How to Say “Do Homework” in Spanish

Learning how to say “do homework” in Spanish is essential for students who want to communicate effectively with their Spanish-speaking peers or educators. In this guide, we will explore the formal and informal ways to express this phrase, along with some tips, examples, and regional variations. Whether you’re a student or a parent helping with homework, let’s dive into the various ways to express this in Spanish!

Formal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

If you need to express “do homework” in a formal context, such as when speaking to your teacher or addressing someone of authority, you can use the following phrases:

  • “Hacer la tarea” – This is the most common and neutral way to say “do homework” in Spanish. It is widely understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world. For example, you could say “Tengo que hacer la tarea” to mean “I have to do homework.”
  • “Realizar las tareas” – This phrase is slightly more formal and can be used interchangeably with “hacer la tarea.” It emphasizes the completion of multiple tasks or assignments. For instance, you may say “Debes realizar las tareas diariamente” which translates to “You must do the homework daily.”
  • “Cumplir con los deberes” – This expression is more commonly used in educational settings and emphasizes the responsibility of fulfilling academic duties. It is often used by teachers or educators when instructing students to do their homework. For example, a teacher may say “Deben cumplir con los deberes asignados” which means “You must complete the assigned homework.”

Informal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

If you are in a casual setting or speaking with a friend or classmate, you can use these informal phrases to say “do homework” in Spanish:

  • “Hacer la tarea” – Although this phrase is also commonly used in formal settings, it is perfectly acceptable to use it informally with friends or peers. For example, you can say “Vamos a hacer la tarea juntos” which means “Let’s do homework together.”
  • “Hacer los deberes” – This phrase is similar to “hacer la tarea” but may vary based on regional preferences. It is widely used in Spain and some Latin American countries. For instance, you may hear someone say “Voy a hacer los deberes ahora mismo” which translates to “I’m going to do the homework right now.”
  • “Hacer las tareas” – Used primarily in Latin America, this variation emphasizes multiple tasks or assignments. For example, you may say “Ya hice las tareas” which means “I’ve already done the homework.”
  • “Hacer los deberos escolares” – In certain regions, especially in Mexico, this phrase is specifically used to refer to school-related homework. It emphasizes the connection between school and homework. For instance, you could say “No puedo salir, tengo que hacer los deberes escolares” which means “I can’t go out, I have to do my school homework.”

Regional Variations

While the phrases mentioned above are widely understood, it is important to note that Spanish may vary from region to region. Different countries or even different regions within the same country may have their own expressions for “do homework.” Here are a few examples of regional variations:

In Argentina: “Hacer los deberes” or “Hacer la tarea” In Colombia: “Hacer la tarea” or “Hacer los deberes escolares” In Chile: “Hacer las tareas” or “Hacer los quehaceres escolares” In Mexico: “Hacer la tarea”, “Hacer las tareas” or “Hacer los deberes escolares”

Remember, while these regional variations exist, you can still be easily understood using the standard expressions mentioned earlier.

Tips for Learning and Using the Phrases

To effectively learn and use these phrases, consider the following tips:

  • Practice with flashcards: Create flashcards with the Spanish phrases on one side and their English translations on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your learning.
  • Use the phrases in context: Incorporate the phrases into sentences or conversation. This will help you remember them in real-life situations.
  • Listen to native speakers: Listen to Spanish speakers using these phrases in natural conversations or educational contexts. This will help you grasp their pronunciation, intonation, and usage.
  • Watch Spanish educational videos: Online platforms such as YouTube offer educational videos in Spanish. Watching these can familiarize you with different ways of saying “do homework” and reinforce your understanding.
  • Practice speaking with a language partner: Find a language partner who can help you practice speaking in Spanish. Use the phrases during your conversations to improve your fluency.

By following these tips, you will gain confidence in using the phrases and be able to communicate effectively in Spanish when discussing homework.

Mastering how to say “do homework” in Spanish is essential for effective communication, especially in educational settings. In this guide, we explored formal and informal ways of expressing this phrase, along with regional variations. Remember to tailor your choice of phrase based on the context and the level of formality required.

Whether you choose to say “hacer la tarea” in a casual setting or “cumplir con los deberes” in a formal environment, practicing and incorporating these phrases into your language learning journey will help you confidently navigate homework discussions with Spanish speakers. ¡Buena suerte!

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What is the translation of "homework" in Spanish?

"homework" in spanish, homework {noun}.

  • volume_up tarea

homeworker {noun}

  • volume_up trabajador desde casa
  • trabajadora desde casa

homeworking {noun}

  • volume_up trabajo desde casa

do homework {vb}

  • volume_up hacer tarea
  • hacer deberes

Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages

Homework noun, translations.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

do homework {verb}

Context sentences, english spanish contextual examples of "homework" in spanish.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

English how to use "homework" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworker" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworking" in a sentence, english how to use "do homework" in a sentence, english how to use "trabajador desde casa" in a sentence, english how to use "trabajo desde casa" in a sentence, english how to use "hacer tarea" in a sentence, english how to use "hacer deberes" in a sentence, collocations, "assigned homework" in spanish.

  • volume_up tarea asignada

"assign homework" in Spanish

  • volume_up asignar tareas
  • volume_up asignar la tarea

"homework assignment" in Spanish

  • volume_up asignación de tareas
  • volume_up Tarea

Synonyms (English) for "homework":

  • preparation
  • hometown boy
  • hometown crowd
  • hometown discount
  • hometown fans
  • hometown hero
  • hometown newspaper
  • hometown paper
  • hometown pride
  • homeward journey
  • homework assignment
  • homework assistance
  • homework completion
  • homework help
  • homework load
  • homework session
  • homeworking
  • homey feeling

Translations into more languages in the English-Portuguese dictionary .

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FluentU Logo

7 Invaluable Spanish Homework Help Resources for Succeeding in Your Class

Homework is extremely important for reviewing the day’s work, preparing for upcoming classwork, practicing grammar and memorizing vocabulary. 

And it doesn’t have to be a drag, especially when it comes to Spanish learning.

Best for Homework Questions: Course Hero

Best for spanish immersion: fluentu, best for tutoring with detailed feedback: verbalplanet, best for personalized online tutoring: live lingua, best for talking to native speakers: hinative, best for crowdsourced study resources: chegg, best for in-person tutoring: wyzant.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Course Hero

Summary: Course Hero is a superb option if you only have a quick question about an assignment or need clarification on one subject.


Course Hero puts hundreds of potential tutors from all across the globe at your fingertips in their “Spanish Homework Help” section . Some speak only Spanish while some speak English and other languages, too. On this site, they’re here to help answer specific tricky questions you might have.

I know what you’re wondering. With so many tutors, how can you choose the “right” one?

Luckily, the site makes the process a snap. Just type your homework question into the box on the page (there’s even an FAQ section , so if you’re not sure how to form a question or complete any of the other steps, just peek there), assign a price you’re willing to pay for the help and wait.

Generally, the response time is just a few minutes , and you may get more than one reply. Choose your tutor, come to terms and begin! Course Hero guarantees satisfaction with the exchange, so if you’re not totally content with how things are going, you can contact them for help.

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Summary: FluentU helps you practice Spanish through advanced tools like a multimedia dictionary and comprehensive flashcards. 

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FluentU is an excellent resource for Spanish homework help because it allows you to see various grammatical concepts and vocabulary in natural contexts.

The program offers short video clips from authentic Spanish media —movie trailers, music videos, news segments and more—complete with learning tools like interactive subtitles, flashcards and personalized vocabulary quizzes. 

You can easily search for content based on whatever grammar or vocabulary point you’re studying in class or a self-guided language course. Or, if you just want to boost your comprehension and learn common words and phrases, you can choose videos based on your skill level and interests. 

The program makes picking up new vocabulary easy and enjoyable, and since you’ll be consuming content made by and for native speakers, you’ll learn the language as it’s actually used in real life. 

Live Lingua Screenshot

Summary: Verbalplanet is an online tutoring platform that gives you feedback about your speaking, listening, writing and reading skills.

Verbalplanet Logo

Verbalplanet offers interactive Spanish language classes through video call . It’s free to sign up and create a profile.

You can look through several pages of tutors . Each tutor profile is personalized with a photograph, number of lessons taught, student ratings and per-session prices.

There’s a good range of pricing options, so if that’s important (and it definitely is!), take the time to look at multiple tutors before deciding on an initial contact. Most tutors offer discounts for trial sessions, so keep that in mind, too.

To set up a tutorial arrangement, send a message to the tutor you’ve chosen and book your sessions. It’s that easy!

Again, if you’re looking to get grammar details down or clarification on a particular topic, this might be a way to untangle those homework issues.

Live Lingua Screenshot

Summary: Live Lingua offers personalized one-on-one language lessons online with native Spanish tutors.

Live Lingua Logo

With teachers from around the world, Live Lingua is a super way to get pronunciation subtleties nailed down. When you sign up, you’re able to participate in a free class , so choosing a tutor who’s compatible with your learning style or someone you feel is competent to address your homework issues is more possible than ever.

The tutors on here have teaching credentials and are able to customize learning to suit individual needs. Choosing a tutor is just a matter of checking into each tutor’s experience, degrees and teaching philosophy—and since each tutor has a personalized introduction page, this is much less time-consuming than it sounds.

I was able to check out several tutors, compare their strengths and assess my personal criteria to locate a tutor in less than an hour. Live Lingua provides enough options that it’s not hard to find someone who’s able to provide the help you need.

This resource may be appealing to those who don’t want to wait for a particular homework snag to come up. Rather, you can start on a personalized program geared towards addressing individual issues as they arise, which definitely should make homework less stressful!

HiNative Screenshot

Summary: HiNative allows you to ask questions about a language and get replies from native speakers.  


HiNative doesn’t provide one-on-one tutorial assistance but it does offer individualized Spanish language support. This is a global Q&A forum where native speakers are available to assist with almost any language issue and correct or assess material. They’re able to give feedback on writing assignments , including blog posts and creative writing.

From the simplest of questions to the most complicated grammar snafus, your homework issues are solvable here if you just wait for the right person to come along.

Ask the question, get your answer. All homework help should be so clear-cut, right?

One of the best parts is that this global homework help is completely free!

So no need to wonder if you’ll ever understand how to conjugate irregular verbs. There’s an answer for every question here, and most are from very reliable sources.

For more on HiNative, here’s an in-depth review .

Chegg Screenshot

Summary:  Chegg features comprehensive resources made by students, such as flashcards, notes and study guides. 

i like to do homework in spanish

Chegg is a crowdsourced study library .

The first time I read that I wondered what exactly constitutes a “crowdsourced study library” and, more importantly, how such a thing could be applied to the homework grind.

I’m so glad I found out! Chegg is a resource made by and for students, with materials like exam prep materials and textbook explanations . Millions of students know about Chegg and are using the materials to learn not only languages like Spanish but other subjects as well.

This is an efficient resource for researching your homework problem to find an answer from someone who at one time probably had the same exact question you’re dealing with now! Researching to find homework help is also a great way to discover other Spanish cultural or language interests.

Honestly, every time I research one topic I find tangents that inspire or teach me. Expanding your inspiration for Spanish learning while getting your homework done? What’s not to love?

Wyzant Screenshot

Summary: Wyzant allows you to connect with in-person Spanish tutors near your area along with online tutors. 


Look for local resources to get the job done. You can leave a “Spanish tutor wanted” flyer on message boards near your home, but you can also try out Wyzant, where you can find hundreds of Spanish language tutors .

The process is simple: Indicate your Spanish language needs, make a match with a tutor and schedule a lesson. You can even search for Spanish tutors near you by zip code and check their educational background, how much they charge and see reviews by other students.

The largest community of professional tutors is at your fingertips, and in many cases they’re in your neighborhood!

There are so many resources to help turn your homework woes into successes that singing the homework blues isn’t necessary.

Explore your options, choose the ones that fit your needs and do the work.

Be a Spanish homework winner!

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How to say Homework in Spanish?

What does Tarea mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Homework” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tarea”?

Homework is translated in Spanish by...

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Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

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Translation of homework – English–Spanish dictionary

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  • The kids are busy with their homework.
  • My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.
  • "Have you got any homework tonight ?" "No."
  • I got A minus for my English homework.
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species .

(Translation of homework from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Translation of homework | GLOBAL English–Spanish Dictionary

(Translation of homework from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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Spanish Learning Lab

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Hobbies in Spanish: A List of Activities, Likes and Dislikes

LOS PASATIEMPOS or hobbies in Spanish are part of the vocabulary that is often used in conversations. In this lesson, we will review the most important vocabulary for hobbies with a short video and will focus on using this vocabulary for talking about  likes and dislikes in Spanish using the verb GUSTAR and few other similar verbs. More than plain vocabulary lists, this lesson will teach how to make sentences with a list of activities in Spanish and give you a chance to practice listening too. Comencemos…

Vocabulary review: A List of Hobbies in Spanish

First of all, the video below will introduce a list of hobbies in Spanish and common activities that most people like to do through basic sentences. The video also explains a little about the way to express likes and dislikes in Spanish, something that we will be covering with more details in the rest of the lesson. If you need the translation, please activate the subtitles (cc) below.

Expressing Likes and Dislikes in Spanish with GUSTAR

Saying what you like in spanish.

First, let’s talk about expressing likes and dislikes in Spanish with “GUSTAR”. This verb is frequently accompanied by an indirect object pronoun (me, te, nos, os, le) and sometimes by a prepositional phrase like “A mí…”. Both help us know who likes an activity in Spanish. For example, “I like soccer” would be translated properly into “ A mí me gusta el fútbol “, where A MÍ (to me) is an optional prepositional phrase , ME is the corresponding indirect object pronoun for YO and GUSTA is one of the forms of GUSTAR.

How to conjugate the verb GUSTAR in Spanish to talk about likes and dislikes and pastimes.

The verb GUSTAR will be conjugated as GUSTA to express likes and dislikes in Spanish, particularly activities as they are uncountable nouns , .e.g “ A ti te  gusta  ver televisión “. However, it will be conjugated as GUSTAN when referring to several physical objects, but not activities in Spanish, for example: “ Me gustan las fotos “(I like the photos). Likewise, you can use other verbs for talking about likes and dislikes in Spanish such as: ENCANTAR (to love), EMOCIONAR (to feel excited) and ALEGRAR (to make happy). ENCANTAR, just like GUSTAR, will change to ENCANTA as in “ Me encanta hacer ejercicio ”, EMOCIONAR to EMOCIONA as in “A ella  le emociona viajar ” and ALEGRAR to ALEGRA.

How to conjugate GUSTAR in Spanish in the present tense

As you may notice, knowing what prepositional phrase or pronoun to use may be difficult, which is why we prepared a simple chart showing how to conjugate GUSTAR. These conjugations will be complemented with a list of Spanish activities for hobbies to make complete sentences. The  subject pronouns in the chart will work only as a reference so you should leave them out when making sentences about likes and dislikes in Spanish. On the other hand, prepositional phrases like “A mí” can be added or omitted without any change in meaning, e.g. “ (A mí) Me gusta tocar guitarra “.

Sentences with a list of activities in Spanish plus likes and dislikes

Me gusta + a list of activities in spanish.

In this section, we will show you several examples of sentences using a list of activities in Spanish for hobbies and ways to express likes and dislikes. Pay attention how the verb GUSTAR is conjugated and used in each example, and more importantly, identify the main activities in Spanish people are talking about. Use the chart above and the translation to find out other hidden details.

Asking about hobbies in Spanish and expressing dislikes

In order to ask about the hobbies that another person likes to do in Spanish, you can use simple SI/NO questions like  ¿Te gusta + hobby or hobbies in Spanish?.   Most likely, the answer to this question will follow the structure of the sentences above. As for expressing dislikes in Spanish, you simply need to place the word NO before the direct object pronoun e.g. “ NO me gusta cantar ” and “(A mí)  No me gusta leer libros ”. Here are some examples asking about hobbies in Spanish.

A bit about prepositional pronouns in Spanish

Expresions like “A mí” (to me) and “A ti” are prepositional phrases that comes from joining the preposition “A” and a prepositional pronoun. “A mí” tells us that the person is talking about himself, so it should preceed the structure “me gusta” (which refers to onself), e.g. “A mí me gusta el fútbol”. When you hear a question using the prepositional phrase “a ustedes”, you must answer with the prepositional phase “a nosotros”. Remember that “nos” belongs to “nosotros”, “me” to “mi” and so on. Know that these prepositional phrases are optional, but they are still very useful to stress who likes or dislikes an activity in Spanish.

My favorite hobbies in Spanish – Mis pasatiempos

Now we will see an example using the sentence structure we covered in the previous lesson and all the things we have explained so far. This paragraph is about a guy saying what hobbies in Spanish he likes and dislikes, as well as a list of activities in Spanish that his friends like too.

Talking about hobbies in Spanish and expressing likes and dilikes

Listening Activity: Talking about hobbies in Spanish

Key phrases in the conversation:.

  • ¡Qué interesante!  means that’s interesting
  • En realidad  means actually

Writing: My favorite hobbies in Spanish

Well, we are almost done with the lesson, so let’s wrap up everything. Some key expressions we have seen are [ Mi pasatiempo favorito es + pasatiempo] and [ En mi tiempo libre me gusta + actividades]. GUSTAR is used for likes and dislikes in Spanish. In future lessons, we will study the vocabulary for sports in Spanish  and popular movie genres in Spanish . We truly hope you found this lesson usefu!

Interactive quiz: Likes and dislikes in Spanish

Write a paragraph about your favorite hobbies in Spanish- “tus pasatiempos favoritos”. You can add information about your family’s hobbies if you want. A good way to improve your pronunciation is recording yourself and comparing what you say to the examples provided in the lesson.

Related Spanish Worksheets:

  • Common Hobbies in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Pastimes, Likes & Dislikes in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Common Sports in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

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But there’s a valid reason – reading the ridiculous news that social media platform Fanvue, a rival to OnlyFans, is preparing to judge the first Miss AI contest .

The competition will pit digital creators from across the world against each other in a bid to win the top prize of $5,000, all while promoting toxic beauty ideals in the process.

I’m lucky. I’m old enough that I didn’t grow up constantly bombarded with images of what women should look like. Just in weekly and monthly magazines, and some adverts, rather than all day every day, staring at me through my phone .

But for young women growing up today, social media means it is relentless, with proven and damaging mental health and body image effects . An AI beauty contest will surely only turbocharge that.

And aside from the damaging mental wellbeing effects of drawing perfect women and making them compete with one another, it offers another example for detractors of AI to cite.

Artificial intelligence has so much potential – it can literally save lives – yet here we are, using it to create unrealistic women with huge boobs.

AI Model Hailey Lopez

It’s true that the winners have yet to be decided, and we might be pleasantly surprised should the organisers decide to promote body positivity and diversity, but the evidence so far isn’t encouraging.

If you’ve seen an AI-generated woman – and you almost certainly will have, even if you didn’t realise – chances are they looked very similar to all the other AI-generated women.

A beautiful, symmetrical face, glowing skin, perfect brows and lips. Thin. Mostly white. Often with large breasts, scantily clad and in ‘sexy’ poses.

They are the 100% pure embodiment of the Western male gaze, and a completely unrealistic ideal for young girls and women to match.

And (here’s my brief defence of traditional pageants) unlike in real-life, where contestants get the opportunity to showcase often incredible talents – past winners have been highly-accomplished ballet dancers, musicians and scientists – these hopefuls really have little to offer but their looks.

In addition, two of the ‘judges’ will also be AI-generated women and, you guessed it, they’re strikingly beautiful, thin and have large breasts.

One, Aitana Lopez, is Spain’s ‘first AI model’ and reportedly earns her creator Rubén Cruz up to $10,000 a month by modelling clothes for her army of Instagram followers.

The other, Emily Pellegrini, is so realistic – and, obviously, incredibly attractive – that footballers, billionaires and tennis players have reportedly slid into her DMs.

Her creator said: ‘The goal was to make her likeable and attractive. I wanted to keep her as real as possible.’

Irony is truly dead.

Thankfully, according to reports, Aitana and Emily won’t actually be doing the judging, but rather their creators.

That could save the organisers potential embarrassment, given AI judges have been accused of racism in the past.

When asked to judge 6,000 real contestants from 100 countries for a beauty contest in 2016, of 44 winners, the AI judges selected only one winner with dark skin.

AI has come a long way since those days, but it continues to display issues of bias, especially when it comes to race.

AI-influencer Emily Pellegrini

This isn’t only a problem when it comes to beauty contests – it has already been seen time and again in facial recognition software, and must be tackled head-on before AI is deployed more widely in public life, such as in the justice system.

But back to beauty, and the growing army of clones taking over the internet – especially on social media.

While many companies are doing little to stop it, others are actively promoting it. One well-known platform is reportedly considering launching its own army of AI influencers to hoover up some of the lucrative advertising dollars currently going to real-life humans.

But my main issue is the impact that social media, and the proliferation of AI characters that lurk there, is having on young women.

It was to little surprise that a recent study found that taking a break from social media for as little as one week has a positive effect on teenage girl’s self-esteem and body image .

We’re never going to stop teenagers using social media, but surely seeing a never ending stream of 100% fake women and ‘thinspiration’ will do the opposite.

And while the children and young women faced with these AI ideals will grow up with a warped sense of beauty, the AI models themselves will, of course, never grow old.

In an industry where youth is often cherished above all else, brands need never again worry about the face of their product ageing.

Meanwhile, children on social media are becoming increasingly obsessed with expensive anti-ageing products they don’t need in an attempt to slow down something that is an inescapable fact of life – and a privilege.

Of course, this isn’t all the fault of a single AI beauty contest, there are much wider issues at play.

It is also hard to say whose responsibility it is to stop the spread of fake women online.

While social media platforms should absolutely ensure AI content is labelled clearly, most users already know that many ‘real’ photos they see have been tweaked, airbrushed or Photoshopped in some way.

That knowledge doesn’t stop the gradual erosion of young girls’ confidence, and it’s hard to imagine AI-generated content won’t have the same effect.

Likewise, there is no reason to stop individuals creating AI-generated women, they’re perfectly entitled to.

But, perhaps, we could not offer thousands of dollars in return.

Because it is not only a significant milestone on the internet’s race to the bottom – it is a reminder that still, in 2024, judging women on their looks is not only routine, it is rewarded.

So in this ‘beauty’ competition, there may be a handful of winners, but I’m certain there will be many more losers.

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  1. Do Your Spanish Homework in Spanish

    Learn how to do your Spanish homework in Spanish in this article and the lessons above! Specifically, learn how to do the following in Spanish: ... I need help with my Spanish homework. I'd like you to help me with the grammar. Carolina: Sería bueno que revisaras tus respuestas, Nataniel. It'd be good if you checked your answers, Nataniel.

  2. Homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) noun. 1. (general) a. la tarea. You have to do all your homework to receive a good grade in the class.Tienes que hacer toda tu tarea para sacar una buena nota en la clase. b. los deberes. Our teacher assigned us homework over winter break.Nuestro maestro nos asignó deberes durante las vacaciones de invierno.

  3. How to say "Do your homework." in Spanish.

    Hello moms! Here I teach you how to say "Do your homework" in Spanish. Make sure to practice all week! The video is just about one minute long.This channel ...

  4. How to Say "Do Your Homework" in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

    Here are a few phrases you can employ: "Haz tu tarea": This is a commonly used way to say "do your homework" in an informal context. "Haz" is the second-person singular command form of the verb "hacer" (to do/make), and "tu tarea" means "your homework.". "Termina tu tarea": Similar to the formal phrase, "termina tu ...

  5. Translate "HOMEWORK" from English into Spanish

    noun. deberes mpl ⧫ tarea f. my geography homework mis deberes de geografía ⧫ mi tarea de geografía. to do one's homework (= schoolwork) hacer los deberes or la tarea; (figurative) documentarse ⧫ hacer el trabajo preparatorio.

  6. Do homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. hacer tarea. I can't go out because I have to do homework. No puedo salir porque tengo que hacer tarea. b. hacer deberes. They had to stay after school and do homework.Tuvieron que quedarse después de las clases y hacer deberes.

  7. Doing Homework in Spanish

    1. "Doing homework" in Spanish is "hacer la tarea.". 2. To pronounce this phrase, say "ah-ser la tah-re-ah" with the stress on the second syllable of each word. 3. This is a common phrase used in schools and households across Spanish-speaking countries.

  8. How to Say "Do Homework" in Spanish

    Formal Ways to Say "Do Homework" If you need to express "do homework" in a formal context, such as when speaking to your teacher or addressing someone of authority, you can use the following phrases: "Hacer la tarea" - This is the most common and neutral way to say "do homework" in Spanish. It is widely understood throughout ...

  9. homework

    The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Los niños tienen que hacer deberes antes de salir a jugar. hacer la tarea loc verb : Los niños tienen que hacer la tarea antes de salir a jugar. hacer los deberes loc verb : Los niños tienen que hacer los deberes antes de salir a jugar. do your homework v expr: figurative ...


    The Member States must finally do their homework more promptly than in the past. ... English Spanish Contextual examples of "homework" in Spanish . These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content. ... Phrases Speak like a native Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages.

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    Spanish Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases.

  12. 7 Invaluable Spanish Homework Help Resources for Succeeding ...

    Summary: FluentU helps you practice Spanish through advanced tools like a multimedia dictionary and comprehensive flashcards. FluentU is an excellent resource for Spanish homework help because it allows you to see various grammatical concepts and vocabulary in natural contexts. The program offers short video clips from authentic Spanish media ...

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    Many translated example sentences containing "i do homework" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "i do homework" ... They say they would much rather go to the park or do homework with their parents, or have them pick them up from school.

  14. How to say Homework in Spanish?

    Si hubiera terminado mis tareas, me divertiría. homework. tareasFortunately, they are almost done their homework. Ellas hicieron su tarea y después jugaron con sus juguetes. They did their homework and then they played with their toys. If there were ink in the printer, you would print your homework. Tú les ofrecías tu ayuda, pero ahora ...

  15. I do homework in Spanish

    I am going to do my homework. voy a hacer los deberes · voy a hacer mi tarea. I do homework after school. hago la tarea después de la escuela · hago los deberes después de la escuela. I do not like to do homework. no me gusta hacer deberes. I had to do my homework.

  16. HOMEWORK in Spanish

    HOMEWORK translate: deberes, tarea, deberes [masculine], tarea [feminine]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

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    do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) hacer deberes loc verb. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Los niños tienen que hacer deberes antes de salir a jugar. hacer la tarea loc verb. Los niños tienen que hacer la tarea antes de salir a jugar.

  18. I do homework in Spanish

    Translate I do homework. See 2 authoritative translations of I do homework in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. Translation. Conjugation. ... Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country.

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    The verb GUSTAR will be conjugated as GUSTA to express likes and dislikes in Spanish, particularly activities as they are uncountable nouns, .e.g "A ti te gusta ver televisión". However, it will be conjugated as GUSTAN when referring to several physical objects, but not activities in Spanish, for example: "Me gustan las fotos"(I like the photos).

  20. Do your homework in Spanish

    2. (imperative; used to address multiple people) a. hagan su tarea (plural) Do your homework, kids. And be nice to the babysitter.Hagan su tarea, niños. Y pórtense bien con la niñera. b. hagan sus deberes (plural) Girls, do your homework already.Niñas, hagan sus deberes de una vez. intransitive verb phrase. 3. (to complete one's homework)

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    Check 'to do my homework' translations into Spanish. Look through examples of to do my homework translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. ... Looks like, I'll be having more time to do my homework now. Parece que ahora voy a tener más tiempo para hacer mis tareas. OpenSubtitles2018.v3.

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    In Spanish, the basic word order follows the pattern Subject-Verb-Object, just like in English. However, keep in mind that the verb forms in Spanish change depending on the subject. ... The Verb "Do Homework" In Spanish, the verb "to do" is translated as "hacer." To specifically refer to doing homework, we need to add the word ...

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    tararear. to hum. 🚀 Remove ads. tararear. Translate I like to do homework with my friends. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

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    Many translated example sentences containing "i don't like to do homework" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

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    Artificial intelligence has so much potential - it can literally save lives - yet here we are, using it to create unrealistic women with huge boobs. It's true that the winners have yet to be ...