92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay

othello argumentative essay topics

Shakespeare’s Othello is an extraordinary play that incorporates a huge variety of themes and symbols. You can find examples of allusions and imagery that are intriguing to analyze.That’s why our team prepared this list! Check our topics and choose one to write an outstanding Othello essay.

We suggest you the following ideas:

  • Elaborate on religious symbolism. What hell & heaven imagery is present in “Othello”? Explain how Desdemona can be compared to the Virgin Mary; how both Othello and Iago are associated with the Devil. Describe Othello’s “fall from grace.”
  • Explore the deception and bending the reality . Who doesn’t lie in the play and why? Who does? Comment on various types of deception that are apparent in “Othello”: from lying out of love to manipulating through trickery.
  • Talk about Othello’s weaknesses . What character traits or views do you consider crucial for the plot? How does Iago use Othello’s weaknesses against him? Mention how Othello’s feelings and mood change throughout the play due to his flaws.
  • Comment on Iago’s manipulations . Who does Iago control? How and why does he create his web of lies? Add how Iago views himself as a director of his play. Who is hurt due to his lies and actions?
  • Examine Emilia’s lines in Act 4, Scene 3. What does she say about marriage and infidelity? Why is her speech about womanhood considered a feminist one? Elaborate on whether such thoughts were common for Shakespeare’s period and why the author decided to include them in the play.
  • Compare Desdemona and Bianca. How are the women often contrasted in the play? How does the critical contrast, Desdemona’s virtue vs. Bianca’s sexual freedom, affect men’s attitude towards the respective women? Explore how both characters are more complex than the characteristics above.
  • Analyze the topic of redemption in “Othello.” Who found redemption by the end of the play? For whom is it unattainable? Explain the journey of a tragic hero in terms of his downfall and the necessity of redemption.
  • Elaborate on Iago’s motivation. Why does he start his play within “Othello”? What motivates him to control, hurt, and even murder other characters? Explain why there are many possible reasons as Iago may hide the whole truth even from the audience.
  • Discuss heroism in “Othello.” Whose actions may be considered heroic? Who sincerely tries to act like a hero? Speculate on whether Iago may desire to be viewed as a heroic figure. Does Othello show heroism?
  • Talk about Cassio’s character. What do we know about his flaws and strength? Mention his problem with alcohol and attitude towards Bianca. How does the end of the play change his character? Add how this change may be the reason for his happy ending and success.
  • Explore the villain of the play. Who can be considered the main antagonist? Comment on a few characters in the play who act as villains, including the main one, Othello.
  • Analyze the conflict of passion and love in “Othello.” What does Othello feel towards Desdemona? Which of the emotions prevails? Explain why his actions and words are easy to interpret as passion, while his suicide may prove that he was in love with Desdemona.
  • Comment on the central conflict. When does it arise in the plot? Why did Shakespeare introduce the conflict later in the play? Explain how every event from this moment leads to a catastrophe. How is it both natural and staged by the villain?
  • Examine the irony in “Othello.” What type of irony is present in the play? For what purposes does Shakespeare use it? Mention how humor adds more value to the characterization and the play’s tone.
  • Consider the tone of the play What atmosphere is introduced in Act 1, and how does it change in Act 2? Mention how the stormy weather corresponds to this shift. Comment on the drastic changes in the tone that are apparent by the end of the play.
  • Compare “Othello’s” Desdemona to “Hamlet’s” Ophelia. How do these female characters affect the plot of the respective plays? What influence do they and their fates have on the main Othello and Hamlet? Consider both of their tragic stories and their relationships with the main characters.
  • Analyze the character of Desdemona. What are her essential qualities? How do men in the play treat her? Explore her disobedience to her father, banter with Iago, and death. Dive into her relationships with Othello and Emilia. How do Desdemona’s character traits and actions make her a perfect woman of the time?
  • Discuss gender roles during the Elizabethan period How are male and female roles presented in “Othello”? How does Shakespeare comment on his time? Express what Elizabethan society expected from women and what sins were considered unacceptable.
  • Comment on “Othello” as an Aristotelian Tragedy. What is a tragedy, according to this Greek philosopher? Explain how the play satisfies all the qualifications for tragedy as defined by Aristotle.
  • Talk about Othello’s gullibility. What makes Othello so naive? Do his straightforwardness and gullibility make him more or less realistic and relatable? You can compare him to such characters as Hamlet, who lack naivety yet suffer through similar tragic events as Othello.
  • Elaborate on Desdemona’s and Othello’s relationship. How does it change throughout the play? Explain how Othello’s capability of creating a healthy and loving relationship that we see at the beginning of “Othello” goes against prejudice.
  • Explore the theme of racism in “Othello.” What characters have prejudice about Othello due to his race? Express how Othello’s speech and actions during the significant part of the play run contrary to the unreasonable expectations of his enemies.
  • Consider Othello’s suicide. What leads Othello to it? Why may an audience respect it and view it as a redemption for a fallen hero? Does suicide strengthen Othello’s heroism? Elaborate on this action in terms of Othello as a tragic hero.
  • Compare and contrast “Othello” and “The Blind Owl.” What is the role of women and love in these literary works? Compare the main characters of “Othello” and “The Blind Owl,” comment on the murder and suicide.
  • Examine Emilia’s short interaction with Bianca in Act 4. Why is Emilia so harsh towards Bianca and disapproves of everything she says? Does she protect her husband’s deeds, or is she simply biased about Bianca? Comment on misogynistic behavior even among women during the period when the play was written.
  • Analyze various symbols from the play. Speculate on the meaning of such objects as wedding sheets from Act 4 Scene 3. What is the significance of a candle from Act 5 Scene 2? Provide a short analysis of each one with examples from the text.
  • Elaborate on Brabantio’s character. What’s his attitude towards Othello before he learns about his marriage to Desdemona? Why is he so opposed to this marriage anyway? Comment on Brabantio’s hurt honor and later death.
  • Talk about Desdemona’s devotion to her husband . Where does it come from? Do her loyalty and devotion prevent her from understanding Othello’s anger towards her? Speculate why they can’t reach each other at the end of the play and solve their problems by discussing them.
  • Consider Iago’s control over Roderigo. How does Iago manipulate Roderigo? Why does Roderigo trust him and obeys up to giving Iago his jewelry? Mention how Roderigo tried to escape the control once, but Iago didn’t let it happen.
  • Compare Othello’s and Desdemona’s relationship with that of Iago and Emilia. Which relationship was first to be struck by jealousy? Elaborate on Iago’s control and lack of interest towards Emilia instead of Othello’s devotion to Desdemona. Has Iago ever experienced the same level of jealousy (in his love life) as Othello?
  • Discuss the significance of race in the play . Was racism a standard way of thinking when “Othello” was written? Explain how the play reflects the Elizabethan era, its racial prejudice, and its cultural context.
  • Comment on Desdemona’s and Emilia’s friendship. Are they close? What do they discuss, particularly in Act 4, Scene 3? Express how Emilia proved her devotion to her mistress in Act 5 Scene 2. Why did Emilia lie to Desdemona about the handkerchief a few scenes before?
  • Analyze Iago’s hatred . Who doesn’t Iago hate? Where do his hatred and anger come from? Speculate on his nature and hidden reasons for his negative emotions. Mention the language that he uses and what’s unique about it.
  • Talk about Roderigo’s character. What’s his goal? Why does he trust Iago and follow his demand? Elaborate on the moment when he tries to escape Iago’s control and fails. What’s his role in the play?
  • Explore animal imagery in “Othello.” Why is Othello constantly compared to animals throughout the play? Provide quotes where Iago calls him “Barbary horse” and so on and explain what it means concerning racism and prejudice.
  • Compare two plays: “Othello” and “Oedipus.” What are these tragedies based on? How do “Othello” and “Oedipus” end? Explain the reasons for the downfall of the hero that happens in both plays. What characters tried to prevent such a tragic end?
  • Examine Othello’s pride and honor. How are these aspects tied to his race and reputation? Mention how his uselessness during the war could’ve affected his pride and make Othello more susceptible to Iago’s manipulation. How does a thought of Desdemona’s infidelity hurt Othello’s pride?
  • Compare Othello’s and Bianca’s jealous behavior. Who takes the possibility of their lover’s infidelity better? Summarize their reasons for jealousy and their actions after gaining such a suspicion. Why is it intriguing that Bianca trusts her love interest more than Othello does?
  • Consider Othello as the outsider . When do we find out that he doesn’t belong to the community? Mention how it’s uncommon for tragic heroes to be an outcast from the start of the play. How does Iago use it against Othello? How does his status as an outsider contribute to his downfall?
  • Discuss Iago’s misogyny. What does he say about women? How does he treat women in the play, particularly his wife? Analyze his banter with Desdemona in Act 2, Scene 1, and his point of view.
  • Talk about Desdemona’s independence from her father. Why does Desdemona decide to disobey Brabantio’s will and elope with Othello? Was it common for the time? Explain how Desdemona both showed her independence and immediately became obedient to another man.
  • Compare the treatment of women in “Othello” and “Oedipus.” How did Shakespeare and Sophocles describe women in their plays? What role do these characters play in the stories? Analyze how men treat and talk about women in the plays. How does it reflect the period when “Othello” and “Oedipus” were written?
  • Elaborate on Emilia’s assistance to Iago. Why does she help him in obtaining Desdemona’s handkerchief? Did she know anything about Iago’s plan? Express how Emilia tried to gain her husband’s approval covering his deeds. Why does she betray him in Act 5 Scene 2?
  • Compare two movie adaptations of the play. Find two films based on “Othello” and analyze the alternations from the play in each of them. Which movie is more accurate to the source material? Which one do you prefer?
  • Comment on Iago’s control over Othello. Why does Othello believe him more than Desdemona or any other character in the play? Did Iago do anything to gain this trust? Explain how Iago uses language to make Othello blind to his manipulations.
  • Explore the theme of jealousy Who suffers from jealousy in the play? Elaborate on various types of jealousy presented in “Othello” (professional and personal) and how characters deal with this emotion.
  • Analyze Othello’s changes throughout the play. What traits and behavior does he obtain and why? Does he become more himself by the end of the play than he was before, or it’s the opposite? Add a few examples of more animalistic behavior that Othello showed. Why did its features escalate and then disappear during Act 5 Scene 2?
  • Discuss Iago’s plan. When does Iago come up with an idea? Who helps him? Add a couple of sentences about Iago’s motivation and his enjoyment that comes from manipulating people around him.
  • Compare and contrast Othello and Oedipus Rex . What character traits do they have in common? What features of their respective journeys do they share? Elaborate on each person and their stories, analyzing the challenges that they face.
  • Examine “Othello” in Shakespearean Theater. How did theatres look like when “Othello” was written? Could actors propose ideas and changes during the repetitions of a play? Express how “Othello” was initially performed and what these early performances looked like. When was it published?
  • Explore the relationship between Othello and Cassio. Was their friendship strong before Iago’s web of lies? Why was it easy for Othello to believe that Cassio had an affair with Desdemona? Explain how their relationship changed throughout the play.
  • Talk about murders in “Othello.” Why did Othello and Iago kill their respective wives? Why did Iago decide to kill Roderigo? Speculate on what causes murders in the play and how it’s connected to the themes of the play. Why did Cassio, whose death was planned by Iago early in “Othello,” survived?
  • Analyze Tim Nelson’s 2001 movie “O.” How did the director adapt the play? How did the change of the setting affect “Othello”? Explain why this play is cinematically adaptable. How did Tim Nelson change the characters?
  • Comment on the language of the play. What does the way Othello speaks say about him? How is the power of words highlighted in the play? Explain how Iago uses ambiguous and deceptive language to manipulate other characters.
  • Examine Othello’s misogyny. What words and actions indicate that sexism has an impact on Othello’s worldview? How does he treat women around him? Mention how quickly he believes that Desdemona cheats on him, even though he doesn’t see any “ocular proof.”
  • Elaborate on the way Iago changed by the end of the play. What causes changes in his behavior? Does he become eviler and more himself? Explain how he started from verbal manipulation and ended with murdering two people. Why did he get caught?
  • Talk about possible interpretations of “Othello.” How may a person analyze Shakespeare’s works? How have interpretations of “Othello” changed over the years? Comment on the power of historical context.
  • Explore the meaning behind the handkerchief. What’s its role in the play? What does this object symbolize? Express how it has a different meaning for every character: Desdemona considers it a symbol of love, while Othello starts to see it as a symbol of betrayal. Add how the handkerchief’s meaning changes.
  • Express how “Othello” is experienced by a reader . Given that this is a play primarily performed on stage rather than written analyze it as a text. Are stage directions clear? What’s the focus of each scene? What catches your attention?
  • Compare an Elizabethan audience’s reaction to “Othello” with today’s reception. How was the play perceived during Shakespeare’s time? Why do critics find more and more flaws in “Othello” over the years? Mention the role of historical context and how Shakespeare used classical references to entertain his audience.
  • Analyze Othello’s character traits. What are his essential qualities? What traits are obtained (or revealed) due to Iago’s manipulations?
  • Speculate on the moral of the story . What did Shakespeare want to say? Was it a lesson about jealousy and trust? Or did he try to show how a person can ruin a perfect life via his actions? Analyze all the possible explanations about the moral of the play. What’s Shakespeare’s comment on deception?
  • Examine Iago’s jealousy. What’s Iago jealous about? Who is he jealous of? List and analyze all his professional and personal reasons to be jealous of Othello and Cassio. Does he explain them to the audience?
  • Shakespeare’s influence on the Renaissance period . How does “Othello” represent this period? What common motifs for the Renaissance did Shakespeare develop in the play? Comment on the author’s contributions to the time via “Othello.”
  • Discuss Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Othello.” What changes did Verdi make in his opera? Why did he exclude Act 1 of the play? Add data about first performances and Verdi’s demands concerning the leading singers.
  • Elaborate on the Willow song. Where does it appear? Why does Desdemona recall it? Speculate period what this song may symbolize and mention circumstances that forced Emilia to recite it in Act 5 Scene 2.
  • Compare the play with its movie adaptation. How did the director of the film modify “Othello”? Is this play cinematically adaptable? Elaborate on changes in the movie and the director’s goal (whether it was adapting the story to fit another period or making it more accurate and close to the text).
  • Explore the setting of “Othello.” Where do the events take place? How did the historical context affect the choice of scenery? Mention the details that highlight differences between Cyprus and Venice. What influence does the change of location have on the characters?
  • Talk about Othello’s leadership skills . Do we see them in the play? How did these skills help Othello in gaining his reputation? Elaborate on Othello as a leader according to Machiavelli’s ideas.
  • Comment on the theme of family. Who keeps in contact with their family in “Othello”? Who has a strong emotional connection to their roots? Elaborate on the relationship between Desdemona and her father.
  • Consider Shakespeare’s impact on theatre . Was the social influence theme unusual for the theatre of his time period? What was new about the play for this era? Explain what themes and contemporary tone theatre borrowed from “Othello.”
  • Examine Othello’s soliloquy in Act 5 Scene 2. What does it explain to the audience about his character? Does it count as a part of his redemption? Comment on the lines that convey Othello’s intelligence and racism. Can it be considered a suicide note?
  • Compare Othello and Leontes from “The Winter’s Tale.” What traits do the characters have in common? What similar issues and conflicts do they face? Elaborate on the different ways that characters chose to solve their problems.
  • Talk about Emilia. What role does she play in “Othello”? Does she change throughout the play? Explain why she helps her husband during the significant part of the play but then betrays him, revealing his plan to the characters around. Analyze the moments when she decides to keep silent or talk during the events of the play.
  • Compare Othello’s jealousy to Iago’s one. What are the key differences? What is the foundation for their jealousy? Analyze the roots of the jealous behavior of Othello and Iago. How do they deal with this feeling?
  • Elaborate on the point of view. What’s intriguing in watching or reading the play from Iago’s point of view? Why does Iago talk to an audience? Explain how the villain makes the listeners or readers his accomplices.
  • Comment on Othello’s emotions . Analyze his feelings throughout the play. Explain how he’s eager to follow his emotions and base his decisions on them. How does it affect his journey?
  • Explore the banter in Act 2, Scene 1. What do Iago and Desdemona argue about? Is it a serious discussion? Comment on each point of view and how Desdemona doesn’t take Iago’s words seriously.
  • Examine the theme of betrayal. Why is loyalty presented as both a curse and virtue? Who uses it to their advantage, and who suffers from it? Express how Iago uses the fear of betrayal against Othello. How does the handkerchief start to symbolize betrayal to Othello?
  • Analyze violence in “Othello.” Who acts violently in the play? How do characters fight and commit murder? Elaborate on Othello’s and Iago’s cruelty that they demonstrate in Act 5.
  • Consider one of Iago’s monologues. Elaborate on the purpose of him explaining his plans and motivation. Does he tell only the truth or hide something even from the audience? Are there moments when he gains sympathy from the listeners?
  • Discuss Iago’s moral grounds . Does he have any? Or is he inherently evil? Analyze his evil actions and schemes, providing examples from the play. Does he have a line that he can’t cross?
  • Elaborate on the appearance vs. reality theme. How does Iago hide the reality of things from almost every character? Who is too straightforward and naive to suspect Iago? Mention how characters are blind to Iago’s lies up to the last scene of the play, when Emilia understands everything and reveals Iago’s plan.
  • Talk about Desdemona’s death. How did she die? Did she suspect that Othello may want to murder her? Analyze Desdemona’s last attempt to protect her husband, claiming that he’s innocent, and she committed suicide. Does it make her a perfect wife for that time?
  • Speculate on Othello’s transformation from a hero to a villain . What unique features does his journey demonstrate? What does Othello’s path have in common with Macbeth’s one? Elaborate on the role of fear and hope in Othello’s story. Did he redeem himself in the end?
  • Comment on the passage of time. How many days does the play take? Why are there inconsistencies? Examine various theories about the duration of action and scenes where time could’ve elapsed.
  • Explore Cassio’s misogyny. How does he treat his girlfriend to her face and behind her back? Analyze his dialogue with Iago in Act 4, where they talk about Bianca. Why does he act more attentive around Desdemona?
  • Elaborate on the minor characters . Who are the critical minor characters? What role do they play in the plot progression? Briefly explain why they are vital for the story, as minor characters help us see the action from the inside, determine the path of the tragic hero, and develop the world of “Othello.”
  • Examine the character of Iago . What are his crucial character traits? What role does he play in “Othello”? How does he affect other characters? Explain his motivation and his actions in the play. Why does he have a few soliloquies?
  • Discuss the theme of love. How does love affect the characters of the play? Who suffers from love? Explain how “Othello” explores both platonic and romantic love; how love is often mistaken for other feelings.
  • Consider the significance of evidence in “Othello.” How does the play demonstrate the significance of “ocular proof”? Explain how “Othello” can be helpful for policemen, lawyers, and other people who deal with evidence regularly.
  • Analyze the clown scenes (Act 3, Scenes 1 and 4). Why did Shakespeare introduce the clown? What role does it play in the play? Elaborate on why “Othello” needs comic relief and a moment to take a breath.

Thanks for checking our topics out! We hope now you’re ready to write your Othello essay. For more information, consider other articles about the play below or try our topic generator .

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Study Guide Menu

  • Play’s Plot Explored
  • Act 1 Scene 1
  • Act 1 Scene 2
  • Act 1 Scene 3
  • Act 2 Scenes 1-2
  • Act 2 Scene 3
  • Act‌ ‌3‌ ‌Scenes‌ ‌1-2
  • Act‌ ‌3‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌3
  • Act 3 Scene 4
  • Act‌ ‌4‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌1
  • Act 4 Scene 2
  • Act‌ ‌4‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌3
  • Act‌ ‌5‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌1
  • Act 5 Scene 2
  • Characters Analysis
  • Important Quotes
  • Essay Samples
  • Topics‌ for‌ ‌Essay‌
  • William Shakespeare
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, May 21). 92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay. https://ivypanda.com/lit/othello-study-guide/topics-for-essay/

"92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay." IvyPanda , 21 May 2024, ivypanda.com/lit/othello-study-guide/topics-for-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2024. "92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/othello-study-guide/topics-for-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/othello-study-guide/topics-for-essay/.


IvyPanda . "92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay." May 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/lit/othello-study-guide/topics-for-essay/.

107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

If you’re searching for ideas for your paper on Shakespeare’s famous play, our Othello essay questions will be of great help to you! You’ll also find plenty of good Othello essay examples. Read on to get inspired!

💀 TOP 7 Othello Essay Questions

✍️ othello essay prompts, 🏆 best essay topics for othello, 🎓 othello research paper topics, 👍 good othello essay topics to write about, 💡 simple othello essay ideas, ❓ othello essay questions.

  • Shakespeare’s Othello Movie Adaptation Overview and Social Relevance
  • Mustafa Sa’eed from Season of Migration to the North Compared to Shakespeare’s Caliban & Othello
  • Emilia’s Role in the Play Othello by Shakespeare
  • Analysis of the Character ‘Othello’
  • Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Othello and Antigone: Compare & Contrast
  • Plot, Themes, and Characters of “Othello” by Shakespeare

Are you looking for writing prompts for your “Othello” research paper or a literature essay? Check out the ideas below:

  • The theme of trust and betrayal in “Othello.” Trust plays a critical role in this play. You can write a literary analysis essay exploring how trust is gained, lost, and manipulated in “Othello.”
  • Imagery and symbolism in “Othello.” Here, you can write an argumentative essay supporting your understanding of the play’s symbols. For example, what does the handkerchief symbolize? Or what does animal imagery mean, like a “black ram” and a “Barbary horse” in reference to Othello?
  • Jealousy in “Othello.” You can write a persuasive essay convincing your audience of the dangers of jealousy. Use evidence from the play to prove your point. Consider how it drives characters’ actions and what adverse consequences result from it.
  • Iago’s manipulation techniques. Iago is a master manipulator, so you can focus your discussion on exploring how he persuades others to think and do what he wants. You can review how he exploits Othello’s trust, fabricates evidence, creates false friendships, and provokes jealousy to achieve his goals.
  • “Othello” a Tragedy by William Shakespeare In essence, there are several instances of conflict in the play. Conflict among men is more dominant than conflict between the two genders. The play contains more scenes of conflict than love.
  • Examining the Role of Desdemona in Shakespeare’s “Othello” This essay discusses Desdemona’s role and its specific features that support the idea of her being a powerful woman behind the drama of the mighty men.
  • “Othello” by Shakespeare: Desdemona as a Strong Character In his tragedy “Othello” Shakespeare describes Desdemona as a strong woman who can resist oppression and protect her values and ideas.
  • Domestic Violence in “Othello” by W. Shakespeare The Othello tragedy reflects the current domestic violence incidences in society, hence the need to formulate authentic ways to overcome them.
  • Analysis of Othello Speech With Brabantio The analysis focuses on Othello’s speech from the writing’s Act 1, Scene 3 where context is based on Brabantio accusing Othello about the latter stealing the former’s daughter.
  • Master of Deceit in “Othello”: Iago in the Film Adaptation The paper states that the film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello, directed by Oliver Parker, mirrors the original play’s chronology and setting.
  • Women Role in Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet The villain role of women in the Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Hamlet seems to have inspired the themes in both literary works.
  • Black and White Colors in “Othello” by Shakespeare In Shakespeare’s “Othello,” black and white colors do not describe racial differences between characters – they symbolize severe contradictions that eventually lead to tragedy.
  • Shakespeare’s Othello and Its Cultural Aspects “Othello” is not a simple domestic tragedy, as it seemed to many generations of viewers, actors, critics, and historians of literature and theater.
  • Dramatic Purposes of Roderigo in Shakespeare’s “Othello” Roderigo is one of the characters in this book having significance and dramatic purposes, particularly the dramatic purpose of being a one-sided lover.
  • “Othello” by William Shakespeare In his play, Shakespeare portrays a very jealous character named Lago, who got disappointed with his friend Othello for denying him the chance of becoming a lieutenant.
  • William Shakespeare’s Othello as a Tragic Hero Othello by William Shakespeare is an excellent example of the traditional Aristotelian tragic hero as far as his destiny and inner suffering.
  • Who Is to Blame for the Tragedy of Othello by Shakespeare The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice by Shakespeare is a sexual jealousy tragedy that pioneers the investigation of racial discrimination.
  • Shakespeare’s “Othello”: A Venetian Tragedy of Love William Shakespeare’s play “Othello” is about anxiety and lack of peace of mind as well as the fact that other actions may have saved people’s lives.
  • William Shakespeare’s “Othello, the Moor of Venice”: An Aristotelian Tragedy The experiences that Othello went through – from prominence to downfall are sufficient to label him as a tragic hero; hence, the play can be classified as an Aristotelian tragedy.
  • Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello Play This paper examines Shakespeare’s play; it explores the conflicts between the dominant characters, their personalities, and their goals.
  • Lies vs. Truths in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Othello” In his play “The Tragedy of Othello,” Shakespeare successfully addressed various lies that different characters believed in. Most of these lies are tied to racism.
  • Othello as Aristotelian Tragic Hero This paper presents that Long before Shakespeare, the Greek philosopher Aristotle formulated specific attributes or principles of a tragic hero.
  • Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Iago’s Honesty As the play progresses we see how Iago changes from an honest and sincere person to become evil, by introducing Iago’s character the evils in society are brought to light.
  • Othello: Iago and His Self-Knowledge The paper discusses that in Othello, the struggle over love, loyalty, and will is exacerbated by Iago’s manipulation of everyone around him.
  • Literary and Psychological Prowess of Shakespeare’s “Othello” Shakespeare uses Othello’s weaknesses to justify his sad conclusion that people such as Othello and his ilk are unfit to rule because of their inherent flaws.
  • Shakespeare’s Othello’s and O. J. Simpson’s Tragedies This article compares and contrasts Shakespeare’s Othello and O.J. Simpson in the context of racism and class inequality.
  • Iago: Black Man in “Othello” by Shakespeare
  • Honesty, Dishonesty, and Manipulation in “Othello”
  • Dramatic Poetry and Direct Prose in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Hatred and Harsh Trickery With Extreme Consequences in the Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare
  • Gender Roles and Racism in “Othello”
  • Differences and Similarities Between “Othello” and “Things Fall Apart”
  • Friendship Between Othello and Iago According to Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Can Pathos and Ethos Compel “Othello” Out of Logic?
  • Iago’s Cunning Character Exposed Othello’s Vulnerability in Jealousy
  • Desdemona and the “Jewel” Motif Recurrence in William Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Desdemona and the Patriarchy in “Othello”
  • Iago’s Motive for Power and Revenge in “Othello”
  • Brabantio, the Protective Father in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Honesty and Trust Throughout “Othello” Play
  • Did Othello Truly Love Desdemona?
  • Critical Analysis of “Othello” Individuals tend to perceive the meanings of the words ‘dignity’ and ‘confidence’ differently, depending on their nature and nurture.
  • Othello and Paradise Lost Literary Analysis Desdemona was devoted to her husband until the end and treated him with patience even after all the mistreatment that was done to her.
  • Strength in One’s Convictions in Shakespeare’s “Othello” Objectification of women is an important concept that Shakespeare impressively incorporates throughout Othello.
  • The Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare It is worth noting that the play “Othello,” written by William Shakespeare, is a rather complicated story that can be explored at different levels.
  • “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu vs. “Othello” by Shakespeare “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu is an example of a Non-Western work of literature that qualifies as classics. “Othello” by William Shakespeare is an example of Western classics.
  • Othello, Cassio and Iago in the Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare Othello, Cassio and Iago are very different people with their own life experiences and this plays a very important role in the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare.
  • Negativism in “Othello” by William Shakespeare Othello is one of the most popular plays by William Shakespeare. It has a lot of themes that intricate the mind of a viewer and a reader as well.
  • From a Villain to a Victim and Back: Othello and Iago Despite the fact that Othello does turn into a beast at a certain point, the splendor of his character and the misery that seizes him completely do not allow him to choose him as the main villain.
  • Racial Issues in Othello and Their Relevance Most of the conflicts unfolding in the play are built around the problems of racism, which do not lose their relevance even after centuries have passed since Othello was written.
  • Female Characters in “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Othello” by Shakespeare Female characters Antigone and Emilia, from Sophocles’ play “Antigone” and Shakespeare’s “Othello”, constitute examples of independent women who do not lose control of their lives.
  • “The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice” by Shakespeare Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice” is a play about secrets, plotting and revenge telling the tragic story of Othello, who is secretly married to Desdemona.
  • Character Analysis of “Othello” by Shakespeare At first glance, Othello seems simply a tragedy of jealousy. However, the ideas ingrained in the play seem to be broader and more complicated from the very first acts.
  • A Worldwide Famous Tragedy: Othello by Shakespeare Othello is a worldwide famous tragedy written by Shakespeare that has always been popular among theater directors interpreting it in different styles.
  • Othello’s Image in Shakespeare’s Tragedy The purpose of this work is to analyze how Othello’s difference influences his image in the enemies’ eyes and how he starts to evaluate himself once he has killed his wife.
  • Review of “Othello” by Shakespeare An analysis of Shakespeare’s “Othello” work will help to understand better the author’s central message about how blindly following feelings can ruin a person.
  • Theme of Deceit in Shakespeare’s Othello Shakespeare’s play “Othello” is a storyline behind a respectable general and the main character, Othello, who endures a series of tragedies from his deceitful and vengeful advisor.
  • About Acts I and II Othello: Analysis Iago, portrayed as highly ambitious in the tragedy, exhibits a readiness to take any action for personal gain, evident from the opening verses.
  • Emilia & Iago’s Schemes in “Othello” by Shakespeare The essay demonstrates justifications for the idea that Emilia from “Othello” is not innocent as she seems regarding Iago’s schemes.
  • Desdemona and Lago’s Conflict in “Othello” by Shakespeare The paper discusses Othello by Shakespeare. There is a conflict between Desdemona and Iago over women’s nature, which ends with a rational way of thinking.
  • Othello Versus Shakuntala: Ultimate Lessons Both Shakuntala and Othello explore the notions of love and conflict, but the ultimate lessons learned differ significantly because of the main characters’ actions.
  • William Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Analysis the Play The paper begins with a brief note about the character of Iago in William Shakespeare’s play Othello. Causes of Iago’s revenge.
  • Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare’s Othello The entire implementation of values needful to a man in every epoch and under any circumstances is displayed on the examples of Othello and Oedipus Rex for further generations of people.
  • Shakespeare’s “Othello” Play Exploration The current essay deals with a difficult but quite important topic tied with the role of race in Shakespeare’s Othello.
  • Explain How Iago Manipulates the Other Characters in the Play “Othello”
  • Does Iago Cause the Tragedy of Othello?
  • The Reasons Why Othello Orders the Death of Desdemona
  • Discuss How Lago From “Othello” Exploits Others to Achieve His Goal
  • Honorable Admirable and Unchanged Character of Othello
  • Desdemona and the Norms of Sexual Morality in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Examining Othello’s Character, Flaws, and Changes Throughout the Play
  • Challenges and Prejudices Faced by Othello Shaped His Character
  • Contrasting the Characters Desdemona and Emilia in the Play “Othello”
  • Describing the Courage and Heroism of Othello in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Critically Exploring William Shakespeare’s “Othello” From a Marxist Perspective
  • Gender Equality and the Status of Women in the Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare
  • Analyzing the Tragic Hero in Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Evil and Immoral Characters in the Play “Othello” by William Shakespeare
  • Feminist and Psychoanalytical Interpretations of Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • Does Othello Meet the Standards of a Tragic Hero?
  • How Do Age, Social Position, and Race Impact the Relationship Between Othello and Desdemona?
  • Why Does Iago Hate Othello?
  • Does the Context of War and Soldiery Contribute to the Tragedy in Shakespeare’s “Othello”?
  • How and Why Does Iago Convince Othello of Desdemona’s Infidelity?
  • Would the Themes in “Othello” Appeal to a Contemporary Audience?
  • How Are Othello and Blanche Dubois Alienated in Their Societies?
  • Should William Shakespeare’s “Othello” be Called “Iago”?
  • How Are the Characters Empowered or Disempowered in “Brilliant Lies” and “Othello”?
  • Were “Othello” and “The Merchant of Venice” Racist Plays?
  • How Does Shakespeare Use Humor in “Othello”?
  • What Are the Contextual Factors Important to the Study of “Othello”?
  • How Does Iago Attempt to Poison Othello Against Desdemona and Cassio and to What Extent Is Iago’s Plan Working?
  • What Are the Qualities “Othello” Possesses Which Makes It a Tragedy?
  • How Does Othello’s Attitude Towards Desdemona Change Towards the End of the Play?
  • Does Othello’s Character Change Over the Course of the Play?
  • How Does Shakespeare Use Language and Dramatic Devices to Present the Theme of Jealousy in “Othello”?
  • What Are the Similarities Between “Macbeth” and “Othello”?
  • How Does Sax Portray Othello and Desdemona’s Relationship?
  • What Can Lawyers Learn From “Othello”?
  • How Does Shakespeare Present Iago’s Manipulation of Othello?
  • What Role Does Incoherent Language Play in “Othello”?
  • How Does Shakespeare Present Love in “Othello”?
  • What Role Does Race Play in “Othello”?
  • How Effective Are the First Two Scenes of “Othello”?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 10). 107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/othello-essay-topics/

"107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi , 10 May 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/othello-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 10 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/othello-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/othello-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/othello-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Othello were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 21, 2024 .

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Why do you think Shakespeare chose to write Othello as a Moor and Desdemona as a Venetian? How do their respective races affect the plot? Support your answer with evidence.

In Act I, the Venetian Senate asks Othello to defend Cyprus against the Turks. All of the play’s major characters sail to Cyprus, but a storm stops the Turkish fleet in Act II, eliminating the reason for Othello’s journey to Cyprus. Why do you think Shakespeare moved the action of the play to Cyprus, rather than leave his characters in Venice?

Which character does Iago have the easiest time manipulating, and why might some characters be more susceptible to his manipulation than others?

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Essays About Othello: Top 5 Great Examples and 6 Prompts

Othello is regarded as one of the most significant works of literature from the Elizabethan Period; Here are writing prompts on essays about Othello . 

Othello (1603) is a tragic tale of love, war, jealousy, and revenge. Set in the 1500s during the Ottoman-Venetian War, the play follows General Othello, his wife Desdemona, and Iago, one of his soldiers. Lago is bitter after being overlooked for a promotion; he takes his revenge on his general, Othello, by deceiving him into thinking that his wife Desdemona has been unfaithful. This leads Othello to kill her, then ultimately kill himself. 

The themes that Othello embodies are enduring and relatable, as we still see the issues that the play’s characters experience. As a result, the story has been adapted countless times and is considered one of the greatest plays of all time. 

To write insightful essays about Othello, you can start by reading these examples. 

1. Enduring Value – Othello by Brett Horton

2. othello and reputation by joe richards, 3. othello gullible by ross vasquez.

  • 4.  Why Is Othello Black? By Isaac Butler
  • 5. ​​A Reflection on Shakespeare’s Othello by Myers McKinney

1. Why Is Othello A Classic

2. what is othello’s tragic flaw, 3. othello and un capitano moro, 4. racial prejudice in othello, 5. jealousy in othello, 6. why is othello timeless.

“Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello as being an outsider, and being ‘othered’ by the Venetian society due to his different race, reflects traditional Elizabethan values and principles concerning racial prejudice and inequality. These repeating problems, of social intolerance and racial bias are common concerns in our modern society. Shakespeare’s expresses the nature of villainy through his antagonist, ago, as he explores problems of betrayal and deceit.”

Horton writes about Othello ’s value due to its profound exploration of intrinsic human traits. In particular, prejudice is still prevalent, and Horton briefly explains how the play displays this theme. In conjunction, he writes about how in contrast with the prejudice against his complexion, Othello is all too trusting, which does not allow him to see Iago’s betrayal. 

“Without Iago’s honest reputation, he would have never been able to convince Othello that Desdemona was committing adultery. In addition Cassio’s diminished reputation fuelled Iago’s lie about Desdemona, making it easier for Othello to believe lago. Finally, Othello’s high rank in the military restricted him from confronting Desdemona about the possibility of an affair, which prevents the truth from emerging.”

In his essay, Richards discusses the effects of the characters’ reputations on the play’s events. Iago uses his reputation as an honest, virtuous soldier to make his plan successful, manipulating the other characters to serve his needs. On the other hand, Othello’s reputation prevents him from confronting Desdemona about a supposed affair, which was unacceptable during this time. 

“He trusts Iago too much and totally relies on ago therefore making him really vulnerable to Iago’s evilish schemes. Othello’s gullibility causes him to be jealous. He let’s his jealousy take over, he looses control of himself and acts on his jealous emotions, he let’s his jealousy clutter his mind and good judgment.”

Vasquez analyzes the character of Othello and focuses on a key trait that allows the play to transpire as it does: his gullibility. He is far too trusting and believes his “loyal” soldiers, such as Iago, without any doubt. This, in turn, leads him to listen to Iago’s lies, making him jealous and turning him against his wife. Vasquez’s message is clear, concise, and logical: Othello is greatly flawed, and his flaw leads to his unfortunate end. 

Looking for more? You might also be interested in these essays about Hamlet .

4.   Why Is Othello Black? By Isaac Butler

“Othello could be talking about Desdemona as the abused Venetian or, according to Sisneros, ‘he could be even referring to himself. He killed the good part of himself, thus ‘traducing’ the Venetian state.’ Either way, it’s hard to escape the sense that Othello is explicitly saying he has ‘turned Turk’ by the end of the play. It could also be that Othello’s blackness provided Shakespeare a new way to explore questions that consumed his playwriting at this time in his career: What is identity, and how is it formed? What is a man? What is an Englishman?”

Butler puts Othello’s race at the forefront of this essay, in which he speculates on any hidden meanings behind Othello’s dark complexion. In particular, he presents a theory by which the character’s blackness represents his true essence; as the play goes on, Othello’s mannerisms change to more stereotypically “uncivilized” behaviors. Shakespeare may have used Othello’s character to reflect many people’s belief at the time that black converts to Christianity could not completely change.  

5. ​​ A Reflection on Shakespeare’s Othello by Myers McKinney

“Ensnared in Iago’s half-truths and innuendos, Othello lives in a false world instead of the true one. By failing to question Iago and his motives, Othello instead questions Desdemona and Cassio and their motives. To use the phrase of the revolutionary, Friedrich Engels, we could say that Othello falls into a state of ‘false consciousness’ because of the counsel of Iago. Like Adam and Eve in the garden, Othello allowed what Van Til called a ‘false ideal of knowledge’ to become ultimate and authoritative in his interpretation of reality.”

As its title suggests, McKinney’s essay reflects on Othello’s fall from a respected military general to a disgraced murderer. Iago’s deception in the form of “half-truths” combined with Othello’s willingness to believe and trust his subordinates allows the story to play out as it does. McKinney discusses the importance of sometimes questioning things rather than always taking them at face value. 

Top 6 Writing Prompts on Essays About Othello

Essays About Othello: Why is Othello a classic?

Based on your understanding of the story, write about the importance of the play and why others should at least look into reading them. Briefly discuss the plot, characters, and themes, and try to convince others to read Othello . Of course, this topic would be much more suitable if you have already read or watched the play. In this essay, you can discuss the main themes of the play and why it had such an impact on society.

As a tragedy, Othello’s eponymous protagonist has a central flaw in his character that leads to his downfall. While a few flaws can be identified, which do you believe is the main issue that allows the story to transpire as it does? First, identify it, discuss it and give examples of instances in which it is seen. Finally, analyze how these situations lead to Othello’s downfall and discuss if this could have been prevented. 

As with many of Shakespeare’s other dramas, Othello is based on earlier literature, in this case, Cinthio’s short story Un Capitano Moro . Read the source text and compare and contrast it with Shakespeare’s version. Discuss how these two written works are similar and how they are different. Compare the main themes of each and decide whether or not you believe these two texts are similar.  

In your essay, you can discuss the prevalent theme of race, and racial prejudice, to be exact. Ask yourself: does Othello’s race impact the play? Delve into this question for an interesting argumentative essay. Discuss the hypotheticals, such as: would the story’s events play out differently if he were like the other characters? Remember the period in which the characters lived- times were very different back then. Be sure to cite text evidence to support your arguments.

Another central theme of Othello is jealousy. In your essay, discuss how jealousy is shown throughout the play. You can highlight this theme by quoting dialogue that shows a jealous tone in a character’s voice or actions. In this essay, make sure to include multiple quotations from the play to provide supporting details.  

You might also enjoy these essays about To Kill A Mockingbird and essays about Romeo And Juliet .

The story of Othello has been adapted and referenced repeatedly, whether in film, television, music, art, or even games. What is it about the play that makes other creators and artists keep coming back to it? Why is it still performed today? You can include some aspects of the play that make it “relatable” to us humans, even in such a different time.  

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you’re still stuck, check out our available resource of essay writing topics .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Othello Essay Topic: Choosing a Perfect One for an Essay

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

Being one of the most popular plays of all time, Othello by Shakespeare raises topics that remain relevant today. The main character Othello, the Moor of Venice, is manipulated by the soldier Iago who is very envious of him. Without any prior investigation, Othello becomes influenced by the deceitful statements of Iago and it leads to a big tragedy.  

The topics of discussion around the Othello play are limitless. And that is why essays about Othello are so common for students in high school and college. We have prepared Othello essay topics below so you can choose your perfect one. Go on and get inspiration for writing an essay on this legendary play. 

What to Write About in Othello Essays

The Othello play is a vast field of discussion. Students in their essays usually describe characters, their interpretations, and values. Indeed, whichever theme you take from Othello, you can not only write an essay but a whole term paper. So here is what you can consider writing about in your Othello essay. 

From the very first scenes, the topic of prejudice is revealed around the Othello character. The way Iago and Roderigo address the main character is showing their racism. In most cases, they depict Othello as not worthy to be in high Venetian society. 

Love in Othello play is depicted in many forms and dimensions. There are multiple love lines between characters; the main one is between Othello and Desdemona. But further events show that this love was not built on trust since Othello easily gets influenced by rumors of Iago. 

The theme is actually revealed by the main character. Even being married to Desdemona, he became jealous of her cheating on him. This feeling didn’t give Othello any chance to seal the truth and it led to a real tragedy – killing Desdemona. 

Othello Themes Essay : Popular Topics 

Choosing a topic for your Othello essay can be overwhelming. This play can be viewed from different perspectives and angles. That is why we created for you a list of themes of the Othello essay topics . Choose your favorite one!

  • Analysis of literary devices in Skalespear’s “Othello”.
  • The character of Desdemona. Who is she?
  • What does the character of Iago represent? 
  • Is the love between Othello and Desdemona the true one?
  • Women in Othello play.
  • Domestic violence in Shakespeare’s “Othello”.
  • Exploring the theme of racism in the play.
  • What is the friendship between Othello and Iago?
  • What are the motives that lead Iago to lie about Desdemona?
  • Why wouldn’t Othello investigate the truth about Desdemona?
  • Is Othello the main character of the play?
  • Marxism in Othello by Shakespear.
  • Analysis of the evil character of the play.
  • How is feminism represented in the Othello story?
  • The theme of power in the Othello play. 
  • Is Iago a true villain?
  • The connection between Othello and the Aristotle tragedy.
  • Is Othello a true hero?
  • Comparative analysis of Desdemona and Emilia.
  • Morality in the character of Desdemona. 

Essay About Othello : How to Choose a Perfect Topic

When deciding on the Othello essay topics , you have to think from different angles. Here are the factors that should influence your choice:

  • Your preferences. Always choose the topic that interests you. If you are fond of the immoral character of Iago, you should not be afraid to take his side. 
  • The sources. Some topics are already being discussed by literature critics. Thus, it will be easier for you to build your essay.
  • The relevance. Some of the Othello essay topics are no longer relevant to today’s social problems. So your task is to choose a topic that the problems of which will be familiar to modern society.

Othello Essay: Conclusion

Writing an essay on the play “Othello” by Shakespeare is a pleasant and challenging task at the same time. And everything starts with the topic selection. So use our Othello essay topics ideas and compose your perfect one!

What do you write in an Othello essay?

There are so many themes that can be covered in an Othello essay. You can write about love, social prejudice, appearance and reality, trust, jealousy, friendship, feminism, hate, anger, and many other themes. 

What are the 5 themes of Othello?

Here are the examples of 5 themes for writing an Othello essay:

  • How should Othello act when revealing the rumors about Desdemona?
  • Is there a true friendship between Othello and Iago?
  • What are the motives for Iago to lie about Desdemona?
  • Why didn’t Othello investigate the truth about his wife?
  • Pathos and ethos in the play.

How long should an Othello Essay be?

The length of an essay depends on the requirements every educational institution sets. If there are no specific rules on how long the Othello essay should be, you can follow the traditional structure of the essay. Write the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. It should take you five paragraphs, three of which belong to the body part. 

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Othello Literary Perspectives Essay Breakdown

August 26, 2020

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When it comes to VCE Literature, ‘Literary Perspectives’ is a major component of your learning and exams. If you’re studying any of the Shakespearian texts, the idea of using different ‘lenses’ to interpret 400-year-old plays seems silly and is a difficult task to approach. So today, I’m writing a plan for a Literary Perspectives essay on Shakespeare’s  Othello . The question we are looking at is:

In Shakespeare’s  Othello,  Venetian society is depicted as unwelcoming to the ‘Other’. To what extent do you agree?


So what does this question mean? Well let’s first look at the keywords, and what each means.

“Venetian Society” -This is the group of people depicted in  Othello . Whilst some characters like Cassio and Othello are from other city-states, they adhere to the norms and traditions of the Venetians, who live in Venice, Italy. 

“Unwelcoming” - In my essay, I consider “unwelcoming” to be active discrimination against people, with the intent of alienating them from society at large, but this is open to interpretation. 

“The Other” -This is a technical term from a few different literary perspectives. On a broad level, the Other is a person or group of people who are viewed as the ‘enemy’ or different from the dominant culture. 

These keywords are essentially what you have to include in terms of knowledge. But, what is the question? Our essay topic says “To what extent do you agree?”. You can choose to agree, or not at all, or be somewhere in the middle. Any of these options consider the  extent  of Venice’s welcomeness, but you have to use evidence, and uniquely, a literary perspective. 

My Approach

Before I even choose my contention, now is the time to decide which perspective to use for my essay. A few apply to the question and  Othello , but I can only have one. Using Feminism you could argue that the women of the play are ‘Othered,’ but because they lack lots of meaningful dialogue I think it would be hard to uncover enough evidence. Marxism would also be good and would argue the working-class is othered. The issue with Marxist interpretations of  Othello , however, is that there are almost no lower-class characters. Marxist theorists also regularly adopt feminist and postcolonial language, meaning I could appear as though I used multiple perspectives. I think Postcolonialism is the ideal perspective. The term “Other” was coined by postcolonial theorists, and Othello’s race and place in Venetian society give me the ability to flex my understanding of postcolonialism. 

So, now that I know I am writing from a postcolonial perspective, I can come up with a contention. First of all, who is the Other, according to postcolonialism? In  Othello,  it is quite clearly Othello himself, who is from North Africa, and is constantly the victim of racism, which begins to answer my second question; is Othello welcomed by Venetian Society? Well, it’s complicated, he’s an army commander and woos a Venetian woman, but he constantly has to prove himself worthy of these things. As a result, my contention will be somewhere in between complete agreement and complete disagreement with the question. 

The othered characters in  Othello  are orientalised by most members of Venetian society, and must constantly prove their material worth to maintain their agency. Despite this, the women of the play act as a foil to the racism and distrust of society.


Postcolonial theory has roots in a more modern context than Shakespeare. The colonialism of the 19th century and the decolonisation of the 20th century lead to colonised people reevaluating their lives and the role of the European colonists on a global, social, and psychological scale. When writing from a postcolonial lens, you should try to focus on some key areas. The most significant is the relationship between the colonised and the coloniser. How do they interact? What do they think of each other? The next area is the psychology of colonialism. One useful theorist here is Frantz Fanon, a psychologist living during the French colonisation of Algier. His text  The Wretched of the Earth  stated the ways that colonised Africans were mentally oppressed, viewing themselves as less than human. This is important when discussing the Other because ‘other’ represents the dehumanisation of Native lives which caused such psychological distress. A term I used in my contention should also be explained: orientalism. This term was coined by Edward Said and it explores the way the Other is viewed by the West. To ‘orientalise’ something is to portray it as something wholly different to European cultures, and exaggerate these differences. It results in non-Europeans being viewed as ‘backwards’ or ‘savage’ and justifies racist stereotypes. Other useful Postcolonial terms include: the Subaltern, who are the groups completely outside the margins of society, or people who lack any freedom; and Agency is the ability to act out of free-will and have a degree of power.

With my contention and some useful postcolonial terms, I can now plan each paragraph. I am doing three, but it is possible to do four or more. I follow TEEL (Topic, explanation, evidence, link) structure quite closely, and have given simple but punchy topic sentences for each paragraph. When structuring the essay as a whole, I try to make sure each paragraph builds off of the previous argument, almost like a staircase leading to my conclusion. 

1. Othello is treated as an outsider and is a victim of racism and orientalisation due to his cultural background, constantly reminded that he is not fully Venetian. 

My goal in this paragraph is to agree with the question. My explanation has to show that Othello isn’t welcome in Venetian society, highlighting that his blackness and European views of the Moors fits Edward Said’s theory of orientalism. I will mainly rely on Iago’s perception of Othello, and Iago as a symbol of Venice’s intoleration towards the Other. 

Evidence of his culture being viewed as ‘backwards’ or fundamentally different from Venice will support this point. Iago’s first monologue (1.1.8-33) displays his intolerance to outsiders, specifically referring to Othello as “the Moor”, rather than by his name. Roderigo also displays a racist attitude, calling Othello “the thick-lips” (1.1.71). You should try to choose linguistically significant evidence. For example, Iago’s metaphor of a “black ram is tupping [Brabantio’s] white ewe” (1.1.96-7) provokes imagery of the devil (black ram) defiling a symbol of purity (a white ewe). 

To link this paragraph, refer to the use of orientalism as a method of othering that turns people against Othello, and intends to keep him separate (unwelcome) from society.

2. Despite Iago’s representation of an intolerant Venice, Othello displays a pathway for the Other to prove themselves in Venetian society, although this proof is constantly reevaluated by the dominant culture.

In this argument I’m going against my previous paragraph, saying that Othello is welcome, but on a case-by-case basis. My explanation will include an analysis of how Othello is othered and orientalised, but still displays agency and has a role of authority in Venice. Othello is trusted, but it is a very loose trust that relies on Othello’s continued adherence to society’s rules. To use postcolonial language, Othello is the Other, but he is not a subaltern; he has been given a place at the coloniser’s table. But despite viewing himself as a permanent part of this table, the colonisers are always ready to remove his seat. 

I could use Brabantio as evidence of this, as he had “loved [Othello” (1.3.145) but quickly begins to refer to his “sooty bosom” (1.2.85) and “foul charms” (1.2.88) when he thinks Othello has overstepped his place in Venetian society by marrying a white woman. Even though Othello has proven himself as a General, the senate makes him answer for accusations based on racism and stigma. Once Othello begins to fall for Iago’s trap of jealousy, Lodovico questions the faith placed in Othello, claiming “I am deceived in him” (4.2.310).

Therefore, despite being allowed a place within the Governmental structures of Venice, Othello’s agency is constantly at risk, being welcomed for his proven talents, but distrusted for his ‘Otherness’.

3. Although Venetian society at large is unwelcoming to Othello, either through racism or distrust, Desdemona represents an attitude of acceptance towards the Other.

This argument looks at a different aspect of the question; who is the Other welcomed by? Besides Othello, Othered characters are the women and Cassio, who is from Florence. Despite not fitting into the key areas of postcolonial thought, women still have a place in this analysis, as a subcategory of the native’s relationship with the coloniser. How does a group that is discriminated against in their own society treat someone else who is discriminated against? Well, we see in  Othello  that the women treat him quite well. 

Desdemona is the obvious source of evidence for this. Her adoration of Othello transcends his colour and she accepts him as part of her Venetian world. She is unswayed by the racist commentary on Othello from those around her, such as Emilia, and instead represents the welcoming of the Other on a personal, although not societal level.

Thus, Desdemona in her own Otherness and orderliness acts a foil to Iago’s disorder and discrimination. As a discriminated against woman, she represents the acceptance of the other in Venetian society, and the unbridled trust of Othello that the men of Venice lack.

Your conclusion should include a restatement of your arguments and your contention but also look at them in another way. I usually go through my points and how they relate to each other and my contention in a logical step-by-step way, each point building on the other to reach my contention. Point 1 leads to point 2, which leads to point 3, and combined, makes my contention. 

Hopefully, this brief guide to literary perspectives in  Othello , focusing on postcolonialism, acts as a starting point for your studies. It’s about understanding the beliefs of the lens and then using this to form an argument. It certainly isn’t easy, so I encourage you to read around and practice this writing style as much as possible. 

Recommended Resources

On shakespeare.

How to Approach Shakespeare-Studying Shakespeare for the First time

Post-colonialism in Shakespearean Work by Alina Popa (2013)

On Postcolonialism

Literary Perspectives 101

List of Postcolonial Terms

Definition of Postcolonialism

Benefits of Critical Essays for Literary Perspectives Essays

The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon (2001), Penguin Modern Classics, Great Britain.

Orientalism by Edward W. Said (2003), Penguin Modern Classics, Great Britain.

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Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays? Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps. Click below to get your own copy today!

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Access a FREE sample of our Literature study guide

  • Focused on Developing Interpretations and Close Analysis , both of which you need for your exam
  • Covering what it means to ‘interpret a text’, how to breakdown critical essays, different Close Analysis structures and more
  • Includes sample A+ essays with EVERY essay annotated and broken down on HOW and WHY past authors achieved A+
  • Essays written by multiple authors all scoring 40+ so you can learn different strategies and implement the advice that resonates with you most

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The big trap students doing both English and Literature fall into is the habit of writing Close Readings like a Language Analysis essay. In essence, the two of these essays must tick the same boxes. But, here’s why analysing texts in Literature is a whole different ball game – in English, you want to be focusing on the methods that the author utilises to get their message across, whereas Literature is all about finding your own message in the writing.

In a  Language Analysis  essay, the chances are that most students will interpret the contention of the writer in a similar fashion and that will usually be stated in the introduction of the essay. Whereas in Literature, it is the formulation of your interpretation of the author’s message that is what really counts. In a typical Language Analysis essay, the introduction is almost like a summary of what’s going to be talked about in the next few paragraphs whereas in a close reading, it is the fresh ideas beyond the introduction that the markers are interested in.

For this reason, every Close Reading that you do in Literature will be unique. The overarching themes of the text you are writing from may be recurring, but for every passage from the text that you are given, what you derive from that will be specific to it.

From my experience, this is what stumps a lot of students because of the tendency is to pick up on the first few poetic techniques used in the passages and create the basis for the essay from that. This usually means that the student will pick up on alliteration (or another technique that they find easy to identify) used by the author and then try and match it to an idea that they have discussed in class. Whilst this can be an effective way to structure paragraphs, many students aren’t consciously utilising this approach and instead are doing it ‘by accident’ under time pressure, or a lack of understanding of other ways to get a point across.

In general, there are two main approaches that can be followed for body paragraphs in a literature close reading analysis:

1. Start wide and narrow down.

What does this mean? So, as I mentioned before, each of your close readings should be very specific to the passages in front of you and not rehearsed. However, it’s inevitable that you are going to find some ideas coming back more often. So, after reading through the passage, you will usually get a general understanding of the tone that the author has utilised. This will indicate whether the author is criticising or commending a certain character or social idea. Using this general overview to start your paragraph, you can then move closer and closer into the passage until you have developed your general statement into a very unique and clear opinion of the author’s message (with the support of textual evidence of course).

This is the essay approach that is generally preferred by students but is often used poorly, as without practice and under the pressure of writing essays in exam conditions, many students revert back to the old technique of finding a literary device that they are comfortable with and pushing forth with that.

The good thing about this approach is that when you understand the general themes that the author covers, you will become better and better at using that lens to identify the most impactful parts of the passage to unpack as you scrutinise the subtle nuances of the writer’s tone.

2. Start narrow and go wide.

You guessed it - it’s basically the opposite of the approach above. However, this is a more refined way of setting out your exploration of the author’s message as opposed to what was discussed earlier (finding random literary devices and trying to go from there). Using this approach does not mean that you have no direction of where your paragraph might end, it just means that you think the subtle ideas of the author can be used in culmination to prove their wider opinion. For example, if you get a passage where the author describes a character in great detail (Charlotte Brontë students, you might be familiar!) and you think there is a lot of underlying hints that the author is getting at through such an intricate use of words, then you might want to begin your paragraphs with these examples and then move wider to state how this affects the total persona built around this character and then maybe even a step further to describe how the writer’s attitude towards this character is actually a representation of how they feel towards the social ideas that the character represents.

The benefit of this approach is that if you are a student that finds that when you try and specify on a couple of key points within a large theme, you end up getting muddled up with the potential number of avenues you could be writing about, this style gives a bit of direction to your writing. This approach is also helpful when you are trying to link your broader themes together.

The main thing to remember in the structure of your body paragraphs – the link between your examples and the broader themes that you bring up should be very much evident to the marker. They should not have to work to find the link between the examples you are bringing up and the points that you are making. Remember, a Close Reading is all about the passage that is right in front of you and its relation in the context of the whole text and the writer’s message. Be clear about your opinion, it matters!

Happy writing!

Ever since literary perspectives have been introduced into the VCE Literature study design in 2017, there’s been a hell of a lot of confusion surrounding what they actually are, and what students are supposed to do with them. Due to the incredibly subjective nature of English, and especially Literature, as a subject, there is no single correct answer as to how to go about it. However, I hope to shed some light for you on how to go about this elusive component of VCE Literature.

So, what are they?

Firstly, what actually are perspectives? Well, they can be compared to a lens which you use to colour or filter your analysis of the text. You use the ideas and schools of thought that are specific to each perspective to shape, influence and guide your writing. There are a whole bunch of these perspectives, including psychoanalytical, Marxist, feminist and postcolonial. For your SAC during the year, you are going to need to use two different perspectives in your essay, whilst you will only use one in the end of year exam. Personally, while studying Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and South’, I used Marxist and feminist in my SAC and narrowed it down to Marxist for the exam.

How do I begin?

The best place to start, after having read the text of course, is to read up on what other people have to say about the book. Perspectives are closely intertwined with literary criticisms; that is, other people’s analysis and interpretation of the texts. For Literature, this needs to go into a bit more depth than someone telling you whether or not they liked the text. Some people like to include excerpts of other critics’ writing in their perspectives essays. Whilst this is not wrong, it isn’t the only way to go about it either. My class simply used these critics as a way of finding inspiration for our own ideas.

I was fortunate enough to be given a whole bunch of scholarly readings and critiques of ‘North and South’ by my teacher; however, if you aren’t as lucky, scholar.google.com and the State Library of Victoria’s online database are both amazing sources for such information. You can simply search up the title of your text, and maybe the author’s name to narrow down results, and you’re provided with scores of articles. I’d recommend reading as many of these as possible, and maybe even jotting down some key points or ideas that stand out to you as important or useful as you go along.

How do I choose which perspective to use?

With all those different perspectives out there, it can become difficult to narrow all the options down to two, and then one. Whilst some texts definitely lend themselves to certain perspectives more than others, the idea is that you can use whichever perspective you want for whichever text if you try hard enough. Sure, it may be hard to find evidence to support them all, but it is expected that, as a Literature student, you are able to read deep enough into the texts that you could find what you need to write on any of them.

My advice is to choose the perspective that initially jumps out at you. When you read the text for the first, second and even third time, there will be certain plot points and themes that present themselves to you. By analysing these, you’ll be able to see what connects them, and most likely be able to relate them to a particular perspective.

How do I write a perspectives essay? As I mentioned earlier, there is no stock standard formula that all perspectives essays must follow. But there are a few basic guidelines that can help you get the ball rolling.

Perspectives essays have the same basic structure as a normal English essay, but differ in the sense that they are more focused on a particular school of thought.  

Be sure to build up an inventory of useful words or phrases unique to your chosen perspective that will help clue the examiner in to what approach you’re taking. For example, when I was exploring a Marxist perspective, I would include phrases like “bourgeoisie”, “interclass relations” and “social hierarchy”. That being said, there is no need to explicitly state, “From a Marxist perspective…” in your essay. By including those subtle, little expressions unique to your chosen perspective, you should be able to signpost to the examiner what your perspective is without making your essay seem basic. As you spend more time exploring your chosen perspective, you will become more familiar and comfortable with a range of these specific expressions.

Help! I can’t decide which perspective to choose! What do I do?

If you find yourself, like I did, stuck when choosing which perspective you want to use, there are a couple of different things to can do to try and get yourself out of this funk.

To start off, Literature is an extremely collaborative subject. It naturally opens itself to a discussion between you and your classmates. In fact, this is a great way to build more ideas and strengthen the ones you already have for all parts of the Literature study design, not only this one. I’d recommend you have a chat with the other people in your class and talk through all your options and the evidence that you could use to support them. I find that by talking in this way, my jumbled ideas tend to become a bit clearer in my head, and I’m often exposed to new ideas as well.

Secondly, your Literature teacher is, of course, another port of call. You literally pay them to teach you Literature and make sure you walk into your SAC and exam as prepared as possible, so why wouldn’t you take full advantage of their expertise? Explain to them your problem and your thoughts up until this point, and I’m sure they’ll be able to, if not provide you with, point you in the right direction towards finding some clarification.

Lastly, you need to remember that you are ultimately the one who needs to make the decision. As cheesy and cliché as it sounds, just listen to what your gut tells you. Your first thoughts are usually the best ones, so just go with your instinct and see where it tells you to go!

1. Don't focus just on ideas and avoid language engagement.

Language engagement is every bit as important as ideas. Sometimes, when you get stuck in philosophical musings, you might find yourself in a place where you're spouting on and on about solipsism or the intrinsic desire for independence in the 19th century Norwegian working class. Literature essays are all about finding balance, and here, that balance means language engagement. Whether you are writing about literary criticism or a passage analysis, you have to be able to support your interpretations with textual evidence.

Often, this requires some creative thinking. You can have a lot of fun with it and the examiners like you to pick up on small details and connect it to a grander scope.

Here's an example from Jane Eyre.

“my eyes seemed as if they had beheld the fount of fruition, and borrowed beams from the lustrous ripple.”

“I was not surprised...to feel...the breathing of a fresh and fragrant breeze...The rooks cawed, and blither birds sang; but nothing was so merry or so musical as my own rejoicing heart.”

In this passage, Jane is rejoicing over her marriage proposal, but readers are led to understand that this may be a false, idealistic dream of hers. Note the patterns of alliteration – the fricative 'f' shifting to the plosive 'b' in “fount of fruition” and “borrowed beams” then again from “fresh and fragrant breeze” to “blither birds”. What could it possibly mean?

Fricatives tend to indicate freedom, whereas plosives tend to indicate an abruptness – a harsh change. Perhaps, Jane's wild, free joy is immediately followed by plosive alliteration so as to illustrate how her happiness is cut short and her dream is a false one – she will attempt to achieve freedom through this romance, but she will be abruptly and unceremoniously prevented from attaining it.

othello argumentative essay topics

Regardless, in any passage, there are always things to talk about and little language quirks to exploit to figure out an interpretation. Start from these little details, and build out and out until you tackle your big ideas. All of these ideas should be rooted in language.

2. Don't prioritise complicated language over ideas.

Often, when you think that expressive, complicated writing takes priority over ideas in Literature, you tend to end up with flowery material that becomes more convoluted than it is effective. If you are one of those people (I know it's hard) but kill your darlings. Focus on coming up with original ideas, and express them clearly. Cut out redundancies. Be expressive in a way that is natural and in a way where you know that first and foremost, your language is accurate. Don't go around using metaphors purely for the sake of sounding intellectual when you can express something equally eloquently and beautifully with simpler, fluent text.

Remember: this is not to say that you shouldn't be expressive in Literature. In fact, writing style and the ability to write well is a fundamental component to doing well in this subject. It is just vital that you strike the right balance. This is a good lesson to learn sooner rather than later - and you'll be steering into prime territory for the exam.

3. Don't treat Literature like an English essay. Be free!

Good Literature essays generally tend to be more lively and expressive than English essays. Why? Because Literature just doesn't operate under the same criteria, and it shouldn't be treated as such.

Don't feel like putting in an introduction/conclusion? No need! Don't feel like sticking to a TEEL structure? No problem!

Your focus is creating writing that moves along at a natural, expressive pace, moving through textual evidence to broader ideas. You don't have a structure. You don't have a paragraph quota. You have free reign over a lot of how you write your Literature essays – so find out what works for you.

4. Come up with original interpretations and don't stick with popular readings.

Literature is one of very few subjects in the entirety of VCE that rewards original thinking. You don't need to go with the crowd consensus on how to read your text: as long as you have the evidence to support your reading! The examiners will reward complex, creative, and unique ideas. Every passage analysis you write should be approached with a fresh perspective – base your interpretation around the text in front of you, and not a dogmatic set of ideas that you bring with you.

5. Let the text before you provide you with the ideas, don't force your ideas into the text.

By reading literary criticism and expanding the scope of your ideas, you can apply original readings to each set of passages you have. Your essays stand out when they cover new, uncharted territory.

othello argumentative essay topics

Literature is all about balance. If you can find it in you to balance language engagement, interpretation, and writing style, I'd say you have yourself a pretty good essay.

Remember not to fall into any of the common traps of the subject, and you'll have put yourself on solid footing to become a true literati.

1. What are Literary Perspectives?
2. What are you expected to cover? (Literary Perspectives criteria)
3. Approaching the Task 
4. SACs, Exams, and Allocated Marks
5. How to Prepare/Improve?

What are Literary Perspectives?

This is the task that takes the longest time for all lit students to wrap their heads around. Not only is it difficult to understand what a literary perspective is but also what the essay requires you to do, so hopefully this article can help clear it all up for you!

Put simply, literary perspectives are various different lenses used for looking at all texts. Different lenses reveal, highlight and emphasise different notions in each text. To take a simple example, a Marxist might look at ‘The Great Gatsby’ how our capitalistic system underscores the motivations of Gatsby? A feminist might look towards the role of women in the text; are they only supporting characters, or do they challenge traditional gender roles?  Perhaps an experienced literature student might think this is an oversimplification, but it’s a good way to start thinking about perspectives. We will explore a little more of how to integrate and research different literary perspectives in our ‘Approaching the Task’ section.

In short, literary perspectives wants you to consider:

  • How does a text change, to the reader and the writer, when we examine it through different backgrounds/perspectives?
  • Can we understand the assumptions and ideas about the views and values of the text?

What are you expected to cover/do? (Literary Perspectives Criteria)

1. Structure and Cohesion

The structure of the essay and the task itself is more familiar than the close analysis essay. You respond to a topic (yes, there is only one) and you have a more “typical” essay structure with an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Cohesion comes from how well you can develop your overall argument. The way I like to think about it is: do my paragraphs build/relate to each other or do they have nothing to do with each other? Providing a cohesive argument and interpretation is essential, and not just for literature, this is something that will definitely be enhanced as you continue your literature journey!

2. Develop an overall Interpretation/perspective for each text

This requires a lot of research and critical readings of the wealth of criticism around the text. When you read the text, a few notable themes and ideas should be jumping out at you right away, this will be the springboard into understanding the perspectives around the text. 

For example, in ‘The Great Gatsby’, Gatsby and Buchanan are greedy and money-hungry in a world of excess and economic prosperity. Fitzgerald asks readers to consider the backbone that drives a blind devotion to the accumulation of wealth. This should remind you of Karl Marx and his comments on capitalism and communism which will then open up a large wealth of research on Marxism!

Remember, that whilst VCAA specifies that one must analyse and respond to one underlying literary perspective of the text in Section A of the exam, this isn’t as narrow as you might think. So I lied a little, sunglasses as perspectives might be a bit misleading. Because whilst you can’t wear multiple sunglasses, you can have multiple interpretations that form one perspective. It’s important to remember that what constitutes a perspective is not just one school of thought, it is your understanding, perspective and ideas. Which means that if you want to blend a Marxist and Psychoanalytic perspective, you absolutely can, BUT you need to make sure they are incorporated well together. This is because perspectives and literary ideas don’t exist in a vacuum, they work together, bounce off each other and grow over time. Greed could be something that is perpetuated by a capitalistic, market centered system but it could also be something ingrained in the human psyche. See! You’ve now turned two perspectives into one blended idea, of course it needs a lot of cultivation but you can see how these ideas begin to coexist.  

Furthermore, if you begin to understand how your text through multiple coexisting lenses’, you’ll broaden your horizon so you’ll be ready to approach any topic. In 2017, VCAA gave the topic: “To what extent is Conrad’s Heart of Darkness an indictment of colonialism?”. What happens if you didn’t choose colonialism/post-colonialism as your perspective and chose feminism instead? You would probably be freaking out in the exam. But if you understood that colonialism was motivated by the need for economic dominance (Marxist ideas) or the West’s hunger for power (psychoanalytical notions), the topic isn’t so daunting after all.

In sum, developing an interpretation is a rocky, complex and difficult ride but have patience, it will all pay off in the end. Stick around and we will give you a few tips below on how to interpret and continue to develop your interpretation! PS. Here’s a video that might be helpful if you need the extra advice: What are literary perspectives .

3. Understanding and analysis of the text through textual evidence

This should be self-explanatory at this point; everyone has been taught this since year 7: never say anything if you can’t back it up! It’s easy to get lost in your perspective when your writing, this is just a gentle reminder to never forget to use quotes and actual evidence from the text. Here’s a helpful video on how to incorporate quotes.

4. Control and effectiveness of language

Having control and effective use of language is a criteria present in both sections of Literature (and in English)! I won’t go into too much depth, but this video provides 6 great tips on improving your expression!

Approaching the Task 

So how do you best tackle the exam and the SAC?

Aforementioned, the exam will only give you one topic to respond to and your SACs will do something similar (we’ll get into this later). Here are some tips on handling lit perspectives on the exam and SAC. 

When you first see the topic, there are a few things you can do to help approach the task.

1. Highlight key words!

Again, pretty self-explanatory. It absolutely essential that you respond to the whole topic. It’s so easy to get caught up in the first half of the topic when you see a key word that you like/don’t like. But pay attention to what the topic is actually asking you to do, not just the central theme/idea that is contained within the topic.  

Find all the key close textual examples that you’d like to use. Make sure to choose ones that enhance your overall interpretation. Remember, that just because it isn’t a close analysis essay doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include close textual examples. 

Planning is a very individual task so it’s up to you to find out what works for you, but it is an essential part of the writing process. If you want a coherent interpretation, you need to know where you’re going as you write. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

3. Develop/Establish your interpretation in your introduction

By now, you know the importance of establishing a strong interpretation of your text. This needs to be established in your introduction (and that includes all the buzzwords of your interpretation). 

What I mean is, a lot of perspectives have a lot of jargon that is not always easy to read… Part of your job in your introduction is precisely to clarify some of these key jargons, it does not have to be super detailed, just give a simple definition of some of the key terms you are working with.

SACs, Exams, and Allocated Marks

This SAC comprises 50% of Unit 4 and in my opinion, was the most difficult to wrap my head around. The breakdown is as follows:

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To simplify, it’s essentially like the literary perspective essay in the final exam; however, you need to “compare and analyse two pieces of literary criticism reflecting different perspectives”. Remember how I mentioned that one perspective can be a mix and blend of two different perspectives? Well this SAC is trying to teach you just that. You’ll be tasked with finding two different perspectives, but that doesn’t mean they have to be opposing at all.  The example from before: “Greed could be something that is perpetuated by a capitalistic, market centered system but it could also be something ingrained in the human psyche” is just one way in which you can take two different pieces of literary criticism reflecting different ideas and bring them together in this SAC.  

This SAC also asks you to research rigorously the literary discourse around the text, so that will be your first starting point. Find what you want to talk about and then figure out how to talk about it!

This may be classified as ‘Section A’ on the exam, but it does not have to be completed first, this is up to you! Each essay in the exam is worth 20 marks and will be double marked. The score that each examiner gives you will be added together, so both your final essays will be out of 40. 

How to Prepare (and Improve!) for your Close Analysis SAC and Exam

Everyone’s heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”, but nobody really tells you how to practice? What does practicing mean in a Lit Perspectives context? Here are a few recommendations and guidelines about how to ACE your next lit perspectives essay:

1. Read and Re-read your text (or re-watch your film)

You’ll have heard this hundreds of times but it’s absolutely essential, who knows, you might change your mind? Meanwhile you can find good quotes you like and potentially spot techniques or language devices you might have missed on the first or even second read! 

Each time you re-read, go in with fresh ideas and perspectives and search for examples that either contradict or support your interpretation. Critical reading is what us lit kids do!

2. Find buzzwords for your text or your perspective

Aforementioned, jargon and buzzwords populate the modern literature discourse for any text and perspective. It’s important that you have a firm grasp of these words and phrases. Here are some examples of a few:

  • Communism/capitalism 
  • Superstructure
  • Institutions


  • The unconscious
  • ID, ego and superego

3. Talk to your friends and teachers, bounce ideas off each other!!!

Two minds are better than one. Not revolutionary, but unequivocally true. Whenever you are stuck in a rut, talk to your friends about what you think and maybe they can help challenge your ideas. Don’t be afraid to argue your point and be open to criticism, challenging your ideas will only help refine and enhance it. It’ll also make you consider some ideas you might not have thought about it. 

4. Write specific examples 

This is the same advice for close analysis (and any other essay for that essays). Practice writing doesn’t mean you have to write a full essay every time, this can be both draining for you and your teacher to mark. Plus, most of the time, you’ll make the same mistakes/the feedback will be same throughout the entire essay. Try little snippets of examples, paragraphs or introductions instead. 

5. Utilise all available resources 

Teachers are a hub of intelligence, ask them for questions, advice and feedback. Have a look at online resources including critical articles on your texts (not just lit charts articles). There are a bunch of different articles linked throughout this article but here are a summary of a few more articles written by some very smart LSG tutors!

Breaking down the VCE Literature Exam Criteria

Common Mistakes in VCE Literature

The Dont's of VCE Literature

Let's all be honest here, Year 12 is endlessly tiring. Literature, for all its greatness, can also be endlessly tiring. Along with 3-4 other subjects, sometimes the idea of writing a practice piece, deeply analyzing the language of your text, or doing research into the context, views and values of the author are things you really, really don’t feel like doing.

Although these things are necessary and important, they’re also often difficult, taxing, and possibly not that interesting. Not too long before the Literature exam, my friend and I were texting, both feeling immense stress and guilt because we felt we hadn’t studied enough for the exam, but equally tired and unable to write any practice pieces. I’m sure many of you are very familiar with the paradox of not spending time studying because you are instead spending that time worrying about not studying.

However, there’s really no need to suddenly feel full of stress and anxiety when you have no motivation to do such work for Literature, that’s just wasted energy! Instead, accept that you’re going to have a little break from the serious stuff, and use that energy instead to improve your understanding and knowledge of your text (part of the exam criteria!!).

My friend and I decided we’d meet for coffee, and try and just discuss our exam texts together (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf and Dark Roots).

‘Bring paper and the books’ she texted me ‘I’ve got an idea’. And that idea was...

VCE Literature Charades

How to play:1. Find a friend2. Think a concept, character, quote, theme, literary device or anything really from one of your texts3. Forget about your dignity4. Act it out until your friend guesses5. Swap and repeat.And once people started to stare as we theatrically mimed things like ‘metaphor’ and ‘the albatross’ we decided to tone it down a little bit, leading to the invention of...

VCE Literature Pictionary

How to play:1. Find a friend2. Think of a concept, character, quote, theme, literary device (you get the idea)3. Keep your dignity intact!4. Start drawing the idea until your friend eventually guesses (warning: could lead to many failed attempts at drawing ‘foreshadowing’)5. Swap and repeat.

So I know this seems ridiculous but I swear, without even realizing it you’re getting to know your text so much better. There’ll be that moment in the exam room when all you’re thinking is ‘what on earth is that quote’, and suddenly you’ll remember how you’re friend fell off her chair trying to mime it. Either way, it’s a much more valuable use of time than worrying about not studying, especially because you’ll spend most of the time laughing.

If you’re alone, and you really don’t feel like studying for literature, but you still kind of have to study for literature… don’t despair! Find a place in your house where you wont be disturbed (or disturb anyone) and pretend you’re running an information session on your text. I used to record endless minutes of myself rambling about all different facets of my text, with no comprehensible structure, just trying to say and explain everything I knew about it. I would delete them almost straight away, but trust me, taking on the role of a teacher can be very fun, and when no ones watching, you can really just go for it. Things are much more likely to stay in your memory when you’ve explained them aloud, so you’ll be super prepared for your SACS!

Of course, it is beyond important to make sure you write as many practice pieces as you think you need to, and to work on tasks that may at times be ‘boring’, but if you want to avoid burning out try making studying a little fun!

Once you have finished all your Literature SACs for the year, all that is left is a 2 hour and 15 minute exam that will play a major part in determining your end of year study score. It seems extremely daunting, and because many of the SACs differ from the exam task, you may be feeling a bit nervous or confused about what exactly the exam entails.

In describing the task, the exam paper states:

For each of your selected texts, you must use one or more of the passages as the basis for a discussion of that text.

In your pieces of writing, refer in detail to the passage or passages and the texts. You may include minor references to other texts.

Therefore, you must write two close analysis pieces on the exam, one on each of your chosen texts. You must use the three passages included on the exam to explore and analyse the text as a whole. Most of your piece should be analysis of what is in front of you in the exam, but you must also use evidence from outside the passages, to demonstrate your knowledge and connection with the text.

The exam will be marked against a criterion that differs from any of your SACs (although it is quite similar to your close analysis SAC). Therefore it is imperative to understand the criteria you will be marked on before beginning to study for the Literature exam, and especially before you try some practice exams. They are as follows, and can be found on the VCAA Literature exam page.

Understanding of the text demonstrated in a relevant and plausible interpretation

This criteria relates to your ability to show your comprehension of the text. The examiner will be noting whether the concepts, ideas and themes in the text are understood. They will assess your interpretation of the text, and whether it is relevant and fair in relation to the meaning in the text

Ability to write expressively and coherently to present an interpretation

Literature is a writing subject, therefore this criteria asks that you write with fluency, an expressive vocabulary and clarity. Your piece must also be a coherent, unified work that clearly articulates your discussion and interpretation of the passages and text as a whole. This criteria can also relate to your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling as the clarity of your piece can be threatened if these are not used correctly.

Understanding of how views and values may be suggested in the text

You must demonstrate an ability to identify, discuss and analyze the views and values within the text. You must be able to support your discussion with evidence from the text

Analysis of how key passages and/or moments in the text contribute to an interpretation

Your ability to analyse the three passages, as well as the text as a whole, and draw an interpretation from them. Examiners will be looking to see that you can use set material and the whole text as a basis for discussion.  

Analysis of the features of a text and how they contribute to an interpretation

This criteria determines that you must identify factors including metalanguage, specific language and authorial techniques, and discuss how they create meaning. Remember that this is literature, so discussing the different elements used to construct a text (character, plot, setting, motifs, symbols” is imperative.

Analysis and close reading of textual details to support a coherent and detailed interpretation of the text

This criteria determines that you need to use evidence from the text (including quotes) in order to aid a logical and comprehensive interpretation of the text. Examiners will be looking at your ability to look deeply into smaller authorial choices, and how they create meaning.

Best of luck!

With the Literary Perspectives essay can come mild confusion regarding its structure, extent (as well as form) of analysis and differentiability from your standard English text response - which is why I’m here to tell you that this confusion, while inevitable, is easily overcome! A text like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is rife with complexities in both its narrative features and literary devices, all prime for discussion in your own essay. ‍

Consider the following prompt: “ Discuss the proposition that ‘ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ is a condemnation of 1950’s American society.”

Don’t let this prompt’s simple exterior fool you. What it leaves room for - and what the assessor will ultimately be looking for - is the development of your own complex ideas. It is this metamorphosis from the simple to complex that, when evident in your own writing, allows your essay to truly shine. This is obviously applicable to English as well, but where a clear fork in the road lies is in the act of grouping those complex ideas under the umbrella of a specific critical lens (or multiple!).  

For instance, this specific prompt is great in how a diverse range of literary perspectives can be applied to it due to its main subject being 1950s American society. These can include: feminist, psychoanalytical, queer, New Historicist, Marxist, and I’m sure many others!

When faced with a number of critical lenses you can choose from, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that focusing your essay on mainly two or three lenses will ensure it’s more streamlined and therefore easier to both write and read. I know incorporating more lenses as a means of adding variety within your essay is quite tempting, but this is sure to both hinder the depth of your analysis/discussion - which is where marks are ultimately rewarded - and run the risk of disrupting any form of cohesion in your writing. The lenses you choose will ultimately be dependent on the extent of their applicability to the prompt and how comfortable you are with using them (i.e don’t use a Marxist lens if you don’t know how to extensively discuss social classes). The combination of lenses you choose, coupled with your own interpretation, help to inform the development of your unique perspective of the text.

For this prompt, I personally chose to focus on using the critical lenses of New Historicism, psychoanalysis and queer theory. From here, I’m able to ask myself questions catered to each perspective such as “What specific cultural values are examined in COAHTR and how does Williams present them?” and, relating this to the prompt at hand by also asking: “Is this presentation condemnatory?”. The lenses you choose should be interlinked with your arguments and thus your analyses, enabling you to show the assessor you understand that this isn’t an English text response! ‍


A frequently asked question regarding the intro of a literary perspectives essay is whether or not to state the critical lens/es you are using. The answer to this is that it’s ultimately up to you! Some important points to consider however are:

  • Am I able to include this statement without it sounding janky and disruptive of flow?
  • If I were not to include it, am I able to make it clear enough to the assessor from the get-go what perspective/s I am using?

Outside of that, a literary perspectives intro is pretty similar to that of any other essay.  One thing to remember however, especially with COAHTR, is to briefly explain certain significant concepts you choose to mention. A good example of this is the American Dream - demonstrating that you understand what it is at its core via a brief explanation in your intro is going to leave a far better impression on the assessor than not elaborating on it at all.

See mine below:

“Defined by its moral incongruity against socially upheld conservative values, Tennessee Williams’ play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof illuminates the debilitative effects of subscription to a belief system entrenched in immorality. By highlighting the ways in which values such as heteronormativity and the American Dream — deemed synonymous with “equal opportunity” — serve only as obstructions to genuine human connection, Williams underpins both his condemnation of such mores and, therefore, the eminent human struggle to attain true happiness."

As you can see, I personally chose not to explicitly state what critical lenses I was using in my essay. However, I did make sure to include certain words and phrases commonly associated with the critical lenses they represent.

For example:

  • New Historicism: “socially upheld conservative values”, “belief system”, “values such as heteronormativity and the American Dream”
  • Psychoanalytical: “moral incongruity”, “human connection/struggle to attain true happiness”
  • Queer theory: “heteronormativity”

This allows me to inform the assessor of what lenses I'm using in spite of an absent explicit statement. It’s also far more efficient in this case than having to use the janky phrase “Under the critical lenses of New Historicism, psychoanalysis and queer theory…”.

Body paragraphs:

As I'm sure you already know by now, Literature grants you a lot more freedom than English in terms of structure - and this is especially applicable to the body of your essay! It's important however to find a balance between what structure you’re most comfortable writing with and what’s going to impress the assessor (as opposed to abusing this freedom and floundering about with zero cohesion).

What I personally tend to be comfortable doing is loosely following a TEEL structure, while spicing it up a little by switching around the order here and there.  This is especially evident in my first body paragraph below for the aforementioned prompt, in which I begin with some passage analysis rather than your typical topic sentence:

“Positioning the audience within an American plantation home’s “bed-sitting-room”, Williams immediately envelops the play’s moral foreground in domesticity and the conservative mores of 1950s American society that serve to define such an atmosphere. It being the bedroom of heterosexual couple Brick and Maggie evinces the nature of their exchanges as demonstrative of the morally debilitating effects of the values upheld by the society in which they live — illuminating Williams’ intention to present social mores as obstructive of genuine human connection. Such an intention is foregrounded by the disparity that exists between the external and internal; that is, the socially upheld status of Brick and Maggie’s heterosexual relationship — exempt from subjection to social “disgust” — and the “mendacious” reality of their marriage in its failure to provide either individual with the same sense of primordial wholeness Brick finds in his “clean”, “pure” and “true” homosocial relationship with Skipper. From the outset of the play, heteronormative values are debased as Williams subverts the domestically epitomised dynamic between husband and wife into an embodiment of the inhumane. Maggie is likened to a “priest delivering a liturgical chant”, her lines interspersed with “wordless singing” — alluding to her overly performative nature that compromises the genuineness of human connection. Brick’s visual absence during the play’s opening and his “masked indifference”, too, further undermine the social perception of heterosexuality as the pinnacle of love as it is this reticence that exemplifies the absence of happiness found in their marriage. This sense of disconnection, wherein “living with someone you love can be lonelier — than living entirely alone”, forces Maggie to navigate their relationship through the reductive mode of a “game” wherein it is only by detecting “a sign of nerves in a player on the defensive” that she can attempt to derive genuine emotion from her husband. To reduce human connection to a set of manoeuvrable tactics punctuated only by “the click of mallets” is an act portrayed by Williams as propagative of immorality, vehemently contrasting the reconciliation of the divided self afforded to Brick by the “one, great true thing” in his life: friendship with Skipper. By making the audience privy to the inhumanity lying at the helm of 1950s American social mores, Williams thus presents his scathing critique of such a system, reflecting its capacity for obstructing human connection and therefore the futility of conforming to its standards.”

A key feature of this paragraph is the nature of my analysis - it is, essentially, very similar to what you’d find in a passage analysis essay. It’s important to note that the skills you’ve learnt for the latter can be easily implemented in a literary perspectives essay and is often what allows it to truly stand out! It also forces you to frequently reference the text with quotes in the same way you would in a passage analysis essay, which is glorious in any assessor’s eyes.

With “zooming in” on certain passages in the text (think analysing literary devices, setting, syntax, etc.) however must also follow “zooming out” and evaluating their overall meaning, especially in relation to their significance to the prompt.

A concise example of “zooming in and out” from the previous paragraph can be seen below:

“ Maggie is likened to a “priest delivering a liturgical chant”, her lines interspersed with “wordless singing” — alluding to her overly performative nature that compromises the genuineness of human connection. ”

Below is another example from a different body paragraph for the same essay:

“ Hateful figures transformed into animalistic grotesques, the children of Mae and Gooper are depicted as “no-neck monsters” with “dawg’s names”, with the “fat old body” of Big Mama herself alternating in appearance from “an old bulldog” to a “charging rhino”. Here the moral degradation of a society so heavily reliant on the atomisation of its individuals is made most conspicuous, with Big Daddy’s semblance to a large animal who “pants and wheezes and sniffs” serving as a further testament to such a notion.”


This is yet another portion of your essay granted freedom by the nature of VCE Literature, so whether or not you choose to intertwine it with your last body paragraph or separate it completely is entirely up to you. What you choose to emphasise in your conclusion is also very similar to that of any other essay as the main focus is to hammer home your interpretation of the text in relation to the prompt!

See my example below:

“Williams, by presenting 1950’s American society as both propagative of atomisation and obstructive of innate morality, ultimately highlights the futility that lies in assimilating to such a belief system as a means of attaining true happiness. The pressure to subscribe to morally reductive values wherein any remnants of the innate are wholly ignored only further shrouds the possibility of happiness at all, and it is here where Williams’ portrayal of the human struggle to attain this ideal is made most conspicuous.”

Updated 23/09/2020.

‍ One of the most prominent questions I receive from students  is this: “do I need to write an introduction?”. This is usually followed with “how do I write an introduction?”.

Firstly, yes,  I believe all students should be writing introductions  as they are an excellent way to showcase your ability to provide an insight into your personal “reading” of the text, interpret the passages and allow you an avenue through which to begin your discussion of the material. In this guide, I will be explaining two of the key elements to be utilised to create a strong introduction.

When constructing introductions, it is important to note that the VCAA Literature Exam Criteria is as follows:

  • understanding of the text demonstrated in a relevant and plausible interpretation
  • ability to write expressively and coherently to present an interpretation
  • understanding of how views and values may be suggested in the text
  • analysis of how key passages and/or moments in the text contribute to an interpretation
  • analysis of the features of a text and how they contribute to an interpretation
  • analysis and close reading of textual details to support a coherent and detailed interpretation of the text

What you need to include in your Close Analysis introduction

Considering these points, your introduction should feature these 2 elements:  your personal reading  of the text and  your interpretation  of the passages.

Your personal reading  is simply your perception of the text. Though the key facets of the text such as the plot and the characters are generally viewed by the majority in a similar fashion, each student will have their own opinions of the text. This can range from resonating with particular scenes or placing a greater emphasis on a certain concept or relationship.

Your interpretation of the passages  is the way in which you view the excerpts given to you. Akin to your personal reading, the core aspects of the passages will likely be viewed similarly by most students, however your point of difference will come from how you perceive  the passages suggest views and values  and  how features and moments contribute to an interpretation  (factors coming from the criteria).

In terms of structure, try to begin with a sentence or two explaining  your personal reading of the text.  The key to doing so in a manner befitting Close Analysis however, is to utilise  quotes from the passages  to supplement your assertion.

Here is a sample written about George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion”:

George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion” contrasts the absence of morality in the titled upper class of 19th century England who dehumanise common citizens as “pebbles on the beach” and the under privileged but morally conscious lower class, “intimidated” by the socio-economic chasm, but living with “middle class morality”.

This  highlights my personal reading  of Pygmalion as a whole, supported by quotes from the passages I was provided.

To build on this, proceed by writing a sentence or two that demonstrates  your interpretation of the passages  and how they discuss views and values and create meaning.

Though Shaw implies that one can ascend the ranks through Doolittle’s “lecturing them blue in the face” and Eliza’s gradual self-actualisation, ultimately Shaw quashes any prospect of one permanently invading the upper class by deploying the repetitive “I will” catchphrase throughout Eliza’s ventures. The indefatigable delivery ironically conveys the notion that in spite of Eliza’s effort, she “won’t” achieve.

In these sentences I have commented briefly on the events within the passages and utilised them to exemplify how they are utilised to delve into views and values and create meaning in the overall context of the text. These factors encompass  my interpretation of the passages .

Introductions which contain these two key features will score well as they  directly target numerous parts of the assessment criteria . This allows students to explicitly outline their overall reading of the text in a style which will efficiently show off your writing skills. Here's the introduction altogether:

Sample A+ Introduction

George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion” contrasts the absence of morality in the titled upper class of 19th century England who dehumanise common citizens as “pebbles on the beach” and the under privileged but morally conscious lower class, “intimidated” by the socio-economic chasm, but living with “middle class morality”. Though Shaw implies that one can ascend the ranks through Doolittle’s “lecturing them blue in the face” and Eliza’s gradual self-actualisation, ultimately Shaw quashes any prospect of one permanently invading the upper class by deploying the repetitive “I will” catchphrase throughout Eliza’s ventures. The indefatigable delivery ironically conveys the notion that in spite of Eliza’s effort, she “won’t” achieve.

Studying both English and Literature in VCE is an interesting undertaking, and I’ve heard very mixed opinions about whether or not it’s a good idea. For me it was a no-brainer; I’d always loved English so why wouldn’t I take advantage of the opportunity to study two English-based subjects? Looking back on my VCE experience now, and comparing my experience of studying each subject, I can see that they are each very different. However, if you’re going to study both, don’t expect that each subject will unfold in isolation, because your work in one of these subjects will undoubtedly impact upon your work in the other - even if, like me, you complete them in different years. So if you enjoy English I would 100% endorse studying both VCE English and VCE Literature, but being an English-nerd I still think there are benefits to analysing the process of studying this dynamic-duo back to back.

The Content

At the beginning, I assumed that Literature and English would be fairly similar in terms of studying and writing. It’s all about reading books and writing essays, right? Well, whilst this is essentially true, it turns out that the process for each subject is quite different. I studied year 12 Literature first, completing it in 2017 as a year 11 student, and as my only unit 3/4 subject for that year it was the focus of a lot of my time, energy, and creativity. What I loved about VCE Literature from the beginning was the departure from formula; the impetus to “dive right in” as my teacher always used to say. Instead of worrying about how many sentences your introductions and conclusions have to be, in Literature you can simply get straight into the analysis and see how far it takes you.  So, if you’re the kind of person who needs to stick to that body paragraph structure acronym that has always served you so well, then when you first start studying Literature it might be a challenge to loosen up. Or, if you’re like me and can’t shake the compulsion to write paragraphs that take up double-sided sheets of paper, you might find this subject to be a welcome respite from some of the restrictions of English tasks.

Although English is often viewed as the more ‘basic’ of the two, in many ways I found it more difficult once I hit year 12. Having just finished VCE Literature, shifting my focus back to English definitely wasn’t as seamless as I might have expected. In comparison to my Literature essays where I would base paragraphs around in-depth analysis of a few of Gaskell’s sentences, my English text responses felt stunted and forced – English isn’t really compatible with tangents, and so it was difficult to train myself to be expressive whilst also being concise. In my opinion, the most daunting of the year 12 VCE English SACs is the comparative, and this is where my lack of flow was most evident. Being accustomed to delving into complex discussion of the details of my Literature texts, it seemed impossible to provide insightful analysis of two texts simultaneously, whilst also comparing them to each other and also keeping my essays well structured. My first comparative practices sounded somewhat awkward when I read over them, and I just felt like I never really knew what I was trying to get across. This provoked me to be frustrated with myself, and then my frustration distracted me from writing, and then my essays read even more contrived; you get the idea.

So, how do you push past this sense of friction between the study of English and the study of Literature? Well, I think the best way to reconcile the conflicting approaches is to realise that each subject brings out different strengths, but these strengths can be applied to either type of study. Yes to a certain extent English is supposed to be formulaic, but you can use the analysis skills you learn in Literature to enhance your English text responses and give your work a point of difference. On the flip side, the structure you work with in English can be applied to Literature to ensure that your essays always exhibit direction and purpose, even if they encompass a broader range of discussion. Once I realised that I didn’t have to discard all of my Literature skills and start writing my English work exactly the same as everybody else, I began to develop a more fluid, balanced writing style that enhanced all of my English tasks – even the comparative.

Let’s start with the obvious comparisons between the English exam and the Literature exam. Firstly, the English exam encompasses three essays in three hours (with 15 minutes reading time), whilst Literature is only two essays in two hours. The English exams tasks include a text response to a prompt, a comparative text response to a prompt, and a language analysis. The Literature exam involves a passage analysis, and a text response to a prompt influenced by a literary perspective. Where in the English exam you are given a choice of prompts for each text choice, whereas for both sections of the Literature exam only one choice is available for each text. Whilst both exams involve some supplied material, in Literature this material is a passage from one of the set texts, however for the language analysis section of the English exam this is completely unseen material created by the VCAA. For me, this felt like a very significant difference, because there is no familiar material (i.e. passages from the texts) to rely on in the English exam; if you get lost you can’t latch on to anything except what you have memorised.

Personally, I think that the study strategies I utilised for each exam were fairly similar, although obviously geared towards different tasks. I took in depth notes on my texts, planned essays, memorised quotations and explored their significance, timed my practice essays etc. My actual approach to each exam was also similar, for example I made sure to allocate one hour for each different task and did all of my planning mentally during reading time. So although obviously everyone’s study and exam techniques are different, this shows that your own personal strategies that you develop can be applied to both the Literature and the English exams. However, despite the continuity in this sense I still found myself feeling very different coming out of my English exam than I had leaving my Literature exam the year before. Where after the Literature exam I had been content with the knowledge that I had showcased the best version of my abilities, after the English exam I felt much more unsure and ready to believe the worst about the outcome. This particular comparison is of course specific to every individual person, however I think it could have something to do with the knowledge that most VCE students study English and the difficulty in believing that your work could stand out from the work of 40,000 others.

The Results

In the end, I achieved very different results from these two subjects, with English being my highest study score and Literature being one of my 10% contributions. It seems to be a general consensus (or at least it was at my school) that it is more difficult to crack the high 40s in Literature than in English, and whether this is true or not it definitely impacted my expectations of my results each subject. However, that said, after being slightly disappointed with my Literature results in year 11 I was not overly optimistic about doing much better in English. When talking about this with my Literature teacher, she told me to “remember that English is marked very differently to Lit, so don’t think you can’t get a 50” and I think this is very solid advice. Whilst you might feel you were equally skilled at both subjects, this doesn’t mean you will receive equally ‘good’ results’, but don’t let this disparity discourage you because, as we have discussed throughout this post, when it comes to Literature and English one size does not fit all.

Imagine a friend tells you eerie accounts of her witnessing a ghostly presence in her home. You scoff and condescendingly humour her. But as her stories begin to manifest itself in her gaunt appearance, you alarmingly notice how she truly believes in the apparitions she recounts. You begin to doubt her sanity, you begin to doubt the certainty with which you dismissed her supernatural visions and now, you begin to doubt yourself. THE SUSPENSE BUILDS.

But let’s say this friend filmed the ghostly apparitions and showed them to you. Sure – the evidence of this ghost is frighteningly scary. But the suspense that was built in the doubt, uncertainty and ambiguity of your friend’s tale is now lost. The ghosts caught in film acts as another eyewitness and another medium to validate your friend’s narrative. Your friend is no longer the only person who sees these ghosts, shattering all doubt within you of the ghost’s existence. THE SUSPENSE – is gone.

Notice how the form and genre of the spoken word in the first example was meaningful in its the effect on the reader? But when the form changed to a film, the meaningful suspense and ambiguity that was unique and crucial in the original text,  changed , and was no longer as pronounced. Yes – the film itself may be terrifying. But the very doubt and suspense around not knowing if your friend was a lunatic for seeing ghosts or if she was telling the truth all contributes to the meaning derived from the form of the ‘text’ in an unreliable first person narrative. This is the crux of adaptations and transformations, and what you need to identify and analyse –  how the meaning is changed/altered when the form of the text is changed .

Here are 7 lucky tips for how to tackle the SAC:

  • Identify the unique  conventions  in the construction of the original text – characterisation, genre, tone, style, structure, point of view/narration (or any devices employed in constructing the text e.g. cinematic devices in a film such as camera angles, framing, lighting, costumes, interior/exterior settings, sound)
  • Now do step 1 with the adapted/transformed text
  • How do the two text forms  differ ? How are they the  same ? However, be sure you do not simply compare and contrast. The most crucial step is what  meaning  can be derived from the similarities and differences?  How does the meaning change?
  • Note  additions and omissions  (and even silences) – do they change how readers/viewers perceive the narrative and alter your opinions and perceptions of the text?
  • Historical context and setting  – what significance does the context have on the narrative? Has the adaptation/transformation been re-contextualised? Does that alter the meaning of the original text?
  • How does the change in form  impact you as the reader/viewer ? Analyse your own reactions and feelings towards each text form. Do you sympathise with a character more in the original text? How are we positioned to feel this way? Why do you lack the same level of sympathy for the adapted/transformed text?
  • Incorporate pertinent  quotations  from both forms of text to substantiate and support your ideas and key points.

Final questions to ponder

Most importantly is to share your  original  interpretation of what meaning and significance you can extract from the text, and how  you believe  it changes once the form alters.

What makes the text in its original form interesting or unique?

Is that quality captured in its adaptation/transformation?

As always with Literature, this task is designed for you to critically analyse and actively engage with the text, understanding its nuances inside and out in order to decipher its meaning. Be individual in comparing and contrasting the two texts – avoid the obvious similarities/differences everyone in your class will also notice. It is the insightful analysis of the  subtleties  of how  meaning is altered  that will help you stand out!

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Manipulation is all around us; we frequently do not notice it because it is hidden very well. Humans manipulate others in order to get their requests, they expect them to reveal their flaws to use it against them. In Othello, Iago demonstrates he is the master of manipulation over all characters who had formerly trusted and confined him. Shakespeare’s Iago effectively showcases how humans can use others weaknesses to serve their demands which causes them to expose their faults. Shakespeare […]

Shakespeare: Obedience and Powerless in Women

In Hamlet and Othello, Shakespeare criticizes the feminine issues that were present in his time, bringing awareness to the standard roles and ideal expectations of women by characterizing them in a space of being obedient and powerless. As women are portrayed as having ideal feminine values such as chastity and passiveness, the frailty of women is also brought to the surface. On the other hand, Shakespeare also seems to be suggesting that internal destruction is generated in the sense that […]

Theme of Jealousy in Iago, Roderigo, and Othello’s Characters

Shakespeare explores the theme of jealousy in Othello through Iago,Roderigo, and Othello. Iago starts off the jealousy theme in Othello when he gets jealous of Cassio. Othello puts Cassio as his 2nd in command while he signed Iago to be his ensign which means third in command. Iago then goes crazy and starts plotting to ruin Othello’s marriage and get Cassio fired. He then starts putting words in Othello’s head and starts to make him question everything. “O, beware, my […]

Racism and Racial Prejudice in Othello

In the book, Othello, by William Shakespeare, we see a big impact of racism and racial prejudice. Othello shows a lot of this and how it gets in the way by restraining love in society. He is a black man who is also a great and successful war soldier. He dedicates himself to serve society's goals by fighting for his country. Even though, Othello is a Moor, he is the most hardworking and the most respected. When it comes to […]

Imbalance of Power between Men and Women

Social imbalance can be termed as the presence of inequality opportunities as well as rewards for different gender statuses and social function within the society. The act of imbalance can be attributed to various important dimensions that involve cultures, employment opportunities as well as earnings. Furthermore, an aspect of inequality much revolves around power which is primarily discussed in this paper. The power imbalance between men and women in areas such as religion not only occur in western and British […]

Deaths of Characters in Othello

How many people die on Othello? Knowing Shakespeare, he kills off a majority of his characters. In Othello alone, eighty-five point seven percent of the roles die in the end. Whether killed by a sword or strangled out of jealousy, there were no justified reasonings for the deaths. Emilia, Desdemona, and Othello all fall blind to the truth and die because of it. Desdemona, one of Shakespeare's more naive and innocent character, was killed by her own husband in the […]

Reasons of Othello’s Tragedy

Othello's tragedy is a product of not just Iago, but himself. Though Iago may appear to be the primary cause of Othello's downfall, based on how manipulative, evil, and deceptive Iago was throughout the story. It can also be said, after having read the story, Othello's own insecurities were the product of his own self demise. A combination of putting trust into Iago due to male pride, his lack of confidence of Desdemona and the perception of infidelity and racial […]

Was Iago a Real Villain?

The Considering Iago as a "Villain" in  the play Othello, the character Iago plays a main role in the destruction of Othello and all of those around him. People could say that Iago's actions are simply a scheming liar and that he is a purely evil character. Others say Iago's talent for understanding and manipulating the desires of those around him that makes him both a powerful and a compelling figure that represent some greater force. We find soon in […]

Description of Othello’s Character

Othello is the main character in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. He is a well-respected African general in the Venice army and is happily married to Desdemona, a white woman. Othello being African already makes him an outsider and highlights racism in Venice. Throughout this play, there are slurs that have been used to describe Othello, "Moor, is an example of one. Even though Shakespeare did not make race the main theme in the play it is a huge […]

Iago’s Jealousy in Othello

William Shakespeare is prolific for his plays of love, revenge, deceit and jealousy. Among his most celebrated plays is the tragedy Othello, in which the themes of jealousy and deceit play a central role. In Othello, one of his most recognized tragedies was revolving around the central theme of jealousy and deceit. The themes of jealousy and deceit go with love. Love consumes all those who take part in it and in Othello’s case, his love for Desdemona has blinded […]

Literary Devices Used Othello

In Othello by William Shakespeare, Othello considers and thinks about all his actions before going through with them. By analyzing his soliloquies, we can understand his thoughts, and his reasons behind his actions. In act 5 scene 2 the first soliloquy Othello contemplated him killing his wife. This monologue gives you an inside scoop of Othello's thinking process because he doesn't want to kill his wife but feels as if he needs to. Othello makes choices that he might not […]

Lies, Revenge and Betrayal in Othello

Lies are extremely common in our society today, with millions of people masking their true intentions. In Shakespeare's play titled Othello, one of the characters, Iago, is no different and in fact the same as those deceptive individuals in society. Behind his act as a trustworthy friend, Iago is a manipulative and deceptive character creating disorder and causing many mishaps to occur. Iago uses many acts of manipulation to undermine every single character's weaknesses to get exactly what he wants, […]

Insanity Within the Plays of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare in his many plays and other pieces of literature created some of the most well thought out characters of all time. The characters often had reasons for what they did or what they thought, shedding new light on what it meant to actually be “insane”. The characters’ motives were often shown during his stories, Because of that, Shakespeare, through his use of literature and understanding of the human mind, shaped western culture’s perception of insanity from negative feelings […]

Othello as an Ideal Representation of the Tragic Hero

William Shakespeare's Othello is a clear representation of the downfall of a tragic hero. Set in Venice and Cyprus during the 16th century, Othello, a moor, deals with the manipulative actions of a general of the Venetian army, Iago. Due to losing his desired position of being Othello's lieutenant to another solider Cassio, he plots is revenge in deviousness. Othello becomes persuaded by Iago 's rumors, framing, and miscommunications, causing him to kill Desdemona, his believed unfaithful wife. In realization […]

Sexism in Shakespeare’s Play Othello

"In the book, Othello written by Shakespeare, there is a main theme of sexism present throughout the book, Although the book was written in the 1600s, and there have been great decreases in sexism around the world, many of these ideas and scenarios are still present to this day. Sexism is defined as prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. Sexism has been present for centuries, in many different forms, such as wage gaps, gender […]

Power and Control in Othello

In modern society, there are instances where one person has power over another. It is found in professions, school, and everyday life. What is meant by control is having some sort of influence in the way you act, make money, or are seen by others. This in no way means that someone completely owns another person. Power and control of others can be found by lying to others for benefits, men taking a higher role than women, and higher-ranked people […]

Othello Gullible Essay

The start of the Renaissance marked a time of a creative movement that promoted the greatest artists and creators to come forth and produce the best that their minds could think up. One of these artists that today still hold a position of being greatly respected and admired by the public is William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a poet, writing over 154 sonnets, and a playwright, and in each of the 37 plays, he was able to “capture the complete range […]

With Love, Violence and Vengeance

Through the twisted minds of human nature, love is shown through acts of violence and vengeance committed by mankind. William Shakespeare's, Othello and Homer’s The Odyssey violence and vengeance are portrayed through jealousy, prejudice, justice, and honor. Their roles are woven throughout these books to portray the idea that love is a violent concept. Violence and vengeance can be found in several ways. It can be expressed physically, verbally, and mentally. Othello shows how envy and jealousy can overpower and […]

Importance of Literary Devices in Othello

This passage highlights Iago's character through the use of diction, imagery, irony, and other instances of figurative language. In this exchange, Iago continues to inconspicuously accuse Desdemona of being unfaithful to Othello and accuse Cassio of being disloyal to his superiors. He inserts various remarks at different times to execute this plan. At the end of this echange, Iago has effectively created an unfaithful and untruthful image of Cassio and Desdemona, and planted a seed of jealousy and doubt in […]

A Short Review of the Othello Play

In Act 1 of Othello, we are introduced to Iago and Roderigo. Iago is upset because Othello gave Cassio the position Iago wanted. Iago felt Cassio was not qualified for the position because he had never been in actual situations unlike Iago. The true colors of Iago are shown because this is the first time the audience has been exposed to the deceitful side of Iago. He talks about only following Othello just so he can turn his back on […]

My Attitude to Othello and Iago

Iago the antagonist within Othello written by William Shakespeare. I am so engaged with Iago because I want to secretly be like him. To get away with all the destruction he exerts. I get bored of the good guys always succeeding. He embodies both attraction and repulsion. The character of dramatic irony gropes us into his story and makes me agree that the most effective villain is one that both attracts and repels, which is why a villain is a […]

Characters in the Play Othello

The play Othello written by Shakespeare in the 1600s takes place in Venice, and Cyprus an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Shakespeare’s tale focuses on love, jealousy, and betrayal. Main characters being; Iago, Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Bianca, and others. While some of these main characters go through some minor and big changes throughout the play. The character Othello undergoes many changes from start to finish, although some of the other characters in this play have a part in the way […]

A True Reason of Othello Demise

The novel Othello is about a General man named Othello and his wife Desdemona, just trying to be a normal couple, but problems occur when Iago starts to stir things up and starts to put lies in Othello's head. Iago starts to stir things up because Iago wanted to get the rank as lieutenant but Othello thought Cassio deserved it more and gave it to him so Iago wants revenge and wants to mess up Othello's relationship with Desdemona. Iago […]

Racism in Othello

Throughout history, men have the tendency to seek power. They may initially intend on pursuing the greater good, but eventually, pride rules out. And according to Cornelius Tacitus, senator of the Roman Empire, “the lust for power, for dominating others, inflames the heart more than any other passion” (Tacitus). This desire that is stained within our human nature gradually instigates tension between individuals and is largely influenced by race. Therefore, while those who triumph usually become centered, those without, get […]

Othello as an Aristotelean Tragedy

Legendary playmakers, such as Aristotle and Sophocles, held an influential position in the history of theatrical performances. In creating works like Oedipus the King, such experts seemingly knew how to intertwine human emotion with the actions of the narrative. This prowess eventually adopted by other artists led to the creation of some of the greatest plays in history. Interestingly, most of these plays entailed a protagonist, covered in splendor and valor throughout the play. The lead character often gained high […]

Prominent Theme in Shakespeare’s Othello

Within the play "Othello, written by William Shakespeare, the main and prominent theme of the play concerns with Othello's primary flaw, his jealousy. Thus, it is evident within the play the term "The Green-Eyed Monster whom Iago refers as jealousy suggests why The role of jealousy within Othello is focused from his delusional jealousy described as "Othello Syndrome, how his jealousy can resonate with readers and the connection with real-life marriages. In Shakespeare's Othello, he introduces the term of the […]

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  • Medieval Romance "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
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  • The Road not Taken Poem Analysis
  • Gender Roles in the Great Gatsby
  • Comparison Of Introverts VS Extroverts
  • The Cask of Amontillado Literary Analysis

How To Write an Essay About Othello

Understanding the play 'othello'.

To write an effective essay about Shakespeare's 'Othello,' it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the play. 'Othello' is a tragedy that explores themes such as jealousy, love, betrayal, and racism. Start by familiarizing yourself with the plot, characters, and Shakespeare's language. It's important to understand the historical and cultural context in which Shakespeare wrote the play. Research the Elizabethan era's attitudes towards race and gender, as these are central themes in 'Othello.' Understanding the play's context and themes will provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Formulating a Thesis Statement

Your essay should be driven by a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should offer a unique perspective on 'Othello.' You might choose to focus on a character analysis of Othello or Iago, explore the theme of jealousy, or examine the play's treatment of race and ethnicity. Whatever focus you choose, your thesis should guide your analysis and provide a central argument for your essay.

Gathering Evidence from the Play

Once you have your thesis, gather evidence from the play to support your argument. This involves closely reading the text to find relevant quotes, dialogues, and scenes. For example, if you're discussing the theme of betrayal, identify instances in the play where betrayal is evident and examine the consequences of these actions. This evidence will form the backbone of your essay and strengthen your arguments.

Analyzing Shakespeare's Techniques

In your essay, analyze how Shakespeare uses various techniques to convey themes and develop characters. This might include his use of language, imagery, symbolism, and dramatic structure. For instance, explore how Shakespeare uses irony or foreshadowing to enhance the tragic elements of the story. Your analysis should provide insight into how Shakespeare's techniques contribute to the overall meaning and impact of 'Othello.'

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and restating your thesis. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and reinforce your overall argument. It's also an opportunity to reflect on the broader significance of 'Othello' in terms of its relevance to contemporary audiences or its place in Shakespeare's body of work.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After writing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on 'Othello' should not only demonstrate your understanding of the play but also your ability to engage critically with Shakespeare's work.

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Essays on Othello

Othello essay describes a tragedy by William Shakespeare, written in the early 17th century. Othello essays follow a story of Othello, the Moor of Venice, and a renowned military leader, who secretly marries Desdemona. His assistant Iago and the nobleman Rodrigo, who is in love with Desdemona and nearly committed suicide because of unrequited love, are preparing a conspiracy against Othello. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona is the mistress of Cassio, Othello's young subordinate. This rumor, supported by not too convincing evidence, pushes Othello to kill Desdemona. The main themes, according to essays on Othello, are betrayal, love, and jealousy. Check out Othello essay samples below. We spent the time to prepare essay samples that are most useful and entertaining to read.

Iago: The Manipulative Driving Force Iago is among the most interesting characters in the tragedy play “Othello” by William Shakespeare. From his wisely thought utterances and actions, Iago manipulates other characters in a way that he stands to benefit and get closer to his objectives. He is considered the driving force...

Merchant of Moor: A Tragic Tale by Shakespeare Merchant of Moor is a tragic story by Shakespeare, and it is thought to have been printed in 1603. The tragedy emphasizes on Othello who is the central character and plays as a military general in the Venetian war and his traitorous acquaintance...

Shakespeare prominently used recurring themes throughout his work, particularly those of love, betrayal, hate, revenge, jealousy, deceit, politics and race.  The play, “the Tragedy of Othello” is mostly about love and hate. These are two great themes in literature.  Although the two are opposites, in the play, they are closely...

Words: 1690

Jealousy is apparent throughout Shakespeare’s Othello. The tragedy Othello highlights the doom of Othello and various chief characters as a result of jealousy. Jealousy is mainly depicted through the two main characters: Othello and Iago. It destroys their lives since it makes Iago depict his true self, which successively prompts...

Words: 1165

Words: 1436

Othello by Shakespeare is written at a time when the society was very patriarchal. Men view women as objects and not subjects in the relationship. The female gender is bound to be loyal and praise with submission men with their womanhood. Contrary to this cultural practice, Shakespeare presents strong women...

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In the society, there are commonly two types of individuals; those that have good characters and those that are evil with ill intentions. God people will always possess positive energy and want the good for others while the evil, because of their sociopathic nature, will always engage in ill doing...

Words: 1376

Shakespeare and the Tragedy of Othello Shakespeare emphasized the drama of a hero and a strong lady in The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. Due to their flaws and character characteristics, Othello and Desdemona experience tragedy. Othello is portrayed as a domestic tragedy with a number of universal elements,...

Words: 1552

Othello will serve as my chosen point of emphasis in this essay. I want to investigate his temperamental and judging nature, which led him to murder his wife Desdemona and then commit suicide after learning that his motivation for doing so was a fabricated accusation by his friend Lago. In...

Words: 1143

A Fig of Virtue! Iago's soliloquy is a well-known speech in which he discusses the essence of virtue. Although Iago's speech appears to have the correct meaning to the audience, his motivations were selfish. He obviously wishes Roderigo to keep trying to convince his lover Desdemona, who later married another...

Words: 1126

The major characters of Othello are depicted in an argument between Roderigo and Lago on a Venice street in the opening scene of the play. The lawsuit involved two distinct parties, a wealthy man named Roderigo and a person of lower social standing named Lago. The woman in question, in...

Words: 1794

An introduction to the drama "Othello." Othello, the "Moor of Venice," as an individual. The "Othello" Shakespeare crowd in Elizabethan England. The thesis assertion the racism motif Why was Othello's character a black guy because of stereotypes and prejudice? How well an Othello played by a Caucasian person would perform Why a white person can't perform the...

Words: 2678

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 500 Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

500 Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

mental health argumentative essay topics

Mental health is an increasingly prominent topic in contemporary discourse, reflecting its critical impact on individuals and society as a whole. Addressing mental health issues through argumentative essays allows for a deeper exploration of the complexities involved, fostering greater understanding and advocacy. These essays not only provide an opportunity to challenge existing stigmas and misconceptions but also encourage critical thinking and informed debate.

In this article, we present a comprehensive collection of 500 mental health argumentative essay topics and ideas. This extensive list is designed to inspire students, educators, and professionals to engage with diverse aspects of mental health, from policy and treatment to the social and personal dimensions of mental well-being. Whether you're looking to explore current trends, delve into school-related issues, or discuss specific mental health conditions, you'll find a wide array of topics to suit your needs.

Our curated selection is divided into various categories, ensuring a broad coverage of relevant themes. Additionally, we offer practical tips on how to choose a compelling topic for your essay, ensuring that your work is both impactful and insightful. Dive into this resource to find the perfect mental health essay topic  that will not only engage your readers but also contribute meaningfully to the ongoing conversation about mental health.

🏆 TOP Argumentative Mental Health Topics

  • The Importance of Mental Health Awareness
  • Mental Health: Thesis Statement
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder in The "Split" Movie: a Psychological Analysis
  • How Did The Pandemic Affect Your Mental Health: a Reflection
  • Breaking The Stigma of Mental Health: an Essential Endeavor
  • Mental Illness as a Social Problem
  • Borderline Personality Disorder of The Protagonist in ‘Good Will Hunting’ Movie
  • Shutter Island: Psychology and Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • The Effects of Mental Health on Our Life
  • The Main Causes of Mental Health Issues in Students

🔥 20 Trendy Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics in 2024

  • The Role of Social Media in Influencing Teen Mental Health
  • The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Practices in Managing Anxiety and Depression
  • Should Schools Implement Mental Health Education Programs for Students?
  • The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health in Different Cultures and How to Overcome It
  • The Link Between Religiosity and Mental Health
  • Tracking Mental Well Being by Using Sensing Technology
  • The Importance of Workplace Mental Health Initiatives
  • The Impact of Academic Pressure on Student Mental Health
  • Early Intervention Strategies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • The Efficacy of Teletherapy in Mental Health Treatment
  • Addressing Mental Health Disparities in Public Health Policies
  • The Relationship Between Nutrition and Mental Health
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • Mental Health in Marginalized Communities
  • The Role of Pets in Improving Mental Health
  • The Benefits of Group Therapy for Mental Health
  • The Relationship Between Mental Health and Creativity
  • The Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • The Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Treating Depression and Anxiety

🖋 Good Argumentative Mental Health Topics to Write About

  • Reduction of Inhibitory Control in People with ADHD
  • Ileana Chivescu Case Study
  • The Concept of Shyness in Psychology and Its Relation to Anxiety
  • The Power of Following Your Fear and Anxiety
  • Understanding The Facts Surrounding Bipolar Disorder
  • A Comprehensive Exploration of The Phenomenon in The Teaching Profession
  • The Complex Relationship Between Nursing, Burnout, and Professional Well-being
  • The Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Personality Traits
  • Analyzing Toyota's Recall Challenge
  • Exploring Crisis and Systems Theories in Social Work Practice
  • Understanding, Intervening, and Empowering Through Crisis
  • The Story of a 6 Month Old Baby not Wanting to Live
  • The Issue of Identity in a Separate Peace by John Knowles
  • The Ongoing Researches of Dissociative Identity Disorder, Its Symptoms and Effects
  • Dyslexia Disorder Description
  • Scholarly Pursuits in Special Education
  • How Light is Used in The Circadian Rhythm
  • NFL and MLB Performance Regarding Jet Lag Condition
  • Simulated Clinical Encounter Research Protocol
  • Causes of Witchcraft Mass Hysteria in Salem
  • Gile Coreys Death in The Crucible
  • Grudges and Personal Rivalries as The Basis for a Mass Hysteria
  • Human Nature is Prone to Mass Hysteria: The Crucible and Lindy Chamberlain Case
  • Mass Hysteria, Fear and Paranoia, and Its Effect on People
  • The Royal Free Epidemic of 1955 as a Mass Hysteria
  • Understanding of Mass Hysterias Throughout History: Witches, Communists, and Clowns
  • The Meaning of Psychological Well-being and Its Theoretical Conceptualization
  • Using a Traditional Therapy Model and a Community Psychology
  • Violence in Mental Health Settings
  • Trapped Protagonists in Atwood's "Handmaid's Tale" and Kane's "4.48 Psychosis"
  • Isolation from The Society: Heroism Or Foolishness
  • Racism in American Society in 'Just Walk on By' by Brent Staples
  • Social Isolation in The Elderly: Causes and Consequences
  • Social Isolation, Independence, and Interdependence in Learning Outcomes
  • Where I Lived and What I Lived: Experiment of Social Isolation
  • Key Features of Good Quality Edible Fungi
  • Narrative Essay on Stress
  • Review on The Trichotillomania
  • Worst Experience of My Life Essay
  • The Influence that Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety Can Have on Sport Performance
  • The Main Factors and Causes of Professional Burnout
  • The New Sources of Stress in Modern Society
  • Investigation into The Stress Response of Bacteria
  • The Relationship Between Physiology and Behavior in Stress
  • Conjugal Visits and The Issue of Sexual Encounters in Prison
  • Hips and Pelvis
  • Studies on Recovered Memory and Trauma
  • The Things They Carried Theme Essay
  • Theories of Trauma
  • Trauma at The Tunnel in Los Angeles: Emergency Response

🪄 Simple Argumentative Mental Health Essay Topics

  • The Effect of ADHD on The Life of an Individual
  • Behavioral Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Support
  • Understanding ADHD: a Comprehensive Analysis
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) and The Impact Nature Have on It
  • The Importance of Managing Stress and Anxiety in Early Age
  • Anxiety Disorder Among Children and Ways to Prevent It
  • The Issue of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: Causes and What It Feels Like
  • The Effects of Bipolar Disorder on The Human Brain and Behavior
  • Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact
  • Treating Muscle Dysmorphia
  • Examining Borderline Personality Disorder, a Mental Disorder
  • The Basics of Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Overcoming Burnout Syndrome
  • Understanding and Addressing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in The Healthcare Workplace
  • The Impact of Occupational Burnout on Teachers
  • The Toll of Accountability: Burnout in The Nursing Profession
  • What is Nursing Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
  • Mental Illness that Affects Millions of People
  • The Connection Between Dissociative Identity Disorder and Criminal Behavior
  • Discussion on Whether Dissociative Identity Disorder is a Valid Disorder
  • Dyslexia: Advocacy, Representation, and Awareness Raising
  • Dyslexia: Understanding and Addressing Challenges in 2023
  • Types of Insomnia
  • Addressing Mental Health: Awareness, Support, and Intervention
  • Problems, Research and Treatment of Major Depression Disorder
  • The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in The Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder and Its Prevention
  • Supportive Homes for People with Serious Mental Illness
  • Mental Health Challenges in Higher Education
  • Mental Health Awareness Importance: The Bahraini Case
  • Prioritizing Early Intervention for Children's Mental Health
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health
  • Mental Illness in The Criminal Justice System
  • The Problem of Ignorance About Mental Illness
  • Perception Vs Reality: The Challenge of Mental Illness
  • Wake Up Mental Health Awareness: Why It is Important
  • The Issue of Stigma Against Mental Patients and Its Solution
  • The Effect of Mental Illnesses on Art Throughout Different Time Periods
  • How Mental Health Affects Us Everyday
  • Mental Illnesses: Definition, Kinds and Its Effects on Society
  • The Problem of Mental Disorders Among School Students
  • The Interrelation Between Mental Illness and Drug Addiction
  • The Stigma of Mental Illness and Forms of Treatment
  • Research of Stigmatization of Mental Illness
  • The Use of Restraint in Mental Health In-patient Environments
  • The Dangers of Smart Phones
  • The Disadvantages of Social Networking
  • Personality Disorder Diagnosis: Personal Experience
  • 10 Things You Do if You Have Maladaptive Daydreaming

🏫 Argumentative Essay Topics about Mental Health in Schools

  • ADHD: The Child/teacher Struggle
  • Diagnosing Dyscalculia and ADHD Diagnosis in Schools
  • The Importance of Online Schooling for ADD/ADHD Students
  • Description and Prevention of The Most Common Mental Health Disorders
  • The Problem of Social Anxiety Disorders of Teenagers
  • A Study of Social Anxiety Disorder and Simple Shyness
  • Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Impacts, Treatment
  • Overview of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Solution for Anxiety Disorders
  • Symptoms and Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • The Characteristics, Causes, and Prevalence of Panic Disorder, an Anxiety Disorder
  • Treatment, Symptoms, and Prevention Strategies for Bipolar Disorder
  • Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment, and Management
  • Children’s Social and Emotional Well-being
  • Nexus of Educator Stress, Burnout, and Leadership Styles in Girls’ State Secondary Schools
  • The Impact of Leadership Styles on Educator Burnout in a Girls' State Secondary School
  • The Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Personality Traits of Neuroticism and Agreeableness
  • Exploring Theoretical Perspectives and Interventions in Social Work
  • Legal, Ethical, and Practical Dimensions of Online Psychological Interventions in Crisis Situations
  • Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Approaches in Social Work Practice
  • Understanding Crisis Dynamics and Response Strategies
  • Advancing Inclusive Learning: Tech and Educational Strategies
  • Conquering Dyslexia: The Road to Succeeding in Life with The Learning Disability
  • Embracing Inclusivity: Effective Strategies for Students
  • Learning Disabilities: Governance, Employment, and Support
  • My Experience: How to Live with Dyslexia
  • Study of Developmental Phonological Dyslexia
  • A Brain Disorder that Prevents The Comprehension of People
  • Understanding Learning Disabilities
  • My Experience with a Patient with Depressive Disorder
  • Addressing The Stigma and The Importance of Treatment
  • Breaking The Stigma of Mental Health: Awareness and Acceptance
  • Exploring Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
  • Mental Health Awareness: Importance and Impact
  • Mental Health Crisis Among College Students
  • Mental Health Crisis of University Students: Analysis of The Impact of Covid-19
  • Mental Health Issues Among Malaysian Students: Finding Coping Methods
  • Mental Health of The Lower Class
  • My Struggle with Anxiety and Depression
  • Personality Dysfunctions on The Characters in Winnie The Pooh
  • Prioritizing Mental Health: Individual and Collective Responsibility
  • Should Standardized Testing Be Abolished?
  • Teenage Mental Health: The Increase in Mental Illnesses
  • The Impact of Mental Health in Schools
  • The Importance of Psychology in Developing Countries
  • The Importance of Understanding of Self-knowledge and The Subconscious Mind
  • Understanding Mental Health: Definition, Causes, and Impacts
  • Understanding Self-injury from Personal Experience
  • Factors Affecting Mental Health of a Nurse
  • Social Isolation: Effects on an Individual from a Social, Medical and Psychological Perspective

👩‍🎓 Mental Health Debate Topics for Students

  • How Americans Relate to Depression in "Comfortably Numb" by Charles Barber
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Unpacking The Traits
  • Research on Psychopathy as a Neuro-developmental Disorder
  • A Study of The Management of Mental Illnesses in a Family
  • A Study of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • A Study Regarding Medication Adherence Among Female Inmates with Bipolar Disorder
  • An Analysis of The Relation Between Mental Illness, Ethnicity and Social Classes
  • An Argument on Dissociative Identity Disorder (did) as Fictitious
  • An Examination of The Six Mental Illnesses and Its Impact on Human Life
  • An Overview of Dissociative Identity Disorder, Its Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  • An Overview of Narcissism and How to Deal with It
  • Analysis of a Personality with Mental Issues Using Jung's and Adler's Theories
  • Analysis of The Cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Analysis of The Mental Impact of Anxiety and Hostility
  • Antisocial Personality Disorders in Patrick Bateman's American
  • Anxiety Disorder: The Mind Which Plays All The Game
  • ASPD: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Strategies
  • "Bagg Lady": Analysis of Mental Illness
  • Bipolar Disorder: Concept, Types, Symptoms
  • Bipolar Disorder, Its Symptoms and Indicators
  • Bipolar Disorder: Types and Symptoms
  • Body Dysmorphia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Approaches
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder Literature Review
  • Borderline Personality Disorder in Holden Caulfield
  • Collaboration Between Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Mental Health Care
  • Crisis Theory and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Law Enforcement
  • Cultural Competence in Crisis Intervention
  • Cultural Views of Mental Illness
  • Dependent Personality Disorder
  • Depiction of Mass Hysteria in The Crucible by Arthur Miller
  • Emotional Deficit in Patients with Psychopathy: a Literature Review
  • Exploration of Treatments for Major Depressive Disorders
  • How Does COVID-19 Affect Mental Health
  • How Obsessive-compulsive Disorder is Depicted in Martin Scorsese's Film The Aviator
  • How Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) Can Affect Children
  • How The Antisocial Personality Traits of Those Diagnosed with Psychopathy Are Conducive to Assault
  • Hypnotherapeutic Treatments for Stress, Anxiety and Phobias
  • Impact of Employee Burnout on Work Performance in an Organization
  • Individual and Society Damage of Burnout Syndrome
  • Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD): a Comprehensive Overview
  • Joey Barton and His Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Mental Illness and Homelessness: a Complex Interplay
  • Mental Illness and Its Treatment Nowadays
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment
  • Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: a General Overview
  • How Bipolar Disorder Can Be Attributed to Heredity
  • Connection Between Drug Abuse and Mental Health
  • Connection Between Gender and Mental Health
  • Bipolar Disorder: Definition, Symptoms and Features

🎤 Mental Health Speech Topics

  • A Study on The Psychological Development
  • Analysis of Treatment Decisions for a Child with ADHD
  • Anorexia Nervos Social Determinants of Health
  • Anxiety Speech Outline
  • Bond Between Mother and Child: Effects of Maternal Depression
  • Bridging The Gap Between Police Officers and Citizens with Mental Illnesses in Canada
  • Burnout and Contagion of Rigorous Care Nurses
  • Character Analysis of Girl Interrupted
  • Childhood Trauma and College Freshmen
  • Concurrent Disorder Case Study Reflection
  • Crisis Understanding, Intervention, and Recovery
  • Dear Person Who is "So Ocd"
  • Development of a Terrorist’s Mentality: Religion, Mental Illness of Psychopathy and DNA
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  • Distress and Demoralization of Nurses as a Source of Anxiety and Job Seniority
  • Effects and Treatment of Bipolar Disorders
  • Emergency Service Burnout Symptoms and Solutions
  • Empowering Recovery: The Human Service Model for College Substance Abuse
  • Fears and Phobias
  • How Psychopathy Can Be Seen as Conditional Defense Mechanism
  • Ian Gallagher: Mania and Manmas in The Show Shameless
  • Incidents of Mass Hysteria Throughout History
  • John and Jane: Women Are Prone to Madness
  • Learning Disability in America
  • Main Characteristics of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Mass Hysteria and Its Impact on Society in The Crucible
  • Mass Hysteria in The Crucible
  • Mental Health Issue in Malaysia
  • Mental Health: Prioritizing Education, Access, and Awareness
  • Morello Mental Illness
  • No I’m not Shy: I Have Social Anxiety
  • OCD: Understanding and Promoting Mental Health Awareness
  • People with GAD
  • Perfectionism is Destroying People
  • Personal Experience of The Struggles Associated with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD
  • Personality Disorders and Their Treatment
  • Prioritizing Mental Health: Significance and Impact
  • Psychological Disorders Overview: Classification, Prevalence
  • Reflecting on My Real Life Experience with Trauma
  • Research of Whether Dissociative Identity Disorder is a Real Disorder
  • Sources of Stress in Youth
  • The Psychological Impact of Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • The Mechanism of Mass Hysteria in The Past and Today
  • Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • The Cultural Beliefs Concerning Mental Illnesses in The South Asian Community
  • The Effects of Methylphenidate on Adults with ADHD
  • The Effects of The Stigmatization of Mental Illness on The Society
  • The History, Origin, Types, Misconceptions and Treatment of Mental Diseases
  • The Importance and Future of Mental Health Research
  • The Issue of Mental Illnesses in Women in "The Yellow Wallpaper"

🚑 Health Care Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is It Ethical For Parents To Use Genetic Engineering To Create “Designer Babies” With Specific Physical And Intellectual Traits?
  • Should The Government Implement Stronger Regulations On Pharmaceutical Pricing?
  • Is It Ethical To Prioritize Healthcare Resources For Younger Patients Over Older Patients During A Crisis?
  • What Role Should Alternative Medicine Play In Modern Healthcare?
  • Compare and Contrast Psychologists and Psychiatrists
  • Should Organ Donation Be Mandatory?
  • Is Surrogacy Ethical?
  • How to Remedy Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD)
  • DSM System for Mental Disorder Classification
  • The Impact of Gluten on Mental Health
  • Should Mental Health Care Be Integrated Into Primary Healthcare Services?
  • How Can Telemedicine Bridge The Gap In Healthcare Accessibility In Rural Areas?
  • The Importance of Autonomy in Counselling
  • Should Healthcare Be Considered A Basic Human Right?
  • Is The Privatization Of Healthcare Services Beneficial Or Harmful To The Public?
  • The Shift in Ideas About Mental Diseases Over The Years
  • Should Parents Be Legally Required To Vaccinate Their Children To Protect Public Health?
  • Should The Government Legalize Assisted Suicide For Terminally Ill Patients?
  • The Perception of Mental Illnesses by Senegalese People
  • Should Hospitals Be For-Profit Or Nonprofit Institutions?
  • Understanding Mental Health and Its Impact on Individuals and Society
  • Why Mental Illness is More Prevalent in The LGBT Community than in The General Population
  • Should Minors Have Access To Emergency Contraception?
  • Why Perfectionism is Associated with Depression, Anorexia Nervosa, Suicide Ideation and Early Death
  • Should The U.S. Government Offer Its Own Healthcare Plan?
  • The Effectiveness Of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Cbt) In Treating Anxiety And Depression
  • Should The Government Fund Research On Embryonic Stem Cells For Medical Treatments?
  • The Role Of Nutrition In Managing Chronic Diseases
  • The Impact Of Climate Change On Global Health
  • The Ethics Of Mandatory Vaccination Policies For Healthcare Workers

🌟 Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics in Popular Categories

  • The Issue of Depression and Its Affect in an Emerging Adulthood
  • Prevention of Depression, Anxiety and Burnout in Resident Doctors – a Systematic Review
  • About Depression in College: Understanding and Overcoming
  • Darwinian Psychology and Depression: The Gender Differential Hypothesis
  • The Connection Between Internet Addiction and Depression Within Adolescents
  • Causes of Depression Among International Students
  • Depression and Its Effects on Mind and Body
  • Depression in Teenagers: Causes and Ways to Overcome
  • How to Overcome Teenage Depression
  • Living in Depression: a Firsthand Account
  • Overview of Electronic Problem-solving Treatment (EPST) System to Treat Depression
  • The Role of Minerals in Preventing and Combating Depression
  • Research on Depression and Working Memory
  • The Link Between Self-esteem and Adolescent Depression
  • Depression as The Reason of Serious Health Problems and Suicide
  • Positive Thinking as Treatment for Depression
  • A Depressing World with Different Obstacles
  • A Report on Depression in University Students and How to Overcome It
  • Depression: Definition, Risks, Symptoms and Treatment
  • Understanding Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
  • Depression: Definition and Ways of Resolving Caused Problems
  • The Factors Influencing Depression Development
  • The Effects of Depression in Your Body and Its Treatment
  • The Issue of Depression and Its Reality Nowadays
  • Depression Facts and Statistics: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam in the DSM
  • Depression is Depression an Actual Illness
  • My Depression: a Tale of Struggle and Resilience
  • What Are You Depressed About Think About It
  • What is a Depression?
  • How Depression Changed My Life: College Admission Paper
  • The Issue of Depression: Mental Battle
  • Dysregulated Processing of Negative and Positive Responses in Depression
  • Genetic Disorder Report: Clinical Depression
  • Review on Depression in Scotland
  • The Epidemic of Depression Among Students and Teenagers
  • How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety
  • Depression and Its Main Causes
  • The Best Way to Help Someone Who is Depressed
  • Overview of Biological Predispositions and Risk Factors Associated with Depression
  • Teen Depression - Symptoms and Causes
  • Anxiety and Depression During Emerging Adulthood
  • MYP Personal Project: Childhood Anxiety and Insecurity
  • Overview of Anxiety Disorders in Children, Its Types and Impact
  • Influence of an Anxious Response on a Person
  • How to Overcome Anxiety Disorder
  • Representation of The Social Anxieties About Diversity
  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory Application for Anxiety Disorder
  • Lowdown on Anxiety and How to Cope with It Better
  • Research of Anxiety Increasing in The United States
  • Anxiety The Ever Tightening Spiral
  • Clinical Assessment: Case Study
  • Anxiety, Its Development, Effects, and Treatments
  • Reflection on How I Fought My Social Anxiety with The Help of Family
  • Pros and Cons of Anxiety
  • Anxiety and Depression Among College Students: a Critical Analysis
  • Social Anxiety: Exploring The Psychological and Social Dimensions
  • Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms and My Personal Experience
  • A Study on Anxiety Disorders and Its Negative Impact on People
  • Anxiety Disorders Experienced by Children
  • Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Impacts on The Lives of The Americans
  • Somatic Symptoms and Illness Anxiety Disorder
  • The Treatments and Conditions of Social Anxiety
  • Research of Social Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Effects and Treatments
  • What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Its Treatment
  • Anxiety: Navigating The College Experience
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: My Experience
  • The Problem of Public Speaking Anxiety
  • The Way Teachers Can Help Their Students to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
  • The Problem of Anxiety and Stress and Its Treatment
  • Overview of Stranger and Separation Anxiety
  • Yoga and Stress
  • Substance Use as a Form of Coping with Stress
  • Teaching Competency and Stress Among Public Elementary School Teachers in Oas South District
  • Stress - a Universal Problem
  • Managing Stress: Causes, Effects, and Coping Mechanisms
  • Stress and Self-care
  • The Effects of Stress on Human Health
  • Work/life Balance and Stress Management
  • Feelings: Determine The Quality of Energy
  • Prevalence of Occupational Stress and Associated Factors
  • Traveling and Its Impact Towards Stress
  • Stress Related to Job and Ways to Manage It
  • Coloring Books Will Change Your Life Forever
  • Stress: Definition, Types and Impact
  • Effects of Stress on The Mind and Body
  • The Impact of Stress on Health: Physical and Mental Dimensions
  • Stress and Its Main Sources
  • A Study on The Negative Impact of Stress on an Individual's Health
  • Comparison of Stress Rates Among Children and Adults
  • How Does Stress Affect The Body: Physical and Psychological Effects
  • Stress and Its Role in Our Life
  • The Importance of Stress Management
  • Perfectionism and Academic Stress in Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students
  • The Impact of Stress on Academic Success in College Students
  • Diathesis Stress Model of Psychopathology
  • Effects of Stress on The Body: How It Affects Physical and Psychological Health
  • Correct Mindset in Coping with Stress
  • The Stress of Student Mothers
  • Running Head Discussion
  • A Stressful Situation and How I Handled It
  • Suicide as an Honorable Choice in Viking Sagas
  • The Punishment for Those Who Committed Suicide in Dante Alighieri's Inferno
  • The Relationship Between Social Media and Teenage Suicide
  • The Issue and Role of Suicide in Existential Psychotherapy
  • An Argument on Why Suicide Is Not Worth It
  • Overview of The Main Causes of Teenage Suicide
  • Adolescent Depression and Its Contribution to Teenage Suicides
  • Essay on Military Suicide
  • Suicide Cases Among Successful Young Adults
  • Arguments Expressed by Proponents of The Legalization of Physician-assisted Suicide (PAS)
  • Understanding Suicide: Causes, Signs, and Prevention Strategies
  • The Relative Influence of Individual Risk Factors for Attempted Suicide
  • The Role of Cyberbullying in Increasing Suicide Rates Among Teens
  • Death Rates Among American Men Due to Suicide
  • How to Prevent Suicidal Behavior in High-risk Groups
  • Whether Suicide is Morally Acceptable
  • The Roots of Pressure Or Why People Commit Suicide
  • The Concept of Suicide in The History of Japan
  • The Importance of Human Life Preserving
  • The Complexity of Suicide: Understanding The Why
  • A Report on Teenage Suicide: Signs, Causes, and Prevention
  • Teenage Suicide Epidemic and How We Can Prevent It
  • Academic Pressure as The Main Reason for Teenage Suicides in South Korea
  • The Impact of Celebrity Suicides on Public Perception and Mental Health Awareness
  • Why Do Teenagers Commit Suicide
  • How Society Increases Teenage Suicide Rates
  • Socio-economic Factors that Cause Teenage Suicide
  • The Main Reasons of Teenage Suicide in America
  • The Problem of Teenage Suicide in The United States and How to Prevent It
  • Trauma, Suicide, and Residential Schools: Impact on Canadian Indigenous People


  • Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children
  • The Effectiveness of Antipsychotic Medications in Treating Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective Disorder: The Bridge Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar
  • Biopsychosocial Influences on Schizophrenia
  • Research of Schizophrenia Disorder
  • The Role of Genetics in Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia and Its Impact on Family Dynamics
  • Innovative Therapies for Managing Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Treatment, and Stigma
  • Schizophrenia: Definition, Symptoms, Causes
  • Understanding Schizophrenia: Overview, Diagnosis, Treatment
  • Analysis of The Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  • Case Study: Mr. Nash's Schizophrenia and Treatment Plan
  • Schizophrenia and Crime: The Complex Relationship
  • The Ethical Implications of Forced Treatment for Schizophrenia
  • The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Schizophrenia
  • The Impact of Schizophrenia on Homelessness
  • Stigma and Discrimination Faced by Individuals with Schizophrenia
  • Technological Advances in Diagnosing Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia and the Criminal Justice System
  • Connection Between Schizophrenia and Social Isolation
  • Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
  • The History of Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse: A Vicious Cycle
  • Schizophrenia in the Workplace: Challenges and Solutions
  • Cultural Differences in the Perception and Treatment of Schizophrenia
  • Early Intervention Strategies for Schizophrenia
  • Long-term Outcomes for Individuals with Schizophrenia
  • The Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Creativity
  • The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Schizophrenia

Stress Management

  • A Study on College Stress Management
  • The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Stress Reduction
  • Workplace Stress: Causes and Solutions
  • The Effects of Chronic Stress on Physical Health
  • Maintaining a Stress-Free Life: Personal Self-care and Burnout Strategy
  • Subjective and Objective Methodology in Stress Management
  • Stress Management in The Nurses' Workplace
  • Stress Management Techniques for High School Students
  • The Role of Nutrition in Stress Management
  • Stress and Sleep: How Lack of Sleep Affects Stress Levels
  • Coping Up with Stress
  • Stress Cause and Effect
  • Coping with Stress Essay
  • Stress Management Strategies for Parents
  • Managing Stress: Causes, Effects, and Techniques
  • "Good" Stress Vs "Bad" Stress
  • Stress Management of Teachers
  • The Role of Exercise in Stress Management
  • Stress Management: What is Stress and How to Overcome It
  • The Benefits of Yoga for Stress Relief
  • Technology and Stress: How to Manage Digital Overload
  • Stress Causes and Response to It
  • The Impact of Financial Stress on Mental Health
  • Stress Response and Stress Management
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Substance Abuse
  • Stress Response and Ways to Manage Stress
  • How Social Support Networks Can Help Manage Stress
  • Stress Management Techniques for Athletes
  • The Role of Hobbies in Reducing Stress
  • The Impact of Environmental Stressors on Mental Health

How to Choose a Good Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics

Choosing a good mental health argumentative essay topic is crucial for crafting a compelling and impactful essay. Here are five tips to help you select the perfect topic:

  • Relevance : Ensure the topic is current and significant.
  • Interest : Choose a subject you are passionate about.
  • Researchable : Pick a topic with ample resources available.
  • Specificity : Narrow down broad subjects for focus.
  • Debate Potential : Select topics with clear opposing viewpoints.

In conclusion, exploring mental health argumentative essay topics is an invaluable endeavor that contributes to raising awareness and fostering informed discussions. This extensive list provides a variety of mental health topics to write about, ensuring that there is something for everyone, regardless of interest or expertise. By choosing a relevant, engaging, and well-researched topic, you can create a compelling essay that not only educates but also challenges preconceived notions about mental health. Dive into these topics, and let your writing make a difference in the ongoing conversation about mental well-being.

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othello argumentative essay topics


  1. Othello Essay

    othello argumentative essay topics

  2. Othello Essay

    othello argumentative essay topics

  3. othello argumentative essay

    othello argumentative essay topics

  4. Othello Argumentative Essay

    othello argumentative essay topics

  5. A level Othello Example Essay

    othello argumentative essay topics

  6. Othello Essay

    othello argumentative essay topics


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  2. How to start a college essay. Improve your essays with AI essay generator

  3. Tragic Flaw In Shakespeare's Plays

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  1. 92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay

    92 Exceptional Topics for Othello Essay. by IvyPanda® Updated on: May 21st, 2024. 13 min. 9,027. Shakespeare's Othello is an extraordinary play that incorporates a huge variety of themes and symbols. You can find examples of allusions and imagery that are intriguing to analyze.That's why our team prepared this list!

  2. PDF Othello Argumentative Paper Sample Outline

    Othello Argumentative Paper Sample Outline "Shakespeare presents a noble man of singleness of purpose and simplicity with a mind as direct as a straight line. He is important to the State but the fact that he is a Moor incites the envy of little-minded people. Desdemona loves him, he marries her, then the seed of suspicion is sown.

  3. Shakespeare's Othello: A+ Student Essay Examples by

    Essay grade: Good. 1 page / 731 words. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago plots Othello's destruction when he is passed over for a promotion. Iago tells Othello that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him and provides circumstantial evidence for this. Othello becomes full of anger and jealousy and kills Desdemona.

  4. Othello Suggested Essay Topics

    Suggested Essay Topics. PDF Cite Share. Act I, Scenes 1-3. 1. Explain how Iago uses his power of persuasion with Roderigo, Brabantio, and Othello to create his scheme to undo the Moor. 2. Contrast ...

  5. 107 Othello Essay Topics & Research Questions

    The theme of trust and betrayal in "Othello.". Trust plays a critical role in this play. You can write a literary analysis essay exploring how trust is gained, lost, and manipulated in "Othello.". Imagery and symbolism in "Othello.". Here, you can write an argumentative essay supporting your understanding of the play's symbols.

  6. Othello Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. Why do you think Shakespeare chose to write Othello as a Moor and Desdemona as a Venetian? How do their respective races affect the plot? Support your answer with evidence. 2. In Act I, the Venetian Senate asks Othello to defend Cyprus against the Turks. All of the play's major characters sail to Cyprus, but a storm stops the ...

  7. Essays About Othello: Top 5 Great Examples and 6 Prompts

    Top 6 Writing Prompts on Essays About Othello. 1. Why Is Othello A Classic. Alexandre-Marie Colin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Based on your understanding of the story, write about the importance of the play and why others should at least look into reading them. Briefly discuss the plot, characters, and themes, and try to convince ...

  8. Othello Essay Topics

    Othello: Essay Topics 1) Some have said that the focus of Othello is not the title character, as is the case with Shakespeare's other great tragedies, Macbeth, King Lear, and Hamlet.Is Othello simply too one-dimensional to be considered a great tragic hero? Does his seemingly unrealistic gullibility lessen our interest in him and his suffering?

  9. Othello Key Ideas and Commentary

    Shakespeare assigns the final say in Othello to the relative minor character of Lodovico, a representative Venetian nobleman, a blood relative to Desdemona, and the moral arbiter of the play. He ...

  10. PDF Othello Essay topics

    Choose one of the following essay topic and write a persuasive essay of 500-800 words (approx. 5-6 paragraphs - intro paragraph, body paragraphs, concluding paragraph). You are expected to have a clear thesis and use quotes and explanation to support your argument. It is necessary to use an essay plan/outline prior to beginning your good copy.

  11. Othello Essay Topics

    Background. Written in 1602, William Shakespeare's Othello is a tragic play. The play is filled with themes of betrayal and loyalty, race and social standing, remorse and guilt, jealousy and pride ...

  12. Othello

    Othello, the drama's vain hero, is a Moor--traditionally interpreted as a black man--who wins the heart of Desdemona with his rollicking tales of battle and adventure, much to the dismay of her ...

  13. Othello Essay Topic

    Choosing a topic for your Othello essay can be overwhelming. This play can be viewed from different perspectives and angles. That is why we created for you a list of themes of the Othello essay topics. Choose your favorite one! Analysis of literary devices in Skalespear's "Othello". The character of Desdemona.

  14. Othello Literary Perspectives Essay Breakdown

    Othello Literary Perspectives Essay Breakdown. August 26, 2020. When it comes to VCE Literature, 'Literary Perspectives' is a major component of your learning and exams. If you're studying any of the Shakespearian texts, the idea of using different 'lenses' to interpret 400-year-old plays seems silly and is a difficult task to approach.

  15. Othello topics

    Develop a thesis about Othello's perception of the murder he commits. Black and White. Reread the play, cataloguing all the imagery of black and white. Work with the imagery until a pattern emerges, and develop a thesis about the way this imagery functions in relation to the events of the play. Stage History.

  16. Othello : An Argumentative Essay

    Shakespeare's play O thello is set in 16th­century Venice and Cyprus. Othello, a noble black general from the Venetian army has secretly married Desdemona, daughter of Venice senator Brabantio. Othello chooses inexperienced Cassio to be his lieutenant, while he decides to give the ensign position to Iago, a malicious but very experienced man ...

  17. Othello Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    37 essay samples found. Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, exploring themes of jealousy, betrayal, and racism. Essays on "Othello" could delve into character analyses, thematic explorations, and the play's historical and social context. They might analyze the play's treatment of race and the character of Othello as a tragic hero.

  18. Free Essays on Othello, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Essays on Othello. Othello essay describes a tragedy by William Shakespeare, written in the early 17th century. Othello essays follow a story of Othello, the Moor of Venice, and a renowned military leader, who secretly marries Desdemona. His assistant Iago and the nobleman Rodrigo, who is in love with Desdemona and nearly committed suicide ...

  19. Argumentative Essay On Othello

    Argumentative Essay On Othello. 943 Words4 Pages. Marisol Roberts-Smith. Ms. Williams. English 10 Honors. 12 October 2015. Othello: Star Crossed Lovers. Most people dream of finding their soul mate and getting their "happy ever after.". In Othello: Tragedy of the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare, there is no happy ever after for ...

  20. 500 Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

    In this article, we present a comprehensive collection of 500 mental health argumentative essay topics and ideas. This extensive list is designed to inspire students, educators, and professionals to engage with diverse aspects of mental health, from policy and treatment to the social and personal dimensions of mental well-being.