dataset consists of 107,232 unique cases, recorded between December 30, 2019, and April 26, 2020. The majority of the cases (n=65,261) are recorded in Europe, the US, and Asia forums.

In the graphic below, the changes in the number of comments by region are listed chronologically and the rise, peak, and fall areas for each region are visualized.

Unlabelled Image

One of the remarkable points in the chart is that all forums reached their peak in the week of March 9, when Italy became a restricted zone, and the government decided to extend the restrictions on freedom of movement across the country due to the pandemic. During the same week, more countries (Spain, Austria, Germany) banned the entry of people from countries severely affected by Covid-19. People from Europe were no longer allowed to enter the US. WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 12. The peak week was when the most critical decisions regarding the pandemic were taken.

As the outbreak spread rapidly and numbers of cases and deaths increased, various measures were taken. Many countries closed their borders completely. National and international events, including the Olympics, were postponed. Toward the end of April, the number of discussions of this issue in all forums deceased.

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Tourism Essay

500+ words essay on tourism.

Tourism is an incredible way to showcase India’s rich and magnificent history, culture and diversity. Its magnificent monuments attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. The natural surroundings, the architectural masterpieces, the music, dance, paintings, customs and languages all make India a tourist paradise. The tourism industry occupies a unique place as it is one of the major emerging segments of the Indian economy. It brings huge foreign exchange and generates employment. This essay on tourism will help students to understand India as a destination for tourists.

Students can also go through the CBSE Essays to get the list of essay topics. It helps them in improving their writing skills. Moreover, they can participate in various essay writing competitions conducted in schools.

India as a Tourism Paradise

India has made a unique place on the world tourism map because of its rich natural and cultural diversity. In India, tourism is the third-largest industry in which about ten million people are employed directly or indirectly. Its visitor-friendly traditions, varied lifestyles, cultural heritage, colourful fairs and festivals are attractions for tourists. From ancient times, the rulers in different parts of India built luxurious palaces, wonderful temples, evergreen gardens, high forts and tombs. India is very rich in natural and cultural landscapes for tourism. The beautiful beaches, wildlife, national parks, sanctuaries, snow cover, rivers, mountain peaks, technological parks, and centres of pilgrimage are some of the tourist attractions in India. Heritage trains, yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Siddha and natural health resorts also attract tourists in great numbers.

The beauty of the cultural heritage and natural sites makes India a tourist paradise. We respect our guests and treat them as God. That is why we developed a cultural tradition where ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ (Guest is God). India is the centre of spiritualism. The spiritual destinations are attracting a huge number of domestic and international tourists to India. Indian handicrafts, particularly jewellery, carpets, leather goods, and brass work, are the main shopping items for foreign tourists.

Benefits of Tourism

In the era of globalisation, travel and tourism activities have increased significantly. Promoting tourism not only creates jobs, drives exports, and generates prosperity across the world but also leads to several intangible benefits. It acts as a cultural adhesive that can be wielded as a powerful tool for global peace and integrity. It also helps people of far-flung areas to promote their culture and norms and provides the opportunity for a country to showcase various facets of its natural and cultural heritage across the world. Tourism also creates incentives for the conservation and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of countries. They can help meet the cost of the conservation of archaeological and historic sites and prevent the deterioration or disappearance of these sites.

Tourism activities are considered to be one of the major sources of economic growth. It can be regarded as a mechanism for generating employment as well as income in both formal and informal sectors. The speedy growth of tourism causes an increase in household incomes and government revenues. Central and State Governments are taking a number of initiatives to promote tourism in India.

The travel and tourism industry has witnessed substantial growth in the recent period. It has immense potential for further expansion in the tourism sector on account of the vast natural and cultural heritage in India. There are several challenges in the tourism industry. Alleviation of these challenges will be essential for the industry to realise its full potential. The measures put in the tourism sector today will shape the tourism of tomorrow.

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global tourism essay

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These are the top 10 countries for travel and tourism

A plane flying across Miami Beach, United States.

The US retains its prime position in the World Economic Forum's latest Travel & Tourism Development Index. Image:  Unsplash/EveLazco

.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo{-webkit-transition:all 0.15s ease-out;transition:all 0.15s ease-out;cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:none;color:inherit;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:hover,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:focus,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-focus]{box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(168,203,251,0.5);} Charlotte Edmond

A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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  • Pent-up demand after the pandemic is expected to drive passenger numbers back up to pre-pandemic levels in 2024.
  • The recovery of the travel and tourism sector since the pandemic has been uneven, however, and some nations are better placed than others to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the future.
  • The top three best-placed countries for travel and tourism are the US, Spain and Japan, according to the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index.

If you were desperate to get away after the restrictions and enforced staying at home of the pandemic years, you were far from alone.

Global international tourist arrivals are expected to meet pre-pandemic levels in 2024 driven by this pent-up demand. But, the recovery of the travel and tourism sector since the pandemic has not been without challenges. Add to that macroeconomic, geopolitical and environmental factors, which have added pressures on the industry.

These pressures will amplify and evolve over the coming years and, along with the growth of digital technologies and AI, may well force the travel industry to adapt.

Some economies are better placed than others to make these changes, respond to future risks and ensure that travel and tourism is a driver of economic growth and prosperity.

With this in mind, the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) aims to serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to gauge progress, inform decisions and policies, and encourage sustainable and resilient growth.

A mixed recovery in challenging conditions

Europe dominates the top 10 economies for T&T, as ranked by the 2023 index, although the top spot is clinched by the US.

List showing the countries on the overall rankings in the Travel and Tourism Index.

But the index also shows that while 71 of the 119 economies it ranks improved their scores between 2019 and 2023, the average improvement is just 0.7% above pre-pandemic levels.

On the one hand, the rebound in travel and tourism has coincided with rising global air route capacity and connectivity, improved international openness, and increased investment in natural and cultural resources driving tourism. On the other hand, non-leisure demand is still lagging, there are ongoing labour shortages, and air route capacity and connectivity, capital investment and productivity have struggled to keep pace with demand.

This has created a supply and demand imbalance which, along with inflationary pressures, has led to reduced price competitiveness and service disruptions.

Charts showcasing the scores for Travel and Tourism Index.

Europe and Asia-Pacific have the most favourable conditions

Of the top 30 TTDI scorers in 2023, 26 are high-income countries. Nineteen of them are based in Europe, and seven in Asia Pacific.

These countries benefit from favourable business environments and labour markets, open travel policies, advanced technology adoption, excellent transport and tourism infrastructure, and rich natural, cultural and non-leisure attractions.

As a result, this group of 30 accounted for more than three-quarters of T&T industry GDP in 2022, and 70% of GDP growth between 2020 and 2022.

Map showcasing the scores for Travel and Tourism Index.

But although this group is leading the way, many of the above-average improvements in scores come from low- to upper-middle-income countries, including sub-Saharan and North Africa, Eurasia, South America, South Asia, and the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

While many have shown improvements, these less affluent countries still make up the vast majority of below-average scorers in the index. More investment is needed to help increase their share of the market and improve their readiness for future risks and opportunities.

Progress needed on resilience and equality

The ability of the travel and tourism sector to grow is limited by challenges like tight labour markets, growing fiscal constraints and concerns around health and security conditions. Labour market resilience will be an increasingly important factor for the sector, but issues like equality of job opportunities, workers’ rights and social protection are holding many economies – particularly low- and middle-income ones – back in this area.

As other sectors proceed to decarbonize, the aviation sector could account for a much higher share of global greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century than its 2%-3% share today.

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) can reduce the life-cycle carbon footprint of aviation fuel by up to 80%, but they currently make up less than 0.1% of total aviation fuel consumption. Enabling a shift from fossil fuels to SAFs will require a significant increase in production, which is a costly investment.

The Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) Coalition is a global initiative driving the transition to sustainable aviation fuels as part of the aviation industry’s ambitious efforts to achieve carbon-neutral flying.

The coalition brings together government leaders, climate experts and CEOs from aviation, energy, finance and other sectors who agree on the urgent need to help the aviation industry reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The coalition aims to advance the commercial scale of viable production of sustainable low-carbon aviation fuels (bio and synthetic) for broad adoption in the industry by 2030. Initiatives include a mechanism for aggregating demand for carbon-neutral flying, a co-investment vehicle and geographically specific value-chain industry blueprints.

Learn more about the Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition's impact and contact us to find out how you can get involved.

Another major hurdle for the sector is balancing growth with sustainability. Although there has been broad progress in areas like energy sustainability, some progress – like the fall in emissions seen during the pandemic – is likely to only be temporary.

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World Tourism Day 2024: Tourism and Peace

  • All Regions

27 September 2024 | Tbilisi, Georgia

The pursuit of peace is a continuing endeavour, and progress through tourism is more relevant than ever. Tourism can play a vital role as a catalyst for fostering peace and understanding between nations and cultures and in supporting reconciliation processes.

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