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Exjobb, kandidatuppsatser och doktorsavhandlingar hos Volvokoncernen

Volvokoncernen har en lång och framgångsrik tradition av samarbete med universitet och studenter över hela världen kring examensarbeten. Vi skapar  möjligheterna  för dig att förverkliga dina idéer och utvecklas tillsammans med experter inom ditt område. Ett examensarbete hos oss kan innebära ett stort kliv framåt i din karriär och vara starten på en långsiktig relation med oss.

Vi har stor erfarenhet av att handleda studenter som skriver sitt examensarbete, oavsett om det handlar om en kandidatuppsats, ett exjobb eller en doktorsavhandling. 

Ett examensarbete hos Volvokoncernen innebär ofta möjlighet att arbeta på plats med oss. Det ger oss inte enbart en bättre förståelse för dina kunskaper, du kommer även att lära känna oss mycket bättre. Vi är övertygade om att ett starkt samarbete leder till ett bättre examensarbete för båda parter.

Varje år samarbetar vi med ett stort antal studenter världen över med deras examensarbeten. Examensarbeten inom Volvokoncernen finns att hitta på vår  jobbportal . Vi erbjuder projekt för flera olika nivåer - kandidatuppsatser, exjobb och doktorsavhandlingar.  Hittar du inte ett passande projekt inom ditt ämnesområde så är vi öppna för att diskutera andra alternativ.

Läs om  ansökningsprocessen  för våra Volvo-exjobb, kandidatuppsatser och doktorsavhandlingar.

Erfarenheter av examensarbete hos oss

“En fantastisk chans att applicera teori i en praktisk kontext”

“En fantastisk chans att applicera teori i en praktisk kontext”

Andreas Karlsson deltog i ett examensprogram hos Volvokoncernen från januari till juni 2019. “Att gå med i programmet var en fantastisk upplevelse, du borde testa det,” säger han.

“Att ha stödet av ett stort företag öppnar många dörrar”

“Att ha stödet av ett stort företag öppnar många dörrar”

När de två ekonomistudenterna Johanna Herstedt och Daniel Gustafsson påbörjade sitt examensarbete hos Volvokoncernen tog de sig an uppgiften som om de vore på jobbet. “Vi kände oss uppskattade. Redan från start så var vi en del av någonting - vi kände oss aldrig som främlingar hos Volvokoncernen”, säger Daniel.

Fördelar med att skriva en Volvo master thesis

Volvokoncernen arbetar med att utveckla framtidens hållbara transport- och infrastrukturlösningar.

Vi omvandlar morgondagens städer genom vårt arbete inom  Automation ,  Uppkopplad teknik  och  Elektromobilitet . Vi är i dagsläget  11 500 anställda  inom vår forsknings- och utvecklingsverksamhet. Genom att göra ditt avhandlingsprojekt hos oss blir du en del av vår spännande färd mot framtiden.

Vi på Volvokoncernen har lång erfarenhet av att samarbeta med studenter världen över. I Sverige skrivs det cirka 200 avhandlingar varje år inom Volvokoncernen. Många av oss har gjort våra egna examensarbeten här på Volvokoncernen. Vi förstår utmaningarna du ställs inför och finns här om du har några frågor.

Vare sig du ska göra ett Volvo-exjobb, en kandidatuppsats, eller en doktorsavhandling, så är vi övertygade om att vår strävan att röra oss framåt, att ständigt arbeta tillsammans för att bli bättre och prestera bättre kommer att tilltala dig och få dig att vilja skriva ditt examensarbete hos oss.

Läs mer om våra andra möjligheter för studenter


Ett sommarjobb hos oss kan vara den perfekta vägen in på arbetsmarknaden. Det är ett bra sätt för dig som student att få praktisk erfarenhet om hur det är att jobba i ett globalt företag och ge dig bra start inför examensarbete, praktikplats eller anställning hos oss.

Studenter tar selfie | Volvo Group

Graduate Program

Är du intresserad av en väg in till en karriär där du får vara med och forma morgondagens transport- och infrastrukturlösningar? Oavsett om ditt hjärta slår för maskinteknik, ekonomi, IT eller logistik kan vi erbjuda ett brett spektrum av internationella program för nyutexaminerade. De är utformade för att tillgodose dina behov och hjälpa dig att lyckas. Välkommen till en värld av spännande möjligheter!

What’s your big idea?

We take the future of our students very seriously – and we love your ideas and energy. You’re the next generation of employees, so our student offers provide you with what you need to contribute from day one.

Two men and a woman sat together around a table discussing something.

Volvo Cars Internship Programme​

Do you have a passion for Software, UX, Sustainability, Electrification and Data Science and want to gain job experience during your time at university? The best way to learn is to work with some of the most successful people in the field. Our 5-month program offers you that chance. Applications for the program starting in February, 2025 will open in April 2024.

Imagine: a head-start in global mobility.

We see opportunity. Electrification. Sustainability. Autonomous drive as an enabler for next gen safety.

We see opportunity.

Flexible student work at Volvo Cars Torslanda

As a student in Volvo Cars Flexpool, you’ll work part-time with our manufacturing team in our Torslanda plant. You’ll be a part of a dedicated team – working as a production operator or material handling operator – ensuring the cars we build meet the demands of our customers.

Side view of a car chassis with 3 people in the background looking at the chassis.

Working in the Volvo Cars Flexpool helps you to get to know our company. We work with smart, clean and flexible manufacturing solutions – with focus on people and continuous improvements. Recruitment to the Flexpool is ongoing continuously during the year.

Meet Zijihan

“So much fun getting to know this city with my bike and camera, and at work we developed a simulator to achieve autonomous driving software-in-loop testing.”

Zijian Han – functional architecture and simulation

A man wearing glasses working on a laptop.

Volvo Cars Summer Work

Every summer, June to August, we welcome students to several of our sites around the globe. Spending a few weeks in our teams offers great insights into life at Volvo Cars – and access to a career-enhancing network. Applications for summer work open during February.

A woman sat with a cup by a table smiling at something.

Thesis work

Prepare for your future career collaborating with us on your thesis. Immerse yourself in a topic that interests you in Volvo Cars. Opportunities for enthusiastic students to work and learn with us arise throughout the year, and are advertised most frequently between October to December.

FAQs on student work at Volvo Cars

Where does the Internship Programme take place?

The program for 2023 takes place at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg, Sweden.

How many students are hired each year?

The number of students to the program varies each year based on the demand of the business. The 2023 program accept up to 50 interns.

How long does the Internship Programme last?

Can I also apply for the Internship Programme if I come from abroad?

The internship program is open to applicants worldwide, who fit the profile. You can apply regardless of your citizenship. A potential offer however would always be pending on the approval of the local residence- and work permit.

Do i have a temporary or a permanent contract?

Our interns have full-time temporary employment (4-6 months) within Volvo Cars.

What do I benefit from the programme?

During the program, the student will benefit from excellent mentoring, onboarding days, work life experience, personal development, building networks and career development.

How is the Internship Programme compensated?

The interns within the program receive a monthly salary according to the standard market rate.

Summer Internship

During which time period does the Summer Internship take place?

The timing and length of our Volvo Cars Summer Internship varies depending on location and the area of work. The Summer internship in Sweden takes place in June, July and August and the length is between 4 and 10 weeks.

In which language should I write my application to the Summer Internship?

Please write your application in English.

What type of documents should I attach to my application?

Please upload your CV, a personal letter and your grades from gymnasium/high school and university, plus a description of the grading system. No written references are required in this step of our recruitment process.

When uploading documents such as my CV/resume, personal letter and grades, I get an error message. What should I do?

Please try to save the documents together in one PDF file. You can Google “Merge PDF” for tips on how to do this. If your document is still too heavy, please write us a note in your application and a recruiter will follow up on this during the process.

I get an error message when I send in the application, what should I do?

The error message may be due to system maintenance, please try again later. Please also ensure that when applying you use Google Chrome as your web browser.

When does the recruitment process to the Summer Internship start?

Job advertisements concerning Summer Internship positions are published continuously from January each year and onwards.

All positions are published in our Job Portal .

What does the recruitment process look like? Any important dates?

Ads for the Summer Internships are published during January and February each year. The selection of candidates takes place during the spring and interviews will be held ongoing during the same period. Feedback to applicants will be given in the middle of April at the latest.

Who can apply to the Summer Internship?

Production: You can apply if you are a student, minimum 18 years old, and able to speak Swedish. Warehouse/Storage: You can apply if you are a student, minimum 18 years old, and able to speak English. Office: You can apply if you are a university student in IT, engineering or business.

Do I need to speak Swedish to apply?

As a Summer Intern working in the office, English is mandatory but you do not need to speak Swedish.

As a Summer Intern in Production or in a Warehouse/Storage – Swedish is mandatory.

How likely is it to be employed after the Summer Internship?

We’re always looking for talented people who want to grow with us – a Summer Internship at Volvo Cars can open doors for a career with us.

Do you offer Summer Internships in countries other than Sweden?

Internship opportunities outside Sweden vary each year. All our job opportunities around the globe are advertised in our Job Portal .

How does it work with accommodation in during the Summer Internship?

Finding accommodation during the internship is up to each individual.

Will the internship be paid for?

As a Summer Intern you get a salary according to market standards in Sweden. You’ll get more information about the offer during our recruitment process.

A partial front three-quarters shot of a Volvo car.

Learn more about how we want to provide people with the freedom to move in a personal, sustainable and safe way.

CBS Research Portal Logo

The Volvo Way to Market: A Case Study of Private Company Valuation under Different Exit Scenarios

Student thesis : Master thesis

In recent years, Volvo Cars AB (‘Volvo’) has taken several actions that outset the rumours that its current owner was planning for an exit via a market introduction. While an initial public offering (IPO) is the consensus exit option amongst financial journalists, little attention has been devoted to the value of the company or whether there is an alternative exit option. Thus, this thesis sought to answer a research question that covered both aspects; firstly, value Volvo Cars AB on a stand-alone basis (as in the case of an IPO) and, secondly, to explore whether the company was an attractive investment case to a third party, and if so, a valuation from the perspective of the prospective acquirer would be performed. As the research question entails flexibility and requires subjective judgements, a pragmatic case study strategy was taken on. In the quest for finding reliable answers, numerous well-established theoretical models and primary methodologies related to the subject were applied. The matter was investigated by, firstly, researching and understanding critical aspects of Volvo, such as its value proposition, market position, historical performance, and the competitive landscape in which it competes. Secondly, based on the fundamental analysis of Volvo and its peers, a value of the company was derived using both a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis and comparable companies analysis. Finally, using the fundamental analysis and investment rationale from an alternate buyer perspective, an exploration of likely exit options was performed. The strategic analysis illustrated the challenges of navigating the automobile industry; increasing intensity of rivalry, heavy capital expenditures, technological disruption, and government regulations were, among other factors, identified as the micro-and macroeconomic factors that profoundly influence the industry and its future profitability. However, despite the company’s disadvantage in size in an industry characterised by economies of scale, it has successfully penetrated the market, primarily driven by a rich heritage that has created a strong brand. From this, the company’s stand-alone IPO-range was estimated to €16.245 - €20.364 million. A thorough assessment of Volvo as an investment case, both from the perspective of a financial and strategic buyer, recognised Volvo as an attractive investment for the strategic buyer. After sourcing for a potential acquirer, Renault was identified as the most likely party. By adjusting the DCF analysis for synergistic benefits, the investment value of Volvo to Renault was estimated to €23.536 million. Lastly, by weighing the different options against each other, taking current market conditions into account, it was concluded that a strategic buyer would assign the greatest value to the company and, therefore, this represents the value maximising exit strategy.

Seminar: Volvo Cars/Uppsala University Joint Master Thesis Projects

volvo master thesis

We are pleased to invite you to a seminar 10:00-11:00 on 4 June to listen to final presentations of two master thesis projects performed jointly by Volvo Cars and Uppsala University. 

Colleen Donoghue  

Ni concentration Effects on Thermal Properties of Positive Electrodes in Commercial LIBs

This study aims to compare the thermal properties of commercial NMC622 and NMC811 positive electrodes and assess how these properties are influenced by changes in charging rate and temperature during charging. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was utilized to analyze the positive electrodes with electrolyte, determining the onset and peak temperatures of active material breakdown. 

Caroline Albert

Characterization of cylindrical Li-ion cell (4680)

The 46xx series of cylindrical Li-ion cells are one of the recent cell formats introduced into the market. These cells have since gained considerable relevance and popularity among automotive manufacturers. It is of pertinence to acquire data on varied aspects of these cells in order to substantiate specifications, datasheets and build models. This study has addressed this need to gain thorough knowledge on the cell design, architecture and performance of one such novel 4680 Li-ion cell. 

Each student will give a 20 min summary of their project, followed by 5-10 min Q&A.

This will be a virtual seminar only. Zoom link will be sent out in email after you register. 


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volvo master thesis

Digital Showroom 2024

Welcome to the Digital Showroom of Xjobbsmässan 2024! Here, you can see some examples of thesis projects that our students have worked with during the spring.

Bachelor programmes

Byggnadsutformning med arkitektur & ljusdesign.

volvo master thesis

Klimatdeklarationer som miljöutvärdering i anbudsprocessen

volvo master thesis

Enhancing Building Energy Performance

A Comprehensive Analysis Through Energy Simulation Tools

volvo master thesis

Belysning och kulör av opaka glasfasader i industri- och handelsområden

En komperativ studie om lekmän och fackmäns åsikter

volvo master thesis

Trygghetsskapande belysning i smarta städer genom implementering av artificiell intelligens och belysningskontroll

Industriell organisation och ekonomi: logistik och ledning & sustainable supply chain management.

volvo master thesis

Strategisk hantering av osäkerhet i kundefterfrågan

Identifiering och hantering av utmaningar i sälj- och verksamhetsplaneringen på ett tillverkande företag

volvo master thesis

Lagerstrukturer för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror

En fallstudie om centraliseringsgradens roll i att balansera leveransservicenivåer och kostnader

volvo master thesis

Identifying improvement opportunities and risks with automation

A case study exploring waste in semi-automated processes and challenges in adopting fully automated solutions

volvo master thesis

Mind the gap

Automation skills gap in SMEs in Sweden

volvo master thesis

Supply Chain Relocation Decision Making in China

Adapting to China’s business environment and understanding relocation criteria and strategy implementation

Maskinteknik: Produktutveckling och Design

volvo master thesis

Project Light

A stroller accessory that ensures safety for you and your child

volvo master thesis

Construction of adjustable screening parameters

volvo master thesis

3D-printing som tillverkningsmetod för gjutmodeller

New media design (grafisk design och webbutveckling).

volvo master thesis

Accessible Low-Code, No-Code Development

Analysing the Accessibility of Websites Built with Low-Code and No-Code Technologies in the Citizen Developer Context

volvo master thesis

Enhancing Cultural Accessibility

Prototype Testing for Digital Language Management in Museums

volvo master thesis

Designing FinTech Applications for Older Adults

volvo master thesis

There is just nothing to watch!

volvo master thesis

Assessing Students' Awareness and Education of Web Accessibility in Web Development and Interface Design programs

volvo master thesis

Stressed? Maybe you need a breath

An experiment of the effects of Virtual Reality on stress reduction

volvo master thesis

Bottom-Up Verification of Gamification Elements

Produktutveckling med möbeldesign.

volvo master thesis

A room divider suitable for overcrowded apartments

– a product proposal at the request of Svenska Bostäder

volvo master thesis

A new era of LC4 Chaise Lounge

Masters programmes, ai engineering.

volvo master thesis

Thermal Estimation of Electric Machine Rotor using ML for Volvo Cars

Civilingenjör i industriell produktframtagning.

volvo master thesis

Investigating the Role of Product Flexibility in Production Systems

A case study at a Swedish Automotive Manufacturer

volvo master thesis

Understanding inter-project knowledge transfer in project-based SMEs

Production engineering and management.

volvo master thesis

Implications of the Digital Product Passport Implementation on the Production System of Textile Manufacturers

An Exploratory Study to give Future Perspective

Sustainable Building Information Management

volvo master thesis

Enhancing Urban Flood Resilience: A GIS Suitability Mapping Approach for NBS placement in Sweden

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You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses).

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University of Skövde, link to startpage

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International students from the University of Skövde received diplomas in Stockholm

The Swedish Institute, SI once every year holds a ceremony for international Master’s students who have completed their education in Sweden. This year 357 SI scholarship holders from 38 countries graduated, six of them have studied at the University of Skövde.

volvo master thesis

Every year, the scholarship holders are invited to a gala dinner at Stockholm City Hall. Inviting the holders of the scholarship is to celebrate the achievements of the graduation and to hand over a diploma, but also to meet and to have ha lovely evening together with delicious dinner, nice music and inspiring speeches. The gala dinner is always held in the Blue Hall (Blå hallen) which is the same place as the well-known Noble Prize gala dinner is held in December every year. The welcoming speech was held by Madeleine Sjöstedt, Director-General at the Swedish Institute.

Six students from the University of Skövde

The event brings together students from all over the world as students from nearly 40 countries were honoured during the ceremony. The participants from the University of Skövde were: Viktor Betiku, Nigeria, Shaiqa Labiba, Bangladesh, Jinia Tabassum, Bangladesh, Jahir Uddin Md Jaber, Bangladesh, Fares Ibrahim, Egypt and Dawali Msuya, Tanzania.

“It was truly a once-in-a lifetime experience to finish my studies in Sweden, especially at the University of Skövde, with a fancy graduation ceremony in the Blue Hall. Mere presence at this place at such a moment is indescribable, it is indeed as one fellow SI scholarship holders said in her speech: “It feels like receiving the Nobel Prize myself.“ Coming from Egypt, four Egyptians have written their names in the history when they have received the Nobel Prize, and me standing there last Saturday served as a glimmer of hope that dreams can become reality with dedication and perseverance,” says Fares Ibrahim.

Lifelong membership in Alumni Network

The diploma ceremony marks the beginning of the SI scholarship holders’ lifelong membership in the SI Alumni Network. Niklas Dahlberg, Programme Manager SI Alumni Team welcomed everyone to the world-wide Alumni Network that the Swedish Institute has.

Frida Lindgren, International Coordinator at the University of Skövde, was also at the Diploma ceremony.

“It was just amazing and a very memorable evening in the Swedish capital for the students. We are so proud of our students and wish them all the best,” says Frida Lindgren.

International Coordinator

Photo of Frida Lindgren

Frida Lindgren

Student Support

Photo of Andrea Diao Jonsson

Andrea Diao Jonsson

International Office

28 May 2024

Latest news from LiU

Orchestra standing outside holding their instruments over the head

Academic Celebration with space journey and Harry Potter

This year’s Academic Celebration at Linköping University will take place on 31 May and 1 June. The Celebration will feature lectures by honorary doctors, including astronaut Marcus Wandt, and an Academic Gala Concert with a children’s world theme.

Jennifer Chepkorir

From poverty to independence and self-sufficiency

On behalf of the government and in collaboration with Sida, MAI and Linköping University create life-changing transformations for both individuals and the world. Jennifer is one who has created change for both herself and the future.

Sheet of glass with droplet.

Next-generation sustainable electronics are doped with air

Researchers at LiU have developed a new method where organic semiconductors can become more conductive with the help of air as a dopant. The study is a significant step towards future sustainable organic semiconductors.

physicians in a clinica setting.

Healthcare interpreters important for heart attack aftercare

After a heart attack, foreign-born people are less likely to attend a relapse-preventing Heart School than native-born patients. But with access to a professional interpreter, participation increases, according to a new study.

Battery om fingertip.

Eco-friendly and affordable battery for low-income countries

A battery made from zinc and lignin that can be used over 8000 times. This has been developed by researchers at LiU with a vision to provide a cheap and sustainable battery solution for countries where access to electricity is limited.

volvo master thesis

Large donation equals five new professors at LiU

A donation of SEK 125 million enables the establishment of five new professorships in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Linköping University. The donation is directed to the subjects of economics, political science, and history.

Decomposed leaf.

The reaction explaining large carbon sinks

A mystery has finally been solved. Researchers from LiU and Helmholtz Munich have discovered that a certain type of chemical reaction can explain why organic matter found in rivers and lakes is so resistant to degradation.

volvo master thesis

Experienced and driven manager and leader – LiU’s new University Director

Anna Thörn is to be the new University Director at LiU. She is currently regional administrative director of Region Dalarna and has previously held several management positions in Östergötland, including as municipal director in Norrköping.

The choir at the walpurgis celebration

Walpurgis tradition turns 50

The Walpurgis celebration will, as is customary, include songs and speeches to spring and donning of caps with the Linköping University Male Voice Choir in Borggården outside Linköping Castle. This year, the tradition celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Man framing an illustration of a heart with his hands.

“I want to learn as much as possible about how the body works.”

Tino Ebbers receives the 2024 Onkel Adam Prize for his outstanding research at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at LiU. His research is at the intersection of medicine and technology and focuses on diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Portrait of a woman (Seetha Murty)

Two champions for children become honorary doctors

Indian principal Seetha Murty has worked with children’s and young people’s learning throughout her professional life. American professor Cindy W. Christian has devoted her career to developing the care of abused children.

Two researchers in a lab.

A single atom layer of gold – LiU researchers create goldene

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick. According to the researchers from LiU this has given the gold new properties that can make it suitable for use in various applications.

Researcher (Xenofon Strakosas) by a microscope.

Ten million donation for research position in electronic medicine

The Stig Wadström Foundation is donating around SEK ten million to LiU, to fund a research position in electronic medicine. The researcher chosen for this position is Xenophon Strakosas at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics in Norrköping.

Head shot of a smiling man wearing glasses and a blue shirt

Developing artificial intelligence that benefits society

How can artificial intelligence improve, for example, health care and local and national public transport? A research group at LiU is working to develop AI for the benefit of society.

A person looks in the camera.

Jan-Ingvar Jönsson new president of ECIU

Linköping University’s Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson has been appointed new president of the European network for innovative universities in Europe, ECIU.

Glowing sheet of glass.

Breakthrough for next-generation digital displays

Researchers at LiU have developed a digital display screen where the LEDs themselves react to touch, light, fingerprints and the user’s pulse, among other things. Their results could be the start of a whole new generation of digital displays.

Close-up of baby belly.

Autism and ADHD are linked to disturbed gut flora very early in life

Disturbed gut flora during the first years of life is associated with diagnoses such as autism and ADHD later in life. This is according to a study led by researchers at the University of Florida and LiU and published in the journal Cell.

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Passionate about teaching – now she receives largest teacher award

Helen Winzell grew up in a home where both parents were teachers. To follow in their footsteps was not on her agenda – until the day she substituted for her mother. Passionate about teaching since then, she now receives Ingemars Lärarpris.

Ida Lindgren and Elin Wihlborg.

Digitalisation challenges the Swedish social model

Municipalities and other authorities are increasingly required to digitalise. What are the implications for how we build a digital society for all? These are questions that a new interdisciplinary research environment at LiU will look at.

Sign of Linköping University.

Two new Wallenberg Scholars at LiU

Researchers Feng Gao and Daniel Västfjäll at LiU have been appointed as new Wallenberg Scholars. In addition, six LiU researchers will have their  scholar periods extended. Each researcher receives between SEK 18 and 20 million for five years.

A bunch of people in a conversation.

Objective: finding creative solutions to real problems

ECIU University, the virtual university, is celebrating its fifth birthday. In the university, LiU students have the opportunity to work in international and multidisciplinary groups with the objective of finding creative solutions to real problems.

Hannah Grankvist.

Collaboration on teacher shortages in rural Norrland

Rural northern municipalities suffer from a major shortage of qualified teachers. But from the autumn, LiU will be offering single-subject courses remotely at local learning centres aimed at people who are thinking about a teaching career.

Kjell O Lejon.

New perspectives on the Crusades

In the book Tempelherreorden (“The Knights Templar”), church historian Kjell O Lejon has summarised his research on the period of the Crusades. He believes the book is important for understanding contemporary world-wide conflicts.

Photo illustrating the app that analyses a birth mark.

AI-based app can help physicians find skin melanoma

A mobile app that uses AI to analyse images of suspected skin lesions can diagnose melanoma with very high precision. This is shown in a study led from Linköping University where the app has been tested in primary care.

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Lasse – the teacher who is always seeking to improve

He came to Linköping as a student in the early 1980s. Some 40 years later, Lasse Alfredsson is still at LiU. A teacher with a drive to constantly seek to improve remains. And his reward, students’ Aha! moments, is hard to beat.

Kaj Holmberg and Roghayeh Hajizadeh

Optimizing of snow removal in cities

Researchers at the Mathematics Department of Linköping University have developed a mathematical model on how snow removal can be optimized in Swedish cities.

Man in food shop

He put his studies on hold to set up a chain of unmanned food shops

Edvin Johansson put his studies on the Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management programme on hold to set up AutoMat, a chain of unmanned food shops. Now he is back on campus with his largest shop so far.

Person (Jie Zhou) point at a computer screen.

A new world of 2D material is opening up

Materials that are incredibly thin exhibit unique properties that make them appealing for energy storage, catalysis and water purification. LiU-researchers have developed a method that enables the synthesis of hundreds of new 2D materials.

Liqourice in a bowl with liquorice roots next to it.

Small amounts of liquorice raise blood pressure

It is known that large amounts of liquorice cause high blood pressure. A study from LiU now shows that even small amounts of liquorice raise blood pressure. The individuals who react most strongly also show signs of strain on the heart.

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He guides his students to top jobs

LiU students are doing well in the Swedish CFA Research Challenge. Year after year, victory goes to Linköping University. Winning the competition is a shortcut to top jobs with major banks and accounting firms. What is the secret to this success?

headshot of a woman smiling.

With pain as a driving force – from refugee to professor

After a childhood marked by displacement, Bijar Ghafouri came to a place where she could stay. “In Sweden I got the opportunity to study what I wanted. Age or gender didn’t matter,” she says. Today, she is a professor researching long-term pain.

The students are on a break

International master’s students meet to discuss children’s issues

On the Master's Programme in Child Studies, students from different parts of the world participate remotely. During an intensive week on campus, they gather to exchange experiences and strengthen their sense of community.

Jonathan Josefsson och Branka Likic-Brboric at the conference GFMD.

The signs that reveal migration policies

Who has access to the meeting rooms? Who leaves when others enter? Who is talking to whom? This may reveal how the winds are blowing in migration policy at an international summit. And researchers from LiU are moving in the crowd to observe.

Person with glasses looks at a computerscreen.

The academic sleuth – facing death threats and ingratitude

Lonni Besançon devotes evenings and weekends to rarely appreciated sanitation work. By exposing shortcomings in scientific articles, he has made a lot of enemies. It has gone so far that death threats have become commonplace for him.

Anna Olaison, senior associate professor at the division of social work at Linköping University.

New research programme looking for solutions for dementia care

By 2050, the number of older people diagnosed with dementia in Sweden may have doubled compared to today. Providing care to everyone will be a big challenge. A new research programme will be launched at LiU to find solutions for the future.

Portrait of man on space station (Marcus Wandt)

An astronaut and a Nobel laureate are new honorary doctors at LiU

The Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt and the Austrian quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Anton Zeilinger have been appointed honorary doctors at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Linköping University.

Per Frankelius och Karolina Muhrman in a field.

New knowledge hub for the digitalisation of agriculture at LiU

The Swedish Board of Agriculture has appointed Linköping University to host a new national knowledge hub for digitalisation in agriculture. The project spans over 3 years and has a budget of SEK 20 million.

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Professor Mattias Lindahl is contributing to a global ISO standard

There are hundreds of definitions of circular economy in the world, which leads to confusion. A new ISO standard with a definition widely accepted and disseminated will remedy the situation.

Tre persons in lab coates.

Better neutron mirrors can reveal the inner secrets of matter

An improved neutron mirror has been developed by researchers at LiU by coating a silicon plate with extremely thin layers of iron and silicon mixed with boron carbide. It paves the way for better studies of materials.

Lonely child in silhouette.

Lack of guidelines on care for children subjected to sexual abuse

Only half of 34 surveyed European countries have national guidelines on how to provide health care and treatment to children who have been subjected to sexual abuse. This is shown in a study led by researchers at Barnafrid at Linköping University.

Portrait of professor Gustav Tinghög.

Researchers overestimate their own honesty

The average researcher thinks they are better than their colleagues at following good research practice. They also think that their own research field is better than other fields. This is shown in a new study at Linköping University.

Three people behind a drill

Their project must stand up to a space trip

The students from LiU were given a dream assignment: develop a pressure-resistant device. A device that contains an experiment. And is to be launched into space.

young man taking a break from running.

Physical fitness in adolescence linked to less atherosclerosis later

Men who were physically fit when they were young had a lower risk of atherosclerosis almost 40 years later. These findings suggest that atherosclerosis is one of the mechanisms behind the link between physical fitness and cardiovascular disease.

Portrait of professor Zoran Slavnic.

Bosnian refugees managed well despite uncertainty

Two batches of refugees escaped the war in Bosnia to come to Sweden. One was quickly given permanent residency while the other had to spend several years in uncertainty. Researchers at LiU have now investigated what happened to them.

Two female student, dissasembling an Ikea product.

Students disassemble Ikea products

This is part of a research project in which LiU students get to collaborate with the Swedish furniture giant. The students document possibility of repairing, replacing and reusing.

A smiling man in a blue jacket and a lightblue shirt

Innovative semiconductor research from LiU to Silicon Valley

LiU alumnus and doctoral student Ivan Martinovic swapped Swedish winter for a warmer climate and headed for Silicon Valley.  He represents the LEAD company Polar Light Technologies in Berkeley SkyDeck’s sought-after accelerator programme.

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The astronomer who turned his eyes towards Earth

Magnus Gålfalk was ten years old when he became fascinated with space. His doctoral thesis was about how stars are formed. But now he is doing climate research at Linköping University instead.

animated picture of a skeleton and photo of a skiing man.

Skiing becomes pure mechanics in his research

How do a skier's movements work? Which technique is the best? Biomechanics researcher Joakim Holmberg has studied this. Using mathematical calculations, he was able to follow how the force was distributed for each push of the ski poles.

Researchers in a lab.

Boosted nano material to secure hip implant

Cellular biologist Anna Fahlgren has  teamed up with materials scientist Emma Björk. Together, they will use nano materials that may contribute to a better healing process and faster recovery for the patient.

Four people at a table look towards the camera

“Got further than I could have imagined”

LiU’s interdisciplinary investment in e-health is here to stay. In a course, students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences are working together with students from the Faculty of Science and Engineering to develop digital solutions.

Researchers interact with a reading robot.

Studying whether a robot can awaken children’s interest in reading

Researchers at Linköping University are studying whether a reading robot can increase fourth graders’ interest in reading. The interdisciplinary project brings together researchers in technology, cognition and pedagogy.

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Housing promise for new graduates in Norrköping

Norrköping is first in Sweden to guarantee newly graduated students housing after their degree. It has been launched to make it easier for newly graduated students from Campus Norrköping to stay, work and live in Norrköping.

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How to shift gears in a molecular motor

Scientists have long strived to develop artificial molecular motors that can convert energy into directed motion. Researchers at LiU have now presented a solution to a challenging problem: a “molecular gear”.

headshot of two female researchers.

Post-COVID syndrome made researchers combine different perspectives

In a large research project, researchers are working across disciplines to understand post-COVID from several different aspects. At the same time, they are researching the interdisciplinary process itself.

Photo of PhD-student at her office.

Biogas in Brazil - a resource not being used

Brazil has a significant capacity for biogas production from organic waste that has not yet been realised. Hanna Zanatta has studied several societal aspects that affect the introduction of biogas systems.

Person in labcoat and gloves pours a blue liquid onto a glass surface.

New sustainable method for creating organic semiconductors

Researchers at LiU have developed a new, more environmentally friendly way to create conductive inks for use in organic electronics. The findings pave the way for future sustainable technology.

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From the lab to a commercial product – a long and difficult road

Researchers at Linköping University are working to create the material for the solar cells of the future. The goal is to produce a commercially viable product. An interdisciplinary research project is to try to find out what it takes.

Female researcher in teaching and at office.

The business model that can boost carpooling

Would you sell your car and join a carpool instead? LiU researcher Brenda Nansubuga has studied several sharing services. She concludes that services that combine different modes of transport are easier to make profitable.

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New web portal for better student health

Studenthälsa.se is now being launched – a web portal that will help all students in Sweden to improve their well-being. Linköping University is managing the coordination of the content of the site.

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Major investment in new equipment for materials research

The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability, WISE, donates SEK 44 million to Linköping University for new scientific equipment that will contribute to cutting-edge materials research.

young woman in a wheelchair.

Severe MS predicted using machine learning

A combination of only 11 proteins can predict long-term disability outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS) for different individuals. The proteins could be used to tailor treatments to the individual based on the expected severity of the disease.

Preem's refinery in Lysekil.

The canaries of climate transition

Lysekil, Luleå and Slite. Three locations where the demands for transition to a fossil-free society have upended people’s lives. For several years now, researchers from Linköping University have studied the residents’ stories.

Portrait Nara Kim

Women in materials science contribute to equality in research

Advanced Functional Materials (AFM) has developed a strategic initiative to support outstanding female researchers through co-funding

adult hand holding the hand of an extremely premature infant.

Study on extremely preterm infants provides important knowledge

Infants born extremely prematurely need to get enrichment as an addition to breast milk. But does it make any difference whether the enrichment is made from breast milk or cow’s milk when it comes to the risk of severe complications in children?

Two researchers connect a beaker of water to some wires.

Electronic “soil” enhances crop growth

Barley seedlings grow on average 50% more when their root system is stimulated electrically through a new cultivation substrate.  LiU-researchers have developed an electrically conductive “soil” for hydroponics.

Young woman with dark hair in a ponytail and a pen in her hand talks to three young men in front of a glass wall with post-it notes

New master's programme for a better future

With its new master's programme Ethics, Science and Policy, Linköping University wants to make a difference in the world by teaching students to drive change, influence politics and thus improve society.

Gerhard Andersson in his office.

Researchers will help us keep our new year’s resolutions

Last year, Professor Gerhard Andersson’s new year’s resolution was to skateboard regularly. He is now launching a research study to investigate what can make us keep the promises we made for the new year.

Crecent-shaped aerogel with water droplets.

Aerogel can become the key to future terahertz technologies

Researchers at LiU have shown that the transmission of terahertz light through an aerogel made of cellulose and a conducting polymer can be tuned. This is an important step to unlock more applications for terahertz waves.

Aeronautical students with small aircraft assembled at LiU.

The engine caught fire - but the students won the prize

Despite a number of setbacks, LiU master's students won a title in the big SAE Aero Design aviation competition in Brazil. LiU is now investing in recurring student projects aimed at competing with small, remote-controlled aircraft.

Four persons walking next to each other.

LiU research one of the biggest breakthroughs of the year

The magazine Physics World has named LiU research one of the year’s major breakthroughs in physics. In their study, carried out at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, the researchers showed that soft electrodes can be grown in living tissue.

Demonstration of a mass injury incident and application of pressure to fictive bleeding.

Where to place lifesaving bleeding control first aid equipment

Where should bleeding control equipment be located to save as many lives as possible? Researchers have found the answer to this through computer simulations of a bomb exploding in a shopping centre.

Three male scientist in laboratory

The art of printing a hip bone

Being able to 3D print various products may change processes in various areas, from the manufacturing industry to healthcare.

Portrait of Fredrik Heintz sitting on a staircase

Fredrik Heintz - member of the government’s new AI Commission

The Swedish government is appointing an AI Commission to strengthen Swedish competitiveness and develop the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Sweden. One of the members is LiU professor Fredrik Heintz.

Researchers discussing in front of a big screen displaying an image of a brain.

Advanced MRI technology detects changes in the brain after COVID-19

Researchers at LiU have examined the brains of 16 patients previously hospitalised for COVID-19 with persisting symptoms. Their findings can bring insights into the underlying mechanisms of persisting neurological problems after COVID-19.

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Three proposals from researchers to meet EU climate goals

The ability to meet EU climate goals is enhanced by investing in new technologies that remove CO₂ from the atmosphere. Although it is currently unprofitable, there are ways to change that. This is concluded in an article by researchers from LiU.

Person (Qilun Zhang) in a blue lab coat in the lab.

Wood materials make for reliable organic solar cells

Lignin can be used to create stable and environmentally friendly organic solar cells. Researchers at LiU and KTH have now shown that untreated kraft lignin can be used to improve organic solar cells further.

Olga Tokarczuk recieves the Nobel Prize in literature.

How the Nobel Prize became a world prize in literature

The Nobel Prize – including in literature – is awarded in December every year. Researcher Jacob Habinek at Linköping University has analysed how the Nobel Prize became a world prize.

Young adults around a big table working with colourful papers.

Young adults with disabilities and researchers design an app together

Young adults with intellectual disabilities are involved in designing a digital tool that will help them feel better. According to researcher Ulrika Müssener, it goes without saying that users should be asked what they need and want.

Man holds golden plate (Urban Forsberg).

He has a key to solving the semiconductor shortage

The semiconductor shortage is becoming increasingly urgent. Linköping University conducts materials research in close collaboration with industry, with a view to increasing the semiconductor production rate in Europe.

Portrait of two persons.

Two new Wallenberg Academy Fellows at LiU

Researchers Olaf Hartig and Alexander Gillett have been appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellows at LiU. The five-year grants are intended to make it possible for young researchers to make important scientific breakthroughs.

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9.5 million for research on service innovations

LiU have received 9.5 million SEK from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation. The research grant will be used to examine how companies can utilise digital technology and data to create new and useful services

Vallastaden in Linkoping

Linköping is Europe's most innovative city – thanks largely to LiU

Linköping is the first Swedish city to win one of the European Commission’s European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital). LiU has played an important part in this success in many ways.

Man on balkony (Simone Fabiano).

Developing soft electronic devices mimicking the brain

Simone Fabiano, senior associate professor at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, has been granted SEK 23 million from the ERC to develop a new type of soft electronic device inspired by the human brain.

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The temperature is rising ahead of this year’s climate summit

Her passport is already on her desk. Maria Jernnäs at Tema M - Environmental Change is ready to leave for this year’s climate summit in Dubai. But despite the increasingly acute climate threat, she does not think negotiations will be easy.

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Digital threads built on AI in a new research project

Linköping University, Volvo Construction Equipment, Bosch Thermoteknik, Mälardalen University, and Addiva are joining forces to advance resource efficiency and promote a circular economy in the Swedish manufacturing industry.

Portrait of a man in front of a building

Internship at the centre of world politics

Nugzari Batsikadze is a master’s student at LiU on an internship at the Swedish Embassy in Washington. His duties include sitting in on hearings in the Senate, for example, when the head of Microsoft answers questions about the future of AI.

Two women at at computer.

Learning to read in times of alternative facts

Teaching children to read and write has always been a major task for our schools, but developments in society require a new, broader view of what this means, according to researcher Ulrika Bodén at LiU.

A person in a middle of a constructing site.

Reducing construction transport movements in cities

Construction transport in cities creates major disruption. This can be greatly reduced. But it requires better planning and management at an early stage in construction projects.

Two women in the laboratory.

New lab, but still the same

Following a fire, the lab at TEMAM has been under restoration since 2020. Now that it is finished, most of it looks the same as before, as nobody could think of any changes they would like to make to the premises.

Marianna Lena Kambanou sits leaning forward over the back of a blue chair, with her arms crossed.

Studying how reuse can be good business

Taking over things that someone else has used can also be business. This is what Marianna Lena Kambanou studies in her research.

A person standing outstide.

A professor drawn to thorny issues

An doctoral student position was what brought Tünde Puskas to Sweden. She is now a professor whose motivation is researching areas no one has looked into before – such as how integration, religion and death are dealt with in pre-school context.

Portrait of professor Gustav Tinghög.

Emotions often defeat sense in healthcare priority setting

Emotions tend to get the upper hand in healthcare decisions. This is shown in a Linköping University study. The results may explain why effective use of healthcare resources is so slow in the making, according to the researchers.

Abstract AI generated image of textboxes above electronics and the face of a robot

Developing a reliable ChatGPT for European languages

Reliable, open and sustainable – those are the qualities aimed for in a ChatGPT for European languages including Swedish. The project is carried out in collaboration with organisations from Germany, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands.

Edwin Jager, IFM, along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson at Swedish School of Textiles

Continued funding for textile muscles

Edwin Jager (IFM) along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson (Swedish School of Textiles) recently received the exciting news of continued funding for their project "Textile muscles for augmenting garments" from the Erling-Perssons Foundation.

Three people around a sumulator.

Development of new trainer aircraft takes off with new collaboration

Eight students from Washington State University (WSU) have landed at LiU. They are the first intakes in the new four-way collaboration between LiU, WSU and aircraft manufacturers Saab and Boeing.

Autumn at Campus Valla.

LiU invests in five new test laboratories

Cybersecurity and AI in education are two focus areas in LiU new test laboratory initiative. A total of SEK 40 million goes to initiatives supporting LiU’s ambition to think freely and innovate in the area of education and research.

Portrait of Christina Söderberg.

Collaboration to combat juvenile delinquency against all odds

Collaboration is seen as an important tool for public agencies tasked with helping young people at risk of being drawn into crime. But collaboration partners way too often end up being disappointed with each other and with the meagre results.

Portrait of Benjamin Jarvis, associate professor at Linköping University.

New research to improve chances for children from disadvantaged areas

What are the consequences of growing up in a disadvantaged area? And what measures could improve young people’s chances? These are issues that a new research project at LiU will investigate, with the aim of providing tangible advice to policy makers.

Mika Gustafsson and David Martinez peeking into a server rack in the data center in Kärnhuset, NSC.

A step towards AI-based precision medicine

AI which finds patterns in complex biological data could eventually contribute to the development of individually tailored healthcare. Researchers have developed an AI-based method applicable to various medical and biological issues.

Four people working with a gull.

Gulls spread dangerous bacteria around the world

Gulls can sometimes be a nuisance for people who want to enjoy a picnic or an ice cream. They can also be carriers of genes that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This is shown by the research led by Jonas Bonnedahl.

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Sara Bjursten and Anna Wenger receive the Assar Gabrielsson Award 2024

The Assar Gabrielsson Foundation has named Anna Wenger as the winner in the basic science research category and Sara Bjursten as the winner in the clinical research category. The winners will each be awarded SEK 100,000 as an extra research grant at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Sara Bjursten receives the award in the clinical research category for clinically important and well-executed research on immunotherapy in cancer patients. The studies provide new insights into central nervous system side effects, especially in terms of T cells and blood biomarkers.

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Anna Wenger is awarded the prize in the basic science category for her thesis on malignant gliomas in children and adults. The studies provide new insights into epigenetic differences and cancer stem cells in different types of glioma.

“Sara Bjursten’s results may lead to new strategies for early detection of side effects in patients receiving immunotherapy, while the results from Anna Wenger’s thesis may be of great benefit for the development of better diagnostics and choice of treatment for patients with glioma,” says Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Professor at the University of Gothenburg and executive member of the Assar Gabrielsson Foundation.

Clear benefits for patients 

Since defending her PhD thesis in 2023, Sara Bjursten has continued to study severe side effects of immunotherapy from an immunological perspective. Together with her former supervisor, Max Levin, she is conducting the BioMe study, with the plan to convert the discoveries into a clinical study.

“I feel that my research has a clear benefit for patients, which is of course the goal and driving force of all cancer research. When we met a patient with encephalitis, which is a very serious side effect, we discovered gaps in our knowledge of diagnosis, treatment and what happens in the immune system. We have been able to trace this back to other patients who suffered the same severe side effect,” comments Sara Bjursten.

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Important clinical link

In her thesis, Anna Wenger studied cancer stem cells and how the methylation pattern differs within brain tumors and how it affects diagnosis. The thesis includes five sub-studies with broad scope, from cell culture and animal experiments to analysis of methylation data.

“The most important thing for me is that the thesis has a clinical connection, and that it can hopefully contribute to improved diagnostics and treatment for children and adults with brain tumors,” says Anna Wenger.

Anna Wenger is currently a Wenner-Gren postdoc at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in England, where she is using new sequencing methods to study DNA in tumors and adjacent healthy tissue to understand how cancer forms in children.

The award will be presented at a ceremony in the Pathology Lecture Hall at Sahlgrenska University Hospital on Tuesday, June 4th, from 12:00 to 3:00 PM.

Text: Elin Lindström och  The Assar Gabrielssons Foundation


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    Master Thesis for biobased fiber ... Part of Volvo Group, Volvo Construction Equipment is a global company driven by our purpose to build the world we want to live in. Together we develop and deliver solutions for a cleaner, smarter, and more connected world. By unleashing everyone's full potential, we build a more sustainable future for all ...

  17. Improving Purchasing Performance through Internal Data and ...

    This data and information is required by the Operations Purchasers (OP) at Volvo Trucks when making a decision and finding areas of improvement with the goal of reducing the cost. This thesis takes a closer look at how the data and information is distributed within Volvo Trucks in an attempt to understand and analyse their methods and provide ...

  18. Seminar: Volvo Cars/Uppsala University Joint Master Thesis Projects (4

    We are pleased to invite you to a seminar 10:00-11:00 on 4 June to listen to final presentations of two master thesis projects performed jointly by Volvo Cars and Uppsala University. Colleen Donoghue Ni concentration Effects on Thermal Properties of Positive Electrodes in Commercial LIBsThis study aims to compare the thermal properties of commercial NMC622 and NMC811 positive electrodes and ...

  19. Master thesis worker at Volvo : r/Gothenburg

    I did my master thesis at Volvo Group and the compensation there is 1000SEK per credit of the thesis. The standard mater thesis is 30 credits and you will therefore be compensated 30000 SEK when you have finished your thesis (got it graded by your uni). 2. Reply. dnbck.

  20. Templates

    UCI Libraries maintains the following templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided.

  21. Digital showroom 2024

    Digital Showroom 2024. Welcome to the Digital Showroom of Xjobbsmässan 2024! Here, you can see some examples of thesis projects that our students have... Gå till innehållet Gå till huvudmeny Rapportera fel. ... Masters programmes. AI Engineering. Thermal Estimation of Electric Machine Rotor using ML for Volvo Cars. Civilingenjör i ...

  22. Numerical optimization methods for improving energy efficiency in

    This masters thesis work wouldn't have been accomplished without the constant support and intuitive guidance of our main supervisors at Volvo Cars Corporation- Dr. Derong Yang and Juliette Torinsson. Their inputs have played a very important role in fetching good results from the work involved in this thesis. We are also grateful to our

  23. Moscow State University

    Moscow State University (MSU; Russian: Московский государственный университет, romanized: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) is a public research university in Moscow, Russia.. The university includes 15 research institutes, 43 faculties, more than 300 departments, and six branches (including five foreign ones in the Commonwealth of Independent States ...

  24. Student Theses

    Student Theses at HSE must be completed in accordance with the University Rules and regulations specified by each educational programme. Summaries of all theses must be published and made freely available on the HSE website. The full text of a thesis can be published in open access on the HSE website only if the authoring student (copyright ...

  25. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...

  26. International students from the University of Skövde received diplomas

    The Swedish Institute, SI once every year holds a ceremony for international Master's students who have completed their education in Sweden. This year 357 SI scholarship holders from 38 countries graduated, six of them have studied at the University of Skövde.

  27. isy-dagen-2024-ai-i-samhallet-utbildning-och-forskning

    On the Master's Programme in Child Studies, students from different parts of the world participate remotely. ... His doctoral thesis was about how stars are formed. But now he is doing climate research at Linköping University instead. ... Linköping University, Volvo Construction Equipment, Bosch Thermoteknik, Mälardalen University, and ...

  28. Yefim Dinitz

    Yefim Dinitz (Russian: Ефим Абрамович Диниц, Hebrew: יפים דיניץ) is a Soviet and Israeli computer scientist associated with the Moscow school of polynomial-time algorithms. He invented Dinic's algorithm for computing maximal flow, and he was one of the inventors of the Four Russians' algorithm for multiplying Boolean or mod 2 matrices.

  29. Cells

    Cysteine cathepsins F and W are members of the papain-like cysteine protease family, which have distinct structural features and functional roles in various physiological and pathological processes. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the structure, biological functions, and pathological implications of cathepsins F and W. Beginning with an ...

  30. Sara Bjursten and Anna Wenger receive the Assar Gabrielsson Award 2024

    The thesis includes five sub-studies with broad scope, from cell culture and animal experiments to analysis of methylation data. "The most important thing for me is that the thesis has a clinical connection, and that it can hopefully contribute to improved diagnostics and treatment for children and adults with brain tumors," says Anna Wenger.