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Assigning a Single Issue to Multiple Users | Jira Hack


In project management, the ability to assign issues to multiple users is crucial for efficient task collaboration. Whether it’s developers working on pair programming, business analysts brainstorming a concept, or testers examining the same feature, assigning the same task to multiple team members can streamline the process. Jira, as a prominent task tracking and project management system, plays a significant role in this aspect. However, the question remains: How can one assign an issue to multiple users in Jira?

While Jira’s native functionality doesn’t directly support this feature, there are ways to navigate this limitation.

Project & Program Resource Management for Jira address the need directly and provides users a convenient way to plan task for multiple resources in its beautiful task scheduler.

Simple Steps to Assign an Issue to Multiple Users in Jira

  • Drag & drop task from issues box : The “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” tool simplifies the process of multi-user assignment. Simply locate the issue in the issues box, then drag and drop it onto the intended resources in the scheduler. This instant action facilitates the quick assignment of the issue to multiple users.
  • Assign more menu : Click on the task, opt for ‘Assign More’, and then choose the additional users you want to add to the task. This user-friendly option allows for the seamless addition of more team members to an already scheduled task.
  • When planning a new task : To create a new plan, click on the resource’s white space, locate the appropriate issue, and add the necessary users. This step is highly effective when initiating new tasks that require the input of multiple team members from the onset.

For an in-depth guide on how to assign tasks to multiple users, please refer to our demo video here:

Get a hands-on experience of the new “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” release via the Atlassian marketplace here

In summary, while Jira may not natively support multiple task assignments, innovative solutions like “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” offer a seamless way to cater to this need. By leveraging these tools, you can significantly enhance your team’s collaboration and productivity, ensuring a smoother issue assignment in Jira.

jira multiple assignment

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Automatically assign created issues based on criteria in Jira

Kev Zettler

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You can create a Jira automation rule by using an if/else condition, which automatically assigns issues to groups of users based on their issue types. 

Navigate to the Automation tab of your project settings in Jira. In the rules tab, click on Create rule in the top right corner of the screen. On the New trigger  screen select Issue created and click Save .

Navigate to the Automation tab of your project settings in Jira. In the rules tab, click on Create rule in the top right corner of the screen. On the New trigger screen select Issue created and click Save

On the Add component screen, click New condition .

On the Add component screen, click New condition

On the New condition screen select the if/else block option. This creates a condition that initiates an action depending on criteria in the automation rule.

On the New condition screen select the if/else block option. This creates a condition that initiates an action depending on criteria in the automation rule.

On the If block screen, click Add Conditions ... 

On the If block screen, click Add Condition...

In the If Block screen, select the Issue fields condition option.

In the If Block screen, select the Issue fields condition option.

For this demo we set the condition for Issue Type > equals > Bug . Be sure to click Save .

For this demo we set the condition for Issue Type > equals > Bug. Be sure to click Save.

Next, add an action that assigns bugs to a certain group of users. On the left sidebar, which has a summary of the automation rule, click the Add component text underneath the If:matches condition.

Next, add an action that assigns bugs to a certain group of users. On the left sidebar, which has a summary of the automation rule, click the Add component text underneath the If:matches condition.

You will be prompted for a New component . Click New Action .

You will be prompted for a New component. Click New Action.

On the New Action screen search for and click the Assign issue option.

On the New Action screen search for and click the Assign issue option

From the Assign issue prompt, select a user who will be assigned issues. Click the Save button.

From the Assign issue prompt, select a user to assign bugs to. Click the Save button.

Next you can add an if/else condition to the If:matches condition. If the condition in the If block does not match, then the rule will evaluate the Else block . Click on the Add else text on the left sidebar. 

Next you can add an if/else condition to the If:matches condition. If the condition in the If block does not match, then the rule will evaluate the Else block. Click on the Add else text on the left sidebar.

You will be brought to the Else block screen. Click the Add conditions text and select another Issue fields condition .

You will be brought to the Else block screen. Click the Add conditions text and select another Issue fields condition.

Add a new condition to the Else-if block . The example below demonstrates how to add a new Else-if condition that is activated when the issues type value equals Task .

Add a new condition to the Else-if block. The example below demonstrates how to add a new Else-if condition that is activated when the issues type value equals Task.

Repeat the steps to add an action to the Else-if condition. The example below illustrates how to create an additional action that assigns the issue to another user. 

Repeat the steps to add an action to the Else-if condition. The example below illustrates how to create an additional action that assigns the issue to another user.

This rule has If and Else-if conditions that checks for a certain type of issue so that subsequent actions are performed once either condition matches. Next, fill in the remaining Else condition with another action. Click on the add else text located on the rule details sidebar then click the Save button. Repeat the above steps for adding an Assign issue action to the new Else condition. 

The example below reveals how to set the Assign issue action to automatically assign the issue to a user in a list.

How to set the Assign issue action to automatically assign the issue to a user in a list.

This Assign issue demonstrates the Balanced workload assignment that automatically assigns the issue to users in the list. The Balanced workload assignment evenly distributes assignments so that a user in the list is not assigned more issues than the others. Once you configure the new Assign issue action, click the Save button.

The following screenshot details what the final rule details should look like: It should include:

1 Trigger -  When: Issue created

3 Conditions - If:matches, Else-if:matches, Else

3 actions - Then:Assign the issue to x 3

Next, set a name for the rule and click the Turn it on button. In the example below, we used the name “Auto assign issues by type”. You should see the following success indicator.

click the Turn it on button

Now that the rule has been enabled you can trigger it by creating some issues within your project. Try creating a Bug or Task type issue. You can then verify that the automation rule is functioning successfully by visiting the Audit log .

Now that the rule has been enabled you can trigger it by creating some issues within your project.

The Audit Log will show you the history of the automation rule from its creation and execution. If there are any issues or bugs with the automation rule, the Audit Log will highlight them and offer debugging support. If you would like to explore other examples of rules, head over to our rule template library .

Kev is a lead full stack web developer and serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience building products and teams with agile methodologies. He is a passionate contributor, author, and educator on emerging open source technologies like DevOps, cryptocurrency, and VR/AR. In his free time, he participates in indie game development jams.

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How to Assign an Issue to Multiple Users in Jira

On e of the numerous features which make us humans is our weakness. Sometimes everyone needs one’s help in order to perform well.

In a situation when a user cannot continuously work on a ticket for several days in a queue, Activity Timeline allows to split that ticket to be worked on different days or even by different team members.

Creating Split issues could be done in three ways:

– On a Dashboard : drag-n-drop the task on a Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

– From the Left Panel : drag-n-drop the task from Left Panel to Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

– From your Jira.

One of two Issue Part s will be scheduled on the Dashboard.

The task will be split into two parts between users or between different days for the same user. Every issue part could be split into other issue parts as well.

On a Dashboard:

From the left panel:.

Assign an Issue to Multiple Users in Jira

First Issue Part is unassigned; the second Issue Part is assigned and scheduled on the Dashboard:

From your Jira:

There is one more way to split a task, you may do this with the help of Jira.

  • First of all, you need to add a custom field Collaborators , which allows assigning multiple users to the same issue.
  • In order to synchronize your changes with Activity Timeline ( AT ), you should go to AT Configuration tab, choose Jira Integration field,  and do the following:

ActivityTimeline for Resource Planning: Configuration

3. Choose the needed issue from your Jira project, and assign users in the Collaborators field. All of the changes will be reflected in the Activity Timeline accordingly.

Assign the same Jira task to multiple users in ActivityTimeline

Split a Ticket for Different Days:

JIRA ticket #1 with the original time estimate = 16 hours is scheduled for a user for Monday and Tuesday. Suddenly the ticket of higher priority (JIRA ticket #2) is assigned to a user to work on Tuesday, and he/she cannot continue on Ticket #1 and will be able to finish only on Wednesday.

Ticket #1 will have to be split into Monday and Wednesday. This can be done by dragging and dropping the task by keeping the Shift key pressed.

As a result, the system creates two issue parts – the first one for Monday and the second one for Wednesday.

The estimate will also split (16 hours of remaining time = 8 hours on Monday and 8 hours on Wednesday):

Splitted Jira task on the timeline

Manage Estimated Time

One can manage how many hours are going to be put in each part of the ticket in Manage Issue Parts :

  • Click on any of the parts to update or manage them
  • Press Manage Issue Parts button
  • Change the number of hours for each part and click Update .

→ The system will update the remaining time estimate for each part and will also update the total amount of remaining hours of JIRA tickets.

The workload indicator will be of red color if a user is overloaded with that ticket.

Just schedule a short Demo session with our experts or start a free trial version  in order to know more about Activity Timeline useful features

To find more about Activity Timeline integrations click here – How to display Jira tasks in my Outlook Calendar?

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Jira Ticketing System: An In-Depth Guide

8th April, 2024

Managing multiple tickets manually can be tedious, prone to errors, and time-intensive. However, with advanced solutions like the Jira ticketing system, your team can automate this ticket management process. But how does the Jira ticketing system work? In this article, we'll discuss the Jira ticketing system in detail.

Previously, tickets raised by employees for app access or technical support underwent a multi-step process. 

This approach was not only resource-intensive and time-consuming but failed to achieve its intended purpose of managing tickets timely to prevent work disruptions.

So, to address this challenge, ticketing systems were developed to streamline and simplify the ticket management process. These systems create structured workflows to ensure that every ticket receives attention and is resolved promptly. One such well-recognized system is the Jira ticketing system. What is it? How does it work? Read on to find out. 

Jira ticketing system is a software developed by Atlassian . It enables your teams to create, organize, prioritize, and track internal and external Jira tickets. 

Jira tickets refer to issues or app access requests raised by employees within the organization. They contain information, including who raised the ticket, what it is about, when it is due, and other relevant information.

Furthermore, this ticketing system helps your team handle multiple support requests coming from different sources or channels. 

Imagine support queries/requests coming in from different channels—emails, phone calls, chat messages, and more. It can be difficult for your team to keep track of it all at once. This is where the Jira ticketing system comes in to help. 

With the Jira ticketing system, each incoming support request gets its own ticket, neatly organized within the system. Whether it's an email from an employee or a message on Slack, the request is captured and converted into a ticket for your team to handle.

This streamlined approach ensures that no support requests slip through the cracks. Every ticket is logged, assigned, and tracked, guiding your team through the support process from start to finish. Whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, providing access to apps, or offering guidance, this tool ensures that your team can tackle each request promptly and effectively.

But how does it work?

How Does The Jira Ticketing System Work?

The Jira ticketing system acts like a digital to-do list for teams. Your team can easily create workflows to assign tickets to designated team members (responsible for handling that type of ticket). 

These structured workflows further allow your team to keep track of ticket progress from the point it is opened until it's closed/resolved/approved. This visibility into ticket status allows your teams to identify bottlenecks, prioritize tickets effectively, and allocate resources to ensure timely resolution.

Also, it maintains detailed records/documents of every action (changes and updates) that takes place in the ticketing process to ensure accountability and transparency. 

However, to manage Jira tickets more effectively, you need to familiarize yourself with their lifecycle. By doing so, you will understand which stages the tickets go through, and accordingly, you can allocate resources (IT teams and tools) to manage them as they progress.

Stages Jira Tickets Goes Through 

Jira tickets go through 3 stages:

#Stage 1: To Do

When a ticket is created and waiting for action, it's in the To Do phase. During this phase, team members review the ticket, prioritize tasks, and assign it to the appropriate individual or team for further action.

#Stage 2: In Progress

Once your team starts working on it, the ticket moves into the In Progress phase. This phase indicates that work is actively being undertaken to address the ticket's requirements. Team members communicate, troubleshoot, or implement solutions to progress toward the ticket's resolution. 

#Stage 3: Done

Finally, when the ticket is closed/resolved/approved, the ticket is transferred to the Done phase. This phase signifies that all necessary actions related to the ticket have been taken, and the task is considered finished. 

Now, let's proceed further and explore the benefits of the Jira ticketing system . 

Benefits Of the Jira Ticketing System 

Given below are some of the benefits that you can avail by implementing the Jira ticketing system in your organization: 

1: Seamless Integrations With Third-Party Applications

The Jira ticketing system seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Slack, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello. This integration allows your team to easily communicate and share updates, progress, and information related to requests or tickets with employees and other stakeholders within the Jira system. 

For instance, they can receive notifications about ticket updates directly in Slack channels, eliminating the need to switch between different tools. 

2: Provides Roadmap/Kanban View Of Tickets

With the Jira ticketing system, your team can visualize incoming tickets in a roadmap format or through a Kanban board . This allows you to quickly assess the status of your current tickets and plan ahead, enabling better prioritization and resource allocation.

3: Tracks Your Team's Performance With Analytics & Reporting Feature

This ticketing software has built-in analytics and reporting capabilities that provide insights into your team's performance. It examines metrics such as ticket resolution rates, priority ticket handling, and potential delays. By analyzing these KPIs, you can identify bottlenecks in your ticket management workflow and take measures to improve your team's efficiency.

4: Attaches Ticket Tags

The Jira ticketing system automatically categorizes and groups tickets using customizable ticket tags (labels). This feature helps your team to sort and organize tickets, making it simpler to identify and prioritize tasks at a glance.   

5: Helps Resolve Linking Issues

Jira ticketing system supports the establishment of relationships between multiple issues. Your team can create sub-issues under a parent issue or link tickets at the same level. This feature helps in better organization and connectivity between related tasks. 

After going through the benefits, you may consider implementing the Jira ticketing system within your organization. If so, you need to follow certain ways to ensure its effective implementation. What are these steps? Let's find out.

Given below are some ways that you can follow to ensure effective implementation of the Jira ticketing system:

1: Establish A Portal For Employees To Submit Requests    

Create a designated support channel like a self-service portal for employees to submit their requests. This will help ensure that your employees can submit requests with ease. By doing so, you can also save your team time as they no longer have to get involved in assisting employees about where to submit their requests and how to do it. 

Additionally, you can create knowledge bases within the portal, providing relevant information like articles to address common issues. This way, your employees will feel empowered to find solutions independently, reducing the number of requests.

2: Categorize Request Types to Expedite Ticket Routing 

By categorizing requests into different types, such as software glitches or app access requests, your teams can quickly identify the nature of each ticket and route it to the appropriate team for resolution/approval.

This practice ensures that tickets are assigned to the most qualified team members, reducing response times and minimizing the risk of tickets getting lost or overlooked. It also allows for better prioritization of tasks, as urgent issues can be addressed timely while non-critical requests are managed in due course.

3: Create Queues

Create queues where your team can view requests, their importance, urgency, and due dates. The queues organize requests by priority and category, as you choose. Your team can set up queues to automatically sort incoming requests. Or, they can manually adjust the priority of tasks and assign them to other team members if needed. 

4: Follow SLAs

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) define each issue's expected response and resolution times. These agreements must be shared with both employees and your teams so that both parties know what to expect (regarding their request management process ) during the set timeframes.

Also, you need to understand that different critical issues come with different time constraints, so setting goals and deadlines as reminders is important. 

5: Monitor Team Metrics

Conduct periodic reviews and generate reports on the team's performance. By regularly reviewing these reports, you can evaluate whether your team is meeting SLAs and timely resolving/approving the raised requests.

In short, these reports will provide insights into the types of issues raised and the speed of resolution, helping you analyze your team's overall performance. This way, you can take necessary actions, like providing training to improve skills and abilities, if there is a scope for improvement.

Although the Jira ticketing system offers several automation capabilities and benefits, it has certain drawbacks that can hamper your request management process. What are these drawbacks? How can they hinder your ongoing pro? If your team has no prior experience with Atlassian products, adopting Jira may be challenging due to its complexity and learning curves.

Also, if you are looking for notification functionalities but do not want to integrate with third-party apps because of budget constraints, then the Jira ticket system may not be the right option. Because it independently does not offer notification functionality , IT teams may not be promptly notified of newly raised tickets, leading to potential delays and misses on urgent service requests.

Additionally, Jira's search feature is not very flexible. It can be difficult to identify relevant tickets if keywords are not spaced appropriately or if symbols are missing. Teams, therefore, spend considerable time searching for the right keywords to achieve the desired outcome.

If you're willing to work around this limitation, the Jira ticketing system can be a viable solution. However, if you're looking for a better alternative, then Zluri might be the right choice for you. Zluri's app catalog and access request solution is remarkably intuitive, easy to use, and scalable. It offers timely notifications to your team through various channels and provides a detailed view of all incoming tickets on a centralized dashboard. 

Furthermore, it categorizes tickets for streamlined management, allowing your team to effortlessly expedite the request management process . With Zluri's app catalog and access requests, your team can create structured workflows, trigger actions to manage requests, and track their progress to ensure no requests are overlooked. 

Zluri's app catalog and access request positions itself as the ultimate solution for all your ticket management needs. However, the decision to continue with Jira or switch to Zluri to avail complete benefits is yours to make.

About the author

Rohit works in the Community and Marketing Team of Zluri and is a strong advocate of community led growth.

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How to Split the Same Task Between Jira Multiple Assignees?

Kate Bulei | ActivityTimeline's Blog Author

Jira is a powerful project management tool used by teams worldwide to efficiently track tasks and projects. However, a common challenge many users face is how to split the same task among Jira multiple assignees effectively.

Jira is a powerful project management tool used by teams worldwide to efficiently track tasks and projects. However, a common challenge many users face is how to split the same task among Jira multiple assignees effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and best practices for tackling this issue. Whether you're new to Jira or a seasoned pro, you'll find valuable insights here to enhance your project management skills.

Why Split Jira Issues?

First of all, sometimes the task can just be complex for one assignee, so you need more than one person to finish it.

Secondly, team members can work on the same feature so they need to work together on the same issue.

Another case is that the workload of the assignee can be so tough, that she or he cannot complete the task without help and the Project Manager makes a decision to give this task to more than one assignee.

Typically, individuals generate sub-tasks to indicate various individuals responsible for a single assignment. Consequently, Jira becomes full of a multitude of tasks that essentially mirror each other, as it's possible to have three separate tasks for the same feature, each being a duplicated task with distinct assignees.

Sub-tasks in Jira

This influx of tasks and sub-tasks has led to a noticeable decline in Jira's performance, resulting in sluggishness, and has left users feeling disoriented in chaos, as it becomes increasingly difficult to understand who is handling specific responsibilities.

Splitting tasks among multiple assignees can lead to increased efficiency, as team members can focus on their areas of expertise. Collaboration is key to project success. By assigning tasks strategically, you encourage collaboration among team members.

How to Assign Multiple Users to the Jira Task?

You can create custom fields to track Jira multiple assignees or contributors. These fields can be of type User Picker, allowing you to select multiple users. While the core assignee field will still represent the primary assignee, you can use custom fields to identify other individuals involved in the issue.

To add multiple assignees in Jira you just need to take a few actions:

Step 1: Open Jira Settings

Find "Jira Settings" in the top right corner and click on it. Choose the "Issues" tab:

Guide how to add more than one assignee to a task in Jira

Step 2: Find a Tab Custom Fields

Click on the "Create custom field" button:

Adding Custom Field in Jira

Step 3: Find a “Multi-user Picker” Field

Proceed with Advanced Custom Fields and search for the "Multi-user Picker" field:

A Multi User Picker Jira Custom Field

Name it in the field's configuration and save it.

Jira Assignee Field Configuration

Step 4: Add Custom Field to Jira Screens

After saving don't forget to add this field to all Jira Screens:

Adding Jira Field to Jira Screens

That's it! Now you can add multiple collaborators to your Jira tasks:

Jira Multiple Assignees

This alternative offers a partial improvement to the situation but falls short of a comprehensive solution. Professionals in that particular domain will still face challenges in identifying tasks assigned to them. Accurately tracking time spent on the issue becomes problematic, and it becomes challenging to gauge the individual contributions of multiple team members.

There are third-party plugins available in the Atlassian Marketplace that can extend Jira's functionality to support multiple assignees and help with advanced resource planning.

For example, the ActivityTimeline is a resource planning and time tracking add-on for Jira, that facilitates resource and task management with the help of the user/team timelines and allows you to assign multiple people to a single issue.

Split Jira Task with ActivityTimeline

This app provides a special planning board that contains all Jira projects with tasks, teams, and timelines and is built like a calendar. Users can assign tasks directly on the dashboard by simple drag-n-drop, track user activities, and understand who is doing what and when it will be done.

ActivityTimeline planning dashboard

ActivityTimeline planning dashboard

When tasks are divided using ActivityTimeline, the extra assignees will be visible in the Jira task within the "Issue Collaborators" field. This process works both ways, so if users designate individuals in the custom field within Jira, the task will be automatically reflected on the dashboard.

Simply select a task,  allocate it among multiple users, and specify the desired estimates for each user, and you'll promptly see the segmented issues displayed on the Timeline.

You can split tasks on a Dashboard : drag and drop the task on a Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

Or from the Left Panel : drag-n-drop the task from the Left Panel to the Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

Split a Ticket for Different Days

Jira issue №1 with the original time estimate of 16 hours is scheduled for asignee for Wednesday and Thursday.

Splitting Jira Issue for Different Days

Suddenly another issue of tip priority appears and is scheduled for Thursday, and Bob cannot continue on issue №1, he can only finish it on  Friday.

Task №1 will have to be split into Wednesday and Friday. As a result, we will create two issue parts – the first one for Wednesday and the second one for Friday.

The estimate will also be split (16 hours of remaining time = 8 hours on Wednesday and 8 hours on Friday)

Devided Jira Issue for Different Days

Manage Estimated Time

You have the ability to control the allocation of hours for each part of the issue within the "Manage Issue Parts" feature:

  • Select any of the issue parts to make modifications or manage them.
  • Click on the "Manage Issue Parts" button.
  • Adjust the number of hours allocated to each part and then click the "Update" button.

As a result, the system will automatically recalculate the remaining time estimate for each part and update the total remaining hours for the Jira tickets.

Mastering the art of splitting tasks among multiple assignees in Jira is pivotal for seamless project management. You can effortlessly create Jira multiple assignees for the same task within the platform but in order to make the picture of your resources comprehensive you may try planning tools for Jira like ActivityTimeline. Forget about duplicate tasks and sub-tasks, assign one issue to multiple users with a few clicks!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you allocate tasks to multiple assignees in jira.

Yes, Jira allows you to assign tasks to multiple assignees, but it doesn't provide tracking features for them. To track such tasks and Jira multiple asignees you'll need the help of planning add-ons like ActivityTimeline.

What is the process for assigning multiple individuals to a ticket in Jira?

You can assign multiple individuals to a ticket in Jira by creating sub-tasks or using custom fields to designate additional assignees.

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JIRA is designed so that issues must be assigned to a single individual to prevent tasks from being overlooked. A team lead or manager should assign issues out to individuals, or your users will pick from a list of issues that they have the option to take on.

However, if you want to configure JIRA to allow issues to be assigned to multiple users there are a few option for doing so:

It is easy to still setup a queue the a group can pick from, or affiliate an issue with group in addition to having it assigned to an individual within that group:

Managing Issues via a Queue

You can configure your JIRA project to assign issues to an 'Unassigned' "queue" by default, which your users can then pick issues from.

To do this, set up the following:

  • Configure your JIRA project to allow the 'default assignee' to be 'Unassigned' (see Defining a Project ).
  • Ensure that 'Allow unassigned issues' is set to ON in your General Configuration settings ( Administration > Global Settings > General Configuration ).
  • Set any issues that you want to be in the queue to be 'Unassigned'.
  • Create a dashboard page with a filter that lists all 'Unassigned' issues, share the dashboard page and request that interested members of the group display the shared page on their dashboards. See Managing Multiple Dashboard Pages for instructions.

Managing Issues via Group Ownership

You can add a custom field to store which users and groups should be associated with a given issue. This is particularly useful for projects where a team owns all issues of a particular type.

  • Add a group picker custom field to your issues.
  • Configure an email notification in your project's notification scheme to be sent to the 'Group Custom Field Value'.

An issue can now be "assigned" to the group by selecting the appropriate group in the group picker. An email notification will be sent to the group.

Managing Issues via a User Account

You can create a JIRA user account to represent a group of people (e.g. 'developers') and assign issues to this user.

  • Create a JIRA user to represent the group (see Managing Users ).
  • (Optional) Create an email mailing list for this group (not a JIRA function) and set the mailing list email as the JIRA user's email address.
  • Create a dashboard page showing issues assigned to this user, share the dashboard page and request that interested members of the group display the shared page on their dashboards. See Managing Multiple Dashboard Pages for instructions.

An issue can now be assigned the new "user" representing the group and your users can track the issues on their dashboards. If you have set up a mailing list, your users will also be notified by email.

Managing Issue via Sub-Tasks

If you have a task managed by different users then you are able to break the combined task into individual subtasks with their own single assignees.

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ClickUp Vs Jira: Project Management Software Comparison [Updated]

ClickUp Vs Jira

Project management tools are really important for keeping tasks organized, working together with your team, and making sure projects get finished when they’re supposed to. ClickUp and Jira are two popular choices, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s break down the differences between ClickUp vs Jira in a way that’s easy to understand.

What Is ClickUp and Jira?

Table of Contents

  • ClickUp: Imagine ClickUp as a tool box filled with everything you need to manage a project. It has tools for task management, document sharing, team collaboration, and more, all neatly organized in one place.
  • Jira: Jira is like a blank canvas waiting for you to paint your project management masterpiece. You can change it a lot to make it just right for your team and project.

Key Differences at a Glance: ClickUp and Jira

  • Purpose: ClickUp is designed to be an all-in-one solution for project management, while Jira is more focused on issue management, making it a favorite among product engineers.
  • Customization: ClickUp offers a set of predefined tools, while Jira gives you the freedom to build your own project management solution through customization and integrations.

Features Comparison

  • Pricing: ClickUp gives you some stuff for free, but if you want more, you gotta pay at least $5 per person each month. Jira also has a freebie plan for up to 10 folks, but its paid plans start at $7.75 per person monthly.
  • Integrations: Jira wins in this department with over 3,000 integrations compared to ClickUp’s 100. This means Jira can be seamlessly connected with other tools your team already uses.
  • Automations: Both ClickUp and Jira offer automation capabilities to streamline repetitive tasks, but they differ slightly in their approach. ClickUp uses simple “when this happens, then do this” rules, while Jira offers more complex automation options with if/then scenarios.
  • Reporting: Jira’s reporting focuses on Agile project management insights, tracking progress, and analyzing trends. ClickUp, on the other hand, provides reports on individual and team performance, time tracking, and more.
  • Time Tracking: ClickUp offers a timer for tracking time spent on tasks, while Jira requires manual time logging. ClickUp’s approach is more user-friendly and efficient for teams.
  • Collaboration Tools: ClickUp shines in this area with whiteboards, collaborative documents, and comment assignment capabilities. Jira’s collaboration tools are primarily focused on issue management, but it can be integrated with other software like Confluence for more collaboration options.

Compare ClickUp vs Jira: Head To Head Comparison

Which one to choose.

  • ClickUp: Best suited for small businesses looking for a simple and comprehensive project management solution without the need for extensive customization.
  • Jira: Ideal for large businesses or teams that require a highly customizable project management solution and have the resources to invest in customization and technical knowledge.

Can Jira Integrate With ClickUp?

Jira does not have a direct integration with ClickUp. However, both platforms offer extensive integration capabilities with third-party tools like Zapier, which could potentially be used to connect Jira and ClickUp indirectly. Through Zapier, you can automate workflows and transfer data between various apps, including ClickUp and Jira, enabling some level of integration between the two platforms.

Can You Automate Tasks In ClickUp?

Yes, ClickUp offers automation features that allow you to automate tasks and streamline your workflows. Here’s how it works with an example:

Example: Task Assignment Automation

Let’s say you have a project where you need to assign tasks to team members based on certain conditions. You can set up an automation rule in ClickUp to automatically assign tasks when specific criteria are met.

  • Define Trigger: Start by defining the trigger, which is the condition that needs to be met for the automation to be activated. For this example, let’s use the trigger “Task Status Changed to ‘To Do'”.
  • Set Action: Next, specify the action you want ClickUp to take when the trigger condition is met. In this case, it would be “Assign Task to Team Member”.
  • Configure Conditions (Optional): You can further refine the automation by setting additional conditions. For instance, you may want to assign tasks to different team members based on the task type or priority.
  • Save and Activate: Once you’ve configured the automation rule, save it and activate it. From now on, whenever a task’s status changes to ‘To Do’, ClickUp will automatically assign it to the designated team member.

This automation saves time and ensures tasks are promptly assigned to the right team members, improving efficiency and productivity within your project.

Who Should Use ClickUp or Jira or Both?

The choice between ClickUp, Jira, or both depends on the specific needs and preferences of your team or organization:

  • ClickUp: ClickUp is perfect for small or medium-sized businesses or teams who like things simple and easy to understand. ClickUp offers an all-in-one project management solution with a comprehensive set of features, making it suitable for teams that prefer a turnkey solution without the need for extensive customization. It’s also a good fit for teams that require collaboration tools and want to streamline their workflows efficiently.
  • Jira: Best suited for larger businesses or teams with more complex project management needs. Jira’s strength lies in its customization options and flexibility, allowing teams to tailor the platform to their specific requirements. It’s particularly popular among software development teams and Agile practitioners due to its robust issue management capabilities and extensive integrations. Jira is a great choice for teams that need advanced project tracking, customization, and scalability.
  • Both: Some organizations may benefit from using both ClickUp and Jira in tandem. For example, a company might use ClickUp for overall project management and collaboration, while utilizing Jira for more specialized tasks such as issue tracking and Agile development . Using both ClickUp and Jira together can give you a complete package to handle all kinds of projects in different parts of your company.

Ultimately, the decision to use ClickUp, Jira, or both depends on factors such as the size of your team, the complexity of your projects, your preferred level of customization, and the specific requirements of your organization.

Choosing between ClickUp vs Jira depends on your team’s specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for simplicity and ease of use, ClickUp is the way to go. But if customization and flexibility are paramount, Jira might be the better choice. Consider your project requirements and team dynamics before making a decision.

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Elise Stefanik Demands Investigation into Assignment of Judge Merchan to Trump Case

R epresentative Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) is demanding an investigation into misconduct surrounding the assignment of Judge Juan Merchan to former president Donald Trump’s criminal trial.

Stefanik filed a misconduct complaint on Tuesday evening with the New York State Unified Court System over the assignment of Judge Juan Merchan to Trump’s “hush-money” criminal trial and other cases connected to Trump.

“If justices were indeed being randomly assigned in the Criminal Term, the probability of two specific criminal cases being assigned to the same justice is quite low, and the probability of three specific criminal cases being assigned to the same justice is infinitesimally small. And yet, we see Acting Justice Merchan on all three cases,” the complaint reads.

“The simple answer to why Acting Justice Merchan has been assigned to these cases would seem to be that whoever made the assignment intentionally selected Acting Justice Merchan to handle them to increase the chance that Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and Steven Bannon would ultimately be convicted,” the complaint adds.

She is requesting the court system’s inspector general and the New York State commission on judicial conduct investigate Merchan’s assignments. Merchan will also be presiding over criminal cases against the Trump Organization and prominent Trump ally Steve Bannon.

Merchan previously donated to President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and his daughter is a Democratic strategist whose clients have fundraised off the Trump prosecution. Last week, Stefanik filed an ethics complaint against Merchan based on his partisan allegiances and a potential conflict of interest stemming from his daughter’s career.

The jury in Manhattan, New York is currently deliberating on whether to convict Trump of falsifying business records of reimbursements he paid to former Trump attorney Michael Cohen after he paid porn actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The prosecution is accusing Trump of falsifying the business records to conceal federal campaign finance crimes that federal prosecutors have not pursued against Trump.

Trump cannot criticize Merchan’s daughter under the terms of the gag order Merchan imposed on Trump during the criminal trial. Merchan has threatened to have Trump jailed if he continues to violate the terms of the gag order.

The former president often attacks Merchan and Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, an elected Democrat, for waging a political prosecution against him to derail his 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s political allies have echoed his criticism from the courthouse as the trial became part of Trump’s 2024 campaign.

More on National Review

  • Merchan and Trump Conceal the Holes in Bragg’s Case
  • Negotiating with Terrorists: Campus Edition
  • Acquit Trump in the Hush-Money Case

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) speaks to reporters during a weekly press conference at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., April 16, 2024.

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