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Lesson 1 of 36 By Ravikiran A S

Your One-Stop Solution to Know About Excel Worksheets

Table of Contents

Microsoft Excel is a software product designed and developed to store, organize and manipulate structured data. Excel Worksheet plays a vital role in offering multiple functionalities to ease the tedious process of managing data.

What is an Excel Worksheet?

An Excel worksheet is a software program/document that collects rows and columns designed to store information in an organized manner. An Excel worksheet also enables users to apply mathematical and statistical logic to the data and manipulate it according to the requirements of the business strategies.

So, this was a brief introduction to Excel Worksheet. In the next section, you will learn how to create a new Excel Worksheet.

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How to Create an Excel Worksheet?

To create a new Excel worksheet, you need to follow the steps mentioned below.

By default, when you start Microsoft Excel, there is an option of selecting a variety of worksheets, as shown below.


You can select the option based on the requirements. For now, create a blank worksheet. The blank worksheet looks as shown below.


Insert a New Excel Worksheet

There might be a situation where you would need to include another worksheet along the side of the existing worksheet. This collection of Excel Worksheets is called an Excel Workbook. To insert a new worksheet, you can right-click on the sheet name in the bottom sheet tracker tray, as shown below.


By selecting the new worksheet option from the available options, you can create a new worksheet as displayed below.


A new dialogue box will appear on the screen, where you can select the option to include a new sheet.

In the next part, you will learn how to rename a worksheet.

Rename Excel Worksheet

You can rename the Excel Worksheet by right-clicking on the sheet name and selecting the rename option from the dialogue box as shown below.


In the next segment, you will learn how to delete a worksheet.

Delete Excel Worksheet

If you wish to eliminate the Excel Worksheet, you must right-click onto the worksheet tab and select the delete option from the dialogue box as shown below.


Worksheets in Excel can also be hidden. Now, you will see how that can be done.

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Future-Proof Your AI/ML Career: Top Dos and Don'ts

Hide Excel Worksheet

Sometimes, you might have to keep a particular worksheet hidden. You can achieve this by right-clicking the worksheet name on the worksheet tray and selecting the hide option from the dialogue box, as shown below.


If you want to unhide the hidden worksheet, you can right-click on the existing worksheet and choose the option of Unhide, as shown below.


The following dialogue box will show the list of hidden sheets, and you can choose the sheet you wish to unhide, as shown below.


In the next part, you will learn to move or copy an Excel Worksheet

Move or Copy an Excel Worksheet

To move or copy an excel worksheet, you must right-click on the sheet name you wish to move or copy and select the option of copy or move option from the dialogue box as shown below.


After selecting the option, you will find a new dialogue box, as shown below.


The first step is to select the workbook where you want to copy or move the current worksheet. It can be the current workbook or a different workbook, as shown below.


The next step is to select if you want to move (cut and paste) the worksheet or copy the worksheet. If you wish to copy the sheet, then make sure you select the tick option as shown below.


If you wish to move the worksheet to a new workbook, then select the new workbook option in the first menu and do not select the tick in the last option that reads "make a copy".

In the upcoming part, you will learn to protect the cells in the excel worksheet.

Protect Cells in Excel Worksheet

To protect the cells in the Excel Worksheet, you should right-click on the sheet and select the safeguard cells option on the dialogue box, as shown below.


The following dialogue box will help you select the contents on the sheet with a password, as shown below. 


With this, you have come to an end of this "Excel Worksheet" article. 

" UserForms in Excel " can be your next stop. Generating a user form in excel will help you simplify the process to insert, delete, and manipulate data in Excel Worksheet.

Are you looking to go deeper with your Microsoft Excel learning Perhaps you are interested in furthering your career in Business Analytics?

If the answer is yes to either or both the above questions, the  Business Analytics certification course offered by Simplilearn is something you should definitely explore. This applied training program is designed to help you grasp the basic concepts of data analysis and statistics which can help you devise insights from the data available to present the findings as visualizations with the help of executive-level dashboards. You will learn all this and more in our cutting-edge program. Take a look and enroll now.

Have you got any questions for us on this Excel Worksheet tutorial? If yes, do feel free to share them in the comments section below. Our subject matter experts will resolve them for you as soon as possible.

1. What is an Excel worksheet?

You can sort and analyze raw data on excel. It is a collection of rows and columns. Each worksheet has 1048576 rows and 16384 columns. 

2. What are the basic Excel functions? 

Most basic and essential Excel functions are as follows: 

1. =IF(logical test, value if true, value if false)

=SUMIFS(sum range, criteria range 1, criteria 1, …)


=COUNTIFS(criteria range 1, criteria 1, …)



=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, text3, …)


=LEFT(text, num chars)

=RIGHT(text, num chars)

=VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column index number, range lookup)

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,$G$2:$H$12,2,FALSE),"Name not found. Check both lists")



=UNIQUE(array, by col, exactly once)

3. How many worksheets are there in Excel?

In one workbook you can add 255 separate sheets. 

4. What are Excel files called?

Excel has worksheets or spreadsheets where we usually work.These worksheets are stored in a workbook. One book can have multiple worksheets in it.

5. What are the shortcut keys for Excel?

Some common shortcut keys for excel are as follows: 

  • Close a workbook - Ctrl+W
  • Open a workbook - Ctrl+O
  • Go to the Home tab - Alt+H
  • Save a workbook - Ctrl+S
  • Copy selection - Ctrl+C
  • Paste selection - Ctrl+V 
  • Undo recent action - Ctrl+Z 
  • Remove cell contents - Delete 
  • Choose a fill color - Alt+H, H 
  • Cut selection - Ctrl+X 
  • Go to the Insert tab - Alt+N 
  • Apply bold formatting - Ctrl+B 
  • Center align cell contents - Alt+H, A, C 
  • Go to the Page Layout tab - Alt+P 
  • Go to the Data tab - Alt+A

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About the author.

Ravikiran A S

Ravikiran A S works with Simplilearn as a Research Analyst. He an enthusiastic geek always in the hunt to learn the latest technologies. He is proficient with Java Programming Language, Big Data, and powerful Big Data Frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark.

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How to make an assignment sheet in excel.

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Too many steps?

Try sourcetable..

Creating an assignment sheet in Excel can streamline the management of tasks and deadlines. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to efficiently organize your assignments within Excel's versatile framework.

While Excel is a powerful tool, we'll also explore why Sourcetable presents a more user-friendly alternative for assignment sheet creation.

Creating an Assignment Sheet in Excel

Semester assignment spreadsheet overview.

A Semester Assignment Spreadsheet is an essential tool for students to list all assignments, due dates, class information, tuition deadlines, and administrative tasks. Its one-page format allows for easy tracking of progress, helping students stay motivated and productive.

Color-Coded Excel Sheet Creation

Excel's color-coding feature enhances the visual appeal and organization of the assignment sheet. Begin with color coding, then record assignments, add more colors, organize by due date, and utilize the sheet effectively for tracking and prioritization.

Steps to Make an Assignment Tracker

Start by compiling syllabi from all classes. Use Excel to create a comprehensive Semester Assignment Spreadsheet that combines due dates with important class information. This tool is excellent for prioritizing tasks and keeping track of grades. Print out the spreadsheet for convenient access and management.

Common Use Cases

Excel vs. sourcetable: a comparative analysis.

Discover the strengths of Sourcetable, a modern spreadsheet tool designed to integrate numerous data sources seamlessly. Experience the ease of data management with its intuitive spreadsheet-like interface.

Explore the innovative AI copilot feature of Sourcetable, a game-changer in spreadsheet technology, offering real-time assistance in formula creation and template design, simplifying complex tasks.

Understand the versatility of Excel, a widely used application with robust functionalities for diverse data analysis and complex calculations, suitable for traditional spreadsheet users.

Assess the utility of Sourcetable for businesses seeking centralized data solutions, with its advanced data aggregation capabilities, versus Excel's conventional data handling approach.

Consider the efficiency gains with Sourcetable's AI-powered chat interface that streamlines formula generation and template customization, contrasting with Excel's manual formula setup.

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Now you can practice Excel everywhere! You can even practice on your mobile phone!

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Tip for mobile phone users – tap twice on the cell you want to edit in order to edit it.

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  • Vlookup – Tutorial with Example and Exercise Sheet
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  • Excel Shortcuts – Windows and Mac
  • HOT! – Excel Mortgage Calculator – Calculate your mortgage payments and get the payment schedule for the entire period of the loan – Step-by-step tutorial on how to build a Mortgage Calculator in Excel.
  • New! Excel Online Cheat Sheet – A Quick Guide To Excel’s Web Version
  • Can’t find what you’re looking for? Suggest a tutorial here!
  • Excel Basics – Start here if you are new to Excel! Learn how Excel works, how to perform basic calculations, and how to use cell references to save time and increase efficiency!
  • Addition (Plus)
  • Subtraction (Minus)
  • Multiplication
  • Excel Shortcuts for Windows – Master Excel Shortcuts to save time and increase efficiency!
  • Excel Shortcuts for Mac – Learn how to make the most of Excel on your Mac!


  • SUM function – Sum multiple values in Excel
  • MAX – find the maximum value in a range
  • MIN – find the minimum value in a range
  • COUNT – Count numeric values in a range
  • COUNTA – Count numeric and textual values
  • AVERAGE – Calculate average of a range
  • Filtering in Excel – Learn how to filter your data using Excel’s Filter Tool
  • Excel Sort – Learn how to sort your data in Excel.
  • Flash Fill – Excel’s hidden gem for auto-completing data based on a pattern
  • Remove Duplicates – Remove duplicate values in a single column or multiple columns!



  • IF function – check if a condition is met
  • NESTED IF – Multiple if conditions
  • Conditional Formatting – Format Excel Cells based on criteria
  • COUNTIF – Count cells in range which meet a certain criteria
  • SUMIF – Sum range based on criteria
  • AVERAGEIF – Calculate the average of a range based on criteria
  • SUMIFS – Sum cells using multiple criteria
  • COUNTIFS – Count cells using multiple criteria
  • MAXIFS – Find maximum value in a range based on criteria
  • MINIFS – Find minimum value in a range based on criteria
  • AND/OR – Check if multiple criteria are met (Works great when combined with an IF function!)
  • ISBLANK – Check if a cell is blank or not
  • VLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • HLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • Hot!!! XLOOKUP – Excel’s next generation lookup function which combines the best features from VLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, HLOOKUP and IFERROR/IFNA

Pivot tables

  • Pivot Table – Quickly Analyze and Summarize your data using Excel’s most powerful tool!

Text Formulas

  • LEFT, MID, RIGHT – Basic Text Functions
  • HOT! – TEXTBEFORE & TEXTAFTER – Extract text before or after a delimiter using Excel’s brand new powerful functions!
  • HOT! – TEXTSPLIT – Split your text into multiple cells using this super powerful new function!
  • TEXTJOIN – Easily combine multiple cells using delimiter
  • CONCAT – Combine range of cells without delimiter
  • CONCATENATE – Combine two cells or more into one cell
  • LEN – Find the length of a cell
  • FIND – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-sensitive)
  • SEARCH – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-insensitive)
  • SUBSTITUTE – Replace text with another text in a cell/expression
  • TRIM – Remove extra spaces from the text
  • LOWER, UPPER, PROPER – Convert text to lowercase, uppercase and proper case
  • VALUE – Convert data stored as text into values
  • TEXT – Convert and format numbers into text
  • Text to Columns – Quickly split a column into multiple columns using a delimiter. Bonus – Quickly change date formats or convert text to numbers!
  • FORMULATEXT – display a formula in another cell as text

Date functions

  • DAY, MONTH, YEAR – Extract day, month and year from a date in Excel
  • DATE – Create a date from individual values
  • WEEKDAY – Return the number of the day of the week
  • EOMONTH – Return the date of the last day of the month based on a specific date

Index & Match lookup

  • INDEX – Retrieve cell in nth position in a range
  • MATCH – Find position of value in a range
  • INDEX MATCH – Just like VLOOKUP, only better.

Other advanced tools

  • SUMPRODUCT – Sum the products of Excel ranges
  • Excel Wildcards – Advanced searching and matching in Excel
  • Advanced Filter – Filter by multiple criteria in the same column, or even in different columns!

Power Query

  • Combine data from multiple Excel workbooks using Power Query
  • Column from Examples tool – Learn the secret to mastering Power Query without any prior knowledge!
  • Unpivot columns easily using Power Query

Secret Excel Functions

This section covers Excel functions that are not available in most of Excel’s versions. These functions will unlock a new set of capabilities such as fining only unique values, sorting, and filtering – the tutorials below will help you with mastering Excel’s new functions!

  • UNIQUE – Extract unique values from a range
  • SORT Function – Sort range dynamically
  • SORTBY – Sort range dynamically by using another range
  • FILTER Function – Filter range by specific criteria
  • RANDARRAY – Create an array of random numbers 
  • SEQUENCE – Create a range of sequential values
  • LET – Assign values and calculations to names to improve your formula’s ease of use, readability, and performance!
  • HOT! – LAMBDA – The mother of all functions that will help you create amazing and powerful custom functions for your own need! 
  • VSTACK – Vertically stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • HSTACK – Horizontally stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • CHOOSEROWS – Return specific rows from a range or array
  • CHOOSECOLS – Return specific columns from a range or array
  • TOROW – Convert a range/array into a single row
  • TOCOL – Convert a range/array into a single column

Financial Functions

Learn how to use Excel to make financial calculations!

  • Excel Financial Calculator – quickly calculate PV, FV, PMT, NPV, IRR
  • PMT – Calculate the periodic payment amount of a loan, mortgage, or another financial instrument
  • PPMT & IPMT – Find the Principal and Interest portion of a certain payment
  • PV – Find the Present Value of a loan, mortgage, or any other financial instrument 

Excel Macros – VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

  • Start here – How to run your first VBA Macro in Excel without knowing VBA? 

Excel Data Sheets for Practice

Want to do some freestyle practice? Create your own Excel playground with our blank excel Worksheet!

  • Excel-Online Blank Worksheet
  • Excel Practice Data

How to Calculate in Excel – Excel-Online Calculators

  • How to Calculate GPA in Excel
  • How to Calculate BMI in Excel
  • How to Calculate Density in Excel
  • How to Calculate Weighted Average in Excel

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Sep 22, 2022

Assign tasks with @mentions in Excel

Scott McFadden

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Hi, Office Insiders. My name is Scott McFadden and I’m a Product Manager on the Excel team. I’m excited to share that you can now assign tasks with @mentions in worksheets in Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac!   

Assign Tasks  

We’ve brought this popular capability (previously only available in Excel for the web) to your Windows and Mac desktops.  

This feature allows you and your team to conveniently create and assign tasks directly from within your Excel worksheet using @mentions in comments. The people to whom you assign the tasks will receive email notifications, letting them know they need to take action.

How it works  

  • Right-click the cell that contains the information you want to comment on and select  New Comment .  

The "assign to" checkbox has been marked to assign to the person tagged with the @ mention.

Scenarios to try 

  • Reassign a task  

How to reassign a task in the same comment using an @mention.

  • Hover over the circle at the top of the comment and click  Resolve thread .  
  • Hover over the cell that contains the comment, and then click  Reopen thread .  


To see Tasks in Excel, the Excel file must be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint.  


This feature is available to all users on the web and to Beta Channel users running:

  • Windows: Version 2208 (Build 15504.10000) or later
  • Mac: Version 16.66 (Build 22090700) or later

Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you.  

Features are released over some time to ensure things are working smoothly. We highlight features that you may not have because they’re slowly releasing to larger numbers of Insiders. Sometimes we remove elements to further improve them based on your feedback. Though this is rare, we also reserve the option to pull a feature entirely out of the product, even if you, as an Insider, have had the opportunity to try it.   


There are a couple of ways to give feedback and suggestions:  

  • Click  Help > Feedback .  
  • Add  #AssignTasks  in your feedback so that we can easily find input about the feature.  

Learn what  other information you should include in your feedback  to ensure  it’s actionable and reaches the right people. We’re excited to hear from you!  

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How to Make a Spreadsheet in Excel

Last Updated: September 12, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,052,475 times. Learn more...

Do you need to create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel but have no idea where to begin? You've come to the right place! While Excel can be intimidating at first, creating a basic spreadsheet is as simple as entering data into numbered rows and lettered columns. Whether you need to make a spreadsheet for school, work, or just to keep track of your expenses, this wikiHow article will teach you everything you know about editing your first spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.

Creating a Basic Spreadsheet

Step 1 Open Microsoft Excel.

  • If you don't have a paid version of Microsoft Office, you can use the free online version at https://www.office.com to create a basic spreadsheet. You'll just need to sign in with your Microsoft account and click Excel in the row of icons.

Step 2 Click Blank workbook to create a new workbook.

  • When you make more complex spreadsheets, you can add another sheet by clicking + next to the first sheet. Use the bottom tabs to switch between spreadsheets.

Step 3 Familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet's layout.

  • All rows are labeled with numbers along the side of the spreadsheet, while the columns are labeled with letters along the top.
  • Each cell has an address consisting of the column letter followed by the row number. For example, the address of the cell in the first column (A), first row (1) is A1. The address of the cell in column B row 3 is B3.

Step 4 Enter some data.

  • Notice that as you type into the cell, the content also appears in the bar that runs across the top of the spreadsheet. This bar is called the Formula Bar and is useful for when entering long strings of data and/or formulas. [3] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source
  • To edit a cell that already has data, double-click it to bring back the cursor. Alternatively, you can click the cell once and make your changes in the formula bar.
  • To delete the data from one cell, click the cell once, and then press Del . This returns the cell to a blank one without messing up the data in other rows or columns. To delete multiple cell values at once, press Ctrl (PC) or ⌘ Cmd (Mac) as you click each cell you want to delete, and then press Del .
  • To add a new blank column between existing columns, right-click the letter above the column after where you'd like the new one to appear, and then click Insert on the context menu.
  • To add a new blank row between existing rows, right-click the row number for the row after the desired location, and then click Insert on the menu.

Step 5 Check out the functions available for advanced uses.

  • Click the Formulas tab at the top of the screen. You'll notice several icons in the toolbar at the top of the application in the panel labeled "Function Library." Once you know how the different functions work, you can easily browse the library using those icons.
  • Click the Insert Function icon, which also displays an fx . It should be the first icon on the bar. This opens the Insert Function panel, which allows you to search for what you want to do or browse by category.
  • Select a category from the "Or select a category" menu. The default category is "Most Recently Used." For example, to see the math functions, you might select Math & Trig .
  • Click any function in the "Select a function" panel to view its syntax, as well as a description of what the function does. For more info on a function, click the Help on this function .
  • Click Cancel when you're done browsing.
  • To learn more about entering formulas, see How to Type Formulas in Microsoft Excel .

Step 6 Save your file when you're finished editing.

  • Now that you've gotten the hang of the basics, check out the "Creating a Home Inventory from Scratch" method to see this information put into practice.

Creating a Home Inventory from Scratch

Step 2 Name your columns...

  • Click cell A1 and type Item . We'll list each item in this column.
  • Click cell B1 and type Location . This is where we'll enter which room the item is in.
  • Click cell C1 and type Make/Model . We'll list the item's model and manufacturer in this column.

Step 3 Enter your items on each row.

  • For example, if you're listening the Apple HD monitor in your office, you may type HD monitor into A2 (in the Item column), Office into B2 (in the Location column), and Apple Cinema 30-inch M9179LL into B3 (the Make/Model column).
  • List additional items on the rows below. If you need to delete a cell, just click it once and press Del .
  • To remove an entire row or column, right-click the letter or number and select Delete .
  • You've probably noticed that if you type too much text in a cell it'll overlap into the next column. You can fix this by resizing the columns to fit the text. Position the cursor on the line between the column letters (above row 1) so the cursor turns into two arrows, and then double-click that line.

Step 4 Turn the column headers into drop-down menus.

  • Click the Data tab at the top of Excel.
  • Click Filter (the funnel icon) in the toolbar. Small arrows now appear on each column header.
  • Click the Location drop-down menu (in B1) to open the filter menu.
  • Since we just want to see items in the office, check the box next to "Office" and remove the other checkmarks.
  • Click OK . Now you'll only see items the selected room. You can do this with any column and any data type.
  • To restore all items, click the menu again and check "Select All" and then OK to restore all items.

Step 5 Click the Page Layout tab to customize the spreadsheet.

  • Select the cells you want to format. You can select an entire row by clicking its number, or an whole column by clicking its letter. Hold Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) to select more than one column or row at a time.
  • Click Colors in the "Themes" area of the toolbar to view and select color theme.
  • Click the Fonts menu to browse for and select a font.

Step 6 Save your document.

Creating a Monthly Budget from a Template

Step 1 Open Microsoft Excel.

  • This method covers using a built-in Excel template to create a list of your expenses. There are hundreds of templates available for different types of spreadsheets. To see a list of all official templates, visit https://templates.office.com/en-us/templates-for-excel .

Step 2 Search for the

  • You may have to click Download instead.

Step 4 Click the Monthly Income tab to enter your income(s).

  • Double-click the Income 1 cell to bring up the cursor. Erase the content of the cell and type wikiHow .
  • Double-click the Income 2 cell, erase the contents, and type Acme .
  • Enter your monthly income from wikiHow into the first cell under the "Amount" header (the one that says "2500" by default). Do the same with your monthly income from "Acme" in the cell just below.
  • If you don't have any other income, you can click the other cells (for "Other" and "$250") and press Del to clear them.
  • You can also add more income sources and amounts in the rows below those that already exist.

Step 5 Click the Monthly Expenses tab to enter your expenses.

  • For example, let's say your rent is $795/month. Double-click the pre-filled amount of "$800," erase it, and then type 795 .
  • Let’s say you don't have any student loan payments to make. You can just click the amount next to "Student Loans" in the "Amount" column ($50) and press Del on your keyboard to clear it. Do the same for all other expenses.
  • You can delete an entire row by right-clicking the row number and selecting Delete .
  • To insert a new row, right-click the row number below where you want it to appear, and then select Insert .
  • Make sure there are no extra amounts that you don't actually have to pay in the "Amounts" column, as they'll be automatically factored into your budget.

Step 6 Click the Summary tab to visualize your budget.

  • If the info doesn't calculate automatically, press F9 on the keyboard.
  • Any changes you make to the Monthly Income and Monthly Expenses tabs will affect what you see in your Summary.

Step 7 Save your document.

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1. Open Excel. 2. Click New Blank Workbook . 3. Enter column headers into row 1. 4. Enter data on individual rows. 5. Click the Page Layout tab to format the data. 6. Click File > Save As to save the document. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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#1 Excel tutorial on the net

  • Assignment Problem

Formulate the Model | Trial and Error | Solve the Model

Use the solver in Excel to find the assignment of persons to tasks that minimizes the total cost.

Formulate the Model

The model we are going to solve looks as follows in Excel.

Assignment Problem in Excel

1. To formulate this assignment problem , answer the following three questions.

a. What are the decisions to be made? For this problem, we need Excel to find out which person to assign to which task (Yes=1, No=0). For example, if we assign Person 1 to Task 1, cell C10 equals 1. If not, cell C10 equals 0.

b. What are the constraints on these decisions? Each person can only do one task (Supply=1). Each task only needs one person (Demand=1).

c. What is the overall measure of performance for these decisions? The overall measure of performance is the total cost of the assignment, so the objective is to minimize this quantity.

2. To make the model easier to understand, create the following named ranges .

3. Insert the following functions.

Insert Functions

Explanation: The SUM functions calculate the number of tasks assigned to a person and the number of persons assigned to a task. Total Cost equals the sumproduct of Cost and Assignment.

Trial and Error

With this formulation, it becomes easy to analyze any trial solution.

For example, if we assign Person 1 to Task 1, Person 2 to task 2 and Person 3 to Task 3, Tasks Assigned equals Supply and Persons Assigned equals Demand. This solution has a total cost of 147.

Trial Solution

It is not necessary to use trial and error. We shall describe next how the Excel Solver can be used to quickly find the optimal solution.

Solve the Model

To find the optimal solution, execute the following steps.

1. On the Data tab, in the Analyze group, click Solver.

Click Solver

Note: can't find the Solver button? Click here to load the Solver add-in .

Enter the solver parameters (read on). The result should be consistent with the picture below.

Solver Parameters

You have the choice of typing the range names or clicking on the cells in the spreadsheet.

2. Enter TotalCost for the Objective.

3. Click Min.

4. Enter Assignment for the Changing Variable Cells.

5. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Binary Constraint

Note: binary variables are either 0 or 1.

6. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Demand Constraint

7. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Supply Constraint

8. Check 'Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative' and select 'Simplex LP'.

9. Finally, click Solve.

Solver Results

The optimal solution:

Assignment Problem Result

Conclusion: it is optimal to assign Person 1 to task 2, Person 2 to Task 3 and Person 3 to Task 1. This solution gives the minimum cost of 129. All constraints are satisfied.

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How to Create Macros in Excel: Step-by-Step Tutorial (2024)

Get ready to have your mind blown! 🤯

Because in this tutorial, you learn how to create your own macros in Excel!

That’s right! And you don’t need to know VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)!

Instead, you will use the Excel macro recording feature to send your spreadsheet experience into overdrive! 🚀

So, read on and try it out yourself using this practice Excel workbook .

Table of Contents

What are Excel macros?

How to record excel macros, how to run an excel macro, run excel macro from a shortcut key, saving macro-enabled workbooks.

A macro is a small program or set of actions that you can run repeatedly. Excel macros are used to automate repetitive tasks to save a lot of time and hassle.

For example, open and take a look at the practice Excel workbook.

Businesses would often have lists like this one. These are potential customers they might want to reach out to and market their products.

Notice how Columns C to H are just pieces of information extracted from Columns A & B. (Learn how to extract strings from texts in this tutorial !)

To streamline the worksheet, you can hide Columns A & B. You can also hide the rest of the columns on the right starting from Column I.

Let’s do this using Excel macros!

1. Click on the View tab in the Excel ribbon

2. Next, click on the Macros button on the right side of the View ribbon

3. This will open the Macros drop-down.

Click Record Macro .

4. Enter a name for your macro, something like Hide_Columns .

Excel macros can be stored in the Personal Macro Workbook. This is saved in the system files of Microsoft Excel and macros saved here can be used in other workbooks. For this Excel macro tutorial, you only need to save the macros in the current Excel file.

4. Select S tore macro in: This Workbook then click the OK button.

Excel is now recording your actions to create a macro.

5. Select Columns A & B and then right-click on the highlighted Column Bar to Hide them.

6. Then select Column I and press Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to include all remaining columns on the right.

7. Right-click on the highlighted Column Bar then click on Hide .

Your worksheet should now look like this:

To end the macro recording:

8. On the View ribbon, click on Macros and select Stop Recording .

Good job! 👏

You have created your first macro in Excel!

But wait, where is the recorded macro?

To view all of the available Excel macros :

1. Select View Macros .

2. This opens the Macro window. Saved macros will be listed here and you can Run whichever one you need.

You can also click on Edit to view the VBA code window.

3. The VBA code editor opens.

Notice the Hide_Columns Sub procedure. You don’t have to write or edit VBA code for the macro.

Excel automatically generated each code line based on the recorded keystrokes and mouse clicks.

The Record Macro feature is powerful enough for general spreadsheet automation needs.

But if you want to customize your own VBA macro, you can learn more about Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) here .

Using the Developer tab

Let’s record another macro to Unhide the hidden columns.

This time, you can record the macro from the Developer tab.

The Developer tab gives you access to a lot of useful Microsoft Excel features such as the Visual Basic Editor . It also allows you to quickly insert form controls such as buttons and checkboxes .

However, the Developer tab is not visible in the Excel ribbon by default.

1. Right-click on the Excel ribbon.

Select Customize the Ribbon .

2. This opens the Customize Ribbon window.

On the right side, check the Developer tab checkbox.

3. You should now see the Developer tab.

To start recording the Unhide macro:

1. Click on the Record Macro button in the Developer tab.

2. Name this macro Unhide_Columns .

3. Click OK .

The recording has started.

4. Press Ctrl + A twice to select all cells.

5. Right-click anywhere on the Column Bar then click Unhide .

6. Click on the Stop Recording macro button to finish up.

Great work! 👌

Now you have two recorded macros that can be executed.

To run your macros:

1. Click on the Macros button from the Developer tab.

2. In the Macro window, select the macro Hide_Columns and click on Run .

The macro executes the actions recorded earlier and hides the unnecessary columns.

You can also run macros from the View ribbon.

Run Excel macro from the View tab

This time, run the Unhide_Columns to show all the columns.

1. On the View ribbon, click the Macros button and select View Macros .

2. Select the Unhide_Columns macro and Run it.

This unhides all the columns in the worksheet.

As you can see, the Macro window allows you to quickly run all the available macros.

But you can execute them even faster by using buttons and shortcuts ❗

Run Excel macro from a button

For this next example, you will assign macros to buttons which will be located on top of the table.

1. Insert 2 rows above the table headers. Select Row 1 then press Ctrl + Shift + Plus Sign(+) twice.

2. To create a button, click on Insert > Illustrations > Shapes .

Then select the Rectangle .

3. Draw a rectangle and format it as you’d like. Label it “HIDE”.

This will be your HIDE button. Place it between columns A & B so it will be hidden with the columns when the macro runs.

4. To assign a macro, right-click the shape and select Assign Macro .

5. In the Assign Macro window, select Hide_Columns and click OK .

The Hide button now works!

Now, do the same for the Unhide_Columns macro.

6. Create another rectangle button and label it “UNHIDE”.

7. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 but this time, assign the Unhide_Columns macro.

Now you can quickly run your macros using the HIDE and UNHIDE buttons.

It is sometimes better to run macros using a keyboard shortcut.

For this next example, you want to quickly highlight people on the list that expressed interest in the business.

To create a macro for this:

1. Select any cell within the table.

2. On the Developer tab, toggle ON the Use Relative References button.

3. Start recording with the Record Macro button on the Developer tab .

Or, you can also click the Record Macro button on the Status Bar .

4. Name the macro Mark_Interested .

Then assign a shortcut key. For example, Ctrl + Q .

Click OK . The recording has now started.

4. Highlight the row of the Active Cell using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Space Bar .

When selecting cells or expanding selections while recording a macro, it is best to use keyboard shortcuts. This is so that Excel can record the selections as relative references . For example, if you select Row 4 by clicking on the Row Bar , Excel will record this as an absolute reference . This means it will always select Row 4 regardless of the currently Active Cell . When you use the Shift + Space Bar shortcut instead, it tells Excel to select the row of the current Active Cell .

5. Apply the formatting:

  • Fill using the color Green
  • Change font color to White

6. End the macro recording from the Status Bar

Try to use the shortcut Ctrl + Q to quickly apply formatting to entire rows.

If you save the practice workbook, this window will pop up:

This is because the practice workbook is currently saved with the .xlsx file extension which does not support macro features.

To save properly, change it to the .xlsm file extension for macro-enable workbooks.

Keep this in mind when saving your work.

Congratulations! 🤩

You are now familiar with Excel macros.

Try to record your own macros and start saving time ⏱️ on your work!

That’s it – Now what?

The examples above are very useful though they are quite simple.

You can record macros for more complex functions. Such as creating custom charts or selectively copying rows of data to another workbook.

But recording and playing macros is just the tip of the iceberg.

With VBA programming, you get access to a whole different level of Excel automation. 🤖

And while Visual Basic may seem overwhelming at first, you can start slow with basic variables and IF statements. These are much easier than you might think!

Learn all that and much more in my free 30-minute online VBA course here .

Other resources

If you want to know more about the inner workings of the record macro feature, check out my Excel macro tutorial for beginners on YouTube .

You can also dive right into VBA by reading this article or watching this introductory video on VBA and macros !

Hope you enjoyed this article!

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Excel Tutorial: How To Make Assignment Schedule In Excel


Managing assignments and deadlines can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with multiple projects simultaneously. This is where Excel comes in handy, allowing you to create well-organized and efficient assignment schedules . In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating an assignment schedule in Excel, helping you stay on top of your tasks and deadlines.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel is a valuable tool for creating and managing assignment schedules, especially for multiple projects.
  • Understanding the basic layout and functions of Excel is essential for creating an efficient assignment schedule.
  • Color-coding and formatting options can help visually organize and prioritize tasks in the assignment schedule.
  • Learning and utilizing basic Excel formulas and functions can automate calculations and updates in the assignment schedule.
  • Efficient data entry and management practices, such as sorting and filtering options, are crucial for maintaining a well-organized assignment schedule in Excel.

Understanding the Excel Interface

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for creating spreadsheets and organizing data. Before diving into creating an assignment schedule, it's important to have a good understanding of the Excel interface.

  • Excel opens with a blank worksheet, consisting of a grid of cells organized into rows and columns.
  • The ribbon at the top of the window contains tabs, each of which has several groups of related commands.
  • The Quick Access Toolbar provides easy access to commonly used commands.
  • Cells are the individual rectangular boxes on the worksheet where you enter data.
  • Rows run horizontally across the worksheet, and columns run vertically.
  • Each cell is referenced by its column letter and row number, such as A1 or B5.
  • Excel offers a wide range of formatting options to customize the appearance of your worksheet, including font styles, colors, and borders.
  • You can also apply number formats, such as currency or percentage, to make your data easier to read.
  • Conditional formatting allows you to highlight specific cells based on their values.

Creating a New Worksheet

When it comes to creating an assignment schedule in Excel, the first step is to start a new worksheet.

A. Step-by-step guide to starting a new Excel worksheet

To begin, open Excel and click on the “File” tab in the top left corner. From the drop-down menu, select “New” to create a new worksheet. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N to start a new worksheet instantly.

B. Naming and saving the worksheet file

After creating the new worksheet, it is important to name and save the file to avoid losing any work. Click on the “File” tab and select “Save As” to choose a location on your computer and give the file a name. Be sure to save the file periodically as you work on it to prevent any data loss.

C. Understanding different file formats

Excel offers various file formats for saving your worksheet, such as .xlsx, .xlsm, and .xlsb. Each format has its own features and compatibility with other software, so it is important to understand the differences and choose the appropriate format for your needs.

Setting Up the Assignment Schedule

Creating an assignment schedule in Excel can help you stay organized and on top of your workload. To effectively set up your schedule, follow these steps:

  • Dates: Begin by creating a column for dates, starting with the due date of the first assignment and continuing through the end of the semester or project timeline.
  • Assignments: Next, create a column for listing the assignments or tasks that need to be completed, corresponding to the dates in the first column.
  • Deadlines: In a third column, enter the deadlines for each assignment, ensuring that they align with the corresponding date and assignment.
  • Start Date: Use the =TODAY() function to automatically populate the start date of the schedule. This will ensure that the schedule always reflects the current date.
  • Date Calculations: Utilize Excel's date functions, such as =EDATE() and =DATE() , to calculate and display future dates based on the start date and assignment deadlines.
  • Color-Coding: Use Excel's formatting options to apply color-coding to the schedule, such as highlighting past due assignments in red, upcoming deadlines in yellow, and completed tasks in green.
  • Conditional Formatting: Take advantage of Excel's conditional formatting feature to automatically apply colors based on specific criteria, making it easier to visually identify important dates and tasks.

Adding Formulas and Functions

When it comes to creating an assignment schedule in Excel, adding formulas and functions can help automate calculations and updates, making the process more efficient and less prone to human error. In this section, we will introduce basic Excel formulas for calculating due dates and progress, discuss the use of functions to automate calculations and updates, and troubleshoot common formula errors.

Excel offers a wide range of formulas that can be utilized to calculate due dates and track progress for assignments. Some basic formulas that can be used include:

  • Today: This function can be used to automatically insert the current date in a cell. For example, =TODAY()
  • Date calculations: Formulas such as =E2+7 can be used to calculate a due date by adding a specified number of days to a start date.
  • Progress percentage: Formulas like =F2/D2 can be used to calculate the percentage of progress based on completed tasks and the total number of tasks.

Excel functions are powerful tools that can be used to automate calculations and updates. Some useful functions for creating an assignment schedule include:

  • IF function: This function can be used to set up conditional statements based on specific criteria. For example, =IF(D2>TODAY(),"Not Yet Due","Past Due")
  • VLOOKUP function: This function can be used to retrieve specific data from a table based on a lookup value. For example, =VLOOKUP(E2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE)
  • SUMIF function: This function can be used to sum values based on specified criteria. For example, =SUMIF(A2:A10, "Complete", C2:C10)

While working with formulas and functions, it is common to encounter errors. Some common formula errors in Excel include:

  • #DIV/0!: This error occurs when a formula attempts to divide by zero. It can be resolved by adding a conditional statement to check for zero denominators.
  • #VALUE!: This error occurs when a formula includes invalid data types. It can be resolved by checking for mismatched data types and ensuring that all data is entered correctly.
  • #REF!: This error occurs when a cell reference is invalid. It can be resolved by checking for broken or incorrect cell references.

Data Entry and Management

A. Best practices for data entry in the assignment schedule

  • Consistent Formatting: Ensure that all data is entered in a consistent format, such as dates in the same style and naming conventions for tasks.
  • Use Data Validation: Implement data validation to restrict input to specific criteria, such as valid dates or designated options for task types.
  • Accuracy Check: Double-check all entries for accuracy and completeness to avoid errors in the schedule.

B. Sorting and filtering options for managing large sets of data

  • Sorting Data: Utilize Excel's sorting feature to arrange the assignment schedule based on criteria such as due dates or task priorities.
  • Filtering Data: Utilize Excel's filtering feature to display specific subsets of the assignment schedule, making it easier to focus on particular tasks or deadlines.
  • Custom Views: Create custom views to quickly switch between different arrangements of the assignment schedule for various purposes.

C. Tips for efficient data management within Excel

  • Use Tables: Convert the assignment schedule into a table to take advantage of dynamic updates and built-in filtering options.
  • Conditional Formatting: Apply conditional formatting to highlight important deadlines or overdue tasks for better visibility.
  • Utilize Formulas: Implement Excel formulas to automate calculations, such as calculating task durations or remaining time until deadlines.

Throughout this tutorial, we covered the key steps to create an assignment schedule in Excel , including setting up the layout, entering the data, and applying formatting. I encourage you to practice and explore further the features of Excel to become more proficient in using this powerful tool for organizing and managing your assignments.

Don't hesitate to reach out with any feedback or questions you may have. We're here to help!

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Microsoft Excel:How to create, record, and run macros

M ost people rely on formulas in Excel, not the automation benefits of macros. Macros allow you to create complex data manipulations, streamline report generation, and more. Whether you're in finance, marketing, or another data-driven field, learning to write Excel macros is a game-changer. This guide demystifies Excel macros, helping you understand and use them. Macros work on PCs and Macs. If you have an affordable Chromebook , use Google Sheets and create similar programs using Google Apps Script.

What are Excel macros?

Macros in Excel are sequences of instructions that automate repetitive tasks. They are written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a programming language developed by Microsoft. When you record a macro, you instruct Excel to remember a series of actions you perform. After being recorded, these actions can be executed automatically with a single command.

This is useful for repeating the same task across multiple datasets, streamlining data entry, and formatting processes. Excel macros can also generate standardized reports with consistent formatting and calculations.

Macros save time and minimize the risk of human errors during repetitive data processing. They handle large volumes of data efficiently, making Excel a robust tool for personal and professional use.

How to create Excel macros

There are two ways to create macros in Microsoft Excel. The first is by recording it. The other involves writing it using VBA language. If you're new to macros, it's easier to record it than it is to write it in VBA.

Macros work on Mac and PC. However, macOS doesn't support ActiveX Controls, which are often found in some macros.

Activate the Developer tab

Before creating a macro, activate the Developer tab in Microsoft Excel. This works on PC and Mac, but the steps to activate the Developer tab differ slightly from one operating system to the other.

Here's how to activate the Developer tab on a PC:

  • Open Microsoft Excel .
  • Click the File tab , located in the upper-right corner.
  • Click Options in the lower-left corner.
  • Click the Customize Ribbon tab, located to the left of the window.
  • Tick the Developer checkbox .

Here's how to activate the Developer tab on a Mac:

  • Open the Excel preferences by pressing the Cmd + Comma ( , ) keys simultaneously on your keyboard. Alternatively, click Excel on your Mac's top menu and select Preferences .
  • Click Ribbon & Toolbar .
  • Scroll down in the list to the right, and tick the checkbox next to Developer.

After completing these steps, the Developer tab appears in the Excel ribbon, regardless of whether you're on a Mac or PC. You'll need it to use macros.

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Record an excel macro.

The easiest way to create a new Excel macro is by recording it. When the recording is on, all the tasks you perform are recorded. After you save the tasks, Excel automatically reproduces them for you.

Before you begin, list the tasks you want to perform to avoid mistakes. If you make an error, edit the macro's code or delete it and start over.

  • Open a new or existing Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • Under the Developer tab , click the Record macro button .
  • Give your macro a name.
  • Choose where to save it. In addition to the current workbook, you can create a new one.
  • Select Personal Macro Workbook to use it in any Excel spreadsheet you open.
  • Optionally, assign it a keyboard shortcut and give it a description.
  • Click OK to start recording the macro.
  • Perform the tasks and actions for the process you want to automate. All clicks, data input, formulas, and formatting are recorded.
  • Click Stop Recording to finish. The button is under the Developer tab. It replaces the Record macro button.
  • Your macro is saved.

Write an Excel macro

You can write your macro from scratch if you're familiar with VBA. To do this, create a new macro:

  • Under the Developer tab , click Visual Basic .
  • Write your macro in VBA using the parameters you want.

How to run Excel macros

Now that you've created your Excel macros, let's see how to run them. There are two ways to do it. The first is picking the macro you want to use from the menu, which is a bit complex. If you use it often, assign a macro to a button, making it easier to run.

Access your Excel macros

To access the Excel macros you created and run them using the menus, follow the steps below:

  • Under the Developer tab , click Macros .
  • Select the macro you want to run.
  • Click Run .

Assign a button to an Excel macro

If you plan to use a specific macro often, assign it to a button. Then, place the button anywhere you want.

  • Under the Developer tab , click Button .
  • Choose the spreadsheet where you want to put the button.
  • Select the macro it needs to run.
  • To change how the button looks, right click and select Customize controls .

Do more with Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office offers productivity tools that make your day at work easier. OneNote makes note-taking a breeze and helps you keep track of them across devices. PowerPoint offers templates and themes to make presentations consistent and good-looking. If you work with spreadsheets, Excel helps you manage CSV files .

Microsoft Excel:How to create, record, and run macros

how to make assignment on ms excel

Import a schedule from Excel to Shifts

This article applies to frontline managers.

You can use an Excel workbook to bring your schedules into Shifts. Importing your schedule from Excel to Shifts can help you get your team set up faster, especially if you manage a large team.  

In this article

Import your schedule to shifts, view and fix import errors.

The Excel sample workbook

An Excel import can perform the following actions, which you would otherwise manually do in Shifts:

Assign shifts and time off for each member of your team.

Add open shifts. 

Organize shifts by group.

Add team members to groups. 

Add notes for the day.

If you prefer to manually fill out a schedule, see Fill out a schedule in Shifts .

An Excel import enables you to add schedule info like shifts, time off, and open shifts. Editing or deleting schedule info that already exists in Shifts isn’t possible through an Excel import.

If you disabled open shifts in Shifts settings , or if you don't have permissions to add groups to Shifts, you won't be able to add open shifts or organize shifts by groups through an Excel import.

You can't import a schedule that's more than two years in advance of the current date.

First, you enter your schedule info in an Excel workbook, and then you import the workbook to Shifts. Shifts includes an Excel sample workbook that you can use to enter your schedule info.

You can either create a new file based on the sample workbook or you can add your schedule info directly in it. If you use the sample workbook, make sure you delete the sample data before you upload the file.    

Important:  Make sure the language set on your device and the number format in Excel are set to the same region. This ensures that your date formats in Teams match what you entered in Excel. Teams reflects the same date and time format as your device's language, date, and time settings. For example, if your device and Excel are set to English (United States) , the Excel date format of 06/03/2024 accurately represents March 3, 2024 in Teams. If your device is set to English (United Kingdom) and Excel is set to English (United States) , the Excel date format of 06/03/2024 is interpreted as June 6, 2024 in Teams. 

Teams more options icon

Select Upload file. If needed,   select the Download sample link to get the sample Excel workbook.

Read the instructions in the sample workbook or see the Excel sample workbook  section of this article for details on how to add your schedule info. 

Fill out your schedule in Excel.

After you add your schedule info, you’re ready to import it to Shifts. Select Upload file , navigate to where you saved your Excel workbook, and then select Open .

After you upload your file, you can check the upload status and details in the Import history table. You'll see one of the following statuses in the  Status column:

Imported indicates that your schedule was successfully imported and is now displayed in your Shifts calendar.

Error indicates your schedule has errors and wasn't imported or was partially imported. You'll see a Download report link in the Status column if your schedule was partially imported. 

Important:  The table shows the status of the last 10 uploads from your team in the past 30 days. You can see the uploads from you and other frontline managers on your team. If multiple frontline managers on your team are importing schedules to Shifts, make sure you check the status of your upload before it’s removed from the table.

A single Excel file supports a maximum of 30,000 schedule entities, 10,000 of each entity (shifts, open shifts, and time off). If you need to import more items, create another file.

You can schedule time off that's longer than 24 hours. However, shifts and open shifts longer than 24 hours aren't supported.

Select Download report in the Status column to download the Excel error file. By default, the file is saved to the Downloads folder on your computer with the following name: ImportScheduleErrors_< team ID >.xls.

Error message on Errors sheet

When you're done fixing the errors, save the file, and then import it to Shifts again.

Excel sample workbook

You can use our sample workbook to help you put your schedule in Excel. Our sample workbook contains the following worksheets:

Instructions : Guidance for how to enter your schedule info.

Shifts , Time Off , and Open Shifts : For adding shifts, time off, and open shifts.

Day Notes : For entering notes that correspond to a particular day. 

Members : A read-only list of the people on your team for which you can assign shifts. 

Otherwise, create your own Excel workbook using the structure described in the Shifts , Time Off , Open Shifts , and Day Notes worksheets.


You can't remove or change the order of the columns in the worksheets. Otherwise, you'll get errors when you import the file.

Required columns are marked as bold in each worksheet and can't be empty.

Shifts worksheet

On the Shifts worksheet, each shift appears as a row with 12 columns. Here are details about the columns and how to use them. 

Time Off worksheet

On the Time Off  worksheet, each time off item appears as a row with 11 columns. Here are details about the columns and how to use them.  

Open Shifts worksheet

On the Open Shifts worksheet, each open shift appears as a row with 11 columns. Here are details about the columns and how to use them.  

Day Notes worksheet

For each day, you can add a note. 

In Shifts, the notes will appear near the top of the schedule, under the date.

Location of day notes in a Shifts schedule

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Why do I not have the Forecast Sheet box/button in Excel?

I am trying to make a forecast sheet from a data range but I do not have a forecast sheet button. It is for a class assignment and the assignment says it will work on Mac, but am I not able to make a forecast sheet on Mac Excel? Everything I have looked up says the forecast sheet button would be right next to the What If Analysis? button but it is not.

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Bob Jones AKA: CyberTaz

AFAIK Forecast currently is Window only. I've seen no indication of when or whether it will be available in Excel for Mac.

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  27. Why do I not have the Forecast Sheet box/button in Excel?

    It is for a class assignment and the assignment says it will work on Mac, but am I not able to make a forecast sheet on Mac Excel? Everything I have looked up says the forecast sheet button would be right next to the What If Analysis? button but it is not.