School operations

The purpose of this policy is to ensure all schools work with their school communities to develop and communicate a considered homework policy.

  • Victorian government schools are required to have a homework policy and communicate it to staff, parents/carers and students.
  • The content of this policy is not prescribed, but should be evidence-informed and comprehensive, and must be developed in consultation with the school community.
  • School council approval of a school’s homework policy is not required.
  • A homework policy template is available on the School Policy Templates Portal External Link (staff login required); schools are encouraged to adapt this template to suit their needs.

Victorian government schools are required to have a homework policy.

The content of this policy is not prescribed by the Department, but should be evidence-informed and comprehensive, outlining:

  • a rationale for the elements of the school’s policy
  • the responsibilities and expectations of teachers, students and parents/carers in setting, completing, monitoring and responding to homework

The school’s homework policy must be developed in consultation with the school council, as representatives of the school community, and school staff and students. School council approval of a school’s homework policy is not required.

Victorian government schools must periodically communicate their homework policy to staff, parents, carers and students through available communication channels (such as the school newsletter, or by placing the policy on the school’s website).

The setting of homework can be seen as one way of:

  • complementing and reinforcing classroom learning
  • fostering good lifelong learning and study habits
  • developing self-regulation processes such as goal-setting, self-efficacy, self-reflection and time management
  • supporting partnerships with parents/carers by connecting families with the learning of their children

The effectiveness of homework can be enhanced when:

  • it is set at an appropriate level for each student, supporting those who are experiencing difficulty and extending those of high-ability
  • it is related to essential learning at school
  • choice in tasks is provided
  • it is assessed by teachers, either formally or informally, with feedback provided
  • it supports students to have a balance of school-related and non-school related activity in their lives (i.e. where the amount of homework set provides sufficient additional time for students to engage with family, sport and recreation, cultural pursuits and employment, where appropriate)


Homework Tasks assigned to students by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during non-school hours.

Reviewed 11 January 2024

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Policy last updated

15 June 2020

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Advice on Creating Homework Policies

Getting students to work on their homework assignments is not always a simple task. Teachers need to take the initiative to create homework policies that encourage students to work hard to improve their achievement in the classroom setting. Educational leadership starts with making a policy that helps students learn and achieve while competing with extracurricular activities and the interests of students.

Set high standards

Homework policies need to have high standards to encourage students to work hard on achieving the best possible results. Student achievement in school improves when teachers set high standards and tell students that they are expected to meet the standards set in the classroom.

By setting high standards for the homework policy, teachers are ensuring that the students will be more willing to work on getting assignments done. The policies for homework that teachers and parents create can help improve student understanding of materials and result in better grades and scores on standardized tests.

Focus on study skills

Teaching students in their early education is a complicated task. Teachers need to balance the age of the students with the expected school, state and federal educational standards. Although the temptation to create a homework policy that focuses on repetition and traditional assignments can make the policy easy to create, it also removes the focus from establishing strong study skills and habits to engage students in education.

Creating a homework policy for younger students in the elementary grades should avoid traditional assignments and focus on building study skills and encouraging learning. Older students after elementary school are ready to take on written assignments rather than using technology and other tools.

Putting more focus on study skills will set a stronger foundation for homework in the future. As students get into higher grades, the type of assignments will focus on writing with a pen or pencil. The age of the student must be considered and the goal is to create a strong foundation for the future.

Involve the parents

Getting parents involved in the homework policy will encourage students to study and complete the assigned tasks. Asking parents to get involved to facilitate assignments will ensure students are learning without the parents completing the assignment for their child.

The goal of involving the parents in the homework policy is getting the family to take an interest in ensuring the assignments are completed. The best assignments will allow the student to manage the work without seeking answers from a parent. That allows parents to supervise and encourage their child without giving the answers.

Give consequences for incomplete assignments

Homework is an important part of providing educational leadership in the classroom. Although parental involvement and high standards can help encourage students to study, it is also important to clearly state the consequences if assignments are incomplete or not turned in on time.

A clear homework policy will lay out the possible consequences of avoiding assignments or turning in incomplete work. Consequences can vary based on the student grade level and age, but can include lowering the grades on a report card or taking away classroom privileges.

Although it is important to provide details about the consequences of avoiding the assignments, teachers can also use a reward system to motivate students to complete their work. Rewards can focus on the entire class or on individual rewards, depending on the situation. For example, teachers can give a small candy when students complete five assignments in a row.

Consequences and rewards can serve as a motivating factor when it comes to the homework policy. By clearly stating the potential downsides and the benefits to the student, it is easier for students to focus on the work.

Creating homework policies is part of educational leadership in the classroom. Although homework must focus on helping students achieve, it also needs to clearly state the expectations and give details about the benefits and consequences of different actions. By giving a clear policy from the first day of school, the students will know what to expect and can gain motivation to work on achieving the best results.

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Creating a Homework Policy With Meaning and Purpose

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We have all had time-consuming, monotonous, meaningless homework assigned to us at some point in our life. These assignments often lead to frustration and boredom and students learn virtually nothing from them. Teachers and schools must reevaluate how and why they assign homework to their students. Any assigned homework should have a purpose.

Assigning homework with a purpose means that through completing the assignment, the student will be able to obtain new knowledge, a new skill, or have a new experience that they may not otherwise have. Homework should not consist of a rudimentary task that is being assigned simply for the sake of assigning something. Homework should be meaningful. It should be viewed as an opportunity to allow students to make real-life connections to the content that they are learning in the classroom. It should be given only as an opportunity to help increase their content knowledge in an area.

Differentiate Learning for All Students

Furthermore, teachers can utilize homework as an opportunity to differentiate learning for all students. Homework should rarely be given with a blanket "one size fits all" approach. Homework provides teachers with a significant opportunity to meet each student where they are and truly extend learning. A teacher can give their higher-level students more challenging assignments while also filling gaps for those students who may have fallen behind. Teachers who use homework as an opportunity to differentiate we not only see increased growth in their students, but they will also find they have more time in class to dedicate to whole group instruction .

See Student Participation Increase

Creating authentic and differentiated homework assignments can take more time for teachers to put together. As often is the case, extra effort is rewarded. Teachers who assign meaningful, differentiated, connected homework assignments not only see student participation increase, they also see an increase in student engagement. These rewards are worth the extra investment in time needed to construct these types of assignments.

Schools must recognize the value in this approach. They should provide their teachers with professional development that gives them the tools to be successful in transitioning to assign homework that is differentiated with meaning and purpose. A school's homework policy should reflect this philosophy; ultimately guiding teachers to give their students reasonable, meaningful, purposeful homework assignments.

Sample School Homework Policy

Homework is defined as the time students spend outside the classroom in assigned learning activities. Anywhere Schools believes the purpose of homework should be to practice, reinforce, or apply acquired skills and knowledge. We also believe as research supports that moderate assignments completed and done well are more effective than lengthy or difficult ones done poorly.

Homework serves to develop regular study skills and the ability to complete assignments independently. Anywhere Schools further believes completing homework is the responsibility of the student, and as students mature they are more able to work independently. Therefore, parents play a supportive role in monitoring completion of assignments, encouraging students’ efforts and providing a conducive environment for learning.

Individualized Instruction

Homework is an opportunity for teachers to provide individualized instruction geared specifically to an individual student. Anywhere Schools embraces the idea that each student is different and as such, each student has their own individual needs. We see homework as an opportunity to tailor lessons specifically for an individual student meeting them where they are and bringing them to where we want them to be. 

Homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline, and lifelong learning habits. It is the intention of the Anywhere School staff to assign relevant, challenging, meaningful, and purposeful homework assignments that reinforce classroom learning objectives. Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply and extend the information they have learned complete unfinished class assignments, and develop independence.

The actual time required to complete assignments will vary with each student’s study habits, academic skills, and selected course load. If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teachers.

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Although there is little consensus in literature as to whether homework raises student achievement there is some evidence that schools who do homework tend to be more successful. Staff at Berry Public School strongly believe homework has a positive impact on our cohort of students and their learning. Staff have found that homework has assisted in consolidating new skills, increase confidence and fluency in Reading, helped students develop self-motivating work patterns and routine, and has shown improvement in Mathematics and Spelling. The majority of the Berry Public School parent/carers and students either strongly agree or agree that they understand the benefits of homework.

Homework strengthens home and school links. It should be seen by teachers, students and parent/carers as a vital part of the home-school partnership and as an opportunity for parents to see how their child is progressing in their learning. Homework should also be achievable and relevant for the students. At Berry Public School most parents believe the amount of homework their child currently receives is ‘just the right amount’. 

Policy statement

The NSW Department of Education and Communities Homework Guidelines state that homework should be relevant to the needs of students, developed in consultations with key community stakeholders including parents/carers, students and teachers and communicated to all.

The aim of this policy is ensure that the expectations of homework at Berry Public School are effectively communicated and that there are clear roles and responsibilities of the students, teachers and parents/carers.


What constitutes are homework at Berry Public School:

Homework may include spelling, reading, or Mathematics practice and consolidation or projects based on topics being studied in class.

School Executive Responsibilities:

·         Ensure homework policy is communicated at time of student enrolment

·         Ensure homework is consistent across each stage and age appropriate

Teacher Responsibilities:

·         Inform parents/carers at the beginning of the year at the parent information night about the homework expectations and requirements including routines of when homework may be set and due and how parents and student can access assistance if needed

·         Send home a note (attachment A) at the beginning of the year outlining homework requirements and giving parents the option to support homework or opt out

·         Set homework that is relevant to students’ level of understanding, age and what they are currently learning about and in line with what the Stage has decided

·         Keep records of homework completion.

·         NOTE: it is not a requirement of a teacher to set work for a student who is on leave.

Parent/Carer Responsibilities:

·         Take an active interest in their child’s/children’s homework

·         Support their child in completing their homework

·         Assist teachers in monitoring homework and contact the class teacher if they believe their child is finding the homework unachievable or if they have concerns about their child’s approach to homework.

·         Encourage their child to organise their homework time to ensure quality homework is achieved within given time frames

·         Sign letter outlining homework expectations at the beginning of each school year to support homework or opt out.

·         Take responsibility for setting and providing additional homework for their child.

Student Responsibilities:

·         Listen to class teacher when homework is explained and ask if they are unsure of any expectations

·         Keep homework materials organised and return homework/readers on time

·         Complete homework within the set timeframe

·         Take responsibility for their homework, supported by their parents and caregivers

·         Seek assistance from class teacher when difficulties arise before the homework is due

Monitoring, evaluation and review

·         The homework policy will be in place from 2020 at Berry Public School.

·         School executive will be responsible for monitoring the policy execution.  

·         The homework policy will be reviewed and evaluated in 2025.

Key Documents

·         NSW Public Schools Homework Policy: Guidelines (NSW Department of Education and Communities, 2012)

·         Berry Public School Presentation PowerPoint from parent survey, staff survey and student survey results 2019 (server)

·         Homework: Primary (Evidence for Learning, 2019)

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How to Write the Perfect Homework Policy

Author: Naimish Gohil

Posted: 10 May 2017

Estimated time to read: 4 mins

Homework is an integral part to the learning process and as such, each school should have a clear homework policy readily available to teachers, students and parents that sets out your expectations when it comes to home-learning .

how to write the perfect homework policy

A clear and effective homework policy will mean that quality and quantity of homework can be easily tracked and all stakeholders are on the same page. We've created our own Homework Policy that you can adapt for use in your school or use as an outline when creating your own policy:

1‭. ‬Introduction

This is the school’s policy for the provision of homework to pupils and has been drawn up in accordance with guidance from the DFE and Sutton Education Trust‭.‬ It must be recognised that parents play a vital role in the education of their child‭, ‬therefore it is important and valuable to‭ ‬have a good home-school partnership‭, ‬of which a homework policy must address‭.‬

2‭. ‬Homework‭ - ‬A definition

Homework is defined as any work or activity that students are asked to undertake outside of lesson time‭, ‬either on their own or‭ ‬with the aid of parents and carers‭. ‬Homework doesn’t necessarily have to be completed at home but can be completed in free periods and after-school homework clubs‭. ‬We see work completed outside of lesson time as a valuable part of a student’s learning‭.‬

3‭. ‬The purpose of homework‭ ‬

The school regards the purpose of homework as being to‭:‬

  • ‭ Provide learners with the opportunity to work on an activity that is relevant to learning outcomes‭, ‬or that contributes to gaining qualifications/accreditations‭.‬
  • Develop an effective partnership between the school‭, ‬parents and carers in pursuing the academic aims of the school and the development of their child‭.‬
  • Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding prior to the following lesson‭, ‬particularly in English and Mathematics‭.‬
  • Extend learning across the curriculum‭, ‬for example through additional reading‭.‬
  • Encourage pupils as they get older to develop the confidence‭, ‬self-discipline and independence to develop organisational skills‭.‬

As a school‭, ‬we encourage children to pursue out-of-school activities‭. ‬Homework should be used to effectively reinforce and/or extend what is learned in school‭. ‬We hope that children will feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and that their efforts will be recognised and praised both at home and at school‭. ‬

Homework tasks should be undertaken to the best of‭ ‬their ability‭. ‬We hope that parents and carers will be willing and able to give their active support to ensure that work completed at home is done so conscientiously and in the best possible conditions‭.‬

4‭. ‬Current practice‭ ‬

At the beginning of the academic year‭, ‬each year group will be informed about what is expected of them with regards to homework‭.‬

5‭. ‬Time to be spent completing homework

Based on current good practice‭, ‬we ask pupils to spend the following amount of time on homework‭:‬

Years 7‭ ‬to 9‭:                   ‬1‭ - ‬2‭ ‬hours per day

Years 10‭ ‬&‭ ‬11‭:                ‬1‭ - ‬3‭ ‬hours per day‭ ‬

Pupils may be expected to undertake a variety of homework activities‭. ‬These activities will differ depending on the teacher and‭ ‬subject‭. ‬Examples include‭: ‬Reading tasks‭, ‬numeracy tests‭, ‬spelling tests‭, ‬quizzes‭, ‬project work‭, ‬classwork extensions‭, ‬coursework‭, ‬essays and research activities‭.‬ As a general rule‭, ‬teachers will not usually set substantial homework tasks to be completed for the next day‭, ‬pupils will have at least two days to complete any work set‭.‬

6‭. ‬Pupil feedback

The school recognises the importance of providing prompt and actionable feedback to pupils‭, ‬parents and carers‭. ‬Feedback will include how well homework tasks have been tackled‭, ‬and the knowledge‭, ‬skills and understanding developed‭.

‬A variety of methods will be used to provide feedback‭, ‬such as an appropriate comment of praise‭, ‬appreciation or area for improvement‭. ‬Any given feedback will vary according to the age of the pupil‭.‬

7‭. ‬Where to access the school homework policy

The school will use newsletters to inform parents and carers about the school’s homework policy and secure their involvement‭. ‬The homework policy‭, ‬as well as useful information for parents in supporting their child’s learning‭, ‬is displayed on the school website‭. ‬

Parents’‭ ‬Evenings and New Intake Evenings will be used to promote this partnership and obtain feedback‭ (‬e.g‭. ‬English and Mathematics workshops‭). ‬Homework questionnaires will be used where appropriate to ascertain parent views‭. ‬Parents will be consulted about any significant changes to the policy that are being considered by the governing body‭.‬

8‭. ‬Reviewing the policy

The homework policy will be reviewed every year‭. ‬Where significant changes to the policy are felt to be required‭, ‬proposals will‭ ‬be presented to the governing body and parents consulted‭.‬

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Nike ate my homework: Tigers City Connect jerseys are carbon copy of another Detroit team

By mark powell | may 6, 2024.

Kansas City Royals v Detroit Tigers

Nike's City Connect jerseys were met with mixed reviews the last few seasons. At first, some creativity added to a 162-game schedule made sense. But as we've seen of late, these new uniforms have grown stale and borderline bad.

The Detroit Tigers were the latest team to unveil new colors. Detroit's home whites are some of the best in the sport, if I do say so myself, while the ol' English D is as iconic of logo as one can find in professional sports. The Tigers City Connect jerseys embraces the city moniker as the 'Motor City', a concept that would be unique if it hadn't been done before.

We got next. #MotorCity — Detroit Tigers (@tigers) May 6, 2024

Chris Creamer was the first to point out the obvious comparison to the Detroit Pistons NBA jerseys, which also read 'Motor City' on the front.

"As expected, the uniform leans into Detroit’s “Motor City” heritage and its ties to the automobile industry. We’ve seen other Nike-outfitted teams from Detroit trot out this link before, with theseveral times as part of their City Edition series."

Did Nike copy the Pistons City Edition series for Tigers City Connect uniforms?

Nothing about these uniforms are inherently bad. It doesn't deviate from Detroit's typical colors, which is a plus. There are also plenty of small details which incorporate the city's history as well as the Tigers previous World Series seasons. I'm all about that.

"The ballcaps are that same shade of dark, almost black navy blue, with DETROIT in white italics across the front. On the right side of the cap is a series of numbers presented in the style of a car’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). It reads DET190135456884 — Tigers fans shouldn’t require an explanation for the importance of the numbers in there, but for those who don’t follow the tabbies, it’s a series of years starting with 1901 – the year the Tigers were founded and followed by ’35, ’45, ’68, and ’84 the four seasons in which they won the World Series. The undervisor of the cap is royal blue with," Creamer explained.

Yet, they just look too similar to the Pistons alternates.

“Yeah, you can copy my homework. Just don’t make it obvious.” — DraftKings (@DraftKings) May 6, 2024

Yes, there are some minor differences, but the resemblance is rather obvious. The fact Nike is responsible for both uniforms doesn't help matters.

The Tigers City Connect jerseys aren't bad, per say, but they lack creativity and are an obvious duplicate of a previous uniform Nike designed. That makes these the worst yet.

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Homework is often revision of what is covered in class. As well as regular weekly homework, your child may have assessments such as assignments or projects with due dates.

Homework tips

A key to success is being organised. To avoid Thursday night meltdowns about incomplete homework, read our Homework tips.

Tips for all ages

These tips are relevant for all students Kindergarten to Year 12.

  • Ask your child about their homework, know what they are learning about and when assignments are due.
  • Use our term assessment planner (DOCX 53.57KB) to record when assessments and exams are scheduled so you can help your child prepare in advance. Make 'to-do' lists to spread out the workload.
  • Get into a routine of doing homework at a set time, ideally a little each day.
  • pens and pencils
  • highlighters
  • scrap paper
  • printing paper
  • computer and internet access
  • Turn mobiles to 'aeroplane mode' or off so there are no disruptions.
  • If there's no set homework, encourage your child to do some reading. For younger kids, it's great for them to read aloud to you. For older kids, ask them to tell you about what they have been reading.
  • Don't jump in and give answers, homework is about helping kids become independent learners.
  • Encourage your child to start assignments as soon as they receive them -this will reduce any night-before stress.
  • Your child needs to do their own projects and assignments. There's no point submitting work done by anyone other than the student. Teachers need to know what students can do independently.
  • If your child is having difficulty with their homework, contact their class teacher for help.
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Communication and Engagement

Joe Biden's hopes for a second term could rise or fall in Detroit

President Joe Biden's reelection campaign is placing Detroit at the center of its early efforts in Michigan, a move that points to some Democrats' optimism and others' concerns about the city's make-or-break role in the upcoming election.

Sunday night's NAACP Detroit Branch's Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner at the Huntington Place convention center is scheduled to feature a keynote address from Biden, capping a two-week period in which Detroit has also drawn visits from Vice President Kamala Harris and first lady Jill Biden .

As Joe Biden is expected to compete in a close race against Republican Donald Trump in November, the last three presidential elections have demonstrated the difference the turnout of voters in Detroit can make for Democrats. Democrat Barack Obama got 281,743 votes in Detroit in 2012, when he cruised to reelection victory in Michigan, while Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the state in 2016 and scored 46,000 fewer votes out of the city than Obama did: 234,871.

State Rep. Tyrone Carter, the Democrat who chairs the legislative Detroit Caucus, said his party's members believe if they do well in Detroit, they'll carry the state. Carter said Republicans have shown they know it, too, by their emphasis on challenging vote counting and the results in Detroit after the 2020 presidential election .

"So goes Detroit, so goes the state, so goes the election," Carter said. "A lot of us in office understand that."

In 2020, Trump got 5% of the vote in Detroit, a higher percentage than past Republican nominees, including the 3% he got in the city in 2016. But 2020 was also a higher turnout election. Biden got 240,936 votes in the city, about 6,000 more than Clinton did in 2016.

Biden also did better statewide, winning Michigan by 154,000 votes, 51%-48% after Trump won the state by 10,700 votes or two-tenths of a percentage point in 2016.

In the rematch this fall, some Democrats are worried about Biden's ability to recapture the numbers he collected four years ago.

Carter, who spent 25 years with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, said he believes Detroit voters will ultimately side with Biden after comparing his policy record with Trump's. But he acknowledged that the upcoming election is not spurring much excitement.

"Whether you like Donald Trump or not, he provokes an emotion in people, good or bad," Carter said. "I don't think Biden does that, because he's just Steady Joe."

Adolph Mongo, who's worked in Detroit politics for decades, said he's "big time" concerned Detroit voters will simply choose to stay home and not vote this fall, which he contended is effectively a vote for Trump.

Trump is "unhinged," Mongo said. But as Biden is in the White House, Detroiters are concerned about jobs, the price of groceries, crime and the quality of their schools, he said.

"You’re looking at your grandfather. And he’s still driving a car. He still knows how to drive. But you know his reflexes aren’t as sharp as they used to be," Mongo said of the 81-year-old incumbent president.

Focused on Detroit?

Mongo said so far, he's seen no outreach from Trump's campaign into Detroit.

In a statement, Karoline Leavitt, national press secretary for the Trump campaign, said the team has paid staffers and volunteer-powered field programs operating in every battleground state.

"Our aggressive and experienced operation is focused on turning out votes and highlighting the contrast between Joe Biden’s weakness and failures with President Trump’s record of success," Leavitt said.

Similarly, Victoria LaCivita, communications director for Trump's team in Michigan, argued that Biden has been losing support in traditional Democratic strongholds, like Detroit. Republicans have targeted rising costs in their criticisms of the incumbent president.

“Democrat policies have long failed Detroit, and come November, voters will turn out to support President Donald J. Trump and his policies to restore the city — and our country — back to greatness," LaCivita said.

Ahead of Biden's trip to Michigan Sunday, Trey Baker, a senior adviser to his campaign, released a memo touting Biden's efforts to reach Black voters. Over the weekend, Biden is scheduled to deliver the commencement address at Morehouse College, a historically Black college in Georgia, and visit a Black-owned small business in Detroit.

About 78% of Detroit's population is Black, according to the U.S. Census .

"Every day, from now until Election Day, we will continue working diligently to ensure that come November, Black voters send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House to continue delivering for Black America in unprecedented ways," Baker said in his memo.

Truck driver Jevon Thomas, 29, lives just outside Detroit in Lincoln Park with his wife and kids, ages 2 and 4. He said he voted for Biden in 2020 but is undecided on the anticipated Biden-Trump rematch in November. He's disappointed there are not enough employment opportunities in urban areas.

“I don’t really see any effects of what Biden’s doing, and Trump is battling a case right now, so I don’t know what to do with either one,” Thomas said.

“What I’ve been hearing all about is what Biden’s been doing for Israel and Ukraine. But not for people in my area,” added Thomas, who grew up on Detroit’s west side.

“I just feel like Joe Biden is too damn old. He’s so focused on Israel, and I’m in Detroit. I see the downtown area advancing, you know, but there’s still murders happening in the hood.” 

'Show the policy'

To succeed in Detroit this fall, Biden needs to keep showing up in the city and reach out to regular citizens, Mongo advised.

On Sunday night, Biden will speak in Detroit at the NAACP Detroit Branch's 69th annual Fight for Freedom Dinner . In an interview set up by the Biden campaign, the Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the NAACP Detroit Branch, said the Democratic president has to continue embracing Black voters, showing them the policy actions he's taken and making them a priority.

“One of the things that made Bill Clinton such a great president is he touched the people," Anthony said. "You could feel him.”

As president in 2000, Clinton, a Democrat, spoke at the annual NAACP dinner in Detroit. Anthony said Clinton would talk to people in the back of meeting rooms and chat with waiters and waitresses.

"That kind of stuff goes a long way," Anthony said. "Because those kinds of people become ambassadors."

On policy, Biden's administration has taken actions that benefit African Americans, he contended, listing the president's moves to cancel or reduce student loans , boost funding for historically Black colleges and universities, and support measures to safeguard voting rights.

“Those are things that make a difference, not selling somebody some gold gym shoes,” Anthony said, referencing gold Trump-branded sneakers that the Republican candidate has promoted .

“If you really want to make a difference, show the policy,” Anthony said.

Jonathan Kinloch, chair of the 13th Congressional District Democratic Party, said Biden’s victory in Michigan hinges on the Black vote in southeast Michigan, especially this year with a segment of the president’s 2020 coalition threatening to stay home or vote for someone else in November over Biden's response to the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

Anger over Biden's support for Israel in the war spurred more than 100,000 residents to cast " uncommitted " ballots in protest during the state's Democratic presidential primary in February, with uncommitted defeating Biden in three Wayne County cities , Dearborn, Dearborn Heights and Hamtramck. Some of those voters might still turn out and return to Biden's fold, but others have promised not to.

Black voters in Michigan are going to be called on to “make up” those deficits by boosting turnout in other parts of Wayne County, said Kinloch, a Wayne County commissioner.

“Michigan is red until Black folks turn it blue, specifically Black people in Detroit and those communities along the I-94 and I-75 corridor. It’s most crucial that everyone understand that for us in Michigan, Black folks are the firewall against a Republican and Trump victory,” Kinloch said.

“Look, we're going to do what we always do, and we're going to come in, and we're gonna save the day.”

Kinloch noted that effort should be easier in 2024 with expanded options for early and absentee voting.

He contended that Black voters understand what’s at stake when faced with a second Trump presidency, emphasizing that the presumptive GOP nominee tried to suppress the Detroit vote in 2020 and wants to diminish Black freedoms and economic empowerment.

He added that Democrats need to do a better job at communicating their achievements and what they’ve done for Black and brown communities. 

“We’ve not had a person in the White House who’s been closely as linked and closely dedicated to the advancement of the city of Detroit and Black people as we have in President Biden, since the (former Detroit Mayor) Coleman Young’s relationship with Jimmy Carter,” Kinloch said.

“Joe Biden has been a partner to the city of Detroit, to Wayne County, and all marginalized communities have benefited from his administration. It’s an absolute reckless lie for anybody to state anything different.”

'What this election means'

Pollster Richard Czuba of the Lansing-based Glengariff Group, who is conducting surveys in the presidential race, said independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is "absolutely" a factor in Michigan’s battleground contest due to his appeal to some Black voters and centrist Republicans.

“We’re seeing in the numbers that Kennedy is attracting a certain portion of the Black vote. At one point, that portion of the Black vote was attracted to Trump. Now it’s attracted to Kennedy,” Czuba said. 

“There’s a lot of voters on both sides of the aisle and particularly in the middle who don’t like either choice, and so they’re just looking to not vote for one of them. ... Kennedy is the alternative candidate right now.”

Detroit’s Virgie Rollins, the Black Caucus chair for the Democratic National Committee, dismissed recent polls suggesting voters of color in swing states like Michigan aren’t happy with the president’s performance. No one in the community believes those surveys, she said.

“I think Black folks know what this election means for us. It’s about delivering the votes for Joe Biden, who has delivered for us,” Rollins said. 

She ticked off the areas where she said Biden has come through for the Black community, such as pursuing college debt forgiveness and the family-friendly child tax credit and securing additional funding for historically Black colleges and universities.

“Our democracy is on the ballot, Social Security is on the ballot, Medicare is on the ballot, racism is on the ballot, women’s health care is on the ballot, African American health care is on the ballot, disparities in the criminal justice system ― all on the ballot," she said.

Though public interest in the election seems low right now, she is confident the party’s outreach and get-out-the-vote efforts will be successful, noting that campaign offices have been set up around the state.

“The campaign has to listen to people in Michigan and not come in and run things. If they listen, it will be OK,” she said. “You can’t have outsiders telling insiders what to do.”

Rollins is organizing a Legacy Luncheon Saturday for 800 Democratic women from across the state, where first lady Jill Biden and second gentleman Doug Emhoff are set to speak.

“We’re hoping to get the women energized around the state,” said Rollins, past president of the DNC's Women's Caucus. “It’s going to be important that we come together and get organized, show unity."

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Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more

By Nancy Cordes , Kathryn Watson

Edited By Ellen Uchimiya

Updated on: May 14, 2024 / 7:34 PM EDT / CBS News

President Biden announced new tariffs Tuesday on Chinese electric vehicles, semiconductors, batteries, solar cells, steel and aluminum. The tariffs on Chinese EVs will rise to 100%, quadrupling the current tariff of 25%. 

It's the latest bid by the Biden administration to keep China from  undercutting U.S. companies  and threatening U.S. manufacturing jobs, many of which are union jobs. At the White House Tuesday, the president recognized union workers in the crowd, along with members of Congress from key manufacturing and swing states. Mr. Biden said he's "proud" to be labeled "the most pro-union president in American history." 

"I'm determined that the future of electric vehicles be made in America, by union workers, period," he said. 

The president is directing the tariff on solar cell imports from China to double to 50%. Tariff rates on certain steel and aluminum products will more than triple to 25%, up from 7.5% or less. The Biden administration is also doubling tariffs on Chinese semiconductors from 25% to 50% and increasing tariffs on Chinese medical supplies, batteries, critical minerals and ship-to-shore cranes. 

"The fact is, American workers can out-work and out-compete anyone, as long as the competition is far. But for too long, it hasn't been fair," Mr. Biden said. "For too long, it hasn't been fair."

The president said it's unfair for Chinese companies to create products cheaply because of subsidies from the Chinese government, and China's practice of overproducing what the market demands renders competition unfair. Mr. Biden kept his remarks brief Tuesday, citing impending rain that threatened to drench the Rose Garden.  

These steps together will raise tariffs on $18 billion in imports from China, the White House says, as the administration keeps in place Trump-era tariffs on China under Section 301. 

Leading up to the announcement, Biden administration officials insisted that addressing climate change is still important to the administration, as they continue to seek to protect U.S. businesses.  

"Cheap Chinese EVs that negatively impact U.S. businesses or workers do not further the cause of EVs in this country," a senior administration official said on a call with reporters Monday. 


Without going into detail about the policy change, national security adviser Jake Sullivan suggested the tariffs were intended to counter the threat posed by China's business practices. 

"It's no secret that the president, this entire administration, has been concerned about unfair practices by the [Chinese] that harm American workers and businesses, the issue of overcapacity, the ways in which China has put in place a series of non-market, distorting practices in strategic sectors," Sullivan told reporters at the White House Monday. 

Lael Brainard, director of the National Economic Council, told reporters Monday that China is "using the same playbook it has before to power its own growth at the expense of others" by "flooding global markets" with excess exports. 

In Beijing Tuesday, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said China "always opposes unilateral tariff hikes in violation of WTO (World Trade Organization) rules and will take all necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests," Agence France-Presse reports.

As far as the EV tariff goes, the move is largely symbolic, for now. Chinese EVs are not a big part of the EV market in the U.S., but China's exports overall have been rapidly increasing, up 50% over the past two years . China is producing EV cars that cost a fraction of those made by American automakers, and they're receiving glowing reviews. 

BYD, the world's largest EV manufacturer rolled out a new car, the Seagull, which the Associated Press says "drives well and is put together with craftsmanship that rivals U.S.-made electric vehicles that cost three times as much." It sells for around $12,000 in China, with a shorter-range version that's under $10,000. 

The new tariff dramatically hiking Chinese EV prices could ease some pressure on automakers, and on the United Auto Workers, which endorsed Mr. Biden's reelection bid in January, considerably later than in 2020. One of the sticking points was the president's efforts to transition the economy to EVs, which the union feared would hurt workers. In accepting the endorsement, Mr. Biden promised not to leave U.S. auto workers behind.

"China is determined to dominate that market, with EV predominantly made in China and Chinese jobs," he said . "The previous administration was content to sit on the sidelines and let China take all these jobs, but I won't let that happen."

He added that "companies transitioning to new technology should retool, reboot, and rehire in the same factories in the same communities with comparable wages, and existing union workers should have the first shot at those jobs."

Administration officials say the president's announcement about the tariffs is not related to the upcoming election. 

"This has nothing to do with politics," a senior administration official told reporters, stressing that the president's actions Tuesday reflect the conclusion of U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai's quadrennial review — that China has continued to engage in unfair business practices. 

Senior administration officials insisted the tariffs somehow will not result in higher prices for U.S. consumers. "No increases in costs," one of the senior administration officials said. 

Scott Lincicome, tariffs experts and vice president of general economics at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute, said the president's new tariffs are largely "performative," given the impact of existing tariffs and how small the Chinese EV market is in the U.S. But the tariffs could affect the EV market in the U.S. in the longer term, he said. 

"The fact is that it appears that a couple Chinese automakers' make pretty good EVs at good prices," Lincicome said. "Because of that, the Chinese vehicles could serve as a kind of long-term check on prices in the United States and as competitive pressures for innovation."

"In the long term, I think we can expect that the United States will become an island of higher-priced EVs because of this move," Lincicome added. 

In addition to the lower prices on tech consumer goods produced in China, U.S. officials have some fear that internet-connected Chinese consumer devices could be used to harm Americans through hacking or spying. 

Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown has proposed a ban on all imports of Chinese internet-connected vehicles. At this point, according to a senior administration official, the Biden administration doesn't have a position on this issue, and the tariffs are geared toward protecting U.S. workers and American industry. The administration is still investigating whether internet-connected vehicles from China pose a national security threat to the U.S. 

These ramped-up clean energy tariffs come after Mr. Biden asked U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to consider tripling tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, an announcement Mr. Biden strategically made at U.S. Steelworkers headquarters last month in Pittsburgh.


Nancy Cordes is CBS News' chief White House correspondent based in Washington, D.C. Cordes has won numerous awards for her reporting, including multiple Emmys, Edward R. Murrow awards, and an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award.

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  1. PDF Homework Policy Guidelines

    Introduction. The Homework Policy Guidelines contains information for schools that would like to review, update or newly develop a Homework Policy. These guidelines are not prescriptive and schools may choose to follow their own processes to meet the requirements of the NSW Department of Education and Communities' Homework Policy.

  2. Homework: Policy

    Victorian government schools are required to have a homework policy and communicate it to staff, parents/carers and students. The content of this policy is not prescribed, but should be evidence-informed and comprehensive, and must be developed in consultation with the school community. School council approval of a school's homework policy is ...

  3. PDF HOMEWORK POLICY Latest DET Update: 07/07/2017

    HOMEWORK POLICY Latest DET Update: 07/07/2017 First Developed in This Format: March 2018 Rationale Homework is a valuable learning tool for students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning, encouraging good lifelong learning and study habits, and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. ...

  4. PDF Homework Policy

    Policy Statement. Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It allows for practising, extending and consolidating work done in class. Homework provides training for students in planning and organising time and develops a range of skills in identifying and using information resources. Additionally, it establishes habits of study, concentration ...

  5. PDF Homework: a parent guide

    Homework: a parent guide What is the department's policy on homework? All NSW public schools are required to develop a homework policy in consultation with staff, students, parents and caregivers in each school's local community. Is the department's homework policy the same as the school's homework policy? The short answer is no.

  6. Homework Policies at Metro Detroit School Districts

    The homework policy says students should expect homework assignments. "Students are given ample time to complete daily assignments during school hours. Work that is not completed will be sent home for completion. Student grades will reflect the completion of all work, including outside assignments. It is expected that these assignments will ...

  7. PDF Homework Policy

    Email: [email protected] Website: Monday, 17 February 2020 Homework Policy Rationale Quality Homework tasks should be assigned by teachers with a specific, explicit learning purpose. On completion, teachers will acknowledge student effort and provide feedback related to student learning. Manageability

  8. Policy library A

    PD-2002-0003-V02..1 This policy statement sets out requirements for schools in relation to the development of homework policies. The implementation section includes purposes and principles, main types of homework and expectations for parents and caregivers, teachers and students.

  9. PDF Homework Policy

    31 Hutchinson St Redhead 2290 [email protected] Phone: 02 4944 72 15 Inspiring learning, collaboration and creative thinking! Homework Policy Policy Statement At Redhead Public School we believe that the role of homework in our students' lives needs to be considerate of international research, NSW Department of Education policy ...


    HOMEWORK POLICY Date This policy will be reviewed every four years or as directed by DET reviewed: December 2020 Date of next review: 2024 RATIONALE Regular homework as given by the teachers and home-study are important for the consolidation of learning.

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    Creating homework policies is part of educational leadership in the classroom. Although homework must focus on helping students achieve, it also needs to clearly state the expectations and give details about the benefits and consequences of different actions. By giving a clear policy from the first day of school, the students will know what to ...

  12. Creating a Homework Policy With Meaning and Purpose

    Assigning homework with a purpose means that through completing the assignment, the student will be able to obtain new knowledge, a new skill, or have a new experience that they may not otherwise have. Homework should not consist of a rudimentary task that is being assigned simply for the sake of assigning something. Homework should be meaningful.

  13. Homework Policy K-6

    Homework may include spelling, reading, or Mathematics practice and consolidation or projects based on topics being studied in class. School Executive Responsibilities: · Ensure homework policy is communicated at time of student enrolment. · Ensure homework is consistent across each stage and age appropriate. Teacher Responsibilities:


    The school's homework policy will be developed in consultation with the School Council, as representatives of the school community, and school staff and students. School Council ... (latest DET update mid-June 2020). Ratification Sept 2020 Review Date 2023 Policy Number 42 Version Number 3 Date Produced Sept 2017

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  16. PDF Homework Policy 2022

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  17. The four planks of an effective homework policy

    Over time, we've come to the opinion that there are four overarching concepts that need to be considered when setting homework. We call these the "four planks" of an effective homework policy, and below we've outlined each one, why it's important, and how you can take it into account when planning homework. Access.

  18. How to Write the Perfect Homework Policy

    3‭. ‬The purpose of homework‭ ‬. The school regards the purpose of homework as being to‭:‬. As a school‭, ‬we encourage children to pursue out-of-school activities‭. ‬Homework should be used to effectively reinforce and/or extend what is learned in school‭. ‬We hope that children will feel a sense of personal ...


    Policy Statement. Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It allows for practising, extending and consolidating work done in class. Homework provides training for students in planning and organising time and develops a range of skills in identifying and using information resources. Additionally, it establishes habits of study, concentration ...

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    Purpose of homework (DET, 1998) Homework: is an essential part of schooling ; allows for practising, extending and consolidating work done in class ; ... For a start, schools need homework policies and these policies need to be developed collaboratively by teachers, students and parents. Once developed, steps should be taken to ensure policies ...

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    The fact Nike is responsible for both uniforms doesn't help matters. The Tigers City Connect jerseys aren't bad, per say, but they lack creativity and are an obvious duplicate of a previous ...

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    Consider a grid-world problem as shown in Figure 1. The four possible actions are north, south, east, and west and they are deterministic including for points A and B. If the action would take the agent off the grid: no move but reward =-1 will be obtained. Other actions produce reward =0, except actions that move the agent out of special ...

  23. D7 Policy Session #15

    Meeting will be held at Edison Detroit Public Library. Light Refreshments. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP by calling (313) 224-2151 or using the registration form. D7 Policy Session Registration. Contact the office at (313) 224-2151 or [email protected]. Building our District, Block by Block. 18400 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48228.

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    May 16, 2024 3:55 pm. . For the first time since 1957, Detroit has seen population growth after decades of decline as the state is thrown into the national spotlight once again ahead of the 2024 ...

  25. Homework

    Homework tips. A key to success is being organised. To avoid Thursday night meltdowns about incomplete homework, read our Homework tips. Tips for all ages. These tips are relevant for all students Kindergarten to Year 12. Ask your child about their homework, know what they are learning about and when assignments are due.

  26. Joe Biden's hopes for a second term could rise or fall in Detroit

    Biden also did better statewide, winning Michigan by 154,000 votes, 51%-48% after Trump won the state by 10,700 votes or two-tenths of a percentage point in 2016.

  27. Houston Texans vs. Detroit Lions

    Get Tickets. From $155. Sports Football NFL. Get ticket information and things to know before you go to Houston Texans vs. Detroit Lions at NRG Park on November 10, 2024.

  28. Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells

    Biden imposing 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles 02:16. President Biden announced new tariffs Tuesday on Chinese electric vehicles, semiconductors, batteries, solar cells, steel and aluminum.