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Midwifery Dissertation Topics List (30 Examples) For Your Research

Mark Dec 14, 2019 Jun 5, 2020 Midwifery , Nursing No Comments

As a student, if you are finding Midwifery dissertation topics, you have visited the right site. We offer a wide range of midwifery dissertation topics and project topics on midwifery. As the field has evolved, the research topics on midwifery are based on new and emerging concepts and ideas. You can choose any of the […]

midwifery dissertation topics

As a student, if you are finding midwifery dissertation topics, you have visited the right site. We offer a wide range of midwifery dissertation topics and project topics on midwifery. As the field has evolved, the research topics on midwifery are based on the new and emerging concepts and ideas.

You can choose any of the give topic for your research in midvfery and our team can offer quality dissertations according to your requirements.

A list Of midwifery dissertaton topics

Emerging trends in midwifery and obstetrical nursing.

Modern trends of the N education in midwives and modern methods in practical training.

The impact of delayed umbilical cord clamping after birth.

How the cell-free DNA screening is helpful in identifying genetic problems in the baby?

Limiting interventions during low-risk labor.

The concept of cost containment in healthcare deliver.

The importance of family centred care and natural childbirth environment.

An interpretive research on the disparity between women’s expectations and experience during childbirth.

Systematic literature review on the extrauterine life management focusing on lung functions in new born.

To analyse the role of perinatal care to pregnant women.

Studying the treatment alternatives for urogenital infections in rural women.

Conducting a systematic review on how midwifery students plan their career.

Strategies adopted by midwives to advise pregnant women about nutritional values and healthy food consumption.

Studying the impact of Hepatitis B in pregnant women.

Analysing how frequent miscarriages are linked with higher anticardiolip antibodies.

Studying the relationship between perinatal mortality rates and physical activity levels.

How can nurses recommend preventive strategies to avoid sexual transmission of Zika virus to new born?

Evaluating the attitude of women related to the implementation of basic immunisation programs in village.

Analysing the modern trends of the education in midwives and new methods in practical training.

To study the advance trends in gynaecology and obstetrics.

The role of midwives in saving the lives of unborn foetus.

Exploring the global trends in nursing and midwifery education.

Analysing the role of optimal midwifery decision-making during second-stage labour.

To study the integration of clinical reasoning into midwifery practice.

A literature review on labouring in water.

Exploring the experiences of mothers in caring for children with complex needs.

An ethnography of independent midwifery in Asian countries.

To explore the perceptions of control in midwifery assisted childbirth.

Analysing the decision-making between nurse-midwives and clients regarding the formulation of a birth plan.

The role of Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy .

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63 Best Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Whenever you search “ midwifery dissertation topics ,” you expect to find expert recommendations for top grades. Even professionals sometimes need a hand to find the best project ideas.

Also, students who seek help in finding topics have a high chance of scoring better grades than those who find their research questions independently.

Why Should You Select Our Midwifery Dissertation Topics?

There many are many reasons why you should select a dissertation topic from our platform:

Need help doing your assignment?

Sometimes you need help :  Realistically, you cannot do every task independently. No matter how active you are in your studies, sometimes it becomes mind-boggling to find suitable topics and complete your project on time. That is why we provide you with midwifery research topics for free and project writing at an affordable fee.

Assignment help to assist you to work on complex dissertation topics: Once you consult our services, we help you tackle complex topics that would have been challenging to handle on your own. Therefore, it would be helpful to contact our writers who help you complete any task with great precision.

You get unique topics and plagiarism-free work: You do not have to worry about the uniqueness of our midwifery research topics. The ideas are professionally researched to ensure an original topic that helps you stand out amongst your peers. Further, if you let us assist you in dissertation writing, we submit 100% original papers that guarantee you A+ grades.

Urgency: Sometimes, you get a dissertation assignment that you need to submit within a short time. In these instances, you should select the best midwifery topic for your research or contact us and let us assist you.

Bonus Points:  You impress your professor when you have a unique and well-researched topic. When the professor is impressed, you quickly get bonus points.

On the contrary, your topic cannot earn you top grades if you do not follow procedures during the research process.

Qualities of an Excellent Midwifery Dissertation Topic

You should select a topic that fascinates you. After selecting the midwifery dissertation topic, check if it has the following qualities:

Clarity : Your midwifery research topic should be easy to understand. Also, the topic should be straightforward and easily understandable to your audience.

Complex: Your midwifery dissertation topic should be analytic and argumentative. The topic should not be answerable by yes or no.

Focused: Your dissertation topic should be focused and debatable. Also, it should be narrow and that it can be answered thoroughly.

Your performance depends on the dissertation topic you pick. It would be best to prepare your research on time. But when you have a short deadline, contact us to help you.

Good Dissertation Research Topics

Are you looking for good dissertation topics in midwifery? We have some for you:

  • An attitude of midwives towards women in their care
  • Effects of improving midwifery in developing countries
  • Gender knowledge on midwifery
  • Global plans on midwifery improvement
  • History of midwifery
  • Improvement of active birth in women with continuous electronic fetal monitoring
  • Obstetric violence
  • The art of midwifery: early midwives in native America
  • The culture of midwifery in your country
  • The midwifery model of care
  • The perspective of family-centered care
  • Trends in midwifery
  • What is the social meaning of midwifery
  • Women relationship with midwives
  • Women-centered care

Interesting Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Finding interesting midwifery dissertation topics can be a hassle. But we have some top recommendations to relieve you the burden:

  • Aspects of preparation that students go through before practice
  • Case study of women who give birth at home
  • Challenges of learning for students midwives
  • Childbirth education in your country
  • Compare cesarean rates in two countries
  • Compare child care models in hospitals in your country
  • Compare Experiences of women who give birth at home, birth center, or in labor wards
  • Ethnography of labor wards
  • How can students cope with traumatic episodes in labor wards?
  • Midwives care in labor wards
  • Midwives experiences on traumatic childbirth
  • Midwives experiences that facilitate normal birth in your country
  • Obstetric procedures to facilitate normal birth
  • Right to choose a place of birth
  • What is the role of nurses in family-centered care?

Best Midwifery Research Topics

If you are looking for the midwifery dissertation topics to earn you top grades, you go through this list:

  • Advancement of gynecology and obstetrics
  • Are perinatal services linked to perinatal care services?
  • Association of fetal Zika virus exposure with visual and hearing loss
  • Can women with obesity have normal childbirth?
  • Effects of chronic Hepatitis B during pregnancy
  • Experiences of women taking care of children with disabilities
  • Explain the factors that inhibit normal childbirth
  • Hepatitis B during pregnancy: Challenges and opportunities
  • How effective are minerals and vitamins supplement during pregnancy?
  • How practical are the WHO perinatal guidelines?
  • Hygiene practices and urogenital infection in women from rural areas
  • Managing Hepatitis B during pregnancy
  • Perinatal care for women with disabilities
  • Perinatal depression management
  • Techniques in second stage labor that promotes normal childbirth

Excellent Midwifery Research Topics

If you need excellent midwifery dissertation topics, we hope you find a suitable one in the list below:

  • Causes of recurrent miscarriage
  • Cultural perspective towards male midwives
  • Effectiveness of DNA screening in identifying genetic problems in children
  • Effectiveness of surgery in repairing an umbilical hernia
  • Explain the genetic aspects of miscarriage
  • Explain the role of midwifery in decision-making in the second stage of labor
  • Importance of nutrition and healthy food consumption during pregnancy
  • Management of hernia rupture
  • Management of postpartum depression among midwives
  • Mechanisms behind miscarriages
  • Relationship between intrauterine fetal death and diarrhea
  • Trends concerning men practicing midwifery
  • Trends in midwifery research
  • What are the differences between women’s expectations and experiences during pregnancy and birth?
  • What are the risks of home abortions
  • What causes umbilical cord hernia
  • What is the role of infections in miscarriage?

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Quality writing translates to excellently customized midwifery dissertation research papers. At HelpForHomework , we help students to get top solutions whenever necessary. Now that you have a midwifery research topic, your next top-notch research help is just a click away. Also check Nursing Essay Help .

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Guide for Students to Find the Best Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Popular Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Table Of Contents

  • What Does Midwifery Mean? | Significance in the Real World 

What Are the Steps to Writing a Midwifery Dissertation?

  • 21 Latest Midwifery Dissertation Topics for Undergraduate
  • 22 Trending Midwifery Dissertation Topics for Students

Unsure About Your Midwifery Dissertation Topics? Get Help

Finding the best midwifery dissertation topics is a challenging job for students. To overcome this issue, Assignment Desk experts have prepared this blog. It will provide you with all relevant information on how to choose midwifery dissertation ideas , some good topics to choose from, and how to start writing your dissertation.

As a midwifery student, you will be required to write your dissertation . Although the dissertation is a mandatory task, students need to complete this work if they want to pursue midwifery as an occupation. Before starting your dissertation, find a suitable topic that might interest you and write about it in detail. The challenge in this process is identifying the best dissertation topics in midwifery . Every student must have a clear understanding of this step of dissertation writing. So, let's start with the basics of midwifery.

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What Does Midwifery Mean? | Significance in the Real World

In this blog, we're going to look at midwifery and where it fits in with our society today. As you may know, there's still some debate about its meaning. We'll dive into the best midwifery dissertation titles .

The word "midwife" is a little hard to define. It's derived from the Latin word "mater," which means "mother." Midwives are those who offer maternity care and health services. Midwifery is a caring occupation that strives to preserve natural childbirth, prevent maternal death, reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, and improve perinatal outcomes.

Some still use it about a woman who gives birth, while others use it as a slang term for childbirth education and training. It can be unclear because many women wish to become midwives even though they still need formal educational credentials.

Midwives are one of the oldest professions in human history. They care for women, children, and families through childbirth every year. The definition of midwifery means "midwife." The Greeks first used this term to describe women who helped with birth and prenatal care. This fact can be easily used in the dissertation structure to make it more realistic and trustworthy.

Midwives remain vital to our society because they help women maintain their dignity during labour. And help them make healthy decisions throughout their pregnancy.

All these facts about the oldest profession attract students to pursue it as a profession. They are so inspired that the most challenging job of finding midwifery dissertation topics and writing a dissertation is easy for them. It is because they follow a proper procedure to do so. In the next section, you will learn more about that procedure.

While writing a dissertation on midwifery, it's important to remember that time is of the essence. You need to make sure that you complete and prepare a perfect dissertation on time and in an efficient manner that also makes it meaningful.

Here are some tips for students who want to write their midwifery dissertation. Or they can also seek a lot of help from these tips and tricks to improve dissertation writing skills .

  • Writing an outline is the first step of any dissertation writing. Starting with this sections of your dissertation will make it easily formatted.
  • Create a timeline. The timeline should include all the significant steps and milestones you must pass to complete your midwifery dissertation on time.
  • Each section should be divided into smaller subsections, each with clear midwifery dissertation topics UK and a relevant purpose for your research.
  • When you have your outline, you can begin writing. One of the best ways to get started is by writing down everything that comes to mind about each section. Then begin with the formal content planning.
  • Now, look at the resources available on your midwifery dissertation topics : books written about it, articles published in journals or magazines, and videos or documentaries about caregivers.

Try using a checklist before starting this dissertation phase so you remember essential steps to include in the content!

Now that you have all these tips and tricks, it's time to start finding suitable and interesting midwifery dissertation topics . With a little bit of planning and some effort, you'll be able to complete this on time!

21 Latest Midwifery Dissertation Topics for Undergraduate

We have listed some of the best midwifery dissertation ideas to help you find a good topic that suits your research.

  • Midwife experiences with asylum seekers' maternity care
  • What causes pregnancy fear, and how can midwives help women?
  • Uses, expectations, perspectives, and experiences with birth plans
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and IPV relationships
  • Increasing normalcy with midwifery care: aquatic births
  • Fathers' postnatal depression
  • Antidepressants and postnatal depression
  • During the postnatal period, it reduces pain and infection and promotes healing of the sutured perineum
  • Enhanced maternal safety in the Philippines
  • Pediatric, obstetric, and clinician-indirect home interventions for the Medicare population
  • Nurses and midwives manage hypoglycemia in healthy-term newborns
  • A comprehensive assessment of the qualitative literature on the experiences of health workers in acute hospital settings with teamwork education
  • A comprehensive assessment of the experiences of midwives and nurses working together to offer childbirth care
  • How have "care pathway technologies" affected integrating services in stroke care? And how strong is the evidence for their success in this area?
  • Our nation has a midwifery culture
  • Knowledge of gender in midwifery
  • Early midwives among the Native Americans: the art of midwifery
  • Midwifery trends happening in the nursing practice
  • What role does midwifery play in society?
  • Relationship between women and midwives and childbirth education in your nation.
  • Midwives have experience with difficult deliveries

Choose dissertation topic from the above-mentioned examples and make your efforts worthwhile. After a deep analysis, our expert has curated these ideas for you to save time. You are only required to pick the one that interests you and start working on it. if still, these 21 titles are not as per your expectation, then below are more dissertation topics in midwifery available for your help.

Also Read:  How Long Should a Dissertation Be?

22 Trending Midwifery Dissertation Topics for Students

We understand how difficult it is to research a suitable topic for academic dissertation writing. Keeping that in mind, we have asked our team of professional writers with years of experience to create some of the most sensible midwifery dissertation topics UK with the help of trends. These will give you a good idea of the current issues confronting midwifery.

  • The cause of recurrent miscarriage
  • The cultural perspective on male midwives
  • Effectiveness of DNA testing in diagnosing a child's hereditary condition
  • Surgical success in treating an umbilical hernia
  • What hereditary factors contribute to miscarriage?
  • The importance of eating well and being nourished when pregnant
  • Treatment for a ruptured hernia
  • Midwives' treatment of postpartum depression
  • Miscarriages' underlying mechanisms
  • Trends involving males who work as midwives
  • What are the differences between pregnant women's expectations and birthing experiences?
  • What dangers lurk in-home abortions?
  • Why do umbilical cord hernias occur?
  • What part do infections play in miscarriages?
  • Techniques for promoting a normal birth during the second stage of labour
  • Management of perinatal depression
  • Perinatal treatment for disabled women
  • Obese women are still able to give birth typically, right?
  • Describe the variables that prevent natural birthing.
  • How practical are the WHO perinatal recommendations?
  • Taking care of hepatitis B while pregnant
  • The right to pick one's birthplace

These interesting midwifery dissertation topics can impress your faculty and get you instant approval, as experts pick them personally. So, if you're having trouble with your dissertation, seek professional assistance and leave all of your worries to those who have done it before.

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Do you want to specialise in midwifery or do you need help with nursing dissertation ? We have a team of experts to help, who can write your dissertation with 100% originality.

As a midwifery student, you may require a dissertation to be written by an expert writer. Moreover, it might be necessary to outline the study and write your dissertation proposal. We can organise all the essential steps for you and provide strong online dissertation help .

Writing a dissertation in midwifery is a tough job that requires tremendous concentration, so it is always advisable to engage the services of a professional writer who can complete your dissertation on time. We do not just offer midwifery, but we also provide many other benefits on several subjects. You can also find assistance for Nursing dissertation topics or Nursing assignment help . So if you want help from experts, make sure you go to the Assignment Desk and only pay a nominal fee.

Anyone interested in learning different ways to write a dissertation and wants to explore its art can also contact us. We offer samples on many levels of assistance, such as assignment help or anything from medicine.

You cannot ignore the importance of midwives in today's world. A Midwifery dissertation topics will provide valuable insight into the field. If you have difficulty finding resources for your dissertation, remember that we are here to help! We create a multitude of dissertations from scratch just for you.

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Midwifery refers to the health consciousness of childbearing women and infants from pregnancy to post-birth. Midwifery is an important academic subject in developed societies. Research in this field helps find ways to avoid maternal and infant mortality, which is crucial for the protection of children during pregnancy. Thus, medical students need to choose quality midwifery dissertation topics for their dissertation modules.

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Home > Books > Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Selected Topics in Midwifery Care

Selected Topics in Midwifery Care

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Academic Editor

University of Ljubljana , Slovenia

Published 08 February 2019

Doi 10.5772/intechopen.74444

ISBN 978-1-78985-534-0

Print ISBN 978-1-78985-533-3

eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-1-83962-033-1

Copyright year 2019

Number of pages 136

Midwifery across the globe faces different issues. In some countries the autonomy of the profession is a tradition, while in some societies midwives struggle to practice autonomously the basic competencies. In one part of the world the medicalisation of childbirth is the main issue, preventing the natural processes of pregnancy and childbirth to flow at their own pace, while in other parts of the ...

Midwifery across the globe faces different issues. In some countries the autonomy of the profession is a tradition, while in some societies midwives struggle to practice autonomously the basic competencies. In one part of the world the medicalisation of childbirth is the main issue, preventing the natural processes of pregnancy and childbirth to flow at their own pace, while in other parts of the world midwives struggle with lack of resources to provide safe midwifery care. The authors of this book practice midwifery in different cultures and within different social contexts. They have to deal with different obstacles and seek solutions to diverse problems. With their contributions, they offer an insight into their thinking, their dilemmas, and the problems of midwifery practices in their countries. However, despite different backgrounds, they all have in common a uniform goal - a wish to offer women optimal midwifery care and to improve midwifery services.

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By Julius Dohbit, Vetty Agala, Pamela Chinwa-Banda, Betty Anane- Fenin, Omosivie Maduka, Ufuoma Edewor, Ibimonye Porbeni, Fru Angwafo and Rosemary Ogu

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midwifery thesis ideas

Midwifery Dissertations: Choosing a Good Topic

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The right topic for a dissertation is always a hard choice to make. Your midwifery dissertation is not an exception. Since you are not writing a midwifery essay that can be prepared in a couple of hours, you have to take the choice of a topic seriously.

In this article, you will find a short list of possible topics to cover in midwifery dissertations. Before that, we want you to read and consider some basic rules of selecting a topic for a midwifery dissertation.

Make sure you are going to research something really important. Midwifery is about dealing with people and being near in the most significant periods of their lives. Thus, your midwifery dissertation should be devoted to some acute problems that midwives and their patients might face.

Be specific and do not pick broad issues to discuss in your midwifery dissertation. Even if the issue you have chosen seems to be too narrow, it will transform and expand in the process of writing and researching.

Now, let us give you a couple of specific topic ideas for your midwifery dissertation.

Midwifery in the United States and other Western countries

In your midwifery dissertation, you may compare American midwife practices to those in other developed countries.

Home birthing and the role of midwives

Giving birth to a child is very different from that in a hospital. Tell in your midwifery dissertation about the peculiarities of home birthing, the role of a midwife, possible risks, etc.

Male midwives

This is a really interesting issue to investigate in the midwifery dissertation, since men are not that frequently involved in this field.

You are a novice dissertation writer, which means you need additional dissertation help. Our next article is devoted to some peculiarities of a dissertation research process.

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Nursing Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 8, 2024

Choosing an appropriate nursing dissertation topic is an extremely important step toward producing an exciting and manageable research study. This post aims to help medicine and nursing students select the most appropriate dissertation title according to their research interests.

It should be noted that the subject of nursing encompasses various areas of knowledge, including but not limited to general nursing, community nursing, public health , environmental health, mental health, clinical management, health organization, and occupational health and safety.

So there is plenty to whet your appetite here. Nursing dissertations can be based on either primary research or secondary research. Primary data nursing dissertations incorporate the collection and analysis of data obtained through questionnaires and surveys. Secondary data nursing dissertations, on the other hand, make use of existing literature to test the  research hypothesis .

To help you get started with brainstorming for medicine and nursing topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest nursing dissertation topics that can be used for writing your dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research questions , aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  example dissertations  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation  here.

View our free dissertation topics database.

  • Evidence-based Practice Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Child Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Adult Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Critical Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Dementia Nursing Dissertation Topics

Midwifery Dissertation Topics

  • Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nursing Dissertation Topics

2024 Nursing Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: assessing the parental perceptions and attitude towards the adoption of healthy behaviour patterns to control obesity and overweight concerns in young children..

Research Aim: This study aims to analyse the parent’s perceptions and attitudes in relation to healthy behaviours practises to control obesity and overweight disorders in young children. It will also focus on the obstacles parents or caregivers experience when it comes to obesity control in young children.

Topic 2: Investigating the importance of community nursing for the care of Old People suffering from Dementia- A case study of the UK.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the usefulness of nursing practise for the care of people suffering from dementia. This will also focus on how trained nurses are very professional in providing information and support to the people suffering from dementia so that they can prepare themselves to live their life well with dementia. This study will conduct a systematic review of published literature to find the potential roles of nurses in taking care of people living with dementia. Furthermore, it will also look at various characteristics and effectiveness of nurse interventions.

Topic 3: Assessing the role of midwives in providing medical services to pregnant women in low-income countries.

Research Aim: Midwives are health professionals who are specialised in taking care of pregnant women and newborn health. Women living In low-income countries are far less to get midwifery care, and it is very challenging for them to face this situation. The aim of this study is to find the role of midwives in providing medical services to pregnant women in low-income countries. Furthermore, this study will also look at the challenges and factors in getting midwifery care for women faced with low income.

Topic 4: Examining the mental health of nurses working in ICU.

Research Aim: Nurses working in critical care had significantly higher rates of emotional discomfort and poor health than other nurses, which has a negative impact on their mental health. However, it is unknown how intensive care nurses’ physical health impacts the frequency of medical mistakes. This study will examine the mental health of nurses working in ICU and how it affects their work and causes medical errors. Furthermore, it will also analyse the perception of nurses working in ICU.

Topic 5: Examing nursing practices during the stages of newborn development – A comparative study between the UK and US.

Research Aim: This study’s primary goal is to compare nursing staff practises during the stages of newborn development in the US and UK. This study will compare the effects of nurses’ care practises and will look at the challenges that occur during this process and how they handle these challenges.

Covid-19 Medicine and Nursing Research Topics

Topic 1: research to identify the training resources of nurses to combat the covid-19 pandemic.

Research Aim: Nursing staff plays a vital role in treating and recovering patients from illness. This study will identify the training programs and resources designed for nursing staff to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 2: Research to find whether robotic nurses will be a long-lasting solution to treat the patients of Coronavirus.

Research Aim: Medical teams across the globe have been on their toes to combat coronavirus, and substantial human resources have also been invested in overcoming this crisis. This study will focus on collecting information about the idea of using robotic nurses to treat patients of Covid-19. It will reveal the advantages and disadvantages of using robotic nurses.

Topic 3: Research to analyse the risk of nurses getting affected while treating Covid-19 patients

Research Aim: This study will focus on analysing the risks faced by nurses and the medical team. It will discuss the safety measures adopted to protect the medical staff, the challenges they face, and appropriate solutions to minimise them.

Topic 4: Research to identify the impacts of Coronavirus on pharmaceutical industries

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the impacts of coronavirus on pharmaceutical industries, production, and supply of medicines. It will discuss the possible ways to combat COVID-19.

Topic 5: Research to know the contributions of pharmaceutical industries to combat Covid-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the contributions of pharmaceutical industries to combat Covid-19. Did COVID-19 increase the business of pharmaceutical sectors?

More Coronavirus and Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • Coronavirus research: Keys to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of SARS.
  • Investigating the nurses in Australia issue plea to stop violence, theft of sanitizer and masks.
  • To study and analyse the emergency Coronavirus guidelines for nurses and medical staff across the globe with a particular focus on the USA and the UK.
  • Coronavirus in nursing homes: ‘We are going to see deaths’ – A case study of the UK nursing homes
  • Why are nursing homes at risk during the Coronavirus pandemic? – Case study of any European state
  • How nurses and medical staff can help parents and children cope with the mental issues and uncertainly in the midst of coronavirus crisis
  • To devise strategies to combat testing and prevention kits in hard-hit nursing homes.
  • How coronavirus has the potential to lead shortage of nurses and doctors across the globe?

Nursing and Medicine Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: impact of coronavirus on the pharmaceutical industry.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the impact of Coronavirus on the pharmaceutical industry.

Topic 2: The role and impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics

Research Aim: This research aims to measure the impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics.

Topic 3: Increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns

Research Aim: This research aims to address increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns during a pandemic.

Topic 4: How researchers’ nurses may enhance the operation of clinical research?

Research Aim: The quality improvement of the performance of health care includes scientific study. The research team from the place where there was a shortage of research has established a steadily growing spectrum of testing within the Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust. In this research, the main emphasis would be on the key role of research nurses.

Topic 15: Developing effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing acute and chronic pain: A case study of NHS

Research Aim: The concept of nursing has evolved since recent times. Many health care institutions have developed effective strategies to increase nursing efficiency. Therefore, the main purpose of the research is to develop effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing acute and chronic pain by analysing the case study of the NHS.

Topic 6: Critical analysis of community nursing and health care needs: A comparative analysis of UK and USA

Research Aim: Nursing and health care needs have a direct and positive relationship. The main purpose of this research is to conduct a critical analysis of community and health care needs. This research will compare the UK and USA nursing practices and provide recommendations to improve the existing strategy.

Topic 7: Analysing the societal acceptance of Marijuana: The case of developing countries

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to contemplate upon the key benefits that the use of Marijuana, within a medicinal capacity, has. Ideally, in developing countries, the use of marijuana is considered “Taboo” or unacceptable by the members of the community/society. Hence, the study intends to analyze the societal acceptance of Marijuana within developing countries.

Topic 8: Developing effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients suffering Coronavirus disease: A case study of NHS

Research Aim: The coronavirus has taken the world by storm, infecting millions in nearly 200 countries. Many health care institutions have developed strategies to increase nursing efficiency. Therefore, the main purpose of the research is to identify effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing coronavirus by analysing the case study of NHS.

Topic 9: Coronavirus research: Keys to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of SARS

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basic life cycle and replication of the well-studied coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), identifying the unique characteristics of coronavirus biology and highlighting critical points where research has made significant advances, and which might represent targets for antivirals or vaccines. Areas where rapid progress has been made in SCV research, will be described. Finally, areas of need for research in coronavirus replication, genetics, and pathogenesis will be summarised.

Mental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Investigating the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment and medicine for patients suffering schizophrenia – A qualitative study based on UK mental health nurses and patients
  • Exploring the legal aspects of mental health research in the UK
  • To study and determine the causes to increasing number of suicides in the urban youth population in the developing world
  • The role of socioeconomic backgrounds on the mental health of individuals
  • Investigating the impact of early maternal mental illness on children
  • Parents with serious mental health problems from the perspective of professionals who offer support
  • Treatment of mental health difficulties by combining psychological and complementary therapies
  • To perform an interpretative phenomenological analysis to treat older people with long term mental health difficulties
  • To identify the barriers and risks associated with personalization within the context of mental illness
  • To explore mental illness by conducting a biographical narrative study
  • Deconstructing mental health difficulties: A critical enquiry into the views and opinions of professionals dealing with families, parents, and children

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Occupational Health and Safety Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • To investigate occupational health and safety risks in the UK health care sector: Preventive techniques and recommended practices
  • A quantitative study to evaluate the understanding and knowledge nurses have of occupational risks in an operating theatre environment
  • To investigate the impact of occupational safety and health on the job performance of nurses
  • To identify and discuss factors affecting the practice of occupational health nursing in London
  • The role and impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics
  • To identify and discuss key occupational safety and health risks, challenges, and concerns in China
  • Workplace health management and the role of occupational health nurses
  • Increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns
  • Occupational safety and health risks and practices among Filipino nurses
  • Adopting a multi-climate approach to address patient safety issues in the nursing work environment
  • To assess and understand occupational risks and nursing duties from an ergo logical perspective
  • The need to realise the increasing importance of occupational safety and health issues in industrialised societies

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Environmental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Improving awareness on environmental health issues by encouraging community participation
  • To identify and analyse various environmental health concerns in the health care sector
  • To determine the possibility of food poisoning and foot-related illness in urban regions from the perspective of environmental health
  • Constrained ordinal models with application in occupational and environmental health
  • To examine the impact of secondhand smoke on public health with particular focus on the relevant control strategies
  • An investigation into the attitudes of bar staff workers to environmental tobacco smoke and the varying provision of smoke-free areas within public houses
  • To study and understand the impact of traffic calming procedures on local air quality
  • Investigating how reusable cleaning cloths can help to reduce cross-contamination within the food industry
  • Analysing older driver behaviour and road safety
  • To review public health nurses’ opinions on environmental hazards and health effects
  • Disposing toxic wastes from the perspective of environmental health
  • Recommended sanitary hygiene practices for developing countries – A quantitative study
  • A qualitative study to address arsenic and lead poisoning issues

Related:  Environmental Engineering Dissertation Topics

Also Read This:   Occupational And Environmental Health Thesis And Dissertations

Evidence-Based Practice Dissertation Topics

  • To identify and discuss evidence-based practices that enable nurses to provide high-quality care
  • Use of evidence and knowledge management in clinical practice
  • How the health care needs of elderly cancer patients can be satisfied with evidence-based nursing programme
  • Investigating the use of evidence-based medicine for disease management
  • To study the effectiveness of evidence-based practice in the health care industry
  • To investigate the relationship between evidence-based practice and the research process
  • To study the basic principles of evidence-based practice in the UK health care industry
  • Why is it critical for nurses to base the foundation of their practices on reliable evidence?
  • Barriers to implementing evidence-based practice and the strategies/organisations used to avoid these barriers
  • The role of ethics and leadership in evidence-based nursing practice

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Health Organisations Dissertation Topics

  • The Highest Attainable Standard: The World Health Organisation, Contentious Politics of Human Rights and the global health governance
  • Factors contributing to efficient service delivery – A qualitative study on the implementation of health policies in Argentina
  • Integrating technology, process and the people in lean healthcare
  • Should World Health Organisation do more to satisfy the health care needs of people in the developing world? – The current programmes and future ambitions
  • An investigation in the health care plans and associated costs of countries across the globe
  • To study strategic management policies and strategies of World Health Organisation
  • Investigating the power, culture, and dynamics of National Health Service in the UK
  • Factors influencing the healthcare policies of new health organisations
  • The extent of NHS focus on providing services to elderly
  • Research trends and directions within the World Health Organisation
  • Exploring practices and experiences of midwives in regards to the evaluation of maternal postnatal genital tract health
  • Investigating midwifery practice in the third stage of labour
  • To study the professional care in midwifery practice with a focus on woman centered-care
  • To determine the factors contributing to midwives decision to stay in midwifery
  • How do midwives perceive normal birth and how their ability to practice and support normality might be influenced by the professional and organisational culture of a maternity unit?
  • A feminist technoscience perspective of the midwife’s role
  • To investigate the challenges associated with carrying out a water-birth randomised controlled trial
  • To what extend do midwives can facilitate informed choices among pregnant women?
  • To identify and discuss the factors influencing the competence of midwives in a clinical setting
  • The role of midwifery in relation to health risks to women due to postpartum depression

Community Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of community participation on social inclusion, self-perception, and everyday lives of participants
  • Quality of life, good practices, and senior citizens in residential care homes
  • To investigate the impact of existing welfare ideologies and policies on the elderly in Leicestershire
  • To what extent the community care has met the needs of the elderly with mental health difficulties after being discharged from long-stay psychiatric clinics? – A review of literature from the past 10 years
  • Exploring the relationship between ethnicity and community nursing facilities in London
  • Obesity awareness and prevention: Can food labelling help to deal with obesity problems in the USA?
  • The role of community nursing practice in relation to health promotion
  • Recommended practices and policies to ensure high-quality community nursing services to pregnant women
  • Health care needs of children and the community nursing service in Leicestershire
  • Factors affecting the quality of life of older people – A review of community nursing practices and challenges

Children Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • Improving, recording, and perceiving school children’s health from the perspective of school health nursing
  • Critical evaluation of child health nursing through education and practice
  • Identifying challenges and support processes of child health nursing in developing countries
  • To investigate the skills and abilities required to promote and sustain the emerging practice of child health nursing
  • Leadership and intellectual skills are needed to be successful in positions of leadership and caring for children
  • Caring for young people and children with complicated health needs
  • To explore the effects of child patient death on nursing staff in a clinical setting: A literature review
  • To understand children’s perspectives on community nursing
  • To identify factors that can help to improve breastfeeding initiation practices among community nurses in the UK
  • Children with congenital heart diseases and the role of parents – A literature review

Related:  Top QA on Children Health Nursing

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Clinical Management Dissertation Topics

  • Clinical governance strategies and practices at National Health Services
  • Hospitalised patients with diabetes and clinical decision support systems
  • Developing optimum strategies for management of patients in adult intensive care units
  • Clinical management of patients with prostate cancer – The risks and challenges
  • Effectively managing elderly patients in a clinical setting
  • Optimal management plan for patients with post-traumatic stress issues
  • Use of advanced technology tools to improve clinical management efficiency
  • To study various management strategies in surgical cases

Important Notes

As a student of medicine and nursing looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing medicine and nursing theories – i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research.

The field of medicine and nursing is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  law ,  healthcare , mental health , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , marketing, cryptocurrencies and architecture . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation  as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best medicine and nursing dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample medicine and nursing dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Dissertation on Medicine and Nursing

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation  can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of  research questions  to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis  methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes  research design,  research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis:  Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts and  tables  to this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

For further assistance with your dissertation, take a look at our full dissertation writing service .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. Our writers are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long time. Thus they are aware of the issues and the trends of the industry they are working in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find nursing dissertation topics.

To find nursing dissertation topics:

  • Explore healthcare challenges.
  • Investigate recent research gaps.
  • Consider patient outcomes or safety.
  • Analyze policy or technology impacts.
  • Consult peers and professors.
  • Select a topic that aligns with your passion and career aspirations.

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Doctoral Thesis Collection

midwifery thesis ideas

This midwifery PhD thesis collection is an exciting new initiative for the RCM.

The aim of the collection is to provide a platform for midwives to showcase their academic work, and to inspire and support midwives who are considering or who are currently undertaking further academic study. Additionally, the collection will provide a source of open access midwifery generated evidence for everyone to use.

The opportunity for midwives to include details of the resultant publications and their social media details and institutional link, if appropriate will hopefully also support the creation of professional networks related to their academic interests. Authors may have also published articles from their thesis, so please use an author’s contact details to ask about this.

If you are a midwife and have a completed a PhD and would like to include your thesis in this collection, please complete the online form below.

If you would like to search the Thesis Collection, "Control+F" (or "Command+F" on a Mac) is the keyboard shortcut for the Find command. Pressing the Ctrl/Command key + the F key will bring up a search box in the top right corner of your screen. You can then use this to search the Collection for keywords.

Submit details of your doctoral thesis to be included in the RCM collection

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  • MIDIRS Monthly - Considering Care Pathway planning for autistic women to improve care outcomes and reduce health inequalities.

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Diary of a Student Midwife: My Experience as a First Year

My name is Helen, and I am a first, nearly second, year student midwife at University of the West of Scotland (UWS). I am hoping to write a few blog posts for MIDIRS, sharing my experiences of life as a student midwife, intended to help current and aspiring student midwives alike. My twitter and Instagram handles are both @pathtomidwifery, feel free to get in touch and let us know what you would like to see from these blog posts.

As I reflect on the first year of my midwifery degree, I have mixed emotions, but the overriding emotion is that of achievement. I have achieved things in the past year that I never thought possible. Midwifery is a career which allows us to be part of one of the most lifechanging milestones of someone’s life. As a first-year student midwife, I’ve done just that; I’ve been privileged enough to be present at a number of births and formed a part of many more pregnancy journeys.

That’s the thing about the midwifery course, you’re not eased in and kept on the side-lines. From the get-go you learn everything you need to know to form the foundations of your midwifery knowledge, preparing you for that first day on placement where it’s time for you to get involved.

My first year began with a 12-week theory block, all online due to COVID-19, where we learned the foundation knowledge required. Our first-year curriculum focuses on “normal” pregnancy and birth, so we learned the physiological changes to all the body systems during pregnancy and physiological processes of labour and birth. I personally think having the physiological knowledge forms the perfect basis for us to build on in future years when we start learning about complications and emergencies. After all, how can you learn about when things don’t go to ‘plan’, if you don’t know what the ‘plan’ is?

This theory block took us to Christmas where we had a well-needed three-week break. When we returned in January, we had a 6-week theory block, consolidating our knowledge and learning about more practical skills. In February, we embarked on our first placement, a six-week block which for me was in Best Start, the Scottish continuity-based model of care (blog post about my experience on Best Start will be coming soon). Other members of my cohort started community or ward-based Antenatal/Postnatal placements, or Labour ward placements.

We then had two weeks off around Easter, before starting our next seven-week placement block, where I stayed at Best Start, while others rotated around the Antenatal/Postnatal/Labour ward placements. I really enjoyed staying at the same placement; especially given the continuity-based nature of Best Start. As a first year, I felt this gave me a lot more confidence than if I had started somewhere new.

Finally, it was time for our last placement, a seven-week block on Labour Ward for me. The big, scary, dreaded Labour Ward. The environment of a Labour Ward is indescribable; there is a constant hustle and bustle, and a continual sense of disquiet as to what will happen next. Labour, and therefore a Labour Ward, is totally unpredictable. It’s a lot to walk into as a first-year student, but you’ll get through it, and look back on it as a huge learning curve.

I’ve done it, first year complete, and you will too! To all aspiring and future student midwives – enjoy it, relish every moment, and relax now while you can…

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midwifery thesis ideas

Best Midwifery Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples

List of Midwifery dissertations Topics and Some Tips for Selecting Better Dissertation Topics in Midwifery Many students feel difficulty in pursuing their studies in midwifery, let alone making a selection of topics for the dissertation. If you are searching for examples of midwifery literature review topics, midwifery research topics, midwifery dissertation titles, midwifery dissertation topics, […]

Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Table of Contents

List of Midwifery dissertations Topics and Some Tips for Selecting Better Dissertation Topics in Midwifery

Many students feel difficulty in pursuing their studies in midwifery, let alone making a selection of topics for the dissertation. If you are searching for examples of midwifery literature review topics, midwifery research topics, midwifery dissertation titles, midwifery dissertation topics, or midwifery research questions this post is for you.

Do you belong to the above group of students who are not only shy but are also confused about how to make a selection of dissertation topics in midwifery for the midwifery dissertation?

Let’s first define what midwifery means and what its importance is in our social and medical structure.

What is Midwifery?

Midwifery is a healthcare profession that provides care to childbearing women during pregnancy, labor, and birth and during the postpartum period. They take care of the newborn and the mother. They also provide primary care to women which includes primary care to women, gynecological examination of women, family planning, and menopausal care.

In the nursing profession, students may be asked to write a dissertation on any topic of midwifery.

Tips for Selecting Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Like any dissertation in which it is difficult to choose a topic and write it, midwifery dissertations also students face the same problem. So, it is not an exception. However, one must know the important areas for the selection of the topic for the dissertation. Therefore, prior to the final selection of the topic, there are some important tips that would help students in selecting   midwifery dissertation topics. These tips are as follows.

  • The students must be sure that they are going to discuss one of the most important topics in the subject.
  • The dissertation on midwifery must touch on some of the serious problems which are faced by mothers and newborns.
  • The students must take care that their topic is specific, and it is not broad in its nature.
  • If someone has chosen a narrow topic, he/she must expand it through research and writing.
  • Clear attention should be given to traditional midwifery dissertation topics in order to know their content and scope.
  • The topic chosen must be aimed at explaining the profession in greater detail. The students choose the research topic which can help to improve the healthcare of mothers and their children.
  • The students must enhance their basic knowledge for a better understanding of the subject.

Prenatal Care:

  • The role of midwives in promoting healthy prenatal behaviors
  • Assessing the effectiveness of prenatal education programs
  • Addressing cultural barriers in accessing prenatal care

Postpartum Care:

  • Strategies for improving postpartum support for new mothers.
  • The impact of postpartum depression on maternal health outcomes
  • Exploring alternative postpartum care models, such as home visits

Labor and Delivery:

  • Examining the use of pain management techniques during labor
  • Investigating the influence of birth environment on labor outcomes
  • Evaluating the role of midwives in reducing cesarean section rates

Maternal Health:

  • Addressing disparities in maternal healthcare access
  • Exploring the impact of maternal nutrition on birth outcomes
  • Investigating interventions to reduce maternal mortality rates globally.

Neonatal Care:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of breastfeeding support in neonatal care units
  • Exploring the role of midwives in neonatal resuscitation
  • Investigating best practices for kangaroo care in low-resource settings

Women’s Health:

  • Examining midwifery-led models of women’s health care
  • Investigating the role of midwives in promoting sexual and reproductive health
  • Addressing cultural taboos surrounding women’s health issues

Family Planning:

  • Evaluating the impact of contraceptive counseling provided by midwives
  • Exploring the role of midwives in providing abortion care
  • Assessing barriers to accessing family planning services in rural areas

Midwifery Education and Training:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of simulation training in midwifery education
  • Exploring innovative teaching methods in midwifery programs
  • Investigating strategies for mentorship and professional development in midwifery

Midwifery Ethics and Legal Issues:

  • Examining ethical dilemmas faced by midwives in clinical practice.
  • Exploring legal frameworks for midwifery practice across different countries
  • Assessing the impact of litigation on midwifery practice

Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth:

  • Investigating the prevalence of anxiety disorders in pregnant women
  • Exploring interventions for addressing trauma in childbirth
  • Assessing the role of midwives in identifying and supporting women with perinatal mental health issues

Integrative Medicine in Midwifery Practice:

  • Exploring the integration of complementary therapies in midwifery care
  • Assessing the safety and efficacy of herbal remedies during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Investigating cultural practices and rituals surrounding pregnancy and birth

Technology in Midwifery:

  • Examining the use of telemedicine in midwifery practice
  • Exploring the impact of mobile health applications on maternal and neonatal health outcomes
  • Assessing the role of artificial intelligence in improving prenatal diagnosis and monitoring

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Care:

  • Investigating the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in maternity care settings
  • Assessing cultural competency training in midwifery education programs
  • Exploring strategies for creating inclusive and affirming birth environments

Global Health and Midwifery:

  • Examining the role of midwives in addressing maternal and neonatal health disparities in low-income countries
  • Investigating the impact of international partnerships on improving midwifery services
  • Assessing the cultural appropriateness of western midwifery models in diverse global contexts

Midwifery and Public Health:

  • Exploring the role of midwives in promoting breastfeeding initiation and duration
  • Assessing the impact of midwifery-led prenatal care on birth outcomes
  • Investigating strategies for reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality through public health interventions

More Midwifery Dissertation Topics

In light of the above guidance, students can choose any topic from the following given midwifery dissertation topics.

  • The impact of maternal obesity on birth outcomes
  • The use of midwife-led continuity of care models in maternity care
  • The role of midwives in promoting breastfeeding
  • The use of technology in midwifery practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on midwifery care
  • The use of midwifery-led care in low-risk pregnancies
  • The role of midwives in reducing maternal mortality rates
  • The use of telehealth in midwifery practice
  • The impact of poverty on maternal and newborn health
  • The use of water birth in midwifery practice
  • The role of midwives in promoting maternal mental health
  • The use of midwifery-led care in premature births
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on midwifery practice
  • The use of aromatherapy in midwifery practice
  • The role of midwives in promoting gender equity in maternal health
  • The use of midwifery-led care in home births
  • The impact of policy changes on midwifery practice
  • The use of midwifery-led care in rural and remote areas
  • The role of midwives in promoting maternal and newborn nutrition
  • The use of hypnobirthing in midwifery practice
  • The impact of midwifery-led care on maternal satisfaction
  • The use of midwifery-led care in women with complications in pregnancy
  • The role of midwives in promoting maternal and child health
  • The use of midwifery-led care in family planning
  • The impact of the integration of midwifery practice and primary care
  • The use of midwifery-led care in women with a history of trauma
  • The role of midwives in promoting gender-sensitive care
  • The use of midwifery-led care in low-income communities
  • The impact of midwifery education on quality of care
  • The use of midwifery-led care in women with chronic conditions.
  • Role of a midwife: The role of the midwife in the present healthcare environments.
  • Midwifery profession: Nursing and Midwifery-two identical yet different professions. Are they likely to go together? Or one will replace the other? What are the Prospects of males working in the midwifery profession?
  • Improvements are needed in the midwifery profession in light of scientific developments in the health and childcare fields.
  • The state of midwifery in developed and underdeveloped countries.
  • Midwifery field: Discuss the latest practices in nursing and midwifery fields.
  • The evolution of midwifery from ancient times to modern times.
  • The relation between nursing and midwifery.
  • The role of prenatal counseling in the growth of a child.
  • Critical analysis of midwifery as the profession dominated by women.
  • Midwifery service: How to improve midwifery services to less privileged women?
  • What is the future growth of the midwifery profession?
  • Pregnant women: Do the midwives influence decision-making and facilitate informed choices among pregnant women?
  • Midwives’ descriptions and perceptions of pregnant women with problems of substance abuse .
  • Comparison of midwife-led and consultant-led care of healthy women at low risk of childbirth complications in the Republic of Ireland: a randomized trial (the MidU study)

Midwifery is a noble profession with a lot of growth potential. There could be more thought-provoking nursing dissertation topics for research in this field. Interested in further details, call us for more Midwifery Dissertation topics.

Related posts:

  • 87 Dementia dissertation topics in nursing
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  • Dissertation topics in Nursing (101 Ideas) for dissertation writing

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
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Literature review.

midwifery thesis ideas

The role of egg consumption in the first 1001 days of life: a narrative review

For this narrative review, PubMed was searched to identify key articles published between 2019 and 2024 investigating egg consumption during pregnancy, breastfeeding and/or infancy. The following...

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Autistic women's experiences of the antenatal, intrapartum and early postnatal periods

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Perinatal outcomes in persistent occiput posterior fetal position: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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Carbetocin vs oxytocin in third stage labour: a quantitative review of low- and middle-income countries

This review was carried out to determine if the use of carbetocin in low- and middle-income countries would reduce the risk of postpartum haemorrhage, and associated morbidity and mortality, in...

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mHealth interventions to improve self efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding: a scoping review

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The use of gender-neutral language in maternity settings: a narrative literature review

A preliminary search of the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and MEDLINE databases was undertaken to identify articles relating to the topic. Search terms or text words contained in titles, abstracts and...

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Midwives’ practice of maternal positions throughout active second stage labour: an integrative review

An integrative review was considered suitable for this study, as this methodology allows inclusion of data from all types of literature to fully answer review questions (Whittemore and Knafl, 2005;...

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Health-seeking behaviours of pregnant adolescents: a scoping review

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Maternal intrapartum fluids and neonatal weight loss in the breastfed infant

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Figure 8a. Roll over onto all fours position

Simulation and midwifery education 2011–2021: a systematic review

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midwifery thesis ideas

How does social media influence expectations, decision making and experiences of childbirth?

This literature review focused on qualitative research, to gather insight from rich data about women's experiences (Aveyard, 2019). Initial searches were undertaken in April 2022 in CINAHL Plus,...

Showing 1 to 12 of 60 results

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Topics index

midwifery thesis ideas

  • Alzheimer's disease & dementia
  • Arthritis & Rheumatism
  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Biomedical technology
  • Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
  • Endocrinology & Metabolism
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gerontology & Geriatrics
  • Health informatics
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Medical economics
  • Medical research
  • Medications
  • Neuroscience
  • Obstetrics & gynaecology
  • Oncology & Cancer
  • Ophthalmology
  • Overweight & Obesity
  • Parkinson's & Movement disorders
  • Psychology & Psychiatry
  • Radiology & Imaging
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sports medicine & Kinesiology
  • Vaccination
  • Breast cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Colon cancer
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Skin cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Full List »

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May 21, 2024

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New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

by Karolinska Institutet

New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

Sophie Walton Bernstedt from the Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH), is defending her thesis "Risk factors for colorectal cancer and the impact on life in Lynch syndrome," on 24 May, 2024. The main supervisor is Ann-Sofie Backman (MedH).

"We have investigated various risk factors associated with the development of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome and what it is like for these patients to live with a greatly increased cancer risk," says Walton Bernstedt.

"There is likely still a large number of patients yet to be identified with Lynch syndrome. It is necessary to identify these patients in time in order to prevent and detect early stage cancer by preventive procedures.

"By implementing routines in follow-up services for this group of patients it is possible to create optimal conditions for early detection. These routines include bowel preparation , but also the quality of the procedure, adaptation to genetic risk but also accommodating psychosocial needs among patients.

"Lynch syndrome no longer should be considered a rare condition. By increasing the knowledge of hereditary cancer in the public we hope to increase the efficiency of cancer preventive measures ."

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Study shows mind wandering is associated with specific kind of brain activity linked to memory and sleep

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Ancient viral DNA in the human genome linked to major psychiatric disorders

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Study: Newborns whose mother spoke in a mix of languages during pregnancy are more sensitive to a range of sound pitches

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Study finds ultraviolet radiation may affect subcutaneous fat regulation, could lead to new obesity treatments

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Regular fish oil supplement use might increase first-time heart disease and stroke risk

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Pedestrians may be twice as likely to be hit by electric/hybrid cars as petrol/diesel ones

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Study finds jaboticaba peel reduces inflammation and controls blood sugar in people with metabolic syndrome

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Researchers find connection between PFAS exposure in men and the health of their offspring

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Researchers develop new tool for better classification of inherited disease-causing variants

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New gene markers detect Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer

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Daily aspirin reduces bowel cancer risk in people with Lynch syndrome

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Lynch syndrome found to be associated with more types of cancers

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Hereditary colon cancer more common in Indonesia, new study finds

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New cancer screening study could affect treatment for thousands in the UK

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Increasing the age limit for Lynch syndrome genetic testing may save lives

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Unlocking key answers on cell functioning for improved cancer treatments

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    More Midwifery Dissertation Topics. In light of the above guidance, students can choose any topic from the following given midwifery dissertation topics. The impact of maternal obesity on birth outcomes. The use of midwife-led continuity of care models in maternity care. The role of midwives in promoting breastfeeding.

  20. Midwifery Thesis Ideas

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  21. British Journal Of Midwifery

    Midwives' practice of maternal positions throughout active second stage labour: an integrative review. An integrative review was considered suitable for this study, as this methodology allows inclusion of data from all types of literature to fully answer review questions (Whittemore and Knafl, 2005;...

  22. Essay Writing for Student Midwives

    Word count: 3,292. This essay will firstly look at the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia toxaemia (PET) in the case study of Lucy and describe the subsequent care she received. The pathophysiology section will explore the causes of this progressive disease and then analyse the role of the midwife in caring for a woman with PET, with particular ...

  23. European Journal of Midwifery

    Relaxation techniques. Reproduction. Reproductive psychology. S. Screening for gynaecological cancer. Screening tests in midwifery. Sexual and reproductive health. Smoking cessation.

  24. Midwifery Dissertations

    Dissertations on Midwifery. Midwifery is a health profession concerned with the care of mothers and all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and early postnatal period. Those that practice midwifery are called midwives. View All Dissertation Examples.

  25. New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

    Sophie Walton Bernstedt from the Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH), is defending her thesis "Risk factors for colorectal cancer and the impact ...