How to Write a Personal Statement for a Foundation Art Course

When applying for a foundation art course, writing a personal statement is an important part of your application. This statement is your opportunity to showcase your creativity and passion for art, as well as demonstrate why you are a suitable candidate for the course. Since foundation courses often lead on to University, this is a great opportunity to fine tune your personal statement writing skills, it can also help identify areas of art you may need more training in. 

In this post, we will provide 6 tips and guidelines on how to write a personal statement that will help you stand out and increase your chances of being accepted into a Foundation Art course.

6 tips for writing a personal statement - for an Art Foundation course

Understand the purpose of a personal statement, research the course and school, be specific, show your commitment to art.

  • Be unique 

Proofread and edit

A personal statement is a written document that highlights your experiences, achievements, and goals - both academic and extra-curricular. It is a perfect opportunity for you to demonstrate to the course provider why you are a good fit for the program and how you will contribute to the school's artistic community. Your personal statement should be unique and reflect your personality and interests.

Ideally, your personal statement will be around 70% on why you would be a good student for the school to take on and why you want to study Foundation Art. The remaining 30% should focus on who you are and what you have done outside of school and academia, such as community art projects.

Before you start writing your personal statement, spend some time researching the Foundation Art course and the school you are applying to. It's easy for admissions staff to spot who has researched and who hasn't, so spend a healthy amount of time on this. 

Ensure you have a deep understanding of the course curriculum, the school's mission and values, and the type of students they are looking for. This information will help you tailor your personal statement and identify which of your achievements and qualifications will be best to mention in your personal statement. 

When writing your personal statement for a foundation art course, it's important to be specific and avoid generic phrases. Specifics will make you more memorable to the admissions committee and showcase your genuine passion for the subject.

To demonstrate your commitment to art, try to include specific examples of your experiences and achievements. For example, if you have taken art classes or workshops, discuss the specific techniques you learned and how they impacted your artistic style.

Highlighting your unique qualities and experiences will make your personal statement stand out and show the school why you would be a valuable student to have onboard. Additionally, you should consider including your portfolio and any awards or exhibitions you have participated to further demonstrate your dedication to art.

The school wants to see that you are committed to the subject and have a genuine passion for art. Be sure to show them how you have pursued your interests outside the classroom. For example, if you have a portfolio of your artwork, mention it and describe the process of creating your pieces. If you have won any art competitions or have been featured in any exhibitions, mention them as well. This will demonstrate your dedication and commitment to the subject and show the admissions team that you have a deep understanding and passion for art.

Your personal statement should be a reflection of who you are as an individual and an artist, as well as how you want to grow as an artist. Avoid using generic phrases or clichés, focus on showcasing your unique qualities and experiences. Use your specific skills to tell the school why you are the best candidate for an Art Foundation diploma. 

Being unique and genuine will make your personal statement stand out, making you more memorable to the school admissions team.

Read, read and read again. 

You may be thinking “this is an Art course, why is writing important” but not checking your work for spelling or grammar errors massively reflects on your attention to care, and this will be noticed by the admissions team. 

Before submitting your personal statement, spend some time proofreading and editing. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure your statement is clear and concise. It's important to include relevant information, but try not to bore the reader. 

It's also a good idea to have a friend or family member read over it to get a second opinion. Your statement should be polished and professional, as it is a representation of your abilities as an artist and potential student.

Writing a personal statement for a Foundation Art course is an important aspect of the application process, and provides you valuable experience for the future. It provides the admissions committee with a glimpse into your passion and dedication to art, and allows you to showcase your unique qualities and experiences.

Remember, your personal statement should reflect who you are and where you want to go. It should showcase your passion and commitment for art and, if possible, include your real world artistic experiences.

A well-written personal statement can massively increase your chances of being accepted into the course of your choice and continue down the path towards your dream artistic career.

Writing a strong personal statement requires time and effort, but it is well worth it. Following our tips, will help you write a personal statement that stand-out, making you a competitive candidate for a Foundation Art course.

Get your Foundation Art Diploma with OCAD

Study Foundation Art with the Online College of Art and Design (OCAD) and delve into the artistic world. 

Our Foundation Art course opens the door to top universities and top employment. With a variety of project pathways you can explore the art disciplines which most suit you and your skills.

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Unique & Better Art Foundation Personal Statement Example

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When considering a career in the arts, it’s essential to have a well-crafted personal statement to show off your talent and passion. A strong personal statement can set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of acceptance into your coveted art school. Creating a personal statement that stands out takes time and effort. But a well-written art foundation personal statement example can help organize your thoughts and get you on the right track.

This article will list practical tips to help you write a compelling personal statement and provide an example for inspiration.

What Is an Art Foundation Personal Statement?

An art foundation personal statement is a writing sample that demonstrates your creative and intellectual potential in the field of visual arts. Other personal statements focus on extracurricular experiences or academic achievements. But an art foundation personal statement highlights your aptitude for making and responding to artwork.

Besides showcasing your critical thinking skills and artistic inclinations, a successful statement reflects your interest in the particular program to which you are applying. As such, it is important to research each school’s curriculum before beginning work on your essay.

How to Write a Great Art Foundation Personal Statement

When writing an art foundation personal statement , be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Start by introducing yourself and your art practice. Write a brief description of your artistic inspirations.
  • Outline why you’re interested in studying art foundation . Explain what you hope to gain from it and how it will help you achieve your artistic goals.
  • Demonstrate your creative skills . Explain how they have developed over time through specific examples of past artwork or projects related to the art foundation studies field.
  • Discuss any significant achievements or awards you may have earned related to your art practice. Mention any other noteworthy experiences or encounters that have influenced your work as an artist/designer.
  • Finish with a strong statement about why you believe that an art foundation course is the right next step for you. Stress all of the reasons why attending this particular program is essential for achieving your future artistic aspirations.

a silver laptop computer with assorted logo screengrab placed on a white table

Art Foundation Personal Statement Example

Here’s an art foundation personal statement example to use as inspiration when writing one for your own. This example has been generated by the amazing AI-powered Hey INK tool.

Art and Design Personal Statement Example

As long as I can remember, art has been a critical part of my life. From the crayon drawings that adorned our refrigerator to the elaborate paintings and sculptures that lined our home, art was always around me. It wasn’t until high school that I was first introduced to design principles. I had the first formal art class, where I truly began to appreciate creation in all its forms.

Since then, I’ve made it a point not just to consume but also to create artwork myself. Whether it’s through painting portraits or composing music compositions, photography or film-making, apparel design or architecture—I love diving into any creative endeavor headfirst. What excites me most about these mediums is how they’re constantly evolving and provide seemingly infinite possibilities for exploration.

One of the things that initially drew me towards studying graphic design specifically is how this field marries creativity with functionality. There’s something so inherently gratifying about solving problems through visual communication. To be able to take something from an idea in my mind and see it manifested physically on paper (or screen) is incredibly fulfilling. And being surrounded by like-minded people who share this passion makes San Francisco State feel like a home away from home.

With my background and passion for art, I feel well-equipped to study Fine Arts at the university level. Moreover, I believe that my skill set goes beyond mere artistic talent. I am confident that I possess key qualities such as creativity, dedication, and perseverance – qualities that are essential for any successful artist or designer.

A strong Art Foundation personal statement is the key to cracking your dream university. Those brave few who succeeded in getting into the prestigious institution of their choice have one thing in common: a stellar personal statement. Use the tips in this post and the personal statement example to write a compelling statement that secures a position in a competitive institution.

Unique & Better Art Foundation Personal Statement Example

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Personal statement advice

Your personal statement.

As part of your application to UCA - or any university - you'll need to write a personal statement. This is a really crucial part of the process as it tells us so much about you and gives you a chance to show us why you'd be a great fit for your chosen course.

What you put into your statement, and how, is really crucial - here's our advice on how to make your statement really count.

Research, research research!

We want to know why you want to study the course you've chosen, how it'll enrich your learning and future career, and also why you think UCA is an ideal place for you. So it's really important you do plenty of research to support your statement. Ask yourself the following questions as you go, and use what you find to build your statement.

  • What are your interests in the subject area? Why do you want to come and study the course?
  • Why do you think you’re the ideal applicant for this course? Include any skills or work you have done that supports this.
  • Why would you like to study at UCA? How do you think you’ll benefit from joining our community?
  • What is it particularly about UCA and the course here which appeals to you?
  • What are your future career goals, where do you hope to be at the end of the course and in the future, and how will studying at UCA help you to achieve these goals?

Great personal statements also include a bit of your personality - put your stamp on it by including any experiences you've had that are relevant to the course you want to study, any work experience, any transferable skills you have, and your hobbies and interests.

It would also be good to see your critical thinking skills.

Keeping the reader gripped...

As with all great stories, there's a beginning, a middle, and an end - and the same goes for your personal statement.

Start your statement with an introduction about you - who you are, why you want to study your chosen course at UCA.

The middle section is the crucial part that contains all the information you want to tell us about your experiences, previous studies and skills that make you suitable for the course.

Finish up with more about yourself - your hobbies and interests.

Finally, make sure your writing has a good structure, with accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation. Read it out loud to test it, and don't forget to make sure everything you say relates to the course you’re applying to and your chosen career path.

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Fine art personal statement example 3.

Curiosity is the reason why I choose to study art. The exciting little journeys art takes me on when creating, the little stories that make up the mundanity of life. Studying art has made me more aware of the world around me.

So far on my foundation course I have found myself maturing with materials,methodologies,techniques and thought processes. Learning to question the world around me, the curve in a road or more metaphorically as to why we accept that the only plausible milk to drink is cow's milk. Interpreting what I see to be truth differently, allowing me to look at the world with a fresh pair of eyes. It's the sheer freedom of interpretation. Concepts are my motivators, I discovered this when I exhibited my site specific piece which consisted of transforming a security desk into a Devonshire cake shop learning about space beyond the four white walls of a gallery and changed my nature as an artist shaping my work to fit a wider range of audiences. Subjects of my work are all inspired from more personal themes I often ponder over i.e. absence, love, mortality, death and significance (psychoanalysis), from these themes I then experiment how to materialise the idea further, mainly through installation and ready made. Transforming my concepts into pure physical form such as an installation is immensely rewarding for me as an artist. I really enjoy the interactive qualities an installation can have with an audience and its flexibility around space, this way of working ignites my inspiration continuously.

My love for film, poetry and literature are the three that really work on an imaginative level for me personally and of course another contributing factor to the subjects of my work. I find inspiration in post 19th century English novels and poetry mainly female authors for example Jane Eyre, Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Barratt Browning who all deal with the themes of love, death, and absence. I have also since being on the foundation read John Berger's 'And our faces, My heart, Brief as photos' which consists of short pieces that borderland between essay, poem and story, addressing in prose and verse the big issues mortality, art and love it links with the concepts I aim to address in my work. Engaging in what happening within the art world today is also beneficial to my work, living in London has given me ample opportunity to visit galleries/private views, attend art fairs such as First Thursday in the East End of London viewing better known artists such as Gavin Turk and George Shaw. Seeing contemporary work in the flesh is the most efficient way to embrace the art world today and learn more about the kind of art I want to create. Nina Danino a video installation artist is an influential contemporary to me; her work mixes psychoanalysis, art and experimental film with aspects of her cultural background - the mixed cultural, political and religious heritage of Gibraltar. Her work plays on real time making you overly aware of it passing by making her videos mainly consist of low action still shots.

I am always looking for other ways to further my art aesthetically and conceptually and find that the next natural progression is on to a degree in fine art to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of art and my own work. Thereafter my ambition is to then gain recognition as an artist and hope my work is ever pushing the boundaries forward in the art world.

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This personal statement was written by porky19 for application in 2009.

This personal statement is unrated

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Jane eyre is the name of the.

Wed, 25/09/2013 - 12:11

Jane Eyre is the name of the book, not the author. The author is Charlotte Bronte.

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    This personal statement was written by porky19 for application in 2009. This personal statement is unrated. Curiosity is the reason why I choose to study art. The exciting little journeys art takes me on when creating, the little stories that make up the mundanity of life. Studying art has made me more aware of the world around me.

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