Zentrum für Public Health

  • Doctoral Thesis
  • Unsere Abteilungen und Arbeitsgruppen
  • Zentrum für Public Health
  • Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie
  • Studium, Aus- und Weiterbildung
  • Supervision
  • Title: (Health-related) quality of life and well-being in the older Austrian population Author: Felsinger, Richard Ronald | Senior Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Junior Supervisor: Assoc.-Prof. Susanne Mayer | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: Socioeconomic determinants of healthcare uptake of Covid-19/Long Covid-19 patients in Austria Author: Gamillscheg, Peter | Senior Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Junior Supervisor: Assoc.-Prof. Susanne Mayer | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: Health economic aspects of care pathway heterogeneity for prostate cancer Author: Heilig, Daniel | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Markus Mitterhauser, Dr. Petra Fadgyas-Freyler | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: Epidemiology and secondary prevention of breast cancer in Austria Author: Ilic, Lazo | Senior Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Junior Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Haidinger | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Anita Rieder, Dr. Franz Frühwald | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: The economics of nutrition care in hospitals Author: Kiss, Noemi | Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Michael Hiesmayr | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Judit Simon, Prof. Peter Bauer | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: New Approaches in Child Protection Medicine in the Austrian Health Care System Author: Mora-Theuer, Eva | Senior Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Junior Supervisor: Prof. Susanne Greber-Platzer | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: Patient-reported outcome measures for health economic evaluations in the palliative care setting Author: Saly, Elisabeth | Senior Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Junior Supervisor: Dr. Claudia Fischer | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Eva Mase l Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: The physical comorbidity costs of mental health disorders Author: Wienand, Dennis | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Johannes Wancata, Prof. David McDaid | Degree: Dr.scient.med.
  • Title: Development of nutritional care quality indicators in hospital units and development of stakeholder specific feedback reports on quality of nutritional care Author: Moick, Sigrid | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon, Thesis Committee members: Prof. Jörg Michael Hiesmayr, Prof. Pierre Singer | Degree: Dr.scient.med.| 2023
  • Title: Capability approach for the measurement and valuation of outcomes in mental health economic evaluations – The use of the Oxford Capability questionnaire – Mental Health (OxCAP-MH) Author: Helter, Timea | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Tanja Stamm, Prof. Joanna Coast | Degree: Dr.scient.med. | 2022
  • Title: Clinical benefit of oncological therapies (in Europe) Author: Grössmann, Nicole | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Assoc. Prof. Markus Zeitlinger, Dr. Claudia Wild | Degree: Dr.scient.med. | 2021
  • Title: Prioritization of indicators for structured monitoring of health system performance in the EU Author: Perić, Nataša | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Georg Heinze, Prof. Tanja Stamm | Degree: Dr.scient.med. | 2021
  • Title: Mental health in the general population in Austria: well-being, resource use and socioeconomic burden Author: Łaszewska, Agata | Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon | Thesis Committee members: Prof. Johannes Wancata, Prof. August Österle | Degree: Dr.scient.med. | 2019
  • Title: to be confirmed Author: Cheung, Kei Long | Co-Supervisor: Prof. Judit Simon – Medical University of Vienna | University of Maastricht | 2017

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PhD application portal

To start the application process, please register for a new account by clicking on Create new account . Existing users, please login with your username and password. Thank you!

Important note: Medical University of Vienna processes your personal data in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations. By registering for an applicant profile, you simultaneously agree to our data protection regulations. For further information please refer to our privacy statement for applicants .

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) UN094
  • Studies, training and further education
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Important details at a glance

Phd program un094.

If you are interested to write your thesis at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecologie, please contact our office via e-mail.

An overview of the thematic programs can be found at the homepage of the Medical University of Vienna .

Please let us know, if you have chosen a topic for your thesis already or what your favourite scientific field is. Also, please let us know if you have already found a supervisor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

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Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • PhD Program “Malignant Diseases”
  • Studies, training and further education
  • Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Oncology PhD programs

Program Coordinator

Ao. prof. mag. dr. wolfgang mikulits.

Medical University of Vienna Center for Cancer Research Borschkegasse 8a 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43-1- 40160 57527 E-Mail: [email protected]

Short description

The PhD thesis program Malignant Diseases is a multidisciplinary research-driven training program at the MedUni Vienna. The PhD program fully complies with the Bologna criteria and operates in the interdisciplinary environment of the Comprehensive Cancer Center. It provides PhD students with a profound theoretical background as well as excellent practical skills in experimental approaches using cellular and animal tumor models to (i) identify tumor-specific regulatory mechanisms and therapeutic targets, (ii) investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogens to understand cancer causes, and (iii) analyze exogenous and endogenous factors contributing to tumor development. In translational approaches, the results are applied to develop diagnostic and prognostic procedures, new therapies, and preventive strategies. The participating research groups are engaged in international research projects in the areas of basic tumor biology as well as translational and clinical oncology.

Link to the PhD Program Malignant Diseases

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Department of Neurosurgery

  • PhD-Studies
  • Teaching and Further Education
  • Department of Neurosurgery

PhD studies at the University Department of Neurosurgery

The PhD program at the University Department of Neurosurgery is conducted in collaboration with the  Center for Brain Research and CLINS .  Scientific work and a high level of commitment to the subject of neurosurgery are required.

PhD Programme UN094

Center for Brain Research – Neuroscience Programme

Neuroscience is currently one of the main focuses of both national and international research programmes. The aim of neuroscience research is the elucidation of the normal function of the nervous system as well as the discovery of the molecular mechanism underlying the pathological changes in neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The nervous system is an organ system that is highly complex and involves different cell types as well as neuronal networks. This complexity is reflected by the fact that 60% of all known genes are expressed in the nervous system and 30% of the genes are nervous system specific. One third of all known human disorders is primarily neurological or has marked neurological involvement. As the ability for regeneration of the nervous system is limited, many of these disorders lead to chronic functional deficits and thus to an enormous burden on individuals and the society.

Modern neuroscience is multi-disciplinary and involves such disciplines as biochemistry, molecular neurobiology, cellular neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neuroimmunology, clinical neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry and neurology. The aim of the neuroscience programme is to educate the students in a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary way in preparation for work within the field of neuroscience. Besides the practical dissertation, this accompanying program gives not only the theoretical backbone but also guides the students through a practical course to learn the most important techniques by actually doing them. If you are interested in this exiting field of research then search the list of participating research units, get in contact with the group leaders and apply for open positions. Program Coordinator:  Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Berger

Department for Pathobiology of the Nervous System Medical University of Vienna Center for Brain Research Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 (0)1 40160 - 34300 E-Mail:  [email protected]

UN790 – Doctoral Programme

CLINS Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences

Neuroscience is a main focus of research and high-end medicine at the Medical University Vienna. The aim of Clinical Neurosciences is innovation in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of disorders of the nervous and muscular systems.

The professional doctoral program „Clinical Neurosciences“ (CLINS) addresses neurological, psychiatric and neuro-muscular disorders in fetus, children, and adults. Interdisciplinary interaction of diagnostic  and therapeutic disciplines in combination with basic biomedical research is a key element of the program. Mutual guest lectures and translational research projects will link the applied and basic research doctoral programs.

CLINS will provide students with scientific competence enabling them to improve biomedical practice  by means of research and is complementary to the basic research PhD program „Neuroscience“ (coordinator: Johannes Berger, Brain Research Institute)  CLINS Program Coordinator: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Hainfellner E-Mail: [email protected]

CLINS SUPERVISORS - Department of Neurosurgery:

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.med.univ. Christian Dorfer, MBA E-Mail:  [email protected]

Assoc. Prof.in Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in med.univ. Josa M. Frischer, PhD E-Mail:  [email protected]

Univ.-Prof. Dr.med.univ. Karl Rössler E-Mail:  [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.med.univ.et scient.med. Georg Widhalm E-Mail: [email protected]

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Department of Thoracic Surgery

  • PhD- und Diplomarbeiten
  • Department of Thoracic Surgery
  • Experimental research
  • Applied Immunology Laboratory


Vera Vorstandlechner:

Peripheral blood mononuclear cell-secretome attenuates fibrotic effects in wound healing and scar formation (2024)

PhD thesis [ pdf ]

Presentation [ pdf ]

Cecilia Veraar:

Transient and permanent inflammation after implantation of non-degradable synthetic membranes and biological scaffolds (2023)

Martin Direder:

A unique Schwann cell subtype contributing to keloid formation (2023)

Katharina Klas:

Paracrine factors released by γ-irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells inhibit neutrophil extracellular trap formation (2023)

Mohammad Mahdi Kasiri:

Antimicrobial Defence in Human Body Fluids – High Antimicrobial Peptide Expression in Postoperative Pleural Fluid and Stressed Mononuclear Cells (2020)

PhD thesis [pdf]

Presentation [pdf]

Diana Lebherz-Eichinger:

The potential of chemokines and trefoil factor peptides as biomarkers for the early detection of chronic kidney disease and for monitoring the course of renal diseases (2017)

Noemi Pavo:

Cardiac regeneration in ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Cell-free cardiac regeneration in ischaemic cardiomyopathy: The paracrine regenerative effect of the secretome of apoptotic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (APOSEC) (2016)

Thomas Schweiger:

Identification of prognostic biomarkers in patients undergoing pulmonary metastasectomy from primary colorectal cancer (2016)

Lucian Beer:

The effects of high dose ionizing radiation on transcriptional regulation and paracrine signaling in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (2015)

Thomas Haider:

Therapeutic Capacity of Apoptotic Mononuclear Cell Secretome in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury (2015)

Konrad Hoetzenecker:

The secretome of monocuclear cells as a therapeutic tool in myocardial infarction and myocarditis: an experimental study (2012)

Michael Lichtenauer:

Secretome of apoptotic cells causes cardioprotection and inhibits ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction (2011)


Effect of methylene blue and nicotine on the secretion of antimicrobial peptides and neurotransmitter by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (2018)

Diploma thesis [pdf]

Elisabeth Simader:

Changes in the biological function of peripheral mononuclear cells in diabetes mellitus - Pilot study (2016)

Denise Traxler-Weidenauer:

Lymphangiogenesis in Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (2015)

Andreas Mitterbauer:

Tissue-specific, Auto-reactive CD4CD28null cells in Explanted COPD Lungs (2014)

Effects of Blood Sample Handling Procedures on Measured Cytokine and Chemokine Concentrations in Human Serum and Plasma (2012)

Matthias Zimmermann:

Discrimination of clinical stages in non-small cell lung cancer patients by serum HSP27 and HSP70 (2011)

Stefanie Nickl:

Increased levels of serum heat shock protein 27 as a possible marker for incipient obstructive pulmonary disease in a risk cohort (2011)

Andreas Mangold:

Alpha-Gal specific humoral immune response after implantation of bioprostheses in cardiac surgery (2010)

Irradiated apoptotic peripheral blood mononuclear cells preserve ventricular function after myocardial infarction (2009)

Stefan Hacker:

Characterization Of A Cytolytic CD4+ T-Cell Subset in Patients With COPD (2009)

Tina Niederpold:

Specification of immunie modulation after coronary artery bypass graft operation (2009)

In vitro investigation of tolerance inducing effects of CMV Hyperimmunoglobulin containing drugs (2007)

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Zentrum für Medical Data Science

Zentrum für Medical Data Science

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Klinische Biometrie
  • Medizinische Statistik
  • Medizinisches Informationsmanagement
  • Outcomes Research
  • Wissenschaft Komplexer Systeme

phd thesis meduniwien

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Posch


Technologie verwandelt die Medizin in eine Datenwissenschaft. Wir streben eine Zukunft an, in der jeder Mensch unter vollständiger Berücksichtigung seiner individuellen Eigenschaften, seines Umfelds und seiner Bedürfnisse behandelt wird. Unsere Forschung erzeugt Wissen aus Daten, das zu einem gesünderen Menschen und einer widerstandsfähigen Gesellschaft führt.

Das Zentrum für Medical Data Science vereint neuestes methodisches Know-how aus verschiedenen quantitativen Bereichen, um die datenbasierte medizinische Forschung voranzutreiben. Es stellt eine Plattform für Forschung, Zusammenarbeit und Ausbildung im Bereich der medizinischen Datenwissenschaft an der Medizinischen Universität Wien bereit.

Wir streben danach, Algorithmen und quantitative Methoden aus den Bereichen Statistik, Mathematik, Informatik und verwandten Gebieten weiterzuentwickeln, um moderne Methoden für die Versuchsplanung und Datenanalyse in Biologie und Medizin bereitzustellen. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf klinischen als auch molekularen Daten. Wir wenden die Methoden gemeinsam mit Biolog:innen und Kliniker:innen der Medizinischen Universität Wien sowie mit nationalen und internationalen Kooperationspartner:innen auf konkrete Forschungsfragen an.

Hrvoje Bogunović übernimmt Tenure-Track-Assistenz-Professur an der MedUni Wien

Zwei-jahres-stelle für einen postdoc in biostatistik an der medizinischen universität wien, stellenausschreibung: forschungsassistent:in in wissenschaftlichen projekten, meduni wien trauert um harald heinzl, studium-, aus- und weiterbildung, a reinforcement learning model for ai-based decision support in skin cancer, determinants of covid-19 vaccine fatigue.

phd thesis meduniwien

GINGER: Webinterface zur Stichprobenplanung bei Tierversuchen

phd thesis meduniwien

Entwurf und Analyse von Versuchen mit Plattformen und nicht-gleichzeitigen Kontrollen

Lola: locus overlap analysis for enrichment of genomic ranges, wir nutzen cookies.

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How to write a PhD thesis: a step-by-step guide

A draft isn’t a perfect, finished product; it is your opportunity to start getting words down on paper, writes Kelly Louise Preece

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Kelly Louise Preece

  • More on this topic

Man working on his PhD thesis

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University of Exeter

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Congratulations; you’ve finished your research! Time to write your PhD thesis. This resource will take you through an eight-step plan for drafting your chapters and your thesis as a whole. 

Infographic with steps on how to draft your PhD thesis

Organise your material

Before you start, it’s important to get organised. Take a step back and look at the data you have, then reorganise your research. Which parts of it are central to your thesis and which bits need putting to one side? Label and organise everything using logical folders – make it easy for yourself! Academic and blogger Pat Thomson calls this  “Clean up to get clearer” . Thomson suggests these questions to ask yourself before you start writing:

  • What data do you have? You might find it useful to write out a list of types of data (your supervisor will find this list useful too.) This list is also an audit document that can go in your thesis. Do you have any for the “cutting room floor”? Take a deep breath and put it in a separate non-thesis file. You can easily retrieve it if it turns out you need it.
  • What do you have already written? What chunks of material have you written so far that could form the basis of pieces of the thesis text? They will most likely need to be revised but they are useful starting points. Do you have any holding text? That is material you already know has to be rewritten but contains information that will be the basis of a new piece of text.
  • What have you read and what do you still need to read? Are there new texts that you need to consult now after your analysis? What readings can you now put to one side, knowing that they aren’t useful for this thesis – although they might be useful at another time?
  • What goes with what? Can you create chunks or themes of materials that are going to form the basis of some chunks of your text, perhaps even chapters?

Once you have assessed and sorted what you have collected and generated you will be in much better shape to approach the big task of composing the dissertation. 

Decide on a key message

A key message is a summary of new information communicated in your thesis. You should have started to map this out already in the section on argument and contribution – an overarching argument with building blocks that you will flesh out in individual chapters.

You have already mapped your argument visually, now you need to begin writing it in prose. Following another of Pat Thomson’s exercises, write a “tiny text” thesis abstract. This doesn’t have to be elegant, or indeed the finished product, but it will help you articulate the argument you want your thesis to make. You create a tiny text using a five-paragraph structure:

  • The first sentence addresses the broad context. This locates the study in a policy, practice or research field.
  • The second sentence establishes a problem related to the broad context you have set out. It often starts with “But”, “Yet” or “However”.
  • The third sentence says what specific research has been done. This often starts with “This research” or “I report…”
  • The fourth sentence reports the results. Don’t try to be too tricky here, just start with something like: “This study shows,” or “Analysis of the data suggests that…”
  • The fifth and final sentence addresses the “So What?” question and makes clear the claim to contribution.

Here’s an example that Thomson provides:

Secondary school arts are in trouble, as the fall in enrolments in arts subjects dramatically attests. However, there is patchy evidence about the benefits of studying arts subjects at school and this makes it hard to argue why the drop in arts enrolments matters. This thesis reports on research which attempts to provide some answers to this problem – a longitudinal study which followed two groups of senior secondary students, one group enrolled in arts subjects and the other not, for three years. The results of the study demonstrate the benefits of young people’s engagement in arts activities, both in and out of school, as well as the connections between the two. The study not only adds to what is known about the benefits of both formal and informal arts education but also provides robust evidence for policymakers and practitioners arguing for the benefits of the arts. You can  find out more about tiny texts and thesis abstracts on Thomson’s blog.

  • Writing tips for higher education professionals
  • Resource collection on academic writing
  • What is your academic writing temperament?

Write a plan

You might not be a planner when it comes to writing. You might prefer to sit, type and think through ideas as you go. That’s OK. Everybody works differently. But one of the benefits of planning your writing is that your plan can help you when you get stuck. It can help with writer’s block (more on this shortly!) but also maintain clarity of intention and purpose in your writing.

You can do this by creating a  thesis skeleton or storyboard , planning the order of your chapters, thinking of potential titles (which may change at a later stage), noting down what each chapter/section will cover and considering how many words you will dedicate to each chapter (make sure the total doesn’t exceed the maximum word limit allowed).

Use your plan to help prompt your writing when you get stuck and to develop clarity in your writing.

Some starting points include:

  • This chapter will argue that…
  • This section illustrates that…
  • This paragraph provides evidence that…

Of course, we wish it werethat easy. But you need to approach your first draft as exactly that: a draft. It isn’t a perfect, finished product; it is your opportunity to start getting words down on paper. Start with whichever chapter you feel you want to write first; you don’t necessarily have to write the introduction first. Depending on your research, you may find it easier to begin with your empirical/data chapters.

Vitae advocates for the “three draft approach” to help with this and to stop you from focusing on finding exactly the right word or transition as part of your first draft.

Infographic of the three draft approach

This resource originally appeared on Researcher Development .

Kelly Louse Preece is head of educator development at the University of Exeter.

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School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of engineering, ph.d. dissertation defense - ning guo.

Title :  Non-invasive Arc Duration Measurement Based on Different Physical Emissions

Dr. Lukas Graber, ECE, Chair, Advisor

Dr. Morris Cohen, ECE

Dr. Raheem Beyah, ECE

Dr. Santiago Grijalva, ECE

Dr. Iris Tien, CEE

Zentrum für Pathophysiologie, Infektiologie und Immunologie

  • Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen
  • Unsere Abteilungen
  • Zentrum für Pathophysiologie, Infektiologie und Immunologie
  • Institut für Hygiene und Angewandte Immunologie
  • Forschung – Arbeitsgruppen
  • Molekulare Immunologie

Gegenwärtige Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen

Gregor Pamlitschka, master thesis. “Generation and characterization of CD117 antibody fragments and chimeric antigen receptors for treatment of myeloid malignancies”

Melisa ERKUL, MD diploma thesis. "Functional characterization of CD33-directed CAR T cells”

Johann STRAUSS, MSc thesis. "Immune modulatory effects of statins and PCSK9 inhibitors"

Martin TEMES, MSc thesis. "Generation of a Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) targeting human CD33 (Siglec-3)"

Mag. pharm. Laura GEBETSBERGER , BSc, PhD thesis. "Alternative viral receptors enabling SARS-CoV-2 infection"

Karolin ARMBRECHT, MD diploma thesis. " Effects of a high salt microenvironment onto macrophage differentiation, activation and function"

Dr. med. univ. Alexandra van der Staal (Alexandra PETRE) , PhD thesis. "Immune Cell Profiles and Patient Clustering in Complex Cases of Interstitial Lung Disease”

Philipp Brunmayr, MSc thesis. "Generation of CAR-T cells for CD33-directed immunotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia"

Lena WAGNER, master thesis. "Impact of lipid-lowering therapy on immune cell homeostasis and functionality"

Dr. med. univ. Romana Klasinc, PhD thesis. " Characterization of the Toll-like receptor induced NF-κB signaling and uptake of Chlamydia trachomatis"

Lukas TEUSCHL, BSc. thesis. „Immunophenotyping of Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy”

Markus KRALLER, MSc, PhD thesis. "Single molecule FRET reveals enhanced binding lifetime between OT-1 TCR and pMHCI in the presence of CD8"

Sophie KRAUPP, MSc thesis. "The effect of controlled Lck dimerization on human T cell receptor signalling"

Julian POMBERGER, MD diploma thesis. "Signaling mechanisms underlying T cell regulation (The impact of Fyn deficiency onto T cell activation)”

René PLATZER, MSc, PhD thesis. "How Antigen is Presented to Sensitize T cells; a Molecular Imaging Approach"

Paul SPECHTL, MD diploma thesis. "How cytolytic T-cells recognize their targets; establishing a molecular imaging approach"

Thomas DEIMEL, MD diploma thesis. "Effects of extracellular adenosine production by macrophages"

Thomas FORSTER, MD diploma thesis. „The impact of CD4 deficiency onto T cell activation“

Mag. Christian MACHACEK, PhD thesis. "Characterization of the protein microenvironment of the folate receptor beta"

Mag. Alexander ZWIRZITZ, PhD thesis. "Influence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins on T cell activation"

Ingrid HARTL, BSc., master thesis. "Demonstration of a gene knock out using CRISPR/Cas9 system in the human T cell line Jurkat E6.1"

Mag. Michael REITER, PhD thesis. "Host-Pathogen Interaction of Borrelia spirochetes"

Harneet AUJLA, BSc thesis. "A rational design of a bispecific antibody binding two antigens on a single cell"

Mag. Verena SUPPER (ZOJER), PhD thesis. "Identification and characterization of CD147 interaction partners and signaling proteins in T-cells"

Mag. Andreas MÜLLER, PhD thesis. "Bartonella species in Austria – Cultivation, Screening and Serology"

Mag. Philipp SCHATZLMAIER, PhD thesis. "A novel tool for the rapid isolation and sensitive multiplex analysis of lipid raft components with single cell resolution"

Mag. Karin PFISTERER, PhD thesis. "Spatio-temporal analysis of the Src family kinase Lck during T cell activation"

Clemens DONNER, master thesis. "Intracellular Protein Trafficking as a Regulatory Pathway in Adaptive and Innate Immunity"

Volker HAUCK, MD diploma thesis. "Establishment of NF-κB and cAMP reporter T cell lines and hTERT immortalization of primary T cells"

Rene PLATZER, master thesis. "In Search of APC-Intrinsic Factors Modulating T-cell Antigen Recognition"

Mag. Florian FORSTER, PhD thesis. "Identification and characterization of the interferon inducible large guanosine triphosphatase guanylate binding protein 1 as regulator of T cell activation"

Mag. Paul ECKERSTORFER, PhD thesis. "Spatio-temporal analysis of the Src family kinase Lck during T cell activation"

Anna SALIBA, MD diploma thesis. "Guanylate binding protein-1 in early T cell signaling"

Sebastian BURGSTALLER-MÜHLBACHER, diploma thesis. "Characterization of signalling pathways regulating Foxp3 expression"- Roland POTH, MD diploma thesis. "Novel ligands of the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor in T cell activation". Alexander ZWIRZITZ, diploma thesis. "A novel interaction partner of plasminogen in regulation of fibrinolysis“

Andrea REITER, diploma thesis. "Analysis of protein tyrosine kinase Lck mutations in early T cell receptor signaling"

Brigitte BINDER, diploma thesis. "The mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor in pericellular proteolysis: implications for the latent transforming growth factor-beta activation"

Johannes HAJOS, MD diploma thesis. "Screening for T cell surface proteins involved in Foxp3 expression by monoclonal antibody stimulation"

Philipp SCHATZLMAIER, diploma thesis. "Ig-like glycoprotein CD147 as a nuclear factor in human T and HEK cells"

Martin ACHLEITNER , diploma thesis. "Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) for single molecule imaging"

Paul ECKERSTORFER, diploma thesis. "Investigation of transcription factor-mediated regulation of the human Foxp3 promoter"

Mag. Herbert SCHILLER, Dr. scient. med. Ph. D. thesis. "The mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor in regulation of pericellular proteolysis and cell invasion"

Florian FORSTER, diploma thesis. "Human GBP1 as immunomodulatory protein in T-lymphocyte activation"

Mesküre CAPAN, diploma thesis. "The mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-2 receptor (CD222) in regulation of T lymphocyte adhesion"

Verena ZOJER, diploma thesis. "The human Ig-family member CD147 regulates T cell activation"

M.S. Arshad MUHAMMAD, Dr. scient. med. Ph. D. thesis. "Role of CD2 and CD48 in recruitment of signaling molecules to the TCR/CD3 complex in T cells"

Mag. Wolfgang PASTER, Dr. scient. med. Ph. D. thesis. "Genetically encoded conformation-sensitive fluorescence reporters of the Src-family kinase Lck"

Mag. Christa HOLZHAUSER, Dr. scient. med. Ph. D. thesis. “T cell membrane compartmentalization: Molecular analysis of the T cell receptor signaling"

Mag. Birgit RICHTER, Ph. D. thesis. "The role of the CD147 molecule in negative regulation of T cells"

Mag. Panida KHUNKAEWLA, Ph. D. thesis. "Identification and characterization of functional partners of the CD147 molecule"

Maria HINTERBERGER, diploma thesis. The role of glycoprotein CD147 in immunosuppression by human CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells"

Herbert SCHILLER, diploma thesis. "Analysis of immunoregulatory molecules by RNA interference"

Mag. Andreas SZEKERES, Ph. D. thesis. "Identification of monoclonal antibody recognized immuno-modulatory leukocyte surface molecules by retroviral expression cloning"

Mag. Vladimir LEKSA, Ph. D. thesis. "Biochemical and functional analysis of the molecular complex between urokinase receptor (CD87) and mannose 6-phosphate/Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (CD222) within glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains"

Mag. Günther STAFFLER, Ph. D. thesis. "Functional characterization of the T cell activation-associated antigen CD147 in T cell biology"

Mag. Stefan WILLE, Ph. D. thesis. "Molecular cloning of human CDw92, a novel member of the transporter-like protein family, by using a novel retroviral cloning system"

Mag. Robert HÜTTINGER, Ph. D. thesis. "The early biogenesis of human glycolipid-presenting CD1 proteins"

Mag. Samuel GODAR, Ph. D. thesis. "A protein complex integrating activation for both plasminogen and latent transforming growth factor ß1"

Mag. Elisabeth PRAGER, Ph. D. thesis. "A heteropilic ligand of CD31 on T Lymphocytes: Evidence for a regulatory role in T Cell activation"

Günter STAFFLER, diploma thesis. "Strep-Tag-Fusionsproteine zur Identifizierung natürlicher Liganden von Leukozytenoberflächenmolekülen"

Mag. Jan BOHUSLAV, Ph. D. thesis. "Supramolecular organization of the GPI-anchored proteins: reflection in the function of CD87 (urokinase receptor)"

Anton BAUER, diploma thesis. "Immunglobulin-Fusionsproteine zur Identifizierung natürlicher Liganden der Leukozytenoberflächenmoleküle CD1"

Edda FIEBIGER, diploma thesis. "The human leukocyte surface protein CD31: Solubilization, isolation and molecular association studies"

M.S. Watchara KASINRERK, Ph. D. thesis. "Moleucular cloning of human leukocyte surface antigens 3B2 and 132 by one round panning immunoselection using the COS cell expression system"

Mag. Irena STEFANOVA, Ph. D. thesis. "A sudy of the mechanism of leukocyte activation via surface proteins anchored in the membrane by glycophosphatidylinositol"

Christian HENÖCKL, diploma thesis. "Charakterisierung von Oberflächenstrukturen humaner Immunzellen mit Hilfe monoklonaler Antikörper"

Walter SCHREIBER, MD diploma thesis. "Das humane Leukozytenoberflächenmolekül CD31: Zelluläre Verteilung, Epitopstudien und funktionelle Analysen"

Mag. Eva SCHNABL, Ph. D. thesis. "Biochemische und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung des aktivierungsassoziierten Membranproteins LA45"

Eva SCHNABL, diploma thesis. "Einfluss des Ca2 -Signals und der Proteinkinase C auf die Transkription von c-myc und des Interleukin-2 Rezeptors in humanen T-Lymphozyten"

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Wagner Student Jo Al Khafaji-King Named 2024 National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellow

Jo Al Khafaji-King, a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Administration at NYU Wagner, was selected as one of 35  National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellows , from a highly competitive pool of over 380 applicants. The fellowship supports scholars across disciplines whose dissertation topics focus on the improvement of education. 

person with glasses smiling for camera

In addition to financial support for their dissertation, as an NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow, Al Khafaji-King will attend two NAEd professional development retreats and receive mentorship from an NAEd member or other esteemed scholar.

Al Khafaji-King is also a Institute of Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT) fellow. Framed by the economics of education and sociology literature, their studies focus on discipline policies and behavior management in K-12 schools in the U.S. and their effects on marginalized students. 


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  2. PDF Guidelines for writing theses at MedUni Vienna

    At MedUni Vienna, "degree/doctoral theses" refers to undergraduate theses, master's theses and doctoral theses.

  3. Hochschulschriften / Hochschulschriften der Medizinischen Universität Wien

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  4. Our PhD and Doctoral Programs

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  5. PDF Thesis outline:

    As the above outline indicates, a solid cumulative PhD thesis submitted to Meduniwien should extend to about 100 pages. Depending on student output, the Results and M & M chapters will fluctuate in their lengths.

  6. Doctoral Thesis

    Dieser Inhalt ist ausschließlich in der Sprache Englisch vorhanden. Ongoing Doctoral Thesis

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  10. PhD-Studies

    The PhD program at the University Department of Neurosurgery is conducted in collaboration with the Center for Brain Research and CLINS . Scientific work and a high level of commitment to the subject of neurosurgery are required.

  11. Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen

    Gregor Pamlitschka, master thesis. "Generation and characterization of CD117 antibody fragments and chimeric antigen receptors for treatment of myeloid malignancies" ... PhD thesis. "Alternative viral receptors enabling SARS-CoV-2 infection" Abgeschlossene Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen. 2024. Karolin ARMBRECHT, MD diploma thesis ...

  12. PhD- und Diplomarbeiten

    The potential of chemokines and trefoil factor peptides as biomarkers for the early detection of chronic kidney disease and for monitoring the course of renal diseases (2017)

  13. Open position: PhD student

    Are you currently in training as a specialist at the Medical University of Vienna and looking for a PhD thesis (N790)? If you are interested in bone metabolism and cardiac function, you are the PhD student we are looking for. We will explore biochemical parameters, bone mineral density, trabecular bone score, trabecular and cortical microarchitecture using high resolution peripheral computed ...

  14. PDF Curriculum Vitae Eva Maria König, PhD

    The focus of my studies has always been to increase our knowledge about how to improve the anti-tumor functions of cytotoxic immune cells such as natural killer and T cells. By using gene-modified mice, a multitude of in vivo tumor models and an extensive range of in vitro assays (e.g. multi-color flow cytometry, molecular biology and functional assays, cellular barcoding, primary cell ...


    years) or PostDoc (1 year with possibility of extension) positions in Medical Statistics. We seek researchers with a strong background in statistics, mathematics or related fields who would like to gain research experience as part of an innovative research group in medical statistics. The starting dates for the positions are flexible.

  16. How to write a PhD thesis: a step-by-step guide

    Congratulations; you've finished your research! Time to write your PhD thesis. This resource will take you through an eight-step plan for drafting your chapters and your thesis as a whole.

  17. PDF pii.meduniwien.ac.at

    Alumni Year Last Name First Name Type of Study 1998 Waclavicek Martina PhD-thesis 2001 Geuder Eveline Internship 2002 Zechner Roland Post-Doc 2003 Derdak Sophia PhD-thesis 2003 Ne

  18. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

    Title: Non-invasive Arc Duration Measurement Based on Different Physical Emissions

  19. Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen

    Gegenwärtige Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen. Gregor Pamlitschka, master thesis. "Generation and characterization of CD117 antibody fragments and chimeric antigen receptors for treatment of myeloid malignancies". Melisa ERKUL, MD diploma thesis. "Functional characterization of CD33-directed CAR T cells". Johann STRAUSS, MSc thesis.

  20. Three Marsal School PhD candidates awarded NAEd/Spencer Dissertation

    The NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship encourages a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. This fellowship supports candidates whose dissertation projects bring innovative and insightful approaches to the history, theory, analysis, or application of formal and informal education.

  21. Wagner Student Jo Al Khafaji-King Named 2024 National Academy of

    Jo Al Khafaji-King, a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Administration at NYU Wagner, was selected as one of 35 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellows, from a highly competitive pool of over 380 applicants. The fellowship supports scholars across disciplines whose dissertation topics focus on the improvement of education.