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Movie Genres.

Published by Julian Houston Modified over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "Movie Genres."— Presentation transcript:

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Film Pitch Deck Examples & Templates That Stand Out

Learn how to create a pitch deck for movies or TV series. See examples and get templates that sell your screenplay to publishers, investors, and producers.


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Film pitch deck examples

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What is a film pitch deck?

A film pitch deck is a concise, visually engaging presentation used by filmmakers to showcase their movie concept. It highlights key elements like storyline, characters, and visual style, aiming to persuade investors or studios to back the project.

Without a solid pitch deck, your project will never come to life

In the high-stakes world of film, a weak pitch deck is like a leak in a ship – it can sink your project before it even sets sail.

Imagine your groundbreaking movie idea getting lost in a sea of pitches because it lacked that compelling presentation. This isn't just disappointing; it's a missed opportunity in an industry where first impressions are everything.

But crafting a pitch deck that resonates deeply with producers, publishers, and investors is a fine art.

This post will equipping you with the tools to win. I’m here to help you craft a compelling screenwriting pitch deck that no producer could say no to.

Let’s get started!

What makes a successful film pitch deck?

A successful film pitch deck captivates with a clear storyline, compelling visuals, and a unique selling point. It should weave the film's vision, target audience, and potential market appeal, to persuade investors and producers of its commercial potential.

What does a film pitch deck include?

Crafting a movie pitch deck is an art form, blending storytelling with marketing to captivate potential backers. It's not just about listing elements; it's about weaving a narrative that showcases your film's potential.

10 critical film pitch deck slides:

Title slide: This is your first impression. Feature your film's name and logo prominently, setting the stage for what follows.

Synopsis: Your story's heart. Offer a concise, compelling summary of your film's plot, capturing its essence in a few gripping sentences.

Moodboard: Visual storytelling at its finest. Use images or collages to convey the film's tone and aesthetic, giving a taste of the visual experience.

Main characters: The soul of your film. Provide detailed descriptions and visuals of key characters, making them memorable and relatable.

Setting/Location: More than a backdrop. Showcase visuals and descriptions of main settings, highlighting how they contribute to the story's mood and narrative.

Key scenes: Your script's highlights. Present pivotal moments or sequences that are crucial to the story, demonstrating the emotional or dramatic peaks.

Target audience: Know your viewers. Clearly define who the film is for and its appeal, backing it up with market analysis to show its potential reach and impact.

Budget breakdown: Transparency builds trust. Offer a clear overview of estimated costs, showing you've thoughtfully considered the financial aspect of bringing your vision to life.

Market analysis: Show your business acumen. Include data on potential audience size, competitors, and distribution opportunities, proving your film's market viability.

Team overview: The driving force. Introduce key members behind the film, highlighting their roles, experience, and contributions to the project's credibility and potential success.

Each element of your pitch deck should tell a part of your film's story, from the creative vision to the practicalities of production and marketing.

Remember, a successful pitch deck for movies is more than a collection of slides; it's a compelling narrative that brings your film to life for potential investors and collaborators. To have an easier time, perhaps consider a screenwriting software to write a screenplay before working on your film pitch deck.

how to make a pit

Film pitch deck examples that stand out

In this section, we're going to explore some standout movie pitch deck examples. Whether you're a budding filmmaker or a seasoned director, these examples will provide invaluable insights into what makes a screenplay pitch deck effective.

You can also use each of these examples as a template to create your own movie pitch deck.

Film production proposal

This example offers a comprehensive layout for presenting film production projects, with sections for character descriptions, location details, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, making it ideal for presenting a well-rounded film proposal.

What makes this film pitch deck great:

The template features segmented content in tabs for easy navigation and organization of film project details.

An expandable 'Read more' section allows for detailed storytelling without overwhelming the initial presentation.

The timeline slide visually tracks character evolution and project milestones, enhancing narrative clarity.

Film investment proposal

Designed for pitching film investments, this example includes an executive summary, financial projections, and a marketing strategy section, making it perfect for presenting a compelling case to potential investors.

A narrated slide for the moodboard creates an immersive storytelling experience, setting the tone of the film.

Multiple image placeholders enable personalized visual storytelling tailored to the film's theme.

A video on the cover slide immediately engages viewers with a cinematic preview of the film concept.

Documentary proposal

Tailored for documentary pitches, this example features a strong narrative structure, character exploration sections, and conservation themes, ideal for presenting impactful and emotionally resonant documentary concepts.

The cover includes the average reading time , setting expectations and respecting the viewer's time.

The ability to embed videos directly into the deck allows for a rich, multimedia presentation of the documentary concept.

A smart CTA at the end effectively prompts viewers to take action, enhancing engagement and response.

Film pitch deck

A versatile pitch deck example for films, offering a narrative-focused layout with character breakdowns, thematic explorations, and directorial vision, suitable for a wide range of film genres.

The layout is clean with ample white space , ensuring a focus on content without visual clutter.

Character and plot elements are presented in a visually engaging manner, enhancing the narrative appeal.

The design incorporates a balance of text and visuals , making the pitch both informative and visually appealing.

Movie pitch deck

This example is designed for movie pitches, featuring detailed sections for plot development, character arcs, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, perfect for presenting a complete movie concept.

A scroll-based design offers an interactive and modern way to explore the movie concept.

The built-in analytics panel provides insights into viewer engagement and interactions with the deck.

The design facilitates a smooth narrative flow , keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

TV series pitch deck

Ideal for pitching TV series concepts, this example includes sections for episode breakdowns, character development, and thematic elements, along with a marketing strategy, tailored for both comedy and drama genres.

Dynamic variables can be added to personalize the deck for each reader, creating a unique experience.

The design is mobile-responsive , ensuring accessibility and a seamless experience across devices.

The template includes interactive elements that enhance viewer engagement and understanding of the TV series concept.

TV series pitch deck for Wednesday

A specialized example for TV series pitches, focusing on character development, setting, and mood, with additional sections for marketing and audience engagement, appealing to fans of gothic and dark humor.

Branded elements throughout the deck ensure a consistent and professional presentation of the TV series.

Grayed-out content for competitors focuses attention on the main content while providing context.

Easy to use, intuitive editor makes it easy to replace the image and text placeholders with your own content.

How to create a film pitch deck?

Embarking on the journey of creating a film pitch deck is much like directing a movie itself. It requires a blend of creativity, strategic storytelling, and a keen understanding of your audience.

This guide is designed to walk you through the process step by step, helping you craft a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your unique vision but also resonates deeply with those who have the power to turn your cinematic dreams into reality.

Here's how to create your deck:

1) Dive deep into your project

Before anything else, immerse yourself completely in your project. Understand every nuance of your story, from the overarching themes to the minute details of your characters and settings.

This depth of knowledge will lend authenticity and richness to your pitch, making it more compelling.

2) Conduct thorough research

Begin with extensive research. Look into similar films or shows, market trends, and audience preferences. This step is crucial not just for understanding your competition but also for identifying gaps your project can fill, and trends it can capitalize on.

3) Craft a compelling logline

Your logline is the heart of your pitch. It should be a concise and catchy sentence that sums up the essence of your story. Think of it as the hook that will grab your audience's attention.

For example, for a thriller, your logline might be, "A retired detective is drawn back into the game when a serial killer he once chased resurfaces, leaving clues only he can decipher."

4) Create a narrative flow

Your pitch deck should narratively unfold like your film would. Start by setting the scene, introduce the main characters, outline the conflict, and give a sense of the journey and resolution.

This flow helps your audience visualize the film and connect with its story.

A useful strategy is to draw inspiration from existing movies. For example, if your film is a blend of genres or styles, you might describe it as "The whimsical charm of 'Amélie' meets the gripping suspense of 'Inception'."

This kind of comparison can quickly give investors a clear idea of the unique visual and thematic blend you're aiming for.

Here's our recommended pitch deck storyline:

How to write a film pitch deck storyline to get you funded

5) Choose visuals that tell a story

When selecting visuals for your pitch deck, think of them as an extension of your storytelling. They should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also convey the mood, style, and essence of your film.

"The key thing is to be creative and offer an engaging visual presentation for industry insiders to consider.

If you have too much information (too much text), you're going to lose them. Focus on the broad strokes. Paint a picture of the story you want to tell, and showcase how you intend on telling it."

—Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

6) Demonstrate commercial viability

A market analysis is vital to show you understand your audience and the market. Discuss audience demographics, compare with similar successful projects, and outline potential distribution channels and marketing strategies.

Here's a great example of a marketing and distribution plan slide:

Marketing and distribution plan slide

7) Be transparent about the budget

A detailed budget breakdown shows you're realistic and prepared. Include production costs, media and entertainment software , distribution, and any other significant expenses. This transparency is key to building investor confidence.

8) Showcase your team

Highlight the strengths of your team. Detail their previous successes and relevant experiences to build credibility. Your team's track record can be a significant factor in securing investment.

Here's an example of a team slide:

Team slide example

9) Address potential risks

Acknowledge and address potential risks in your project. This could include budget overruns, production delays, or market changes. Show that you have thought about these risks and have plans to mitigate them. This level of foresight can significantly enhance investor confidence.

10) Tailor your pitch to different audiences

When it comes to pitching your film, one size does not fit all. Different investors and producers have varied interests and priorities, and understanding these nuances can make or break your pitch.

Here’s how to tailor your pitch:

Studio executives: Focus on marketability, potential for return on investment, and audience appeal. Highlight aspects like genre trends, potential for sequels, or merchandising.

Independent investors: Emphasize the creative aspects, unique storytelling elements, and artistic vision. Discuss how your project stands out creatively in the current market.

Equity investors: Concentrate on the financial returns. Provide detailed market analysis, expected revenue streams, and a clear exit strategy.

Producers: Align your pitch with their past projects and interests. Show how your project fits into their portfolio and meets their artistic and commercial goals.

11) Conclude with a call to action

A compelling conclusion is as crucial as the opening of your pitch deck. It's the final act that leaves a lasting impression and prompts action from your audience.

Whether it's setting up a meeting, reviewing a script, or considering investment, your CTA should be direct and easy to follow. Use decisive language and make it clear what the next steps are and how they can be taken.

Consider embedding your calendar directly into your pitch deck. This innovative approach allows potential investors or collaborators to see your availability and schedule a meeting with you instantly.

Here's an example of a CTA slide:

CTA slide example

How to design a film pitch deck?

Designing a pitch deck for a movie is like setting the stage for your film's narrative, where each slide is a crucial scene in its own right.

This section will guide you through the essential elements of designing a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your vision but also connects with your audience on a personal and professional level.

Here’s how to do it:

1) Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling , a method of storytelling that combines scrolling with multimedia elements, can be a game-changer for your screenplay pitch deck. This approach allows you to create a narrative journey, guiding the viewer through your story in a dynamic and interactive way.

Use this technique to unfold your story as the viewer scrolls, integrating images, text, and other elements that bring your film to life.

Here's an example of scrollytelling:

Film pitch deck scrollytelling example

2) Create personalized slides

Address specific investors, producers, or studio executives by name and customize content to reflect their interests or past projects. This level of personalization shows that you've done your homework and are serious about your proposal.

3) Maintain visual consistency

Maintain a consistent visual theme throughout your deck. This includes using a uniform color scheme, typography, and layout style. Consistency in design not only looks professional but also helps in creating a cohesive visual story.

You can also use custom designs that echo the tone, style, and color palette of your film. For instance, if your film is a noir thriller, use a dark, moody color scheme and imagery that reflects the genre's aesthetic.

4) Add engaging visuals

Your visuals should do more than just look good; they should speak. Use high-quality images, concept art, or stills that give a glimpse into your film’s world. These visuals should be powerful enough to convey the mood and tone of your film without needing much explanation.

Here's a great example of a visually engaging deck:

Wednesday TV series pitch deck

5) Include interactive elements

Consider incorporating interactive elements like clickable links or embedded videos. These features can provide a deeper insight into your film, such as showing a teaser trailer, director’s statement, or behind-the-scenes content.

6) Tell a story through data

If your pitch includes market analysis or budget breakdowns, present this data in a storytelling format. Use infographics, charts, and graphs that are easy to understand and visually appealing. This approach makes complex information digestible and engaging.

Interactive film pitch deck templates

Staring at a blank slide can be daunting, even for the most creative minds. So let our interactive film pitch deck templates lead the way.

These templates provide a solid foundation and were optimized based on real-world performance. They're completely customizable, allowing you to infuse your unique vision while maintaining an effective structure.

movie genres presentation

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100+ Movie Genres. The Definitive List, with Examples

Jakob Straub

Movie genres have evolved alongside the movie industry itself. In the early days of Hollywood filmmaking, the limited number of movie genres had distinct and clear definitions. It was easy to categorize releases based on their subject and style into specific movie genres.

Today, movie genres are more numerous and less rigid, with the emergence of hybrid and crossover movies. Filmmakers experiment with genre theory and play with audience expectations to tell stories in innovative ways.

Understanding movie genres is crucial in discussing movie theory and aids in comparing genre elements and the work of filmmakers during critical analysis of movies. We'll provide you with an introduction to movie genres and explain their significance before delving into a comprehensive list of movie genres, including important subgenres.

What are movie genres?

Film genres categorize a film based on content and style. They address what story is being told and how it's being told, impacting several elements:

Movies often blend genres, creating mixed or hybrid styles. The primary genre indicates the movie's main classification, while subgenres provide more specific distinctions or combine elements of different genres, like an action-thriller.

For example, a science-fiction thriller with horror elements in the style of a heist movie suggests a Sci-Fi setting, thriller-like suspense, horror-like shock, and a plot involving a specialized team executing a task. Such classifications help in understanding the movie's narrative style and thematic focus.

Why categorize movies into genres?

While a personal approach to sorting movies might be as simple as those seen and those yet to see, or liked versus disliked, this binary method overlooks many defining aspects of movies. Categorizing movies into genres provides a basic characterization and helps group similar movies together. This organization into basic film genres aids in navigating the vast landscape of cinema, offering a starting point for exploring different styles, themes, and storytelling techniques.

Movie genres aid viewers in discovering new films, particularly through browsing on streaming platforms. Critics utilize genres to compare movies and assess artistic elements like cinematography within genre contexts. Additionally, genres and subgenres enable broader discussions about the history and theory of moviemaking, enriching our understanding and appreciation of films.

Basic movie genres

From Hollywood's inception and the dawn of cinema, certain foundational genres have shaped the film industry. These film genres, originally rooted in live-action filmmaking, set the stage for storytelling through motion pictures. With the advent of advanced special effects and animation technology, new genres like animation emerged, expanding the cinematic landscape.

The big genre list: an overview of movie genres and subgenres

We've organized our movie genre list into a tree structure with major movie genres as branches, from which the subgenres branch off further. We'll walk you through each genre, highlighting their key features, must-watch titles, and standout filmmakers.

The action genre is all about excitement: think edge-of-your-seat chases, explosive stunts, and nail-biting danger. It's a realm where movies are defined by their high-energy scenes, often branching into subgenres like martial arts or military adventures.

Known for their big budgets, action films are where you'll find jaw-dropping explosions and intricate stunts. Directors like James Cameron, known for hits like "Terminator," along with John Woo, Michael Mann, Kathryn Bigelow, and Michael Bay, have mastered this thrilling genre.

In action cinema, there's always more to explore with its various subgenres and hybrids, each offering a unique flavor of adrenaline-pumping excitement. The action genre continues to evolve, consistently captivating audiences with its dynamic blend of spectacle and storytelling.

The action genre comprises several subgenres and hybrid genres:

Animation is a diverse movie genre, where the magic lies in bringing inanimate objects to life through various techniques, each forming a unique subgenre.

CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery): Dominating modern animation, CGI creates vibrant worlds through advanced computer rendering. These films, often significant in production time and cost, include classics like the Toy Story franchise, The Lego Movie , Wall-E , Ratatouille , Shrek , Frozen , Coco , and Luca .

Claymation and Stop Motion: This technique breathes life into objects through frame-by-frame adjustment in still photography. Claymation, a subset, uses clay-crafted characters and settings. Notable films include Chicken Run , Early Man , The Fantastic Mr. Fox , Isle of Dogs , and The Nightmare Before Christmas .

Cutout Animation: Once relying on physical cutouts, this style now often blends with CGI. Its distinct look is showcased in films like South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut and The Beatles - Yellow Submarine .

Traditional Drawn Animation: This classic style features hand-drawn frames and painted backgrounds, exemplified by early Disney films like Fantasia and Beauty and the Beast , as well as Studio Ghibli's My Neighbor Totoro and Persepolis .

Live-Action Hybrid: These films mix real actors with animated elements, creating a unique crossover. Examples include Waltz with Bashir , Space Jam , Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , The Mask , Casper , Looney Tunes: Back in Action , the 1978 animated The Lord of the Rings , Waking Life , and A Scanner Darkly .

Puppet Animation: Utilizing various puppetry forms, from marionettes to shadow puppets, this subgenre includes films like Eraserhead , Labyrinth , Street of Crocodiles , The Muppet Christmas Carol , and Team America: World Police .

The comedy genre, with its wide range of humor, from simple dad jokes to sophisticated satire and dark wit, is one of the most versatile film genres. The comedy genre is a playground for creativity, offering filmmakers the flexibility to blend humor with other themes and styles.

Black or Dark Comedy: This subgenre tackles taboo topics like death or tragedy with humor. Examples of dark comedy movies include Dr. Strangelove , In Bruges , Parasite , and Fargo .

Buddy Comedy: Here, the comedy arises from the dynamics between two or more characters, whether they share a deep friendship or a love-hate relationship. It can blend with action or the Hangout genre, as seen in Dumb and Dumber and The Hangover .

Hangout Movies: These films focus on a group of characters whose interactions bring the laughs. They become almost like friends to the audience Examples include The Big Lebowski , Clerks , and The Breakfast Club .

Parody and Spoof: Parodies mock specific films, like Spaceballs does with Star Wars , while spoofs target entire movie genres, such as The Naked Gun with police movies and Scary Movie with the horror genre.

Prank Movies: These involve putting people in unexpected, often outrageous situations, typically without their knowledge. Borat and the Jackass series are key examples of prank comedy movies.

Satire: Satire humorously criticizes broader concepts or institutions, often through exaggeration. Examples include Natural Born Killers and Monty Python's Life of Brian , with mockumentaries like This is Spinal Tap using a documentary format for humor.

Slapstick Comedy: Originating in vaudeville, slapstick comedy relies on physical humor and gags, demonstrated by classics like Charlie Chaplin and The Three Stooges , and modern films like Ace Ventura and Home Alone .

Screwball Comedy: Evolving from slapstick, this romantic comedy subgenre often features a strong, quirky female lead challenging a male protagonist. Classic examples include It Happened One Night and The Philadelphia Story , with modern takes evident in films like She's Funny That Way .

The crime movie genre delves into the world of criminal activities, legal battles, and moral complexities. It explores themes from the classic good vs. evil to the gray areas of morality, often making heroes out of underdogs or even the 'bad guys' in gangster films.

Cop Movies: These focus on police protagonists, sometimes paired with partners, blending with buddy films. They can be action-packed or comedic, like Beverly Hills Cop and Lethal Weapon .

Crime Drama: This subgenre centers on legal proceedings and courtroom battles, often with a mix of detective work. Key examples include A Few Good Men and Erin Brockovich , where the climax often hinges on a pivotal court decision.

Crime Thriller: Combining crime with the intensity of a thriller, this subgenre can have psychological twists or action-packed revenge plots, as seen in John Wick and The Equalizer .

Detective and Whodunnit: Centered around an investigation, these films often feature an unlikely hero uncovering mysteries. Classics like L.A. Confidential and The Silence of the Lambs fall into this category, offering either a hidden perpetrator or a crime followed by an investigation.

Gangster Films: Focusing on organized crime, these movies showcase the life of gangs or the efforts to bring them down. Examples include GoodFellas and The Departed .

Hardboiled: A specific type of detective film, often set in the film noir era, featuring a cynical detective. Films like The Maltese Falcon and Chinatown exemplify this style.

Heist and Caper: These films revolve around elaborate plans like heists or prison breaks, blending humor and seriousness. They feature masterminds and complex plots, as seen in Ocean's Eleven and The Sting .


Documentaries are the non-fiction storytellers of cinema, educating and informing through real-life events and facts. As a movie genre, they come in various styles and subgenres, each offering a unique perspective on the world.

Expository Documentary: These straightforward documentaries present information directly, often narrated, combining historical footage with modern interviews and expert insights. Notable examples include The Blue Planet , March of the Penguins , and An Inconvenient Truth .

Observational Documentary: Focusing on close, unobtrusive observation, these films offer a firsthand look at their subjects with minimal commentary. Examples are Hoop Dreams and The Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun .

Poetic Documentary: More abstract, these films are like visual essays, expressing feelings and ideas through creative compositions. Films like Koyaanisqatsi and Voyage of Time fit this style.

Participatory Documentary: The filmmaker plays a role in the narrative, either through commentary or direct involvement. Michael Moore's works exemplify this style, as do films like Free Solo and Paris Is Burning .

Reflexive Documentary: These are personal investigations, often focusing on the filmmaker's discovery of the subject. Examples include Man with a Movie Camera and Biggie & Tupac .

Performative Documentary: Similar to participatory, these focus on subjective experiences and emotional responses, as seen in Bowling for Columbine and The Thin Blue Line .

Dramas, known for their deep exploration of conflict and emotions, truly shine in the drama genre, offering a vivid reflection of human experiences and complexities. They bring to life pivotal moments with a focus on authenticity and human nature, rather than relying on sensational action.

Docudrama: Merging drama with documentary, these films recreate real events with accuracy, like Sully and 127 Hours , providing a factual yet dramatic portrayal.

Melodrama: Aiming to evoke intense emotions, melodramas often place narrative above character development, and are known for their moral narratives, as seen in The Fault in Our Stars and Life is Beautiful .

Teen Drama: These films focus on the trials and tribulations of teenage life, capturing the essence of growing up, with examples like Virgin Suicides and Mid90s .

Medical Drama: Set in the world of healthcare, these dramas explore the lives, conflicts, and ethical dilemmas of medical professionals, as showcased in Bringing Out The Dead .

Legal Drama: Revolving around the legal arena, these dramas delve into the interactions and challenges within the legal system, with films like The Practice and The Firm .

Religious Drama: Tackling themes and conflicts arising from religion or supernatural events, these films often delve into deeper philosophical and spiritual issues, as seen in Silence and The Passion of the Christ .

Sports Drama: Centered on athletes, coaches, or teams, these films explore the dramatic world of sports and the personal struggles of those involved, with movies like Creed and The Blind Side .

Political Drama: Set against the backdrop of political intrigue, these dramas explore the lives and challenges of politicians, elections, and diplomacy, with films like Primary Colors and Argo .

Anthropological Drama: Focusing on human behavior and societal interactions, these films draw drama from real-life social dynamics, as depicted in City of God and In A Savage Land .

Philosophical Drama: Delving into existential themes and the human condition, these films tackle profound philosophical questions, as seen in The Fountain and Waking Life .

The fantasy genre, with its boundless imagination, stands out in the cinematic world. It brings to life the incredible, featuring fictional universes, magical elements, and mythical beings. This genre is a canvas for the extraordinary, where anything is possible, and the fantasy genre continually captivates audiences with its unique blend of escapism and wonder.

Contemporary and Urban Fantasy: This subgenre blends fantasy with modern settings. Urban fantasy specifically focuses on cities, often with supernatural beings like vampires or werewolves. Films like Meet Joe Black , Interview With The Vampire , and Ghostbusters are prime examples.

Epic Fantasy: Also known as high fantasy, this subgenre immerses viewers in fully-realized worlds, complete with rich lore and fantastical creatures. Examples include Harry Potter , The Lord Of The Rings , and Avatar .

Fairy Tale: These films range from traditional fairy tales to modern adaptations with magical elements and often a 'happily ever after' ending, such as The Princess Bride , Mary Poppins , and Cinderella .

Dark Fantasy: Combining real-world settings with menacing fantasy elements, this subgenre of the fantasy genre includes films like Pan's Labyrinth and A Monster Calls , where reality meets the hauntingly fantastical.

Among movie genres, the historical genre stands out for its blend of truth and fiction, taking viewers back in time to real or accurately depicted settings and eras.

Historical Film: These films can span various styles, from drama to action or romance. They often center around significant historical events, periods, or figures, providing context and storytelling that may not always be entirely factual. Examples include Apollo 13 , Lincoln , Ben-Hur , and Titanic .

Period Film: Similar to historical films but without the reliance on real-life characters, period dramas focus on specific time periods, prioritizing accurate depiction over factual narratives. Films like The Age of Innocence and Little Women are quintessential period films.

Alternate History: This subgenre creatively reimagines historical events, offering speculative twists on crucial moments in history. It can merge elements of fantasy and science fiction, as seen in Inglourious Basterds and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood .

Biography (Biopic): Biopics tell the life story or a significant part of a historical figure, often dramatizing events for cinematic effect. While they aim to be informative, they sometimes take liberties with historical accuracy. Notable biopics include A Beautiful Mind , The Social Network , and Bohemian Rhapsody .

Within the diverse array of movie genres, the horror genre uniquely captivates with its blend of terrifying events, creatures, and stories. Horror films continually evolve, with filmmakers exploring new ways to unsettle and frighten audiences, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in this spine-chilling genre.

Ghost: In horror films featuring ghosts, spirits return from the afterlife to haunt, as seen in The Others , The Frighteners , and The Sixth Sense .

Zombie: Horror movies about zombies bring apocalyptic scenarios to life, with classics like Night Of The Living Dead , 28 Days Later , and the humorous take in Zombieland .

Werewolf: The transformation under the moonlight leads to thrilling werewolf tales in The Wolfman , American Werewolf , and Underworld .

Vampire: Long-fanged nocturnal creatures are central in vampire horror films, from the eerie Nosferatu to the comedic What We Do in the Shadows .

Monster: A category of horror movie for all other terrifying creatures, with movies like The Thing , Alien , and Chucky .

Slasher: A horror genre staple, featuring antagonists who terrorize communities, as seen in Psycho , Scream , and Halloween .

Splatter and Gore: Emphasizing the gruesome and bloody, films like Braindead and Hellraiser have defined this subgenre.

Body Horror: This type of horror movie concentrates on the grotesque aspects of the human body, offering unique frights in films like The Fly and The Human Centipede .

Folk Horror: Often set in rural areas, these films explore unknown terrors, with Children Of The Corn and Midsommar as examples.

Occult: Delving into hidden and paranormal horrors, this subgenre of the horror genre includes The Exorcist , Hereditary , and Rosemary's Baby .

Found Footage: Creating an illusion of reality, films like The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity use supposedly 'recovered' footage to enhance their scares.

Outbreak: Exploring global pandemics and diseases, movies like The Stand and Contagion tap into widespread fears of contagion and collapse.

Music Film and Musical

Musicals stand out for their unique blend of storytelling, song, and dance. When characters spontaneously burst into song, often accompanied by a chorus and elaborate dance numbers, you're watching a musical film. This movie genre ranges from adaptations of beloved Broadway shows to original creations filled with dazzling choreography and special effects. The music in these films isn't just for show; it's woven into the narrative, offering deeper insights into the characters, each with their own signature songs.

The genre's diversity is evident in its rich history, with classics like My Fair Lady and The Wizard of Oz , cult favorites like Rocky Horror Picture Show , timeless treasures like The Sound of Music , and modern hits including In The Heights , Mamma Mia! , Grease , Les Miserables , Chicago , and La La Land . Other notable examples span various approaches, such as Moonwalker , 8 Women , Pitch Perfect , The Muppets , and Sing Street .

The romance genre is particularly notable for exploring love, relationships, intimacy, and deep connections. Often intertwining with drama and comedy, romance movies are fundamentally about lovers, passion, and the journey of relationships. This movie genre, with its wide emotional spectrum and universal themes, continues to enchant and resonate with audiences worldwide.

Historical Romance: These films, set in distinct time periods, showcase how historical contexts influence the pursuit of love and relationships. Classics like Gone with the Wind , Titanic , and Doctor Zhivago exemplify this subgenre.

Regency Romance: A subset of historical romance set during the British Regency or the early 19th century, often focusing on the upper class. These films are known for their luxurious settings, elaborate costumes, and eloquent language, as seen in Emma , Persuasion , and Northanger Abbey .

Romantic Drama: Diving deeper into the complexities of relationships, the romantic drama explores themes of loss, separation, and infidelity, with films like Casablanca , The English Patient , and Marriage Story .

Romantic Comedy: Perhaps the most popular subgenre of the romance genre, the romantic comedy blends humor with heartwarming narratives, often leading to a happily ever after. Films like Some Like It Hot , Love Actually , and Notting Hill are beloved examples.

Chick Flick: While often marketed towards women, these romance movies have a broad appeal, characterized by dreamy narratives and emotional depth. Titles like Pretty Woman , Romeo + Juliet , and The Notebook are perfect for a night in with ice cream and tissues.

Fantasy Romance: Combining elements of fantasy with love stories, this subgenre sets epic romances against a backdrop of fantastical worlds, as seen in The Twilight Saga , Warm Bodies , and I Am Dragon .

Science Fiction

Science fiction, often shortened to Sci-Fi, is a film genre that has long fascinated viewers with its explorations of space, the speculative, and the future. Sci-fi movies delve into themes like advanced technology, artificial intelligence, outer space exploration, time travel, and alien life, often examining humanity's role in the universe.

Space Opera or Epic Sci-Fi: This subgenre of science fiction combines elements of comedy, romance, adventure, and space exploration, seen in epic sagas like Star Wars , The Fifth Element , and Dune .

Utopia: These films explore seemingly perfect societies that often hide darker truths or dystopian elements, prompting a need for change or revolution. Utopian sci-fi movies include Gattaca , Tomorrowland , and The Truman Show .

Dystopia: The flip side of utopia, dystopian films depict societies marked by struggle, oppression, and bleak futures, featuring centralized governments or AI dominance. Notable films include Blade Runner , The Matrix , and Mad Max .

Contemporary Sci-Fi: Set in the present or near future, this subgenre introduces a major science fiction element, like a groundbreaking scientific discovery or alien contact, into a familiar setting. Films such as Arrival and Ex Machina are prime examples.

Cyberpunk: This science fiction subgenre paints a picture of a high-tech, often grim future with themes of cybernetics, virtual reality, and AI, seen in Blade Runner 2049 and Minority Report .

Steampunk: A unique twist on cyberpunk, steampunk is set in the world of the 19th century, blending steam-powered technology with futuristic concepts, as seen in Howl's Moving Castle and Mortal Engines .

Thrillers are a diverse and engaging movie genre, captivating audiences with suspense, heightened emotions, and a sense of imminent danger. The thriller genre is all about the thrill of the chase, the tension of the unknown, and characters facing off against formidable opponents, whether they are concrete or abstract. The thriller genre excels in keeping viewers on the edge of their seats, often blending with other genres, leading to exciting hybrids like action-thrillers, adventure-thrillers, or fantasy-thrillers.

Psychological Thriller: Here, the focus is on the mental and emotional states of the characters. These films often involve mysterious circumstances, paranoia, and extreme actions, sometimes leading to murder. Films like Vertigo , Gone Girl , and Shutter Island are exemplary of this subgenre.

Mystery: Often centered around a crime or murder, mystery thrillers engage the audience in a quest for answers, without necessarily involving law enforcement. These films, like Knives Out and Memento , keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the mystery.

Film Noir: Characterized by its style as much as its content, film noir emerged in the 1940s and 1950s. These black-and-white films feature crime, moral ambiguity, stark lighting contrasts, narrative monologues, and femme fatales. Classics include Double Indemnity and Sunset Boulevard . Neo-noir, a modern iteration, maintains the style of film noir but adds complexity and modern elements, as seen in Pulp Fiction and Taxi Driver .

War movies, as a movie genre, are known for their depiction of large-scale conflicts and the realities of war, making the battlefield itself a central character or theme. These films often intersect with other genres like military action, historical drama, science fiction, and even the thriller genre, offering diverse storytelling perspectives and heightened emotional stakes. Action films, in particular, frequently draw inspiration from war movies, incorporating intense battle scenes and high-stakes scenarios.

Movies like 1917 and Dunkirk immerse viewers in the intensity of war, while Platoon and All Quiet On The Western Front explore the deeper aspects of conflict. The Thin Red Line and Pearl Harbor blend historical drama with the raw emotions of war. Films like Full Metal Jacket and Jarhead provide a closer look at the life of soldiers, and 300 showcases a blend of war with fantasy elements. Each of these films contributes to the rich and varied tapestry of the war movie genre, offering insights into the complexities and human experiences within the context of war.

Among the various film genres, the Western genre stands out with its distinct setting and time period, primarily focusing on the American West during the 19th century. This film genre is rich with elements like horse riding, cattle farming, military expansion, encounters with Native Americans, settlers' stories, railway construction, and, of course, the iconic gunfights and duels.

Classic Western movies like The Searchers , Stagecoach , and Red River showcase these elements beautifully. The Western genre often features outlaws and criminals, matched by marshals, lawmen, or bounty hunters, and is ripe with revenge plots and stories highlighting righteous protagonists. Revisionist Westerns aim to reinterpret the traditional narratives of the genre.

Spaghetti Westerns, so named for their Italian filmmaking roots or production in Italy, hold a special place in the Western genre. Some of the most acclaimed Westerns belong to this category, including Django , A Fistful of Dollars , and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly .

Modern Western movies bring fresh perspectives and filmmaking techniques to this historical Hollywood genre, revitalizing it with new storytelling methods while honoring its rich legacy. Films like Unforgiven , Dances with Wolves , and Django Unchained , along with No Country For Old Men and The Hateful Eight , demonstrate how the Western continues to evolve and captivate audiences.

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What is Genre TV and Film Genre Definition and Examples of Genre Conventions

  • Scriptwriting

What is Genre — Definition and Examples of Genre Conventions

H ave you ever watched a film that had some level of predictability, but despite this kept you engaged and entertained up until the credits rolled? Odds are the filmmaker behind the movie had a solid understanding of the genre.  Most movie-goers have a basic understanding of popular movie genres such as comedy, romance, and dramas. But to be a filmmaker in addition to being a film fanatic, it’s important to understand the components that define a film’s genre. 

Watch: What is Genre — The Elements of Genre Explained

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What is Genre in Film?

First, let’s define genre.

There are literally dozens and dozens of movie genres . And each of them have aspects that define them as a genre or subgenre. Before we dive into those, it’s important that we first get a solid understanding of the genre definition.


What is genre in film.

Movie genres are stylistic categories that organize films based on criteria such as the setting, characters, plot, mood, tone, and theme. A film's main genre category will be based on where the majority of the content lands. A sub-genre is a smaller category that fits inside a particular genre. Often this is a mixture of two separate genres, which known as hybrid genres. Genres and subgenres change over time and are informed by one another. 

What is genre defined by?

Genre characteristics.

One of the more significant determining factors to a genre is setting . Setting is ultimately the time and place of a story. Setting is either outwardly articulated to us, or discretely suggested to us. It can be suggested by weather, clothing, culture, architecture, etc. 

For example, if you close your eyes and envision an empty, dusty landscape with a saloon and a few stables, what genre does your mind immediately jump to? Odds are it’s a Western. 

Western genre examples • Quigley Down Under

What does genre mean in the Old West?  •  Quigley Down Under

If you envision space with a shuttle floating through it while planets gaze behind it, you might immediately think of science fiction. For more setting examples, don't forget to check out our blog post .

Setting can even be a character within a film that affects how we experience the story. This video by Now You See It dives into the importance of setting in storytelling and how setting can be an extension of a genre.

Settings are Characters, Too  •  Genre conventions

Setting is an important aspect of how a film might fall into a specific genre. A lack of intention with setting in a film can weaken a story and the audience’s experience of the film. This is why an entire department is dedicated to fleshing out the details of a story’s setting — the art department . 

The art department is in charge of the production design of a film which directly affects the setting. Check out our video on production design to better understand what facets of filmmaking fall under this umbrella and how it impacts the construction of a film’s setting. 

Production Design Genre Characteristics  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Just like setting can determine a movie’s genre, so can those who inhabit the setting — the film’s characters. 

What is Genre Determined By?

Even with a story, plot, and setting locked in, a film needs characters to execute the experience. Character tropes or stock characters are typically a tell-tale sign of a film’s genre — not only physical characteristics, but internal characteristics as well. A character’s desires, behavior, or personality may lend itself to a specific genre.

For example, in the crime genre, audiences have grown to love the anti-hero . An anti-hero is a narrative protagonist who is defined by their own self-interest and who generally lacks the qualities we expect from a hero. 

Anti-Heroes: What Makes Them Different?

A character that is an anti-hero works incredibly well within the crime genre because they will ultimately have to make a choice between their own self-interest or the greater good, which is a story everyone loves. 

Try thinking about the romance genre. Odds are there are a few tropes that come to mind. Perhaps the manic pixie dream girl , the bad boy, or the heartbroken are all types of characters that we see all the time. 

There are numerous factors of a character that will lend itself to different genres. This may be what motivates them, the principles they abide by, or simply their age.

Characters alone, of course, do not define a film’s category. They largely must fall within a specific type of plot (more or less) to really fall into a film genre. 

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Genre Conventions in Film

A plot refers to the main events in a story composed as a connected sequence of events. This is the execution of the chain of events that happen in a story. 

While there are overarching plot structures that transcend categories such as the three act structure or the Hero’s Journey , how these structures are executed within the plot is what can determine the film’s genre.

For example, let’s take a look at our beat sheet breakdown of Interstellar . In this video, we analyze how the film’s plot utilized popular plot structure, but utilized big science-fiction ideas to dial in the familiarity while avoiding cliches .

What is genre defined by?  •   Subscribe on YouTube

To recap, while Interstellar can neatly be broken down into the Save the Cat 15-beat structure , the execution of these plot points is what makes it a science-fiction film. For example, the rising action becomes more sci-fi like when the stakes are raised to epic proportions, a common aspect of science-fiction. 

Another way to look at this is how two films can both follow a traditional three act structure. How these films differ is determined by how specific aspects are executed such as the rising action. 

Interstellar Beat Sheet

Interstellar Beat Sheet

Say Film #1’s rising action involves two characters going on a road trip together and slowly falling in love. 

Film #2’s rising action consists of a jewelry thief putting together a team for the ultimate heist.

Both film’s abide by this plot structure, but the execution of the structure is what makes one a romance and the other a crime film. The execution of a film’s plot will rely heavily on the story’s backbone — the theme. 

Genre Characteristics in Film

Every good film has a central topic or message within the story. This is the film’s theme . A theme is often called the backbone of a story because it is essentially what the audience will walk away with once the credits roll. 

Different film genres often cover the same themes. This in and of itself is not inherently bad storytelling as long as the film avoids consistent cliche. For example, romances typically have themes focused on love, science fiction may work with themes centered hubris, and action films may deal with themes around vengeance.

In this video, we looked at Logan , one of the best Neo-Westerns and how it's characters, setting and themes all work together.

 Theme in Neo-Westerns  •   Subscribe on YouTube

When writing your own story or screenplay, it pays to understand the components of genres. While a poor genre film can undoubtedly be cliche, a great one film can be a classic. Genre is a way for storytellers to communicate with an audience as a story progresses. Ultimately it gives audiences expectations that filmmakers can fulfill or subvert, both of which are opportunities for great storytelling.

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  • What are Genre Conventions? →

Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres

Want to dive a bit deeper into specific genres? Check out our next article where we analyze dozens and dozens of different categories found throughout film and television. 

Up Next: Guide to Genres →

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Top 10 Movie Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Movie Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

Densil Nazimudeen


Have you ever considered what makes watching a movie so exciting? It's not just about the story; it's also about how it's presented to us. Let's explore the fascinating world of movie presentation! Imagine sitting in a cozy movie theater, popcorn in hand, waiting for the film to begin. But wait, what's that on the screen? It's not just the movie; it's the whole experience, the way the images, sounds, and colors come together to tell a story. Now, think about your favorite movie. What do you remember most about it? Was it the thrilling action scenes, the heartfelt moments, or maybe the unexpected plot twists? Whatever it is, chances are, the movie presentation played a big part in making it memorable. How can you elaborate on the exact idea of the movie presentation? Movie presentation refers to the art and technique of showcasing a film to an audience. It encompasses visual effects, sound design, and storytelling techniques. The intention is to improve the audience's cinematic experience by captivating and involving them.

Be that as it may, presentation is essential to success in the dynamic world of movie production . It's not merely about showcasing a film but weaving a compelling narrative that captivates audiences and stakeholders. Movie presentation transcends the screen, influencing perceptions and shaping the trajectory of projects and careers.

From the inception of cinema to the modern-day blockbusters, the art of presentation has played a pivotal role in the film industry's evolution. Did you know that Walt Disney's meticulous presentation skills were instrumental in securing the funding for Disneyland? Or that Steven Spielberg's masterful pitches helped bring iconic films like "Jaws" and "E.T." to life?

Big businesses in the movie production realm understand the importance of presentation. Companies like Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, and Universal Studios invest heavily in refining their presentation strategies to ensure their projects resonate with audiences worldwide.

Click here for a captivating blog on the Must-Have Short Films Proposal Template with Samples and Examples.

In this article, we delve into the essence of movie presentation, uncovering intriguing facts and trivia while exploring its significance in the film production landscape. From the inception of an idea to the final cut, effective presentation can make all the difference in the success of a film.

Furthermore, we'll introduce SlideTeam’s Top 10 Movie Presentation PowerPoint Templates explicitly tailored for the film production house , moviemaking company profile , videography enthusiasts, and video editing professionals. These templates seamlessly integrate keywords like movie production , film production house , videography , and video editing , offering a comprehensive toolkit for crafting captivating presentations that elevate your projects to new heights in the competitive world of filming .

Every one of our templates can be completely customized and edited. Both frameworks come with content-ready slides, and the editing tool makes it easy to tailor the presentation to each audience member's requirements.

Let's take a look at our PPT Templates.

Template 1: Movie Production House Company Profile Template

We are introducing our comprehensive Movie Production House Company Profile PowerPoint deck. This meticulously crafted presentation showcases every facet of our film production endeavors. It's all covered, from an executive summary outlining our mission and vision to detailed statistics, services, and pre/post-production facilities. Dive into our rich company history, leadership team, and blockbuster portfolio, including upcoming projects and releases. Explore our industry accolades, strategic partnerships, and financial performance. 

Movie Production House

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Template 2: Coronavirus Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategies on Movie Theater Industry Template

We are introducing our PowerPoint deck on Coronavirus Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategies for the Movie Theater Industry. Our presentation meticulously examines the repercussions of COVID-19 on cinema halls, outlining revenue losses, closure statistics, and global trends. Delve into key challenges, post-COVID trends, and recovery scenarios. Explore disruptions in employee productivity, social distancing protocols, and supply chain stressors.

Coronavirus Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategies on Movie Theater Industry

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Template 3: Working of Content-Based Movie Recommendation Model Template

Take full advantage of this PPT Theme to represent the working of a content-based movie recommendation system. This PPT Slide aims to explain the creation of a utility matrix of movie ratings. The key points include the user profile, item profile, and utility matrix. This PPT Preset is indispensable for stakeholders seeking to understand and communicate the workings of recommendation algorithms effectively.

Working of content-based movie recommendation model

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Template 4: Movie Theater Six Sigma Activity Process Mapping Template

Harnessing the power of this PPT Slide, you can demonstrate a moment of truth touchpoint in each activity stage while watching a movie. It includes online reservation, arrival, ticket counter, movie theatre, food counters, and exit. Stakeholders can utilize this PPT Layout to analyze and enhance customer experiences, making it invaluable for improving service quality and customer satisfaction in movie theaters.

Movie theater six sigma activity process mapping

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Template 5: Movie Screenplay Summary One Pager Template

Make the most of this PPT Template to highlight the summary of the movie screenplay. It covers the key elements such as the script logline, synopsis of the core story (Acts 1, 2, 3), and the conclusion and resolution of the story submitted with contact details. With this PPT Theme, stakeholders can efficiently evaluate and understand the essence of the screenplay, facilitating decision-making processes and fostering potential collaborations in the film industry.

Movie Screenplay Summary One Pager

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Template 6: Executive Summary Template

Employing this PPT Layout, You can cover the executive summary, which includes a synopsis of the film production house . It also provides information such as critical services, facts & figures, awards & achievements, etc. Using this PPT Preset, stakeholders can benefit from a comprehensive understanding of the production house's capabilities, facilitating informed decision-making and potential collaborations within the film industry.

Executive summary

Template 7: Company Introduction Template

This PPT Slide shows how to introduce a film production company that embodies values like honesty, innovation, and recognition. It includes the company's history, founding year, headquarters, and production facilities. With the help of this PPT Theme, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the company's identity, culture, and operational scope, fostering trust and facilitating meaningful engagements within the film industry.

Company introduction

Template 8: Mission and Vision Statement Template

By taking advantage of this PPT Preset, you can showcase the company’s mission and vision statement, which describes its desired future position by defining its purpose, goals, expertise, etc. This PPT Template is helpful for stakeholders by benefiting from a clear understanding of the company's direction and values, fostering alignment and synergy in pursuing shared objectives within the industry.

Mission and vision statement

Template 9: Impact of COVID-19 Over the Cinema Industry Template

This PPT Slide grants you the potential to depict the impact of COVID-19 on the cinema industry as it highlights the revenue losses incurred by the cinema industry, the closure of cinema halls, and the overall global stats. This PPT Layout is helpful for stakeholders to understand the challenges faced by the cinema industry and strategize for recovery efforts.

Impact of COVID 19 Over the Cinema Industry

Template 10: Key Challenges Faced by Cinema Industry Template

Leveraging this PPT Theme, you can display the challenges the organization and cinema hall face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges can be the closure of theaters, postponed releases, the risk of unemployment, and social distancing in movie theaters. This PPT Template is helpful for stakeholders to assess and address challenges effectively, strategizing for business continuity and adaptation in the face of unprecedented circumstances.

Key Challenges Faced by Cinema Industry

Template 11: Key Trends to Follow Cinema Industry Post-COVID Template

This PPT Theme empowers you to portray the key trends that will follow the cinema industry post-COVID. These trends can be seat distancing, direct home releases, sanitization of cinema halls, and contactless purchases. This PPT Layout is helpful for stakeholders to anticipate and adapt to emerging trends, enabling them to stay ahead of industry changes and consumer preferences.

Key Trends to Follow Cinema Industry Post COVID

Check out these movie presentation templates and get started today!

In conclusion, the Top 10 Movie Presentation Templates offer a comprehensive toolkit for filmmakers, production houses, and enthusiasts alike. With a range of customizable designs and layouts, these templates streamline the presentation process, allowing users to showcase their projects with creativity and professionalism. Whether pitching a screenplay, outlining a film production plan, or presenting a movie marketing strategy, these templates provide the perfect framework. With included samples and examples, users can quickly grasp the potential and versatility of each template, ensuring their presentations stand out in the competitive world of filmmaking. Elevate your presentations today with these top-notch movie presentation templates.

Enroll now and access these premium PPT Slides with our flexible monthly, semi-annual, or annual subscription options.

Click here for a comprehensive blog on the Must-Have Film Business Plan Template to Impress Investors.

Click here for an engaging blog on the Must-Have Film Budget Templates with Examples and Samples.

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Movie Genres for English Learners

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Movies (or films) have become an important part of almost everybody's life. Hollywood, Bollywood and many other film centers make a wide variety of films to keep us entertained. This lesson focuses on encouraging students to discuss some of their favorite films by asking students to discuss examples of different films they like. Next, students write short plot summaries to share with each other. 

Aim: Conversation about films to practice and learn new vocabulary related to movies / films

Activity: Initial conversation followed by group work for writing practice

Level:  Intermediate

  • Start the lesson by asking students which type of films there are. Make a few suggestions of recent films using some of the film types to get students started. 
  • Provide a sheet with quick definitions of different film types. 
  • Have students get into small groups and try to come up with at least one film for each type of film.
  • Introduce the idea of a plot. As a class, choose a movie with which everyone is familiar. Write a quick plot summary together on the board.
  • Each student then chooses a film and writes a short plot summary for the film.
  • Have students get into pairs. 
  • Students describe their chosen films to each other. Students should take notes on each other's films.
  • Students switch partners and describe the plot of their first partner's film to another student.

Speaking About Movies / Films

Exercise 1: Movie Types 

Try to come up with one example for each type of film.

Exercise 2: Plot Summary 

You can describe movies by speaking about their plot. Think of a movie you've enjoyed and write up a plot summary. 

The plot is the general story of the movie. For example, Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl doesn't love boy back. Boy finally convinces girl that he's the right guy. 

Types of Films

Provide students with these brief descriptions of the following common film genres.

Horror films feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of horror films is to make you scream and be afraid, very afraid!

Action films are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 

Martial arts

Martial arts films feature martial arts such as Judo, Karate, Taekwondo and so on. Bruce Lee made very famous martial arts films.

Adventure films are like action films, but they take place in exotic places . Adventure films include films about pirates, historical adventures such as sailing around the world and space exploration. 

There are many different types of comedy films. In general, comedies make you laugh - a lot!

Romance films are love stories made to melt our hearts with stories of people finding each other and falling in love. Many romances are romantic comedies.

Romantic comedy

Romantic comedies are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 


A mockumentary is a type of joke documentary. In other words, the film is like a documentary, but about something that doesn't really exist. Mockumentaries are often comedies, such as "Borat."


A documentary is a film that investigates some real-life story that is very interesting for a number of reasons. Many documentaries look at the causes of world problems or new types of scientific discoveries. 

Animation films are sometimes cartoons such as Disney films. However, with computer animation, many cartoons are now animation films. Animation films use computer graphics to make elaborate stories of adventure, comedies, and more. 


Biographical films focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people. Biographical films are also often documentaries. 

Disaster films are a type of adventure film. Unfortunately, disaster films focus on horrible things happening to us like the end of the world films of 2012.

Superhero films are also a type of adventure film. These films feature superheroes from comic books such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman.


Science-fiction films are set in the future and might be about other planets, or just about the future of our planet Earth. Science-fiction films often feature many elements of adventure films such as chases and battles.

Drama films are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories. 

Historical drama

Historical dramas are based on real events that happened in the past that are historically important.

Thrillers are spy or espionage stories that are similar to adventure films, but often feature international spy rings, or countries trying to find out secrets about each other. 

Detective story

Detective stories focus on solving crimes . Usually, there is a detective who must find out who committed a crime before the criminal commits other horrible crimes. 

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Sep 02, 2014

280 likes | 782 Views

Film Genre. Film Genres are identifiable types, classifications or groups of films that have similar, familiar or instantly-recognizable patterns, syntax, filmic techniques or conventions - that include one or more of the following:

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  • central struggle
  • science fiction
  • film genres
  • science fiction stories
  • science fiction films weren


Presentation Transcript

Film Genres are identifiable types, classifications or groups of films that have similar, familiar or instantly-recognizable patterns, syntax, filmic techniques or conventions - that include one or more of the following: settings (and props), content and subject matter, themes, mood, period, plot, central narrative events, motifs, styles, structures, situations, recurring icons, characters, and stars. Many films are considered hybrids - they include several film genres.

Genres History • By the end of the silent era, many of the main genres were established: the melodrama, the western, the horror film, comedies, and action-adventure films. • Musicals were began with the era of the Talkies. • Science-fiction films weren't generally popularized until the 1950s.

One problem with genre films is that they can become stale, cliché ridden, and over-imitated. • A traditional genre that has been reinterpreted, challenged, or subjected to scrutiny may be termed revisionist.

Examples of 14 Film Genres • Action (Disaster): Stories whose central struggle plays out mainly through a clash of physical forces. • Air Force One
 • Jurassic Park
 • Lethal Weapon • Return of the Jedi (also Science Fiction) • Speed (also a Thriller)
 • Titanic (also a Love story) • The Terminator
 • Twister

Adventure: Stories whose central struggle plays out mainly through encounters with new "worlds." • Apollo 13
 • The Deep
 • Get Shorty (blend of Gangster, Love, and Crime with a twist)
 • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (also an Action picture) • 
Robinson Crusoe
 • Water World

Comedy: Stories whose central struggle causes hilarious results. • Ace Ventura, Pet Detective (also Adventure) • 
French Kiss
 • Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (also Fantasy) • My Best Friend's Wedding
When Harry Met Sally
 • Working Girl (also Love Story)

Coming-of-Age Drama: Stories whose central struggle is about the hero finding his or her place in the world. • American Beauty
 • The Breakfast Club
 • The Graduate
The Lion King
 • Without a Cause
 • Shakespeare in Love (also Romantic Comedy)
 • The Water Boy (also Comedy)

Crime: Stories whose central struggle is about catching a criminal. • Basic Instinct
 • Fargo
Ghost (also Love and Thriller)
 • Patriot Games
 • Pulp Fiction • The Sting
 • The Untouchables

Detective Story/Courtroom Drama: Stories whose central struggle is to find out what really happened and thus to expose the truth. • A Few Good Men
 • The General's Daughter
 • Inherit the • Rear Window
 • A Time to Kill
 • The Verdict • 

Epic/Myth: Stories whose central struggle plays out in the midst of a clash of great forces or in the sweep of great historical change. • 
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
 • The Godfather • Gone With the Wind
 • The Grapes of Wrath
 • Lawrence of Arabia (also Adventure)
 • Star Wars
 • The Ten Commandments

Fantasy: Stories which are animated, or whose central struggle plays out in two worlds - the "real" world and an imaginary world. • 
Alice in Wonderland
 • Antz
 • Ghostbusters • Mary Poppins
 • The Mask
 • Peter Pan • 
Toy Story
 • The Wizard of Oz

Gangster: Stories whose central struggle is between a criminal and society. A cautionary tale, rooted in a main character who commits crimes. • Bonnie and Clyde
 • Dead Man Walking
 • The Godfather (also Epic/Myth) • Goodfellas
 • Sling Blade
 • The Usual Suspects • Public Enemies

Horror: Stories whose central struggle focuses on escaping from and eventually defeating a Monster (either human or non-human). • Alien
 • The Blair Witch Project
 • Friday the Thirteenth
 • Halloween
 • I Know What You Did Last Summer • Nightmare on Elm Street • 
Psycho • 

Love (Romance): Stories whose central struggle is between two people who each want to win or keep the love of the other. • 
As Good As It Gets
 • Casablanca (also Epic/Myth) • Ghost
Notting Hill
 • Pretty Woman
 • Roman Holiday
 • The Way We Were
 • Wuthering Heights

Science Fiction: Stories whose central struggle is generated from the technology and tools of a scientifically imaginable world. • 2001 A Space Odyssey • 
Back to the Future
 • Blade Runner (also Crime)
 • ET: The Extra Terrestrial

 • The Sixth Sense
 • Stargate
 • Star Wars (and all the sequels or prequels) • The Terminator

Social Drama: Stories whose central struggle is between a Champion and a problem or injustice in society. Usually the Champion has a personal stake in the outcome of the struggle. • A Civil Action
 • Dead Man Walking
Grapes of Wrath
 • Kramer Vs Kramer Network
 • Philadelphia (also Courtroom Drama)
 • Schindler's List
 • To Kill a Mockingbird

Thriller: Stories whose central struggle pits an innocent hero against a lethal enemy who is out to kill him or her. • The Net
 • No Way Out
 • Night of the Hunter
 • Three Days of the Condor
 • Wait Until Dark
 • Witness (also Love Story)

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To Download this course, visit this link or click on the link given in the description Or email us at [email protected]

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Amazon Breaks News, Dazzles Advertisers in Star-Studded First Upfront Presentation

By Joe Otterson

Joe Otterson

TV Reporter

  • ‘Silk: Spider Society’ Live-Action Series No Longer Moving Forward at Amazon 2 days ago
  • ‘Thundermans’ Spinoff Series Set at Nickelodeon, Paramount+ 2 days ago
  • ‘Shogun’: FX Developing Two New Seasons With Estate of Original Author James Clavell 2 days ago

Amazon Upfronts

Amazon Prime Video made its first upfront presentation to advertisers on Tuesday in New York, with the streamer bringing out some of its biggest stars to break some news while touting its original series, film and sports offerings.

Amazon took over Pier 36 in Manhattan, which included a large installation dedicated to Amazon shows like “Fallout” and “The Summer I Turned Pretty” as well as movies like “Road House” and their various sports offerings like “Thursday Night Football.”

Popular on Variety

Alicia Keys (making sure to promote her new skincare brand Keys Soulcare, available on Amazon Premium Beauty, naturally) opened the show with a medley of popular tunes, including “No One” and and “Empire State of Mind (Part II).”

Then Prime Video/Amazon MGM Studios senior VP Mike Hopkins welcomed the audience and gave his pitch. Amazon MGM Studios head Salke took the stage next and revealed several announcements while bringing a parade of stars to the stage.

Leading into the presentation, Amazon had already made a number of major news announcements, including: Nicolas Cage starring in their Spider-Man Noir live-action series ; “Mr. And Mrs. Smith” getting renewed for Season 2; “The Boys” getting renewed for Season 5; and the first teaser for the Alex Cross series .

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Also revealed: The stars and creator of “The Summer I Turned Pretty” made an appearance, announcing the third season of the YA series would not debut until 2025, but also that it would consist of 11 episodes instead of the seven for its first season and eight for its second.

That was all before Amazon got to their sports programming, including the upcoming debut of NASCAR on Prime Video on top of the streamer’s NFL presence. Dale Earnhardt Jr. took the stage to discuss the NASCAR coverage, which will include a docuseries about his father, racing legend Dale Earnhardt. Then tennis legend Roger Federer came out in support of his feature documentary “Roger Federer: 12 Final Days.”

The list goes on.

Amazon also continued the trend threading its way through this year’s upfronts — the prominent placement of movies. On top of Ferrell and Witherspoon’s presence for “You’re Cordially Invited” and Gyllenhaal for “Road House,” Ritchson talked up his upcoming holiday movie “The Man With the Bag” in which he co-stars with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Salke also mentioned upcoming Amazon originals like “Play Dirty” with Mark Wahlberg and the action comedy “Heads of State” starring Idris Elba, Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, and John Cena.

In the end, Salke saved one last surprise : Witherspoon came out again to reveal that a “ Legally Blonde ” prequel about the high school years of Elle Woods has been ordered to series at Prime Video. Currently titled “Elle,” the logline for the series states that it “follows Elle Woods in high school as we learn about the life experiences that shaped her into the iconic young woman we came to know and love in the first ‘Legally Blonde’ film.”

All in all, not a bad way to make your first upfront appearance.

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  4. PPT

    Action Adventure Animation Biography Comedy Crime Detective/Courtroom Documentary Drama Epic Family Fantasy Film-Noir History Horror Musical Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Sports Thriller War Western Main Film Genres. Movie Narrative All movies must have narrative, e.g., "tell a story.".

  5. Movie Genres.

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    Try to come up with one example for each type of film. Exercise 2: Plot Summary. You can describe movies by speaking about their plot. Think of a movie you've enjoyed and write up a plot summary. Plot. The plot is the general story of the movie. For example, Boy meets girl.

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  17. Movie Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

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  19. Free Movie Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the "The Golden Figurine Movie Awards" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different... Multi-purpose.

  20. PPT

    Genres History • By the end of the silent era, many of the main genres were established: the melodrama, the western, the horror film, comedies, and action-adventure films. • Musicals were began with the era of the Talkies. • Science-fiction films weren't generally popularized until the 1950s. One problem with genre films is that they can ...

  21. Film genres

    Film genres - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Film genres - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... This PPT is about the Unit 7 of UGC NET Paper 1 Data Interpretation. Data Interpretation a topic where you need to look at a certain data and answer a certain questions based on that data. So if you are able to solve all the 5 ...

  22. Movie Genres vocabulary flashcards a…: English ESL powerpoints

    Movie Genres PPT Suitable for early learners of English. Includes word recap, genre descriptions and board games. Vocabulary List: Genres- Comedy / Horror / Action / Adventure / Romance / Fantasy / History / Musical Movie Roles- Narrator / Actor / Actress / Extras / Stunt Man / Director / Camera Man / Critic

  23. 24 Free Movie PowerPoint PPT Templates for Film Presentations 2024

    This cinema PowerPoint template includes 30 creative slides with modern layouts. It provides an attractive way to present your movie-themed presentation. It uses free web fonts and includes vector icons. Here's more about what it includes: PPTX files. 30+ total slides. aspect ratio 16:9. free web fonts. vector icons.

  24. Amazon Pulls Out All the Stops in Star-Studded Upfront Presentation

    Amazon Prime Video made their first upfront presentation to advertisers on Tuesday, with the streamer making a big splash via a star-studded event.

  25. Reese Witherspoon Channels Elle Woods at Amazon Upfront

    Instead of making any distinction between film and TV efforts, the two were fused and then broken up by genre: action, comedy, young adult, unscripted, sci-fi and fantasy and sports.