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Lesson of the Day: ‘The Invasion of Ukraine: How Russia Attacked and What Happens Next’

In this lesson, you will learn about how and why the “most significant European war in almost 80 years” has begun, and explore its implications.

presentation about ukraine powerpoint

By Katherine Schulten and Natalie Proulx

Update, March 21: We now have a much more robust collection of resources for talking about the Russia-Ukraine war across the curriculum . There is a also a form embedded there so teachers can tell us how they are addressing this news in the classroom.

Lesson Overview

Featured Article: “ The Invasion of Ukraine: How Russia Attacked and What Happens Next ”

Early on the morning of Feb. 24 in Ukraine, Russian troops poured over the border, and Russian planes and missile launchers attacked Ukrainian cities and airports. The attacks spanned much of the country, far beyond the border provinces where there has been sporadic fighting between the nations for years.

Ukraine’s government called it “a full-scale attack from multiple directions.” In the Feb. 24 edition of his newsletter, The Morning, David Leonhardt wrote , “The most significant European war in almost 80 years has begun.”

In this lesson, you will learn about this invasion and its implications. Then you will follow the story via live updates as Ukraine and the rest of the world reacts to a military action that threatens serious consequences for the security structure that has governed Europe since the 1990s.

For additional background, take a look at our Jan. 26 lesson that helps explain key concepts like the Soviet Union, the Cold War, NATO and more. The Warm-Up, below, uses the same article for reference.

Warm-Up: The Roots of the Conflict

The Russian invasion will upend the lives of 44 million Ukrainians. But the relevance of Ukraine, on the edge of Europe and thousands of miles from the United States, extends far beyond its borders. Its fate has huge implications for the rest of Europe, the health of the global economy and America’s place in the world.

Why might Russia, the United States and Europe care so much about Ukraine? With a partner or in a small group, make as long a list as you can think of. It might help to think about the following questions:

Where is Ukraine on a map of Europe ? What is significant about its position? This piece, “ How To Think About Ukraine, In Maps and Charts ,” can also help.

What do you know about the history of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine? For example, was Ukraine once part of the Soviet Union ? (This timeline can also help.)

What do you know about the political alliances in Europe right now? For instance, what is NATO , and is Ukraine a part of it?

What do you know about the economic relationships between Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the world? For instance, what important exports does Russia supply?

Once you have your list, take a look at the article we used for a Jan. 26 lesson plan, “ How the Ukraine Crisis Developed, and Where It Might Be Headed .” Skim it to see how many of the items on your list are mentioned there. What more did you learn? What questions do you still have?

Questions for Writing and Discussion

Read the article , then answer the following questions:

1. The article begins, “After months of troop and tank buildups, of grim warnings of violence and vague assurances of peace, and of efforts at diplomacy in Washington, the halls of the United Nations and the capitals of Europe, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began early Thursday morning.” Have you been aware of some of this? How much have you been following this story so far?

2 . What does the article mean by calling the declaration by President Vladimir Putin of Russia “cynical” when it quotes his description of the invasion as a “special military operation” to “demilitarize” Ukraine but not occupy the country?

3. What is the state of the fighting? How are ordinary Ukrainians being affected? (Deeper answers to these questions, beyond what is in this overview, can be found in the Live Briefing .)

4. Why has Mr. Putin long sought control over Ukraine? What happened in 2008 and 2014 to complicate the situation?

5. Why does the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO infuriate Mr. Putin? (For more information, see this article .)

6. What events, starting last fall, led to the invasion on Feb. 24?

7. Ukraine, the United States and others have condemned Russia’s aggression and dismissed Mr. Putin’s justifications. What have they done in response so far?

Going Further

First, tell us what you think.

On Feb. 27, we published a forum in which we invited young people to react to the invasion and ask questions . So far over 900 have, and we invite you to add your voice, and to respond to the comments of others. For example, here is how Winn Godier begins a thoughtful set of comments. Can you relate?

In no way have I ever been someone to obsess over current events or carve out time in my day to watch the news, probably because of the anxiety it is bound to cause me. However, over the past 2 weeks I have paid more careful attention to current events and the impending “World War 3”, watching the news in interest, fear, anger, and sadness.

To see a roundup of some of the best and most representative of those comments, visit this post.

Then, Continue to Keep Up With the News

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Because this is news story that will continue to develop, we recommend following it via these live updates . We also recommend delving into some of the history of the region in order to understand the roots of the invasion.

Students might choose an angle that especially interests them, and, via the links below and other news sources, learn as much as they can about it in order to report back to the class.

Here is a beginning list:

Economic Implications: President Biden has announced tough new sanctions aimed at cutting off Russia’s largest banks and some oligarchs from much of the global financial system and preventing the country from importing American technology critical to its defense, aerospace and maritime industries. Read about how sanctions work and what is at stake for the global economy . Check the live updates and find out: What other sanctions have been imposed by nations around the world? What economic implications has Russia’s attack had globally so far? What is SWIFT , and why is barring Russian banks from using it a powerful tool? What has happened to Russia’s economy as a result?

Historical Connections and Context: How has history influenced what is happening today, and how the world is responding? For instance, why might some be calling this conflict a “ new Cold War ”? Why might this war stir memories of past horrors for Ukraine’s Jews ? Why is this invasion “ unlike most wars in 80 years ”? And why, according to four Times Opinion writers who discuss this situation via an audio roundtable, has “ the world changed overnight ”? What other historical roots and connections can you find?

Putin’s Rationale for the Attack: Mr. Putin has spun a narrative , much of which is fabricated or distorted, to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Fact-check Mr. Putin’s claims about Ukrainian statehood , the country’s path to nuclear weapons , genocide and more . Why might Mr. Putin make these baseless accusations? What might these invocations suggest about Russia’s goals, beyond war with Ukraine? Why does what he has said matter for the rest of the world? And how are Russian citizens reacting? (To track the invasion, follow these maps , which The Times continues to update.)

Global Response: How has the world responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine so far? How are Europeans reacting ? What about Russian citizens ? What role is the United States taking, and why? What implications might Russia’s relationship with China have for this conflict? Why is the fact that NATO countries are sending so many weapons to Ukraine risking further conflict with Russia? And why, according to this news analysis , is there a “a surge of unifying moral outrage over Russia’s war”? How is social media playing a crucial role?

Life in Ukraine: What is it like to be in Eastern Ukraine right now as heavy fighting gets underway? This article , via pictures, descriptions of the lives of ordinary people, and even poetry, describes the moment. The video embedded above shows what it was like to be in the nation’s capital, Kyiv, as Russian troops advanced. The Feb. 24 edition of “The Daily” features live dispatches from Times correspondents in Ukraine as the attacks begin. And in a Feb. 25 Opinion piece, Veronika Melkozerova, a Ukrainian journalist, writes, “ I’m in Kyiv, and It Is Terrifying .” As you continue to keep up via Times live updates or other news sources, what details stand out for you, and why? What can you glean about life in Ukraine, and how the invasion is changing it?

Beyond the Battlefield: How will the fallout of Russia’s attack affect the rest of the world? This article explains how, in addition to the anticipated bloodshed, the invasion could spur a rise in energy costs, Russian cyberattacks, a new refugee crisis in Europe and more. In what ways might the invasion affect you, the communities you’re a part of, or other ordinary people around the globe?

Chernobyl: Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement on Feb. 25 that its paratroopers had taken control of the territory around the former Chernobyl nuclear plant in northern Ukraine and were working with Ukrainian guards to ensure the safety of its facilities, contradicting Ukrainian claims that Russian forces were holding the plant’s personnel hostage. Chernobyl was the scene of the worst nuclear accident in history, when an explosion and fire in 1986 destroyed one of the plant’s reactors. The two countries have made opposing statements about what is happening there. Why are Ukrainian officials concerned? Read this article to learn more.

Your Choice: As this news develops, there will be a growing number of related effects to investigate, understand and help explain to others. Continue to keep up with the news, whether via Times live updates or any other reliable source.

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For example, maybe you’re interested in learning more about President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine , seen in the video above; the plight of Ukrainian refugees ; how growing ranks of volunteer citizen-soldiers are slowing Russia’s advance ; the role of the U.N .; how Ukrainian museums are protecting their collections ; or how this war is causing economic and social turmoil in Russia . Or, perhaps there are Ukrainian communities in your area, as there is in New York City , that you can visit or learn about.

Finally, Here’s How You Can Help:

presentation about ukraine powerpoint

How You Can Help Ukraine

There are many worthy groups asking for donations. Here are four standouts.

Want more Lessons of the Day? You can find them all here .

Katherine Schulten has been a Learning Network editor since 2006. Before that, she spent 19 years in New York City public schools as an English teacher, school-newspaper adviser and literacy coach. More about Katherine Schulten

Natalie Proulx joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2017 after working as an English language arts teacher and curriculum writer. More about Natalie Proulx

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315 Best Ukraine-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

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 Presentation with ukraine - Amazing theme having beautiful winter nature landscape amazing backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Theme having beautiful winter nature landscape amazing mountain view scenic image of woodland frosty day on ski resort location carpathian ukraine superb winter wallpapers explore the beauty of earth backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Slides having beautiful nature landscape amazing mountain background and a violet colored foreground

Slides having beautiful nature landscape amazing mountain view magic rhododendron blossoms in the springtime location carpathian ukraine wild area scenic image of hiking concept explore the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Colorful slides enhanced with frosty-day-in-snowy-coniferous backdrop and a seafoam green colored foreground

Slides enhanced with frosty day in snowy coniferous forest location place of carpathian mountains ukraine europe magnificent wintry wallpapers christmas holiday concept happy new year discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Theme consisting of frosty-day-in-snowy-coniferous background and a lemonade colored foreground

Theme consisting of frosty day in snowy coniferous forest location place of carpathian mountains ukraine europe magnificent wintry wallpapers christmas holiday concept happy new year discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme enhanced with frosty-day-in-snowy-coniferous background and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with frosty day in snowy coniferous forest location place of carpathian mountains ukraine europe magnificent wintry wallpapers christmas holiday concept happy new year discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Cool new PPT theme with awesome-winter-landscape-with-snowy backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

PPT theme with awesome winter landscape with snowy spruces on a frosty day location place carpathian mountains ukraine europe christmas holiday concept happy new year discover the beauty of earth backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Theme enhanced with modern remote control air drone background and a gray colored foreground

Theme enhanced with modern remote control air drone fly high with action camera in sunset sky cityscape silhouette in the background modern technologies travel hobby inspiration orange toning filter kiev ukraine

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing slides consisting of nature - majestic sunset in the mountains backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides consisting of majestic sunset in the mountains landscape dramatic sky carpathian ukraine europe beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation consisting of scenic-rows-of-blackcurrant-bushes background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation consisting of scenic rows of blackcurrant bushes on a summer farm in sunny day aerial photography top view drone shot agricultural area of ukraine europe agrarian land in springtime beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme enhanced with fall - majestic alone beech tree background and a crimson colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with majestic alone beech tree on a hill slope with sunny beams at mountain valley dramatic colorful morning scene red and yellow autumn leaves carpathians ukraine europe beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme with pathway through a thick forest background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme with magical tunnel and pathway through a thick forest glowing by sunlight the path framed by bushes dramatic and gorgeous scene location place ternopil ukraine europe discover the world of beauty

 Presentation with ukraine - Colorful presentation design enhanced with top-view-of-rows-blackcurrant backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with top view of rows blackcurrant bushes cultivated land aerial photography drone shot agricultural area of ukraine agrarian industry artistic wallpaper abstract natural pattern beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme with nature - fantastic evening landscape glowing background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme with fantastic evening landscape glowing by sunlight dramatic wintry scene natural park carpathian ukraine europe beauty world retro filter instagram toning effect vivid violet happy new year

 Presentation with ukraine - Beautiful slide deck featuring universe - milky way over the winter backdrop and a navy blue colored foreground

Slide deck featuring milky way over the winter mountains landscape carpathian ukraine europe beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing presentation design consisting of military history club red star backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of kiev ukraine 10 may 2008 member of military history club red star person in german ww2 military uniform historical military reenacting in kiev ukraine 8-10 may 2008 backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Beautiful PPT theme featuring drone-illuminates-a-sunflower-field backdrop and a wine colored foreground

PPT theme featuring drone illuminates a sunflower field under night sky location place of ukraine europe ufo floating in the sky alien concept night photo of a flying drone discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - PPT theme with tractor-spraying-pesticides-on-soybean background and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT theme with tractor spraying pesticides on soybean field at springtime on a sunny day location place of ukraine europe scenic image of agrarian industry photo of ecology concept beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Theme featuring incredible-summer-sunset-with-pink background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme featuring incredible summer sunset with pink rhododendron flowers location place carpathian mountains ukraine europe vibrant photo wallpaper image of exotic landscape discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing slide deck consisting of cloud dark blue red security - lighthouse on sunset crimea ukraine backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of lighthouse on sunset crimea ukraine

 Presentation with ukraine - Slide set enhanced with idyllic-view-of-spruces-covered background and a light blue colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with idyllic view of spruces covered in snow frosty day exotic wintry scene magic carpathian mountains ukraine europe perfect winter nature wallpapers christmas scene happy new year beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme having zircon - state mining and metallurgical plant background and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation theme having state mining and metallurgical plant ukraine ussr

 Presentation with ukraine - Amazing theme having picturesque-summer-sunset-with-rhododendron backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme having picturesque summer sunset with rhododendron flowers location place carpathian mountains ukraine europe vibrant photo wallpaper image of gorgeous pink flowers discover the beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Slides featuring carpathian ukraine europe beauty world background and a red colored foreground

Slides featuring fantastic evening landscape glowing by sunlight dramatic wintry scene natural park carpathian ukraine europe beauty world retro filter instagram toning effect happy new year

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme having fantastic winter landscape dramatic overcast background and a teal colored foreground

Presentation theme having fantastic winter landscape dramatic overcast sky carpathian ukraine europe beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing slide set consisting of pollution - aerial drone flight view backdrop and a yellow colored foreground

Slide set consisting of aerial drone flight view of freeway busy city rush hour heavy traffic jam highway top view cityscape in sunset soft light instagram vintage filter toning kiev capital of ukraine backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Slides enhanced with dark ages - vintage paper textures khotyn fortress background and a lemonade colored foreground

Slides enhanced with vintage paper textures khotyn fortress ukraine construction on the current khotyn fortress was started in 1325 while major improvements were made in the 1380s and in the 1460s background

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing slide deck consisting of green grass in the sun backdrop and a gold colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of fantastic foggy river with fresh green grass in the sunlight sun beams through tree dramatic colorful scenery seret river ternopil ukraine europe beauty world

 Presentation with ukraine - Amazing theme having cover - majestic white spruces glowing backdrop and a teal colored foreground

Theme having majestic white spruces glowing by sunlight picturesque and gorgeous wintry scene location place carpathian national park ukraine europe alps ski resort blue toning happy new year beauty world backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Presentation theme enhanced with scenic-top-view background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with scenic top view of a tractor spraying green fields organic irrigation field location place of ukraine agrarian region europe aerial photography drone shot industry of agronomy beauty of earth

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing slide deck consisting of nature - majestic trees with sunny beams backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of majestic trees with sunny beams at mountain valley dramatic and picturesque morning scene red and yellow leaves warm toning effect carpathians sokilsky ridge ukraine europe beauty world backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Amazing presentation design having open coal mining pit backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design having open coal mining pit with heavy machinery in kryvyi rih ukraine trucks transporting iron ore from open cast mine huge open-cast mine in krivoy rog backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - Cool new PPT theme with cinderella - classic carriage in kyiv ukraine backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT theme with classic carriage in kyiv ukraine

 Presentation with ukraine - Audience pleasing PPT layouts consisting of communism - hammer and sickle nostalgic decoration backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of hammer and sickle nostalgic decoration of the garage gate by ukrainian mechanics in kiev ukraine

 Presentation with ukraine - Slide deck having hotel ukraine and moscow city background and a navy blue colored foreground

Slide deck having hotel ukraine and moscow city business complex at night in moscow russia i have only one version of the photo with sharpening

 Presentation with ukraine - Theme having novoarbatsky bridge government building ukraine background and a navy blue colored foreground

Theme having novoarbatsky bridge government building ukraine hotel during night in moscow

 Presentation with ukraine - Colorful slides enhanced with flags-of-ukraine backdrop and a white colored foreground

Slides enhanced with flags of ukraine backdrop

 Presentation with ukraine - PPT layouts having city - the capital of ukraine background and a light blue colored foreground

PPT layouts having kiev city - the capital of ukraine background

 Presentation with ukraine - Slide set with national emblem - beatiful flag of ukraine symbolizing background and a white colored foreground

Slide set with beatiful flag of ukraine symbolizing sky and fields wallpaper

 Presentation with ukraine - Theme enhanced with flag of the ukraine background and a teal colored foreground

Theme enhanced with flag of the ukraine

 Presentation with ukraine - Amazing PPT layouts having ecology-of-ukraine-nature backdrop and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT layouts having ecology of ukraine nature in ukrainian capital environmental contamination illegal junk dump drone aerial view kiev ukraine

More ukraine templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


Company Info

Ukraine, with its area of 603,628 km2, is the largest country on the European continent.It is bordered by the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast respectively.


On July 16, 1990, the new parliament adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. The declaration established the principles of the self-determination of the Ukrainian nation, its democracy, political and economic independence, and the priority of Ukrainian law on the Ukrainian territory over Soviet law. In August 1991, a conservative faction among the Communist leaders of the Soviet Union attempted a coup to remove Mikhail Gorbachev and to restore the Communist party's power. After the attempt failed, on August 24, 1991 the Ukrainian parliament adopted the Act of Independence in which the parliament declared Ukraine as an independent democratic state.

  • Ukrainian customs are heavily influenced by Christianity, which is the dominant religion in the country.Gender roles also tend to be more traditional, and grandparents play a greater role in raising children than in the West.The culture of Ukraine has been also influenced by its eastern and western neighbours, which is reflected in its architecture, music and art.
  • The Communist era had quite a strong effect on the art and writing of Ukraine.In 1932, Stalin made socialist realism state policy in the Soviet Union when he promulgated the decree "On the Reconstruction of Literary and Art Organisations". This greatly stifled creativity. During the 1980s glasnost (openness) was introduced and Soviet artists and writers again became free to express themselves as they wanted.
  • The tradition of the Easter egg, known as pysanky, has long roots in Ukraine. These eggs were drawn on with wax to create a pattern; then, the dye was applied to give the eggs their pleasant colours, the dye did not affect the previously wax-coated parts of the egg. After the entire egg was dyed, the wax was removed leaving only the colourful pattern. This tradition is thousands of years old, and precedes the arrival of Christianity to Ukraine.In the city of Kolomya near the foothills of the Carpathian mountains in 2000 was built the museum of Pysanka which won a nomination as the monument of modern Ukraine in 2007, part of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine action.

Music and Dance �

Music is a major part of Ukrainian culture, with a long history and many influences. From traditional folk music, to classical and modern rock, Ukraine has produced a long list of internationally recognized musical talent including Tchaikovsky and Okean Elzy. Elements from traditional Ukrainian folk music made their way into Western music and even into modern Jazz. In the world of dance, Ukrainian influence is evident from Polka to The Nutcracker.

The traditional Ukrainian diet includes chicken, pork, beef, fish and mushrooms. Ukrainians also tend to eat a lot of potatoes, grains, fresh and pickled vegetables. Popular traditional dishes include varenyky (boiled dumplings with mushrooms, potatoes, sauerkraut, cottage cheese or cherries), borscht (soup made of beets, cabbage and mushrooms or meat) and holubtsy (stuffed cabbage rolls filled with rice, carrots and meat). Ukrainian specialties also include Chicken Kiev and Kiev Cake. Ukrainians drink stewed fruit, juices, milk, buttermilk (they make cottage cheese from this), mineral water, tea and coffee, beer, wine and horilka.

Kiev Museum of Wax Figures

The idea to establish a museum of such kind in Kiev appeared after its founders familiarized with exposition of famous London museum branch in Amsterdam. After this they questioned themselves - if there are such museums in Moscow and Saint Petersburg why not to create one in the capital of Ukraine. But they've had to face a lot of problems and difficulties, because in Ukraine there were no experienced specialists in waxwork at that time. Also there were no proper specialists in decorative work. So it took three years to arrange the 20 figures exposition, which became the basis of museum's collection. It was first presented to the public on the 12th January of 2000. Nowadays the exposition consists of more than 60 figures and is constantly growing. The museum, one of the best of such kind in Eastern Europe, is by right considered to be one of the most interesting places in Kiev. �

National Museum "Chernobyl"

The Nuclear accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant entered the history of the humankind as the most severe radioecological disaster of the XX century. The after-effects of it have no analogy and differ from another natural or manmade catastrophes. These are still the issues of contemporaneity and, unfortunately, of the generation to come. The National museum “Chornobyl” conveys the history of those tragic-events since the 26th of April, 1992.

The mission of the museum is to help the mankind understand the scope of the disaster through the destinies of thousands of those people who witnessed the accident, participated in the mitigation and suffered from the disaster. The aim is to make people realize the necessary of reconciliation between man, science and technology that endanger the existence of the human civilization and Earth, to conceive the lessons of the tragedy in all the spheres of life, lest the world forget the lessons of Chornobyl. The museum is warning for the new millennia generations.

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev�

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus'. Today, it is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first Ukrainian patrimony to be inscribed on the World Heritage List.

In Ukrainian the cathedral is known as Sobor Sviatoyi Sofiyi or Sofiys’kyi sobor .

The complex of the Cathedral is the main component the National Sanctuary "Sophia of Kiev" the state institution responsible for the preservation of the Cathedral complex along with several other historic landmarks of the city.

National museum of art�

The museum exposition displays Ukrainian art from old ages till our days. It was founded in 1899. Originaly exposition enriched owing to Kiev patrons, after the revolution due to nationalization of private collections, and later owing to state assignment provided for buying art works.

Ukrainian decorative art museum �

Museum exposition includes works of folk and professional decorative art from XV century till our days. Among the displays are crockery, «rushnyk»(embroidered ritual towel), church plates, national clothes, Ukrainian Cossacks tobacco pipes, «pysanki» (painted Easter eggs) and many other things. One hall of the museum is devoted totally to the paintings of famous Ukrainian artist Kateryna Bilokur, this gallery is a true pearl of museum’s collection.

Museum of Ukrainian decorative art is situated on the territory of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the building of former metropolitan house and Blagoveshenskaya church which were built in XVII century. The collection of the museum was started in 1899 as the City museum of antiques and art.

One street museum

Andreevskiy spusk museum is the one and only Kiev private museum. Items of the end of XIX - beginning of XX century were used in interior and exposition design. Due to this you can see woman boudoir with the full set of toilet items, dining room with served table, interiors of workshops and stores of Andreevskiy spusk of past centuries.

Vorontsov's Palace �

The Vorontsovsky Palace is an historic palace located in the town of Alupka, Ukraine. It is situated at the foot of the Crimean Mountains. The Vorontsovsky Palace was constructed from 1830–1848, to be used as a summer residence of the governor-general of the Novorossiysky Krai, Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov.

The palace was built according to a project by English architect Edward Blore (1789–1879). The architect did not visit Alupka, but was well informed about the area's mountainous landscape. When construction began, it was discovered that a foundation and the basement of the first portion of the building was already in position, as the palace was first supposed to be constructed on different plans, by architects Francesco Boffo and Thomas Harrison.

Swallow's Nest �

Swallow's Nest Crimean is a decorative castle near Yalta on the Crimean shore in southern Ukraine. It was built between 1911 and 1912 near Gaspra, on top of 40-metre (130 ft) high Aurora Cliff, to a Neo-Gothic design by the Russian architect Leonid Sherwood.The castle overlooks Ai–Todor cape of the Black Sea and is located near the remnants of the Roman castrum of Charax. Swallow's Nest is one of the most popular visitor attractions in Crimea.

Uchan-su is a waterfall on the river Uchan-su on the southern slopes of the Crimean Mountains. The name translates from the Crimean Tatar language for swift water.

Uchan-su is a popular tourist attraction and is the highest waterfall in Ukraine. Located 7 km from the city of Yalta halfway to Ai-Petri Mountain. The waterfall is 98 metres high at an altitude of 390 metres and is most powerful during the spring when it is fed by snow melt in the mountains.

The National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

Kyiv University or officially the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, colloquially known in Ukrainian as KNU is a major research university located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It is the first formally established modern research university in Kiev and the first national university of Ukraine. Currently, its structure consists of fifteen Faculties and five Institutes. It was founded in 1834 as the University of Saint Vladimir, and since then it has changed its name several times. During the Soviet Union era, Kiev University was one of the top three universities in the USSR, along with Moscow State University and Leningrad State University. Today, most national and international rankings place Kiev University as the best university in Ukraine (see below). Throughout its history, the university has distinguished itself from its peers in terms of intellectual freedom and has produced and hosted many top thinkers from Russia and Ukraine including Nikolay Bunge, Mykhailo Drahomanov, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Nikolai Berdyaev, Mikhail Bulgakov, Viacheslav Chornovil, Leonid Kravchuk, Oksana Zabuzhko, and many others. Kiev University was influential in the birth of the 1905 Russian Revolution, the Russian Revolution (1917), the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Soviet dissident movement, and many other significant events.

Sports such as Football and Wrestling have been popular in Ukraine since the 19th century.Ukraine has benefited from the Soviet Union's emphasis on sport and physical education and Ukraine was left with hundreds of stadiums, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and other athletic facilities after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ukraine is a regular participant in both summer and winter Olympic Games and is successful on the international arena. The country's top achievement at the Olympics to date was at the 1996 Summer Olympics, when they came 9th.

At the 1996 Summer Olympics, Ukrainian gymnast Lilia Podkopayeva won the All Around title in the Women's Gymnastics competition.

New Year Eve

The New Year Eve is celebrated in Ukraine.Everyone likes the New Year Eve.We usually buy a New Year tree, decorate our house with garlands, send postcards to our relatives and friends, wishing them joy and happiness.

The week before Easter, the Great Week is called the White or Pure Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all field work before Thursday, since from Thursday on work is forbidden. Pure Thursday is connected with ritual of clarification by water.

On Passion Friday-Good Friday-no work is done. In some localities, the Holy Shroud is carried solemnly three times around the church and, after appropriate services, laid out for public veneration.

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Best Ukraine War PowerPoint Templates Presentation Slide

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Enthrall your audience with this Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Repercussions Across Globe Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising seventy eight slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Ukraine and russia cyber warfare it powerpoint presentation slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It has PPT slides which cater to your business needs. This complete deck presentation emphasizes Ukraine And Russia Cyber Warfare IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides and has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This deck consists of total of sixty four slides. Our designers have created customizable templates, keeping your convenience in mind. You can edit the colour, text and font size with ease. Not just this, you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Enthrall your audience with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention grabber. Comprising sixty slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Agriculture Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Agriculture Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds eye view of the topic. Encompassed with fifty five slides, designed using high quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought provoking. All the fifty five slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Global Inflation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Global Inflation Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds eye view of the topic. Encompassed with fifty five slides, designed using high quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Oil Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It has PPT slides which cater to your business needs. This complete deck presentation emphasizes Russia Ukraine War Impact On Oil Industry Powerpoint Presentation Slides and has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This deck consists of total of fifty one slides. Our designers have created customizable templates, keeping your convenience in mind. You can edit the colour, text and font size with ease. Not just this, you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Crypocurrency Market Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Crypocurrency Market Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds eye view of the topic. Encompassed with fourty eight slides, designed using high quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Global Supply Chain Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It has PPT slides which cater to your business needs. This complete deck presentation emphasizes Russia Ukraine War Impact On Global Supply Chain Powerpoint Presentation Slides and has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This deck consists of total of fourty three slides. Our designers have created customizable templates, keeping your convenience in mind. You can edit the colour, text and font size with ease. Not just this, you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Russia ukraine war map infographics document report doc pdf ppt

Russia attacks Ukraine, inflicting heavy losses on both sides. These Russia Ukraine War one pagers infographics represent latest development which helps in understanding the current military situation and history of the conflict. Firstly, it covers countries stance on Russia Ukraine War at UN assembly vote, and also highlights which countries are sending military aid to Ukraine. Additionally, it showcases the Russia oil and gas export with supply route from Ukraine to Europe. It also lays emphasis on where Ukrainian citizens are fleeing in the midst of war and talks about the downside and worst case scenario of war. The given PPT Presentation also conducts a comparative analysis of Population, Area and Fertility Rate of Russia and Ukraine, Presence of NATO Troops, NATO expansion Timeline. Lastly, It focuses on the maps which includes Ukraine minerals and non metallic reserves, VPN market growth, Russia-Ukraine oil and gas resources, and key reasons why middle eastern countries are worried with this war. Get to know more about this war, by downloading this PPT presentation.

Russia ukraine war infographics document report doc pdf ppt

Russias invasion of Ukraine is internationally considered a war of aggression. Here is an efficiently designed Russia Ukraine War Infographics template that provides details regarding Russia and Ukraine crisis that has a more significant impact on the global economy. This PowerPoint captures the slides that showcase economic and military comparisons between Russia and Ukraine based on troops, GDP growth, navy vessels, oil and gas reserves, etc. Also, it covers the impact on inflation, petrol prices, and commodity prices such as gold, copper, aluminum, etc., due to supply disruption. Moreover, these slides include NATO and its thirty allied members such as Belgium, Greece, Spain, Poland, etc. Further, this PPT shows the political leaders of Russia and Ukraine after independence. It also represents the timeline related to the gas conflict, casualties, crisis, and disputes on Russia Ukraine line. At last, this presentation focuses on support to the United States from the Ukraine crisis, such as increasing natural gas exports and strengthening the dollar. Also, it covers victims of military aggression by Russia. Get access to this 100 percent editable template now.

Ukraine country powerpoint flags

These high quality, editable powerpoint country flags have been carefully created by our professional team to display location and other geographic details in your PowerPoint presentation. Each flag is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any region - color, size, shading etc can be modified to help you build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these flags to show sales territories, business and new office locations, travel planning etc in your presentations. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint flag slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT!

Ukraine country powerpoint maps

These high quality, editable powerpoint country maps have been carefully created by our professional team to display location and other geographic details in your PowerPoint presentation. Each map is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any region - color, size, shading etc can be modified to help you build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these maps to show sales territories, business and new office locations, travel planning etc in your presentations. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint map slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT!

Conflict Risk To European Union And United Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry

This slide depicts risk imposed to European Union and United Kingdom from Russian-Ukrainian conflict. It provides information about pipeline, gross domestic product GDP, weather conditions, inflation, recession, energy bills, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Conflict Risk To European Union And United Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Conflict Risk To European Union And United Kingdom. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

F61 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Russian Invasion Impact United States America Contd

The following slide represents impact of Russian Ukrainian gas war tensions on USA. It provides information about gasoline per gallon, electricity, piped gas per therm, energy, COVID, import ban, demand, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this F61 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Russian Invasion Impact United States America Contd. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Russian Invasion Impact On United States Of America Contd. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

F62 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Russian Invasion Impact On United States Of America

The following slide represents impact of Russian Ukrainian gas war tensions on USA. It provides information about gasoline prices, gas production, demands, sanctions, ban, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this F62 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Russian Invasion Impact On United States Of America. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Russian Invasion Impact On United States Of America. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

F65 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Ukraine Conflict Impact On Russian Gas Sector

The following slide illustrates Ukraine war tensions impact on Russias gas sector. It provides information about Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, sanctions, waivers, natural gas, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this F65 Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Ukraine Conflict Impact On Russian Gas Sector. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ukraine Conflict Impact On Russian Gas Sector. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Gained By China Through Russia Ukraine War Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry

This slide showcases Russia Ukraine war advantage to Chinese gas sector. It provides information about US, liquefied natural gas, agreement, Beijing, reserves, Europe, vendors, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Gained By China Through Russia Ukraine War Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Leverage Gained By China Through Russia Ukraine War using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Invasion Impact On Gas Prices Of Major Geographical Regions Contd Russia Ukraine War Impact

This slide showcases impact on gas prices of key regions post Russian invasion to Ukraine. It provides information about pence, ceasefire, negotiations, gas supply, client orders, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Invasion Impact On Gas Prices Of Major Geographical Regions Contd Russia Ukraine War Impact. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Geographical, Ceasefire, Negotiations. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Leverage Gained By Africa Through Russia Ukraine War Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry

This slide showcases advantage gained by Africa through Russia-Ukraine warfare. It provides information about Italy, gas assistance, Algeria, Toufik Hakkar, Sonatrach, Luigi DI Malo, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Leverage Gained By Africa Through Russia Ukraine War Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Leverage Gained By Africa Through Russia Ukraine War. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mitigation Strategies For European Union Present Scenario Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas

This slide showcases mitigation techniques for Europe in present scenario. It provides information about natural gas deal, Qatar, Egypt, surplus, suppliers, LNG, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Mitigation Strategies For European Union Present Scenario Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Mitigation, Strategies, Present Scenario using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry On Gas Prices Of Major Geographical Regions

This slide showcases impact on gas prices of key regions post Russian invasion to Ukraine. It provides information about client orders, cease fire, natural gas supply, megawatt hour MWh, shelling, bombing, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry On Gas Prices Of Major Geographical Regions. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Geographical Regions, Experienced, Increase using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Overview Of Russian Federation Gas Sector Contd

The following slide showcases Russias current highlights for natural gas sector. It provides information about buyers, exports, million cubic meters MCM, liquefied natural gas LNG,imports, sanctions, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Overview Of Russian Federation Gas Sector Contd. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Overview Of Russian Federation Gas Sector Contd. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Risk To Russia Post Invasion Of Ukraine

The following slide represents risk imposed to Russia post invasion. It provides information about commodity exports, Russian gas flow, gas supply, Nord stream 2, pipeline passage, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Risk To Russia Post Invasion Of Ukraine. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Risk To Russia Post Invasion Of Ukraine. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Ukrainian Conflict Impact On Russian Economy

This slide showcases impact on Russian economy post invasion to Ukraine. It provides information about export revenue, real income, federal budget, financing military, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Gas Industry Ukrainian Conflict Impact On Russian Economy. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ukrainian Conflict Impact On Russian Economy. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Australia Slower Improvement During Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of ongoing geopolitical uncertainty over Australia in terms of reduced GDP, inflation, unemployment rate, surge in energy prices, decline in stock market, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Australia Slower Improvement During Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Geographically Distant, Moderate Economic, Impact Over Transport using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

China Stabilising Growth During Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of ongoing geopolitical uncertainty over China in terms of GDP, inflation, unemployment rate. Although China is showcasing stabilized growth during crisis with increase in bilateral trade with Russia.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this China Stabilising Growth During Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Expected Normalcy, Leads To Producer, Expected Growth using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Conflict Implications Over Economies At Global Scale Cont Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the overall crisis impact over global economic growth by assessing GDP, inflation and war repercussions. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Conflict Implications Over Economies At Global Scale Cont Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Negative Impact, Surge In Geopolitical, Inflation And Disrupted using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Conflict Implications Over Economies At Global Scale Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the conflict implications over different economies at global scale by assessing GDP, inflation and unemployment rate. It covers detail about higher inflationary pressure, existing geopolitical uncertainties, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Conflict Implications Over Economies At Global Scale Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Higher Inflationary, Existing Geopolitical, Disruptions Across Production This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Economic Cost Associated With Russia Ukraine War Crisis Cont Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the economic cost associated with war crisis in terms of inflation. It also provides details about how conflict will increase risk of inflation, hike in energy prices, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Economic Cost Associated With Russia Ukraine War Crisis Cont Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Inflation Expectation, Inflation Cost Of Conflict, Energy And Commodity This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Economic Cost Associated With Russia Ukraine War Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the economic cost associated with war crisis in terms of GDP. It also provides details about how conflict will increase risk of inflation, hike in energy prices, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Economic Cost Associated With Russia Ukraine War Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Expecting Huge Public, Immense Inflow, Leverage Military using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

EU Persisting Slower Growth Prospects Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of ongoing geopolitical uncertainty over EU in limited economic recovery, increase in inflation, and reduced consumer spending, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this EU Persisting Slower Growth Prospects Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Inflationary Pressures, Hampering Ongoing Economic, Conflict Imposing using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Highlights About Oil And Gas Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the highlights about oil and gas sector showcasing ongoing price volatility, disrupted supply and hampered growth.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Highlights About Oil And Gas Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Significant Until Alternative, Announced Plans, Europe Independent This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

How Global Metal Market Is Affected With Ongoing Ukraine War Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding impact of ongoing Ukraine war over global metal market. Supply chain of palladium, gold, steel and other metals have been disrupted due to ongoing tensions prevailing.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this How Global Metal Market Is Affected With Ongoing Ukraine War Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Disruption In Palladium, Automobile Production, Aggressive Demand This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

How Russia Is Tackling Ongoing Sanctions Imposed Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding how Russia is managing ongoing sanctions imposed by deploying import substitution policies to reduce exposure across global market, managing oil and gas reserves, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this How Russia Is Tackling Ongoing Sanctions Imposed Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Russia Has Emerged, Sanctioned Country Across, Switzerland Has Imposed using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

How Ukraine Economy Is Impacted Due To Russian Sanctions Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding assessment of Ukraine economy impacted by sanctions imposed over Russia leading to degrading economic association among both nations, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this How Ukraine Economy Is Impacted Due To Russian Sanctions Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Economic Association, Sanctions On Russia, Ukraine Do Not Import This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

How Us Economy Is Reaping Benefits From Ukraine Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding ability of US economy to reap benefits from Ukraine crisis by increasing US natural gas exports to Europe, benefits from trade disruption among Russia EU, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this How Us Economy Is Reaping Benefits From Ukraine Crisis Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Natural Gas Exports, Trade Disruption Among, Substantial Profits To US Military using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

How War Is Impacting Global Agrifood And Fertilizers Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment over global agrifood and fertilizers sector in terms of price volatility, global players existing, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this How War Is Impacting Global Agrifood And Fertilizers Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Price Volatility Across, Russian Federation, Global Players In Fertilizers Market This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Impact Assessment Of Global Energy Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of global energy sector due to ongoing geopolitical unrest leading to hike in oil and gas prices, increased pressure to shift to alternative energy sources, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Impact Assessment Of Global Energy Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Energy Markets, Crisis Commencement, Investments Into Extractive Industries This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

India Highlighting Repercussion Of Ongoing War Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of ongoing geopolitical uncertainty over India in terms of reduced GDP, volatility in exchange rates, price inflation among crude oil natural gas, and reduced consumer spending, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this India Highlighting Repercussion Of Ongoing War Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Poor Performance, Volatility In Exchange, Commodity Prices Posing This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Long Term Risk Of Escalations Over Russia Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding long term risk of escalations over Russian economy in terms of increased income gap, loss due to no trade association with western countries.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Long Term Risk Of Escalations Over Russia Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Export Industries, Three Import Industries, Russian Economy using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Middle East Hike In Energy Prices Growth Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the impact assessment of ongoing geopolitical uncertainty over Middle East in terms of GDP, increased inflation, oil and gas price hike, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Middle East Hike In Energy Prices Growth Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Reduction In Unemployment, Robust Economic, Nonoil Economies This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Possible Repercussions Of Russian Invasion Over Ukraine Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the possible repercussion of Russian invasion over Ukraine leading to negative impact over its economy, depreciation across national currency, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Possible Repercussions Of Russian Invasion Over Ukraine Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Negative Impact, Russian Military, External Markets This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Repercussions Of War Crisis Over Finance Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the repercussions of war over finance sector in terms of cost of debt servicing and bond yields by income classification across globe. Developing economies will face pressure of increased interest rates, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Repercussions Of War Crisis Over Finance Sector Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Cost Of Debt, Servicing Across Globe, Across Globe By Income using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Risk Of Deep Recession Faced By Russian Economy Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict

This slide provides information regarding the risk of deep recession faced by Russian economy with fall in currencys value, sanctions imposed, increased inflation, travel restrictions imposed, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Risk Of Deep Recession Faced By Russian Economy Ukraine Vs Russia Analyzing Conflict Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Russian Currency, Removed From International, Several Sanctions using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Decline In Branded Charter Departures Russia Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry

This slide showcases graph which provides details about departure of branded charter flights from Russia and Ukraine. It can help to identify decrease in flight departures after Russia invasion Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Decline In Branded Charter Departures Russia Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Departures, Showcases, Invasion using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Decrease In Booking Of Passenger Ticket Sales Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry

This slide showcases graph about decrease in number of passenger ticket sales due to Russia Ukraine conflict. It can help to determine percentage change in ticket sales as compared to last year Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Decrease In Booking Of Passenger Ticket Sales Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Confidence, Planning, Passenger. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Brent Crude Oil Price Rise Impact Aviation

This slide showcases graph which illustrates the spike in prices of brent crude oil. It can help to identify monthly change in prices due to Russian Ukrainian conflict Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Brent Crude Oil Price Rise Impact Aviation. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Brent Crude Oil Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Declining Shares Of Major Aviation Companies

This slide illustrates graph which showcases decline in shares of major aviation companies due to ongoing Russian Ukraine conflict. It can help to identify the losses incurred by different airline companies Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Declining Shares Of Major Aviation Companies. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Illustrates, Aviation, Companies. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Decrease In Flight Search History Of Users

This slide illustrates graph which provides details about user search history for airline bookings. It also showcases comparison of forecasted figures with actual data Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Decrease In Flight Search History Of Users. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Decrease In Flight Search History Of Users using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Delay And Cancellation Of Aircraft Deliveries

This Slide showcases graphs which compares the aircraft orders booked and delivered to customers. It illustrates delay and cancellation of aircraft deliveries resulting in financial loss for aviation companies Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Delay And Cancellation Of Aircraft Deliveries. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Cancellation, Deliveries, Companies. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Discovering Alternate Sources Of Crude Oil

This slide showcases alternative countries which can be sources of crude amid the ongoing Russia Ukraine conflict. It also showcases graph of countries producing maximum crude oil barrels per day Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Discovering Alternate Sources Of Crude Oil. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Alternate, Sources, Produced using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Gas Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry

This slide showcases graph which illustrates spike in prices of gas. It can help to identify monthly change in gas prices of countries like European union, united kingdom and united states of America Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Gas Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Gas Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Hiring Pilots For Fulfilling Future Demand

Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Hiring Pilots For Fulfilling Future Demand. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Hiring Pilots For Fulfilling Future Demand. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry In Global Departures Of Aviation Flights

This slide showcases graph which provides details about global departures of airline flights from different countries before and after Russian invasion. It compares data of current year with previous year and two years ago Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry In Global Departures Of Aviation Flights. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Decline In Global Departures Of Aviation Flights. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Increase Flight Ticket Prices From Usa Global

This showcases graph which illustrates increase in prices of tickets of flights departure from USA. It showcases data for different countries which are Asia, Canada, Europe, Mexicoo and central America Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Increase Flight Ticket Prices From Usa Global. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Commercial, Passengers, Countries using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Jet Fuel Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry

This slide showcases graph which illustrates increase in prices of jet fuel after Russian Ukraine conflict. It can help to compare the fuel prices before and after the invasion Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Jet Fuel Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Commercial, Passengers, Operational. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Key Insights About Global Aviation Industry

This slide showcases overview of global aviation industry before Russian Ukraine conflict. It showcases details about global aviation industry market size and air traffic of two years Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Key Insights About Global Aviation Industry. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Key Insights About Global Aviation Industry using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Palladium Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry

This slide showcases graph which illustrates the spike in prices of Palladium. It also showcases global supply share of palladium of different countries Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Palladium Price Rise Impact On Aviation Industry. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Manufacturing, Palladium, Invasion. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Percentage Increase In Cancellations Of Flights

This slide illustrates graph which showcases details about flight cancellation percentage after Russian Ukraine conflict. It also showcases data about cancellation rate of different countries Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry Percentage Increase In Cancellations Of Flights. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Percentage Increase In Cancellations Of Flights using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Google Reviews

presentation about ukraine powerpoint

How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

E very time you need to present an overview of a plan or a report to a whole room of people, chances are you turn to Microsoft PowerPoint. And who doesn't? It's popular for its wide array of features that make creating effective presentations a walk in the park. PowerPoint comes with a host of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation, subtitles and video recordings for your audience's benefit, and a variety of transitions, animations, and designs for better engagement.

But with these nifty features comes a hefty price tag. At the moment, the personal plan — which includes other Office apps — is at $69.99 a year. This might be the most budget-friendly option, especially if you plan to use the other Microsoft Office apps, too. Unfortunately, you can't buy PowerPoint alone, but there are a few workarounds you can use to get access to PowerPoint at no cost to you at all.

Read more: The 20 Best Mac Apps That Will Improve Your Apple Experience

Method #1: Sign Up For A Free Microsoft Account On The Office Website

Microsoft offers a web-based version of PowerPoint completely free of charge to all users. Here's how you can access it:

  • Visit the Microsoft 365 page .
  • If you already have a free account with Microsoft, click Sign in. Otherwise, press "Sign up for the free version of Microsoft 365" to create a new account at no cost.
  • On the Office home page, select PowerPoint from the side panel on the left.
  • Click on "Blank presentation" to create your presentation from scratch, or pick your preferred free PowerPoint template from the options at the top (there's also a host of editable templates you can find on the Microsoft 365 Create site ).
  • Create your presentation as normal. Your edits will be saved automatically to your Microsoft OneDrive as long as you're connected to the internet.

It's important to keep in mind, though, that while you're free to use this web version of PowerPoint to create your slides and edit templates, there are certain features it doesn't have that you can find on the paid version. For instance, you can access only a handful of font styles and stock elements like images, videos, icons, and stickers. Designer is also available for use on up to three presentations per month only (it's unlimited for premium subscribers). When presenting, you won't find the Present Live and Always Use Subtitles options present in the paid plans. The biggest caveat of the free version is that it won't get any newly released features, unlike its premium counterparts.

Method #2: Install Microsoft 365 (Office) To Your Windows

Don't fancy working on your presentation in a browser? If you have a Windows computer with the Office 365 apps pre-installed or downloaded from a previous Office 365 trial, you can use the Microsoft 365 (Office) app instead. Unlike the individual Microsoft apps that you need to buy from the Microsoft Store, this one is free to download and use. Here's how to get free PowerPoint on the Microsoft 365 (Office) app:

  • Search for Microsoft 365 (Office) on the Microsoft Store app.
  • Install and open it.
  • Sign in with your Microsoft account. Alternatively, press "Create free account" if you don't have one yet.
  • Click on Create on the left side panel.
  • Select Presentation.
  • In the PowerPoint window that opens, log in using your account.
  • Press Accept on the "Free 5-day pass" section. This lets you use PowerPoint (and Word and Excel) for five days — free of charge and without having to input any payment information.
  • Create your presentation as usual. As you're using the desktop version, you can access the full features of PowerPoint, including the ability to present in Teams, export the presentation as a video file, translate the slides' content to a different language, and even work offline.

The only downside of this method is the time limit. Once the five days are up, you can no longer open the PowerPoint desktop app. However, all your files will still be accessible to you. If you saved them to OneDrive, you can continue editing them on the web app. If you saved them to your computer, you can upload them to OneDrive and edit them from there.

Method #3: Download The Microsoft PowerPoint App On Your Android Or iOS Device

If you're always on the move and need the flexibility of creating and editing presentations on your Android or iOS device, you'll be glad to know that PowerPoint is free and available for offline use on your mobile phones. But — of course, there's a but — you can only access the free version if your device is under 10.1 inches. Anything bigger than that requires a premium subscription. If your phone fits the bill, then follow these steps to get free PowerPoint on your device:

  • Install Microsoft PowerPoint from the App Store or Google Play Store .
  • Log in using your existing Microsoft email or enter a new email address to create one if you don't already have an account.
  • On the "Get Microsoft 365 Personal Plan" screen, press Skip For Now.
  • If you're offered a free trial, select Try later (or enjoy the free 30-day trial if you're interested).
  • To make a new presentation, tap the plus sign in the upper right corner.
  • Change the "Create in" option from OneDrive - Personal to a folder on your device. This allows you to save the presentation to your local storage and make offline edits.
  • Press "Set as default" to set your local folder as the default file storage location.
  • Choose your template from the selection or use a blank presentation.
  • Edit your presentation as needed.

Do note that PowerPoint mobile comes with some restrictions. There's no option to insert stock elements, change the slide size to a custom size, use the Designer feature, or display the presentation in Immersive Reader mode. However, you can use font styles considered premium on the web app.

Method #4: Use Your School Email Address

Office 365 Education is free for students and teachers, provided they have an email address from an eligible school. To check for your eligibility, here's what you need to do:

  • Go to the Office 365 Education page .
  • Type in your school email address in the empty text field.
  • Press "Get Started."
  • On the next screen, verify your eligibility. If you're eligible, you'll be asked to select whether you're a student or a teacher. If your school isn't recognized, however, you'll get a message telling you so.
  • For those who are eligible, proceed with creating your Office 365 Education account. Make sure your school email can receive external mail, as Microsoft will send you a verification code for your account.
  • Once you're done filling out the form, press "Start." This will open your Office 365 account page.

You can then start making your PowerPoint presentation using the web app. If your school's plan supports it, you can also install the Office 365 apps to your computer by clicking the "Install Office" button on your Office 365 account page and running the downloaded installation file. What sets the Office 365 Education account apart from the regular free account is that you have unlimited personal cloud storage and access to other Office apps like Word, Excel, and Outlook.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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Modern Day Marine

Marines say no more ‘death by powerpoint’ as corps overhauls education.

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WASHINGTON, D.C. ― Marines and those who teach them will see more direct, problem-solving approaches to how they learn and far less “death by PowerPoint” as the Corps overhauls its education methods .

Decades of lecturers “foot stomping” material for Marines to learn, recall and regurgitate on a test before forgetting most of what they heard is being replaced by “outcomes-based” learning, a method that’s been in use in other fields but only recently brought into military training.

“Instead of teaching them what to think, we’re teaching them how to think,” said Col. Karl Arbogast, director of the policy and standards division at training and education command .

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Here’s what’s in the Corps’ new training and education plan

New ranges, tougher swimming. inside the corps' new training blueprint..

Arbogast laid out some of the new methods that the command is using at the center for learning and faculty development while speaking at the Modern Day Marine Expo.

“No more death by PowerPoint,” Arbogast said. “No more ‘sage on the stage’ anymore, it’s the ‘guide on the side.’”

To do that, Lt. Col. Chris Devries, director of the learning and faculty center, is a multiyear process in which the Marines have developed two new military occupational specialties, 0951 and 0952.

The exceptional MOS is in addition to their primary MOS but allows the Marines to quickly identify who among their ranks is qualified to teach using the new methods.

Training for those jobs gives instructors, now called facilitators, an entry-level understanding of how to teach in an outcomes-based learning model.

Devries said the long-term goal is to create two more levels of instructor/facilitator that a Marine could return to in their career, a journeyman level and a master level. Those curricula are still under development.

The new method helps facilitators first learn the technology they’ll need to share material with and guide students. It also teaches them more formal assessment tools so they can gauge how well students are performing.

For the students, they can learn at their own pace. If they grasp the material the group is covering, they’re encouraged to advance in their study, rather than wait for the entire group to master the introductory material.

More responsibility is placed on the students. For example, in a land navigation class, a facilitator might share materials for students to review before class on their own and then immediately jump into working with maps, compasses and protractors on land navigation projects in the next class period, said John deForest, learning and development officer at the center.

That creates more time in the field for those Marines to practice the skills in a realistic setting.

presentation about ukraine powerpoint

Marines with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 268, Marine Aircraft Group 24, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, fire M240-B machine guns at the Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay range, Hawaii, March 5. (Lance Cpl. Tania Guerrero/Marine Corps)

For the infantry Marine course, the school split up the large classroom into squad-sized groups led by a sergeant or staff sergeant, allowing for more individual focus and participation among the students, Arbogast said.

“They have to now prepare activities for the learner to be directly involved in their own learning and then they have to steer and guide the learners correct outcome,” said Timothy Heck, director of the center’s West Coast detachment.

The students are creating products and portfolios of activities in their training instead of simply taking a written test, said Justina Kirkland, a facilitator at the West Coast detachment.

Students are also pushed to discuss problems among themselves and troubleshoot scenarios. The role of the facilitator then is to monitor the conversation and ask probing questions to redirect the group if they get off course, Heck said.

That involves more decision games, decision forcing cases and even wargaming, deForest said.

We “put the student in an active learning experience where they have to grapple with uncertainty, where they have to grapple with the technical skills and the knowledge they need,” deForest said.

That makes the learning more about application than recall, he said.

Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for multiple publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-written project on witness intimidation. Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War.

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Ukraine Map Infographics

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Do you want to know the geography of Ukraine? Well, there is no better resource than a map! And we have designed 31 infographics of maps of this country. Although you will not only be able to show the location of the main cities... They are very complete infographic resources that will allow you to talk about population data, tourism, main spoken languages, borders... And much more! Everyone will learn a lot about Ukraine thanks to you!

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  • 31 different infographics to boost your presentations
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  24. Ukraine Map Infographics

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