Decision Making vs. Problem Solving

What's the difference.

Decision making and problem solving are two closely related concepts that are essential in both personal and professional settings. While decision making refers to the process of selecting the best course of action among various alternatives, problem solving involves identifying and resolving issues or obstacles that hinder progress towards a desired outcome. Decision making often involves evaluating different options based on their potential outcomes and consequences, while problem solving requires analyzing the root causes of a problem and developing effective strategies to overcome it. Both skills require critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to weigh pros and cons. Ultimately, decision making and problem solving are interconnected and complementary processes that enable individuals to navigate complex situations and achieve desired goals.

Further Detail


Decision making and problem solving are two essential cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through various challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While they are distinct processes, decision making and problem solving share several attributes and are often interconnected. In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving, highlighting their key attributes and how they contribute to effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Definition and Purpose

Decision making involves selecting a course of action from multiple alternatives based on available information, preferences, and goals. It is a cognitive process that individuals use to make choices and reach conclusions. On the other hand, problem solving refers to the process of finding solutions to specific issues or challenges. It involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems to achieve desired outcomes.

Both decision making and problem solving share the purpose of achieving a desired outcome or resolving a particular situation. They require individuals to think critically, evaluate options, and consider potential consequences. While decision making focuses on choosing the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges.

Attributes of Decision Making

Decision making involves several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Rationality: Decision making is often based on rational thinking, where individuals evaluate available information, weigh pros and cons, and make logical choices.
  • Subjectivity: Decision making is influenced by personal preferences, values, and biases. Individuals may prioritize certain factors or options based on their subjective judgment.
  • Uncertainty: Many decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty, where individuals lack complete information or face unpredictable outcomes. Decision makers must assess risks and make informed judgments.
  • Time Constraints: Decision making often occurs within time constraints, requiring individuals to make choices efficiently and effectively.
  • Trade-offs: Decision making involves considering trade-offs between different options, as individuals must prioritize certain factors or outcomes over others.

Attributes of Problem Solving

Problem solving also encompasses several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Analytical Thinking: Problem solving requires individuals to analyze and break down complex problems into smaller components, facilitating a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Creativity: Effective problem solving often involves thinking outside the box and generating innovative solutions. It requires individuals to explore alternative perspectives and consider unconventional approaches.
  • Collaboration: Problem solving can benefit from collaboration and teamwork, as diverse perspectives and expertise can contribute to more comprehensive and effective solutions.
  • Iterative Process: Problem solving is often an iterative process, where individuals continuously evaluate and refine their solutions based on feedback and new information.
  • Implementation: Problem solving is not complete without implementing the chosen solution. Individuals must take action and monitor the outcomes to ensure the problem is effectively resolved.

Interconnection and Overlap

While decision making and problem solving are distinct processes, they are interconnected and often overlap. Decision making is frequently a part of the problem-solving process, as individuals must make choices and select the most appropriate solution to address a specific problem. Similarly, problem solving is inherent in decision making, as individuals must identify and analyze problems or challenges before making informed choices.

Moreover, both decision making and problem solving require critical thinking skills, the ability to evaluate information, and the consideration of potential consequences. They both involve a systematic approach to gather and analyze relevant data, explore alternatives, and assess the potential risks and benefits of different options.

Decision making and problem solving are fundamental cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While decision making focuses on selecting the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges. Both processes share attributes such as rationality, subjectivity, uncertainty, time constraints, and trade-offs (in decision making), as well as analytical thinking, creativity, collaboration, iterative process, and implementation (in problem solving).

Understanding the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving can enhance our ability to approach complex situations effectively. By leveraging the attributes of both processes, individuals and organizations can make informed choices, address challenges, and achieve desired outcomes.

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The Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making

Business leaders discuss the difference between problem solving and decision making

Decision making and problem solving are two related but different skill sets that apply to distinct business challenges. Sometimes leaders use decision-making techniques when they should be using a problem-solving approach, and vice versa. Knowing the difference between problem solving and decision making and understanding which skill to utilize in a particular situation will help you overcome challenges more quickly.

Seeking a Solution, or Choosing Between Options?

Both decision making and problem solving use information to inform a certain action, but that’s where the similarities end. Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to an ongoing, intermittent, or one-time failure of a process or system to perform at an acceptable level — or perform at all. It consists of identifying the causes through asking basic questions like “where,” “how,” “who,” and “why” to find the solution. Decision making involves choosing between different courses of action by evaluating each based on a set of criteria. It requires implementing an action plan based on what you have learned from problem solving.

A helpful way to illustrate the difference between problem solving and decision making is to consider the difference between a detective and a judge. As anyone who has seen an episode of Law & Order knows, a detective is a problem-solver. Their role is to determine who committed the crime based on evidence. A judge is a decision-maker. They weigh evidence, circumstances, and precedent to arrive at a judgment.

Understanding Differences in Processes and Outcomes

The process of decision making is clear: each option is evaluated based on a set of parameters or criteria. But the outcome is uncertain until a specific decision is made and time tells how well it worked — or didn’t work.

The process of problem solving is not immediately clear. Initially you might not understand the root of the problem, which makes it difficult to know where to start. For example, you can see that the conveyor belt in your warehouse isn’t working, but what made the motor controlling it stop working remains a mystery until you diagnose the problem, system by system. Once the problem is determined and addressed, the outcome is clear: the conveyor belt is again working.

In business, typical problems could be:

  • Customer churn is increasing. Solution: expand product offering.
  • The organization’s carbon footprint is too big and costly. Solution: implement green initiatives.
  • A team is struggling to keep up with leads and organize customer data. Solution: implement a customer relationship management [CRM] system.

The associated complex decisions would be:

  • Determining what new product to launch
  • Selecting the green strategies that best balance cost and effectiveness
  • Identifying which CRM solution is right for your organization

Problem solving and Decision Making: Best Practices

Whether problem solving or decision making, there are some factors you should consider to make the process as successful and efficient as possible. When problem solving, make sure to gather as many facts as you can, which will help make the solution more obvious. For example, app development companies will often take a “ test and learn ” approach to determine what customers want and need in an app. They’ll create a beta version, provide it free-of-charge to customers, and then analyze that data to develop a paid app that meets customer needs.

 When making decisions, be action-oriented. This means that you should be able to act on your decisions. Many of your decisions, especially those concerning complex issues, should involve other key employees and subject matter experts for the best results. Gather a team with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to help you consider a wide range of options.  Be open to feedback; even the most carefully made decision may not work out as expected when implemented. And lastly, you should adopt a decision-making framework that enables you to make the best decisions possible on a consistent basis, in a variety of scenarios.

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5 thoughts on “the difference between problem solving and decision making”.

Hi Ken. Problem solving is a skill based on creativity and the ability to see things from many points of view. Decision making in particular requires the ability to manage emotions and a strong sense of responsibility. These are two very important skills in every area and in great demand at work. In the business environment, every good leader should be provided with them to perform at his best in his role.

Thank you for the insight. Agreed – creativity is key for problem solving. Thank you again for visiting the blog, and if you’re interested in learning more on the topic, you might find our Complex Decision Making for Leaders guide helpful.

I need help about the similarities of problem solving and decision making

We have an Executive Guide that might help you. You can find it here: .

Every problem solving procedure is made of at least one process of divergent and convergent thinking. In the first part after determining the problem we should look for many many possible solutions in hand (which is one of the many many definitions of creativity). This is the divergent part of thinking (one to many). After having the options in hand, we encounter the second obstacle, i.e. looking for the best option from the many. This second part needs some convergent thinking and decision making skills (many to one). Then, I think the decision making in many cases is a part of problem solving procedure.

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  • October 26, 2020 October 26, 2020

Masalah & resiko ( Problem Solving ), 2 kata yang sudah pasti dalam setiap hari kita selalu hadapi, baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam pekerjaan. Kita tidak mungkin akan bebas dari masalah & resiko, bahkan saat tidur pun kita tetap memiliki resiko. Resiko tidak akan bangun kembali alias dipanggil menghadap Yang Maha Kuasa.

Untuk menghadapi dan menyelesaikan masalah & resiko dibutuhkan skill yang baik. Skill tersebut adalah Problem Solving & Decision Making. Apakah itu? Problem solving adalah sebuah proses berpikir manusia dalam rangka menyelesaikan & menghadapi permasalahan. Sementara decision making adalah kemampuan manusia dalam membuat keputusan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan.


Problem Solving

Masalah & resiko, 2 kata yang sudah pasti dalam setiap hari kita selalu hadapi, baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam pekerjaan. Kita tidak mungkin akan bebas dari masalah & resiko, bahkan saat tidur pun kita tetap memiliki resiko. Resiko tidak akan bangun kembali alias dipanggil menghadap Yang Maha Kuasa.

Dalam menyelesaikan masalah kita harus berpikir secara kritis. Berpikir kritis diperlukan agar kita dapat jawaban dari permasalahan secara jelas & output yang diinginkan dapat dihasilkan dengan kualitas yang baik. Adapun aspek aspek yang harus dipahami dalam berpikir kritis:

Kejelasan Masalah

Kejelasan terhadap suatu masalah sangat diperlukan jika kita hendak menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan. Ketidakjelasan permasalahan dapat mengakibatkan kita akan salah mengambil keputusan.

Keakuratan penyelesaian

Saat kita telah mendapatkan kejelasan permasalahan kita pun harus mendapatkan keakuratan informasi dari permasalahan tersebut. Informasi yang tidak akurat akan menyebabkan ketidakjelasan permasalahan.

Ketepatan informasi yang didapat sangat diperlukan agar kita mendapatkan kejelasan & keakuratan permasalahan yang dihadapi. Informasi yang tidak tepat arahnya akan menyebabkan penyelesaian akhir menjadi tidak akan tepat pada inti permasalahannya.

Relevansi (kesamaan) antara permasalahan dan jawaban (penyelesaian) ada. Penyelesaian bisa baik & bagus tapi tidak relevan (berkolerasi) dengan permasalahannya, sehingga permasalahan tidak selesai dengan tuntas.

Jawaban (penyelesaian) yang dirumuskan secara detail (mendalam) berdasarkan rujukan-rujukan yang jelas. Permasalahan bisa saja memiliki kejelasan, keakuratan, ketepatan & relevansi namun karena jawaban yang dihasilkan dangkal (kontradiksi dari kedalaman) maka permasalahan pun tidak tuntas selesai.


Keleluasaan dari sebuah penyelesaian didasari dari berbagai aspek & sudut pandang. Sebuah penyelesaian masalah yang baik memiliki sudut pandang yang mencerminkan keluasan wawasan kita.

Ketika kita berpikir dengan berbagai kombinasi, satu sama lain saling menunjang dan mendukung perumusan pernyataan dengan benar, maka kita berpikir logis. Ketika berpikir dengan berbagai kombinasi dan satu sama lain tidak saling mendukung atau bertolak belakang, maka hal tersebut tidak logis. Dengan kata lain, kita harus THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX (berpikir diluar pakem). Terkadang saat kita mendapatkan jawaban permasalahan yang diluar kebiasaan memiliki penyelesaian yang baik. Namun jangan disalahartikan, berpikir diluar pakem bukanlah berarti kita tidak mengikuti aturan, namun berpikir yang sedikit berbeda dengan orang kebanyakan.

Problem Solving


  • Identifikasi Masalah

Langkah pertama dari problem solving adalah identifikasi masalah. Tujuannya adalah supaya masalah tersebut tidak terulang kembali (corrective action).

     2. Analisa

Langkah kedua adalah menganalisa masalah. Temukan root cause (akar permasalahan) dari permasalahan tersebut.

  • Mengambil Keputusan

Setelah identifikasi & analisa masalah, maka saatnya kita harus mengambil keputusan. Kita sudah harus mengkalkulasi segala kemungkinannya.

  • Eksekusi keputusan

Setelah keputusan diambil, jalankan keputusan itu (execute).

  • Evaluasi Hasil Akhir

Setelah keputusan dijalankan, maka kita pun harus mengevaluasi hasil akhirnya. Evaluasi sangat penting karena kita dapat mengukur sejauh mana keberhasilan dari rencana, analisa & keputusan dijalankan.


Saat menghadapi permasalahan kita selalu dihadapkan pada sebuah situasi sulit dimana kita harus menentukan sebuah keputusan. Keputusan pun tidak akan dapat memuaskan semua pihak, akan selalu ada resiko, pro & kontra pada setiap keputusan.

Dalam setiap akan mengambil sebuah keputusan, kita harus mempertimbangkan beberapa hal. Keputusan yang baik adalah keputusan yang sudah dipertimbangkan dengan matang dari segala aspek. Adapun beberapa hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam mengambil keputusan adalah:

  • Analisa situasi

Analisa terhadap situasi harus dilakukan secara mendalam. Merujuk pada problem solving diatas, sebelum mengambil keputusan, pikirkan beberapa hal seperti kenapa keputusan itu harus diambil dan apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak segera mengambil keputusan.

  • Saran dari Orang Lain

Sebelum mengambil keputusan, pikirkan beberapa hal seperti kenapa keputusan itu harus diambil dan apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak segera mengambil keputusan. Namun harus diingat bahwa saran dari orang lain belum baik untuk kita ambil.

  • Pertimbangan Pribadi

Pertimbangan & penilaian pribadi juga sangat diperlukan sebelum mengambil keputusan. Pertimbangan pribadi dapat diambil dari penilaian atau pertimbangan diri sendiri.

Pengalaman adalah “guru” yang terbaik. Pengalaman dari kejadian terdahulu diperlukan dalam pengambilan keputusan agar kejadian yang dulu tidak terulang lagi serta keputusan yang salah tidak diambil lagi.

  • Untung & Rugi

Setiap keputusan selalu ada untung & ruginya (resikonya). Tidak ada keputusan yang akan sempurna & mengakomodir semua pihak. Namun apapun resikonya sudah harus kita perhitungkan.

  • Back Up Plan

Selalu sediakan rencana lain, jangan hanya membuat 1 rencana. Segala keputusan itu pasti akan ada kekurangannya walaupun sudah dengan seksama & baik direncanakan. Untuk mengantisipasi masalah yang mendadak, siapkan rencana & penyelesaian cadangan.

  • Efek Pada Orang Lain

Apapun keputusan anda, baik itu keputusan yang sifatnya pribadi, akan membawa dampak pada orang lain. Perhatikan juga apakah efek tersebut positif, negatif atau tidak ada efeknya sama sekali.

Kemampuan kita dalam problem solving (menyelesaikan masalah) & decision making (pengambilan keputusan) akan sangat menentukan kualitas kita dalam menghadapi segala permasalahan. Kita memiliki kebebasan untuk memilih keputusan yang terbaik yang harus diambil. Jangan terlalu takut akan terjebak dalam sebuah situasi yang tidak menyenangkan, akan selalu ada jalan dan pilihan yang bisa kita ambil. Hindari keragu-raguan dalam pengambilan keputusan.

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Problem Solving and Decision Making: Key Differences

Explore the nuances of "Problem Solving and Decision Making" in this insightful discussion. Gain a deeper understanding of the concepts - what Decision Making entails and uncover the key distinctions between Decision Making and Problem-Solving. This blog will equip you with valuable insights into these essential life and professional skills.


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Have you ever faced the trouble of deciding what is right or wrong? In our daily lives, we often come across situations that require us to confront challenges and make choices. This is why two critical cognitive processes are involved in addressing these situations: Problem Solving and Decision Making. While the terms are frequently used interchangeably, they represent distinct mental activities with specific objectives. Problem Solving involves identifying and resolving issues using critical thinking and creativity. On the other hand, Decision Making entails choosing the best course of action among alternatives and considering risks and rewards. In this blog, we will Learn the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making, how to apply these abilities at work, and some advice on how to improve them.

Table of Contents 

1) What do you understand by Decision Making? 

2) Understanding Problem Solving 

3) What are the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making?

4) Tips on how to improve Problem-solving and Decision-making skills

5) How can you integrate Decision Making and Problem Solving? 

6) Conclusion 

What do you understand by Decision Making? 

It is a hard choice for all of us when we are faced with the responsibility to make important decisions, both in the workplace and personal life. However, instead of getting afraid, we can tackle these important tasks by fully understanding the implications of our decisions. Before getting to know the differences between Decision Making and Problem Solving, let us first understand about Decision Making. 

It is a cognitive process that plays an essential role in our personal and professional lives. It involves evaluating different options and selecting the most appropriate course of action based on various factors and objectives. 

Effective Decision Making requires a combination of critical thinking, analysis, and judgment, and it can have a significant impact on outcomes and consequences. Let's uncover the important steps to Decision -making and some real-life examples:

Steps of Decision Making

1) Evaluation of alternatives: As a first step, you can start Decision Making by identifying and generating possible alternatives to address a given situation or problem. 

2) Rationality and objectivity: Making a correct rational decision involves a systematic analysis of available information, weighing the pros and cons of each alternative, and choosing the most logical and beneficial option. 

3) Heuristics and biases: In some cases, you may have mental shortcuts to make decisions quickly. However, remember that these shortcuts can also introduce biases and lead to suboptimal choices.  

4) Decision Making under uncertainty: Often, decisions must be made with incomplete or uncertain information. This requires you to make risk assessments. You also need to have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. 

5) Group Decision Making: In collaborative environments, decisions may be made collectively through group discussions, brainstorming, and consensus-building. This approach leverages diverse perspectives and expertise. 

6) Strategic Decision Making: In organisations, you need to make strategic Decision Making. It involves considering long-term implications, aligning decisions with organisational goals, and anticipating potential impacts on stakeholders.  

7) Ethical considerations: Ethical Decision Making involves assessing the moral implications of choices. It revolves around making decisions that align with your values and principles. 

8) Learning from outcomes: To be an effective decision-maker, you need to learn from both successful and unsuccessful outcomes to improve your future Decision Making processes. 

Here are some real-life examples that may require you to make some justified decisions: 

a) Choosing between two job offers based on salary, benefits, and career prospects. 

b) Deciding which college or university to attend, considering factors like location, courses offered, and campus culture. 

c) Selecting an investment option after analysing risk, return potential, and financial goals. 

d) Determining the best marketing strategy for a new product launch, considering target audience, budget, and competition. 

e) Making a medical treatment choice for a patient after weighing the benefits, risks, and patient preferences. 

Gain a deeper understanding of yourself to take more effective Decision Making with our Personal & Organisational Development Training . 

Understanding Problem Solving  

You're now aware of how you can make effective Decision Making. Let us now learn how to effectively carry out Problem Solving tasks in our daily life. Problem Solving is a critical cognitive process that allows individuals to address obstacles, overcome difficulties, and achieve desired outcomes. 

It involves a systematic approach to understanding the issue, identifying possible solutions, and implementing the most effective resolution. This helps you to navigate complexities and arrive at successful conclusions. Let us now look at some tips that can help you in Problem Solving effectively:  

Steps to be efficient in problem Solving

1) Problem identification: As a first step towards Problem Solving, effectively carry out tasks. Also, recognise and define the issue or challenge that needs to be addressed.  

2) Data gathering: Gathering relevant information and data related to the problem is essential for understanding its root causes and implications. This helps you become a good problem solver. 

3) Analysis and diagnosis: Analyse the gathered information to identify the underlying causes of the problem. This helps you in devising targeted solutions. 

4) Solution generation: Brainstorming and generating multiple potential solutions is crucial for you when you are exploring diverse approaches to resolve the problem. 

5) Evaluation of alternatives: Carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each solution. This helps you in selecting the most feasible and effective one. 

6) Implementation: After choosing a solution, you have to put the chosen solution into action. This requires planning, coordination, and effective execution. 

7) Creative thinking: Employing creative thinking approaches can lead you to have innovative solutions to complex problems. 

8) Root cause analysis: Identifying and addressing the root cause of a problem ensures that you have a more sustainable and lasting solution. 

Let us now see some real-life examples where you need to apply your Problem Solving skills: 

a) Resolving a technical issue with a computer by identifying and troubleshooting the actual cause of the problem. 

b) Finding an alternative transportation route when faced with unexpected road closures. 

c) Addressing a communication breakdown within a team by facilitating open discussions and conflict resolution. 

d) Solving a math problem by applying various Problem Solving Techniques and mathematical principles. 

e)  Fixing a malfunctioning appliance by diagnosing the issue and performing necessary repairs. 

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What are the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making?

Let us now have a look how Problem Solving and Decision Making skills are different from each other:

1) Definition  

Problem Solving is a systematic process to identify, analyse, and resolve issues or challenges. It involves understanding the root cause of a problem, generating possible solutions, and selecting the best course of action. This approach aims to eliminate or reduce the negative impact of the issue. 

On the other hand, Decision Making is the process of choosing among various alternatives. Every Decision Making process yields a choice that can be an action, a strategy, or a resolution. It doesn’t necessarily need a problem; it can be any situation requiring a choice. 

2) Objective  

The main objective of Problem Solving is to overcome an obstacle or challenge. It aims to transform the current undesirable situation into a desired state. On the contrary, the primary goal of Decision Making is to select the best possible choice out of multiple alternatives. It could be proactive, like deciding on a strategy for market expansion, or reactive, like choosing a course of action in response to a competitor's move. 

3) Nature  

The process of Problem Solving is often reactive. It arises when a discrepancy occurs between the expected outcome and the actual outcome, necessitating a solution. However, in Decision Making it can be both proactive and reactive. Proactive Decision Making involves making choices in anticipation of future events, while reactive Decision Making responds to an immediate situation or problem. 

4) Process  

The process of Problem Solving often begins with understanding and diagnosing the problem. It is then followed by brainstorming potential solutions, analysing the feasibility of each solution, and finally, implementing the most suitable one. 

Whereas, in Decision Making, the process typically starts by identifying a need, gathering information, identifying alternatives, weighing them based on criteria like risks, benefits, and implications, and then selecting the best option.

5) Tools and techniques  

In Problem Solving, the common tools include Root Cause Analysis, Brainstorming, SWOT Analysis, and fishbone diagrams (Ishikawa). These tools help identify the origin of a problem and explore possible solutions. 

On the other hand, Decision Making involves techniques that are often used such as decision trees, cost-benefit analysis, pros and cons lists, and grid analysis. These help in evaluating the implications of each available choice. 

6) Skills required  

In Problem Solving, the major skills required are critical thinking, analytical skills, creativity, and resilience. The ability to persevere and not get overwhelmed when faced with challenges is vital. 

However, Decision Making requires analytical skills, risk assessment, intuition, and foresight. The ability to predict the outcomes of each choice and be accountable for decisions is essential. 

7) Duration and finality  

Problem Solving is time-consuming. It requires a deep dive into understanding the problem before moving on to solutions. The process concludes once a solution is implemented, and the problem is resolved. 

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Tips on how to improve Problem-solving and Decision-making skills

Decision-making and Problem-solving are two most important skills that every individual must possess to excel in their career and in their personal life. There are multiple ways which can be used to improve these skills. Let’s have a look at some of these tips to improve these skills:

Developing skills related to Decision-making and Problem-solving

You can improve your Decision-making and Problem-solving skills by developing other skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and critical thinking. These allied skills will help you boost your analytical thinking skills, will help you think creatively and outside the box. Moreover, honing these skills will help you understand the problems deeply and analyse them without getting partial with your decisions.

Effective communication

Communication is the one of the major keys to success. Effective communication helps in solving problems, miscommunications and helps you understand different perspectives to the same problem. By practicing effective communication, you can convey an information or tasks seamlessly to you team members or colleagues. It helps you understand the root cause of any problem and helps you take an informed decision.

Think about past decisions

It may seem unrelated to you in this context, however, thinking back on your decisions that you made previously can help you not repeat the mistakes, or save you the time that you previously took to make a small decision. Reflecting on past decisions helpin analysing the current problems impartially and help you learn more about your own methods to decide or solve a problem.

Research your industry

Before you make any important decision, or solve out a problem, you need to know about your industry in detail. Since not all situations are same, neither are the industries. Every industry, company or business have their own set of goals, requirements, ideologies, and policies. Whenever you are a part of that specific industry, you should keep in mind, their framework. If you are going beyond their framework or their principles, while solving a problem, there may not be any significant impact taken by your decisions.

Keep yourself updated

It is necessary that you keep yourself updated. As you know that our world is going through many technological advancements. Hence you need to know and update yourself so that you can incorporate all these inventions and discoveries in your industry.

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How can you integrate Decision Making and Problem Solving? 

Even though Decision-making and Problem-solving have their differences, there are still instances where you need to integrate these two special skills so that you can carry out any challenging tasks or situations, whether it be in the workplace or in your personal life. The following tips will help you show how you can take effective decisions and simultaneously solve problems: 

1) Foster a systematic approach: You can start by adopting a systematic approach to Problem-solving. It involves defining the issue, gathering relevant information, analysing data, generating potential solutions, and evaluating alternatives. Then, you can implement your structured Problem-solving process, which provides a solid foundation for your informed Decision Making. 

2) Identify decision points: You can recognise the key decision points within the Problem-solving process. Then you have to determine which factors require choices and weigh the consequences of each decision on the overall Problem-solving outcome.  

3) Incorporate critical thinking: You can emphasise your critical thinking throughout both Problem-solving and Decision-making. Engage in objective analysis so that you can consider multiple perspectives and challenge assumptions to arrive at well-rounded solutions and decisions.  

4) Utilise data-driven decisions: Ensure that the decisions made during the Problem-solving process are backed by relevant data and evidence. Your data-driven Decision-making minimises biases and increases the chances of arriving at the most suitable solutions. 

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If you integrate both Problem Solving and Decision Making, you can have a more potent approach toward various challenges or tasks. This will help you in making well-informed choices in those circumstances. Moreover, this synergy will empower you to have a Problem -solving mindset to navigate complexities with clarity and achieve effective outcomes. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Problem-solving can be defined as the act of defining a problem, determine the cause of the problem, identify and prioritise solution according to the problem. Decision-making can be defined as the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gather information, and assess alternative solutions.

There are some common barriers to effective Decision-making. These are as follows:

a) Lack of knowledge about bias and decision-making in organisations

b) Poor culture of making proper decisions

c) Diversity in thought

d) Loss aversion bias

There are mainly five steps which are involved in Problem-solving and Decision-making:

Step 1: Identifying goals

Step 2: Gathering information for weighing options

Step 3: Considering consequences

Step 4: Making your decision

Step 5: Evaluating your decision made

There are seven steps involved in the Decision-making process. These steps are as follows:

Step 1: Identify the decision

Step 2: Gather relevant information

Step 3: Identifying the alternatives

Step 4: Weighing the evidence

Step 5: Choosing among alternatives

Step 6: Taking action

Step 7: Reviewing your decision and its consequences

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Problem Solving Vs Decision Making: An In-depth Comparison

problem solving vs decision making

Problem-solving and decision making are two of the most essential aspect of any work or job. In a corporate field, you often have to face problems. Hence, you have to be smart enough to analyze data, find adequate problems, and do something about the situation.

Also, decision-making is part and parcel of our life. It can be personal or professional. But taking essential decisions based on logic and thoughts can be challenging.

However, there are really some differences between problem-solving and decision making. And knowing these differences will let you differentiate them in an easy way.

So, let’s start exploring this side-by-side comparison of Problem-solving and decision making.

Table of Contents

What is a problem-solving skill?

Problem-solving means identifying a problem, examining it, taking valuable inputs, and trying to reach a solution based on data and logic. A problem solver brainstorms the problem and then tries to reach a solution. There are some steps of problem-solving.

Acknowledging the problem

The first step is to acknowledge the problem and collect valuable data related to the problem.

The most important part of problem-solving is to analyze the problem based on the data and find questions on that problem.

Finding multiple solutions

Any problem can be solved in different ways. But to get to the best result, you have to choose the most effective one.

Evaluation and decision making

After evaluating all the solutions, you can choose the best solution for you. Again the solution should be based on facts and logic so that the chances of getting it right will be high.

What is decision-making skill?

Decision-making is the last step of problem-solving. Decision-making is more of a process. It is the process to choose a solution based on your knowledge, analyzing the data, gathering facts, developing logic, and finally with a touch of wisdom.

The decision-making process may vary from Organization to Organization. A decision can be taken in different methods. Some of them are discussed below:

Discussion based decision

In this method, a group or team discusses possible solutions and then agrees on one particular decision. This type of decision-making can take time and can result in disputes of opinions.

Voting based decision

This method also considers multiple decisions, but it is different from discussion-based decisions. In a voting-based decision, there won’t be any discussion. Instead, the solution with more votes is taken as a final decision. Individual decision without any argument

In this method, the decision taker takes decisions only based on his knowledge and wisdom. It is the fastest way to take a decision. Though, it won’t always be preferable as it doesn’t consider others’ opinions.

Difference between problem-solving and decision making

There are some differences between problem-solving and decision-making. Decision-making is the process that leads to the best possible outcome. On the other hand, problem-solving finds a problem, and searches for the reasons behind it. After searching for the reasons, you as a problem solver find the way out of it.

Sometimes, you’ll get confused whether these two are different or the same. But, they’re not. Problem-solving is a lengthy process with different segments like analyzing data, evaluating the problems, looking for alternate solutions, etc. But, in decision making, you have to take a call on the alternative solutions and find the best result.

Experience, knowledge, and wisdom are important in making a decision. Decision-taking doesn’t always have to be about problem-solving, instead, it is the process to make a call among different options.

problem-solving and decision-making: which one is the better skill?

In plain sight, decision-making is an easy call. But so many things are dependent on decision-making. Choosing an option between alternative options can be tricky at times.

On the other hand, problem-solving is a more slow and steady process. To solve a problem, you should identify the problem first. Then consider the contexts. After analyzing the data, you can expect to find some solutions. The skill of problem-solving asks a lot from an individual. So, from the perspective of hard work and dedication, problem-solving is the better skill.

Are problem-solving and decision-making the same thing?

No, it’s not the same. Decision-taking is a process to choose the better outcome from some possible alternatives. But, in problem solving, a lot of research work has to be done. Without making enough effort, problem-solving is not possible.

Decision-making determines the journey of a project or work. So, the importance of wise decision-making is very much.

Problem-solving and decision taking may not be the same. They both are important in shaping a person’s skill set. You need to have both to excel in life. Problem-solving needs decision making and decision-making needs problem-solving.

Problem-solving and decision making is a skill that is developed day by day. You need to practice regularly to develop it as a skill. However, problem-solving and decision making is very important in corporate life. Problem-solving is a process to fix something that isn’t working correctly. To find a proper solution and to identify whether the solution is sustainable is problem-solving.

Decision-making is the process to determine the best outcome from a thing. It is very important to have the capability and wisdom to take a decision confidently. Decision-taking ability will always help you in every aspect of your life.

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Problem Solving dan Decision Making: Manfaat dan Cara Menerapkannya

Problem Solving dan Decision Making: Manfaat dan Cara Menerapkannya

Kemampuan memecahkan masalah ( problem solving ) dan membuat keputusan ( decision making) adalah keterampilan penting dalam kehidupan pribadi dan profesional. Keterampilan ini sangatlah vital untuk mengatasi tantangan, menemukan solusi, dan membuat pilihan yang tepat. Baik itu dalam menyelesaikan konflik, menangani isu-isu kompleks, atau membuat keputusan bisnis penting. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas manfaat dari keterampilan ini serta memberikan tips praktis tentang bagaimana menerapkannya secara efektif. 

Manfaat Problem Solving & Decision Making

Manfaat dari memiliki keterampilan problem solving dan decision making sangatlah beragam. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari keterampilan tersebut:

1. Penyelesaian Masalah yang Efektif

Dengan keterampilan problem solving , individu dapat mengidentifikasi masalah dengan lebih baik dan menemukan solusi yang efektif.

2. Pengambilan Keputusan yang Lebih Baik

Keterampilan decision making membantu individu untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan lebih terinformasi, sehingga mengurangi risiko dan meningkatkan hasil yang diinginkan.

3. Meningkatkan Efisiensi

Dengan kemampuan problem solving dan decision making yang baik, efisiensi operasional dapat ditingkatkan karena masalah dapat diatasi dengan cepat dan keputusan dapat diambil dengan lebih efisien.

4. Peningkatan Produktivitas

Keterampilan ini dapat membantu meningkatkan produktivitas karena masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat dan keputusan dapat diambil tanpa terlalu banyak penundaan.

5. Inovasi dan Perbaikan Berkelanjutan

Problem solving dan decision making yang efektif mendorong inovasi dan perbaikan berkelanjutan dalam organisasi, karena masalah dapat diatasi dengan solusi yang inovatif dan keputusan yang tepat.

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Cara Menerapkan Problem Solving & Decision Making

Berikut beberapa tips yang bisa dilakukan dalam menerapkan problem solving dan decision making .

1. Identifikasi Masalah

Tahap pertama dalam menghadapi tantangan adalah dengan mengidentifikasi masalah secara jelas. Penting untuk dapat merumuskan masalah dengan tepat, menetapkan parameter yang terlibat, dan memahami dampaknya terhadap tujuan atau kinerja keseluruhan.

2. Kumpulkan Informasi

Untuk membuat keputusan yang informasional, langkah berikutnya adalah mengumpulkan data dan informasi relevan. Proses ini memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif dan mendukung analisis yang lebih akurat.

3. Analisis dengan Sistematis

Penting untuk menerapkan pendekatan sistematis dalam menganalisis masalah. Ini melibatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang hubungan antara berbagai elemen yang terlibat dalam situasi tersebut dan identifikasi penyebab akar yang mendasarinya.

4. Berkolaborasi

Keterlibatan tim dengan berbagai pandangan dapat memberikan keuntungan signifikan. Diskusi kelompok memungkinkan adanya perspektif yang beragam, membuka ruang untuk ide-ide kreatif, dan memanfaatkan kekuatan kolektif tim dalam menyelesaikan masalah.

5. Evaluasi Solusi atau Keputusan Alternatif

Setelah berkolaborasi, langkah selanjutnya adalah mempertimbangkan berbagai solusi atau opsi keputusan yang dihasilkan. Evaluasi risiko dan manfaat dari setiap opsi menjadi kunci untuk memilih alternatif yang paling sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan.

6. Ambil Keputusan

Keputusan yang diambil harus didasarkan pada analisis yang teliti. Pemilihan solusi terbaik harus mempertimbangkan segala aspek yang relevan, termasuk konsekuensi jangka panjang dan dampaknya terhadap tujuan keseluruhan.

7. Implementasikan dan Evaluasi

Setelah keputusan diambil, langkah selanjutnya adalah menerapkannya. Penting untuk melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi secara teratur untuk memastikan keberhasilan implementasi, dan sekaligus mengidentifikasi peluang perbaikan atau penyesuaian yang mungkin diperlukan. Proses ini memberikan dasar untuk pembelajaran berkelanjutan dan peningkatan proses pengambilan keputusan di masa depan.

Kemampuan problem solving dan decision making adalah keterampilan yang dapat ditingkatkan melalui latihan dan pengalaman. Dengan mengenali manfaatnya dan menerapkan langkah-langkah praktis, Anda dapat memperkuat kemampuan ini dan membawa nilai tambah yang signifikan baik untuk diri sendiri maupun organisasi Anda.

Jika Anda ingin mendalami keterampilan problem solving dan decision making secara mendalam dan efektif, ikuti kursus online Career Acceleration Program (CAP) dari QuBisa bertajuk Menyelesaikan Masalah dan Menentukan Keputusan (Problem Solving and Decision Making) . 

Kursus ini dirancang khusus untuk membimbing Anda melalui studi kasus, dan latihan praktis yang akan meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam mengatasi masalah dan membuat keputusan yang bijak. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk membawa karier dan kemampuan Anda ke tingkat berikutnya. Segera ikuti kursusnya di QuBisa . 

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Pemecahan Masalah vs Pengambilan Keputusan: Perbedaan dan Perbandingan

Setiap orang, tanpa diragukan lagi, dipengaruhi oleh situasi terburuk untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Masalah sulit lainnya adalah tidak memahami perbedaan antara pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.

Pengambilan keputusan dan pemecahan masalah adalah kata psikologis yang sering digunakan secara bergantian. Selain itu, harus ditekankan bahwa kedua istilah ini tidak dapat dipertukarkan dan tidak sama.

Pengambilan Kunci Pemecahan masalah melibatkan identifikasi dan penyelesaian masalah atau hambatan, sementara pengambilan keputusan melibatkan pemilihan opsi atau tindakan yang berbeda. Pemecahan masalah digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah atau tantangan tertentu, sedangkan pengambilan keputusan dapat digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, seperti bisnis, kehidupan pribadi, atau pemerintahan. Pemecahan masalah melibatkan proses analisis dan evaluasi langkah demi langkah. Pada saat yang sama, pengambilan keputusan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti nilai-nilai pribadi, emosi, atau tekanan eksternal.

Pemecahan Masalah vs Pengambilan Keputusan

Pemecahan masalah adalah proses mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah atau tantangan yang mencegah individu atau organisasi mencapai tujuannya. Pengambilan keputusan melibatkan pemilihan tindakan atau solusi. Proses ini bisa rumit dan melibatkan berbagai faktor.

Pemecahan Masalah vs Pengambilan Keputusan

Pemecahan masalah adalah proses kompleks yang memerlukan analisis mendalam. Identifikasi suatu masalah adalah langkah pertama dalam proses pemecahan masalah. Tujuan utama pemecahan masalah adalah mencari solusi terbaik.

Pemecahan masalah dibarengi dengan tujuan tertentu. Hasil pemecahan masalah harus berorientasi pada solusi. Teknik dan jalan menuju penyelesaian masih belum diketahui dalam hal pemecahan masalah. Tujuan pemecahan masalah adalah untuk memperbaiki masalah atau masalah.

Proses pengambilan keputusan mengarah pada a terakhir pendapat dan arah tindakan. Identifikasi peluang adalah bagian dari proses pengambilan keputusan. Tujuan dari proses pengambilan keputusan adalah untuk menghindari potensi kesulitan.

Saat membuat keputusan, berbagai opsi dieksplorasi. Proses pengambilan keputusan dapat memiliki berbagai hasil. Jalur yang diadopsi dalam hal pengambilan keputusan terstruktur. Tujuan pengambilan keputusan tidak terkait dengan penyelesaian masalah atau isu.

Tabel perbandingan

Apa itu pemecahan masalah.

Pemecahan masalah adalah teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu masalah. Dalam hal pemecahan masalah, membuat penilaian yang tepat sangat penting untuk mencapai hasil tertentu.

Pemecahan masalah adalah proses yang sulit yang memerlukan penelitian ekstensif. Mengidentifikasi kesulitan adalah langkah umum dalam proses pemecahan masalah.

Dengan kata sederhana atau istilah awam, pemecahan masalah hanyalah memecahkan masalah, seperti namanya. Di sini, baik individu atau kelompok mencoba memecahkan masalah dalam proses ini.

Ini melibatkan keterampilan analitis yang tinggi untuk mencapai solusi yang lebih baik dan lebih cepat. Proses ini juga termasuk mengumpulkan informasi, fakta dan mengikuti atau bekerja paralel dengan manusia intuisi .

Tujuan utama dari pemecahan masalah adalah untuk menemukan solusi terbaik. Secara umum, pemecahan masalah terkait dengan tujuan tertentu. Hasil pemecahan masalah harus berorientasi pada solusi.

Teknik dan jalan menuju resolusi tidak diketahui dalam kasus pemecahan masalah. Tujuan pemecahan masalah adalah untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau masalah.

pemecahan masalah

Apa itu Pengambilan Keputusan?

Mengambil keputusan dipandang sebagai a Prosedur . Bergantung pada situasinya, proses pengambilan keputusan mungkin memerlukan pemecahan masalah atau tidak.

Proses pengambilan keputusan berpuncak pada perumusan kesimpulan dan rencana tindakan. Mengidentifikasi peluang adalah bagian penting dari proses pengambilan keputusan.

Pengambilan keputusan berfokus pada tindakan, cara dan alternatif yang digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu masalah tertentu. Hal ini juga merupakan akibat dari fungsi kognitif.

Terkadang aspek psikologis seseorang dipertimbangkan sambil menekankan pengambilan keputusan. Kebutuhan dan keinginan diurus. Proses ini juga dapat dianggap sebagai interaksi terus menerus dengan lingkungan sekitarnya.

Tujuan dari proses pengambilan keputusan adalah untuk menghindari potensi masalah. Saat membuat keputusan, berbagai jenis opsi dieksplorasi. Pengambilan keputusan dapat memiliki berbagai hasil.

Jalan yang diambil dalam pengambilan keputusan terstruktur. Tujuan pengambilan keputusan tidak ada hubungannya dengan menyelesaikan masalah atau masalah.

pengambilan keputusan

Perbedaan Utama Antara Pemecahan Masalah dan Pengambilan Keputusan

  • Pemecahan masalah dapat dianggap sebagai metode. Di sisi lain, pengambilan keputusan dianggap sebagai proses.
  • Pada saat pemecahan masalah, mengambil keputusan yang tepat penting untuk mencapai kesimpulan tertentu. Di sisi lain, proses pengambilan keputusan terkadang mencakup pemecahan masalah dan terkadang tidak.
  • Metode pemecahan masalah rumit dan mencakup analisis mendalam. Di sisi lain, proses pengambilan keputusan mengarah pada pengambilan pendapat akhir dan tindakan.
  • Metode pemecahan masalah melibatkan identifikasi tantangan. Di sisi lain, proses pengambilan keputusan melibatkan identifikasi peluang.
  • Menciptakan solusi yang tepat adalah motif penting untuk pemecahan masalah. Di sisi lain, menghindari potensi masalah adalah motif dari proses pengambilan keputusan.
  • Pemecahan masalah dikaitkan dengan tujuan yang jelas. Di sisi lain, berbagai jenis opsi dipertimbangkan saat mengambil keputusan.
  • Hasil yang berasal dari pemecahan masalah harus digerakkan oleh solusi. Di sisi lain, hasil dari pengambilan keputusan dapat bervariasi.
  • Dalam hal pemecahan masalah, cara dan jalur penyelesaiannya tidak diketahui. Di sisi lain, dalam hal pengambilan keputusan, jalur yang diambil terstruktur.
  • Tujuan pemecahan masalah adalah untuk memperbaiki masalah atau masalah. Di sisi lain, tujuan yang terkait dengan pengambilan keputusan tidak terkait dengan penyelesaian suatu isu atau masalah.

Perbedaan Antara Pemecahan Masalah dan Pengambilan Keputusan


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20 pemikiran tentang “pemecahan masalah vs pengambilan keputusan: perbedaan dan perbandingan”.

Saya menghargai penggambaran artikel ini mengenai analisis kompleks pemecahan masalah dan jalur terstruktur pengambilan keputusan, yang mengilustrasikan elemen-elemen yang kontras dan pendekatan yang berbeda-beda dari proses-proses penting ini.

Tentu saja, tabel perbandingan artikel ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif, menjelaskan sifat beragam dari pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan serta peran mereka yang saling berhubungan dalam mengatasi tantangan dan mencapai kesimpulan.

Saya menemukan analisis terperinci mengenai tujuan pemecahan masalah dalam memperbaiki permasalahan dan jalur pengambilan keputusan yang terstruktur sangat mendalam, menyoroti fungsi-fungsi mereka yang berbeda.

Memang benar, penggambaran kedua proses ini dalam artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana pemecahan masalah melibatkan pendekatan metodis menuju penyelesaian, sementara pengambilan keputusan berfokus pada pilihan dan tindakan terstruktur.

Tabel perbandingan artikel ini secara efektif menyoroti kompleksitas dan perbedaan antara pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan, sehingga memberikan gambaran yang komprehensif.

Saya setuju, tabel ini dengan rapi merangkum faktor-faktor kunci dari setiap proses, sehingga lebih mudah untuk memahami nuansa dan keterkaitan pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.

Saya menghargai penjelasan rinci mengenai proses pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan, yang merupakan elemen penting dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan dan bisnis.

Penekanan artikel ini pada sifat pemecahan masalah yang berorientasi pada tujuan dan identifikasi peluang dalam pengambilan keputusan cukup mencerahkan.

Perbedaan antara hasil pemecahan masalah yang didorong oleh solusi dan jalur terstruktur yang diambil dalam pengambilan keputusan secara efektif menggambarkan perbedaan dalam tujuannya.

Memang benar, memahami analisis mendalam dan teknik pemecahan masalah yang tidak diketahui, dibandingkan dengan jalur terstruktur dan tujuan menghindari potensi masalah dalam pengambilan keputusan, memberikan wawasan yang berharga.

Tentu saja, artikel tersebut memperjelas bahwa kedua proses ini memiliki motif dan tujuan akhir yang berbeda, sehingga menjelaskan sifat multifasetnya.

Penjelasan rinci tentang proses pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang seluk-beluknya dan saling mempengaruhi dalam berbagai konteks.

Tentu saja, perbedaan jelas antara kedua proses dan tabel perbandingan dalam artikel ini membantu menjelaskan metode dan hasil yang terlibat dalam pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.

Artikel tersebut secara efektif menggambarkan tujuan dan mekanisme pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan, menekankan pentingnya identifikasi yang jelas dan identifikasi peluang dalam setiap proses.

Artikel ini memberikan perbedaan yang jelas antara pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan, menyoroti berbagai proses dan tujuan yang terlibat.

Tentu saja, tabel perbandingan yang komprehensif sangat membantu dalam merangkum kesenjangan antara pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.

Saya sangat setuju. Identifikasi peluang dalam pengambilan keputusan merupakan perbedaan utama, yang menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan keputusan tidak hanya sekedar menyelesaikan masalah, namun juga membuat pilihan.

Penjelasan rinci dalam artikel ini mengenai pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan menyoroti motif, proses, dan hasil yang berbeda-beda, sehingga memberikan wawasan berharga tentang sifat kompleksnya.

Saya sangat setuju. Artikel ini secara efektif menyoroti bagaimana pemecahan masalah bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tertentu, sementara pengambilan keputusan berfokus pada pemilihan alternatif dan mencegah potensi masalah.

Tentu saja, uraian komprehensif tersebut menggarisbawahi berbagai pertimbangan dan tujuan akhir dari pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan, menjelaskan peran mereka dalam mengatasi tantangan dan merumuskan solusi.

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beda problem solving dan decision making

beda problem solving dan decision making

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Apa dan Bagaimana Problem Solving & Decision Making

beda problem solving dan decision making

Definisi Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem solving adalah proses untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, dan mencari solusi terhadap masalah atau situasi yang dihadapi. Tujuan dari problem solving adalah untuk menemukan solusi yang paling efektif dan efisien untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

Sementara itu, decision making adalah proses untuk memilih solusi terbaik dari beberapa alternatif yang tersedia. Decision making melibatkan evaluasi dan pemilihan opsi berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia, tujuan yang ingin dicapai, serta pertimbangan risiko dan konsekuensi dari setiap opsi yang ada. Proses decision making dapat berlangsung secara individual atau dalam kelompok, tergantung pada konteks dan kompleksitas dari situasi yang dihadapi.

Tahapan Dalam Problem Solving & Decision Making

Tahapan dalam problem solving dan decision making dapat berbeda-beda tergantung pada pendekatan yang digunakan. Namun, secara umum, terdapat beberapa tahapan yang dapat diidentifikasi dalam kedua proses tersebut, yaitu:

  • Identifikasi masalah atau situasi yang memerlukan solusi atau keputusan
  • Pengumpulan data dan informasi yang relevan terkait dengan masalah atau situasi tersebut
  • Analisis dan evaluasi data dan informasi yang telah dikumpulkan
  • Pengembangan alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang dapat diambil
  • Evaluasi dan pemilihan solusi atau opsi keputusan yang paling tepat berdasarkan kriteria tertentu
  • Implementasi solusi atau keputusan yang telah dipilih
  • Evaluasi hasil dari solusi atau keputusan yang telah diimplementasikan dan melakukan tindakan perbaikan jika diperlukan

Pada beberapa pendekatan, tahapan-tahapan tersebut dapat dilakukan secara iteratif, artinya proses evaluasi dan pemilihan solusi atau opsi keputusan dapat berulang hingga ditemukan solusi atau opsi keputusan yang paling tepat. Selain itu, tahapan-tahapan tersebut juga dapat dilakukan secara kolaboratif dengan melibatkan orang-orang yang terkait dalam proses problem solving dan decision making.

Pendekatan dalam Problem Solving & Decision Making

Terdapat berbagai jenis pendekatan dalam problem solving dan decision making, di antaranya:

  • Pendekatan Rational: Pendekatan ini menekankan pada pengumpulan informasi yang lengkap dan akurat untuk menentukan alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang tersedia, serta mengevaluasi konsekuensi dari setiap opsi tersebut. Pendekatan ini didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa manusia dapat memproses informasi dengan rasional dan logis.
  • Pendekatan Behavioral: Pendekatan ini menekankan pada aspek psikologis dan sosial dari problem solving dan decision making, seperti persepsi, sikap, nilai-nilai, serta interaksi sosial yang memengaruhi keputusan. Pendekatan ini mengakui bahwa manusia terkadang tidak dapat memproses informasi secara rasional dan logis karena adanya bias kognitif atau faktor sosial.
  • Pendekatan Creativity: Pendekatan ini menekankan pada kreativitas dan inovasi dalam mencari alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang tidak biasa dan belum pernah dicoba sebelumnya. Pendekatan ini mengakui bahwa beberapa masalah tidak dapat diatasi dengan solusi konvensional dan memerlukan pemikiran kreatif.
  • Pendekatan Collaborative: Pendekatan ini menekankan pada kolaborasi dan kerjasama dalam mencari solusi atau opsi keputusan yang terbaik. Pendekatan ini mengakui bahwa beberapa masalah tidak dapat diatasi secara mandiri dan memerlukan perspektif dan pengetahuan dari orang lain.

Setiap pendekatan memiliki kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing tergantung pada konteks dan tujuan dari problem solving dan decision making yang dilakukan.

Metode Problem Solving & Decision Making

Berikut adalah beberapa metode yang sering digunakan dalam problem solving dan decision making:

  • Analisis SWOT: Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman dalam situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat dikembangkan alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang tepat.
  • Analisis Pareto: Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat diprioritaskan untuk diberikan solusi atau opsi keputusan yang tepat.
  • Metode Delphi: Metode ini digunakan untuk mengumpulkan pendapat dan informasi dari para ahli terkait situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat dikembangkan alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang lebih tepat.
  • Brainstorming: Metode ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan ide-ide alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan secara kreatif dan inovatif, dengan melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari seluruh anggota tim atau kelompok.
  • Diagram Ishikawa atau Fishbone: Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab atau akar permasalahan dalam situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat dicari solusi atau opsi keputusan yang tepat untuk mengatasi akar permasalahan tersebut.
  • Metode Cost-Benefit Analysis: Metode ini digunakan untuk mengevaluasi alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan berdasarkan perbandingan antara biaya dan manfaat yang dihasilkan, sehingga dapat dipilih solusi atau opsi keputusan yang paling efisien dan efektif.
  • Metode Six Thinking Hats: Metode ini digunakan untuk melihat situasi atau masalah dari berbagai sudut pandang atau perspektif, sehingga dapat dikembangkan alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan yang lebih beragam dan terukur.

Pilihan metode yang tepat akan tergantung pada jenis masalah atau situasi yang dihadapi, serta kebutuhan dan preferensi dari orang yang terlibat dalam proses problem solving dan decision making.

Metode Yang Paling Efektif

Tidak ada metode tunggal yang dapat dianggap paling efektif dalam problem solving dan decision making karena setiap metode memiliki kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing. Pilihan metode tergantung pada jenis masalah atau situasi yang dihadapi, serta kebutuhan dan preferensi dari orang yang terlibat dalam proses problem solving dan decision making.

Penting untuk mengambil pendekatan yang sistematis dan terstruktur dalam memecahkan masalah, dengan mempertimbangkan informasi dan data yang tersedia, mengumpulkan perspektif dari berbagai sumber, dan mengevaluasi alternatif solusi atau opsi keputusan dengan cermat. Selain itu, penting untuk melibatkan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, termasuk para ahli dan pemangku kepentingan, serta mempertimbangkan implikasi jangka panjang dari keputusan yang diambil.

Dalam memilih metode, penting juga untuk tidak terlalu terpaku pada satu pendekatan tertentu, tetapi lebih pada mengkombinasikan beberapa metode yang sesuai dengan situasi atau masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat menghasilkan solusi atau opsi keputusan yang lebih terukur dan tepat.

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Decision-Making and Problem Solving

  • First Online: 19 August 2017

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beda problem solving dan decision making

  • Christos Saitis 3 &
  • Anna Saiti 4  

463 Accesses

Decision-making is a fundamental activity that significantly influences the efficiency of an organization. That is because this activity is at the heart of management in every typical organization. Therefore, one of the key prerequisites for an educational leader is to have effective decision-making skills.

During an average working day, a school head makes different kinds of decisions, regardless of their importance. Indeed, within the wider framework of a school unit’s activities, the resolution of problems and the decision-making are two fundamental elements that assess, to a significant degree, the effectiveness of the school’s performance. Consequently, it is absolutely necessary for all educational leaders to understand the process of decision-making and of resolving problems, since the sheer existence of schools (and indeed all typical organizations) depends on their decision-making processes. This chapter:

Analyses the meaning, types and the procedures for effective decision-making

Outlines suggestions (e.g. careful assessment of the credibility of information) on how to avoid wrong decisions

Emphasizes human weakness in the decision-making process (e.g. when a manager puts too much emphasis on the initial information and does not assess whether or not it is creditable)

Examines the meaning of the term “problem” and also summarizes the process and methods of problem solving in the field of education

Presents case studies related to the school reality

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Department of Primary Education, School of education, University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Christos Saitis

Department of Home Economics & Ecology, School of Environment, Geography & Applied Economics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece

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Saitis, C., Saiti, A. (2018). Decision-Making and Problem Solving. In: Initiation of Educators into Educational Management Secrets. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 19 August 2017

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-47276-8

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-47277-5

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The decision making process is a method of gathering information, assessing alternatives, and making a final choice with the goal of making the best decision possible. In this article, we detail the step-by-step process on how to make a good decision and explain different decision making methodologies.

We make decisions every day. Take the bus to work or call a car? Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Whole milk or two percent?

There's an entire process that goes into making those tiny decisions, and while these are simple, easy choices, how do we end up making more challenging decisions? 

At work, decisions aren't as simple as choosing what kind of milk you want in your latte in the morning. That’s why understanding the decision making process is so important. 

What is the decision making process?

The decision making process is the method of gathering information, assessing alternatives, and, ultimately, making a final choice. 

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In this ebook, learn how to equip employees to make better decisions—so your business can pivot, adapt, and tackle challenges more effectively than your competition.

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The 7 steps of the decision making process

Step 1: identify the decision that needs to be made.

When you're identifying the decision, ask yourself a few questions: 

What is the problem that needs to be solved?

What is the goal you plan to achieve by implementing this decision?

How will you measure success?

These questions are all common goal setting techniques that will ultimately help you come up with possible solutions. When the problem is clearly defined, you then have more information to come up with the best decision to solve the problem.

Step 2: Gather relevant information

​Gathering information related to the decision being made is an important step to making an informed decision. Does your team have any historical data as it relates to this issue? Has anybody attempted to solve this problem before?

It's also important to look for information outside of your team or company. Effective decision making requires information from many different sources. Find external resources, whether it’s doing market research, working with a consultant, or talking with colleagues at a different company who have relevant experience. Gathering information helps your team identify different solutions to your problem.

Step 3: Identify alternative solutions

This step requires you to look for many different solutions for the problem at hand. Finding more than one possible alternative is important when it comes to business decision-making, because different stakeholders may have different needs depending on their role. For example, if a company is looking for a work management tool, the design team may have different needs than a development team. Choosing only one solution right off the bat might not be the right course of action. 

Step 4: Weigh the evidence

This is when you take all of the different solutions you’ve come up with and analyze how they would address your initial problem. Your team begins identifying the pros and cons of each option, and eliminating alternatives from those choices.

There are a few common ways your team can analyze and weigh the evidence of options:

Pros and cons list

SWOT analysis

Decision matrix

Step 5: Choose among the alternatives

The next step is to make your final decision. Consider all of the information you've collected and how this decision may affect each stakeholder. 

Sometimes the right decision is not one of the alternatives, but a blend of a few different alternatives. Effective decision-making involves creative problem solving and thinking out of the box, so don't limit you or your teams to clear-cut options.

One of the key values at Asana is to reject false tradeoffs. Choosing just one decision can mean losing benefits in others. If you can, try and find options that go beyond just the alternatives presented.

Step 6: Take action

Once the final decision maker gives the green light, it's time to put the solution into action. Take the time to create an implementation plan so that your team is on the same page for next steps. Then it’s time to put your plan into action and monitor progress to determine whether or not this decision was a good one. 

Step 7: Review your decision and its impact (both good and bad)

Once you’ve made a decision, you can monitor the success metrics you outlined in step 1. This is how you determine whether or not this solution meets your team's criteria of success.

Here are a few questions to consider when reviewing your decision:

Did it solve the problem your team identified in step 1? 

Did this decision impact your team in a positive or negative way?

Which stakeholders benefited from this decision? Which stakeholders were impacted negatively?

If this solution was not the best alternative, your team might benefit from using an iterative form of project management. This enables your team to quickly adapt to changes, and make the best decisions with the resources they have. 

Types of decision making models

While most decision making models revolve around the same seven steps, here are a few different methodologies to help you make a good decision.

​Rational decision making models

This type of decision making model is the most common type that you'll see. It's logical and sequential. The seven steps listed above are an example of the rational decision making model. 

When your decision has a big impact on your team and you need to maximize outcomes, this is the type of decision making process you should use. It requires you to consider a wide range of viewpoints with little bias so you can make the best decision possible. 

Intuitive decision making models

This type of decision making model is dictated not by information or data, but by gut instincts. This form of decision making requires previous experience and pattern recognition to form strong instincts.

This type of decision making is often made by decision makers who have a lot of experience with similar kinds of problems. They have already had proven success with the solution they're looking to implement. 

Creative decision making model

The creative decision making model involves collecting information and insights about a problem and coming up with potential ideas for a solution, similar to the rational decision making model. 

The difference here is that instead of identifying the pros and cons of each alternative, the decision maker enters a period in which they try not to actively think about the solution at all. The goal is to have their subconscious take over and lead them to the right decision, similar to the intuitive decision making model. 

This situation is best used in an iterative process so that teams can test their solutions and adapt as things change.

Track key decisions with a work management tool

Tracking key decisions can be challenging when not documented correctly. Learn more about how a work management tool like Asana can help your team track key decisions, collaborate with teammates, and stay on top of progress all in one place.

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Pengertian Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making) dan Jenis-jenisnya

Pengertian Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making) dan Jenis-jenis Keputusan

Pengertian Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making) dan Jenis-jenisnya – Dalam Kehidupan sehari-hari, kita selalu dihadapi dengan berbagai masalah ataupun pilihan sehingga kita perlu mengambil keputusan yang terbaik untuk menghadapi masalah tersebut. Demikian juga halnya dalam suatu organisasi, Pengambilan Keputusan atau Decision Making merupakan suatu hal yang hampir tidak bisa dihindari. Kegagalan ataupun Keberhasilan suatu Organisasi pada dasarnya sangat tergantung pada Keputusan yang diambil oleh pihak manajemennya. Tanpa pengambilan keputusan, Fungsi-fungsi dasar Manajemen seperti Perencanaan, Pengorganisasian, Pemimpinan dan Pengendalian tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan.

Pengertian Pengambilan Keputusan Menurut Ahli

  • Pengertian Keputusan menurut Irham Fahmi (2014:233) , Keputusan adalah proses penelusuran masalah yang berawal dari latar belakang masalah, identifikasi masalah hingga kepada terbentuknya kesimpulan atau rekomendasi . Rekomendasi itulah yang selanjutnya dipakai dan digunakan sebagai pedoman basis dalam pengambilan keputusan.
  • Pengertian Pengambilan keputusan menurut Sondang P. Siagian, Pengambilan Keputusan adalah suatu pendekatan yang sistematis terhadap hakikat alternatif yang dihadapi dan mengambil tindakan yang menurut perhitungan merupakan tindakan yang paling cepat.

Jenis-jenis Pengambilan Keputusan

Pengambilan keputusan (Decision Making) dan Pemecahan masalah (Problem Solving) merupakan suatu proses yang berkesinambungan (continuous process) untuk menganalisis dan mempertimbangkan berbagai alternatif dalam berbagai kondisi, memilih tindakan-tindakan yang paling tepat dan mengikuti perkembangan penerapan tindakan tersebut hingga masalah yang dihadapinya diselesaikan.

Berdasarkan masalah yang dihadapi, Pengambilan Keputusan dapat dibagi menjadi 2 jenis yaitu Keputusan yang diprogramkan (program decision) dan Keputusan yang tidak diprogramkan (non-programmed decision).

-Keputusan yang diprogramkan (Program Decision)

Keputusan yang diprogramkan atau Program Decision adalah Keputusan yang dibuat pada kondisi ataupun hal-hal yang bersifat rutin dan sering terjadi dengan menggunakan prosedur operasi standar atau biasanya dikenal dengan SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).

Keputusan Terprogram ini cukup efektif dalam menangani masalah sehari-hari  pada organisasi seperti permintaan cuti karyawan, permintaan pembelian peralatan kantor maupun permintaan lembur karyawan. Begitu keputusan diambil, program menentukan proses atau prosedur yang harus diikuti ketika situasi yang sama terulang kembali.  Aturan, prosedur maupun kebijakan yang dibuat untuk menghadapi permasalahan rutin biasanya ditetapkan sebagai Standar Perusahaan.

-Keputusan yang tidak diprogramkan (Non-Programmed Decision)

Keputusan yang tidak diprogramkan atau Non-Programmed Decision adalah Keputusan yang diambil pada permasalahan yang unik dan belum pernah terjadi. Non-Program Decision tidak terstruktur dan tidak memiliki prosedur baku seperti pada Program Decision. Karena permasalahan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, maka diperlukan penilaian dan kreatifitas dalam pengambilan keputusannya.

Baca juga : Kondisi-kondisi dalam Pengambilan Keputusan.

  • Pengambilan Keputusan
  • Perilaku Organisasi

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