Student Essays

Essay on Swimming

8 Unique Essays on Swimming – History, Importance, Benefits [ 2024 ]

Swimming is one of the best all-around exercises. It provides cardiovascular exercise, strength training and muscle toning, flexibility, range of motion and coordination. The fact that swimming can be done anywhere makes it a great workout option for people on the go or who may have injuries that limit their ability to do outdoor activities outside of the pool.

Read the following short and long essay swimming, value and importance of swimming essay for children and students. These are quite beneficial quite for school exams preparation.

Essay on Swimming | Importance, Benefits of Swimming for Students

Swimming is an exercise in the water that involves the use of one’s body to move through said medium. It can be used as a type of relaxation or warm-up or, more commonly, done with specific goals in mind for physical fitness purposes.

Essay on Swimming

Swimming allows people to achieve physical fitness goals, such as weight loss or gaining strength in specific areas. It can also be used as a break from high-impact exercises for those with joint troubles. Swimming serves various functions for different people, but can be used as a form of meditation or stress-relief by many swimmers. As one swims, breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety and increase focus while also providing invaluable aerobic exercise to improve the cardiovascular system.

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Benefits of Swimming 

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be done no matter one’s current fitness ability or age. Because of this, it is beneficial for those who may have injuries and need rehabilitation as well as those looking to keep fit and young. Following are 5 major benefits of swimming:

  • One of the greatest benefits of swimming is that it can be done by nearly everyone. Because there are no high-impact motions involved, those who are recovering from joint injuries or age-related problems such as arthritis can participate in swimming without exacerbating these conditions. This makes it a good workout option for seniors and rehabilitation purposes for younger populations.
  • Swimming can be done at any fitness level, making it an exercise accessible to nearly everyone. This is because there are many ways to swim – one can choose whether they want to use their arms or legs more, for example, or simply stick with a style that works best for them. For those who are not physically fit, swimming is a low-risk workout option, allowing them to slowly improve their health and fitness level.
  • Because water offers resistance, swimming strengthens the muscles one uses when they are in the pool. Many swimmers also do weight training outside of the pool to build muscle mass and increase strength even further. As muscles are built, fat is burned, providing even more incentive for people to get in the pool.
  • Swimming is a cardio exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and overall endurance while also strengthening muscles needed for other activities where high-impact motions may be involved, such as running or jumping sports. Regular aerobic exercise, such as swimming, has been shown to reduce the risk of disease by lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels and body fat. This makes swimming beneficial for those with medical conditions that are worsened by these factors, such as heart disease or obesity.
  • Finally, swimming is a low-impact workout that can be done by nearly everyone, making it beneficial for those with joint issues or other medical conditions that restrict their ability to do high-impact exercises. Since swimming reduces the risk of injury later in life while still providing many other benefits, people may want to consider adding this activity into their lifestyle if they want to improve their overall wellness and decrease the risk of developing medical conditions in the future.

Swimming is good for Children

The importance of learning to swim early in life cannot be understated. Beyond the health benefits, swimming builds confidence and a love for an activity that is great exercise with lifelong benefits.  As a parent, there are many things you can do to help ensure your children enjoy a positive experience while also making sure they stay safe in and around the water.

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Swimming is a beneficial form of exercise for all ages and populations. It can be done by people at any level of fitness. Swimming can be done with or without equipment and is a low-impact workout that can help those who are rehabilitating injuries or who may have medical conditions worsened by high impact exercises like running or jumping sports.

History of Swimming Essay:

Swimming is an ancient activity that has been enjoyed by humans since prehistoric times. It is believed that swimming originated as a survival mechanism, with early humans learning how to swim in order to cross waterways for hunting and gathering purposes.

The first recorded evidence of swimming dates back to 4000 BC, with stone age cave paintings depicting people swimming. In ancient Egypt, swimming was also used for religious purposes as seen in hieroglyphics and paintings depicting people swimming in the Nile River.

During the Greek and Roman empires, swimming became a popular recreational activity. The Greeks even built various public swimming pools known as “palaestras” which were used for both exercise and military training.

In medieval times, however, swimming lost its popularity due to religious restrictions and the belief that immersing oneself in water could lead to illness. It wasn’t until the 19th century when swimming made a comeback as an organized sport, with the creation of swimming clubs and competitions.

In 1875, swimming became an official Olympic sport at the first modern Olympics in Athens, Greece. Since then, it has become one of the most popular Olympic events, with various styles and distances being added to the competition over time.

Today, swimming is not only a competitive sport but also a recreational activity enjoyed by people of all ages. It offers numerous health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and stress relief.

Furthermore, advancements in technology have allowed for the development of specialized swimwear and equipment, making swimming even more accessible and enjoyable for both amateurs and professionals alike.

In conclusion, the history of swimming is a long and fascinating one, with various cultural, practical, and recreational aspects shaping its evolution over time. From ancient survival technique to modern-day sport and leisure activity, swimming has stood the test of time and continues to be an integral part of human life.

So, whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a casual swimmer, the water is waiting for you to dive in and experience the joys of swimming. So let’s keep enjoying this wonderful activity that connects us with our ancient roots and brings people together in a fun and healthy way. Happy swimming!

Happy Swimming !

Benefits of Swimming Essay:

Swimming is a popular water sport that has gained immense popularity over the years. It involves moving through water by using limbs or special devices such as flippers and snorkels. Swimming can be done for recreational purposes, competitive sports, or even as a form of exercise. In this essay, we will discuss some of the benefits that swimming offers.

Firstly, swimming is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and muscles. Unlike other forms of physical activity, such as running or weightlifting, swimming does not put stress on the body. This makes it an ideal form of exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels, including those with injuries or conditions that restrict their movements.

Secondly, swimming is a great cardiovascular workout. It involves using large muscle groups in the arms, legs, and core to propel the body through water. This increases the heart rate, which in turn improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscles. Regular swimming can also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

Next, swimming is a great way to build strength and endurance. The resistance offered by water is much greater than that of air, which means that the body has to work harder to move through it. This resistance helps in building muscle strength and improving overall endurance. Moreover, since swimming involves using multiple muscle groups at once, it provides a full-body workout.

Apart from physical benefits, swimming also offers mental health benefits. It is a great stress-reliever and can help in reducing anxiety and depression. The rhythmic movements and focus on breathing while swimming can also have a calming effect on the mind. Additionally, being in water can create a sense of weightlessness, which can be therapeutic for those with joint pain or chronic illnesses.

In conclusion, swimming is not just a fun activity but also offers numerous health benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Regular swimming can improve cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, and have a positive impact on mental well-being. So next time you hit the pool, remember that you are not just having fun but also improving your overall health. So, start swimming today and dive into a healthier lifestyle!

Swimming Speech Ideas:

  • The Benefits of Swimming: Swimming is a great form of exercise that offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. It is a low-impact activity that can help improve cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and reduce stress levels.
  • Types of Swimming Strokes: There are four main types of swimming strokes – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. Each stroke targets different muscle groups and can be used for different purposes, such as speed or endurance.
  • Swimming Techniques: To become a better swimmer, it’s important to learn proper swimming techniques. This includes breathing patterns, body position, and arm and leg movements. Improving technique can not only help with performance but also prevent injuries.
  • Overcoming Fear of Swimming: Many people are afraid of swimming, whether it’s due to a traumatic experience or simply not being comfortable in the water. Overcoming this fear can be a challenge, but with patience and practice, anyone can learn to enjoy swimming.
  • Swimming for All Ages: Swimming is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to seniors. It’s a great way for families to bond and for seniors to stay active and maintain their mobility.
  • Swimming as a Competitive Sport: For those who are more serious about swimming, it can be pursued as a competitive sport. There are various levels of competition, from local meets to the Olympic Games, providing opportunities for athletes to showcase their skills and compete against others.
  • Swimming Safety: As with any water activity, safety is of the utmost importance when swimming. Proper supervision, knowing how to swim in different bodies of water, and understanding rip currents are all crucial for staying safe while swimming.
  • Swimming as Rehabilitation: Due to its low-impact nature, swimming can be a great form of rehabilitation for people recovering from injuries or with certain physical limitations. It can help improve range of motion and strengthen muscles without putting too much strain on the body.
  • Swimming as a Social Activity: Swimming can also be a fun social activity, whether it’s taking a water aerobics class or joining a swim team. It allows for connecting with others who share similar interests while staying active and healthy.
  • Discovering the World Through Swimming: Finally, swimming can offer unique opportunities to explore different parts of the world. From snorkeling in tropical waters to participating in open water races, there are many ways to experience new cultures and environments through swimming. So why not dive into this versatile activity and reap its numerous benefits? Happy swimming!

Essay on Swimming Pool:

Swimming pools are artificial water bodies that are designed for recreational purposes. They provide a safe and controlled environment for people to swim, relax and have fun. Swimming is not only a popular sport but also a great way to stay fit and healthy. It has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

One of the major advantages of swimming is that it is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on joints and muscles. This makes it a suitable form of workout for people with injuries, chronic pain or mobility issues. It also helps in improving cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and improving blood circulation.

Moreover, swimming is a great stress-reliever as it releases endorphins, also known as ‘happy hormones’, which can improve mood and reduce anxiety. It is also a great way to socialize and spend quality time with friends and family, making it a popular choice for get-togethers and parties.

From an early age, children should be encouraged to learn how to swim as it not only teaches them a valuable life skill but also builds their confidence and discipline. Swimming can also serve as a form of therapy for children with special needs, helping them to improve their motor skills and coordination.

In conclusion, swimming pools have a significant impact on our physical, mental and social well-being. They provide a fun and refreshing way to stay active and healthy while also promoting relaxation and social interaction

Essay on Swimming Competition:

Swimming is a popular sport that has been around for centuries. It involves propelling oneself through water using the arms and legs, while trying to cover a certain distance in the shortest amount of time possible. Over the years, swimming competitions have become increasingly popular, with professional swimmers competing at national and international levels.

History of Swimming Competitions

The history of swimming competitions dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. They used swimming as a form of exercise and entertainment, with races being held in natural bodies of water like rivers and lakes.

In the 19th century, competitive swimming gained popularity in Europe, with the first recorded competition taking place in England in 1837. The sport continued to evolve, with various organizations being formed to govern and organize swimming competitions.

Types of Swimming Competitions

Today, there are several types of swimming competitions that cater to different skill levels and styles. The most common ones include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and individual medley races. There are also relay races where teams compete against each other.

Swimming competitions can take place in indoor or outdoor pools, and distances vary from 50 meters to several kilometers. The most prestigious competitions include the Olympic Games, World Championships, and Commonwealth Games.

Rules and Regulations

Swimming competitions follow strict rules and regulations to ensure fair competition. Some of the rules include starting with a dive, touching the wall at the end of each lap, and staying within designated lanes. Any violation of these rules can result in disqualification.

Training for Swimming Competitions

To compete at a high level in swimming, athletes must undergo rigorous training regimes that include daily swim sessions, strength and endurance training, and proper nutrition. The goal is to build strength, speed, and stamina while perfecting the techniques required for each stroke.

Benefits of Swimming Competitions

Participating in swimming competitions has various benefits, both physically and mentally. It improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and increases flexibility. It also teaches discipline, resilience, and teamwork.

In conclusion, swimming competitions have a rich history and continue to be a popular sport around the world. They offer an exciting platform for athletes to challenge themselves and compete against others while promoting physical and mental well-being. Whether you are a professional swimmer or simply enjoy swimming as a hobby, there is something for everyone in the world of competitive swimming. So next time you have the chance, dive right in and experience the thrill of a swimming competition firsthand!

Essay on Swimming for Class 2:

Swimming is a popular water sport and recreational activity that has been enjoyed by people for centuries. It involves moving through water using the arms and legs while floating on the surface or underwater. Swimming is not just a fun activity, but also an important life skill that everyone should learn.

There are various types of swimming styles such as freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. Each style has its own unique technique, but the basic concept remains the same – move through water using coordinated arm and leg movements. Swimming can be enjoyed in pools, lakes, rivers, or oceans depending on one’s preference and skill level.

Swimming has numerous physical and mental benefits. It is a great form of exercise that engages multiple muscle groups and improves cardiovascular health. Regular swimming can also help in maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Moreover, it is a low-impact activity that puts minimal stress on joints, making it suitable for people of all ages.

Apart from physical benefits, swimming also has positive effects on mental well-being. It is a relaxing activity that helps in reducing stress and anxiety. The feeling of weightlessness in water can be therapeutic, especially for individuals with chronic pain or injuries. Swimming also promotes social interaction and teamwork, making it a great way to bond with family and friends.

Swimming is not only a recreational activity but also an important life-saving skill. Drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental death worldwide, and knowing how to swim can significantly reduce the risk. It is crucial for children and adults to learn basic swimming techniques and water safety rules in case of emergencies.

In conclusion, swimming is a fun and beneficial activity that offers physical, mental, and social benefits. It is also an essential life skill that everyone should learn. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to enroll in swimming lessons at an early age, and adults should also make an effort to improve their swimming abilities. So, let’s dive in and enjoy the wonderful world of swimming!

Narrative Essay about Swimming:

Swimming has always been a part of my life since I was a young child. My parents enrolled me in swimming lessons at the local community pool when I was just six years old, and from that moment on, it became my favorite activity.

I remember feeling nervous as I stepped onto the diving board for the first time. The water looked so deep and never-ending, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. But once I jumped in and felt the cool water against my skin, all my worries disappeared. From that moment on, I was hooked.

As I grew older, swimming became more than just a fun activity for me. It became an outlet for stress and anxiety. Whenever I had a bad day or needed to clear my head, I would head to the pool and swim laps. The rhythmic motion of my strokes and the feeling of weightlessness in the water always brought me a sense of calm.

In high school, I joined the swim team and discovered a whole new level of competitiveness within myself. I pushed myself to become faster and stronger in the water, and it paid off as I broke multiple school records and even qualified for state championships.

Even now, as an adult, I still find solace in the water. Swimming has become a form of meditation for me, allowing me to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and focus solely on my breathing and movements.

I am grateful for the opportunities that swimming has provided me and will always cherish the memories and lessons it has taught me. It is more than just a hobby – it is a part of who I am.

The sport of swimming has also taught me important life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. The countless hours spent training in the pool have taught me the value of hard work and dedication. And being a part of a swim team has shown me how to work together with others towards a common goal.

Moreover, swimming has also introduced me to some of my closest friends. The bond formed during early morning practices and grueling swim meets is like no other. We have cheered each other on through victories and supported each other through defeats.

But perhaps the greatest lesson that swimming has taught me is the importance of perseverance. There have been times when I wanted to give up, when the water seemed too cold or the laps seemed never-ending. But I pushed through and came out stronger on the other side.

Swimming may just seem like a simple act of moving through water, but for me, it is so much more than that. It has shaped me into the person I am today, and I will always be grateful for its impact on my life. So, I encourage everyone to dive in and discover the joys of swimming – you never know what it may bring to your life.

Q: Why is swimming important in our life essay?

A: An essay on why swimming is important in our life would discuss the physical, mental, and social benefits of swimming, as well as its practical uses, such as safety and survival skills.

Q: What is a short paragraph about swimming?

A: Swimming is a versatile and enjoyable activity that provides exercise and relaxation. Whether in a pool or open water, it offers a refreshing and liberating experience.

Q: What is swimming in your own words?

A: Swimming, in my own words, is the skill and art of moving through water using various strokes and techniques, offering both therapeutic and competitive opportunities.

Q: Why do people love swimming?

A: People love swimming for the weightlessness it provides in water, the opportunity for exercise and relaxation, the social aspect of swimming with friends or in a team, and the cooling relief it offers on hot days.

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a person standing on a rock

‘Learning To Swim At 24 Taught Me An Important Life Lesson’

Assistant editor Naydeline Mejia shares how she came to peace with the water.

It was the summer of 2018. My sister, cousin, and I were aboard a motorboat with seven other wide-eyed tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of the sunken statues off the coast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico. As we pulled away from the beach, I watched the celeste-hued water transform into a midnight blue and realized I could no longer rely on my fragile safety net—the knowledge that I’d be able to see my feet on the ocean floor. This was deep sea.

After about 15 minutes, our captain stopped the vessel and began to distribute the essentials alongside his assistant: life jackets, flippers, and goggles.

“Anyone who wants to get in and see the statues, now’s your chance,” he announced in Spanish, our shared mother tongue.

While I’m aware of the human body’s natural buoyancy in saltwater, I’m also conscious that the ocean will not hesitate to swallow one whole at the first sign of fear. In other words, I wasn’t about to risk it.

a close up of a blue rope

I’ve never been a particularly strong swimmer.

While I'd participated in an entire year of swimming lessons in the sixth grade—a rare opportunity for a low-income Black girl attending a West Bronx public school—sometime between the start of puberty and the beginning of adulthood, I had become increasingly aware of my own mortality. For me, this awareness largely manifested in a fear of drowning. When it comes to water-based activities, I prefer to stand comfortably in the shallow end.

And so, one by one, my boat mates made their way into the water. But I stayed onboard. As my family members and the other tourists followed the captain to see the life-sized sculptures which sat 30 feet under the surface, I began to viciously sob—failing miserably to hide my shame from the deckhand watching me as I swallowed my own salty tears.

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I’ve always felt a deep connection to bodies of water . Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I search for a waterfront—a rarity in my concrete jungle home of New York City. My affinity also makes sense, since being in or near water has been linked to a reduction in stress, alleviated anxiety, and a boost in overall mood, according to licensed therapist Shontel Cargill, LMFT.

Yet, the visceral pain I felt that day from not being able to jump freely into the water is not something even I truly grasp. It felt like I’d tapped into a deep source within me—an ancestral struggle, almost. It was like I could hear the synchronous wails produced by my collective bloodline, begging for freedom from the forces that kept them shackled to the island of La Española—fearing yet worshiping the water gods.

It’s a common racist trope that Black people can’t swim.

But it’s hard to ignore this one’s startling reality. Nearly 64 percent of African-American children have no to low swimming ability, compared to 45 percent of Hispanic children and 40 percent of Caucasian children, according to USA Swimming . Moreover, Black children drown at rates three times higher than white children, per the CDC .

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And it's not just children who are affected. Black people, in general, drown at higher rates than any other demographic, says Paulana Lamonier, the founder and CEO of Black People Will Swim , a mission-based program empowering Black and brown people to be more confident in the water. I first learned about Paulana and her mission after reading a feature on her on CNBC , and knew that when I decided to begin my swim journey, it would be with her.

“The reason why it’s important for us to teach people these life-saving skills is simply that: because it is a life-saving skill,” she tells me. “We’re really giving people that chance to dream again; the chance and opportunity for freedom. When you’re on vacation, you no longer have to sit poolside—you don’t have to be scared to jump.”

overhead view of splash in outdoor pool after girl jumps off diving board

Twenty minutes past noon on Saturday, May 20, 2023, I went to my first swim class.

I arrived at CUNY York College’s Health and Physical Education Building where classes for Black People Will Swim’s spring 2023 program were being held. By the time I reached the 25-meter swimming pool, class was already in session.

Paulana, a warm yet commandeering figure, was teaching the class, and invited me to join. As I slowly and awkwardly slid my way into the pool's shallow end, I took in the expressions around me. There was a variety of ages in our adult-beginner course, which was made up of all Black women. Young 20-somethings, like myself, women in their 30s and 40s, and even a few Aunties—elders, often mature women over the age of 50.

Our first lesson started with a breath. We were to learn how to breathe underwater.

One by one, Paulana went around asking each of us to hop down into a squat until our fingertips touched the pool floor. Once there, rather than sucking in air through our nostrils, we were to expel that air by blowing bubbles—holding in the remaining oxygen in our mouths. When my hands touched the bottom of that pool and I was surrounded by blue I felt—if only for a second—at home. If only I could breathe underwater , I thought, I would never leave .

“The water was like my getaway,” says Maritza McClendon , a 2004 Olympic silver medalist and the first Black female to make the U.S. Olympic swim team. “Every time I get in the water, I’m in my happy place—I’m in my element.”

McClendon—who, after being diagnosed with scoliosis, began swimming at the age of six per her doctor’s recommendation—has always found solace in the water, even when the pressures of competitive swimming weighed her down.

"When I got in the pool, it was like I went into an oasis and forgot about everything—it was just me and the water.”

As I re-emerged from the pool after that first drill, I suddenly became aware of my senses. The silence from being submerged disappeared, and I was met with the noises around me.

a person in a yellow dress

To my right, one of my classmates—an older woman perhaps in her mid-60s to early 70s—was holding onto the edge, quietly blowing bubbles to herself as the rest of the class moved onto the next lesson.

I pondered what experience may have caused her to develop this palpable fear, and ultimately lead her here today. I also wanted to grab her hand and walk her to the middle of the pool, so we could float together like two otters, holding on tight to ensure the other wouldn't float too far away, and she could share some of the joy I felt.

The truth is, part of the reason why many Black and brown Americans don’t know how to swim today is a result of racial and class discrimination.

“There were two times when swimming surged in popularity—at public swimming pools during the 1920s and 1930s and at suburban swim clubs during the 1950s and 1960s. In both cases, large numbers of white Americans had easy access to these pools, whereas racial discrimination severely restricted Black Americans’ access,” wrote Jeff Wiltse, a historian and author of Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America , in a 2014 paper published in the Journal of Sport and Social Issues .

The systemic impairing of Black Americans’ ability to swim—thanks to poorly maintained and unequal swimming pools, private clubs that barred Black members, and public pool closures in the wake of desegregation—meant that swimming became a “self-perpetuating recreational and sports culture” for white Americans, says Wiltse. Black communities struggled to literally and metaphorically get a foot in.

“[Swimming] is a predominantly white sport,” says McClendon. (FYI: Of the 331,228 USA Swimming members, less than 5 percent are Black or African American, according to the 2021 Membership Demographics Report .)

“Growing up, I was definitely one of the few at every single swim meet, and even on my swim team,” McClendon recounts. “As early as nine years old, I remember finishing a race in which I got first, and walking past a parent who said, ‘You should go back and do track or basketball. What are you doing here?’ Sort of questioning why I was in the sport. If anyone else would’ve won the race, they would’ve been congratulating them.”

While most of McClendon’s career spans the 1990s and early 2000s, she says instances like this still happen today.

I missed the next three weeks of classes, so by the time I walked into my second swim session, I felt energized yet daunted.

As soon as I got in the pool, I asked my classmates about their reasons for joining the Black People Will Swim program.

One woman shared that she wanted to learn how to swim because she’s the only one in her family that couldn't and she had a seven-month-old son: “If he’s drowning, I want to be able to save him,” she tells me.

The second woman I spoke to said almost drowning twice pushed her to want to learn.

Unsurprisingly, most of these reasons pertain to survival. Swimming , at the end of the day, is a skill needed to live; it’s an ability and privilege that so many take for granted.

At the start of that second class, I was anxious. I had missed so much during my time away, and we were at the point of the program where everyone was expected to navigate the 14-foot end of the pool. Our first lesson of the day: butterfly backstrokes. I tried my best to prolong my turn by generously offering that my other classmates go ahead of me, but eventually I had to go.

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As I positioned my feet on the wall, held onto the edge of the pool, and laid my head back, I silently repeated to myself, You got this! You are a child of the water. You will not drown. “Ready?” asked the instructor who was teaching my class. With one deep breath, off I went.

As soon as I started kicking my feet and pushing the water forward with my arms, I was making headway. It felt so natural, like muscle memory. Perhaps those middle school swim lessons did teach me something. After about five strokes, I was ordered to stop so the next person could demonstrate if they were ready to move on to the next step.

Swimming is easy enough when you know you can safely land on your feet the moment you start to panic, but once the depth of the pool is above my own height (at 5'4"), I no longer feel at ease. So you can imagine my nervousness when the instructor said we were about to backstroke the entire 25-meter pool.

As I prepared for that feat on the wall, I recounted the memory of that fateful summer of 2018, when I was too afraid to jump off the boat without a lifejacket. Then there was another memory: 11-year-old Naydeline, unafraid to jump into the deep end. Instead, exhilarated by it.

“Ready?” asked the instructor.

Off I went, rapidly backstroking across that 25-meter pool. I was making headway, but as I reached the 12-meter mark, I stopped. I was beginning to swallow water, and the chlorine-tinged liquid filling my throat made me panic. I was no longer swimming, but sinking. I quickly grabbed the nearest lane rope to stabilize myself.

“What happened?” asked my instructor. “You were doing so well.”

“I panicked,” was all I could say. The intrusive thoughts had started to pour in as soon as I sensed the depth of the pool change from six feet to eight feet to 10 feet: You’re drowning, you’re drowning, you’re drowning , and my anxiety took over.

It took a few seconds to catch my breath, but then I turned to face the deep end of the pool. I realized there was no getting out of this—I had to keep going. With my instructor situated behind me to catch me if I began to drown, I shut my eyes and inhaled for three counts, exhaled for three counts, again and again. Ready?

I was off once more. I didn’t stop until I hit the end of the pool.

A month after the end of the swim program, I headed out on a trip to the island of Aruba.

The schedule was filled with walking tours, parasailing, and an exploration of one of the island’s many natural pools.

preview for Naydeline Mejia in Aruba

The author parasailing off a boat at Palm Beach, Aruba.

On the second to last day, we kayaked across a small portion of the Caribbean Sea to go snorkeling. There would be coral reefs, parrotfish, and lobsters. I opted out.

I wasn’t confident that I wouldn’t start to panic and drown. So, while the rest of my tour group and the instructor went ahead, I stayed seated on the dock. As I looked out at the expansive sea around me, noticing how the colors transitioned from celeste to navy, I breathed in deeply: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 . I was trying my best not to cry.

Our reserved, yet warm tour guide had also stayed behind. He claimed he was tired of beautiful beaches and ocean views—they didn’t impress him, he said. After noticing that I had been sitting alone on the dock for what felt like half an hour, he came to sit next to me. I told him about my deep affinity for the sea, but also how much it terrified me.

“The trick to swimming,” he said, “is letting go of fear. […] The water will do most of the work for you. It’ll hold you up, but only if you let it. You must remain calm, and trust yourself.”

Perhaps that is the missing puzzle piece: trust. Trust in the water, but most importantly, trust in myself. Trust that I could keep myself alive, and the water would help me—if I let it.

Headshot of Naydeline Mejia

Naydeline Mejia is an assistant editor at Women’s Health , where she covers sex, relationships, and lifestyle for and the print magazine. She is a proud graduate of Baruch College and has more than two years of experience writing and editing lifestyle content. When she’s not writing, you can find her thrift-shopping, binge-watching whatever reality dating show is trending at the moment, and spending countless hours scrolling through Pinterest.

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The history of Olympic swimming

Discover the history of Olympic swimming, from its early days as a military training technique to a showpiece Olympic event.

Michael Phelps swimming alongside James Guy at Rio 2016 Olympics

While humans have likely been swimming ever since they dipped their toe in the water, it’s believed that swimming as a practice dates back as early as 2500 BC.

The Ancient Egyptians were said to swim in the Nile for pleasure, while the Greeks and Romans used it as a means of training prospective soldiers.

But how did it become an Olympic staple? Let’s dive into the history of Olympic swimming .

Origins of the sport

A black and white photo of female athletes lining up on the starting blocks before an Olympic swimming race in 1948

Swimming started its sporting journey in the mid-19th century, when the world’s first swimming organisation was formed in London in 1837.

Inevitably, things soon became competitive and, in 1846, the first swimming championship was held in Australia. The race became an annual event, and it was an early indicator for the future success of competitive swimming.

Swimming has been part of the Olympic schedule since the very first modern Olympic Games in 1896. It’s one of only four disciplines to have been retained, appearing in every summer Olympics since – the others being athletics, artistic gymnastics and fencing.

Birth of Olympic swimming

In the early years, Olympic swimming events were male-only. Women’s events were introduced at the 1912 Games in Stockholm – although women initially only competed in two events, the 100m freestyle and 4×100m freestyle relay.

Experimental beginnings brought some rather unique events to those early Games. At the inaugural modern Olympics in Athens, swimming events included the 100m freestyle for sailors , which only members of the Greek navy could compete in.

Until the London 1908 Games, Olympic swimming events took place in open water. This left the swimmers at the mercy of the elements, contending with the weather and waves.

After being exposed to temperatures of 13°C in the Mediterranean (a modern Olympic pool is around 25-28°C) during the 1,200m freestyle race – in which he won gold – Alfréd Hajós said: “My will to live completely overcame my desire to win”, illustrating the precarious nature of the early swimming events.

Showing just how varied the Games have been throughout history, Hajós would later compete at the 1924 Paris Olympics in the art competition, when he and fellow countryman Dezső Lauber won silver in the sporting architecture category.

The modern era and rise of superstar athletes

Male swimmers dive off the starting blocks to compete in an Olympic race in Athens 2004.

The post-World War II era brought better technology, facilities and improved training techniques , resulting in significantly quicker times compared to the early, wave-fighting competitions.

Originally, female and male swimmers wore body suits, which increased resistance and slowed them down. As the sport progressed, swimwear become more hydrodynamic. Suits began to be made from materials such as Lycra, which reduced drag and, as a result, reduced lap times.

Competitive pools also saw great change during this period, which led to the move from outdoor to indoor tournaments. The introduction of drainage in Olympic swimming pools, marked lanes in 1924, and guidelines for pool depths all contributed to a better overall standard of competition in the years that followed.

The rise of the superstar athlete

An underwater action shot of female swimmers, side-by-side competing in an Olympic race at Rio 2016

This exciting era of development paved the way for superstar swimmers, the first of which was the USA’s Mark Spitz . Winning seven gold medals at the Munich Games in 1972, he became a household name on the back of his astonishing achievements.

Brilliant solo performances continued at Seoul 1988, when East Germany’s Kristin Otto became the first woman to bag six gold medals in a single Games, setting a new standard for aspiring Olympic swimmers.

These accomplishments have been bettered only by one man, Michael Phelps . Vowing to break his countryman Spitz’s record, he eclipsed it by one in Beijing 2008. Phelps claimed a grand total of eight golds – 36 years after Spitz’s era-defining performances in Munich – and later became the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 28 medals over four Games.

Sights on Tokyo and beyond

As time has progressed, more events – and swimming techniques – have been added to the Olympic swimming programme. At the 1956 Melbourne Games, the butterfly stroke made its debut. In 1968 in Mexico City, there was an almighty leap – the biggest jump in new events between Games – when the number of swimming events grew from eight to 14 for women, and 10 to 15 for men.

Tokyo 2020 will mark the start of a new era for the Games. For the first time, men’s and women’s events will be identical in number, distance and discipline. At Rio 2016, there were 32 events – in Tokyo, this will grow to 35, with 18 events for both men and women. The 35th event, though, is revolutionary.

Tokyo 2020 will be include the mixed 4×100m medley relay. In this new gender-mixed race, both men and women will compete together in the same teams. And in Tokyo in particular, we’ll see them fighting to become the inaugural winners of this new race.

Discover a wealth of Olympic swimming action with exclusive videos and features on the Olympic Channel.

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Essays on Swimming

What makes a good swimming essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay about swimming, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good swimming essay topic should be interesting, unique, and thought-provoking. It should also allow for in-depth exploration and analysis. In this section, we will discuss recommendations on how to brainstorm and choose an essay topic, what to consider, and What Makes a Good essay topic.

When brainstorming for swimming essay topics, it is important to consider your own interests and passions. Think about what aspects of swimming fascinate you the most, whether it's the physical and mental benefits of the sport, the history and evolution of swimming, or the environmental impact of swimming facilities. Consider your audience and what they might find engaging and relevant. Additionally, think about current events or controversies related to swimming that could make for an interesting essay topic.

A good swimming essay topic should be specific and focused. Instead of choosing a broad topic like "the benefits of swimming," consider narrowing it down to something more specific, such as "the impact of swimming on mental health" or "the history of competitive swimming in the Olympics." This will allow for a more in-depth exploration and analysis of the topic. A good essay topic should also be relevant and timely, addressing current issues or trends in the world of swimming.

Finally, a good swimming essay topic should be unique and original. Avoid choosing topics that have been overdone or are too generic. Instead, try to think outside the box and come up with a topic that is fresh and innovative. Consider approaching the topic from a unique angle or focusing on an aspect of swimming that is often overlooked.

Best Swimming Essay Topics

  • The psychological benefits of open water swimming
  • The impact of swimming on reducing stress and anxiety
  • The environmental impact of indoor swimming pools
  • The history and evolution of synchronized swimming
  • The role of technology in improving swimming performance
  • The benefits of swimming for individuals with disabilities
  • The cultural significance of swimming in different societies
  • The future of competitive swimming in the age of technology
  • The health benefits of cold water swimming
  • The impact of swimming on cardiovascular health
  • The connection between swimming and mindfulness
  • The influence of nutrition on swimming performance
  • The impact of swimming on social and emotional development in children
  • The role of swimming in promoting gender equality in sports
  • The history and cultural significance of hot springs swimming
  • The impact of swimming on body image and self-esteem
  • The benefits of swimming for older adults
  • The impact of swimming on marine conservation efforts
  • The influence of swimming on mental resilience and coping skills
  • The future of swimming as a form of therapy for mental health

Swimming essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine a world where swimming is the most popular form of exercise. How would this impact society and individuals' health and well-being?
  • Write a personal essay about a memorable experience you had while swimming, and how it impacted your life.
  • Create a fictional story about a professional swimmer who overcomes adversity to achieve success in the sport.
  • Research and write an essay about a lesser-known aspect of swimming history that you find fascinating.
  • Reflect on the benefits of swimming for mental health and well-being, and how it has personally impacted you.

Choosing a good swimming essay topic is essential for creating a compelling and engaging essay. By considering your own interests, narrowing down the topic, and focusing on original and unique ideas, you can create an essay that is not only informative but also thought-provoking and inspiring. Whether you choose to explore the psychological benefits of swimming, the impact of swimming on the environment, or the history and cultural significance of the sport, there are endless possibilities for creating an engaging and meaningful swimming essay.

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Reader Essay: The Times I Taught Myself To Swim

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This essay was reader-submitted for our essay series on themes of joy, bliss, lightheartedness, and wonder.

By definition, the Bay Islands in Honduras would’ve been the perfect place to learn. The gentlest of waves, privacy in at least one of the watery nooks on the islands, sea so transparent it cannot frighten or confuse at all, seemed like very adequate reasons. I had even gotten into the habit of choosing my rentals based on my coming routine, a preliminary to my life as a 6 a.m. swim kind of girl. The intention was that one day I’d walk home, sun and salt water bleaching the hair on my arms and my head a reddish, coppery color, and that it would become normal for the month I was visiting. 

“I’d eventually pause, anchoring my toes in the sea bed, confiding that I couldn’t go much further because I couldn’t swim—yet.”

Two weeks in and I was still untransformed by sun rays and sea water exposure. I had made two new friends since arriving and they could both swim. After getting waist-deep in the waters, I’d eventually pause, anchoring my toes in the sea bed, confiding that I couldn’t go much further because I couldn’t swim—yet. In always adding the ‘yet’ they’d understood my intention and separately offered to teach me. Both admitted that they were not the best, but more than able to help me float, doggy paddle, or just drench myself a little further out than where I stood. 

I thanked them both but immediately realized this was not what I wanted. I returned to my original plan; I would try alone first. The next Monday, I wandered out to the transparent bay waters, feeling sure this would be the day. I waded in slowly, to my core first and then a little further somewhere level to my heart. I stood there, swaying in the quietness. A few speed boats bolted past, bringing with them a generous array of waves. And then, stillness again. I stood, feeling the salt in the water wanting to carry me with it, letting me know, gently, that I was sort of in the way, that everything here exists in flow. It reminded me of dancing in a group or moving in the direction of a strong wind, though rooted. Lifting one leg, being taken enough to have to hop, and feeling how my body was apparently more comfortable with submersion than my expectations, I’d place it down again. The salty body of water was too eager and I was not ready, yet. 

Taking a trip to Jamaica for the first time and glimpsing a life that could’ve been mine was not an affair I could judge from land alone. My grandparents traded lushness, collected rainwater, and Sunday dinners by the river for life in London. My first time going to the beach in St. Ann Parish was a test to see if I belonged to the waters, the way I knew I belonged to the waterfalls, like my grandmothers. At this time, I had no intention to swim. I just wanted to cool down. I thought a lot about blending in, being among distant kin, and then if I could belong to the waters that once brought us there.

“My first time going to the beach in St. Ann Parish was a test to see if I belonged to the waters, the way I knew I belonged to the waterfalls, like my grandmothers.”

My relationship with the ocean, as a Caribbean person, is a matter of trust, then. It’s not just the beauty of the Caribbean sea that I was encountering for the first time, but how many chose to remain beneath it, how it is a place of freedom and a consequence of bondage, how it is alive, memoried and very new for someone born on the other side of it. I did not swim but let myself go as far as the gut would allow. I watched the sun set, ate well and humored the man who asked me why I wouldn’t swim, why I would come to the beach to ‘wet my foot’. He reminded me that our humor and ability to make jokes out of everything is likely born from survival mechanisms and big island character. I sat and admired fellow Jamaicans who had made peace with their waters. 

There was one lady who had an enormous laugh even while her head bobbed above the water. Her turquoise bathing suit made her seem as if she had herself become the sea. She made me want to stay and enjoy the ocean just a little longer, so that I didn’t feel like I was still so in-between worlds. She noticed me as I made my way back to the sand, “You look like a beautiful little mermaid, girl” and she would float, led to wherever the water would want her.

Once replacing my favorite beach spot (the former favorite was not actually ‘secret’ but unvisited because the mangroves are suggestive of crocodile territory), and enjoying a WhatsApp video call with my grandad, who demonstrated what I should be doing with my legs while swimming—phone lop-sided in his hand and the other used for the demo—I had unlocked all that I needed to swim. Mainly this was courage, gratitude for grandparents, and the first days of the rainy season in Belize’s cayes, which makes everything immediate. 

“My first attempt didn’t work, not because of anything in the water but because I was embarrassed.”

My first attempt didn’t work, not because of anything in the water but because I was embarrassed by the one family and the several workers who were posted at the beach in the moments before a two-day-long downpour. I got in, looking around in case anyone was watching, which they were, then sat on the shore, thinking to wait them out. The sky grew grayer, the children playing seemed cold but still adamant on gathering their rocks and then, deciding it would be annoying to ride the pot-holed path home in the rain, I left. I did some sun salutations, thanked the water and observed the almost full moon making its daytime appearance. 

Two days later, I went again, when the road had dried up, leaving too early for the suggestion of rainfall to matter. An empty beach and blue skies were all that awaited. I got in, speaking my intention, asking the ocean permission once again to host me for these few minutes while I reacquainted myself. Remembering my grandad’s digital demonstration, I crouched, sea up to my neck, slightly giddy at my decidedness. With my palms flat on the seafloor, I didn’t resist my body’s natural desire to rise this time. Before long, it was one arm followed by another and then brief coordination, and then stopping and remembering breath, and then my first stride forward and my second and my feet, arms, and entire body working to stay up, swimming.

“I went in search of a relationship with the water, in several places, and received new definitions of bliss.”

The memory that I will carry with me is how I went in search of a relationship with the water, in several places, and received new definitions of bliss. I released the fear of what lurks physically and historically in the ocean, fear of being seen, of being perceived as a beginner, of burdening others, and the weight that I thought would follow me into the ocean. I learnt what no instructor could teach me; peace of mind that I am good at surrendering. 

“I learnt what no instructor could teach me; peace of mind that I am good at surrendering.”

I still swim, and want to return to all the places I have had to admire from dry land. I want to plunge into the Cypriot waters, go back to a cenote in the Yucatán state on my birthday and, this time, get in, and call people in while floating and treading water, telling them not to be afraid to jump. I’ll dive off boats, float under moonlight, watch as, over time, maybe a string of weekends in August, I’ll find myself the furthest from the land that I have ever drifted.

The sea is a new terrain that I’m excited to witness myself in. This time as a gentle teacher, persistent student, insisting on 15 minutes longer, the taste of salt on my lips, rinsing my skin and hair before peddling home barefoot. I celebrate myself for the small wins, gliding and splashing loudly somewhere in the warm Caribbean sea.

Amara Amaryah is a Jamaican poet and essayist, born in London. Her writings are interested in voice — often voicelessness — and reclamations of identity through definitions of home. Her work has been received, translated and read internationally. The Opposite of an Exodus is her debut pamphlet (Bad Betty Press, 2021).



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Essay Samples on Swimming

Swimming as a hard skill necessary for human being.

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The Freeing Failure of My First Swimming Experience

My childhood was a fundamental and paramount part of my life, I got through many strenuous and challenging moments. I wasn't the girl that frequently got into trouble; in contrast, I was very bashful, secluded, and typically introverted person. In the middle of summer, my...

Effects of Creatine on Sprint Swimming

Introduction Creatine is thought to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help muscles recover. Creatine supplements may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high-intensity activities such as sprinting. Swimmers need some factors such as strength and power...

Swimming as a Tool to Develop Motivation in Young Children

In the last decade, much of the research produced around physical education suggests that teacher behaviour in the learning environment and the type of instructional approaches they use, significantly affect the degree that students learn (VanTassel-Baska, J. 2012). Numerous different teaching styles have been proposed...

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Swimming – One Of The Best Feelings I Can Imagine

Swimming is one of the best feelings in the world that I can imagine.When I am in the water, nothing else really matters anymore. Not the test I failed, not the argument I had with someone, not the everyday struggles of life, nothing matters, it...

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Best topics on Swimming

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2. The Impact of Dolphin Kicks on a 50-Yard Freestyle Swim

3. The Freeing Failure of My First Swimming Experience

4. Effects of Creatine on Sprint Swimming

5. Swimming as a Tool to Develop Motivation in Young Children

6. Case Study On Soren Chemical: Why The New Swimming Pool Product Is Sinking

7. Swimming – One Of The Best Feelings I Can Imagine

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Swimming: A Plan B Essay

She swims in open water, the alternate self.

There is no boat. She is alone. There is no predicting the conditions. Some days, the water is flat and still, her strokes pushing through a membrane of surface warmth and into a chill beneath. Some days, the waves are so vast they lift her high on their crests and send her hurtling down, swift as falling, into the trough. Those days, every breath wrested from the spray is a triumph, and she is shaky and grateful to touch dry land again.

The water itself is unpredictable: sweet and fresh and so clear she can see the snakes sleeping in the mud a hundred feet below, or so salty her tongue swells and her skin burns and she can’t see her own diving hands.

Because this is open-water swimming, she is discovering where she’s going as she goes. It has taken a long time to come to terms with the fact that the purpose is not to arrive, only to swim.

This does not mean that there is no urgency. There is always some sort of urgency: she chases down the moon sliding on the tops of the waves, she circles the candy-striped buoy and returns, she follows this school of fish into the hot mouth of a river where the trees lean blowsily, thickening the water into soup with the rot of their leaves. Some days, it is all she can do to kick her way out of the clinging weeds.

There is danger, a great deal of it. There are sharks that circle her. They wait. Their teeth shine in the murk. Their bodies lazily trail her shadow as it darts over the coral reef. There are barracudas and motorboats and freak waterspouts touching down from the sky. She doesn’t like to imagine it, but there is always the possibility of drowning.

Swimmers learn to counteract their fear with tricks. She sings to herself, voice burbling underwater and transforming the lyrics to nonsense. She counts until she loses count. She dreams, wide awake, of food, a whole smorgasbord just for her, banana bread and cheese soufflé and tiny exotic fruits in aspic. In this way, she fools the terror into staying in her wake so that it won’t outswim her.

She can’t worry about the danger, because she would never give up swimming: there is nothing more sensual in the world. The knife of the body through water, cleaving it. The full-body lick, crown to toe, deep into the bitter crevices. A whole impervious world seen in its business from above, the fish swallowing fish, the waggling seaweed, the slow glide of rays across the grooved bottom, sending up little puffs of sand. The smell of water that lingers in the sinuses, the slosh in the ears as she walks. She carries the swim with her into her life outside the water, softening her. She walks dreamily on land, a part of her still swimming.

At the same time, there is a moment in swimming when, after a while, the body’s rhythm grows so comfortable that the swimmer loses awareness of herself. There is a marrow-deep letting go. She isn’t thinking. Her brain is off, her body is on autopilot. She is elevated; happy is not the word for it. To be and not to be, simultaneously: some people call this state ecstasy, others call it zen. They are, perhaps, different names for the same phenomenon. It is difficult to attain, and there are a thousand ways to attain it. Some meditate, others do peyote, others focus so hard on their art that the world itself falls away and they look up, days or hours later, to be staggered by what they have created in the full flare of their own white heat.

Full immersion, of course, is the highest level of anything.

Who, having tasted this immersion, would not chase it every day? Who would not long to live in this state for as long as is possible? It arrives rarely, and the swimmer knows it for the gift it is. She doesn’t know what days she will find it, or what the conditions will be when she does, smooth or rough, windy or calm, the water so cold she shudders merely to look at it or so warm it’s like swimming through peanut oil. And so she suits up every day. Slides on her cap, affixes her goggles. She takes a breath. She dives in.

Perhaps long ago one came to see the alternate life as the same life, only in a different medium. Read: paper for water, sentences for swim. Read: alternate life for the life one is already amazed to be living. What we choose to do in our short span on earth changes us, of course: most of us can’t resist taking on the attributes of our occupations. Yet, no matter what we do, the core of who we are remains the same. The same person who swims also writes, and makes the writing into a kind of swimming. If I weren’t a writer, I’d be an open-water swimmer. They are different modes of pushing toward the same purpose: those singular moments of ecstasy, the gorgeous, the ungraspable, the letting go.

—Lauren Groff is the author of The Monsters of Templeton, a novel, and Delicate Edible Birds, a story collection. Her work has won a Pushcart Prize and a PEN/O. Henry award, has been anthologized twice in the Best American Short Stories series, and has appeared in the journals, including The New Yorker, the Atlantic, Subtropics, Glimmer Train, and One Story. Her second novel, Arcadia, was published in March 2012 .


Swimming Essay & Paragraph in English

While writing these essays on swimming, I remembered the face of the boy as beautiful as the moon, who drowned in the pond. He had reached adolescence, and lived in a riverine country, yet why did he drown? This is because his father taught him how to read, but he did not teach him how to swim. But since these compositions on swimming are structured essays and paragraphs, I have not only focused on the importance of learning to swim but also discussed its process and benefits.

Swimming Essay - Swimming Paragraph in English

Table of Contents

Essay on Swimming in English

By: Haque | Sentences: 39 | Words: 567


The technique of floating in the water by moving the limbs is called swimming. Everyone who lives in a village in a riverine country knows how to swim. It is as easy for them as learning to walk. But most of the people living in cities and developed countries do not know how to swim. It’s an art for them, and a matter of special effort.

How to Swim

To keep the body afloat, one has to move the arms and legs in a special process. The water has to be pushed continuously downwards and backwards with the limbs. A little boy can easily learn to swim with a little effort. But if an adult wants to learn to swim, it seems difficult to him. But swimming is a laborious task. Just a few minutes of continuous swimming makes even a strong man tired. Nowadays swimming has been adopted as an international sport.

How to Learn Swimming

Childhood practice is most effective in learning to swim. Since then the body remains light and agile. A father leaves his child upside down in the water and supports him with his hands on his chest and abdomen and he then starts moving his arms and legs randomly. If he tries to do this for a while, he will understand how to move his limbs to stay afloat.

If you want to learn to swim on your own, you can take the help of a piece of a banana plant. Yes, a banana tree is your best teacher when it comes to swimming. Alternatively, you can take the help of inflatable tires, tubes, or other floating things. Always practice swimming in shallow water to avoid danger. Practice regularly for a few days, you will see that swimming is not a difficult thing at all.

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a great exercise. Because when you move your limbs to keep your body afloat on the water, every limb and muscle in the body gets tense. It increases your heart rate and blood circulation and gives you cardiovascular fitness. Regular swimming keeps your weight under control and makes your heart and lungs healthier. Swimming is considered to be the best form of exercise, as not all the muscles of the body are used together in any exercise other than swimming.

Swimming Saves Lives

Sometimes the ability to swim saves lives. Every year many children who do not know how to swim drown and thousands of adults die in boat sinking. It is possible to reduce these untimely deaths by giving importance to swimming at the family and national levels.

Swimming Competitions

Swimming competitions are now a widespread trend. It is a popular event of the Olympic Games. Some people become famous every year for their quickness and skill in swimming. Our Bengali hero Brazen Das (1928-1996) was the first South Asian swimmer to set a world record by crossing the English Channel in 1958. In all countries of the world, the great achievement of swimmers is highly praised by their nation. They are awarded medals and prizes.

Learning to swim is almost as habitual and urgent as learning to walk to survive. Swimming is the most effective form of exercise, sometimes it saves lives. Therefore, swimming capability is important for everyone, young and old. In particular, every family should help and encourage children to learn how to swim.

Read also: Importance of Learning English Paragraph

Boys Swimming, Swimming Essay and Paragraph in English

Essay on the Benefits of Swimming

By: Haque | Sentences: 30 | Words: 400

Swimming is part of the daily bathing of people in riverine countries. In modern times, however, many people learn to swim as a way to exercise. Swimming is very beneficial for whole-body exercise. But how much you can benefit from swimming depends on the type of swimming. This means that there are different types of swimming. So keep an eye on what type of swimming you are practicing.

You can practice swimming in different styles in a pond or a small river. You can practice back-stroke swimming facing the sky, so you don’t have to waste much energy to swim. Another type is breast-stroke swimming, in which the arms, legs, shoulders, buttocks, and some other limbs are performed. If you swim fast in competition with someone, it will benefit your heart too. This is because the heart works faster to provide energy while swimming faster. And when breathing is faster, the lungs become stronger.

Swimming is a great exercise to get rid of some injuries. Suppose you are a runner. Your knees can’t stand the stress of running due to a minor injury. In this case, you can benefit from regular swimming. Not only that, before and after running, cycling and fitness exercises, swimming is very beneficial. Since swimming increases heartbeat and blood circulation and helps to stretch muscles. In swimming, you can easily exercise a particular limb if you like. For example, if you just want to do hand exercises, lie down on a long floating board and keep moving your hands quickly in the water on both sides. Similarly, only leg exercises can also be done.

Although swimming is an excellent exercise, it has some limitations. If your goal is to build strong and attractive muscles, then you will not get much benefit from swimming. In that case, you have to choose another way of exercise. Similarly, even if the goal is to strengthen the bones, you need to pay attention to any other form of exercise.

But despite these few limitations, there is no doubt that swimming is an excellent exercise. Swimming exercises all the organs of the body, it increases the functioning of your heart and lungs.

  • Swimming is the easiest but most beneficial exercise.
  • There is not much benefit in swimming to build strong muscles.
  • Swimming before running or cycling is great.
  • Swimming increases the speed of blood circulation.

Swimming Paragraph, 150 Words

By: Haque | For class: 8-10 | 25-02-’22

Swimming is both a necessity and a form of recreation. It is getting popular day by day. However, the art is known and practiced all over the world. Those who live near a river or sea need it very much. They also take to the water as naturally as a duck to the pond. Swimming is also a very good form of exercise. It exercises the limbs of the entire body without straining them. Moreover, the pace can be varied as one likes. It can also be practiced at any time of the day be it morning, afternoon, or evening. Almost every club or gymnasium of developed countries and even big hotels have swimming pools attached to them. Members can drop in and refresh themselves very easily there. Swimming has also secured an important place in competitive sports like the Olympic games. Among the aquatic games, swimming is the most popular. Hence, everybody should try to learn swimming early in life.

Swimming Paragraph, 100 Words

By: Haque | Sentences: 9 | Words: 100

To propel the body by floating it in water is called swimming. Swimming is a common human skill, but an excellent exercise. Swimming benefits us a lot. Regular swimming helps in building health and wellness. It increases the efficiency of the lungs, heart, and muscles. The ability to swim often saves lives from drowning. Nowadays swimming is an interesting sport and an exciting international competition. Each year, the best swimmers at the National Games, Asian Games, and Olympic Games are honored with gold and silver medals. We should all learn to swim to make our lives safer and health better.

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A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Essay on Favourite Sport Swimming

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Sport Swimming in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Swimming

Introduction to swimming.

Swimming is my favourite sport because it is fun and keeps me healthy. When I swim, I feel like a fish moving through water. It is a sport that I can enjoy alone or with friends.

Health Benefits

Swimming is good for the body. It makes the heart strong and helps to build muscles. It is also gentle on the joints, which means it is a good exercise for everyone.

Learning to Swim

It is important to learn to swim. Lessons can help you to be safe in the water. Once you know how to swim, you can enjoy pools, lakes, and the ocean.

Competitive Swimming

Swimming can be a competitive sport too. Races in swimming pools can be exciting, and swimmers can win medals. Being part of a swimming team is also a great way to make friends.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Swimming

Why i love swimming.

Swimming is my favorite sport for many reasons. It is not just a fun activity but also a great way to stay healthy. When I swim, I feel like I am flying through the water. It’s a feeling that I can’t get from any other sport.

Good for Health

Swimming works out the whole body. It makes the heart strong and helps to keep the lungs healthy. It’s also gentle on the joints, which means it’s a good sport for people of all ages. Plus, it’s a great way to cool down on a hot day!

Learning to swim is an important skill that can save lives. It is something that everyone should know how to do. Swimming lessons can be fun, and they teach you how to be safe in the water. Once you know how to swim, you can enjoy pools, lakes, and the ocean.

Swimming as a Competition

Swimming races are exciting. Swimmers compete to see who is the fastest in different styles, like freestyle or backstroke. It is thrilling to watch and even more exciting to be a part of. Being part of a swim team can also bring new friends and a sense of team spirit.

Relaxing and Fun

Swimming is not just about racing or exercise. It can be a peaceful and relaxing way to spend time. Floating in water can feel calm, and playing games in the pool can be a lot of fun.

In conclusion, swimming is a wonderful sport that keeps you fit, teaches important skills, and brings joy. It’s my favorite way to stay active and have fun at the same time.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Swimming

Swimming is my favourite sport. It’s a fun activity that people of all ages enjoy. When you swim, you move through water using your arms and legs. Pools, lakes, and oceans are all places where you can swim. This sport is not only enjoyable but also a great way to stay healthy and fit.

The Joy of Swimming

Imagine floating in water; it feels like flying but without leaving the ground. The feeling of water around you is calming. When I swim, I feel free and happy. I love the way water supports me and lets me glide through it. It’s like being in a different world where I can move in all directions.

Swimming as Exercise

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise. It works out the whole body. When you swim, you use your arms to pull, legs to kick, and your core to stay balanced. This means your muscles get stronger and your body stays in shape. Also, swimming is easy on the joints. This means it’s a good sport for people who may have pain in their knees or hips.

Learning to swim is important for safety and can be a lot of fun. Many schools and community centers offer swimming lessons. Instructors help beginners learn different strokes, like the breaststroke, backstroke, and freestyle. They also teach how to breathe properly while swimming. Knowing how to swim can save your life or help you save others in water.

Swimming Competitions

Swimming is not just for fun; it’s also a competitive sport. Swimmers race against each other to see who is the fastest. They compete in pools that are measured in meters. The races can be short sprints or longer distances. In big competitions, like the Olympics, swimmers from all over the world show their skills and speed.

Teamwork in Swimming

Even though swimmers race alone, they often train with a team. Being part of a swimming team is exciting. Teammates practice together, encourage each other, and cheer for each other during races. Coaches help swimmers get better by giving them tips and making sure they practice.

Swimming for Fun

Not everyone who swims wants to race. Many people swim just because it’s enjoyable. On a hot day, jumping into a pool can feel amazing. Families and friends can have a great time playing games in the water. It’s a sport that brings people together and creates happy memories.

Swimming is a sport that I love for many reasons. It’s fun, it keeps me healthy, and it’s something I can do with friends and family. Whether I am practicing, competing, or just playing around, swimming is a part of my life that I enjoy very much. I hope more people will try swimming and find out how wonderful it is.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Favourite Sport Basketball
  • Essay on Favourite Sport Badminton
  • Essay on Favourite Game Table Tennis

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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long essay on swimming

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