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how to write bachelor degree in business administration on resume

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How To Write Bachelor Of Business Administration On Resume

by spencerknight · Published March 25, 2021 · Updated February 22, 2023

If you’re a recent graduate or about to graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, you may be wondering how to best showcase your degree on your resume. Here is a guide on how to write Bachelor of Business Administration on your resume.

First, start by listing your degree and the institution you obtained it from. Next, list your GPA if it is above 3.0. If you have any relevant coursework or projects to showcase, list them next. Finally, list your skills and experience.

If you don’t have any work experience to list, you can list any internships or volunteer experience you have. You can also list any skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

When listing your skills, be sure to use keywords that are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, you would want to list skills like marketing, advertising, public relations, and so on.

Here is an example of how to list a Bachelor of Business Administration degree on a resume:

Bachelor of Business Administration, XYZ Institution GPA: 3.0 Relevant Coursework: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations Skills: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Social Media, Time Management

Is it Bachelor or Bachelor’s degree on a resume?

When listing your educational attainment on your resume, is it spelled out as “bachelor’s degree” or “bachelor”? The answer is that it depends on your preference and the preference of the employer. Some people opt to spell out the word “bachelor” to avoid any confusion, while others simply list the abbreviation “b.s.” or “b.a.” to save space.

No matter how you choose to list your degree, make sure that the information is accurate. It’s always a good idea to have a copy of your transcripts or diploma on hand to prove that you have the degree that you claim to have.

If you are unsure of how to spell out your degree, or if you have a degree that doesn’t quite fit into one of the categories listed above, it’s best to consult with the employer or with a career advisor. They will be able to help you make the right decision for your resume and for your career.

Is it BBA or BBA?

Choosing between a BBA and a traditional business degree can be a difficult decision. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, making it hard to determine which is the better choice. Here is a breakdown of the key differences between these two types of degrees to help you make an informed decision.

A BBA is a business administration degree that typically takes three years to complete. This degree focuses on business-related coursework, such as accounting, marketing, and management. A BBA can be a great option for students who are interested in working in the business world.

A traditional business degree is a four-year degree that covers a wider range of topics, including business, economics, and mathematics. This degree can be a better option for students who are interested in working in a variety of fields, such as banking, consulting, and marketing.

The key difference between a BBA and a traditional business degree is the focus of the coursework. A BBA is focused specifically on business-related coursework, while a traditional business degree covers a wider range of topics. This means that a BBA may be a better option for students who are interested in working in the business world, while a traditional business degree may be a better option for students who are interested in working in other fields.

Another key difference between these two types of degrees is the cost. A BBA typically costs less than a traditional business degree. This is because a BBA is a shorter degree that requires less coursework.

How do you abbreviate BBA in resume?

There are a few different ways to abbreviate BBA on a resume. One option is to simply spell out the full name: Bachelor of Business Administration. Another option is to use B.B.A. or B.A. in Business Administration. Whichever abbreviation you choose, be sure to use it consistently throughout your resume.

How do you say you are still pursuing a degree on your resume?

Including your degree on your resume can be a great way to show potential employers that you have the skills and qualifications they are looking for. However, if you are still in the process of completing your degree, you may not want to include this information on your resume. Here are a few tips on how to say you are still pursuing a degree on your resume.

If you are still in the process of completing your degree, you can list the school you are attending and the year you will graduate. You can also list the degree you are working towards. However, you should avoid including any specific courses you have taken or grades you have received.

If you have already completed your degree, but are still in the process of completing your education, you can list the school you are attending and the year you will graduate. You can also list the degree you have already earned and the area of study you are pursuing. However, you should avoid including any specific courses you have taken or grades you have received.

If you have already completed your degree and are no longer pursuing further education, you can list the school you are attending and the year you will graduate. You can also list the degree you have already earned and the area of study you are pursuing. However, you should avoid including any specific courses you have taken or grades you have received.

How do you say you are pursuing a degree?

In most cases, you would say “I’m pursuing a degree” or “I am pursuing a degree.” To say that you are in the process of getting a degree, you would say “I am in the process of getting a degree.”

How do you put college on resume if you haven’t graduated yet?

If you are still attending college, you may be wondering how to include your education on your resume. You don’t have to wait until you graduate to include your college education on your resume. Here are a few tips on how to do it.

Include the name of the school and the degree you are working towards. If you have completed any courses or earned any credits, you can list those as well. You can also include your GPA if it is above 3.0.

If you have not yet graduated, you can still include your college education on your resume. List the name of the school, the degree you are working towards, and the year you will graduate.

If you have any coursework or credits that you have completed, you can list those as well. You can also include your GPA if it is above 3.0.

If you are a recent graduate, you should list the name of the school, the degree you earned, and the year you graduated. You can also list any coursework or credits you completed, as well as your GPA if it is above 3.0.

Including your college education on your resume is a great way to showcase your skills and achievements. It can also help you stand out from the competition.

How do you write bachelor’s degree on resume?

When you’re applying for jobs, you may be asked to include your education on your resume. This can be tricky if you’re still in school or if you’ve only completed some college coursework. Here’s how to list your degree on your resume, whether you’re a high school graduate or a college graduate.

If you’re a high school graduate, list your high school diploma or GED on your resume. You can also list any college coursework you’ve completed.

If you’ve completed a bachelor’s degree, list your degree on your resume. You can also list any college courses you’ve taken that are related to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a nurse, you can list your courses in anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology.

If you’ve completed a graduate degree, list your degree on your resume. You can also list any college courses you’ve taken that are related to the job you’re applying for.

If you’ve completed a professional degree, list your degree on your resume. You can also list any college courses you’ve taken that are related to the job you’re applying for.

If you’re still in school, list the name of the school you’re attending and the degree you’re working towards. You can also list any college courses you’ve taken that are related to the job you’re applying for.

Is it Bachelor or bachelor’s degree?

What is the difference between a bachelor and a bachelors degree? The two words have different meanings, and one is an incorrect use of the other.

A bachelor is a unmarried man. A bachelors degree is an academic degree earned by completing a college or university program.

It is incorrect to use bachelor’s degree as the plural of bachelor. The plural is bachelors degrees .

Do you put associate’s and bachelor’s on resume?

Whether you should include your associate’s or bachelor’s degree on your resume depends on a number of factors, including your experience level, the type of position you are applying for, and the specific degree you earned.

In most cases, it is appropriate to include your degree on your resume. If you are a recent graduate, or if you do not have a lot of work experience, your degree can be a valuable way to showcase your qualifications. If you are applying for a position that does not require a degree, or if you already have a lot of experience in your field, you may choose to leave your degree off your resume.

If you decide to include your degree on your resume, be sure to list the name of the degree and the institution where you earned it. You may also want to include the date you obtained the degree.

How to write BBA on resume?

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree is an undergraduate degree in business administration. It is a three-year degree program that provides students with a foundation in business principles and practices.

There are many different ways to list a BBA on a resume. The most common way to list a BBA is to simply list the degree name and the school name. For example, “Bachelor of Business Administration, XYZ University.”

If you have a specific area of focus within your BBA degree, you can list that as well. For example, “Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, XYZ University.”

If you have completed any specific coursework or taken any specific classes related to business, you can list that as well. For example, “Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing, XYZ University. Coursework includes: Marketing Principles, Advertising, and Consumer Behavior.”

How do you abbreviate Bachelor of Business Administration?

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) can be abbreviated as B.B.A. or B.A. in Business.

Is BBA and BBA difference?

BBA and BBA difference is a common question that students ask. They are both business degrees, but there are some key distinctions between them.

The first difference is that BBA is a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, while BBA is a Bachelor of Banking and Finance degree. BBA is a more general business degree, while BBA is more specialized in the banking and finance industry.

The second difference is that BBA is a more theoretical degree, while BBA is more practical. BBA teaches you the principles of business, while BBA teaches you how to apply these principles in the banking and finance industry.

The third difference is that BBA is a more general degree, while BBA is more specialized. BBA teaches you the basics of business, while BBA teaches you the specifics of the banking and finance industry.

The fourth difference is that BBA is a degree, while BBA is a diploma. BBA is a more prestigious degree, while BBA is a less prestigious diploma.

The fifth difference is that BBA is a four-year degree, while BBA is a two-year degree. BBA is a longer degree, while BBA is a shorter degree.

The sixth difference is that BBA is more expensive, while BBA is less expensive. BBA is more expensive because it is a degree, while BBA is less expensive because it is a diploma.

So, is BBA and BBA difference? The answer is yes. BBA is a more general business degree, while BBA is more specialized in the banking and finance industry. BBA is a more theoretical degree, while BBA is more practical. BBA is a more general degree, while BBA is more specialized. BBA is a four-year degree, while BBA is a two-year degree. BBA is more expensive, while BBA is less expensive.

What is an undergraduate business degree called?

An undergraduate business degree is typically called a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. However, there are other business degrees that can be earned at the undergraduate level, such as a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) or a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (BABA).

What is a BBA degree good for?

A BBA degree is good for a career in business. It prepares students for careers in management, marketing, accounting, and finance. A BBA degree also provides a foundation for students who want to pursue a graduate degree in business.

Is BBA a worth degree?

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a three-year undergraduate degree program that covers basics of business administration. The degree is offered by a number of universities and colleges across the country.

So, is BBA a worth degree? The answer to this question largely depends on individual’s interests and career goals. The BBA program provides a strong foundation in business administration and prepares students for a career in business. It is an ideal option for students who want to pursue a career in business or management.

The BBA program offers a variety of courses in business administration, including accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, and entrepreneurship. These courses provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career in business. The program also offers a number of elective courses, which allow students to focus on their specific interests.

The BBA program is also a good option for students who want to pursue a graduate degree in business or management. The degree provides a foundation in business administration and prepares students for a career in business. It also offers a number of elective courses, which allow students to focus on their specific interests.

The BBA program is a good option for students who want to start their own business. The program offers a number of courses in entrepreneurship, which provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to start their own business.

The BBA program is a good option for students who want to work in the public or private sector. The degree provides a foundation in business administration and prepares students for a career in business. It also offers a number of courses in accounting and finance, which are important for careers in the public and private sector.

The BBA program is a good option for students who want to work in the international business. The degree provides a foundation in business administration and prepares students for a career in business. It also offers a number of courses in marketing and international business, which are important for careers in the international business.

The BBA program is a good option for students who want to work in the field of management. The degree provides a foundation in business administration and prepares students for a career in business. It also offers a number of courses in human resources and entrepreneurship, which are important for careers in the field of management.

How do you list a BBA on a resume?

A BBA is a Bachelor of Business Administration. This degree can be obtained from a variety of schools, including traditional four-year universities and online schools. A BBA is a prestigious degree that can open many doors for a career.

When listing a BBA on a resume, it is important to include the name of the school, the year the degree was obtained, and the major. If the BBA was obtained from a four-year university, it is also important to list the GPA. If the BBA was obtained from an online school, it is important to list the accreditation of the school.

How do you abbreviate Bachelor’s degree on resume?

When listing your education on your resume, you may need to abbreviate your Bachelor’s degree. This can be done in a few ways, depending on how your degree is listed on your diploma or transcripts.

If your degree is listed as “B.A.” or “B.S.”, you can abbreviate it as “B.A.” or “B.S.” on your resume.

If your degree is listed as “Bachelor of Arts” or “Bachelor of Science”, you can abbreviate it as “B.A.” or “B.S.” on your resume.

If your degree is listed as “ Bachelor of Arts in _____” or “ Bachelor of Science in _____”, you can abbreviate it as “B.A. in _____” or “B.S. in _____” on your resume.

If your degree is listed as “Bachelor of _____”, you can abbreviate it as “B. _____” on your resume.

Do you put BBA after your name?

There is no one right answer to this question, as it depends on your personal preferences and career goals. However, there are a few things to consider when making your decision.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a undergraduate degree that typically takes four years to complete. It is offered by many universities and colleges, and provides students with a general education in business concepts and practices.

Some people choose to put BBA after their name to indicate that they have completed this degree. Others may choose to omit the degree designation altogether, or to list a different degree or certification instead.

There are a few factors to consider when making your decision about whether or not to list your BBA after your name . First, consider your career goals. If you are interested in pursuing a career in business, then having the BBA designation may be beneficial. Second, consider your professional image. If you are in a field that does not traditionally require a business degree, then omitting the BBA may be the better option.

Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to list your BBA after your name is up to you. There is no wrong answer, as long as you are confident in your decision.

How do I list my degree on a resume?

When it comes to listing your degree on your resume, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your degree is relevant to the job you are applying for.

If it is, you can list it in the education section of your resume. You can either list the name of the degree, the name of the school, or the year you graduated. If you graduated from college more than 10 years ago, you may want to list the year you graduated rather than the name of the school.

If your degree is not relevant to the job you are applying for, you may want to consider leaving it off your resume.

Listing your degree on your resume can help you stand out from other candidates, so it is definitely worth considering.


I'm Spencer Knight, a 29-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about a variety of topics related to education, from teaching strategies to student success stories. I hope to help others achieve their educational goals and help them develop a lifelong love of learning.

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Spencer Knight

how to write bachelor degree in business administration on resume

Tips For Bachelor’s Degree Success


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how to write bachelor degree in business administration on resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to List a Degree on a Resume

Jawaria Suhail, MD

When creating a resume, experience, and skills are often highlighted. However, it’s important to remember that your educational background is also essential. Specific courses of study and levels of education are required for specific jobs.

Correctly listing your educational qualifications , such as a seminar you’ve attended, or a course or certification you’ve completed, shows that you have the training and, therefore, the skills you need.

Arguably the most influential titles you can will be a diploma or degree .  

So if you’re interested in applying for a job fresh out of college should you add your degree to your resume?

It’s definitely a great option. Having a degree or diploma says something about you as a future employee – you had the determination and perseverance to complete multiple years of study.

In fact, according to the BLS, median usual weekly earnings increase based on the level of education completed, which you can see in the graph below:

How much you can earn according to your degree. BLS data 2023.

That’s why it’s essential to know how to list your bachelor or master’s degree on your resume along with any other title.

Follow our tips below and examples of degrees in a resume to understand the best ways to add your qualifications and stand out when looking for some of the most in-demand jobs out there.

How to Write a Degree on a Resume

Many types of degrees exist, but the same basic format is used for each in your resume education section.

You’ll need to include the following details to display your credentials in an organized manner:

  • Name of the school
  • Location of the school
  • Type of degree earned

You can also choose to list the year you graduated . However, depending on when you finished college, it may be better to add it or leave it out.

If you have more than 5 years of experience, you don’t need to list the year you graduated in your resume.

Remember to include the city and state when you mention the location or country if you studied abroad.

Try our  intelligent resume builder  to  ensure that these details stay organized  in your application. Nothing looks worse than a sloppy education section.

How to List Different Degrees on a Resume

You may think that having more than one college degree is automatically a positive and will look good no matter what.

It’s fantastic that you can display your advanced knowledge, but having the right plan in place for listing your degrees on a resume is critical.

To effectively add your well-deserved degrees you should:

  • List your degrees in reverse chronological order
  • Place your highest level of education at the top of your education section and continue from there
  • Separate your double majors with an & symbol to avoid clutter

Remember to  include any noteworthy honors or distinctions  along with your  degrees , especially if they’re relevant to the position you are applying to.

Here’s an example of how to list a bachelor of science degree on a resume:

Master of Business Administration, Focus on Finance, Ivy League University, 2023

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Double Major: Marketing, Management, State University, 2020

  • Relevant Coursework: Strategic Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior
  • Achievements: Graduated Cum Laude, President of the Business Club (2019-2020)

How to Write Your Associate’s Degree on a Resume and Impress Employers

While it may take less time to get an associate’s degree is  nothing to look over , especially on a resume.

That means you’ll need to highlight your achievements,  just like on bachelor’s or master’s degrees .

Generally, you will record your associate’s degree in the format of the example below:

Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design, Springfield Community College, 2021

  • Relevant Coursework: Digital Illustration, Typography, Web Design
  • Honors: Graduated with Distinction

As a general rule, you should spell out the name of the degree rather than abbreviating it. This prevents confusion on the part of the recruiter.

If you’re running out of space on your one-page resume,  you can opt to abbreviate . These are common associate’s degree abbreviations and their meanings:

  • AA means Associate in Arts
  • AAB means Associate of Applied Business
  • AAS means Associate in Applied Science
  • AAT means Associate of Arts in Teaching
  • ABA means Associate of Business Administration
  • AS means Associate in Science

Depending on your college, your degree may be called “Associate of” or “Associate in.” Double-check to make sure you are using the correct terminology. Also, never write “Associate’s Degree” on your resume.

It should always be listed as the proper degree name, without an apostrophe “s”.

How to List Bachelor’s Degree on a Resume

A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree that takes four or more years of study. As like an associate’s degree, you will list your degree with the years you were in school, the university name, the city, and state, the type of degree, and the subject of study. Here’s an example:

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Magna Cum Laude, University of Michigan, 2021

  • Major: Marketing, Minor: Communication Studies
  • Relevant Coursework: Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media Marketing

Remember to  spell out the name of your degree  rather than abbreviating it. If you need an abbreviation to save space, you can use BA for Bachelor of Arts or BS for Bachelor of Science. Additional, less common abbreviations include:

  • B.A. for Bachelor of Arts
  • Bach. Sci., B.Sc., S.B., B.S., BCs for Bachelor of Science
  • BJHum for Bachelor of Journalism and Humanities
  • BMPD for Bachelor of Media Production and Design
  • BMusA for Bachelor of Musical Arts
  • BPAPM for Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management
  • BScFS for Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science.

Before using any of these uncommon abbreviations, think seriously about whether the meaning will be clear to your hiring manager.

Again, you won’t be using an apostrophe. It’s “Bachelor of” not “Bachelor’s.” As with the high school diploma, you can also cite your GPA if it was above 3.5 and include any distinctions, such as graduating Cum Laude .

How to Include Unfinished Degrees on a Resume

What if you are currently working on your degree, but have not yet graduated?

An in-progress degree on a resume doesn’t look bad at all so go ahead and add it!

List it similarly, with your expected graduation date on your resume as the closing year.

If you list a future date, your hiring manager will understand it is your expected graduation date. Optionally, following the listing, you can place the words “Expected graduation in [year]”.

What if you worked hard in college but  did not finish your degree ?

Don’t worry! Life happens. This experience can  still be placed on your resume . You can still list your relevant classes and focus on the transferable skills you picked up while studying.

Consider this unfinished degree on resume example:

2019-2022 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN Completed 48 credits toward a Bachelor of Arts in English

How to List a Master’s Degree on a Resume

Once you’ve obtained a bachelor’s degree, you might get a master’s degree. These graduate degrees usually require two additional years of study.

Always  list your master’s degree first  and your bachelor’s degree second.

Like previously discussed degrees, your master’s degree listing will include the standard format, meaning dates, the institution’s name, etc.

If you need to abbreviate, the following are common master’s degree abbreviations:

  • A.M., M.A., or MA for Master of Arts
  • M.B.A. or MBA for Master of Business Administration
  • M.E., ME, MEng, or M.Eng. for Master of Engineering
  • M.Ed. or MEd for Master of Education
  • M.S., MS, M.Sc., or MSc for Master of Science
  • M.S.Met. for Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

How to Add a Ph.D. to a Resume

If you have a Ph.D. it will look fantastic on your resume or CV , especially if you are looking for a position in the field of education.

Having a Ph.D. in a field that values it will help your application big time. 

However, if you are applying to a field that is unrelated to your Ph.D. no need to show it off that much.  But let’s say your Ph.D. is relevant to the position . Where should you place it?

Since it’s the highest distinction you can earn in education, you’ll want to place your Ph.D. at the top of your education section , and even s how it off in your summary.

Here’s how it should look when written on a resume:

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Focus on Artificial Intelligence, ABC Institute, 2019

  • Dissertation: “Deep Learning Approaches to Natural Language Processing”
  • Advisor: Dr. John Doe
  • Research Interests: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Sentiment Analysis
  • Publications: 3 peer-reviewed articles published in leading journals
  • Teaching Experience: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Programming, Prestigious Institute (2019-2021)
  • Awards: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Machine Learning (2022)

How to List a High School Diploma

If you’ve only completed high school, don’t worry; your education section can still shine! A large portion of the U.S. job market only has a high school diploma to their name.

However, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself before including your high school diploma:

  • What if you received a General Education Development Diploma or a General Education Development Certificate (GED)?
  • Should you list your high school education on your resume if you have later degrees?

Firstly, a GED is the equivalent of a high school diploma , and it should be listed similarly.

Secondly, If you have just one additional degree, you can also list your high school. Remember to place the college degree first and the high school diploma second, following the reverse chronological order.

Listing your high school information is unnecessary if you have multiple graduate and undergraduate degrees.

Variations in Listing Your Degrees

Now that we’ve looked at how to list each type of degree, let’s look at  some acceptable variations .

First, you don’t always have to list all the years you attended a college in [Year-Year] style. It’s also okay to list the year you graduated.

You can also adjust the order of the listing if you want to  emphasize  what  you studied  rather than  when  you graduated.

This is especially helpful if you  completed your education many years ago . You can replace the year, school/place, and degree order with a degree, school, and year order. Here’s an example of what that might look like:

[Type of Degree] in [Subject] [University Name, City, State] [Graduation Year]

You can also do this if you’re still working on your degree. Then, it will look like this:

[Type of Degree] in [Subject] [University Name, City, State] Expected Graduation in [Year]

The important thing is that you maintain the same format throughout your resume.

In Conclusion

Having the right education can mean the difference between getting your desired job and missing out. Therefore, it is essential to master listing your degrees in your resume education section.

Whether you need to list a high school diploma, GED, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or Ph.D., the steps are the same.

Remember to always list your education in reverse chronological order , placing the most recent achievements – and the highest degrees – first. It’s up to you to place the education section before or after the work experience section.

Your choice should depend on how much experience you have, as education is great for new applications, and if education is more pertinent to the position. 

In either case, you can use a resume template and these tips to ensure you create a stand-out application.

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  • Assist the Category Manager with building and developing close working relationships with key supply partners
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  • Supporting Business Development Managers with presentation materials for clients
  • Assisting in the production of data and reports to demonstrate positive performance and identify improvement opportunities
  • Providing support in the production of statutory plans
  • Supporting in the day-to-day operations of Production Service department inc
  • Managing engagement channels to facilitate 2-way engagement programme
  • Serve as the divisions' appointing authority (hiring manager)
  • Interpreting policies and procedures and communicating them to all employees both proactively and in response to questions
  • Be a key contributor in developing the division's goals, mission, vision, operating principles, and focus
  • Posting service fees into billing system
  • Archiving and discarding payrolls at the end of each cycle
  • Providing assistance with spreadsheets and yearly budget as requested by the Executive Director
  • Analyzing variances in departmental payroll vs. budget
  • Ability to work prioritise own workload and demonstrate planning and organisational skills, and able to remain calm under pressure
  • Good attention to detail
  • Basic knowledge of MS Office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Ability to explain routine tasks to others as directed, and an ability to listen and follow instructions
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written) with the ability to express solutions and ideas to colleagues and users at all levels
  • Ensures accuracy and quality of work is maintained at all times
  • Professionalism
  • Able to work in a team
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships
  • Attention to detail

15 Business Administration resume templates

Business Administration Resume Sample

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  • Follows established guidelines and procedures to develop support plans on simple product families
  • Represents services on product core teams and provides service requirements into product development
  • Sets product service metric goals, monitors product support business performance and identifies when corrective action is required
  • Collaborates with regions/WW regarding service and support planning, implementation and performance
  • Reports on business performance
  • Supports customer related activities within specific area of portfolio and/or geographic responsibility
  • Works with a limited set of products or services

Internship Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing personal support for a busy, high-profile executive making sure the office runs smoothly
  • Creating presentations on PowerPoint and provide general assistance during presentations
  • Establishing and maintaining files and records, collecting and analyzing information and preparing reports
  • Supporting in maintaining executive's calendar by setting, monitoring, and confirming appointments
  • Screening telephone calls, enquiries and requests, dealing with incoming email, faxes and post
  • Supporting in organizing team events, lunches, meetings (sourcing venues, catering etc…)
  • Participating in the creation of project documentation
  • Arranging travels and accommodations
  • Organization, scheduling and planning
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Ability to work to stringent deadlines
  • Ability to work efficiently under pressure on multiple tasks while meeting commitments with high quality standards

Assistant Manager GWO Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Administrative Support to Head of GWO and GWO Management (Including VPs and Senior Management)which includes liaising with internal and external departments/companies to schedule meetings and manage Head of GWO and GWO Management’s calendar and meetings, coordinating and scheduling all travel arrangements ensuring BNS guidelines are adhered to,prioritizing and coordinating the authorization process for various company and/or industry contracts/agreements/documents, ensuring all office equipment is maintained in good working order & that security cards are maintained for those requiring access, troubleshooting technical queries and problems experienced by the Head of GWO, VPs and Management Staff, composing routine letters, memorandums, reports, proposal and or presentation material on behalf of the unit’s leadership by identifying required information, researching background
  • Expense and Budget Management including the preparation, verification and ensuring appropriate authorization is obtained for specific unit expenses (expense claims, payroll charges, facility expenses etc., completing General Ledger expense vouchers, processing and follow up on travel expense claims for Head of GWO and GWO Management and ensure approval through GBM Expense Centre, liaising with Corporate Express and other external vendors/suppliers to answer questions & resolve problems, ensuring approved vendors/suppliers are used and price parameters are adhered to, monitoring the budget and update GWO Management monthly and quarterly, working with the Head of department and the Finance group on the Budgetary Planning for the global group, including liaising with the various regional offices, helping to ensure that the group meets its targets. This will include working on the preparation of the departmental budget, monitoring of expenses against budget, and the validation of variances, generating required reports (ie: capital plan, variances, complement, etc.) for internal use within the area and also for reporting to other financial management departments
  • Work with Senior Management to coordinate staffing needs including management of hiring request forms, job descriptions, and job postings, assist with coordinating interviews and assist with screening candidates as required , liaising with Human Resources to coordinate needs for new hires, regularly update organizational charts and distribution lists, interact with the Learning and Development group to ensure that the necessary training courses are available for the GWO group, contribute to the monitoring of the training targets for the GWO group, prepare confidential correspondence, advise and explain bank policies and procedures, order and maintain all personnel and stationary orders, coordinate employee recognition programs as required (ex: Best of the Best) and coordinate special projects when required
  • Responsible for ensuring effective communication processes are in place to keep staff informed of any changes to procedure/guidelines as well as event happenings and oversee ScotiaLive page as Community Manager and update as required
  • Coordinate with technology department to set-up and oversee new accounts and systems for new and current staff. Responsible for premises and coordination of moves, liaise with the appropriate contacts (Telecommunications, Technology, Premises); accountable for the maintenance of stationary supplies, security passes
  • Responsible for Premises Management, Business Continuity Planning, Occupational Health and Safety, and Record Retention including responding to general premises concerns, security admin & updating of security card spreadsheet, working with GWO Management to ensure that the group meets all milestones and delivers all required information for BCP process, supports the leadership team during an emergency by coordinating staff communications, moves to emergency sites, and requisition of equipment and supplies, liaise with BCP group and Technology regarding the provision of required system applications for critical units at the contingency locations, ensuring all GWO sites have proper OHS regulations and are compliant and up to date including First Aid kit , Oversee record retention for GWO groups ensuring that corporate classification and records retention schedules standards are met
  • Good organizational and administrative skills; experience in working independently with minimal direction and as part of a team; ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks
  • Proactive, helpful, and can-do attitude
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills to interact with a wide range of individuals on various issues both written and verbally; demonstrated tact, diplomacy, and discretion
  • Strong technical skills in software packages such as Microsoft Word, Power point, Excel, Outlook, Scotiabank's financial accounting, administrative systems & processes, and LANs
  • Working knowledge of Scotiabank’s organizational structure, in relation to the units’ operations, procedures and products
  • Knowledge of Business Continuity Planning; analytical skills sufficient to gather, input, and analyze statistical data and reports
  • Detail orientated and a team player
  • Self-motivated and results focused
  • Flexibility to adjust to dynamic work environment and white noise

Director of Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Financial accounting and reporting
  • Compliance functions
  • Human resources
  • Nuclear quality assurance
  • Developing and maintaining positive relationships and business arrangements with customers, regulatory contracts, subcontractors and professional consultants
  • Develop, revise and maintain QA Manual and operating procedures, including knowledge of NRC-mandated regulations and directives (ASME/NQA-1, ANSI N45.2, 10CFR50 Appendix B,10CFR Part 21 and Energy Reorganization Act of 1974
  • Perform tri-annual audits and annual reviews of suppliers of safety-related services & software/materials
  • Train & retrain staff for compliance to requirements of QA program
  • Assure that evaluation of potential safety issues are evaluated and reported in a timely manner
  • Issue stop work orders, as required
  • Maintain Approved Suppliers List
  • Execute and analyze order entry of customer safety-related purchase orders
  • Assemble, maintain and review Design Record Files
  • Endorse Certificates of Conformance for final deliverables
  • Review test equipment calibrations and assure calibrations are maintained & recorded
  • Review safety-related purchase orders for procurement of supplies/materials/ software
  • Conduct annual internal audits
  • Report to President on effectiveness of program
  • Correct deficiencies in program and provide & verify corrective actions to prevent recurrence
  • Supervise a QA clerk
  • Assure that QA files and Design Record Files are properly maintained, archived and securely stored
  • Interact with customers and regulatory agencies for compliance to QA program
  • Bachelor's Degree - Any area, however, accounting/finance preferred
  • 5+ years of experience in business administration or related field
  • Possess strong written and oral communication skills

Business Administration Manager Dach Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning and Control of business Area DACH
  • Controlling management P&L’s, focussed on sales and margin and marketing cost control versus targets
  • Business advisory role: understand the performance dashboard, develop plans to improve the financial performance of the business area, deliver ROI analysis on business proposals
  • Support key account planning
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Provide business areas with regular performance reporting and ad-hoc analysis
  • Coordinate Monthly management report
  • Demand Planning
  • Coordinate demand planning process for the respective business areas between account management and the central Operations department
  • Maintain customer price group structures in SAP
  • Analyse discount structures, recommend improvements, stimulate pay-for-performance approach
  • Process Control
  • Control commercial procedures within the business areas
  • Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures and country legislation
  • Coordinate Internal Audit process
  • Initiate and support process improvement projects
  • Master’s Degree in Finance, Controlling or equivalent
  • At least 5+ years of relevant experience in international business support function
  • Ability to work effectively in commercial environment and coordinating role with functional departments
  • Excellent MS-Office skills

Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with the team members to define objectives and schedules
  • Work autonomously and as a member of a team to devise innovative ways to delight the customer by finding solutions to complex and simple issues, within the constraints of the project schedule and cost goals
  • Use Excel data analytics tools
  • Build and test your designs until you understand their strengths and weaknesses and iterate or analyze design changes as needed
  • Thoroughly document all aspects of the project
  • Drive innovation into broad communication venues
  • Help establish presence on internal social media

Business Administration Graduate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Anaylsing the financial performance of the South Affrican business
  • Track and report on productivity and business discipline,
  • Identify area of improvement and communicate to the business,
  • Get involves in various project within the South African business,
  • Get involved in the auditing of the controls within the business, with a view of putting in place corrective measures,
  • Assist the GM - SA on various projects
  • Ability to learn, analyse, and understand business processes
  • Ability to communicate effectively (verbal, written, presentation) to all levels of the organization
  • Effective team work and multi-tasking skills a must
  • Analytical thinking
  • PowerPoint presentation skills
  • College, university, or equivalent degree in Business Administration or related field

Business Administration Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and develop the administration team and District Team Leaders, ensuring team members are focused on the business goals
  • Create a positive and supportive environment by providing first line coaching & mentoring
  • Define robust training within the team and work with the other Business Support Team Leaders to drive consistency across the pole
  • Partner with District General Managers and all other relevant functional leaders locally
  • Partner with the Business Support Centre in Bucharest
  • Be focal point of contact for the Business Support Team team in relation to district teams as well as Business Support Center partners
  • Support & engage in Honeywell Operating System deployment within the Business Support Function
  • Provide first line support to the team in terms of process and customer issues/escalations
  • Identify opportunities for continuous improvement to increase customer satisfaction and end-to-end business administration productivity
  • Drive six sigma culture and identify potential projects to launch within the team and field
  • Own administration processes and procedures for department; measure and monitor overall organization performance
  • Responsible for data integrity and lead any required cleansing initiatives
  • Work actively with other team leaders and team members to identify best practices
  • You are a passionate people manager
  • You enjoy working in a multi-cultural matrix team environment, and have strong communication, influencing- and change management skills
  • Experience with SAP & FX are a plus,
  • Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, statistics, business administration, public administration or another closely related field of study. (Master's Degree Preferred)
  • Minimum of five years' experience with state government processes and systems
  • Expert-level knowledge and experience in business management practices
  • Exceptional leadership and negotiation skills; including a talent for consensus building
  • Expert-level knowledge and experience in project/program management
  • Proven experience in developing budgets for executives, OFM, or legislative bodies
  • Knowledge of state and regional transportation planning
  • Understanding of toll facilities; policies and processes
  • Knowledge and experience in continuous improvement (LEAN)

Director, IT Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, system analysis, business administration or a related study preferred, or equivalent work experience
  • Minimum of five years of work experience in IT roles
  • Knowledge in technical disciplines such as: application development, operations, project management, program management, business process management, business analysis, communications
  • Previous leadership experience directly managing a team preferred
  • Strong analytical and technical skills required
  • Ability to interact professionally with a diverse group including executives, managers, and subject matter experts
  • Excellent interpersonal skills in areas such as teamwork, facilitation and negotiation
  • Ability to understand the long-term ("big picture") and short-term perspectives of situations
  • Knowledge of information principles and processes
  • Basic knowledge of financial models and budgeting
  • Ability to navigate through organizational dynamics and corporate culture
  • Ability to communicate effectively in a positive/upbeat fashion utilizing English, both in oral and written form
  • Have interpersonal skills with focused attention to guest needs to deal effectively with all business contacts
  • Maintain a professional, neat and well-groomed appearance adhering to Company appearance standards
  • Maintain consistent adherence to the Venetian and Palazzo Unmatched Guest Service Standards

Business Administration Apprentice Resume Examples & Samples

  • Regularly updates internal project teams (e.g., Project and Technology Management teams)
  • Data entry and data manipulation
  • Report writing and auditing
  • Contribute to work plans, seeks process improvement
  • Organise office data and information according to procedures
  • Take responsibility for their role within work group
  • Manage concurrent activities and multiple projects efficiently & effectively
  • Assist in the co-ordination of the day to day office operation
  • Arranging meetings through Microsoft Outlook

Business Administration Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of five years of experience in a business analysis role supporting a division/department
  • Proven management, leadership and follow through skills
  • Solid knowledge of budgeting and financial forecasting
  • Solid knowledge of management reporting
  • Solid knowledge of financial analysis
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks in a fast-paced, team environment
  • Ability to influence without authority and negotiate with senior level management
  • Strong command of MS Office
  • Excel – Spreadsheets, formulas, pivot tables, graphs
  • PowerPoint – Graphics
  • Ability to use PeopleSoft to extract data
  • Excellent organizational, planning and strategic leadership skills
  • Proven leadership skills and ability to deliver effective results
  • Proven ability to take initiative and work under pressure in a changing/growing environment
  • Strong business insight
  • Experience with Tableau a plus
  • Proven ability to leverage business and technology insight to influence the direction of the organization
  • Ability to recognize and communicate potential issues impacting the organization
  • Ability to made decisions independently within the context of organizational goals and long-term objectives
  • Ability to guide others to execute on/implement decisions that follow corporate strategies
  • Ability to solve or provide input to solve complex challenges

Junior Business Administration Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collection, maintenance and consolidation of various financial data,
  • Preparation of various daily, weekly and monthly financial reports (mainly based on SAP),
  • Processing large volumes of data,
  • Supporting project managers/business segment controllers in the controlling activities,
  • Actively proposing process optimizations,
  • Close cooperation with various internal departments (located mainly abroad)

Business & Administration Industrial Placements Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum of 5 GCSE's graded A-C and 3 A-Levels
  • A minimum of 240 UCAS points
  • Must be a University student with the opportunity to undergo a 12 month Placement
  • Must have completed a minimum of 12 weeks work experience
  • Predicted to receive a University Grade of 2:1 or above
  • Strong communications skills (verbal and written) essential, with a good degree of creative flair and an eye for detail
  • Excellent organisational skills with ability to handle and co-ordinate multiple activities and tasks through good time management and prioritising
  • A results driven and goal orientated approach with the ability to work proactively to deadlines
  • A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office packages

Business Administration Temp Resume Examples & Samples

  • Diary management for Senior managers
  • Daily support for the senior management team across a number of tasks
  • Management of Travel and expenses via the Citi CTE system
  • Validation of key departmental data such as organisation charts, call tree details, system entitlement reviews and visitor reporting
  • MIS such as sickness reporting, overtime, maternity leave, parental leave and all holiday tracking
  • Management for invoicing, stationary, PO and non PO requests
  • Responsible for completing leaver and joiner checklists by the required deadlines and in compliance with Audit requirements
  • Facilitate client bookings including catering, video and phone conferencing and conference room management
  • Ownership of presentations for all client meetings
  • Super-user of Citi time management system for department ensuring all logs are correct
  • Recruitment management and follow-up for approvals
  • Management of allocations for department including floor space, offices and cabinets
  • General adhoc administrative duties
  • Previous experience desirable
  • PC proficient
  • Knowledge of Excel, Access, Word and Outlook essential
  • Analytical and numerate
  • Good lateral thinking and common sense
  • Must demonstrate a proven track record working
  • Must possess strong interpersonal , written and communication skills
  • Motivated and enthusiastic
  • Keen to learn
  • Ability to cope under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Highly productive
  • Strong Leaving Certificate
  • Understand safe working practices within the work environment
  • Understand the Highways TOR2 environment
  • Good standards of written and verbal communication
  • IT literate

Solutions & Service Portfolio Business Administration Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform analysis of SSP main KPI’s ensuring high quality level of monitoring
  • Consolidate Branch SSP figures at Country level with high quality of forecasting
  • Ensure leading performance-controlling and reporting activities
  • Provide operational support for "Monthly closing" and for monthly business review preparations
  • Lead and coordinate Job promotions process towards SSP Zone South function
  • Perform productivity measures mapping and monitoring (i.e. PumaWeb)
  • Other activities BA related within the Division

Assistant Business Administration Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Take lead in budgeting and process control during project bidding phase
  • Perform project control including cost monitoring & forecasting asset and cash-flow management and forecasting
  • Take lead in customer’s quotation & sales order process
  • Handle procurement related tasks like purchase order placement to supplier, shipment follow up, delivery co-ordination and post shipment problem handling
  • Higher Diploma or above in Accounting, Business Administration or related disciplines
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience on project controlling and basic accounting knowledge
  • Knowledge of SAP is a definite advantage
  • Analytical, self-initiative and team player with good communication skill
  • Experience of working in multinational companies would be a plus
  • Well-versed in PC Software / Applications
  • Proficient in both spoken and written English and Chinese
  • Coordination of PS PG RSP Country reporting and Forecasting
  • Monthly Country FCST, especially LC Singapore & LC Indonesia
  • A/R tracking and FCF follow up
  • Country Analysis, Deep Dive
  • Support in Markttag and Budget Process FY 2017
  • Support in PS PG RSP presentations
  • Follow up of open BA Topics and Focus Areas
  • Special tasks when occuring

Business Administration Mgr Resume Examples & Samples

  • Budget Reporting
  • Unit costing
  • Headcount and staffing monitoring
  • Risk and Compliance monitoring
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, including the ability to communicate with colleagues at all levels
  • Self-motivated and driven to establish strategic direction for the group
  • Ability to work without close supervision, organise, manage and prioritise work
  • Ability to work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines
  • Ability to deliver training programmes to encourage risk awareness
  • Represent department Senior Management when required
  • 7 – 9 years’ experience
  • Business Administration of the department
  • Contribute to the organization's profit by maximized savings through innovative approach for cost controlling and optimized procedures and controls
  • Cost controlling and Asset Management. Creation of awareness and implementation of compliance programs in daily work and practices of the Division / Department
  • Budget, Forecast and Cost Controlling, Assets Management
  • Imparting the knowledge and information relating to compliance programs to peers and their implementation
  • Risk and Opportunity Management
  • Coach and support the Steering group and management team to develop the store’s annual P&L, financial goals and objectives and update forecasts throughout the fiscal year
  • Identify opportunities in the store P&L wherein the store can improve efficiencies, minimize costs, maximize profitability and in partnership with store steering group, plan and implement solutions/actions
  • Provide regular feedback to store management team on the Store and IKEA Food P&L results
  • Together with the Store Steering Group, responsible for achieving the goals of Voice (Employee engagement survey), Customer Service Index, Brand Capital, Commercial Review and P&L results
  • Collaborate with peers to plan and implement short and long term strategies to improve operational efficiency and create a positive shopping experience
  • Prepare and update forecasts and annual financial goals
  • Analyze and communicate key financial and operational targets
  • Proven leadership abilities
  • Ability to share your knowledge and learning
  • Strategic, analytical and tactical abilities
  • Highly developed organizational skills & Proven experience with full Profit and Loss Responsibility
  • Strong interest and knowledge of home furnishings
  • Ability to quickly develop in-depth knowledge of local market demographics and economic conditions
  • Solid networking skills
  • 3-5 years IKEA operations experience or 5-7 years high volume or multi-unit retail operations/finance experience

Business Administration Summer Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Answer vendor, customer or employee questions on the vehicle administrative process
  • Enter data into renewal and registration databases as needed
  • Organize and mail out vehicle renewal stickers, license plates and other related paperwork
  • Request checks and issue payment
  • Provide exceptional customer service to internal team, vendors, and customers
  • Administer, maintain, and track contracts, W-9 forms, and insurance certificates for our vendors
  • Sort and process incoming mail, faxes, phone calls, and emails
  • Receive, review, and print vehicle orders while updating current status in web database system
  • Prepare, complete, and send dealer paperwork
  • Create order/unit files for ordered units
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • A sophomore or above, enrolled full-time for the Fall 2017 semester in a college or university
  • Ability to work Monday-Friday, 40 hours a week during May/June-August 2017
  • Intermediate experience in Microsoft Excel and Word
  • 6 months administrative experience in an office environment or 6 months customer service experience
  • Great customer service skills
  • Great attention to detail and ability to multitask
  • Good problem solving and decision making abilities
  • Ability to work in a team environment, as well as independently

Business Administration Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain vendor information and documentation
  • Report vehicles sold on manufacturer website once the vehicle has been delivered
  • Partner with the Incentive Coordinators/Representatives to provide proactive incentive program information
  • Create and distribute various incentive related reports provided to all levels of management and the manufacturers
  • Update vendor databases and spreadsheets
  • Execute various PeopleSoft functions and reporting
  • Miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned
  • A sophomore or above, enrolled full-time for the Fall 2017 semester in a college or university pursuing a bachelor’s degree
  • Ability to work Monday-Friday, up to 40 hours a week during May/June-August 2017 and 20-25 hours per week for the Fall and Spring Semesters
  • 6 months of Customer service and/or administrative work experience preferred
  • Supporting Administrators for any administration requirements
  • Word processing, Copy typing, Letter writing
  • Dealing with telephone and email enquiries
  • Creating and maintaining filing systems
  • Using a variety of software packages, such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, etc., to produce correspondence and documents and to maintain presentations, records, spreadsheets and databases
  • Liaising with staff in other departments and with external contacts
  • Ordering and maintaining stationery and equipment (including for copiers / plotter)
  • Sorting and distributing incoming post and organising and sending outgoing post
  • Covering reception as required
  • Setting up meeting rooms in terms of catering / lunches
  • Clearing meeting rooms when finished
  • Tidying up of kitchens on a morning and emptying / filling dishwasher
  • Fire marshall and first aid trained (training will be given if required)
  • Presentation skills and attention to detail
  • The ability to plan your own work, work on your own initiative and meet deadlines
  • The ability to manage pressure and conflicting demands and prioritise tasks and workload
  • Tact, discretion and respect for confidentiality
  • A pleasant, confident telephone manner
  • Reliability and honesty
  • Methodical and thorough approach to work
  • A great team player

Business Administration Apprenticeship Resume Examples & Samples

  • A-C GCSE grades (or equivalent)
  • Hard working and enthusiastic attitude
  • Confident in getting involved in activities
  • Reviewing, validating and analysing customer data
  • Effectively govern applicable business critical data attributes, including but not limited to Names, Addresses, Customer Hierarchy, Market Segmentation, currency, pricing, rebates, Tax-ID validation, HCP/HCO verification, account reconciliation, payment terms, partner-function (sold-to/ship-to/bill-to/payer relationships), dunning procedures and related key contact attributes
  • Support other related CRM Data Quality & Governance activities
  • Interact with key business functions to confirm data quality policies and governed attributes
  • Support ongoing data quality led by Data Governance Organization as well as future Merge & Acquisition efforts, including but not limited to Data cleansing & de-duplication; Data mapping; Data dictionary
  • Advise on related data issues and identify corrective action items
  • Develops and manages reports and tools, ensuring sales reps and leaders have access to key data required to successfully manage the business
  • Understand the interaction between data attributes and business processes
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Detail and task oriented skills
  • Strong Analytical Skill with the ability to collect, organize and analyze large amounts of data with accuracy
  • Strong skill set with excel and MS access or other database tools
  • Support with administrative and follow-up tasks for marketing events
  • Assist at events as needed
  • Evaluate and respond to marketing requests
  • Organize team meetings, summits, and project-manage team-wide initiatives such as our internal newsletter and certain event series (e.g. summer tour events)
  • Project reporting and analysis
  • Initiate actions that they see will improve the way the team is run, and the way we communicate
  • Organization of documents and processes for various functions on the team
  • This person will also assist the team with more rudimentary administrative tasks, such as making and tracking POs and invoices, and also assisting with expenses
  • Projects budget control- follow up on progress report, invoice approving, collection from customer
  • Responsible and monitoring on commercial issues of the project
  • Responsible for Collection process (daily contact with customers and banks)
  • Responsible to maintain SAP for business requirements
  • Responsible on opening new customers/materials/suppliers in SAP
  • Issuing Invoices
  • Minimum 3 GCSEs grades A*-C or equivalent
  • Excellent communication skills, spoken and written,
  • IT literate and able to produce management information
  • Extensive knowledge of Microsoft office products (Excel, Word, Powerpoint)
  • Customer focused and have excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to multi-task, in fast paced high volume deadline driven environment
  • Previous construction functions
  • Previous construction site experience
  • Experience with business analysis tool sets to solve complex problems e.g programming languages, pivots and macros in Excel,
  • Continuous improvement, risk management or audit experience
  • Use a variety of Microsoft Packages (including Word, Excel and PowerPoint) to compose and update documents and distribute reports to the business
  • Deal with communications (mostly over the telephone and face to face) with other stakeholders in the business
  • Organise and service meetings which involve taking and preparing minutes, and undertaking any follow up actions. Minute taking may be complex, of a confidential nature and at a senior level for internal and external partners
  • Be forward thinking, enthusiastic and collaborative
  • Have a willingness to develop personal ability as part of structured training programme
  • Possess good communication skills both written and verbal
  • Be able to work in a team
  • Willingness to learn with career progression actively sought
  • Have initiative
  • Able to undertake their work activities in a safe manner in compliance with the Kier Safety, Health and Environment management system and not compromising the health and safety of their colleagues, subcontractors, the client and members of the public
  • Communication with client organisations, including uploading and downloading relevant information via online portals
  • Maintaining a clear and ordered set of word processing templates for presentations and bid submissions
  • Managing and prioritising workloads to meet required deadlines within the Contract
  • Support to Operations Control Centre on a daily basis by picking up the overflow calls, queries and covering customer services and communications
  • Assisting Works Planners and Programmers in the use of the works management system to plan defects for work gangs and liaising with operational staff to ensure works take place
  • Ensure accuracy of data and compliance with requirements of systems
  • Adhere to quality systems relevant to work area, supporting other areas of the business where appropriate
  • Comply with the businesses’ health and safety policies

Intern Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work independently on assigned tasks with some supervisory oversight
  • Recognize problems which are beyond intern’s capabilities and learn from the experts in the area
  • Maintain good attendance and perform other related duties as assigned
  • Other functions will vary based on the assigned work area
  • May rotate assignments to gain additional business experience
  • 5S audits and review of our sales offices
  • Drafting and updating ERP Work Instructions
  • Assist in rollout and training of new CRM platform
  • Update of item master records (COO and dimensions)
  • Lean principles and 5S standards
  • Flowcharts and process mapping
  • Change management
  • Customer Relationship Management strategies and platforms
  • Enterprise Resource Planning platforms in the business environment
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Sales processes and strategy
  • 2+ years of college experience
  • High degree of personal organization
  • Ability to learn quickly and assimilate information
  • Aspirations to succeed in demanding business environments
  • Willingness to learn and be coached
  • Microsoft Office and Outlook proficiency (strong Excel skills preferred)
  • April 28, 2017
  • Supporting the team with the management and administration of a complex global IT environment
  • Ensuring business governance is adhered to by all parts of the organisation
  • Assisting with presentations, dashboards, workshops, reports, data analysis and the capture and documentation of organisational requirements
  • Proactively establishing influential, positive partnerships with key contact groups
  • Support Senior Leaders
  • Support the arrangement of programs, events or conferences
  • Directs preparation of records such as presentations agenda, notices, minutes and resolutions of corporate meetings
  • Assists in department financial management
  • Provides ad hoc assistance to department projects / initiatives
  • Assist in expense management

Platforms & Reengineering Business Administration Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage Platforms and Reengineering employee engagement program,
  • Create presentations for FA and management meetings
  • Assist in maintaining hiring plans in coordination with business and recruiting
  • 5+ years post-college experience in financial services industry
  • Strong interpersonal collaboration and team skills including working with cross-
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects, manage
  • Understand the business environment
  • Liaise with suppliers and managers to book trainers and venues for training requirements as required in a timely manner, ensuring maximum attendance
  • Provide a Learning & Development Administrative service to employees, managers and the L&D function
  • Accurate logging of core data on training databases to feed into management reporting and funding claims
  • Issue joining instructions in-line with internal/external bookings process
  • Log, scan & issue certificates in-line with internal/external bookings process
  • Booking of training in line with the Training Plan once agreed by budget holders in the business
  • GCSEs (or equivalent) including Maths and English grades A-C
  • Good computer and IT skills
  • Provide Administrative support for the team
  • Accurate logging of information on databases
  • 4 GCSE’s (or equivalent) including Maths and English
  • Business administration
  • Finance and commercial business functions
  • Transport and logistics functions
  • Health & safety and site management
  • Collation and Distribution of information and reports
  • Building PowerPoint presentations
  • Understanding and support of all business areas
  • Project support
  • Good time management skills
  • Holds a keen interest in logistics corporate business functions
  • Thrived on being part of activities throughout education
  • Some experience and understanding of a workplace environment is desirable
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office suite
  • Proficient on Excel and Word
  • Formatting documents
  • Organised and able to work on own initiative
  • Methodical and timely
  • Able to build and maintain relationships with colleagues and peers

Adjunct Faculty, Business Administration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated teaching experience
  • Minimum of one year experience teaching in an online or blended environment
  • Experience using quality metrics (i.e. Quality Matters, Sloan 5 Pillars, etc.) to design and develop courses
  • Ability to develop new curriculum and learning units in anticipation of changes in market discipline
  • Belief that individuals can make a difference in the lives of students
  • Excellence in teaching and facilitating the learning process for students, learning and using new technology, and applying diverse instructional strategies in response to using new technology, and applying diverse instructional strategies in response to learner demographics and learning styles
  • Belief in the value of working and learning in a diverse environment
  • Excellent oral, written and listening skills
  • Ability to adapt to dynamic multi-campus organizational work environments
  • Being a successful advocate for new initiatives in curriculum or delivery
  • Understanding and embracing the mission of the community college
  • Capability to teach in more than one discipline
  • Possessing the energy and persistence to motivate and support others to pursue the larger goal
  • Being skilled in building strategic alliances both within and across disciplines, and within and outside the College
  • Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Management, Finance or related business discipline with a minimum of 9 years of related experience; Master’s degree in similar disciplines with a minimum of 7 years of related experience. Minimum of 2 years of lead/supervisory experience
  • Wide-ranging experience and advanced knowledge in the fields of: Financial Planning, Analysis, Reporting; Human Resources, Employee Relations, Compensation; Workforce Management; Performance Management; Facilities Utilization, Modernization, Optimization; Property Accountability; Acquisitions; IT Security; Safety & Environmental Compliance
  • Proven leadership skills with the ability to motivate individuals and teams
  • Significant expertise in financial planning, analytics and reporting, and proficiency with JPL institutional business tools
  • The ability to balance multiple, competing priorities with proven accountability in completing work assignments
  • Extensive experience interpreting and implementing laboratory policies, processes and procedures
  • Demonstrated ability to work, communicate and interact effectively with a broad spectrum of diverse individuals in a team-based environment
  • Strong analytical reasoning skills and problem solving attributes, using innovation and creativity when approaching new situations and challenges
  • Proven ability to adapt work efforts to meet rapidly changing organizational needs
  • Extensive experience participating in planning, forecasting, implementing, setting objectives and incorporating organizational goals
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills
  • Comprehensive understanding of business processes and procedures as they apply to the administration and operation of a JPL Service Center
  • Coding all invoices for payment
  • Creating 1099s for new vendors
  • Responding to all vendor inquiries
  • Recording resident payments onto deposit summary forms
  • Polling time clock hours
  • Making necessary approved payroll edits in a timely fashion
  • Gathering support for monthly accruals from department heads
  • Producing proposals and presentation packets
  • Analyzing revenue by product type
  • Acting as the initial point-of-contact for all HR related matters
  • Business Administration Director - Human Resources / HR / Accounting

Business Administration Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure that one to ones are completed each month, any breaches are documented appropriately with relevant corrective action taken and objectives agreed to minimise future occurrences
  • To oversee maintenance of Business Admin process and procedure documents and provide quarterly submissions for Starfish
  • To lead the team and be available as first point of contact for Command and Control function queries
  • Ensure that the team are relevantly skilled to be able to provide the link between CDIS and the operational users, acting as reference points as appropriate
  • Ensure that training for new recruits is delivered effectively and performance is monitored to ensure output and quality is at the required level
  • Oversee the inbound workbasket, and manage workflow in accordance with agreed SLA’s
  • Investment Administration Qualification (‘IOC’) level 1 - essential
  • Financial Services Industry and Regulatory Awareness - desirable
  • Administration of Collective Investment Schemes - desirable
  • Ability to provide leadership presence and act as a mentor as appropriat
  • Ability to engage others and drive positive change
  • Be personally resilient and demonstrate the ability to challenge existing practices and process

Business Administration Apprentice Apprentice Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consultant Administration Support
  • Meeting Support
  • Support for meeting preparation (gathering content and organising attendees)
  • Deals confidently with colleagues and clients at different levels, both face to face and by telephone
  • Attendance at team meetings to take notes
  • Booking meeting rooms for consultants including client facing meeting rooms, internal meetings and video web seminars
  • Meeting and escorting visitors and clients within the office
  • Reads UK weekly news and is active on Mercer Link
  • Study will be fully funded by Mercer and half a day each week devote to studies
  • Mercers apprentice is expected to be proactive with studying
  • Desirable work experience within a professional office environment
  • Ability to apply critical thinking
  • Ability to get results and find solutions
  • Willingness to learn and develop new skills
  • Expense claim processing and travel booking for consultants
  • Printing, binding, scanning and photocopying as required
  • Proactive management of filing
  • Assistance with preparation of meeting packs
  • Booking of catering and organising of concierge
  • Other adhoc support
  • Works closely with, and supports, other secretaries within the Unit, attending secretarial meetings when required
  • Studying material will be provided
  • Self-starter and able to work well independently and as part of a team
  • Good time management and organisation skills
  • Business Administration (day-to-day exposure and support to department procedures)
  • Process observation, automation and optimization
  • Hub budget analysis and reporting
  • Prepare financial justifications (creative/persuasive writing) for hub capital projects and staffing requests
  • Presentation development
  • “Walk-a-mile” exposure to peer departments (Tower Ops, Ramp, Customer Service, Catering, Facilities, etc.)
  • Working towards a BS degree with coursework in a quantitative or business discipline (economics, mathematics, engineering, finance, management, etc.)
  • Refined skills with MS Office (chiefly MS Excel and PowerPoint); familiarity with software programs used in conducting quantitative analysis and presentations
  • Demonstrated analytical skills, including the ability to assemble information, extract pertinent facts, draw logical conclusions and present recommendations
  • Interest in optimization, problem-solving and process improvement
  • Ability to make independent judgments and decisions while taking ownership of job responsibilities
  • Ability to work well within a team office/operational environment
  • Possess a valid U.S. driver’s license and the ability to pass a background check
  • Travel Required: Less than 5%
  • In addition to the valuable business exposure received, the successful candidate will also receive an hourly wage and flight benefits during the internship period
  • Are you eager to learn?
  • Do you want a career with a market leading, multi-national company?
  • Do you want the opportunity to gain a degree qualification part time whilst earning?
  • Do you want to learn different aspects of a business with placements in HR, Supply Chain, Quality, Finance and Controlling
  • Opportunities to further your career into senior management positions
  • If your answer is “yes”, then we have some exciting opportunities for you
  • Liaise with customers, local authorities and utilities to ensure positive relations are maintained and their observations and comments are taken into account to the benefit of the contract
  • To assist, in ensuring that all business documentation is completed fully and filed accordingly, and that reporting deadlines are adhered to
  • To have an understanding of the importance of managing the network effectively and assist in the coordination of works on the highway
  • Undertake personal training and development as required in order to build own skill, knowledge and competence
  • You'll gain a good understanding of Utility and Highway works, and the ability to develop a good working knowledge with; the New Roads & Street Works Act and Traffic Management Act

Business Administration Administrator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Pay bills and insert them into CitiDirect (match pay)
  • Sign documents for deals as needed
  • Run end of month accounting reports
  • Reconcile bank account and print bank statements
  • Attend board meetings
  • Maintain accounting books and records (see above, invoices and accounting reports)
  • Replenish checking account as needed through Finavigate
  • Purchase stamps and office supplies as needed
  • Renew Xerox copier maintenance agreement annually (October)
  • Apply for notary license (or know where closest notary is)
  • File UT annual report online (in April) with company AMEX
  • Be contact for office (landlord, Siemens Real Estate) in case of fire, flood, etc
  • Open and transmit any mail as needed to correct person
  • Make sure signatories and bank documentation are kept up to date on cash account
  • Keep Disaster Recovery Plan up to date
  • File annually (October) form 1902(b), Delaware Information Return Holding Company/Investment Company
  • Forward any tax notices received to Iselin tax dept
  • Scheduling flexibility to work 5-8 hours per week, including flexibility around days of the week, and availability on short notice. Hours may not be contiguous. Proximity within
  • Experience with Word, Excel, Finavigate, and online banking applications such as CitiDirect BE
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, particularly Outlook and Excel
  • The ability to build relationships and work as part of a team
  • A keen eye for detail
  • The enthusiasm to build a broad understanding of our systems and processes

Business Administration Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Locate customer contracts globally from a number of sources and systems
  • Analyze the customer contracts found for a set criteria list of metadata required
  • Store the customer contracts in a new customer contracts database
  • Update the customer contracts database with the contract metadata found
  • Update the billing information in the billing database in respect of the contracts located
  • Ideally have achieved, or expected to achieve, 5 GCSE grades A – C or equivalent in Maths and English
  • Not have a degree level qualification
  • A demonstration of IT Skills ability using: email, word processing, and an awareness of spreadsheets
  • An interest in new areas of technology that can support customers such as automation and on-line services
  • Ability to input, extract and interpret information from manual and computerised information sources

Related Job Titles

how to write bachelor degree in business administration on resume

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How to Write Your Degree on a Resume

Last Updated: April 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Colleen Campbell, PhD . Dr. Colleen Campbell is the Founder and CEO of The Ignite Your Potential Centers, Career and Life Coaching based in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. Colleen received her MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Sofia University and has been career coaching since 2008. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 397,525 times.

Including information about your degree in a resume can be tricky business. You might wonder where to place your education section, how to list multiple degrees, or whether to list things like dates or your GPA. While there are few set rules about formatting or including content, there are several guidelines to follow. Format your education and other sections consistently. Include your university, its location, and your degree title, and list the date only if you’re a recent grad. Be concise and strategic when writing your resume, and try to include only relevant information that will make your application as competitive as possible.    

Sample Resumes

how to write bachelor degree in business administration on resume

Formatting Your Education Section

Step 1 Format your resume consistently.

  • For example, if you bold employers’ names in your experience section, write your college in bold, especially if it’s a prestigious school or one known for excellence in your field.
  • Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings.   

Step 2 Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors.

  • If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you could opt to include your GPA. Just be sure to explain your GPA system by writing, for example, “3.92/4.0.”
  • You can also include your graduation year if you’re a recent grad. Otherwise, you should avoid including dates, especially if your degree is older than 15 years.
  • An example degree listing could be: Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna cum laude .

Step 3 Avoid including unnecessary or obvious words.

  • Avoid unnecessary words elsewhere in your resume, too. For example, don’t write “Email:” or “Phone:” before listing your contact information. Just write your email address and phone number.

Step 4 Place the education section near the top if you’re a recent grad.

  • If you’re not a recent grad or have substantial professional experience, place your relevant experience section ahead of your education. In general, professional experience is more valuable information than your education.

Step 5 List your most recent degree first.

  • If you double majored, you can just list both degrees in the same section under your university: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Double major: Bachelor of Arts, English. Bachelor of Arts, Art History.

Step 6 List your high school diploma if it's your highest degree.

  • If not, and if your high school diploma is your highest degree, include your high school's name and location, graduation date (if it's within the last three years), and, if it's above a 3.5/4.0, your GPA: Nashua High School, Nashua, New Hampshire High School Diploma, 2016. GPA: 3.8
  • If your highest degree is a GED diploma or state equivalent certificate, include it if you don't have substantial work experience: Education General Educational Development Diploma, 2016. Education CHSPE (Certificate of Proficiency from the State of California), 2016.

Including the Best Information

Step 1 List minors or concentrations after your major.

  • Don’t include undergraduate degree acronyms after your name. For example, never write, “Jane Smith, B.A.”

Step 3 List only the institution that awarded you a degree.

  • Exceptions to this rule include study abroad programs or coursework at prestigious institutions. For example, you might include relevant information like this: University of Georgia , Athens, GA. Bachelor of Science in Biology (Marine Biology emphasis), 2016. University of Auckland , Auckland, New Zealand. Study abroad program with emphasis in ecological preservation.

Step 4 Include information about your incomplete degree.

  • For example, you could describe an incomplete undergraduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Science, Biology (expected 2017)
  • You could describe a graduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT Master of Business Administration degree candidate Thesis under development; anticipated completion June 2018

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Application

Step 1 List the most relevant degree for the job you’re applying to first.

  • For example, suppose you’re applying for an engineering job and earned an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering in 2009 and a master’s in graphic design in 2012. You should list your engineering degree first.
  • You might have also researched your prospective job and found that the department head who will read your resume graduated from your undergraduate university. You might then want to include your undergraduate degree first and place your education section at the top of your resume.

Step 2 Include specific coursework if the information is relevant.

  • For example, you could structure your education section like this: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , University of Texas, Austin, TX. Relevant courses : Thermodynamics, Properties of Engineering Materials, Solid Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines, Strength of Mechanical Components.

Step 3 Create separate sections for important skills and honors.

  • For example, instead of listing computer programs and other skills you learned at school in a block of text under your degree, put them in a separate section at the top of your resume. Be sure to include skills, programs, and other keywords from the job posting.    

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Colleen Campbell, PhD

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Colleen Campbell, PhD

To write your degree on your resume, start by writing the name of your school, followed by where it's located. Then, write your degree and any honors you received. For example, you would write something like, “Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, 2.1” If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you can include your score at the end. Write your degree at the top of your education section so it’s above your high school. If you've completed or you're currently studying a postgraduate degree, put this above your undergraduate degree so it's in chronological order. In addition to your major, feel free to include your minor underneath if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you haven’t graduated yet, you can still include your degree on your resume, but make it clear that you’re still studying by putting something like, “Expected 2020,” in brackets at the end. For more tips from our Careers co-author, including how to tailor your resume for each job application, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to properly list a business management degree on a resume.

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A business management degree improves your chances of landing an interview for a management position or other job in a business. However, prominently listing your degree and accomplishments on your resume is essential; companies only spend a few seconds scanning each resume and might not notice your degree if your resume is unclear or poorly formatted. A well-written resume also demonstrates your ability to organize information effectively, a necessary skill in business.

List your business management degree underneath your resume's "Education" section, which should come first unless you have extensive work experience.

Write the name of the degree, such as "Bachelor of Science in Business Management," along with the university, location and graduation date. Include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher. If you have a higher degree, such as a master's degree, place the bachelor's degree information underneath the master's degree information.

Write "Relevant Coursework:" on the next line. List courses you have taken that are relevant to your desired job. For example, if you are applying for a business communications position, "Business Writing" would be a relevant course. You may need to adjust this section, depending on to whom you are sending your resume.

List any honors, awards or scholarships you received on the next line, if applicable, after the words "Honors/Scholarships." For example, if you were on the dean's list, received a scholarship or were elected to honor societies, list that information here.

  • Make sure you list your computer skills, foreign languages and business work experience on your resume, because businesses often look for these qualifications.
  • Do not exaggerate or lie about your educational qualifications or work experience.

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Rebekah Richards is a professional writer with work published in the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution," "Brandeis University Law Journal" and online at She graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis University with bachelor's degrees in creative writing, English/American literature and international studies. Richards earned a master's degree at Carnegie Mellon University.

Sitthiphong Thadakun / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages

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  1. How to List a Degree on a Resume

    How to list a bachelor's degree on a resume. You should list your bachelor's degree along with your university's name, dates of study, major, GPA (if a 3.5 or above), minor (if applicable), and honors and relevant coursework. Similar to an associate's degree, there are numerous ways to abbreviate different types of bachelor's degrees.

  2. How to list a degree on your resume: Quick and easy guide

    How to write a bachelor's degree on your resume. Next up, let's talk about bachelor's degrees. When listing this type of degree on your resume, you should use the words 'Bachelor of' plus your discipline. So, you might write that you have a 'Bachelor of Science' or a 'Bachelor of Education'.

  3. Business Administration Resume: Samples and Writing Guide

    Format your business administration resume template in reverse-chronological order. Make your job experience section first. Customize it like a 1099 with the right achievements. To stand out like a tax break, add numbers to your bullet points. In your education section, show relevant coursework and accomplishments.

  4. How to List a Degree on a Resume (Associate, Bachelor's, MA)

    Put it either before or after the experience section (depending on your experience). List all your degrees in the education section of your resume. Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order. Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).

  5. How To Write Bachelor Of Business Administration On Resume

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    When you go to graduate school after an undergraduate degree, you earn a master's degree. A list of master's degrees and their abbreviations include: Master of Arts (MA or M.A.) Master of Science (BS or BSc or B.S./B.Sc.) Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) Master of Engineering (ME or MEng or M.E/M.Eng.)

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    AS means Associate in Science. Depending on your college, your degree may be called "Associate of" or "Associate in." Double-check to make sure you are using the correct terminology. Also, never write "Associate's Degree" on your resume. It should always be listed as the proper degree name, without an apostrophe "s".

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    When it comes to a professional resume, less is usually more, so don't be afraid to stick with the basics. Your education section should include: Each of your degrees in reverse-chronological order. The name and location of the school where you got your degree. The date of your graduation if it was recent.

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  13. 4 Ways to Write Your Degree on a Resume

    Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings. 2. Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors. Always include the name of your institution, its location, and the name of your degree.

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    There are many duties and responsibilities that one can write on a business administration resume. They include: Research and maintain the organization's files, data, and records. ... Holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Seeking to use her 7 years of corporate business administration experience to transform the appearance of ...

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    An objective section is always a great way to make a positive first impression and determine the tone for the remaining content of your resume. Consider writing a brief paragraph, around four sentences, that discusses your aspirations as a recent graduate in business administration. 3. Highlight your skills. When seeking entry-level positions ...

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    A business administration resume is a document that describes your education, work experience and relevant business skills to companies you are interested in. This kind of resume requires a specific structure and listing of information to properly inform the hiring manager. A strong business administration resume looks professional, is easy to ...

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    Write the name of the degree, such as "Bachelor of Science in Business Management," along with the university, location and graduation date. Include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher. If you have a higher degree, such as a master's degree, place the bachelor's degree information underneath the master's degree information.

  18. 18 Types of Resume Skills for Business Administration Jobs

    Critical thinking relates to the ability to analyze a problem to determine causes, connections and possible solutions. Business administrators may use critical thinking skills to complete a variety of their tasks. For example, they may use this skill to analyze data and gain meaningful insights. 5. Communication skills.

  19. How To Write a Business Administration Resume Objective (With ...

    To begin writing your business administration resume objective, use the following steps: 1. Do some research. Do some research to learn specific details about the company and position you're applying for so you can customize your objective statement and stand out amongst other applicants.

  20. How to Write a Business Student Resume (With Template and Example)

    In the contact section of your resume include your: First and last name. Address. Phone number. Email address. Professional website if applicable. 3. List key soft and hard business skills. As a business student, you will probably have more skills related to your education and coursework than professional jobs.

  21. How To List Your Major and Minor on a Resume (With Examples)

    For example, if you earn a bachelor's degree in education and another in mathematics, you might list it as: Bachelor of Science: Education and Mathematics. 4. List your minor. Minors go on the same line, if possible, with your major and a comma separates them. Minors are always formatted the same.

  22. How to Write an MBA Resume That Stands Out

    You're probably wondering how long your resume should be, what you should include, and/or whether you need a different resume than the kind you've used for a job application. This article will explain how to showcase your skills and create a competitive advantage that sets you apart from your peers and gives you the best chance of becoming ...

  23. MBA Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    1. Summarize your Master of Business Administration qualifications in a dynamic profile. The first section of your resume is the profile summary. This section is where you provide potential employers with a snapshot of who you are as a business professional and what you can do for their organization.

  24. General Business, B.B.A.

    The Bachelors of Business Administration in General Business (BBA-GB) is a specialty degree intended to accommodate students from very diverse educational backgrounds. More specifically, students from outside business with lots of non-business (up to 24-hours) university course credits can complete a degree with the BBA-GB and, in most cases ...

  25. It's Always A Good Time To Rewrite Your Resume

    Unlock Opportunity With Keywords Before you submit your resume to an employer, look at the job description carefully. The language used to describe the position could contain keywords that will make your resume standout. If there's a skill mentioned in the listing and you have it, make sure to include it in your resume.