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How to link to another slide in the same powerpoint presentation.

If you know you'll be referring to the content of a previously-viewed slide at some point during your presentation, it might be useful to insert a link pointing back to that slide for quick access.

Quick Links

Linking to another slide in the same presentation, using the zoom feature.

If you know you'll be referring to the content of a previously-viewed slide at some point during your presentation, it might be useful to insert a link pointing back to that slide for quick access. Here's how to set it up.

Open your presentation and navigate to the slide that will contain the hyperlink. Once there, highlight the text, object, shape, or image to which you want to attach the link.

Next, head over to the “Insert” tab and click the “Link” button.

In the Insert Hyperlink window that opens, select “Place in This Document” on the “Link To” list on the left.

On the right, under the “Select a place in this document” list, select the destination slide.

The four options at the top of the list let you select the first or last slide in the presentation or the slide that comes right before or after the slide containing the link.

If you need to link to a different slide, expand the “Slide Titles” category. This shows you a list of all the slides in your document. If a slide has a title, the list shows the title. If a slide does not have a title, the list shows it as something like "Slide 7."

Click the slide to which you want to link.

A preview of the selected slide will appear in the window to the right. If you’re unsure which slide it was that you needed to link back to, this will come in handy.

Once you’re finished, click “OK” and PowerPoint will insert your link.

As a matter of good practice, double-check to make sure the link is working properly. To test the link in the regular slide editing view, Ctrl-click the linked object. To test the link when playing your presentation, you don't have to hold the Ctrl key; just click the linked object.

If for some reason you need to remove the hyperlink, right-click the object and then select “Remove Link.”

If you’re using PowerPoint for Office 365 or PowerPoint 2019, then you can take advantage of the new “Zoom” feature, which lets you seamlessly transition to any slide in the presentation by placing it inside another slide.

First, go to the slide that you'll be linking from. Using “Normal View,” click and drag the slide you want to insert from the left-hand pane to the current slide.

Once the slide is inserted, a new “Format” tab will appear. Click it.

In the “Zoom Options” group, check the box next to “Zoom Transition.” You’re also able to specify the duration of the transition, with 01.00 being the default.

Now let’s take a look at what happens when we click that slide during our presentation.

As you can see in the above GIF, clicking the “Introduction” slide that we placed inside our “Information” transitions back to the "Introduction" slide. Clicking again brings us back to the original "Information" slide.

How to Link to Specific Slides Within the Same PowerPoint Presentation

Yousef "yoyo" abu ghaidah.

  • July 26, 2018

Let’s say you’re giving a presentation. You reach Slide 4, but need to find a way to go Slide 16.

The norm is to have a presenter go through every slide until he reaches the 16th.

Well, that’s just a waste of time .

There’s a much easier way to do this; a way so easy that it only involves you clicking a button.

Hyperlinks Are Key

This tutorial involves using  internal hyperlinks .

Internal hyperlinks are elements within a PowerPoint presentation that you can use to  link  one slide to another.

To get a better idea of how this works, let’s look at websites.

Every time you click on something that takes you from one webpage to another webpage within the same website, you’re using an internal hyperlink.

We can take the same concept and apply it to our PowerPoint presentations.

How to Link to Another Slide in the Same Presentation

As always, I recommend you watch the video in full. If you need a summary of the steps, then I’ve provided it for you below.

Step 1: Cover Your ‘Clickable’ Areas with Shapes

Look at your slide and pinpoint your clickable areas –  these are the areas that you can click on to activate your hyperlink.

When you know where your areas are, bring in some shapes and cover them up, similar to what you see in the video.

Step 2: Add Internal Hyperlinks to your Shapes

Click on each shape, and press Ctrl + K (or just go to Insert > Link ). A dialog box will pop up.

Insert Hyperlink Dialog Box in PowerPoint

Click on Place in This Document and then choose the slide you want to link the shape to.

When you’re done, just hit OK.

Bonus tip: You could always use the Insert > Action feature to do the exact same thing. It’s up to you, really.

Step 3: Make Your Shapes Transparent

When your hyperlinks are in place, click on the shapes and make sure that they do not contain a color fill nor have an outline.

Remember, Navigation is Key

If you’re going for a linking strategy , then be generous with the hyperlinks. Try and make it easy for the person using the links to navigate around your slides.

For example, if you’re setting up a hyperlink in Slide 4 to go to Slide 16, it’s good practice to set up another hyperlink in Slide 16 to go to Slide 4.

Have fun, and let me know if you run into any issues by leaving a comment below.

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

For on-the-cuff skipping, if you know the slide #, you can just type it and press Enter. This is great for skipping to the last slide when you’re running over your allotted time. You can print out a list of slides by going to File, Print, clicking the default Full Page Slides, and choosing Outline. Then you’ll have a list of each slide and its number.

Awesome, as usual!

Awesome tip, Ellen! Thanks!

Thanks Nancy!

Thank you so much Yousef. Really helpful.

Very helpful. Than you!

If you import a slide with a number of hyperlinks ….. is there an easy way to remove all hyperlinks ?

what about ipad

can you automatically return to a menu after playing a section of slides

Not to my knowledge.

Iam able to link it but iam unable to view the hyperlink address

Thank you! Very Helpful!

Hi there, very useful video thanks! I am using Mac, and for some reason, links don’t work when exporting or saving as PDF. I tried saving in different ways but without luck. Any idea why by any chance?

Found this pretty useful for a deck /i did for my upper management, thanks for the clear explanation!

How to do it on office / cloud version

This was the most helpful tutorial I have ever watched and it has improved my slides so much!

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How to Insert a Hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a hyperlink to your Powerpoint presentation can truly elevate your game. It’s a simple way to direct your audience to additional resources, websites, or email addresses directly from your slides. Want to know how? Just follow along with these quick and easy steps and you’ll be linking away in no time.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Insert a Hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what we are aiming for. Inserting a hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019 allows you to link to another slide, a web page, an email address, or even a file on your computer. This can make your presentation more interactive and accessible.

Step 1: Open Your Powerpoint Presentation

Open the Powerpoint presentation where you want to insert the hyperlink.

This first step is pretty straightforward, right? Just make sure you’re on the slide where you want the hyperlink to be.

Step 2: Select the Text or Object

Click on the text or object that you want to turn into a hyperlink.

Remember, hyperlinks aren’t limited to text only. You can make images or shapes clickable too!

Step 3: Access the Hyperlink Function

Right-click on the selected text or object and choose ‘Hyperlink,’ or go to the ‘Insert’ tab and click on ‘Hyperlink.’

You’ll find the ‘Hyperlink’ option easily on the right-click menu. Alternatively, the ‘Insert’ tab on the ribbon has it all laid out for you.

Step 4: Insert the Link

In the ‘Insert Hyperlink’ dialog box, paste or type in the URL, link to a file, place in the document, or an email address.

Make sure to check that your link works by clicking on the ‘Test this link’ button in the dialog box. It’ll save you from any embarrassment during the presentation.

Step 5: Customize Your Display Text

Customize the text to display if you do not want the URL to show on the slide.

You can get creative here. Instead of showing a long, ugly link, use relevant and catchy phrases like ‘Click Here’ or ‘Learn More.’

After you’ve completed these steps, voila! Your hyperlink is now inserted into your Powerpoint slide. When you’re presenting, all you’ll need to do is click on the hyperlink, and it’ll take you (or your audience) straight to the linked content.

Tips for Inserting a Hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019

  • Double-check your URLs to ensure they are correct before adding them to your presentation.
  • Use descriptive text for your display link to give your audience a clear idea of where the link will take them.
  • If you’re linking to another slide in the same presentation, remember to update the hyperlink if you move the slides around.
  • For a more streamlined look, match the hyperlink text color to your presentation’s theme.
  • Consider using hyperlinking as a way to create non-linear presentations, allowing you to jump to different sections based on audience interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i link to a specific part of a webpage.

Yes, if the webpage has anchor links set up, you can link directly to a specific section by including the ‘#’ followed by the anchor name in the URL.

Can I remove a hyperlink?

Absolutely, just right-click on the hyperlink, and select ‘Remove Hyperlink’ to delete it.

What if my hyperlink isn’t working?

Check the link for any typos, and ensure that all web addresses begin with ‘http://’ or ‘https://’. Testing the link beforehand always helps.

Can I change the color of the hyperlink text?

Yes, after inserting the hyperlink, you can change the text color through the regular text formatting options.

Can I add a hyperlink to a video?

Indeed, you can hyperlink a video just like text or images. Just make sure the video file is accessible to your audience if you’re sharing the presentation.

  • Open your Powerpoint presentation.
  • Select the text or object to hyperlink.
  • Access the Hyperlink function via right-click or the Insert tab.
  • Insert the desired link into the dialog box.
  • Customize your display text for the hyperlink.

Mastering the art of hyperlinking in Powerpoint can truly transform your presentations from static slides to dynamic, interactive experiences. Whether it’s guiding your audience to a helpful webpage, cross-referencing to another slide, or providing a quick email contact, the power of a hyperlink is immense. It’s also a fantastic way to keep your presentations clean and organized, ensuring that additional resources are just a click away without cluttering your slides. And remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t hesitate to play around with different types of hyperlinks and their formatting to see what works best for your narrative style. Now that you know how to insert a hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019, the only limit is your creativity. So, go ahead, give it a try, and watch your presentations come to life!

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (Insert, Remove or Edit Links)

Links representing adding, editing and deleting hyperlinks in PowerPoint.

Insert and Manage Links or Hyperlinks to Create Interactive PowerPoint Presentations

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated October 14, 2022

Applies to: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows)

You can easily add links or hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations to add interactivity and make it easy for users to click a button or link to jump to another slide in your deck, to another presentation, to an Excel file or to a web site. You can edit hyperlinks at any time and remove hyperlinks if necessary. In PowerPoint, hyperlinks become active when you run a slide show (normally by clicking the Slide Show button on the bottom right of the screen). In newer versions of PowerPoint, the term link is used as an alternative to hyperlink (although the dialog box displays Hyperlink).

Hyperlinks can be displayed as full source URLs or internet addresses such as, as descriptive text, as an image or as a shape.

In this article, we'll be using the Link or Hyperlink command to insert hyperlinks, not Action Settings (an alternative method for adding hyperlinks).

Recommended article: How to Crop a Picture in PowerPoint (4 Ways)

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Insert a text hyperlink

If you select text and use it as a hyperlink on a PowerPoint slide, it appears underlined and in a color (normally blue) and coordinates with the color theme in your document. The text color changes automatically after you click hyperlink text in a slide show (again based on color theme settings). Shapes or images with hyperlinks do not change color.

Insert a hyperlink to a slide in the current presentation

To insert a link or hyperlink to a slide in the current presentation:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, select the text, shape or image you want to use as a hyperlink. If you are using a shape that contains text, click its edge.
  • Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  • In the Links group, click Link or Hyperlink. You can also press Ctrl + K. The Edit Hyperlink dialog appears.
  • Under Link to, select Place in This Document.
  • Under Select a place in this document, select the slide you'd like to link to.
  • If you are using a text hyperlink, enter the descriptive text that will become the link text in the Text to display box (if necessary).
  • Click Slide Show on the bottom right of the screen to run your slide show. You can also press Shift + F5.
  • Click the link to test it.
  • Press ESC to exit the slide show.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to another slide in the current presentation:

Insert hyperlink dialog box to link to another slide in a PowerPoint presentation.

Insert a hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation

To insert a link or hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation:

  • Under Link to, select Existing File or Web Page.
  • Click Browse (yellow file folder icon).
  • Navigate to the other presentation and double-click it.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to another presentation:

Hyperlink dialog box with link to another presentation.

Insert a hyperlink to an Excel workbook

To insert a link or hyperlink to an Excel workbook:

  • Navigate to the Excel workbook and double-click it.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to an Excel workbook:

PowerPoint hyperlink dialog box with link to an Excel workbook.

Use relative or absolute addresses to external files

If you are creating hyperlinks to external files such as another PowerPoint presentation or an Excel workbook, it's important to understand the difference between a relative and absolute address. A relative hyperlink uses the address relative to the address of the containing document whereas an absolute hyperlink uses the full address of the destination document including the drive location.

The following example uses an absolute hyperlink address (full path address):


The following relative hyperlink contains only the relative address or path to a Budget document in the same folder as the presentation.


You may want to use a relative hyperlink address or path if you want to move or to copy your files to another location such as another server.

Insert a hyperlink to a web site

To insert a link or hyperlink to a web site:

  • In the Address box, enter the web address or url. You can also copy the web address from a browser or select from the drop-down menu of recent web sites.

Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to a web site:

PowerPoint hyperlink dialog box with link to web site.

Create a hyperlink using the context menu

Another method of creating or editing hyperlinks is to right-click and use the context menu (you can also press Shift + F10 to display the context menu).

To insert a hyperlink using the context menu:

  • Right-click and choose Link or Hyperlink from the dropd-down menu and then select Insert Hyperlink or Insert Link. The hyperlink dialog appears.
  • Select the appropriate option under Link to. If you are creating an external link to a webpage or another document, select Existing File or Web Page. If you are creating an internal link within the document, select Place in This Document.
  • In the address field, enter or choose the address or location where the link should lead. For external references, enter or copy the URL in the Address field. For place in the same document, select the appropriate item.

Jump to a hyperlink location

Hyperlinks become active when you run a slide show or save your presentation as a PDF (portable document format). Simply click the hyperlink to jump to the hyperlink location.

Edit a hyperlink

To edit a hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink and select Edit Hyperlink or Edit Link from the drop-down menu. The Hyperlink dialog box appears.
  • Select the desired options.

You can also select a hyperlink and press Ctrl + K to edit it.

Create a screen tip

You can also create a screen tip that will pop up when you hover over a hyperlink during a slide show.

To create a screen tip for an existing hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink.and select Edit Hyperlink or Edit Link from the drop-down menu. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box appears.
  • Click ScreenTip (on the top right). A dialog box appears.
  • Enter a screen tip.
  • Click OK twice.

Remove a hyperlink

To remove a hyperlink:

  • In Normal View or Slide Master View, right-click the hyperlink you want to remove.
  • In the context menu, select Remove Hyperlink or Remove Link.

Hyperlinks can add a new dimension of interactivity to your decks and when a PowerPoint file is saved as a PDF, they become active hyperlinks.

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More resources

How to Insert Slide Numbers in PowerPoint

How to Use the Built-in Laser Pointer in PowerPoint (with Shortcuts)

How to Cut a Shape Out of an Image in PowerPoint (Mask a Picture)

How to Remove the Background of an Image  in PowerPoint (2 Ways)

How to Break, Update or Change Links to Excel Charts or Worksheets in PowerPoint

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How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (Insert, Remove or Edit Links)

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How to hyperlink in PowerPoint (best practices)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • February 14, 2024

In this post you’ll learn how to hyperlink in PowerPoint.

And the reason that hyperlinking in PowerPoint is important is that it allows you to jump around within your presentation or open documents outside of your presentation without leaving Slideshow Mode.

This allows you to create interactive and non-linear presentations. Common things you might use hyperlinks for in PowerPoint are:

  • Hyperlinking to another slide in your presentation
  • Opening a document or file on your computer Jumping to a page on the internet
  • Open another PowerPoint presentation or slide show
  • Create the mouseover text effect in PowerPoint (using ScreenTips)

The other great thing about hyperlinks in PowerPoint is that they automatically convert to the PDF file format. For details on how to convert PowerPoint into the PDF file format, read our guide here .

Table of Contents

What is a hyperlink in powerpoint.

A hyperlink is typically clickable text that jumps you to a location online, opens a file on your computer or performs some other action when you click it.

An online hyperlink can be written in two ways:

  • As the full URL address you are jumping to: For example, visit our website
  • As shortened text with the hyperlink embedded inside the text (which is how it works in the Microsoft Office suite): For example: Visit our website here (with the entire URL address embedded in the text ‘ here ‘).

This is an important distinction to make, as most of the hyperlinks you add in PowerPoint, Word and Excel are clickable text or objects, with the hyperlink embedded within.

You can use hyperlinks in the Microsoft Office suite to do a variety of things like:

  • Open a web page online
  • Open files or documents on your computer
  • Jump to a specific section in your document
  • Create new documents (that you can begin editing)
  • Start an email message

These hyperlinks can be embedded (as you’ll learn to do below) in text, shapes, pictures, charts, etc., allowing you to create interactive documents.

That is, people can click on things within your document to perform certain tasks, navigate to specific sections of your presentation or even open custom slide shows (if you have already set them up).

NOTE:  In PowerPoint, you can also use clickable objects to trigger animated effects, but these are NOT hyperlinks. To learn how to set up trigger objects to fire your animations (like making objects appear and disappear),  read our guide here .

Take your PPT skills to the next level

How to hyperlink to another slide in powerpoint.

To hyperlink to another slide in PowerPoint, the first thing you need is some text or an object to anchor your hyperlink in. Once you have the object, simply select the text or object and hit Ctrl+K on your keyboard to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

The hyperlink shortcut is control plus K in PowerPoint

If you do not like keyboard shortcuts, you can alternatively open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box using your Ribbon.

Select your object, click the insert tab, open the Link drop down and click Insert Link

To add a link to an object (or block of text) using the PowerPoint Ribbon, simply:

  • Select your text or object that you want to use as the anchor for link
  • Click the Insert tab
  • Open the Link drop down
  • Select Insert Link…

The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is where you control the destination of your hyperlinks in PowerPoint

For this example, I have done the following in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box:

  • Selected a Place in this Document
  • Selected Slide 3 (the slide I want to jump to within this presentation)

You can choose for yourself where you want your hyperlink to link to. Just keep in mind that a hyperlink can only have a single destination. A hyperlink cannot link to multiple locations at the same time.

Instead of using hyperlinks to jump around your presentation, you can also use action buttons. To learn about action buttons, see GFC Global’s blog post here .

Note. To use the Show and Return feature at the bottom of the Slide preview window, you need to hyperlink to a Custom Slideshow.  That is, a smaller subset of your slides that you set up. 

How to trigger a hyperlink

Once you’ve inserted a hyperlink into PowerPoint, there are two ways to trigger it.

#1. Slideshow mode (Presentation View)

When in any of the Presentation Views (like Presenter View), simply hover your mouse over your hyperlink and click it like you would any online link. Triggering the hyperlink then jumps you to the destination you selected (see details above).

To expand your knowledge and learn the different ways to start a PowerPoint slideshow (including how to start Presenter View), read more about it here .

#2. Normal View

In the Normal View in PowerPoint (the standard editing view), you can trigger a hyperlink by holding the Control  key and clicking the hyperlink with your mouse. This creates the same effect as simply clicking a hyperlink in the Presentation View.

Hyperlinking text vso Objects

When given the choice of what to use as your hyperlink trigger, the best practice is to use the object itself, rather than text. That’s because you have little control over the default hyperlink text formatting as pictured below.

Example of the different hyperlink colors when you hyperlink text versus objects

All the objects in the graphic above have the same exact hyperlink applied to them. Notice how the hyperlinked text displays formatting, while the hyperlinked objects do not show any formatting.

When you add a hyperlink to text, it not only gets that underlined hyperlink formatting, but it also changes color once you have clicked the hyperlink. In PowerPoint, this is known as the Followed Hyperlink color. On the other hand, when you anchor your hyperlink on an object, the text never displays the hyperlink formatting. This is why most presenters prefer to anchor their hyperlink on their object instead of anchoring it on their text.

If you do decide to use text hyperlinks in your slides, you can always change the used hyperlink formatting by resetting your hyperlinks (see the next section).

When would using text hyperlinks make sense? When you want to see what you’ve already clicked on inside your presentation.  That’s because the Followed Hyperlink color (I’ll show you how to change that in a second) shows you exactly what you have already clicked on.

How to reset a hyperlink's color

To reset a hyperlink's color, simply select the hyperlink, hit control plus k to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box and click ok

If you are using text hyperlinks, as you click them in your presentation, the hyperlink color changes to the Followed Hyperlink color. This is fine if you want them to change colors (demonstrating what you have already clicked on), but it’s annoying if you don’t.

If you are using text hyperlinks, this means that after you have tested them out, you will need to reset the hyperlinks, so they start with the unfollowed hyperlink color.

To reset the color of a text hyperlink in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Select the hyperlinked text
  • Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Ctrl+K)
  • Immediately click OK

Clicking OK automatically resets the used hyperlink formatting back to the default unused text hyperlink formatting.

If you do go with text hyperlinks, the used formatting gives you a sense of what you’ve already clicked on. That means you won’t waste time navigating to something you’ve already covered. That said, you will need to reset the text formatting each time before you give your presentation.

How to change your hyperlink color in PowerPoint

To change the color of your hyperlinking in PowerPoint, from the Design tab, navigate to customize colors, change your hyperlink and followed hyperlink colors and click save

To change the colors of your Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Navigate to the Design tab
  • Open the  More option (downward facing arrow)
  • Open the Color drop down
  • Select  Customize Colors
  • Set a new  Hyperlink  and  Followed Hyperlink  color
  • Select  Save

Selecting Save saves your new color combination as a PowerPoint Theme and apply it to your current presentation. When selecting your own colors for your hyperlinks, stark colors work best so they stand out from your presentation.

To learn all about creating your PowerPoint template (including selecting your own theme colors, etc.), read our guide here .

Next, you’ll see how to reset your Followed Hyperlink color back to the default color you set.

How to remove a PowerPoint hyperlink

To remove a hyperlink in PowerPoint, right click the hyperlink and select Remove Link

To remove a hyperlink in PowerPoint:

  • Select the hyperlinked text or hyperlinked PowerPoint object
  • Right-click the object (or text)
  • Select Remove Link

Regardless of what the link was pointing to, Remove Link removes the hyperlink formatting and the link. 

New Zoom Transition Hyperlink

If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, there is a new way to add hyperlinks to PowerPoint called the Zoom transition. To make it easier to refer to, I will simply call them Zoom slides below.

To create a Zoom transition, simply click and drag a slide from the Thumbnail view on the left of your presentation, onto the slide you are currently using as pictured below.

To create a zoom slide, click and drag the slide you want to zoom to onto your current slide in PowerPoint

Once you have created a Zoom slide, selecting it on your slide opens the Zoom Tools Format tab. From this tab, you have a variety of different formatting and transition options to choose from.

For example, do you want your Zoom transition to return to the slide it started on?

If yes, then in the Zoom Tools Format tab Zoom Options, simply select Return to Zoom (see picture below).

Once you have a zoom slide in your presentation, you can use the Zoom tab to control the behavior of the zoom

Selecting  Return to Zoom  means that after jumping to your Zoom slide, when you advance your slideshow, you will automatically return to the jumping off point within your presentation.

That allows you to create a dashboard like effect within your presentation. For example, you could present your audience with options – have them vote – and then click the link to jump to that section of your presentation.

And while this might seem complicated, you are in fact just creating hyperlinks (with a cool zoom effect).

For a FULL walk through of how to create a Zoom link and everything you can do with it, see the Presentation Guild’s full training online seminar here .

How to troubleshoot hyperlinks that are not working

First off, hyperlinks are meant to work in Slideshow Mode or Presentation View of PowerPoint.

So before troubleshooting your hyperlinks, make sure you have tried them out in the proper view first.

If your hyperlinks are still not working, the probable cause is that your hyperlink is broken. That is, whatever you were hyperlinking to has been deleted or moved. If this is the case, you simply need to reset your hyperlink.

To reset (or fix) a hyperlink in PowerPoint, simply:

  • Make sure you have access to the file, slide or location you want to hyperlink to
  • Select your hyperlinked text or object
  • Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box ( Ctrl+K on your keyboard)
  • Set up your hyperlink to the correct slide, document, or location on your computer

Clicking  OK , your hyperlink resets, and will properly take you the slide, document, or location that you set it to.

Hyperlink ScreenTip Trick (the Mouseover Text Effect)

Another way to user hyperlinks in PowerPoint is to leverage the ScreenTip functionality to create the mouse pop-up text effect in PowerPoint that you can see in the picture below.

Example of the mouseover text effect in PowerPoint when you hover your mouse over an object

In this case, you are not using the hyperlink to jump around your presentation. Instead, you are leveraging the ScreenTip functionality, to display text as you hover your mouse over an object in PowerPoint.

To expand your knowledge for creating this effect, see my guide on how to create this mouseover text effect in PowerPoint .

As you can see, there is more to hyperlinking in PowerPoint than just inserting the link. There are considerations on what you anchor your link to, how to change the color of your hyperlinks, and how to reset them as well.

I always hyperlink objects instead of text whenever possible as it creates fewer formatting issues as you click through the slides. That said, if you want a visual cue of which links you’ve already clicked in your presentation, you will want to hyperlink your text directly.

In short, hyperlinks are a great way to create choices within your presentation. That is, giving your audience a choice and then jumping to topics within your presentation that they are most interested in learning more about.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training and free tutorials  here .

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On a different machine with Powerpoint 2016 Home, my hyperlinks are clickable in Normal Edit View, but on another machine with Powerpoint 2016 Professional I have to view in Slideshow to click the hyperlinks. What gives?

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How to Hyperlink to Another Slide in PowerPoint Office 365

A powerpoint slide with a hyperlink icon on it

PowerPoint Office 365 is one of the most commonly used presentation tools in the world. One of the features that makes this software so versatile is its ability to create hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are links that take the user to another slide, file, or webpage. This article will guide you on how to create and customize hyperlinks within PowerPoint Office 365 for seamless presentations.

Table of Contents

Why Hyperlinking in PowerPoint is Important

Hyperlinking in PowerPoint is an important feature that aids in presenting large volumes of information in an organized and structured way. It allows you to easily navigate through many slides, insert images, and videos, and also navigate to separate files not saved within the presentation. Hyperlinks can anchor users to the content they need to see, making it easier to understand and remember key points.

Moreover, hyperlinking in PowerPoint can also save time during a presentation. Instead of having to flip through multiple slides to find a specific piece of information, you can simply click on the hyperlink and be taken directly to the relevant slide or external source. This can help keep the presentation flowing smoothly and prevent the audience from losing interest or becoming confused.

Understanding the Basics of Hyperlinking in PowerPoint Office 365

The principles of hyperlinking are simple and straightforward. In order to create a hyperlink, you must first select the text, image, or object that you want to link. Then, using the “Insert” tab, select “Link.” A small window will pop up, allowing you to select the destination of the hyperlink. This could be another slide in the same presentation, a separate file, or even a webpage. Make sure that you choose an appropriate destination to ensure the best presentation experience for your audience.

It is important to note that hyperlinks can also be used to link to specific sections within a document or presentation. This is particularly useful when dealing with longer documents or presentations, as it allows the audience to easily navigate to the relevant section. To create a hyperlink to a specific section, simply select the text or object that you want to link, and then choose the “Place in This Document” option in the hyperlink window. From there, you can select the specific slide or section that you want to link to.

Another important consideration when creating hyperlinks is accessibility. It is important to ensure that all hyperlinks are clearly labeled and descriptive, so that users with visual impairments or other disabilities can easily understand the purpose of the link. Additionally, it is important to avoid using generic phrases like “click here” as hyperlink text, as this can be confusing for users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create a Hyperlink in PowerPoint Office 365

Now that you understand the basics, let’s go through the steps to creating a hyperlink. First, select the text, image, or object that you want to link. Then, select “Insert” and then click on the “Link” button. From there, a small window will appear, allowing you to select your desired destination. Once you’ve chosen the destination, click “OK” to complete the hyperlinking process. You can now test the hyperlink by clicking on the linked object and seeing if it takes you to the intended destination.

It’s important to note that you can also create hyperlinks to other slides within the same PowerPoint presentation. To do this, simply select the text or object that you want to link, and then choose “Place in This Document” from the “Link” window. From there, you can select the slide you want to link to and click “OK.”

Another useful feature of hyperlinks in PowerPoint is the ability to link to external files, such as PDFs or Word documents. To do this, select the text or object you want to link, choose “Existing File or Web Page” from the “Link” window, and then browse for the file you want to link to. Once you’ve selected the file, click “OK” to complete the process.

How to Link to Another Slide Within the Same Presentation

Linking to another slide within the same presentation is one of the most common uses of hyperlinks in PowerPoint. By selecting the text, image, or object, you can create a link that takes the audience directly to a specific slide in the presentation. This saves time and ensures that the audience is focused on the correct slide. To do this, select the text, image, or object and click on the “Link” button. From there, select the “Place in This Document” button on the left-hand side and scroll to choose the slide you want to link to.

It’s important to note that when linking to another slide within the same presentation, you should use descriptive and meaningful text for the hyperlink. This will help the audience understand where the link will take them and what they can expect to see on the linked slide. Additionally, you can use the “ScreenTip” feature to provide additional information about the linked slide when the audience hovers over the hyperlink. This can be especially helpful for longer presentations or when linking to less obvious slides.

How to Link to Another Presentation or File Using Hyperlinks in PowerPoint Office 365

Hyperlinks can also be used to link to other presentations or files outside of the current presentation. To do this, select the text, image, or object and click on the “Link” button. From there, select the “Existing File or Web Page” button on the left-hand side and select the desired presentation or file.

It is important to note that when linking to an external file, it is best practice to keep the file in the same folder as the presentation. This ensures that the link remains valid even if the presentation is moved to a different location. Additionally, if the linked file is updated or moved, the link will need to be updated in the presentation as well.

Customizing Your Hyperlinks: Adding Text, Images, and Shapes

Customizing your hyperlinks make your presentation more visually appealing and easier to understand. In PowerPoint, you can customize hyperlinks by adding text, images, and shapes. This allows you to create more visually interesting links that stand out. To add these elements, select the text, image, or object and click on “Insert,” “Shapes,” or “Pictures” to add the desired element.

Another way to customize your hyperlinks is by changing the color and font of the text. This can help to make the link more noticeable and easier to read. To change the color and font, select the hyperlink text and click on the “Font” or “Color” options in the toolbar. From there, you can choose the desired font and color to make your hyperlink stand out.

Tips for Creating Effective and User-Friendly Hyperlinks in PowerPoint Office 365

Creating effective and user-friendly hyperlinks is key to ensuring that your presentation is a success. Here are some tips to keep in mind when using hyperlinks:

  • Keep the links short and concise to make them easy to read and remember
  • Use clear and identifiable icons, images, or text for the links to make them stand out
  • Ensure the links are relevant to the content being presented
  • Test all external links before presenting to ensure they are working properly

Another important tip to keep in mind when using hyperlinks in PowerPoint Office 365 is to avoid using too many links on a single slide. This can overwhelm your audience and make it difficult for them to focus on the main content of your presentation. Instead, try to limit the number of links on each slide and only include those that are absolutely necessary.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the accessibility of your hyperlinks. Make sure that the links are easy to click on and that they are clearly labeled for users who may be using assistive technologies. You can also consider using descriptive text for your links, rather than just using generic phrases like “click here,” to make it easier for users to understand where the link will take them.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Hyperlinks in PowerPoint Office 365

It’s not uncommon to face issues with hyperlinks while using PowerPoint. Here are some common problems that can arise and how to solve them:

  • If the hyperlink does not work, ensure that the correct destination has been selected and that the file or webpage is open.
  • If the link appears in the wrong font or color, select the link and adjust the formatting from the “Home” tab.
  • If the text appears blurry, ensure that it is not stretched or resized.

Another common issue with hyperlinks in PowerPoint is when the link is broken or outdated. This can happen if the file or webpage has been moved or deleted. To fix this, right-click on the hyperlink and select “Edit Hyperlink.” Then, update the address to the correct URL or file location. It’s also a good idea to test the link before presenting to ensure that it works properly.

Best Practices for Using Hyperlinks in Your Presentations

Now that you understand how to create and customize hyperlinks in PowerPoint, it’s important to know best practices for using them in your presentations. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use hyperlinks to enhance your presentation, but don’t overuse them
  • Ensure the links are relevant, clear, and easy to understand
  • Keep the design consistent with the rest of your presentation
  • Test the links beforehand to make sure they work properly

Hyperlinking in PowerPoint Office 365 is a powerful tool for creating visually appealing presentations that are easy to follow. By understanding the basics and following best practices, your presentations are sure to engage and impress.

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link powerpoint slide to another presentation

PowerPoint Tips Blog

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Link to other presentations and return to the original presentation

August 22, 2001 by Ellen Finkelstein 20 Comments

For greater flexibility when you present, you can create a main presentation that contains a menu and link the items in the menu to other presentations. When you decide to cover a topic, you click on its menu item to go to the presentation on that topic.

When you’re done covering that topic, you click on a button to return to the menu in the main presentation. From there you can go to another topic.

You may find this method simpler than using custom shows or a Web-style presentation, which I explain in another tip.

First, create your main presentation. You can use Action Buttons for your menu, or any other PowerPoint object. Here’s my menu, which links to six presentations containing various categories of images that can be used as backgrounds:

action buttons in main menu

subsidiary presentations

On the last slide of each subsidiary presentation, you’ll create a hyperlink that goes back to the menu presentation. In fact, if you want, you can link from every slide.  To create the link, you can use an action button or an existing object. I don’t like to use the slide’s title (which is at the bottom in these presentations) because the text is underlined when you hyperlink it. So I created an invisible rectangle (no line, no fill) and placed it on top of the title. Then I linked that rectangle. You seem to be clicking the title, but you’re really clicking the invisible, hyperlinked rectangle.

Right-click the selected object that you want to link and choose Hyperlink to open the Action Settings dialog box. (In PowerPoint 2007 & 2010, choose Insert tab> Links> Action.) Choose the Hyperlink To option and choose End Show from the drop-down list. Click OK.

When you use the End Show option, PowerPoint automatically returns to the place where you left off in the presentation that brought you to the current presentation. Therefore, the hyperlink returns you to the menu of the main presentation.

In this example, you could also link directly to the menu’s slide, but if your main presentation has buttons on several slides, using End Show ensures that you return to the slide you left.

Finally, go back to the main menu presentation and add hyperlinks to the subsidiary presentations.

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Can a remote clicker be used to access a hyperlink in a PowerPoint presentation?


You can buy a gyration mouse that can control the cursor on the slide. Here’s an example: . But I’ve never used one myself. It also depends where the hyperlink is going. If you’re hyperlinking to another presentation, you can do the following: Insert> Object and click Create From File. Then browse to the presentation. Then select the icon and move it off the slide. Open the Animation pane. With the icon still selected, choose Add Animation (which version are you using? This is 2010, but it’s similar in 2007)> OLE Action Verbs> Show. Then, clicking with the remote activates the next animation.


Hi When I hyperlink to another Powerpoint presentation I am getting a warning about hyperlinks being potentially harmful to the computer. I am sure that I can switch this off, but where?


thanks a ton it worked 🙂 god bless u for ur useful information


This very helpful but I’d like to take it one step further. I have a standard sized Power Point presentation that I’ll call P1. In the middle of that presentation I’d like to show an 11×17 slide that is in a separate presentation (it’s an org chart that is too large for the standard slide size) then continue my original presentation. Basically I’d like the 11×17 slide to look like it’s part of my original presentation. The 11×17 presentation contains just the one slide – I’ll call it P2. I have linked from P1 to P2. From P2 I’d like …  Read more »

Jessica, Try Insert> Object and choose the P2 presentation. Then set animation to link to P2 and set a trigger on clicking the Object icon. But it will go back to the last slide, not the next slide. But you can quickly go off that slide to the next one. Also, have you seen this? You might be able to adapt it and the advantage is on a slide within your presentation. Another option is to make the 2nd half of P1 a 3rd presentation; then you could go from P1 to P2 to P3 pretty seamlessly. Troy Chollar, …  Read more »


Hi ! I often have to mix existing slides for different presentations, and I loose time to update everything.

Is there a way to insert a slide in a presentation with automatic update ? For instance I update presentation P1 and P2 separately ; they are included in another larger presentation and I dont want to update this one too… What can I do ? Thanks a lot


Nice help for Hyperlinking Powerpoint Slides… thanks a lot


Hi, We create course content with different modules using the same technique described here. One problem I am running into is that if, after the initial linking to the subsidiary slides are created, and you then add or delete a slide before the target slide the link still goes to the same slide number. Is there a way to make the link point to the content of a slide rather than a specific slide number so that when adding or deleting slides the link will move to follow the content. Thanks a lot Paul

Ellen Finkelstein

I’m not sure if this will help, but give it a try:

Thɑnks very interesting blog!


[…] Details: ; […]


I have several video clips in a powerpoint presentation. I want to hyperlink to another slide and then return to the original slide and continue watching the video clip where I left off. At the moment when I return to the original slide it starts playing the video clip from the start.

Christopher Moreno

I have hyperlinks in my PPT to Word and Excel Docs. I then have hyperlinks in the Word and Excel back to the original PPSX (so it stays in presentation mode). But for some reason the hyperlinks are opening another version of the presentation in Read Only. If I click on 6 links the presentation is open 6 times. Eventually it’s going to crash. Any thoughts on why? I’m using Office 365 on a Mac with IOS X Yosemite. Thanks


Using PP 2010, I am preparing a kiosk show for a memorial exhibition. It comprises several linked shows. When I run it, it seems to work fine for 3 hours, then stops. I then have to press ESC innumerable times, while the link slides are displayed in repeated sequences. Can you explain this and can I overcome it?


Is there any way to have the clicked links on an agenda or TOC or map slide actually change in a way that indicates they’ve been used once in a given presentation?

Text links change color after they’re clicked. A theme has a separate color for followed hyperlinks. I can’t think of any other way.


hello I’ve downloaded ppt template from, but when I want to make action from one slide to another it goes to and action doesn’t work. what should I do? tnx

I found solution-> from file tab-> properties-> hyperlink base I deleted the link 🙂


Hi…when I use Hyperlink from a set of bullet points to goto a set of 5 or 6 photos on slides which I click through to advance, when i return to original slide, the animation has moved with the amount of clicks i used in viewing the photos…any thoughts


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How to Put a Hyperlink in Microsoft PowerPoint

Last Updated: July 18, 2022

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Do you want to add a link to a website or document to your PowerPoint presentation? Adding hyperlinks to PowerPoint slides is incredibly easy. This wikiHow will teach you how to insert hyperlinks into PowerPoint slides using Windows and macOS.

Select a slide.

Click the slide onto which you want to place a hyperlink.

Select the hyperlink text.

Use the mouse to select the text you want to add to the link.

  • You can also make an image a hyperlink—just click the desired image to select it.

Click the "Insert" tab.

You'll see the Insert tab at the top of PowerPoint.

Click the "Link" icon.

Click Link in the toolbar at the top of PowerPoint.

Add a location or address to link to.

Fill out the fields.

  • To link to a file or website, select Existing File or Web Page at the top-left. Then, enter the full URL of the website or select the document.
  • To link to another location in your presentation, select Place in This Document , then select a slide title.
  • To create an email hyperlink, select E-mail address , then enter an email address. Clicking the link will simply compose a new message to this address.

Click "OK" to create the link.

This creates a clickable hyperlink in your PowerPoint presentation.

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How to Insert Hyperlink in PowerPoint

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How to Insert Hyperlink in PowerPoint

You may want to insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint slides so that during the presentation you can easily access any specific web page or URL. Besides, it is possible to navigate to or open other files on the computer by inserting file directory links. Instead of browsing manually, it will allow you to show any web pages or files directly from your PowerPoint presentation slide, save time, and give you access.

Types of Links to Insert in PowerPoint

You can insert any external links such as web page URLs, or links to any existing file from your internal storage such as PDF, DOC, PPT, JPG, MP4, etc. Additionally, you have the option to link to other slides within your PowerPoint presentations, link to create another new document, or insert mail addresses as well.

Insert External Web Page Link:

Step 01: find the link option.

Select the object such as the text box, shape, or picture where you want to insert the link. Then, go to the Insert tab and click on the ‘Link’ option. Alternatively, after selecting the object, right-click on it and select ‘Hyperlink’ or you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+K or ⌘ + K as well.

How to Insert Link in PowerPoint

Step 02: Paste the web URL

As you can see, the ‘Insert Hyperlinks’ pop-up box appears. In the address section, paste the web address or URL. Then, click on OK to finish. Now you can see the linked URL on the selected object.

Insert a Web URL in PowerPoint

Link to an Internal File or Folder:

You can also link to a specific file or folder that you wish to open or showcase during the presentation. To do so, just browse to that file or folder and click on OK to complete the process.

Add an Internal File in PowerPoint

Link to Another Slide:

One of the most useful features of using hyperlinks in PowerPoint is the ability to link between slides during a presentation. For instance, suppose you are discussing a topic on slide 1 and you want to directly showcase slide 3 without revealing slide 2. In such cases, linking slide 3 to slide 1 allows you to achieve this. It can help to make your presentation more interactive and engaging.

Step 01: Select ‘Place in this document’

When creating a hyperlink between PowerPoint slides, select ‘Place in This Document’ from the ‘Insert Hyperlinks’ menu.

Insert Link Between PowerPoint Slides

Step 02: Select the slide number

Afterward, select the corresponding slide number that you wish to link and click on OK to complete the process.

Add Link Between PowerPoint Slides

Link to Mail and Others:

You can link an email address to easily open your default mail application, allowing you to compose and send emails with just one click. Moreover, you can even create new documents by adding links as well.

How to Open the Inserted Links

During a slideshow in PowerPoint, any link that you have inserted into an object becomes clickable. However, outside of slideshow mode, you can activate the link by holding down CTRL and clicking on it.

Remove the Links in PowerPoint

You can easily remove the links that you have inserted before by clicking on the ‘Remove Link’ option. There are two different methods to remove the links, and you can choose the one you prefer.

Method 01: From the edit hyperlink menu

Select the linked object, go to Insert > Link, or use CTRL+K (Windows) or ⌘ + K (Mac), and then select the ‘Remove Link’ option from the pop-up box.

Remove Hyperlink from PowerPoint

Method 02: Right-click on the object

Simply, right-click on the object and select ‘ Remove Link ‘ and the links will be removed from that object.

Remove Hyperlink in PowerPoint

Adding links to a PowerPoint slide can save time and automate the manual process, while also increasing engagement throughout the presentation. For instance, you are no longer required to open the browser and search for the URL in the middle of your presentation. Whereas, you can just insert the hyperlink and it will activate whenever you click on that particular object during the slideshow.

Get a Printable PDF of this Article

Similar to our other PowerPoint how-to articles, you have the option to download a printable PDF of this easy-to-understand step-by-step guide on how to insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have tried to answer some of your questions about inserting hyperlinks or adding links between PowerPoint slides.

Can I insert a link on a text box in PowerPoint?

Yes! You can insert links on any object such as text boxes, shapes, pictures, charts, icons, etc. Simply select the object, right-click on it, and select the ‘Hyperlink’ option to add a link to it.

Is it possible to link a PDF or Picture in PowerPoint?

Certainly! You can add a link to any file on your computer, regardless of its format – whether it’s a PDF, JPG, DOC, PPT, or any other type. Simply create a hyperlink using the relevant object on your slide. This will make the link clickable and enable it to be opened during the slideshow mode.

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If you’re in sales, customer service, or work independently, you probably use similar slides in different presentations. But redoing them every time can be a hassle. That’s why learning to merge PowerPoint slides can be super useful.

When you merge slides in PowerPoint, you can take slides from other presentations and put them into one new presentation. This helps you update content, reinforce ideas, or include important information from previous presentations.

It’s pretty easy to do. Let us show you how to merge multiple PowerPoint presentations into one.

How to Combine Powerpoints ?

Here are five ways to combine PowerPoint slides:

  • Copy and Paste Slides
  • Reuse PowerPoint Slides
  • Use Insert Object to Merge PowerPoint Files (Limited Functionality)
  • Drag and Drop Slides
  • Merge with Compare Function

Method 1: Copy and Paste Slides

The easiest way to put together multiple PowerPoint slides is by copying and pasting. Here’s how you can merge two PowerPoint presentations using this method:

1. Open both presentations:  Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the two presentations you want to merge.

2. Navigate to the slides to copy:  In the presentation containing the slides you want to transfer, go to the slide thumbnail pane on the left side of the window.

3. Select slides:  Click on the desired slide(s) to copy. You can hold down the Ctrl key to choose multiple non-consecutive slides or Shift for consecutive slides.

4. Copy slides:  Right-click on the selected slides and choose “Copy” from the context menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

5. Navigate to the destination presentation:  Switch to the other presentation where you want to insert the copied slides.

6. Choose insertion location:  Click on the slide thumbnail where you want the copied slides to appear after. This will determine their order in the final presentation.

7. Paste slides:  Right-click on the chosen location and select “Paste” from the context menu. You can also use Ctrl+V.

8. Adjust formatting (optional):  If the pasted slides don’t match the formatting of your destination presentation, you can manually adjust them using the options in the “Home” and “Format” tabs.

Method 2: Reuse PowerPoint Slides

You can also combine PowerPoint slides using the “Reuse” option. It’s straightforward and lets you choose which slides you want to add and where you want them. Here’s how you do it:

1. Open the target presentation:  Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation where you want to include slides from another presentation.

2. Access the “Reuse Slides” pane:  Go to the “Home” tab in the ribbon. Click on the “New Slide” button and select “Reuse Slides” from the dropdown menu.

3. Browse for the source presentation:  In the “Reuse Slides” pane on the right, click on “Browse” and locate the presentation containing the slides you want to reuse. Select the file and click “Open.”

4. Choose slides to reuse:  In the “Reuse Slides” pane, you’ll see thumbnails of all slides from the source presentation. Click on the checkbox(es) next to the slides you want to include.

5. Insert the slides:  Click on the “Insert” button at the bottom of the “Reuse Slides” pane. The selected slides will be inserted at the current location in your target presentation.

Method 3: Use Insert Object to Merge PowerPoint Files

Note:  This method has limitations. It inserts the entire source presentation as an object within the target presentation. You cannot edit the content of the inserted slides directly, only their position and size.

2. Go to the “Insert” tab:  Click on the “Insert” tab in the ribbon.

3. Navigate to “Object”:  In the “Insert” tab, click on the “Object” button.

4. Select “Create from File”:  In the “Insert Object” window, choose the “Create from File” option.

5. Browse for the source presentation:  Click on “Browse” and navigate to the presentation containing the slides you want to insert. Select the file and click “Open.”

6. Insert the presentation (as an object):  Click “OK” in the “Insert Object” window. The entire source presentation will be inserted as an object on the current slide of your target presentation.

Method 4: Drag and Drop Slides

Another simple way to merge PowerPoint presentations is by dragging and dropping slides. This is handy if you’re working on different presentations or collaborating on a project. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open Both Presentations:  Launch the presentations containing the slides you want to merge.

2. Arrange Side-by-Side:  Resize and position the presentation windows so you can view both presentations simultaneously.

3. Select and Drag:  In the presentation you’re copying from, click and hold the thumbnail of the desired slide in the left-side navigation pane.

4. Drop into New Location:  Drag the selected slide thumbnail and release it onto the preferred position within the other presentation’s navigation pane. The slide will be copied to the new location.

5. Repeat for Additional Slides:  Continue dragging and dropping any other slides you want to transfer between presentations.

Method 5: Merge with Compare Function

This feature helps you merge your slides while keeping the formatting consistent. Here’s how to use it:

1. Open Destination Presentation:  Open the presentation where you want to merge all the slides from another presentation.

2. Access Compare Function:  Click on the “Review” tab from the top menu bar. Locate the “Compare” button within the “Compare” section and click on it.

3. Browse for Source Presentation:  A new window will appear. Click the “Browse” button and navigate to select the presentation containing the slides you want to merge.

4. Choose Merge Option:  From the “Compare” dropdown menu, select the “Merge” option.

5. Review and Select Slides (Optional):  A new pane will appear on the right, displaying slides from both presentations. You can choose to include or exclude specific slides from the merge process using the checkboxes beside each slide.

6. Complete the Merge:  Click the “Merge” button at the bottom of the pane. This will combine all selected slides from the second presentation into the first presentation.

Closing Thoughts

Learning to merge PowerPoint slides is a useful skill that can save you time and effort. With the different methods we covered, you can easily combine content from various presentations, keep formatting consistent, and create strong presentations that get your point across. So, the next time you’re putting together a presentation, remember that merging slides can be a valuable tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the overall look change if i put ppt slides together.

Usually, the look stays the same. But you can choose to keep the style or not when you merge them.

How can I put many locked PowerPoints into one?

To do this, you need to unlock the PowerPoints first. Then, open each one and go to File > Info > Protect Presentation > Encrypt with Password. Delete the password, click OK, and now you can mix the slides into one presentation.

Can I make one PDF from several PowerPoints?

Yes! Just copy and paste the slides from each PowerPoint into one big presentation or use the Reuse Slide option. After that, save it as a PDF by going to File > Save as > PDF or File > Save & Send > Create PDF/XPS Document > Publish .

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Linking PowerPoint Slides Between Different Presentations

I have some standard slides in Presentation Deck "A" that I want to link to from multiple other Presentations Decks (B, C, D...).

When slide content changes on a slide in Presentation Deck "A", I want that change to automatically cascade down to the linked Presentation Decks (B, C, D...).

Does PowerPoint support this functionality?

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Jazlyn Xu MSFT

  • Microsoft Agent |

Dear Garr Williams,

Good day! Thank you for posting your query in our community. We are happy to help you.

Based on your description, my understanding is that you want to link slides from Presentation Deck "B, C, D" to Presentation Deck "A". And you also want to update the contents to Presentation Deck "B, C, D" automatically if the linked slides are changed in Presentation Deck "A".

If my understanding is right, as far as we know, there is no out of box way to meet your requirement. We do understand the inconvenience caused and apologize for it.

Given this situation, we recommend that you submit the requirement for this feature in this MS PowerPoint UserVoice , and many members who have the same requirement as you will vote for it in the future.

A workaround I can think of is that you can use paste special feature in PowerPoint via the below steps:

Open Presentation Deck "B", select the slide you want to link to Presentation Deck "A", then press Ctrl+C to copy this slide;

Go to Presentation Deck "A", select the " Paste special… " button under Paste options, select the Paste link , and click OK ;

If you want to edit this linked slide, you need to double-click this slide, and this will open the resource Presentation Deck "B". So the changes you made in Presentation Deck "B" will sync to Presentation Deck "A" automatically.

Jazlyn | Microsoft Community Moderator

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How to Add a Hyperlink to a Powerpoint Presentation

Want to link to a website, a document, or an email address in your presentation? Here's how to create hyperlinks in Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is a great tool used for presentations and collaborative projects. But sometimes, you might need a bit more than bare slides in your presentation. If you want to make your PowerPoint presentations more effective and informative, adding a hyperlink is a great way to do that.

When your presentations have a hyperlink, you're able to connect your information to a separate resource such as a web page, or a separate document. In this article, we’ll show you various ways to add a hyperlink to your PowerPoint presentation.

How to Add a Hyperlink to a PowerPoint Presentation

If you’re looking for a time-saving hack for Microsoft PowerPoint , this is it. Hyperlinking in PowerPoint allows you to quickly refer to a separate resource as part of your presentation. You’re spoiled for choice when hyperlinking in PowerPoint because there’s more than one method. To hyperlink text, follow these instructions:

  • Open your presentation in PowerPoint
  • Right-click on the text and select Link .
  • If you’re linking the text to a file on your PC, use the Look in box to locate your file.

How to Remove the Underline from Hyperlink Text

The intention behind inserting a hyperlink on a platform like Microsoft PowerPoint is a bit different from inserting a hyperlink in Google Docs , where you’d want your readers to know the text leads to a link. When you’re having a presentation, being unpredictable can work to your advantage, and having an underlined hyperlink in your presentation kills the fun in spontaneity.

PowerPoint doesn’t have a designated setting for removing the underline from a hyperlink text. Luckily, there’s a way around it. You can do this by adding a hyperlinked shape on top of your text instead. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the hyperlink text.
  • Drag the shape, so it covers the text.
  • Insert your link into the address bar and click on OK .
  • Under Fill , select No fill , and under Line , select No line .

How to Change the Color of Hyperlink Text Throughout Your Presentation

If you're not a fan of the default color added to hyperlink text, you can change the color of all hyperlink text to fit the mood of your presentation. Here’s how:

  • In the Variants section, click on the down arrow.
  • Select Save .

How to Use Action Buttons

An action button is something you can create in PowerPoint to link an object or text to a website, another slide within your presentation, a separate presentation, and other resources. To hyperlink an action button, here’s what you need to do:

  • In the top menu bar, click on Insert .
  • In the Links section, select Action .
  • Select OK once you’ve entered the details of the hyperlink.

How to Create a Hyperlinked Custom Show

If you'd like to present a mini slide show as part of your bigger presentation, you are able to hyperlink a custom slide show, but first, you must create one. Here’s how:

  • Click on Custom Slide Show , then select Custom Shows .
  • Check the boxes of the slides you’d like to appear in your custom show, then click on Add .
  • You’ll see the pop-up Custom Shows window again; click on Show to see what your custom slide show looks like.

Now that you’ve created a custom show, you can hyperlink it to a text or object in your presentation.

  • Right-click the text and select Link .
  • Scroll down and click on Custom Shows .
  • Select the custom show you want to present, then check the Show and return box on the right.

Elevate Your PowerPoint Presentation Skills

If you want to add value to your PowerPoint presentation, adding hyperlinks is an easy way to connect your slides to other resources. It’s also a great way to show off your presentation skills and engage your audience.

Whether you want to link text to a web page, or give your audience a subset of slides by linking a custom show, all of that is possible in Microsoft PowerPoint.

link powerpoint slide to another presentation

5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic themes, and a limited graphics collection, you'll likely have a hard time making your presentation stand out against others.

If you want to make your presentation truly stand out, there are several alternatives to Google Slides that offer extra perks and features to give your presentations an edge. While Google focuses on integrating Slides with its other work-based apps like Sheets and Docs, other presentation apps focus more on design elements, transitions, and themes to help you convey your brand or personal image throughout your presentation.

We've tested these Google Slide alternatives to give you an idea of other available options to deliver impactful presentations. If you're looking for a way to make boring information more fun and engaging, here are the best presentation apps to replace Google Slides.

Read more: Major Graphics Card Brands Ranked Worst To Best

Microsoft PowerPoint

There's a reason so many businesses around the globe use Microsoft PowerPoint. Building its reputation as the go-to option for delivering high-quality presentations, the software generated $100 million in annual sales only three years after its initial release in 1990.

Microsoft PowerPoint may be Google Slides' largest competitor, but there are plenty of unique features that can add an extra flourish to your slides. PowerPoint excels in its impressive library of custom animations and slide transitions, which are fairly limited in Google Slides. Another unique feature is its AI-powered Designer tool. This provides professional design schemes that mirror the words used in your slides. For instance, if your title slide is named "Basketball Team 2024," Designer will automatically suggest pictures and slide layouts associated with basketball.

As PowerPoint has been in development longer than Google Slides, it naturally offers more nuanced features if you're looking for something specific. For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to speed up your workflow. Moreover, PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams with its PowerPoint Live function, allowing you to easily share your presentation with your co-workers.

Prezi offers an innovative approach to showing presentations with its unique canvas feature. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi lets you zoom and pan around a flexible canvas. The canvas may feel distant to something of a presentation program, but there is still some linear order provided thanks to the Timeline view.

Finding ways to visualize data is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with presentation software. Prezi resolves this struggle with the help of its Story Blocks: a series of infographics available in multiple designs to visually represent data. You can easily edit infographics and even add animations to individual shapes. This can help add a story to your presentation and help you emphasize key points.

To further enhance your presentation visually, Prezi offers several topic path settings, which let you change how Prezi transitions from one topic to another. These options include subtopics, which are super helpful for breaking large chunks of information down. If you're looking for a unique, modern approach to presenting information, Prezi is a top pick.

If you're looking to create a professional presentation to convince potential clients about your business idea, Slidebean is a popular choice among professionals with plenty of customization options. One of the issues with Google Slides is its fairly limited template library, which is filled mostly with basic designs. Slidebean offers a better alternative with a broad selection of innovative templates split into categories for convenience.

The app's user interface is easy to navigate so that you can create slides in less time. Each slide has a dedicated Design and Outline tab. You can use the Outline tab to quickly edit the information on each slide without being distracted by all the visual elements. Another productivity-enhancing feature is the ability to generate a presentation theme from your website. Simply enter your URL, and Slidebean will automatically apply the theming to your presentation.

Slidebean is another presentation app to take advantage of AI. Using the Auto-Design feature, you can generate recommended slide layouts based on your existing content. It also features AI text suggestions designed to suit different industries. Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides.

Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable of making stunning presentations. The app also has mobile editions, so you can easily create and edit presentations on your Android phone , iOS device, or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify your designs wherever you are.

To get started, head to Canva's online presentation maker . Canva offers a vast range of templates categorized by topic, which easily surpasses the simple templates in Google Slides . While some of the templates are only available to Canva Pro members, there is an ample amount of free templates to help you get started. You'll also find a large selection of stock photos, shapes, and illustrations to create beautiful customized slides.

Because Canva is built for graphic designers, you can access several features to give your presentation consistent theming. These include color palettes, font sets, and even a brand kit that allows you to add your company's fonts (available to Pro members only). One time-saving feature is Canva's Uploads tab, which lets you access recently uploaded media files. This offers a convenient way to copy content between different presentations.

Visme is a powerful visual design tool able to create videos, infographics, and presentations. One of the perks of using Visme is the company's free educational content, which offers advice on how to create impactful content to boost your brand. After signing up, the company also asks whether you're using Visme for your business, education purposes, or personal use to offer personalized tips.

In terms of charts and graphs, Visme offers some of the most impressive features we've seen from a presentation app, so you can effortlessly convey important statistics. From the Data tab, you can access dozens of graph styles to visually represent your data. Then, simply double-click a chart inside your presentation to edit the values instantly in a simple table format.

Another area that Visme excels in is collaboration. You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides for a seamless workflow. There's also a Slack integration that lets you receive messages whenever changes are made to your presentation. Visme is free for all users, with limited features available in its premium plans.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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link powerpoint slide to another presentation

Add a hyperlink to a slide

The fastest way to create a basic web hyperlink on a PowerPoint slide is to press Enter after you type the address of an existing webpage (such as ).

You can link to a webpage, or you can link to a new document or a place in a existing document, or you can begin a message to an email address.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

Link to a website

Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.

Select  Insert  >  Link > Insert Link .

Select  Existing File or Web Page , and add the:

Text to display : Type the text that you want to appear as hyperlink.

ScreenTip : Type the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink (optional).

Current Folder ,  Browsed Pages , or  Recent Files : Select where you want to link to.

Address : If you haven't already selected a location above, insert the URL for the web site you want to link to.

If you link to a file on your computer, and move your PowerPoint presentation to another computer, you'll also need to move any linked files.

4. Select  OK .

Link to a place in a document, new document, or email address

Select  Insert  >  Link > Insert Link  and select an option:

Place in This Document : Link to a specific slide in your presentation.

Create New Document : Link from your presentation to another presentation.

E-mail Address : Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email program.

Fill in the  Text to display ,  ScreenTip , and where you want to link to.

Select  OK .

Change the color of a hyperlink

You can change the color of a hyperlink if you like. If you want to change the display text of a link, right-click it and select Edit Link .

Select the hyperlink you want to re-color.

On the Home tab of the ribbon, select down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors.

Select down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors

Select the color you want for the hyperlink.

Test the hyperlink

Once you've inserted the link, you can test it (in Normal view) by right-clicking the hyperlink and selecting Open Hyperlink . 

Show and return

The Show and return box is grayed out unless you are linking to a Custom Show in your presentation.

If you're a Microsoft 365 subscriber and want to use a feature like show and return , click here to read about linking to another slide by using Zoom for PowerPoint , and see the "Choose to return" feature discussed near the end of that article.

Remove the underline from hyperlink text

Change the color of hyperlink text throughout a presentation

Bookmark a slide and link to it from elsewhere in the presentation

You can link to a web page, link to a different place in your presentation, open a different presentation, or begin a message to an email address.

Link to a web page

In Normal view, select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.

On the Insert tab, select  Link .

The Insert Hyperlink dialog appears.

Office for Mac Hyperlink dialog

1 - Text to Display : The linked text in the document.

2 - ScreenTip : Text shown when you point your mouse at the linked text on the slide.

Enter the web address in the Address box. (Example: )

Choosing a font color

Link to a slide in the same presentation

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click This Document .

Under Select a place in this document , click the slide you want to link to.

Link to a different presentation

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click Web Page or File .

Click Select and then click the presentation or file you want to link to.

Note:  PowerPoint for macOS can't link to a specific slide on another presentation.

Link to an email address

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click Email Address .

In the Email address box, type the email address that you want to link to, or in the Recently used email addresses box, click an email address.

In the Subject box, type the subject of the email message.

Highlight the text that you want to be the hyperlink.

Highlight the text

The Link dialog box opens.

In the Display text box, type the text you want to be visible on the slide for the hyperlink.

Insert a hyperlink

Select Insert .

To test the hyperlink, select the Slide Show tab on the ribbon, and then select Play from Beginning .

(If you've turned off the Simplified Ribbon, you don't have a Slide Show tab; instead use the View tab to start Slide Show.)

You can also create a hyperlink to an email address. Instead of entering the web address in the Address box (step 4 above), type mailto:// followed by the complete email address.

Insert a hyperlink

On the slide, tap where you want to add the link.

On the Insert tab of the ribbon, select Link .

Select Insert Link .

Or: You can make a link to a recent web address or recently open file by selecting the item from the Recent Items list that appears.

In the Text to display box, enter the text that will be the hyperlink.

In the Address box, enter the address you want to link to. (Example: )

On the Home tab of the ribbon, tap the Font Color button to open the menu of colors.

Font Color button

Tap the color you want for the hyperlink.

On the Home tab of the ribbon, tap the arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors.

On the slide, enter the text you want to turn into a hyperlink.

Select the text.

Or: You can make a link to a recently open file by selecting it from the Recent Items list that appears.

In the dialog box that opens, in the Address box, enter the address you want to link to. (Example: )

Font Color button

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  1. How to Link to Another Slide in the Same PowerPoint Presentation

    Linking to Another Slide in the Same Presentation. Open your presentation and navigate to the slide that will contain the hyperlink. Once there, highlight the text, object, shape, or image to which you want to attach the link. Next, head over to the "Insert" tab and click the "Link" button. In the Insert Hyperlink window that opens ...

  2. Hyperlink to a specific slide in another presentation, or specific

    6. Choose the slide you want and click OK. Note: If your object is an Action Button, the Action Settings dialog box opens. Choose the Hyperlink To option. From the drop-down list, choose Other PowerPoint Presentation. Navigate to the presentation and click OK.

  3. Add a hyperlink to a slide

    Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink. Select Insert > Link > Insert Link and select an option: Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation. Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another presentation. E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email ...

  4. How to Link to Specific Slides Within the Same PowerPoint Presentation

    Step 2: Add Internal Hyperlinks to your Shapes. Click on each shape, and press Ctrl + K (or just go to Insert > Link ). A dialog box will pop up. Click on Place in This Document and then choose the slide you want to link the shape to. When you're done, just hit OK.

  5. How To Hyperlink Between Slides in PowerPoint 2016

    This option enables you to link one part of your PowerPoint presentation to another part. A list of the slides in the current presentation appears in the dialog box. The other three options in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box enable you to link to another file in another application, to a web page on the Internet, or to an e-mail address.

  6. Bookmark a slide and link to it from elsewhere in the presentation

    Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink. On the ribbon, select Insert > Link. On the under Link to, select Place in This Document. Under Select a place in the document, expand Slide Titles, if necessary. Select the slide you want to link to. Edit the Text to display, if necessary, add a Screen Tip for ...

  7. Add hyperlinks to slides

    Select Insert > Link. The drop-down menu shows any links copied to your clipboard and recent files. Choose what you want or select Insert Link at the bottom. Select Existing File or Web Page, and add the: Text to display - Type the text that you want to appear for your hyperlink. ScreenTip - Type the text that you want to appear when the user ...

  8. How to Insert Hyperlinks in PowerPoint

    Go to the Insert ribbon. Select "Action". Click the option "Hyperlink to:" and from the drop-down menu, select where you want the action button to link to. It can be: A specific slide within your presentation (Option "Slide…") A web page (Option "URL") Other PowerPoint presentations. 5.

  9. How to Insert a Hyperlink in Powerpoint 2019: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 3: Access the Hyperlink Function. Right-click on the selected text or object and choose 'Hyperlink,' or go to the 'Insert' tab and click on 'Hyperlink.'. You'll find the 'Hyperlink' option easily on the right-click menu. Alternatively, the 'Insert' tab on the ribbon has it all laid out for you.

  10. Link to Specific Slides in Other PowerPoint Presentations

    Link Multiple PowerPoint Presentations. Step 1: Find or create the object that you want for your link. This could be a picture, clipart, text, etc. Select that object and click on the Hyperlink button under the Insert tab. This should work just fine on Office 2007, 2010 and 2013. Step 2: Now the hyperlink dialog box has opened, browse for and ...

  11. How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (Insert, Remove or Edit Links)

    Below is the Edit Hyperlink dialog box with a link to another slide in the current presentation: Insert a hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation. To insert a link or hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation: In Normal View or Slide Master View, select the text, shape or image you want to use as a hyperlink.

  12. How to Hyperlink in PowerPoint (best practices)

    If you do not like keyboard shortcuts, you can alternatively open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box using your Ribbon. To add a link to an object (or block of text) using the PowerPoint Ribbon, simply: Select your text or object that you want to use as the anchor for link. Click the Insert tab. Open the Link drop down.

  13. How to Link One Slide to Another in PowerPoint

    Open the presentation you want to link from and select the text, shape, or object you want to link. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, select the Other Presentation option on the left-hand side. Navigate to the presentation you want to link to and select the slide you want to link to. Click OK to save the hyperlink.

  14. How to Hyperlink to Another Slide in PowerPoint Office 365

    In order to create a hyperlink, you must first select the text, image, or object that you want to link. Then, using the "Insert" tab, select "Link.". A small window will pop up, allowing you to select the destination of the hyperlink. This could be another slide in the same presentation, a separate file, or even a webpage.

  15. Link to other presentations and return to the ...

    Choose the Hyperlink To option and choose End Show from the drop-down list. Click OK. When you use the End Show option, PowerPoint automatically returns to the place where you left off in the presentation that brought you to the current presentation. Therefore, the hyperlink returns you to the menu of the main presentation.

  16. How to Put a Hyperlink in Microsoft Powerpoint: 6 Easy Steps

    To link to a file or website, select Existing File or Web Page at the top-left. Then, enter the full URL of the website or select the document. To link to another location in your presentation, select Place in This Document, then select a slide title. To create an email hyperlink, select E-mail address, then enter an email address.

  17. How to Insert Hyperlink in PowerPoint

    Step 01: Find the link option. Select the object such as the text box, shape, or picture where you want to insert the link. Then, go to the Insert tab and click on the 'Link' option. Alternatively, after selecting the object, right-click on it and select 'Hyperlink' or you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+K or ⌘ + K as well.

  18. How to Combine PowerPoints: A Step-by-Step Guide

    1. Open the target presentation: Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation where you want to include slides from another presentation. 2. Go to the "Insert" tab: Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon. 3. Navigate to "Object": In the "Insert" tab, click on the "Object" button. 4.

  19. Linking PowerPoint Slides Between Different Presentations

    Linking PowerPoint Slides Between Different Presentations ... or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. ... select the slide you want to link to Presentation Deck "A", ...

  20. Share a link to a specific slide

    In PowerPoint just right-click the slide you want assistance with and choose Link to this Slide. When the sharing card appears, you can change the share settings—if you only want your colleague to view the slide, and not edit it, for example—or just click Copy to copy the hyperlink to your clipboard. After the link is copied to the ...

  21. How to Add a Hyperlink to a Powerpoint Presentation

    To hyperlink text, follow these instructions: Open your presentation in PowerPoint. Select the text you want to hyperlink. Right-click on the text and select Link . Insert the website link in the address box and click on OK . If you're linking the text to a file on your PC, use the Look in box to locate your file.

  22. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides ...

  23. Add a hyperlink to a slide

    Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink. Select Insert > Link > Insert Link and select an option: Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation. Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another presentation. E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email ...