How to Conduct a Problem-Solving Session with Supply Chain?

How to Conduct Decision-Making Meetings with Operations?

In today’s complex business landscape, the ability to solve problems efficiently and effectively is crucial for supply chain management. Whether it’s addressing bottlenecks in the production line or finding solutions to logistics challenges, problem-solving sessions play a vital role in optimizing supply chain operations. This article will guide you through the process of conducting a problem-solving session, from understanding its importance to overcoming common challenges.

Understanding the Importance of Problem-Solving in Supply Chain

Problem-solving is not just about finding quick fixes; it is about identifying root causes and implementing sustainable solutions. In the context of supply chain management, problem-solving helps organizations improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Effective problem-solving also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

When it comes to supply chain management, problem-solving plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations and overcoming challenges. It involves a systematic approach to identify and resolve issues that may arise at different stages of the supply chain process. By addressing these problems head-on, organizations can minimize disruptions, optimize performance, and achieve their strategic goals.

One of the key factors in successful problem-solving sessions is effective communication. It is essential to create an environment where all participants can openly discuss the issues at hand, share ideas, and collaborate on finding solutions. Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and helps prevent misunderstandings or conflicts that could hinder problem-solving efforts.

During problem-solving sessions, it is important to encourage active participation from all stakeholders involved in the supply chain. This includes representatives from procurement, production, logistics, and customer service departments. By involving individuals with diverse expertise and perspectives, organizations can gain valuable insights and develop comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of problems.

Furthermore, problem-solving sessions should not be limited to addressing immediate issues. They should also focus on identifying potential risks and developing proactive strategies to prevent future problems. By taking a proactive approach, organizations can minimize the impact of disruptions and build resilience within their supply chains.

The impact of effective problem-solving on supply chain efficiency cannot be overstated. By identifying and addressing bottlenecks or inefficiencies, organizations can streamline processes, reduce lead times, and optimize resource allocation. This, in turn, leads to cost savings, improved productivity, and increased customer satisfaction.

For example, through effective problem-solving, organizations can identify areas where there is a lack of coordination between different departments or suppliers. By addressing these coordination issues, organizations can improve the overall flow of goods and information, resulting in faster order fulfillment and reduced lead times.

Moreover, problem-solving sessions enable organizations to identify opportunities for automation and technology integration. By leveraging technology solutions such as supply chain management software or predictive analytics, organizations can enhance visibility, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions. This not only improves efficiency but also enables organizations to adapt to changing market demands and customer expectations.

In conclusion, problem-solving is a critical aspect of supply chain management. It helps organizations overcome challenges, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and effective communication, organizations can stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success in today’s dynamic business environment.

Preparing for a Problem-Solving Session

Before conducting a problem-solving session, it is crucial to lay the groundwork for success. This involves identifying key participants and setting clear objectives.

Problem-solving sessions are an essential part of any organization’s continuous improvement efforts. They provide a platform for teams to come together and brainstorm innovative solutions to complex challenges. However, without proper preparation, these sessions can become unproductive and fail to yield the desired outcomes.

Identifying Key Participants

Identifying the right participants for the problem-solving session is essential. These individuals should have a deep understanding of the supply chain process under review and possess the necessary expertise to contribute effectively. Involving representatives from different departments or functions allows for a holistic and diverse perspective.

When selecting participants, it is important to consider their roles and responsibilities within the organization. Including individuals who are directly involved in the problem or have a stake in its resolution ensures that the session is well-informed and comprehensive. Additionally, incorporating cross-functional team members fosters collaboration and encourages the sharing of different viewpoints.

Moreover, it is beneficial to involve individuals who have experience in problem-solving methodologies or have a track record of successfully addressing similar challenges. Their expertise can guide the session and provide valuable insights to the team.

Setting Clear Objectives

Clearly defining the objectives of the problem-solving session is crucial to ensure focus and alignment among participants. The objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This clarity of purpose helps keep the session on track and ensures that solutions are tailored to address the identified challenges.

When setting objectives, it is important to consider the desired outcomes of the session. Are you looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, enhance customer satisfaction, or address a specific bottleneck in the supply chain? Clearly articulating these objectives helps participants understand the purpose of the session and enables them to contribute more effectively.

Furthermore, setting SMART objectives allows for better evaluation of the session’s success. By defining specific metrics and timelines, you can measure the impact of the solutions generated during the session and track progress towards achieving the desired outcomes.

Additionally, it is beneficial to communicate the objectives to all participants before the session. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can come prepared with relevant information and ideas. It also helps create a sense of ownership and accountability among the participants, fostering a more productive and engaging problem-solving session.

Conducting the Problem-Solving Session

When conducting the problem-solving session, it is important to create a conducive environment for open discussion and utilize problem-solving techniques effectively.

Problem-solving sessions are a crucial part of any organization’s decision-making process. They provide a platform for teams to come together, analyze complex issues, and find innovative solutions. However, conducting a successful problem-solving session requires more than just gathering people in a room. It requires careful planning, facilitation, and the use of effective problem-solving techniques.

Facilitating Open Discussion

The facilitator plays a crucial role in encouraging open and constructive discussion. They should create a safe space that allows participants to voice their opinions, share their perspectives, and challenge existing processes. This collaborative approach fosters engagement and creativity, leading to more effective problem-solving.

One way to facilitate open discussion is by establishing ground rules at the beginning of the session. These ground rules should emphasize respect, active listening, and the importance of considering diverse viewpoints. By setting clear expectations, the facilitator creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas.

In addition to ground rules, the facilitator can also use various techniques to encourage participation. For example, they can employ brainstorming exercises to generate a wide range of ideas or employ breakout sessions to allow smaller groups to delve deeper into specific aspects of the problem. By incorporating these techniques, the facilitator ensures that all participants have a chance to contribute and that no valuable insights are left unexplored.

Utilizing Problem-Solving Techniques

There are several problem-solving techniques that can be applied during the session, such as root cause analysis, fishbone diagrams, or the 5 Whys. These techniques help identify the underlying causes of the problem and generate potential solutions. Each technique has its strengths, so it is important to choose the most appropriate one based on the nature of the problem at hand.

Root cause analysis is a systematic approach that aims to identify the fundamental reason behind a problem. By asking “why” multiple times, the facilitator can uncover the underlying causes that may not be immediately apparent. This technique helps teams move beyond surface-level symptoms and address the root issues, leading to more effective and sustainable solutions.

Fishbone diagrams, also known as cause-and-effect diagrams, are visual tools that help teams identify the various factors contributing to a problem. By categorizing these factors into different branches, the facilitator can create a comprehensive overview of the problem’s causes. This technique encourages a holistic understanding of the issue and enables teams to explore potential solutions from multiple angles.

The 5 Whys technique is a simple yet powerful tool for uncovering the underlying causes of a problem. By repeatedly asking “why” five times, teams can peel back the layers and get to the core of the issue. This technique helps teams avoid jumping to conclusions and encourages a deeper analysis of the problem at hand.

While these problem-solving techniques are valuable, it is important to remember that they are not standalone solutions. The facilitator should adapt and combine these techniques as needed, depending on the complexity and nature of the problem. By using a flexible and tailored approach, the facilitator can guide the problem-solving session towards meaningful and actionable outcomes.

Post-Session Actions and Follow-ups

Conducting a problem-solving session is just the first step; it is equally important to analyze the outcomes and implement agreed-upon solutions.

Analyzing Session Outcomes

After the problem-solving session, it is essential to analyze the outcomes and identify patterns or recurring issues. This analysis helps validate the effectiveness of the solutions proposed and highlights areas that require further attention. It also provides valuable insights for future problem-solving sessions and continuous improvement initiatives.

Implementing Agreed Upon Solutions

Implementing the solutions agreed upon during the problem-solving session is crucial to achieving tangible results. This requires assigning responsibilities, establishing timelines, and monitoring progress. Clear communication and collaboration across different teams or departments are essential to ensure successful implementation and drive sustainable change.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Problem-Solving Sessions

Problem-solving sessions are not without challenges. However, by being aware of common obstacles, you can proactively address them and keep the problem-solving process on track.

Dealing with Resistance to Change

Resistance to change is a common challenge when implementing new solutions or processes. It is important to address concerns or objections from participants and emphasize the benefits of the proposed changes. Communicating the rationale behind the solutions and involving key stakeholders throughout the problem-solving process can help alleviate resistance and foster a sense of ownership.

Ensuring Continuous Improvement

Problem-solving sessions should not be seen as a one-time fix but as part of an ongoing journey towards continuous improvement. It is crucial to cultivate a culture that values feedback, encourages innovation, and embraces change. By continuously evaluating and refining processes, organizations can adapt to evolving market demands and maintain a competitive edge.

In conclusion, conducting a problem-solving session is a vital component of effective supply chain management. By understanding the importance of problem-solving, preparing for the session, leveraging effective communication and problem-solving techniques, and implementing agreed-upon solutions, organizations can drive efficiency, streamline operations, and achieve sustainable improvements. Despite the challenges that may arise, a proactive approach and a commitment to continuous improvement will pave the way for success.

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15 Key Supply Chain Challenges to Overcome

Abby Jenkins

During the past few years, supply chains have been in the spotlight because of global shutdowns, international conflicts, major weather events and more. Modern customers need assurances from businesses that high-quality goods will arrive when promised. And in the increasingly competitive ecommerce world, businesses need to take proactive steps to implement efficient and cost-effective supply chain management processes to maintain their reputations and keep their customers satisfied. But businesses can only address the challenges they can identify. This article explores some major supply chain challenges and offers tips on how companies can overcome them.

Why Are Businesses Facing Supply Chain Challenges?

Some business leaders expected the supply chain disruptions caused by recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, political unrest and weather-related emergencies, to ease as industries began to return to “normal.” However, as time goes on, many are finding that challenges have continued much longer than expected. In a December 2022 CNBC survey of 341 logistics managers, 61% of respondents described their current supply chain as “not operating normally,” and 29% predicted that normalcy won’t return until at least 2025 — if at all. With businesses still experiencing the ripple effects of the upheaval of the past few years, identifying challenges and proactively addressing supply chain weaknesses have become important strategies for mitigating risks and satisfying customer demand, especially for businesses dealing with increased volatility and uncertainty in their customers’ spending habits.

Meanwhile, as ecommerce becomes more popular and customers have more options than ever, a streamlined and efficient order fulfillment process is crucial to ensure that customers can get high-quality products delivered to their doors or local pickup locations quickly and reliably. Businesses unable to adapt are more likely to experience abandoned carts as customers jump to businesses that can satisfy their needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Modern supply chains are more global, interconnected and prone to disruption than they have been in the past.
  • Businesses need to take proactive steps to identify and mitigate the impacts of supply chain challenges and disruptions.
  • Addressing supply chain challenges before they become major bottlenecks can increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs and create a more efficient and effective operation.

Supply Chain Challenges Explained

Most businesses need to rely on the supply chain to source materials, produce goods and deliver orders to customers. But with increased globalization, companies of all sizes may rely on international suppliers for raw materials or third-party logistics (3PL) providers for last-mile delivery, and that increased complexity and reliance on external factors bring risk. The 2022 Economic Report of the President states, “The globalization of production has also made supply chains more vulnerable to disruption.” The report lists several causes for this increased fragility, including cyberattacks, labor strikes, supplier bankruptcies, industrial accidents, climate-induced weather emergencies and even businesses’ propensity for reducing excess inventory. Businesses can improve their supply chain operations by creating contingency plans and improving visibility, often by leveraging technology, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems or a supply chain control tower. A more agile and resilient supply chain is more likely to adapt quickly to disruptions and changing customer demands — keeping customers happy, costs low and goods flowing smoothly from one end of the supply chain to the other.

15 Key Supply Chain Challenges

Decision-makers, especially those tasked with managing the supply chain, must be aware of potential challenges to effectively mitigate risks and minimize damage when disruptions and breakdowns occur. Here are 15 key supply chain challenges and best practices for navigating them.

1. Increased Material Scarcity

Shortages of raw materials, such as glass, plastics, lumber and metals, can cause delays, as manufacturers cannot continue production without a steady supply of basic materials. Raw materials shortages were the most cited supply chain challenge in the 2023 Hubs Supply Chain Resilience report, with 61% of the 334 respondents choosing it as a top supply chain disruption . Shortages can increase costs for supplies, cutting into profits and often leading to higher prices for customers. Many businesses meet this challenge by diversifying suppliers and improving communication and collaboration with vendors, thereby decreasing the likelihood of an unexpected shortage due to a regional issue, such as a weather event. Companies can also use business technology solutions, such as an ERP system, to track supply levels and maintain minimum stock, gaining an edge on competitors that buy supplies only as needed.

2. Lack of Supply Chain Visibility

One of the most important ways to meet supply chain challenges is to identify them before they become major issues, which can be difficult without visibility into operations . Businesses with a high level of end-to-end (E2E) visibility can track supplies, components, finished goods and information as they move through the supply chain. This allows decision-makers to quickly identify bottlenecks and address problem areas and is especially important for businesses with a fragmented supply chain that relies on external partners. Slowdowns anywhere in the supply chain, either from internal and external processes, can ripple throughout an organization and cause frustrating and costly delays. Businesses can increase their visibility by implementing new technology, such as automated data collection and reporting, to gain real-time insights into supply chain workflows.

Supply chain visibility starts with accurate data

supply chain challenges cro

3. Increased Freight Prices

Freight prices can increase for several reasons, including higher shipping demands, rising fuel costs and shortages of shipping containers or materials. Rising shipping costs impact most businesses, but ecommerce companies need to be especially aware of changes in their shipping costs, as they often make up a large portion of their expenses. Keeping transportation costs down was the top response in Coyote Logistics’ 2021 Top Supply Chain Challenges survey of over 500 logistics decision-makers. Many businesses meet this challenge by partnering with logistics experts or implementing transportation management systems (TMS) to find areas to reduce costs, such as route optimizations and restructuring delivery fleets. By making improvements to shipping processes, companies may be able to save money while speeding up deliveries and creating a more reliable experience for their customers — even in the face of rising freight prices.

4. Restructuring

With all the added global pressure on supply chains in recent years — from international conflicts to changing tariffs — it’s no surprise that many businesses are reevaluating where and how they conduct business. Many companies are choosing to move operations closer to their home base, where they can maintain more control and reduce shipping times. In fact, the 2022 Interos Annual Global Supply Chain Report found that 51% of the 1,500 suppliers surveyed “are expected to be reshored or nearshored in the next three years.” However, it’s important to create contingencies when making big changes, such as moving a manufacturing plant, switching suppliers or other major shifts. During the restructuring period, businesses may want to store extra inventory, for example, to cover the transition and the onboarding period as new facilities, staff and partners come up to speed. While a typical goal of restructuring is to create a more efficient and effective supply chain, businesses should be careful not to accrue losses that could offset gains and turn off customers during the change.

5. Communication

Maintaining open communication can be a challenge —among both external partners and internal systems — especially for businesses with complex supply chains with many involved parties. Communicating and collaborating with partners, such as suppliers, can help alert businesses to any expected shortages or problems while there’s still time to work around the issues and maintain supply continuity. Internal operations can also be improved by effective communication, as siloed processes may have unnecessary redundancies or inefficiencies that can be improved by taking a holistic view of the supply chain. For example, procurement and manufacturing operations may have some overlap in their quality control procedures, wasting time and resources to complete checks that have already been done. With transparent communication, these inefficiencies can be minimized, and the supply chain can be streamlined to deliver goods faster without decreasing quality.

6. Complex Demand Forecasting

Volatile demand has been an especially difficult challenge in today’s market, due in part to rapidly evolving customer spending patterns and product virality in the ecommerce world. Modern businesses often use a combination of historic data and market research to forecast demand more accurately and prepare for any predicted fluctuations. In recent decades, businesses have typically adhered to a leaner inventory stock, as shown by St. Louis Fed inventory data. But while this “just-in-time” model has been widely adopted because it can reduce costs and waste, it requires reliable forecasting to predict future demand and produce “just enough” of a good, which can present challenges for businesses that sell goods with unpredictable demand swings or long production cycles. Effective and complex demand forecasting reduces the likelihood of overstocks, which can accrue higher carrying costs, and stockouts, which can lead to empty shelves and customers turning to the competition to satisfy their needs. Businesses often leverage technology, such as ERP systems, to generate more accurate and robust demand forecasting than less sophisticated methods can produce.

7. Port Congestion

Ports can create shipping issues for supply chains in two primary ways: congestion and climate-related challenges. Port congestion has improved since its peak in early 2022, but spikes may still occur and cause delays. For example, the number of container ships awaiting berths at U.S. ports increased fourfold between March 14 and April 25, 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation statistics. This can be caused by a myriad of factors, such as seasonal shifts in demand, changes in international trade or new shipping regulations. The docks themselves have been presenting new challenges as well, as changes in weather patterns have left some ports unable to accommodate the volume of freight ships they once did. Germany, for example, experienced unusually hot and dry weather in August 2022, causing a water-level drop of 19 cm in some areas of the Rhine. This left vessels unable to traverse the waterway, as reported by Reuters, and economists are estimating a loss of up to half a percentage point in overall growth in Germany this year from this disruption alone. Businesses that rely on sea freight can mitigate these risks by using suppliers in regionally diverse areas and maintaining some domestic locations that can ease the pressure on overseas operations.

8. Environmental and Social Impacts

Focusing on the environmental and social impacts of a supply chain is more than just a public relations play to reach more eco-conscience consumers — though expanding the customer base is a worthy enough goal on its own. Many businesses strive to create a sustainable supply chain for a multitude of reasons, including reducing reliance on external supplies by minimizing waste, lowering utility costs by reducing energy consumption and staying ahead of upcoming regulatory and legislative standards as governments continue to focus on green initiatives. To find areas to reduce the environmental and social impacts of their supply chains, businesses can conduct a supply chain audit, often with sustainability experts, to identify areas for improvement, such as replacing outdated equipment or identifying more fuel-efficient shipping methods.

9. Data Sharing

Supply chains often rely on several management teams that may rarely, if ever, interact face to face. Despite this, decisions made in one department can have major impacts up and down the supply chain. A manufacturer replacing inefficient equipment and increasing output, for example, may bring about a raw materials shortage and a quicker influx of goods awaiting shipment. Without a centralized database for information and a way to share it with relevant parties, departments can be left unprepared for shifts in the supply chain, from minor tweaks to major changes. To address these challenges, many businesses implement digital supply chains — a virtual system that provides real-time data and insights into performance and keeps decision-makers throughout the supply chain on the same page.

10. Customer Behavior and Demands

Consumer habits have changed as more shopping has moved online and customers have begun to expect quick and affordable, if not free, shipping. According to a June 2022 survey of online consumers conducted by Santa Clara University’s Retail Management Institute, 90% of the 1,186 respondents expect free delivery within five days, with 62% expecting it within three days. Inventory management must be flexible enough to meet these new customer expectations, whether it be for retail locations, shipped goods or a hybrid “buy online, pick up in-store” model. Businesses can meet these challenges by investing in more effective inventory allocation processes, such as automatic inventory-level alerts and a warehouse management system (WMS), to ensure that goods are in stock and can be quickly shipped to fulfill orders or restock retail locations and distribution centers.

11. Supplier Relationships

Businesses that don’t give supplier relationships the attention they deserve could find themselves at a disadvantage. Suppliers are often on the front lines of supply chain challenges and can be valuable assets in early identification of potential risks and contingency planning. And when scarcities or disruptions occur, a business that has strong relationships with its suppliers may be the recipient of preferential treatment, as many suppliers will try to satisfy their most loyal and valuable customers’ needs first. Even when the supply chain is operating smoothly, a healthy relationship with suppliers can lead to discounts, better credit terms, priority deliveries and other benefits. This rapport can also help vendors gain a better understanding of their customers’ goals to foster collaboration and find effective strategies to reach those goals.

12. Supply Chain Fragmentation

Disjointed operations can hide inefficiencies and create delays as goods or information move through the supply chain. Supply chain fragmentation often occurs when businesses use multiple suppliers, manufacturers and/or distributors, especially when operations are spread across international boundaries. For example, a business may source materials from all over the globe before assembling them in an American factory, and syncing data across those organizations can be challenging. By enhancing collaboration and data sharing among separate teams, businesses can integrate siloed operations and increase visibility for stakeholders looking for areas to make improvements. This ultimately streamlines operations, reduces lead times and creates a more cost-effective and efficient supply chain.

13. Digital Transformation

Every year, companies implement new technologies to create a more effective supply chain, including automated data collection and internet of things (IoT) devices, which give real-time status updates as goods move through the supply chain. More than 99% of respondents to the 2022 Interos Annual Global Supply Chain Report said that “there were clear benefits to be gained by investing in software solutions for supply chain risk management.” But transforming the supply chain can present challenges, especially for larger companies replacing complex operations with new systems. Businesses should ensure that effective training programs are in place to prepare staff for new technology and procedures, because failure to do so could lead to a loss of institutional knowledge and experience as frustrated company veterans struggle to adapt. By striking the right balance between state-of-the-art technology and field-tested best practices, businesses can repeat past successes and prepare for future challenges.

14. Clearing Warehouses

Over time, warehouses can become cluttered with old, unsold inventory or encumbered by poor layout and management. This can lead to incorrect inventory counts and delayed order fulfillment as workers waste time finding items in a disorganized warehouse. In addition to general planning and cleaning procedures, modern businesses can meet these challenges through warehouse audits and implementing the right technology, such as automated sorting and picking robots, often as part of a larger WMS. By clearing warehouses of unsellable inventory and debris and implementing a regimented organization system, businesses can reduce lead times and ensure that customers and staff have access to up-to-date information on what’s in stock and how long it will take to fulfill and deliver orders.

15. Inflation and Labor Pressure

Larger economic trends, such as labor shortages and inflation, can present major challenges to supply chain operations. According to the American Trucking Associations, truck driver shortages reached record highs in 2021 and 2022, for example, impacting delivery times and shipping prices and causing a ripple effect throughout the supply chain. Labor shortages increase the need for employee retention and recruitment programs to prevent understaffed shifts and gaps in business continuity. Higher prices, like those caused by inflation, can affect the bottom line and put pressure on businesses to cut costs. Companies can turn these pressures into opportunities to streamline operations and implement leaner practices, such as finding cheaper suppliers or investing in productivity-enhancing equipment. Making lasting changes now can help businesses come out the other side of difficult economic periods with a stronger and more efficient supply chain.

Overcome Any Supply Chain Challenge With NetSuite

Modern supply chains have created unique challenges as they become more complex and far-reaching, and managers need more visibility than ever to meet these challenges. With NetSuite Supply Chain Management , businesses can identify risks to effectively plan contingencies and address weaknesses before they become major issues for customers. And with sophisticated demand forecasting and scenario planning, NetSuite gives businesses the tools they need to prepare for tomorrow’s supply chain obstacles.

NetSuite’s centralized solution allows businesses to effectively share data throughout the supply chain and maintain the open communication necessary to quickly adjust operations when new challenges arise. NetSuite’s cloud-based solution gives up-to-date reports with predictive analysis to inform decision-making at any time and from anywhere. Business leaders and supply chain managers can use NetSuite’s tools to reduce order fulfillment times, create a more efficient supply chain operation and ensure that customers’ demands are met on time and at the level of quality they expect.

Every business faces its own unique challenges. But as supply chains continue to go global, some challenges have become near-universal, and businesses must have plans in place to proactively address them. By creating open lines of communication, implementing new technology and tearing down siloed and fragmented processes, businesses can streamline their operations and create more resilient and agile supply chains. Companies with high supply chain visibility are better able to adapt to rapidly changing customer demand and pressures from external economic forces, such as labor shortages, inflation and even changing weather patterns. Identifying supply chain challenges and being prepared to meet them head-on are crucial steps to driving long-term success.

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Supply Chain Challenges FAQs

How can companies mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions?

Companies can mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions by conducting supply chain audits to find weaknesses and plan contingencies to reduce risks. Common contingency plans include diversifying suppliers, creating more sustainable operations and streamlining and integrating a fragmented supply chain.

What are some common logistics and transportation challenges in supply chain management?

Some common logistics and transportation challenges include inflation, higher freight costs and port congestion. Businesses can meet these challenges by focusing on finding areas to cut costs, investing in productivity-enhancing technology and diversifying shipping methods.

What are the main challenges in supply chain?

The main challenges in the supply chain typically stem from increasingly global and complex operations. These challenges include shipping delays and a lack of flexibility needed to keep up with changing markets and customer demand. By increasing visibility, businesses can create a more agile supply chain that can quickly respond to changes and risks, thus minimizing negative impacts and outperforming the competition.

What are the five primary challenges of supply chain management?

Five primary supply chain management problems are customer service, cost, risk management, maintaining supplier relationships and employee retention.

  • Customer service includes meeting customer expectations of speed and quality and adapting to changing demand.
  • Costs include procurement of materials, production and shipping and are a major factor in how a business prioritizes its supply chain improvements.
  • Risks can be internal, caused by inefficient processes, or external, stemming from partners or larger economic trends. Analysts can use data collected from multiple sources to help prioritize and manage the largest supply chain risks their companies face.
  • Maintaining supplier relationships can help businesses identify problems, such as material scarcity or upcoming international regulatory changes, early and pivot operations to mitigate damages.
  • Employee retention and labor pressure can cause understaffing and a loss of institutional knowledge. Businesses must strive to balance new investments with tried-and-true methods to maintain successes and gain a competitive edge.

Why is the supply chain struggling?

The supply chain is struggling due to increased complexity caused by globalization. As supply chains rely on more moving parts, especially those located internationally, there is a higher likelihood that problems will go unnoticed. Businesses can emphasize visibility and integration to overcome these struggles and create a more resilient supply chain.

What is causing supply chain issues in 2023?

Supply chains in 2023 are still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lingering impacts of global shutdowns, as well as large shifts in consumer spending. Additionally, wars and political unrest have added significant pressures on global supply chains. Inflation and labor pressures are also driving prices up and affecting productivity for supply chain operations.

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Today’s Supply-Chain Fluctuations Require Systemic Solutions

  • George Stalk, Jr.
  • Pierre Mercier

problem solving in supply chain management

These four strategies can give you a competitive edge.

The wild swings in supply and demand initially unleashed by the pandemic have wreaked havoc on supply chains. But there are actions that companies can take to mitigate the oscillations. They include: take steps to drastically reduce lead and response times, provide each link in the supply chain with better information, and adjust — rather than abandon — your just-in-time inventory management system, and resist point, rather than system, solutions.

Today’s supply chains are in turmoil — much of which is caused by the responses of participants in the supply chain to wild swings in demand. The loads on supply chains surge, experience a period of lesser load, and then surge again because the supply chain are systems. This is known as the “bullwhip effect.”

  • George Stalk, Jr. is a senior partner (retired) of the Boston Consulting Group and a BCG fellow. He is the author of Five Future Strategies You Need Right Now (Harvard Business Review Press, 2008).
  • Pierre Mercier is a London-based managing director and senior partner of the Boston Consulting Group and a leader in its Consumer and Operations practice areas. He is also a director of Wilko Digital and a trustee of the Aspen Institute in the United Kingdom.

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Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Supply Chain Teams: Finding Innovative Solutions to Challenges

Home » Blog » Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Supply Chain Teams: Finding Innovative Solutions to Challenges

  • Thomas Beil
  • February 29, 2024

problem solving in supply chain management

Explore the importance of enhancing problem-solving skills in supply chain teams and find innovative solutions for the complexities these teams continuously face!

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, supply chain teams face a myriad of challenges that require agile and innovative problem-solving. From unforeseen disruptions to ever-evolving customer demands, the ability to effectively address and resolve issues is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. In this article, we will explore the importance of enhancing problem-solving skills in supply chain teams and provide strategies for finding innovative solutions for the complexities faced in the modern supply chain.

The Significance of Effective Problem-Solving in the Supply Chain

Supply chains are complex networks that encompass various stakeholders, processes, and technologies. Despite meticulous planning, unexpected challenges can arise at any stage, impacting the entire chain. Efficient problem-solving is not just about fixing issues when they arise; it is also about proactive thinking to anticipate and prevent potential disruptions. Some key reasons why effective problem-solving is essential in the supply chain include:

  • Mitigating Disruptions: Timely and efficient problem-solving minimizes the impact of disruptions, ensuring that the supply chain continues to operate smoothly.
  • Cost Optimization: Problem-solving that addresses inefficiencies and bottlenecks helps optimize costs and resource allocation.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Rapid resolution of supply chain issues ensures that customers receive their orders on time, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Continuous Improvement: Emphasizing problem-solving fosters a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging teams to seek innovative solutions.

Strategies for Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

  • Foster a Collaborative Environment: Encourage open communication and collaboration among supply chain team members. Creating a safe space for sharing ideas and perspectives allows diverse insights to come together, leading to more robust problem-solving.
  • Emphasize Root Cause Analysis: Train teams to identify the root causes of problems rather than merely addressing the symptoms. Root cause analysis enables teams to tackle issues at their source, preventing recurring problems.
  • Promote Creative Thinking: Encourage out-of-the-box thinking and brainstorming sessions. Innovation often comes from unconventional ideas, and promoting creative thinking helps teams discover unique solutions to complex challenges.
  • Implement Problem-Solving Frameworks: Introduce problem-solving frameworks such as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle or Six Sigma methodologies. These frameworks provide structured approaches to problem-solving, ensuring teams follow a systematic process.
  • Utilize Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage data analytics and technology to make informed decisions. Data-driven insights provide a deeper understanding of supply chain dynamics and support evidence-based problem-solving.
  • Encourage Continuous Learning: Invest in training and development programs to equip supply chain teams with the latest problem-solving techniques and industry best practices. Continuous learning enhances the team’s capabilities and adaptability.
  • Conduct Post-Problem Analysis: After resolving a problem, conduct a post-problem analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. This analysis helps identify areas for improvement and provides valuable lessons for future challenges.
  • Seek External Perspectives: Engage external consultants or subject matter experts to bring fresh perspectives to complex supply chain issues. External viewpoints can shed light on blind spots and offer innovative insights.
  • Embrace Technology and Automation: Integrate technology and automation into problem-solving processes. Advanced supply chain management systems, AI-driven analytics, and predictive modeling can streamline decision-making and identify potential issues beforehand.
  • Reward and Recognize Problem-Solving Success: Acknowledge and celebrate successful problem-solving efforts within the supply chain team. Recognizing team members’ contributions motivates them to tackle future challenges with enthusiasm and dedication.

Enhancing problem-solving skills within supply chain teams is vital for driving success and maintaining a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic business landscape. By fostering a collaborative and innovative culture, promoting data-driven decision-making, and investing in continuous learning, supply chain leaders can equip their teams with the tools they need to tackle challenges head-on. Embracing problem-solving as a continuous process of improvement and learning empowers supply chain teams to find innovative solutions, optimize operations, and deliver exceptional value to customers and stakeholders. With a strong emphasis on problem-solving, supply chain teams can navigate complexities with confidence, ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services to meet the demands of the ever-changing market.

The Perfect Planner Team is here if you have any questions about Enhancing Problem Solving Skills in Supply Chain Teams, and we offer a free consultation service. If you would like to connect with us on this article or any other topic, please message us on LinkedIn, shoot us an email at [email protected], visit our website at, or give us a call at 423.458.2979.

Author: Thomas Beil

Publication Date: February 29, 2024

© Copyright 2024 Perfect Planner LLC. All rights reserved.

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Supply Chain Decisions: Skills and Best Practices

  • Written by Lyle Del Vecchio
  • 18 min read


The supply management decision-making process is complex. It involves many people across multiple teams. As companies seek people to look over supply chain management (SCM), they look for people with effective decision-making skills. This is even more important when it comes to managing a global supply chain.

Decision-making is important at all levels of the supply chain, so we’ll look at what those levels are, the importance of strong and effective decision-making at the strategic level, the skills you need, and the methodology you can use to make critical decisions efficiently.

Levels of Supply Chain Management Decisions

When it comes to supply chain management, there are three levels of operation.

The strategic level is the top level of supply chain management. Here, they are responsible for the long-term decisions and laying the groundwork for the entire process. Example decisions made at this level include deciding the products or services that the company will offer. It involves things like keeping track of customer feedback and current market trends.

The tactical level of supply chain management involves the short-term and medium-term decisions throughout the supply chain. The strategic level addresses the big picture and general decisions. This level starts defining the specific supply chain processes. This is an area where manufacturing processes are designed to ensure that your company can maintain a high-quality product or service for the lowest possible cost.


At the operational level, most of the work takes place. It’s the day-to-day actions, decisions, and planning that keep the supply chain moving. Many times, organizations fail to consider the strategic and tactical levels when making decisions at the operational level.

The Importance of Strategic Supply Chain Decision Making

Supply chain managers have to make difficult decisions, often fast, using real-time information. As such, it’s critical to have problem-solving skills that you can apply whenever you run into issues with your supply chain. That small manufacturing issue can grow into a much bigger problem if your business doesn’t have effective procedures in place.

It’s not just efficient and effective decision-making that matters. Companies today need to focus efforts on ethical sourcing , not just saving money wherever possible. Today’s consumers want to know that companies are doing their part to protect the environment and the people in it. And since brand reputation influences where people spend their money , it can make or break your brand.

Solid decision-making skills in supply chain management aren’t just about challenges in logistics and manufacturing. Changes in consumer perception and customer demand can also create issues with operation. A single viral social media post could spur a spike in demand for a product. As a supply chain manager, you have to determine how you can shift production schedules and rearrange your supply chain to meet the new demand. The same can be said if a viral social media post has the opposite effect, causing a deep drop in demand.

Critical Skills for Supply Chain Professionals

There are several key decision-making skills that any sooner supply chain professional should have to be successful. We include a list of 13 to help guide you along the decision-making process as a key stakeholder.

Identify Problems

The most successful supply chain pros spot potential problems before they become an issue. Because it’s not always possible to see every problem ahead of time, you need to also be able to spot problems as they happen, so you can quickly find and implement fixes.

Develop and Communicate Solutions

In addition to being able to develop solutions for problems that come up, you need to be able to effectively communicate any changes in supply chain operations to everyone involved. That could be informing and educating your team members about changes to the process, or communicating with outside suppliers in transportation, manufacturing, or warehousing. An aptitude for clear communication is essential.

Identify Trends and Opportunities

go to the dynamic nature of supply chains, you must keep your decision-making process and your leadership dynamic as well. Instead of waiting for challenging situations to present themselves, monitor Trends in Supply chain management to keep yourself up-to-date with current best practices. If you can find Opportunities to improve operations while creating plans to take advantage of those opportunities, your team can behave proactively which is always better than responding reactively.

Leverage Data and Technology

Data is your best friend. When you base your decision-making process on solid data, you’ll obviously be better equipped to make better choices, which gives you a competitive advantage . Staying aware of the latest software Innovations helps improve job performance and ensures that your supply chain runs like a well-oiled machine is always a good thing.

Source and Generate Data

Of course, if you don’t have good data, to begin with, you won’t be able to leverage it to your advantage. That’s why having a strong data collection and analysis system in place is also important. Use automation to collect data from inventory management systems across multiple distributions centers. Collect customer order data, raw materials order volume, etc.

Having the most accurate and current information is absolutely necessary for the problem-solving process, as it helps with forecasting and process optimization. It also ensures that you are able to effectively allocate your team resources in ways that will help you accomplish your goals.

Incorporate Regulatory and Legal Considerations

Many factors outside your operation, and many outside of your control, will affect your supply chain. Part of your job as a top professional is to keep yourself aware of both potential and actual changes to the regulatory and legal framework within each function of your supply chain. Your long-term goal must account for any potential and actual changes in regulations and laws so that your operations can adapt to them accordingly.

Get Ideas from Team Members and Initiate Actions

When used correctly, your team is a vital asset to your decision-making process. Gathering ideas for your team and then taking those ideas and turning them into actionable plans goes a long way to getting all team members on board with any operational changes. This is a high-level skill that your colleagues will appreciate.

Facilitate Collaboration from Outside Elements

All your internal team members are valuable, they aren’t the only piece of the puzzle. Your effective communication skills should go beyond your internal team and extends to collaborating with the filament service providers, manufacturers, freight carriers, and any other external element in your supply chain. People at all stages of the supply chain can be resources to help you with solving your problems and implementing your decision. Take advantage of your experience with your third-party partners to create a stronger, more robust, supply chain for your business.

Recognize Relative Importance and Prioritize

Unfortunately, supply chain management isn’t an area where you can focus on solving one problem at a time. Often, you’ll have more problems than you have time to solve. That’s why it’s so essential for you to have experience end determining the relative importance of all of your priorities. To be effective and successful, you have to assign a relative value to various competing factors. That requires expertise to juggle everything and a complex supply chain.


The most successful supply chain managers are those who can think on their feet. Quick-thinking is essential when problems come up because it may be the only way to avoid interruptions that cost time and money. Unpredictability is part of what makes your job exciting and challenging. The better you are at making decisions at the spur of the moment, the better you can use your staff efforts while also reaching your organizational goals.

Use Past Experience to Guide Future Decisions

Taking time to really assess performance looking at both your failures and your successes, helps to ensure that you have better-informed decisions in the future. It is after all the key advantage of experience. The better you’re able to draw from your past experience, the better you will be able to serve your team.

To prevent similar issues from coming up again, track your problems at every level of the supply chain including those that you can fix at the moment. The more data you track, the more metrics you can measure and assess as you go.

Know When to Adjust Course

Discernment can make or break you. You should always be willing to stand by a decision when you feel it’s the right one, even when others disagree with you. But, you should also be willing to recognize when you’ve made the wrong choice and be willing to take action to change course if it becomes necessary.

Build Contingencies

Has anything in life ever come to you in the way you expected? We often view success as a straight line, when in reality, it’s full of curves, and even some setbacks. Disruption is a fact that we cannot avoid, so it’s essential to account for the unknown. Every decision you make needs to include a backup plan in case a change in circumstances renders your original plan useless.

Strategic decisions are crucial in procurement, but any decision may need to be changed as circumstances change.

Decision-Making Frameworks and Tools

as you practice the skills we’ve listed, you can also use decision-making strategies and tools to help you weigh the pros and cons of each situation that you may find yourself in. These tools are designed to help you create processes for effective decision-making that you can apply in any applicable situation.

Rational Decision-Making Model

This is a simple 7-step process:

  • Identify the problem or opportunity
  • Identity possible solutions
  • Conduct a gap analysis
  • Gather data and explore alternative solutions
  • Analyze the possible outcomes
  • Choose the best solution for the situation at hand
  • Put your plan into action

This works best when dealing with advanced problems so that you can consider all options and ramifications.

Pareto Analysis

This is based on the Pareto principle which basically states that 20% of your clientele accounts for 80% of your profit. With a Pareto analysis , you apply the 80/20 rule to decision-making. This approach makes it easy for you to separate your important influences from the noise.

If you find that multiple factors have created a problem in the manufacturing sector of your supply chain, quantify the amount that each factor contributes to the issue. You’re most likely to find that 20% of the factors cause 80% of the problem. As a result, you can clarify your decision-making process so that you are focusing on the most important factors first.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  this analysis helps you to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, along with opportunities that may be worth pursuing, and threats you may come across along the way.

Create a chart with two columns and two rows. In the first square, list your company’s strengths. In the second, list weaknesses. On the bottom, list your opportunities and then the threats. Putting these factors down in a simple format allows you to quickly see pitfalls and opportunities that will help guide your problem-solving process.

Decision Tree

The decision tree is another visual mapping tool for decision-making. It can be helpful when it comes to predicting outcomes and weighing the pros and cons.

Right the situation on the top of a piece of paper. Draw branches to represent the factors that relate to the situation and the effects they caused. Each branch may lead to additional branches that represent other factors, decision points, or consequences. The results of your decision tree can help you see which path may be better to take.

PEST Analysis

In a PEST analysis, you’re looking at the political, economic, social, and technology factors that may influence your supply chain. This is a good visual tool to help you with decision-making because most Supply chains involve numerous external partners and cross multiple geopolitical borders. This tool is especially helpful when it comes to setting your long-term goals.

Experience is the world’s greatest resource, but the right tools can set you apart from the rest.

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How to Solve Your Supply Chain Challenges

The Blume Global Team

February 14, 2019

problem solving in supply chain management

The increasing complexity of international supply chains means that supply chain managers must use a combination of tools, techniques and approaches to meet everyday and long-term challenges. We’ve explored some of the main pressures and demands on the supply chain and in this post, we present some ways to help you manage your supply chain more effectively.

Manage and Drive Down Costs in the Supply Chain

Rising fuel, commodity and labor costs can drive up charges for organizations throughout the supply chain that ultimately get passed on to the end business. Supply chain managers need to understand and control cost challenges.

Visibility of Costs Through Accurate Budget Control and Reporting

Good cost control relies on transparency. All organizations in the supply chain should report on their costs and overheads in a common and centralized way to allow for accurate cost tracking and reporting. This reporting can be linked to financial metrics and provide early sight of cost leakage and other financial issues.

Robust Cost Controls Built Into Contracts and Service Level Agreements

Supply chains work best when everything is clearly defined. Make sure that all contract documents, statements of work and service level agreements (SLAs) make specific mention of costs and cost controls. Build a cost review process into sourcing, manufacturing, logistics and other operations with proper accountability both within third-party organizations and the supply chain team.

Blume Finance enables transparency and granular visibility for freight audit and pay with a smart contract repository, rating management and validation, machine learning-driven invoicing, cost accrual auditing and blockchain-enabled payment and settlement.

Optimize Inventory and Supply Chain Demands Across Multiple Channels

The number of ways that businesses and individuals can acquire goods has increased dramatically. Supply chain managers need oversight across every route to market with accurate demand planning. This will help you to maintain appropriate inventory levels, so channels don’t run out of products.

View All Marketplace Channels in One Place

Managing demand through a supply chain is difficult enough when you only need to look at a couple of distribution routes. Add in third-party marketplaces, ecommerce, wholesale or dropshipping and things become much more complex. Supply chain managers need transparent reporting that shows supply and demand planning across all channels. This allows you to react to demand changes quickly, so you can raise orders and reroute inventory before stock levels become an issue.

Use Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics to Identify and Model Sales Trends

Product demand is influenced by past trends, marketing promotions, competition, new products hitting the market and more. Supply chain managers should model likely future demands using predictive and prescriptive analytics , feeding in historic data, marketing plans, competitor activity and any other relevant information. This will help you plan ahead and order products before there’s undue pressure on inventory levels.

Blume optimizes assets, logistics and supply chains with AI- and ML-driven matching for assets and transportation legs. For LSPs that need to minimize empty container moves and manufacturers that need to streamline supply chain operations, Blume Optimization helps minimize costs, maximize capacity and improve agility.

Improve Quality and Speed in the Supply Chain

Supply chains can always become more efficient. Good supply chain managers will introduce continual improvement initiatives to maximize quality and eliminate bottlenecks and delays.

Introduce Internal Checkpoints and Quality Control

You need visibility of the quality and condition of raw materials, parts and finished products as they move through the supply chain. A combination of independent auditors, quality checkpoints and monitoring devices helps make sure that products are sourced and manufactured to your exact standards. These standards should be clearly documented in contracts, SLAs and other documentation.

Track the Movement of Goods Through the Supply Chain

IoT devices will track goods wherever they are in the world using GPS. This allows supply chain managers to identify the location of goods at any time and can prepare downstream organizations like manufacturers to prepare for receipt and processing.

Build a Continual Improvement Process Into the Supply Chain

Analysis of supply chain data is an excellent starting point for improvement initiatives. Managers can collect data on quality, speed, price or any other key metrics to reduce waste or drive up efficiencies. As you make improvements to supply chain processes, you can continue analyzing data to understand the real-world impact of changes and drive future improvements.

Blume Visibility removes dark areas and provides clear visibility across every move, mode and mile by tracking events, predicting ETA, flagging exceptions and facilitating proactive resolution of disruptions. Unparalleled network visibility and intelligent execution help improve supply chain performance, resilience and responsiveness.

Manage and Mitigate Risks and Issues in the Supply Chain

Risk is a natural part of the supply chain ecosystem. Complex international supply chains can be impacted by issues including:

  • Tariffs, fees and customs processing delays
  • Failure to meet regulatory or compliance demands
  • Port congestion and delays in storing or transporting products
  • Economic, environmental and political risks impacting the free flow of goods

These problems are too big for a single organization to resolve, so it’s essential that supply chain managers have the right visibility, tools and approaches to plan around and mitigate these risks.

Get Early Sight of Potential Supply Chain Issues

Risk management is another area where supply chain transparency is essential. Create “one source of the truth,” a centralized information repository where you collect data from throughout the supply chain. Use this repository to run reports, set thresholds and track metrics closely and identify potential problems before they become a big issue. Use AI and machine learning to query data, set a baseline and spot unusual patterns that might turn into showstoppers down the road.

Create Excellent Relationship Management Disciplines

Supply chains rely on strong relationships with suppliers, manufacturers, logistics and other third parties. Although the governance of that relationship will be captured in contracts and service level agreements, excellent day-to-day relationship management will increase goodwill and help you resolve issues. Clarity and communication through the supply chain will help supply chain managers and other organizations to collaborate more closely.

Plan for Contingencies and Mitigating Actions

Creating backup plans and mitigating actions is essential to a healthy supply chain. Build contingencies into the supply chain like backup suppliers and manufacturers, alternative logistics provisions, overflow storage solutions and similar business continuity planning. Prioritize risks to the supply chain in terms of likelihood and impact and plan for worst-case scenarios. Build mitigating action plans with proper accountability so you can respond to supply chain emergencies quickly.

Blume Logistics creates a robust network for logistics tendering, tracking, event capture, POD verification and settlement initiation. By connecting a global ecosystem of multi-modal carriers to manage every move, Blume Logistics unites carriers—from ocean to rail to long haul—with first- and last-mile drayage for real-time event and cost tracking.

Use the Right Supply Chain Software Platform

If you want to manage supply chain challenges effectively, you need the right tools. A centralized supply chain software platform that integrates with organizations throughout the supply chain gives you the visibility and approaches you need to reduce costs, remove risks and maximize efficiencies.

Blume Digital Platform will help you to:

  • Analyze your supply chain using customizable views, dashboards and KPIs
  • Track contract performance and manage complex transactions
  • Integrate with organizations throughout the supply chain for easier reporting and relationship management
  • Optimize logistics through better asset allocation and opportunities to match loads by time, distance and cost savings
  • Understand costs throughout the supply chain
  • Get end-to-end visibility throughout the supply chain ecosystem

Learn how the Blume Digital Platform uses data to connect trading partners in a collaborative supply chain ecosystem to drive real value and growth for customers worldwide. Our cloud-based platform is open and neutral, and its extensible architecture enables continuous innovation to forge the future of the global supply chain.


Supply Chain Basics

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  • Features Overview
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Supply chain optimization explained—with example

November 15, 2021 Anastasiya Malinovskaya

Supply chain optimization explained—with example

Creating and maintaining a result-oriented, efficient supply chain can be tricky since it brings together the procurement, production, transportation, sales, and financial sides of your business. This is where optimization can help.

In this article, we explore what ‘supply chain optimization‘ means, look at the typical supply chain management and optimization problems, and go through a practical example to learn how to solve those problems.

  • What is supply chain optimization?
  • Typical problems supply chain network optimization solves
  • Example: Facility location problem and production planning


Many definitions of supply chain optimization exist but all generally fall into two categories:

  • In the broad sense, the term refers to all kinds of processes that help improve supply chain performance and efficiency. It applies to managerial approaches, both quantitative and qualitative, that help make a supply chain more lean and agile, grow profit, and reduce costs.
  • The narrower meaning of supply chain optimization focuses on a mathematical problem-solving method. Also called supply chain network optimization , this is a quantitative approach for finding the best combination of facilities, warehouses, the flows between them, production resource allocation, and other elements under specific constraints. Such optimization can solve large-scale data-intensive problems and uses mixed-integer and linear programming solvers (such as IBM ILOG CPLEX®).

In this article, we will focus on the narrower term, because it is the one that usually causes the most confusion, and we will show you how to perform supply chain network optimization .

Network optimization, as a quantitative approach, combined with management-based qualitative methods (case study research, action research, etc.) helps solve various supply chain challenges. Managers typically divide those challenges into three levels:

  • Strategic issues include size and location of manufacturing plants or distribution centers, the structure of service networks, and supply chain design .
  • Tactical issues include production , transportation, and inventory planning while balancing supply and demand.
  • Operational issues address production scheduling and control, inventory control, and vehicle routing.

Optimization usually deals with the problems on the first two levels – strategic and tactical. Let us have a closer look at them.

Learn how a powerful supply chain planning tool can support your strategic and tactical decisions.


Supply chain design – Includes finding optimal locations for new facilities (distribution centers, warehouses, and plants), defining the flows between them, and balancing costs. An optimal supply chain design should be reliable, cost-efficient, and ready to deal with supply and demand uncertainty.

Master planning by period – Its goal is to align production, storage, and transport with demand fluctuations. When aligned, they help maximize a supply chain’s efficiency, cut costs, and increase profit.

Transportation – The objective is to transport products from one facility to another (from warehouses to customers, for example) while satisfying supply and demand and keeping the transportation costs at the lowest level.

Now let us see network optimization in action.


From the supply chain network optimization example below, you will learn to:

  • Find optimal locations for several distribution centers ( supply chain design problem ).
  • Plan production and analyze demand fulfillment for the main and by-products ( master planning and production planning problems ).

Linear and mixed-integer programming are commonly used methods for solving supply chain optimization challenges. While many companies use MS Excel to implement these methods, we would like to show a more efficient and easier way to solve the same supply chain problems in anyLogistix software.

Sunflower Oil Supply Chain Model Description

A company acquires sunflower oil factories in several countries and wants to merge its supply chains. These are zero-waste factories that produce sunflower husk and pressed cake as by-products. The by-products are then further processed into fuel and animal food.

A supply chain network design for the model consists of Suppliers (which transfer raw materials to factories), Factories , Distribtion centers (DCs), Ports (used to transfer products by sea), and Customers . The screenshots below show this network’s structure and on-map view.

Supply chain’s on-map view in anyLogistix supply chain optimization software

The supply chain’s on-map view (left) and its network’s structure (right) in anyLogistix supply chain optimization software (click to enlarge)

Main Characteristics of the Supply Chain Model

Distribution Centers, Factories, and Ports

  • In total there are 14 potential DCs but we set a constraint that the optimizatior must only select up to 7.
  • The maximum stock level and storage expenses differ for DCs, factories, and ports.
  • Factories also have maximum monthly throughput of refined and unrefined sunflower oil – 4,000 and 2,000 tons respectively.
  • Selling price and production cost differ for each product.
  • Tariffs (customs duties) are considered. They are calculated when importing or exporting a certain number of products.
  • By-products don’t have their own bills of materials (BOM) defined. But their production is set as a ratio of the main products and the by-products.

Production of the main and the by-products in the supply chain optimization model

Production of the main and the by-products in the supply chain optimization model

We have a demand forecast for the next three years . The demand

  • Is constant during the first year for all products;
  • Increases for oil by 30% in August and September during the second and the third years;
  • Decreases for pressed cake by 30% from April to October during the third year.

Demand also varies for each product. If demand fails to get fulfilled, penalties (or SLA violation fees) per product unit are charged.

  • anyLogistix software uses online GIS map providers to identify real roads between supply chain facilities.
  • Transportation costs are calculated according to distance travelled and transportation load .
  • We use two vehicle types : trucks and container ships.
  • Each vehicle type has certain capacity and speed values .

Why Do You Need Optimization in This Case?

The dilemma lies in the balance between demand and production for both the main products and by-products.

If we try to completely fulfill demand for the main products, we end up with too many by-products than required to meet demand and must therefore find storage for them, at a cost.

Supply chain demand fulfillment animation

After running the scenario, we see that the demand for oil is completely fulfilled, however, inventory carrying costs for husk are charged

Alternatively, the company can choose to reduce the production volume . In this case, factories only produce a certain amount to avoid expenses for storing unsold main products. Average demand is fulfilled this way but demand peaks are not. Eventually, the company will have to pay SLA penalties.

Production of the main and the by-products

After running the scenario, we see that while the average demand for oil is satisfied, the company fails to do that during demand fluctuations. As a result, SLA penalties are charged

Network optimization aims at finding the best configuration alternatives for our sunflower oil supply chain. While striving to reach the optimal balance between demand and production , it also considers our costs, penalties, and other constraints. For example, it takes into account the total amount of DCs that we can include in our network and the maximum throughput of the factories.

Statistics for the three supply chain optimization scenarios. Compare Inventory Carrying costs, Penalties, and Objectives

Statistics for the three supply chain optimization scenarios described earlier. Compare (Inventory) Carrying costs, Penalties, and Objectives (profit in US dollars)

Statistics for the three supply chain optimization scenarios. Compare Demand fulfillment (in %) and Penalties

Statistics for the three supply chain optimization scenarios described earlier. Compare Demand fulfillment (in %) and Penalties

Supply Chain Optimization Results

Running the network optimization experiment for the sunflower oil supply chain model in anyLogistix, provides several network configurations with detailed statistics.

For example, the statistics show that during the first modeled year, the demand for sunflower oil was completely satisfied, while for the by-products, it was only partially satisfied. Therefore, no penalties are charged for oil, as you can see in the table below.

The demand for sunflower oil was completely satisfied, while for the by-products, it was only partially satisfied

During the first modeled year, the demand for sunflower oil was completely satisfied, while for the by-products, it was only partially satisfied

Producing additional batches to completely satisfy demand for the by-products would have created an excess of the main product. This, in turn, would result in extra storage costs and decrease supply chain operation profits.

The result of this supply chain optimization example is a three-year production plan that was calculated considering all constraints. This optimization example can be adapted and applied to your real supply chain tasks.

Together we have explored what supply chain optimization means and the problems it solves. Now what?

To start, download the the sunflower oil example and import it in anyLogistix Studio Edition (File → Import → Import Scenario from File or follow the guide ). Then explore the network structure, and examine the tables to see all the settings and parameters for the supply chain. Finally, you can run the optimization experiment in anyLogistix and analyze the results yourself.

If you don’t have anyLogistix Studio, we recommend you watch these short videos on related supply chain optimization topics and try the corresponding examples yourself in anyLogistix PLE for free .

Supply chain master planning

Learn how to organize a two-tier network and estimate the amount of product a cheese plant should produce each month.

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See the example’s description in anyLogistix Documentation

Global network optimization

Discover how to organize a multi-tier network. The goal of this example is to find the best configuration of DCs while considering transportation, initial, carrying costs, and the list of locations where a company could build warehouses.

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Effective Logistics Problem Solving

iiseise,ogistics is a crucial aspect of efficient supply chain management. It encompasses the procurement and movement of materials, scheduling of personnel, and organization of manufacturing processes. These processes work together to convert inputs into finished goods that meet customer demand and generate revenue. Logistics, procurement, and supply chain professionals  must assure that all logistics and supply chain activities add value to customer and stakeholder portfolios:

The value must be the driving force of all activities an organization undertakes.  According to various experts, value has three characteristics.

  • A physical transformation takes place, such as the conversion of raw materials to finished goods
  • We perform all logistics and supply chain activities correctly the first time.
  • The end-user or customer is willing to pay for these goods or services.

Through a careful analysis of an organization’s value-creating and value-enabling activities, we can uncover numerous problems and inefficiencies. These may include defects, inventory build-ups, customer dissatisfaction, errors, cost overruns, and process waste. The list goes on, highlighting the importance of identifying and addressing these issues to improve overall performance.

Logistics and Supply Chain Professionals must be proficient in Business Problem Solving. Two very powerful problem-solving methodologies are the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) and PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Models.

The Define Phase

The Define Phase of the DMAIC process can be described in simple terms as such: “To have the team and its sponsor reach agreement on the scope, goals, and financial and performance targets for the project” (George, Maxey, Price, & Rowlands, 2005, p. 4).

The Measure Phase

The Measure Phase of the DMAIC Model is responsible for establishing the current state performance of a process. Verification should be done through a process of value stream mapping and capability measures. Identify and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and current process capabilities to depict the current state of performance.

Analyze Phase

Leverage the Analyze Phase of logistics problem-solving to understand the root causes of deviation from customer requirements and specifications.

Improve Phase

Likewise, in the Improve phase of the DMAIC problem-solving model, we verify critical outputs, design process improvements, and pilot new processes. Resulting outputs include newly defined KPIs, action plans for improvement, future state process maps, control plans, and associated new documentation. (Goetsch, 2013). The PDCA model can be leveraged in the Improve phase, where effective solutions are the plan, deployed, checked or verified.

Control Phase

The Control Phase focuses on ensuring that the improved processes continue to work well, produce desired outcomes, and maintain agreed-upon quality levels.  Standardization, Change Management, Response, and Counter Measure Management are crucial to this phase

Indeed, effective problem-solving is more than just a mindset or philosophy. It’s a powerful assembly of tools and know-how that no supply chain or logistics professional can function or lead without.

Effective logistics problem-solving requires a thorough understanding of the industry and the ability to address challenges that may arise.

Furthermore, as highlighted in  “ Qualified to Handle Your Company’s Logistics? Think Again! ” companies need to ensure that their logistics professionals possess the necessary skills and knowledge to handle the complexities of the job. With the right training and support, logistics professionals can identify and address issues in a timely and effective manner. Moreover, this will ensure that operations run smoothly and efficiently. By investing in the development of logistics professionals, companies can achieve significant cost savings and improve customer satisfaction.

NLPA Learning : Looking for authoritative procurement templates, tools, webinars, and more? Stop trying to create resources from scratch and start taking advantage of having exactly what you need right at your fingertips in NLPA Learning .

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To read this content please select one of the options below:

Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, supply chain management skills to sense and seize opportunities.

The International Journal of Logistics Management

ISSN : 0957-4093

Article publication date: 8 May 2017

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the supply chain management (SCM) skills that support the sensing and seizing of opportunities in a changing business environment.


Based on the previous literature on the T-shaped model of SCM skills, data were collected through a mail survey among Australian business executives. The resultant skill sets are grouped along factors that support the sensing vs seizing of opportunities.

Interestingly from an SCM perspective, functional logistics-related skills are important to maintain competitiveness but are not the ones contributing to a firm’s ability to sense opportunities and threats, and to seize opportunities in a changing business environment. The authors, therefore, support the notion that supply chain managers should be managers first. Factual SCM knowledge is the solid basis, but otherwise only an entry requirement in this field.

Research limitations/implications

Problem-solving skills, along with forecasting and customer/supplier relationship management, stand out as important components that support the ability of supply chain managers to sense and shape opportunities and threats in a turbulent business environment. This focus would tend to suggest the importance of supply chain integration and collaboration as management approaches. Other SCM skills from warehousing and inventory management to transportation and purchasing are more prevalent for maintaining competitiveness.

Practical implications

The results of the survey and the consequential analysis indicate that the content of tertiary-level educational programmes should be significantly reviewed to deliver two distinct (but partially overlapping) streams that focus on the generalist and functionalist managers who must work together in the management of the increasingly global and complex supply chains.

Social implications

Functional skills often form the basis of training and education programmes for supply chain managers. Whilst these form the solid foundation for their jobs, they are entry requirements at best. In a changing business environment, other skills are needed for success. Given that turbulence is becoming the norm rather than the exception, this finding necessitates rethinking in training and education programmes, as well as in the recruitment of supply chain managers.


Testing the T-shaped model of SCM skills from a dynamic capabilities perspective, the results of the factor analysis lead to a regrouping of skill sets in terms of sensing and seizing opportunities in a turbulent business environment.

  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Supply chain agility
  • Supply chain management skills
  • Business turbulence
  • Business volatility
  • Sense and respond

Tatham, P. , Wu, Y. , Kovács, G. and Butcher, T. (2017), "Supply chain management skills to sense and seize opportunities", The International Journal of Logistics Management , Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 266-289.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited

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Solving Inventory Management Problems through Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Published: 10 December 2022
  • Volume 31 , pages 677–689, ( 2022 )

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problem solving in supply chain management

  • Qinghao Wang 1 , 3 ,
  • Yijie Peng 1 , 2 &
  • Yaodong Yang 1  

745 Accesses

5 Citations

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Inventory management (e.g. lost sales) is a central problem in supply chain management. Lost sales inventory systems with lead times and complex cost function are notoriously hard to optimize. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods can learn optimal decisions based on trails and errors from the environment due to its powerful complex function representation capability and has recently shown remarkable successes in solving challenging sequential decision-making problems. This paper studies typical lost sales and multi-echelon inventory systems. We first formulate inventory management problem as a Markov Decision Process by taking into account ordering cost, holding cost, fixed cost and lost-sales cost and then develop a solution framework DDLS based on Double deep Q-networks (DQN).

In the lost-sales scenario, numerical experiments demonstrate that increasing fixed ordering cost distorts the ordering behavior, while our DQN solutions with improved state space are flexible in the face of different cost parameter settings, which traditional heuristics find challenging to handle. We then study the effectiveness of our approach in multi-echelon scenarios. Empirical results demonstrate that parameter sharing can significantly improve the performance of DRL. As a form of information sharing, parameter sharing among multi-echelon suppliers promotes the collaboration of agents and improves the decision-making efficiency. Our research further demonstrates the potential of DRL in solving complex inventory management problems.

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Data availability.

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

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This work has been supported in part by (i) the National Natural Science Foundation of China, under grant Nos. 72022001, 92146003, and 71901003; (ii) CAAI-Huawei MindSpore, CCF-Tencent Open Research Fund.

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Authors and affiliations.

Center for Multi-Agent Research, Institute for AI, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

Qinghao Wang, Yijie Peng & Yaodong Yang

Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

Qinghao Wang

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Correspondence to Yijie Peng or Yaodong Yang .

Additional information

Qinghao Wang is a PhD student in the College of Engineering, at Peking University, Bejing, China. His research interests include multi-agent systems, deep reinforcement learning and game theory.

Yijie Peng is an associate professor in Guanghua School of Management, with affiliate faculty appointments in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and National Institute of Health Data Science, all at Peking University. He got his PhD degree in management science from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, and B.S degree in mathematics from Wuhan University in China. His research interests include stochastic modeling and analysis, simulation optimization, machine learning, data analysis, and healthcare. He received Excellent Young Scholar Grant from NSFC, and was awarded INFORMS Outstanding Simulation Publication Award in 2019. He is a member of INFORMS and IEEE, and serves as an Associate Editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research and the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society.

Yaodong Yang is a machine learning researcher with ten-year working experience in both academia and industry. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Institute for AI, Peking University. His research is about reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems. He has maintained a track record of more than sixty publications at top conferences (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, etc) and top journals (Artificial Intelligence, National Science Review, etc), along with the best system paper award at CoRL 2020 and the best blue-sky paper award at AAMAS 2021. Before joining Peking University, he was an assistant professor at King’s College London. Before KCL, he was a principal research scientist at Huawei U.K. Before Huawei, he was a senior research manager at American International Group. He holds a Ph.D. degree from University College London, an M.Sc. degree from Imperial College London and a Bachelor degree from University of Science and Technology of China.

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About this article

Wang, Q., Peng, Y. & Yang, Y. Solving Inventory Management Problems through Deep Reinforcement Learning. J. Syst. Sci. Syst. Eng. 31 , 677–689 (2022).

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Published : 10 December 2022

Issue Date : December 2022


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Focus on your processes, data, organizational design and desired outcomes, not the algorithms.

What’s required now, is real-time “always on” supply chain planning and execution capabilities that eliminate the information lead times between unplanned shifts in consumer demand or supply capability.

The big joke among us mathematicians in today’s competitive landscape is that “We market around AI, recruit around ML, and apply regression when problem solving!”

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Supply Chain Management

In reality, regression still makes up a big part of our analytical activities. Further, we still apply quite a mix of mathematical approaches to solve for real world problems in our supply networks including:

  • Rule-based engines to make decisions around alternate sourcing or substitute parts
  • Heuristics for use in supply/demand netting
  • Algorithms for use in optimizing to objectives like revenue, cost, or profit
  • Now expanding into machine learning, which we can apply when extending the data model to include new vectors such as weather and traffic patterns
  • Finally, deep learning for true pattern recognition

Let’s think about what is really happening in our supply network. The ecosystem is rewarded when an end consumer purchases a product or service. Let’s call this time zero or the “moment of truth”. Now let’s travel backward in time from this moment of truth through our supply network – hours prior to purchase, days, weeks, and months.

Requirements of Effective Use of AI and ML in Supply Chain Management

Yesterday’s systems will certainly enable monthly, weekly, or even daily planning and execution but this is no longer enough. Real-time “always on” planning and execution capabilities that eliminate the information lead times between unplanned shifts in consumer demand or supply capability are required.

This demand driven value network enables a single version of the truth across the network of trading partners and becomes the foundation that autonomous agents rely on to get the job done. Every hour of information latency which is removed from the network can result in significant increases in customer satisfaction, sales, inventory improvements, and working capital reductions. The platform must enable incremental improvements to plans and schedules focused on problem areas which weren’t possible in the past, since it required a replan of an entire network to make changes.

So how do we make it all happen? Well, we’ve heard it before – it’s all about the data. In the past, companies have struggled with the notion of applying autonomous agents across supply chain networks. The general consensus has been this is due to the black box nature of the algorithms and the lack of high-quality data across network trading partners, along with the human bias contained in some of the available data.

Looking deeper, we find that this data problem has been somewhat self-inflicted. While our desire has evolved to running a collaborative partner-based ecosystem across our trading network, we have unfortunately been trying to do this by extending our enterprise-centric view of the world. Full collaboration across the partner ecosystem requires a data infrastructure which flows seamlessly from planning to execution both within the enterprise as well as across all network tiers, vertically and horizontally. In addition, planning and execution workflows must support multiparty transaction processing, given that no company is an island in today’s supply network ecosystem.

One Network’s platform representation includes all customers, channels, logistics, manufacturers, co-manufacturers, suppliers, 3PL’s and more – basically all trading partners across the supply network ecosystem. Further, data cross-referencing is supported along with capabilities like available-to-promise (ATP) and attribute-based search on a global basis. Data exists only once on the network through a federated master data management (MDM) framework. Onboarding to the network is a straightforward process and mostly self-service for carriers and suppliers. Access to data and transactions for all network participants is governed by a patented permission framework administered by the owner of the data, whether it be master data, meta data, or transactional data. This then solves the data problem.

Applying AI and ML in Supply Chain Management

Delivering Targeted Outcomes. Now the question becomes how best to apply the right mathematical approaches for problem solving and delivering on targeted outcomes, such as highest customer service levels at the least landed cost. Let’s think about all the decision options represented in the 3-dimensional solution space above. In it, the higher the elevation, the more optimal the solution. How does this relate to the decisions carried out every day in a typical corporation? We can use a real case study from One Network to explain.

CPG Case Study. A large CPG manufacturer was meeting service level needs by carrying 65 days of supply, which is typical of most large CPGs. They also relied on the typical static lead times for both orders and logistics that are part of an ERP deployment, along with significant information latency among trading partners, given everyone wants to run a local optimization prior to passing new data/information to the next node. In this typical network, there are 21 competing optimizations running from end consumer upstream through the supply base! As a result, promotional in store/in stock was only running at 80% and with 40% of revenues being driven through promotions, the opportunity for improvement was tremendous.

On the bottom left of our solution space above, we find the typical planner/scheduler/expediter doing their job as they have been trained to do, using whatever planning and execution systems they have available. As problems occur in the network, whether they are planning problems that are solved prior to material being in motion across the network, or execution problems once material is in motion related to an order, they solve those problems using excess inventory, lead time, expediting, and capacity, resulting in poor service levels, out-of-stocks (OOS), etc. Yet given the limitations of their processes and systems, everyone feels they are doing a good job, or at least doing what they were trained to do based on tribal knowledge.

What if we wanted to solve for problems and achieve a better solution represented by a higher point on the solution landscape? That is represented by the journey where the planner/scheduler/expediter executes a series of decisions by leveraging AI which brings them to a high point in the solution space. In our CPG example, this higher point represents 99% promotional in stock, thus achieving significant value as compared to the prior 80%. And this was achieved while also lowering inventory from 65 days to 25 days and reducing the number of planners from 13 to 6. A true high point in the potential solution space, rather than the legacy solution represented by the bottom left – which was still a viable solution, but certainly in no way optimal for the business.

These decisions, which take you to a higher point in the solution space, are supported and enabled by One Network’s advanced NEO Workbenches where you can evaluate the projected outcome based on decisions you take, thus removing the “black box” nature of AI-enabled decision making. Once you are comfortable with the decision outcomes generated by the Workbenches, you can then take the next step and set your KPI guardrails for autonomous decision making — and thus enable high value robotic process automation (RPA) which is far superior to some of the trivial applications that we have seen in the market.

Taking your RPA a step further, similar to grand master in chess, NEO will recognize decision patterns that continually result in higher points on the solution space above. NEO will remember the conditions and situations – vectors – when certain decisions were made that led to improved outcomes – all contextual and temporal in nature, based on the real time state of the underlying multi-tier, multiparty supply chain network. These patterns can then be laid into your decision making as future RPA, and can be designed incrementally if desired, as part of a Workbench for sequenced decision making.

Correlation-based and Causal-based AI/ML. Let’s dig further into AI decision making and specifically machine learning (ML). ML usage has been somewhat centered on correlation-based outcomes and can help us understand how features relate to outputs – which has given us significant advancements in areas like forecast accuracy. However, predictive analytics from a supply chain network perspective tend to be more causal in nature. Using ML to understand cause-and-effect in complex systems can drive significant improvements, as in our CPG case study.

The potential applications of ML in supply networks are broad in that you can:

  • Evaluate supply network resiliency and continuity strategies from a planning perspective,
  • Compare different inventory policies at multiple tiers within your supply network as they relate to cost, capacity, and customer service levels,
  • Decide which course of action to take in making sure a projected late order arrives on time in the coming days or even hours,
  • And much more.

Of course, the RPA overlay discussed in the example above generates a whole new level of AI based capability in terms of understanding causal-based decision patterns which lead to much higher levels of performance. This capability will drive a complete rethinking of organizational structures moving forward related to planning, scheduling, and execution, given that tech enablement drives more powerful roles with real time decision capability across the trading network.

Within the NEO platform your team will have the ability to run full “what if” analyses across the entire network that are both correlation and causation based. And any of you thinking that a digital twin is a different layer in your solution space as compared to your supply chain network platform….it isn’t. You get your causal digital twin as an extension of your real time and demand-driven supply chain network solution, that is both multi-tier and multiparty. The network is fully IoT-enabled from just about every data feed known to mankind…or has the canonical/API to accept the feed.

In one of my previous papers, I discuss the fact that planning and execution are not two different things. The temporal nature of decision making, whether it is in the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) realm 6 to 12 months out, or in the Sales and Operations Execution (S&OE) realm happening in the next few days or hours, are comprehended by this framework. Predictive analytics are temporal and spatial as well as contextual. The fact that the supply chain network in NEO has full physical and logical asset representation from the end consumer up through the tier-2 supplier is key. This provides both the spatial and temporal infrastructure required for causal-based predictive analytics. For example, your IoT inputs are time series in nature. Your causality is going to be both real time and lagged projected forward.

This entire line of thought that I’m presenting in this paper hasn’t really been investigated in the past from a supply chain network perspective. The reason is that we have been caught in the static world of ERP hub-and-spoke architecture and thus weren’t able to take advantage of a more dynamic environment or workflow. Now with One Network’s NEO, we suddenly have a dynamic, real time, demand driven network-based platform architecture that is a combination of algorithmic and human/collaborative interaction for decision making.

Dramatic Results with AI/ML. In the case study discussed earlier, the AI-enabled NEO platform delivers on both correlation and causal based AI/ML to drive decision making higher in the solution space, both interactive and autonomous. The result is higher performance in your supply network than can be achieved with competing solutions. “What-if” capabilities in terms of causal-based decision making are provided through interactive Workbenches with projected results displayed through permission-based dashboards and available for full trading partner collaboration across the network.

The results speak for themselves with higher levels of customer service, least landed cost, lower inventory levels, decreased expediting costs, operational improvements, increased production levels, and decreased labor costs through tech-enabled role consolidation.

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problem solving in supply chain management


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