Leave Application

Leave Application for School, College and Office

Leave Application For Exam Preparation

Post by Mita Maji

Are you for leave application samples for your exam? It’s important to request this exam leave in a professional and organized manner. In this blog post, we will provide 7+ leave application samples to help you when you need to take leave for your exams.

Leave Application For Exam

Leave Application For Exam

To The Principal, [School/College Name], [School/College Address].

Subject: Leave application for exam.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence for [length of time] starting on [start date] and ending on [end date].

I am in need of some time off to focus on my studies as I have an important exam coming up.

I understand that this absence may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for any disruption it may cause. I assure you that I will use this time to fully prepare for my exam & I will catch up on any missed work/class upon my return.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Contact Details].

Leave Application For Exam Preparation To Principal

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for the purpose of exam preparation. As you know, my final exams are fast approaching and I want to ensure that I am fully prepared for them.

I have been working hard all semester and I believe that taking a few days off from school will allow me to focus on my studies and give me the best chance at success. I plan to use this time to review my notes, complete practice exams, and meet with my study group. I will also make sure to stay caught up on all assignments and classwork so that I do not fall behind upon my return.

I understand the importance of attendance and I do not take this request lightly. I promise to use this time effectively and make up any missed work upon my return. I hope that you will consider my request and grant me this leave of absence from ____ [start date] to _____ [end date].

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Contact Details].

Leave Application For Exam To Office Manager

To The Office Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address].

Dear [Office Manager],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for ____ [number] days, from ____ [start date] to ____ [end date] inclusive, in order to sit for a professional exam that is crucial for my career development.

I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience to the team, and I apologize in advance for any disruption that may occur. However, I want to assure you that I have made arrangements to complete all of my work responsibilities and tasks before my leave, and I will also be available to assist with any urgent matters that may arise during my absence via email or phone.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work at this company and I am committed to contributing to the team’s success. I believe that this professional exam will not only benefit me personally but also enhance my skills and knowledge, which will ultimately benefit the company as well.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work after my exam and continuing to contribute to the team.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Job Designation], [Mobile No/Email].

Leave Application For Exam By Teacher To Principal

To The Principal, [School/College Name], [Address].

Subject: Leave application for exam preparation.

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence on ______ [date of exam] in order to attend an important professional development opportunity.

As a dedicated teacher at _______ [school name], it is always my top priority to provide the best possible education to my students. In order to continue improving as an educator, I believe it is crucial that I take advantage of opportunities to grow and learn. This exam will allow me to [insert reason for exam] and will ultimately benefit both myself and my students.

I understand that my absence may cause some disruption, but I want to assure you that I have made every effort to minimize the impact on my students and colleagues.

Also, I understand the importance of my role as a teacher and the impact it has on the students and school community. I hope that you will consider my request for a leave of absence on [date of exam] so that I can take advantage of this opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge as an educator.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to continuing to serve the students and community of _____ [school name] upon my return.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [_________ Teacher], [Mobile No].

Leave Application For CA Final Exam Preparation

To The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address].

Subject: Leave application for CA final exam.

Dear [Employer],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for the period of ____ [start date] to _____ [end date] in order to prepare for my CA Final exam.

As you may be aware, the CA Final exam is a crucial milestone in my professional development and requires extensive preparation. I have been working hard to balance my job responsibilities with my studies, but I have come to the point where I need to focus all of my time and energy on my exam preparations.

I understand that this leave may come at an inconvenient time for the team, and I will do my best to ensure that my work is fully transitioned before I leave. I will also be available via email and phone to answer any questions or provide assistance during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I hope to return to work with renewed focus and determination after I have completed my exam.

Exam Dene Ke Liye Application In English

exam dene ke liye application in english

Read Also:-

  • Leave Application For Urgent Work
  • Leave Application For Office For Personal Reason
  • Leave Request Mail To Manager For Vacation

FAQs On Leave Application For Exam

Ans: There are several options you could use instead of the word “exam” in a leave application:

  • Certification
  • Licensing exam
  • Graduate school exam
  • Professional development exam
  • Standardized test
  • Placement test
  • Admissions test

You could use any of these words depending on the specific type of exam you are taking and the context of your leave request.

How do I write a personal exam letter? Ans: Here are some tips for writing a personal exam letter:

  • Begin with a formal greeting and state the purpose of your letter: requesting a leave of absence to attend exams
  • Specify the dates of your exams and the reason for taking them
  • Mention any arrangements made to cover your work or responsibilities during your absence
  • Request approval for your leave and offer to provide additional information or assistance
  • End with a formal closing and your name
  • Proofread and use a professional tone.

Leave Application for Exam in Office – 3+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Are you worried about taking time off from work to prepare for an upcoming exam? In today’s competitive world, continuous learning is essential to stay ahead in your career, which often means juggling work and studies simultaneously. However, managing both can be challenging, especially when it comes to taking time off for exams.

To make the process easier for you, we have created this guide that outlines the format and provides samples for a leave application for exams in the office. This article aims to provide valuable insights and tips on writing a formal leave application that will be well received by your supervisor or HR personnel.

In this article, we will walk you through the components of a leave application, including the date, the salutation, the subject line, the reason for taking leave, and the duration of leave. Furthermore, we will provide you with sample leave applications for various types of situations, including one-day leave, multiple-day leaves, half-day leave, and leave requests in advance.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to write a professional and well-structured leave application for exams that conforms to company policy and guidelines. We will also provide helpful tips for how to avoid common mistakes and ensure that your leave application is approved with minimum hassle.

Read on to learn more about how to balance your work and exam commitments better and fulfill your professional aspirations!

  • 1 Application for Exam Leave in Office
  • 2 Exam Leave Application for Office
  • 3 Leave Application for Office for Exam Reason
  • 4 Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation
  • 5.1 Components of a Proper Leave Application
  • 5.2 Structuring the Application
  • 6.1 What are the key elements to be included in a Leave Application for Exam in Office?
  • 6.2 How much prior notice should I give while applying for a Leave for Exam in Office?
  • 6.3 Can I apply for a half-day leave for an exam in office?
  • 6.4 Can I take any other type of leave along with exam leave in office?

Application for Exam Leave in Office

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [City Name]

Subject: Application for Exam Leave in Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [Your Name], working as a [Your Position] in your esteemed organization. I wish to request a few days off from work as I have my [Exam Type] exam scheduled on [Exam Date]. I require [Duration of Leave] to prepare for the same and to appear for the exam. I assure you that all the assigned work will be completed before taking leave.

Kindly grant me approval for the leave so that I can prepare well for the exam. I will be highly obliged for your timely action.

Thanking You, [Your Name]

Application for Exam Leave in Office

Exam Leave Application for Office

Subject: Exam Leave Application for Office

I would like to request a leave of [Duration of Leave], starting from [Start Date] as I am going to take my [Exam Type] exam on [Exam Date]. I need this time to properly prepare for my upcoming exam. I assure you that I will complete all the pending assignments and clear doubts before my absence.

I request you to kindly grant me permission to take the leave for the exam preparation so that I can concentrate on my studies. I will be grateful for your action.

Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Exam Leave Application for Office

Leave Application for Office for Exam Reason

Subject: Leave Application for Office for Exam Reason

I am writing this application to request you to grant me a leave of [Duration of Leave] starting from [Start Date] as I have my [Exam Type] exam on [Exam Date]. Preparing for the exam requires full dedication and attention, for which I need to take leave from the office. I will complete all my work and hand it over to my colleagues before leaving.

I request you to kindly consider my application and approve the leave at the earliest so that I can complete my studies and score good marks in the exam. I assure you of completing the assigned tasks before my absence.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Leave Application for Office for Exam Reason

Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation

Subject: Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation

I am writing this application to request a leave of [Duration of Leave] from [Start Date] as I am appearing for the [Exam Type] exam on [Exam Date]. I need this time to focus on my exam preparation and to score well. Before leaving, I will complete all my work and make sure to hand it over to my colleagues for their assistance.

I request you to kindly grant me permission for the leave so that I can prepare well for my exam without any interference at work. I assure you that I will not compromise with the quality of my work and will fulfill all the assigned duties before leaving.

Thank you for your consideration.

Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation

Leave Application for Exam in Office Format

Are you a working professional preparing for an important exam and wondering about the best way to take time off from work? Applying for leave can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to exams. However, writing a proper leave application does not have to be difficult.

In this article, we will guide you through the components of a proper leave application for exams and provide tips on structuring the application. 

Components of a Proper Leave Application

A proper leave application comprises several essential components, including:

  • Date and Contact Information: Begin with the date of the application and your contact information, including your name and phone number.
  • Salutation: Address the relevant authority in the organization respectfully, such as “Dear [Supervisor’s Name]”.
  • Subject Line: Clearly define the purpose of the application in the subject line, such as “Application for Leave for Exam Preparation.”
  • Reason for Taking Leave: Be clear about the reason for taking leave and specify that it is for an exam.
  • Duration of Leave: Mention the exact duration of leave you require.
  • Workarounds: If there are any workarounds, mention them briefly.
  • Pending Tasks: If you have any pending tasks that you will complete before or after taking leave, mention them to make sure there are no misunderstandings.
  • Gratitude: Always express gratitude for their understanding and support.

Structuring the Application

A well-structured application for leave can make a big difference in the approval process. Here are some tips to keep in mind when structuring your application:

  • Use Clear and Simple Language: Avoid using jargon and technical terms and write in a simple and concise manner.
  • Be Specific: Be specific about the dates and duration of leave you require.
  • Avoid Ambiguity: Avoid ambiguous language that could lead to misunderstandings.
  • Follow Company Guidelines: Always follow your company’s guidelines for requesting leave.

By following these components of a proper leave application and tips on structuring the application, you will be better equipped to write a clear and concise leave application for exams. Keep in mind that writing a leave application is a formal communication, so always be respectful and professional while expressing your need for the time off.

What are the key elements to be included in a Leave Application for Exam in Office?

The key elements that should be included in a Leave Application for Exam in Office are reason for leave, duration of leave, exam date, and assurance to complete all pending work before and after the leave.

How much prior notice should I give while applying for a Leave for Exam in Office?

Ideally, it is recommended to apply for leave at least 1-2 weeks before the exam date. This gives enough time for the management to arrange for an alternative arrangement while also ensuring the employee completes all the assigned work.

Can I apply for a half-day leave for an exam in office?

Yes, one can apply for a half-day leave for an exam in office, provided it is supported by a valid reason and prior permission from their manager.

Can I take any other type of leave along with exam leave in office?

It is advisable not to apply for any other type of leave along with exam leave in the office, as it might affect your paper preparation and scoring. However, you can consult with the manager before going ahead.

Related posts:

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  • Sick Leave Application for Office – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
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  • 2 Days Leave Application for Office – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Maternity Leave Application in Hindi – 3+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

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  • Leave Application For Exam By Employees

As employees, there are times when we need to balance our professional responsibilities with personal endeavors, such as appearing for important examinations that contribute to our personal and career growth. To assist in navigating these situations, we have prepared four templates for leave applications related to exams. Each template addresses specific scenarios, ranging from one-day leave for a single exam to multiple days for comprehensive preparation. Additionally, there are templates for flexible work schedules and remote work arrangements to facilitate exam preparation without compromising on work commitments.These templates aim to guide employees in effectively communicating their leave requests to their supervisors or managers. By following the provided formats, employees can express their appreciation for the opportunity to appear for the exam and reassure their commitment to fulfilling work obligations. It is essential to customize the templates with specific details, such as the exam name, dates, and any necessary supporting documents. Furthermore, employees should ensure that their leave applications align with their organization's policies and procedures.We hope these templates will aid employees in submitting well-structured and professional leave applications for exams, fostering understanding and support from their superiors. Successfully balancing professional and personal aspirations is a testament to an individual's dedication and contributes to their growth as both an employee and a learner. With these templates as a foundation, employees can confidently request leave for exams, ensuring a harmonious relationship between their work and educational pursuits.

Template Leave Application for Exam - One Day

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Supervisor/Manager's Name] [Company/Organization Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Supervisor/Manager's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a one-day leave on [date] to appear for an important exam. The exam is related to [subject/course], and its successful completion is crucial for my professional development.

I have already made arrangements to ensure that my absence will not disrupt the workflow. I will make sure to complete any pending tasks or delegate them to a colleague before my leave.

I understand the importance of maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines, and I assure you that I will make up for the missed work promptly upon my return. I have attached the exam schedule and registration confirmation for your reference.

I kindly request your approval for this leave application. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

Template Leave Application for Exam - Multiple Days

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to focus on and prepare for an important examination related to [subject/course].

I understand the impact my absence may have on the team, and I assure you that I will complete any pending work and hand over my responsibilities to a capable colleague before my leave. Additionally, I will remain accessible via email or phone during this period in case of any urgent matters.

I have attached the exam schedule and registration confirmation for your reference. Successfully completing this exam is essential for my professional growth and will benefit the company in the long run.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting this leave application. Your approval will greatly facilitate my preparation and help me perform to the best of my abilities in the examination.

Template Leave Application for Exam - Flexible Timing

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your approval for a flexible work schedule during the period of [exam name] preparation.

The exam date is approaching, and I am committed to dedicating extra time to review and study the course material. I would appreciate it if you could allow me to adjust my work hours during this period, with the option to start work earlier or finish later in the day.

I assure you that I will ensure my tasks are completed on time and maintain open communication with the team to ensure a smooth workflow. I will make myself available for any urgent matters or meetings as required.

I believe that this flexibility will enable me to achieve a balance between work commitments and exam preparation, ultimately benefiting both my professional growth and the company's interests.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I am confident that with your support, I can excel in both my work responsibilities and the upcoming exam.

Template Leave Application for Exam - Remote Work

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request your approval for a remote work arrangement during the period of [exam name] preparation.

Given the importance of this exam for my professional development, I believe that working remotely will provide me with the necessary focus and flexibility to adequately prepare for the examination.

I assure you that I will maintain regular communication with the team and meet all deadlines and deliverables while working remotely. I will be fully available during office hours via email, phone, or any preferred communication platform.

I understand the importance of our team's collaboration, and I will ensure that my remote work does not hinder any ongoing projects or tasks.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting this remote work arrangement. Your approval will not only benefit my exam preparation but also contribute to my overall productivity and commitment to the company's success.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Leave Application for Examination: Format and Samples

application letter for leave for exam

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 12, 2024

examination leave application

Exams can be a stressful time for students and employees alike. Balancing studying for your exams and attending work or school can be challenging. Sometimes, you may need to take a break from work to focus on your studies. In such cases, applying for examination leave is an ideal solution. In this article, we’ll discuss tips, format, and a sample application for examination leave to help you prepare for your upcoming exams. We’ll also answer frequently asked questions to help you understand the process better.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Purpose of Examination Leave Application 
  • 2 Things to Include in Your Examination Leave Application
  • 3 Tips for Writing an Examination Leave Application 
  • 4 Format of an Examination Leave Application 
  • 5 Sample Examination Leave Application
  • 6 Important Points

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Purpose of Examination Leave Application 

The purpose of writing an examination leave application is to request time off from work to attend an exam.

  • This application serves as a formal request to your employer, outlining the dates and times of your exam and the reason for your absence. 
  • The application should be written professionally and politely, and it should provide all the necessary information to help your employer make appropriate arrangements for your absence. 
  • By submitting an effective examination leave application, you can ensure that you are able to attend your exam without worrying about work commitments, and you can focus on achieving your academic goals.

Relevant Read- Leave Application for Office

Things to Include in Your Examination Leave Application

In your examination leave application, include the following information:

  • Date of Writing the Application : Write the examination leave application a few days prior to when you need the leave and mention the date on which you are writing the application.
  • Write Salutation : Use proper salutation such as Mr., Dr., etc. You can also use generic title like Sir or Madam.
  • Mention the Reason for the Leave : Clearly write why you want the leave. Mention the name of your examination.
  • Mention the Dates of Leaves : Include the start and end dates of your leaves.
  • Mention How You will Cover Your Work : It is important to mention that your work will not be affected by your leaves.
  • Mention Your Contact Details : Mention when you plan to resume your work and provide necessary contact details.

Tips for Writing an Examination Leave Application 

Here are some tips to keep in mind while writing an examination leave application:

  • Start with a polite and formal greeting, addressing your supervisor or manager by name.
  • Mention the reason for your leave clearly and concisely. State the dates you require the leave for and the length of your absence.
  • Express your gratitude for their understanding and support.
  • Provide contact information in case of emergency.
  • Close the application with a courteous and professional closing.

Format of an Examination Leave Application 

Here is a typical format for an examination leave application:

Relevant Read- How to Write a Leave Application?

Sample Examination Leave Application

Here’s a sample application that you can use as a reference:

Relevant Read- How to Write a Letter: Letter Writing Types and Examples

Important Points

These are the main point a writer should include during the writing of a Leave Application

  • Start Date of Your Examination
  • End Date of Your Examination
  • Total  Duration of your Leave
  • Any other Leave Request.

Related Reads :    

Ans. The amount of examination leave you can take will depend on your employer’s policies. Generally, most organizations allow a few days of paid leave to attend exams.

Ans. It’s best to apply for examination leave as soon as you know your exam dates. This will give your employer enough time to make arrangements for your absence.

Ans. It’s always a good idea to attach a copy of your exam timetable or other relevant documentation with your application. This will help your employer understand the reason for your absence and make appropriate arrangements.

This was all about Leave Applications for Examination, if you want to read more interesting blogs subscribe to our page Leverage Edu 

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Aditya Saini

Aditya Saini is a content writer with over a year and a half of experience helping national and international students navigate their journey to work abroad. His expertise lies in “jobs abroad”, all things practical, from writing articles on different topics such as part-time and full-time jobs to understanding salaries for different and highest-paying professions and securing internship programs in different countries. Aditya's passion is ensuring students have all the information they need to make the right decision about their career journeys overseas.

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Leave Application For Exam Preparation (6 Samples Added)

  • Post author: Rohit
  • Post last modified: August 31, 2023
  • Post category: School & College
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Today in this article we are going to see how to write a leave application for exam for school and for office.

First, we will take a look at leave application format for exam then we will see some samples based on leave letter for exam.

leave application for exam

It is important to write an application for leave during the exam so that you can take leave from school, office, boss and prepare for your examination .

How To Write Application For Leave During Exam

No matter if we are a student, an employee or a teacher, we need leave from our work, school or office to prepare for our exams.

If you want to score good marks then definitely you need a good amount of time to prepare for your exams.

In this section, I will tell you some key points that you have to remember while writing a leave letter for exam.

  • Your leave application format should be convincing and formal
  • Always include a valid reason and describe the reason why you want the leave
  • If you are writing an exam leave application then mention the exam name
  • Keep it short and point to point. Don’t include unnecessary information

Leave Application For Exam Format

There are many possibilities for writing a leave application for exam preparation, for example, maybe you are writing it for the boss, for college, for the principal, for school.

Here I am sharing leave application for the exam to office format.

Date – 18 Dec 2019

To the manager,( You can add authority name also )

Company Name,

Company Address,

Subject – Leave Application For Exam Preparation

Respected Sir/ Madam,

It is humbly stated that I am ( name ) working as a junior clerk ( Use own position at work) in your office. I always try to provide my 100% to the company and do my best in every sector.

Right now, I am also pursuing some courses related to my job and i have an exam related to that coming next week. For that reason, I require 1 week leave for my exam preparation.

It is requested to grant me leave for a week from ( starting date ) to ( ending date )

I ensure you that after my exam, I will be regular in office as I was. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation –

Contact no. –

Signature –

You can also try this Leave Application For School Student For Going Outstation

This is a basic format if you are willing to write a leave letter for the exam.

Leave Application For Exam By Student To Principal

If you are a student and you have only a few days left for your upcoming examinations then definitely you should take leave from school so that you can prepare for your exams.

Here I am providing you a sample for leave application for the exam by the student to the principal.

Also check: Leave application for office for personal reason

To, The Principal, (School Name), (School Address) .

Subject – Leave Application Due To Upcoming Exams.

Date – 12 Dec 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

Myself Rohit Lohia, student of class 12th, Science section. I am writing this application to let you know that due to some personal problems I was unable to prepare for the upcoming Pre Board Exams.

Pre Board examination is really important for me and I want to score good marks in it. It’s my humble request to please provide me 1 week of leave so that I can prepare for my upcoming examination and score some good marks. I shall be grateful.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully, Rohit Lohia

Don’t forget to replace (School Name) and (School Address) with your own school name and address.

Also, Read – Leave Application For School (Samples Added)

Leave Application For Exam By Teacher To Principal

If you are a teacher and pursuing some extra courses sidewise then definitely you are required to write a leave application for preparation of your upcoming exams.

If you are writing as a teacher then you should keep the format as formal and avoid being friendly.

Subject – Exam Leave Application.

Date – 19 Dec 2019

Myself Rohit Lohia, I am a teacher of maths subject in your school. Currently, I am pursuing an extra computer course for which I have an exam coming next week.

This is my humble request to you to please provide me 1 week of leave so that I can prepare for my upcoming exam and score well.

You can also see leave application for marriage

Application For Examination Permission

You can write this type of application if you are already prepared for your exam but you need 1 day of leave so that you can attend your examination hall.

To, The Manager, (Mention according to your needs) (Company Name), (Company Address) .

Subject – Application For Examination Permission

Date – 20 Dec 2019

Myself Rohit Lohia, I am working as a marketing agent in your company. I am writing this application because I want to let you know that I have an exam tomorrow due to which I won’t be able to attend the office tomorrow.

I request you to please grant me one day leave so that I can attend my examination hall. I shall be grateful.

Application For Not Attending Exam due to Fever

To The Principal High School, Malviya Nagar New Delhi 110047

Subject – Application for not Attending Exam due to Fever

My name is Pankaj Kumar, i am a student of class 10th B of your school. I am writing this letter to let you know that last night i suddenly high fever and cold. My doctor has advised me for a complete bed rest for the next 4 days that’s why I won’t be able to attend school.

I request you to please grant me leave for 4 days from 16 Feb 2021 to 20 Feb 2021, I shall be grateful to you.

Thanking you

Yours Obediently Pankaj Kumar Class: 10th Roll No: 15

Employee Leave Application For Examination

Now if you are a working employee and you have also opted for higher studies along with your job then of course you are going to have examinations also.

Now sometimes it becomes very hard to convince your boss for leave for examination purposes but with a proper leave application for the examination, you can actually convince your boss.

Here i m going to show you how to write a perfect application for examination permission.

My name is Ravi Shastri and I am a web developer in your company for the past 6 months. As you already know that along with the job I am also pursuing MCA.

I am writing this application to let you know that from the next week my semester exams are going to start and will be held for 1 week.

I request you to please grant me 1 week of leave so that I can give my exams without any problem. I shall be grateful.

Yours Faithfully, Ravi Shashtri

You can do all the required changes on the above application as per the needs.

How to write leave application for ca final exam

You can take the above samples that I have written and do the necessary changes according to your needs. Change the exam name to ca final exam and you are ready to go.

How to write leave application for railway exam

The answer is the same, write a normal leave application for the exam from the formats given above and mention the exam name as a railway exam.

So this was our in-depth article on leave application for the exam, so if you are wondering about how to write a leave application for the examination then you can take reference from this article.

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How to Write Leave Application for Office for Exam

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Divyanshu   Jangid

Many students pursue their education while working full-time. This can be a great way to gain some real-world experience while still earning money to pay for college. However, it can be difficult to juggle work and college commitments. One way to manage both is to take advantage of your employer’s leave policy.

If you need to take time off from work to study for exams, you’ll need to write a leave application . This document will outline your reasons for taking time off and give your employer details about when you’ll be gone and how they can reach you. By following these steps, you can ensure that your leave application is clear and concise and that your employer understands your situation.

In the section below, we will discuss what to include in your leave application, how to format it and provide a sample leave application for the office for the exam.

  • What to Include in Your Leave Application

When you write your leave application, be sure to include the following information:

  • Date of Writing 

The date you write the application is important. If possible, write the application a few days before you plan to leave. This will give your employer time to process the request and answer any questions they may have. Also, it would be best if you hand in the application in person rather than sending it by email.

Salutation is an integral part of a letter. The way you greet your reader sets the tone for the rest of your letter, so choose a salutation that is appropriate for the level of formality you wish to convey. If you know the name of the person you are writing to, always use their title (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) and surname. If you do not know the person’s name, you can use a generic title (such as Sir or Madam).

  • Reason for leave

Be specific about why you need leave. If you are taking time off for a particular event, mention it in your application. For example, if you are taking an exam, mention the name of the exam and where it will be taking place.

  • Dates of leave

Include the dates you plan to be away from work. Be as specific as possible, including the date you plan to leave and the date you plan to return.

  • How will your work be covered in your absence

It’s important to let your employer know how your work will be covered in your absence. You don’t want them to scramble to find someone to fill in for you, and you don’t want your work to pile up while you’re gone. Be sure to include this information in your leave application.

  • When you’ll be available

If you’ll be out of the office for an extended period, let your employer know when you’ll be available. This way, they can plan accordingly and know when they can expect you back.

  • Your contact details and signature

In the last section of the letter, you’re supposed to mention the duration of your leave and when you plan to resume work. You should also include your contact information so that your employer can reach you in an emergency. Finally, don’t forget to sign the letter before sending it off.

  • Format for Your Leave Application

A leave application must follow a format that is acceptable in most organizations. The format should be short, precise and to the point. A leave application should ideally have the following sections:

  • Name of the Recipient
  • Recipient’s Job Role
  • The Body of the Letter
  • Yours Sincerely
  • Your Signature
  • Contact Number
  • Application Sample A

May 1, 2021

Mr. Manik Aggarwal

HR Director

Subject- Requesting Leaves for Exams

This is to inform you that my CAT examination will begin from 8th May and end on 15th May. Given that the preparation process is already underway, I would be requiring leaves from 8th May till 15th May.

I understand that this may be short notice, and some inconvenience might be caused to the team. However, I would highly appreciate it if my request could be granted as I need to do well in these exams.

I shall make sure to complete all my pending work before leaving and keep you updated about my whereabouts. In case of any emergency, I’ll be available on my phone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely, Signature Ritika Gupta 3rd Year Engineering Student 9829346789

  • Sample Application B

12th July 2021

Mrs. Vinita Dubey

Subject- Requesting leaves for exams

Respected Ma’am,

I want to inform you that my exams are starting from 18th July and will end on 22nd July. I have been preparing for these exams for a long time and would require these leaves to study properly.

Although it might be difficult for the department to manage in my absence, I would make sure to complete all my pending work before leaving. Also, I’ll be able to join back on 23rd July 2021.

I would be highly obliged if you could please approve my leaves.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely Signature Riya Malhotra 3rd year Dept. of Electronics and Communication 9874563210

Also read: How to Write Casual Leave Application for Office

  • Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Leave Application for Exams
  • Failing to Plan

It is important to plan your leave application to avoid making mistakes that could cost you the opportunity to take your exams.

  • Not Following Instructions

Make sure to follow the instructions provided by your school or examination body to the letter. This includes specifying the duration of your leave and ensuring that all required documentation is submitted along with your application.

  • Incorrect Dates

Be sure to double check the dates of your exams before submitting your leave application. Getting the dates wrong could result in your request being rejected outright.

  • Poor Justification

Your leave application should include a strong justification for why you need time off from work. Simply stating that you have exams is not enough – you will need to provide specific details about why you cannot take them during your usual working hours.

  • Lack of Support

It is always helpful to include letters of support from your employer when submitting a leave application for exams. These letters can add weight to your request and increase the chances of it being approved.

These are the most common mistakes that people make when writing a leave application for exams. Avoid them and you will improve your chances of being granted the time off you need to study for and sit your exams.

Also read: How to Write Marriage Leave Application for Office

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Leave Application for Exam: 9+ Samples and Format.

Leave Application for Exam: 9+ Samples and Format.

posted on December 5, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, balancing work and education can be a challenging task. There may come a time when one needs to take a break from their job to focus on exams.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective leave application for exam purposes. 

It will cover all the essential elements of a leave application, including a well-crafted format and over 9+ sample templates. 

Additionally, we've shared valuable tips and dos and don'ts to make sure your request doesn't just get noticed – it also gets a resounding 'Yes!

Now, let's dive into the heart of this article!

Why Your Leave Application Matters?

You might be thinking of a leave application as just another piece of paperwork. But in reality, it's much more than that. 

Your leave application is essentially a communication tool between you and your employer or supervisor. It shows them that you respect their time and the role you play in your workplace.

When you submit a well-crafted leave application, you're not just asking for time off. You're showing your employer that you're responsible and considerate. 

You're giving them ample time to plan and adjust schedules so that your absence doesn't disrupt the workflow.

Moreover, a good leave application can also demonstrate your commitment to your studies. It shows that you're serious about your education and willing to make sacrifices for it. 

This could potentially impress your employer and reflect positively on you.

So, don't underestimate the power of a well-written leave application. It's not just about getting the time off; it's about maintaining good relationships at work, showcasing your responsibility, and setting a positive impression.

Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Application for Exam.

1. Date and Address: This is where you mention the current date and your employer's address. It's a formal way to start your leave application and shows that you're aware of standard business letter etiquette.

2. Salutation: A respectful greeting sets the tone for your application. Use formal salutations like "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]" or if you have a more casual relationship with your boss, their first name can be used.

3. Opening Paragraph: Grab attention right from the start! Briefly explain why you're writing the application. Make sure to mention that the reason for your leave is to prepare for an exam.

4. Body of the Leave Application: Here's where you get into the details. Clearly state the dates you'll be away and reassure them that you've taken steps to ensure your duties will be covered during your absence.

5. Closing Paragraph: Wrap up by expressing gratitude for their understanding and consideration. You could also offer to provide further information about your exams if needed.

6. Closing Salutation: End on a polite note. Something like "Sincerely" or "Best Regards" followed by your name keeps it professional.

7. Formal Closing: Finally, sign off with your full name and contact information. This makes it easy for your employer to reach out if they need more information.

Remember, a well-crafted leave application not only increases the chances of your leave getting approved but also leaves a positive impression on your employer. So take your time and make it count!

Related Article:

  • Formal Letter Format | How to Write? (With Samples and examples).
  • Informal Letter Format | Step-by-Step Guide (With Samples & Examples).

Format of Leave Application

Crafting a comprehensive leave application is crucial for professional communication . Here's a format that is both structured and concise:

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Position]

[Company/School Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence due to [mention the reason: e.g., upcoming exams, personal reasons, health issues].

Leave Start Date: [Date]

Leave End Date:  [Date]

During my absence, I will ensure all my responsibilities are duly covered. [If applicable, mention how you plan to handle pending tasks or delegate responsibilities.]

I understand the importance of proper planning and will make every effort to minimize the impact of my absence on the team/department.

Please find attached any necessary documentation, such as a medical certificate or any other relevant information.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If there are any additional procedures or forms required, kindly let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]

In image format:

A format of an leave application letter for exam

Including the necessary information and maintaining a polite tone is crucial for an effective leave application. Just personalize the details, keep it polite, and submit your request with confidence.

A thoughtful, well-written request ensures you get the time off hassle-free!

Samples of Leave Application

Now that we've gone over the structure and format of a leave application, it's time to see it in action. 

We understand that every situation is unique, and so should be your leave application. That's why we've put together over nine different samples of leave applications for exams, “available in both text and image formats.”

These examples cover a variety of scenarios and conditions, giving you a wide range of templates to draw inspiration from. 

Whether you're dealing with unexpected exam schedules or planned study leaves, we have a sample that fits your needs. 

Remember, these are just guidelines - feel free to tweak them to suit your style and situation. Let's take a look!

1. Leave Application for Exam

Ryan Agrawal

Marketing Executive

GrowwPedia Learning

December 1, 2023

Mr. Khan Azad

Marketing Manager

Dear Mr. Azad,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to attend an important professional certification exam scheduled for 14th December 2023.

Leave Start Date: 06/12/2023

Leave End Date: 16/12/2023

The exam, organized by [Exam Authority], is a significant opportunity for me to enhance my skills and contribute more effectively to our marketing initiatives. I have been preparing for this exam diligently and believe that completing it will greatly benefit our team.

During my absence, I have made arrangements with my colleagues to ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to relevant team members. I am committed to providing any necessary support remotely and will be reachable via phone and email.

91+ 5584778965

In Image Format:

A leave application letter for an employee.

2. Leave Application for Exam to Office

Marketing Specialist

Ms. Jennifer Miller

Team Lead, Marketing

ABC Solutions

Dear Ms. Miller,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to attend an important professional certification exam scheduled for [exam date].

Leave Start Date: [Start Date]

Leave End Date:  [End Date]

The exam is a crucial step in my career development, and successfully passing it will significantly contribute to my skills and expertise in marketing. I have been preparing diligently, and I believe this certification aligns well with our team's goals.

During my absence, I will make arrangements with my colleagues to ensure a smooth workflow. I've delegated my ongoing tasks to Michael Stark, who is familiar with the projects and responsibilities.

Enclosed with this letter, you'll find the exam confirmation details and any supporting documentation you may require.

[Contact Information]

Leave application for exam to office

3. Application for Leave During Exam

Imaad Shaikh


Ms. Jennifer Anderson

[Recipient's Position/Department]

[School/College Name or Company Name]

Dear Ms. Anderson,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence during the upcoming exam period.

Leave End Date: [End Date]

As you may be aware, the exam schedule is intense, and I am committed to dedicating focused time to preparation. The leave will allow me to concentrate on my studies without the additional workload.

I have made arrangements to ensure that any pending tasks are completed before the start of my leave, and I will communicate with my colleagues/classmates to provide any necessary handover.

Enclosed with this letter, you'll find the exam schedule and any supporting documentation required for your reference.

Application for leave during exam.

4. Leave Application for Exam to Principal 

Sahil Manak

Class: [Your Class/Grade]

[Principal's Full Name]

[Principal's Designation]

[School/College Name]

Respected [Principal's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a leave of absence to allow me to attend an important exam.

The upcoming exam is a crucial step in my academic journey, and I am dedicated to thorough preparation. The leave will provide me with the necessary time to focus on my studies and perform well.

I assure you that I have made arrangements to minimize any impact on my studies during my absence. I will catch up on missed assignments and ensure a smooth transition upon my return.

I understand the importance of maintaining discipline and attendance, and I assure you that I will make every effort to stay updated with the coursework.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your kind approval.


Leave application for exam to principal

5. Leave Application for Exam by Teacher to Principal

[Your Designation]

[School Name]

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to attend an important professional exam relevant to my teaching field.

The exam is a significant opportunity for me to enhance my skills and stay updated with the latest advancements in [subject/field]. I have been preparing diligently to contribute more effectively to our school's educational objectives.

During my absence, I will ensure that lesson plans are prepared in advance and handed over to a substitute teacher. I am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible, and I will be available for any necessary guidance remotely.

Your understanding and support in granting this leave are highly appreciated. If there are any further procedures or documentation needed, please inform me promptly.

Leave application for exam by teacher to principal.

6. Leave Application for B.Ed. Exam by Teacher to Principal

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to undertake my B.Ed. examination, a crucial step in my ongoing professional development.

The B.Ed. examination is a significant milestone in my academic journey, and successful completion will further enhance my teaching capabilities. I am committed to preparing thoroughly to contribute more effectively to the educational objectives of our school.

During my absence, I will ensure that lesson plans are prepared and handed over to a substitute teacher, and I will be available for any necessary guidance remotely.

Enclosed with this letter, you'll find the exam confirmation details and any supporting documents required for your reference.

Leave application for B.Ed exam by teacher to principal.

7. Leave Application for Exam Preparation to Principal

[Your Class/Grade]

Dear [Principal's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally seek your approval for a brief leave of absence to concentrate on preparing for an upcoming examination.

The approaching exam is a pivotal moment in my academic journey, and I am dedicated to investing focused time in thorough preparation. This leave will enable me to give my best effort and perform well during the examination.

I have made the necessary arrangements to cover any missed coursework and assignments during my short absence. I will coordinate with my classmates to ensure a smooth flow of information.

Attached, please find the exam schedule along with any supporting documents for your reference.

Thank you for considering my request. I am hopeful for your kind approval.

Leave application for exam preparation to principal.

8. One Day Leave Application for Exam

[Your Class/Grade or Designation]

[Recipient's  Name]

[Recipient's Designation]

[School/College Name or Workplace]

Dear [Recipient's Last Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a one-day leave of absence to attend an important examination.

Leave Date: [Exam Date]

The upcoming exam is a critical part of my academic/professional growth, and I am committed to ensuring its success through thorough preparation.

I assure you that I have taken the necessary measures to minimize any impact on my responsibilities during this brief absence. If there are any pending tasks, I will ensure they are completed beforehand or make suitable arrangements for their completion.

Your understanding and approval of this one-day leave are highly appreciated. I understand the importance of maintaining regular attendance and assure you that I will promptly resume my duties after the exam.

One day leave application for exam.

9. Leave Application for not Attending Exam

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[School/College/Institution Name]

Subject: Leave Application for Missed Exam

I am writing to inform you that I am unable to attend the [Subject] exam scheduled for [Date and Time]. I understand the importance of the examination and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The reason for my inability to attend the exam is due to [briefly explain the circumstances—personal, medical, or any other valid reason].

I understand the importance of the examination and the implications of not being present. However, the circumstances are beyond my control, and I am hopeful that the institution will consider my situation sympathetically.

I am willing to provide the necessary documentation and am open to alternative arrangements, such as a makeup exam or assignment, as deemed appropriate. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.

[Your Student ID]

Leave application for not attending exam.

10. Leave Application for Competitive Exam


[Organization Name]

Subject: Leave Application for Competitive Exam

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave from work to participate in a competitive exam scheduled for [Date and Time]. The exam, focused on [Specify Exam Name or Purpose], represents a significant opportunity for my professional development, and I believe it will contribute positively to my career advancement.

I have diligently planned for my absence, ensuring that all pending tasks are either completed or appropriately delegated to ensure minimal disruption during my leave. I am committed to making up for any missed work promptly upon my return.

To facilitate a smooth transition during my absence, I will make myself available for any necessary handovers and provide detailed documentation of ongoing projects. I am also willing to offer any additional information or documentation required to support this request.

I greatly appreciate your understanding and support in accommodating this request. Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete in connection with this leave application.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Employee ID or Department]

[Your Contact Number]

Leave application for competitive exam.

Dos and Don’ts While Writing Leave Application

When it comes to writing a leave application for an exam, there are certain things you should “ do” and others you should “ avoid” . Here's a friendly guide on the dos and don'ts to help your application stand out and get approved.

1. Be Clear and Concise: Keep your application short and to the point. Clearly state the reason for your leave, which in this case is for an exam.

2. Provide Essential Details: Include important details such as the dates of your leave and the name of the exam you'll be taking.

3. Use Formal Language: Even though you're writing to your superior, maintain a formal tone throughout your application.

4. Proofread Your Application: Before submitting, make sure to check for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

5. Submit in Advance: To give your employer enough time to arrange for your absence, submit your application well in advance.

1. Avoid Being Vague: Don't leave room for interpretation. Be specific about your reasons for needing leave.

2. Don't Over-Explain: While clarity is essential, avoid providing unnecessary details that may clutter your application.

3. Don't Use Informal Language: This is a formal request, so avoid using slang or informal language.

4. Avoid Spelling and Grammar Mistakes: These can make your application look unprofessional and may lead to it being rejected.

5. Don't Submit at the Last Minute: Give your employer ample time to process your request by not waiting until the last minute to submit your application.

By following these simple dos and don'ts, you can craft a clear, concise, and professional request that is likely to be approved.

Also, don't forget to check out the infographic below for additional insights!

Dos and Don'ts while writing an Leave Application for Exam Infographic

Dos and Don'ts while writing an Leave Application for Exam

Real-Life Case Studies of Leave Application.

"Say Hi to Elizabeth Henderson , a passionate English teacher. She believes leave applications should be simple, focusing on what's needed without extra fuss. It's all about respecting everyone's rights without too much detail."

How can i leave a letter for 3 days for the office?.

"Meet Radhika , an HR professional, dealing with employees taking leaves without notice. Gain insights from JoneSelly, a seasoned IT director, emphasizing the pivotal role of submitting a Leave Application for a well-organized and cooperative workplace and it’s a key to a smooth professional environment.”

A screenshot of a facebook page with an arrow pointing to it.

Mistakes to Avoid While Writing a Leave Application for Exam:

1. Not Mentioning the Exam: The most important detail in your leave application is the reason for your absence. Always mention that you are taking an exam and, if possible, provide details about it.

2. Not Providing Exam Schedule: If possible, attach your exam schedule with your application. This gives a clear idea of your exam dates and helps to validate your request.

2. Using Negative Language: It's best to keep the tone of your application positive and professional. Avoid using negative language or sounding overly apologetic.

3. Ignoring Company Policy : Every organization has its own rules for leave applications. Not following these can lead to your application being rejected. Always make sure you know and follow your company's policy.

4. Not Planning for Your Absence: In your application, it can be beneficial to mention how your work will be handled in your absence. This shows consideration for your team and responsibilities.

5. Sending the Application Too Late: Don't wait until the last minute to send your application. Give your employer enough time to arrange things in your absence.

6. Not Following Up: After sending your application, make sure to follow up to ensure it was received and to find out if your leave has been approved.

7. Assuming Approval: Never assume that your leave will be approved. Always wait for confirmation before making any plans.

Conclusion :

In wrapping up, crafting a leave application for an exam doesn't have to be a stressful task. 

Follow the dos and don'ts outlined in this article and make use of the provided format and samples to compose a concise, clear, and professional request that stands a high chance of approval. 

Remember, effective communication is key. Be sure to provide all your necessary details, maintain a formal tone, and submit your application well in advance. 

Best of luck with your application process and your upcoming exam!

FAQs on Leave Application for Exam

1.   How to write a leave application?

Ans: Start with a formal greeting, state your request for leave, provide the dates and reason for your absence, and end with a polite closing.

2. How to write an application for re-exam?

Ans: Similar to a regular leave application, mention your name, position, and the date of the re-exam, and politely ask for approval.

3. How to write mail for exam leave in the office?

Ans: Write a clear subject line like "Leave Application for Exam". In the body, state your request, provide the exam dates, and express gratitude for considering your application.

4. When should I request exam leave?

Ans: It's best to request exam leave as soon as you know the dates, ideally a few weeks in advance, to give your employer time to plan.

5. Is it possible to request leave for exams?

Ans: Yes, most employers understand the need for further education and will consider requests for exam leave.

6. Can I Request Leave for Multiple Exams in a Single Application?

Ans: Yes, you can. Just make sure to clearly list all the exam dates in your application.

7. Do I need to provide proof of my exam?

Ans: While not always required, providing proof of your exam can lend credibility to your request and increase the chances of approval.

8. Is There a Recommended Format for a Leave Application for Exam?

Ans: A standard leave application includes a formal greeting, a clear statement of leave request, specific dates, the reason for leave, and a polite closing.

9. Can I Use Sick Leave for Exam Days?

Ans: This depends on your company's policies. It's best to check with your HR department or supervisor.

10. Are There Specific Policies or Guidelines for Exam Leave in the Workplace?

Ans: Policies vary by workplace. Always check with your HR department or supervisor to understand your company's specific guidelines for exam leave.

11. What if my leave application is denied?

Ans: If your application is denied, request a meeting with your supervisor to discuss your situation and explore alternative solutions.

12. How early should I submit my leave application?

Ans: It's best to submit your leave application as soon as possible, ideally a few weeks before your exam, to give your employer ample time to plan.

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application letter for leave for exam

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application letter for leave for exam

Study Leave Application Letter

Dear [Manager/Supervisor],

I am writing to request study leave to enable me to attend a [insert course name] course that will run from [insert start date] to [insert end date]. I believe this course will greatly benefit me in my current role, and the knowledge and skills gained will be invaluable to both myself and the company.

I have already spoken to my colleagues about the course, and they have agreed to cover my duties while I am away. I have also spoken to the course provider and confirmed my place on the course. I will ensure that all my work is up to date before I leave, and I will be available to answer any queries that may arise while I am away.

I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience, but I hope you will see the value in allowing me to attend this course. I am happy to discuss any concerns you may have and can be reached at [insert contact details].

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

application letter for leave for exam

Sample Study Leave Application Letter for Educational Purposes

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to formally request a study leave for educational purposes. I am seeking the opportunity to [briefly explain the educational pursuit you plan to undertake, e.g., pursue a Master's degree in [Field of Study] at [University Name]]. This program aligns with my long-term career goals and would greatly enhance my contributions to the [Company Name] upon my return.

I have carefully reviewed the company's policies and believe that I meet the eligibility criteria for study leave as outlined in the employee handbook. I understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

The anticipated start date of my educational program is [start date], and it is expected to conclude on [end date]. I plan to resume work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., complete any pending projects, document processes, and provide necessary training to my colleagues].

I am also open to staying in touch with the team and making myself available for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence. I am confident that my temporary absence will be well-managed and will not unduly disrupt the operations of the company.

Furthermore, I am willing to discuss any additional conditions or requirements that the company may have in relation to this study leave. I am committed to maintaining open lines of communication and ensuring that this leave benefits both my personal development and the continued success of [Company Name].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request favorably. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I acquire during this educational pursuit will be of great benefit to the organization in the long run.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to discussing this further and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Yours sincerely,

This type of leave is granted to employees to pursue formal education, such as obtaining a degree, diploma, or certification. It may be full-time or part-time, depending on the employer's policies.

Study Leave Application Letter for Professional Development Purposes Template

I am writing to formally request a study leave for the purpose of professional development. I have identified an opportunity to attend [name of the workshop, seminar, or training program] hosted by [host organization] on [dates]. This program is directly related to my current role at [Company Name] and will provide valuable insights and skills that will enhance my contributions to the company.

Having reviewed the company's policies, I believe that I meet the eligibility criteria for study leave as outlined in the employee handbook. I understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

I anticipate that my participation in this program will commence on [start date] and conclude on [end date]. I plan to return to work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transfer of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., delegate tasks, provide documentation, and offer support to my colleagues].

I am also willing to remain accessible to the team and make myself available for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence. I am confident that my temporary leave will be well-managed and will not unduly disrupt the operations of the company.

Furthermore, I am open to discussing any additional conditions or requirements that the company may have in relation to this study leave. I am committed to maintaining open lines of communication and ensuring that this leave benefits both my professional growth and the continued success of [Company Name].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request favorably. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I acquire during this professional development opportunity will be of great benefit to the organization in the long run.

Professional development leaves are provided to employees to attend workshops, conferences, seminars, or training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge in their current role.

Example Study Leave Application Letter for Research Purposes

I am writing to formally request a study leave for the purpose of conducting research. I have been offered the opportunity to engage in a research project titled [Title of the Research Project] at [Research Institution/University] under the guidance of [Supervisor's Name]. This project aligns with both my professional interests and the strategic goals of [Company Name].

Having carefully reviewed the company's policies, I believe that I meet the eligibility criteria for study leave as outlined in the employee handbook. I understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

The anticipated start date of my research project is [start date], and it is expected to conclude on [end date]. I plan to resume work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transfer of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., delegate tasks, provide documentation, and offer support to my colleagues].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request favorably. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am confident that the knowledge and insights I gain from this research project will be of great benefit to the organization in the long run.

Research leave allows employees to focus on a specific research project, often related to their field of expertise or the organization's interests.

Sample Sabbatical Study Leave Application Letter

I am writing to formally request a sabbatical study leave to pursue a special project and further my professional development. After careful consideration, I have identified an opportunity to engage in a research project titled [Title of the Project] at [Research Institution/University] under the guidance of [Supervisor's Name]. This project holds significant promise for both my personal and professional growth, and I believe it will ultimately benefit the strategic objectives of [Company Name].

I have reviewed the company's policies regarding sabbatical leave and believe that I meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the employee handbook. I fully understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

The anticipated start date of my sabbatical is [start date], and it is expected to conclude on [end date]. I plan to return to work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., delegate tasks, provide documentation, and offer support to my colleagues].

Furthermore, I am open to discussing any additional conditions or requirements that the company may have in relation to this sabbatical leave. I am committed to maintaining open lines of communication and ensuring that this leave benefits both my personal development and the continued success of [Company Name].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request favorably. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am confident that the knowledge and experience I gain during this sabbatical will be of great benefit to the organization in the long run.

A sabbatical leave is an extended period of time (usually several months to a year) granted to employees for a specific purpose, such as conducting research, writing a book, or pursuing a special project.

Template for Parental Study Leave Application Letter

I am writing to formally request a parental study leave to balance my family responsibilities with my educational pursuits. After careful consideration, I have identified an opportunity to [briefly explain the educational pursuit you plan to undertake, e.g., pursue a [Degree/Diploma/Certification] in [Field of Study] at [Institution Name]]. This program aligns with my long-term career goals and would greatly enhance my contributions to the [Company Name] upon my return.

I have reviewed the company's policies regarding parental study leave and believe that I meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the employee handbook. I fully understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

The anticipated start date of my educational program is [start date], and it is expected to conclude on [end date]. I plan to return to work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., complete any pending projects, document processes, and provide necessary training to my colleagues].

Furthermore, I am open to discussing any additional conditions or requirements that the company may have in relation to this parental study leave. I am committed to maintaining open lines of communication and ensuring that this leave benefits both my personal development and the continued success of [Company Name].

Some employers offer special leave options for parents who want to pursue further education while balancing their family responsibilities.

Unpaid Study Leave Application Sample Letter

I am writing to request an unpaid study leave to pursue further education in [Field of Study]. After careful consideration, I believe that this educational opportunity will greatly enhance my skills and knowledge, ultimately benefiting both myself and [Company Name] in the long term.

I understand that [Company Name] may not offer paid study leave for this purpose. Therefore, I am willing to take an unpaid leave of absence for the duration of my studies. I am committed to returning to work on [date of return] and resuming my responsibilities promptly.

During my absence, I will ensure that all my pending tasks and responsibilities are completed or handed over to a designated colleague. I will also remain available for any urgent matters that may arise.

I am fully aware of the company's policies regarding unpaid leave, and I assure you that I will comply with all the necessary procedures, including providing advance notice and adhering to any requirements for requesting unpaid leave.

I believe that the knowledge and skills I gain during this period will ultimately contribute to my effectiveness and productivity upon my return to [Company Name]. I am grateful for your consideration of this request and value the support that [Company Name] has always provided for professional development opportunities.

In some cases, an employer may not provide paid leave for studying, but they may allow employees to take an extended period of unpaid leave to pursue their educational goals.

Study Leave Application Letter for Specialized Training Template

I am writing to formally request a study leave for the purpose of participating in specialized training that is directly relevant to my role at [Company Name]. After careful consideration, I have identified an opportunity to attend the [Name of Training Program] hosted by [Training Provider/Organization] on [dates]. This program focuses on [briefly explain the key areas or skills covered by the training] and will significantly enhance my effectiveness in my current position.

I have reviewed the company's policies regarding study leave and believe that I meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the employee handbook. I understand the responsibilities associated with this leave and am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability.

The anticipated start date of the training program is [start date], and it is expected to conclude on [end date]. I plan to return to work on [date of return]. During my absence, I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transfer of my responsibilities. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., delegate tasks, provide documentation, and offer support to my colleagues].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request favorably. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I acquire during this specialized training will be of great benefit to the organization in the long run.

This type of leave is provided for employees to undertake specialized training programs or certifications that are directly relevant to their job roles.

Response to Study Leave Application Template

Dear [Employee's Name],

Subject: Response to Study Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your study leave application dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in seeking opportunities for further education and professional development.

After careful consideration of your request, I am pleased to inform you that your study leave has been [approved / conditionally approved] for the duration mentioned in your application, starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. We believe that this educational pursuit aligns with your current role and will contribute to your continued growth within the company.

Please be aware of the following conditions and expectations during your study leave:

[Any specific conditions or expectations outlined by the employer.]

[Instructions regarding responsibilities during your absence.]

[Any other relevant details or conditions.]

We trust that you will manage your responsibilities and commitments in a manner that reflects your dedication to both your education and your role within the company.

We look forward to your return on [Date of Return], and we are confident that the knowledge and skills gained during your study leave will greatly benefit the organization.

Once again, we commend your commitment to personal and professional growth. We wish you every success in your educational pursuits.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Warm regards,

Study Leave Request Email Followup Template

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on the study leave request I submitted on [Date]. I understand that you may have a busy schedule, and I wanted to ensure that you received and had an opportunity to review my request.

I am eager to plan accordingly and make any necessary preparations for my educational pursuits. If there are any additional details or documentation required from my end, please do not hesitate to let me know.

I greatly appreciate your consideration and support in this matter. Your guidance and approval will be instrumental in my pursuit of further education.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Sample Leave Email for Exam

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence on [Date] to allow me to sit for an important exam related to my academic pursuits. The exam is scheduled for [Date and Time].

I have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence. [You may include details about how you plan to delegate tasks or provide coverage.]

I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will return promptly after the exam to resume my duties. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence.

I would be grateful if you could consider and approve this leave request. I believe that this exam is a significant milestone in my academic journey, and your support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

If you require any further information or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to provide any additional details that may be needed.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Sample Educational Leave of Absence Letter

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for educational purposes. I have been given the opportunity to pursue further education in the field of [Field of Study] at [Institution Name]. The program is scheduled to commence on [Start Date] and will conclude on [End Date]. I plan to return to work on [Date of Return].

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities during my absence. I will [briefly explain your plan for handing over your responsibilities, e.g., delegate tasks, provide documentation, and offer support to my colleagues].

I understand and appreciate the responsibilities associated with this leave and am dedicated to fulfilling them to the best of my ability. I am also willing to remain accessible for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence.

I am confident that the knowledge and skills I gain during this educational pursuit will greatly benefit both myself and [Company Name] in the long run. I am open to discussing any additional conditions or requirements that the company may have in relation to this leave.

I appreciate your consideration of this request. I value the support and opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me, and I am committed to contributing even more effectively to the organization upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

What is study leave application?

A study leave application is a formal written request submitted by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to take time off from work for the purpose of pursuing further education, professional development, research, or specialized training. This type of leave allows employees to temporarily step away from their regular duties to focus on educational or career advancement opportunities.

In the study leave application, the employee typically provides details about the educational or training program they plan to undertake, including the start and end dates, the institution or organization offering the program, and the expected benefits to both the employee and the employer.

The application may also include a plan for how the employee intends to ensure a smooth transition of their responsibilities during their absence, as well as an assurance of their commitment to return to work after completing the study leave

What is the maximum time allowed for a study leave?

In some cases, study leave may be limited to a few days or weeks, especially for specialized training or short-term courses. For more extensive educational programs, such as pursuing a degree or participating in a research project, study leave may extend to several months or even a year.

Study leave application requirements or prequistes

  • Length of Service
  • Performance and Conduct
  • Relevance to Job Role
  • Benefit to the Company
  • Clear Plan for Absence
  • Financial Considerations
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Agreement on Terms

What to do if your study leave was accepted?

Thank Your Employer: Express your gratitude to your employer for approving your study leave. This shows professionalism and appreciation for the opportunity.

Confirm Details: Ensure you have all the details about your study leave in writing. This should include the start and end dates, any financial arrangements (such as paid or unpaid leave), and any specific conditions or expectations set by your employer.

Notify Relevant Parties: Inform any colleagues, clients, or team members who may be affected by your absence. Provide them with necessary information about how your responsibilities will be managed in your absence.

Plan for Handover: Prepare a comprehensive handover plan for your tasks and responsibilities. This may include documentation, training sessions, or delegating specific tasks to colleagues.

Stay in Touch: If appropriate, agree on a communication plan with your employer or team to stay updated on important matters during your absence. This could involve periodic check-ins or designated points of contact.

Prepare Financially (if unpaid): If your study leave is unpaid, make necessary financial arrangements to cover your living expenses during this period.

Adhere to Study Plan: Once your study leave begins, be diligent in attending classes, completing assignments, and actively participating in your educational program.

Stay Organized: Keep track of your study schedule, deadlines, and any required coursework. Stay organized to make the most of your educational opportunity.

Maintain Professionalism: Even though you're on study leave, remember that you are still representing your employer. Uphold a professional demeanor in all interactions related to your educational pursuits.

Plan for Return: As your study leave nears its end, begin preparing for your return to work. Review any updates or changes that may have occurred in your absence and ensure you're ready to re-engage in your role.

Follow Up: Once you return to work, follow up with your employer or supervisor to discuss your experiences and how the knowledge gained during your study leave can be applied to your role.

What to do if your study leave was rejected?

If your study leave request has been rejected, it can be disappointing, but there are several steps you can take to address the situation constructively:

Seek Feedback: Request feedback from your employer or supervisor about the reasons for the rejection. Understanding their concerns can help you address them in the future.

Clarify Policies: Make sure you understand the company's policies regarding study leave. There may be specific criteria or limitations that influenced the decision.

Consider Alternatives: Explore alternative options for pursuing your educational goals while continuing to work. This could include evening classes, online courses, or part-time study.

Discuss Flexibility: Have a conversation with your employer about the possibility of a flexible work arrangement that allows you to balance your job responsibilities with your educational pursuits.

Show Commitment: Demonstrate your commitment to your current role and the company's objectives. Highlight how your education can ultimately benefit the organization.

Reevaluate Timing: Consider if there is a more opportune time in the future to reapply for study leave. This could be after you've demonstrated strong performance or after the company's workload is less demanding.

Seek External Funding: Look into scholarships, grants, or financial assistance programs that could help support your educational pursuits without relying on study leave from your employer.

Maintain Professionalism: Regardless of the outcome, continue to perform your job duties diligently and maintain a professional demeanor. This shows your dedication to your current role.

Discuss Professional Development Opportunities: Inquire about other professional development opportunities or training programs that the company offers. This could be an alternative way to enhance your skills.

Evaluate Long-Term Goals: Reflect on your long-term career goals and consider if there are other avenues or educational paths that align with those aspirations.

Stay Positive and Persistent: Don't get discouraged. Use this as an opportunity to reassess your goals and explore different approaches to achieving them.

Remember that a rejection of a study leave request doesn't necessarily reflect on your value as an employee. It may be due to specific circumstances within the company at that time. Stay proactive, seek feedback, and continue to pursue your educational and professional development goals in a way that aligns with your current situation.

Steps for writing a study leave request

Start with a Formal Salutation:

  • Begin your request with a formal greeting to your employer or supervisor. Use their proper title and name.

State Your Purpose Clearly:

  • Clearly state the purpose of your study leave. Specify whether it's for educational purposes, professional development, research, or specialized training.

Provide Details about the Program:

  • Include specific details about the educational program, training, or research project you plan to undertake. This may include the program name, institution or organization, start and end dates, and any relevant details about the curriculum or objectives.

Explain How It Relates to Your Role:

  • Highlight how the study leave is directly relevant to your current job role and how it will enhance your skills and contributions to the company.

Express Your Commitment:

  • Emphasize your commitment to fulfilling your responsibilities during the study leave period and your intention to return to work promptly upon its completion.

Outline a Plan for Absence:

  • Provide a clear plan for how your responsibilities will be managed during your absence. This may involve delegating tasks, training colleagues, or designating a point of contact.

Address Any Concerns or Questions:

  • If you anticipate any concerns or questions your employer may have, address them proactively in your request.

Offer to Stay Accessible:

  • Express your willingness to remain accessible to the team and make yourself available for any urgent matters that may arise during your absence.

Acknowledge Company Policies:

  • Confirm that you have reviewed and understand the company's policies regarding study leave, and assure compliance with any relevant procedures.

Request Approval:

  • Politely request approval for the study leave, and thank your employer for considering your request.

Provide Contact Information:

  • Include your contact information, such as your phone number and email address, so that you can be reached during your study leave if necessary.

Close with a Formal Closing:

  • End your request with a formal closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours sincerely," followed by your name and signature.

Proofread and Edit:

  • Before submitting your request, carefully proofread and edit it to ensure it is clear, concise, and free from errors.

How much employment time should I have before requesting a study leave?

The amount of employment time required before you can request a study leave can vary depending on company policies, industry norms, and local labor laws. There is no universal standard, so it's important to consult your specific employment contract, company handbook, or HR department for the exact requirements in your organization.

In many cases, companies may have a probationary period for new employees during which certain benefits, including study leaves, may not be available. This probationary period can range from a few months to a year

Study Leave Application Letter


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Application for examination leave. Samples to ace your leave

Application for examination leave.

Application for examination leave is a pivotal document for students and professionals embarking on the journey of certifications or advanced studies. This preparatory phase demands undivided attention and rigorous preparation. 

Far from being a mere procedural step, the application is instrumental in carving out the crucial space for comprehensive study and optimal performance. Our blog offers many samples for crafting a compelling examination leave application that will assist you in securing the time needed for your success.

On this blog

  • How to write an Effective Application for examination leave
  • Sample of application for leave in examination
  • Sample of application for examination leave in office
  • Sample of application for examination leave to teacher format
  • Sample of application for leave from school for examination
  • Sample of half-day leave application for exam
  • Sample of leave application for the exam to the principal

How to write an Application for examination leave

Subject Line:  Be specific and informative in your subject line. Example: "Examination Leave Request from [Start Date] to [End Date]".


  • For Employment:  Address it to your manager or HR department with "Dear [Manager’s Name/HR Manager],".
  • For School:  Address it to your principal or teacher as "Dear [Principal’s Name/Teacher’s Name],".

Introduction – Purpose of Application:

  • Clearly state that you are writing to request leave to prepare for and attend examinations.

Reason for Leave:

  • Briefly explain the examinations you will be attending, mentioning the significance if necessary. Avoid overly personal details; focus on the relevance of your request.

Dates of Leave:

  • Specify the start and end dates of your proposed leave. Being clear about the dates helps minimize disruptions to your workplace or academic responsibilities.

Plan for Coverage (Employment) / Academic Plan (School):

  • Employment:  Suggest how your responsibilities can be handled in your absence, whether by delegating tasks or completing projects in advance.
  • School:  Please inform us about your plan to catch up on any missed lectures or assignments, indicating your commitment to maintaining academic performance.
  • Express gratitude for the consideration of your request. Mention your willingness to discuss the matter further and provide your best contact information for any necessary follow-up.
  • End with a formal sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Regards," followed by your name. For students, include any relevant student identification number; for employees, include your position or employee ID if applicable.

 Sample 1: application for leave in examination

Subject: Request for Examination Leave

Dear [Recipient’s Name/Title],

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request formal leave for examination purposes. As I need to dedicate time to prepare for and attend my upcoming examinations, I ask for your permission to be absent from [mention your role, e.g., work, classes] from [start date] to [end date].

These examinations are pivotal for my [academic progression/professional development], and the time off would greatly assist me in focusing on my studies to achieve the best possible outcomes. I am committed to [briefly mention any preparation plans, e.g., completing assignments in advance, arranging coverage for your duties], ensuring that my responsibilities are met before my leave.

I understand the importance of maintaining my commitments and assure you that I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. My examination schedule follows: [insert brief exam schedule or mention the examination period].

I appreciate your consideration of my examination leave request and am willing to discuss any concerns or requirements you may have regarding my leave. I am also open to assisting with any arrangements to cover my responsibilities during my absence.

Thank you for considering my application for exam leave. Your support in this matter is invaluable to me. I am keen to maintain open communication to facilitate this process smoothly.

Warm regards,

Sample 2: application for examination leave in office

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am requesting a leave of absence due to upcoming examinations that are crucial for my professional development and certification in [specific field or certification name]. The examinations are scheduled from [start date] to [end date]. To perform to the best of my abilities, I request examination leave for this period.

Understanding the importance of maintaining workflow within our team, I have outlined a comprehensive plan to ensure my duties are covered during my absence:

  • Preparation : I have already begun working on all urgent tasks and plan to complete them before my leave starts.
  • Delegation : I propose to delegate my ongoing projects to [Colleague’s Name(s)], who has/have agreed to oversee them until my return.
  • Communication : I will inform all relevant parties of my absence and whom to contact during my leave. Additionally, I am willing to be available for any critical issues that may arise and can be reached via email or phone.

This professional certification is a significant milestone in my career and beneficial for our team and company, as it will equip me with [mention any relevant skills, knowledge, or advancements]. I am committed to resuming my work responsibilities immediately following the conclusion of my exams. I will strive to mitigate any inconvenience my absence may cause.

I appreciate your understanding and support and will discuss this further if needed. Please let me know if you require any additional information or documentation from me.

Thank you for considering my request for examination leave. I look forward to your positive response.

Sample 3: application for examination leave to teacher format

Subject: Application for Examination Leave

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request formal leave for my upcoming examinations. I am scheduled to sit for the [Name of the Examination(s)], which will take place from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Given the importance of these exams towards my academic progress, I would like your support in granting me leave from [specific dates you will be absent from class].

During this time, I will prepare for and attend the examinations, which are pivotal for my [mention the significance, e.g., university entrance, course completion, etc.]. To ensure my academic responsibilities are not neglected, I plan to:

  • Complete any assigned homework or projects before my leave.
  • Study the topics and chapters covered in class during my absence.
  • Coordinate with classmates to catch up on any missed lessons or notes.

My examination schedule will not hinder my ability to keep up with the class syllabus, and I am committed to taking all necessary steps to minimize the impact of my absence on my academic performance.

I would greatly appreciate your understanding and approval of my leave application. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if there are any assignments or additional tasks I should complete before my leave. I will meet with you to discuss any concerns or requirements regarding my leave request.

Thank you very much for considering my application for examination leave. Your support during this period is invaluable to me, and I am eager to return to class immediately following the conclusion of my exams, fully prepared to continue my studies.

Sample 4: application for leave from school for examination

Dear [Principal/Teacher’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am [Your Full Name], a [Class/Grade] student in your school. I am writing to request leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to upcoming examinations that require my full attention for preparation.

These examinations are crucial for my academic advancement, and dedicated study time is essential to perform well. Therefore, I request your understanding and approval of my leave request for the mentioned period.

Upon my return, I assure you of my commitment to catch up on any missed lessons and homework.

Thank you for considering my request. I am hopeful for a positive response.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]

Sample 5: half day leave application for the exam 

Subject: Half-Day Leave Application for Exam

Dear [Supervisor’s/Teacher’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I request your approval for a half-day leave on [Date] due to an examination I am scheduled to attend on the same day. The exam is set to take place in the [morning/afternoon]. As such, I ask your permission to be absent from [specific period, e.g., 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM].

This examination is a significant part of my [academic progression/professional certification], and I must be well-prepared and present. To ensure my responsibilities are managed during my absence, I have arranged to [mention any work or school-related preparations, e.g., completing tasks ahead of time, coordinating with a colleague/classmate to cover for your absence, etc.].

I appreciate your understanding and support and am happy to discuss any further details or arrangements needed to facilitate my half-day leave.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Warm regards, [Your Full Name]

Sample 6: leave application for the exam to principal

Subject: Leave Application for Upcoming Examinations

Dear Principal [Principal’s Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am [Your Full Name], a student of [Your Grade/Class] at [School Name]. I am writing to request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to prepare for and attend my upcoming examinations.

The exams are crucial for my academic progress, and dedicating uninterrupted time to study is essential to achieve the best possible outcomes. I am committed to focusing on my subjects during the leave period to enhance my understanding and performance.

I assure you that upon my return to school, I will take all necessary measures to catch up on any missed lessons and assignments. Furthermore, I coordinate with my teachers and classmates to keep up-to-date on classwork and any new assignments.

I request your understanding and approval of my leave application. This period of focused study will significantly contribute to my academic growth and performance.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for a positive response and am available to discuss this further if required.

Closing comments

An examination leave is a stepping stone to academic and professional progression. It is important to articulate your request professionally and with enough advance notice so that it can be accommodated. Utilize the templates and samples provided in our blog to create an application that effectively communicates your needs and demonstrates your commitment to your academic or professional development .

Remember, an 'application for examination leave' is not just a formality; it reflects your planning and foresight, which are essential for success in any examination.

For more resources, tips, and samples on how to write various leave applications , including examination leave, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on leave application writing.

I am requesting a leave for upcoming examinations

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Leave Application For Exam | Sample & Pattern

While writing a leave application many people get confused about how to write, or how to start writing. Here I am giving a sample of leave application for exam. If you are looking for a sample of the leave application letter for an exam, you can follow this pattern. See the sample below…

application letter for leave for exam

Table of Contents

Features Of Writing A Letter :


The language of the letter should be simple, natural, and clear. Hard words or literary language should not be used in this because letters become dull and ineffective with the use of complex and explicit language .

Whatever we want to write in the letter, if it is clear and smooth then the letter will be equally effective. Simple language style, selection of words, and ease of syntax help us to make the letter effective. Therefore, the use of heavy and obsolete words should be avoided and short and fluent sentences should be used. We should not write ideas that are unclear.

Avoid unnecessary detail in the letter. The shorter and tighter the letter, the more effective it will be. Briefness also does not mean that the letter itself is not complete. Whatever is to be said by the reader, it must be free from the word trap of vain . So whatever is said in the letter, it should be said in minimum words.


It is considered successful only if the reader is influenced by the style of the letter. Our thoughts should be imprinted on it, so it is also necessary to refine the style. Without good and pure language, the letter does not take its true form. The planning of sentences, the use of words, and the use of idioms are the qualities of good language . We should always try to make the letter effective by using it.

Attractiveness And Originality:

The attractiveness of the letter is also important. Especially business and office letters should be neatly typed. Originality is also an important quality of a letter . While writing the letter, one should avoid using clichéd sentences. It should be kept in mind that in the letter we are writing less about our subject and more about the recipient.


Any letter should be complete automatically in its statement of intent. After reading it, there should be no need for any kind of curiosity, doubt, or explanation . It has been seen many times that the idea with which the letter writer starts writing, remains latent or incomplete, but the letter is filled only with meaningless things. Therefore, while writing the letter, special care should be taken that the narrative is complete and fulfilling in itself.

A letter gives a glimpse of its author’s personality, temperament, rank reputation, and practical behavior . The language style of government, business, and other formal letters should be courteous. If rejection, complaint, annoyance, or resentment are also expressed in elegant language, it has a more beneficial effect. For example, the rejection of an applicant’s application can be sent in these words –

‘Sorry, we won’t be able to use your services.’

What to Include in Leave Application for Exam:

Crafting a leave  application for an exam  requires clear communication and relevant details. Here’s a breakdown of essential elements:

  • Addressing the Recipient:  Begin with the correct title, be it the principal, teacher, or office manager. If you’re a student or teacher reaching out to school authorities, your approach should be “Leave Application for Exam to Principal”.
  • Your Information:  Clearly mention your name, class, or role in the organization. For instance, if a teacher is applying, the topic could be “ Leave Application for Exam by Teacher to Principal “.
  • Duration of Leave:  Always specify the exact days you’re requesting off. Whether it’s a “ one day leave application for exam ” or an “ application for 2 days leave for the exam “, clarity is vital.
  • Reason for the Leave:  Typically, the reason would be “ exam preparation “. But in specific cases, it could be for “ CA final exam preparation ” or due to health reasons like fever.
  • Professional Context:  When applying from a job setting, make sure to draft an “ office leave application for the exam ” and highlight its significance for your professional growth.
  • Parental Requests:  In cases where parents write for their children, the subject might be “Leave Application for Exam by Parents to Principal”.
  • Concluding the Application:  End with a polite acknowledgment, mentioning the anticipation for a positive response.

Remember to always use simple language, ensure clarity, and avoid jargon. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or a working professional, your leave application for the exam should be succinct and straightforward, making it easy for the recipient to understand and approve.

Format for Leave Application for Exam

Crafting a structured leave application for the exam can ensure clarity and a positive response. Here’s a breakdown of the format:

Recipient’s Address: Begin by addressing the recipient. If it’s for school, start with “ Leave Application for Exam to Principal .”

Date: Clearly note down the date of application.

Subject: Specify the topic concisely. This can be “Leave Application for Exam Preparation” or “Office Leave Application for Exam,” depending on the context.

Salutation: Start with “Dear [Recipient’s Title/Name].”

Introduction: Provide your details. For teachers addressing school authorities, mention “I, [Your Name], am submitting this Leave Application for Exam by Teacher to Principal.”

Duration of Leave: State the number of days you’re requesting, be it a “one day leave application for exam” or an “application for 2 days leave for exam.”

Reason for Leave: Clearly mention the reason, be it “exam preparation” or attending the “CA final exam.”

Office Context: If applicable, highlight your role and the relevance of the exam to your job. Here, terms like “Leave Application for Exam in Office” can be utilized.

Concluding Statement: Politely express hope for a positive response to your leave application for the exam.

Sign-Off: End with your name, position (if applicable), and a space for your signature.

Attachments: If you have any relevant documents like schedules or if you’re applying due to reasons like “not attending exam due to fever,” mention and attach them.

List On Leave Application For Employee

Samples of leave application for exam:.

Example of application form for office/company/boss for exam or exam. By the way, people who do jobs and also prepare for the competitive examination, are required to take leave during the exam.

Here I am giving a sample of leave application letters, how to seek leave, and the pattern of a leave letter. You can follow this pattern while seeking leave in the office. 

Leave Application For Exam Sample 1:

The Assistant Manager

[Authority Name] ,

[Institute Name]

[Institute Address]

                  [Subject: Leave Application For Exam]

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I want to state that I Rahul Batra [Your Name] working as a clerk [Your Job Designation] in your office. I want to request to grant me two days leave on 03.03.2019 [Starting Date] and 04.03.2019 [Ending Date]  as I need to appear in my exam [exam name] . So, if you grant my leave application I will be very much grateful to you. Looking for your positive response.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Rahul Batra [Your Name]

[Job Designation]

[Contact No.]


Download Leave Application For Exam In MS Word File

exam preparation final exam upcoming exams company name complete bed rest upcoming exam own position contact details

Leave Application For Exam Sample 2:

The Managing Director,

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Subject: 1 day Leave Application For Exam]

I want to inform you through this letter that I have to give the XYZ Examination [Examination Name] , which is going to be held on [Date] . That day I will not be able to be present in the office. This exam is very important for me for which I was preparing for 1 year.

The admit card issued for the examination is attached with this application, if any further information is required, let me know.

So, I request you to kindly allow me 1 day off. I will always be grateful to you for this.

Kind Regards.

[Your Name]

[Your Designation]

XYZ Private Limited,

XYZ Address

application letter for leave for exam

Leave Application For Exam Sample 3:

The Director

[Subject: Mail For Exam Leave in Office]

I would like permission to appear in my examinations, which are scheduled to be held on [Date] . During the period from [Date] to [Date] , I will not be able to appear in the office as my examination center is located in another city. However, after my exams are over, I will work overtime to compensate for the pending tasks.

The admit card issued for the examination is attached to this application, if any further information is required, let me know.

So I request you to allow me 10 days off.

exam preparation final exam examination permission exam related exam dear sir half day attending exam contact details

Leave Application For Exam Sample 4:

The Manager,


[Subject: Application For Leave For Exam Purpose]

I humbly request that I [Your Name] , work as the junior engineer [Your Designation] of your company. I am preparing for XXX job for the past 2 years. The examination of XXX job is going to be held on [Date] . That’s why I am requesting you to give me one day off from the office on [Date] for final exam preparation .

I will be very much grateful if you grant me the work off on that day.

Yours Sincerely,

exam preparation company address job designation company name office tomorrow exam dear sir own position contact details railway exam courses related exam preparation company address company address office tomorrow exam dear sir half day attending exam half day leave

So this is a sample of the leave application for the exam. Hope this sample application letter is helpful to you. You can follow the pattern of this application letter while writing a leave application .

Q. How To Write a Leave Application For the Exam?

A. To write a leave application letter for the exam you need to maintain some format and pattern. To know about the pattern and writing tips to write a leave application for an exam read here more.

Q. Do I Need To Follow a Pattern To Write a Leave Application For the Exam?

A. Yes, you need to follow the pattern and format to write the leave application for an exam. Leave application letter has its own pattern that’s why it is very important to know the pattern.

Q. What Is The Pattern Of Writing Leave Application For Exams?

A. Writing a leave application for office is not a different or difficult thing to do. The pattern and format of writing a letter to the office are similar to other letter-writing patterns. 

Q. Can I Take Help From The Samples To Write a Leave Application For the Exam?

A. Yes, many times we get confused about how to write a letter though we know the pattern. In that case, you always can get help from samples.


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Table of Contents

Leave of absence letter for examination (+5 Samples)

application letter for leave for exam

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In the following post, we will be displaying several samples of “Leave of absence letter for examination” reasons.

Writing a “Leave of absence letter for examination” reasons

When you are writing a leave of absence letter for examination reasons, you will need to keep a few points in mind.

  • Firstly, you will need to mention the date or dates on which you require leave from your job
  • You can then mention the reason for your leave, in this case due to examination reasons
  • You can also indicate that you have handed over your tasks to someone else in the office and provide an emergency contact number

Mr. Ankur Aggarwal,

HR Director,

XYZ Limited,

Subject: Regarding the leave of 1 day for the examination.

I want to inform you through this letter that I have to give the Railway competitive examination, which is going to be held on 15 June 2022. That day I will not be able to be present in the office. This exam is very important for me, for which I was preparing for the last 1 year.

The admit card issued for the examination is attached with this letter. If any further information is required, please let me know. So, I request you to kindly allow me 1 day off. I will always be grateful to you for this.

Thanking you,

[Your name]

Date – 2/6/2022

To the manager,

Company name,

Company Address,

Subject – leave require for the preparation of exam

Respected Sir/ Madam,

It is humbly stated that I am (name ) working as a junior clerk ( Use own position at work) in your office. I always try to be constant in my job and serve the best. At present, I am also doing some courses related to my job and exam for that coming next week. For that reason, I was required to leave the office for a week to attend and prepare for the exam.

It is requested to grant me leave for a week from (starting date ) to ( ending date ). I assure you that after the leave, I will be regular in the office as it was. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation –

Contact no. –

Signature –

Sub:- Leave application due to M.B.A exam

This is to inform you that my M.B.A exam is on 4th June, 2022. I will be appearing for this exam, so I want to leave on 3rd June, 2022 for studying.

This is to request you that you please grant my leave.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Ritabrata Chakraborty

Electrothermal Pvt. Ltd,

Ahmedabad, India

Subject – Leave application for exam

With due respect, I want to let you know my exams are coming next week. As I already told you, I am doing M. Tech in electrical at Indus University. For the preparation of exams, I need to leave work for the next week.

As soon as the exam is over, I will try to be regular at the office as it was. I am waiting for your positive response. Thank you.

If there is an emergency for work, try to contact me at my given phone number.

Name- Uday Sharma

The Manager

Company name

Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, I want to inform you that my exam is going to start in the next week as I said to you that I am currently studying in the M.Com final. So to prepare for the exam, I want to take a break from my job.

Please give me leave from 2.6.2022 to 10.6.2022, and I will return to the job again at the end of the exam. I am waiting for your positive response.

Job Designation____

Contact no___


Frequently asked questions:

How do i write a leave letter to school.

You can write a leave letter to school by mentioning the dates on which you need leave and also writing the reason why you want to take leave. You can also give your contact number in case you need to be contacted for any emergencies.

How do I write a letter requesting leave for an exam?

You can write a letter requesting leave for the exam by mentioning that you need leave in order to attend your examination on so and so dates. In addition to this, you can also mention that you need leave in order to study.

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Sample Leave Application For Exam Preparation For Office/ School/ Job

Leave Application for Exam


Leave Application For Exam Preparation (6 Samples Added)


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16+ Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Sample, Email Format, Tips

  • Letter Templates
  • January 31, 2024
  • Leave Letters , Employee Letters , Formal Letters , Office Letters

Leave Letter for Exam in Office: A Leave Letter for Exam in Office is a formal letter written by an employee to their employer to request time off from work to attend an exam. This letter should include the details of the exam, such as the date, time, and location, as well as the reason for taking the exam.

It is important for the employee to provide as much notice as possible to their employer to allow for adequate planning and scheduling of work responsibilities. The tone of the letter should be professional and respectful, expressing gratitude for the employer’s understanding and cooperation in granting the request for leave.

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Leave Letter for Office due to Exam – Tips

Content in this article

Here are some tips for writing a leave letter for exam in office:

  • Mention the date and time of the exam: It’s important to be specific about when the exam is taking place so that your employer knows exactly when you will need time off.
  • State the reason for the leave: Let your employer know that you will be taking an exam and need time off to study and prepare.
  • Explain how long you will be gone: Indicate the amount of time you will need off for the exam, including any time needed for travel or other preparations.
  • Offer to make up work: If possible, offer to make up any work that you will miss during your time off.
  • Express gratitude: End your letter by expressing your gratitude for your employer’s understanding and cooperation.

Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Sample format

Below is a sample format of Leave Letter for Exam in Office:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work for the purpose of taking an exam. I am scheduled to sit for [Name of Exam] on [Date of Exam], and I require some time off to adequately prepare and focus on this important endeavor.

I assure you that I will ensure all my pending tasks are completed before my leave begins, and I will make every effort to minimize any disruption to the workflow during my absence. I am also willing to delegate my responsibilities to a colleague if necessary, and I am available to provide any necessary training or guidance to ensure a smooth transition.

I understand the importance of maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines, and I am committed to fulfilling my duties to the best of my ability upon my return.

I anticipate that my leave will commence on [Start Date] and conclude on [End Date]. However, I am flexible and willing to adjust these dates if necessary to accommodate the needs of the company.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

[Your Name]

[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

Note: Make sure to customize the letter with your personal details, the recipient’s details, and any specific information related to your leave request. Additionally, check your company’s policies regarding leave requests and follow any specific procedures they may have in place.

Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Samples

Here we have provided some samples of Leave Letter for Exam in Office, you can use any sample given below.

Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Example

Here’s an Example of Leave Letter for Exam in Office:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Manager’s Name] [Manager’s Position] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request leave for [number of days] days from [start date] to [end date] to take my [name of exam] exam. As you know, this exam is an important step in my career development and I have been preparing for it for some time.

I have already made arrangements to sit for the exam on [date], and I am confident that with the time off, I will be able to fully concentrate on my studies and perform well on the exam. I will return to the office on [date of return], ready to resume my work with renewed energy and focus.

I have informed my team members and made arrangements to delegate my work to [name of colleague] in my absence. I will ensure that all my ongoing projects are completed before I leave and that there is no disruption to the work of the team.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. Please let me know if there are any concerns or if any additional information is required from my side.

Exam leave application format

Here is an Exam leave application format:

Subject: Application for Exam Leave

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to allow me to prepare for and sit for an important examination. The exam, [Name of Exam], is scheduled for [Date of Exam]. As this exam is crucial for my professional development and growth, I believe it is necessary to dedicate focused time and effort to adequately prepare.

During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or appropriately delegated to colleagues. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to the workflow during my leave period. I am willing to provide any necessary support or training to ensure the continuity of work in my absence.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities within the team and the company, and I assure you that I will return promptly following the completion of my exam.

Thank you for considering my request. Your understanding and support in this matter are highly appreciated.

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, recipient’s details, and specific details regarding your exam and leave request. Adjust the dates and other information as needed.

Office leave request letter for exam

This is an Office leave request letter for exam:

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Your Department/Team] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a temporary leave of absence from my duties at [Company Name] in order to prepare for an upcoming examination.

The examination I am preparing for is [Name of Exam], which is scheduled to take place on [Date of Exam]. As this exam is crucial for my professional development and advancement within the company, I believe it is essential to dedicate sufficient time and focus to adequately prepare.

During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed to the best of my ability and that any ongoing projects are appropriately delegated or handed over to a designated colleague. I am also willing to provide necessary support or training to ensure a seamless transition during my leave.

I understand the importance of maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines within our team. Therefore, I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any disruption caused by my absence and will return promptly following the completion of my exam.

I anticipate that my leave will commence on [Start Date] and conclude on [End Date]. However, I am open to discussing alternative arrangements or adjusting the duration of my leave if necessary.

Thank you for considering my request. Your understanding and support in this matter are greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or assistance.

[Your Name] [Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)]

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, recipient’s details, and specific details regarding your exam and leave request. Make sure to adhere to any company policies or procedures regarding leave requests.

Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Template

Here’s a template for a leave letter for exam in office:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will require a leave of absence from work on [date] to attend an exam. This exam is a significant milestone in my career, and I would like to request for leave to prepare for and attend the exam.

I have completed all of my pending assignments and handed them over to my colleague, [Name], who will take care of any emergencies that may arise during my absence.

I have also ensured that all of my clients have been notified of my impending absence and have been provided with the contact details of my colleague so that they can get in touch with her in case of any queries or concerns.

I have been studying hard for this exam and believe that it will significantly benefit both myself and the company. I am confident that I will be able to apply the knowledge gained during the exam in my work and improve the overall productivity of the team.

I will make sure to complete any pending work as soon as I return to the office. I would be grateful if you could grant me the leave for this purpose.

Thank you for your understanding.

Leave letter for exam in office due to medical reasons

Here is a Leave letter for exam in office due to medical reasons:

Subject: Request for Leave Due to Medical Reasons

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work due to medical reasons. I have been advised by my healthcare provider to undergo a series of medical examinations and tests, which require my immediate attention.

The examinations are scheduled for [Date(s) of Examinations], and it is imperative for me to be available during this time to undergo the necessary procedures and consultations. Therefore, I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to attend to these medical appointments.

During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are either completed or delegated to capable colleagues. I will also be available via email or phone to assist with any urgent matters that may arise during my leave.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities within the team and the company, and I assure you that I will do my best to minimize any disruption caused by my absence. I will provide all relevant medical documentation upon my return, as per company policy.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. Your support during this time is greatly appreciated.

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, recipient’s details, and specific details regarding your medical appointments and leave request. Make sure to adhere to any company policies or procedures regarding medical leave requests and provide relevant medical documentation as required.

Leave Letter for Exam in Office – When taking a certification course

Here’s a Leave Letter for Exam in Office – When taking a certification course:

Here’s a sample template for a leave letter for an exam in the office:

I am writing to request a leave of absence on [date] to take a certification exam required for my position. This exam is a crucial step in my professional development, and I believe it will benefit both myself and the company.

I will ensure that all my tasks are delegated to a colleague, and that I have taken care of all urgent matters before I leave. I will also be reachable by phone or email should any emergency arise.

Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for exam in office due to personal reasons

This is a Leave letter for exam in office due to personal reasons:

Subject: Request for Leave Due to Personal Reasons

I am writing to request a temporary leave of absence from work due to personal reasons. I understand the importance of my responsibilities within the team and the company, and I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave.

The nature of these personal reasons requires my immediate attention and presence, and therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this time, I will attend to the necessary matters and ensure that any pending tasks are appropriately managed or delegated to my colleagues.

I assure you that I will do my best to minimize any disruption caused by my absence and that I will make myself available via email or phone for any urgent matters that may arise during my leave.

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, recipient’s details, and specific details regarding your personal reasons for leave. Ensure to maintain professionalism and confidentiality when discussing personal matters.

Leave Letter to Attend Exam – Email Format

Here’s an Email format for a leave letter for exam in office:

Subject: Request for Leave to Attend Exam

I am writing to request a leave of absence on [date] to attend an exam. As per the exam schedule, the exam will be held from [start time] to [end time] at [exam center location].

I understand the importance of meeting work obligations and I have taken care of all my pending work before the exam date. I have briefed my colleagues regarding my current work status and handed over my work responsibilities to a colleague.

I am confident that my absence will not have a significant impact on the department’s operations as I have ensured everything is taken care of.

I assure you that I will resume my duties as soon as I return to work after the exam.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if there are any concerns or questions.

Leave letter for exam in office to manager

This is a Leave letter for exam in office to manager:

[Manager’s Name] [Manager’s Position/Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Leave for Exam Preparation

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a temporary leave of absence from work in order to prepare for an upcoming examination.

The exam I am preparing for, [Name of Exam], is scheduled for [Date of Exam]. As this examination holds significant importance for my professional development and career progression, I believe it is crucial to dedicate focused time and attention to adequately prepare.

Therefore, I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, I will utilize my time efficiently to prepare thoroughly for the exam and ensure that I am adequately equipped to perform to the best of my abilities.

I assure you that I will make every effort to complete any pending tasks and ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities during my absence. Additionally, I will be available via email or phone to address any urgent matters that may arise during my leave.

Thank you for considering my request. I sincerely appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Warm regards,

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, manager’s details, and specific details regarding your exam and leave request. Ensure to maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the letter.

Leave letter for exam in office to HR

Here is a Leave letter for exam in office to HR:

[HR Manager’s Name] [HR Manager’s Position/Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [HR Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a temporary leave of absence from work to allow me to adequately prepare for an upcoming examination.

The exam I am preparing for, [Name of Exam], is scheduled for [Date of Exam]. As this exam is crucial for my professional development and advancement within the company, I believe it is essential to dedicate sufficient time and focus to adequately prepare.

Note: Customize the letter with your personal details, HR manager’s details, and specific details regarding your exam and leave request. Ensure to maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the letter.

FAQS for Leave Letter for Exam in Office – Sample, Email Format, Tips

How do i format a leave letter for exam in office.

Start with a formal greeting, state the purpose of your letter, specify the dates of your leave, express gratitude, and close politely.

What should I include in a leave letter for an exam in the office?

Include your name, position, company details, recipient’s name and position, reason for leave (exam), exam details (name, date), requested leave dates, and any additional relevant information.

Can you provide a sample leave letter for an exam in the office?

Yes, a sample leave letter typically includes all necessary details, such as reason for leave, leave dates, and a polite request for approval.

Do you have any tips for writing a convincing leave letter for an exam in the office?

Be clear and concise about your request, provide ample notice, offer to complete pending tasks or assist with transition, and express appreciation for consideration.

Should I send my leave request for an exam in the office via email or as a hard copy?

It depends on your company’s policy. Email is often preferred for its efficiency but check if your company requires hard copy submissions.

How far in advance should I submit my leave request for an exam in the office?

Submit your request with sufficient notice to allow for proper planning and coverage, ideally several days or weeks in advance.

Is there a specific format or template recommended for a leave letter for an exam in the office?

While there’s no strict format, a professional and polite tone, along with essential details, is recommended.

Writing a leave letter for exam in  office  is a  simple process  that requires attention to detail and a professional tone. It is important to clearly  state the purpose of the leave, the dates of absence, and any relevant details.  By following the tips and samples provided, you can easily draft an effective leave letter that will help you secure the  time off you need to prepare for and take your exam.  Remember to submit your letter in advance to ensure that your employer has enough time to make necessary arrangements.

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Home » Letters » Office Letters » Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation – Sample Request Letter for Exam Preparation

Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation – Sample Request Letter for Exam Preparation

application letter for leave for exam

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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__________ (Name of the Authority), __________ (Name of Institute/Office), __________ (Institute Address),

Subject: Leave application for exam preparation


Respected Sir/Madam,

With utmost courtesy, it is to bring to notice that I am an _________ (your designation) in the ________ (department) department in your esteemed __________(Institute/Office). This is to request you that I need ______ (leave details) off for the preparation of Examination which is due after__________ (examination schedule).

I have been preparing for the exam for a long time, and I need a couple of weekend leave so that I can be thorough with the ______ (theory/practical) part. I will be doing overtime on weekdays to cover my lacking hours. Mr./Mrs. ________ will be handling my desk in my absence.

I request you to grant me leave for the same.

Yours Thankfully, _______ (Name), _______ (Job Designation), _______ (Employee ID) _______ (Contact Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Begin with "Respected Sir/Madam" to show courtesy and respect.
  • Yes, it's essential to provide your designation and department to establish your identity within the organization.
  • Specify the duration of leave needed and the reason for it, ensuring clarity about when you'll be absent and when you plan to return.
  • Offer to compensate by working overtime on weekdays and designate a colleague to handle your responsibilities in your absence.
  • Yes, expressing gratitude at the beginning and end of the letter demonstrates professionalism and courtesy.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample leave letter for exam preparation
  • exam preparation leave request format

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Application for Advanced Exam Leave (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for advanced exam leave.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Prioritized Exam Leave

First, find the sample template for application for advanced exam leave below.

To, The Principal, [Your School Name], [Your School Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Application for Advanced Exam Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section], write this letter to formally request for an advanced leave in view of my forthcoming examination. I am scheduled to appear for the [Name of the Exam] that is due to commence on [Exam Starting Date] and end on [Exam Ending Date].

The nature of this examination requires intensive preparation and undivided attention. Though I have been preparing for it over the past few months, the final weeks leading up to the examination are crucial. I believe that taking a leave from [Leave Starting Date] to [Leave Ending Date] will provide me with the necessary time to focus solely on my exam preparation and ensure my best performance.

I assure you that I will take the necessary measures to catch up with any academic work missed during my leave period. I kindly request that the teachers provide me with the homework and assignments in advance, if feasible, so that I can complete them beforehand.

I would be grateful for your understanding and approval of my leave request. I am confident that this leave will contribute significantly to my success in the upcoming examination.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Roll Number] [Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for advanced exam leave” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Extended Study Leave to Prepare for CA Final Exam

Application for Extended Study Leave to Prepare for CA Final Exam

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address]

Subject: Application for Extended Study Leave to Prepare for CA Final Exam

I, [Your Name], working as a [Your Position] in the [Department Name] at [Company Name], am writing to request an extended study leave for the preparation of my upcoming CA Final Exam, which is scheduled to take place on [Exam Date]. As you are well aware, the Chartered Accountant course is a highly challenging and demanding qualification, and passing the final exam requires a significant amount of time and effort.

In this regard, I kindly request your permission to grant me an extended study leave of [Number of Days] days, starting from [Leave Start Date] to [Leave End Date]. This leave period will allow me to concentrate and focus on my preparation for the exam, which is essential for me to perform well and achieve my goal of becoming a Chartered Accountant.

I assure you that I have completed my assigned tasks and responsibilities in the office and have handed over my work to my colleague, [Colleague’s Name], who will be taking care of my duties during my absence. I will also be available on the phone and email for any urgent assistance, if required.

I sincerely hope that you will consider my request sympathetically and approve my extended study leave. I am confident that the knowledge and expertise I gain from passing the CA Final Exam will be beneficial for our organization in the long run. Thank you for your understanding and support.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Department Name] [Contact Details]

Application for Deferred Exam Participation Due to Family Commitments

Application for Deferred Exam Participation Due to Family Commitments

To, The Principal, [Name of the Institution], [Address of the Institution], [City, State, Pin code]

Subject: Application for Deferred Exam Participation Due to Family Commitments

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class / Course] at [Name of the Institution], with Registration Number [Your Registration Number], humbly request your kind attention regarding an important matter.

Due to unforeseen family commitments, I am unable to appear for the upcoming examination scheduled on [Date of Exam]. It is an unavoidable situation, as I have to attend a significant family event which requires my presence. I understand the importance of the examination, and it was not an easy decision for me to make.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me permission to defer my examination participation to a later date. I assure you that I will put my best efforts to prepare for the examination and maintain my academic performance. I am willing to comply with any necessary formalities or procedures in this regard.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. I am hopeful that you will understand my predicament and grant me the opportunity to take the exam at a later time.

Thanking you in anticipation.

[Your Name] [Your Class / Course] [Your Registration Number] [Contact Information]

Requesting Permission to Sit for a Competitive Examination While on Leave

Requesting Permission to Sit for a Competitive Examination While on Leave

To, The Principal, [Name of the Institute], [Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

Subject: Requesting Permission to Sit for a Competitive Examination While on Leave

I, [Your Name], a student of [Class/Year] in your esteemed institution, kindly request your permission to sit for a competitive examination while on leave. I am writing this application to inform you that I have been preparing for the [Name of the Competitive Exam] and the exam is scheduled to be held on [Date].

As the date of the examination clashes with my academic schedule, I would like to seek your permission to be on leave from the institute for a period of [Number of Days]. I assure you that I will make up for the missed lectures and assignments during the leave period.

I humbly request you to grant me the necessary permission and leave to appear for the said competitive examination. Your kind consideration in this matter would be highly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Roll Number] [Class/Year] [Contact Number]

Application for Excused Absences for Advanced Professional Exam Preparation

Application for Excused Absences for Advanced Professional Exam Preparation

To, The Principal, [Institute Name], [Institute Address], [City, Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Excused Absences for Advanced Professional Exam Preparation

I, [Your Name], am a student of [Course/Branch] in [Semester/Year] at your esteemed institution. This application is to kindly request your permission for excused absences from [Start Date] to [End Date], as I am preparing for the [Name of the Advanced Professional Exam] which is scheduled to be held on [Exam Date].

The [Name of the Advanced Professional Exam] is a highly competitive and crucial examination in my professional journey. Sincere dedication, hard work, and focused preparation are required to crack this exam. Therefore, I would like to utilize the mentioned days completely for my preparation without any distractions.

I assure you that I will cover the missed syllabus and content during my absence and will be responsible for any assignments or academic activities missed during this period. I am dedicated to maintaining my academic performance, and I am confident that this opportunity to prepare for the exam will not affect my academic record in any negative way.

I humbly request you to grant me the excused absences for the mentioned period to prepare for the [Name of the Advanced Professional Exam]. Your kind support and understanding in this regard would be highly appreciated.

[Your Name] [Roll Number] [Course/Branch] [Semester/Year] [Contact Number] [Email Address]

Supportive Exam Leaves Application for Better Work-Life Balance

Supportive Exam Leaves Application for Better Work-Life Balance

To, The Principal, [School/College Name], [Address], [City], [Postal Code]

Subject: Supportive Exam Leaves Application for Better Work-Life Balance

I, [Your Name], a student of class/semester [Your Class/Semester] in the [Department Name], kindly request you to grant me exam leaves to maintain a better work-life balance during the upcoming examinations.

Our examinations are scheduled to begin on [Starting Date] and will continue until [Ending Date]. As an earnest student, I firmly believe that proper preparation and sufficient rest are crucial for performing well academically. To ensure a healthy balance between my studies, extracurricular activities, and personal life, I humbly request leave for the entire duration of the examinations.

By granting me these leaves, I will be able to focus on my studies while managing other aspects of my life effectively. This will ultimately lead to better academic performance and overall well-being.

I assure you that I will be regular in my classes once my examinations are over, and I will make up for any missed lessons or assignments during the leave period.

I am enclosing a copy of the examination schedule for your kind perusal. Kindly consider my request and approve the exam leaves for the mentioned duration. Your support in maintaining a healthy work-life balance during this crucial time will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully, [Your Name] Class/Semester: [Your Class/Semester] Roll Number: [Your Roll Number] Date: [Today’s Date]

How to Write Application for Advanced Exam Leave

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Be formal and professional in tone and language.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the application in the subject line or opening sentence.
  • Include your name, student ID, and contact details for verification purposes.
  • Mention the specific exam and the date(s) for which you are requesting leave.
  • Explain the reason for taking the advanced exam and its importance to your academic progress.
  • Provide any supporting documents or proof, if necessary, to strengthen your request.
  • Request a specific duration of leave and make sure it covers any preparation or travel time to the exam location.
  • Assure your commitment to make up for any missed classes or assignments during the leave period.
  • Express gratitude to the recipient for considering your application and offer to provide further information if needed.
  • End the application with a courteous closing and your signature.

Related Topics:

  • Application for Requesting a Writer in Exam
  • Application for Exemption from Exam Duty
  • Application for Compartment Exam Request

View all topics →

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for advanced exam leave”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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application letter for leave for exam

  • How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]


The need to write a leave application letter could arise for a number of reasons . So your son is ill and you need to stay home to take care of him. Would management even let you go? How do you get this drafted? It’s not like anybody is allowed to just travel right? 

The truth is, at some point during your employment, you may need to request a leave of absence. This could be for a variety of reasons ranging from personal or family health problems, the birth and/or adoption of a child, to rest from excessive job stress. It could also be the loss of a loved one or the pursuit of a hobby or a desire to travel. A leave of absence in your case is not a luxury, but a necessity.

What is a Leave Application Letter? 

A leave application letter is a letter written to apply for a leave of absence from the office for a certain period.

The concept of a leave application centers around a formal way of asking for a break/leave of absence from work for a specified time period.

A person writes leave application letter they’re unable to perform their duties for a stipulated period of time.

Types of Leave Applications 

  • Sick Leave  

Sick leave is basically a leave of absence due to an illness. Sick leave is granted under a number of scenarios; for personal physical or mental illness, the care of a sick child, spouse, parent, or parent of a spouse, regular health checks, and/or to address the physical, psychological, and legal effects of domestic abuse. 

At the moment, there are no federal legal requirements for paid sick leave. For companies subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Act does require unpaid sick leave. The U.S. government ensures that federal employees get 13 paid sick days a year.

  • Study Leave 

Study leave is basically a leave of absence from work granted in order to allow a person time to study or carry out research. In the case of a school pupil, it allows them to study at home, usually in order to prepare for examinations.

According to the labor laws in the US, Study Leave with or without pay is a matter for arrangement entirely between the employer and the employee. By law, the maximum length of study leave granted in the same employer’s service is two years. 

  • Sabbatical 

By definition, a Sabbatical leave is a period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed with that company. Also commonly referred to as ‘career break’ or ‘adult gap year’, It is a period away from work, agreed with your employer.

The truth is, there are no laws that cover taking a career break or sabbatical; as such employees have no statutory right to take leave. A sabbatical will in most cases be an authorized, unpaid leave of absence.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity leave is basically a period of absence from work that is granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. The US government doesn’t guarantee for paid maternity leave, employers may, however, provide paid leave if they choose. If you have worked at a company for at least a year, you are entitled by federal law to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.

Paternity leave is a period of time that the father of a new baby is allowed away from work. Usually, a company provides up to eight weeks of paid paternity leave. When a man takes time off because his partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement he might be eligible for: 1 or 2 weeks’ paid paternity leave, paternity pay and/or shared parental leave and pay.

  • Vacation/Holiday Request Letter 

Vacation leave is ideally available to all eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, and to attend to personal affairs. It is strikingly similar to annual leave which is paid time off work granted by employers to employees. Although not stipulated by law, many employers nonetheless offer paid vacation, typically around 10 workdays, to attract employees.

  • Emergency Leave Application 

Emergency leave is necessary to cater to unforeseen circumstances such as the death of a loved one/family member. A funeral leave, which is leave of absence with pay, must not exceed three days and can be granted for absence from work. You qualify for an emergency leave if; there is a verified death, a life-threatening condition due to an accident, illness, or major surgery, or to visit a terminally ill person in the immediate family.

5 Top Leave Letter Format

Sick leave letter format.

The Manager,

(Insert company name)

Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness)

Dear Sir/ma’am,

Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz’s illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness). Due to this sudden illness, it would not be possible for me to make an appearance at the office for a month. 

This critical condition has deteriorated my health a lot. I cannot eat properly and have a really bad body rash. It is impossible for me to concentrate on anything. I can attest to have been a dedicated employee and did not take any additional leave from work ever. 

The employee regularity record would serve as evidence of this claim. I would be able to come back after my complete recovery and serve your firm again with the same vigilant and attentive inclination. I hope you take my plea into consideration and allow me a leave of absence for a month. I shall remain indebted to you for this kindness.

Yours Truly,

(Insert name),

(Insert date)

Study Leave Letter Sample

The Manager (Authority name),

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Further Study

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

The Higher Education Commission, (Country name) has recently offered a free six-month study program (Another country name) for the candidates fulfilling the criteria. For government and private servants, it is a prerequisite to get approval from the relevant authority. 

Sir/Ma’am, I fulfill the criteria of this study program. I believe it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to fulfill my dream of studying abroad.

I am committed to continuing my services to the department after receiving higher education in (Country name). I shall be indebted to you for approving my leave application for the study program.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Sabbatical Leave Letter Sample

Dear [Recipient Name],

My name is [insert name] and I have been working in the ICT department for the past decade. I have recently found myself stuck in a loop, doing the same things over and over again. My learning process stopped and I haven’t improved for a while now.

Feeling the need for self-development, I would like to request for an extended leave, sabbatical, in order to continue my studies and earn another degree. 

I am committed to [company name] and I am happy to work here. I am planning to resume my work at [company name] once I earn my degree, by then, I will be more knowledgeable, motivated, experienced, and more committed.

I do believe that this move is beneficial for both me and the organization. I plan to enroll in late September. The program will take no longer than nine months, so I should be back by May. I have briefed the head of the department and he assured me that coverage is available and that workflow will not be affected much.

I kindly ask you to consider my request and I am hopeful that will approve it. Attached to this letter are the program acceptance letter and other related documents for your reference.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards

(Insert name)

Maternity Leave Application Letter

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I hope to start my maternity leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {Tentative joining date}, barring any unforeseen issues regarding my pregnancy and delivery arise.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. A letter from my doctor confirming the relevant details have been attached to this letter.

Please do well to contact me if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

Annual Vacation Request Letter  

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you that I will be traveling with my family for a period of one month, between {start date} and {end date}. Due to the fact that my entire quota of annual leave sanctioned by the company is pending, I request you to adjust my leaves accordingly.

Following my earlier discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague, Mr./ Ms. {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave. I have already handed over all material regarding the project to him/ her, and expect there to be no exigencies in my absence.

Due to the nature of my travel plans, I may not be available to take phone calls. I request you to address any urgent work-related matters to my email address {enter email ID}.

I will be grateful for a positive reply to my leave request.

Thanks and regards,

How Employers & HRs Can Receive Leave Application Requests

With online forms, Formplus provides a flexible way to store your received data in the cloud storage of choice. You also have the option to opt-out of storing your data on our servers

With unlimited file uploads , users can submit online forms without any restriction to the size or number of files that can be uploaded, Formplus is a great tool to manage employee data. 

Form analytics and reports also give you an insight into an overview of the data submitted to your form.

 Top Leave Application Template for HR and Employers

  • Maternity Leave Application Form 

This online maternity leave application form is for a pregnant employee intending to apply for maternity leave as the delivery period nears. This request will help you plan ahead and help solve challenges that may arrive as a result of an employee leave which might be up to 6 months, depending on the labor laws in your country. 

  • Paternity Leave Application 

Form Formplus’ online paternity leave application form allows your employees to apply for paternity leave when expecting a baby. That is if the labor laws grant prospective Fathers paternity leave when expecting a child with their partners.

  • Sick Leave Form

This sickness notification form template allows your employees to formally notify you of their illness and unavailability to work. With this form, you can track all sick notifications from employees.

  • Travel Request Form 

With the online travel request form template, you can let your prospective customers, employees or ward request for a travel package for business trips, holidays, honeymoons, pilgrimage, etc. This travel request template is perfect for travel agencies, employers and tour consultants.

On the whole, a leave application letter should contain a valid reason for your leave application, which should convince the employer and make him grant you leave. 

If you are having a reasonable enough claim for leave application then your request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons, could be an illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents, etc

Most importantly, the leave application should not sound friendly or casual; rather it must be formal and professionally-written.


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Letter Writing: Leave For Exam

Writing a leave letter for an exam is a formal way to request time off from work or any other regular commitments to attend an examination. This letter serves as a written record of your request and should be composed with professionalism and politeness. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to craft an effective leave letter for an exam, including formatting tips, content suggestions, and best practices.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Purpose

Before you begin writing, understand the purpose of your leave letter. It should clearly communicate the reason for your absence, the specific dates you will be away, and any other details relevant to your leave.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. start with company letterhead.

If you’re employed, it’s standard to use your company’s letterhead when drafting a formal leave letter. This provides the recipient with immediate context and looks professional.

2. Format Your Letter Properly

Like any formal letter, a leave letter for an exam should follow a standard business letter format:

  • Your Address
  • City, State, Zip Code
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Employer’s Name
  • Employer’s Position
  • Company Name
  • Company Address

3. Opening Salutation

Begin with a formal salutation such as “Dear [Employer’s Name]” or “Dear [Employer’s Position],” using the appropriate title and last name.

4. State the Purpose of Your Letter

Open the body of your letter by stating the purpose. Here’s an example:

“ I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for the purpose of taking an examination related to my professional development. “

5. Provide Details About the Exam

Give specifics about the exam:

  • The name and type of the exam
  • The institution or body conducting it
  • How it’s relevant to your job or personal developmen

“ The examination is the final part of my certification as a Certified Financial Analyst, which is conducted by the Global Association of Risk Professionals. “

6. Specify the Dates

Clearly mention the date or dates you will be absent. If you’re requesting a day or two before the exam for preparation, include those as well.

“ I am requesting leave from [start date] to [end date], which includes one day prior for final preparation. “

7. Explain Your Work Plan

Assure your employer of your plan to manage your tasks while you’re away. You might delegate duties or complete work in advance.

“ I have arranged with my colleague, [Colleague’s Name], to cover my responsibilities during my absence and have also ensured that all my projects are up-to-date. “

8. Offer Reassurance

Reiterate your commitment to your role and minimizing the impact of your absence:

“ I assure you that my absence will not cause any disruption in our team’s workflow. “

9. Request for Approval

Politely ask for your leave to be approved:

“ I kindly request that you approve my leave application. “

10. Closing Statement

End with a polite closing statement, thanking the employer for considering your request:

“ Thank you for considering my request. I am hopeful for a positive response. “

11. Signing Off

Conclude with “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature (if submitting a hard copy) and typed name.

12. Optional: Attach Documentation

If it seems necessary or if it’s required by your company’s policy, attach any relevant documentation regarding the exam.

Best Practices

  • Be Clear and Concise : Keep your letter focused and to the point. There is no need to write an excessively long letter; just make sure it contains all the necessary information.
  • Be Polite : Maintain a polite tone throughout the letter. Remember that you are making a request.
  • Proofread : Spelling and grammar mistakes can make a poor impression. Check your letter over before sending it.
  • Plan Ahead : Submit your leave request as soon as possible. This shows consideration for your employer’s planning and scheduling needs.
  • Follow Up : If you do not receive a response within a few days, it may be appropriate to follow up with a polite email or a direct conversation.

In crafting your leave letter for an exam, remember that transparency and professionalism are key. Providing clear information, offering solutions for your absence, and communicating effectively can help ensure a smooth process and maintain good relations with your employer or the concerned authority. Good luck with your exam and your leave request!

Leave Letter For Exam Example #1

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for the purpose of attending an important examination related to my academic pursuits. The exam is scheduled to take place on [Exam Date], and it is a crucial component of my [Type of Degree or Certification] program.

To ensure I am well-prepared, I am seeking leave from [Start Date] through [End Date], which includes time for both preparation and the exam itself. I have arranged for my duties to be handled by [Colleague’s Name] during my absence and have briefed them on all ongoing projects. Additionally, I have scheduled extra hours to work on [Specific Date(s)] to mitigate any potential backlog.

I have attached a copy of the exam schedule for your reference and to affirm the significance of this request. I am committed to resuming my work responsibilities immediately following the conclusion of the exam period.

I hope you will consider my request favorably and grant me the necessary leave to take this exam. I am keen to maintain my responsibilities and ensure a smooth continuation of work in my absence. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position]

Leave Letter For Exam Example #2

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence due to an upcoming examination that I am scheduled to take on [Exam Date]. This examination is a significant step towards my professional development, as it is a requirement for [Explain the certification, degree, or reason].

I respectfully request leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to prepare for and take this exam. I have taken steps to ensure that my responsibilities will be covered during my absence. [Colleague’s Name] has agreed to oversee my tasks and I have prepared a comprehensive handover note to assist them. I am confident that my workload will be managed effectively in my absence, ensuring no disruption to our team’s productivity.

I can assure you that I have made every effort to minimize the impact of my absence and I am willing to put in extra hours prior to my leave to complete any outstanding work.

I would be grateful if you could approve my request for leave at your earliest convenience, which would allow me to focus on my examination preparations. I am happy to discuss any concerns you may have about my workload or the timing of my leave.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Yours sincerely,

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

application letter for leave for exam

Application Class

10+ Leave Application for Exam

Friends, Today we have written a  Leave Application for Exam . Often employees have to take leave from company, school to give exams. The employees of the company have to apply in advance to take leave from the company, only after that they are granted leave.

To take leave from the company, the manager of the company has to write a leave application and it has to be told that for what he is taking this leave.

Keeping this in mind, we have written leave application for the employees of the company to give various types of exams.

Leave Application for Exam

Table of Contents

Leave Application for Exam in English

To The Manager,( You can add authority name also ) Company name, Company Address,

Subject – leave require for the preparation of exam

Sir/ Madam,

it’s humbly stated that I am Manoj Verma sales manager in your company. I always work with honesty and integrity. I want to inform you through this letter that I have to give the Rajasthan police constable exam 14 May 2023 that day I will not be able to be present in the office.

This exam is very important for me, for which I was preparing for last one year. The admit card issued for the examination is attached with this letter.

if any further information is required let me know. so I request you to kindly allow me one day off. I will always be grateful to you for this.

Yours sincerely

Name, Job Designation Contact no. Signature

Application for Examination Permission

To The Manager, Wipro Infotech, Bengaluru,

Subject – Half day leave require for the preparation of exam

I am Vikash Kumar junior accountant writing to request for half day leave for tomorrow. I have the CEAT exam tomorrow and I need half day of Tomorrow morning. so that I can give my paper easily. I am thanking you in advance.

Thanking you

Best regards Vikash Kumar junior accountant

Leave Application for B.ed Exam by Teacher to Principal

To The Manager, Tata Steel, Karnataka,

I would like to request you to grant me a one week long leave because I will be having my exam from the 12th April to the 18 April 2023. all my exams will be held during the afternoon, so I will not be able to make it to work between these days.

Since my last exam on the 18 April I will report to work on the 19 April. If you have any concerns please let me know.

Regards Name, Job Designation Contact no. Signature

Exam Dene ke Liye Application in English

To The Manager, Saras Pvt. Ltd., jaipur,

Subject – leave Application for exam

It is humbly stated that I am Rajkumar working as Assistant accountant in your office. I always try to provide my 100% to the company and do my best in every sector. The course which I am studying is quite relevant to my field of job and I have an exam related to that coming next week.

I have to prepare for exams. I need seven day leave for the purpose of taking a part in the exam from 10 February to 16 February. I assure you that after my exam I will be regular in the office as I was. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.

Sincerely Rajkumar Assistant accountant

Leave Application for Exam Purpose

With due respect I am writing this to inform you that I have a final exam coming 25 July. I have too much workload and have a lot of syllabus for my final exam. I was busy in my sister’s wedding for a couple of weeks so I could not pay as much attention as required to my studies.

Therefore I have a lot of workload. In this case I request you to please grant me leave for 2 days. so that I can prepare for my final exam.

I assure you that I will definitely cover all the work of which I will miss during my leave days. Kindly grant me leave. I will be very thankful to you.

Your faithfully Name, Job Designation Contact no. Rajesh Agarwal

Leave Application for Exam by Teacher to Principal

To, The Principal St. John school New Delhi, India

Date : 14/05/2023

Subject : Application requesting leave.

Respected sir/madam,

With cordial regards, I wish to state to you that I am the Science teacher in your reputed School. I want to ask you to provide me leave for one day because I want to give an administrative services exam, for this I have prepared a lot. I also would like to request you to allot my period to another teacher.

I will be hopeful that you will grant my application and allow me to take leave. Your kind cooperation will mean a lot to me.

Yours sincerely Name

Also Read –

5+ Half Day Leave Application for School

6+ Urgent Piece of Work Application

10+ Application for TC / Transfer certificate

6+ Application for Remission of Fine

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AAMC PREview® Professional Readiness Exam

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The AAMC PREview® professional readiness exam is designed to look beyond academic metrics to assess and evaluate professional competencies such as resilience and adaptability, service orientation, ethical responsibility to self and others, empathy and compassion, cultural awareness, cultural humility, and teamwork and collaboration, among others.

The AAMC PREview® professional readiness exam will be offered March – September 2024.

A growing number of U.S. medical schools have adopted the AAMC PREview® professional readiness exam into their admissions processes to enhance holistic review of applications.  

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The AAMC is committed to providing all individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency on the AAMC PREview ® exam. This includes ensuring access to persons with disabilities in accordance with relevant law.

There’s a lot of information to take in about the AAMC PREview ® Professional Readiness Exam. To get you started, here are 5 important things you need to know.


  1. Leave Application Letter Samples

    application letter for leave for exam

  2. Official Leave Application Letter

    application letter for leave for exam

  3. Leave Application Format for School, College and Office

    application letter for leave for exam

  4. Leave Application Letter For Exam

    application letter for leave for exam

  5. Medical Leave Application

    application letter for leave for exam

  6. Medical Leave Application

    application letter for leave for exam


  1. Leave Application For Exam Preparation To Principle

  2. school leave exam alaparaigal

  3. Leave Application

  4. Write an application to the principal for leave // Letter writing for exam //Sick leave application

  5. simple and best leave application / leave application/ leave letter/ leave letter to teacher Monday

  6. How to Write Leave Application in Office for Going to Trip


  1. Leave Application For Exam Preparation (7+ Samples)

    To. The Principal, [School/College Name], [School/College Address]. Subject: Leave application for exam. Dear Sir/Madam, With due respect, I am writing to request a leave of absence for [length of time] starting on [start date] and ending on [end date]. I am in need of some time off to focus on my studies as I have an important exam coming up.

  2. (3+ Samples) Leave Application for Exam in Office

    Exam Leave Application for Office. To, The Manager, [Company Name], [City Name] Subject: Exam Leave Application for Office. Respected Sir/Madam, I would like to request a leave of [Duration of Leave], starting from [Start Date] as I am going to take my [Exam Type] exam on [Exam Date]. I need this time to properly prepare for my upcoming exam.

  3. 25+ Leave Letter for Exam Purpose

    When writing a leave letter for exam purpose, keep the following points in mind: Leave Letter for Exam Purpose Mention the date (s) for which the leave is required. Leave Letter for Exam Purpose Provide the reason for taking leave and mention the name of the exam. If applicable, attach a copy of the exam schedule or other supporting documents.

  4. 17+ Leave Letter for Exam Preparation

    Leave Letter for Exam Preparation: A leave letter for exam preparation is written by an employee or a student to request time off from work or school to prepare for an upcoming exam. This letter is usually addressed to a supervisor, manager, or school principal and should be written in a professional and formal tone.It is important to provide the necessary d etails about the exam, including ...

  5. 13+ Official Leave Letter for Exam

    Start with a formal salutation, such as "Dear [Manager's Name], Dear Sir/Madam.". Clearly state the purpose of the letter, which is to request time off for an upcoming exam. Mention the name and date of the exam, as well as the duration of the exam. Provide a valid reason for taking the leave and mention the need for preparation time.

  6. 30+ Leave Letter for Exam

    Leave Letter for Exam: A Leave Letter for Exam is a formal letter or email that is written by a student or their parents to request time off from school or educational institution, in order to attend an important exam.The purpose of this letter is to inform the school or college administration of the student's absence and provide information regarding the exam.

  7. Leave Application For Exam By Employees

    Dear [Supervisor/Manager's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a one-day leave on [date] to appear for an important exam. The exam is related to [subject/course], and its successful completion is crucial for my professional development. I have already made arrangements to ensure that my absence will not disrupt the ...

  8. Leave Application for Examination: Format and Samples

    Write Salutation: Use proper salutation such as Mr., Dr., etc. You can also use generic title like Sir or Madam. Mention the Reason for the Leave: Clearly write why you want the leave. Mention the name of your examination. Mention the Dates of Leaves: Include the start and end dates of your leaves.

  9. Leave Application For Exam Preparation (6 Samples Added)

    For that reason, I require 1 week leave for my exam preparation. It is requested to grant me leave for a week from ( starting date ) to ( ending date ) I ensure you that after my exam, I will be regular in office as I was. I shall be thankful to you for this favor. Yours faithfully, Your Name.

  10. How to Write Leave Application for Office for Exam

    A leave application must follow a format that is acceptable in most organizations. The format should be short, precise and to the point. A leave application should ideally have the following sections: Date. Name of the Recipient. Recipient's Job Role. Subject. Salutation. The Body of the Letter.

  11. Leave Application for Exam: 9+ Samples and Format

    Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Application for Exam. 1. Date and Address: This is where you mention the current date and your employer's address. It's a formal way to start your leave application and shows that you're aware of standard business letter etiquette. 2.

  12. Exam Leave Application for School/Office (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Application for Examination Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], a student/employee of [Your Class/Department] at [School/Office Name], am writing this letter to formally request your kind permission to grant me leave from [Starting Date of Leave] to [Ending Date of Leave] due to my upcoming examinations.

  13. Study Leave Application Letter

    Sample Study Leave Application Letter for Educational Purposes. Dear [Employer's Name], I am writing to formally request a study leave for educational purposes. I am seeking the opportunity to [briefly explain the educational pursuit you plan to undertake, e.g., pursue a Master's degree in [Field of Study] at [University Name]].

  14. Application for examination leave. Samples to ace your leave

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to request formal leave for my upcoming examinations. I am scheduled to sit for the [Name of the Examination(s)], which will take place from [Start Date] to [End Date]. ... Subject: Application for Examination Leave. Dear [Principal/Teacher's Name], I hope this letter finds ...

  15. Leave Application For Exam

    Provide your details. For teachers addressing school authorities, mention "I, [Your Name], am submitting this Leave Application for Exam by Teacher to Principal.". Duration of Leave: State the number of days you're requesting, be it a "one day leave application for exam" or an "application for 2 days leave for exam.".

  16. Leave of absence letter for examination (+5 Samples)

    Sample 3: Dear Sir, Sub:- Leave application due to M.B.A exam. This is to inform you that my M.B.A exam is on 4th June, 2022. I will be appearing for this exam, so I want to leave on 3rd June, 2022 for studying. This is to request you that you please grant my leave. Thanking you.

  17. 16+ Leave Letter for Exam in Office

    Here's an Email format for a leave letter for exam in office: Subject: Request for Leave to Attend Exam. Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence on [date] to attend an exam. As per the exam schedule, the exam will be held from [start time] to [end time] at [exam center location].

  18. Leave Application for Exam to Office & College (7+ Samples)

    To. The Manager, Company Name, Complete Address. Date:- DD/MM/YYYY. Subject:- Application for exam leave in the office. Respected Sir/Madam, My self "YOUR NAME" works as a "YOUR POST" in your company. I want to inform you that I am doing a 2-year UG-level skill-based course for the last 6 months.

  19. Application for Leave in Office for Exam Preparation

    Writing an effective leave application letter for exam preparation involves clear communication and politeness. It's important to include necessary details such as your designation, department, and the reason for leave. Avoid common pitfalls like unclear language and omitting essential information. Keep the tone respectful and concise to ...

  20. Application for Advanced Exam Leave (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Application for Advanced Exam Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section], write this letter to formally request for an advanced leave in view of my forthcoming examination. I am scheduled to appear for the [Name of the Exam] that is due to commence on [Exam Starting Date] and end ...

  21. How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]

    Sick Leave Letter Format. To, The Manager, (Insert company name) Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness) Dear Sir/ma'am, Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz's illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness).

  22. Letter Writing: Leave For Exam

    Leave Letter For Exam Example #1. Dear [Supervisor's Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence for the purpose of attending an important examination related to my academic pursuits. The exam is scheduled to take place on [Exam Date], and it is a crucial component of my [Type of Degree or Certification] program.

  23. 10+ Leave Application for Exam

    Subject - leave require for the preparation of exam. Sir/ Madam, I would like to request you to grant me a one week long leave because I will be having my exam from the 12th April to the 18 April 2023. all my exams will be held during the afternoon, so I will not be able to make it to work between these days.

  24. COMEDK Result 2024 is Released at comedy.org, PDF Link ...

    Students can download COMEDK scorecard using the following steps: Input COMEDK 2024 official website in your browser. The official website is comedk.org. Now, select 'COMEDK Result 2024' live link on the dashboard. Type in your application number or user ID and password in the provided space to login in to the portal.

  25. AAMC PREview® Professional Readiness Exam

    The AAMC PREview ® professional readiness exam is designed to look beyond academic metrics to assess and evaluate professional competencies such as resilience and adaptability, service orientation, ethical responsibility to self and others, empathy and compassion, cultural awareness, cultural humility, and teamwork and collaboration, among others.

  26. Oxford students who raised concerns over anti-Semitism 'told to leave'

    Students who have raised concerns over anti-Semitism at Oxford University have been told they should leave, a letter from staff and students claims. The letter, sent to Prof Irene Tracey, the ...

  27. Call Center Representative 1

    The NYS Office of the State Comptroller provides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities. If you need reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, please notify the Division of Human Resources at (518) 474-1924. Equal Opportunity Employment