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How to do PhD in India? A Complete PhD Course Roadmap to Aspiring Graduates in 2024

When you're having a discussion on career prospects and specialized expertise in a particular field, the term "PhD" is inevitable. Pursuing a PhD in India stands as a substantial academic milestone, demanding dedication and meticulous preparation. If you're considering pursuing a PhD degree, you're in the right spot. 

Explore this enlightening blog post from the  Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) , crafted to guide you through the nuances of a PhD degree, from understanding its essence to exploring diverse PhD program offerings and lucrative career pathways. Continue reading to explore the essential steps to initiate your PhD journey.

Let's get started!

What is a PhD? Definition of a PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in India is a prestigious postgraduate doctoral degree bestowed upon students who make real and meaningful contributions to knowledge, technology, and methodologies within their research field. 

It represents the pinnacle of academic achievement in India. This degree is also referred to as a DPhil or D.Phil. in some countries. Individuals who attain a PhD are entitled to use the term "Doctor" before their name. 

However, when deciding between an integrated PhD and a regular PhD, many candidates find themselves unsure of the distinctions. The primary discrepancy lies in the educational prerequisites. 

To pursue a regular PhD, one must have completed their master's degree. Conversely, those who are keen on research but lack a graduate degree can opt for the integrated PhD course.

Why do a PhD? A Quick Overview 

Pursuing a PhD in India offers a solid gateway to profound learning and experience for those with fervent curiosity. Delve into your chosen topic, honing your expertise and contributing original insights to your field. 

Seize the opportunity to put theory into practice, refining time management, communication, and interpersonal skills. Engage with peers, fostering a supportive environment for mutual growth and fruitful collaboration. 

Beyond academia, a  PhD degree opens avenues to various career paths from academia to the private and public sectors, offering enticing prospects and societal impact. 

Moreover, networking opportunities abound, facilitating connections with fellow researchers and globally enriching your knowledge and professional benefits. 

A PhD degree typically serves as the primary prerequisite for individuals aspiring to become lecturers or university researchers. Academic researchers in India are responsible for generating the majority of scientific and technical articles published.

Five Different Types of PhD Courses in India 

In India, there are 5 common PhD degrees catering to various needs and circumstances. Let's explore them:

Full-Time PhD

A full-time  PhD in India is a regular PhD program that entails dedicated research conducted by students under the supervision of experienced mentors. The duration typically spans between 3 and 5 years.

Part-time PhD 

Most of the working professionals in India prefer part-time PhD programs, which allow them to attend a limited number of in-person classes. These programs typically span 4 to 6 years (or 7 years) in duration.

Online PhD 

Earning an online PhD degree typically involves around 4 years of rigorous research and study by students.

Integrated PhD 

An integrated PhD is a comprehensive program that combines both a master's and Doctoral degree (PhD course), typically lasting around 5 to 6 years. Graduates can apply for this program immediately after completing their bachelor's degree.

Industry-Sponsored PhD 

This type of PhD degree is usually backed up by a company or an industry, and the overall research is typically based on finding solutions for industry-specific problems. This course normally lasts for three to five years.

How to get PhD Degree in India? A Detailed Version of PhD Course Structure 

Coursework .

PhD programs typically involve students undertaking core courses or seminars relevant to their chosen field, aimed at laying the groundwork for advanced understanding. The exact composition of the coursework may vary across institutions but commonly encompasses mandatory and elective components.

Research Proposal 

Upon finishing the fundamental courses, students are required to craft a research proposal depicting the issue they intend to explore, the research inquiries they seek to address, and the methodologies they will employ for data collection and analysis.

Comprehensive Examinations 

Prior to commencing their research, students must successfully navigate comprehensive exams that assess their proficiency in their chosen field of study.


Once students have wrapped up their coursework and aced their comprehensive examinations, they're primed to dive into the research process. This often involves conducting experiments, gathering relevant data, and immersing themselves in various research pursuits to tackle the queries outlined in their research proposal.


A vital component of completing a PhD program is the process of completing a dissertation, an extensive manuscript detailing the student's research outcomes, conclusions, and scholarly impacts within their chosen domain. Successful completion involves defending this document before a panel of faculty and industry specialists.

Different Types of PhD Programs in India Offered at HITS

Students have a plethora of options when it comes to pursuing PhD programs spanning various disciplines like Arts, Science, Commerce, Mathematics, Agriculture, and more. Among these, some of the most sought-after PhD programs available at HITS include:

1. PhD in Aeronautical Engineering 

A  PhD in Aeronautical Engineering delves deep into advanced concepts of aircraft design, propulsion systems, aerodynamics, and more. 

Core PhD subjects of this program include computational fluid dynamics, aerospace materials, flight dynamics, and control systems. 

The future scope of this PhD course in India is promising, with the country's burgeoning aerospace industry fostering growth. 

Salaries for PhD holders in Aeronautical Engineering vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer, but typically range from INR 8,00,000 to INR 20,00,000 (approx.) with ample opportunities for career advancement.

Suggested Read : Feeling puzzled about  Aeronautical Engineering ? Our blog has the answers you seek! - Check it out right away!

2. PhD in Automobile Engineering 

Pursuing a  PhD in Automobile Engineering offers advanced study in areas like automotive design, propulsion systems, and vehicle dynamics. 

Common PhD subjects include advanced vehicle dynamics, electric and hybrid vehicle technology, and automotive safety engineering. 

With India's growing focus on sustainable transportation and innovation in electric vehicles, the future career scope of this PhD degree seems promising. 

The students find various career prospects in R&D, academia, and industry leadership roles. 

3. PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 

A  PhD in Computer Science and Engineering offers you a deep dive into advanced topics like machine learning, AI, data science, and so on. 

Core subjects include algorithms, computer architecture, and software engineering, along with specialized areas like IoT and cloud computing. 

The future career scope for a PhD holder in this field is promising. Opportunities abound in research, academia, industry research and development, and entrepreneurship. 

In addition, the global demand for skilled tech professionals further enhances the opportunities for Indian PhD graduates in computer science engineering.

4. PhD in Information Technology 

Advanced research areas, including computer science, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, are integral components of a  PhD in Information Technology . 

The subjects covered usually span advanced algorithms, network security, machine learning, and big data analytics. 

Graduates can look forward to promising career paths in IT services, software development, research, academia, and other burgeoning fields. 

Career opportunities for graduates include roles such as professors, researchers, data scientists, IT consultants, or specialists within a wide range of industries.

5. PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

A  PhD program in Electronics and Communication Engineering explores the intricate aspects of signal processing, communication theory, and the design of electronic systems. 

Areas of study involve digital signal processing, semiconductor devices, and so on. 

The outlook for graduates seems optimistic, fueled by the burgeoning demand in sectors such as electronics manufacturing, automation, and telecommunications.

6. PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

The journey to obtaining a  PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering encompasses an in-depth exploration of advanced subjects like power systems, control theory, and so on. 

Typical coursework encompasses studies in research methodology, advanced mathematical principles, and a selection of specialized elective subjects. 

The future prospects are optimistic, driven by a growing demand for specialized knowledge in renewable energy, smart grids, AI, and the Internet of Things. 

Students who obtain their PhDs can venture into academia, research facilities, and the private sector, playing integral roles in fostering innovation and driving technological advancements.

7. PhD in Management 

A  PhD program in Management usually covers a wide range of subjects, including organizational behaviour, strategic management, marketing, finance, and operations. 

The curriculum typically involves rigorous research methods and theoretical frameworks to address modern business challenges. 

With the expanding corporate landscape and economy, the future scope for a PhD holder in management is promising. 

Opportunities exist for them in academia, consulting firms, research institutions, and corporate leadership roles, making it a rewarding path for those passionate about driving innovation and change in the business sphere.

8. PhD in Chemistry 

A  PhD in Chemistry generally involves advanced study and research across a range of areas, including organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry. 

Potential areas of study involve spectroscopy, computational chemistry, chemical kinetics, and nanotechnology. 

Opportunities span academia, research institutions, and private sector R&D, offering avenues for innovation, exploration, and more.

9. PhD in Physics 

Getting a  PhD in India in the domain of Physics typically entails advanced coursework in quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, and theoretical physics, supplemented by research in specialized areas like condensed matter physics or astrophysics. 

The prospects for a PhD holder in physics in India are promising, with opportunities in academia and industries such as technology and energy. 

Additionally, interdisciplinary applications in fields like biophysics and nanotechnology offer avenues for innovation and further career progress.

10. PhD in English 

Within the academic landscape, pursuing a  PhD in English commonly delves into adamant analysis of literature, linguistics, and critical theory. 

Key areas of study involve literary criticism, cultural studies, and language acquisition. Elective courses frequently delve into niche PhD subjects such as comparative literature and the digital humanities. 

The future prospects of an English PhD in India are promising, with opportunities in academia, publishing, journalism, and content creation. 

Plus, there's a great demand for English-language instructors and researchers in fields like translation studies and communication.

11. PhD in Visual Communication 

A  PhD in Visual Communication delves into the intersection of design, media, and technology, providing advanced study in areas like multimedia, digital imaging, and graphic design. 

The PhD subjects include semiotics, user experience design, and cultural studies. 

With the evolving significance of visual storytelling in fields like advertising, digital marketing, and film, graduates can pursue careers as creative directors, UI/UX designers, or academics, contributing to the growing landscape of visual communication in India.

12. PhD in Physical Education 

A  PhD in Physical Education in India covers advanced study in areas like exercise physiology, sports psychology, biomechanics, and sports management.  

PhD subjects include research methodology, advanced sports performance analysis, and curriculum development. 

Future prospects for a PhD holder include academic positions at top universities, research opportunities in sports science institutions, consultancy roles in sports organizations, and leadership positions in sports management.

13. PhD in Arts 

A  PhD in Arts in India typically offers a specialized study in various fields such as literature, history, visual arts, performing arts, and cultural studies. 

Coursework often includes research methodology, interdisciplinary approaches, and critical theory. 

Potential PhD subjects in Arts cover diverse topics ranging from classical literature to modern art forms. 

The future prospects of PhD graduates in arts are promising, with opportunities in research institutions, cultural organizations, and the creative industry contributing to cultural preservation, education, and societal enrichment.

Things to Consider Before Pursuing a PhD Program in India 

Research interest alignment .

Ensure your PhD course research interests align with the expertise available at universities or PhD colleges in India.

Quality of Supervision 

Investigate the quality and availability of supervisors in your field, as their guidance is crucial for a successful  PhD degree .

Infrastructure and Facilities 

Assess the availability of the necessary infrastructure, laboratories, libraries, and other facilities required for your research.

PhD Course Duration in India 

Understand the duration and structure of the PhD program, including coursework requirements, comprehensive exams, and thesis submission timelines.

Work-Life Balance 

Consider the work-life balance, as pursuing a PhD in India can be really demanding. Evaluate how manageable it is to balance research, coursework, and personal life.

PhD Job Scope 

Research the career opportunities after completing your PhD degree, both within academia and in industry. Evaluate the demand for your field of  PhD courses in India and globally.

8 Top Career Opportunities After Completing a PhD in India

Teaching and research roles in universities and colleges across India are popular options for PhD holders due to ample opportunities and academic freedom.

Government Sectors 

Stable positions with good pay in various departments and ministries offer PhD course graduates a chance to contribute to national development.

Corporate Sectors

Indian companies increasingly seek toppers in PhD programs for their expertise, offering challenging roles and competitive salaries.

Opportunities to address societal issues in NGOs working on education, health, the environment, etc. appeal to those who completed Doctoral degrees in India looking to make a positive and meaningful impact.

Careers in print, television, and radio allow PhD program graduates to share knowledge with a broad audience, making it a great option for those with strong communication skills.

Banking and Finance

The sector values graduates who completed their PhD in India for their analytical prowess, offering lucrative perks in roles requiring financial expertise.

IT and Software

With India's booming IT industry, doctorate degree holders can find rewarding opportunities in this fast-growing sector, leveraging their expertise for innovation and development.


PhD degree holders possess the skills and knowledge to start successful ventures, giving them a competitive edge in building their own business empires.

Why is Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) the Best College for a PhD Degree?

Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) emerges as one the most reliable PhD colleges in India for those seeking a PhD in India, supported by various key factors:

Exceptional Mentorship 

Leveraging the expertise of exceptionally qualified faculty, HITS helps you have a better understanding of your PhD program in both national and international contexts, empowering you to embark on a journey of expansive exploration and knowledge acquisition.

World-Class Infrastructure 

At HITS, students benefit from world-class resources, including fully equipped modern laboratories and top-notch research centres. Such reliable amenities are designed to accommodate those enrolled in PhD programs related to their respective fields.

Advanced Academic Roadmap 

Developed by subject-matter authorities, our PhD curriculum defines specific course requirements across various programs. It comprises scholarly publications and a research thesis, facilitating enhanced comprehension through practical implementation.

PhD Admission at HITS: How to Apply for a PhD Program at HITS?

Head over to our official website for HITS. Once there, find the "APPLY ONLINE" button and click on it.

You'll now be directed to the admission portal for HITS. Complete your registration and set up your profile.

Fill out all necessary details in the HITS application form for PhD candidates.

Step 4 

Take your next step by submitting the required payment for the PhD application fee at HITS. After payment, ensure to click the submit button to finalize your application process.

Following the submission, it's important to maintain a printed copy of the PhD application form.

Necessary Documents for PhD Admission at HITS:

  • Mark Sheets for Class 10th and 12th Standards
  • Mark Sheet of Graduation 
  • Transfer Certificate (if required)
  • Conduct Certificate 
  • Passport-size Photos 

Also Read : Want to have more clarity on how to apply for college online?  Check out our blog ! 

PhD Eligibility Criteria at HITS 

1. educational qualifications .

Candidates must possess a Master's degree in a relevant field. The minimum requirement is 55% marks or an equivalent CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).

2. National Level Entrance Exam Score 

Applicants must have a valid score in a recognized national-level entrance exams such as GATE or UGC-NET.

3. Research experience and publications 

Prior research experience and publications in reputed journals are highly valued.

4. Interview Round 

Candidates are required to clear the interview round conducted by the institute's selection committee.


Completing a PhD in India represents a meaningful achievement, propelling individuals to unparalleled levels of academic mastery and competence within their field of study. 

Kick-start your journey of innovation with  HITS . 

With over 400 dedicated research scholars, we facilitate collaborations with leading international universities, research centres, and industries nationwide and worldwide. 

At HITS, we provide you with state-of-the-art facilities, dynamic campaigns, and seasoned experts to empower scholars in their quest to drive positive change globally. 

Seize your spot at HITS and turn your aspiration of pursuing a PhD in India into a reality!

To stay updated on the current trends in the education realm,  check out our blog section right away!

Frequently Asked Questions on PhD Programs

1. What is the full form of a PhD?

The actual full form of a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, originating from the Latin term "Philosophiae Doctor." Despite its name, the term "philosophy" in a PhD doesn't necessarily refer to the academic subject of philosophy but stems from the Greek word meaning "a person who loves wisdom.".

2. What are some of the reasons for anyone to pursue a PhD?

Embarking on a PhD degree involves cultivating long-term career aspirations and allowing the candidate to make substantial contributions to the chosen field.

3. What are the best qualities that a professional PhD student possesses?

A professional PhD degree candidate possesses exceptional communication skills, outstanding academic prowess, adept time management abilities, and an unwavering passion for their subject.

4. What is the approximate salary of a PhD holder?

A PhD course is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement. Individuals with a PhD can earn an annual salary ranging from INR 6 to INR 12 lakhs (approx.).

5. What is the course duration for completing a PhD?

Well, the actual duration of a PhD in India varies, but it takes around 3 to 5 years. The time can be impacted by certain factors, including research complexity, individual progress, and program structure.

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PhD In India

Begin your successful career journey with a Ph.D. in India. Call us to apply!

Following the completion of a degree, the scope of a Ph.D. in India includes exploring numerous and various employment options available in India. Many Ph.D. holders go on to work in academia as professors or researchers. Others could decide to work in the private sector, perhaps in the engineering, IT, or finance sectors. The Ph.D. scope in India includes getting employment at research institutes, academic institutions, or government agencies. Additionally, they can get the chance to attend conferences and publish their research in academic journals. The career prospects after Ph.D. in India for NRI students include employment in the private sector in fields like engineering, technology, or finance. Additionally, they could be given a chance to work in consulting or managerial positions, as well as jobs in research and development.

It is also worth noting that a Ph.D. from India can lead to prospects for a global career. In order to draw in the top applicants, many worldwide organizations and businesses appreciate the knowledge and abilities that Ph.D. holders can contribute to the table and are prepared to give competitive compensation packages. India's economy is also expanding quickly, and a lot of foreign businesses are trying to increase their presence here. As a result, those with a Ph.D. can find employment in a variety of industries in India, including technology, finance, and consulting.

PhD In India Scope

A PhD from India might also give a foreign student a distinctive viewpoint on their subject of study. In India, there are many distinct cultures and languages, which might provide international students with new insights into their subject of study. As a result, the students can better explore job opportunities in India after Ph.D. for foreign students. This may be particularly helpful in areas like anthropology, sociology, and international relations, as well as in public health, economics, and developmental studies. Finally, a Ph.D. from India can give a foreign student a chance to work with some of the top academics in the world. Numerous institutions in India are home to well-known academics who are leaders in their fields. An overseas student may have the chance to receive instruction from some of the top experts in their profession as a result of this. For overseas students, pursuing a Ph.D. in India may be a fantastic opportunity, providing access to top-notch research resources and facilities as well as a diversified and active research environment. But it's crucial for overseas students to be informed of the expenses and prerequisites, as well as the schedule and length of the program. International students can successfully apply for and pursue a Ph.D. in India by thoroughly analyzing universities and programs, fulfilling all eligibility requirements, and acquiring all required documentation. International students may also fully immerse themselves in the Indian research culture and take full use of all the chances available by getting the requisite visa and abiding by all rules.

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PhD in India 2024 – Cost, Duration, and Eligibility for Admission

Complete guide to phd in india: duration, costs, eligibility, and recent updates 2024.

Dr. Somasundaram R

Embarking on a PhD journey in India is a significant academic and professional pursuit. Aspiring research scholars often have questions regarding the duration of a PhD, the associated costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments in the field. In this comprehensive guide, ilovephd aims to address these queries and shed light on the essentials of pursuing a PhD in India.

How many years is a PhD in India?

A PhD program in India typically takes around 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on various factors such as the discipline, research area, individual progress, and university regulations.

The duration may vary, but it is important to be prepared for a substantial commitment of time and effort.

How much does a PhD cost in India?

The cost of pursuing a PhD in India varies across institutions. Generally, public universities offer PhD programs with minimal or subsidized tuition fees. Private universities may have higher fees.

It’s advisable to explore funding options such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants provided by government bodies, funding agencies , or individual institutions to support your PhD journey.

What qualifications are required for a PhD in India?

To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master’s or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines.

Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic standards to be considered for admission.

What is the age limit for a PhD in India? Is 25 too old to start a PhD?

In most cases, there is no strict age limit for pursuing a PhD in India. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria and demonstrate the necessary academic qualifications, you can pursue a PhD at any age.

Therefore, 25 is certainly not too old to start a PhD Many scholars begin their doctoral studies later in life, bringing valuable experiences and perspectives to their research.

Can I do a Ph.D. without the National Eligibility Test (NET)?

While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is a common requirement for lectureships and research fellowships in India , it is not mandatory for all PhD programs. Some universities may have their own entrance exams or selection processes.

It is important to check the specific requirements of the university or institution where you plan to pursue your PhD

Who is eligible for direct PhD admission?

Direct Ph.D. admission is a pathway for exceptional candidates who have completed their undergraduate studies and wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

However, this option is typically available to a limited number of candidates, and universities may have specific criteria and guidelines for direct PhD admissions. It is advisable to consult with individual institutions to understand their policies regarding direct Ph.D. admissions.

Is it okay to do a PhD without a Master’s degree?

While a Master’s degree is generally the standard qualification for pursuing a PhD, some universities in India offer integrated PhD programs that allow students to directly enter the Ph.D. track after completing their undergraduate studies.

However, this option may be limited to certain disciplines or institutions. It’s important to research and identify institutions that offer such programs if you wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

What are the recent rules for PhD admissions in India?

The rules and regulations for Ph.D. admissions in India are subject to change and can vary between universities and disciplines.

It is advisable to stay updated with the guidelines provided by individual universities and regulatory bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

25 Tips to Join PhD in India

25 tips to help you join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field of interest thoroughly to identify potential research areas and topics.
  • Explore various universities and research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Check the eligibility criteria and admission requirements of each institution you are interested in.
  • Take note of application deadlines and ensure you submit your application well in advance.
  • Prepare a strong statement of purpose (SOP) that highlights your research interests, goals, and why you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Contact potential supervisors or faculty members whose research aligns with your interests to discuss your research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams that may be required for admission, such as the UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific entrance exams.
  • Enhance your academic profile by participating in research projects, publishing papers, or presenting at conferences.
  • Build a strong recommendation letter portfolio by reaching out to professors or mentors who can attest to your academic abilities and research potential.
  • Seek out scholarships, fellowships, or research grants offered by government bodies, universities, or funding agencies to fund your Ph.D.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research facilities, laboratories, and resources available at the institutions you are considering.
  • Attend research seminars, workshops, and conferences related to your field to stay updated with the latest developments and network with researchers.
  • Develop good communication and writing skills, as they are essential for presenting research findings and publishing papers.
  • Create a well-structured and feasible research proposal that clearly outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Be prepared for interviews or presentations as part of the selection process, where you may need to defend your research proposal or discuss your academic background.
  • Gain teaching experience by assisting professors or taking up teaching assignments to enhance your profile for future academic positions.
  • Connect with current Ph.D. students or alumni of the institutions you are interested in to gain insights into the program and research environment.
  • Stay updated with any changes in the rules, regulations, or policies related to Ph.D. admissions in India.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and time management skills, as PhD programs require dedication, self-discipline, and long hours of research.
  • Consider the location and infrastructure of the institution, ensuring it suits your research needs and provides a conducive environment for learning.
  • Explore interdisciplinary opportunities and collaborations to broaden your research scope and gain different perspectives.
  • Discuss funding options and financial support with the institutions you are applying to, and be prepared to seek external funding if necessary.
  • Keep track of your research progress and maintain regular communication with your supervisor or mentor.
  • Attend preparatory courses or workshops on research methodology or academic writing to enhance your research skills.
  • Finally, be passionate, persistent, and proactive in pursuing your PhD dream. Embrace the challenges, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey of knowledge creation.

Remember, each institution may have its specific requirements and procedures, so it’s crucial to carefully review their official websites or contact the admissions offices for accurate and up-to-date information.

10 Steps to Join PhD in India

Here are 10 steps to join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field: Explore different research areas and identify your specific field of interest for pursuing a PhD in India.
  • Shortlist institutions: Identify universities or research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Review eligibility criteria : Check the eligibility requirements of the institutions you are interested in, including minimum educational qualifications and entrance exam scores.
  • Prepare application documents: Gather the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams: If required, prepare for entrance exams like UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific exams. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Apply to institutions: Submit your applications to the shortlisted institutions within the specified deadlines. Pay attention to the required application fees and submission procedures.
  • Attend interviews (if applicable): Some institutions may conduct interviews or presentations to assess your research aptitude and fit for the program. Prepare well for these interactions.
  • Secure funding: Explore funding opportunities such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants. Check if the institutions offer any financial support or external funding options.
  • Accept an offer : After receiving acceptance letters from the institutions you applied to, carefully evaluate and select the most suitable offer based on research facilities, faculty expertise, funding, and overall fit.
  • Complete admission formalities: After accepting an offer, complete the necessary admission formalities as specified by the institution. This may include submitting additional documents, paying fees, and fulfilling any other requirements.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and procedures may vary between institutions. Therefore, always refer to the official websites and admission guidelines of the institutions you are applying to for accurate and up-to-date information.

Pursuing a PhD in India is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating endeavor. Understanding the duration, costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments is crucial to navigating the process effectively.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, aspiring Ph.D. scholars can embark on their academic journey confidently and clearly.

Remember to contact universities or institutions directly for specific information and seek guidance from mentors or faculty members who can provide valuable insights into the PhD application process in your chosen field. Good luck with your Ph.D. pursuit!

PhD in India

Also Read: Best 100 Institutions to Study PhD in India – 2024

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  • PhD Admissions in India
  • PhD in India
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Dr. Somasundaram R

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Home » Career Guidance » A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

phd in india

Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs.
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India.

If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

Reasons to pursue a phd in india.

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

Stream-wise phd degrees.

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. However, some entrance exams are conducted on a national level and have more importance. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write phd dissertation

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India:

Step 1 Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2 Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3 Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4 Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5 Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

Top 10 career options after phd in india.

Source: Ambition Box

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article. Do your research, know which specialization you want to choose and excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

A PhD program lasts for three to five years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length may be different for different institutes and the time taken by student in completing their thesis.

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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PhD Admission in India 2024: Dates, Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Admission Process, Top Colleges

Updated On: May 10, 2024 12:36 pm IST | UGC NET

Looking for PhD admission in India 2024? If yes, then you might be thinking about what are the PhD eligibility criteria, required entrance exams, top colleges, career scope, etc. Scroll through to find PhD admission process in India.

PhD Admission 2024: Latest Updates

Application deadline for phd admission 2024 in top colleges, eligibility criteria for phd admission 2024, admission process for phd admission 2024, entrance exams required for phd admission 2024, top entrance exams schedule for phd admission 2024, phd admission 2024: how to apply, top universities in india for phd admission 2024, preparation tips for phd admission, job prospects after phd in india.

PhD Admission in India

PhD admission in India 2024 is carried out based on a national-level Research Entrance Test or University-level Entrance Exam followed by a personal interview round in which applicants must present their research proposal. As a part of the PhD eligibility criteria, candidates must also sit for entrance exams such as the UGC, CSIR NET, IIT JAM, etc. PhD admissions are available for research programmes in a variety of fields, including mass communication, management, science, law, humanities, engineering, commerce, and pharmacy.

The Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD course is an advanced research degree that lasts three years if pursued full-time and six years if pursued part-time. It is necessary for applicants seeking PhD admission in India 2024 to present their findings, submit progress reports, and participate in an open defence viva voce for their thesis. UGC NET entrance test is administered by the National Test Agency (NTA) for participation in the PhD admission process in India at prominent central universities such as JNU, DU, etc. Aspirants must have scored at least 50% to 55% of aggregate marks or an equivalent CGPA in their postgraduate degree to be eligible for admission at the top PhD colleges in India 2024 .

All PhD admissions for the academic year 2024 have been completed. Here is a list of important dates and events that occurred for your convenience. Here are the latest updates on PhD admission 2024:

  • By July 29, 2024, register for the PhD programme at ICFAI Jaipur (On-going).
  • The revised entrance exam date for the RGUHS PhD programme is scheduled for May 04, 2024 (Over).
  • VIT Vellore PhD admission is now accepting applications through April 28, 2024, based on VITREE (Over).

The table below includes the top PhD colleges and their application dates for PhD admission 2024:

Students who intend to pursue PhD in India must meet the necessary PhD admission eligibility criteria required by their respective colleges. Listed below are the detailed PhD qualifications required for pursuing a PhD from India:

  • Masters degree holders are eligible for PhD admission 2024 into the doctoral programme. Although, for some subjects, having a Master in Philosophy (MPhil) is one of the criteria for PhD admission eligibility. It must be noted by the candidates that in some Indian universities, for a Master's programme, a specific percentage (or equivalent CGPA) is required to satisfy a PhD course eligibility requirement.
  • For admission into some reputable universities, a candidate must qualify for the all-India examination, like the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET) conducted by NTA. Final-year students appearing in the qualifying degree examination can also apply although they must submit the attested copies of their qualifying degree certificates
  • Admission is offered based on interview. Also, the interview may be supplemented with a written exam if needed.
  • Candidates should have a valid Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or GATE 2024 score to satisfy a PhD admission eligibility criteria in the field of engineering and technology. Also, candidates should have completed their degree in MTech course / Masters in Engineering (ME) in any engineering branch to satisfy the PhD course eligibility in engineering.

The need for a PhD degree in India has increased in recent times because of the increasing career prospects and the growing requirement for higher specialisation. Applicants who want a PhD admission 2024 must consider the following points concerning the admission procedure as the admission is done based on merit and/or entrance exams.

  • Admission into colleges/ universities in India is available for candidates in full-time and part-time programmes in various disciplines of engineering, arts, management, commerce, science, humanities, finance, law, medicine and IT.
  • Candidates can choose to pursue their PhD either full-time or part-time. The minimum duration of PhD is two years wherein the course follows the semester system including theory and practical versions on the specialisation of a respective course.
  • For PhD admission 2024, a Master's degree is required in India. Some universities in India offer seats to students having a minimum of 55% aggregate marks or equivalent.
  • In some cases, doing an MPhil is a part of their PhD admission criteria to pursue courses offered by some universities.
  • Admissions to a PhD programme is done through an entrance test at the university level or national level.

The admission procedure for both processes is described below.

PhD Admission 2024: Selection Criteria

Candidates interested in pursuing a doctorate should consider the subsequent factors during the PhD admission process in India.

  • The applicants who are selected will be contacted to participate in a personal interview round as part of the final selection process.
  • Depending on the applicant's MTech project and certain academic areas, the interview process will take place.
  • Students chosen for PhD admission are determined by their performance on entrance exams or merit.
  • Applicants must pass certain academic requirements before beginning a PhD.
  • Based on personal interview results, PhD admission in India 2024  will be awarded. If needed, a written exam could be added to the interview.

The entrance exams for PhD courses conducted in India may vary university-wise. PhD admission in India is based on enrollment to several universities. Universities accept the results of either a national-level or a university-level entrance examination. The following section summarises the PhD admission 2024 entrance exam schedule. Mentioned below is the list of the top entrance exams for PhD in India:

As discussed, PhD admission 2024 is primarily based on entrance exams. Applicants can select from several PhD specialisations, including mathematics, engineering, education, and engineering. The table below shows the exam schedules for India's most competitive PhD entrance exams.

Prospective applicants can take part in the PhD admission process in India with a bachelor's as well as a master's degree. However, they must be conscious that to be eligible to register for a PhD study at any of the Indian schools, they need to meet a certain percentage requirement (or comparable CGPA). PhD admission is granted based on the interview. If required, in addition to the in-person interview, a written exam may be administered at a respective university's discretion. The following is a discussion of how students can apply for admission to their preferred PhD course.

  • On the official portal of their preferred college or university, applicants should review all the details on all PhD courses before selecting their specific research topic.
  • Those who wish to apply for PhD admission in India 2024 should keep an eye out for notifications about admission to their desired course on the university's official website (preferable) and in the local newspaper.
  • The individual needs to cross-check if they match PhD eligibility criteria. Next, they should fully complete the application and submit it by the dates specified on the official portal. Additionally, aspirants need to be mindful that they need to register by the formulated deadline along with all necessary documents and fees.
  • A few Indian universities stipulate that applications must be submitted with a research proposal; the application itself is reviewed afterwards.
  • Most colleges shortlist candidates after the examination, and those only then appear for the entrance exam. There is one more testing phase included to reduce the number of applicants for PhD admission in India.
  • The individuals selected for the PhD programme are subsequently paired with research mentors.

Typically, PhD admissions in India are carried out in the spring and fall semesters. Usually, the Spring Cycle starts in January and ends in June with admissions. PhD admissions for the Autumn Session open in July and end in December. Thus, to stay informed about the admission cycle, aspirants need to keep a close eye on the important dates, and deadlines and monitor the respective official portal routinely. The following is a discussion of the top government and private universities that offer PhD admission in India 2024.

List of Government Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

PhD admission in India 2024 is now being offered by numerous Central and State Universities for the July Session. The majority of institutions use the Research Entrance Test or UGC NET/JRF results for admittance. Applicants may directly take part in an interview and showcase their research proposal if they have authentic UGC NET/JRF results. Also, a lot of universities only admit PhD hopefuls who have completed their JRF. Consequently, aspirants need to focus especially on these requirements. The following table highlights a list of the top government institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

List of Private Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

Numerous private colleges provide PhD programmes in a range of subjects and provide candidates with respectable stipends. In addition to offering PhD admission to students who have passed any fellowship entry exams, the majority of these institutions also administer their own Research Entrance Tests. The following table highlights a list of the top private institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

Here are some preparation tips for PhD entrance exams which students can use for reference:

  • Students should gather past year PhD entrance exam question papers from reliable sources and study accordingly.
  • They must refer to the PhD entrance exam syllabus as per their specialisation.
  • The entrance exam format varies depending on the conducting body; therefore, the aspirants must be informed of the structure to plan accordingly.
  • They must cover all exam subjects at least one month before the exam.
  • To relieve exam stress, the students must take advantage of the various mock tests available.
  • Keeping up with current events is vital because they are essential for grades.
  • Visiting the exam centre a day before the exam to avoid last-minute confusion about where the exam centre location is advised.
  • Before the exam, students must get a good night's sleep.

In today’s world, there is immense scope for candidates after they have completed their PhD. Gone are those days when the scope of PhD was limited to academia. After completing a PhD, one should track their potential and apply to jobs based on exact skills and expertise. Following are a few career options that candidates can choose after pursuing a PhD:

  • Lecturer & Professor
  • Author & Writer
  • Editor & Critic
  • Human Services/ Social Worker
  • Independent Consultant
  • Philosophical Journalist
  • Industrial R&D Lab professionals
  • Senior Research Scientist

PhD is considered one of the most valued degrees not just in India but abroad as well. When it comes to your career graph, it can be a good qualification for the aspirants. Many colleges or universities offer this course for aspiring students, however, one should satisfy their respective PhD admission eligibility. With this, candidates will have in-depth knowledge and develop mastery over the subjects they have chosen for specialisation, which will be extremely useful for them in their careers.

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more such updates and information. Aspirants can also check out our QnA Zone to get their queries resolved by our experts. We wish good luck to all the candidates seeking PhD admission 2024 in India!

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In most cases, a two-year Master's OR MPhil degree in the relevant field from any accredited Indian or foreign university is the minimal requirement for admission to a PhD programme. She or he must have earned a master's degree or a grade equivalent with at least 55%.

The university-level PhD entrance exam or the national research entrance test is used in deciding admissions. The next step is a face-to-face interview where applicants submit their research project. A lot of India's top universities are currently accepting applications for PhDs.

Yes, students can finish their PhD in two years. While a small percentage of exceptionally talented candidates can finish their PhDs in under 12 months, most applicants finish theirs in two years. The rarity and impressiveness of this cannot be overstated, but it is always possible. The secret to completing a PhD promptly is to have a solid academic background before you begin.

Yes. It is every so often possible to forego your master's programme and enrol directly in doctoral courses. You can choose to forego your PG degree by enrolling in a research programme after earning your bachelor's degree.

The list of the top 10 easiest PhDs to obtain includes a PhD in Humanities, a PhD in Education, a PhD in Theology, a PhD in Business Administration, a PhD in Psychology, a PhD in Literature, a PhD in Criminal Justice, a PhD in Public Policy, a PhD in History, and a PhD in Sociology.

A PhD is the highest educational qualification that can be obtained. A PhD candidate can expect to earn PhD salary between INR 6 and INR 12 lakhs per year.

Whether a PhD is required after a master's degree depends on a candidate’s interests in a particular specialisation. To be eligible to enrol in a PhD programme, candidates must hold a master's degree in good standing. A PhD course can be pursued by students in any field.

A PhD programme allows you to specialise in a variety of fields. Chemistry Clinical Psychology Education Physics Electronics and Communications Engineering Educational Leadership and Administration are some of the popular doctorate level courses.

A doctorate or PhD degree typically takes three years to complete. Candidates accepted into the programme have a maximum of 5 to 6 years to complete their research. However, the duration of the PhD programmes varies by institute.

Yes, students can get a direct PhD admission in India after completing the UG degree in any discipline or subject of their preference. As per the University Grants Commission (UGC), candidates can apply for a PhD provided they have a four-year bachelor’s degree along with a 75% aggregate mark or its equivalent grade.

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  • Abroad PhD , Study Abroad

The Key Differences between Pursuing a PhD in India and Abroad

  • Published on May 4, 2023

PhD in India vs Abroad

Pursuing a PhD is a significant academic achievement that requires a considerable amount of time, effort, skills, hard work and dedication. While some students choose to pursue their doctoral degree in their home country such as India in our case, others may opt to explore opportunities abroad. However, there are several differences between pursuing a PhD in India and abroad, from the admission process to the curriculum and research culture. In this article, we will go deep into the various aspects of an Abroad PhD and a PhD in India, highlighting the differences between the two in this article. 

PhD in India vs. PhD in Abroad, the key differences.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Admission Process:
  • 2 Research Funding:
  • 3 Duration of PhD:
  • 4 Curriculum and Coursework:
  • 5 Research Culture:
  • 6 Career Opportunities:

Admission Process:

In India, admission to a PhD program typically involves clearing an entrance exam conducted by National Test Agency (NTA) and an interview. This exam makes students eligible for pursuing PhD in India. This is not the only way to get enrolled in the PhD programme in India, there are other National entrance exams for PhD in India as well through which anyone can get admission in the PhD programme in India (Example: GATE).

However, admission to a PhD program abroad is generally more competitive and may involve a variety of criteria such as academic records, research experience, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and standardized test scores such as GRE, TOEFL or IELTS to evaluate English speaking, listening, and writing skills.

Research Funding:

PhD in Indian universities are often funded by the government or universities, and students may also receive a monthly stipend through different private scholarships. Central Government scholarships can be availed directly through the JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) programme.

However, PhD programs abroad are usually not funded by the government, and students are often required to secure their own funding through scholarships, grants or fellowships. Abroad PhD can be Partially or Fully funded. Students can get a direct fellowship from their enrolled university or Supervisor fund. 

Duration of PhD:

PhD in Indian universities typically takes between 3 to 5 years to complete. First-year of the Indian PhD programme is known as Pre-PhD, in this period usually students go through research coursework and other skill development courses essential for their research. After that, the duration of the PhD programme depends on the student and supervisor. 

However, PhD programs abroad may take longer, and the duration can vary depending on the field of study, the research topic, and the country of study. Sometimes the duration of an Abroad PhD purely depends on the funding period, which means for how many years the PhD candidate is getting funding for his/her research. 

Curriculum and Coursework:

PhD in Indian universities are generally required to complete coursework in addition to their research work. However, in many countries abroad, such as the United States, students may not be required to complete coursework and can focus solely on their research. 

Research Culture:

PhD in Indian universities place more emphasis on coursework and examinations. PhD programs abroad often have a more research-focused culture, with greater emphasis on independent research and publication. Research culture can vary depending on the institution.

Research Culture, The Key Differences between Pursuing a PhD in India and Abroad

Career Opportunities:

Completing a PhD abroad can open up a more comprehensive range of career opportunities, both in India and abroad. PhD graduates from reputable international universities have better job prospects and higher salaries compared to graduates of Indian universities. 

the scope of phd in india

The decision of pursuing a PhD in India or abroad requires careful consideration of various factors such as the admission process, research funding, duration, curriculum, and career opportunities. While pursuing a PhD in India is more accessible due to government-funded scholarships and a structured academic curriculum, studying abroad may offer better career prospects and a more research-focused culture. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual preferences, resources, and aspirations. Whatever the choice may be, pursuing a PhD is a commendable achievement that can open up new dimensions and opportunities in the academic and professional world.

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Last date to apply

The Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi is pleased to announce ‘Call for applications for the PhD Program’, affiliated to Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR).

The doctoral degree program in various areas of public health will enable PhD scholars to be future thought leaders in public health. The aim of this doctoral program is to generate knowledge and evidence in public health using scientific & innovative research and develop expertise in specific areas under public health to provide advanced knowledge, mastery of skills in leadership, management, communication, and innovative thinking.

About the Program

The aim of PhD program in a multi-disciplinary area of public health is to provide training to enhance professional abilities of scholars in research, problem solving, and critical thinking to address public health issues and establish them as thought leaders in public health.

Degree Awarding and Registering body

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)- Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi in collaboration with Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) brings you this unique opportunity of doing PhD in the areas of public health. The degree (PhD in Sciences) will be awarded by Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research. For more information, please visit https://acsir.res.in/ .

Categories of PhD Students

PhD students will be admitted under following categories:

Regular Applicants with mandatory funding support/ grant/ fellowship for whom minimum residency will be 3 years .

Sponsored A student in this category may either be sponsored by a recognized industrial R&D organization, academic institution (universities/colleges), government organization including PSUs and autonomous bodies, reputed industries (as may be recognized by this Institute) or self-sponsored for doing research at the Institute. The Institute will not provide any assistantship/fellowship to such a student. Prospective applicants applying under ‘Sponsored Category’ with NOC from their employer w.r.t fulfilling all the required conditions of coursework and minimum required residency may be considered irrespective of the funding arrangement between the candiate and their employer. Such candidates are expected to arrange their own funding for the research activities and sustenance. The minimum residency under this category will be 6 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

  • Candidates with a consistently good academic record having Master’s degree in Public Health, any streams of Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM), Social Sciences, Medical, Dentistry and allied fields, AYUSH (Alternative System of Medicine in India), Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Veterinary science, Demography, Nutrition, Social Work, Law, Business Administration or any other relevant areas.

Other Essential Criteria

  • Candidates must have fellowship/scholarship or project funding support (assured for at least 3 yrs) while applying under regular category .
  • Minimum 2 years of relevant job experience is must while applying under sponsored category .

PhD Duration

Minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years for both the categories – regular and sponsored.

Application Process

  • Applicants will have to apply online only.
  • Degree certificates and marks sheets of Under-Graduation, Post-Graduation and any other relevant qualifications
  • At least 2 years Work experience certificate if applying under ‘Sponsored Category”
  • Fellowship/Scholarship/Funding Support Letter if applying under “Regular Category”
  • Research Ideas (Your tentative research area/question that you want to work on in PhD, Public Health Relevance. Word limit – Max. 500 word)
  • Statement of Purpose (Max 1000 words)
  • No Objection Certificate from Employer
  • Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PH/EWS for General Category)
  • Latest Curriculum Vitae/ Resume

Selection Process

Selection will be based on an interview by the selection committee. During interview, shortlisted applications may present their previous past experience and research idea using slides (max 5 slides) in 5-7 mins, which will be followed by Q & A by selection committee.

Supervisor and Co-Supervisor(s) for the Doctoral Program

The primary-supervisor can be from either PHFI/IIPHs or AcSIR depending on the topic and mutual consensus. AcSIR Faculty List – https://acsir.res.in/fa-tab/ (check ‘Faculty at Academic Centres Tab’) IIPH Delhi Faculty List – https://phfi.org/iiph-delhi/faculty-and-staff/

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Doctor of Philosophy- Ph.D

the scope of phd in india

Basics of PhD in India

  • Mastery over one's subject
  • Respect for the Discipline
  • Capacity of conducting research
  • Ability to expand the horizons of knowledge in one's subject.

Scope of Ph.D

  • Academic Jobs: In India, a candidate can work as a Scientist/Professor after completing his/her Ph.D. These jobs come with the benefits of a pay security and dignity in society. In foreign countries, while doing a Ph.D, a student gets the opportunity to work with reputed scientists.
  • Industrial Jobs: Another area of interest for Ph.Ds is the industrial sector. With rapid growth in the country, accompanied with the entry of private sector in many fields, numerous vistas have opened up for Ph.Ds. Research is highly valued by corporate now, and in the years to come, its value will only go up. A prime example of a research driven sector is the pharmaceutical sector. In the years to come, we are bound to see a greater number of sectors giving importance to research and development.
  • Start-ups: Since the past few years many start ups and entrepreneurial ventures have emerged in the market. Start ups have become formidable engines of innovation. Many Ph.D holders nowadays are joining start ups directly or after working some years in academia.Keeping the above in mind, we can clearly see that Ph.Ds are for those with deep interests in their subjects, and those with a desire for technical innovation.

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Discover the Scope and Benefits of PhD

  • by Tanu Bhatnagar
  • Published: May 13, 2023, 09:45 IST
  • Updated: May 12, 2023, 23:17 IST
  • Tanu Bhatnagar
  • May 13, 2023


Discover the Scope and Benefits of PhD in India

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is India’s highest academic degree. Those who want to further their careers in academia, research, or industry often pursue a PhD. The scope of PhD in India is broad. Engineering, humanities, social sciences, business, and management are common PhD programmes in India. These disciplines provide several specialised study areas.

Discover the Scope and Benefits of PhD

PhDs in India may work at universities, research institutes, government agencies, commercial enterprises, and non-profits. Teaching, research, consulting, and management are other careers.

The scope of PhD programmes in India provides personal and intellectual rewards as well as career chances. PhD students undertake original research, acquire critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and become experts in their subjects.

PhD in India offers various personal and professional development chances. However, getting a PhD in India is difficult, time-consuming, and demands a lot of attention. In the article, we will Discover the Scope and Benefits of  PhD to provide future scholars a bit of understanding.

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The government’s promotion of research and innovation has expanded the scope of PhD in India. The University Grants Commission (UGC), which oversees higher education in India, is working to boost research quality and PhD enrollment.

The UGC created the Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) to identify high-quality academic publications and eliminate predatory ones. This ensures PhD students publish in reputable publications and boosts their academic reputation.

Several Indian government programmes encourage PhD candidates and promote research in numerous sectors. The Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) funds PhD students’ science and technology research.

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The ‘ Study in India’ programme also encourages international students to study in India, including PhDs. This strengthens the country’s economy and status as an academic and research centre.

PhD Scholars


PhD careers in India are varied. India’s top PhD job choices are:

  • Academic Careers : Many PhD holders in India seek academic careers as professors, researchers, or lecturers. Research institutes, government entities, and non-profits employ them.
  • Research Careers: PhDs might engage in scientific, business, social, and other research domains. They may partner with universities, research institutes, and enterprises in the public and private sectors.
  • Industry Careers: The scope  of PhD may also work in healthcare, technology, finance, and other private sectors. They may consult and research in these fields.
  • Entrepreneurship : PhDs may create firms and startups based on their knowledge and skills. They work in technology, healthcare, education, and more.
  • Policymaking: PhDs may serve as policymakers in government, think tanks, and non-profits. They may influence policy in their field.

A PhD in India provides a broad career path with numerous personal and professional development chances. However, a PhD needs perseverance, commitment, and the capacity to perform original research and improve knowledge in the chosen profession. In addition, let’s discuss the advantages of PhD.

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Benefits Of PhD

  • Career Advancement : A PhD prepares people for senior-level roles and higher earnings. PhD holders earn 20% more than Master’s holders. PhD students get funding for their study, which is equivalent to three years of income.
  • Personal Growth : Working hard, being disciplined, and pursuing a PhD may boost self-confidence and self-worth. Grad School Hub
  • Networking : A PhD allows you to connect with other researchers, professors, and professionals in your area. These connections may lead to continuous mentoring and professional progress. US News
  • Advanced Research : A PhD may help one’s field and society. Research may influence public policy and address critical social and scientific issues. Grad School Hub
  • Benefits to Society : PhDs give in-depth knowledge of a topic. PhD research training may improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative problem-solving. This might benefit humanity. Grad School Hub
  • Knowledge and Understanding : PhD research and training may increase critical thinking and problem-solving. This is useful in personal and business contexts. Grad School Hub
  • Improved Critical Thinking: PhD training in research methodologies and strategies may enhance one’s research skills. This may benefit academic and non-academic situations. Grad School Hub
  • Improved Research Capability : A PhD may lead to job advancement and additional study. It may also enhance research, teaching, and mentoring. Top Universities
  • Transferable Skills: A PhD can teach you research, note-taking, writing, and presenting skills in addition to topic knowledge. Employers respect these talents in most employment environments.

In conclusion, in the article Discover the Scope and Benefits of PhD we can say earning a PhD may open many doors for ambitious professionals. The Scope of Phd drives Research, innovation and advancement in many areas, making a PhD degree wide and ever-expanding. A PhD may launch a successful career in academia or business and provide students with the skills and knowledge to make a difference. PhD studies are difficult, but the benefits are worth it. With India’s focus on research and development, this is a good moment to pursue a PhD and help the nation improve.

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PhD in Psychology Course, Admissions, Eligibility, Syllabus, Fees, Career

Ph.D. in psychology is a doctoral degree program generally completed in an ideal time of three years or more. Ph.D. Psychology is a degree that deals with the clinical psychology of humans or different species and explores the treatments and methods available. Graduates with a master’s degree in psychology from a recognised institute are eligible to pursue Ph.D. in psychology. The average salary of a Psychologist is Rs. 3.7 LPA.

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Highlights - Ph.D. in psychology

Eligibility criteria for ph.d. in psychology, admission process of ph.d in psychology, top entrance exams for ph.d in psychology, ph.d in psychology cutoff, ph.d in psychology skills required, syllabus of ph.d psychology, ph.d in psychology fee structure, scope of ph.d in psychology, career options after completing ph.d in psychology, benefits of studying ph.d in psychology, salary after ph.d in psychology, top ph.d psychology colleges in india with fees, top private ph.d psychology colleges in india with fees, top government ph.d. psychology colleges in india with fees.

To pursue a Ph.D. in a psychology course, students are required to complete their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in psychology. Some of the popular bachelor’s choices include B.Com , BA, B.Sc, BBA, and, in the case of master's, M.Com, MBA , and more such similar courses.

Students must fulfil the eligibility requirements of the course before applying for admissions, they must have completed a Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline from a recognised university. They must also clear relevant entrance exams such as UGC NET with a valid aggregate score.

Many private and public institutes offer Ph.D Psychology courses, popular colleges are Akal College of Arts and Social Sciences, Anugraha Institute of Social Sciences, and Government Arts College. The average course fees of a Ph.D. in Psychology range from Rs. 59,550 to Rs. 3.65 Lakhs.

The eligibility criteria for Ph.D. in psychology courses is the minimum qualification that must be obtained by the students in order to be eligible for admission. Candidates are required to fulfil all the eligibility requirements else they are disqualified from the admission process. Mentioned below are the eligibility criteria of

  • Applicants for Ph.D. in psychology are required to complete their postgraduate studies in psychology or a related field.
  • Prospective candidates are required to appear in the entrance examination such as UGC NET.
  • Prospective candidates who qualify for the entrance examination are required to fill out the application form.

The admission process for Ph.D. in psychology courses is more or less the same for every institute offering this degree. The admission is entrance-based and national-level counselling is conducted to confirm the admission. Some of the important admission steps for a Ph.D. in psychology are discussed below:

  • Candidates are required to make sure they meet all the eligibility criteria specified by the university.
  • They are then required to take the entrance examination and clear the exam with a cutoff estimated.
  • After the result of the entrance exam, students are required to fill out the application form providing all personal and academic details.
  • Selected students are invited to participate in group discussions and personal interviews.
  • Applicants who successfully clear all the rounds are offered admission.

Admission to PhD in psychology courses is offered on the basis of national-level entrance exams for most universities. Some of the popular entrance examinations for admission to PhD in psychology are mentioned below:

UGC NET : UGC NET or University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test is a national-level entrance exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). The mode of the exam is online, and the exam is conducted two times in a year. Candidates can check the relevant exam details mentioned in the table below:

  • UGC NET Admit Card
  • UGC NET Syllabus
  • UGC NET Exam Pattern
  • UGC NET Result
  • UGC NET Cutoff
  • UGC NET Preparation Tips
  • UGC NET Eligibility
  • UGC NET Application

The cutoff for a Ph.D. in psychology can be defined as the minimum score for any entrance exam that has to be scored by the students for admission to their choice of university and course. The cutoff for Ph.D in Psychology is released by many institutes all over India after the completion of the admission process.

Ph.D. in psychology candidates are required to possess a lot of skills that are not only necessary but also help them become better at their job. A Ph.D student is involved in research and analysis for a long duration and is required to possess certain skills that help them excel in their career.

  • Managerial Skills
  • Observation Skills
  • Time Management
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking
  • Leadership Skills
  • Decision Making

The syllabus for PhD in psychology is quite subjective since there are various sub-disciplines available for research. Students choose their optional subjects and area of research as per their interest in the topic. In the following table, we have listed the syllabus of MDU Rohtak for their Ph.D Psychology course.

* The examination will be based on the Report and Viva

The fee structure for Ph.D. in psychology courses is subjective and depends from university to university. Some universities charge less fees due to external funding from government or private companies. However, a rough estimate of the average fee structure for Ph.D. in psychology courses ranges between Rs. 59,550 to Rs. 3.65 Lakhs.

The scope of PhD in psychology is quite huge in the medical sector and the degree helps students develop a comprehensive approach to human psychology and mental health. Apart from working as a medical professional, graduates with a Ph.D. in psychology can also join schools and universities to work as a counsellor to students.

Ph.D. in psychology is a degree with a plethora of career opportunities in terms of further education as well as job options. After completing a Ph.D. in psychology, candidates can start working as a scientist or research analyst in a research firm.

Candidates can also choose to work as medical psychologists and have their clinics. Another option is to pursue higher education such as a postdoctoral degree. Graduates with Ph.D. in psychology can also start working as a counsellor in schools and colleges.

Top Recruiters:

  • Aaji Care Home Health Services Pvt. Ltd
  • Inception rehab
  • FutureHeights Training and Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
  • Zeeboombaa Manpower
  • Varta Health

Ph.D. in psychology is one of the most sought-after degree programs in the field of medical and healthcare systems. After completing their Ph.D. in psychology, candidates have the option to either start their medical facility or work as a counsellor in schools, universities, and NGOs.

The salary after completing a Ph.D. in psychology is variable and depends on the skills, knowledge, and job profiles of a candidate. On average, the salary after completing the Ph.D Psychology course is Rs. 3.7 LPA for a Psychologist. After gaining some experience in the field of Psychology, the salary of the graduates will also increase.

Many institutes offer PhD Psychology courses, the admission is based on either an entrance exam or direct admission. Candidates must follow the admission procedure carefully and meet certain eligibility requirements before applying for the admission. Mentioned below are the top colleges in India offering Ph.D Psychology courses.

Several private institutes offer Ph.D Psychology courses, admission to these institutes is based either on the entrance exam or direct admission based on merit score. Private institutes are slightly more expensive than government institutes, but these colleges are known to provide quality education along with state-of-the-art facilities.

Many government institutes in India offer Ph.D. in Psychology degree programmes, students must have a postgraduate degree in psychology or a related discipline to be eligible for admissions. Government institutes offer the courses at slightly cheaper rates than private colleges offering the same course.

Ph.D Psychology is a doctoral course in the field of Psychology, the course provide in-depth information to the students on the practical as well as the theoretical aspects of Psychology. Candidates interested in pursuing the course are advised to meet the eligibility criteria before applying for the admission procedure.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

PhD in Psychology is a degree which deals with the clinical psychology of humans or different species.

PhD in psychology is a doctoral degree programme generally completed in an ideal time of 3 years or more depending on the individual.

Graduates from a master’s degree in psychology from a recognised institute are eligible to pursue PhD in psychology.

The admission is entrance based and national level counselling is conducted to confirm the admission.

For a rough estimate of the average fee structure in PhD in psychology courses, it must be between Rs. 59,550 to Rs. 3.65 Lakhs for the entire course.

On average, the average salary of a Psychologist in India is Rs. 3.7 LPA.

Scientist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Research associate are some of the popular job profiles after completing a PhD in psychology.

AajiCare Home Health Services Pvt. Ltd, Inception rehab, Zeeboombaa Manpower, Sahayam, Varta Health are some of the top recruiters of PhD in psychology graduates.

The scope of PhD in psychology is quite huge in the medical sector. There are ample job opportunities available for candidates after completion of PhD in psychology.

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Questions related to Ph.D

There are many universities which offer PhD program in English. The duration of this program may be between 4-6 years depending on the scholar; if he/she is full time PhD scholar or part time. The fees may range from Rs 10000- Rs Rs 1 lakh.

Some of universities which offer PhD in English are listed below:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
  • Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  • Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
  • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Hope you will find this information helpful. Best wishes ahead!

A PhD in Construction Law provides a deep understanding of legal and construction industry issues, leading to careers in academia, legal practice, consultancy, and policy-making.

Career Opportunities:

Academic positions.

Legal practice in construction law firms.


Policy-making in government or regulatory bodies.

Hope this helps you,

Hello Chetan

Top universities offering phD in geology are mentioned here

Aligarh muslim university

Banaras Hindu university

  • University of Delhi

Amity university , Noida

Panjab university , Chandigarh

Alagappan university , Andhra Pradesh

IISER , Kolkata

Indian Institute of science education and research , Behrampur

Indian Institute of science education and research, pune , maharshtra

Guahati university

Patna university

IIT Roorkee

For detsils kindly visit the link given below


In most universities, selecting a PhD supervisor or guide is a crucial step during the application process or shortly after being accepted. You need to find a faculty member whose research interests align with your own and who is willing to mentor you throughout your PhD journey. Even if not strictly mandatory during registration, it is highly recommended to start researching potential PhD supervisors well before applying. Reaching out to faculty members whose work interests you demonstrates your initiative and allows you to discuss potential research fit. https://www.careers360.com/phd-full-form I hope it helps !

These are some of best universities where you can do your PhD:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Banaras Hindu University
  • Jamia Milia Islamia
  • Tezpur University
  • Aligarh Muslim University
  • Assam University
  • Visva Bharati University
  • University of Hyderabad
  • North-Eastern Hill University

Hope this information will help you. Thank you.

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Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology in India [2024]

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology in India [2024]

In this Article, you will learn Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology in India [2024]

Read more to know each in detail.

There is no getting around the fact that psychology is one of the most important fields of our time. There was a time when psychology was purely notional, but after centuries of studies involving not only experiments but also philosophical evaluations and reevaluations, psychology is a field that straddles both the scientific and the intuitive. Earlier psychology was mostly academia-oriented, but years of experiments and research has made psychology both scientific and conducive.

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Whether you’ve been considering psychology as a career option and are wondering what kind of career will suit you best, or you’ve already started a career in a certain stream and want to see what kind of growth opportunities are available for you – this is the right article for you!

If you have been considering psychology as a career option or wish to change your career path, then keep reading!

Psychology is a scientific study of mind and behavior. A psychologist examines the functioning of a brain and the associated human behavior. The process of healing is not rapid but gradual.  

Mental awareness has increased so as has the careers in psychology . Projected to grow at the rate of 14% year-on-year , psychology is a field that will always see tremendous growth because it helps to understand what causes problems in people in the first place, not just in solving them.

It is a field that will keep growing as it solves more significant problems like decision making, stress management, and behavioural issues.

In this article, we’ll take you through some of the highest paying jobs in psychology, and how they are different from each other. As well as explain a little bit about what each job entails and how to get there. This article will help you get the answer of your apprehensions like “ How much does a psychologist earn in India ?” or “ How much psychologist earn in India ?”

And you can find out which one suits you the best!

Top 10 Highest Paying Psychology Jobs in India

1. psychiatrist.

Requiring a very specific trajectory during the educational stage, a psychiatrist has the important responsibility of assigning people diagnoses (based on their evaluations) and making sure that they get the proper medicines.

For the most part, a psychiatrist comes in at a stage when a patient has already gone through various other structures that are designed to support those who are suffering from mental health conditions – a psychiatrist comes into the picture at the last stage of the journey of mental health.

Psychiatry is not restricted to a clinic; rather everywhere, such as pediatric psychiatrists, geriatric psychiatrists, forensic psychiatrists,  military psychiatrists, sports psychiatrists, etc.

Usually, a psychiatrist is also well versed in certain forms of counselling or therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

It’s not a walk in the park if you want to become a licensed psychiatrist. You have to finish an undergraduate degree in medical school and then do an MPhil from an RCI-licensed college to finally be able to call yourself a psychiatrist.

  However, each country has its education requirements to be a psychiatrist. In India, one must have an undergraduate degree in medical school and an MPhil from (Rehabilitation Council of India) RCI-licensed college. 

the scope of phd in india

Typically, salaries from psychiatrists average around  ₹975,328  per year.

Required Educational Qualification

To become a psychiatrist, one must have the following educational qualifications:

  • An MBBS degree from a renowned university or an accredited institution.
  • A diploma degree/ MD program in psychological medicine or psychiatry.

Essential Skills Required to Become a Psychiatrist

Being a psychiatrist is one of the highest paying psychology jobs in India, and to fill this role, one must possess a particular skill set. The following are the essential skills that one should have to become a thriving psychiatrist in India:

  • In-depth knowledge of medicine
  • Good grasp of psychiatry
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to prescribe medicines and drugs
  • Case study and observation
  • Active listening
  • Right diagnosis and treatment
  • Applied diagnostic skills

Job Roles and Responsibilities

Being the highest paying job with a psychology degree, it has crucial responsibilities to fulfill. Some of the major roles and responsibilities of a psychiatrist are enumerated as follows:

  • Analyzing the clients and performing the correct diagnosis and treatment for their psychopathologies.
  • Conducting various psychological tests to identify the issue the patient is facing.
  • Providing the necessary mental healthcare services to the patients.
  • Prescribing medicines and drugs to psychiatric clients and patients.

2. Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

Given that a big chunk of the workforce is occupied across industries where there is little to no emotional support to be found for the various workers, it’s no surprise that those psychologists who can fit this role are rewarded generously for their efforts! And their efforts are often deployed not at a personal level only.

  A healthy work environment comes from the culture; if the work culture is toxic, it creates stress in the business and the employees. Generous rewards are the after-effect of filling this massive gap in a workplace.

The task of industrial and organizational psychologists is to make sure that the structures within which workers are operating can be attuned in a way so that it works out in the favour of both the companies as well as the people involved. Creating a healthy balance between the organization’s productivity and the workforce requires tremendous skills and mindfulness. 

To not only strike a balance between the human and structural is not an easy task, and requires mindfulness of the highest degree.

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The path to becoming an organizational/industrial psychologist typically involves doing at least a master’s in organizational psychology, with a doctorate degree being optional. A  Master’s in Organizational Psychology is the right path. A Doctorate Degree remains optional but increases the chances of earning money.

Keep in mind though, that completing a doctorate degree will greatly increase your chances of earning more money.

the scope of phd in india

The (Industrial/ Organisational)  I/O Psychologists make an average of ₹4,25,000 per year.

The scope of psychology in India is ever-expanding, which is why careers in psychology in India are growing with each passing day. One needs to have the following education qualifications to become an industrial psychologist:

  • A master’s degree in psychology, preferably with a specialization in organizational behavior. 
  • A certificate course or PG diploma in organizational or industrial psychology.

Essential Skills to Become an Industrial Psychologist

To understand ‘is psychology a good career in India or not,’ you need to analyze the scope of psychological careers and the salaries they earn. However, to reach a higher position, one needs to inculcate some specific skills that are stated under:

  • Thorough understanding of organizational behavior
  • Grievance redressal
  • Team management abilities
  • Career counselling
  • Leadership development abilities
  • Human resource management

As one of the highest paying jobs with a psychology degree , organizational psychologists need to perform the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Closely observing the areas of organizational development and industrial effectiveness.
  • Managing organizational aspects such as employee needs, assessment tests of the employees, how content they are, etc.
  • Conducting leadership training programs and solving grievances of the workforce.

3. Neuropsychologist

Neuropsychology is a field that goes into the depth of the psychology of the brain. A neuropsychologist looks not just at typical psychological indicators that other psychologists use as a reference point.

 A neuropsychologist determines how severe impairments one could have.

A neuropsychologist understands the rest of the parts of a body and how the brain responds to stimuli. For instance, which part of the brain produces a feeling of sadness or euphoria when one feels a sense of excitement.

Their specialty lies in having a thorough understanding of all the different parts of the brain and how they respond to various stimuli – for instance, which part of the brain isn’t functioning well when someone says they’re sad, or which part of the brain produces the feeling of euphoria when one feels a sense of excitement.

Owing to the fact that neuropsychologists can work with complex brain chemistry, they often work with pharmaceutical companies as advisors to their many medicines.

Neuropsychology is a specialized field that requires dedicated study, often for many years on end. But it’s a rewarding career, not only in terms of satisfaction but financially as well.

the scope of phd in india

A neuropsychologist earns an average salary of ₹496 ,647 per year.

Psychologist salary in India are increasing with the development of this field. To become a neuropsychologist, one must possess the following educational qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in psychology or applied science with a specialization in neuroscience or neuropsychology.
  • M.Phil in psychology.

Essential Skills to Become a Neuropsychologist

The potential of neuropsychology is immense with new researches being conducted globally to scope deeper into the human brain. The following skills are essential to become a successful neuropsychologist:

  • Extensive knowledge of medicines
  • Critical and analytical skills
  • Cognitive assessment abilities
  • Research skills
  • Thorough knowledge of psychopathology
  • Ability to experiment

The following are the rules and responsibilities of a neuropsychologist:

  • Analyzing and evaluating the connection between human psychological processes and their impact on the human brain.
  • Conducting psychological assessments on patients with brain injuries to understand their cognitive abilities.
  • Identifying the cognitive disorders or mental health disorders in clients by working closely with healthcare facilities.
  • Working in universities and educational centers to take forward the knowledge of neuropsychology.

4. School Counselor/Psychologist

The importance of a school psychologist or counsellor cannot be stressed enough. A school psychologist can tie together the social fabric of the school, which is almost always bursting at the seams, with social tensions and strife – for the students, school faculty, as well as management. School Psychologists’ importance is too high.  They work within the educational ecosystem to diagnose and treat the emotional, learning, and behavioural problems in children, faculty, or management.

In such a scenario, a school counsellor offers respite for everyone involved, and makes sure that a school’s systems function as well as they can (and should).

A School Counselor/ Psychologist offers relief to everyone involved and ensures smooth functioning of the school. That is why the schools invest heavily in school counsellors. They make a significant impact on their student’s careers and form a lasting relationship with them!

This is why school psychologists are so important for schools, and why schools invest heavily in them. Moreover, school counsellors also form lasting relationships with their students, and can thus enrich their lives too – and this is a huge form of impact!

It’s a straightforward career path to becoming a school counsellor/psychologist, requiring some specialisation once a master’s degree has been completed. Becoming a School Counselor/ Psychologist is a straight career path; gain some specialisation after a Master’s degree. The average salary for a school counsellor/psychologist is ₹3,02 ,012 per year.

the scope of phd in india

5. Clinical Psychologist

A clinical psychologist, much like a psychiatrist, understands all the conditions in which a mental disorder can present itself within a person. A clinical psychologist diagnoses, evaluate mental, emotional, or behavioural disorders, and offer treatment in a clinic or hospital.

So, a clinical psychologist’s task involves diagnosing, managing, and treating people who have these conditions – whether it be depression, or anxiety, or borderline personality disorder, or anything else. Because of the far reaching implications of this profession, it’s one of the most popular roles within the field of psychology, and has the most number of jobs on offer as well.

They deal in solving the problem of anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, etc. Clinical Psychology is a demanding field and has the most number of jobs on offer as well. It is one of the most sought careers in psychology in India. 

Clinical psychologists often work across hierarchies in a number of different organisations, whether at care centres, recovery centres, hospitals, or other places where the mental health of people is dealt with at length.

In addition, they often offer their services through private practice as well, thereby increasing the scope of their earnings. The clinical psychologist salary is mentioned below.

the scope of phd in india

A clinical psychologist makes on average ₹ 355,326 per year.

The clinical psychology salary has seen a decent growth compared to its counterparts. However, to become a clinical psychologist, one must have the following educational qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in psychology from a recognized institute. A specialization in clinical psychology is preferred.
  • An M.Phil in clinical psychology.
  • RCI recognized license for practicing.

Essential Skills to Become a Clinical Psychologist

With a significant increase in the number of individuals seeking mental health support, clinical psychologists are anticipated to see 11% rise in their demand by 2032. Hence, clinical psychology salary too will reflect this demand with a higher base salary. One needs to build a particular skill set to become a clinical psychologist as enumerated below:

  • In-depth knowledge of behavioral and emotional disorders
  • Good grasp of psychological theories 
  • Analytical skills
  • Good listener 
  • Conducting medical examination
  • Diagnostic capabilities
  • Conducting psychological tests and assessments
  • Expertise in therapy and counseling
  • Presentation

A clinical psychologist has the following roles and responsibilities to fulfill:

  • Conducting detailed medical examinations of the clients based on their symptoms, behavior, emotional distress, etc.
  • Understanding the mental condition of a patient and providing psychotherapy treatment to them.
  • Managing various administrative aspects of becoming a clinical psychologist, such as conducting test assessments.
  • Working closely with physicians to understand a patient’s mindset and offer treatment accordingly.

6. Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychologists specialize in psychology as it overlaps in the field of criminality and all things related to it. They work often with criminal offenders, attempting to rehabilitate them at a psychological level, before they go back out into the world. To this end, they can be employed by prisons, institutions that cater to habitual drug offenders, as well as hospitals. Forensic Psychology involves the application of knowledge to answer legal questions arising from legal or criminal proceedings. They work with the criminal offenders and rehabilitate them to go back to the world.

They serve as an important cog in the rehabilitation system for any crime – simply giving them time to reflect on their wrongdoing proves to be futile, unless it’s supported strongly by someone who can facilitate that process.

They play a very significant role in the rehabilitation system, to make the criminals reflect on their actions and prepare them to lead a normal life.

In addition to simply helping those that have committed crimes, forensic psychologists are also responsible for making sure that people are psychologically profiled correctly – through this they can predict who is likely to become a criminal and who will be a threat to society if they are released from prison.

They are also responsible to make sure that the people are psychologically profiled to assess if they are fit to go back into society.

the scope of phd in india

On average, a forensic psychologist earns ₹5,65,000 per year.

Forensic psychology salary is generally more than that of the general psychologists and counselors as forensic psychologists specialize in a field. To become a forensic psychologist one needs to have the following educational qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in psychology.
  • A doctorate in psychology in the field of psychology of law and ethics psychology of criminology and abuse is preferred.

Essential Skills to Become a Forensic Psychologist

A forensic psychologist salary depends upon how skilled that person is. The forensic psychology salary is determined based on the following skills:

  • In-depth knowledge of the concepts of psychology
  • Evaluating psychological disorders and mental illness
  • Critical thinking abilities
  • Knowledge of forensic
  • Stress management

Forensic psychology salary are often higher in certain areas because they have to handle and deal with various critical cases that may be criminal in nature. The following are the roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychologist:

  • Conducting psychological tests and assessments regarding the cognitive functions of the victims, suspects, and culprits.
  • Closely examining the victims and culprits to understand if they are suffering from any sort of psychological illness.
  • Offering mental healthcare services to victims and convicts if they are mentally ill.
  • Working closely with other mental healthcare professionals such as clinical psychologists, counselors, etc to investigate certain cases and provide consultation services.
  • Testifying about various psychopathologies and their criminal aspects in courts and other judicial bodies.

7. Counselling Psychologist

Counselling psychologists are experts in making people come face to face with their problems and offering them solutions that can be of help to them in the immediate short term. They help people to improve their well beings, prevent and alleviate distress.

Counselling offers people an insight into their behaviours that simply going to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist won’t – this is why these services are often paired together so that in combination they can provide great results for the person concerned. Counselling offers an insight into behaviors that psychiatry or clinical psychology won’t. It is preferable to pair them together in order to get great results.

This insight can then be used to further delve deeper into any “concern areas” for respective people: someone might want to focus more on their relationships, others might want to take a closer look at work, while some might want to be able to look closely at their hobbies. The insights help better understand the pain points which one might focus upon like relationships, career, work, hobbies, etc.

the scope of phd in india

A counselling psychologist makes an average salary of ₹ 362,758 per year.

They too have private practices and can earn separately through that channel.

8. Sports Psychologist

Sports psychologists are psychologists who understand not only the human mind but also the human body –   they understand how they interact with each other on and off the field.

A sports psychologist is someone who, ideally, has already gone through the motions of various sports training rituals themselves, and therefore understands the specific toll that it takes on both one’s mind and body. They make sure the mental well-being of athletes impacts their performance, behaviour, and health of athletes.

They guide the athletes towards their goals and play a big role to make or break athletes’ careers. This helps the athletes to meet high expectations.

Thus, with this experience, they guide others to their specific sports-related goals, and can make or break athletes’ careers – after all, sports as a field comes with very high expectations, rewards, as well as disappointments.

And this is where a sports psychologist shines and allows others to shine as well.

the scope of phd in india

A sports psychologist typically makes a salary of ₹ 589,581 as they start out but can make a promising sum of around 24 Lacs per year !

A sports psychologist usually earns an average salary of ₹5.9 lakh-₹7.5 lakh per year in India.

Sports psychologist salary in India has seen a whopping rise in recent years as various sports academies and institutions are taking into account the importance of the mental health of the players along with their physical health. It is a growing field and to become a sports psychologist, one must have the following educational qualifications:

  • Master’s in psychology
  • A post-graduation or diploma in sports psychology
  • Preferably a PhD in psychology, salary is also higher in such scenarios

Essential Skills to Become a Sports Psychologist

Sports psychology comes under the ever-expanding psychology scope in India. The essential skills to become a sports psychologist are:

  • Understanding of athletics
  • Leadership training
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Mental training for athletes
  • Potential to build a team

Being a sports psychologist is not an easy task. One needs to be constantly on their toes and train athletes to become more vigilant and fit. The following are the roles and responsibilities of a sports psychologist:

  • Performing certain psychological assessments to evaluate the mental strength and fitness of the players.
  • Performing training sessions and conducting team building tasks to increase the team spirit and commitment of the athletes.
  • Conducting leadership and developmental training programs in the field.
  • Offering counseling sessions and rehabilitation services exclusively to athletes.

9. Education Psychologist

An education psychologist fills any possible gaps that are left behind within the schooling system in so far as the education of a student is concerned. There is tough competition and stress in the education industry, this begins from the nursery to higher education. Today, everyone wants to get the best out of the equation for career growth and personal advancement. 

We have earlier seen that there are school psychologists and counsellors who serve to hold students’ anxieties as well as their fears, which may in part be triggered by the school. An education psychologist, however, makes sure that a child’s intellectual growth is taken care of.

Often, a school system doesn’t allow for certain minds to grow at the rate that they will grow the best – and this is where an educational psychologist will be far more helpful than a school psychologist or counsellor.

the scope of phd in india

An education psychologist can earn up to ₹1 0,65,343 with the possibility of earning a salary of ₹972,275 – and this doesn’t even include bonuses or other perks! Similarly, through private practice, an educational psychologist can stand to earn even more money. This is one of the highest paying psychology jobs in India.

The average salary of psychologist in India, in the field of education, is ₹ 1.9 lakhs per year.

10. Child Psychologist

A child psychologist does what you may imagine they do – they work with children. Children have to face a lot of challenges as they grow up, and parents may not always be in the best position to be able to deal with all of those issues.

In fact, there may be instances when parents specifically approach a child psychologist because they are wondering how to deal with a certain problem that they can’t solve on their own.

A child psychologist helps keep the parents stress free while they focus solely on the child. A child psychologist focuses on the well-being of the children, keeping their mental health safe.

Child psychologists too have their own private practice, and as word spreads about their services, they can stand to make a lot of money through this medium.

Child Psychology scope in India i s huge with mental health awareness. Child Psychologists do private practice as well, increasing their chances of earning more money.

The average salary of a psychologist specializing in the field of child psychology in India is ₹3,90,366 per year. However, this is an average basic pay and it can increase depending upon the years of experience and the level of expertise an individual possesses.

the scope of phd in india

Top reasons why psychology is important

Psychology can help in explaining why people act the way they do. Professional insight helps in improving their decision-making, management of stress, overcoming traumas, and predicting their future behaviour. The scope of psychology is becoming high as people are becoming more aware of their mental health. 

Disciplines of Psychology 

The discipline of Psychology is vastly spread which allows for major applications of the discipline in almost every field.  The highest-paying psychology jobs in India are among these disciplines. Some of the disciplines of Psychology include

  • Business 

Top skills required in the field of Psychology

The psychologist’s salary in India is determined by various factors and skills are one of those factors. 

  • Clinical reasoning
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research 
  • Experiment Design 
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Listening 
  • Communication

Modern careers in Psychology 

The psychology salary in India is increasing as there is fresh air for mental health awareness. Some of the modern careers in psychology are

  • Healthcare industry 
  • Government Agencies
  • Corporate 

Major fields in Psychology

The highest-paid psychology jobs in India are also determined by various factors and the field of psychology is one of the factors. The more experienced one becomes in their field, the more psychology jobs salary keeps increasing. 

Some of the fields are mentioned below

  • Counseling Psychology
  • Educational Psychology 
  • Clinical Psychology 
  • Quantitative Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology 
  • Social Psychology

A career in psychology in India is promising if you find what interests you more and build your niche in it.

Take the Leap into Psychology?

As we’ve already explored above, psychology is a field that is rife with possibilities, with discoveries waiting to happen, intersections still to be found, and lives yet to be enriched! Beginning your career in psychology is the best way to earn a top salary in psychology in India – no matter where you’ve completed your education from, it is bound to come in handy as there are a huge number of opportunities in India. Mostly all the above-mentioned are one of the sought-after careers in psychology as well as rewarding.

Each profession takes time to establish, so the sooner you get started the better! There is success at the end of each road – so start on your path today!


Sandeep Pereira

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Psychology is a scientific study of mind and behavior involved in studying, analyzing, and treating the problems associated with emotions, reactions, etc.

Psychology can help people learn to overcome the stressful problems like, depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, etc.

Psychologists are academically oriented professionals who research and provide assistance to people. Whereas, therapists are the broader umbrella term these could be for marriages, social work they are trained and licensed.

Psychologists hold a doctorate degree rather Psychiatrist hold a medical degree. Psychology is a scientific study of the human mind and behavior. They are experts in human behavior. Professionals who practice psychology are called Psychologists. Whereas, Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that assess mental illness, disorders, and abnormal behaviors. They look through the perspective of neurology, biology or biochemical abnormalities. Professionals practicing Psychiatry are called Psychiatrists.

Overcoming stress and anxiety. Overcoming emotional and behavioral problems. a) Addiction b) Eating Disorders c) Relationships d) Infertility and Adoption

a) Accenture b)Google c)Meta d)YourDOst e)Fortis Healthcare f)Chegg g)Cure.Fit

The first step to entering Psychology is to do an undergraduate degree in Psychology, then scaling it up to the doctorate level.

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“If I shut my eyes, I can see everything from my old life.”

“But if I open my eyes, it’s all gone.”

What Ukraine Has Lost

By Marco Hernandez , Jeffrey Gettleman , Finbarr O’Reilly and Tim Wallace June 3, 2024

We analyzed every building across Ukraine that has been damaged or destroyed since Russia attacked two years ago.

Destroyed or damaged buildings

A vast area with some 210,000 buildings leveled across a jagged, 800-mile frontline and beyond.

Damage as share of built area

Even if the war ends tomorrow, in many places there will be nothing to go back to.

Few countries since World War II have experienced this level of devastation. But it’s been impossible for anybody to see more than glimpses of it. It’s too vast. Every battle, every bombing, every missile strike, every house burned down, has left its mark across multiple front lines, back and forth over more than two years.

This is the first comprehensive picture of where the Ukraine war has been fought and the totality of the destruction. Using detailed analysis of years of satellite data, we developed a record of each town, each street, each building that has been blown apart.

The scale is hard to comprehend. More buildings have been destroyed in Ukraine than if every building in Manhattan were to be leveled four times over. Parts of Ukraine hundreds of miles apart look like Dresden or London after World War II, or Gaza after half a year of bombardment.

To produce these estimates, The New York Times worked with two leading remote sensing scientists, Corey Scher of the City University of New York Graduate Center and Jamon Van Den Hoek of Oregon State University, to analyze data from radar satellites that can detect small changes in the built environment.

The remains of around 1,000 munitions gathered from Russian bombardment of the city of Kharkiv.

Finbarr O’Reilly for The New York Times

More than 900 schools, hospitals, churches and other institutions have been damaged or destroyed, the analysis shows, even though these sites are explicitly protected under the Geneva Conventions.

106 hospitals

Including clinics

18 in Mariupol,

the worst-hit city

109 churches

Including temples, mosques and monasteries

34 in Mariupol

708 schools

Including colleges and universities

in Mariupol

A kindergarten

in Mariupol,

Source: Damage data by Corey Scher and Jamon Van Den Hoek based on InSAR data from Copernicus Sentinel-1, building footprints by OpenStreetMap. Satellite images by Maxar Technologies via Google, June 2023

The New York Times

These estimates are conservative. They don't include Crimea or parts of western Ukraine where accurate data was unavailable. The true scope of destruction is likely to be even greater — and it keeps growing. In mid-May, the Russians bombed some towns in northeastern Ukraine so ferociously that one resident said they were erasing streets.

Ukrainian forces have caused major damage, too, by bombing frontline Russian positions and attacking Russian-held territory like Crimea and Donetsk City. While it is not always possible to determine which side is responsible, the devastation recorded in Russian-held areas pales in comparison to what is seen on the Ukrainian side.

The Kremlin referred questions about this article to Russia’s Defense Ministry, which did not respond.

A photo of a classroom with windows and walls damaged by an explosion

A school in the village of Vilkhivka, occupied for weeks by Russian forces.

A photo of a hospital room with the window blown out.

A destroyed operating room in a hospital in Huliaipole.

Diego Ibarra Sánchez for The New York Times

Few places have been as devastated as Marinka, a small town in eastern Ukraine.

Comprehensive School No. 1, where so many young Ukrainians learned to write their first letters, has been blown apart. The Orthodox Cathedral, where couples were married, has been toppled. The chestnut-lined streets where generations strolled, the milk plant and cereal factory where people worked, the Museum of Local Lore, the Marinka Region Administration Building, go-to shops and cafes — all landmarks for generations — have been reduced to faceless ruins.

The damage runs into the billions, but the true cost is much higher. Marinka was a community. Marinka was living history. Marinka was a wellspring for families for nearly 200 years. Its erasure has left people feeling lost.

“If I shut my eyes, I can see everything from my old life,” said Iryna Hrushkovksa, 34, who was born and raised in Marinka. “I can see the front gate. I can walk through the front door. I can step into our beautiful kitchen and look into the cupboards.”

“But if I open my eyes,” she said, “it’s all gone.”

An old photo of Marinka showing three women and a child in a cart pulled by two horses

The Devastation Grows

In the early months of the war, the Russians quickly captured several cities in eastern Ukraine. They almost captured Kyiv. Since then, the conflict has largely settled into a war of attrition, which favors the Russians with vastly more men and ammunition. The spikes on the following map show the heavy damage since the initial Russian invasion.

Suburban areas around Kyiv like Irpin still bear the scars of the invasion. Millions of square feet of buildings were damaged in heavy urban combat.

Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has suffered withering attacks, which continue today. Much of the city was damaged by artillery strikes in 2022. After the Ukrainians pushed Russian forces back, the Russians turned to longer-range missiles. Now they’re closing in again.

For decades, the Russians have employed an aggressive style of warfare — leveling a city, like Rubizhne, and capturing its ruins.

Battles raged in Mariupol for months in 2022 before the last bastion of Ukrainian forces, trapped in a steel plant, were captured. No city in Ukraine has sustained as much damage.

Last year, during the Ukrainians' attempt to take back territory, heavy fighting erupted south of Zaporizhzhia. Satellites flagged damage in the city of Orikhiv, matching where the first waves of the Ukrainian advance started.

The Russians were forced to withdraw from Kherson in 2022, but on their way out they fired artillery, knocking down buildings and killing civilians. The next spring, evidence suggests, Russia destroyed a huge dam near Nova Kakhovka, unleashing torrents of water that caused extensive damage downstream, particularly in Oleshky.

Along the Danube River, Ukrainian port cities like Reni and Izmail have been targeted by Iranian-made drones. The Russians were trying to choke off Ukraine’s grain exports and paralyze its economy.

The Ukrainian military lost Marinka in December 2023.

They had been fighting for the city since 2014. Hundreds if not thousands of men from both sides died for it. At the very end, a small group of Ukrainian soldiers were holed up on the western edge of town in a warren of tunnels and pulverized basements. The rest was Russian territory.

When the Ukrainians peeked their heads out, they were stunned.

“I saw a picture of Hiroshima, and Marinka is absolutely the same,” said one Ukrainian soldier, Henadiy. “Nothing remains.” Following military protocol, he provided only his given name.

Another soldier, who asked to be identified by his call sign, Karakurt, described cars with the paint scorched off, houses cut down to their jagged foundations and long, empty roads that sparkled with glass and smelled of dust, smoke and gunpowder.

“Whatever could burn, burned,” he said.

The scars of war

Since the beginning of the war, satellites have flagged more than 210,000 buildings in Ukraine as damaged. About half of them are in the Donbas.

Damaged buildings

within six miles

More than 5,000

Front lines

Source: Damage data by Corey Scher and Jamon Van Den Hoek based on InSAR data from Copernicus Sentinel-1. Building footprints by OpenStreetMap and Microsoft Bing. Front lines of the first day of the month between March 2022 and January 2024 by the Institute for the Study of War with American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project

The New York Times.

Ukraine is determined to rebuild. The hope, however distant, is that with international cooperation Ukraine will seize Russian assets and force Russia to foot the bill for the reconstruction of entire cities like Marinka.

But a long war may still stretch ahead. In recent months, the Russians have had the upper hand, destroying more communities as their army seems to stagger inexorably forward. Ten million Ukrainians have fled from their homes — one in four people.

Last spring, a few dozen people from Marinka gathered at a school in Pavlograd, which is considered reasonably safe. The children wore crisply ironed embroidered shirts called vyshyvankas. In a large room with big windows, they performed dances and sang patriotic songs that were beamed by video to displaced Marinka people around the world. Adults stood along the wall, tears dripping down their faces.

A photo showing rows of children standing with one hand on their chest.

Children whose families fled Marinka celebrating Ukrainian folk traditions in Pavlograd.

“You know the simplest way to make a person cry?” Ms. Hrushkovska asked. “Make them remember their city and their home.”

She and her daughter, Vavara, 13, are now squeezed into a small, two-room apartment in Pavlograd.

“My old kitchen was bigger than this whole place,” she joked.

Then she broke into tears.

A photo of two girls playing on a phone and a woman holding a small dog in a room.

Varvara Hrushkovska, right, and her friend Hanna Kovalenko, whose families fled Marinka, in Pavlograd. Next to them is Varvara’s grandmother Hanna Horban.

Ms. Hrushkovska grew up in Marinka. She was married in Marinka. She raised Vavara in Marinka. Her grandparents died in Marinka. She knows she can never go back to Marinka. She senses that for the rest of her days, she will suffer from something that has no cure: everlasting homesickness.

She is considering moving abroad with her daughter.

“No matter how unpatriotic it may sound, there’s not much future for her in Ukraine,” Ms. Hrushkovska said.

“It's not that we want to leave,” she quickly added. But with Marinka gone, she said, “we don’t know where else to go.”

A photo of two kids looking through a window of a department

Artem Hoch, 4, and his brother Danylo, 14, at their new home in Pavlograd.

The analysis of damage to built areas across Ukraine was conducted in collaboration with Corey Scher , PhD candidate, City University of New York and Jamon Van Den Hoek , Associate Professor of Geography in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University using 10,866 Sentinel-1 images from Copernicus.

Additional data sources include East View Geospatial (settlement boundaries); Microsoft Bing and OpenStreetMap (building footprints); Global Human Settlement Layer (built area); Planet Labs and Maxar Technologies (satellite imagery); and Institute for the Study of War with American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project (historical front lines).

The archival photograph of a street scene in Marinka from the top of the story is from kumar.dn.ua. The soldiers walking through a field is by Tyler Hicks/The New York Times, and the drone photo of devastated Marinka is by Finbarr O’Reilly for The New York Times. Satellite image by Planet Labs.

Additional work

Oleksandra Mykolyshyn, Evelina Riabenko and Olha Kotiuzhanska contributed reporting. Helmuth Rosales, Zachary Levitt, Jeremy White, Jaime Tanner, Agnes Chang and Martín González Gómez contributed additional work.


To document urban areas of Ukraine that were damaged during the war, we worked with remote sensing scientists to analyze changes in satellite radar data from before the war until December 2023.

A detailed technical methodology is available from the scientists, Corey Scher and Jamon Van Den Hoek.

The analysis relies on open source data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 program known as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. These images are captured in each specific area once every 12 days.

The researchers compared images taken in every part of Ukraine before the war to images taken during the war — about 50 terabytes of imagery in total. They identified specific kinds of changes that could indicate damaged structures.

Researchers took measures to exclude other kinds changes picked up in the environment — such as seasonal changes in tree and snow cover, and human activity like mining or traffic. They excluded changes not in built areas, as defined by the 2020 Global Human Settlement Layer provided by the European Space Agency.

To spot check the data, The Times used high resolution satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies and Planet Labs, comparing the data to imagery from hundreds of settlements across Ukraine. Crimea, Sevastopol and oblasts west of Vinnytsia were excluded from the analysis because of human activities like construction and environmental conditions — such as weather, soil and vegetation — that made it more difficult to accurately distinguish structural damage.

To estimate that about 210,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed in Ukraine, The Times compared the damaged areas to data on more than 17 million building footprints from OpenStreetMap and Microsoft Global ML Building Footprints. To roughly estimate the number of churches, hospitals, schools and other protected sites that have been damaged, The Times compared the damaged areas with known building categorizations from OpenStreetMap. The true totals of protected buildings are higher, as the categorization of many buildings is unknown.

The overall picture shown here is intentionally conservative. The full extent of the destruction is likely to be worse than what the analysis can confirm.

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Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The decision by the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia  with American-made weapons fulfills a long-held wish by officials in Kyiv  that they claimed was essential to level the playing field.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested that Ukraine’s use of U.S.-supplied arms could expand beyond the current limitation  to strikes in the Kharkiv area.

Top Ukrainian military officials have warned that Russia is building up troops near northeastern Ukraine , raising fears that a new offensive push could be imminent.

Zelensky Interview: In an interview with The New York Times, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine challenged the West  over its reluctance to take bolder action.

Tug of War:  Fueled in part by the Ukraine war, tensions have been mounting in former Soviet states like Georgia and Moldova , pitting those favoring closer relations with Russia against those orientated more toward Europe.

Fleeing a War Zone: A 98-year-old Ukrainian grandmother stumbled past corpses and bomb craters  to escape Russia’s attacks.

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .


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Ph.D Economics Jobs, Scope, Salary in India

Kripal Thapa

PhD Economics jobs for graduates are available at a variety of job-related consultancies, both public and private. These are some of the fields to which students can apply for jobs after PhD in Economics are coaching centers, economics consultancies, economics departments, home tuitions, museums, private tuitions, publishing houses, research and development agencies, and schools. Jobs for Economics PhD holders include Auditor, Stock Broker, Media Analyst, Actuarial, Lecturer or Professor, Banker, Economists, Geographer, Econometricians, Public Relations Officer, and Industrial Organization Economists. 

Career Prospects and Job Scope for PhD Economics Course 

The PhD in Economics course can prepare students for jobs after PhD in Economics in a variety of research and development agencies and schools. Research and development jobs in the field of Economics in India have a vast scope and are expected to increase rapidly. Graduates of the PhD Economics program acquire skills and qualifications that can be applied to their careers as economic scientists.

Following completion of a Doctorate of Philosophy in Economics program in India, students may choose from a variety of specializations, depending on their interests and abilities. PhD in Economics scope and salary in India vary depending on the education and experience of the students. A wide variety of career paths is available to graduates of the PhD program in Economics.Career after PhD in Economics are as follows: 

  • Political Scientists
  • Financial Consultant
  • Senior Research Scientist
  • Assistant Professor
  • Head of the Educational Department
  • Senior Economist
  • Senior Market Analyst
  • Director of Research and Development

Areas of Recruitment for PhD Economics Course 

There are many jobs after PhD in Economics that are available in both the public and private sectors. Graduates’ education and experience determine the scope of PhD in Economics and salary. The options available to students who are pursuing a PhD Economics degree are many. 

Advances in economics consultancies have increased the scope after completing a PhD Economics course in recent years. The student will gain a great deal of consultancy experience and knowledge, which will help him or her gain a competitive salary. The following are some areas in which PhD in Economics are recruited: 

  • Coaching Centres
  • Economics Consultancies
  • Economics Department
  • Home Tuitions
  • Private Tuitions
  • Publishing Houses
  • Research and Development Agencies
  • Applied Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Business Economics
  • Banking and Finance
  • Insurance Investment
  • Manufacturing
  • Advertising
  • Communication
  • Education and Research
  • System Analysis

Salary Packages for PhD Economics Course 

According to PayScale, PhD in Economics salary in India is INR 3-10 LPA. PhD Economics jobs salary is determined by education and experience. Graduates of the PhD Economics salary in India moderate compared to students with experience.

The following are the PhD Economics starting salaries in India with job designations: 

Source: PayScale

Government Jobs for PhD Economics Graduates

PhD graduates in Economics can choose from a wide variety of government jobs. Government jobs after PhD in Economics are bankers, Economists, geographers, Econometricians, Public Relations Officer, Industrial Organization Economists, Political Scientists, Consultants, Financial Consultants in economic consultancies, publishing houses, or PSUs.

PhD Economics graduates typically undergo a test followed by an interview when applying for government jobs. The PhD in Economics salary in India is around INR 2-10 LPA (Source: Ambitionbox). Below is a list of government jobs after PhD in Economics salary:

Source: AmbitionBox

Private Jobs for PhD Economics Graduates 

Doctoral graduates in Economics can find employment in a variety of fields in the private sector. PhD in Economics jobs in India include Auditor, Stock Broker, Media Analyst, Actuarial, Lecturer or Professor, Banker, Economists, Geographer, Econometricians, Public Relations Officer, Industrial Organization Economists, Political Scientists, Consultant, Financial Consultant, Advisor, and Accountant.

After they have completed the course, students can continue their studies or begin careers. PhD in Economics salary in India ranges from INR 2-5 LPA (Source: PayScale). PhD in Economics salary and jobs for freshers in India are as follows:

Job Opportunities Abroad for PhD Economics Graduates 

Students with a PhD in Economics can find employment abroad. The PhD Economics jobs salary is of interest to many students because they will learn numerous methods and techniques that can be applied to the Economics field abroad. Many graduates of top economic agencies are given the opportunity to work abroad. Graduating students working in the private sector will gain valuable experience and skills that will help advance their careers abroad.

PhD Economics graduates can obtain jobs abroad as Auditor, Stock Broker, Media Analyst, Actuarial, Lecturer or Professor, Banker, Economists, Geographer, Econometricians, Public Relations Officer, Industrial Organization Economists, Political Scientists, Consultant, Financial Consultant, Advisor, and Accountant.

Top Companies 

Graduates of PhD Economics programs are hired by the following top companies: 

  • Future Group
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Grasim Honda Two Wheelers
  • LTLT Engineering and Construction
  • Mahindra Engineering
  • Reliance Industries Limited

Best Countries 

Here are some of the best countries that hire PhD Economics graduates: 

  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Various Career Designations Abroad for PhD Economics Graduates 

Graduates of PhD Economics programs can find the following positions abroad: 

  • Stock Broker
  • Media Analyst
  • Lecturer or Professor
  • Econometricians
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Industrial Organization Economists

Best PhD Economics Graduates 

Graduates of PhD programs in Economics have a wide range of career options. Political scientists interested in careers in the field will find the PhD course valuable. Students enrolled in doctorate PhD courses in Economics have increased in the past several years, while students enrolled in courses related to economics have decreased. PhD graduates in Economics in India are usually employed by economic consultancies or research institutes. The following is a list of some of the best graduates of PhD Economics programs: 

  • Abhijit Banerjee
  • Amartya Sen
  • Amiya Kumar Bagchi
  • Ardeshir Darabshaw Shroff
  • Arvind Panagariya
  • Avinash Dixit
  • Bibek Debroy
  • C. Kumarappa

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PhD candidate in modelling the stochastic fracture behaviour of aluminium castings

Academic Positions

Job Information

Offer description, about the job.

At the Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU, we have two vacant PhD positions in modelling of stochastic fracture in aluminium castings. The positions are linked to the research group  SIMLab (Structural Impact Laboratory) . 

For a position as a PhD candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. 

Context and motivation

Structural metals are typically produced using a series of forming processes and heat treatments. This leaves the material with a reduced level of microstructural heterogeneity and a rather deterministic fracture behaviour that is often accurately predicted by state-of-the-art ductile fracture models. Standard production processes, such as rolling and extrusion, are however limited to producing parts and components of simpler shapes and geometries, and end products usually consists of multiple components assembled using various joining techniques. An alternative is to produce structural parts in a single process using casting or additive manufacturing, which greatly reduces the need for forming and joining operations. An example of this is the increasing use aluminium castings in the automotive industry.

Aluminium castings are lightweight, durable, strong, and corrosion resistant materials with high thermal and electrical conductivity. There are several ways to produce aluminium castings. High-pressure die casting is a frequently used casting technique, in which molten aluminium is injected into a die mould under high pressure. This process enables low-cost and high-volume production of parts with complex geometries yet offering high precision, dimensional stability, and excellent surface finish. Also, aluminium castings are more easily recycled without compromising their initial properties, which makes them a promising candidate for sustainable design and production. The favourable properties of aluminium castings have made them popular in a wide variety of industrial applications today, such as for light-weighting of vehicles in the automotive and aircraft industry, in consumer and sport goods, electronic devices, and medical equipment. With today's increasing emphasis on reducing environmental impact of industrial processes and products, aluminium castings are likely to remain an essential material in various industries in the future, one example being to improve the light-weighting of electrical vehicles. 

Despite all their beneficial properties, aluminium castings exhibit a stochastic fracture behaviour influenced by several factors, e.g., casting defects, porosity, impurities, grain structure irregularities, and thermo-mechanical processing. The microstructural defects could act as stress concentrators or weak zones where fracture initiates. This ultimately leads to a significant variation in the fracture properties of the material, even among samples of the same material. Moreover, the probability of failure is not constant but depends on factors such as the applied stress, sample size and distribution of the defects. Therefore, predicting the fracture behaviour of a metal under different loading conditions requires a probabilistic approach that considers the inherent variability and uncertainty in the material properties, which cannot be modelled using common deterministic fracture models. The stochastic fracture behaviour is currently not well understood, which poses several challenges for the design and structural integrity assessment of aluminium castings. This underscores the need for further studies of the underlying physical mechanisms for fracture in aluminium castings to develop more accurate fracture models. 

These two PhD positions are parts of a project devoted to study the microstructural origin of the stochastic fracture behaviour of aluminium castings and to establish predictive microstructural-based models for plastic flow and fracture. The research activities in the project will involve extensive experimental work combined with numerical simulations at different scales. Hydro Aluminium and Honda are research partners in the project.

Objectives and scope

The overarching goals of the project are to bring more clarity into what microstructural defects govern the stochastic fracture behaviour of aluminium high-pressure die castings and to establish predictive models at different relevant material length scales. Experiments will be conducted to examine the fracture behaviour of commercially relevant high-pressure die-casting aluminium alloys under various loading conditions. An important aspect is the design of specimens that permits us to distinguish the influence of activation volume and stress state on fracture and the use of advanced measurement techniques and data analysis tools to enhance the utilization of experiment data.

The two PhD positions will be complementary but have different focus:

  • PhD position 1 :

This position will focus on micromechanics-based computational modelling of the stochastic fracture behaviour in aluminium castings. The research activities will primarily concern numerical modelling and simulations, e.g., combining finite element-based microstructural models with crystal plasticity, non-local damage models, or phase-field models. 

  • PhD position 2 :

This position will focus on experimental work and numerical modelling of stochastic fracture at a larger scale. The main objectives of this position are to design and conduct experiments that will help us to better understand the stochastic fracture behaviour of aluminium castings, and to use the experimental data for numerical simulations and developing more predictive fracture models. An important aspect is to use advanced measurement techniques and data analysis tools to enhance the utilization of experimental data.

If you wish to apply for only one of the positions, this should be specified in your application.

Your immediate leader is Associate Professor Lars Edvard Blystad Dæhli. In addition, the team of supervisors consists of Professor Odd Sture Hopperstad and Associate Professor David Morin, all members of the SIMLab research group at the Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU.

Duties of the position

  • Contribute towards excellent research at the Department of Structural Engineering
  • Improve the current understanding of stochastic fracture behaviour in aluminium castings
  • Develop predictive stochastic fracture models for large-scale applications
  • Disseminate relevant parts of the research to a wider audience

Required selection criteria

  • You must have a professionally relevant background in solid mechanics, structural engineering or mechanical engineering
  • Your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at master's level
  • You must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the master's degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with NTNU's grading scale. If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a PhD education
  • You must meet the requirements for admission to the doctoral program from the Faculty of Engineering 
  • You must be fluent in spoken and written English

The appointment is to be made in accordance with  Regulations on terms of employment for positions such as postdoctoral fellow, Phd candidate, research assistant and specialist candidate and  Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctor and research assistant 

Preferred selection criteria

  • Knowledge of plasticity theory
  • Knowledge of non-linear finite element methods
  • Knowledge of fracture mechanics theory
  • Knowledge of constitutive modelling of materials
  • Knowledge of statistical methods, e.g., Monte-Carlo analysis
  • Experience using non-linear finite element software, e.g., Abaqus
  • Experience with programming using Python and Fortran
  • Experience with conducting experimental work and data processing
  • Experience with simulations of casting processes

Personal characteristics

  • Good cooperation skills
  • Motivated and ambitious
  • Curious, creative and eager to learn

Emphasis will be placed on personal and interpersonal qualities.

  • exciting and stimulating tasks in a strong international academic environment
  • an open and  inclusive work environment with dedicated colleagues
  • favourable terms in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • employee benefits

Salary and conditions

As a PhD candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 532 200 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is three years.

Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the PhD programme in Engineering within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants , and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU. After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

Please note that the candidate holding the announced position is expected to work with critical infrastructure and areas affected by control of the export of strategic goods, services and technology. Candidates with the potential of not fulfilling requirement for security clearance, access clearance and authorization as described in the Act Relating to National Security, The Export Control Act and Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions (Sanctions Act) cannot be considered for the position (e.g., candidates from Russia, Iran, North Korea, China among other countries).

One of the positions is subject to external funding.

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution daily.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English.

Publications and other scientific work must be attached to the application. Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.

The application must include: 

  • CV and certificates
  • transcripts and diplomas for bachelor's and master's degrees. If you have not completed the master's degree, you must submit a confirmation that the master's thesis has been submitted.
  • Name and contact information of three referees
  • If you have publications or other relevant research work
  • A specification of which position you apply for, if you do not apply for both

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor's and master's education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found  here . If you already have a statement from NOKUT, please attach this as well.

We will take joint work into account. If it is difficult to identify your efforts in the joint work, you must enclose a short description of your participation.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. 

NTNU is committed to following evaluation criteria for research quality according to The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment - DORA.

General information

Working at NTNU

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is our strength. We want to recruit people with different competencies, educational backgrounds, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to solving our social responsibilities within education and research. We will facilitate for our employees’ needs.

NTNU is working actively to increase the number of women employed in scientific positions and has a number of resources to promote equality.  

The city of Trondheim is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.

As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with current legislation . You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Lars Edvard Blystad Dæhli, email [email protected] . If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Kristine Grønvold, e-mail: [email protected] .

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via jobbnorge.no with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation.  

Application deadline: 16.06.2024


Additional information, work location(s), where to apply.


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