Resumes To Impress

Geelong Resume Writers & Selection Criteria Writers

Professional resumes, cover letters and selection criteria that truly impress.

  • Resume Writing Services Geelong

We offer expert resume writing services Geelong.

We are also expert cover letter writers and selection criteria writers, for all industries including Barwon Health.

View packages below or call Nicole on 0418 549 797.

Work with us on your next job application and learn what makes our resumes and cover letters so effective. We work with all levels from school leavers to senior managers.

Nicole Wren founder & principal

Hello, I’m Nicole! I started professional resume writing in 2012. Business quickly grew with so many clients referring others! I have since put together a small, talented team of writers (Bridee and Kathleen) so we can help as many jobseekers in Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula as possible.

While our processes are fast and efficient, our resumes are far from ‘cookie cutter’. We’ll ask the relevant questions to get the information we need to demonstrate your suitability for the job you want.

We’ll draw from your authentic experiences and achievements to demonstrate your suitability for the job you want. It’s your voice – we just help you find and enhance it.

Applications We Assist With

  • Healthcare roles, including at hospitals like University Hospital Geelong and St John of God Hospital
  • Education roles at Deakin University, The Gordon TAFE, and other educational institutions
  • Construction and trade roles
  • Government roles including with the City of Greater Geelong and Barwon Health
  • Transport and logistics roles
  • Environmental services jobs
  • Finance and banking roles

Contact Nicole and Team

Fees & packages.

We have three packages to suit where you are in your career. 

Apprentice/ Graduate Resume $249

Suits high school students, apprentices and recent university graduates.

Includes the following:

  • Optional cover letter (+$79)
  • Optional 24 hour turnaround (standard 5 days)
  • Optional LinkedIn Profile (+$299)
  • 2-4 page professionally-written WORD document
  • ATS-friendly design (select preferred design)
  • Relevant ATS keywords
  • Resume targeted to the role you want
  • BONUS interview preparation worksheet

Mid-Level Resume $349

Suits professionals and tradespeople up to mid-level tier. Includes government and private sector.

Senior/ Executive Resume $549

Suits senior leaders and executives. Includes government and private sector.

Selection Criteria Writers

We are expert selection criteria writers for APS, State Government and local Council roles.

Simply let us know what role you are applying for below, and we’ll get back to you with a quote.

Other Services

Man being interviewed.

Job Interview Coaching

LinkedIn symbol

LinkedIn Profile Writing

How we work, provide your information.

To get started, send us your old resume (if you have one), and a link to the role you want. You can fill out our simple resume questionnaire or we can arrange a phone consult. We’ll ask you questions designed to get you thinking about what you’ve achieved and what makes you unique.

We Start the Writing Process

We start the writing process to develop your professional resume. We use relevant ATS keywords to ensure it is targeted to the role you want.  We’ll use contemporary resume designs to ensure a professional approach. We ensure adherence to application guidelines and preferred formats e.g. STAR/ CAR/ SAO.

Review Documents & Submit

We’ll return your documents to ensure you meet your application deadlines. You’ll have an opportunity to request any changes at this point. After that, you’ll be ready to submit your application! From there, you can sit back and wait for your call to interview.

Grant Writer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long will my resume take to be delivered.

Our standard turnaround is 5 business days, but we also offer an express 24 hour service for an additional fee.

What industries do your resume writers specialise in?

We write resumes for most roles and industries. We do specialise in mining and trade resumes, and government applications at all levels. We are also experts in health industry resumes, including nursing.

Do I meet with my resume writer in person?

We offer all our appointments by phone or email. We can also arrange video consultations if you prefer to meet ‘face-to-face’. Our remote working environment helps keep our costs down.

What will my finished resume look like?

We have a range of designs you can choose from! View all designs at checkout.

Do you use ATS-friendly keywords in your resumes and cover letters?

Yes! All of our resumes are on ATS-friendly templates and we use ATS keywords dependent on your role and industry.

Career Resources

How to write your resume for government job applications, how to write a student or new graduate resume, key selection criteria victorian government jobs (read example responses), key selection criteria examples teachers & aides.

  • Adelaide Resume Writers
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  • Hobart Resume Writers
  • Resume Writers Launceston
  • Resume Writers Mackay
  • Melbourne Resume Writers
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  • Resume Writers Perth
  • Resume Writers Sunshine Coast
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  • Interview Coach
  • LinkedIn Profile Writer
  • Resume Writing Services For Veterans
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  • Nurse Resume Service
  • Professional IT Resume Writing Services

Nicole Coggan

Experienced Resume Writer - You Will Get More Interviews!

You Will Get More Interviews!

Geelong Resume Writer Winner of the Australian Enterprise Awards 'Best Independent Resume Writer of the Year' Award

Job interview

Do any of this sound familiar?

Do chronically over-deliver and then feel resentful about it?

Your bank balance doesn’t even begin to reflect the massive amount of work you are putting into your career?

You live in a permanent cycle of “feast or famine” and never feel like you have enough?

You can’t see how you could possibly increase your income without working harder?

You feel stuck in your current career. Your career has stalled, or you’ve hit a plateau you want to break through?

You feel massive resistance to changing jobs?

If any of these apply to you, a professional resume can help you grow your potential and increase your income.

Geelong Resume Service

How Do You Know If Your Resume Is Holding You Back?

Because it probably is.

Why am I so sure of that? 90% of the resumes that come through my office are not as effective as they could be in getting my client interviews.

And if your resume does fall into the 10% of people whose resume is working, I’ll be the first person to let you know. I only take on your work if I am confident, it will get you more interviews.

look at each other

Are you stuck and lying awake at night wishing your career could be different?

Hi, I'm Nicole Coggan -  Your Professional Geelong Resume Writer

It can be hard to imagine breaking through your current plateau without having to work even harder.

No matter where you're at right now, how deep your fear, how painful your frustration, I want to reassure you, this is a problem that can be solved with a professional resume.

I use proven systems and processes that can help you get where you want to be. There are tools and strategies that should be applied to your resume.

Without acting you're likely to continue your current path.

You'll continue to work harder, burn out, and feel frustrated at your income, unable to break through and make your dreams happen. But you can make this change and it starts with a professional resume.

I know that it can feel frustrating when you can see and feel so clearly what is possible for you, yet there is something holding you back from landing the job of your dreams.

IMG_E7579 - Copy.JPG

What’s Possible with A Professional Resume?

A new professional resume will get you more interviews and as a knock on effect, you can:

Increase your income

Break through your income plateau.

Get a pay rise and earn what you deserve.

Become debt-free and financially secure.

Buy your dream home

Better Work/Life Balance

More Career Opportunities

Geelong Resume Services

Working on Laptop

You will get more interviews!

Professional Resume

Writing a Diary

You will get more interviews! 

Matching Cover Letter

Online Tutoring

Outplacement Services 

Informational Interview

Selection Criteria

resume writer geelong

How do I order a professional resume?

It’s super simple. Simply give me a call on 0439 160 982 or email over a copy of your old resume to [email protected] and I’ll give you a call to get the rest of the information I need.  Once I have this information, I will get a draft of the resume back to you for your approval within (2) business days.

resume writer geelong

Professional Resume Geelong

With a new resume, you’ll be empowered and confident to build your legacy, make money and change the world.

Breaking through your career plateau and upgrading your mindset to welcome more flow into your life is exactly what you will get from a new professional resume.


Resume Writers

#1 Trusted Resume Writing Services in Geelong

Whether you’re changing jobs, seeking a promotion, or embarking on an entirely new career path, having a well-crafted resume will give you the edge you need to succeed. In today’s competitive job market, it can be difficult to make your mark and stand out from the crowd. So why not take advantage of the wealth of excellent resume writing services in Geelong?

industry-specific needs

From professional packages with templates and cover letters tailored to your industry-specific needs to personalized work history documents that highlight key achievements throughout your career – whatever your needs may be, there’s a service that can cater to you.

Overview of Harmont Professional

Top resume writing services in geelong.

How Professional Resume Services Can Help Land Your Dream Job - Melbourne

We offer resume writing services in Geelong and the Victorian market. 

We are fully acknowledged the importance of the Victorian Public Service Capability Framework in the job application process. That’s why we include this framework in our process of selecting examples that reflect the appropriate level for your desired position.

To improve the quality of our selection criteria responses, we also use the STAR structure, a well-established and widely practiced standard that ensures that each response is written to a high standard.

variety of packages

Our Geelong resume team has extensive experience in creating resumes across a range of industries and job roles. Harmont also offers a variety of packages to suit your needs, from standard templates to bespoke resumes. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional resumes that highlight your strengths and capabilities, giving you a competitive streak in the job market.

Why choose us

Top resume writing service in geelong.

Optimized Resume For Your Target Roles

Tailored Just for You

With our resume writing service, you will receive a personalized document that effectively highlights your skills and experiences. Our skilled writers have experience in various industries and can present your qualifications in a manner that captures employers’ attention, boosting your chances of standing out.

resume writer geelong

For the Perfect First Impressions

We ensure your first impression is memorable and impactful. Professional writers adeptly structure your resume, making it visually appealing and easy for employers to quickly grasp your qualifications. A refined presentation significantly increases your chances of leaving a positive and enduring impression.

resume writer geelong

Save Time and Effort

Save time and reduce stress by entrusting your resume to our professionals. Harmont’s resume writing services simplify the process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your job search. With expert guidance, rest assured that your resume is in capable hands, providing you with more time and energy for interviews and networking opportunities.

Is resume writing important?

A resume is a vital tool in the job search as it allows you to showcase your skills and qualifications in a concise manner. Hiring managers rely on resumes to make hiring decisions and to determine if you are a good fit for the job. A well-crafted resume can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview.

Is it worth paying a resume writer?

Investing in a professional resume service can provide you with access to a valuable resource: the writer’s recruitment expertise. With a deep understanding of industry-specific processes and procedures, they  understand what recruiters are looking for in candidates.

At Harmont, you can select from different packages at affordable prices. The  Graduate package  is for individuals early in their career, the  Professional package  is for professionals, and the  High Flyer Executive package  is for executives.

What should a resume look like in 2023 Australia?

In 2023, the Australian job market has seen significant changes, and as a result, the standards for resumes have evolved. Here’s what job seekers in Australia should consider:

Digital Compatibility : With many Australian companies using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), ensure your resume is ATS-friendly. This means avoiding intricate graphics, tables, and sticking to standard fonts.

Brevity and Relevance : A typical Australian resume is 2-3 pages for seasoned professionals. For those early in their career or with less experience, a one-page resume is ideal. Always customise your resume for each role, emphasising pertinent experience.

Contact Details : Your name, mobile number, professional email, LinkedIn profile, and city or suburb are essential. For privacy reasons, the full address isn’t necessary.

Professional Profile : Begin with a succinct summary that defines your professional persona. This 3-4 line pitch should spotlight your primary skills and experiences.

Skills Snapshot : Feature relevant skills at the forefront, especially those specified in the job advertisement. This encompasses both technical proficiencies and interpersonal skills.

Employment History : List in reverse chronological order. For each role, offer a concise description and underscore significant achievements with quantifiable outcomes.

Educational Credentials : Start with your highest academic achievement. Detail the institution’s name, the qualification earned, and the graduation year.

Ongoing Learning : Showcase any supplementary courses, certifications, or training pertinent to the role you’re targeting.

Personal Interests (Optional) : A brief section can provide insight into your personality. Ensure they’re framed in a manner that appears advantageous to the role or company ethos.

References : In Australia, it’s standard to note “References available upon request” rather than detailing them. However, always have a list prepared.

Presentation and Structure : A neat, professional design is key. Maintain consistent formatting, utilise bullet points, and employ bold or italic fonts judiciously. In 2023, a touch of colour can differentiate your resume, but moderation is crucial.

Video Resumes and Online Portfolios : While traditional resumes prevail, certain sectors in Australia might value a video pitch or a digital portfolio link. Ensure they’re of high quality and job-relevant.

Inclusivity : Refrain from including age, marital status, religion, or any non-job-related personal details. The Australian job market in 2023 places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion.

Final Check : A resume free from grammatical or spelling errors is crucial. Consider having someone else review it for a fresh perspective.

In summary, while the essence of a strong resume remains consistent, the specifics for the Australian job market in 2023 have nuanced differences. Staying updated with these trends and tailoring your resume accordingly is paramount.

Why should I choose a local Geelong resume writing service?

Choosing a local Geelong resume writing service like Harmont ensures you receive a resume tailored to the specific nuances of the Geelong job market. Our team is familiar with local industries, employers, and recruitment trends. Moreover, being locally based means we understand the cultural and professional expectations of Geelong employers, ensuring your resume resonates with them.

What industries in Geelong do you have experience writing resumes for?

At Harmont, our writers have extensive experience crafting resumes for a wide range of industries prevalent in Geelong. This includes, but is not limited to, Accounting & Finance, Administration & Office Support, Banking & Financial, Construction, Consulting, Engineering, Healthcare & Medical, Information Technology, Legal, Manufacturing, Mining & Energy, Real Estate & Property, Retail, Sales, and Trades & Services.

How do you tailor resumes for the specific job market in Geelong?

Our resume writing approach is holistic. We consider the specific industries dominant in Geelong, the local job market trends, and the preferences of Adelaide-based employers. By combining this local knowledge with our expertise, we craft resumes that are not only professionally appealing but also resonate with the Geelong job market.

Do you offer face-to-face consultations in Geelong or are services provided remotely?

We prefer online as our primary mode of communication.

How do you stay updated with the latest job market trends in Geelong?

Our team at Harmont liaises with hiring managers, attends local industry events, and maintains partnerships with recruitment agencies in Geelong. This continuous engagement ensures we’re always updated with the latest trends, preferences, and requirements of the Geelong job market.

What's the turnaround time for a professionally written resume in Geelong??

Once you’ve provided all necessary information, you can expect to receive your professionally written resume direct to your email in both PDF and MS Word formats within three business days.

How do you ensure the privacy and confidentiality of your Geelong clients?

At Harmont, client confidentiality is paramount. All information shared with us is used solely for the purpose of crafting your resume. We do not share, sell, or disclose your data to third parties. Our systems are secured, ensuring your data remains private and protected.

Do you offer any post-resume delivery support, like revisions or updates for Geelong clients?

Absolutely! We want to ensure you’re 100% satisfied with your resume. After the delivery of your resume, we offer free edits for 21 days to ensure it meets your expectations and aligns with your career objectives.

Benefits of Professional Resume Writers

Top quality.

Hiring a professional resume writer has the benefit of delivering a high-quality and polished end product. A skilled writer can highlight your unique skillset in a way that captures the attention of potential employers, positioning you as an outstanding candidate for the role.

Up-to-Date with the Latest Industry Trends and Best Practices

Professional resume writers are well-versed in the latest trends and best practices, ensuring that your resume is up-to-date and meets all the necessary requirements. With their guidance, you can create a strong and lasting impression that increases your chances of success.

Time Savings

Looking for a job can feel like having a full-time job in and of itself. It involves searching for job openings, filling out applications, and dedicating time and effort to prepare for and attend interviews. Enlisting the services of a professional resume writer will take the burden off one of the most time-consuming aspects of the job-hunting process.


Make the smart choice, invest in your career through quality resume writers in geelong.

  • Job-Seekers with 0-2 Years Work Experience


  • Job-Seekers With 2+ Years Work Experience
  • Executive/Top Level Management

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Phone Number

859 589 7894

Our Locations

We offer our services to the following Australian cities

Get the information you need to land your dream job faster – delivered to your inbox, every week.

resume writer geelong

Resume Writing Packages

Graduate resume writing

Professional resume writing

Executive resume writing

Useful Pages

How to write a resume

Shopping cart

1300 069 956

109 Surf Parade, Broadbeach, 4218

196 George Street, Sydney, 2000

46 Eagle Avenue, Brisbane, QLD, 4000

14a Glover Street, Heidelberg Heights, Vic 3081, Melbourne

Levels 24/30, Westpac House, 91 King William Street, Adelaide

Level 11, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth

[email protected]

Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM

About Harmont Resume

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© 2024 Harmont – Australia ABN: 99 120 195 488

call us now

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Karen Gibbons

Writing résumés for results.

Belmont, Vic., 3216

Mobile: 0400 419 418

Email: [email protected]

Established in 1994 my résumé writing service has delivered results to many satisfied clients, working closely with people from all industries and fields, including those looking to change career direction or move industry.

I have experienced many changes in preparing résumés, covering letters and selection criteria responses over this time, and it is important that your résumé reflects current times, portrays YOU as a valuable proposition, and has the right structure, content and design to captivate the attention of the reader and get YOU short-listed for the position.

Professionally prepared résumés that are individually tailored to suit each client's needs and employer expectations. I like to create a snapshot of YOU, highlighting YOUR relevant skills, experience and achievements to give YOU the best possible chance of landing that job interview. 

A successful résumé combines your professional profile with your unique strengths, and must concisely present you with the right mix of information.

Equally as important is a personalised and well-crafted cover letter addressing the criteria outlined in the job advertisement. Once again, this cover letter must represent you as an individual, and it is here that we highlight why you are attracted to that role, your most relevant skills and experience pertinent to the position, and why you are ideally suited. Don't waste time on generic letters, invest the time on a personal representation of you and what you will bring to the position. 

Key Selection Criteria required for many government positions can present as a daunting task for many. I make this a whole lot easier by simplifying what is required and how we tackle it.

It is important that we use specific examples that illustrate how you meet each criteria, and this involves quite a lot of discussion and input from you. I then compile the information using appropriate keywords into coherent responses that clearly address the criteria.

or contact me via email form below

resume writer geelong

I'll keep it simple - I am passionate about my work and client satisfaction

has always been my highest priority. With over 20 years' experience preparing résumés, cover letters and selection criteria responses for many satisfied clients,

I stand by my commitment to uphold your expectations.

If you have an existing résumé then email it through and I will quote you directly. Normally the cost is between $170 and $200 plus GST - these prices respectively include a half hour or full hour consultation, the complete preparation of the résumé and a copy forwarded via email.

Additional consultations where required for more complex applications, will incur additional costs - these costs will be fully quoted at initial consultation. 

A one page application letter is $60 plus GST and response to Key Selection Criteria is costed at consultation, due to the amount of variance involved.

resume writer geelong


My primary testimonial

is the numerous referrals and personal recommendations I receive from satisfied clients, along with the following selected appraisals.

Consultation is by appointment only, with flexible hours Monday to Friday.

After-hour appointments are also available - give me a call to arrange.

Normally I require a 48 hour timeframe to complete your résumé, however same day service can be organised.


What does my service offer, testimonial's.

resume writer geelong

Thanks Karen, Résumé looks fantastic and I got the job! Thanks so much - I'll definitely recommend you to anyone else who needs one done .

Hello Karen, Thank you so much for your résumé service. I could not be happier with the first draft result, it was very personal as well as precise. It was very much a pleasure to work with you and your services were very direct and professional. You hold great ability to outline the hidden skills/experience in a client.

Hi Karen, I got 3 out of 4 interviews and ended up getting Royal Melbourne Hospital for my grad year, which I'm very happy about! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you.

Dear Karen, Thank you so much for your kindness, all your help and encouragement. It was greatly appreciated! Sorry to have you work on the weekend! … Thankz again.

Located in Belmont, Geelong, ideally I like to set-up a phone consultation where together we brainstorm and I gather the information I require about you!

I then prepare an individually tailored résumé that is concise, impacts the reader, is professionally formatted and stands out from the crowd!

If a consultation is not convenient for you, we can work via email. 

Once completed, I normally forward you a copy of your résumé via email for you to read through - we then make any adjustments or changes if needed. If you require printed copies or a memory stick you are welcome to collect these, or alternatively I can send them via Australia Post.

resume writer geelong

0400 419 418  

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creative branding + career development

Geelong Resume Writing Service by Client Centric. CV Writing for all professions.

Top rated writers


Geelong Resume and Cover Letter Writing Service 

Obtain work sooner in geelong with a custom-written and expertly tailored cv and cover letter designed to highlight and outline your skills and experience. we are australian-based writers, offering a competitively-priced writing service with a quick turnaround time., geelong cv and cover letter writers, it's your time to shine., apply with confidence., secure work faster in geelong with a brand new and tailored cv , accompanied by a custom-written cover letter that you can use to apply for jobs in geelong with renewed confidence. , we take a great deal of time and effort to ensure our work is very high. we spend hours writing up both documents. every cv and cover letter are personalised, individualised and original. we spend time and effort ensuring that your resume sells and markets you to any prospective employer. careful writing goes into every cv that we write for our clients. .

Make every application count. Have the confidence knowing that your job application documents are working to sell and market you.

Enlist our help as your professional resume and cover letter writers. We'll turn any resume into something that impresses and shines.

Do you want to move out of your current industry or profession? No worries. We will draw on your transferrable skills and experience. 

Stand out from other applicants vying for the same role in Geelong. 

Geelong Cover Letter Writer

Your employment history will be detailed and comprehensive.

Make the employer's hiring decision easy by including a comprehensive career profile. We take the time to write about your career history, what you have done and what was involved.

Work history.png

The industries we have experience writing for

What our valued customers have said.

"Everything looks really professional and well detailed, thank you so much!" "Absolutely great work. Thank you. A complete difference I see what you mean. I don't know how to thank you."

Made a few changes myself and the docs are good to go. So no more editing will be required from you. Thanks very much for your prompt and quality service!

"Outstanding! Thanks very much for your effort in presenting a very professional package for me. Your wording and format are exceptional, and have given me a very good base to start pursuing another long term career."

"Sent through my application yesterday and I just wanted to say thanks for organising my resume within such short notice. Fingers crossed and hoping for the best now."

Click to view more testimonials

We've worked with thousands of job seekers from all industries, professions, and trades at every level, including:  

Administration and office support, primary/secondary and tertiary education, healthcare: nursing and midwifery, hr and recruitment, ceo and general management, advertising, arts and media, banking and financial services, transport and logistics, education and training, mining and resources, call centre and customer service, engineering, manufacturing, government and defence - all el and aps levels, hospitality and tourism, trades: plumbing/construction/electrical, real estate.

Why we're Geelong's preferred resume writers

Every application that you submit generally means one chance at it. So, you want to make every application matter. As your CV writing experts, we'll craft a compelling resume that clearly and accurately outlines your skills, experience, and capabilities. 

We can write a cover letter custom-tailored for a role that interests you. Or, we can write up a more general letter that is broad, requiring only minor edits to personalise it for every job. 

We understand how stressful applying for work can be, so we want you to feel confident knowing that you have the best resume and cover letter to send to employers. As Adelaide's premier resume writers, we'll help ensure your application stands out and makes an excellent impression.

We also know what makes a quality-built CV. We are familiar with the labour market and how best to grab and hold the employer's attention. So we make sure that your CV will be detailed, that it will highlight the best you have to offer, and be specific to the employer's requirements and what they're looking for in a suitable candidate. We know that effective job hunting is all about making tailored applications. 

What makes ClientCentric different

Employers and job seekers alike consistently give us excellent feedback on our work. The effort and time we spend on every CV and cover letter we write genuinely show in our work, and the results prove this. We always receive excellent feedback. 

At the start of every CV we write, it includes a selling spiel in a summary and statement format. The summary is the first thing the employer will read, so it must grab their attention. 

That is why we'll write for you a career statement that is influential, persuasive, and summarises your skills, experience, qualities, professional profile, and career goal..

How we engage with our clients

Our contact with you will be primarily by phone and email as we work with clients all over Australia, and some of our clients may already be working, making it hard to meet. Please note that we allow for one review only and cannot guarantee any outcomes from our work. 

CV Writer in Adelaide

With an excellent resume and a personalised cover letter, you'll make an impression that lasts.

We'll construct for you a resume and cover letter that you can be proud of. customised, personalised and tailored for you..

We'll ask you to provide us with a copy of your most recent resume, a couple of links to the roles advertised on SEEK, and any up-to-date information missing from your old CV.

Once received, we will send you our payment instructions. As soon as payment is confirmed, we'll start crafting a brand new, tailored, and customised resume and cover letter for you.

We take the time to research what employers in your field require in a suitable candidate and their expectations. We include the right keywords too. 

We will write your complete employment history, including a summary of your roles. We will group your responsibilities correctly and include the correct duties in line with how you want to be marketed.

We will write up a tailored and personalised selling spiel that includes your career goal, expertise and what makes you stand out from other applicants.

An easy process. From start to finish.

Initial consultation.

We make initial contact with you.


We then ask if you can send us your existing resume and any supporting documentation, along with details of the role that you wish to apply for or a couple of links to jobs on We will email/call you if we have any questions for further clarification.

Full payment will need to be made upfront.

We usually ask for up to 3 working days to have the documents completed and ready for your review. 

Delivery and Revision

We will send the documents to you for your review and to see if you would like any changes or additions made. The documents will be sent to you in both Word and PDF format.

resume writer geelong

We're ready when you are.

View our fees and packages..

We offer a range of pricing options to suit everyone's budget. Our fees are straightforward and clear, just how it should be.

Talk to one of our friendly staff.

Have questions about how we work, payment terms or anything else? Just ask us.

resume writer geelong

1800 307 01077 (Toll Free)

1800 768 475 (free phone 24/7) +61 4888 55 333 (office hours).

resume writer geelong

Trusting your individuality as our core concern, CrispResumes, unlike the other flourishing sites employing CV templates on internet, provides unique CV Writing Service. Drafting a CV that keeps pace with your expectations, we ensure attraction and acceptance to the reader. Avoiding the usage of any templates, CrispResumes dedicates itself towards writing each CV, whether existing or not, from genesis.

Numerous CV Writing Servicers charge substantial amounts for a CV which is template-inspired. At CrispResumes, we don’t prioritize cost, but quality. Following a policy of affordable pricing, our writers craft your CV as per your profile and career expectations. They highlight your key attributes, skills and expertise to formulate your suiting personality with our exclusive trend of CV Writing. We can also customize a complementing Cover Letter for your CV at minimal additional charges.

Our company recruits CV writers who have excelled their arena with perfection. They conduct extensive research to know the exact demands of our employers for fields they are applying. Our expert CV Writers are experienced enough to pitch your strengths and skills into a descriptive, yet brief document. Your CV will stand ahead of those offered by our counterparts. Discuss your requirements and your CV’s main points with our writers Direct call and livechat.

Usage of objective and relevant content by the CV Writer will stage a step forward to your career. Understanding the same, our CV Writers level each informative piece of content and tailor it to look perfect for pleasant readability. We will initially provide a draft of your CV and you may ask for unlimited changes before you get your final document. We work on your order until you confirm it!

Unmatched and unique solutions for our CV Writing are the heart of our entity. We provide you with a contact number of your CV writer which helps you maintain 24x7 access for details and queries. Guaranteeing 100% satisfaction beyond your expectations, we work in compliance with your specifications to create exact CV matching your profile. Ignoring the time and cost constraints, we promise to provide you endless support till your peak level of satisfaction and appreciation

resume writer geelong


resume writer geelong

What is your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee?

Our CV Writers are highly capable when it comes to knowing what a great CV should look like. It is for this reason that should you be un-happy with your CV we will first explain why your CV has been designed and written the way it has been. Should you remain un-happy with your CV then we will listen to you and make the any adjustments necessary, providing you inform us within 7 days of receiving your completed order.

Our Process

Once you submit your order online we’ll schedule a time for a personalized and thorough telephone consultation to get to know you and your career goals better. This initial consultation will last approximately 20-90 minutes. We’ll want to know your goals for your career, positions and/or companies of interest, your employment history-and your passions, talents, and interests.


Thanks Team. My career seems to be moving now thanks to your professional writing services. Within one week of floating the new resume, I have 2 interviews scheduled and cant wait to give you the  good news.

Vijaya, Melbourne Loved the resume and cover letter I received from Crisp Resume. Andrew Martin, you have done a great job. Just brilliant. Hoping to see good response from the recruiters now.

Chris, Auckland Andrew from Crisp Resume was great to work with, he was able to pull all relevant details from my existing C.V. & turn it into a professional level C.V. I needed to read twice to confirm it was my C.V.

Kinchit, Brisbane Ray is an excellent resume writer. My resume was presented in a professiona manner and I am happy with the outcome. He has done a really good job! Thanks!

Ray, Sydney   Yes, I would  like to put out a word on the new Resume. But the profile writing for my LinkedIn account is a stand out. I am so confident that I have put the URL on my business card. 


CV Writing Services

  • Resume service
  • Resume writing services
  • Professional CV writer
  • Professional resume writing services
  • Professional resume writing
  • CV services
  • Resume writing
  • Resume writing company
  • Professional cv writing services
  • Cv writing service
  • Cv writing services

Clients Reviews

Excellent service from Andrew; I received a phone call as soon as I placed the order. It's a quick turnaround for a resume and cover letter. My new resume looks very streamlined and very clear. Thanks again, Andrew, for your help.

My resume was very dense and consisted of way too much information. Andrew Martin from Crisp Resume turned my CV into the most professional and on-point version of my career! Because of the detail to attention in my resume, I am no longer hoping for that interview but know it's a just matter of when! Thank you to Andrew and Team at Crisp Resume - HIGHLY Recommend!

I absolutely loved the resume and cover letter I received from Crisp Resume. The turnaround was incredible from my first phone conversation to receiving the draft and the finalised copy. Thank you so much to Ray Simon, you did a fantastic job.

  • Market-Area

Crisp Resumes © 2024

ABN : 62670059659

resume writer geelong

  • 1300 217 374

Are you from Lovely Banks in the Greater Geelong area?

Or are you typing into Google, Resume Writing Services near Lovely Banks ? Either way, do you need help writing your resume but don’t know where to start or who to trust for help? The Perfect Resume team is a great place to start when it comes to finding resume writers. Not only is Victoria home to highly qualified candidates, such as yourself, but you have access to several Resume Writing Services online that can help you get your resume written and formatted correctly.

The Perfect Resume writing services include several features that can help you get your resume noticed by potential employers. Our resources also offer tips that can help you write a better resume. If you’re unsure where to start or who to trust for help, The Perfect Resume is a great place to start your search for the perfect resume writer.

Our team of experts know what employers are looking for and will make sure your resume stands out from the rest.

At The Perfect Resume, we know what employers are looking for. We make sure your resume stands out from the rest by using graphically designed templates and ensure each resume is individually crafted to ensure it makes the best possible impression. Our team of experts have vast experience in different industries, so we know how to target your skills and experience to the employer’s needs. We’ll also provide you with interview coaching and tips to help you maximise your chances of success.

Here is a list of 10 competitive advantages when you hire a professional resume writer:

A professional resume writer can help you:

  • Carefully select the right words to describe your achievements, skills and qualifications.
  • Highlight your unique contributions with innovative formatting.
  • Ensure that your resume is properly optimised for search engine algorithms.
  • Provide you with a professional opinion on how to improve your resume.
  • Research the specific requirements of each job opportunity so that you can be.
  • Help you create an effective cover letter that introduces you to the employer properly.
  • Present your information in a clear, concise and well-structured manner.
  • Double-check for any errors or typos before submitting your resume

Avoid common resume mistakes, such as using jargon or clichés.

  • Format your resume in a way that is professional and easy to read.
  • Choose the right words to describe your skills and experiences.
  • Organise your information in a way that is logical and easy to follow.
  • Proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors.

We will give you peace of mind knowing that your resume is in good hands.

  • Increase your interview success rate from 2.6% (industry average) to 96%.
  • Write a cover letter that increases your chances of securing an interview by 40%

Are you in New South Wales and looking for a resume writer near Adelong in the Snowy Valleys Local Government Area?

We offer various services, including CV writing, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. Our professional resume writers offer a comprehensive range of services to help you get ahead in your career. Whether you’re looking to update your CV, write a cover letter, or create a LinkedIn profile, our team of experts can provide guidance and support. With years of experience in the recruitment industry, we know what employers are looking for and can help you to present your best self. So, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, get in touch today. We’re here to help you build a bright future.

Get in touch today to book an appointment with one of our experts!

Professional resume writing is essential for any jobseeker who wants to create interview-worthy content. But it’s not always easy to know how to write that engages and informs your hiring manager. That’s where our team of experts comes in. We specialise in creating compelling achievement-orientated statements that drive results with a 96% success rate.

Features of The Perfect Resume writing service and why you should choose us!

We will help you get ahead in your career because we:

  • Know what employers are looking for, so we can help you effectively highlight your skills and qualifications.
  • Understand innovative formatting
  • Know how to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for.
  • Make sure your resume is optimised for applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Provide you with interview coaching and tips to maximise your chances of success.
  • Research the specific requirements of each job opportunity to ensure your resume is tailored to their needs.
  • Apply vast experience in different industries to target your skills and experience to the employer’s needs

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start when it comes to writing your resume, our team at The Perfect Resume is here to help.

Whether you’re looking to:

  • Save for a rainy day or for a vacation.
  • Afford to upgrade your lifestyle and have more money to spend on things you enjoy.
  • Reduce your stress levels by having more financial security.
  • Give yourself and your family a better quality of life.
  • Retire earlier and enjoy your golden years without financial worries.
  • Pay off any debts you may have quicker.
  • Donate more money to charity or support causes that are important to you.
  • Be less reliant on others financially and have more freedom in life.

With a bit of extra cash, you’ll be able to weather any unexpected financial storms that come your way. So, if you want to update your resume, we can help. We have years of experience in the industry and know how to write a resume, selection criteria, academic CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile that stands out from the rest. Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

What Our Client's Say About Our Resume Writing Services

I recommend perfect resume to anyone who is looking for a change in their career or getting into a job. Melissa did a wonderful job on my resume and I got into interviews as soon as I started applying for jobs. No delay. Well done Melissa and team! Great work.

I was miserable at my previous job. Now I have a job I love. TPR helped with a brilliant resume and cover letter.

Melissa is great! She quickly prepared my resume, cover letters & selection criteria. I received multiple interviews, very happy customer! Highly recommend.

Defence Industry related with levels of privacy and discretion. The speed and professionalism of the service they provided me was exceptional. What I loved most was that they were willing to be blunt where others were not. Identifying weaknesses in my resume that most people are blind to see for themselves.

Professional, prompt and easy to deal with. I am very happy with the help that Melissa and her team provided to me. I had a fresh, new, exciting and professional resume plus an accompanying cover letter in just a few days, together with great advice, tips and encouragement. I couldn't recommend The Perfect Resume more highly.

Melissa was awesome. She engaged me in the process, gave really good insight and did a fantastic job with my resume. I had previously got someone else to redo my resume for me and they had done a really bad job. But this one is amazing and up to date and all ATS tracked and checked. I would HIGHLY recommend this company if you need help with resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn! They know what they are doing and really work with you.

I recently had the pleasure of working with The Perfect Resume to enhance my resume, and I am extremely pleased with the results. The team at The Perfect Resume demonstrated a high level of professionalism, attention to detail, and a genuine commitment to helping me present my qualifications in the best possible light. From the initial consultation to the final draft, the process was seamless and efficient. The expert resume writers at The Perfect Resume took the time to understand my career goals and tailored my resume to highlight my strengths and achievements. They not only polished the content but also provided valuable insights on industry trends and resume best practices. I appreciated the open communication throughout the collaboration, as the team was responsive to my feedback and ensured that the final document truly represented my professional journey. The refined resume not only showcases my skills and experiences but also reflects a contemporary and visually appealing format. Thanks to The Perfect Resume, I now feel more confident about my job search, armed with a well-crafted resume that sets me apart from the competition. I highly recommend The Perfect Resume to anyone seeking professional resume services – their expertise and dedication to client satisfaction truly make them stand out in the field.

How Our Resume Writing Services Work

Fill in the form to request a professional resume writer or career coach to review your resume or cv for free.

Resume Writing Services in Ballarat, Geelong and Melbourne

Resume and cover letter writing and job application services for job seekers. stand out from the crowd, our valued clients.

Ballarat Cleaning Specialists

Be confident your resume and cover letter reach the attention of employers by having it prepared by one of our award-winning resume writers. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

Invest in your future. “to the ambitious individuals seeking to improve their personal brand and who want to invest in their future.” contact the proven group team today., the proven group’s extensive range of tools and resources are more results driven and outcome oriented than other service providers, because they are backed by our business awards for writing excellence., if you are looking for the  only  award winning resume writing business in australia, then look no further. resume writing.

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Document Writing

Finding it hard to write your own story……..You know that you’re not good at writing. It’s okay you are not alone. In fact, this is one of the most common things we hear. I just can’t write about myself!

The Proven Group specialise in writing a wide range of documents. You may be looking to apply at Uni, finishing off those last-minute assessments or just needing a document written professionally. We offer a range of professional academic writing services for every kind of assignment.

We have a range of services available including proofreading, editing and formatting.

Get In Touch today and let us write your story.

Key Selection Criteria

Key Selection Criteria

LinkedIn Profiles

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Interview Coaching

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Career Change

resume writer geelong

“What am I doing here?” “How do I turn my ideas into a career?” “My role makes me feel unfulfilled.” “I keep thinking, I am so better than this job, I can do better, I just know I can.” “I have outgrown my role and I now feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.”

If you are feeling unsure, or overwhelmed in how to move forward or how to identify your ‘ideal’ career options Click Here. Still unsure? Get in touch with our team so we can help you move forward positively and onto new opportunities.

Contact us to learn how we can help you find work in the following industries.

  • Administration & Office Support
  • Advertising
  • Arts and Media
  • Banking & Financial Services
  • Call Centre & Customer Service
  • CEO & General Management
  • Community Services & Development
  • Construction
  • Consulting & Strategy
  • Design & Architecture
  • Education & Training
  • Engineering
  • Farming & Conservation
  • Graduate Recruitment
  • Government & Council
  • Healthcare & Medical
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Human Resources & Recruitment
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Insurance & Superannuation
  • Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Mining, Resources & Energy
  • Real Estate and Property
  • Science & Technology
  • Sport & Recreation
  • Trades & Services

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Free Book Offer

(This is a Real Book , not a downloadable PDF,  we will pay for the full postage and mail it to You)

The Proven Group

  • 46 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat VIC 3350
  • 1300 312 502
  • Suite 1, 200 Malop Street, Geelong VIC 3220
  • U23, Suite 21, 22-30 Wallace Ave, Point Cook VIC 3030

resume writer geelong

Career and resume assistance for job seekers

SJ Personnel is driven to help you fulfil your professional aspirations. We are experts at matching your skills, experience and preferences to the right job and the right employer. We are here to advance your career and offer a number of services so that we can achieve that together. Contact us today for more information.

Job application assistance / career advice

Job application assistance and career advice are services that aim to provide support and guidance to individuals who are seeking employment or looking to advance their careers. Job application assistance may include help with creating resumes and cover letters, searching for job openings, and preparing for interviews. Career advice may involve guidance on identifying career goals, developing skills, and navigating career transitions. These services can be provided by career coaches, recruiters, or other professionals with expertise in the job market and career development. The goal of job application assistance and career advice is to help individuals improve their chances of success in their job search and achieve their career objectives.

Careers Services Packages

Resume writing

Resume writing is the process of creating a document that summarizes an individual’s education, work experience, skills, and other qualifications relevant to a job application. A well-written resume is essential in presenting a candidate’s professional background to potential employers and can significantly impact their chances of being invited for an interview.

A professional resume writer can assist job seekers in crafting an effective resume that highlights their skills, experience, and achievements in a clear and concise manner. A good resume writer will often begin by conducting a thorough review of the individual’s career history, identifying their strengths and accomplishments, and tailoring the resume to the job they are applying for. They may also provide guidance on choosing an appropriate resume format, using keywords to optimize the resume for online job boards, and crafting a compelling summary statement.

Overall, a well-written resume can help job seekers stand out from the competition, secure job interviews, and ultimately land the job they desire.

Candidate testing

Candidate testing is a process used by employers to evaluate the skills, knowledge, and abilities of job applicants. It involves administering a variety of tests or assessments to assess a candidate’s suitability for a particular job. These tests can include skills assessments, cognitive ability tests, personality tests, and behavioral assessments.

Skills assessments are designed to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency in specific areas, such as technical skills or language proficiency. Cognitive ability tests are used to measure a candidate’s general mental abilities, such as problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Personality tests aim to evaluate a candidate’s personality traits, such as their level of extroversion, conscientiousness, or emotional stability. Behavioral assessments are used to evaluate a candidate’s behavior in certain situations and to assess their fit with the company’s culture and values.

Candidate testing can be beneficial for employers as it can help them make more informed hiring decisions, reduce the risk of hiring the wrong candidate, and improve the overall quality of their workforce. For candidates, it provides an opportunity to showcase their abilities and potentially differentiate themselves from other applicants.

LinkedIn profile updated

Social media is playing a key role in employment recruitment and LinkedIn in particular has proven itself to be a key recruitment tool. SJ Personnel can create and upload a LinkedIn profile for you, connecting you with the right organisations and individuals. Our knowledge and experience in this space gives you an unforgettable online business profile and cutting edge opportunity to landing your dream job!

Service charges for individuals

Making a positive impression is vital through all stages of the job application process. Contact us today for a quote on the below services:

  • Update or prepare a resume
  • Update or prepare a cover letter
  • Complete a selection criteria
  • Create a LinkedIn profile
  • Discuss career advice

If you would like further information on our services or fees, please contact us directly to discuss in more depth.

To contact SJ Personnel, please refer to the contact us page. To see the current Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne job vacancies we’re advertising on behalf of our clients and learn more about the team of experts at SJ Personnel recruiters , please use these links.

Quotation marks top

SJ Personnel offer recruitment and HR services to businesses and candidates throughout Geelong, Surf Coast, The Bellarine and western Victoria region

Quotation marks bottom

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0425 775 498

[email protected], send an email with your previous resume attached and request a price .

Specialising in professional, executive level and government enterprise job applications - as well the trades and mining industries.


Knowledge to help your application pass through the AI Tracking Systems and be chosen. Want to know more... Book a time for a free chat :-)

Professional remote writing service.

- Australia wide editing -

Exceptional Service

Andrea N.Young B Sc Hon - Owner/Manager

Since 2017, Remote Writing Service has provided quality services.

It began as a hobby business in between working for Deakin University. Due to demand, my business grew and now I'm happy to have the flexibility of running my own business.

With over 10 years of experience advising university students, all documents are reviewed and edited myself, personally.

Remote Writing Service is committed to creating a stand-out professional resume highlighting your key strengths, and providing a visually clear and concise summary of your professional abilities - using high-impact keywords. Ensuring you are satisfied every step of the way.

Please call for a chat about how I can help you achieve your goals 

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TESTIMONIALS Google business profile reviews- please visit my business on Google Maps for more 5 star reviews

"Thankyou for organising a quick turnaround. Very high quality, to the point and creative. I am very pleased indeed with the outcome, and appreciate the work you have done. Thank you so much Andrea"

Very easy to work with and very professionl letter writing. Got it very quickly and great prices. Very happy


"Hi Andrea, I just found out this afternoon that I have been successful with my application. I start the position on the 18th of next month. Thank you once again for all you help and guidance, especially for doing so out of normal business hours"

Signing a Contract

Reliable & Honest

Specialising in personalised quality service....

With extensive experience working in many fields; agricultural, hospitality, retail, medical research, OHS compliance and also strong family associations with the construction and mining industries. This background ensures a wealth of knowledge when compiling / restructuring resumes.

Remote Writing Service finishes each project on schedule and understands how to meet job application AI expectations with the highest level of quality. With a focus on personalized service, competitive rates and customer satisfaction, always striving to meet and exceed expectations.


- LinkedIn profiles

- Sport sponsorship proposals

- Refugee application letters

- AI and Automatic Tracking System knowledge

Job application Key Word Optimisation (KWO):

75 % of applications are processed through Automatic Tracking Systems (ATS ) before they are even reviewed by humans. ​

Optimise and make sure your resume is chosen !

Businessman or job seeker review his resume on his desk before send to finding a new job w


Understands the 'Duty of Care' when working with sensitive information

Computer Programmers



Remote Writing Service is committed to highlighting your key strengths, providing a visually clear concise summary of your professional abilities and making sure you’re satisfied every step of the way.

Image by Crew


Be prepared

Since its founding, Remote Writing Service has been one of the most trusted names in the industry. Learn how I cater to the needs of each client, ensuring the results you need and deserve.

resume writer geelong

Estelle Gallagher

Customer Reviews

Sophia Melo Gomes

Geelong Resume

Professional Resume Writing Services Geelong West VIC

Resumes geelong west.

If you’d like the very best chance of obtaining the perfect job in today’s highly competitive marketplace, resume writing services Geelong West VIC is the something that will set you that sets you apart from your competitors and is essential.

A strong CV, a creative LinkedIn profile and a captivating cover letter could be exactly what you require to set yourself apart from other applicants in interviews.

We can help you by providing expert writing assistance for the following:

  • Cover Letters

LinkedIn Profile

Our team of expert writers in Geelong West are ready to help ensure your next job application has a much higher chance of success. Enquire with our expert team now to discuss our resume writing services and how we can help you meet your goals.

3 Reasons You Should Choose Geelong West Resume

1. your resume is in professional hands.

Professionally trained and certified HR professionals and resume writers who can create your professional resume.

2. Our Team Values Your Time

Get your expertly written resume in just 1-3 business days.

3. 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction

A specialist resume writer will continue until you’re completely happy.

Our Professional Resume Writing Services in Geelong West

Our resume writing services are:.

  • Written by a HR Professional / Degree Qualified Writer to ensure that we create a powerful point of difference for you.
  • Customised to your individual needs.
  • ATS and HRMS friendly (which improves your odds of securing an interview during the initial screening stage).
  • Keyword optimised to suit the role and industry that you are targeting.
  • Given to you in a Word and PDF document, so you have full ownership.

Our team of expert writers in Geelong West are standing by to help ensure your next job application has a much higher likelyhood of success. Enquire with our team today for more info about our resume writing services and how we can help.

An Exceptional Resume Makes All The Difference

Creating an effective resume that can attract the most interview requests requires more than just providing job experiences and educational accomplishments. The resume must provide a clear presentation of your expert skills, competencies, achievements, and goals for your career.

But, organising your resume isn’t as simple as seems. When you create personal resumes, you are in risk of creating an item that appears great to you, but isn’t appealing to prospective employers.

We are experts at providing exactly what you need through our resume writing services and a custom resume that will catch interest of Human resources supervisors and recruiters. This will give you a professional advantage in the project market.

Our resume writers have all been graduated professionals (HR Managers or Recruiters, and others) with extensive know-how of the industry, ensuring that your new resume presents you in an professional engaging manner from the standpoint of employers.

All of our premium samples of resumes and letters to employers are written by us, in line with best practices as well as National Employment Standards.

Our team of professional writers in Geelong West are ready to help make sure your next job application has a much higher chance of success. Contact our team of experts now for more info about our resume writing services and how we can help.


We Are The Resume Writing Professionals

  • Our resume writers have written over 10,000 resumes and are one of the leading resume writing services in Australia
  • All of our writers are degree qualified professionals
  • We have HR Managers and Recruiters as part of our writing team, working on your resume and cover letter
  • We very closely follow the Australian National Employment Standards and industry best practice
  • Customer satisfaction is the number one priority

Our team of expert writers in Geelong West are ready to help make sure your next job application has a much greater chance of success. Call or message our helpful team now to talk about our resume writing services and how we can help.

Why Use a Premium Resume Writing Service Provider?

A professionally-designed, professionally-written cover letter and resume will increase the chances of getting asked for an interview, but preparing a good resume isn’t always as easy as it looks. If your CV has been improperly formatted, is overly lengthy (or even too short) or has mistakes in spelling, you’ll have difficulties getting interviews.

We will assist you in gaining an interview through the creation of personalised resumes that are appropriate to your work experience as well as your education and job goals based upon our years of experience. Through our writing services we’ll make sure that your resume is correctly organised, concisely written, and highlights your achievements as well as your skills and achievements to potential employers.

Help You Save Time

Writing a specialist resume is an exhausting task. If you’re not sure how to do it yourself employing a specialist writing service is an excellent option. They can assist you with getting your resume written quickly and efficiently, which means you can focus on other aspects of your job look. Get our top resume writing services today.

Avoid Resume Mistakes

There are many frequent mistakes in resumes that job seekers make. The help of an expert resume writer can assist you in avoiding these mistakes in addition to ensure that the information on your resume error-free.

Our team of expert writers in Geelong West are ready to help ensure your next job application has a much greater chance of success. Enquire with our team of professionals today to talk about our resume writing services and how we can help.

Benefits of Hiring An Expert Resume Writer

Are you prepared to advance your career to the next level? If yes, it is time to purchase professional resume writing. Professional resume writers professional resume writer will help to create a resume which accurately showcases your talents and experience, and also highlights your most appealing assets. Here are some of the numerous benefits when working with specialist writing resumes

They know what employers are Wanting to Find

Professional resume writers possess a vast know-how of the qualities employers are looking for in a potential candidate. They are able to format and present your data in a manner that will capture the employer’s attention and increase your odds of getting an interview.

They can help you identify Your Strengths

Professional resume writers specialist resume writer will spend time to understand your career objectives and goals. They’ll then assist you to discover what you excel at and include them on your resume. This can be a wonderful way to make sure that your resume stands out from the crowd.

Our team of professional writers in Geelong West are standing by to help make sure your next job application has a much greater chance of success. Contact our team now for more information about our resume writing services and how we can help.

Professional Cover Letter

Making your best impression and personal brand begins with your cover letter, but crafting a personalised, compelling cover letter that instantly introduces you in a positive light as the very best candidate is not an easy job. If you compose your own cover letter, you may not have the chance to make a great impression of your prospective employer.

We have specialist cover letter writers who will make certain your letter demonstrates the value you would provide to the post and also why you’d be the most suitable candidate for the job. We are dedicated to tailoring your cover letter to match the requirements of the project or field to which you are applying, emphasising your significant contribution and outstanding qualities.

Benefits of a Professional Cover Letter

A well-written cover letter will increase the chances of getting invited for an interview . The cover letter should be tailored to the job you are applying for.

Our team of writers consists composed of HR Management and recruiters with years of experience and we adhere to the Australian National Employment Standards and industry best practice. We will focus on highlighting your strengths and accomplishments to make sure you stand out from the crowd.

If you’re not happy with the initial design of your letter of cover, we will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that you’re happy. We aim to make sure that you’re getting the best possible product, therefore we provide unlimited revisions until you’re content with the final version of your cover letter.

Big W

Professional LinkedIn Update

LinkedIn is a great website for job seekers, however, in order to make your profile stand out to employers you’ll need an impressive LinkedIn profile.

We will work with you to determine your progression in your career and your career goals and objectives before crafting a profile which is sure to be memorable.

We have a team of highly skilled LinkedIn Profile Writers who will not just write an appealing, highly keyword-rich profile, but will also assist in connecting with other professionals in your field.

Contact us now if you are in search of an experienced resume writer who can get you the job you’ve been looking for.

Why Use a Professional LinkedIn Profile Writer?

How do you set up your LinkedIn profile but aren’t sure where to begin? This is where our experienced LinkedIn profile writers are able to help. By hiring an experienced LinkedIn profile writer will make sure your profile is attractive is well-read and isn’t cluttered with mistakes which could end up costing you a connection.

In the context of job seeking, you need to think of yourself as an individual brand, and LinkedIn is one of the very best marketing tools. Employing a professional LinkedIn profile writer will ensure that you’re advertised to potential employers in the most professional manner.

While LinkedIn is extremely useful in helping you make connections It is also an effective instrument for recruiters to locate specific skills and knowledge.

You must ensure that you have a compelling and descriptive heading that is more than your current title. Make sure you have a full profile so potential employers can quickly see the highlights of your work experience and education. An overview should be included in order to emphasize your top professional achievements as well as your most transferable abilities.

Contact us now if you need an experienced resume writer to help you land the job you’ve been looking for.

We Can Update Your LinkedIn Profile To Get Results

Our LinkedIn profile writer team in Geelong West is comprised of experienced recruiters, qualified HR managers as well as skilled technical writers. They will provide you with LinkedIn profiles that are the best quality thanks to their combined expertise as well as their experience, knowledge and experience.

We’ll draw on your achievements of education, training, and work experience to create an LinkedIn profile that is seen by all top recruiters in your industry.

The new profile you create will read:

  • Optimised and optimised with the appropriate keywords to ensure that you are easily found by potential employers
  • A well-written and entertaining profile, which makes sure your reader stays on your profile until they learn more about you
  • Designed to fit the role you have or your desired market
  • Concise and to the point so that employers can clearly see why you’re the ideal candidate for the job

High Qualified and Experienced Writers

Our team of diverse and energetic comprises highly skilled recruiters, HR professionals, industry professionals and consultants. We have the ability to draw on our collective expertise in a variety of areas to deliver you an excellent, well-written , impressive resume that surpasses your expectations.

Our expertise in recruitment of job interviews, best practices and hiring techniques is something we are proud of. Our expertise covers numerous professions, areas and industries you can be assured that your documents will be produced thanks to the efforts of our skilled team.

Additionally, our expertise in Australian hiring standards, procedures and documentation requirements can ensure your resume is not only professional, but is also effective in the job market.

So , if you’re searching for professional resume writing services that can assist you in landing your dream job, contact us today.

Form and Function

Resumes that are impressive and attractive are the result of balancing your outstanding professional achievements and our experience in good organisation of information and attractive design. At Geelong Resume we employ a dedicated team of Information strategists, HR Managers Consultants, technical writers to give you documents that are optimised for success in today’s extremely competitive market for applicants. Resume writers can make it much easier to write an impressive resume.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our resume writing service has proven instrumental to the success of thousands of applicants who have entrusted us over time. Our highly proficient team of highly skilled resume writers have always provided the resumes and job applications that have enabled our candidates stand out among a sea of applicants who are qualified for various positions in the private and public sectors.

Our promise and guarantee of complete client satisfaction is consistent with our pledge to provide you with documents that will give you an additional benefit.

Our team of professional writers in Geelong West are ready to help make sure your next job application has a much greater chance of success. Message or call our professional team now to discuss our resume writing services and how we can help you.

Resume Example

Resume Writing Services Geelong West VIC 3218

How It Works

All of our expert resume writers are degree qualified and follow a careful process to ensure that you are completely happy with your new, professional resume and documents. Therefore, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all resume writing solutions and we won’t stop until you are fully satisfied.

Step one: Contact us

Complete our enquiry form or give us a call to talk about your requirements.

Step 2: The Initial Review Stage

After you’ve made your enquiry and are ready to proceed, you will be assigned an expert resume writer who will be in contact with you via phone/email to collect any information required to conduct the initial review. Your degree certified writer will also collect any ‘new’ information from you aiding in the creation of your new resume / cover letter.

Step 3: The writing of your new resume or cover letter

We will write your brand new, professional cover letter and resume documents and send it through to you so you can review.

Step four: Receive New Documents

You will get your documents within two to four business days via email in both a pdf and word doc format. This way you have an editable version of your documents for later use, at no extra charge.

Step five: Final Review

You can go over your new documents and request we make any updates that you wish.


We provide professional resume writing services.


Cover Letter

We provide professional cover letter writing services.


We provide professional linkedin profile writing services.


Click the button below to get in touch.

We offer professional resume writing services and our highly seasoned resume writers will ensure that your new resume stands out among the rest.

We’re a team of highly qualified and seasoned HR professionals, recruiters, and consultants who are committed to delivering an exceptional, well-written resume or cover letter.

We pride ourselves on our vast understanding of best-practice hiring methodologies and Australian recruitment standards. Plus, our expertise in a vast variety of industries and professions means that we can produce a high-quality, powerful resume that meets your personal requirements.

Our end goal is to deliver you with a striking and impressive resume that is perfectly optimised for success in the competitive Geelong job market.

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our writing services, so you can be sure that you will be happy with your new cover letter or resume.

Professional Geelong Resume Writing Services

  • When is the Right Time to write a resume? The Guide for Writing the Perfect Resume
  • Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Tips for Writing a Compelling Resume Summary
  • The Secret to Making a Great Impression: Crafting an Effective Cover Letter and Resume
  • The Importance of Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Life in the Service Industry
  • Resume for Administrative Officer Geelong
  • Personal Growth
  • Resume Writing Services Norlane VIC
  • Online Learning
  • Resume for Property Manager in Geelong

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    Choosing a local Geelong resume writing service like Harmont ensures you receive a resume tailored to the specific nuances of the Geelong job market. Our team is familiar with local industries, employers, and recruitment trends. Moreover, being locally based means we understand the cultural and professional expectations of Geelong employers ...

  6. Resume & Cover Letter Writers in Geelong

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