20 Key Qualities of a Good Employee & How to Test Them

Post Author - Elena Prokopets

Ask 10 different managers about the defining qualities of a good employee, and you’ll probably get 10 different answers. That’s because what ultimately defines the “right fit” can mean different things across different roles, companies, and industries.

Many businesses, however, are looking for some common traits in their employees. Whether you’re hiring a manager , developer, or entry-level assistant, here are the essential soft skills and personality attributes any good employee should have. 

TL;DR — Key Takeaways

What makes a good employee can vary greatly according to the type of role, company, culture, etc. Generally, a good employee possesses a mix of job-specific hard skills, soft skills, and certain personality attributes.  

Qualities are innate characteristics or traits a person has. Skills are acquired through training or work experience. Both are important screening criteria. 

Some of the key qualities of a good employee include strong communication and teamwork skills, a high degree of self-awareness, humility, integrity, confidence, and dedication. In total, we identified 20 top qualities.

Using skills assessment tests during the hiring process can help quickly identify candidates with preferred skill sets and traits through a mix of data-backed assessments and homework assignments. 

What makes a great employee?

While there’s no single definition of a great employee, there are some key qualities that employers prioritize. Combined with the necessary hard skills required to perform the role, attributes like integrity, reliability, analytical thinking, and being a team player are the most essential qualities of a good employee.

Many job-specific and technical skills can be cultivated with professional development — but certain qualities help employees build up their acumen faster, no matter the sector or role. McKinsey calls these ‘ foundational skills ‘ — cognitive, digital, interpersonal, and self-leadership abilities that help employees develop specialized skills. McKinsey  

People with strong foundational skills (which people are calling power skills now) show greater adaptability to change, bring in a fresh perspective, and can succeed in a wider range of roles. Research also shows that traits like high emotional intelligence are essential to great management and serve as a strong predictor of employee performance .

So the next time you hire employees , think about both the skills and qualities they need to possess to perform well on the job. List these qualities alongside preferred technical-focused skills to attract better matches that will perform well on the job and fit into your company culture.

Qualities vs. skills

A quality is an innate characteristic or personality trait you have. A skill is a learned ability you develop through training or work experience .

For example, Layla has strong oral communication skills she developed as a debate captain in college and later as a sales rep for a cosmetics brand. She’s also funny and considerate, so people are naturally drawn to her. Layla’s confident speaking and active listening are skills, while a good sense of humor and empathy are her personality traits or qualities. 

In the recruitment process, most managers want to hire employees with both strong soft skills and unique personal qualities, so the two terms are used interchangeably. The best part? You can vet job applicants’ soft and hard skills, plus personality traits, with different pre-employment testing methods .

20 key qualities of a good employee

The majority of hiring managers (84%) agree that new employees must have strong soft skills and demonstrate them in the hiring process. What are those soft skills and good qualities, though? Here are 20 ideal qualities of a good employee who’ll be a great asset to any team.

1. Communication

Being able to effectively listen, speak, and write with clarity goes a long way toward doing great work consistently and contributing to a good work environment. Apart from doing their work well, effective communicators also tend to be better team players and demonstrate higher leadership potential. 

Why it’s important

A great employee with excellent communication skills conveys their thoughts well, has great listening skills, can reach a common ground easily, and understands others’ points of view.  People who are great communicators are also statistically more likely to excel in management and personal efficiency and be engaged in the workplace . 

Generally, when the workplace culture promotes a high degree of transparency and openness, it leads to mutual trust. And high-trust organizations experience fewer issues with employee engagement and high turnover.

Trusting employees are 260% more motivated to work, have 41% lower rates of absenteeism, and are 50% less likely to look for another job.  Deloitte

How to assess employees for communication skills

In the initial stages of the hiring process, assess how well the potential hire formulates their thoughts and explains their previous experience in their application and emails. 

For a deeper take, administer a pre-screening communication skills test featuring questions to assess the applicant’s communication style, active listening abilities, and verbal communication skills.

A great free text question to test communication skills might be, “Tell me about a conflict with a team member you had in the workplace. How did you solve it?” Or, you could ask them, “You need to explain a complicated issue to a co-worker. How do you go about it?”

qualities of a good employee essay

2. Teamwork

Effective teamwork includes qualities like active listening, accountability, empathy, adaptability, and consensus-building. A team player knows how to multiply their unique strengths with the abilities of others. They can communicate well, cooperate on shared tasks, and support others by their side to achieve a shared goal faster. 

Being a team player is important for 37% of employees , and 97% of employers believe that a lack of alignment influences the chances of success for a project.

Team players are also able to work in groups to boost internal efficiency. Groups of three to five individuals outperform individuals on complex tasks by processing information more effectively, generating fresh ideas, rejecting erroneous responses, and finding the correct solution.

How to assess employees for teamwork

Teamwork skills shine through during collaboration. So the best way to assess these are practical job simulations like: 

In-basket/in-tray exercises

Role-playing simulation

Open-ended homework assignments

Situational judgment test 

In each case, give candidates a mock situation they may experience at the job. For example, ask them to explain how they’d brief a designer about creating a new product interface or organize a three-person sales team to prepare a new sales demo for a client.

Top tips to enlarge those brains

Explain the purpose of such tests. A recent study found that candidates perceive different job assessments as more fair when the managers explain how these match the job requirements. Doing so helps reduce candidate drop-off rates at the early stage of your recruitment funnel and promotes a better candidate experience . 

3. Reliability

Reliable employees are consistent and dependable. They do exactly what they say they’ll do and never bail on an important deadline, task, or other commitment.

Reliability in this sense is also related to time management, as a reliable employee manages their time well, making them more efficient and a better investment when hiring. Time is money, and frankly, the more a (reliable) employee can do within 8 working hours, the better your return on investment.

On average, an unplanned absence causes a 36.6% dip in productivity. So, you don’t want people on your team who disappear for vague “personal reasons” or clock off when the rest of the team is struggling to complete a project.

Instead, you want a great employee who is reliable, meaning they excel both in personal time management by completing tasks on time and doing their part in shared work. This kind of ideal employee also requires less supervision, allowing managers to focus on proactive mentoring rather than helicopter management.

How to assess employees for reliability

The best way to assess reliability is by assessing the person’s “proxy” qualities like integrity, time management, and overall motivation.

When conducting a structured interview , try to understand how the person performed in their past job. To get the most honest responses, ask indirect questions like:

Share an example of when you made a mistake in the workplace and owned up to it.

Have you ever done something against company policy? If so, explain why.

Have you ever failed to meet your employer’s expectations, and why do you think this happened?

You can also evaluate the person’s reliability by testing their time management skills with a short pre-assessment employment test . Ask questions about their ability to set and achieve goals, meet deadlines, and prioritize tasks.

qualities of a good employee essay

4. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a collection of cognitive abilities that help you assess and synthesize information, build logical arguments, and make sound judgments.

Instead of taking information for as-in, you can mentally check it for inconsistencies, fallacies, and conscious and unconscious bias . It makes up the bulk of a good worker’s problem-solving, decision-making, and analytical skills — which are required for success in almost every role. 

The World Economic Forum ranked analytical and creative thinking as the top core skills for employees to have. However, 39% of employers named critical thinking as the most lacking quality among candidates, according to a 2023 survey by ZipRecruiter .

What makes this so important on the list of good qualities of a standout employee is that individuals with reflective thinking abilities, also called “ metacognition skills , ” are highly intentional with their thoughts and can effectively regulate them (i.e., not allow personal life matters to affect their performance).

Moreover, they can employ more diverse thinking strategies to identify problems, analyze industry trends, or prioritize strategic action without resorting to irrational “gut” feelings. Overall, potential hires with strong critical thinking skills are also easier to train, and they often end up showing higher leadership potential.

How to assess employees for critical thinking

To identify applicants with high critical thinking skills, you can administer short problem-solving skills tests designed to test either their general cognitive abilities or logical reasoning. Such tests work great for entry-level roles when you’re looking for good employees to nurture. 

For more senior roles, consider giving out a homework assignment or case study specific to the role. For example, you may ask a product manager to explain: 

💬 “How will you generate 10k new monthly customers in 6 months? You have a budget of $100k and the ability to bring 5 people on the team. You can also choose between launching a new product feature or scaling an existing one.”

Other effective ways to test critical thinking skills include mock case studies, technical interviews, or group role-playing. 

qualities of a good employee essay

An honest employee is transparent, sincere, and straightforward. They’re forthcoming in their communication and refrain from drama or office politics. They’re also more likely to develop positive relationships with other employees and contribute to a more positive work environment.  

Honesty defines good employees as it fosters trust, integrity, and open communication within the workplace. It ensures transparency, ethical behavior, and accountability, laying the foundation for a strong and successful team.

However, before you engrave “radical candor” into your corporate culture manifesto, check if the current environment is conducive to consistent honesty.

Are your managers open to hearing contrarian opinions and constructive criticism? Do you provide sufficient psychological safety to allow people to freely express their thoughts and feelings without any fear of judgment or repercussions? The best employees will look for this when interviewing.

How to assess employees for honesty

Honesty is a tough characteristic to measure, as people like to exaggerate their achievements or overstate the length of employment. You can weed out such applicants by asking for references and casually chatting up their former colleagues or superiors on LinkedIn. 

Inconsistencies in job history or experience levels are also easy to notice during interviews, especially if you ask repetitive questions like “How long have you been with company X?” and then rephrase it as “So you have X years of experience in the said industry?”

100 Soft Skills Assessment and Interview Questions

6. Integrity

A good employee with strong integrity abides by their personal core values and always acts with ethical considerations in mind. They tend to avoid “gray zones” or risky moves that may involve slight rule-bending, even if this could cast them in a better light. 

A third of business leaders say behaving with ethical standards is an important characteristic of integrity, while half (50%) name compliance with laws, regulations, and codes of conduct as an important characteristic.

Fundamentally, integrity assumes both compliance with the organizational core values and operating principles, plus an internal drive to do the right thing when pressed with an ethical dilemma.

Apart from hiring people with strong moral principles, ensure new employees get debriefed on how your company makes decisions, practices ethical behaviors, and promotes transparency. This will help foster a culture of trust and honesty and lead to optimistic workers who deliver high-quality work.

How to assess employees for integrity

Aside from checking references, here are some questions you can ask potential employees:

Share an example of when you stood up for your beliefs in the workplace.

Tell us of an instance when you took the lead by setting an example for others.

Have you ever had to lie in your previous position? If yes, why did you do it?

Imagine you have accidentally gained access to sensitive corporate information. How would you handle the situation? 

If you’ve found that your colleague has been acting unethically, what would you do?

Experts agree that testing for integrity is really difficult , so take a look at previous work history and do a background check if you have doubts. 

7. Self-awareness

Self-aware people have a good grasp of their strengths, weaknesses, motivations, emotions, and general behaviors. They know how their perceptions and actions can affect others and can easily moderate their behavior in different social contexts. 

Self-awareness, along with empathy and social skills, make up emotional intelligence (EQ) — one of the best qualities of a good employee.

qualities of a good employee essay

Self-aware people tend to be better communicators and stronger team players. A high level of self-awareness also leads to a better ability to handle conflict, meaning they avoid confrontation when their emotions run high and approach the matter later from a clear-headed place.

The Center for Creative Leadership found that 75% of careers get derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, like the inability to handle interpersonal problems, unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or conflict, or the inability to adapt to change or elicit trust.

How to assess employees for self-awareness

Emotional intelligence tests have become popular. Many, however, lack scientific validity or don’t cover workplace behaviors, so it may be better to use soft skills assessments instead. 

You can also pre-screen candidates for self-awareness or emotional maturity by asking questions like “How do you typically cope with stress and performance anxiety?” or even “What was some negative feedback you’ve received? How did you react, and what have you learned from it?”

Emotional Intelligence Test: EQ Test & Better Alternatives

8. Detail-oriented

Being detail-oriented means having a knack for spotting the tiny but oh-so-important details that others might miss. Detail-oriented workers are thorough, precise, and accurate in their work. They require minimal supervision and can be fully relied upon.

In industries like finance, healthcare, life sciences, or engineering, among others, a missed coma or an omitted instruction can turn into a major mishap, making attention to detail top among the good qualities of a great employee.

One unfortunate junior software developer managed to wipe all data from the company’s production database on their first day due to a copy-paste error, for example. Over the years, human errors have caused numerous air traffic control incidents and an assortment of mildly embarrassing advertising typos . 

Employees with high attention to detail help catch those mistakes before they go public or lead to bigger issues.

How to assess employees for detail-oriented qualities

The first obvious pre-screener: Detail-oriented employees will never send an email or submit an application form with typos or missing information.

Some other ways to identify candidates with high attention to detail include skill assessment tests, portfolio reviews, and structured interviews. 

How to Assess Attention to Detail in Job Applicants

9. Leadership

Leadership qualities can be both innate and acquired. As a trait, natural leaders tend to be charismatic, selfless, decisive, and slightly magnetic — these are people you feel at ease with almost immediately.

Leadership skills, in turn, can be developed through a combination of work experiences and professional training. These include strategic thinking, adaptability, mentorship, and strong decision-making skills.

A study by Seton Hall University analyzed how top leadership qualities change by country. North American employees, for example, prefer leaders with strong critical thinking skills, while Asian employees value managers who can attract, develop, and nurture the right talent. 

What’s universal, though, is that companies need better leaders. In 2023, “leader and manager effectiveness” was the top cited organizational priority for 60% of HR professionals . 

More specifically, employees now expect more modern management styles driven by authenticity, empathy, and adaptivity rather than the rigid, top-bottom chain of command.  

How to assess employees for leadership skills

Depending on the role, industry, and seniority level, leaders may need to display various skills and traits, ranging from strong business acumen and commercial awareness to soft skills like team-building, negotiation, or consensus-building. 

You can then evaluate the candidate’s leadership potential by testing for identified soft and hard skills or with situational interviews.  It also helps to understand what kind of leader your team needs to help look for more specific qualities during the interview process. Here are a few. 👇

10. Confidence

Confident people don’t overthink or second-guess their judgments. Thanks to a positive self-image and a strong sense of self-efficacy, they can get even the most challenging work done without constantly seeking support or approval from co-workers or superiors. 

A study performed by higher educational institutions in Spain found a direct link between high employee self-esteem and productivity. Confident faculty did better in their job and accomplished more staff.

The results also apply to other industries. After all, an employee who lacks confidence will struggle with decision-makers, which would further aggravate their performance problems. So look for people who already feel confident both in their current skill set and the ability to master new competencies. 

How to assess employees for confidence

Timidness and insecurity will likely come off during the first interview, especially when you get scrambled answers to standard interview questions like “What are your strengths?” or “What sets you apart from other applicants?”

Although hiring an employee with low confidence isn’t a deal breaker, you’ll have to invest some extra time to help them find a stronger footing in their new role. 

11. Dedication

Dedication comes from a mix of intrinsic motivation to do a certain type of work, combined with external validation in the form of regular praise, positive performance reviews, and, of course, smooth career progression. 

Dedicated employees don’t mind going above and beyond the demand of their roles, often helping their peers and taking on extra tasks. Just the type everyone wants to see on their team, right? 

Dedicated employees are hard-working and engaged. You don’t need to nag them to do their part. However, dedication sometimes gets confused with passion.

Passionate employees are also uber-enthusiastic about their work, but their zeal may blow out. Committed employees, in contrast, also have strong work ethics and high personal integrity. Apart from doing something out of favor, they also complete work because they feel accountability.

Your goal is to look for the latter in your talent pool . 

How to assess employees for dedication

Dedicated, committed employees rarely job-hop. They’re more likely to stay (and get promoted) with one employer, so that’s one sign to look for.

That said, with many people opting for nontraditional careers — freelancing, gig work, fractional positions — devoted employees can be also more drawn to a specific type of work rather than a company.

For example, someone working for 10+ years as a UX designer is likely dedicated to their craft and may be less interested in adjacent roles in UX research or interaction design. 

12. Autonomy

Autonomous employees keep things cracking with or without the direct presence of others in their vicinity (or in their Slack inbox). They’re self-reliant, solve problems independently, and can set and complete personal or professional goals without excessive external direction.

Employees want greater autonomy and flexibility, with 76% willing to quit their jobs if their employer rolls back remote work flexibility. However, less than two-thirds (63%) of organizations trust their employees to keep doing good work without micromanaging.

The balance is, as always, somewhere in the middle. Remote flexible work especially requires both the right organizational practices and cultural mindset, plus great employees with the right qualities.

If you want to have self-sufficient, independent, strong performers, you’ll have to create the right environment for them. At the same time, hiring people who thrive in high-touch, team-driven environments to work autonomously most of the time can lead to higher attrition. 

How to assess employees for autonomy

People with a past track record of remote roles and/or independent contractor projects are more likely to show high autonomy.

In other cases, try asking questions like, “Please share an example of a new task you’ve completed without direct supervision. How did you approach it?” Another great question to test remote workers for autonomy is, “How do you typically plan your workday and decide which tasks to focus on?”

If you’re hiring remotely, verify remote work readiness . Determine if the new employee is suited for fully remote work with a Toggl Hire assessment . Test for adaptability, motivation, focus, and remote communication abilities with a proven test that takes only 15 minutes to create and administer.

qualities of a good employee essay

13. Adaptability

Your capacity to adjust to changing circumstances and lingering uncertainties represents adaptability. Whether it’s ChatGPT going after your job or fickle consumer preferences eroding the demand for your service, great employees can roll with the punches and emerge on top. 

Over 70% of employees name “being adaptable/flexible” as an important skill for their career over the next five years. PwC

From automation and generative AI to digital therapeutics, technologies are changing the way we work in almost every sector. Employees who struggle to adapt to these changes are at risk of becoming an organizational burden. 

Already, many sectors are facing a skills mismatch — a growing gap between the skills their company needs and the ones employees have. People with high adaptability are more inclined to complete upskilling or reskilling programs to gain new competencies to navigate tough times and industry ebbs and flows.

How to assess employees for adaptability

Ask about previous experience with change: 

Did you ever change careers or industries in the past? Why did you decide to do so? 

Tell me about a time when the project priorities changed mid-way. How did you break the news to the team?

How did you adapt to the remote work policy when it was first enacted?

Have you ever performed a task outside of your role? How did you approach it? 

Have you had to cope with a major change in your life?

The answers to these questions can give you a sense of how flexible and adaptable is a potential employee. 

14. Positive attitude

People with a positive attitude are naturally more optimistic and approach new challenges with resilience. For them, a setback is an opportunity for growth and a catalyst for understanding new perspectives.

90% of people have a co-worker who annoys them, and 57% have even considered quitting their job because of such an unsavory type. Employees with a great attitude are less likely to become the reason for workplace conflicts.

On the contrary, their cheerful demeanor can often help defuse tensions, plus it helps increase the morale of others. Such people are also highly coachable and eager to share their knowledge with others.

How to assess employees for attitude

You can get a good sense of a candidate’s attitude during a culture-fit interview. Try asking the next personality questions to reveal the candidates’ traits: 

How do you contribute to fostering a positive team environment? 

How do you stay enthusiastic when assigned a mundane task?

Tell about a time you had to share some difficult feedback with a colleague.

Asking such questions should help you get a better sense of the candidate’s life outlook and overall demeanor. 

15. Results-oriented

Results-oriented people are strong-headed and love going after concrete outcomes. They’re good at setting SMART goals and figuring out the best ways to achieve them. This quality reflects a proactive and determined approach to task management, emphasizing effectiveness and accomplishment, which makes an ideal employee for many positions. 

Result-oriented are excellent hires for roles in sales, marketing, and executive positions, where they can drive quantifiable, continued success. They’re keen on hitting the set KPIs and thrive under extrinsic motivation — performance-based bonuses, leaderboards, and public feedback.

How to assess employees for results-oriented qualities

You can get a good sense of the employees’ result-oriented abilities by providing them with various problem-solving assessments.

For example, you can give away homework assignments with hypothetical workplace scenarios, requiring them to achieve a specific result (e.g., increase sign-up rates for a SaaS product by 15% or increase sales volumes by 20%).

What are SMART goals and how to set them

16. Teachable

Teachable people are open and proactive in absorbing new knowledge, whether through mentoring, academic coursework, or casual exchanges with peers.

You’ll find them frequently learning new stuff via YouTube, chatting with their colleagues about doing things better, or completing various professional certifications. Such people often seek out proactive feedback and guidance to become better in whatever it is they’re doing. 

A teachable attitude promotes personal growth, effective collaboration, and continuous improvement — all important qualities in the modern workplace. 

For example, new technologies have disrupted many roles and professions, forcing people to rethink how they approach task execution. BCG research found that across many roles, the share of the top 20 requested skills by hiring managers has changed by 10% to 46% over the past five years.

Teachable employees are more eager to embrace new ways of working — be it using a project management app or operating autonomous manufacturing equipment. They’re also easier to upskill and reskill to support your workforce planning activities .  

How to assess employees for being teachable

A good indicator of this quality could be a good collection of completed courses and certifications listed on the person’s LinkedIn profile. Similarly, you can recognize an eager learner and teachable employee by seeing how they receive and implement feedback.

17. Optimistic

Optimistic employees focus more on positive outcomes and opportunities than temporary challenges and setbacks. They’re motivated to keep going because they’re certain success awaits them just around the corner. 

Similar to people with a positive outlook, optimists contribute to creating an uplifting work culture. Their enthusiasm inspires others to also act with more certainty and dedication. 

In fact, a study by Leadership IQ found that optimistic employees are 103% more inspired to give their best effort at work than workers with low optimism. However, the same study claims that only 13% of workers tend to have high optimism levels, while 33% maintain low or moderately low optimism.

How to assess employees for being optimistic

A personality test can indicate whether someone is optimistic or pessimistic. However, studies also show that such tests are inconclusive as the same person can get widely different results each time. 

Your best bet is to use a mix of behavioral interview questions to better understand how the person acts and thinks in different circumstances.  

18. Humility

Humble people are modest and unpretentious. They don’t think they’re naturally better than everyone else and openly acknowledge their personal shortcomings.

Humility also involves a high degree of self-awareness and openness to new ideas. Employees who are humble are more receptive to feedback and recognize the value other people bring to their workplace. They’re more likely to be strong team players, dependable associates, and great leaders. 

Humble people become effective leaders, with a recent study of tech teams revealing that humble leaders help employees develop a better perception of themselves, which in turn, increases teams’ productivity.

Another study also suggests that a humble leadership model also improves overall employee well-being, while yet another study also named humility as a unique predictor of high job performance. Bottom line? Humble people are great to have onboard. 

How to assess employees for humility

Humility can naturally come across in conversations, especially if you encourage the candidate to self-reflect on their recent accomplishments or ask to talk about the mistakes they’ve ever made in their career.

Some good questions to ask:

Did you ever make a big mistake at your job? How did you handle this, and what did you learn in the process?

Can you please walk us through this project on your resume? What was your contribution, and how did others support you?

How do you usually give feedback to others? Can you give me an example? 

🔥 Did you know? In psychology, the six intrapersonal aspects of humility are a willingness to see ourselves truthfully, an accurate perception of our places in the world, an ability to acknowledge our mistakes and limitations, openness, and low self-focus.

19. Tech-savvy

Nearly every job today requires technical or hard skills. For some roles, it could be basic knowledge of office software and teleconference apps. For others — first-hand experience with coding tools, knowledge of connected hardware, or enterprise cloud platforms. 

Almost 18% of the global workforce could be automated as new technologies like machine learning,  generative AI, and industrial IoT take over business processes. 

Emerging technologies displace the demand for certain skills while augmenting for others. Gartner found that even despite the layoffs, larger tech companies still employ over 150,000 more people in total than at the beginning of 2020. 

Effectively, technologies have become the synonym of innovation and most companies are trying to get as much of an edge as possible by hiring tech-savvy people. 

How to assess employees for tech skills

Practical assessments like short role-specific pre-employment tests or longer homework assignments are the best assessment methods for skills related to being tech-savvy. Coding challenges, pair programming sessions, and technical interviews with senior IT specialists are also excellent methods. 

9 Best Practices for Recruiting Developers With Skills Tests

20. Engaged

Engaged employees have a deep sense of involvement in their role. They’re proactive, contributing to higher personal productivity and job satisfaction.

Nearly six in ten employees are physiologically disengaged from their work, and Gallup reports that the problem of low engagement costs $8.8 trillion, or 9% of global GDP.

Engaged employees, on the contrary, are more likely to stay with their current company, go above and beyond at work, and contribute 15% more effort than their disengaged peers, Gartner found. 

How to assess employees for engagement

Human resource managers evaluate employee engagement levels via anonymous general surveys or 360-degree feedback tools administered team by team. 

But if you want to figure out if the particular applicant will show high levels of engagement, chat them up about the reasons for applying to this job. What made them particularly excited about the role? What do they know about the company and its values? How do they feel about the culture?

Prioritize people who did their research and can name at least several factors that attracted them to your company. 

15 Unbeatable Tactics for Evaluating Job Candidates

Hire quality employees with Toggl Hire

The best way to find out if a potential candidate has all of the qualities of a good employee is through quantitative, comparable data.

With Toggl Hire , you can easily test candidates’ soft and technical skills with customizable tests. We’ve got hundreds of pre-made tests in our test library to evaluate skills like teamwork, negotiation, the ability to work remotely, and more!

👉 Sign up for a free account to see how skills testing works and start identifying top qualities for your next hires.

Elena Prokopets

Elena is a freelance writer, producing journalist-style content that doesn’t leave the reader asking “so what." From the future of work to the latest technology trends, she loves exploring new subjects to produce compelling and culturally relevant narratives for brands. In her corporate life, Elena successfully managed remote freelance teams and coached junior marketers.

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Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee Essay

Global companies are looking for a versatile employee who, along with professional competencies, has sufficiently developed soft skills. This is not surprising, because in global companies the employee will work with representatives of different ethnic groups, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Such companies face cultural and language barriers, which disrupts effective communication. Therefore, the competencies listed on the slide are what companies are looking for in a job seeker first, after developed professional competencies.

Completed education level and multiple academic achievements guarantee my professionalism. However, I am also good at what a global company needs. I am well aware that every employee carries his own cultural baggage, but since he works for this company, his competencies and skills are acceptable. I am tolerant of anyone who demonstrates professionalism and adherence to ethical guidelines. The company will see me as someone who does not get into conflicts, controls emotions and understands responsibility for every action, in addition to quality tasks.

But that’s not all I can be useful to the company. I understand how dynamic the world is, and how many discoveries are made every year. I am flexible to and understand the importance of these changes, have advanced digital literacy, and know all about employee cybersecurity measures. I am constantly striving to develop, and working at the company is a valuable tool for me to develop my personal skills and competencies.

Additionally, I have experience both in multinational companies and in teams where there were not only Americans, but also Indians, Japanese, Mexicans and Europeans. In all the time I worked with them, I never had a conflict, but I created a friendly relationship with everyone, supporting them and motivating them. This is one of the reasons why I have never been fired involuntarily, and I have associated my departures from the workplace with reaching the top in organizational development or closing down the company.

When I get to work, I will start by learning and building relationships, as I understand how important this will be next. I will read all job descriptions and manuals, ask the manager questions, and show myself to be a proactive and meticulous professional. As proof of my competence, I ensure that I always check my completed tasks and make no mistakes, which saves the company time and money to correct.

Medhi, B. (2022). 10 admirable qualities of a good employee . VantageCircle. Web.

Piacquadio, A. (2020). Diverse coworkers of different ages working in office . Pexels. Web.

Freepik. (n.d.). Flag on mountain images . Freepik.Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, January 21). Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee. https://ivypanda.com/essays/admirable-qualities-of-a-good-employee/

"Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee." IvyPanda , 21 Jan. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/admirable-qualities-of-a-good-employee/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee'. 21 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee." January 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/admirable-qualities-of-a-good-employee/.

1. IvyPanda . "Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee." January 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/admirable-qualities-of-a-good-employee/.


IvyPanda . "Admirable Qualities of a Good Employee." January 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/admirable-qualities-of-a-good-employee/.

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Qualities of a Good Employee (6 Key Traits with Examples)

By Status.net Editorial Team on November 15, 2023 — 7 minutes to read

A good employee possesses a mix of qualities that contribute to their success in the workplace. Let’s explore some key traits that help define an exceptional team member:

  • 1. Strong work ethic : A good employee takes responsibility for completing tasks efficiently and effectively. For example, you might stay late to finish a project or volunteer to help your team with additional tasks. Demonstrating a strong work ethic sends the message that you’re dedicated and reliable.
  • 2. Effective communication skills : Communication is the backbone of any successful team. A good employee is able to clearly express their thoughts and ideas while also being an active listener. When colleagues feel heard and understood, it fosters a more collaborative and productive work environment.
  • 3. Adaptability : Embracing change and handling diverse challenges are hallmarks of a good employee. An adaptable team member can adjust their approach to new situations and help the team navigate through transitions. For instance, you might readily adapt to an updated software system at work or take on a new role when a coworker leaves.
  • 4. Problem-solving skills : Good employees are able to find solutions to complex issues and think critically. They can assess the situation, identify potential hurdles, and map out steps to achieve success. For example, you may devise a creative solution to meet a tight deadline when resources are scarce.
  • 5. Passion : Bringing enthusiasm and passion to your role can make all the difference. A good employee truly cares about their work, which often leads to better performance. Your energy and commitment can be contagious and inspire your colleagues to perform at their best as well.
  • 6. Team player : Collaboration is a crucial aspect of workplace success. A good employee is supportive of their colleagues, sharing knowledge and resources while working together to achieve common goals. By valuing the contributions of others, you help foster a positive and collaborative work environment.

Team Player Qualities

Collaboration and teamwork.

To be a successful team player, embracing collaboration and teamwork is key. You will undoubtedly find yourself working with others on various projects and tasks, so it is important to communicate effectively and be open to the ideas of your coworkers. Sharing your knowledge and skills with others can help improve your team’s overall performance. For example, if one of your coworkers is struggling with a certain task, you can offer valuable insights and experience to help them overcome the obstacle.

Leadership in Team Settings

Leadership qualities are also important in a team setting, and you don’t necessarily have to be a manager or supervisor to demonstrate these traits. Taking the initiative to coordinate with your team, setting goals, and actively participating in discussions can show that you are a natural leader. Providing guidance and motivation to your coworkers can help keep everyone on track to achieve your collective goals. Let’s say your team is working on a project with a tight deadline; sharing a timeline and constantly communicating progress updates can help everyone stay focused and confident in achieving the target.

Being Supportive

Being a supportive coworker goes a long way in creating a positive work environment. Listening to your coworkers’ concerns, offering assistance when needed, and providing encouragement can boost morale and strengthen bonds within your team. For instance, if a coworker has a personal issue, providing a listening ear and offering support can help them feel heard and understood. This, in turn, can result in increased trust and better overall team cooperation. Furthermore, acknowledging your colleagues’ accomplishments and giving credit where it’s due can make them feel valued and appreciated.

Professional Attitudes

Confidence as key.

A good employee believes in their abilities and skills, which is why confidence is crucial. When you’re confident, you easily adapt to changes, take on responsibilities, and tackle challenges head-on. This fosters a strong work ethic and helps you progress in your career development. For example, if you’re assigned a challenging project, having confidence allows you to navigate any obstacles and ultimately achieve success.

Promoting Transparency

Honesty and transparency go hand in hand in the workplace. You should be open about your thoughts, ideas, and any concerns that may arise. This creates a culture of trust and promotes collaboration among team members. For example, if you disagree with a decision made by your manager, transparently communicating your perspective can lead to a productive discussion focused on finding a better solution. Embracing transparency also demonstrates that you prioritize the company’s best interests over personal agendas.

Positive Attitudes at Work

Maintaining a positive attitude is another important quality of a good employee. This means showing enthusiasm, supporting your colleagues, and always displaying a friendly demeanor. A positive attitude can contribute to a lively work environment and improves overall team morale. For instance, if you’re facing a tight deadline, staying positive allows you to encourage others and complete the task without succumbing to stress. This creates a culture of success where everyone thrives and enjoys their work.

Why Adaptability Matters

Learning and development.

Adaptability is key to your success as an employee. When you’re able to learn new skills and apply them in diverse situations, you become more valuable to your team and organization. For example, if you’re in sales and your company is expanding to new markets, you may need to adapt to different cultural norms and communication styles. Embracing continuous learning shows your dedication to your job and helps you stay at the forefront of your industry.

Change and Flexibility

Change is inevitable: companies might restructure, introduce new technologies, or modify their strategies. To remain successful, you need to adapt to these changes with ease. For instance, if your company updates its project management software, you should be willing to learn the new system and apply it to your tasks. Being open to change and demonstrating flexibility make you a reliable team player and go-to resource during periods of transition.

Promotion and Career Growth

Adaptability also plays a significant role in your career development. Employers value professionals who can handle diverse responsibilities while maintaining a positive attitude. If you have a proven track record of thriving in different roles and varying work environments, you’re more likely to receive promotions and enjoy career growth. For example, suppose you’re a marketing specialist who has mastered digital and traditional platforms, responds effectively to new marketing trends, and easily collaborates with cross-functional teams. In this case, your adaptability can lead to exciting opportunities for advancement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What traits do employers look for in a good employee.

Employers appreciate employees who are punctual, reliable, and responsible. They value effective communication skills, a positive attitude, and a strong work ethic. For example, consistently finishing projects on time and helping coworkers when needed can show that you possess these traits. Honesty, integrity, and adaptability are also highly regarded by employers.

What are some key characteristics of an effective worker?

Effective workers tend to be proactive, self-motivated, and detail-oriented. They can manage their time efficiently, solve problems, and have a growth mindset. For instance, if you take on extra responsibilities or seek feedback on your performance to improve, you demonstrate these characteristics. Productive collaboration and strong interpersonal skills are also beneficial.

Which positive and negative traits can impact an employee’s performance?

Positive traits that can boost performance include adaptability, diligence, and resilience. For example, adjusting to new procedures or bouncing back from setbacks can help maintain productivity. However, negative traits, such as procrastination, poor communication, and resistance to change can hinder performance and potentially damage relationships with colleagues.

How can someone showcase their best qualities during a job interview?

During an interview, it’s crucial to demonstrate your professionalism, communication skills, and enthusiasm for the role. Prepare examples of how you’ve displayed the desired qualities, such as teamwork, leadership, or problem-solving, in previous positions. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to describe your experiences concisely and effectively. Don’t forget to make a positive impression by listening carefully, asking thoughtful questions, and maintaining eye contact. Related: How to Answer 11 Common Behavioral Interview Questions and How to Answer 9 Common Situational Interview Questions

What are some essential soft skills for workplace success?

Soft skills that are valuable in the workplace include effective communication, leadership, teamwork, empathy, and problem-solving. Demonstrating these skills can help build rapport with coworkers, facilitate cooperation, and foster a supportive work environment. For example, actively listening to a coworker’s concerns and providing constructive feedback can enhance your teamwork and communication skills. Related: What Are Soft Skills? (and How to Showcase Them)

How can an employee improve their qualities and become a better team member?

  • To develop your qualities and become a better team member, start by identifying areas where you could improve, such as communication, organization, or time management.
  • Seek feedback from supervisors and colleagues to gain their perspectives.
  • Participate in relevant training programs and workshops to build new skills.
  • Try to practice mindfulness and self-reflection, allowing yourself to grow from your experiences and become a better employee in the long run.
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Home Essay Samples Business Employee

How to Be a Good Employee: Core Qualities

Table of contents, professionalism: commitment and reliability, teamwork: collaboration and support, communication: clear and effective, initiative: going above and beyond, continuous improvement: learning and growth, references:.

  • Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press.
  • Lencioni, P. (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. Jossey-Bass.
  • Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734.
  • Peter, J. P., & Donnelly Jr, J. H. (2011). A Preface to Marketing Management. McGraw-Hill.
  • Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2009). The extraordinary leader: Turning good managers into great leaders. McGraw-Hill Professional.

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Employee Development

Jul 24, 2020

The Top Skills of a Good Employee

It’s a given that businesses want to hire and retain the best employees in their field, but what does it really mean to be a ‘good employee’ and why is it important to seek them out? Most recruitment or human resources (HR) managers know how difficult it is to find good employees; candidates either lack certain skills or they won’t fit in with the company culture. 1 Business owners often focus on technical skills alone and don’t assess the qualities and characteristics that make up the ideal employee. This could end up adversely affecting culture, productivity, and may even protract training efforts.

Regardless of the industry or nature of the job, there are certain key qualities that every hiring manager should look out for if they want their employees to succeed in the business world.

Skills and characteristics of a good employee

Both soft skills and technical skills, or hard skills, are equally important in an employee. Soft skills include the social expertise, personality and character makeup, communication skills, emotional intelligence, influence, and approach to work that an employee shows. 2

These serve to complement the hard skills – those abilities that have been learned and can be measured and quantified – and can make an employee more of an asset to a company. 3

Here are some of the top skills and characteristics of a good employee:

  • Knowing the why, as well as the what . 4 Good employees know the reason why their job exists, above just knowing how to do their job. This allows them to come up with new suggestions and ideas to improve their tasks
  • Professionalism . 5 Being polite, well-spoken, calm, and presentable is all part of being professional at work
  • Honesty and integrity . 6 Telling the truth about tricky subjects, such as workload, work/life balance, difficult customers or colleagues, and ineffective procedures makes for a good employee
  • Innovative ideas . 7 Employees who bring innovative ideas and suggestions forward that will impact positively are an asset to a company. Stagnation and complacency are the enemy of growth
  • Problem-solving abilities . 8 Employees who work on something until it’s solved, or complete, and who bring their best efforts to solve problems are considered good employees
  • Ambitious . 9 When employees have a clear, personal career plan or goal in mind, they’re not under the assumption that their employer will drive their career for them, so they strive for advancement
  • Dependability, reliability, and responsibility . 10 Employees who take responsibility for their actions, are dependable, arrive on time, do what they say, and don’t let the others in their team down, are highly valued employees
  • Conflict resolution . 11 Good employees address and resolve conflict maturely, rather than trying to avoid it, by maintaining respect for those involved, not placing blame, and not acquiescing just to keep the peace
  • Positive attitude . 12 Employees who bring a positive attitude to work have a positive impact on those around them and improve the energy in the team
  • Emotional intelligence . 13 Emotional intelligence (EQ) is about being mindful of one’s own state of emotions, as well as those in the team. Knowing how to manage these well is an important key to being a good employee
  • Teamwork . 14 The ability to work with other people in a team, by fostering relationships in a professional manner, in order to achieve a common goal, is an asset to any company
  • Willingness to learn . 15 Hard skills attained through education are not enough for good employees – they’re open minded to new ideas, and they share their thoughts and personal insights with the team.
  • Creativity . 16 Not all people are born creative, but creativity is a skill that can be learned through experimentation, imagination, questions, collaboration, and information processing
  • Generosity . 17 Good employees coach and mentor those around them. They generously share their experiences and expertise. They understand that knowledge is only power when it’s shared with others

Recruiting vs training

Knowing what skills and characteristics to look out for, in existing employees as well as when recruiting new employees, will ensure that these desired qualities are nurtured and developed throughout the business, regardless of the job title or function.

qualities of a good employee essay

All over the world, businesses are seeing skills gaps emerging . In the United Kingdom alone, 23 per cent of employees lack basic digital skills in spite of the fact that they’re needed for close to 90 per cent of all new jobs. 18 One possible solution is training existing employees to become proficient in new skills – both hard and soft – and in turn creating ‘good employees’. 19 This also means that a new approach is needed when recruiting. Hiring employees who show potential to be further skilled and who display some of the qualities listed above may be an effective tactic. Given that top talent is likely to become more and more scarce and in demand, training might well be the best and most practical solution.

Knowing what skills and characteristics to look out for, in existing employees as well as when recruiting new employees, will ensure that these desired qualities are nurtured and developed throughout the business, regardless of the job title or function. The skills of a good employee reach beyond technical acumen and business experience. While these are important to get the job done, how these tasks are carried out, and the interactions with other team members, are indicative of the attitude, approach, mindset, and adaptability of a good employee.

GetSmarter can guide you as your learning partner, and help your business to create a tailored upskilling plan to meet your unique needs.

[Empower your team with the right skills]

Click here to view sources

  • 1 Zambas, J. (Aug, 2018). ‘20 key qualities that make a good employee’. Retrieved from Career Addict .
  • 2 Doyle, A. (Aug, 2019). ‘Top soft skills employers value with examples’. Retrieved from The Balance Careers .
  • 3 Autenrieth, N. (Nd). ‘Why soft and hard skills are so important to your resume’. Retrieved from Top Resume . Accessed 25 June 2020.
  • 4 Duncan, R. (Sep, 2018). ‘The why of work: Purpose and meaning really do matter’. Retrieved from Forbes .
  • 5 Belyh, A. (Jun, 2018). ‘Top skills and values employers seek from job seekers’ Retrieved from Cleverism .
  • 6 Zambas, J. (Aug, 2018). ‘20 key qualities that make a good employee‘. Retrieved from Career Addict .
  • 7 Wiles, J. (Apr, 2019). ‘Foster innovation to drive digital transformation’. Retrieved from Gartner .
  • 8 Belyh, A. (Jun, 2018). ‘Top skills and values employers seek from job seekers’ Retrieved from Cleverism .
  • 9 (Nd). ‘Why passionate employees are the most valuable employees.’ Retrieved from Soprana . Accessed 23 June 2020.
  • 10 Belyh, A. (Jun, 2018). ‘Top skills and values employers seek from job seekers’ Retrieved from Cleverism .
  • 11 Wroblewski, M. (May, 2019). ‘What are the benefits of good conflict resolution skills?’. Retrieved from Chron .
  • 12 Zambas, J. (Aug, 2018). ‘20 key qualities that make a good employee‘. Retrieved from Career Addict .
  • 13 Gassam, J. (Jul, 2018). ‘How to develop more emotionally intelligent employees’. Retrieved from Forbes .
  • 14 Belyh, A. (Jun, 2018). ‘Top skills and values employers seek from job seekers’ Retrieved from Cleverism .
  • 15 Bean-Mellinger, B. (Mar, 2019). ‘Most important employee skills in the workplace’. Retrieved from Chron .
  • 16 Bhandare, S. (Jan, 2020). ‘Top 9 qualities of great employees in the digital age’. Retrieved from Recruitment.com .
  • 17 Oesch, T. (May, 2018). ‘How kindness and generosity can impact learning and the bottom line’. Retrieved from Training Industry .
  • 18 Bughin, J. et al. (May, 2018). ‘Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce’. Retrieved from McKinsey .
  • 19 (Nd). ‘Skilling, reskilling, and upskilling’. Retrieved from Randstad . Accessed 23 June 2020.

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Being a good employee can take the success of your career to places you never knew were possible. That’s a concept that many professionals are familiar with. Even though most people know that they have to be productive employees to progress in their careers, the meaning of a good employee is less straightforward.

Employees have the skills and experience capable of doing their job. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been hired in the first place. However, the best employees go above and beyond the basic duties of their job. They display qualities that make for a stronger-than-average employee. These team members are the first to be considered for a promotion or supervisory position when it opens up.

Key Takeaways:

The top three ways to be a good employee is to be passionate about the job, have strong communication skills, and have confidence in yourself and your work.

It’s important to be reliable and be a team player.

Having the qualities to be a good employee not only benefits you but also your coworkers and make your work-life better.

How To Be A Good Employee (With Examples)

The Importance Of Building Good Employee Characteristics

How to be a good employee.

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Employees need to know how to do their job, but what makes them stand out even further is good employee characteristics. These are soft skills that make your performance better in areas like teamwork , creativity , and problem-solving .

These qualities complement the hard skills you’ve developed at work to make you an all-around pleasurable and productive employee to work with.

Being a good employee at work helps the success of the company you work for , but it benefits you as well. Possessing qualities that make you a good employee makes your work-life experience better, in terms of working well with co-workers and finishing work to expectation.

Displaying good employee characteristics also builds a connection with your employer and shows them that you care about your work.

When it comes time for your performance to be evaluated for a raise or a management role needs to be filled, your employer will remember all the excellent employee characteristics you demonstrated. Your career growth and overall professional success depend on your employer noticing some good employee characteristics in you, in addition to a general competency for your job responsibilities.

Once coming to an understanding that there’s a difference between an employee and a good one, you may be wondering what the common traits of a good employee are.

Review the following to determine the areas that you’re solid in at work and where you could step up your game to improve.

Passionate about the job. One trait that strongly contributes to an employee’s performance quality is how passionate they are about their job and field. Someone who’s passionate and motivated in their career is an engaged employee. That means that they’re willing to go the extra mile and are driven to succeed in their professional life because they genuinely care about the position and company.

Strong communication. An office needs strong communication to function properly. No matter what field you work in, you’ll have to successfully interact with other people at some point. Whether you’re having a casual conversation with a co-worker or coordinating on a project with a larger team, communicating effectively and professionally drives a company’s productivity.

Improving your interpersonal skills can significantly impact the success of your work. Your co-workers and supervisors have valuable insight that can strengthen your performance and make you a better employee.

Being a good listener The ability to interpret nonverbal communication as well as verbal Being polite Being direct and clear with your communication

Confidence. Being a confident employee can make you a better one and further your career growth. If you don’t trust your abilities to get a job done well, your employer won’t rely on you either. Being firm in your confidence can lead you to solve problems more effectively, communicate with your team better, and flourish in leadership roles with potentially higher salaries .

Looking for new ways to improve your skills Knowing when to ask for help Adapting quickly to new roles and responsibility Listening to others more than you speak

Take charge. Something that can take your performance up a notch is taking charge in your work life. This means taking the initiative and not waiting around to be told to do something. Get involved as a member of your company who has an impact on its success.

Doing something as simple as suggesting an idea or starting work on a task you know you’ll be asked to do eventually can significantly strengthen your employer’s perception of your work ethic.

The ability to identify the teams strengths and weaknesses Being able to inspire your coworkers Giving and receiving feedback in a constructive way having strong communication skills

Dress to impress . While style choices can be an afterthought when it comes to your work performance, it makes a massive impact on how your employer sees you. Dressing inappropriately or messily at work can make you seem unprofessional, even if you’re contributing the best work on your team.

Conflict resolution. Dealing with conflict in the workplace is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it has to harm the workplace environment. Many situations that arise as conflict can end up as an improvement in a company’s functioning. For these reasons, employers often consider individuals with strong conflict resolution skills and the ability to work well with others to be some of their best employees.

Continuing to educate oneself. A good employee continues to educate themselves, regardless of where they are in their career. The CEO of a major company didn’t get there by being satisfied with their knowledge. They did it by continually pursuing more learning opportunities.

Networking. Successful professionals in any field achieve their position by playing an active part in their growth, which means networking . Developing your professional bonds can provide opportunities in the future that you could’ve never seen coming. It can also help your performance as an employee by allowing for a free exchange of ideas with other professionals in your industry.

Trustworthiness. Trust is a basic tenant of all relationships, including those in the workplace. At the very least, your bosses and colleagues need to be able to trust you to get good work done on time.

Hiring you in the first place requires confidence in your abilities. However, if you expect to advance in your career, you need to establish a deeper trust with your employer.

Individuals promoted to management roles or given more responsibility in general need to be trusted in successfully handling these tasks. Unless you can build a relationship of trust with an employer, it’s unlikely they’ll see you as a good employee.

Being honest about your work Being moral and ethical in everyday business activity You don’t gossip and your coworkers can come to you when they need You are reliable in the workplace

Having a plan. An essential trait of a good employee is creating a plan for success rather than waiting for it to happen. Having a plan for both the most minuscule and monumental goals is essential to accomplishing your objectives.

Adaptability. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we never know what’s going to happen in our lives, jobs, and the world. Being adaptable to strenuous, or even life-altering, situations at work can make you a better employee. Adaptability means creating solutions to problems and moving forward in the face of change.

Punctuality. Unless you have a flexible schedule agreement, being on time to work is one of the simplest ways to show respect to your employer. While accidents happen and sometimes being late is out of your control, that should be a rare occasion. Being on time for work every day is one of the easiest and best ways to show your employer you mean business.

Contributing ideas. A good employee whose going to succeed in their career brings ideas to the table for consideration. It can be easy to get complacent at work and just do the things you’ve been asked to as part of your job responsibilities. Contributing ideas can improve the company you work for and help you stand out for your forethought.

Take in feedback. Receiving your supervisor’s feedback can be one of the most useful tools you have to become a better employee. Constructive feedback is meant to educate you on what parts of your job you’re excelling in and where you could use more work. This provides clear goals for improving your work performance to become the best employee possible.

Step up and solve problems. Being a problem-solver is one of the most useful skills that an employee can exhibit. It demonstrates leadership qualities and a willingness to take on a challenge. Employees who raise their hand to volunteer in coordinating a difficult circumstance reflect professionalism and critical thinking in their performance.

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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Characteristics of A Good Employee

Characteristics of A Good Employee

A good employee possesses a range of skills and personal characteristics that are essential for success in any job. This includes a strong work ethic, problem-solving abilities, good communication skills, critical thinking, and a willingness to take initiative. A good employee is responsible, dependable, and flexible, and is able to handle new tasks and work schedules. They communicate effectively with others, showing empathy and concern, and follow directions with a positive attitude. By demonstrating these qualities, a good employee receives positive evaluations that benefit both the employer and the employee.

Characteristics of a good employee includes a variety of attributes, skills, and personal characteristics. Some skills and qualities are universal to every job, and others are job specific. All jobs require a good work ethic and problem solving. One of a great qualities an technologist can bring to most jobs would be good communication skills and critical thinking. A good employee takes initiative, they go out of their way to help a patient, or even greet them with a positive attitude. There is a big difference between an employee who does things on their own and one who doesn’t. A good employee takes responsibility. When they are given a task, they do a good job and see the task through to completion. They are responsible for their own actions and the work they produce. A good employee is being dependable, your actions show people that they can depend on you, and that you keep your commitments. simple commitments are important which Arrive to work on time, return phone calls, and perform tasks on time.

A good employee is a flexible employee which is willing to take new responsibilities, able to handle new task when given and able to work on units convenience hours. Having a strong communication skills is another good employee. Communicating with co-worker, physicians, patients and their families using verbal or nonverbal communication and maintaining eye contact when speaking with them. Showing empathy and concern are also very important. Taking the time to ask patients how they are doing and feeling shows them that you care. It may be hard to do sometimes but a good employee does a job cheerfully and follows direction, even if it is not their favorite thing to do. In conclusion, being a good employee is not always easy. However, demonstrating the above qualities benefits the employer and the employee. An employee that meets these standards will have positive evaluations.

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qualities of a good employee essay

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Top 10 Qualities of a Good Essay

qualities of good essay

Why are students often asked to write an essay? Because this is a type of writing work in which students learn to express their thoughts about different topics. The reasoning should be backed up by facts and statements about a particular topic. However, the author’s opinion is the main one here, and it develops students’ creative and scientific thinking at the same time.

So what makes a good essay? You will find the answer to this question in this article. Only through finding and studying additional information will you be able to develop your critical thinking .

Here are some basic points and qualities of good writing that will make your essay successful:

Top 10 qualities good essay

Small Volume.

Of course, when creativity is in its full flow, you want to write without stopping, but the first sign of what a good essay is precisely its compact volume.

Here you need to explain your opinion about the topic’s subject matter clearly, concisely, and with specific arguments that will support your opinion. Avoid arguing about your statements because it will confuse you and the reader and negate all the work on the arguments.

Specific Topic and Your Subjective Opinion.

The subject of the essay is always specific. It does not happen that the essay has several different thoughts and topics. This is what distinguishes it from other types of paper works.

Your arguments and subjective opinion should be the same. The purpose of your work is to convince the reader that your opinion is true, backed by strong facts, and is consistent throughout the work.

Free Composition

What does it mean? The essay has no specific writing rules. Yes, a certain structure distinguishes this type of work from others, but the essay composition itself is free.

If you are unsure where to start or how to write an essay, try to find free essays online by contacting professionals .

Do not use too long sentences or try to surprise the reader with difficult terms and strange words, especially if you are not sure about their meaning. On the contrary, your main task here is to engage the reader and make contact with him through the text.

As we have already written, the author needs to establish contact with the reader.

The sentences and arguments that you will use in your work should be specific but not written in strict form. You should choose the point of support of your arguments and the main opinion and stick to it throughout the work.

Sometimes arguments have to be more specific and sometimes unobtrusively described in the body of the essay.

You should try to provide information as if “by the way” so that the reader feels like you are referring to him through the text and want to explain your impressions specifically to him. Contact with the reader is very important in this form of writing.

The Paradox

One of the most important qualities of an essay is that it should surprise the reader. You should use some strong phrases or quotes that will support your argument throughout the work.

The advantage will be on your side if you use paradoxical definitions or phenomena, which will appear simultaneously as indisputable but mutually exclusive statements. Feel free to use abstracts and aphorisms.

Meaningful Unity

This is probably the only paradox of the genre (not including the point written above). Why? Because the essay must be subjective , it must have a free composition and characteristics, but at the same time, it must have an internal semantic unity.

Your personal opinion should be expressed and supported here. Actually, this is about supporting the same opinion, which you will support with different thesis and statements. All of them should bring the idea of ​​the essay to one specific conclusion, that is your opinion.

Use of Simple Language

Your essay can be written in any form, but at the same time, it is not necessary, or better to say, you cannot use slang, shortening words, light-hearted tone, using strange abbreviations, and formulaic phrases. Do not forget that this is a serious piece of work with specific arguments and not an arbitrary letter to a friend.


You should submit information in such a way as to persuade the reader to adopt the same position he supports in his work. The author should not use aggressive words, but his arguments should be specific, and they should be considered indisputable.

good essay qualities

Use an Element of Surprise

To make your essay memorable, do not be afraid to use catchy phrases, loud quotes, and unexpected arguments. This will arouse emotions in the reader, and your essay will be remembered. The main thing is that the used arguments are not aggressive, do not contradict your basic opinion, and are not written in rough language.

The Logic of Presentation.

Again, despite the free composition, the essay must have internal unity and the coherence of the author’s statements that express his opinion.

Because the rules of writing an essay are rather conditional, the author has the opportunity to fully indulge in his creative potential and use various interesting methods for writing this genre of paperwork.

The main thing to remember is that your thoughts and arguments should be united and interest the reader to read your work and take your side.

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