449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about

Are you looking for good topics about food? Luckily, there are so many food topics you can research! You can focus on food safety, the link between nutrition and health, food insecurity, national cuisines, food waste in supply chains, food processing technologies, and many more. Check this list of the most exciting food research questions and titles!

🥫 TOP 7 Food Topics – 2024

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  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential
  • Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the Food and Beverage Industry
  • The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Sustainable Food Systems, Nutrition
  • Food Waste Management
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Biotechnology in Improving the Nutritive Value of Foods
  • Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites When designing a website, its creator focuses on the needs of all visitors or some defined audience. The target audience is users on which the web resource is oriented.
  • Food Technology Importance in Modern Days The Institute of Food Technologists defines food technology as the application of food science, including biological, chemical, and physical makeups.
  • Food Security: The Impact of Climate Change Since climate change affects the natural world, it is evident that it poses particular challenges for food security in the future.
  • Italy’s Food: Traditional Italian Food Recipes Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its delicious and healthy food. It includes thousands of varieties of recipes for different dishes with various ingredients.
  • Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management The paper describes the food truck business’s goals and objectives, management functions, decision-making process, organizational structure, etc.
  • Healthy Multicultural Food: Product SWOT Analysis The chosen product is healthy multicultural food, which should be provided to the customers of Active Retirement nursing home.
  • A Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions Food waste draws a lot of interest from global policymakers as well as various organizations and scholars – it continues to grow despite the looming resource depletion.
  • Food Shortage Situation Overview The connections and relationship between population and food shortage transcend all areas of human life and as such encompasses various aspects of demands that support human life.
  • The Food Prices Issue and Its Impacts on the Industry The challenge of increasing food prices is relevant to the culinary, hospitality, and food industries because it significantly affects food availability and quality.
  • Food Truck Market Analysis Example Food truck business has high chances of becoming popular because food industry is one of the kinds of businesses that never go out of fashion.
  • Food in Korean Culture: Describing Korean Cuisine Korean citizens believe that food has medicinal properties that improve a person’s emotional, psychological, and mental well-being.
  • Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery, an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern.
  • Fast-Food Restaurants’ Popularity and Its Causes Majority of people in the United States have resorted to fast food restaurants, especially college students who are of the view that these restaurants save a lot of time.
  • Food Additives There are three types of food additives, cosmetic food additives, preservatives and the processing aids of food.
  • McDonalds Fast Food Company Organizational Change This paper attempts to explicitly review the successful implementation of the proposed change that involves improving the performance of the McDonalds Company and enhancing its customer focus.
  • Food Truck Business’s SWOT Analysis The Food Truck company operates in the central business district of Portland, the area where the food delivery industry is very well developed.
  • Super Greens Organic Food Restaurant’s Business Plan ‘Super Greens’ restaurant is a new medium-sized restaurant to be located in a busy locality of Westminster in the neighbourhood of some aristocratic areas.
  • Role of Food in Marquez’ “One Hundred Years of Solitude“ and Esquivel’s “Like Water for Chocolate” Laura Esquivel was born and raised in Mexico and may have written this novel with the hope of portraying to her readers some Spanish background and history.
  • Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact Research shows that synthetic food additives have a negative human health and consumer dissatisfaction effect which calls for stricter regulation of their use in products.
  • Food Culture: Doughnut’s History, Marketing and Sociology A doughnut, or as it is often called donut, is a kind of fried dough baked or pastry meal. The doughnut has become well-known and beloved in numerous countries and cooked in an assorted model.
  • Food and Water Security Management The purpose of this article is to evaluate the current methodologies for addressing food and water security issues and propose sustainable solutions based on scholarly evidence.
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market Because of the strong presence that KFC and McDonald’s already have in the Chinese market, firms such as Wendy’s have to design a unique product.
  • National Food Products Company: Marketing Segmentation NFPC has gained the reputation of a company that has been striving in the UAE market quite successfully by delivering essential products such as milk, water, plastic carriers.
  • Financial Projections for Entrepreneurship in Food Industry Running a restaurant, especially in the area known for its high competition rates among the local food production companies, particularly, the fast food industries, is not an easy task.
  • The Use of Biodegradable Straws in Food and Beverages Business Plastic straw usage is part of the problem of plastic pollution and its adverse impact on the planet’s ecology. Nature is dying, and all new consequences of plastic are manifested.
  • The Process of Food Poisoning in General This article focuses on food poisoning: briefly discusses pathogens and symptoms, referring to the article “Encyclopedia of Health – Diseases and Conditions”.
  • Indian Cuisine: Food and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Eating Many social and cultural aspects of Indian cuisine are different from American foods. In Indian culture, eating is a significant social occasion.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction Studies show that those who frequently eat fast food have an increased risk of progressing from simple consumption to addiction.
  • McDonald’s Company: The Flawed Fast Food Tax McDonalds is one of the world’s leading fast food restaurants serving more than 57 million customers daily with branches all over the major cities.
  • Organic Food Market Trends Food retailers replaced farmers and whole food retailers as the main retailers of organic food. Higher production costs is the only factor to the higher organic food prices.
  • Food Science: How to Make Butter Fresh milk is made up of a combination of milk and cream; since the cream is less thick than the milk, it separates and rises to the top, where it may be scrapped.
  • The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP) A Food Safety Plan (FSP) is a way that identifies and prevents safety hazards from occurring during and after food production, this paper is going to discuss FSP’s major elements.
  • Aspects of Muslim Food Culture Islam has many rules related to food. One of the most significant rules in Islam is the restriction on the consumption of pork.
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • Are Genetically Modified Food Safe for Consumption?
  • Are the Nutrition Charts on Food Packages Accurate?
  • What Are Issues on Food Around the World?
  • What Is It Called When You Have Food Issues?
  • Are You Harming Your Family by the Food You Are Preparing?
  • Can Organic Farmers Produce Enough Food to Feed the World?
  • What Are the Six Major Threats to Food Security?
  • What Are the Four Major Problems That Affect the World’s Food Needs?
  • Could Biotechnology Solve Food Shortage Problem?
  • Does Dehydration Reduce the Nutrient Value in Quality of the Food?
  • What Are Some Challenges to Food Production?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Can We Solve Food Supply Problems?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are Four Issues Related to Food Production?
  • How Does America Solve Food Deserts?
  • What Are the Seven Challenges to Food Safety?
  • How Does Whole Food Build Human and Social Capital?
  • What Is the Most Important Food Safety Issue?
  • Should Fast Food Advertising Be Banned?
  • What Are the Six Food Borne Diseases?
  • What Are the Ten Main Reasons for Food Poisoning?
  • Should Fast Food Chains Be to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • Should New Zealand Allow Genetically Modified Food?
  • Should People Abandon Their Favorite Food and Stay Healthy?
  • What Are Three Causes of Food Contamination?
  • Were the Salem Witch Trials Spurred by Food Poisoning?
  • History of Ketchup and Its Role in Foods Tomato ketchup is a popular addition to a variety of dishes which acts as a sauce and goes well with all food.
  • The Food Quality Impact on Economy and Health The problem of food quality and its impact on the economy and health of not only one country but the whole world cannot be overemphasized.
  • Food Insecurity’s Causes and Implications Food insecurity is a complex problem that affects the economy, demography, ecology, and many other areas of development of states and their societies.
  • Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis Based on customer demographic data, the paper analyzes the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compares some data to compile an accurate picture of people’s preferences.
  • Indian Culture Examined Through Street Food A fondness of India’s rich culture, combined with a desire to innovate and adapt with the times are all present in the Curry Up Now restaurant and Indian street food as a whole.
  • Fast-Food Expansion Strategy for Indian Market With the increasing globalization of the world economy and the fast-food industry, in particular, major fast-food chains continuously seek new markets to expand their operations.
  • Impact of Food Waste and Water Use on Earth The paper explores how food waste and water use affect the food system and how agriculture affects the environment.
  • McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend The trend for healthy eating was born not so long ago but continues to cover more and more segments of the population around the world.
  • McDonald’s: The Most Popular Fast-Food Restaurant McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants, and its success is defined by compliance with the needs of the present-day business world.
  • Right to Food as a Fundamental Right Right to food is an important human right issue today. Advocates for the right to food use the phrase “Food first” to show the importance of availability to food above other priorities.
  • Food in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” The readers of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” cannot overlook the fact that the motif of food consumption does resurface throughout the play’s entirety.
  • Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki.
  • Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect The popularity of fast food affects Americans in many ways, but the threats of obesity, chronic diseases, and unstable immunity remain critical effects.
  • Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity Unhealthy food culture plays a significant role in developing health-related diseases, including its contribution to obesity.
  • A Qualitative Study of Independent Fast-Food Vendors Near Secondary Schools “A qualitative study of independent fast-food vendors near secondary schools” primarily sought to explore and navigate the barriers toward offering healthier menu options.
  • Junk Food and Children’s Obesity Eating junk foods on a regular basis causes weight gain and for one in five Americans, obesity, is a major health concern though no one seems to be sounding the alarm.
  • Food Waste Reduction Strategy The Strategy aims to raise society’s awareness and bring the food value back to reduce the volume of food waste generated.
  • The Trends of Natural and Organic Foods Organic food is primarily intended to appeal to financially well-off people who can afford to spend more money on food in exchange for its perceived superior quality.
  • Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American Foodstuffs The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society.
  • Technical Description of a Food Processor A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it.
  • Food Safety and Hazards Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption.
  • McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurant’s Analysis The management at McDonald’s would view the SWOT analysis as being partly exhaustive of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company.
  • “The Future of Food” Documentary The documentary “The Future of Food” is shocking by the revelation of how food is made in America. This work describes two main issues that this film focuses on.
  • World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue World hunger is a serious issue that affects the development of many countries, impairing the overall health of their populations and increasing child mortality.
  • Consumption of Junk Foods and Their Threat to the Lives Junk foods dominate the grocery store aisles, are served every day in school lunchrooms and, in the form of fast-food junk, crowd every major intersection.
  • The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept The indigenous food sovereignty concept is broad in essence, and it perceives food as integrating all aspects of existence – mental, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual.
  • Food Waste Management Importance The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day.
  • The “Food Inc.” Documentary by Robert Kenner In his film “Food Inc.”, documentary film producer Robert Kenner explores how massive businesses have monopolized every part of the food supply chain in the United States.
  • Cause and Effect of Genetically Modified Food The paper states that better testing should be done on GMOs. It would lead to avoiding catastrophic health issues caused by these foods.
  • The Consumer Attitude Towards Buying Organic Food in Hong Kong The aim of this research was to determine the factors that affect attitudes towards purchasing organic food in Hong Kong.
  • Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles Both presented articles argue the harmfulness of fast food, but the scientific article provides evidence of the existence of healthy fast food.
  • Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field.
  • Discussion of Food Safety Issues The paper discusses food tampering and bioterrorism are those issues that can result in fundamental problems in food safety area.
  • Food Festival Event for Westboro Residents This paper proposed a draft street food festival event for Westboro residents and developed a marketing plan to promote the event.
  • Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food In modern world productions of fast food and access to take-out combined with little exercise have raised very many health concerns.
  • “Maple Leaf Foods”: Company’s Issues and Their Management Maple Leaf Foods faces the issue of the lack of a sustainable vision due to poor leadership and contamination of products, adversely affecting consumers’ health.
  • Food and Cultural Appropriation Article by Cheung The article Cultural Appropriation by Helier Cheung focuses on the case of Lucky Lee restaurant, which started the discussion about the cultural appropriation of food.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems Covid-19 is affecting every aspect of life – personally and professionally, and it is redefining the way society and the workplace are organized.
  • Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students This paper describes the necessity of having a properly balanced diet, and execute healthy exercising patterns in our routines, along with our children.
  • Kenya, Its Tourist Attractions and Food Culture Kenya is one of the most beautiful African countries I have ever been. I am always thrilled to visit it. However, it has taken some time since I was there.

If you need a good idea for your argumentative essay, check out some food related topics to debate:

  • Should fast food be regulated?
  • Should GMO labeling be mandatory?
  • Is there a need for stricter regulation of food advertising?
  • The link between processed food and obesity.
  • The role of meat consumption in climate change.
  • The pros and cons in functional foods.
  • Can cities become self-sufficient in food production?
  • Why should we promote Meatless Mondays?
  • Are food additives and preservatives evil?
  • The impact of food packaging on plastic pollution.
  • Nutrients in Different Food Groups The essay explains the variety of nutrients in different food groups, the reasons for these variations, and the health benefits associated with the nutrients.
  • Researching Food Service in Hospital Combining medical and gustatory qualities in hospital food is one of the most common difficulties in the healthcare sector worldwide.
  • Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight On October 6, 2013, nearly 50 passengers on an Air China flight that was bound for Beijing fell ill with symptoms such as vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea.
  • Healthier Cookie Version: The Challenges to the Food Industry A meal can enhance a healthy body development and, if not well censored, can result in health-related problems such as high blood pressure.
  • Food Additives and Problem of Safety Certain food additives are believed to have side effects in adults and most importantly in children, such as increased hyperactivity, allergies, asthma problems, and migraines.
  • Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan The project aims to examine the internal and external environments that affect the success of Firefly restaurant and the need for changing its marketing strategy.
  • Feasibility Plan for E-Commerce of Food Delivery The use of cell phone innovation can be viewed as one of the creative approaches to assist organizations in improving their business execution in the global market.
  • Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market This study researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt product and how to introduce it as a healthy alternative to soft drinks in the Scandinavian market.
  • Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages To turn the world more organic, one has to resort to using organic supplies. Creating ads on the way people can improve environmental conditions will change the position.
  • Code of Ethics in Food Tracks Business A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks.
  • The Issue of Food and Water Security The global issue for the analysis is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth.
  • Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content Advertising is certainly a major driver for the success of a business. It is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental.
  • Agriculture and Food in Ancient Greece The paper states that agricultural practices and goods from Greece extended to neighboring countries in the Mediterranean as the dominance increased.
  • Human Geography: Food Insecurity The problem of food insecurity is a significant bother of humankind. Various international organizations were created to address the matter.
  • Food Voice of the Bangladeshi Rice forms the core of the Bangladeshi eating patterns. It is consumed in large quantities across the country, being the base for many traditional dishes.
  • Fast Food and Health Relations Fast food is a way of life for those who look for a quick and cheap alternative to homemade food. What diseases fast food may cause.
  • The Food Chain: Groups and Functions Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three groups of organisms that comprise a food chain in an ecosystem.
  • Negative Impact of Soil Erosion on the World`s Food Supply This paper tells about soil erosion as a process whereby soil-mostly the top fertile soil is transported or swept away from its natural environment then deposited in other places.
  • Product Design in Food Industry: A McDonald’s Case Article Critique In “Product Design in Food Industry – A McDonald’s Case,” authors consider McDonald’s recent launch of new products along with some of the aspects of its production process and innovativeness.
  • Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served.
  • Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy This paper outlines the marketing strategies that will be used for launching my pet food product: SWOT analysis, target market, market needs, and other market strategies.
  • Slow Food Movement in USA The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by C. Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits.
  • Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. In the modern world, vegetarians can uphold the nutritional needs of the body.
  • Factors Influencing Food Choices and Their Impact on Health Many people have access to various food options, while some are limited to the highly available and affordable unhealthy food choices.
  • Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism This paper provides a brief overview of Taiwan, including its location, culture, food, and tourism industry and its significant economic impact on the country.
  • Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health Evaluating the effects of climate variability on water, food, and health will help identify the areas for improvement and offer solutions to current environmental challenges.
  • Junk Food Taxation in the United States This paper aims to study junk food taxation in the US, define the related problems, present solutions, and provide recommendations.
  • Nutrients: The Distribution in the Food Groups This essay associates nutrients to their specific food groups justify their nutritional composition and explains their significance.
  • Morals and Using Animals for Food The conflict between morality and using animals for food has been a very long-term topic. Animal rights have also been a very influential subtopic.
  • Solutions for Food and Water Security Issue With many nations encountering food and water security problems, the consequences of such events have become global, giving rise to multiple outcomes this insecurity.
  • Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece The concepts of agriculture and cuisine both have a deep connection to Greek history, culture, development, and social trends.
  • Climate Change and Food Production Cycle In order to address the problem of climate change in relation to the overproduction of food, a more responsible attitude toward its consumption.
  • Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis The proposed study will attempt to answer the question of what is the relationship between eating fast food and obesity, using correlation analysis.
  • A 3-Day Diet Analysis With the USDA Food Pyramid According to Willett and Skerrett (2005), the USDA Pyramid turns out to be one of the most recognizable systems in American society.
  • First in Show Pet Foods: Case Analysis First in Show Pet Foods is among the newest frozen dog food companies, which can be considered to be a first-mover in the given market.
  • Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading to an improvement in the work behavior of employees.
  • “Chinese Restaurant Food” : The Article Review The article ‘Chinese Restaurant Food’ educates the general public about the hidden dangers and harm of eating too much Chinese food.
  • Fast Foods Lead to Fast Death: Informative Speech The fast-food industry has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half-century. The consequence has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline.
  • Local Food Venture and Its Operations Management Building a small business enterprise is a complex task. This case study examines a model of expanding a local food venture to a permanent location and franchise.
  • Food Ads Ban for Childhood Obesity Prevention In order to prevent childhood obesity, it is necessary to ban food ads because they have adverse effects on children’s food preferences, consumption, and purchasing behaviors.

Do you want to write a paper on the latest advancements in food science and technology? Here are some current food-related research topics to discuss:

  • Potential health benefits of plant-based diets.
  • Nanotechnology in food packaging.
  • The application of 3D printing in the food industry.
  • The benefits of bioprocessing of food waste.
  • The impact of fermented foods on gut health.
  • Current techniques for clean meat production.
  • Food traceability: why does it matter?
  • Alternative sweeteners as a sugar reduction strategy.
  • Emerging trends in food packaging materials.
  • The use of robotics in the food industry.
  • Availability of Healthy Food Food security and accessibility are now seen as ensuring that all members of society have physical and economic access to food that is safe.
  • Food Processing: Principles and Controversies Food processing is a currently applied trend to turn fresh food into different food products through such methods as washing, pasteurizing, freezing, cooking, or packaging.
  • Fast Food Restaurants in the US Convenient locations play a critical role in the success of fast-food kiosks. These points include the busy commercial strips, shopping malls, and high-traffic areas.
  • Genetically Modified Food Safety and Benefits Today’s world faces a problem of the shortage of food supplies to feed its growing population. The adoption of GM foods can solve the problem of food shortage in several ways.
  • Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It resists the urge to shift in transit.
  • Costly Healthy Food and State Policies The paper explains a problem of high prices for healthy food giving causes and outcomes, describing relations of costly healthy food and state policy and offering solutions.
  • How Canadian Government Could Improve Food Safety? The paper points out how the government can cooperate with other stakeholders in the food industry to improve the existing standards.
  • Fast Food Harmful Effects on Children This paper states that the exposure of children to fast food early on has an adverse effect on them, resulting in the need to prevent the sale of fast food in schools.
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Market Place and Environment The fast-food industry is experiencing a revenue of over $15 billion growth a year, and the future growth rate at an average of 2.7%.
  • Food Safety and Information Bulletin Factors that contribute to food poisoning include; holding food at the wrong temperature which is mostly caused by inadequate cooling and inadequate cooking.
  • The Food Truck Business Models Development This paper examines the following models for the food truck business: operating model, value model, service model, experience model, cost model, and revenue model.
  • Hazard Analysis in Food Safety In the United States, just like in any other country, it is the manufacturers’ responsibility to produce fairly safe products.
  • Indian Culture and Food Supply India has the world’s second-largest population. Population explosion presents the problem of food insecurity in India.
  • Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States Agriculture in the United States has grown progressively centralized. The shortcomings in the 2018 U.S. farm legislation resulted in multiple challenges in the food system.
  • Chinese Food in the United States The Chinese brought their traditions, customs, ingredients and recipes to the United States, sparking a renaissance in food culture.
  • Fortified and Aromatic Wines and Accompanying Food Fortified wines are added with alcohol, and the taste of aromatic wines is strengthened by adding flowers, spices, and herbs.
  • The Connection Between Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism Korean nationalism in terms of food is different from that of American culture introduced by American fast food.
  • Healthy Food for Learning Achievements in School The paper indicates that a healthy diet is not only the basis for good habits but also the reason for better learning achievements.
  • Aspects of Food Insecurity The paper states that food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation.
  • How Do Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults? An annotated bibliography on the topic how fried foods affect nutrition for young adults, the effect of television, the effect of dietary patterns on young adults’ health.
  • Food, Health and Environment Relations This essay briefly explores the role played by EHPs in ensuring food safety and quality, the regulatory framework in place as well as risk and proportionality in food quality.
  • Ban on Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified (GM) foods are those that are produced with the help of genetic engineering. Such foods are created from organisms with changed DNA.
  • The Use of Low Fat Food This short essay will demonstrate that many of the foods we are eating today are in reality not that low in fat as they claim.
  • Healthy Fast Foods: Sector Analysis Health consciousness is fast becoming an important trend in the fast-food restaurant industry. The paper concerns sector analysis on profitability in the said marketplace.
  • Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture The notion of family is crucial to the Hispanic culture due to its encouraging idea of interdependence and belonging. The food became an integral part of family gatherings.
  • Fast Food Chain Locations, Non-Chain Restaurants and Bars As discussed in prior sections of the report, the competition for Moma Monaz can be distinguished into three categories: fast food chain locations, non-chain restaurants, and bars.
  • Statistics on Food Disorders in the US and Puerto Rico The purpose of this paper is to analyze the statistics on food disorders in the United States, compare it with the situation in Puerto Rico, and suggest measures to tackle the problem.
  • Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods Genetic modifications of traditional crops have allowed the expansion of agricultural land in areas with adverse conditions.
  • Visual Communication. Natural Food Packaging Colors Applying the right color scheme is often the key determinant of a product’s success since using the wrong coloring deters consumers from purchasing the product.
  • The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers This research paper is concerned with finding out about the States’ food system and how immigrant farmers contribute to the food situation in current American society.
  • Food and Drug Administration History The paper provides a brief introduction, background, and history of the FDA and the ways in which it operates, and the practices implemented.
  • Food & Beverage Companies’ Input to Global Food Consumption The reported data is usable for analysis the industry dominance and structure of both the packaged foods and beverage.
  • Food Stamps: Rationale for Tightened Conditions The state should tighten the conditions for receiving food stamps as the economy improves since citizens are able to make more money and engage in productive activities.
  • Chick-fil-A Inc.’s Entry into Qatari Food Industry The report presents three elements (political, economic, and legal) of PESTEL for Chick-fil-A to use in its decision to expand in the Qatari fast food industry.
  • Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment The principal functions of packaging are protecting products from the deterioration and external influences and providing important nutritional and marketing information.
  • Food Sustainability Assessment Food sustainability is the ability to produce enough food to meet the current population’s needs without damaging the resources that future generations will need to survive.
  • The Food Insecurity Issue and Methods of Solving The paper discusses the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. Some people do not have access to healthy food.
  • Effects of Food-Medication Interplay on Recovery This paper examines the effects of food-medication interplay on recovery, the action that should have been taken, and the impact of gender on the situation.
  • Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography Zepeda’s Bad Choices in Our Food System book explores how the food system, including relevant policies in the US, influences consumer food choices.
  • Powerade Food Myth Buster: Investigating Health Claims Powerade makes a statement on the bottle that it helps replenish four electrolytes lost in sweat. Powerade food myth buster aims to investigate its health claims from ingredients.

If you’re looking for persuasive topics about food to talk about, here are some suggestions for you:

  • The benefits of eating organic foods.
  • Fast food advertising to children should be banned.
  • Food waste reduction is everyone’s responsibility.
  • The importance of clear and informative food labels.
  • The need for stricter regulation of junk food sales in schools.
  • Why should the government impose a soda tax?
  • The role of food companies in addressing childhood obesity.
  • The impact of social media on eating behaviors.
  • Home cooking is essential for health and family bonding.
  • The role of food companies in addressing food allergies.
  • The Reaction to the “Food, Inc.” Documentary
  • Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health
  • Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants
  • The Environmental Impacts of the Food and Hospitality Industry
  • Food Safety Sanitation Requirements for a Child’s Health
  • Foreign Market Entry of Electronic Food Delivery Service in Nigeria
  • Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues
  • Digitization in Improving the Food Supply Chain
  • Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity
  • Food Allergies and Eating Disorders
  • The Importance of Nutritional Labeling on Packaged Food
  • Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison
  • A Typical American Dinner Plate: Origins of Food
  • Personal Response About the Documentary “Food Inc.”
  • The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment
  • How Tesco a Leading Food Retailer Globally
  • Food Safety Issues and Standards
  • Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating
  • The Importance of Sustainable Development in the Food Retail Sector
  • Global Food Supplies, Overpopulation and Pollution
  • Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging Design for Food and Drinks
  • Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World
  • In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
  • Nutrition, Healthy Food Choice, and Nutritional Value of Fast Foods
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Their Impact on Human Health
  • Food Behaviors Among Mexicans and South Americans
  • Food-Borne Salmonella Epidemiologic Triad
  • Amazon and Whole Foods Merger
  • Food Insecurity in the United States
  • Discussion of Food Security Technologies
  • Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages
  • Food and Beverage Plan: The COVID-19 Pandemic Influence
  • Logistics Network of the Food and Beverage Production Industry
  • Genetically Modified Foods: How Safe are they?
  • Halal Food in Other Religions
  • Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising
  • Competition in the Australian Food Industry: Case Analysis
  • Genetic Engineering in Food and Freshwater Issues
  • “Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser
  • The Case of Salesforce and Wegmans Food Market
  • Organizational Design Factors in the Food Industry
  • Healthy Food Access for Poor People
  • Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand’s Target Market
  • Food Chain: Ricotta Cheese Production
  • Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation
  • Food and Drink Industry’s Innovation and Barriers
  • Whole Foods Market’s Strategic Position and Goals
  • Pizza as One of the Most Famous Food in London
  • Food Allergies and Obesity
  • Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today
  • Canada’s Food Guide Discussion
  • The American Diet Influenced by Fast Food Ads
  • The Meat Inspection and Food Safety Issues
  • Food Deserts’ Impact on Children
  • Food Deserts Control in the United States
  • The Salmonella Bacterium as a Food Borne Illness Pathogen
  • The Omnivore’s Dilemma Regarding Sources of Food
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City Restaurant
  • The Age of “Nutritionism”: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
  • Food Ingredients: Molecular Reactions
  • Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II
  • Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania
  • Food, Inc., Produced by Kenner Review
  • Jewish Dietary Patterns: Kosher Food and New Meat
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City
  • The Lack of Food Safety in Kansas City, Missouri
  • Food Poisoning Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Food Insecurity Health Issue: How to Mitigate It
  • Scientific Approach to Food Safety at Home
  • The Challenges in Food Supply Chain During COVID-19
  • Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s: The Use of Information Systems
  • Food Industry: The Safety Issues
  • Food Insecurity in New York City
  • Agriculture-Led Food Crops and Cash Crops in Tanzania
  • Food Security: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Buffalo Skies Aki Forest Food Sovereignty Pilot Project
  • Protecting Ourselves from Food Article by Sherman & Flaxman
  • Food Deserts and Related Challenges
  • The Baby Food Shortage: Public Service Announcement
  • Examining Solutions for Mitigating the Food and Water Security Issue
  • Restricting the Volume of Sale of Fast Foods and Genetically Modified Foods
  • Expanding Access to Food Interview Plan
  • Liability of Death from Food Poisoning
  • Food Labeling Affecting Sustainable Food Choices
  • Behavioral Reasoning Perspectives on Organic Food Purchase
  • Analysis of Freeman’s Promotion of Junk Food
  • Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security
  • Food Administration on Sustainable Palm Oil
  • Food Cost Issues in the Hospital
  • Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction
  • Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security
  • Addressing Food Insecurity in Wyandotte County
  • “Can You Be Addicted to Food?”: A New Problem Faced by North Americans
  • The Connection Between Food Allergies and Gut Microbiome
  • Food Facility Design: Sustainable Kitchen for Delight Restaurant
  • Successful Institutional Food Management & Delivery Systems
  • Trade Peculiarities in Food and Agriculture
  • The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers
  • The Biofuel and Food Industry Connection
  • “Societal Control” Over Food and Weight Gain
  • Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”
  • Food Deprivation in the United States
  • “Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA
  • Introduction to Food: Macromolecules Analysis
  • Discussion of Food Foraging History
  • Botulism Prevention and Food Security Approaches
  • Should Food Manufacturers Label All GMOs?
  • Donating Restaurant Food to Poor People in Peru
  • “Food Stamped” and Its Main Shortcomings
  • Proper Food Rotation Overview
  • Whole Foods Company’s Product Marketing in France
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization
  • Supply Chain Strategy for the Foods and Drinks Sector
  • Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities
  • Introduction and Politics of Food Discussion
  • Are Food Manufactures Killing Us?
  • A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs
  • Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis
  • White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food
  • The Class About Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food
  • Food Supplements in Preventing Long-Term Illnesses
  • A Plan for Receiving and Handling of Food Products Based on HACCP
  • Quality of Food Served to Children
  • Fast-Food Marketing and Children’s Fast-Food Consumption
  • The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours
  • The Effects of Food on ADHD
  • Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food
  • Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food
  • When Food Costs More Than It Is Supposed To
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment
  • American Food Industry in the “Food, Inc.” Movie
  • Obesity Treatment – More Than Food
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Influences on Children
  • Nurse-Led Program on Food Safety Problem
  • Nitrates and Nitrites in Food
  • Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area
  • Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity
  • “The Food Matters” by James Colquhoun
  • “The Future of Food” produced by Catherine Lynn Butler
  • Comfort Food as a Quarantine Trend
  • Food Consumption: Enjoyment and Ethics
  • Reducing Food Packaging Litter in Ireland
  • Food Insecurity Assessment in Miami
  • TQM, Six Sigma and Product Liability in Perishable Food Industry
  • Food Labeling and Concordia University’s Food Sphere
  • The Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours
  • The History of Soul Food Cuisine in the United States
  • The Words on Your Plate: Analysis of the Food Words
  • Expanding Ultima Foods in China
  • The Actual and Budgeted Food Costs
  • Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness
  • Food and Wine Pairing Menu
  • National Food Policy Guaranteeing Healthy Food Marketing
  • Analysis of Nutrition and Food Studies
  • Modeling Sustainable Food Systems
  • Soul Food: An Original American Art Form
  • Macronutrients Consumption: The Best Food Sources
  • The Importance of Variability in the Food Industry
  • “Women, Food, and Learning” by Claudia Setzer
  • Food Additives Use in Agriculture in the United States
  • Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production
  • The Origins of the Soul Food and Barbeque in the USA
  • Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus
  • 2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival
  • America Express Charity Food Overview
  • Food, Body, and Weight Issues Exploration and Family Dynamics in Ireland
  • Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy?
  • Traditional Lakota Food: Buffalo
  • Organic Foods Issue of “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan
  • Food Safety in the Commercial Industry
  • Working in a Food Pantry
  • Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment
  • How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed the Environment and the Health of American Society?
  • Food Habits and Dietary Practices: Honey as Food
  • Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply
  • Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation”
  • White Thinking Hat Fast Food: Overview
  • Genetically Modified Food as a Current Issue
  • The Fast Food Restaurants History in the United States
  • Fast Food Nation: Business Analysis
  • Delectability of Foods Within the Context of Children
  • Concerns Regarding Genetically Modified Food
  • UK Business Sourcing Extensive Food Materials from Greece
  • Obesity Caused by Fast-Food as a Nursing Practice Issue
  • Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency
  • Do Marketers Condition Us to Buy More Junk Food?
  • Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces
  • Food Insecurity Intervention and Its Effectiveness
  • Business Within Society: Food Truck
  • Proposal for Lowering the Intake of High-Calorie Food
  • Food Company Managing Business Activities
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Analysis
  • Global Food Security: UN Speech
  • Sociology of Food and Eating
  • Australian Consumers Strategies to Reduce Food Waste
  • Fast-Food Restaurant’s Capacity Increasing Options
  • Waste, Food and Transportation: Sustainable Development
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Environment
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Market Capitalization
  • Food Labeling Changes in the United States
  • Start Up Company: Genetically Modified Foods in China
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Value Chain
  • The Currency Devaluation Concept in the Food Industry
  • Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis
  • Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children
  • Food in Reducing Risks and Improving Health
  • Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval
  • Dietary Laws and Food Products for Health
  • Labeling Food With Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Ethical Eating in Daily Food Practices
  • Healthy Food in U.S. Schools
  • Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions
  • Food Diversion as a Type-2 Diabetes Treatment
  • Food Producing Company and Its Key Processes
  • Saddle Creek Corporation: Food Company Analysis
  • IES Lean Systems Ltd. in the Food Industry
  • Food: National Identity and Cultural Difference
  • Food for the Working-class Americans
  • Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition
  • Food Science and Technology of Genetic Modification
  • Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project
  • Food in the 20th Centure
  • Nutrition and Food Security within the Aboriginal and Remote Communities of Australia
  • Nutrition: Foods Containing Calories

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/

"449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "449 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Food were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 22, 2024 .

Food Topics for A+ Grade Research Writing

01 December, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

Food is a sensitive topic since it impacts human lives directly. As experts say, you are what you eat is indeed true that the meals you consume can either build or weaken your immune system. Careful diet selection affects your health immensely. You need to eat nutritious meals to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lower the risks of various diseases. That is why there are numerous diet courses and programs offered in colleges and universities.

food topics

Students get assigned numerous research papers as part of the course assessment. However, the diversity of the subject makes it difficult for learners to pick the best topics about food. It is quite a broad subject, which might confuse students more. Therefore, you must be keen during topic selection to compose remarkable research papers. Our experts have listed food safety topics and other compelling ideas to help you.

Furthermore, there are limitless controversial food topics that you can derive interesting arguments for your paper. Read on and gain more insights on how to choose appropriate topics and tips to write impressive papers.

Food Research Paper Explanation

A food research paper is an academic project that entails composing original essays and projects that analyze and explain information surrounding the nutrition industry. It could be researching safety, policies, management, nutrition, or diet innovations.

Tutors use research assignments to gauge the understanding of learners on specific subjects. That is why the papers must follow the required academic standards.

Therefore, it is imperative to identify a suitable food essay topic to compose an exceptional paper that meets the research purpose.

The Main Branches of Food Science

Food science is a study that involves multiple disciplines that relate to different nutrition aspects. It is a course that analyses nutrition properties in terms of chemical compositions and the physical aspect. The subjects also cover various scientific aspects like food safety, the processing stages, and storage.

Let us take a look at the main branches:

  • Analytical chemistry.
  • Engineering.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Quality control
  • Food safety.

Thus, it is imperative to note that food technology has a massive impact on bulk production. The industry takes essential steps in how to preserve, package, and distribute food for human consumption.

Due to the subject’s diversity, learners have limitless food debate topics to cover. You can never miss out during topic selection as long as you understand the research question.

Food Topics Are Tricky – How To Choose and Work On Them

Topic selection is a critical phase even for research papers. Most students get stuck on how to approach this broad subject. It is pretty tricky to get good food topics to write about from a diverse category of options. From food arguments topics to safety issues, learners can identify numerous controversial themes to explore.

food essay topics

You must brainstorm to get related themes surrounding the main subject. Ensure you read the essay prompt carefully to understand the angle you will take when selecting a relevant topic. It is imperative to take adequate time to avoid picking inappropriate topics that do not align with the research purpose. For instance, if you select argumentative essay topics about food, you must incorporate logical arguments to persuade your readers about the research perspective.

In addition, you must research extensively to find verifiable sources. Crafting original documents with correct citations is paramount in research paper writing. Make sure the websites or books you are getting information contain enough content. Some controversial topics might have plenty of information, while others have fewer data.

Fortunately, it is a subject that opens debatable conversations and offers a rich ground for writing captivating research papers that can advance the medical field and the culinary world in general.

However, if you still find it challenging to select topics, you can seek professional assistance from our trusted service. Our experts are on standby 24/7, helping numerous students out and producing stellar essays and research papers on a broad array of nutrition-related topics.

20 Captivating Food As A Science Topic Ideas

Here are original food science topics to inspire your writing process:

  • Explain the different categories of nutrition.
  • Analyze the significant nutrition types essential for body development.
  • Discuss the relationship between poor nutrition and bone density.
  • Can poor people afford nutrition supplements?
  • Discuss the importance of vitamin D on young children.
  • An analysis of female dietary habits compared to males.
  • Impact of science in nutrition.
  • The types of nutrition that improve bone density.
  • Discuss the importance of amino acids in muscle growth.
  • An analysis of organic vs. processed diets.
  • Discuss the nutritional value of dry beans and their health benefits.
  • Explore the health benefits of an organic diet.
  • Discuss why organic milk is a significant nutritional source.
  • The role of culture in diet preferences.
  • Analyze the future of the fast meal industry.
  • Food Science: A quantitative analysis of modern nutrition supplements.
  • Why hospitals do not provide junk meals to patients.
  • Stored meals: Discuss the nutritional value and health hazards.
  • Causes and effects of food poisoning.
  • An analysis of nutritional deficiency and related diseases. 

10 Controversial Food Topics

Here are interesting food controversy topics that will develop compelling arguments and impress your tutor.

  • What is the healthiest method to cook eggs?
  • Is pizza good for young developing children?
  • Effective storage for diet sauce.
  • Do vegetarians live a long healthy life compared to meat consumers?
  • The influence of obesity on fast restaurants.
  • Analyze the causes of the rising sedentary lifestyle.
  • Impact of excessive caffeine intake.
  • Evaluate the role of beauty standards in eating disorders.
  • The effectiveness of dietary supplements.
  • Discuss the significance of a fatty diet in children.

10 Interactive Food Topics For Argumentative Writing

Diet forms part of a growing health debate in modern times. Let us look at some of the engaging food argumentative essay topics to jumpstart your writing.

  • Are sodas suitable for young children?
  • The adverse effects of a vegan diet.
  • The impact of chocolate addiction on a healthy diet.
  • Why honey is essential in managing flu ailments.
  • Discuss the fruits that are effective in detoxing the human system.
  • The impact of poor detoxification in the body.
  • The role of garlic in insulin metabolism.
  • Are there healthy sugar substitutes?
  • How do quick-service restaurants affect society?
  • The influence of climate on diet preferences.

10 Interesting Food Topics That Are Perfect For Debates

Numerous food debates topics help develop excellent research papers. Below are interesting topic ideas that can form captivating debates.

  • Are color additives safe for human consumption?
  • Can good eating habits reduce diet allergies in children?
  • What is Avian Influenza? Should consumers be worried about it?
  • Discuss the effective methods of organizing food in the fridge.
  • An analysis of healthy spices and their benefits.
  • The role of the government in creating awareness about organic diet.
  • Can nutrition supplements replace organic diets?
  • Explore diet choices between men and women.
  • Discuss the benefits of adopting a macrobiotic diet.
  • The influence of technology on eating habits.

10 Captivating Food Topics on Safety Measures

Looking for more fascinating topics? Below is a list of topic ideas about safety measures:

  • Discuss the health concerns surrounding coffee?
  • How to avoid food poisoning.
  • The impact of biofuels in the food industry.
  • Evaluate why stored meals are toxic in the human system.
  • Why the government should be strict on safety and inspection.
  • Effective methods of reducing botulism.
  • An analysis of food safety policy.
  • Discuss the significance of proper packaging.
  • The downside of selling junk meals to school children.
  • The role of the government in improving food safety.

10 Brilliant Food Topics For A Research Project

If you are stuck with a research paper without any topic ideas, we have you covered. The following are brilliant food research topics to inspire your research projects:

  • Causes and effects of high acidity in the body.
  • The thin line between weight loss diets and malnutrition.
  • How does overeating affect the immune system?
  • The pros and cons of consuming genetically modified foods.
  • The negative effects of binge eating.
  • Home-cooked meals vs. restaurant meals.
  • The role of the government in curbing obesity.
  • Discuss why meal choice is an individual responsibility.
  • The fast-food industry is manipulating people’s eating habits.
  • Analyze the long-term effects of eating.

10 Engaging Food Topics To Use In An Essay

Need more attention-grabbing food essay topics? Peruse the list below and find one that suits your research paper:

  • Discuss the health hazards of genetically modified foods.
  • An analysis of plant sterols in high cholesterol treatment.
  • Why athletes require a special, optimal diet.
  • Compare and contrast sugar and sweeteners.
  • Is breakfast the most important meal to start your day?
  • Impact of plastics as a packaging product.
  • How biotechnology helps in meeting the nutritional needs of poor people.
  • Analyze the influence of caffeinated drinks on human health.
  • Are beans a better source of proteins than meat?
  • Do carbonated drinks accelerate the aging of cells?

10 Interesting Food Topics for Smooth Writing

Research writing requires interactive topics to make the paper attention-grabbing to the target audience. Here are some interesting topics for your research paper:

  • What are antioxidants? Discuss the nutritional value.
  • Food addiction: Definition, causes, and effects.
  • Why is it essential to maintain balanced pH levels?
  • Discuss the socio-economic advantages of the fast-food industry.
  • Discuss the controversies surrounding vegetable oils.
  • Why intermittent fasting is not a healthy practice.
  • The role of culture in fueling obesity.
  • An analysis of chronic lifestyle diseases.
  • The significance of drinking freshly extracted fruit juice.
  • Is margarine a healthy choice? Discuss its implications.

10 Food Topics For Open Discussion

Let us explore other exciting food topics to talk about with rich analysis.

  • Vegetarian diet: What drives people to become vegans? Is the diet suitable for everyone?
  • Does interval fasting cure sedentary illnesses?
  • Does lack of milk cause calcium deficiency?
  • Discuss alternative calcium sources for people allergic to dairy products.
  • Impact of sugar and sweeteners on human health.
  • Does labeling affect consumer choices when purchasing food?
  • Discuss the effective methods of reducing meal wastage.
  • Impact of long-term Keto diet.
  • An analysis of allergies in young children.
  • Discuss the legal implications of diet adulteration.

food topics

Can’t Choose A Winning Topic? Our Writers Are Available 24/7!

Still, grappling with choosing interesting food topics to write about? Worry no more. The topic selection process might seem challenging, but it is pretty easy with the right approach. You must take time in the pre-writing stage and ensure you brainstorm extensively to arrive at a worthy, debatable subject. But if you encounter problems, trust us with your research papers and turn in excellent results.

With a competent team of qualified researchers, writers and editors, you can be sure of getting top-notch essays with a guarantee of impressive scores. Our essay writers work on each paper as per your instructions. We tailor your order to meet the tutor’s requirements and expectations. Forget the stress and anxiety of dealing with research work with no hope of securing top grades. Let us work on your complicated papers while you take a long break.

Moreover, we have genuine guarantees to ensure the safety and satisfaction of all customers. Get authentic texts that meet the originality requirements without any plagiarism issues. If you encounter any problem when ordering, making payments, or with your writer, reach out to the support agents, and you will get an instant response on the live chat option.

Do not hesitate to contact us immediately and upgrade your scores.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

Need ideas for a research paper topic as well? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you.

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Deciding between the SAT or ACT? Find out for sure which you will do the best on . Also read a detailed comparison between the two tests .

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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100 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Persuasive essays are a bit like argument essays , but they tend to be a little kinder and gentler. Argument essays require you to discuss and attack an alternate view, while persuasive essays attempt to convince the reader that you have a believable argument. In other words, you are an advocate, not an adversary.

Writing a compelling persuasive essay requires you to select a topic that ideally stirs your readers' emotions. Before settling on a subject, explore some options to find one that helps craft the strongest and most engaging argument.

Below is a list of potential persuasive essay topics to spark your brainstorming process. You can choose a topic from this list or use it as inspiration to develop an idea of your own.

Main Components of a Persuasive Essay

  • Introduction : This is the opening paragraph of your essay. It contains the hook , which is used to grab the reader's attention, and the thesis , or argument, which you'll explain in the next section.
  • Body : This is the heart of your essay, usually three to five paragraphs in length. Each paragraph examines one theme or issue used to support your thesis.
  • Conclusion : This is the final paragraph of your essay. In it, you'll sum up the main points of the body and connect them to your thesis. Persuasive essays often use the conclusion as a final appeal to the audience.

Learning how to write a persuasive essay is an essential skill people use every day in fields from business to law to media and entertainment. English students can begin writing a persuasive essay at any skill level. You'll surely find a sample topic or two from the list of 100 persuasive essays below, sorted by degree of difficulty.

Watch Now: 12 Ideas for Great Persuasive Essay Topics

Beginner topics.

  • Kids should get paid for good grades.
  • Students should have less homework.
  • Snow days are great for family time.
  • Penmanship is important.
  • Short hair is better than long hair.
  • We should all grow our own vegetables.
  • We need more holidays.
  • Aliens probably exist.
  • Gym class is more important than music class.
  • Kids should be able to vote.
  • Kids should get paid for extra activities like sports.
  • School should take place in the evenings.
  • Country life is better than city life.
  • City life is better than country life.
  • We can change the world.
  • Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.
  • We should provide food for the poor.
  • Children should be paid for doing chores.
  • We should populate the moon .
  • Dogs make better pets than cats.

Intermediate Topics

  • The government should impose household trash limits.
  • Nuclear weapons are an effective deterrent against foreign attack.
  • Teens should be required to take parenting classes.
  • We should teach etiquette in schools.
  • School uniform laws are unconstitutional.
  • All students should wear uniforms.
  • Too much money is a bad thing.
  • High schools should offer specialized degrees in arts or sciences.
  • Magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to young women.
  • Robocalling should be outlawed.
  • Age 12 is too young to babysit.
  • Children should be required to read more.
  • All students should be allowed to study abroad.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory past age 65.
  • Cell phones should never be used while driving.
  • All schools should implement bullying awareness programs.
  • Bullies should be kicked out of school.
  • Parents of bullies should have to pay a fine.
  • The school year should be longer.
  • School days should start later.
  • Teens should be able to choose their bedtime.
  • There should be a mandatory entrance exam for high school.
  • Public transit should be privatized.
  • We should allow pets in school.
  • The voting age should be lowered to 16.
  • Beauty contests are bad for body image.
  • Every American should learn to speak Spanish.
  • Every immigrant should learn to speak English.
  • Video games can be educational.
  • College athletes should be paid for their services.
  • We need a military draft .
  • Professional sports should eliminate cheerleaders.
  • Teens should be able to start driving at 14 instead of 16.
  • Year-round school is a bad idea.
  • High school campuses should be guarded by police officers.
  • The legal drinking age should be lowered to 19.
  • Kids under 15 shouldn't have Facebook pages.
  • Standardized testing should be eliminated.
  • Teachers should be paid more.
  • There should be one world currency.

Advanced Topics

  • Domestic surveillance without a warrant should be legal.
  • Letter grades should be replaced with a pass or fail.
  • Every family should have a natural disaster survival plan.
  • Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age.
  • Racial slurs should be illegal.
  • Gun ownership should be tightly regulated.
  • Puerto Rico should be granted statehood.
  • People should go to jail when they abandon their pets.
  • Free speech should have limitations.
  • Members of Congress should be subject to term limits.
  • Recycling should be mandatory for everyone.
  • High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
  • Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide.
  • Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or alcohol.
  • Child support dodgers should go to jail.
  • Students should be allowed to pray in school.
  • All Americans have a constitutional right to health care.
  • Internet access should be free for everyone.
  • Social Security should be privatized.
  • Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons.
  • We shouldn't use products made from animals.
  • Celebrities should have more privacy rights.
  • Professional football is too violent and should be banned.
  • We need better sex education in schools.
  • School testing is not effective.
  • The United States should build a border wall with Mexico and Canada.
  • Life is better than it was 50 years ago.
  • Eating meat is unethical.
  • A vegan diet is the only diet people should follow.
  • Medical testing on animals should be illegal.
  • The Electoral College is outdated.
  • Medical testing on animals is necessary.
  • Public safety is more important than an individual's right to privacy.
  • Single-sex colleges provide a better education.
  • Books should never be banned.
  • Violent video games can cause people to act violently in real life.
  • Freedom of religion has limitations.
  • Nuclear power should be illegal.
  • Climate change should be the president's primary political concern.

Key Takeaways

  • Persuasive essays aim to convince rather than confront, effectively making you advocate for a position or idea.
  • Choosing a compelling topic that evokes emotions is crucial for crafting a strong persuasive essay.
  • The main parts of a persuasive essay are the introduction (with a hook and thesis), body paragraphs (explaining themes supporting the thesis), and conclusion (summarizing main points and making a final appeal).

Hamilton College. " Writing a Persuasive Essay ."

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50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

  • 5-minute read
  • 19th January 2023

Welcome to your ultimate guide to persuasive essay topics! 

In this post, we’ll provide a list of 50 persuasive essay topics to help you get started on your next assignment. 

We’ll also include some tips for writing a persuasive essay to help you craft a strong and effective argument. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, these persuasive essay topics are sure to inspire and challenge you.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are a type of argumentative essay that encourage the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action.

They typically open with a question, followed by a series of arguments intended to persuade the reader to take the same side as the author.

In a persuasive essay, the author will usually appeal to the readers’ emotions in order to prove that their opinion is the correct one. But this doesn’t mean that persuasive essays ignore evidence , facts, and figures; an effective persuasive essay makes use of a combination of logical argument and emotive language to sway the audience.

A persuasive essay can cover just about anything from pop culture to politics. With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of 50 persuasive essay topics to inspire your next assignment!

Top 50 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should the government censor the internet?
  • Should the government regulate the sale of violent video games?
  • Should self-driving cars be banned?
  • Is facial recognition software unethical?
  • Should mental health apps collect users’ personal data?
  • Should children under 13 have cell phones?
  • Should internet access be treated as a human right?
  • Should all paperwork be digitized?

Science and the Environment

  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Should genetically modified organisms be labeled?
  • Should we clone human beings?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should the government fund space exploration?
  • Should the government regulate the use of pesticides in farming?
  • Should the government regulate the use of antibiotics in livestock?
  • Should the government fine people who drive gas-powered vehicles?
  • Should climate change be declared a national emergency?

Crime and Politics

  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should all American citizens have to serve a year of community service?
  • Should the US voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should the government adopt a tougher immigration policy?
  • Should the government cut its military spending?
  • Should the government introduce a national living wage?
  • Should politicians be banned from social media?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?

Health and Fitness

  • Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  • Should the government ban the use of certain chemicals in cosmetics?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the gender of their unborn child?
  • Should physical exercise be mandatory at work?
  • Should employees have to disclose health conditions to their employers?
  • Should fast food commercials be banned?
  • Should herbal medicines be better regulated?
  • Should regular mental health checkups be mandatory?
  • Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  • Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  • Should the government provide free college education?
  • Should schools offer comprehensive sex education?
  • Are high school students given too much homework?
  • Should humanities and arts subjects receive more funding?
  • Should military recruiters be allowed on school grounds?
  • Is the school day too long?
  • Should every US citizen be required to learn another language?

Lifestyle and Culture

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  • Should the drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Should the use of tobacco be banned?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should all museums and art galleries be free?
  • Should kids be encouraged to read more?
  • Should public spaces provide unisex bathrooms?
  • Is pet ownership a human right?
  • Should extreme sports be banned?

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to start writing your persuasive essay. Here are our tips:

Choose a Side

When you’ve picked the question you’re going to address in your essay, you also need to choose one side – or answer – that you’re going to write in favor of.

It helps if you’re passionate about the topic, as this will enable you to write from an emotional perspective.

Do Your Research

In order to write persuasively , you need to understand the topic you’re writing about. 

Make sure you know the details of your subject matter, and can provide facts and figures to back up your appeal to your readers’ emotions.

You should also read up about different points of view on the topic, so that you can bring them up in the form of counterarguments and rebuttals .

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When you’re writing your essay, think about who it is you’re trying to persuade. The way you speak to a student, for example, will be different to how you address a parent.

Consider what your potential audience will value, and how you can reach them on an emotional level. 

Outline Your Essay

Now you’ve got all the information you need, it’s time to plan and write your essay.

You should break it down into the follow sections:

  • An introduction, which sets up the question you’re going to answer and what side of the argument you are aiming to persuade the reader of.
  • The body of the essay, with a paragraph for each of the points you want to make.
  • A conclusion, where you summarize your points and main arguments.

Get It Proofread

As with any essay, your finished persuasive essay will need proofreading to make sure it’s the best it can be.

Our academic proofreading team here at Proofed can help with that. You can even get your first 500 words proofread for free !

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persuasive essay topics food

Persuasive Essay Topics - Top Choices

persuasive essay topics food

Did you know that persuasive essays are exercises in rhetoric and powerful tools for shaping opinions and influencing behaviors? With approximately 70% of students in the United States tasked with writing such essays at some point during their academic careers, brainstorming a compelling theme becomes of vital importance. 

As a persuasive essay writer , you have to pick the right subject that makes the difference between sparking lively debate and eliciting yawns from your audience. In this article, we’ll share a collection of persuasive essay topics that easily captivate readers and inspire thoughtful discourse and potential change.

The List of Persuasive Essay Topics

Browsing persuasive essay ideas can really benefit students in several ways. First, it helps them think critically by examining issues from different angles. Second, it broadens their knowledge about important things happening in the world. 

Plus, when they pick topics they're passionate about, writing becomes more enjoyable and their arguments stronger. Let's not forget that sample topics from our paper writing service also sharpen their communication skills, helping them express their ideas clearly and persuasively. So, let’s get started, shall we?

Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Finding a strong persuasive essay topic takes time and precision. Also, you need an action plan on how to research a topic as well. 

  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Is mandatory community service beneficial for high school students?
  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Is social media beneficial or harmful to society?
  • Should college athletes be paid for playing sports?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?
  • Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished worldwide?
  • Is online learning more effective than traditional classroom learning?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
  • Is climate change primarily caused by human activity?
  • Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled in food products?
  • Is it ethical to use animals for scientific experimentation?
  • Should the use of cell phones be banned while driving?
  • Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?

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Hopefully this guide will help you discover good topics for a persuasive speech or essay and write a top-notch paper. Looking for more advice or professional help?

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

Advanced students on the lookout for persuasive essay topics for college will find the following ideas most interesting. 

  • Should college tuition fees be free for all students?
  • Is the grading system an effective measure of students' abilities?
  • Should colleges implement stricter policies against plagiarism?
  • Is it beneficial for colleges to adopt a pass/fail grading system?
  • Should colleges prioritize mental health services for students?
  • Is it fair for colleges to consider race or ethnicity in admissions decisions?
  • Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their likeness?
  • Is it important for colleges to offer courses on financial literacy?
  • Should colleges provide free menstrual products on campus?
  • Is it ethical for colleges to invest in fossil fuel companies?
  • Should colleges require students to take courses on diversity and inclusion?
  • Is online education as effective as traditional classroom learning in college?
  • Should colleges implement stricter policies to combat sexual assault on campus?
  • Is it beneficial for colleges to offer courses on sustainable living practices?
  • Should colleges prioritize funding for STEM programs over humanities programs?

Persuasive Essay Topics High School

In high school, topics for persuasive writing have to always be on point. If you’re stuck in writer’s block, we’re here to help!

  • Should high school students be required to pass a financial literacy course before graduating?
  • Is it important for high schools to provide comprehensive sex education?
  • Should the school day start later to accommodate teenage sleep patterns?
  • Is it beneficial for high schools to implement mandatory community service requirements for graduation?
  • Should high school students be allowed to choose their own curriculum?
  • Is it ethical for high schools to use surveillance cameras in classrooms and hallways?
  • Should high school athletes be subject to random drug testing?
  • Is it beneficial for high schools to offer courses on mental health and well-being?
  • Should high schools ban the use of cell phones during school hours?
  • Is it fair for high schools to implement dress codes or uniform policies?
  • Should high school students be allowed to leave campus for lunch?
  • Is it important for high schools to teach comprehensive LGBTQ+ education?
  • Should high schools require students to complete a certain number of hours of volunteer work to graduate?
  • Is it beneficial for high schools to offer courses on environmental sustainability?
  • Should high schools prioritize funding for arts and music programs?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Education

This academic domain offers many peculiar topic ideas for research. We’ve gathered the best themes that you can easily explore stress-free. But first, find out how to write a persuasive essay up to the mark.

  • Should standardized testing be replaced with alternative forms of assessment?
  • Is the traditional grading system effective in accurately measuring students' knowledge and abilities?
  • Should schools implement comprehensive sex education programs from an early age?
  • Is it important for schools to prioritize teaching emotional intelligence and mental health awareness?
  • Should technology be integrated into classrooms as a primary tool for learning?
  • Is homeschooling a viable alternative to traditional schooling?
  • Should schools provide free breakfast and lunch for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status?
  • Is the current curriculum adequately preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce?
  • Should financial literacy be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?
  • Is it beneficial for schools to offer classes on mindfulness and stress management?
  • Should arts and music programs receive equal funding and recognition as other academic subjects?
  • Is there a need for stricter regulations regarding bullying and harassment in schools?
  • Should schools prioritize teaching critical thinking skills over rote memorization?
  • Is there a need for more emphasis on environmental education and sustainability in schools?
  • Should schools provide comprehensive support services for students with learning disabilities?

persuasive essay topics

Persuasive Essay Topics on Society

Modern society faces plenty of challenges, which are a great source of inspiration for topic ideas.

  • Should the government provide universal basic income to all citizens?
  • Is social media usage contributing to a decline in mental health among young people?
  • Should hate speech be protected under freedom of speech laws?
  • Is gun control necessary to reduce gun violence in society?
  • Should the minimum wage be raised to a living wage?
  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right that should be guaranteed by the government?
  • Should affirmative action policies be implemented to address systemic inequalities?
  • Is police brutality a widespread problem that requires urgent reform?
  • Should the prison system focus more on rehabilitation rather than punishment?
  • Is immigration beneficial or harmful to the economy and society?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the use of fossil fuels to combat climate change?
  • Is access to affordable housing a basic human right?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages?
  • Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to crime?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the use of technology to protect privacy rights?

Persuasive Essay Topics on History

History provides a wealth of diverse and impactful events, figures, and societal changes that offer rich material for exploring lessons, controversies, and parallels with contemporary issues, making it an excellent source of ideas.

  • Should reparations be paid to descendants of enslaved individuals?
  • Was colonization a beneficial or detrimental force for indigenous peoples?
  • Should Confederate monuments and symbols be removed from public spaces?
  • Was the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?
  • Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples' Day?
  • Was the Civil Rights Movement successful in achieving its goals?
  • Should historical figures with controversial legacies be reevaluated and reassessed?
  • Was the Treaty of Versailles fair to Germany after World War I?
  • Should Holocaust denial be considered a form of hate speech?
  • Was the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II justified?
  • Should the United States apologize for its role in the transatlantic slave trade?
  • Was the feminist movement of the 20th century successful in achieving gender equality?
  • Should historical monuments and landmarks be preserved even if they represent controversial figures or events?
  • Was the policy of Manifest Destiny morally justified?
  • Should history textbooks be revised to provide a more inclusive and diverse narrative?

Persuasive Essay Topics About Social Issues

Social issues are a compelling source of persuasive essay topics because they touch upon fundamental aspects of human experience, ignite passionate debates, and prompt critical examination of societal norms and values.

  • Is universal basic income an effective solution to poverty?
  • Should hate speech be criminalized to protect marginalized groups?
  • Should stricter gun control laws be implemented to reduce gun violence?
  • Is the criminal justice system biased against racial minorities?
  • Should LGBTQ+ individuals have equal rights and protections under the law?
  • Is access to quality education a fundamental human right?
  • Is climate change primarily caused by human activity, and what measures should be taken to address it?
  • Should abortion be legal and accessible to all women?
  • Is income inequality a growing problem that needs to be addressed?
  • Should there be greater investment in mental health services and support?

Crime and Legal Persuasive Essay Topics

Crime and legal topics offer rich ground for persuasive essays due to their inherent complexity, moral ambiguity, and profound impact on individual rights, justice, and societal order.

  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Is solitary confinement a humane form of punishment?
  • Should juveniles be tried as adults for serious crimes?
  • Is mandatory sentencing effective in reducing crime rates?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for recreational use?
  • Is racial profiling a legitimate law enforcement tactic?
  • Should there be stricter penalties for white-collar crimes?
  • Is the current bail system fair to low-income individuals?
  • Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
  • Is the War on Drugs effective in addressing drug-related crime?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on gun ownership?
  • Is the three-strikes law an effective deterrent to repeat offenders?
  • Should hate crimes be punished more severely than other crimes?
  • Is plea bargaining a just and fair practice in the criminal justice system?
  • Should non-violent drug offenders be given alternative sentences, such as rehabilitation instead of incarceration?

Health Persuasive Essay Topics

Health is our biggest asset, so exploring topics related to medical aid or illnesses is a great move. If you need more essay topics , we have them here.

  • Should vaccination be mandatory for all children?
  • Is universal healthcare a fundamental human right?
  • Should junk food be banned in schools to combat childhood obesity?
  • Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the marketing of sugary drinks and snacks?
  • Is mental health education as important as physical health education in schools?
  • Should the government regulate the portion sizes of fast food items?
  • Is the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) a safer alternative to smoking?
  • Should there be a tax on sugary beverages to discourage consumption?
  • Is access to contraception and family planning services a fundamental right for women?
  • Is healthcare a privilege or a commodity?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the advertising of prescription medications?
  • Is the use of medical marijuana beneficial for treating certain medical conditions?

Women's and Gender Persuasive Essay Topics

Women's and gender issues are an excellent source of persuasive essay topics because they encompass fundamental questions of equality, identity, and justice.

persuasive essay topics

  • Should gender equality be actively promoted in all areas of society?
  • Is feminism still relevant in the 21st century?
  • Should there be greater representation of women in leadership positions?
  • Is gender-based violence a widespread problem that requires urgent attention?
  • Should there be equal pay for equal work regardless of gender?
  • Is maternity leave sufficient for working mothers, and should paternity leave be offered to fathers?
  • Should gender-neutral language be used to promote inclusivity?
  • Is body positivity an important movement for promoting self-acceptance regardless of gender?
  • Should transgender individuals have equal rights and protections under the law?
  • Is the objectification of women in media harmful to society?
  • Should sex education include comprehensive information on consent and healthy relationships?
  • Is the gender binary outdated, and should society embrace a more fluid understanding of gender identity?
  • Should there be greater access to reproductive healthcare services for women?
  • Is the beauty industry promoting unrealistic standards of beauty for women?
  • Should gender quotas be implemented to ensure equal representation in politics and corporate boards?

Ethics Persuasive Essay Topics

Every online essay writer knows that ethics provides a fertile ground for persuasive essay topics, prompting critical reflection on moral dilemmas, societal values, and the ethical implications of various actions and policies.

  • Should animal testing be banned in all industries?
  • Is using animals for entertainment, such as in circuses and zoos, ethical?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized for terminally ill patients?
  • Is it ethical to clone animals for scientific research or conservation purposes?
  • Should genetic engineering be used to modify human embryos?
  • Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in decision-making processes?
  • Should genetic testing be mandatory for certain medical conditions?
  • Is it ethical to use sweatshop labor to produce goods?
  • Should there be limits on the amount of wealth individuals can accumulate?
  • Is it ethical to engage in cultural appropriation?
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports be allowed?
  • Is consuming products that harm the environment ethical, such as palm oil?
  • Should businesses prioritize profit over social and environmental responsibility?
  • Is it ethical to use personal data for targeted advertising?
  • Is it ethical to use technology to monitor citizens for security purposes?

Science Persuasive Essay Topics

Science offers a wealth of persuasive essay topics by exploring cutting-edge advancements, ethical dilemmas, and societal implications, fostering critical thinking and informed discourse on key issues shaping our world.

  • Should nuclear energy be promoted as a clean alternative to fossil fuels?
  • Is space exploration worth the investment of time and resources?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the use of antibiotics in agriculture?
  • Is there a need for greater investment in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power?
  • Should scientific research involving animals be subject to stricter ethical guidelines?
  • Is it ethical to use gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 in humans?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the use of pesticides in agriculture?
  • Is there a need for greater investment in stem cell research for medical purposes?
  • Should the use of plastic be banned to reduce pollution in the oceans?
  • Is there a need for greater investment in space exploration to protect Earth from potential asteroid impacts?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on using artificial intelligence to ensure ethical behavior?
  • Is there a need for greater investment in research on renewable energy storage technologies?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the use of nanotechnology in consumer products?

Persuasive Essay Topics on AI Impact

Due to its transformative potential, ethical considerations, and societal implications, AI's impact provides a rich source of persuasive essay topics. Use our dissertation service if you require assistance with more complex papers rather than short compositions.

  • Should there be regulations on developing and using autonomous weapons powered by AI?
  • Is AI technology advancing faster than our understanding of potential risks and consequences?
  • Should there be guidelines for the ethical use of AI in the surveillance and monitoring of citizens?
  • Is AI exacerbating existing societal inequalities, such as access to employment and healthcare?
  • Should there be measures in place to prevent AI algorithms from perpetuating bias and discrimination?
  • Is AI technology contributing to job displacement and unemployment in certain industries?
  • Should there be transparency and accountability in the decision-making processes of AI systems?
  • Is AI technology enhancing or hindering privacy rights for individuals?
  • Should there be regulations on using AI in facial recognition technology by law enforcement agencies?
  • Is AI technology leading to the creation of safer autonomous vehicles than human-driven vehicles?
  • Should there be guidelines for the ethical use of AI in medical diagnosis and treatment?
  • Is AI technology posing risks to cybersecurity and data privacy?
  • Should there be regulations on the use of AI in predictive policing to prevent potential biases and abuses?
  • Is AI technology exacerbating misinformation and manipulation in online platforms and social media?
  • Should there be regulations on the use of AI in financial markets to prevent market manipulation and fraud?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Racism

Racism is an important and impactful source of persuasive essay topics because it addresses systemic injustices, societal inequalities, and ethical imperatives, fostering critical examination and advocacy for social change.

  • Should hate speech laws be strengthened to combat racism and discrimination?
  • Is affirmative action necessary to address systemic racism in education and employment?
  • Should there be greater representation of diverse voices in the media industry?
  • Is cultural appropriation harmful and perpetuates racism?
  • Should schools teach the contributions of marginalized communities?
  • Should there be reparations for descendants of enslaved individuals to address the legacy of slavery?
  • Is colorblindness an effective approach to addressing racism?
  • Should there be greater investment to build trust between law enforcement and communities of color?
  • Is there a need for anti-racism education and training in schools and workplaces?
  • Should there be stricter penalties for hate crimes motivated by racism?
  • Is there a need for greater diversity in leadership positions in the corporate and political spheres?
  • Should there be policies to address environmental racism?

Unique Persuasive Essay Ideas

Would you like to stand out from the rest of the classroom with a unique topic that sparks interest and fosters meaningful dialogue? Consider choosing one of these topics.

  • Should schools implement mandatory outdoor education to promote environmental awareness?
  • Is there a need for a universal basic income to address the rise of automation and job displacement?
  • Should there be a cap on the number of hours individuals can work per week to promote work-life balance?
  • Is it ethical to use virtual reality technology to enhance empathy and understanding?
  • Should there be regulations on using AI-generated content to prevent misinformation?
  • Is there a need for a global ban on single-use plastics to combat ocean pollution?
  • Should there be a tax on meat consumption to address environmental and public health concerns?
  • Is there a need for mandatory financial literacy education starting from elementary school?
  • Should there be incentives for companies to prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship?
  • Is there a need for a standardized global curriculum to ensure equal access to quality education worldwide?
  • Should there be regulations on using facial recognition technology to protect privacy rights?
  • Is there a need for greater representation of Indigenous voices in mainstream media?
  • Should a universal declaration of digital rights protect individuals' privacy and autonomy online?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on advertising fast food and sugary beverages to children?
  • Should a ban on cosmetic animal testing to promote cruelty-free alternatives?

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, this article has presented a diverse array of persuasive essay topics, spanning from pressing social issues to the ethical implications of AI and beyond. It highlights the importance of engaging in critical discourse, fostering empathy, and advocating for positive change in our ever-evolving world.

At the same time, if you find yourself seeking assistance with your academic endeavors, remember that we can help you with your homework, ensuring you stay on top of your studies and coursework. Whether it's tackling complex essays or asking for support like ' do my homework ,' our resources are here to aid you on your academic journey.

What if Your Essay Could Change Minds and Transform Ideas?

Explore the endless possibilities of interesting persuasive essay topics that elevate your writing and inspire change.

How to Pick a Topic for a Persuasive Essay?

What are some topics for persuasive essay, what is a good persuasive essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

persuasive essay topics food

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Added new topics.
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  • Morton. (2018, October 1). 101 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics | Ereading Worksheets. Ereading Worksheets. https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/writing/persuasive-essay-topics/  
  • Education, J. S. B. S. E. (2023, September 27). 101 Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids and Teens. We Are Teachers. https://www.weareteachers.com/persuasive-essay-topics/
  • User, S. (n.d.-b). Persuasive Writing Topics - Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the Modes of Persuasion ‒ Explanation and Examples. https://pathosethoslogos.com/9-persuasive-writing/7-persuasive-writing-topics  

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51 Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

food drink cooking speech topics

  • Various types of preparing chili.
  • Your favorite and trusted shrimp appetizer recipes.
  • Ancient Egyptian recipes for bread specialities.
  • Use beans, lentils and peas instead of meat.
  • Camping cooking tips for outdoor activities.
  • The best of the finest French cheeses.
  • Which condiments (sauce and seasoning dressing) when?
  • Junk food and its relation to obesity
  • Bake, coddle, boil, poach, scramble eggs in minutes.
  • Use of herbs and spices.
  • How to make marmalade, jelly and jam.
  • Frying with meat substitutes.
  • The secret of real Italian pasta recipes.
  • Tips for safe pressure baking at home.
  • Cooking tips on general safety for kids and men (newbies 🙂
  • Caesar salad: the salads of salads – how it is made.
  • Salads and salad dressings for Thanksgiving dinners.
  • Prepare a romantic picnic at the riverside at dawn.
  • Learn to shake a cocktail mixed drink.
  • Gourmet brings families back to the dinner table.
  • Chocolate is a psychoactive food.
  • Canning, drying and freezing like Grandma does.
  • Why not try a culinary travel trip?
  • Different cultures, different desserts.
  • History of fondue parties in a nutshell.
  • The importance of breakfast.
  • The real British sandwiches are the best.
  • The origin of the Italian pizza.
  • How does a microwave oven work?
  • Facts about meat; e.g. the food cycle pyramid.
  • Nuts are calory giants.
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  • The basics of wine tasting as it should be.
  • A short demonstration speech with a mini-course vinology.
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  • The great red wines: Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Wine making in Italy and the difference with France, Germany, and California.
  • Barbecue tips.
  • Indian Food, list some of the myriad regional cuisines.
  • White wine should always be served before red wine.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • The relation between livestock welfare and food safety is stronger than we think.
  • The pros of eating garlic are greater than the smell the day after.
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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay Topics

Cathy A.

Easy and Unique Persuasive Essay Topics with Tips

15 min read

Published on: Jan 4, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

persuasive essay topics

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You're staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with a topic for your persuasive essay. You know you need to pick something interesting, but you're unsure where to start. 

It's hard to get motivated when it feels like everything has already been said on the topic you're considering. You are wondering how can you make your essay stand out.

The good news is that CollegeEssay.org  is here to help. 

We have compiled a list of potential persuasive essay topics to get your creative juices flowing. Whether you are looking for something controversial, humorous, or informative – we have it all. 

Take a look at our list of persuasive essay topics below to get started.

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Unique Persuasive Essay Topics for Students

Writing a persuasive essay can be quite an interesting task for students. It allows them to showcase their research and analytic skills and present their thoughts orderly. 

Choosing the right topic is key to making the writing process more enjoyable. 

Here are some great ideas that you can use for your essay: 

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School 

  • Should students be required to wear uniforms in school? 
  • What are the benefits of a longer school day? 
  • How can technology help improve student engagement and learning? 
  • Is it important for all schools to have equal access to resources? 
  • Should physical education be mandatory in all schools? 
  • How can schools better prepare students for entering the job market?
  • Should a student’s grade be based solely on test performance?
  • Is it important to limit screen time, or should there not be restrictions? 
  • Should recess time be increased or decreased in school? 
  • Is it beneficial for students to take part in after-school activities?

Persuasive Essay Topics for Grade 6 

  • Should school lunch prices be lowered to make it more accessible for all students? 
  • Is there an argument for allowing cell phone usage in the classroom? 
  • Should schools offer a wider variety of electives? 
  • Is there a persuasive case for requiring physical education classes in elementary and middle schools? 
  • Should students be allowed to opt-out of standardized testing? 
  • Is the current homework load for elementary and middle school students too much? 
  • Should school provide free breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of financial status?
  • Should sixth-grade classes have more field trips and outdoor activities? 
  • Should students have access to more technology in the classroom? 
  • Is there an argument for making recess mandatory for all grade levels? 

Persuasive Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • Should schools have a dress code? 
  • Should students be required to do community service projects to graduate? 
  • Is it necessary for all student-athletes to take mandatory drug tests? 
  • Are the current laws on gun control sufficient enough? 
  • Should same-sex marriage be legal? 
  • Should teenage drivers be allowed to have passengers in their cars? 
  • Is standardized testing an effective measure of student success?
  • Should homework be abolished in schools? 
  • Should young children be allowed to use mobile phones or tablets at school? 
  • Are video games too violent for young children?

Tough Essay Due? Hire a Writer!

Tough Essay Due? Hire a Writer!

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School 

  • Should physical education classes be mandatory in high school?
  • Is a strict dress code necessary for student success?
  • Are standardized tests an effective measure of student achievement?
  • Does social media have a positive or negative impact on teenagers?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? 
  • Should cell phones be prohibited in the classroom?
  • Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald's or Taco Bell?
  • Is competitive sports necessary for a well-rounded education? 
  • Are after-school activities essential to a student’s development?
  • Should students be allowed to choose their classes?

Persuasive Essay Topics for College 

  • Should universities require all students to take at least one course in diversity studies? 
  • Should universities implement free speech zones on campuses? 
  • Should college athletes be paid for their performance? 
  • Is it ethical for employers to ask about an applicant’s criminal history during the hiring process? 
  • Should college students be required to take a foreign language course? 
  • Should the US government provide free tuition for all qualifying students? 
  • Is it ethical to use animals in scientific research? 
  • Are standardized tests an adequate measure of academic aptitude and ability? 
  • Should paper textbooks be replaced with e-books? 
  • Should all students be required to learn coding and computer science in school? 

Persuasive Essay Topics for University 

  • Should universities offer free tuition to all students?
  • Are special scholarships beneficial for university students?
  • Should college athletes be paid for their services?
  • Is it important for universities to provide mental health resources to their students? 
  • How can universities help prevent cheating and plagiarism among students?
  • Should universities be required to provide online courses?
  • Are university degree requirements outdated and irrelevant?
  • Is it necessary for university students to take physical education classes? 
  • Does the presence of social media in academia positively or negatively impact learning? 
  • Should universities prioritize research over teaching?

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics from Different Fields 

When choosing essay topics, there is no shortage of interesting persuasive essay topics from different fields available.

Here are some examples of interesting persuasive essay topics from different fields:

Arts & Culture 

  • Should museums be more inclusive of diverse cultures?
  • Should the government fund public art programs?
  • Are comic books an important form of literature?
  • Does graffiti have any value as an art form?
  • Is the traditional concept of beauty outdated in today’s society? 
  • Is it important for the public to have access to art galleries and museums?
  • Do modern movies have any real artistic value?
  • Are video games a form of art?
  • Should government funding be given to the performing arts?
  • Does the music industry put too much emphasis on image rather than talent?
  • Should governments guarantee a minimum wage?
  • Should the government subsidize green energy projects?
  • Is it necessary to introduce higher taxes on wealthy people?
  • Are free trade agreements beneficial or detrimental to developing countries?
  • Can economic growth be sustained without harming the environment?
  • Is immigration beneficial or detrimental to a country’s economic growth?
  • Should governments limit the size of banks and financial institutions?
  • Is it necessary for countries to regulate their currency markets?
  • Should governments invest in renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels?
  • Should high officials pay more taxes?
  • Should students be required to complete a certain number of community service hours to graduate?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory for all public schools?
  • Are textbooks becoming obsolete due to technological advances?
  • Should the education system focus more on practical subjects such as coding and programming?
  • Is the current grading system in public schools fair and effective?
  • Is homeschooling a viable alternative to traditional schooling?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished from the education system?
  • Should teachers receive bonuses for good performance in the classroom?
  • Are students more likely to succeed if they attend a private school or university?
  • Should all students have access to free college tuition?
  • Is using animals in medical research ethical?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their child’s gender?
  • Should companies be held responsible for the pollution they create? 
  • Are businesses obligated to act ethically when conducting business abroad? 
  • Is it ethical to censor content on the internet?
  • Should the government enforce stricter regulations on genetically modified food?
  • Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in decision-making processes?
  • Should corporations be allowed to have their own private security forces? 
  • Are restrictions on freedom of speech necessary for public safety? 
  • Do companies have an ethical responsibility to pay fair wages?

Government and Politics 

  • Should the government regulate social media?
  • Should term limits be placed on members of Congress?
  • Are taxes too high in the United States?
  • Should voting be mandatory for all citizens?
  • Is the Electoral College still relevant today?
  • Does the death penalty serve as a deterrent to crime?
  • Should the US switch to a single-payer health care system?
  • Should there be limits on campaign spending?
  • Should the United States adopt a flat tax system?
  • Is it time to repeal the Second Amendment?
  • Is legalizing marijuana an ethical practice?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the gender of their child? 
  • Is it ethical to test medicines on animals? 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of genetic engineering? 
  • Are there any health risks associated with using digital screens too often? 
  • Should physical education be mandatory in every school? 
  • Is the healthcare system in your country adequate for your needs? 
  • Are there any benefits to eating organic food? 
  • How does mental health affect physical health? 
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory for all children? 
  • Was the Spanish Inquisition justified? 
  • Were the American Colonists justified in rebelling against Great Britain? 
  • Did Christopher Columbus’ discoveries benefit or harm indigenous populations? 
  • What effect did Genghis Khan have on world history? 
  • Did World War I significantly change the course of history? 
  • Was the Treaty of Versailles fair to Germany? 
  • Did Napoleon Bonaparte’s rule bring about positive or negative changes for France and Europe? 
  • Should the United States annexed the Philippines in 1898? 
  • How did the Great Depression shape world history? 
  • Is there any validity to the theory of a “clash of civilizations”? 
  • Should artificial intelligence be regulated?
  • Should autonomous vehicles be allowed on public roads?
  • Is the internet making us less social?
  • Should research into cloning be banned?
  • Are there moral issues related to genetic engineering?
  • Should governments fund space exploration programs?
  • Are smart home devices making us more vulnerable to cyberattacks?
  • Should the government regulate social media use?
  • Are robots taking away jobs from humans?
  • Should nuclear energy be used as an alternative to fossil fuels?
  • Should professional athletes be drug tested?
  • Is there a gender gap in sports?
  • Should college athletes be paid for their performances?
  • Does skill or luck decide the outcome of sports competitions?
  • Are sporting events becoming too commercialized? 
  • Is it necessary to increase public funding for sporting events?
  • Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports cheating or fair?
  • Should college students be able to choose their own sports teams?
  • Do professional sports hurt young people?
  • Should parents allow children to play violent video games?
  • Should schools replace textbooks with tablets?
  • Are algorithms replacing human decision-making in the workplace?
  • Is it time to regulate the use of facial recognition technology?
  • Can artificial intelligence and robots be used to improve healthcare outcomes?
  • Should autonomous vehicles be allowed on public roads? 
  • Should Internet access be a basic human right?
  • Should social media platforms do more to protect user privacy?
  • Is blockchain technology the future of banking and finance? 
  • Are virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa invading privacy? 
  • Can we trust that autonomous weapons system will make ethical decisions in war?

Social Media

Here are a few social media persuasive essay topics. Take a look at them.

  • Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  • Should employers be able to access an employee's social media accounts?
  • Should people be allowed to post anonymously online?
  • How can parents protect their children from the risks of using social media?
  • Does the spread of fake news on social media hurt society?
  • Should governments regulate online speech on social media?
  • Should employers be allowed to conduct background checks using social media?
  • Is the personal data of individuals safe from exploitation by corporate interests on social media platforms?
  • Are people spending too much time on their digital devices?
  • Is the use of social media by young people making them more isolated?

Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should the death penalty be reinstated in all states?
  • Should gun control laws be stricter? 
  • Is global warming a real threat? 
  • Are vaccinations safe for children? 
  • Should prostitution be legalized? 
  • Should marijuana be made legal? 
  • Does school uniform violate personal freedom? 
  • Should genetically modified foods be allowed in the market? 
  • Should sex education in school be mandatory? 
  • Should animal testing be banned?

Fun Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should cats be allowed to go to school?
  • Should people have a minimum number of friends before they can graduate?
  • Is it okay to laugh at your own jokes?
  • Should parents be required to take parenting classes?
  • Are video games the best way to spend free time?
  • Should kids be allowed to wear pajamas in public places?
  • Should students have to pass a test before they can drive a car?
  • Are cell phones essential for teenagers or should they be limited?
  • Should everyone learn how to cook their meals?
  • Would it be better if all schools had the same uniform?

Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should the electoral college be abolished? 
  • Is it ethical to eat meat? 
  • Should the internet have censorship? 
  • Are genetically modified foods safe for human consumption? 
  • Is social media good or bad for society? 
  • Should the drinking age be lowered or raised? 
  • Should school attendance be mandatory for students? 
  • Are video games too violent and negatively influencing children?  
  • Should religious education be banned from public schools?

How to Choose a Good Persuasive Essay Topic? 

Choosing a writing topic for your persuasive essay writing is essential. 

The right topic will let you draft an exceptional and well-written essay. Selecting a persuasive essay topic might sound easy, but it can be challenging. 

You cannot randomly start writing a persuasive essay about any topic and expect your essay to be brilliant. 

To select the best topic for your essay, take these essential steps:

1. Know your Interests -   You can only draft an effective essay if you are writing about something that interests you. When you write something you are passionate about, the enthusiasm helps to persuade the readers.

2. Narrow Down Ideas - Make a rough list of the topic of your interest. Then, analyze all the issues and identify topics you think you can present well.

3. Pick your Stance - Now that you know the information is sufficient on a topic, decide your stance. Pick a side to support with evidence and logic. 

4. Controversy is the Best Policy - People love to read about controversial stuff. It is more likely that the readers will go through the entire essay to ease their curiosity. 

After passing your ideas through these filters, you will have a strong and arguable topic to draft an essay on.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Persuasive Essay 

Whether you are in school, college, or university, crafting an effective persuasive essay can be difficult.

Fortunately, with a few tips and tricks, you can create a compelling, persuasive essay that will make your readers take notice. 

Here are six tips to help you write a compelling, persuasive essay:

1. Choose Your Topic Carefully

You need to select a relevant and interesting topic for your audience. Make sure you feel passionate about it and can present it logically and convincingly.

2. Do Extensive Research

Before beginning your essay, research your topic as much as possible. So you can present both sides of the argument in an informed, balanced way.

3. Identify Your Audience

 Before writing your persuasive essay, consider who will be reading it and their interests. 

This will help you write in a language that resonates with them and ensure that your arguments suit their understanding.

4. Use Logical Arguments

It is important to provide logical and compelling arguments to be persuasive. Make sure you use facts, statistics, and other evidence to make your points more convincing.

5. Structure Your Essay Well

An effective persuasive essay should be well-organized. Divide it into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

Pay attention to the structure of your essay, as it can help you make your points more effectively.

Learn how to make a perfect persuasive essay outline with the help of our blog. 

6. Make It Engaging

An engaging, persuasive essay will capture your audience’s attention from beginning to end. 

Use various techniques to make your essay interesting and engaging, such as using examples, analogies, and persuasive language.

We hope you are inspired by our comprehensive list of topics. Pick up a topic that entices you and start working on it. By following these amazing tips and tricks, you can surely compose an essay that will wow your professor.

Still not sure how to draft a perfect essay? Well, leave it to us. Our essay writing service helps you craft your argument in the most effective way possible to get the desired results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can i choose a good persuasive essay topic.

When selecting a persuasive essay topic, consider an issue that is interesting to you and has two or more opposing viewpoints. Research various resources about the topic to gain a better perspective

What strategies can I use for writing a persuasive essay?

When writing a persuasive essay, establish facts from reliable sources to support your argument. Be concise but thorough, and use persuasive language to strengthen your argument.

How can I make my persuasive essay stand out?

To make your persuasive essay stand out, use vivid language and strong, specific evidence to support each point. Make sure all sources are current and relevant to the argument being made. With these elements, your persuasive essay will stand out from the rest!

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112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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75 Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas


The persuasive essay is one type of writing that you will likely come across in your academic career. A persuasive essay, if you're unfamiliar, is one in which you have to make an argument. You need to choose a side and prove why you're correct by using hard evidence and convincing language. The idea is that you want to convince the reader that your argument is the right one, so you'll definitely want to pick a topic that you're passionate about and something that you'll get excited about researching and writing. This exercise is designed so that you can clearly articulate your opinion and understand why it's important to have evidence to back up your claim.

Your teacher or instructor will probably have specific guidelines on what your essay should entail, but you might have a little bit of free reign on what kinds of topics you can explore and argue about in your essay. With so many things to argue about and for, it might be a little overwhelming to come up with a topic on your own. When you feel like you're stuck on brainstorming ideas, take a look at the following list of 75 persuasive essay topics. You may find something you can use, or something you can adapt for the specific guidelines of your paper. Happy writing!

Educational persuasive essay topics

There are so many things that can be discussed when it comes to education. In our country (and globally), there are many different opinions on how education should be handled and what tactics teachers or academic administrators should use. Here are a few topics on education (which could be expanded or changed to fit your teacher's guidelines) that might be of interest to you.

  • Should soda be offered in school cafeterias?
  • Should schools teach abstinence-only education?
  • Why should schools teach financial literacy?
  • Do all students need to go to college?
  • Should students take a gap year after high school?
  • Do all students need to learn a foreign language?
  • Is online or homeschool an effective way to learn?
  • Should standardized tests determine whether or not you go on to another grade level?
  • Should all students be required to participate in the arts?
  • Should a college education be free?
  • Should high school journalists be protected under the First Amendment?
  • Some universities just have pass/fail grades instead of letter grades. How do you feel about this?
  • Should teachers/professors be unbiased in the classroom?
  • Should you still learn cursive in elementary school? What are the disadvantages/ advantages?
  • Many college campuses have speakers come in occasionally. These speakers can range in political opinion and some can be controversial. Should you let speakers come to schools that have controversial rhetoric or ideas to uphold free speech?

Political persuasive essay topics

They say that you should never talk about politics or religion because it's not polite. But in a persuasive essay, that rule is completely extinguished. Politics and religion are hotbed subjects for a reason—because so many people have radically different ideas of how a society and a country should operate. What side of these political persuasive topics are you on? Take a stab at one of these and the paper will likely fly out onto the keyboard.

  • Should protesters be allowed to block traffic? Do they pose a threat to public safety?
  • Why should you vote?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legal?
  • What is your opinion on protecting religious liberties?
  • What is your opinion on separating church and state?
  • Why has the country become so divided politically over the past few years? Can it be fixed?
  • Many industries (like coal and manufacturing) are tough to find a job in and many Americans are out of work. How should we solve this problem?
  • Should citizens under 18 be able to vote?
  • Should a National Voter ID law be passed to avoid voter fraud?
  • What does the phrase "fake news" mean?
  • Local newspapers are dwindling. What should be done, if anything, about this problem?
  • Should local municipalities do more to combat global warming? If so, how?
  • How should we reduce the threat of terrorism in the United States?
  • Females have traditionally lower participation in politics. Why do you think that is?
  • Some people say that the top 1% of earners don't pay enough taxes. How do you feel about this?
  • Will a huge wall on the southern border with Mexico solve the United States' immigration problem?
  • How should we solve the United States' immigration problem?
  • The voter turnout for the 2016 presidential election was less than 60%, which is much lower than in other democratic societies. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it (or should anything be done about it)?
  • Millennials are graduating college with a lot of student loan debt. What should be done to avoid a debt crisis?
  • Many say that minimum wage jobs are low skill and the workers in them shouldn't be compensated more for their work, but others claim that a minimum wage job isn't enough money to live off of. Which side do you land on?
  • What do you think of celebrities who are vocal about environmental issues but who frequently fly on private, and not commercial, jets?

Crime and legal persuasive essay topics

Crime in any society is an unfortunate inevitability. Why does crime happen and what should be done about it? These are just a few of the things to explore in these crime/legal persuasive essay topics.

  • What should we do about a city with a high crime rate like Chicago?
  • Should guns be allowed on college campuses?
  • Should gun laws be more restrictive?
  • Do we have a right to privacy?
  • Trends have shown that many recent terrorists have been convicted or accused of domestic violence. What should be done and how do you feel about this?
  • Should we have the death penalty? If so, when should it be used?
  • Many prisoners are incarcerated for minor drug charges (such as possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia). Should we try to rehabilitate these prisoners or should they serve their full sentences?
  • Colorado has legalized marijuana for recreational purposes. What is your opinion of this?
  • Do you think marijuana is a gateway drug which leads some users to harder drugs?
  • Can criminals be rehabilitated?
  • Many prisoners who enter the system are likely to have a high recurrence of criminal activity. What can be done to solve this?
  • Many people are starting to use drones for recreational activity. Should there be restrictions on where and how you can use your personal drone?
  • Self-driving cars are expected to become increasingly used on city roads. If a self-driving car gets into an accident, whose fault is it? The engineer's?

Health persuasive essay topics

Health is something that we all have to worry about. Whether it's our own health or the health of a loved one, there are many things to think about and research on. What's your opinion on the healthcare system in our country? Should we treat drug addiction like a disease? How should we handle end-of-life care? Try out one of these essay topics to research and gain insight on some of the biggest challenges and questions that our society faces when it comes to health.

  • Opioid addiction is at an all-time high in states like Ohio. What should we do to combat this?
  • Should healthcare be universal?
  • How do you feel about paternity leave?
  • Should women get guaranteed maternity leave?
  • The state of California requires that you display nutrition facts about menu items in restaurants. Should all states do this?
  • Should fast food be "sin taxed" like cigarettes are?
  • There is an effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Should we do this or not? If we should, what improvements can be made to a replacement act?
  • Many soldiers are coming back from warfare with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What should we do to help them?
  • Many Americans are overweight. What has caused this health crisis and what can be done about it?
  • Should vitamins and supplements be more tightly regulated?
  • Should health insurance companies provide more financial incentives for subscribers to work out and eat more healthfully?

Women's and gender persuasive essay topics

Are there inherent differences between men and women or is that just a societal myth? Women have gained a lot more rights over the last 100 years in America, but some say they still have a long way to go before they achieve equal rights. How do you feel about this and other women's and gender issues? Explore the following fascinating topics.

  • Women have what is known as the "second shift" (meaning that as soon as they get home from work they have additional responsibilities that require their attention immediately). What do you think about this concept and should anything be done about it?
  • There are many women's rights and minority rights advocates. Should there be men's rights advocacy groups? What about Caucasian advocacy groups?
  • Some people say that gender is a socially constructed norm. What do you think?
  • Women who participate in body building competitions are trying to build the "ideal" figure, which some claim is an outdated, sexist idea. But some argue that building muscles is considered a sport and a traditionally "masculine" idea. Which side do you agree with?
  • Some people think that beauty pageants are outdated and anti-feminist and shouldn't be televised anymore. How do you feel?
  • New wave feminism is the idea that feminism can encompass many different ideas of what it is to be a feminist. It's the idea that you can have choices (whether that's staying at home with children or trying to be a CEO). How do you feel about new wave feminism?

Miscellaneous persuasive essay topics

Of course, there are more categories of essay topics than what are listed above. Here are some additional essay topics if you haven't found one yet that captures your interest.

  • Does social media improve or hurt our society?
  • Is it important or frivolous to travel the world?
  • Many Americans watch a lot of reality TV shows. Why do you think this is?
  • With many people reading digital copies of books, are libraries necessary anymore?
  • Should anything be done to curb the rise in offensive lyrics in music?
  • Should pregnant women be allowed to park in handicapped parking spots?
  • Recent studies have shown that pets improve the mental and the physical health of their owners. Should pet-related expenses be tax-deductible?
  • What do you think about net neutrality?
  • With the rise in selfies and Instagram photo filtering apps, do you think we have become a more self-obsessed society?

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Persuasive Speech About Junk Food

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Published: Mar 16, 2024

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Oliver, J. (2010, February). Teach every child about food. TED. Retrieved from Publishers.

Cornelsen, L., Green, R., Dangour, A., & Smith, R. (2014). Why fat taxes won't make us thin. Journal of public health, 37(1), 18-23.Doshi, V. (2016, July 20).Tax on Junk food in Kerala leaves Indians with a bitter taste. The [...]

According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight, of which around 650 million were obese. In the United States alone, more than 42% of the population is considered obese. This [...]

The presence of junk food in schools has become a pressing concern for educators, parents, and health advocates. The consumption of high-sugar, high-fat, and low-nutrient foods not only affects students' health but also hinders [...]

I have chosen unhealthy diet as the lifestyle behavior that affects my health directly. An unhealthy diet is defined as the consumption of “high levels of high-energy foods, such as processed foods that are high in fats and [...]

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101 Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Use your words to sway the reader.

Persuasive Essay Topics: Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

Persuasive writing is one of those skills that can help students succeed in real life.  Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try reading some mentor texts to show kids great examples of opinion writing. Then use these persuasive essay topics for practice.

School and Education Persuasive Essay Topics

Life and ethics persuasive essay topics, science and technology persuasive essay topics, sports and entertainment persuasive essay topics, just for fun persuasive essay topics.


  • Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?

Persuasive Essay Topics: Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?

  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?
  • Should we stop giving final exams?
  • Is it better to be good at academics or good at sports?

Is it better to be good at academics or good at sports?

  • Which is better, private schools or public schools?
  • Should every student have to participate in athletics?
  • Do you think schools should ban junk food from their cafeterias?
  • Should students be required to volunteer in their communities?
  • What is the most important school subject?
  • Are letter grades helpful, or should we replace them with something else?

Persuasive Essay Topics: Are letter grades helpful, or should we replace them with something else?

  • Is it ever OK to cheat on homework or a test?
  • Should students get to grade their teachers?
  • Do you think college should be free for anyone who wants to attend?
  • Should schools be allowed to ban some books from their libraries?
  • Which is better, book smarts or street smarts?

Which is better, book smarts or street smarts?

  • Should all students have to learn a foreign language?
  • Are single-gender schools better or worse for students?
  • Is it OK to eat animals?
  • What animal makes the best pet?
  • Visit an animal shelter, choose an animal that needs a home, and write an essay persuading someone to adopt that animal.
  • If you find money on the ground, should you try to find the person who lost it, or is it yours to keep?

If you find money on the ground, should you try to find the person who lost it, or is it yours to keep?

  • Who faces more peer pressure, girls or boys?
  • Should all Americans be required to vote?
  • Is it better to be kind or truthful?
  • Which is better, giving or receiving?
  • Is it OK to keep animals in zoos?
  • Should we change the minimum driving age in the United States?

Should we change the minimum driving age in the United States?

  • Which is more important, happiness or success?
  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is social media helpful or harmful?
  • Should parents be punished for their children’s mistakes or crimes?
  • Should kids have set bedtimes or just go to bed when they’re sleepy?
  • Do you think the government should find a way to provide free health care for everyone?

Do you think the government should find a way to provide free health care for everyone?

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  • Should human cloning be legal?
  • Should vaccines be mandatory?
  • Is it right for countries to still maintain nuclear weapon arsenals?

Is it right for countries to still maintain nuclear weapon arsenals?

  • Should testing on animals be made illegal?
  • Will expanded use of artificial intelligence be good for humanity?
  • Should all people have free Internet access in their homes?
  • Is there intelligent life on other planets?
  • Does technology create more jobs than it eliminates?
  • Should parents use their children’s cell phones to track where they are?
  • Should scientists try to develop a way for people to live forever?

Should scientists try to develop a way for people to live forever?

  • What’s the best type of smartphone: Android or iPhone?
  • Which is better, Macs or PCs?
  • Do people rely too much on technology in the modern world?
  • Should cryptocurrencies replace cash?
  • Should there be a minimum age requirement to own a smartphone?
  • Is it important to keep spending money on space exploration, or should we use the money for other things?

Is it important to keep spending money on space exploration, or should we use the money for other things?

  • Should kids under 13 be allowed to use social media sites?
  • Should we ban cigarette smoking and vaping entirely?
  • Is it better to be an animal that lives in the water or on land?
  • Should kids be allowed to watch TV on school nights?
  • Which is better, paper books or e-books?
  • Is the current movie rating system (G, PG, PG-13, etc.) effective?
  • Are video games better than board games?
  • Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

  • Which is better, reading books or watching TV?
  • Does playing violent video games make people more violent in real life?
  • Are graphic novels just as valuable as traditional fictional books?
  • Should everyone play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender?
  • Choose a book that’s been made into a movie. Which was better, the movie or the book?

Choose a book that's been made into a movie. Which was better, the movie or the book?

  • Who is the world’s best athlete, present or past?
  • Are professional athletes/musicians/actors overpaid?
  • Which is better, fiction or nonfiction?
  • The best music genre is …
  • What is one book that everyone should read?
  • What new sport should be added to the Olympics?

What new sport should be added to the Olympics?

  • What’s the best video game system?
  • Does playing video games make you smarter?
  • Does reality TV actually depict real life?
  • Should all neighborhoods have free parks and playgrounds?
  • What’s the best holiday?
  • The very best food of all time is …
  • Which is better, artificial Christmas trees or real ones?

Which is better, artificial Christmas trees or real ones?

  • What’s the best season of the year?
  • Should you put ketchup on a hot dog?
  • Is a taco a sandwich?
  • Does fruit count as dessert?
  • Should people have to go to school or work on their birthday?
  • Are clowns scary or funny?
  • Which is more dangerous, werewolves or vampires?

Which is more dangerous, werewolves or vampires?

  • The best pizza topping is …
  • What would be the best superpower to have?
  • Should everyone make their bed every day?
  • Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • Should you put pineapple on a pizza?
  • Should you eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon or a fork?

Should you eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon or a fork?

  • Describe the world’s best ice cream sundae.
  • Is Monday the worst day of the week?
  • Would you rather travel back in time or forward in time?
  • Is it better to be too hot or too cold?
  • Are there aliens living among us here on Earth?

What are your favorite persuasive essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (120+ ideas) ..

Need some ideas for practicing persuasive writing skills? These persuasive essay topics provide lots of scope for students of all ages.

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Different Types Of Persuasive Writing

Different Types Of Persuasive Writing

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Updated: May 6, 2024

Have you ever found yourself needing to write an essay where you convince the reader of your point of view? Then, persuasive writing is what you need!

A persuasive essay or text aims to convince the person reading your words that a particular point is correct. It’s one of the oldest forms of writing and has been used in politics, business, and religion over the years.

Despite there being different types of persuasive writing, they all have one thing in common: allowing the reader to understand (and believe) the writer’s position on any given matter.

But, there is a time and a place for each type, and you need to know when to choose which one to achieve your goals.

Read on to learn more about the three main techniques used for persuasive writing and how to hone your writing skills to have people believe your point of view.

What Is Persuasive Writing?

Persuasive writing is any text that convinces the reader of the writer’s opinion.

There are different techniques and types, which will be discussed later, but each is intended for a specific context and purpose.

For example, if you are trying to get an extension on your essay deadline, you will write an email with a formal tone of voice to your professor. If you’re convincing your roommate to go grab a drink, your text will be far more informal.

You may not even notice it, but persuasive writing is all around us – in the media, in advertisements, in the news, and on social media.

No matter your purpose or context, all persuasive writing has the following in common:

  • Evidence to back your claims
  • Appealing to the reader’s emotion
  • Logical arguments

Why Is Persuasive Writing Important?

Whether you’re a high school student or new to the working world, persuasive writing is an invaluable skill to have in your toolkit.

You may have to write convincing and/or persuasive essays for school to score top marks, or you have to write a convincing cover letter to go with your resume to get the job of your dreams.

But it’s more than that. Knowing how to write in a way to convince others of your personal opinion is a good way to sharpen your writing and negotiation skills. It teaches you how to research, fact-check, and construct concise and clear arguments – tools you can use your entire life.

If you end up in marketing or content writing one day, it is a good tool to have in your writing arsenal. But even if you turn towards charity work, you can use your persuasive writing skills to get donations and rally people to your cause.

3 Types Of Persuasive Writing Techniques

There are three main types of persuasive writing techniques, dating back to ancient Greece. These are:

The Greek philosopher Aristotle coined these terms back in the day, but they are still very applicable today when it comes to argumentative essays or any kind of text that needs to convince the reader.

Most persuasive writing examples use a variety of these techniques, as the combination of them strengthens your arguments.

“Ethos” is the Greek word for “character.” This technique uses writing that appeals to the reader’s character and virtues. For that reason, this style of writing is also called “ personal appeal. ”

This kind of writing plays on the reader’s sense of right and wrong. The writer establishes themselves as a trustworthy and knowledgeable character, and because of that, the readers will agree with what they have to say.

Some examples of ethos writing include:

  • “My family has been farming in Texas for four generations, and I’ve been working in food production for 25 years. So, trust me when I say that we need to avoid genetically modified produce.”
  • “I spent my entire childhood and most of my teenage years in Eureka Springs. I know most of you from school. Please, listen to me when I say: we need to put money towards restoring the Winona Springs Church – you all know it’s the right thing to do.”

Pathos means either “suffering” or “experience” in Greek. This type of writing targets the emotions of the reader, which is why it’s also called “ emotional appeal. ”

The goal of this type of writing is to trigger an emotional response in the reader, which causes them to trust what you have to say.

You can influence readers by eliciting a variety of emotions, including:

Here are some examples of how you can use the pathos technique in persuasive essays:

  • “Are you really willing to stand by and watch as millions of unwanted dogs in the Humane Society shelters are euthanized each year?”
  • “Business owners say Gen Z is scared to work, but the real reason is that they’re not paying their staff fair wages.”

“Logos” is the origin of the word “logic”. This technique is also called “ logical appeal. “It is mainly focused on logical arguments, presenting facts to convince the reader that you are speaking the undeniable truth.

Each statement that is written is backed up by facts, enhancing the writer’s credibility.

It’s possible that a writer may twist facts to fit in with their narrative, but many readers can spot this manipulative style of writing.

Some examples of the logos technique are:

  • “If you know nicotine is bad for your health, why are you still grabbing your vape as soon as you wake up?”
  • “Passenger cars emitted 374.2 million metric tons of CO2 in 2021. If we truly want to slow down climate change, we need to skip the short car trips to the store and walk instead.”

Bonus technique: Kairos

So, this technique wasn’t grouped by Aristotle with the three discussed above. However, he did believe that this was a fourth way to persuade readers to see your point of view.

Kairos means “the opportune moment.” To use this technique, the writer or speaker must create (or take advantage of) the perfect moment to deliver their message.

As an example: after a major storm in the U.S. Virgin Islands, human rights charities in the area may have more success in raising funds for their causes as they can appeal to people’s emotions.

As you can see, this example combines kairos and pathos.

Persuasive Writing Examples

As is evident from the above, persuasive writing can take many forms. Although the main goal is always to influence readers, the applications of persuasive texts are vast.

Below are just some examples of where you might use persuasive writing:

1. Persuasive essays

In persuasive essays – also called argumentative essays – the writer makes a specific claim about a topic and then uses facts and evidential data to drive the point home.

A persuasive essay aims to convince the reader that the writer is correct and that the evidence can’t be disputed in any way.

This type of persuasive writing requires a lot of research and fact-checking from the writer – it’s about more than just their opinion.

Examples of an argumentative essay include:

  • School essay
  • Thesis statement

2. Opinion pieces

An opinion piece is just the thing you need if you have strong feelings about a certain topic and want to express your views with the hope of convincing others. These are less focused on facts and instead play on the reader’s emotions.

Examples of opinion pieces include:

3. Cover letters

The job market is tough. Hundreds of applicants are vying for the same position. A convincing cover letter and job application can really make you stand out from the crowd. Using persuasive writing in cover letters can help you sell yourself to the recruiter, convincing them that you’re the only one for the job.

Reviews are typically opinion-based, but they can still make use of ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the reader of your opinion.

Say, for example, you are writing a book review on The Hobbit for school. Here are some ways in which you can adopt the three main techniques mentioned above:

  • Ethos: “I’ve devoured dozens of fantasy novels, and I believe that J.R.R. Tolkien’s world-building in The Hobbit is the best. He is able to create detailed imaginary worlds like no other writer.”
  • Pathos: “The journey of Bilbo Baggins filled me with a sense of wonder and excitement, reminding me of the magic of friendship and having a keen sense of adventure.”
  • Logos: “Tolkein’s use of detailed maps and a sensible timeline makes the story of Bilbo Baggins much more believable, as it lends a sense of logic to a fantasy realm.”

How To Excel At Persuasive Writing

Do you want to become a pro at persuasive writing? Learn by doing!

Here are some tips on how to develop your persuasive writing skills. Follow these pointers, and you’ll hone your skills enough to convince a night owl to become an early bird (with enough practice).

1. Conduct thorough research

Humans are emotional beings, but appealing to emotions alone just isn’t enough at times.

If your readers are analytical, they might not respond to emotional writing. That’s why you need to back up your persuasive writing with cold, hard facts.

Plus, having indisputable proof to substantiate your claims makes you seem a lot more trustworthy. By providing stats, facts, case studies, and references, readers will believe your words to be true.

Of course, you need to write your facts and evidence in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Smodin’s AI Paraphrasing Tool can help you write evidence-based text in your own writing style.

2. Be empathetic

Sometimes, all anyone wants is to feel heard and understood. You can provide your readers with this understanding by addressing, and relating to, their pain points. If you can offer them a solution to their problems, that’s even better!

Showing empathy allows you to identify with your readers. They need to know that you understand them. Only then will they realize that what you say truly matters.

If you show you can relate, and that you can help your audience, they’ll be more inclined to trust your solutions.

3. Use tools to help you write

Sitting down and writing an argumentative or persuasive essay or speech from scratch can be very daunting. Writer’s block is real, and sometimes you may have strong opinions but struggle to formulate your words.

There are plenty of tools on the market, but none are as effective in helping you write persuasive essays as Smodin’s AI Writer and Advanced AI Essay Writer.

The AI Writer can help you write shorter texts and sprinkle some persuasive writing into your work, for example. The smart AI technology can even cite your references to add to your credibility.

The Advanced AI Essay Writer is specifically for helping you craft persuasive essays from scratch. It’s so simple, all you have to do is give the tool five words and it will begin to write a powerful, structured essay.

But of course, writing a persuasive essay with AI is not always ideal, especially if your institution uses AI detection tools. The good news is that Smodin has a solution for you: the Smodin AI Detection Remover .

4. Make use of rhetorical questions

One surefire way to grab your reader’s attention is to use rhetorical questions. These questions don’t require answers, but they are thought-provoking. They’re used to make a point (either negative or positive) and will keep your audience hooked.

Here are some examples:

  • “How can we expect to progress as a society if we can’t take care of our homeless?”
  • “What’s the point of technological advancement if we lose touch with our cultural heritage?”
  • “How can we expect positive changes if we’re not willing to stand up for what we believe in?”

5. Repeat yourself

Repetition is a great tool in persuasive writing. By using this technique strategically, you can emphasize your key points while adding value to your argumentative essay.

You can tell stories, paraphrase what someone else said, or use metaphors to bring your point across.

In other words, you’re repeating the same opinion, without becoming redundant.

6. Choose your words carefully

No matter the kind of persuasive content you’re producing, you need to understand your audience.

There’s no point in writing in Elvish if your audience has never read Lord of the Rings!

It depends on the context, but usually, colloquial language is best for persuasive writing. It allows your audience to relate to you (and not make them feel like you’re better than them).

You’ll also want to avoid jargon or technical terms that not everyone will understand. Rather write inclusively, keeping your target audience in mind.

7. Adapt your tone of voice

A persuasive essay for college will have a different tone of voice than political speeches delivered by world leaders.

There isn’t one tone that works for all persuasive texts. Instead, it depends on the context and the readers. The tone you use goes hand in hand with your vocabulary, and can be:

  • Professional
  • Authoritative
  • Encouraging

Can I use persuasive writing in everyday life?

Absolutely! It’s not just about school essays and oral presentations. Persuasive writing and speaking can be used in discussions, cover letters, and texts to your friends… even if you just want to convince them to watch a movie with you.

How can I balance pathos and logos in persuasive writing?

Finding the balance between an emotional and logical appeal is key to your success. First, you need to understand your audience. This will allow you to appeal to their emotions. Then, you can reinforce your emotional triggers with well-researched facts and sound logic.

Wrapping Up

It is clear that persuasive writing is a very powerful skill to have. It can be used in various contexts, helping you to convince the reader about certain issues. Whether you simply want to bring your point across or motivate readers to take action, persuasive writing can help you achieve these goals.

The key to persuasive writing is understanding who your audience is. You need to tailor your words to relate to them.

Fortunately, Smodin offers a whole suite of tools to facilitate your writing process. Smodin can save you a lot of time, stress, and pre-essay tears as it assists you in writing compelling, hassle-free persuasive content.

128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples

The phenomenon of comfort food that takes a short time to prepare and tastes good has become extremely popular in the world, with chains such as McDonalds having an enormous global presence. However, the adverse health effects associated with the emergence of fast food have led to its nickname, junk food.

There is an obesity epidemic throughout the world, but people do not adopt healthy eating habits even as more and more issues surface. As such, you should cover some key points to write an outstanding essay on one or more fast food essay topics and show your understanding of the topic.

In this article we will reveal some tips and ideas for writing, as well as research questions on fast food.

👍 Tips for Essay Writing on Fast Food

🏆 best fast food topics & essay examples, ✅ simple & easy fast food essay topics, 💡 most interesting fast food topics to write about, ❓ fast food questions for research paper.

Your fast food essay should discuss the advantages as well as disadvantages of fast food compared to traditional healthy food.

Food items that contain excessive fat or were not good for one’s health have existed for a long time, but were never prominent enough to impact the population significantly.

Fast food options became popular because they pioneered the ideas of food being easily accessible, quick to make, and tasty nevertheless.

Compared to the usual cooking experience people went through at home as well as outdoors eating places, the new phenomenon constituted a revolution.

Fast food became popular with the population due to its significant benefits compared to other methods.

However, the disadvantages of excessive consumption of junk food emerged eventually, leading to the release of various legislation governing the dangers of a poor diet.

With its emphasis on fat and sugars, fast food can lead to a variety of issues, examples including uncontrolled weight gain, heart disease, dental issues, shortness of breath, and other adverse outcomes.

Obesity is now an issue that affects many people in the United States as well as other countries. It can also be difficult to stop consuming junk food because of its instant gratification properties.

Due to its concentration on taste over nutrition, healthy food can feel bland and uninteresting by comparison, leading the person to switch back.

You should discuss potential solutions to the issues created by fast food, but the issue is complex and complicated by the conditions of some of the people affected.

In Australia, some aboriginal people live too far from large cities to receive regular shipments of healthy food that will not spoil, so they have to rely on fast food that is packed with preservatives.

As a result, many become obese and malnourished at the same time. There is no easy solution to the issue, and as such, most options have to be theoretical or supported by evidence. The essay format is generally not suitable for in-depth discussions of topics related to the resolution of these issues.

Here are some additional tips that will make your essay truly outstanding:

  • Try to rely on facts that are supported by research and evidence rather than the popular perception.
  • The concept of fast food extends beyond chains such as McDonalds to ready-made meals and various snacks in stores.
  • Remember to follow usual essay writing guidelines such as an academic tone, the separation of section with titles, and the use of an introductions and fast food essay conclusions.

Here, at IvyPanda you can find lots of fast food essay titles and other useful samples that will help you create an excellent paper! Check them below!

  • Fast Food Industry: Arguments for and Against For instance, those who believe that fast food industry is beneficial to them and other members of the society will expect the findings of this research to be in support of their beliefs.
  • Fast Food vs. Home Cooking: Lifestyle and Traditions The good thing with this business is that the food was from natural products hence healthy, a fact that has since changed Many people are very busy for the better part of the day and […]
  • Fast Food in Campus: Advantages and Disadvantages On the other hand, a classmate mentions that fast foods lead to obesity among university students who eat from fast-food restaurants.
  • Fast Food Effects on Human Health The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • Fast Food Restaurants: Classification Most restaurants offer these services at their premises, whereby customers come, have their meals and leave for example the Deising’s chain of restaurants, while others especially the well-established ones offer take-out services and delivery services […]
  • The Fast Food Industry Lots of people claim that the growth of the rate of obese people correlates with the growth of fast food chains in the region.
  • Survey to Study the Relationship Between Fast Food Consumption and Obesity The survey aims to analyze if there is any connection between consumption of fast food and obesity. The study aims to ascertain the relationship between fast food consumption and obesity.
  • Fritter’s Fast Food Restaurants: Overview Very fast and inexpensive to manufacture, Fritters can find their customers both in restaurants and kiosks, and in pre-prepared form.
  • McDonald’s Corporation: Analyzing Fast Food Industry A glance of the profit margins of the major players in the US industry will provide a more clear perception of the fast food industry’s success in 2009 in global perspective: Key Competitors Profits 2009 […]
  • Motivational Issues in the Fast Food Sector Fast food refers to a type of cuisine produced in mass and marketed by some eateries, presentation stands, and service establishments for fast and effective production and delivery.
  • Influencing Consumer Behavior: the changing image of ‘fast food’ Some of the factors that consumers may be influenced with include the cost, what their friends and family members say, where the restaurant is located, the duration the meal takes, and by how the consumers […]
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Social Media Marketing Plan: Subway Fast Food Attract The main objective of this digital marketing plan is to attract the younger customers’ market through the Subway’s website and a twitter fun page in order to increase the customer traffic in its stores.
  • ”The Ritual of Fast Food” by Margaret Visser At the pace of modern life, people often do not have time to dine fully, and then fast food comes to the rescue.
  • The Film “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!”: How the Fast Food Industry Interacts With Its Customers Another obvious cause and effect relationship portrayed in the film concerns the rise in the threat of diseases such as diabetes as the effect of the food choices that McDonald’s provides to its customers.
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.
  • The Consequences of Fast Food The most evident effect of fast food is obesity among others and these effects are what will be considered as the basis of discouraging the intake of fast food while encouraging other healthier options.
  • The Fast-Food Industry and Legal Accountability for Obesity The principle of least harm in ethics is closely associated with the fast food industry; this is mainly because of the basic fact that fast food increases chances of obesity to its consumers.
  • Impact of Fast Food on Human Body Firstly, it is the economics of fast food fast food is the cheapest food on the market in terms of a calorie per dollar.
  • Employment Relations in Fast Food Restaurants It is therefore imperative to ensure the comfort of employees and for good employment relations to be built and extended there are certain advantages and legal constitutions that have to be established for the sake […]
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Reputation for Unhealthy Eating By setting this price to a low value, fast food companies can exclude traditional restaurants from the selection, improve throughput, and increase their brand equity.
  • Healthy Fast Food Restaurant The project committee has ensured that this project has a number of strengths as it is introduced in this competitive market.
  • Global Challenges Faced By Fast Food Companies For instance the price strategy is usually determined by a number of factors such as the number of competitors in the market, the availability and costs of raw materials and the existent product substitutes in […]
  • Impacts of Fast Food on Childhood Eating Habits The author’s claim that lack of nutritional information on fast food packaging is a major cause of obesity among children and teenagers is not true.
  • The Culture of Fast Food Consumption Thesis Statement: The purchase of fast food is largely driven by the convenience of purchase, enjoyment of taste, and pricing. However, it is worth sorting out the reasons for consuming fast food and the main […]
  • Fast Food, Obesity, Depression, and Other Issues However, in busy communities, fast foods are increasingly being the preferred choice of food because of their price and convenience and that is why they are commonly served in many hotels, cafes and even some […]
  • The economical aspects and different perspectives for fast food industry in Canada Figure 1: The leading fast-food companies in Canada Source: Reiter Slcfred stated that Mcdinalds had more than 31000 outlets all over the world, among them 5% restaurants or 1550 outlets are in Canada and highest […]
  • The Fast Food Mass Production Problem Mass production was planned as a phenomenon to ensure the supply of food in sufficient quantities to cover the loss of production in the sale and, at the same time, meet the economic needs of […]
  • Fast Food and Gender: Is There a Relation? The study was to observe the gender that formed the majority of the customer base in respect to fast foods. In this case, it was important to select a predetermined restaurant that specializes in fast […]
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • Fast Food Ban Necessity in Schools Schools should not offer fast foods because they lead to the development of bad habits, long-time health complications and influence students to spend money unnecessarily.
  • Improvements of Supply Chain Processes in the Fast Food Industry: Subway The purposes of the research are to analyze the service delivery stage of the internal supply chain process typical of the Subway restaurants located in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates; identify drawbacks in these areas […]
  • Fast Food’s Main Detrimental Effects This state of affairs is perfectly explainable, because during the course of recent decades, the effects of a lengthened consumption of fast food on one’s health remained the subject of a number of heated public […]
  • Increased Nutrition Regulations on Fast Food Restaurants Some critics believe that federal policy to increase the cost of healthy food has led to the increase in consumption of the cheaper alternative i.e.fast food.
  • The Jungle and Fast Food Nation Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser’s aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the […]
  • American Fast Food in Foreign Countries On the one hand, fast food chains like McDonald’s are at risk of pushing local cafes away, leading the latter to bankruptcy.
  • Fast Food: What We Eat by Eric Schlosser The industry became the cause of multiple economic trends and shifted the behaviors of consumers. In conclusion, the fast-food industry has had a great influence on economics, society, and politics.
  • The Effects of Fast Food Consumption on Obesity Afterward, Lane et al.combined homogeneous conditions and conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effect of fast food consumption on their development.
  • Fast Food Restaurant: Emergency Procedure It is essential to lay out a clear communication plan to ensure the team maintains functional capacity during a hurricane threat.
  • Drive-Thru Dreams and Fast Food Nation by Adam Chandler In the introduction to his book, Drive-Thru Dreams: A Journey through the Heart of America’s Fast-Food Kingdom, Adam Chandler uses pathos as the central appeal to convince the audience in the strength of his reasoning.
  • Slow and Fast Food Values by Alice Waters Uniformity is a fast-food value that causes people to lose their individuality because of the pressure to conform. Awareness is a fundamental value in the current fast-food world.
  • Employee Retention & Staff Turnover in Fast Food Industry Whilst the recruitment strategy errors include the lack of such documents as A Set of Competencies and The Perfect Candidate, the lack of recruitment specialists, and the provision of insufficient information to the candidate. It […]
  • The Environment of Fast Food Chains The basic research question is based upon the fact as what is actual scenario of HK fast food industry and what marketing strategies are being used commonly by the industry?
  • Customer Loyalty in Fast Food Industry Under Current Economic Crisis The objective of this research is to evaluate different customer loyalty programs offered by companies operating in the UK Fast Food Industry to induce more sales and assess their effectiveness amid of the current economic […]
  • Promoting Fast Food Ingredient Awareness The result of this progress has been the spread of the concept of fast food, meals for those who are busy and do not want to burden themselves with cooking.
  • The Fast Food Restaurant Market of Canada More than 100 various franchising offers Growing demand for fast food restaurant franchising Wide variety of demanded franchises with diverse prices and distinct revenue potential Growing possibilities to utilize disposable income, which increases proportionally […]
  • Ideology of Fast Food Industry Development Demonstrating the parallel that can be drawn between fast food and the ideology values such as the fast pace life and consumerism, it is important to stress that several values resulted from the formation and […]
  • The Fast Food Culture in Saudi Arabia The increased consumption of fast food is an issue that has gripped the attention of healthcare providers worldwide. The high incidence of diabetes is perhaps the most notable effect of the excessive consumption of fast […]
  • Obesity Prevalence and Fast Food Restaurant Prevalence The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between obesity prevalence and fast food restaurant prevalence in the United States.
  • Regulation of the Fast Food Industry: Review The rapid growth of the fast food industry has led to the high consumption of fast food by many people. The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in […]
  • Fast Food: What Is Really in It? Fast food restaurants use TBHQ to eliminate oxidation of fats and oils in order to prolong the expiry date of their foods.
  • “The Bitter Truth About Fast Food” by Schlosser While such a regulation is hard to follow, it has been proved that some natural ingredients used in the manufacturing of flavors pose more health risks than artificial ingredients.
  • Biotechnology and Animal Welfare: How Genetically Modified Chicken Serves the Demand in Fast Food Chains Beef was the most often used meat for the restaurants due to its containing in burgers, however, in 2020, the tendency started to move in the direction of chicken consumption.
  • Fast Food Nation in the “Omnivore’s Dilemma” by M. Pollan The author’s main purpose in writing this text could be summarized as a plea to food-conscious people that there is more to what they do not know about the food they eat.
  • Fast Food Industry: Five Forces of Success The possible threat of market saturation by new sellers inflowing the market. The strength of rivalry or competition in the food industry as franked by existing markets is a pronouncement that helps in the determination […]
  • Marketing Case B: Freddy Favors Fast Food and Convenience for College Students Problem Objective Opinion Areas of Strength Areas of Concern Recommendation Conclusion The service and products that are to be offered in a food joint for college students is a problem, as it would require […]
  • Branding of Fast Food Industry: Sound and Strategic Brand According to Thomson and Rampton the brand image should be able to provide customers with a degree of excellence and comfort, making them outshine from the rest of the group that is they provide a […]
  • Media Plan of a Fast Food Chain Subway Food The uniqueness and importance of this media for Subway Foods is that the sender of the advertising message, who can be regarded as the seller, does not know in advance what he will receive in […]
  • The Use of Fast Food Meals in the United State This study focused to investigate the western theory change of lifestyles and it intended to examine the quality of the fast-food meals in the United States industries.
  • Environmental Analysis for a New Fast Food Chain in Australia The viability of the restaurant will depend, in a large part, on the stability of the host government as well as the strength of the host country’s political system.
  • Fast Food Empire: ”Behind the Counter” by Schlosser Schlosser underlines that the fast food problem in society, culture, and identity is presenting all Americans with profound dilemmas- that are badly in need of clarification and resolution of real life values and ideals Schlosser […]
  • Opportunism in Fast Food Chains: Schlosser’s ‘Behind the Counter’ The fast-food chains employ the most disadvantaged members of the American society and provide only training on basic job skills such as getting to work on time.
  • Fast Food Epidemic: The Dark Side of American Meal Various reports and studies signify the trends of huge marketing campaigns of fast food chains and the significant correlation this has with fast food consumption.
  • Technology in the British Fast Food Industry The use of modern smartphones and apps is an emerging trend that will continue to dictate the performance of business organizations.
  • Fast Food Restaurants and Buyers’ Responsibility Fast food and chain restaurants sell their products, but they do not force people to buy them. Thus, people are to be responsible for their behavior and understand the danger of unhealthy food.
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America With the current trends in the consumption of foods, statistics show that, by the year 2015, a third of America will be obese.
  • The Work at “Checkers” Fast Food Restaurant The position of a cook is much different, as they are the person who carries out the duties and supports the infrastructure of the restaurant.
  • Fast Food History and Global Presence The popularity of fast-food restaurants at the time could be associated with the increased numbers of people moving to the city centers during the Great Depression.
  • “Fast Food Nation” Movie by Richard Linklater This is a story of how one of the most favorite things in the country is destroying people’s health and undermining the belief that the world is a friendly and kind place where people love […]
  • Obesity in Hispanic Adolescents and Fast Food Most of these, however, describe the relationship existing between the prevalence of diabetes in the population and the consumption of fast foods.
  • Green Management in Fast Food Restaurants The corporations have to acquire large amounts of capital to operate efficiently and survive in the market because of the high demand of social responsibility in the food industry.
  • Fast Food Consumption in New Jersey (United States) The survey aimed at evaluating the consumption of fast foods amongst the residents of New Jersey in the USA. Other objectives that were considered during the study included determination of whether the habit contributed to […]
  • Factors Contributing to Fast Food Consumption in UAE Nevertheless, the transformation from homemade food to fast food has been so severe and widespread that people have become addicted to fast food in the UAE.
  • The Fast Food Danger Awareness Among the Young People However, it is worrying that many people in this society are not aware of the dangers that this industry poses to young people.
  • Blue Springs Fast Food Store vs. Blue Gardens Restaurant Analysis The lighting is moderated to give the facility a unique ambiance, and the color of the walls is also very attractive.
  • Fast Food War in Singapore: The Stiff Competition and Fight for Customers In this case, the market conditions will allow the firm to choose product attributes that counter the products of their competitors.
  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”? Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many people to suggest that fast food cannot be considered areal.’ This, of course, implies that the consumption of fast food can hardly be considered beneficial to the […]
  • Fast Food Industry and Its Impacts The experiment made in the film shows how consuming of the fast food influences the human body, presents a visual demonstration of the processes happening in our inside organs under the influence of chemicals contained […]
  • The Practice of Fast Food in the United States This survey concluded that fast food consumption entails a large intake of junk foods as well as a reduction in the intake of healthy foods.
  • Analysis of the Documentary Fast Food, Fat Profits This is one of the issues that can be distinguished. This is one of the limitations that can be singled out.
  • Obesity and Fast Food In fact, a larger proportion of the gains in the body mass arise from the escalating promotional activities carried out by the fast-food producing companies such as McDonalds.
  • An Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Local vs. International Brands in the Fast Food Sector This comes as no surprise, considering that the UK is one of the world’s largest economies in the world, has one of Europe’s highest populations and is the largest consumer of fast food in the […]
  • Challenges Inherent in Repositioning a Fast Food Chain Much money has to be spent during the repositioning process, and, in a period of financial crisis, as is the current situation, it is very important to come up with some cost-effective strategies to succeed […]
  • The Fast-food Industry in Russia For example, the legislation guaranteed the right of workers to organize themselves in labour unions, strike and even challenge the decisions that are made by the management The Russian federation labour laws are a combination […]
  • HRM in the Fast Food Industry: US, Germany, and Australia It should be mentioned that the term human-resource relations refers to the programs that an organization puts in place in order to ensure that the employees receive the benefits that are guaranteed by legislation.
  • An Analysis of Fast Freeze Foods Ltd This paper focuses on the successes of his management in managing the performance of the company to ensure success in such a turbulent industry as the company is operating.
  • Fast Food Drive-throughs In this respect, the drive-through services are aimed at reducing the throughput time and serving a maximum number of clients in the minimum time compared to other similar services.s such, it is necessary to compare […]
  • Deli Depot Fast Food Restaurants Strategy Objectives To improve on the sales of the business hence increasing the profit margin To strategise on how to take over the market from other competitors To come up with a good team of employees […]
  • Fast Food on Campus: When Affordable Meals Overshadow the Nutrition Issues Starting Positively Much to the credit of fast food and the companies producing it, there are also a number of positive aspects of providing fast food on the territory of campus.
  • Fast Foods More Harm Than Good The rest of the life of such a child is upsetting as the child is ridiculed in and out of school, through his/her adolescence, and even in college.
  • The Fast Food Chains “Five Guys” in the USA Five Guys is one of the fastest growing fast food chains in the USA and it is now expanding overseas. One of the reasons for such a success is the thoughtful philosophy of the fast […]
  • “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World” by Michael Pollan The poultry helps in the spreading of manure as the chicken looks for larvae to eat. There are a lot of processed foods available in the market such that one is spoilt for choice.
  • Comparison Between the Jungle and Fast Food Nation The writer of the book came up with suggestion on what ought to be done to eliminate the issue of minimal salaries among the citizens, hence, improve the living standards of the people in the […]
  • The Nature of Fast Food Advertising in North American & Its Influence The nature of fast food advertising in North America is such that most fast food restaurants depict the advantages of eating fast food in a bid to entice the clients.
  • Fast Food, Quick Problem Emergence, Rapid Addiction and Slow Recovery Process Because of the growing popularity of the fast food products, the concern for the effect that the fast food meals have on the population is growing increasingly big, yet the solutions for the problems and […]
  • Fast Food and Hate Groups Harvey would lay his hands on the member’s heads to reconfirm them to the group after which the members would swear an oath to Harvey and Pendgrass that they will uphold the beliefs and convictions […]
  • How Has the Fast Food Industry Changed From the 1950s to the Present?
  • What Are the Causes of Popularity for Fast Food Restaurants?
  • Are Fast Food and Junk Food Companies Ethically Responsible for Customers?
  • What Are the Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are the Key Success Factors That Make the Fast Food Business Model Work?
  • Does Consumer Preference Shift Away From Fast Food?
  • What Constitutes Good Customer Service and Makes a Company in the Fast Food Industry Indispensable?
  • How Are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related?
  • What Makes Chipotle Unique Among Other Fast Food Chains?
  • Can Apps Make Fast Food Even Faster?
  • How Is Fast Food Changing American Food Culture?
  • Why Isn’t Fast Food Cheaper Than Healthy Food?
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • How Can Fitness Overcome Fast Food?
  • What Marketing Strategies Use McDonald’s to Compete With Burger King in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Why Are Fast Food Restaurants Popular?
  • How Has Healthy Living Culture Brought About Changes in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Do Eco Activists Take Action Towards the Fast Food Industries?
  • Should Fast Food Advertisements Be Banned?
  • What Retention Strategies Can Be Used by Fast Food Companies?
  • How Do Life Styles Affect the Consumption of Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Companies Be Held Responsibility for Children’s Obesity?
  • How Did McDonald’s Change Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • How Has the Recession Affected the Fast Food Sector?
  • Should Schools Serve Fast Food Like Mcdonald’s?
  • What Are Most Serious Negative Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • Why Should Americans Eat Less Fast Food?
  • Fitness Topics
  • Cooking Questions
  • McDonald’s Topics
  • Restaurant Ideas
  • Eating Disorders Questions
  • Food Essay Ideas
  • Weight Loss Essay Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/

"128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

This is a grid showing parts of nine book covers.

The Best Books of the Year (So Far)

The nonfiction and novels we can’t stop thinking about.

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By The New York Times Books Staff

  • May 24, 2024

Fiction | Nonfiction

We’re almost halfway through 2024 and we at The Book Review have already written about hundreds of books. Some of those titles are good. Some are very good. And then there are the following.

We suspect that some (though certainly not all) will be top of mind when we publish our end-of-year, best-of lists. For more thoughts on what to read next, head to our book recommendation page .

The cover of “James” is black. The title is in yellow, and the author’s name is in white.

James , by Percival Everett

In this reworking of the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Jim, the enslaved man who accompanies Huck down the Mississippi River, is the narrator, and he recounts the classic tale in a language that is his own, with surprising details that reveal a far more resourceful, cunning and powerful character than we knew.

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Good Material , by Dolly Alderton

Alderton’s novel, about a 35-year-old struggling to make sense of a breakup, delivers the most delightful aspects of romantic comedy — snappy dialogue, realistic relationship dynamics, funny meet-cutes and misunderstandings — and leaves behind clichéd gender roles and the traditional marriage plot.

Martyr! , by Kaveh Akbar

A young Iranian American aspiring poet and recovering addict grieves his parents’ deaths while fantasizing about his own in Akbar’s remarkable first novel, which, haunted by death, also teems with life — in the inventive beauty of its sentences, the vividness of its characters and the surprising twists of its plot.

The Hunter , by Tana French

For Tana French fans, every one of the thriller writer’s twisty, ingenious books is an event. This one, a sequel to “The Searcher,” once again sees the retired Chicago cop Cal Hooper, a perennial outsider in the Irish west-country hamlet of Ardnakelty, caught up in the crimes — seen and unseen — that eat at the seemingly picturesque village.

Wandering Stars , by Tommy Orange

This follow-up to Orange’s debut, “There There,” is part prequel and part sequel; it trails the young survivor of a 19th-century massacre of Native Americans, chronicling not just his harsh fate but those of his descendants. In its second half, the novel enters 21st-century Oakland, following the family in the aftermath of a shooting.

Headshot , by Rita Bullwinkel

Set at a women’s boxing tournament in Reno, Nev., this novel centers on eight contestants, and the fights — physical and emotional — they bring to the ring. As our critic wrote: This story’s impact “lasts a long time, like a sharp fist to your shoulder.”

Beautyland , by Marie-Helene Bertino

In 1970s Philadelphia, an alien girl sent to Earth before she’s born communicates with her fellow life-forms via fax as she helps gather intel about whether our planet is habitable. This funny-sad novel follows the girl and her single mother as they find the means to persevere.

Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder , by Salman Rushdie

In his candid, plain-spoken and gripping new memoir, Rushdie recalls the attempted assassination he survived in 2022 during a presentation about keeping the world’s writers safe from harm. His attacker had piranhic energy. He also had a knife. Rushdie lost an eye, but he has slowly recovered thanks to the attentive care of doctors and the wife he celebrates here.

Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis , by Jonathan Blitzer

This urgent and propulsive account of Latin American politics and immigration makes a persuasive case for a direct line from U.S. foreign policy in Central America to the current migrant crisis.

The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook , by Hampton Sides

By the time he made his third Pacific voyage, the British explorer James Cook had maybe begun to lose it a little. The scientific aims of his first two trips had shifted into something darker. According to our reviewer, the historian Hampton Sides “isn’t just interested in retelling an adventure tale. He also wants to present it from a 21st-century point of view. ‘The Wide Wide Sea’ fits neatly into a growing genre that includes David Grann’s ‘ The Wager ’ and Candice Millard’s ‘ River of the Gods ,’ in which famous expeditions, once told as swashbuckling stories of adventure, are recast within the tragic history of colonialism .”

The Rebel’s Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon , by Adam Shatz

This absorbing biography of the Black psychiatrist, writer and revolutionary Frantz Fanon highlights a side of him that’s often eclipsed by his image as a zealous partisan — that of the caring doctor, who ran a secret clinic for Algerian rebels.

Fi: A Memoir , by Alexandra Fuller

In her fifth memoir, Fuller describes the sudden death of her 21-year-old son. Devastating as this elegant and honest account may be — it’s certainly not for the faint of heart — it also leaves the reader with a sense of having known a lovely and lively young man.

Explore More in Books

Want to know about the best books to read and the latest news start here..

John S. Jacobs was a fugitive, an abolitionist — and the brother of the canonical author Harriet Jacobs. Now, his own fierce autobiography has re-emerged .

Don DeLillo’s fascination with terrorism, cults and mass culture’s weirder turns has given his work a prophetic air. Here are his essential books .

Jenny Erpenbeck’s “ Kairos ,” a novel about a torrid love affair in the final years of East Germany, won the International Booker Prize , the renowned award for fiction translated into English.

Kevin Kwan, the author of “Crazy Rich Asians,” left Singapore’s opulent, status-obsessed, upper crust when he was 11. He’s still writing about it .

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .



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    The "Food Inc." Documentary by Robert Kenner. In his film "Food Inc.", documentary film producer Robert Kenner explores how massive businesses have monopolized every part of the food supply chain in the United States. The Issue of Food and Water Security. The global issue for the analysis is food and water security.

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    If you need to prove your point in a persuasive essay, you'll need to start with a great prompt. Check out these ideas for easy, challenging, and unique persuasive prompts in different categories. ... Persuasive Essay Topics About Food. It's easy to form an opinion on food but not as easy to convince others to agree with it. Try these ...

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    162 Persuasive Writing Prompts & Topics: Examples & Tips. by IvyPanda®. 14 min. 18,081. Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task. While it is excellent for improving a student's critical thinking and rhetoric skills, coming up with a good topic might be difficult. We will write a custom essay specifically.

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    This essay has explored the various ways in which individuals can be persuaded to eat healthy, as well as the potential consequences of neglecting this crucial aspect of our lives. By taking proactive steps to improve our diet, we can lead healthier and happier lives. In today's fast-paced world, the importance of eating healthy has never been ...

  13. List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Food

    A persuasive speech about food will be a speech that listeners can relate to and therefore will be interested in. Persuasive speeches involves influencing an audience to accept your idea through the use of argumentation, rationalization, symbolism and factual support of claims. You should pick a topic that you are ...

  14. 51 Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking

    Caesar salad: the salads of salads - how it is made. Salads and salad dressings for Thanksgiving dinners. Prepare a romantic picnic at the riverside at dawn. Learn to shake a cocktail mixed drink. Gourmet brings families back to the dinner table. Chocolate is a psychoactive food.

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    434 Good Persuasive Topics for Speech or Essay: My Speech Class. How to Write Persuasive Essays: Matrix Education. 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Writtent. A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Purdue University. Topic Ideas Generator: Online Research Library Questia.

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  19. Persuasive Speech about Junk Food: [Essay Example], 476 words

    Persuasive Speech About Junk Food. When it comes to the topic of junk food, there is a lot of debate and controversy. Some people argue that junk food should be avoided at all costs, while others believe that it is fine to indulge in moderation. In this persuasive speech, I will argue that junk food should be avoided as much as possible due to ...

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    101 Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids and Teens. Use your words to sway the reader. Persuasive writing is one of those skills that can help students succeed in real life. Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative, but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader.

  21. Fast Food Persuasive Essay Topics

    Fast Food Persuasive Essay Topics. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Fast food is a topic that people can have strong feelings ...

  22. Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help Essay (Speech)

    People experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, anemia, and similar issues ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 5). Without enough energy and health, they cannot improve their life quality. Example, Narrative, or Testimony: Quality food is an essential ...

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  24. 128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples

    128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples. Updated: Feb 24th, 2024. 16 min. The phenomenon of comfort food that takes a short time to prepare and tastes good has become extremely popular in the world, with chains such as McDonalds having an enormous global presence. However, the adverse health effects associated with the emergence of fast ...

  25. The Best Books of 2024 (So Far)

    Good Material, by Dolly Alderton. Alderton's novel, about a 35-year-old struggling to make sense of a breakup, delivers the most delightful aspects of romantic comedy — snappy dialogue ...