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Essay on Spring Season for Students in English | 500+ Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Spring Season: The end of the long winter period marks the beginning of spring season. The months of February, March and early days of April are usually considered part of the spring season. Hot summers during day time and light spells of chill weather at night are usually experienced during the season. The season hallmarks new beginnings, transformation and celebration of many festivals. Trees and plants look colourful and lovely with flowers and green leaves.

Essay on Spring Season 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Spring Season Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Spring season comes after winter and is the most pleasant season of the year. In the words of George Herbert-sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, a box where sweets compacted lie. Animals awaken, and nature seems to take a new course of change and growth. It varies according to different locations on the Earth and marks the new beginnings and arrival of joy. It is one of my favourite seasons.

Festivals celebrated during Spring Season

As winter bids adieu, springs sets in with blooming colours of joy and happiness. So, people in India prepare for spring festivals. Spring is the symbol of brightness, greenery, warm and vibrant atmosphere. Every region in India has a different way of celebrating spring. According to Robin, Williams-Spring is nature’s way of saying, let’s a party!

Assam: It is a state rich in agriculture and has three harvest festivals which are Rongali Bihu, Kongali Bihu, and Bhogali Bihu. Out of these Rongali Bihu is celebrated during spring as is considered as the Assamese New Year. It is celebrated in the middle of April every year and named so because it brings happiness to people. It involves farming and cultivation, so farmers decorate their cattle, bathe them with a paste of black gram and turmeric and with some garlands.

Odisha: A state famous for its tribal cultures, temples and peace-loving and communal harmony celebrates spring by Ratha Yatra. It is popularly known as chariot festival conducted in the spiritual city of Odisha called Puri. People believe that Lord Vishnu resides in the temple and visits his devotees. It is a massive festival as it carried out for a week as they travel around the city with deities of Gods present in the chariots. This festival provides a unique experience as people around the world visits Puri, especially for the festival.

Punjab: A land famously referred to as “The Land of five rivers” and known for its regional diversities. Baisakhi is celebrated to mark the onset of spring and harvest season of Punjab, they come together and enjoy folk music, bhangra dance, fairs and feasts. People anxiously wait for this season and enjoy it with full gusto and enthusiasm. The Golden temple is decorated with flowers and lights. The entire atmosphere is thronged with ecstasy and happiness.

Kerala: Kerala is a divine state known for surreal beauty and greenery. It is named as God’s own country for its spectacular sights and serene nature. The Thrissur Pooram is a grand festival celebrated through the display of vibrant elephants, dazzling parasols and music. Also, ten temples participate together to make it a magnificent one.

Jharkhand: It is known for its vast forest resources and is a leading producer of mineral wealth. They celebrate Sarhul festival with Hadia; a local beer brewed with traditional cuisines. It is made up of rice, water, and some tree leaves. It marks the beginning of the New Year, where people worship trees followed by singing and dancing. After this, they start sowing seeds and plantations.

Buddha Jayanti: It is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Lord Buddha. It is a sacred and global festival celebrated around the world. India, Tibet, Nepal, China, and Cambodia are the countries where it is a huge affair. This festival is considered to be pious and pure. In Varanasi, prayer meetings, meditation sessions, scripture reading and feasts are part of the festival. In Sarnath, there is a display of the relics of Buddha in public. Moreover, it is celebrated in Ladakh, Darjeeling, Kurseong, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Carnival and Easter: Christians practise carnival all around the world. Easter is the significant religious feast in the Christian year. Children go for Easter egg hunt and celebrate it with friends and family over a grand dinner. Also, May Day known as International Workers Day is celebrated in the spring season.

Significance of Spring Season

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), spring occurs when the Earth’s axis is pointed towards or away from the Sun. Equinoxes are special days during the year when day and night are equal. There are two equinoxes, one in the spring and one in the fall. The spring one falls around March 20. Temperatures get warm gradually. The lands which are covered with snow starts melting slowly. Animals that spent time in hibernation are awakened and come out of their dens. Birds chirp a lot signifying the beginning of spring. Different varieties of bird species are spotted, making the environment colourful.

Spring also brings rainfall that helps to water the seedlings, which are sown by farmers and gardeners. These infant seeds start taking roots in the ground. It is the season that is a harbinger of positivity and vital energy. Most noteworthy, it is a period where people are invigorated with health and happiness. The days are longer than the nights, which prove to be a significant booster as people enjoy extra hours of Sun. According to the researchers, spending time outside brings out the creativity and broadened outlook among people. There is an abundance of fresh produce of vegetables and fruits.


বসন্ত কাল ৰচনা | Spring Season Essay in Assamese

বসন্ত ঋতু সকলোৰে বাবে এক আনন্দদায়ক ঋতু। ভাৰতত বসন্ত ঋতু মাৰ্চ, এপ্ৰিল আৰু মে মাহত পৰে। এইটো শীতকালৰ দীঘলীয়া তিনি মাহৰ পিছত আহে য’ত মানুহে শীতৰ ঠাণ্ডাৰ পৰা সকাহ অনুভৱ কৰে। বসন্ত ঋতুত তাপমাত্ৰা মজলীয়া হৈ পৰে আৰু ফুলি থকা গছ আৰু ফুলৰ বাবে সকলোঠাই সেউজীয়া আৰু ৰঙীন দেখায়। দীঘলীয়া অপেক্ষাৰ পিছত, অৱশেষত সময় আহে যেতিয়া আমি পাতল কাপোৰ পিন্ধিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰোঁ আৰু অধিক সঘনাই দুৱাৰৰ বাহিৰলৈ যাব পাৰো। হোলী উৎসৱ এই ঋতুৰ আৰম্ভণিতে পৰে যেতিয়া সকলোৱে ৰং আৰু পানীৰে হোলী খেলি বসন্তৰ আগমন সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে উপভোগ কৰে।

বসন্ত কাল ৰচনা Spring Season Essay in Assamese

 এই ঋতুটো গ্ৰীষ্মকালৰ ৰূপত সমাপ্ত হয়। বসন্ত মাৰ্চ মাহত আৰম্ভ হয় আৰু ভাৰতত মে মাহত শেষ হয়। ভাৰতৰ কিছুমান ঠাইত, উষ্ণ পৰিৱেশৰ বাবে মানুহে এই ঋতুটো সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে উপভোগ নকৰে। তাপমাত্ৰা অতি স্বাভাৱিক হৈ পৰে, শীতকালৰ দৰে অত্যাধিক ঠাণ্ডা নহয় আৰু গোটেই বসন্তকালত গ্ৰীষ্মকালৰ দৰে অত্যাধিক গৰম নহয় অৱশ্যে শেষত ই লাহে লাহে গৰম হ’বলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে। নিশা, বতৰ অধিক মনোৰম আৰু আৰামদায়ক হৈ পৰে।

বসন্তকালত জীৱনৰ নতুন ৰূপ জীৱন্ত হৈ উঠা | New forms of lives getting lively in spring

Table of Contents

যেতিয়া বসন্ত ঋতুৰ কথা আহে, ই তিনি মাহৰ বাবে থাকে, কিন্তু এনে লাগে যেন ই কম সময়ৰ বাবে অব্যাহত থাকে কিয়নো ইয়াৰ চাৰিওফালৰ সকলোবোৰ ধুনীয়া দেখায়। আপুনি চৰাইবোৰক ঋতুটোক আদৰণি জনাই মিঠা গান গাই থকা দেখিব পাৰে, আৰু লগতে, তাপমাত্ৰা স্বাভাৱিক হৈ থাকে, অত্যাধিক গৰম বা ঠাণ্ডা নহয়।

সেয়েহে, ই এনে অনুভৱ কৰায় যেন গোটেই প্ৰকৃতিয়ে নিজকে সেউজীয়া চাদৰত ঢাকি ৰাখিছে কিয়নো আপুনি আপোনাৰ চাৰিওফালে সেউজীয়া দেখিব। ইয়াত, সকলো উদ্ভিদ আৰু গছ-গছনিয়ে সতেজ ফুল আৰু পাত বিকশিত কৰাৰ লগে লগে এক নতুন জীৱন আৰু এক নতুন ৰূপ লাভ কৰে। লগতে, শস্যবোৰ পথাৰত সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে পকা হয়, সকলো ঠাইতে প্ৰকৃতি সোণালী ৰঙেৰে দেখা যায়।

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বসন্ত ঋতুৰ গুৰুত্ব | Importance of Spring Season

কৃষকসকলৰ বাবে এইটো আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ ঋতু। কৃষকসকলক সুখী দেখায় কিয়নো দীঘলীয়া অপেক্ষা আৰু দীঘলীয়া শ্ৰমৰ কেইমাহমানৰ পিছত, শস্যবোৰ চপোৱাৰ বাবে সাজু হয়। ৰবি শস্য হৈছে কৃষিজাত শস্য যাক শীতকালত ৰোপণ কৰা হৈছিল আৰু বসন্তকালত চপোৱা হৈছিল। বসন্তে সকলোৰে হৃদয়ত আনন্দ আৰু সুখ কঢ়িয়াই আনে, কিয়নো এইটো উৎসৱ আৰু বিবাহৰ বতৰ। উৎসৱবোৰ ৰঙেৰে বসন্তৰ আগমন উপলক্ষে উদযাপন কৰা হয়। এই ঋতুত ৰঙৰ উৎসৱ হোলী উদযাপন কৰা হয়। ই বসন্তৰ আৰম্ভণি চিহ্নিত কৰে। হোলীয়ে বেয়াৰ ওপৰত ভালৰ জয়ৰ প্ৰতীক। এই সময়ছোৱাত বিহু, বৈশাখী, পোংগল আদি ৰ দৰে শস্য চপোৱা উৎসৱ পালন কৰা হয়। অন্যান্য গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ উৎসৱ যেনে হনুমান জয়ন্তী, ৰাম নৱমী, গুড ফ্ৰাইডে, আৰু ইষ্টাৰ এই ঋতুত উদযাপন কৰা হয়। 

বসন্ত ওচৰ চাপি অহাৰ লগে লগে প্ৰকৃতিক স্বাগতম জনোৱা | Welcoming nature as spring approaches

ইয়াত, শীতকালৰ দীঘলীয়া নীৰৱতাৰ পিছত, চৰাইবোৰে ঘৰৰ ওচৰত বা আকাশত গান গাবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে। যেতিয়াই এই বসন্তঋতুৰ উদ্ভৱ হয়, চৰাইবোৰে তেওঁলোকৰ মৌনতা ভংগ কৰে আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ মিঠা গীতৰ জৰিয়তে সতেজ অনুভৱ কৰে, আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ কাৰ্যকলাপে চাৰিওফালৰ সকলোকে এনে এক মনোৰম বতৰ দিয়াৰ বাবে ঈশ্বৰক ধন্যবাদ জনাই ইমান সুখী অনুভৱ কৰায়।

যেতিয়া আপুনি দেখিব যে বসন্ত আহি আছে, আপুনি তাপমাত্ৰা অত্যাধিক স্বাভাৱিক হৈ থকা দেখিব। এইটোৱে সাধাৰণতে মানুহক সকাহ অনুভৱ কৰায় কিয়নো তেওঁলোকে তেওঁলোকৰ গোটেই শৰীৰত যথেষ্ট গৰম কাপোৰ নোহোৱাকৈ তেওঁলোকৰ ভ্ৰমণ কৰিব পাৰে। লগতে, অভিভাৱকসকলে তেওঁলোকৰ বন্ধৰ সময়ত বনভোজৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰি তেওঁলোকৰ সন্তানৰ সৈতে উপভোগ কৰে কিয়নো শিশুসকলে সাধাৰণতে এই সময়ত তেওঁলোকৰ বাৰ্ষিক পৰীক্ষা সমাপ্ত কৰে, বিশেষকৈ ভাৰতত।।

আপুনি ফুলৰ কলিবোৰ তেওঁলোকৰ পূৰ্ণ গতিত ফুলি থকা দেখিব, প্ৰকৃতিক তেওঁলোকৰ হাঁহিৰে স্বাগতম জনাব আৰু সকলোঠাইতে তেওঁলোকৰ সুবাস বিয়পাই ৰোমাণ্টিক অনুভূতি প্ৰদান কৰিব।

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বসন্তকাল – প্ৰতিনিশাৰ পিছত এটা ভাল ৰাতিপুৱা হয় | Springtime – there is a good morning after every night

এই ঋতুত, আনকি জন্তুবোৰো সক্ৰিয়, সুখী আৰু স্বাস্থ্যকৰ। শীতকালৰ কম অস্থিৰতাৰ বাবে মানুহে তেওঁলোকৰ কাম কৰা আৰম্ভ কৰে। সেয়েহে, বসন্তৰ এই গড় অস্থায়ী আৰু ঠাণ্ডা বতৰৰ সৈতে, ই মানুহক ভাগৰ নোহোৱাকৈ বেছি কাম কৰিবলৈ বাধ্য কৰে। আপুনি সকলোৱে ৰাতিপুৱাৰ পৰা সন্ধিয়ালৈকে এটা ধুনীয়া দিন আৰম্ভ কৰা দেখিব আনকি বহুত খৰধৰ আৰু খৰধৰ কৰাৰ পিছতো, তেওঁলোকে  আৰাম আৰু সতেজ অনুভৱ কৰে।

বসন্ত ঋতুৰ লাভালাভ | Benefits of Spring Season

1. ৰ’দৰ স্তূপ | heaps of sunshine.

বিষাদময় আৰু শীতল শীতৰ পিছত, আপোনাৰ হাঁহিৰ বেছিভাগ উলিয়াবলৈ আৰামদায়ক বসন্তৰ ৰ’দ আহে। ইয়াৰ বাহিৰেও, সূৰ্যই আকাশত আৰামদায়ক উষ্ণতা আনিব যাৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে কোনো গধুৰ জেকেট নাই।

2. তাপমাত্ৰা মজলীয়া | Temperature are moderate

বসন্তে প্ৰচণ্ড শীতৰ সমাপ্তি আৰু প্ৰখৰ গ্ৰীষ্মকাললৈ পৰিৱৰ্তনশীল সময়চিহ্নিত কৰে। পৃথিৱীৰ অক্ষসূৰ্যৰ পৰা ইয়াৰ নিকটতম আৰু আটাইতকৈ দূৰত্বৰ স্থিতিৰ মাজত কোণযুক্ত, যেতিয়া তাপমাত্ৰা আটাইতকৈ অত্যাধিক হয়। আপুনি অৱশেষত শীতৰ স্তৰবোৰ খান্দি পেলাব পাৰে

3. দিনটোত অধিক সময় থাকে | There are more  hours in  day

বসন্ত বিষুৱৰ পিছত, যেতিয়া পৃথিৱীৰ দিগন্ত সূৰ্যৰ সৈতে সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে সংৰেখিত হয়, দিনবোৰ দীঘলীয়া কৈ আৰম্ভ হয় আৰু ৰাতিবোৰ চুটি হয়। ইয়াৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে কামবোৰ সম্পন্ন কৰিবলৈ আপোনাৰ ওচৰত দিনটোত অধিক সময় আছে।

4. ফুল, ফুল সকলোতে | Flower, Flower Everywhere

এক  দীঘলীয়া শীতকালৰ পিছত, বসন্তৰ পুৰষ্কাৰটো উজ্জ্বল ফুলেৰে অপেক্ষা কৰি আছে। ধুনীয়া ফুল, আৰু আগতীয়া বৰফৰ টোপালৰে আৰম্ভ কৰি, এই সকলোবোৰ আপুনি ভ্ৰমণ কৰা সকলোঠাইতে পোৱা যায়। আনকি উদ্ভিদ আৰু গছবোৰেও সিহঁতৰ ফুলি থকাৰ সৈতে সতেজ সেউজীয়া চেহেৰা পায়। ইয়াত সকলোবোৰ তেতিয়া ধুনীয়া যেন লাগে।

5. সতেজ বতাহ | Fresh Breeze

সতেজ আৰু উদ্যমী বতাহ অবিহনে বসন্তকালৰ কোনো কাৰণ নাই, যি এক মিলিছেকেণ্ডত মনোভাৱ পোহৰ কৰে। সেয়েহে, আপুনি আপোনাৰ ঘৰলৈ গৰম বায়ু প্ৰবাহিত হ’বলৈ আৰু আপোনাৰ কুছি সৰু ধুনীয়া ঠাই সতেজ কৰিবলৈ আপোনাৰ খিৰিকী খন খোলা ৰাখিব পাৰে।

বসন্ত কালৰ লোকচান | Losses of Spring season

1. এলাৰ্জি বৃদ্ধি পাই | allergies are on the rise.

এলাৰ্জিহোৱাৰ সম্ভাৱনা থকা ব্যক্তিজনৰ বাবে, বসন্তকাল তেওঁলোকৰ বাবে বেয়া কিয়নো ই গছৰ পৰা ওলাই অহা পৰাগ বৃদ্ধি কৰে। গছৰ পৰাগৰপৰাগবোৰে মানুহক এক প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া দিব পাৰে যি ভাল অনুভৱ নকৰে।

ইয়াৰ সৈতে যুঁজিবলৈ, আপুনি সঠিক ঔষধ গ্ৰহণ কৰা আৰু বতৰ এপ্প বা বাতৰিত এলাৰ্জি ট্ৰেকাৰ চোৱাটো নিশ্চিত কৰিব লাগে। যদি আপোনাৰ এলাৰ্জি অত্যাধিক বেয়া হয়, তেন্তে নিশ্চিত কৰিব যে আপুনি যথেষ্ট ঔষধ গ্ৰহণ কৰে কিয়নো বসন্তকালত আপোনাৰ ওপৰত ক্ষতিকাৰক প্ৰভাৱ পৰিব।

2. তীব্ৰ বতৰৰ আশংকা | The Risk of Severe Weather

যেতিয়া বসন্ত আহে, থাকিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰা গৰম আৰু অৱশ্যে অহা সতেজ বায়ুয়ে বজ্ৰপাতৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিব। তীব্ৰ বতৰে দুৰ্যোগ আনিব পাৰে আৰু বস্তুবোৰ ক্ষতিকাৰক অৱস্থাত ৰাখিব পাৰে। লগতে, এই তীব্ৰ বতৰৰ সমস্যাটো হ’ল আপুনি শক্তি হেৰুৱায়, আৰু বজ্ৰপাতৰ এই তীব্ৰতাৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰি, ইয়াক সময়ৰ সৈতে সম্প্ৰসাৰিত কৰা হ’ব।

3. সাধাৰণ চৰ্দি | Common Cold

আপুনি ভাবিব পাৰে যে সাধাৰণ চৰ্দি কেৱল শীতকালত হে সচৰাচৰ হয়, কিন্তু সেয়া সঁচা নহয়। বসন্ত হৈছে, দৰাচলতে, ৰাইনোভাইৰাছ (মানুহৰ আটাইতকৈ সচৰাচৰ ভাইৰেল সংক্ৰামক এজেণ্ট) সংক্ৰমণৰ সৰ্বোচ্চ সময়। আপুনি কেৱল এই সময়ত সাধাৰণ চৰ্দি ধৰাৰ সম্ভাৱনা অধিক নহয়, কিন্তু এই ঋতুত ই আনলৈও অতি সহজে বিয়পিব পাৰে।

4. নাক আৰু বুকুৰ ভিৰ | Nasal  and  chest congestion

বসন্ত ঋতুত তাপমাত্ৰা উঠা-নমা হোৱাৰ সৈতে, আপুনি ঘৰ্মাক্ত বা অত্যাধিক ঠাণ্ডা অনুভৱ কৰাৰ মাজতো উঠা-নমা কৰিব পাৰে। এই তাৰতম্যবোৰে আপোনাৰ শৰীৰৰ তাপমাত্ৰা স্থিৰ হোৱাটো বন্ধ কৰে, আৰু শ্বাস-প্ৰশ্বাসৰ সমস্যা সৃষ্টি কৰিব পাৰে। ভৰ্তি নাক, বুকুৰ ভিৰ, আৰু কাহে আপোনাক সহজে পীড়িত কৰিব পাৰে।

5. মুৰৰ বিষ | Headache

বসন্তৰ আগমনৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে বৰ্ধিত তাপমাত্ৰা। কিন্তু যদি আপুনি সেই লোকসকলৰ মাজৰ এজন যি ইতিমধ্যে অত্যাধিক গৰম অনুভৱ কৰি আছে আৰু ইতিমধ্যে আপোনাৰ এয়াৰ কণ্ডিচনাৰ অন কৰিছে, তাত ৰ’ব। আপোনাৰ এচি আৰু বাহিৰৰ তাপমাত্ৰাৰ পাৰ্থক্যঅনিবাৰ্য যাৰ ফলত মুৰৰ বিষ হ’ব, সেয়েহে, সাৱধান হ’ব। আপোনাৰ শৰীৰক প্ৰথমে বসন্তত অভ্যস্ত হ’বলৈ দিয়ক, তাৰ পিছত গ্ৰীষ্মৰ গৰমৰ বিষয়ে চিন্তা কৰক।

অৱশেষত, বসন্তকালক শীত আৰু গ্ৰীষ্মকালৰ মাজত এক পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ সময় হিচাপে লোৱা হয়। বসন্তৰ আৰম্ভণিৰ বহুতো অনুৰাগী আছে, আৰু আপুনি বেছি হাঁচি মাৰিব নালাগে কিয়নো গছবোৰ সেই সময়ত পৰাগ নিবাৰণ কৰিবলৈ সাজু নহয়।

বাকী ঋতুটোৱে আপোনাৰ বাবে কি ৰাখিছে চাবলৈ আপুনি যথেষ্ট উৎসাহিত হ’ব পাৰে, আৰু আপুনি আশা কৰিব যে বসন্তৰ সৈতে লাভালাভ আৰু লোকচান দুয়োটা আহে যি আপুনি ইয়াৰ যিমান অভিজ্ঞতা লাভ কৰিব পাৰে সেই সময়ছোৱাত যায়। মই আশা কৰোঁ আপুনি ভাৰতত বসন্ত ঋতুৰ ওপৰত এই প্ৰবন্ধটো ভাল পাইছে।

1. আপুনি বসন্ত ঋতুকেনেদৰে বৰ্ণনা কৰিব?

উত্তৰ:  আমি প্ৰায়ে বসন্তক পুনৰ্জন্ম, নৱীকৰণ আৰু জাগৰণৰ সময় বুলি বৰ্ণনা কৰোঁ। 

2. বসন্ত ঋতুত কি হয়?

উত্তৰ: সূৰ্যৰ ওচৰত হেলনীয়া হোৱা গোলাৰ্ধত, তাপমাত্ৰা গৰম হৈ পৰে। গৰম উষ্ণতাৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে শীতৰ মাহবোৰত হিমায়িত হোৱা মাটি, কোমল হয় আৰু উদ্ভিদৰ প্ৰতি অধিক উৎপাদন শীল হয়। বসন্তত প্ৰায়ে বৰ্ধিত বৰষুণ হয়, যি মাটিত শিপা লোৱা নৱজাতকৰ বীজবোৰক পানী দিয়াত সহায় কৰে।

3. বসন্ত ঋতুত কেনে ধৰণৰ বতৰ হয়?

উত্তৰ: বসন্তকালত, বতৰ গৰম হ’বলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে আৰু গছ আৰু অন্যান্য উদ্ভিদে নতুন পাত গজায়। গ্ৰীষ্মকাল হৈছে আটাইতকৈ গৰম বতৰ আৰু ইয়াত দীঘলীয়া, সাধাৰণতে ৰ’দ, দিন থাকে। পতনৰ সময়ত, বতৰ মৃদু হয় আৰু বিভিন্ন প্ৰকাৰৰ গছৰ পৰা পাত সৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে। শীতকাল হৈছে আটাইতকৈ শীতল ঋতু, কম দিনৰ সৈতে।

4. বসন্তকালত আমি কি দেখো?

উত্তৰ: বসন্তকালত, ফুল ফুলে, পাতৰ কলি, চৰাইবোৰে বাহ নিৰ্মাণ কৰে আৰু পিছফালটো জীৱনেৰে ভৰি পৰে। বসন্তৰ আগমনৰ এটা আটাইতকৈ স্পষ্ট লক্ষণ হ’ল ফুলৰ আবিৰ্ভাৱ। বৰফ গলি যোৱাৰ আগতে, সৰু ক্ৰোকাচবোৰ প্ৰায়ে উঁকি মাৰি ওলাই অহা দেখা যায়, যি য়ে মন্তব্য দিয়ে যে বসন্ত সঁচাকৈয়ে ওচৰ চাপি আহিছে।

5. বসন্তৰ সৌন্দৰ্য কি?

উত্তৰ: বসন্তকালত, পৰিৱেশ উজ্জ্বল পাত, ধুনীয়া ফুল, গুঞ্জন কৰা মৌমাখি আৰু ৰঙীন পখিলাৰ সৈতে সেউজীয়া হয়। বসন্ত হৈছে সতেজ বতাহ আৰু ৰ’দৰ সৈতে এক স্বাস্থ্যকৰ ঋতু। এই ঋতুটোৱে সকলো লোকৰ মাজত সুখ, অনুপ্ৰেৰণা আৰু ইতিবাচকতা সৃষ্টি কৰে আৰু সৃষ্টিশীল চিন্তাৰ পথ প্ৰশস্ত কৰে।


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Back to main page, weather of assam – climate, rainfall & temperature.


essay on spring season in assam

  • The climate of Assam is typically ‘tropical monsoon rainfall’ type, with high levels of humidity and heavy rainfall. A moderate climate all throughout the year, with warm summers and mild winters.
  • Climatic variations can be seen regionally. While the plains of Assam have a tropical climate with high humidity, the hills have a sub-alpine type of climate.
  • The climate of Assam is characterised by alternate cool and warm periods with a highly humidity, especially from May to November. Between March and May at the time when precipitation in Northern India is at the minimum, Assam gets some amount of rainfall from the Norwesters which keep the temperature low in the season of spring.
  • In the plains of Assam, the maximum temperature does not go beyond 90oF.or 32oC and in winter the plains of Assam have a minimum temperature of about 8oC. The climate of the plains and the sub-montane region becomes unpleasant, especially in the summer season. It happens to be so because of the extreme humidity which comes with the monsoon.
  • There are four distinct seasons in Assam - summer, monsoon, autumn and winter.
  • The summer season in Assam starts from the month of March and extends till the end of June. The season is characterized by extreme humidity and frequent showers.
  • The average temperature during this time of the year is between 35 and 38 degree Celsius. In fact, the mercury level never rises more than 38 degrees, even in the hottest month of the year.
  • This season brings relief from the scorching heat of the summers. The neighboring areas of Cherapunji and Mawsynram have the highest rainfall in the world. The average annual rainfall in the state is around 70 inches in the west and around 120 inches in the east.
  • In the afternoons, thunderstorms known as Bordoicila are very common. The season covers the entire state with a green blanket.
  • The winter season in Assam is basically characterized by scanty rainfall and misty mornings and afternoons. It starts in November and continues till the month of February.
  • The mercury reading at this time of the year is around 6 to 8 degree Celsius or 43- 46 degree Fahrenheit.

Spring & Autumn

  • In Assam, spring (March- April) and autumn (September- October) present pleasant seasons, with moderate temperature and rainfall. These are amongst the popular months for tourist rush.
  • Assam receives typical monsoon rains. The south-west monsoon rains starts from the third week of June and they continue up to the middle of September. The State receives during this period about 180 cm of rainfall on the average.
  • This constitutes about 80% of the average rainfall of the State while the remaining 20% come in the form of occasional rains in January (as a result of the extension of the westerlies that come to the north-western India causing rainfall in Panjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh and snowfall in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal and the Himalayan region and in March-April (nor'westers or Bordoichila).
  • There is however, religion variation in the rainfall pattern. It is found that as the Maghalaya Plateau stands on the way of the main branch of the rain - bearing south-west monsoon winds, the southern portion of the Brahmaputra Plains skirting the Plateau fall in the rainshadow zone.
  • Hence the south-eastern part of Kamrup district from Guwahati eastward. Southern part of Nagaon district .northern part of Hamren subdivision and the eastern foothills of Karbi -Rengma hills receive less rainfall than the other parts of the Brahmaputra Plains.
  • In fact, the Lanka-Lumding receives hardly 100 cm of average annual rainfall. Similarly, the Diphu-Nambar region also receives a small quantity of rain. In other parts of the Bhrahmaputra Plains, rainfall increases as one goes to the east or north or west.
  • The heaviest rainfall exceeding 200 cm is received in Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Dhemaji and Lakhimpur districts and along the Himalayan foothill region. The average annual rainfall is around 200cm all over the middle part of the Brahmaputra Valley from the east to the west.
  • While the western part Of Karbi Anglong receives 200cm of average annual rainfall. North Cachar Hills and the Barak plains receive more than 200cm.  

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Best Time to Visit Assam – Season & Month Guide

Best time to Visit Assam - Kaziranga

Assam, an enchanting treasure trove in the northeastern corner of India, promises a captivating experience. A potpourri of cultures, traditions, and the very essence of nature, Assam offers something special in every season. From the vast stretches of tea gardens to the rich biodiversity, there’s so much to explore and savor. The question remains, when should you venture into this land of the red river and blue hills? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you plan your trip to Assam.

Table of Contents

Understand the Climate of Assam

Distinct seasons craft unique experiences in Assam. The landscape morphs with every passing month, offering a myriad of things to do and see.

Summer (April to June): Warm and Comfortable.

With temperatures ranging between 24°C and 38°C, summer in Assam is relatively milder than in other parts of India. If you’re seeking to avoid the extreme heat, Assam can be a serene escape. Bihu, the most celebrated festival of Assam, happens during this time, giving tourists a unique cultural immersion.

Monsoon (July to September): Wet and Lush.

Assam receives abundant rainfall, transforming the landscape into a rich, green paradise. However, it’s also prone to flooding, especially around the Brahmaputra River. If you’re a rain lover, this is your time, but be prepared for some interruptions in your itinerary.

Winter (October to March): Cool and Clear.

Winter is considered the best time to visit Assam. With temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C, the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing. This is also an excellent time for wildlife enthusiasts to visit the Kaziranga National Park to catch a glimpse of the majestic one-horned rhinoceros.

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Month-by-Month Breakdown:

  • October-November: The aftermath of the monsoon leaves Assam looking fresh and radiant. The Magh Bihu festival in late January is an added attraction.
  • December-February: Peak winter months, but also the prime tourist season. Assam’s wildlife sanctuaries are buzzing with activity, and the Magh Bihu festivities in January enhance the cultural appeal.
  • March: Spring sets in. The landscapes are still fresh from winter, and the weather remains pleasant.
  • April-June: As summer starts, Assam begins to warm up. This is the time for the Rongali Bihu festival, a must-experience event.
  • July-September: The monsoon months. While the rain enhances Assam’s beauty, it can also bring challenges for travelers due to occasional flooding.

Assam between October and March– Winter

Cool breezes, misty mornings, and temperatures ranging between 8 and 20 degrees Celsius define Assam’s winters. It’s the perfect season for wildlife enthusiasts, especially with the Kaziranga National Park opening its gates to showcase the magnificent one-horned rhinoceros. Festivals like Magh Bihu in January bring the state alive with bonfires, feasts, and traditional dances.

Highlights of Assam in Winter :

  • Majuli Island – Largest river island, it’s a serene experience.
  • Tea gardens of Dibrugarh and Jorhat – Witness the tea harvesting season.

Assam from April to May – Spring

Spring sees Assam bloom in its full glory. With temperatures ranging between 15 and 28 degrees Celsius, the state is painted in hues of colourful flowers and lush tea gardens. Bihu, the most celebrated festival, falls in April and brings with it a wave of joy, dance, and mouthwatering delicacies.

Assam in Spring :

  • Guwahati’s Kamakhya Temple – A significant pilgrimage spot.
  • River cruises on Brahmaputra – Experience Assam from the waters.

Assam from June to September – Monsoon

Heavy rainfall characterizes Assam’s monsoons, making the state a verdant paradise. Though the rains enhance the region’s beauty, it’s essential to be prepared for intermittent showers and possible disruptions. The Ambubachi Mela at Kamakhya Temple in June attracts numerous pilgrims.

Must experience during Monsoon :

  • Sivasagar – Historical monuments narrating tales of the Ahom Dynasty.
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Assam’s Must-visit Spots:

During Winter :

  • Kaziranga National Park
  • Manas Wildlife Sanctuary

During Spring :

  • Barpeta – For its serene satras (monasteries).
  • Tezpur – Known for its ancient temples.

During Monsoon :

  • Haflong – The only hill station in Assam.

Insider Tips Best to enjoy Assam:

  • Tea Lovers: Visit during the early summer months (April-May) to see the tea gardens in full bloom and participate in tea-picking activities.
  • Wildlife Enthusiasts: Winter (December-February) is the best time for safaris in Kaziranga and other wildlife sanctuaries.
  • Cultural Buffs: Align your visit with Bihu, either in April or January, to experience Assam’s cultural heart.

Final Thoughts

So, when is the perfect time to dive into the Assamese charm? Well, every season has its specialty. However, for a blend of cultural immersion and nature exploration, visiting between October and April is highly recommended. Ready to embark on your Assam adventure? Customize your itinerary, and let Assam’s magic unfold before you. And before you set out, glance through our essential travel tips for a smooth journey. Happy travels!

Suggested Articles:

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  • 7 Popular Historical Places in Assam
  • Assam’s Top 10 Most Popular Temples
  • 20 Popular Destinations to Visit in Assam
  • Why Kaziranga National Park is Famous? 10 Interesting Facts
  • 8 Popular Hill Stations Around Assam
  • How to Reach Kaziranga National Park By Air, Rail, and Road
  • 14 Traditional Assamese Dishes in Assam
  • Top 10 Places to Visit in July in Assam
  • Celebrate Gaj Utsav 2024 at Kaziranga National Park in Assam
  • Nameri National Park, Assam: A Journey into Untamed Wilderness

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Satyamev Jayte

ENVIS Centre: Assam Status of Environment and Related Issues


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Location: Umananda Temple, Guwahati, Assam, Source: Directorate of Tourism, Govt. of Assam


Assam at present consists of two hill districts and twenty one plain districts. The climate of the hills is generally salubrious while that of the plains is comparatively warm in summer but cool in winter. Accordingly,the climate of Assam is characterised by alternate cool and warm periods with a highly humidity,Especially from May to November. Between March and May at the time when precipitation in Northern India is at the minimum, Assam gets some amount of rainfall from the Norwesters which keep the temperature low in the season of spring. In the plains of Assam, the maximum temperature does not go beyond 90 o F.or 32 o C and in winter the plains of Assam have a minimum temperature of about 8 o C or about 47 o F.The climate of the plains and the sub-montane region becomes unpleasant,especially in the summer season. It happens to be so because of the extreme humidity which comes with the monsoon. In the plains of Assam,including the district of Cachar the temperatures in summer may be only about 32 o C. But the humidity may be so high that one will perspire and feel very uneasy, especially during the period between two bouts of rainfall.

From the climatic point of view the year in Assam can broadly be divided in two, the cold season and the rainy season. However,there are two other short seasons namely spring and autumn representing the transition between cold and rainy seasons and that between rainy and cold seasons respectively.

From the middle of November to the middle of February the cold season prevails with the sky becoming clear and temperature going down below 15 o C. Fogs also appear during these months, especially in the morning and evening but they disappear during the daytime. From March temperature begins to rise,dust,storms begin ti blow in western Assam and occasional Northwesters visit with thunderstroms. The showers of this period prevent the temperatures from rising and they settle down the unwanted dusts which appear in the air. Besides, they also help to make the vegetation green after the dry winter. After the short spring the south west monsoon bursts in the third week of June and rains continue to pour with short spells of drought. The atmosphere there becomes sultry and temperature stands at 30 o C to 35 o C. Towards late September,the rains peter out and temperature also decreases and the short autumn sets in,while the sky begins to become clear mists appear in the horizon. With the farther fall of temperature, winter sets in from late November.

There is a slight variation of climate from region to region within the State. For instance, the climate of the region covering Kamrup, Nalbari and Barpeta in west-central Assam is characterised by plentiful rains and foggy winter. The cold season in this region is from December to February and this is followed by the sand-storms and thunderstorms from March to May. The rainy season, as in rest of Assam begins in late June and continues upto late September. October and November constitute the post-monsoon period. In western Assam comprising the districts of Goalpara, Bongaigaon, Kokrajhar and Dhubri,the climate is intermediate between that of the North Bengal Plains and the west-central Assam Valley. In this region,the day temperatures in April and May are nearly the same as in the monsoon months. The climate of the Barak Valley districts is characterised by abundant rainfall, moderate temperatures and high humidity. The year may be divided into four seasons and the cold season is identical with Goalpara and Kamrup. The climate of the east central Assam comprising Darrang, Sonitpur, Marigaon and Nagaon is characterised by the absence of a dry hot summer season,the highest temperature being experienced during the period of south west monsoon along with abundant rains and a humid atmosphere throughout the year. The climate of the eastern Assam districts (Golaghat, Jorhat, Sibsagar, Tinsukia ,Dibrugarh, Dhemaji and Lakhimpur)is somewhat identical to Darrang and Nagaon with temperature remaining slightly lower than in the latter.

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District wise Rainfall Data for last 5 years.

For more information on Climate in Assam visit:

India Meteorological Department

Regional Meteorological Centre, Guwahati

For Weather Information Dial Toll Free No. 1800 180 1717

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Assam Climate Change Knowledge Portal

Joint initiative of, assam climate change management society (accms).

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Assam Climate Change Management Society

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Climate Cell of Assam Science Technology and Environment Council Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Assam.

essay on spring season in assam

  • Assam Climate

Assam experiences tropical - warm and humid climate or "Tropical Monsoon Rainforest Climate" (summer max. at 35 o - 39 o C and winter min. at 5 o – 8 o C) with four well defined seasons in a year viz., winter, summer, monsoon and spring. The state receives substantial precipitation and the summer temperature stays around 38 o C. The state receives large part of the annual precipitation during the monsoon season which reduces summer temperature and enables formation of foggy nights and mornings in winters. Before the arrival of the monsoon the state witnesses two months of cyclonic activity. Precipitation occurs other times of the year as well.

The warm and humid climate and the topography of Assam are conducive for plants and growth of diverse pattern of vegetation. The state houses as many as 51 forest and sub-forest types.

The hill districts of the state generally have salubrious climate and the plain districts are comparatively warm in summer and cold in winter. Accordingly, the climate of the state portrays alternate warm and cool periods with high humidity especially from May to November. During March to May when precipitation in northern India is least, Assam receive fair amount of rainfall from the Norwesters which keeps the temperature low in spring season. In the plains of Assam the temperature usually does not rise beyond 32oC in summer and in winter the minimum temperature experienced is about 8 o C.

The climate of the plains and the sub-montane region becomes unpleasant in summer due to the high humidity carried by the southwest monsoon which showers an average annual rainfall of 120 inches or more on the Brahmaputra valley and the surrounding region. The monsoon is the lifeline of the region and its moist tropical climate creates treasure trove of biodiversity as rich as the equatorial rain forests.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has analysed weather data from 1951 to 2010 of 282 stations for temperature and 141 stations for rainfall across the nation. For Assam, the analysis was based on 6 stations for temperature and 12 stations for rainfall showed that the mean temperature has increased by +0.01 o C per year. There is also an increase in seasonal temperatures across seasons with pronounced warming in post monsoon and winter temperatures. The annual rainfall has also decreased by 2.96 mm per year during the same period. In addition, when station wise data are analysed for a period of at least 25-30 years, significant variations were observed across seasons in number of rainy days and in 24 hour maximum rainfall.

Assam is very much part of the regional warming trend, the summer monsoons are found to decreasing over this region at a rate of 11 mm per decade during the last century. During 2005 and 2006 several districts of Assam were severely affected by drought and IPCC has vindicated these droughts as signatures of climate change. The intense drought situation of Assam in the summer monsoon months of 2006 owing to below normal rainfall i.e. 40% has affected 15 districts at large along with the remaining districts has caused loss of Rs. 100 crores due to crop failure rendering 75% of the 26 million people’s agrarian livelihood. Another spell of drought during October 2008 to July 2009 had severely affected agriculture and production of hydropower in Assam and neighbouring states.

Climate projections in the state action plan also predict that extreme rainfall events will increase by 38%. The poor are more vulnerable to extreme climate events and the drastic climate change projections are particularly worrisome for Assam as almost 32% of its population lives below the poverty line. Further, a majority of this population is dependent for its income on agriculture, which in turn is highly dependent on climatic factors such as precipitation and weather, and is frequently disrupted due to damage from floods and droughts.

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Result of selection of consultants for providing consulting services for Engagement of a Consulting Firm for Development of SDG Monitoring Dashboard for the State of Assam, Under Assam Climate Change Management Society./ Date: 04/05/2023

Bid Cancellation Notice - Impacts of Climate Change on the Ground Water in the Piedmont Plain of Northern Assam – Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Sonitpur, Biswanath, Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa, Udalguri/ Date: 08.04.2022

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Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Consultants for Impacts of Climate Change on the groundwater in the piedmont plain of northern Assam / Date: 19.02.2022

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Request for proposal for selection of consultants for revision of Assam State Action Plan on Climate Change(SAPCC) and preparation of vulnerability action plan for agro-climatic zones of Assam. / Date: 24.02.2021

Request for Proposal for selection of consultants for conducting Pre-feasibility studies for implementation of green brick production technologies in Assam / Date: 16.02.2021 Download Tender

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Anda dapat memilih antara berbagai jenis taruhan, mulai dari taruhan 4D, 3D, 2D, colok bebas, colok naga, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan peluang menang yang adil dan sistem permainan yang transparan, Anda dapat merasakan sensasi sebenarnya dari permainan toto macau. Jangan lewatkan juga fitur-fitur menarik seperti live draw dan hasil keluaran terbaru, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk tetap terhubung dengan permainan dan melihat hasil langsung. Anda juga dapat mengikuti promosi dan turnamen berhadiah yang diselenggarakan secara berkala, untuk kesempatan memenangkan hadiah-hadiah menarik.

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BENTO4D memberikan kesempatan kepada para pemain untuk memenangkan hadiah 4D terbesar hingga 10 juta. Dalam permainan toto macau kami, Anda memiliki kesempatan yang luar biasa untuk meraih kemenangan besar dan mengubah hidup Anda. Dengan hadiah 4D terbesar yang ditawarkan, BENTO4D ingin memberikan pengalaman bermain yang mengasyikkan dan memberi kesempatan kepada semua pemain kami untuk meraih impian mereka.

Meskipun sudah terjamin memudahkan, setidaknya para pemain tetap harus tahu beberapa tips terbaiknya sehingga memperoleh keuntungan tidak akan membuatnya menjadi sulit. Hadiah 4D sendiri pastinya bisa didapat dengan cara pasang taruhan toto macau jenis 4D. Kemudian, anda pun akan lebih berpeluang dapatkan hadiah 4D terbesar apabila lebih sering atau intens bermain togel toto macau di BENTO4D.

Kami percaya bahwa setiap pemain memiliki potensi untuk memenangkan hadiah besar dan membawa pulang keuntungan yang luar biasa. Sebagai bandar toto macau terpercaya, BENTO4D dengan bangga menyediakan hadiah 4D terbesar yang dapat mengubah hidup Anda. Segera bergabung dengan kami dan buktikan sendiri keseruan dan keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan.

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Di BENTO4D, kami menyadari betapa pentingnya pelayanan pelanggan yang ramah dan responsif bagi kepuasan Anda. Sebagai bandar toto macau terpercaya, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada semua anggota kami.

Tim kami yang berpengalaman dan profesional siap membantu Anda dengan setiap pertanyaan atau masalah yang Anda hadapi. Kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan melalui berbagai saluran komunikasi yang kami sediakan.

Pelayanan pelanggan di BENTO4D tidak hanya tentang memberikan jawaban yang tepat waktu, tapi juga tentang memberikan solusi yang memuaskan. Kami memahami betapa berharganya waktu dan keinginan Anda untuk merasakan sensasi permainan toto macau dengan lancar dan tanpa hambatan. Itulah mengapa kami akan segera merespons setiap permintaan atau keluhan yang Anda ajukan.

Strategi dan Tips untuk Memenangkan Toto Macau di BENTO4D

Pelajari strategi dan tips yang efektif untuk memenangkan permainan toto macau di BENTO4D. Dengan memahami strategi yang tepat dan menerapkan tips yang kami berikan, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang meraih hadiah 4D terbesar hingga 10 juta.

  • Pahami Aturan Permainan Toto Macau

Sebelum memulai permainan, sangat penting untuk memahami aturan dan cara bermain toto macau dengan baik. Teliti semua ketentuan yang berlaku dan pahami jenis taruhan yang tersedia. Dengan pemahaman yang baik, Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik saat bermain.

  • Analisis Data dan Statistik

Analisis data dan statistik sebelum memasang taruhan dapat membantu Anda dalam mengidentifikasi pola atau kecenderungan angka yang sering muncul dalam permainan. Gunakan data-data tersebut untuk membuat strategi taruhan yang lebih cerdas dan terinformasi.

  • Pilih Metode Taruhan yang Tepat

Terdapat berbagai metode taruhan yang bisa Anda terapkan dalam permainan toto macau. Pilih metode yang sesuai dengan gaya bermain dan preferensi Anda. Gunakan strategi taruhan yang telah terbukti efektif dan sesuaikan dengan situasi permainan.

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Assam PCS Exam Notes

APSC Prelims and Mains Notes, APSC Test Series

Assam: Climate

essay on spring season in assam

The climate of Assam is typically ‘tropical monsoon rainfall’ type, with high levels of humidity and heavy rainfall.

The summer season in Assam starts from the month of March and extends till the end of June. Extreme humidity and frequent showers characterize the season. The average temperature during this time of the year is between 35 and 38 degree Celsius. In fact, the mercury level never rises more than 38 degrees, even in the hottest month of the year. Therefore, light cotton clothes are the best option during summers.

Rainy Season

This season brings relief from the scorching heat of the summers. The neighboring areas of Cherapunji and Mawsynram have the highest rainfall in the world. The average annual rainfall in the state is around 70 inches in the west and around 120 inches in the east. In the afternoons, thunderstorms known as Bordoicila are very common.

The winter season in Assam is basically characterized by scanty rainfall and misty mornings and afternoons. It starts in November and continues till the month of February. The mercury reading at this time of the year is around 6 to 8 degree Celsius or 43- 46 degree Fahrenheit. This is the best time to visit the northeastern state of Assam.

Spring & Autumn

In Assam, spring (March- April) and autumn (September- October) present pleasant seasons, with moderate temperature and rainfall. These are amongst the popular months for tourist rush. As it is neither too cold nor too hot, you don’t have to carry any special type of garment for these seasons. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to Assam, spring and autumn may be your choice.

Climatic affecting factors:

Below are the factors, which influence climate of Assam:

(1) Many of these hills and mountains are high enough (rendering the climate cool and bracing.

(2) Eastern Himalayas, Patkai and the high hills ranges along Manipur and Mizoram borders with Myanmar prevent the rain bearing monsoon winds from escaping from this region further; these ranges do not allow the dry and cold winds of central Asia to enter the North East region.

(3) The Meghalaya plateau, standing athwart the course of the southwest monsoon winds, makes them rise orographic wise, causing the heaviest rainfall in the world in its southern margin.

(4) The Himalayan and eastern hill ranges also cause orographic rise of the monsoon winds with consequent heavy rainfall in North East India.

(5) Another very important effect of the encircling hills and mountains on the climate of the region is that in summer while the plains become hot, the air over the hills and mountain remain relatively cool. Thus local low pressure systems are built up over the valleys. These low-pressure systems over the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys obviously modify the climate in this region.

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Spring Season Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on spring season.

Spring refers to the season of the year between winter and summer. Its beginning marks the end of Winter Season. Also, the end of Spring signals the start of the Summer season . Furthermore, when it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is Autumn in the Southern and vice-versa. Also, during Spring Season days and nights are probably 12 hours. Spring is certainly a time of happiness and joy. Most noteworthy, in many cultures Spring celebrations occur with rites and festivals.

Spring Season Essay

Natural Events

The axis of the Earth increases its tilt relative to the Sun in early Spring. Also, the length of the daylight increases for the relevant hemisphere. Furthermore, the hemisphere gets warm which results in new plants to spring forth. Hence, the season is called Spring . Another important occurrence is the melting of the snow. Frosts also get less severe.

As Spring advances, many flowering plants bloom. In some areas of Northern hemisphere, Spring begins in February. Furthermore, temperate areas have a dry Spring which brings flowering. Also, in sub-arctic regions, Spring does not begin until May.

Spring certainly is the result of warmth. Furthermore, this warmth is due to the changing of Earth’s axis relative to the Sun. Unstable weather can also occur at Spring. This happens when warm air invades from lower latitudes, while cold air pushes from the Polar Regions . In Spring, flooding is common in the mountainous areas. This is because of the snowmelt acceleration by warm rains.

In recent years, a new Spring phenomenon known as season creep has been observed. Most noteworthy, due to season creep, signs of Spring are now occurring earlier than expected. This trend is prevalent in many regions of the World.

Health Benefits of the Spring Season

Spring Season certainly brings with itself many health benefits. One important benefit of the Spring Season is the mental boost. Winter season can cause depression and anxiety in many people. Spring replaces those feelings with fresh and positive energy. People are able to come out of winter hibernation. Most noteworthy, the Spring Season is a period of rejuvenation and joy.

Probably many individuals consume Winter comfortable foods during Winter Season. This certainly results in increased weights for many individuals. Spring is a time for eating diet food . During Spring Season healthy fresh local food is available. Above all, many vitamin-rich vegetables reach their prime during Spring. Some of these vegetables are asparagus, kale, and peas.

Spring Season is a healthy season. The season certainly helps in making homes healthy. Sunshine and fresh air enter indoor after a long Winter Season. Most noteworthy, people get to breathe high amount of fresh oxygen during Spring Season. Furthermore, ample Sunshine during Spring is good for the skin. This is because; Sunlight is an excellent way to get vitamin D .

Spring Season significantly increases the motivation to do the workout. Furthermore, cold weather is a period of less physical activity. So, when Spring comes, people get excited about physical activity. The beautiful warmth of the Sun encourages probably everyone to exercise. Hence, Spring improves the physical fitness of individuals.

In conclusion, Spring Season is certainly the best season anywhere on Earth. A lot of activities can be easily carried out in Spring Season. This is due to the beautiful comfortable weather at this time of the year. Without hesitation, one can call Spring as the king of all seasons.

FAQs on Spring Season

Q1 What is season creep?

A1 Season creep is a phenomenon which has come up in recent years. Above all, due to season creep, signs of Spring are occurring earlier than usual. Furthermore, season creep is prevalent in many regions of the World.

Q2 Name some vitamin-rich vegetables which reach their prime during Spring?

A2 During Spring Season many vitamin-rich vegetables certainly reach their prime. Most noteworthy, some of these vegetables are asparagus, kale, and peas.

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  • Spring Season Essay


What Does a Spring Refers to?

Spring refers to the period between winter and summer. Winter leaves the scene at the commencement of spring. Likewise, the conclusion of spring signals the beginning of summer. Additionally, Autumn season occurs in the Southern Hemisphere when there is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Day and night are likely the same lengths during the Spring Season. Certainly, Spring brings happiness and joy to everyone. Besides that, Spring celebrations occur in many cultures, usually in conjunction with rites and festivals.

Overview of the Spring Season

The season of spring also marks the emergence of flowers and the breeding of animals. The chirping of the birds in the early mornings and the buzzing of the bees in the night become very soothing and calm after a long winter's silence. The beauty of watching a butterfly hop from a flower to another in the gardens is wonderful. During this time, the skies appear clear and the wind is cool and refreshing, creating a peaceful atmosphere everywhere. A variety of flowers bloom in the spring season. The most important flowers in this season are roses, tulips, daisies, lilies, and hyacinths. This is also a season when we get an abundance of fruits and vegetables. We are able to enjoy them in the freshest way. Branches of mango trees blossom with mango blossoms. All living things appear lively, including humans. 

The beauty of this season brings happiness and joy all around and makes our minds very creative and gives energy to the body to start work full of confidence. People go out on short trips or long vacations during this season. Children enjoy picnics and play around. This season is perfect for hiking and nature walks. 

Early in the spring, the Earth's axis becomes tilted as a result of its tilt with respect to the Sun. Likewise, the length of daylight in particular hemispheres increases. Additionally, a warm climate results in the advent of new plants in the hemisphere. Spring is therefore a warm season. Melting snow is a second important occurrence in the spring. There are fewer severe frosts as well. 

Plants bloom in the spring as the weather warms. It can be the first month of spring in certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It is also the first month of flowering in temperate regions. Also, in subarctic regions, Spring begins in May.

Certainly, spring is the result of warm weather. Also, the planet's axis changes in relation to the Sun as a result of this warming. During the Spring, there can be unstable weather conditions. A cold front invades the Arctic from the poles, while a warm front descends from lower latitudes. Spring is frequently associated with flooding in the mountains. This is due to warm rains accelerating snowmelt.

The term 'season creep' has become a buzzword in recent years. In particular, spring signs are occurring earlier than expected due to the creep of the season. Across the globe, this trend has been gaining traction.

A number of health benefits are associated with the spring season. A psychological boost is among the benefits the spring season provides. Depression and anxiety are common problems suffered by people during the winter season. With Spring, those feelings are replaced with a new sense of hope and optimism. Winter has given people the opportunity to emerge from hibernation. The Spring season is most notable for its rejuvenating and joyful nature.

The Winter season is a time when many people consume comforting foods. For many people, this leads to increased weight gain. The spring season is a good time to eat healthy foods. A variety of fresh local foods will be available while the spring season lasts. The Spring season is also a time when many vitamin-rich vegetables reach peak ripeness. Peas, asparagus, kale, and brussels sprouts are among them.

Seasonal health is at its peak during spring. A healthy environment is certainly encouraged by the season. A long winter season is over and it's time to let the sun in. During the Spring season, the amount of fresh oxygen available to humans is exceptionally high. Moreover, spring provides a lot of sunshine for healthy skin. Sunlight provides Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy skin.

During springtime, you are more motivated to work out. Winter is a time when you are less likely to move around. People are more likely to move around when spring comes. It's especially nice to exercise when it's warm outside. This contributes to individuals becoming more fit through spring.

Importance of Spring Season

It is the most important season for the farmers. The farmers look happy because after a long wait and months of a long labour, the crops get ready to be harvested. Rabi crops are the agricultural crops that were sown in winter and harvested in spring. Spring brings joy and happiness to everyone’s heart, as it is the season of festivals and weddings. The festivals are celebrated to mark the arrival of spring with colours. Holi, the festival of colours, is celebrated in this season. It marks the beginning of spring. Holi symbolises the triumph of good over evil. Harvesting festivals like Bihu, Baisakhi, Pongal, etc., are celebrated during this time. Other important festivals like Hanuman Jayanti, Ram Navami, Good Friday, and Easter are also celebrated in this season. 

As a whole, spring is the most beautiful season everywhere. As a result, spring is filled with joy and happiness. The season is associated with love, hope, youth, and growth. It is a season for a variety of activities. This time of the year has the most pleasant weather. The king of all seasons, this time of year includes so many activities. 

Spring is the best season of the year, no matter where you are. This season brings with it happiness and joy. The season of spring represents youth, love, and hope. It is the perfect season for many activities. The climate is most pleasant during this time. It is indeed known as the king of seasons.


FAQs on Spring Season Essay

1. When does spring arrive every year?

The spring season falls between winter and summer. It precedes the end of harsh winter and heralds the beginning of summer. Even though the season is short lived, it is known as the king of all seasons. It is a time for rebirth and renewal of the natural world. It awakens nature from its slumber and causes it to become active again, bringing new life to the planet.

2. What are the festivals in the spring season?

During the spring season, there are a number of festivals to celebrate.

  • Good Friday
  • Hanuman Jayanti.

3. What does the spring season represent?

The spring season represents life, love, hope, youth, and growth. It is a season for a variety of activities. This time of the year has the most pleasant weather. The king of all seasons, this time of year includes so many activities.

4. What are some of the vitamin-rich vegetables available during the Spring season?

This is the time of the year when many vitamin-rich vegetables are at their peak. Asparagus, kale, and peas are some of the most noteworthy vegetables on this list.

5. Why is spring important for the farmers?

Spring is important for the farmers because, after a long wait and months of a long labour, the crops get ready to be harvested. Rabi crops are the agricultural crops that were sown in winter and harvested in spring.


Essay on Spring Season

Students are often asked to write an essay on Spring Season in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Spring Season


Spring season is a delightful period of the year. It occurs between winter and summer. It is loved by everyone for its mild weather and vibrant colors.

Beauty of Spring

In spring, nature is at its best. Trees regain their green leaves. Flowers bloom, adding colors to the surroundings. The air is filled with sweet fragrances.

Weather in Spring

Spring weather is very pleasant. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The days and nights are almost equal.

Spring season is a symbol of joy and freshness. It brings happiness and marks the beginning of life.

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250 Words Essay on Spring Season

Spring, often referred to as the season of rebirth, rejuvenation, and regrowth, is a time of immense transformation. As winter’s icy grip loosens, nature awakens from its slumber, offering a spectacular display of colors and life. This essay explores the unique characteristics and significance of the spring season.

The Awakening of Nature

Spring is the season when the earth seems to come alive again. Trees, seemingly lifeless during winter, burst into a riot of green, their leaves unfurling in response to the warmth. Flowers, too, are a quintessential symbol of spring. They bloom in a myriad of colors, painting landscapes with their vibrant hues. This rebirth of flora is not just a visual feast but also signifies the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that every living organism on this planet goes through.

Animal Activity

Spring is also a time of increased animal activity. Animals emerge from hibernation, birds return from their winter migrations, and the air is filled with the buzz of insects. This flurry of activity is a testament to the resilience of life and its ability to adapt to changing conditions.

Symbolism and Cultural Significance

Spring is more than just a season; it’s a symbol of hope and renewal. Many cultures celebrate spring festivals, such as the Holi festival in India or Easter in Christian tradition, symbolizing rebirth and renewal. These celebrations remind us of the cyclical nature of life and the possibility of new beginnings.

In conclusion, spring is a season that signifies renewal and hope. It serves as a reminder that after every hardship comes ease, mirroring the resilience inherent in nature and in us. Thus, the spring season is not just a transition between winter and summer, but a celebration of life itself.

500 Words Essay on Spring Season

Introduction to spring season.

Spring, often referred to as the ‘King of Seasons’, is a period of rejuvenation and rebirth that follows the harsh winter. It is a season that ushers in a sense of renewal, with nature regaining its vibrancy after enduring the winter’s cold.

Significance of Spring Season

Spring is a season of great significance, symbolizing the cycle of life, rebirth, and renewal. It is during spring that the earth seems to come alive again, with plants budding, flowers blooming, and animals coming out of hibernation. The season is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts, as it is a time when the earth is replenished and rejuvenated.

The Beauty of Spring

Spring is undeniably the most beautiful season, with nature displaying an array of colors and life. The trees get new leaves, flowers begin to bloom, and the overall landscape is transformed into a vibrant and colorful spectacle. The weather is pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities and exploration.

Spring and Human Emotions

Spring has a profound effect on human emotions. The bright colors and pleasant weather can uplift spirits and evoke feelings of joy and happiness. It is a time when people feel more energetic and enthusiastic, inspired by the renewal happening around them. This season, therefore, plays a crucial role in promoting positive mental health.

Spring in Literature and Art

Spring’s influence extends to literature and art, where it has been a popular theme for centuries. Poets and writers often use spring as a metaphor for hope, rebirth, and new beginnings. Painters, too, have been inspired by the vibrant colors and life of spring, creating masterpieces that capture its essence.

Spring and Environmental Concerns

Despite the beauty and joy that spring brings, it is also a time when we should reflect on our relationship with nature. The changing patterns of seasons due to climate change have raised concerns about the future of spring. Unpredictable weather patterns, early or late springs, and the impact on flora and fauna are alarming signs that we need to take action to protect our environment.

In conclusion, spring is a season that brings joy, hope, and renewal. It is a time when nature is at its most vibrant, inspiring positivity and creativity. However, it is also a season that reminds us of our responsibility towards the environment. As we enjoy the beauty of spring, we must also strive to preserve it for future generations.

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essay on spring season in assam

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Essay about the Spring season in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 & 400 Words

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Essay about the Spring season in 100 Words

Spring is the most beautiful and refreshing season of the year. It is a season of rebirth and renewal, bringing warmth, blooming flowers, and vibrant colors. The days get longer, and the weather becomes pleasantly mild.

In spring, nature comes alive with the sweet fragrance of flowers and the melodious songs of birds. Trees and plants start budding, painting the landscape with hues of pink, yellow, and purple. The sky is clear, and the sun’s rays feel gentle on our skin. Children play outside, flying kites and chasing butterflies.

Spring is a time for new beginnings, providing an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature and rejuvenate our spirits after the cold winter months.

Essay about the Spring season in 200 Words

Spring is a beautiful season that marks the end of the cold winter and the beginning of new life. It is a season of rejuvenation and renewal. The weather during spring is warm and pleasant, with gentle breezes and blooming flowers.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of spring is witnessing the colorful flowers that start to bloom. Everywhere you look, the world comes alive in vibrant shades of pink, yellow, and purple. The sweet fragrance of the blossoms fills the air, creating a delightful ambiance.

In addition to the breathtaking flowers, spring is also the time when many animals emerge from hibernation. Birds return from their long migration journey, filling the skies with their cheerful songs. Butterflies flutter around, adding a touch of enchantment to the landscape.

Another highlight of spring is the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. The days become longer, and the sun shines brighter, making it perfect for outdoor activities such as picnics, bike rides, and nature walks. It is a time when families and friends come together to enjoy the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, the spring season is a delightful time of year. It brings forth a burst of colors and new life, filling our hearts with joy and hope. It provides us with the chance to embrace the wonders of nature and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

Essay about the Spring season in 250 Words

Spring is a beautiful and enchanting season that brings new life and colors to our surroundings. It is a time when Mother Nature wakes up from her long winter slumber to showcase her best work. The air becomes warmer, trees start blooming with vibrant flowers, and colorful butterflies fill the sky.

During spring, fields and gardens explode in a riot of colors with the blossoming of flowers like daffodils, tulips, and cherry blossoms. The sweet fragrance of these flowers fills the air, creating a delightful ambiance. Birds return from their long migration and fill the trees with their cheerful songs, creating a symphony that is music to our ears.

Spring is also a season of renewal and growth. Trees regain their greenery, and new leaves emerge, providing shade from the sun’s warmth. The days become longer, and the sunlight feels rejuvenating after a chilly winter. It is a perfect time for outdoor activities like picnics, sports, and long walks in nature.

Spring also brings captivating changes in the animal kingdom. Baby animals like lambs and chicks are born, adding to the splendor of this season. Bees and butterflies flutter from flower to flower, pollinating them and helping them thrive. The buzzing of bees and the sight of butterflies dancing in the air are delightful scenes to behold.

In conclusion, spring is a season of beauty, transformation, and new beginnings. It brings joy and fills our hearts with a sense of hope and positivity. With its vibrant colors and rejuvenating atmosphere, spring is undoubtedly the most enchanting season of the year.

Essay about the Spring season in 300 Words

Spring is a beautiful season that comes after winter and before summer. It is a time of new beginnings and a celebration of life. The beauty of nature is at its peak during this season, as flowers bloom, trees turn green, and the weather becomes pleasant.

One of the most striking features of spring is the vibrant colors that can be seen everywhere. The fields are adorned with colorful flowers like daisies, tulips, and daffodils. The air is filled with the fragrance of blossoming flowers, making it a delightful experience to be outdoors. The trees that were bare and lifeless during winter are now dressed in lush green leaves. The whole environment is transformed into a mesmerizing sight of freshness and vitality.

Spring is a season of joy and excitement. Children can be seen playing outside, flying kites, and enjoying picnics with their families. The chirping of birds fills the air, as they build nests and sing melodious tunes. The days become longer, allowing people to spend more time outside, soaking up the warm sunshine.

Another significant aspect of spring is the pleasant weather it brings along. The days are warm and sunny, while the nights are cool and refreshing. It is the perfect time to indulge in outdoor activities like gardening, hiking, and cycling. The gentle breeze caresses the skin, creating a soothing effect on the mind and body.

In conclusion, spring is a season that brings life, color, and happiness to the world. It is a time when nature awakens from its slumber, and all living beings rejoice in its beauty. The sights, sounds, and scents of spring create a sense of joy and renewal. It is a season that fills our hearts with hope and optimism for the days to come.

Essay about the Spring season in 350 Words

Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. It is a time when nature wakes up from its long winter sleep and bursts into life. Everything seems to come alive during this season – the flowers bloom, the trees turn green, and the birds chirp merrily in the clear blue skies.

One of the most noticeable things about spring is the change in weather. The cold, frosty days of winter are replaced by warm and sunny days. The sun shines brightly, bringing warmth and light to the world. The temperature gradually starts to rise, and people shed their winter coats and start wearing lighter and brighter clothes. It is a refreshing change after the gloomy days of winter.

The most enchanting aspect of spring is the blossoming of flowers. The landscape transforms into a riot of colors as flowers of various shapes and sizes bloom everywhere. Daffodils, tulips, cherry blossoms, and daisies add a touch of beauty to the surroundings. Parks and gardens become a paradise for nature lovers, with people flocking to admire the vibrant and fragrant flowers.

Another delightful sight in spring is the lush greenery that covers the trees and grass. The branches, which were bare during winter, become adorned with fresh, green leaves. The grass, which appeared brown and lifeless, regains its lively green hue. The entire world is filled with the color of new life and growth.

Spring is also a season for celebrations and festivities. Easter, a religious holiday celebrated by Christians, is often associated with spring. It is a time when families come together to share meals, exchange gifts, and participate in various activities. People also engage in outdoor sports and picnics, making the most of the pleasant weather.

In conclusion, spring is a season of new beginnings and rejuvenation. It brings with it a sense of hope and optimism. The vibrant colors, pleasant weather, and blooming flowers make it a truly enchanting time of year. Spring is a season to be cherished and celebrated, as it reminds us of the beauty and resilience of nature.

Essay about the Spring season in 400 Words

Spring is one of the most delightful seasons of the year. It marks the transition from cold winter to warm weather, bringing a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. The beauty of spring lies in its vibrant colors, sweet fragrances, and pleasant weather. In this essay, we will explore the magical aspects of the spring season that make it so special.

To begin with, spring is characterized by an explosion of colors. After the dullness of winter, nature awakens with a burst of life. The trees, which were once bare and lifeless, are now adorned with green leaves and blossoming flowers. Tulips, daffodils, and cherry blossoms add splashes of pink, yellow, and purple, creating a breathtaking sight. The vibrant hues of spring inspire happiness, joy, and a sense of awe.

Furthermore, the sweet fragrances of spring fill the air. As the snow melts and the ground thaws, flowers bloom and release their scents. Walking through a garden in spring is like entering a world of perfumes. The aroma of roses, jasmine, and lilacs waft through the air, intoxicating our senses. Breathing in these delightful scents brings a feeling of calmness and tranquility.

Moreover, spring weather is pleasant and agreeable. After months of cold and bitter temperatures, spring brings warmth and sunshine. The gentle rays of the sun kiss our skin, soothing it. It is the perfect season to enjoy outdoor activities like picnics, gardening, and playing in the park. The mild temperatures make it comfortable to spend long hours outside, soaking in the natural beauty that surrounds us.

In addition to its sensory delights, spring also brings hope and new beginnings. It represents a fresh start, both in nature and in our lives. Just as flowers bloom and butterflies emerge from their cocoons, spring encourages us to embrace change and growth. It is a season of optimism and possibilities, reminding us that no matter how harsh the winter may have been, there is always a chance for renewal.

In conclusion, the spring season is a magical time of year. Its vibrant colors, sweet fragrances, and pleasant weather make it a favorite among many. It is a season that brings joy, happiness, and a sense of hope. As we witness the beauty of spring, let us be grateful for the wonders of nature and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

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বসন্তকাল রচনা | বসন্ত ঋতু রচনা | Spring Season Essay in Bengali

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বসন্তকাল রচনা | বসন্ত ঋতু রচনা

আমাদের দেশ ঋতু বৈচিত্র্যে সৌন্দর্যময়। ঋতু পরিবর্তনের সাথে সাথে প্রতি বছর বয়ে যায় প্রকৃতির নতুন নতুন পর্যায়। কখনো প্রখর তাপদাহ, কখনো প্রবল বর্ষন, আবার কখনো তীব্র শৈত্যপ্রবাহ। এভাবেই প্রকৃতি যেন রুপে-রঙে-রসে ঝলমল করে ওঠে, বারবার জেগে ওঠে নতুন আনন্দে। ভিন্ন ভিন্ন রূপে ও বৈচিত্র্যে বাংলার প্রত্যেকটি ঋতুই আমাদের হৃদয়ে নাড়া দিয়ে যায়। ঋতু কালচক্রের সর্বশেষ ঋতু বসন্ত। বসন্তকাল তার ফুল ফলের রঙিন ডালি নিয়ে সকলের মনে দোলা দিয়ে যায়। ছয়টি ঋতুর মধ্যে বসন্ত চির রঙীন তাই একে ঋতুরাজ বসন্ত বলা হয়। কবি সুভাষ মুখোপাধ্যায় সুভাষ মুখোপাধ্যায় তাঁর কবিতায় লিখেছেন—

“ফুল ফুটুক না ফুটুক আজ বসন্ত”।

বসন্তের সময়সীমা

সূর্যের চতুর্দিকে ঘূর্ণায়মান পৃথিবীর বার্ষিক পরিক্রমণ ঋতু পরিবর্তনের সাথে জড়িত বাংলায় প্রধান ঋতু হল— গ্রীষ্ম , বর্ষা , শরৎ , হেমন্ত , শীত ও বসন্ত। প্রবল শৈত্যের পর আসে শেষ দুই মাস ফাল্গুন ও চৈত্র, এই দুই মাস মিলে হয় বসন্তকাল।

বসন্তে প্রকৃতির রূপ

বসন্তকালের সৌন্দর্য এবং শোভা আমাদের মনকে হরণ করে। বসন্তের নাতিশীতোষ্ণ আবহাওয়া, প্রাকৃতিক শোভা সকলের প্রানে আনে আনন্দ। পাতাঝরা গাছগুলোতে নতুন পাতা জন্মায়। আমগাছ মুকুলে ভরে যায়। বসন্তের বাতাস দক্ষিণ দিক থেকে বইতে থাকে। বসন্ত যেন নবজীবনের প্রতীক। গাছে গাছে কৃষ্ণচূড়া, পলাশ, শিমূল ফুলের মেলা। চারিদিকে কোকিলের কুহু কুহু রব জানান দেয় বসন্ত এসে গেছে। প্রজাপতির আনাগোনা দেখা যায় রঙ-বেরঙের ফুলে। মৌমাছির চাক মধুর টানে গাছে গাছে বাসা বাঁধে। অলির গুঞ্জনে মাতোয়ারা হয় প্রকৃতি। কবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর তাঁর “ফাল্গুন” কবিতায় বসন্তকালকে বর্ণনা করেছেন—

“ফাল্গুনে বিকশিত কাঞ্চন ফুল। ডালে ডালে পুঞ্জিত আম্রমুকুল। চঞ্চল মৌমাছি গুঞ্জরি গায়। বেনুবনে মর্মরে দক্ষিণ বায়”।

বসন্তকাল কবি ও সাহিত্যিকের প্রেরণার উৎস হয়ে আছে যুগ যুগ ধরে। চমৎকার আবহাওয়া এবং ফুল ও ফলের প্রাচুর্যের জন্য এ সময় সাংস্কৃতিক অঙ্গনও মুখরিত হয়ে ওঠে। উদযাপিত হয় বাসন্তী উৎসব, হোলি উৎসব। দোল বা হোলি বসন্তের বড় আপন উৎসব। ফাল্গুন মাসের পূর্ণিমা তিথিতে দোলযাত্রা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। এই উৎসব হল মন রাঙানো রঙের উৎসব। সমস্ত জীর্ণতা ভেঙে ফেলার উৎসব তাই এই বসন্ত ঋতু সব অর্থে রঙীন। এই উৎসবে মানুষ ব্যক্তিগত জীবনের দুঃখ, কষ্ট ভুলে মিলেমিশে মেতে ওঠে রঙের আনন্দে।

বসন্তকাল মানুষের মনে চেতনা আনে। প্রকৃতির হাস্য ও লাস্য মানুষের মনকে প্রভাবিত করে ফেলে। মানুষ এ সময়ে প্রাণ চাঞ্চল্য ফিরে পায়। এভাবেই প্রতিটি বসন্তে ঋতুরঙ্গ পৃথিবীর রঙ্গশালায় বাংলা হয়ে ওঠে অনন্য। বাঙালী জীবনের সারা বছরের সুখের আকুতি যেন এই ঋতুতেই প্রানবন্ত হয়ে ওঠে। ঋতুরাজ বসন্ত যাবার আগেও দু-হাত ভরে দিয়ে যায় নতুন একটা বছর, বৈশাখীর আনন্দে বাঙালীকে মাতিয়ে বিদায় নেয় ঋতুরাজ বসন্ত। বসন্তের বৈচিত্র্যে বিভোর হয়ে কবিগুরু লিখেছেন

“আহা আজি এ বসন্তে এত ফুল ফোটে এত বাঁশি বাজে, এত পাখি গায়…।”

About The Author

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Bellal Hossain Mondal

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Spring Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session, you will learn how to write short essays about Spring Season . Here, I am going to write three sets of essays on the same topic within different word limits. So, let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on spring season in 100 words, short essay on spring season in 200 words, short essay on spring season in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on Spring Season

The seasonal cycle of our earth is divided into four major seasons: summer, winter, spring, and autumn. Spring is a vital and one of the most prominent seasons globally. The season indicates fertility, new life, growth, and the birth cycle. The world celebrates the newly arrived fruits, vegetables, and animals through spring.

This season arrives after winter and continues till summer. So with spring,  several festivals are celebrated because the harsh winter is no more. Spring festivals are common in India as Holi and Vasant Panchami. Nature is filled with colours and fragrances. In European countries, spring festivals include lights, candles, cherry blossoms, and a great feast. Spring is the time in which the world rejoices in pleasure. 

If the seasons and the cycle of seasons are well noticed in a year, then we observe that the year begins with winter in January and slowly by the end of February, till March, a beautiful season arrives. It is the spring season. From a geographical point of view, the earth during the time starts its revolution towards the northern hemisphere. So the northern hemisphere leans toward the sun and the days start getting warmer and longer. It is during this time that spring is celebrated in nature. 

After the end of the cold winter season, nature takes birth through spring. New flowers and leaves fill the trees. Birds and animals start making their own house and come out of their hibernation. Once again life starts with the new sounds of the little birds and the smell and colours of new fruits and flowers. The world celebrates spring like a festival.

In India it is observed through Holi and Vasant Panchami; in European and Asian countries, cherry blossoms are a famous ingredient of the spring festival. They organize huge feasts and gatherings along with lights and other decorations. However seasonal changes cause several diseases during this time. Spring is also associated with diseases like pox and cough and cold. So if these medical issues can be removed, then spring is a moment of happiness and joy.

Nature contains her own method of controlling the life cycle on earth. Nature as the feminine aspect of the whole universe is responsible for controlling all forms of birth processes, be it humans, flora, animals, or even the seasons. The seasonal cycle of the earth can be majorly divided into four parts. The global cycle of seasons includes winter, summer, spring, and autumn. Spring, in fact, is that season of birth and growth. Nature creates its rhythm of life processes through spring.

The winter season is extremely harsh and cold. It can never support life. Throughout the world in several places, terrific snowfall, landslides, and drizzles cause enormous damage to life and mankind. The animal kingdom almost goes into hibernation. No bird chirps and even the smallest insect leaves the place. So when spring arrives every object of the world receives freedom from the terrible cold of the winter. 

Spring denotes the movement of the Northern hemisphere of the earth towards the sun. As a result, the northern hemisphere starts receiving sunlight and gets warmer. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The days are longer now. So the birds and animals can now create their nests and homes and gather food. Human beings enjoy the most during spring. They get to enjoy the flowers and the fruits of the trees. They rejoice by celebrating festivals. Spring festivals mark the beginning of life on earth and are one of the most beautiful spectacles in the world.

The festival of colours, Holi, and also Vasant Panchami are prominent in India. The world picture is again more beautiful. Lights, colours, and flowers are extremely important in several European and Asian spring festivals. Different countries become tourist spots during the spring season mainly because of the beautiful weather conditions and flowers like cherry blossoms. Mainly due to the beautiful weather many people also go for vacations. 

But every season has its own disadvantages as well. While the season is holistic, it also brings mankind several diseases. Pox, cough and cold, fever, and several gastrointestinal problems occur during this time. It happens because the season lies between summer and winter and so this seasonal transition creates different ailments in mankind. 

Whatever it is, we cannot stop enjoying such a beautiful season. It comes for a very short period of time and leaves quickly. Hence with due protection, we can thoroughly enjoy the bliss of spring and experience life growing into flora and fauna. Spring is a time to be celebrated and not denied away.

I have tried to follow a very simplistic approach throughout the lesson for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website to read more such sessions on various topics related to English comprehension. 

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Spring Season

On this Earth, people experience four different seasons. The beauty of the seasons is one of the most amazing experiences in life. Every season has its unique qualities, personifying its beauty. Summer, for example, is about joy, fun, activities, and the bright yellow sun. Autumn brings a sense of calm and peace. Winter brings an icy chill in the air which is so soothing to be around. Last and everyone’s favorite season is spring. To explore more about this season, today, we will discuss Spring Season in detail.

Short and Long Spring Season Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on Spring Season in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on Spring Season.

Spring Season Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Spring is a beautiful season that follows winter.

2) During the spring season, days become warmer.

3) In this season, trees develop new leaves and flowers start to bloom.

4) Spring is the time when the snow starts to melt.

5) Farmers start cultivating the land and preparing for a new crop.

6) Spring is the time of rebirth and renewal.

7) Nature looks beautiful in the season.

8) The sun begins to shine for longer hours and days become brighter.

9) People start to plant flowers, trees, and vegetables in their gardens.

10) People enjoy different fruits and vegetables during the spring season.

Short Essay on Spring Season (250 – 300 Words)


Spring is the season that brings rejuvenation and joy after the winter season. The weather is bright and pleasant and nature is in full bloom with colorful and vibrant flowers. The birds chirp merrily in the trees as they welcome the beginning of the new season.

My Favorite Season: Spring Season

Spring is my favorite season. I love it because the weather is so pleasant, the days are long and sunny, and the flowers are in full bloom. The birds start singing again, the plants start growing, and the birds start flying. I love to walk and hear the chirping of birds and the sound of the breeze in the trees. I also love to watch butterflies fly from one flower to the next. It is such a delight to see the beauty of nature at its best during the spring season. The best thing about the spring season is that the days are longer, the air is warmer, and the sun’s rays are so welcoming.

Advantages of Spring Season

The spring season brings a lot of good things. Firstly, it is the perfect time to start new projects and to enjoy the beauty of nature. Secondly, the days are longer which gives people more hours to do outdoor activities. Thirdly, the weather is warm and pleasant, which makes it the perfect time to go on outdoor trips with family and friends. Lastly, the food produced in the spring season is so much more delicious and nutritious.

The spring season is considered the best season of the year. Its beauty touches and refreshes everyone. People, especially children, wait every year for this beautiful season.

Long Essay on Spring Season (500 words)

Spring marks the beginning of the new season. It mostly falls between March and April. It is the season of growth and development. It is also considered one of the most enjoyable times of the year. It is a season of warm sunny days, blooming flowers, and singing birds. During the spring season, nature is full of life and color. Every living creature comes alive in a wonderful natural environment that helps bring out the best in them.

Spring Season and Festivals

The spring season marks the beginning of the warmer months. It is different from the other three seasons because it has its unique joy and celebration. In India, spring is celebrated with various festivities and festivals like Holi and Vaisakhi. People from all walks of life join in the festivities, celebrate with each other, eat delicious food, and exchange gifts.

Importance of Spring Season

Spring season is important for various reasons. Most importantly, it brings with it hope and positivity. After a long and cold winter, the warm and colorful days of spring implant life and energy in every living being. Plants, animals, and humans come alive in an environment filled with freshness and zeal. It is a great time for outdoor activities and family trips. It is also a blessing for the agricultural industry as the harvest starts during this season. Spring is certainly a season to be celebrated and enjoyed.

The Beauty of the Spring Season

The beauty of spring is extraordinary. The longer days and warmth of the sun bring about much joy and positive energy. The air is full of fragrant flowers and birdsong. The trees are also in full bloom and look beautiful with green leaves. Everything looks so beautiful and inviting that it’s hard to resist. Everywhere you look, you can find the vibrant colors of nature. The sight of a garden in full bloom is something that can bring joy to the heart of every person.

Foods during Spring Season

Spring is a lovely season and one of the best times for eating delicious foods. During the spring season, markets are overflowing with fresh, seasonal vegetables. Many of these vegetables are leafy greens. Spring vegetables include radishes, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Fruits, such as strawberries, apples, oranges, and lemons are also in season. The delicious food available in spring helps to improve our health and energy.

Spring is a delightful season that fills the heart with hope and joy. As the temperatures rise and the days become longer, this beautiful season brings with it freshness and life. It is a time for joy and celebration, and it can be enjoyed in many ways. Whether it’s spending time in nature or celebrating festivals, spring is a wonderful time of the year that brings with it a new wave of enthusiasm. So go out, celebrate, and feel the beauty of the spring season!

I hope the above-provided essay on Spring Season will be helpful to you in understanding one of the most beautiful seasons of the year.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Spring Season

Ans. In the spring, many animals awaken from their winter hibernation. Some of them are squirrels, deer, foxes, rabbits, frogs, etc.

Ans. Taking a hike, going for a picnic, fly kite, gardening, etc are some activities that take place in the spring season.

Ans. In the spring season, light and airy clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, and lightweight jackets are generally preferred.

Ans. Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Orchids, Daisy, etc are the different types of flowers that bloom during the spring season.

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  • Kids Learning
  • Class 2 Essay

Essay on My Favourite Season Spring

Spring- a season that makes the earth much more colourful and beautiful. It is one of the four temperate seasons. Spring comes between the winter and summer seasons. Here today, we are going to discuss an essay on My Favourite Season Spring for Class 2 kids. We will see how kids can frame 10 lines on my favourite season in simple language.

Spring is the favourite season of many people because of multiple reasons. We shall see some of the points that make people fond of spring. Given below are 10 lines on my favourite season spring essay for Class 2. Through the link provided below, you can also download this essay on my favourite season in an enticing PDF format for free!

Download “Essay on My Favourite Season Spring for Class 2” PDF For Free

10 lines on my favourite season spring essay.

Essay on My Facvourite Season Spring for Class 2

  • Every season plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature.
  • Among all of them, spring is my favourite season of the year. It is the season of rejuvenation.
  • The spring season succeeds winter and precedes the summer season. Thus, it marks the end of winters.
  • During this season, the days get longer and the temperature becomes warmer. It is neither too hot nor too cold.
  • The beginning of this season is celebrated in various cultures and traditions.
  • For instance, Vasant Panchami marks the start of the spring season as per the Hindu calendar. This day is considered to be highly auspicious.
  • Spring Season has various health benefits. The first and foremost being the mental boost that it offers due to its freshness.
  • Spring fills animals, plants and humans with fresh and positive energy.
  • The temperature in this season is favourable to the growth of plants, microorganisms, etc. This brings new life to mother nature. Various flowers bloom and seeds begin to shoot out.
  • Spring brings with it a lot of happiness, positivity and fills us with zeal to begin new things. This is why I love the spring season.

We hope that the above written 10 lines on my favourite season spring essay will be useful to Class 2 kids in framing a simple yet impressive essay on the given topic. Kids can add more aspects of the spring season, along with the ideas given in the above essay. Encouraging kids to write essays is very crucial as writing essays help in the all-round development of the linguistic understanding of students.

Seasons can affect our moods to a great extent. While the scorching summer can dehydrate us, chilling winter can be responsible for health issues in the elderly. Excessive rain can damage the crops as well as spread infection among people. However, spring is the best of them all.

Spring Season brings a new life to the trees, plants, flowers, crops, etc. It makes the earth greener and brighter with lustrous colours. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It’s just perfect. Sunshine of this season fills your soul with cosy warmth. A fresh breeze blows all around. Birds chirp early in the morning.

We have lots of such interesting essays for Class 2 kids on various other topics which you might be interested in. All these topics have been compiled taking into account the most frequently asked/ taught essay topics in primary classes.

We also offer lots of other interesting resources on our kids learning section – brain-tickling worksheets, intriguing GK questions, trivia questions, poems for kids, stories of various genres, NCERT solutions for all subjects and much more. You must visit the linked article to get access to the best learning materials for your little one!

essay on spring season in assam

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Flood In Assam

Three short essay examples on the flood in Assam.

Table of Contents

Flood In Assam Essay Example 1

Assam, one of the states in northeast India, is known for its lush green forests, tea gardens, and the mighty Brahmaputra river. However, every year, the state faces a devastating natural disaster – floods. The floods in Assam have become an annual phenomenon, causing immense damage to life and property. This essay will explore the causes and impact of floods in Assam.

Assam is located in the flood-prone Brahmaputra valley and receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The state is also home to several rivers, including the Brahmaputra, which are prone to overflowing during the rainy season. The floods in Assam are characterized by the inundation of low-lying areas, damage to infrastructure, and displacement of people. The floods not only cause immediate damage but also have long-term effects on the economy and the environment.

The floods in Assam are caused by a combination of natural and man-made factors. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon season is the primary natural cause of floods in the state. The Brahmaputra river, which flows through the state, receives a significant amount of water from its tributaries during this period, leading to overflowing. Deforestation and soil erosion caused by human activities have also contributed to the worsening of floods in Assam. Poor drainage systems and urbanization have also exacerbated the situation, leading to waterlogging in cities and towns.

The floods in Assam have a severe impact on the lives of people in the state. The floods cause loss of lives, displacement of people, and damage to infrastructure, crops, and livestock. The floods also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases and health hazards. The economic impact of floods is significant, with damage to crops and infrastructure leading to a loss of livelihoods for many people. The floods also have long-term environmental effects, such as soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

In conclusion, the floods in Assam are a significant natural disaster that has severe consequences for the state’s people, economy, and environment. The causes of floods in Assam are a combination of natural and man-made factors, and addressing them requires a multi-pronged approach. The government and civil society organizations must work together to improve drainage systems, prevent deforestation and soil erosion, and provide relief and rehabilitation to those affected by floods. Only then can the state of Assam be better prepared to face the annual floods and mitigate their impact on the people and the environment.

Flood In Assam Essay Example 2

Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, is a state that is highly susceptible to flooding. Every year, during the monsoon season, the state experiences severe floods that cause immense damage to the region. In this essay, we will explore the causes of flooding in Assam and the impact it has on the people and the environment.

The causes of flooding in Assam are multifaceted. Firstly, heavy monsoon rainfall is a primary reason for the floods. The state receives an average of 2,500mm of rainfall annually, with most of it occurring between June and September. The rainfall causes the Brahmaputra River, which flows through the state, to overflow its banks, leading to severe flooding. Secondly, deforestation and soil erosion have also contributed to flooding in the region. The state has seen a significant loss of forest cover over the years, leading to soil erosion and reduced water retention capacity. This, coupled with poor land-use practices, has made the region more vulnerable to flooding. Lastly, inadequate drainage systems and infrastructure have also contributed to the problem. The drainage systems in the state are poorly designed and maintained, leading to waterlogging and flooding in low-lying areas.

The impact of flooding in Assam is severe and far-reaching. Firstly, floods cause the loss of human lives and displacement of people. Every year, people lose their homes and belongings, and many are forced to flee to higher ground. Secondly, floods also lead to damage to agricultural land and crops. The state is known for its fertile agricultural land, and floods often destroy crops, leading to significant losses for farmers. Additionally, floods also cause significant damage to homes, buildings, and infrastructure, leading to economic losses for the state.

The impact of flooding in Assam is not just limited to the loss of human lives and property. It also has significant environmental consequences. Floods lead to soil erosion, which can cause long-term damage to the soil and reduce its fertility. The floods also lead to the loss of biodiversity, as many animals and plants are unable to survive the extreme conditions. Additionally, floods can also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases, which can have severe health consequences for the people in the region.

In conclusion, flooding in Assam is a severe problem that needs urgent attention. The causes of flooding are multifaceted and require a holistic approach to address them. The impact of flooding is far-reaching and affects not just the people but also the environment. It is essential to invest in better infrastructure, drainage systems, and land-use practices to mitigate the effects of flooding in the region.

Flood In Assam Essay Example 3

Assam, a state in northeastern India, is known for its natural beauty and diverse culture. However, every year, the state is hit by devastating floods that cause widespread destruction and loss of life. In this essay, we will explore the impact of floods in Assam and the causes behind them.

The floods in Assam have a significant impact on the lives of people and the state’s economy. The following are some of the effects of floods in Assam: – Destruction of homes, infrastructure, and crops: Floods cause severe damage to houses, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. The floods also destroy crops, leading to food shortages and economic losses for farmers. – Loss of human and animal lives: Floods in Assam have claimed the lives of humans and animals alike. The floods displace people from their homes, and many lose their lives due to drowning or landslides. – Disruption of daily life and economic activities: The floods disrupt daily life and economic activities, leading to business closures and job losses. People are forced to evacuate their homes and move to relief camps, where they face several challenges.

Several factors contribute to the floods in Assam. The following are the primary causes of floods in the state: – Heavy rainfall and monsoon season: Assam receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season, which causes the Brahmaputra and its tributaries to overflow. The excess water causes flooding in the state. – Deforestation and soil erosion lead to a decrease in forest cover and soil quality. The loss of vegetation cover reduces the soil’s ability to absorb water, leading to floods. – Poor drainage system and river management: The drainage system in Assam is inadequate, and the state’s rivers are poorly managed. The lack of proper river management leads to the rivers changing their course, leading to flooding in some areas.

In conclusion, floods in Assam have a significant impact on the state’s economy and the lives of people. The primary causes of floods in the state are heavy rainfall, deforestation, soil erosion, and poor river management. To mitigate the impact of floods, the government needs to invest in better drainage systems, river management, and reforestation. The people of Assam also need to be aware of the dangers of floods and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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