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Teaching Guide: Being Responsible

  • for grades K-5

This material is from the teaching guide for the video   “Being Responsible “ in the 10-part DVD series You Can Choose!


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Dear Teacher or Discussion Leader: In discussing responsibility with your kids, we suggest that you try to steer the conversation away from the issue of “chores.” While chores may be important (to parents, anyway), they are rather trivial compared with higher order aspects of responsibility that have to do with character and integrity. We urge you to frame the conversation in this broader light.

If you are using the video, ask the first three questions before viewing.

1.  What does it mean when someone is described as a “responsible” person?

3.  Are there some reasons why you might want to be considered a “responsible” person?

4.  Why did Rhonda beg her friends to let her work on the science project?

5.  Why did Rhonda’s friends hesitate to give her an important responsibility?

6.  Rhonda’s friends took a chance when they trusted her. Would you have done the same? Why, or why not?

7.  Why do you think Rhonda decided to stay home and do her work instead of going to Disneyland?

8.  How would the play have ended if Rhonda had decided to go to Disneyland?

9.  What are the rewards for being a responsible person?

11.  Did the kids in the discussion part of the program say anything that you strongly agree with or disagree with?

12.  What did you learn from this video program?


1.  Write the six responsible behaviors (see “How To Be A Responsible Person” at the top of this column) on the board, or make copies and hand them out. Have the children think of a few examples for each behavior. Then, for each example, have them brainstorm ways of handling irresponsible people. List the best ideas on the board.

3.  Design a “Being Responsible” poster illustrating the six responsible behaviors. Put it up on your classroom wall.

4.  Have a discussion about classroom responsibility. What are the kids’ responsibilities, and what are the teacher’s responsibilities? Make a chart of these responsibilities on the board. What are the consequences of being irresponsible? What are the rewards of being responsible?

Other teaching guides in this series:


1.  How responsible are you? For each of the six responsible behaviors listed at the top of this column, rate yourself on a scale of one to five (1=awful, and 5=terrific). For each of these behaviors give an example of how you are either responsible or irresponsible, and what you could do to improve.

2.  Write about a time when you did something really responsible. Describe it. What was the outcome? How did it make you feel about yourself? Describe a time you did something really irresponsible. What was the outcome? How did it make you feel about yourself?

4.  Write about the kinds of responsibilities you feel for (or to): a) yourself b) your family c) your friends d) your community e) the whole country f) all people throughout the world g) our planet and our environment

5.  Write about the differences between adult responsibilities and children’s responsibilities. What does responsibility have to do with growing up? What responsibilities do you look forward to?


To enlist the involvement of parents, make copies of the “For Parents” block (see below) and send them home with the children. Tell the children to discuss the video with their parents, and to perform the following activities.

1.  Have a discussion about responsibility in the family. What are your responsibilities (other than chores), and what are your parents’ responsibilities? Make a chart of these responsibilities and put it up on your bedroom wall (or, perhaps, the refrigerator door). What happens if you are irresponsible? What if your parents are irresponsible? What are the rewards for being responsible?

3.  Talk with your family about what things you can do together to take responsibility for the environment (recycling, using less water and energy, buying non-polluting products, etc.). Make a plan and do it. Report on your plan in class.

4.  For one week keep a daily record of all your responsibilities. Include social commitments, homework, household chores, everything. At the end of the week give yourself a grade on how well you did in carrying out your responsibilities.

Note to the teacher or group leader: It might be a good idea to think of some way for the children to share the outcomes of these activities with each other. Perhaps they could give written or oral reports or discuss their experiences in small groups.

(Copy this block and send it home to the parents.)


Dear Parent,

Your child is involved in learning activities designed to develop good character and empower young people to make good choices for themselves. He or she may be asked to complete several tasks at home. Your cooperation with these activities will support our overall program.

The current lesson is about responsibility. We have shown a video entitled “Being Responsible,” which presents a skit and discussion about the personal benefits of making responsible choices. Please ask your child to tell you about this video program and what he or she learned from it.

Here are some things you can do to support the idea that being a responsible person makes us feel good about ourselves and makes other people respect and appreciate us.

•   Talk with your children about responsibility. Tell them that responsibility isn’t just doing chores, it’s following through on commitments, answering for their own actions, being reliable and trustworthy, using good judgment, taking care of their own affairs, and not procrastinating. Let them know that these are signs they are growing up and can be trusted with greater freedom.

•   “Catch” your children making a responsible choice or behaving in a responsible manner. Tell them how much that means to you.

•   Try to “forget” past failures at being responsible.

This video teaches children:

•  That being responsible makes them feel good about themselves, and makes others respect and appreciate them.

•  What responsibility is and what the attributes of a responsible person are.

see story synopsis . . .

For more information about individual videos in this series, click on the title below.

•   Cooperation •   Being Responsible •  Dealing with Feelings •   Saying No •  Doing the Right Thing •  Disappointment •  Appreciating Yourself •   Asking for Help •  Being Friends •  Resolving Conflicts

If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from Live Wire Media , or request them from your local library.

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Roles and responsibilities presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to create a roles and responsibilities presentation that is clear, concise, and informative.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

colleague preparing roles and responsibilities presentation

Hey there, fellow presenters and content creators!

Today, we're diving deep into the world of roles and responsibilities presentations.

Whether you're a manager, team leader, or just someone looking to create an impactful presentation, understanding the ins and outs of this essential tool can make a world of difference in your communication.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore what roles and responsibilities presentations are, why they matter, what to include in them, how to structure them effectively, and the do's and don'ts to keep in mind. Plus, we'll provide some key takeaways to help you create engaging and informative presentations.

So, let's get started!

What are roles and responsibilities?

Before we delve into the specifics of creating a roles and responsibilities presentation, let's ensure we're on the same page regarding the concept itself. Roles and responsibilities refer to the division of tasks and duties within a team, organization, or project. It's the cornerstone of effective teamwork and communication.

In any group setting, it's crucial for individuals to know who does what, who to turn to for specific tasks, and how their contributions fit into the bigger picture. Roles and responsibilities provide clarity, streamline operations, and prevent confusion. Without them, chaos can ensue, leading to missed deadlines, overlapping duties, and frustrated team members.

What are the uses of roles and responsibilities presentation?

Now that we've established what roles and responsibilities are, let's delve into the multifaceted world of roles and responsibilities presentations. These presentations serve a plethora of invaluable purposes, ensuring clarity, efficiency, and effective communication within your organization or project. Here are some of the key uses:

1. Providing a clear blueprint for new team members

Roles and responsibilities presentations can be instrumental when introducing new team members to your organization. Imagine them as newcomers embarking on a journey, and your presentation acts as the map. It helps them navigate the complex terrain of who does what and how they fit into the team puzzle.

2. Defining roles and responsibilities for new projects

Starting a new project is like setting sail into uncharted waters. To avoid getting lost in the vast sea of tasks and responsibilities, a roles and responsibilities presentation becomes your compass. It ensures that every team member knows their role, which direction to steer, and how to avoid collisions along the way.

3. Effectively communicating changes in roles and responsibilities

Change is the only constant, especially in dynamic work environments. When roles and responsibilities evolve, it's essential to communicate these changes clearly to all team members. A presentation serves as a beacon, guiding everyone through the turbulent waters of transition.

4. Accelerating new employee onboarding

The onboarding process can be a steep learning curve for new employees. A roles and responsibilities presentation simplifies this process by providing a structured path for new hires to quickly grasp their specific roles and contributions. It's like giving them a head start in the race towards productivity.

5. Enhancing team communication and collaboration

In the fast-paced world of today's organizations, efficient team communication and collaboration are essential. Roles and responsibilities presentations facilitate this by ensuring that every team member comprehends their part in the collective effort. Think of it as the conductor's baton, orchestrating a harmonious team performance.

6. Educating stakeholders on organizational dynamics

Roles and responsibilities presentations are not just for internal use. They can also serve as a valuable tool to educate external stakeholders on the intricacies of your organization. By providing a clear picture of who does what, you help external partners understand how they can contribute to your success.

7. Fostering teamwork and collaboration

Promoting teamwork and collaboration is a cornerstone of organizational success. Roles and responsibilities presentations increase awareness of the different roles and duties within your organization, ultimately strengthening the bonds between team members.

8. Identifying and addressing gaps

Sometimes, organizations may encounter gaps or overlaps in roles and responsibilities. A well-structured presentation can serve as a magnifying glass, helping you identify these issues and take the necessary steps to address them.

Roles and responsibilities presentations are versatile and invaluable tools. They can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, from onboarding new team members to explaining complex project structures, and from enhancing teamwork to educating stakeholders. These presentations are the glue that holds together the intricate dynamics of modern organizations, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

How to structure an effective roles and responsibilities presentation

Structuring your presentation is crucial for clarity and engagement. You can use powerpoint templates to help you create an organized structure. Here's a recommended format:

Title slide: Begin with a title slide that prominently displays "Roles and Responsibilities Presentation" along with the presenter's name and the date of the presentation.

Introduction: In the introduction, set the stage by explaining the purpose of the presentation. Emphasize the significance of understanding roles and responsibilities in the context of your organization or project.

Agenda: Outline the main sections that you'll cover in the presentation to give your audience a roadmap of what to expect.

Context and background: Provide essential context regarding the organization or project for which roles and responsibilities are being presented. This might include the organization's mission, goals, and objectives.

Roles: Define and describe each role within the organization or project, specifying job titles, positions, or functional areas. Consider using visual aids like organizational charts to illustrate the hierarchy.

Responsibilities: For each role, clearly outline their primary responsibilities and duties, typically in the form of bullet points or concise sentences.

Interactions and collaborations: Explain how these roles interact and collaborate with one another. Highlight key touchpoints and dependencies between roles.

Examples or case studies: Use real-world examples or case studies to make the roles and responsibilities more concrete, enabling the audience to grasp their practical implications.

Accountability and authority: Clarify the level of authority and accountability associated with each role. Mention reporting structures or relevant hierarchies.

Challenges and problem-solving: Address potential challenges or conflicts that may arise due to overlapping or unclear responsibilities. Offer practical solutions or strategies to resolve these issues.

Training and development: If relevant, discuss how individuals can develop the skills and knowledge required for their roles. Share information about available training programs or resources.

Communication and feedback: Explain how communication flows within the organization or project and the significance of feedback loops for role improvement.

Expectations and performance metrics: Detail the expectations and performance metrics associated with each role, emphasizing the criteria used to evaluate each role's success.

Q&A session: Invite questions from the audience, encouraging them to seek clarification or additional information.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points you've covered, reinforcing the importance of clear roles and responsibilities within the organization or project.

Next steps: Discuss what actions will follow this presentation, such as when the defined roles and responsibilities will be implemented or reviewed.

Thank you slide: End with a slide expressing gratitude to your audience for their time and attention.

Appendix (if necessary): If there's additional data, charts, documents, or supplementary information, provide these in an appendix for reference.

In your presentation, make use of visuals and graphics to aid understanding. Keep the content concise, engaging, and well-organized, and practice your delivery to ensure a smooth and confident presentation.

Do’s and don'ts on a roles and responsibilities presentation

To make sure your roles and responsibilities presentation is top-notch, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind:

  • Use templates : Templates ensure consistency and a professional look.
  • Be concise : Keep your content clear and to the point.
  • Incorporate visuals : Visual aids enhance understanding.
  • Emphasize clarity : Make sure everyone understands their roles.
  • Encourage questions : Invite feedback and questions.
  • Provide contact information : Share how team members can reach out for clarification.


  • Overwhelm with text : Avoid dense paragraphs; opt for bullet points.
  • Lack of interactivity : Encourage discussion and questions.
  • Forgetting editability : Mention that the presentation can be edited when roles change.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Roles and responsibilities clarify tasks within a team or project.
  • Presentations serve various purposes, like onboarding and teamwork.
  • Structure presentations with an agenda, examples, and Q&A.
  • Do's: Use templates, be concise, incorporate visuals, encourage questions.
  • Don'ts: Avoid dense text, ensure interactivity, remember editability.

1. What is a roles and responsibilities presentation?

A roles and responsibilities presentation is a visual representation of the duties and functions of individuals within a team or organization. It helps HR in conveying the various roles and responsibilities of team members, facilitating effective communication, and ensuring clarity in day-to-day work. These presentations are typically created using powerpoint and google slides and can be customized to suit specific needs.

For more insights into HR presentations, visit our dedicated page on HR presentations .

2. How can I create a roles and responsibilities presentation?

To create a roles and responsibilities ppt, you can either design it from scratch or download editable templates from various sources, search for ; roles and responsibilities template, roles and responsibilities slide, team roles and responsibilities ppt, roles and responsibilities powerpoint slides, etc. These templates are available in both powerpoint (ppt) and google slides formats, making it easy for you to customize and distribute them as needed.

3. Are there specific templates for roles and responsibilities presentations?

Yes, there are roles and responsibilities powerpoint templates and google slides templates available for download. These ppt templates often include infographic and diagrams which is easily editable and can be used to showcase the roles and responsibilities of various team members, making it easier to convey information effectively.

4. What are the advantages of using roles and responsibilities presentation templates?

Roles and responsibilities presentation templates offer several advantages. They are customizable, making it easy to edit and assign roles as needed. The templates also feature professional designs, including infographics, which help in analyzing and communicating the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities. This can be particularly useful for project managers, as well as in training sessions and client presentations.

5. How do roles and responsibilities presentations help in project management and marketing strategies?

Roles and responsibilities presentations are commonly used by project managers to clearly convey the various roles and responsibilities within a project team. They aid in understanding individual roles, ensuring that tasks are distributed effectively, and that everyone understands their part in the project. In the context of marketing strategies , these presentations can be used to communicate the roles and responsibilities of the marketing team, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

6. What should I consider when choosing a roles and responsibilities presentation template?

When selecting a template, consider whether it is completely customizable to suit your specific needs. Look for designs that are editable, as this allows you to customize the layout, add or remove information, and convey the roles and responsibilities in a way that is clearer and more engaging. Additionally, templates that feature a RACI matrix and infographics can help in assigning and describing roles effectively. Finally, make sure the template is available for download in your preferred format, whether it's powerpoint or google slides, so you can easily get started on your presentation.

Create your roles and responsibilities presentation with prezent

Looking to create a stunning roles and responsibilities presentation without the hassle? Consider using Prezent.

Prezent offers invaluable support in crafting your roles and responsibilities presentation. Leveraging its AI presentation tool, you can streamline the creation process by saving up to 70% of your time. With access to a vast library of over 35,000 brand-approved slides, you can effortlessly compile a visually cohesive and professional presentation.

Additionally, Prezent empowers you with a wealth of structured storytelling templates, with 50+ storylines commonly employed by business leaders, ensuring that your message is not only clear but also engaging. This platform is the key to maintaining brand compliance, as every element is approved by your corporate brand and marketing team, making it easy to be 100% on-brand in your presentations.

With Prezent, you can effectively replace expensive agencies with its efficient software and services, saving your organization up to 60% in communication costs. Whether you seek personalization tailored to your audience's preferences or require a professional touch, Prezent has you covered with its range of services, including overnight delivery, presentation specialists, and enterprise-grade security, ensuring the utmost protection of your data.

So, get started, and empower your team with clear roles and responsibilities presentations that foster effective communication and collaboration.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo today!

Happy presenting!

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10 Best PowerPoint Templates to Define Roles and Responsibilities in Your Organization

10 Best PowerPoint Templates to Define Roles and Responsibilities in Your Organization

Smriti Srivastava


It takes the combined efforts of each individual owning up to their responsibilities for a company to stay afloat. But it can get confusing at times when the individual and group roles coexist in the organization, and the employees need to do justice to both of them.

Well, in simple terms, 90% of the operations are about defining the roles and responsibilities attached to a position, and 10% communicating about them. A well-defined organizational structure can never go wrong. It immediately creates a positive work environment where employees are aware of their as well as the co-workers’ tasks and duties.

Why define roles and responsibilities?

Downstream goals particularly constitute the roles and responsibilities of an employee. A business can run smoothly if the persons concerned perform their assigned roles efficiently. As the stature of the personnel increases in the organization, so do their tasks and duties.

This is why companies make orientation programs and training sessions a key part of their organizational system. For any company to succeed, the best way to move forward is by creating a role-based team framework. Here’s why clarity on roles and responsibilities matters:

  • Clear identities for each member of the team: It will allow you to delegate responsibilities based on organizational needs and requirements. Also, it helps you eliminate the problem of unowned responsibilities.
  • Decrease in downtime: By determining what needs to be done, you can allot appropriate roles to your staff and increase productivity in minimum time.
  • Boost employee morale: You can increase the morale and momentum of your task force through proper training and mentoring in their areas of responsibility.
  • Bring down the project expenses: Clarity will lead to a decrease in project duration, optimum use of resources, and higher profitability.
  • Reduced potential risks: With an efficient feedback system, the management can ensure employees do not stray from their assigned roles. It will also ensure that they don’t make any decisions affecting business operations for the worse.

10 best templates on roles and responsibilities to download and use

With the pointers in your arsenal, it is time for your company to establish direct roles and responsibilities right away. And for that, you need content-specific and attractive templates that can hold the attention of your viewers. So here are some handpicked PowerPoint templates to save your valuable time and effort.

Roles And Responsibilities PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Slides

Set clear guidelines for your employees about their expected roles and responsibilities by employing this PowerPoint template. Additionally, this PPT template allows you to highlight the benefits of functional roles and responsibilities in an easily accessible manner.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Of Marketing Team PowerPoint Slides

You need a well-aligned team for your company’s growth. And this PowerPoint template will assist you in creating a role-based framework effectively. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of each team member in detail using this PPT template. This template lets you highlight the tasks and duties efficiently.

Roles And Responsibilities Matrix PPT Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Matrix PPT Slides

What’s a better way to display the duty schedule than an articulated matrix? Employ this roles and responsibilities matrix template to showcase the list of duties clearly and concisely. Resolve communication issues for successful project management by incorporating this color-coded PPT template.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Board PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Of Board PowerPoint Slides

Display the organizational structure of your company through this readily available PowerPoint template. You can just add or edit the text in this completely customizable template. This PPT template will assist you in describing the task and duties of each role virtually. Without any further ado, click the download button!

Roles And Responsibilities Outlet PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Outlet PowerPoint Slides

Choose this PowerPoint template to capture the attention of your viewers immediately. You can convey the importance of the job description for maintaining accountability by employing this PPT template. Share the expected outcomes with your employees by taking advantage of this template.

Roles And Responsibilities Of Business Analyst PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Of Business Analyst PowerPoint Slides

Pick this template to plan and document the requirements of your company by utilizing this PowerPoint template. Share the responsibilities of each and every position in detail by incorporating this template in your presentation. Download and edit according to your unique needs!

Roles And Responsibilities Matrix PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities Matrix PowerPoint Slides

Exhibit all the major skills required for completing an assigned task with the help of this PowerPoint template. In addition to its creativeness, this PPT template includes adaptable icons, images, and graphics. So without waiting any further, click the download button!

Roles And Responsibilities For Quality PowerPoint Slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities For Quality PowerPoint Slides

Provide clarity and alignment to your employees by choosing this PowerPoint template. You can clear the doubts of your team members through this professionally-curated PPT template. Improve the quality of your project with the help of this template. Download and introduce the concept of duty and authority in an eye-catching manner!

Key Roles And Responsibilities Of Meeting Leader PowerPoint Slides

Download Key Roles And Responsibilities Of Meeting Leader PowerPoint Slides

Delegation can be a tough job. Therefore, allow this explicitly-designed PowerPoint template to help you organize the assignments and appointments conveniently. Select this PPT template to impress the audience with your foresightedness. Click the download button now!

Template 10

Roles And Responsibilities PPT slides

Download Roles And Responsibilities PPT Slides

Deploy this PowerPoint template for creating a responsible, accountable, contributing, and informed work environment in the organization. Illustrate the roles of project leaders, team members, and sub-teams based on project deliverables with this PPT template. Using this template, you can promote positive team relationships. Download the template now!

In conclusion

Roles and responsibilities are essential for working in a team and the organization as a whole. It helps organize, identify, and set the criteria for job qualifications and requirements as well. Therefore, it becomes necessary to indulge in the role-assigning activity sooner than later. It allows creating a system of accountability in the organization for holding personnel responsible for their actions or inaction. So go ahead. Make things easier for you by deploying our completely adaptable templates.

A more graphical approach to defining roles and responsibilities is devising an organization chart. To get started, check out our handpicked templates here .

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What is Responsibility Worksheet

Character Ed / SEL worksheets for Grades 2-4 - printable PDF or fillable fields for remote learning

Responsibility Worksheet for elementary SEL / Character Education

Understanding Responsibility

Children learn the meaning of being responsible, or acting with responsibility, in scenarios that are relatable to their age. Link actions with potential consequences.

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Character / sel topics.

  • Responsibility
  • Self-management, decision making
  • Positive interpersonal relationships
  • Respect for others/ parents

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Responsibility worksheet for elementary school character education / SEL

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Responsibility worksheet answer guide

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The Responsibility Worksheet can be used standalone, with the book "What if" , or with the What is responsibility? Presentation :

Stand alone- Explain Responsibility

To explain more about responsibility, see the "What is Responsibility" Definition for kids or the What is Responsibility? Presentation .

Using the worksheet, students read scenarios and decide what someone's responsibility is, whether they acted responsibly, and what some possible consequences are of their actions. Students can write in answers or use the fillable fields to type their answers.

Story-based Activity

This activity is based on the book, "What if?" where a wise old tree teaches two children to pause and ask "What if?" before they act or speak. The tree teaches the children that taking a moment to think of outcomes or consequences can help them choose a more responsible way to treat others, and themselves.

See a full lesson plan for the story plus worksheet.

Poster on respect and responsibility - ask yourself what if?

What if I do this... what could happen?

  • If you'll hurt yourself...
  • hurt someone else...
  • or make your momma mad...
  • Change your action

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Responsibility Presentation

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Mar 18, 2019

950 likes | 1.69k Views

Responsibility. By: Tracy L. Chenoweth. Opening Question. When you think of the word responsibility what kinds of things come to mind? Let’s collectively make a listing of our ideas on responsibility. Things that come to mind. Defining Responsibility. NOUN: pl. re·spon·si·bil·i·ties

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  • responsibility
  • personal responsibility
  • accept responsibility
  • false responsibility
  • responsibility pillar 3
  • make high quality decisions


Presentation Transcript

Responsibility By: Tracy L. Chenoweth

Opening Question • When you think of the word responsibility what kinds of things come to mind? • Let’s collectively make a listing of our ideas on responsibility.

Things that come to mind

Defining Responsibility • NOUN:pl.re·spon·si·bil·i·ties • The state, quality, or fact of being responsible. • Something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden.

Self Test • Answer True or False to the Questions below. Be as honest as you can. • I do what needs to be done. • I am reliable and dependable • I am accountable for my actions; I don’t make excuses or blame others • I fulfill my moral obligations • I use good judgment and think through the consequences of my actions • I exercise self-control

Short Answer Question • I think I am/am not a responsible person because…

Okay, Let’s See How You Did • 1. I do what needs to be done • With regards to myself • With regards to my Family • With regards to my Work • With regards to my Community • With regards to my Religion • With regards to my World

#2 • I am reliable and dependable • If we surveyed people who work with you, live with you, or know you well, would they describe you as a dependable person? • A reputation for dependability is built or destroyed in little ways. • If you prove to be dependable in the small things, you will undoubtedly be dependable in the big things.

Here are some of those little things that matter: • Keep track of any commitment or promise you make --Do you have a method to follow up on yourself? I can't imagine that anyone can be consistently dependable without some efficient follow-up system. It can be a formal method, such as Day Timers, to a simple "to-do" list or calendar, as long as it works! Whatever method you use, be sure to write down all your commitments and follow-up on yourself consistently. If you trust your memory, you will eventually find yourself in trouble. • Return your phone calls promptly --This is a very easy way to buy yourself a lot of credibility. Most people are amazed when someone returns a phone call promptly. It sends a very positive impression of your professionalism, and it also tells that person that his or her call is important to you.

…More Little Things • Don't promise what you cannot personally deliver -- Avoid the tendency to make careless promises ("Under promise, over deliver" is a good motto). • When you realize you cannot fulfill a promise or commitment you've made, for unforeseen reasons, it is far more credible for you to inform that person ahead of time rather than waiting until he or she contacts you. • Take the initiative to let that person know the status of the situation, even though it may not be pleasant to break the bad news.

#3 • I am accountable for my actions: I don’t make excuses or blame others • Understand yourself and the day-to-day choices you make that impact your accomplishments and interactions with others. • Don’t take the easy-way-out and blame others for things going on in your life.

Think and Share • Have you ever really done or said something that you severely regretted? • What was the circumstance? • What emotions were at play? • What happened to cause your reaction? • Could you have done something differently? • Did you think of an alternative later?

#4 • I fulfill my moral obligations.

#5 • I use good judgment and think through the consequence of my actions.

#6 • I exercise self-control.

Behavior Traits • In order to accept personal responsibility you need to develop the ability to: • Seek out and to accept help for yourself • Be open to new ideas or concepts about life and the human condition • Refute irrational believes and overcome fears • Affirm yourself positively • Recognize that you are the sole determinant of the choices you make

…More Behavior Traits • Recognize that you choose your responses to the people, actions, and events in your life. • Let go of anger, fear, blame, mistrust, and insecurity. • Take risks and to become vulnerable to change and growth in your life.

…Still More Behavior Traits • Take off the masks of behavior characteristics behind which you hide low self-esteem. • Reorganize your priorities and goals. • Realize that you are the part in charge of the direction your life takes.

Responsibility Can be Enhanced • There are six steps that can be followed to help develop increased responsibility skills. • Let’s take a look at each one closely.

#1 Awareness • For a skill to be learned, information is presented in various ways to create awareness for each participant as to their present use or non-use of the skill. • That is what today is all about; a chance to reflect and think of forward progress.

#2 Desire • Individuals need to be led to see what benefit they might achieve through the use of or improvement in the skill. • An acknowledgement and a “want” to improve.

#3 Knowledge • (how-to) • Information examples, steps, or models supply the knowledge individuals need to be able to learn and demonstrate the skill.

#4 Practice • Activities that allow participants to apply their knowledge about the skill. • Using day-to-day instances for practice.

#5 Success • Feedback from self, co-workers, supervisors, and facilitators, provide encouragement and confidence for the individual to continue to work on the skill.

#6 Habit Integration • Individuals understand the process and know that they make a choice as to whether or not to proceed to the next step in the learning process. • They recognize that the responsibility for change is theirs.

Six Pillars of Character • A PERSON OF CHARACTER . . . • Is a good person, someone to look up to and admire. • Knows the difference between right and wrong and always tries to do what is right. • Sets a good example for everyone. • Makes the world a better place. • Lives according to the “Six Pillars of Character”: • TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING and CITIZENSHIP

RESPONSIBILITY- Pillar #3 • DO: Know and do your duty. / Acknowledge and meet your legal and moral obligations. • DO: Accept responsibility for the consequences of your choices, not only for what you do but what you don’t do. /Think about consequences on yourself and others before you act. /Think long-term/ Do what you can do to make things better. /Set a good example. • DON’T: Look the other way when you can make a difference. /Make excuses or blame others. • DO: Your best./Persevere. /Don’t quit./Be prepared./Be diligent./Work hard./ Make all you do worthy of pride • DO: Take charge of your own life./Set realistic goals./Keep a positive outlook l Be prudent and self-disciplined with your health, emotions, time and money./Be rational — act out of reason not anger, revenge or fear./Know the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do./Be self-reliant — manage your life so you are not dependent on others; pay your own way whenever you can

Think and Share • Describe something you've done that was really irresponsible. How did you feel afterward? What did you learn from it?

How to be a responsible person and feel great! • When you agree to do something, do it. If you let people down, they'll stop believing you. When you follow through on your commitments, people take you seriously. • Answer for your own actions. Don't make excuses or blame others for what you do. When you take responsibility for your actions you are saying "I am the one who's in charge of my life." • Take care of your own matters. Don't rely on others to remind you when you're supposed to be somewhere or what you're supposed to bring. You take the responsibility. • Be trustworthy. If somebody trusts you to borrow or take care of something, take care of it. If somebody tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. It's important for people to know they can count on you. • Always use your head. Think things through and use good judgment. When you use your head you make better choices. That shows your parents they can trust you. • Don't put things off. When you have a job to do, do it. Doing things on time helps you take control of your life and shows that you can manage your own affairs.

Let’s Shift Gears… • What about False Responsibility and its remedies? • What is False Responsibility • Can your recognize times when you have felt this way?

In this section we will look at the pattern of "false responsibility" – when we take charge of things that don’t belong to us, such as: • other people’s feelings, • mistaken assumptions about who is responsible for shared outcomes, • or when circumstances change but we don’t.

Most adults have a natural ability to decide what’s in and what’s out. Our family of origin, fears, unrealistic expectations, and stressors such as pressure or anxiety sometimes cloud our judgment. The goal is to respond in ways that allow us to make high-quality decisions more often, steering clear of the landmines of false responsibility.

In our prior discussion we’ve suggested that one key to success is to take personal responsibility for the results you get. • Even when others are into deflecting ("It’s not my fault"), projecting ("You need electro-shock therapy!"), or blaming and shaming ("You didn’t explain it right."), • You can strengthen your approach while earning respect for your commitment to learning. • However, no matter what the other person owns (or doesn’t own), there are limits to "healthy responsibility" at work.

These limits come in three forms: • Under no circumstances are you responsible for other people’s feelings or experiences. • Caring about an outcome is different than having to control it. • When there’s change, notice and adapt lest ye get "bent out of shape."

Limit #1 • Even when you directly contributed to someone else’s experience, you are not responsible for their feelings or problems. • To accept some responsibility for the situation would require your voluntary consent. I’m not suggesting that you ignore their communication or that you not listen. Indeed, listen carefully and responsibly to their "stuff" – justdon’t take it on! • Realizing that it’s their stuff means you need not defend or argue. This is their experience, and it is a fact for them. Let it wash over you.

If you are having a hard time listening without judging, ask them to "speak from first person" – as in, "I understand you feel that I let you down; what was your firsthand experience?" • If necessary, request that they "Start with ‘I …’."

Limit #2 • Caring about an outcome is different than having to control it. • Over-caring about a goal doesn’t achieve optimal results – it prevents them! For example, if a manager claims to be fully responsible for all the outcomes of their department, what’s wrong with this picture? • For starters, not all the outcomes are up to that manager. It’s joint responsibility for shared outcomes: the staff does their part and the manager does theirs (hopefully). • Though based on a good intention (caring), taking false responsibility (over-caring) is a setup – a guarantee of overwork, underplay, stress and eventual burnout for a manager, depriving employees of power and recognition.

Of course, not assuming enough responsibility ("Who, me? I’m not even involved…"), would also be a problem. Aloof and detached "under-caring" triggers those who tend to over-care, both going nowhere in a hurry. • Remedy: assume functional and healthy responsibility, which may involve an adjustment in thinking, language and approach.

Limit #3 • Pushing to change circumstances beyond our control causes frustration and wastes energy. • Being fixated on the way it has to be leads to "over-push" – the tendency we all have to escalate, retaliate, do battle … temporarily buying into doing the impossible.

Example • For example, imagine you’re driving to an appointment on a tight schedule and suddenly there’s a sea of red brake lights in front of you. Do you go into stress or despair ("over-push"), get creative ("Hmmm … how do I part the red sea?"), or sigh and reschedule? 

Situation Fun • See if you can identify the false responsibility in the following “day from hell” of a human being near you: • Have you ever had a day like these?

Situation #1 • Heading toward an appointment on a tight schedule, you encounter a major delay. Sadly, you left your helicopter in your other suit. You fantasize about driving along the shoulder or pushing cars out of your way. After more than a modest amount of head-banging, you call and reschedule.

Situation #2 • Back at the office, your computer commits suicide at the worst possible moment; Bill Gates fails to answer your page. You mentally rehearse a scathing e-mail message (fortunately, it will stay mental due to lack of a keyboard). Can’t we just start over?

Situation #3 • The project meeting drags on and people seem to be un-evolving before your eyes; although selection, mutation and extinction are a part of nature, you’d rather not watch it happen at work. The facilitator isn’t helping matters, so you blurt out “You’re a fool with a flipchart!”

What part constitutes false responsibility (hint: head-banging, chewing out Bill Gates, and calling the facilitator names isn’t likely to help you achieve your goals in life – although it certainly may provide momentary stress relief).

Stress Makes People Stupid • What keeps people from “letting go” when holding on clearly isn’t going to work? • Stress is what happens when the mind overrides our common sense. Pressure and anxiety have a blinding and distorting effect. • When emotionally upset, “people cannot remember, attend, learn, or make decisions clearly.” • Short answer: negative stress clouds judgment, and we need to notice it. The idea is to unlock some of the agitation or anxiety – undo the mental vapor lock. Return to center.

See if you recognize any of the following tell-tale signs of taking false responsibility at work: • Agitation or anxiety heightens as you gradually realize you’re wasting your time. • Frustration, perhaps punctuated by despair that leads to moments of self-doubt. • The feeling you get when you know it’s pointless (too late, won’t matter, doomed to fail, etc.), and yet somehow you keep trying.

Process for Releasing False Responsibility • Call a “time out” – STOP the action!Shift from external focus (the thing that’s got you upset) to an internal check-in. • Remember (or invent) your goal. “What was my original goal?” Write it down. Then ask yourself: “Why did that goal matter?” or “Why did I want that?” This gets at the bigger picture intention behind your goal, often tapping into what you really want.

3. Ask yourself to “let go” of what’s not working.Soon the so-called “problem” of the moment will quickly melt into a vast stew of “little stuff” – and yes, it’s all little stuff! Ask yourself “Of what could I begin to let go?” or “Could I release part of my need to change this situation and accept ______?” You know what’s been getting in your way.

4. Assess your options. Now that you’ve separated your intention from the over-push (steps 2 & 3, above), take a calm and careful look at what you’ll do to honor your intention.

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Roles and Responsibilities Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Roles and Responsibilities Templates for PowerPoint or Google Slides can help managers or team leaders to effectively delegate and increase productivity in teamwork and present the initiatives to an audience. If you are looking for a presentation that allows you to delegate and communicate the work to be done effectively, then the 100% editable Roles and Responsibilities Templates can help to save a lot of valuable hours.

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RACI PowerPoint Template

A PowerPoint Roles and Responsibilities Template is a 100% editable and customizable in Microsoft PowerPoint (and also in Google Slides). Download Roles and Responsibilities Slides and organize teamwork in a professional way.

What is a Roles and Responsibilities Template?

A Roles and Responsibilities Template is a presentation that allows managers or team leaders to delegate and distribute the tasks of a project according to the different profiles that make up the work team, assigning tasks to the most suitable people to accomplish them. By using a 100% editable template, managers or team leaders can fill the text placeholders and prepare the final slides in minutes.

How to delegate effectively through a Roles and Responsibilities Template?

A Roles and Responsibilities Slide is a template that allows you to establish each of the team members on the X-axis and the tasks to be performed on the Y-axis. This way you will be able to assign the role and responsibility to each team member on each of the tasks.

What are the advantages of using Roles and Responsibilities Templates?

Using ready-made Roles and Responsibilities Templates helps managers and team leaders to organize the teamwork, know what tasks each member has assigned, and optimize time and effort. At the same time, it provides order in the day-to-day work and helps team members commit to the project since each collaborator knows his or her role and value contribution.

What is the difference between RACI Chart and Roles and Responsibilities Template?

The RACI Chart Template allows you to delegate tasks just like the Roles and Responsibilities Template, however it allows you to establish roles for each member. By establishing the roles of “Responsible”, “Accountable”, “Consulted” and “Informed”, it generates even more commitment in each task by the collaborators.

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5 Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility That Were Successful

Balancing People and Profit

  • 06 Jun 2019

Business is about more than just making a profit. Climate change, economic inequality, and other global challenges that impact communities worldwide have compelled companies to be purpose-driven and contribute to the greater good .

In a recent study by Deloitte , 93 percent of business leaders said they believe companies aren't just employers, but stewards of society. In addition, 95 percent reported they’re planning to take a stronger stance on large-scale issues in the coming years and devote significant resources to socially responsible initiatives. With more CEOs turning their focus to the long term, it’s important to consider what you can do in your career to make an impact .

Access your free e-book today.

What Is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model in which for-profit companies seek ways to create social and environmental benefits while pursuing organizational goals, like revenue growth and maximizing shareholder value .

Today’s organizations are implementing extensive corporate social responsibility programs, with many companies dedicating C-level executive roles and entire departments to social and environmental initiatives. These executives are commonly referred to as a chief officer of corporate social responsibility or chief sustainability officer (CSO).

There are many types of corporate social responsibility and CSR might look different for each organization, but the end goal is always the same: Do well by doing good . Companies that embrace corporate social responsibility aim to maintain profitability while supporting a larger purpose.

Rather than simply focusing on generating profit, or the bottom line, socially responsible companies are concerned with the triple bottom line , which considers the impact that business decisions have on profit, people, and the planet.

It’s no coincidence that some of today’s most profitable organizations are also socially responsible. Here are five examples of successful corporate social responsibility you can use to drive social change at your organization.

5 Corporate Social Responsibility Examples

1. lego’s commitment to sustainability.

As one of the most reputable companies in the world, Lego aims to not only help children develop through creative play, but foster a healthy planet.

Lego is the first, and only, toy company to be named a World Wildlife Fund Climate Savers Partner , marking its pledge to reduce its carbon impact. And its commitment to sustainability extends beyond its partnerships.

By 2030, the toymaker plans to use environmentally friendly materials to produce all of its core products and packaging—and it’s already taken key steps to achieve that goal.

Over the course of 2013 and 2014, Lego shrunk its box sizes by 14 percent , saving approximately 7,000 tons of cardboard. Then, in 2018, the company introduced 150 botanical pieces made from sustainably sourced sugarcane —a break from the petroleum-based plastic typically used to produce the company’s signature building blocks. The company has also recently committed to removing all single-use plastic packaging from its materials by 2025, among other initiatives .

Along with these changes, the toymaker has committed to investing $164 million into its Sustainable Materials Center , where researchers are experimenting with bio-based materials that can be implemented into the production process.

Through all of these initiatives, Lego is well on its way to tackling pressing environmental challenges and furthering its mission to help build a more sustainable future.

Related : What Does "Sustainability" Mean in Business?

2. Salesforce’s 1-1-1 Philanthropic Model

Beyond being a leader in the technology space, cloud-based software giant Salesforce is a trailblazer in the realm of corporate philanthropy.

Since its outset, the company has championed its 1-1-1 philanthropic model , which involves giving one percent of product, one percent of equity, and one percent of employees’ time to communities and the nonprofit sector.

To date, Salesforce employees have logged more than 5 million volunteer hours . Not only that, but the company has awarded upwards of $406 million in grants and donated to more than 40,000 nonprofit organizations and educational institutions.

In addition, through its work with San Francisco Unified and Oakland Unified School Districts, Salesforce has helped reduce algebra repeat rates and contributed to a high percentage of students receiving A’s or B’s in computer science classes.

As the company’s revenue continues to grow, Salesforce stands as a prime example of the idea that profit-making and social impact initiatives don’t have to be at odds with one another.

3. Ben & Jerry’s Social Mission

At Ben & Jerry’s, positively impacting society is just as important as producing premium ice cream.

In 2012, the company became a certified B Corporation , a business that balances purpose and profit by meeting the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

As part of its overarching commitment to leading with progressive values, the ice cream maker established the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation in 1985, an organization dedicated to supporting grassroots movements that drive social change.

Each year, the foundation awards approximately $2.5 million in grants to organizations in Vermont and across the United States. Grant recipients have included the United Workers Association, a human rights group striving to end poverty, and the Clean Air Coalition, an environmental health and justice organization based in New York.

The foundation’s work earned it a National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy Award in 2014, and it continues to sponsor efforts to find solutions to systemic problems at both local and national levels.

Related : How to Create Social Change: 4 Business Strategies

4. Levi Strauss’s Social Impact

In addition to being one of the most successful fashion brands in history, Levi’s is also one of the first to push for a more ethical and sustainable supply chain.

In 1991, the brand created its Terms of Engagement , which established its global code of conduct regarding its supply chain and set standards for workers’ rights, a safe work environment, and an environmentally-friendly production process.

To maintain its commitment in a changing world, Levi’s regularly updates its Terms of Engagement. In 2011, on the 20th anniversary of its code of conduct, Levi’s announced its Worker Well-being initiative to implement further programs focused on the health and well-being of supply chain workers.

Since 2011, the Worker Well-being initiative has been expanded to 12 countries and more than 100,000 workers have benefited from it. In 2016, the brand scaled up the initiative, vowing to expand the program to more than 300,000 workers and produce more than 80 percent of its product in Worker Well-being factories by 2025.

For its continued efforts to maintain the well-being of its people and the environment, Levi’s was named one of Engage for Good’s 2020 Golden Halo Award winners, which is the highest honor reserved for socially responsible companies.

5. Starbucks’s Commitment to Ethical Sourcing

Starbucks launched its first corporate social responsibility report in 2002 with the goal of becoming as well-known for its CSR initiatives as for its products. One of the ways the brand has fulfilled this goal is through ethical sourcing.

In 2015, Starbucks verified that 99 percent of its coffee supply chain is ethically sourced , and it seeks to boost that figure to 100 percent through continued efforts and partnerships with local coffee farmers and organizations.

The brand bases its approach on Coffee and Farmer Equity (CAFE) Practices , one of the coffee industry’s first set of ethical sourcing standards created in collaboration with Conservation International . CAFE assesses coffee farms against specific economic, social, and environmental standards, ensuring Starbucks can source its product while maintaining a positive social impact.

For its work, Starbucks was named one of the world’s most ethical companies in 2021 by Ethisphere.

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The Value of Being Socially Responsible

As these firms demonstrate , a deep and abiding commitment to corporate social responsibility can pay dividends. By learning from these initiatives and taking a values-driven approach to business, you can help your organization thrive and grow, even as it confronts global challenges.

Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of the broader social and political landscape in which your organization operates? Explore our three-week Sustainable Business Strategy course and other online courses regarding business in society to learn more about how business can be a catalyst for system-level change.

This post was updated on April 15, 2022. It was originally published on June 6, 2019.

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  3. Responsibility slideshow

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  5. Lesson Plan- Responsibility

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  11. Roles and responsibilities presentation: A comprehensive guide

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  14. Roles and Responsibilities Presentation Template

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  17. What is Responsibility Worksheet

    Change your action. What is Responsibility worksheet teaches elementary students about what it means to be responsible and to act with responsibility. In this responsibility worksheet, students read scenarios and describe why a child's actions were responsible or not. Free responsibility worksheet for SEL and character education.

  18. PPT

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  20. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Presentation

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  21. Roles and Responsibilities Templates for PowerPoint and ...

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