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Geography source-based questions

Written By Avinash Sharan

Class 9 | geography 9, 2 comment(s), 28th august 2022,  geography source-based questions with answers from chapter 1.

Geography Source-based questions (SBQ) in Social Science is a new introduction in the question paper by CBSE. What is unique about Geography source-based questions ? While the topic is from the textbook, the questions may not be directly from the paragraph. How can a student perform well if the questions are from outside the textbook? Well, a student needs to apply the following three strategies to attempt Geography source-based questions (SBQ). They are:

Firstly, Read the chapter line by line.

Secondly, Develop an understanding of the topic.

Thirdly, Practice a lot to master s ource-based questions .

India-Size & Location – Chapter 1 For Practice

Geography source-based questions

Geography source-based questions for class IX students

Q1. Geography Source-Based Questions From India – Size & Location

India is a vast country. Lying entirely in the Northern hemisphere. The mainland extends between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E. The Tropic of Cancer (23° 30’N) divides the country into almost two equal parts. To the southeast and southwest of the mainland, lie the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the Lakshadweep islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea respectively. Find out the extent of these groups of islands from your atlas. The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km. India’s total area accounts for about 2.4 percent of the total geographical area of the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world note that the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the mainland is about 30°. Despite this fact, the east-west extent appears to be smaller than the north-south extent.

Read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions:

i)  What is the Latitudinal extent of India?                         1.

a) 8°4’E and 37°6’W

b) 8°4’N and 37°6’S

c) 8°4’N and 37°6’N

d) 8°4’S and 37°6’S

Ans. c) 8°4’N and 37°6’N

ii) What is the Longitudinal extent of India?                     1.

a) 68°7’E and 97°25’E

b) 68°7’W and 97°25’E

c) 68°7’E and 97°25’W

d) 68°7’N and 97°25’S

Ans. a) 68°7’E and 97°25’E

iii) Why the east-west extent of India appears to be smaller than the north-south extent?                  2.

Ans. The distance between lines of latitude remains the same from the equator to the poles.

But, the distance between the lines of longitudes decreases as we move towards the poles.

India is slightly above the equator.

So, the lines of longitude come nearer and the East-West distance becomes less than the North-South distance.

8 Facts About Latitudes and Longitudes Which Is Not Explained In Schools

Q2.  Topic: India’sLocation and Standard Time Meridian

India is bounded by the young fold mountains in the northwest, north, and northeast. South of about 22° north latitude, it begins to taper and extends towards the Indian Ocean, dividing it into two seas, the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on its east. Note that the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the mainland is about 30°. From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, there is a time lag of two hours. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India passing through Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh) is taken as the Indian standard time for the whole country. The latitudinal extent influences the duration of day and night, as one moves from south to north.

i) Name the young fold mountains that bound India from the northwest, north, and northeast.           1.

a) Aravalis

b) Himalayas

c) Karakoram

d) Purvanchal hills.

Ans. b) Himalayas

ii) If the time at the easternmost longitude of India is 11:30 P.M. What will be the time at the westernmost longitude of India?       1.

a) 1:30 A.M.

b) 1: 30 P.M.

c) 9:30 A.M.

d) 9:30 P.M.

Ans) d) 9:30 P.M.

How to calculate time using longitudes explained Step by step

iii) Which Longitude is considered the Indian Standard Time meridian for India and why?                    2.

Ans) 82°30’E Longitude is considered the Indian Standard Time meridian for India.

This is because India’s Longitudinal extent is 68°7’E and 97°25’E.

It means almost 30 longitudes pass through India.

We know that there is a time difference of 4 minutes between two longitudes.

In such a case time at every place in India will be different and will create a lot of confusion.

Therefore, 82°30’E Longitude which passes through the center of India has been considered the Indian Standard Time meridian for India to avoid such confusion.

Q3. Topic: Source-Based Questions From India and The World

The Indian landmass has a central location between East and West Asia. India is a southward extension of the Asian continent. The trans-Indian Ocean routes , which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia, provide a strategic central location for India. Note that the Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast. No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has and indeed, it is India’s eminent position in the Indian Ocean, which justifies the naming of an Ocean after it.

i) What provides a strategic central location for India?                              1.

Ans. The trans-Indian Ocean routes, which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia, provide a strategic central location for India.

ii) How did India get benefit from its long coastline?                                  1.

Ans. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast. No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean.

III) Give two reasons which justify the naming of an Ocean after India.       2.

Ans. Two reasons which justify the naming of an Ocean after India are:

a) India’s eminent position in the Indian Ocean

b) No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has.


4. Topic: India and the World

India’s contacts with the World have continued through ages but her relationships through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travelers, while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time. These routes have contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals, and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world. The spices, muslin, and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of domes and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.

i) Do you think the ocean routes helped India to establish close contact with the world during ancient times?                       1.

Ans. No, it is the land routes and the passes across the mountains that helped India to establish close contact with the world during ancient times.

ii) What is India’s contribution to the world?                                                                                                                                                 1.

Ans. India has contributed the ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals, and the decimal system along with spices and muslin to the world.

iii) What India has learned from other countries of the world?                                                                                                                  2.

Ans. a) Greek sculpture, and

b) the architectural styles of domes and minarets.

5. Topic: Source-Based Questions From India’s Neighbours

India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia. India has 28 states and Eight Union Territories India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest, China (Tibet), Nepal and Bhutan in the north, and Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east. Our southern neighbors across the sea consist of the two island countries, namely Sri Lanka and the Maldives . Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar , while the Maldives Islands are situated to the south of the Lakshadweep Islands.

i) Name a newly formed state and union territory of India?                       1. 

Ans. State – Telangana

Union Territory – Ladakh

ii) Sri Lanka and the Maldives lie in which sea/oceans?                                1.

Ans. Both lie in the Indian Ocean.

iii) What is the old name of Myanmar? Which Indian states share borders with Myanmar?                      2.

Ans. Burma is the old name of Myanmar.

Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram are the Indian states that share borders with Myanmar.

Conclusion: Source-Based Questions From India – Size & Location

Geography source-based questions are not very easy to answer. You need to practice a lot to answer Geography source-based questions. India – size & location is a small chapter but it has many concepts of Geography. Therefore, many types of source-based questions can be asked in this chapter. Solve all the above Geography source-based questions before going to the examination hall. I Hope, these Geography source-based questions will increase your understanding. Finally, It will also help you to easily attempt Geography source-based questions.

Now, would you like to attempt a challenging question?

What is the capital of Myanmar? Do write to me as soon as possible.

All the best.

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Kamaljeet Rathore

Great Article Nice Information Enjoyed Reading It Thankyou for Sharing it

Avinash Sharan

Thank you Kamaljeet. Keep visiting. Very soon we are going to upload more questions.

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Case Study Questions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 India – Size and Location

  • Last modified on: 10 months ago
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Case Study Questions

Question 1:

Read the following source and answer the questions that follows:

India’s contacts with the World have continued through ages but her relationships through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers, while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time. These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchatantra, the Indian numerals and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world. The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

(i) India’s relationship through the routes and much older than her maritime contacts. (A) Railways (B) Land (C) Waterways (D) Airways

(ii) The various passes across the mountains in the have provided passages to the ancient travellers. (A) South (B) West (C) North (D) East

(iii) Name two Contributions in the field of Mathematics which Originated from India. (A) Number System (B) Indian Numerals (C) Decimal System (D) Both (b) and (c)

(iv) On the other hand, the influence of the sculpture and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our Country. (A) Spanish (B) Greek (C) Italian (D) German

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India Size And Location


  • 17th February 2024

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 “India-Size And Location” contains answers to the exercise questions given in ‘Contemporary India’. These solutions will help students for the preparation of CBSE Class 9 SST exam. All the answers are useful for exams as most of the questions are asked from the NCERT textbooks. So, students can study these solutions and score high in their exams.

Class 9 Geography India Size And Location Questions and Answers

Question 1: Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through

(a) Rajasthan (b) Orissa (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Tripura

Answer: (c) Orissa

(ii) The easternmost longitude of India is

(a) 97° 25′ E (b) 68° 7′ E (c) 77° 6′ E (d) 82° 32′ E

Answer: (a) 97°25′E

(iii) Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim have common frontiers with

(a) China (b) Bhutan (c) Nepal (d) Myanmar

Answer: (c) Nepal

(iv) If you intend to visit Kavarati during your summer vacations, which one of the following Union Territories of India you will be going to

(a) Puducherry (b) Lakshadweep (c) Andaman and Nicobar (d) Diu and Daman

Answer: (c) Lakshadweep

(v) My friend hails from a country which does not share land boundary with India. Identify the country.

(a) Bhutan (b) Tajikistan (c) Bangladesh (d) Nepal

Answer: (b) Tajikistan

Question 2: Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) Name the group of islands lying in the Arabian sea.

Answer: Lakshadweep

(ii) Name the countries which are larger than India.

Answer: Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia

(iii) Which island group of India lies to its south-east?

Answer: Andaman and Nicobar group of islands.

(iv) Which island countries are our southern neighbours?

Answer: Maldives, Sri Lanka.

Question 3: The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

Answer: The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the mainland is about 30°. Despite this fact, the east-west extent appears to be smaller than the north-south extent. From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh there is a time lag of two hours. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India (82°30’E) passing through Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh) is taken as the standard time for the whole country. The latitudinal extent influences the duration of the day and night, as one moves from south to north.

Question 4: The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance. Why?

Answer: India is a southward extension of the Asian continent and is located in a central position between the East and West Asia. The Indian Ocean provides a strategic central location to India, as it connects the East Asian countries with the country of Europe in the West. The Deccan Peninsula also protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast. There is no other country like India in the world, which has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean and thus, justifying the naming of an ocean after it.


Question 1: Identify the following with the help of map reading.

(i) The Island groups of India lying in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

Solution: Lakshadweep

(ii) The countries constituting Indian Subcontinent.

Solution: Countries which make the Indian subcontinent are Pakistan in the north-west, India at the core, Nepal in the north, Bhutan in the north-east and Bangladesh in the east.

(iii) The states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.

Solution: Tropic of Cancer passes through the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.

(iv) The northernmost latitude in degrees.

Solution: 37°6′ N

(v) The southernmost latitude of the Indian mainland in degrees.

Solution: 8°4′ N

(vi) The eastern and the western most longitude in degrees.

Solution: Western – 68°7′ E, Eastern – 97°25′ E

(vii) The place situated on the three seas.

Solution: Kanyakumari

(viii) The strait separating Sri Lanka from India.

Solution: The Palk Strait.

(ix) The Union Territories of India.

Solution: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep, Puducherry (Pondicherry).

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Size and Location Revision Notes for CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Free PDF

  • Revision Notes
  • Social Science: Geography
  • Chapter 1 India: Size And Location


Size and Location Class 9 Notes Geography Chapter 1 - PDF Download

India is a large country and one of the modern civilisations in the world. India has achieved remarkable growth in the last five decades. Indian Economy is mainly dependent on agriculture. However, the Indian economy has been growing not only in the agriculture sector but also in the industrial and technology sector.

In the India Size and Location notes, the main points of this chapter are thoroughly discussed. Chapter 1 describes the size, location, and neighbours of India. Apart from that, this chapter also compared India with other countries of the world in regards to its size and location.

Important Topics and Subtopics Covered in CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1

Given below are important topics and subtopics from Chapter 1 of CBSE Class 9 Geography. Questions from these topics and subtopics have been asked in the previous years’ question papers and therefore the below-given topics are quite crucial for the upcoming examination.

Size of India

Location of india.

Latitudinal and longitudinal extensions of India

India and the World - India’s Relationship with the World

Neighbours of India

Indian Ocean- the Central Location of India

Countries that lie on the eastern coast and the western coast of India

The total area of India and the land boundary

Download CBSE Class 9 Geography Revision Notes 2024-25 PDF

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Access Class 9 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 1 - India-Size and Location Notes

India is one of the world's oldest civilizations. It has progressed politically, geographically, socially, and economically over the last few decades. India has also played a significant role in shaping world history.

It is a vast country located in the northern hemisphere, with latitudes ranging from 8°4'N to 37°6'N and longitudes ranging from 68°7'E to 97°25'E.

The Tropic of Cancer, 23° 30'N roughly divides the country into two equal halves.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are in the Bay of Bengal to the south-east of the mainland, and the Lakshadweep Islands are in the Arabian Sea to the southwest.

India's landmass covers 3.28 million sq. km, accounting for approximately 2.4% of the world's total geographical area.

In terms of landmass, India is regarded as the world's seventh largest country.

India has an area of ​​about 15,200 square miles [15,200 km], and the length of the entire coastal area, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, is 7516.6 square miles.

In the northeast, north, and northwest, India is bounded by young fold mountains.

It begins to move south at 22 ° latitude north and reaches the Indian Ocean, dividing it into two seas, the Arabian Sea to the west and the Bay.

Time near Standard Meridian of India, 82 ° 30, passing through Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, is considered the country's standard time.

As one proceeds from south to north, the length of the day and night is influenced by the latitudinal extent.

India and Her Relationship with World

India is situated in the center of the Asian continent, between west and east. It is a southerly extension of the Asian continent. It is distinct from the rest of Asia and is referred to as a subcontinent.

The trans-Indian Ocean routes link Western European countries with East Asian countries. No other country in the Indian Ocean has a coastline as long as India's.

India is the only country to have an ocean after its name.

India's land routes predate sea routes for a long time. The various routes that cut through the northern mountains provided transportation for ancient travelers because the sea had previously limited such communication.

These routes brought the Ramayana and Mahabharata Indian epics, Panchatantra stories, Upanishads, Indian numerals, and the decimal system to the world. Besides, goods such as muslin and spices were exported from the country to other parts of the world.

The influence of Greek sculpture and architecture can be widely seen in the country. 

India and its Neighbours

The notes for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 discuss India's geographical link to the rest of the globe and its surroundings. India has deep historical ties with its neighbours. It comprises 28 states and 9 union territories in all. In the northwest, it borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, while in the east, it borders Nepal , Bangladesh and Burma . Sri Lanka and the Maldives are located on India's southern coast.

Some Interesting Facts about India

Prior to1947, India had two types of states: provinces and princely states. The provinces were ruled by British officials appointed as viceroys by the British Council. In exchange for loyalty against the British government, the princely states were ruled by local hereditary rulers.

Indira Point, the Indian Union's southernmost point, was submerged by waters during the 2004 Tsunami.

India’s distance from Europe has decreased by 7000 km since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1896.

India has the world's second highest population density. 

Kanchenjunga, India's highest mountain peak, is the world's third highest mountain peak.

Important Questions and Answers:

1. Why is the central location of India advantageous for the country?

Ans: India has a strategic advantage due to its location in the center of the Indian Ocean, as the Trans Indian Ocean routes connect her to countries in Europe and Asia. India's strategic location in the ocean allows it to create ties with West Asia, Africa, and Europe. Since ancient times, India's wide coastline and natural harbors have aided in trade and commerce with neighbouring and distant countries. It is extremely beneficial for trade with Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Europe. India benefits from the south-west monsoon seasons because of its marine location.

2. The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than in Gujarat. In spite of this fact, all the watches show the same time. Why?

Ans: There is a two-hour time difference between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh, although the watches show the same time since the time along the Standard Meridian of India i.e., 82° 30' E passing through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh is used as the country's standard time. Because the same standard time has been established for the entire country, watches in Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat, as well as the rest of the country, display the same time.

3. Which countries neighbour India?

Ans: India is bounded on the north by China-the country with the largest land area, 96 lakh square kilometers, Nepal, and Bhutan, on the south by Sri Lanka, on the east by Myanmar and Bangladesh, on the west by Pakistan, and on the north-west by Afghanistan. The Maldives, India's smallest neighbour which expands over 298 square kilometers is situated to the south-east of the country. India maintains trade and cultural ties with these neighbours.

4. Write a short note on the silk route.

Ans: The silk route is a centuries-old commercial route that connects Asia to the Mediterranean Sea. It traverses and connects China, India, Greece, Persia, and Italy. Silk traffic was done through this route throughout the ancient period, and therefore the term silk route. Silk was developed in China and exported to other countries. Furthermore, the root aided the commerce of muslin, spices, and other commodities from India.

5. Why are the Himalayas important for India?

Ans : The Himalayas are a significant physical barrier that separates the Indian subcontinent from the rest of the world. They serve as both a military and a climatic barrier. The Himalayas also keep the cold and chilly winds from the north polar regions from influencing the Indian subcontinent's climate as a result there are no harsh winters. It also prevents moisture-laden winds from the south from blowing into Central Asia, resulting in rainfall across the subcontinent. As the Himalayas are known as the "abode of snow," they are the source of numerous perennial rivers and their tributaries. Throughout the year, these rivers provide water for irrigation and agricultural purposes. They store a massive amount of valuable minerals that are vital to the country. It has diverse biodiversity, with a wide range of fauna and flora.

6. How had the passes through the mountains been useful in the ancient times for India?


India has been linked to the rest of the world via mountain routes in the north, north-east, and north-west. 

Since time immemorial, these routes have been used for transportation. These routes were utilized by ancient travelers to travel to and from India. 

India provided the world with its number and decimal systems. These routes were used to spread the famous epics of Ramayana and Mahabharat, as well as the Upanishads and the Panchatantra.

These channels have allowed for the movement of commodities and ideas. The Greek architectural style was adopted by India.

India Size and Location Class 9 PDF

Chapter 9, India Size and Location describes the vast location of India. It also describes the details of the surroundings of India, how India looks like a part of the world and the neighbouring countries of India. This article is a summary of NCERT Geography book class 9 chapter 1. It will help students to understand the chapter entirely.

India Size and Location Class 9 Notes

(image will be uploaded soon)

India is divided into two equal parts by The Tropic of Cancer. The central part of India lies in the Northern hemisphere. There are the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep islands located at the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea respectively In the southeast and southwest of India.

Geography class 9, chapter 1, notes describe the size and boundaries of India. The total size of India is approximately 2.4 per cent of the total size of the world. India's total size is approximately 3.28 million square kilometers. The land boundary of India is almost 15200 kilometers in length. But the total length of the coastline including two islands is almost 7516.6 kilometers. Mountains surround the northern part of India. These mountains become thinner in the south, extends to the Indian Ocean, and divides it into two seas.

One is the Bay of Bengal in the east, and another is the Arabian Sea in the west. The east-west extension of the mainland is smaller than the north-south extension. Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh have a time difference of two hours. The time at Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh is considered as the standard time in the whole country. However, the latitudinal extent of India influences the duration of the day and night in the country. More information on this subject can be found on Geography class 9 chapter 1 notes.

India and the World

Geography class 9 notes describe the location of India in the world. India is located in central Asia. India has this fine strategic location due to the trans-Indian Ocean routes. The Deccan Peninsula helps India to connect with West Asia. The largest coastline of India is situated in the Indian Ocean. India is well-connected with the rest of the world through land and water.

However, its land contact is older than water contact. The oceans have restricted travel in the country in ancient times. But, the land passages helped in the travel of ancient travelers. India also has a rich source of spices that are exported to many countries of the world. The architectural style of West Asia and Greek culture are seen in different parts of India.

The class 9 Geography chapter 1 notes describe India's geographical connection with the rest of the world and its surroundings. India has a strong historical connection with its neighbours. It has a total of 28 states and 9 Union Territories. It shares its border with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the northwest and Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. Sri Lanka and the Maldives are on the southern side of India.

Benefits of CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India: Size and Location

The following are a few benefits that students of Class 9 Geography will be able to gain by referring to these revision notes.

These revision notes have been prepared as per the latest CBSE syllabus. Our experts have prepared these notes in reference with the board exam question papers.

The revision notes of Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India: Size and Location have been prepared in the form of precise bulleted lists or paragraphs to ensure that students can cover all important topics and subtopics without reading through the entire chapter before the exam.

A short summary of the entire chapter has been provided to ensure quick revision that will help students to revise the chapter effectively.

These notes have been prepared by our Geography subject experts who have taken special care to frame every answer keeping in mind the needs of the students to score well in exams.

The revision notes also come with some important solved questions that ensure that students know how to solve such questions and frame the right answers.


If you want to do well in your CBSE Class 9 examinations, you should incorporate these revision notes in your study materials. Vedantu offers a free PDF copy of CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 that you may use to review the notes before your examinations. Read through the list of important points for every topic and prepare them for your exam.

Footer Content

If you are aiming to score high marks in your CBSE Class 9 exams, these revision notes must be included in your study materials. You can download the free PDF file of CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 from Vedantu and go through the notes before your exams. Read through the list of important points for every topic and prepare them for your exam.

There are many interesting facts in Geography class 9 notes. One of the interesting facts is that the southernmost point of the Indian Union, Indira Point, got submerged under the sea due to the Tsunami in 2004. The opening of the Suez Canal reduced the distance between India and Europe by 7000 kilometers. Before 1947, the states of India were divided into Provinces and the Princely States. The locals ruled provinces, but Princely states were ruled by the British.


FAQs on Size and Location Revision Notes for CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Free PDF

Q1. Why does the Sun Rise Two Hours Earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than Gujarat?

Ans: There is a 2 hour time difference between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. Nevertheless, the time along the Standard Meridian of India, which passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, is regarded the national standard time.

The latitude of India has a direct impact on the length of the day and night in the nation. As a consequence, the sun rises two hours sooner in Arunachal Pradesh than in Gujarat, although the timepieces in both areas display the same time.

Q2. How is the Location of India in Asia?

Ans: India is located in central Asia. Our country has such a fine strategic location due to the trans-Indian Ocean routes. The Indian Ocean connects the European countries with the countries of East Asia. The Deccan Peninsula helps India to connect with West Asia. It is because of this reason; this ocean is named the Indian Ocean.

Q3. What is India's size as given in the Chapter 1 of Class 9 Geography textbook?

Ans: The entire land area of India is roughly 3.28 million square kilometres. These figures account for 2.4 percent of the world's total land mass. According to data collected, India is the world's seventh largest country in terms of land area. According to the data in the Class 9 textbook, India's land border is 15,200 kilometres long. In addition, the length of India's coastline is around 7,500 kilometres.

Q4. Who are India’s neighbours?

India shares its land borders with several neighbouring countries geographically. These countries are Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest, and Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal in the north. Myanmar and Bangladesh are to our east while in the South, we have the Indian Ocean surrounding us. Across the Palk Strait, we are neighbours with Sri Lanka. On the other hand, the country of Maldives lies just beyond the coast of the Lakshadweep Islands. 

Q5. What is the history behind India’s land routes?

Ans: Although we are proud of our formidable naval network, India's land routes have a very rich history. Indians have grown up hearing legends of brave heroes who made their way through mountain passes. Even before water travel was even envisaged, it was these land routes that helped the flow of ideas and products. Because of these land routes, trade developed, and Indians were able to contact with people all over the world.

Q6. Why do we have a set Indian Standard Time?

Earlier, it was discovered that the time in Gujarat in the west and Arunachal Pradesh in the east is not the same. There is a lag of nearly 2 hours. In order to unite the country under one time zone, the Standard Meridian of India (82°30'E) was conceived. It passes through Mirzapur. Now, that is how we define Indian Standard Time (IST) for all the states across India. To know more, refer to CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Notes provided free of cost by Vedantu .

Q7. Why is Chapter 1 of Class 9 Geography important?

Ans: The CBSE Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 provides students with an outline of our country's specifics. Its size, location, and borders are thoroughly examined. Moreover, information on old land routes and their significance is supplied. The connection of India with the rest of the globe is also briefly covered. This allows us to see where we stand. Check out this chapter for additional details.


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Chapter 1 India Size and Location Assertation & Reasoning Questions Class 9th Social Science

  • Chapter 1 India Size and…

In the questions given below, there are two Statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the Statements and Choose the correct option: Options are: (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (C) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong. (D) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

Q.1. Assertion (A):  India Shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest. Reason (R):  China, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan in the South and Myanmar and Bangladesh in the West.

➤ Show AnswerAnswer: (C)

Q.2. Assertion (A):  India lies entirely in the Northern hemisphere. Reason (R):  The Tropic of Cancer (23 0 30’N) divides the Country into almost two equal parts.

➤ Show AnswerAnswer: (B)

Q.3. Assertion (A):  From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, there is a time lag of one hour. Reason (R):  Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India (82 0 30’E) passing through Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh) is taken as the Standard time for the Whole Country.

➤ Show AnswerAnswer: (D)

Q.4. Assertion (A):  The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km. Reason (R):  India’s total area accounts for about 2.4 percent of the total geographical area of the world.

➤ Show AnswerAnswer: (A)

Q5. Assertion: India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km

Reason: The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km.

(a) A is correct but R is wrong.

(b) A is wrong but R is correct.

(c) Both A and R Are False.

(d) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(e) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A .

Q6. Assertion: Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh) is taken as the standard time for the whole country.

Reason: Standard Meridian of India (82°30’E) passing through Mirzapur

(e) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Q7.. Assertion: India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest

Reason: the total length of the coastline of the mainland, including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep, is 7,516.6 km.

Q8. Assertion: Suez Canal was opened in 1869.

Reason: It enables a more direct route for shipping between Europe and Asia

Q9.. Assertion: India is the largest country in the world in term of area.

( b) A is wrong but R is correct.

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9th Class Social Science India - Size and Location Question Bank

Done case based (mcqs) - india size and location total questions - 16.

Question Bank

A) Its food done clear

B) Its economy done clear

C) Its location done clear

D) Its culture done clear

question_answer 2) Why is the Tropic of Cancer significant for India?

A) It is a plateau done clear

B) It is the highest peak of the South India done clear

C) It is a salt water lake done clear

D) Due to this India's climate has characteristics of tropical as well as subtropical climates. done clear

question_answer 3) Indira Point is located in which islands group of India?

A) The Lakshadweep islands group done clear

B) The Aminidivi islands group done clear

C) The Andaman and Nicobar islands group done clear

D) None of the above done clear

question_answer 4) India comes after which country in terms of area?

A) Russia done clear

B) China done clear

C) Canada done clear

D) AII of these done clear

A) 6100 Km done clear

B) 7516.6 Km done clear

C) 7000 Km done clear

D) 5100 Km done clear

question_answer 6) India is bounded by which of the following mountains in the North?

A) The Javadi hills done clear

B) The Nilgiris done clear

C) The Himalayas done clear

D) None of these done clear

question_answer 7) The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are part of which of the following oceans?

A) The Pacific ocean done clear

B) The Atlantic ocean done clear

C) The Antarctic ocean done clear

D) The Indian ocean done clear

question_answer 8) The Arabian Sea forms a part of the principal sea route between ......... and .........

A) India, Australia done clear

B) India, China done clear

C) India, Europe done clear

D) India, the USA done clear

A) Africa, North Asian done clear

B) Europe West Asia done clear

C) Europe, East Asia done clear

D) North America, Australia done clear

question_answer 10) Which country has the longest coastline on the Indian Ocean?

A) China done clear

B) Australia done clear

C) India done clear

D) Saudi Arabia done clear

question_answer 11) The Deccan Peninsula which protrudes into the Indian Ocean, helps India to establish close contact with which of the following?

A) West Asia done clear

B) Africa done clear

C) South-East Asia  done clear

D) All of these done clear

question_answer 12) India adopted the architectural styles of dome and minarets from which of the following regions?

A) Africa done clear

B) West Asia done clear

C) South-East Asia done clear

D) East Asia done clear

A) 16, 12 done clear

B) 25, 5 done clear

C) 29, 7 done clear

D) 28, 8 done clear

question_answer 14) Before 1947, the provinces were ruled directly by

A) Indian government done clear

B) Local rulers done clear

C) British officials done clear

D) All of the above done clear

question_answer 15) The source given above relates to which of the following options?

A) Extent of India done clear

B) India and the world done clear

C) India's neighbours done clear

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Case Based (MCQs) - India Size and Location

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case study questions class 9 geography india size and location

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India Size and Location

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 India Size and Location contain answers to the textbook exercise questions. The NCERT solutions are easy and accurate that helps with the questions asked in the examinations. These solutions cover all the questions of the chapter in detail. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 are prepared by our subject experts in very easy language. All our solutions are updated as per the latest CBSE Syllabus and Guidelines.

Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 NCERT Solutions

Question 1: Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through

(a) Rajasthan (b) Orissa (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Tripura

Solution: (c) Orissa

(ii) The easternmost longitude of India is

(a) 97° 25′ E (b) 68° 7′ E (c) 77° 6′ E (d) 82° 32′ E

Solution: (a) 97°25′E

(iii) Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim have common frontiers with

(a) China (b) Bhutan (c) Nepal (d) Myanmar

Solution: (c) Nepal

(iv) If you intend to visit Kavarati during your summer vacations, which one of the following Union Territories of India you will be going to

(a) Puducherry (b) Lakshadweep (c) Andaman and Nicobar (d) Diu and Daman

Answer: (c) Lakshadweep

(v) My friend hails from a country which does not share land boundary with India. Identify the country.

(a) Bhutan (b) Tajikistan (c) Bangladesh| (d) Nepal

Solution: (b) Tajikistan

Question 2: Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) Name the group of islands lying in the Arabian sea.

Solution: Lakshadweep islands.

(ii) Name the countries which are larger than India.

Solution: Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia

(iii) Which island group of India lies to its south-east?

Solution: Andaman and Nicobar group of islands.

(iv) Which island countries are our southern neighbours?

Solution: Maldives, Sri Lanka.

Question 3: The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

Solution: The longitudinal gap between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat is about 30°. Due to this, there is time lag of about two hours between these states. Since Arunachal Pradesh is in the east hence the sun rises earlier here; compared to in Gujarat. The Indian Standard Time is taken from the time of Standard Meridian of India and hence the watches show the same time in both the states

Question 4: The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance. Why?

Solution: The Indian landmass is centrally located between east and west Asia. The part that is attached to the Asian continent connects India (through land routes and mountain passes) to the various countries lying to its north, west and east. The part that protrudes into the Indian Ocean connects India (through the trans Indian Ocean routes) to Europe, west Asia and Africa in the west and the countries of east Asia. The strategic location of India has contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities, through land and sea, since ancient times. This is the reason why its location at the head of the Indian Ocean is significant.

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NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 India Size and Location Class 9 Geography

case study questions class 9 geography india size and location

(i) Lakshadweep

(ii) Countries which make the Indian subcontinent are Pakistan in the north-west, India at the core, Nepal in the north, Bhutan in the north-east and Bangladesh in the east.

(iii) Tropic of Cancer passes through the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.

(iv) 37°6' N

(vi) Western - 68°7' E, Eastern - 97°25' E

(vii) Kanyakumari

(viii) The Palk Strait.

(ix) Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep, Puducherry (Pondicherry).

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MCQ Questions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India Size and Location with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India Size and Location with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India Size and Location with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 9 Geography with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the India Size and Location Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

India Size and Location Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1. The four states which are situated along the Himalayas are: (a) Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh (b) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan (c) Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand (d) Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh

Answer: (a) Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh

Question 2. A narrow channel of sea separating two land-masses is called: (a) Gulf (b) Strait (c) Isthmus (d) Bay

Answer: (b) Strait

Question 3. The neighbouring countries that share their boundaries with India are : (a) Pakistan and Afghanistan (b) Myanmar and Bangladesh (c) China and Nepal (d) All the above

Answer: (d) All the above

Question 4. India’s total area accounts for what percentage of the geographical area of the world? (a) 2.9% (b) 3.2% (c) 2.4% (d) 4.2%

Answer: (c) 2.4%

Question 5. Which country among the India’s neighbours is the smallest? (a) Nepal (b) Bhutan (c) Sri Lanka (d) Bangladesh

Answer: (b) Bhutan

Question 6. Which meridian is fixed as a Standard Meridian of India? (a) 82½° E (b) 84½° E (c) 86° E (d) 81° E

Answer: (a) 82½° E

Question 7. The latitudinal extent of India lies between (a) 7° 5′ N and 26° 5′ N (b) 8° 4′ N and 37° 6′ N (c) 12° 5′ N and 27° 5′ N (d) 12° 5′ N and 37° 6′ N

Answer: (b) 8° 4′ N and 37° 6′ N

Question 8. In which of the following places, would you find the least difference in the duration between day time and night time? (a) Kanyakumari (b) Leh (b) Srinagar (d) Itanagar

Answer: (a) Kanyakumari

Question 9. Which of the following Union Territories is located along the west coast of India? (a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (b) Chandigarh (c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli (d) Puducherry

Answer: (c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Question 10. Which of the following places of India is located on the three seas? (a) Port Blair (b) Kavaratti (c) Kanyakumari (d) Kochi

Answer: (c) Kanyakumari

Question 11. Which of the following parallels of latitude divides India into two almost equal parts? (a) Equator (b) Tropic of Capricorn (c) Tropic of Cancer (d) Prime Meridian

Answer: (c) Tropic of Cancer

Question 12. Which geographical feature bounds India’s mainland south of 22°N latitude? (a) Young Fold Mountains (b) Sandy Desert (c) Lava Plateaus (d) Seas and Ocean

Answer: (d) Seas and Ocean

Question 13. Which of the following figures shows the total area of India’s landmass? (a) 2.4 million square km (b) 3.28 million square km (c) 32.8 million square km (d) 3.28 million km

Answer: (b) 3.28 million square km

Question 14. Both the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India’s mainland is about 30°. But on looking at the map of India which of the following alternatives do you observe about India’s size? (a) East-west extent appears to be smaller than north-south extent (b) East-west extent appears to be larger than north-south extent (c) East-west and north-south extent appears equal (d) North-south extent appears to be smaller than east-west extent

Answer: (a) East-west extent appears to be smaller than north-south extent

Question 15. The Standard Meridian of India, 82°30′E passes through which of the following places? (a) Kanniyakumari in Tamil Nadu (b) Walong in Arunachal Pradesh (c) Kachchh in Gujarat (d) Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh

Answer: (d) Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh

Question 16. Which of the following influences the duration of the day and night, as one moves from south to north? (a) Longitudinal extent (b) Latitudinal extent (c) Standard Meridian (d) All the above

Answer: (b) Latitudinal extent

Question 17. Which one of the following water bodies separate Sri Lanka from India? (a) Palk Strait and Gulf of Khambhat (b) Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar (c) Gulf of Mannar and 10° Channel (d) 10° Channel and Gulf of Khambhat

Answer: (b) Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar

Question 18. What is the length of Indian coastline? (a) 8716 km (b) 7165 km (c) 9515 km (d) 7516 km

Answer: (d) 7516 km

Question 19. Which one of the following straits separates India from Sri Lanka? (a) Sunda Strait (b) Johor Strait (c) Bering Strait (d) Palk Strait

Answer: (d) Palk Strait

Question 20. India has land boundary of about (a) 18,200 km (b) 7516.6 km (c) 15,200 km (d) 2458 km

Answer: (c) 15,200 km

Question 21. Which one of the following forms the southern-most tip of the Indian mainland? (a) Indira Point (b) Kanyakumari (c) Palk Strait (d) Kavaratti

Answer: (b) Kanyakumari

Question 22. What is the position of India in the world in respect of area? (a) 8th position (b) 7th position (c) 6th position (d) 2nd position

Answer: (b) 7th position

Question 23. Tropic of Cancer passes through which of these states (a) Orissa (b) Tripura (c) Bihar (d) Punjab

Answer: (b) Tripura

Question 24. Due to which of the following reasons is the Indian Ocean named after India? (a) India has a strategic location along the trans-Indian Ocean routes (b) No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India (c) India is centrally located at the head of the Indian Ocean (d) All the above

Question 25. Which of the following is the oldest route of contact between India and other countries of the world? (a) Ocean routes (b) Maritime contact (c) Land routes (d) Air routes

Answer: (c) Land routes

Question 26. Which of the following is the longitudinal extent of India? (a) 8°4′N and 37°6′N (b) 68°7′N and 97°25′E (c) 68°7′E and 97°25′W (d) 8°4′E and 37°6′E

Answer: (b) 68°7′N and 97°25′E

Question 27. India achieved multi-faceted socio-economic progress during which of the following periods? (a) Since ancient times (b) During medieval period (c) In the 21st century (d) During the last five decades

Answer: (d) During the last five decades

Question 28. Which of the following is the western-most longitude of India? (a) 97°25′E (b) 68°7′E (c) 68°7′E (d) 82°32′E

Answer: (b) 68°7′E

Question 29. What is India’s size with respect to other countries of the world? (a) First (b) Third (c) Fourth (d) Seventh

Answer: (d) Seventh

Question 30. By which geographical feature is India bounded in the north-west, north and north-east? (a) Seas (b) Lave Plateaus (c) Young Fold Mountains (d) Sandy Desert

Answer: (c) Young Fold Mountains

Question 31. If the local time at Dwarka (69°01′E) in Gujarat to the west of India is 6 am, what will be the local time at Dibrugarh (94°58′E approximately 95°), in Assam, in the east? (a) 4.16 am (b) 6 am (c) 7.44 am (d) 7.44 pm

Answer: (c) 7.44 am

Question 32. Indian Standard Time or I.S.T. is how many hours ahead or behind of G.M.T. or Universal Time? (a) 5 hrs 30 min behind G.M.T. (b) 15 hrs ahead of G.M.T. (c) 5 hrs 30 min ahead of G.M.T. (d) None of the above

Answer: (c) 5 hrs 30 min ahead of G.M.T.

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  • Chapter 1 India Size And Location

CBSE Notes Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India - Size and Location

India is one of the ancient civilisations in the world. It has moved forward, displaying remarkable progress in the field of agriculture, industry, technology and overall economic development. India has also contributed significantly to the making of world history. In CBSE Notes Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 on India – Size and Location, you will learn about India’s extent and standard meridian, India’s contact with the world through the International Highway of Trade and Commerce and India’s neighbours. So, go through these CBSE Class 9 Social Science notes and explore these topics in detail.

  • Chapter 2 Physical Features Of India
  • Chapter 3 Drainage
  • Chapter 4 Climate
  • Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation And Wildlife
  • Chapter 6 Population

CBSE Notes Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 India – Size and Location

India is lying entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, as shown in the figure below.

  • The land extends between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E.
  • The Tropic of Cancer (23° 30’N) divides India into almost two equal parts.

India’s total area accounts for about 2.4% of the total geographical area of the world. Thus, it is the 7th largest country in the world by its size.

  • India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km.
  • The total length of the coastline of the mainland is 7,516.6 km including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep.
  • India is bounded by the mountains in the northwest, north and northeast. South of about 22° north latitude, it begins to taper and extends towards the Indian Ocean, dividing it into two seas, the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on its east.
  • Time along the Standard Meridian of India (82°30’E) passing through Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh) is taken as the standard time for India.

The map below shows the Extent of India and the Standard Meridian.

India and the World

The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and West Asia. India is a southward extension of the Asian continent. The trans-Indian Ocean routes connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia. No other country has as long a coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has. India’s contacts with the World have continued through the ages. The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture and the architectural styles of domes and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of India.

India’s Neighbours

India has 28 states and eight Union Territories. India shares its land boundaries with:

  • Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest
  • China (Tibet), Nepal and Bhutan in the north
  • Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east

The southern neighbours across the sea consist of the two island countries, Sri Lanka and Maldives. India has had strong geographical and historical links with its neighbours.

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For information on How To Read Maps , watch the below video

case study questions class 9 geography india size and location

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 8 Geography Notes Chapter 1 India – Size and Location

What is the name of the indian landform.

India is of a peninsular form as it is surrounded by water in 3 of its sides.

When was the Indian landform formed?

Indian landform is said to have formed about 140 million years ago.

How many states and union territories are present in India?

India consists of 28 States and 8 Union Territories.

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