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Hook for Animal Farm – Critical essay

Hook for Animal Farm – Critical essay

Animal Farm by George Orwell depicts Napoleon as the supreme leader and how the power gradually corrupts him into becoming everything they fought against in the rebellion. Losing the quote “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ fits well with Napoleon and his reign as a leader. I believe Napoleon has always wanted power, however it came to be. He, and many of the other pigs, took no part in the rebellion.

Orwell showed Napoleon as a dictation opportunist, never topping or letting anything get in his way of achieving his goal to take over and leading the farm. Orwell describes him as a pig who has “a reputation for getting his own way”. I believe this is beginning to foretell us about Napoleon’s mysterious nature and his behavior that continuously gets worse as the novella progresses. As soon as Napoleon takes the role as the leader and seizes power, we, as the reader, understand he has very little care for Old Majors speech and therefore, little care for the revolution.

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He doesn’t care about the equality of the animals, only for himself ND the other pigs. “Never mind the milk, comrades! That will be attended to. The harvest is more important…. I shall follow in a few minutes… ” ‘When they came back that evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared”. The milk is a symbol of wealth, and when the animals arrive back after the long days work the milk is gone and feel this foreshadows chapter 3 as we see Napoleon has taken it for himself, and the other pigs.

But the milk should have been given out equally, as the 7th commandment states ‘All Animals Are Equal’. ‘ ‘The mystery of where the milk went was soon cleared up. It was mixed every day into the pigs’ mash”. This is Napoleons first act of corruption as the leader. Napoleon decides soon after to have all the apples taken to the harness room for “use of the use of the pigs. The apples are another symbol of wealth and power as only the pigs are permitted to eat them.

When Napoleon gave the order for the public executions, he was officially robbing the animals of free speech. “When they had finished their confession the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess”. I noticed Napoleon’s preferred method of execution is to tear their throats out. Napoleon forces the animals executed to tell lies about themselves and about their supposed treachery before they are brutally murdered.

He installs fear within the animals and makes them afraid to speak the truth. He makes them afraid to speak the truth – or even speak and (if they were intelligent enough) form an opinion. He absolutely robs them of free speech, exactly like tearing out their throats. In the final scene of the novella, a delegation of neighboring rammers are offered a tour Of the farm, after which they are invited to meet back in the dining room of the farm house with Napoleon and the other pigs.

Mr. Politicking offers a toast, with the alcohol, for the success of animal, which leads Napoleon to his new policies about changing the farm name back to its original ‘Manor Farm’. After he has finished his speech the pigs and animals combined play cards, but a loud quarrel erupts when both Napoleon and Mr. Politicking each try to play the ace of spades, and as the other animals look on upon the arguments taking place, they are unable to distinguish the preference between the humans and the pigs.

This is Napoleons greatest act of absolute corruption and the final act of his transformation into Jones. The completion of the second windmill marks a further linking of the animals and humans: used not for a generator but instead for milling corn, and thus making money. The windmill’s symbolic meaning has been reversed and corrupted. Animal Farm is now inevitably tied to its human neighbors in terms of business and atmosphere. This completes the transformation from Animal Farm to Manor Farm.

There will never be a “retirement home” for old animals (as shown via Clover), and the pigs come to resemble their human oppressors to the degree that “it was impossible to say which was which” Although Napoleon is a much harsher and stern master than the reader is led to believe Jones ever was. Napoleon’s power had corrupted the whole idea of Minimalism & the Seven Commandments, which the whole utopia of animal farm first started with. The power that the three pigs obtained had corrupted them and, then Napoleon received absolute power, which corrupted the society as a whole.

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Animal Farm

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Why might Orwell have chosen the format of an animal fable for his satire of the Soviet Union? Does this format make for more effective satire? Why or why not?

Could the message of Animal Farm be appreciated by readers who did not know about the history of the Soviet Union and the real-life prototypes of the characters? Why or why not?

Who is the real hero of Animal Farm ? Is there one? Why or why not?

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Essay on Animal Farm

Students are often asked to write an essay on Animal Farm in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Animal Farm


Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell. It’s a tale about a group of animals who overthrow their human farmer to establish an independent farm.

The story is filled with symbolism. The animals represent different social classes, and the farm symbolizes a state or a country.

Animal Farm explores themes like power, corruption, and inequality. It shows how power can corrupt individuals and lead to unfair societies.

In conclusion, Animal Farm is a powerful critique of power and corruption. It encourages readers to question authority and strive for fair societies.

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250 Words Essay on Animal Farm

“Animal Farm,” a novel by George Orwell, is a profound allegory that uses animals to depict the tumultuous era of the Russian Revolution. This masterpiece is replete with sophisticated themes and symbolism, making it a compelling read for college students.

Symbolism and Allegory

Orwell employs the farm animals as symbols to represent the key figures and ideologies of the Russian Revolution. For instance, the pigs Napoleon and Snowball are representations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky respectively. The Rebellion represents the Bolshevik Revolution, and the animal’s collective vision of a utopian society mirrors the communist ideology.

The novel explores themes of power and corruption, class struggle, and the dangers of ignorance. The pigs’ gradual accumulation of power and their transformation into oppressive rulers illustrate how power can corrupt. The ongoing conflict between the pigs and other animals signifies class struggle, while the animals’ blind trust in the pigs underscores the perils of ignorance and indoctrination.

Critical Analysis

“Animal Farm” is a critique of totalitarian regimes, particularly communism under Stalin. It illustrates how these regimes manipulate language and education to control the masses, leading to societal decay. Orwell’s clever use of satire and irony makes the novel a powerful political commentary.

“Animal Farm” is more than a simple tale about animals. It is a profound political and social critique, a timeless piece that remains relevant even today. Orwell’s novel serves as a warning of how power can corrupt and the importance of critical thinking and education in society.

500 Words Essay on Animal Farm

“Animal Farm,” penned by George Orwell, is a timeless piece of literature that uses a group of farm animals’ rebellion to symbolize the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin’s totalitarian regime. This allegorical novella, first published in England on 17 August 1945, stands as a critique of tyranny and a testament to the universal struggle for freedom and equality.

Orwell’s Ingenious Allegory

Orwell’s narrative brilliance lies in his use of animals to represent key figures and events in Russian history. The pigs Napoleon and Snowball symbolize Stalin and Trotsky, respectively, while the Rebellion represents the Russian Revolution. By using animals, Orwell manages to distill complex historical and political events into a simple, yet profound, tale. This enables the reader to understand the mechanisms of power, corruption, and propaganda that are at play in any society, not just in the context of the Soviet Union.

Themes: Power and Corruption

“Animal Farm” offers a powerful exploration of how power can lead to corruption. The pigs, despite initially advocating for equality, gradually become indistinguishable from the humans they overthrew. This transformation underscores Orwell’s warning about the dangers of absolute power. The phrase, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,” poignantly encapsulates this theme. It serves as a reminder that power can distort ideals, leading to inequality and oppression.

Use of Language as a Tool of Control

Orwell also explores how language can be used as a tool of manipulation and control. The pigs, particularly Squealer, skillfully use rhetoric and propaganda to justify their actions and maintain control over the other animals. This manipulation of truth and reality, often referred to as “doublethink” in Orwell’s other masterpiece, “1984”, is a significant theme in “Animal Farm.”

Relevance in Contemporary Society

While “Animal Farm” is a critique of the specific historical event of the Russian Revolution, its themes have universal relevance. The novella’s exploration of power, corruption, and the manipulation of truth resonates in today’s world, where fake news and propaganda are prevalent. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging readers to question authority, challenge propaganda, and resist the allure of absolute power.

In conclusion, “Animal Farm” is a powerful allegorical tale that uses a simple story of animals’ rebellion to explore complex themes of power, corruption, and manipulation. Orwell’s narrative brilliance shines through his use of animals to represent historical figures and events. Despite being rooted in a specific historical context, the novella’s themes continue to resonate in contemporary society, making it a timeless piece of literature.

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hooks for animal farm essay

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell Essay

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The first thing that can be highlighted is that most of the literature pieces are not created just for the sake of entertainment and relaxation but also for meaningful reflections. A lot of novels and books are extremely thought-provoking and encourage readers to engage in discussions and conversations with others. What is important to mention is that different authors achieve this goal in different ways. For instance, some prefer to build their reading on metaphors, some on specific organizations and structures, and others establish their texts on satire. One of such literature prices is an allegorical novella Animal Farm written George Orwell. This reading is extremely interesting from that point of view and, for this reason, should be carefully analyzed. Therefore, the following paper will prove that Animal Farm is a satirical work by using the elements of satire.

Before discussing the elements of satire in the identified novella it seems essential to learn more about its plot and meaning. This reading is an allegory, which is a specific story where the chosen characters and situations represent other characters and situations for the purpose of making a point about them (“Animal Farm at a Glance”). In the story, a group of animals rebel against the human farmer, embrace the idea of Animalism, and organize a revolution in order to achieve justice and equality. However, everything ends with a totalitarian dictator becoming the head of the community and ruining its desire for progress and justice. Since the reading is an allegory, the readers should try looking at the vents from a different perspective. As it appears, Animalism stands for communism, farm stands for Russia, the farmer for the Russian Tzar, the pig for the revolutionary Trotsky, and Napoleon stands for the figure of Stalin (“Animal Farm at a Glance”). Therefore, even by analyzing what characters and situations represent in the story, it can already be stated that the reading is a satire because it represents real people and situations in an ironic way.

Satire and its elements are used in literature works in order to highlight some features of the situation or a person and make fun of them. It effectively represents stupidity of humans, especially those who are the members of the high society layers. One of the most obvious elements that the author of the Animal Farm uses in order to highlight the satire is irony. He uses animals and represents then as being able to talk, feel, and make decisions “in order to illustrate the abuse of one group of humans by another” (Boremyr 3). It can easily be noticed in the end of the story when it becomes almost impossible to tell the animals apart from the humans. Throughout the story, they became more human despite the commitment to the Animalism philosophy. By doing this, he achieves the goal of showing the brutality, corruption and incompetence of the Soviet Union not just like in a history book but in an entertaining and fun way.

Additionally, another way in which the author frames the story as a satirical work is the concept of defamiliarization. As suggested by Adhikari, this idea “tends to throw light on the special use of language in the works of art, unlike the use of language in the everyday life” (378). This concept generally suggests that that various forms of language used to present familiar things in unfamiliar ways for the purpose of persuading their readers and appealing to their emotions can encourage them to look at those things from a different perspective (Adhikari 378). For this reason, by using the concept of defamiliarization, the author increases the irony of the whole novella, makes the forms unfamiliar and difficult to understand, and increases the process of perception and decision-making. Orwell did not adopt the violent mode in order to represent and satirize communism (Adhikari 385). On the other hand, he satirized it and employed a more subtle way of representation (Adhikari 285). Therefore, Animal Farm can be called a satirical piece of literature because the author uses the concept of defamiliarization in order to present the readers with a different and more ironic perspective on a familiar issue.

To summarize, Animal Farm is an interesting and thought-provoking novella. It is very insightful not just from the point of its meaning but also the effective use of satire throughout the story. The author was able to incorporate the different elements of this concept in order to increase its satirical nature and encourage the readers to reflect on this more. Therefore, the presented paper proved that Animal Farm is a satirical novella.

Works Cited

Adhikari, Krishanu. “Animal Farm: A Satire on Communism Through ‘Defamilirization’.” An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations , vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 378-385.

“Animal Farm at a Glance.” CliffsNotes . Web.

Boremyr, Hanna. “Reading Orwell’s Animals: An animal-oriented study of George Orwell’s political satire Animal Farm.” 2016.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 7). “Animal Farm” by George Orwell.

"“Animal Farm” by George Orwell." IvyPanda , 7 July 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) '“Animal Farm” by George Orwell'. 7 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "“Animal Farm” by George Orwell." July 7, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "“Animal Farm” by George Orwell." July 7, 2022.


IvyPanda . "“Animal Farm” by George Orwell." July 7, 2022.

Animal Farm

What is a hook.

in an essay

In George Orwell's classic novella Animal Farm, Old Major's utopian vision of a farm for all animals degenerated into an autocratic dictatorship. The destruction of Old Major's vision can be seen through key elements of the storyline. The Pigs taking over, Boxer the horse's tragic life and Napoleons autocratic reign. I will give examples of how the pigs took over and how that changed what Old Major invisioned for the farm.

....which is the hook in thiss paragrgh?

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