English Compositions

Short Essay on Teachers’ Day [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you are going to learn how you can write short essays on Teachers’ Day. Hopefully, you will find this lesson helpful for your purpose. 

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Short Essay on Teachers’ Day in 100 Words

Teachers’ day is celebrated in India on 5th September every year. It is celebrated on the auspicious occasion of the birthday of India’s first vice-president and second president, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Dr S. Radhakrishnan loved teaching and was a great teacher. During his tenure as the president, one of his students asked for his permission to celebrate his birthday on a national level.

Dr Radhakrishnan suggested that instead of his birthday, he would be happier if 5th September could be celebrated as Teachers’ day to pay respect to teachers all over the country. Since then, Teachers’ day has been celebrated every year by students to express their love and gratitude for their teachers. On this day, students decorate their classrooms, organise games and performances for their teachers and give them gifts and tokens of gratitude. 

Short Essay on Teachers’ Day in 200 Words

In India, teachers’ day is celebrated every year on the 5th of September to mark the birth anniversary of India’s first vice-president and second president, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Dr S. Radhakrishnan was an Indian philosopher, teacher and statesman who served as India’s first vice-president from 1952 to 1962.

He also held office as the second president of India from 1962 to 1967. During his tenure as the president, one of his students asked for his permission to celebrate his birthday on a national level. Dr Radhakrishnan suggested that instead of celebrating his birthday, he would be happier if the 5th of September could be celebrated as Teachers’ day to pay respect to teachers all over the country. 

Since then, teachers’ day has been celebrated every year by students all over the nation, to express their love and gratitude for their dear teachers. If children are the future of a country, teachers are the people who shape the future of the country as they guide the children to become better human beings. 

On teachers’ day, students decorate their classrooms, organise games, singing and dance performances for their teachers and give them gifts as tokens of gratitude. It is a fun-filled day for all teachers and students. 

Short Essay on Teachers’ Day in 400 Words

Teachers’ day, as the name suggests, is a day to celebrate the teachers in our life and shower them with love and gratitude for all that they have done and still do for us. In India, teachers’ day is celebrated every year on the 5th of September to mark the birth anniversary of India’s first vice-president and second president, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Dr S. Radhakrishnan was an Indian philosopher, teacher and statesman who served as India’s first vice-president from 1952 to 1962.

He also held office as the second president of India from 1962 to 1967. During his tenure as the president, one of his students and friends asked for his permission to celebrate his birthday on a national level. Dr Radhakrishnan suggested that instead of celebrating his birthday, he would be happier if the 5th of September could be celebrated as Teachers’ day to pay respect to teachers all over the country. 

Since then, teachers’ day has been celebrated every year by students all over the nation, to express their love and gratitude for their dear teachers. If children are the future of a country, teachers are the people who shape the future of the country as they guide the children to become better human beings.

Our parents who taught us how to eat, talk, walk and run, our kindergarten teachers who helped us grasp the first alphabets of our life, our school teachers and college professors as well as our dance, drawing, singing mentors – every single one of them have played a role in shaping our lives and making us better and stronger human beings. All our teachers deserve to be shown respect, love and gratitude. Teachers’ day gives us the opportunity to do the same. 

On teachers’ day, students decorate their classrooms, organise games, singing and dance performances for their teachers and give them gifts as tokens of gratitude. They also visit their tuition and coaching centres to celebrate the day with their tutors and mentors.

The students who have already passed out from schools and colleges, make it a point to visit their old teachers and bring them sweets and gifts. In many schools and colleges, senior students dress up as their teachers, take classes for junior students and let the teachers rest and enjoy the day. They also arrange delicious food and treats for the teachers. It is a fun-filled day for all teachers and students. 

In this lesson today, I have discussed the topic through three individual sets of essays coving different word limits. Besides, I have adopted a very simplistic approach to writing these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. But if you still have any doubts regarding this session, mention that in the comment section below. I will try my best to resolve them as soon as possible. Keep browsing our website to read more such lessons. 

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Guide to Exam

150, 200, 250, & 500 Words Essay on Teachers Day In English

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Table of Contents


Gurus were called teachers in ancient times. A Guru is a person who enlightens the lives of thousands of students. A Guru is literally a being who dispels darkness in Sanskrit. Thus, the Guru is held in high regard in Indian tradition.

 Students look up to teachers as Gurus because they pass on knowledge and power. Learning becomes enjoyable and successful with the guidance of a teacher. The following essay is written in English in honor of Teachers Day. By writing an essay on Teachers’ Day, students will gain an understanding of why we celebrate Teachers’ Day and learn how teachers impact the lives of students.

150 Words Essay on Teachers Day

The “Essay on my favorite teacher” given here can be useful for you if you want to write or speak about your favorite teacher on Teacher’s Day. Students, children, and kids can write essays about their favorite teachers in English.

It is Mr. Virat Sharma who teaches us math and is my favorite teacher. His strictness and patience make him a very effective teacher. His teaching style is appealing to me. Understanding the concepts is made easier by his explanations.

We are also encouraged to ask questions when we have doubts. He is disciplined and punchlike in nature. He ensures that our homework and projects are completed on time. We can count on him for guidance during interschool math exhibition programs and other school activities. A student who gets good grades in their subject will never be forgotten by him.

In addition to teaching school subjects, he emphasizes character development and good morals. I am incredibly motivated to do well in my studies because he is such an excellent teacher.

200 Words Essay on Teachers Day

On 5th September, India celebrates Teachers’ Day in celebration of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary. An accomplished philosopher and teacher, he held positions of prominence in several prestigious Indian universities and other universities around the world. In addition to being the first Vice President and second President of India, he also served as the first Vice President of Canada.

Every school in India celebrates Teachers’ Day as a holiday. Colleges may also call it a day off at their discretion, though it is widely celebrated in colleges as well.

Several events are organized by students in honor of teachers in schools. To show their love and respect for their teachers, students give flowers and other gifts.

This day is also celebrated by a number of regional and national political parties since it is the day of the birthday of the First Vice President of India and the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan is honored by senior political leaders.

During his tenure as a faculty member, he participated in major events at universities. Radhakrishnan and his definition of ideal teacher-student relationships are discussed in special sessions between teachers and students.

The Indian public observes Teachers’ Day with a great deal of love and respect for their teachers. It is a country where teachers are revered and even held in high regard by God. It is a matter of cultural and spiritual significance as well as a formality to celebrate teachers’ day in a society that reveres its teachers.

250 Words Essay on Teachers Day

The teachers who devote so much time to teaching us so much are celebrated on Teachers’ Day every year. The headmaster delivered a speech at the school assembly to begin Teachers’ Day this year. Then, we went to our classes to enjoy ourselves rather than have lessons.

The teachers who taught us were honored with a small party by my classmates. The cakes, drinks, and other tidbits were purchased with money contributed by each of us. Our chairs and desks were arranged in such a way that empty space in the middle of the room was surrounded by them.

essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

The teachers ate, drank, and played games together. There were a lot of very sporty teachers, and we had a great time. There was a huge difference between having lessons and this.

It was not the only class that held a party. This required the teachers to move between classes and take part in the fun. These teachers must have been quite tired, but they managed to do it. The day was all about having fun and enjoying themselves.

Teachers were even treated to a short play by one class. As I was cleaning up after the party, I was unable to watch it.

As a whole, the day was a great success. Giety permeated the entire school. I felt a little sad when the dismissal bell rang for school to end, but it had to end. By the end of the day, we were tired but happy, and we went home.

500 Words Essay on Teachers Day

On different dates around the world, teachers’ day is celebrated to honor their contributions as the backbone of society. Teachers are honored on this day for their contribution to community development. Teachers’ Day is a tradition that dates back to the 19th century.

Since the 19th century, teachers have been celebrated on Teachers’ Day as a way to recognize their contributions to society. It was intended to recognize teachers who have made significant contributions to a particular field or helped educate the community as a whole.

Countries around the world began observing Teachers’ Day on a date of local significance, which commemorated an educator or a milestone achieved in the field of education.

A South American country such as Argentina celebrates Teachers’ Day every year on the 11th of September in honor of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who served as Argentina’s seventh President and was also a statesman and writer. Journalists, historians, philosophers, and other genres are among the many books he wrote.

Likewise, Bhutan celebrates Teachers’ Day on the anniversary of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck’s birth, who established modern education there.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on 5th September, a day of commemoration of the birth anniversary of the second President and first Vice President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Since 1994, the day has been celebrated by many countries around the world as World Teachers’ Day as well as International Teachers’ Day.

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A commemoration of the 1966 signing of recommendations on the status of teachers by UNESCO and the ILO (International Labor Organization) is observed on this day. In these recommendations, teachers from all over the world are asked to share their concerns and status.

Knowledge is spread and society is built by teachers. Other people are excellent teachers and are adored by their students for their work in a particular field or subject.

The development of a particular subject has been greatly influenced by teachers. In the 19th century, Friedrich Froebel introduced kindergarten, introducing a number of educational reforms.

Anne Sullivan, a teacher by profession from America, was another inspirational teacher. Helen Keller was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts while being taught by her.

It is these heroes of society, like Friedrich Froebel, Anne Sullivan, and others like them, that we honor and commemorate by celebrating Teachers’ Day.

As well as honoring teachers, Teachers’ Day also inspires them to work harder for the betterment of students and society. On this day, we recognize the contributions that teachers make to building our careers, shaping our personalities, as well as advancing society and nation.

Teachers’ concerns and problems are also addressed on the day. Leaders and administrators are called upon to address these issues facing teachers so that they may continue to serve society with the same dedication they’ve shown for centuries.


Any country’s development depends on teachers. Thus, it is crucial to designate a day for teachers to be recognized. To honor teachers and their contributions to our lives, we celebrate Teachers’ Day. In the upbringing of children, teachers undertake an immense amount of responsibility, so celebrating teachers’ day is a positive step towards recognizing the role they play in society.

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Essay on Teachers Day for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teachers day.

A   Teacher is someone who acts as a guide and inspiration to people – both young and old. He/she is charged with the responsibility of creating awareness as well as opening the mind of people by instilling values, morals, and ethics. Teachers efforts are recognized during the teacher’s day. They shape minds, and we annually celebrate their contribution to the development of society in the form of Teachers’ day across the world. However, We celebrate The International Teachers Day on October 5 th annually.

essay on teachers day

Teachers’ Day in India

Teachers are respected and honored for their important contribution in shaping individuals. 5 th of September is annually celebrated as Teachers’ day in India. This is actually the birthday of the former President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan .

Why Teachers’ Day?

The contributions and efforts made by teachers never go unnoticed. This led to the inauguration of the Teacher’s day which seeks to celebrate the efforts made by the teachers. In India, we celebrate the teacher’s day on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was known as a man of many great qualities and attributes.

Teachers play many roles in overall development such as:

  • They guide children and students to  leadership skills
  • They instill discipline into young people molding them into future
  • Also, they provide their students with spiritual and emotional guidance.

Teachers also come across numerous challenges in their day to day activities such as the unappreciative culture by the community as well as dealing with disciplinary issues of their students.

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What can we do on Teachers’ Day?

A thank-you can go a long way. In our busy lives, we have come to forget expressing gratitude. Many studies have come up explaining the benefits that gratitude can have on the one who expresses it and on the one who receives it. We can take this opportunity as a day to thank our teachers and express our love and care for them.

  • We can suggest and provide assistance by making use of the skills that we have learned over these years.
  • Also, we can give them a visit on this day and share with them our experiences. This will for sure make them happy and proud of their efforts.
  • We can present a small token of appreciation, something that they could keep as a memory like a pen or a planner or something that would be useful for them.
  • We should also seek their blessings and let them know that we are always there for them when they need us.
  • Students can collectively gift them books and other materials and organize a get-together especially if the class has graduated.

Time spent with them and gratitude expressed would be a great gesture to make teachers happy and proud. It is very important to recognize their contribution to molding our personality.

Teachers play an important role in the development of any country . This is why it is vital to set aside a day when the teachers are given the recognition they deserve. We celebrate Teachers’ day to honor the contribution of Teachers in our lives. Duties undertaken by teachers in the upbringing of children is immense and thus being recognized with teachers’ day is a step towards recognizing the profession and the role they play in society.

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Essay on Teachers Day

Here we have shared the Essay on Teachers Day in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Teachers Day in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Teachers Day in 150-250 words

Essay on teachers day in 300-400 words, essay on teachers day in 500-1000 words.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September every year in India to honor and appreciate the contributions of teachers in shaping the lives of students. This special day provides an opportunity to express gratitude toward teachers and acknowledge their dedication, knowledge, and guidance.

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole. They not only impart knowledge but also inspire, motivate, and mentor students to achieve their full potential. Teachers provide guidance, support, and encouragement, nurturing the intellectual and emotional growth of their students.

On Teachers’ Day, students and educational institutions organize various activities to honor their teachers. Students express their gratitude through speeches, poems, and performances. Awards and recognition are given to exceptional teachers who have made a significant impact on their students’ lives.

Teachers’ Day serves as a reminder of the importance of teachers in our lives. It highlights the tireless efforts and sacrifices made by teachers to educate and inspire generations. It is a day to reflect on the influence teachers have on shaping individuals and the society they live in.

In conclusion, Teachers’ Day is a significant occasion to appreciate and honor the invaluable contributions of teachers. It is a time to express gratitude and acknowledge the important role they play in shaping the future. Teachers’ Day reminds us of the lasting impact teachers have on their students and serves as a tribute to their dedication and commitment.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year in India to honor and recognize the invaluable contributions of teachers in shaping the lives of students. It is a day dedicated to expressing gratitude and appreciation for the selfless efforts of teachers who play a pivotal role in imparting knowledge and molding future generations.

Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire, motivate, and educate students. They not only share their knowledge but also instill values, build character, and ignite a passion for learning. Teachers create a nurturing and stimulating environment in which students can grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

On Teachers’ Day, educational institutions organize special events and programs to celebrate and honor teachers. Students actively participate in organizing cultural performances, speeches, and presentations to express their gratitude. This day is an opportunity for students to acknowledge the profound impact teachers have had on their lives and to convey their appreciation for their dedication and hard work.

Teachers’ Day also serves as a reminder of the challenges and sacrifices teachers make to fulfill their role as educators. Teachers often go above and beyond their responsibilities, spending countless hours preparing lessons, providing guidance, and mentoring students. They create a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters learning and personal growth.

This day also recognizes the importance of professional development for teachers. It highlights the need for continuous learning and upskilling to stay updated with evolving educational practices. Teachers’ Day provides a platform to honor outstanding educators and their commitment to lifelong learning.

Furthermore, Teachers’ Day encourages society as a whole to value and support the teaching profession. It serves as a reminder to policymakers, parents, and the community to invest in quality education and provide teachers with the necessary resources and support they need to excel in their profession.

In conclusion, Teachers’ Day is a significant occasion to celebrate and appreciate the contributions of teachers. It is a time to acknowledge their unwavering dedication, compassion, and expertise in shaping the future of individuals and society. Teachers’ Day is an opportunity for students, educational institutions, and society to express gratitude and recognize the profound impact teachers have on our lives.

Title: Teachers’ Day – Celebrating the Guiding Lights of Education

Introduction :

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion celebrated worldwide to honor and express gratitude towards teachers for their invaluable contributions to the education and development of students. It is a day to recognize the tireless efforts, knowledge, and guidance of teachers who play a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and society. This essay explores the significance of Teachers’ Day, highlighting the importance of teachers in our lives and the various ways in which they impact students and the education system.

The Role of Teachers: Inspiring Minds, Shaping Futures

Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire, motivate, and educate students. They possess the power to ignite curiosity, nurture talents, and build the foundation for lifelong learning. Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also shape students’ characters, instill values, and foster personal growth. They create a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and the development of essential life skills. The role of teachers extends beyond the classroom, as they serve as mentors, role models, and confidants, providing guidance and support to students during their formative years.

Teachers as Agents of Change in Education

Teachers play a crucial role in transforming education and adapting to the evolving needs of students and society. They are at the forefront of educational innovations, implementing new teaching methods, integrating technology, and tailoring instruction to meet individual student needs. Teachers act as facilitators, encouraging active learning, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. They embrace diversity, promote inclusivity, and create a positive classroom culture that celebrates individual strengths and differences. Furthermore, teachers contribute to curriculum development, assessment strategies, and educational policies, shaping the overall educational landscape.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day: Expressing Gratitude

Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the selfless efforts of teachers. Educational institutions organize special events, assemblies, and programs to honor and recognize teachers’ contributions. Students actively participate in organizing cultural performances, speeches, and presentations to convey their heartfelt appreciation. Teachers receive tokens of gratitude, cards, and gifts from students, parents, and the community as a symbol of respect and recognition. This celebration reinforces the significance of teachers and acknowledges their dedication, commitment, and passion for their profession.

Professional Development and Support for Teachers

Teachers’ Day also highlights the importance of professional development and support for teachers. It emphasizes the need for ongoing training, workshops, and opportunities for growth to enhance teaching skills, subject knowledge, and instructional strategies. Society and educational institutions must provide teachers with the necessary resources, professional networks, and supportive environments to excel in their profession. Collaboration among teachers, sharing best practices, and continuous learning are essential to creating a vibrant and progressive educational ecosystem.

Conclusion :

Teachers’ Day serves as a reminder of the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the future of individuals and society. It is a time to honor and appreciate their tireless efforts, dedication, and commitment to the noble profession of teaching. Teachers inspire, mentor, and guide students, imparting knowledge, values, and life skills. Their impact extends far beyond the classroom, influencing generations and leaving an indelible mark on society. As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us express gratitude to teachers and work towards creating a supportive and empowering environment that enables them to continue their invaluable contribution to education.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Teachers Day (2024) in English [Short, Simple & Best]

Essay on Teachers Day in English: Teachers are an important part of society. In this article, you are going to read 3 easy and simple essays on Teachers’ Day (100, 150, and 300 words). If you are looking for paragraphs on Teachers’ Day, this article will also help you with that. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Teachers Day: 100 words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September. It is celebrated to mark the birthday of former President, scholar, philosopher, and Bharat Ratna recipient Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It’s a day to acknowledge and honor the hard work and contributions of teachers in our life.

Teachers are the backbone of our society. They not only give us knowledge but also teach us good manners, discipline, and moral values. They guide us to become good human beings and sensible citizens. 

On Teachers’ Day, various cultural events are held in schools and colleges. Students express their feelings and gratitude to teachers through speeches and poems. Teachers’ Day creates a special bond between teachers and their students.

Essay on Teachers Day in English

Also Read: 10 Lines on Teachers Day

Teachers Day Essay in English: 150 words

5th September is observed every year as Teachers’ Day. This is Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday. He was a great teacher, philosopher, and scholar. He became the first Vice President and second President of India. His birthday is deemed most appropriate as this Teachers’ Day.

This day has a deeper sense. It is the day to show honour and respect to the teachers for their service to the students.

Teachers are role models for their students. Teachers play a key role in shaping students future. They always show us the best path in our life.

Classes are not usually held on Teachers’ Day. Classrooms are decorated with flowers and festoons. Students organize various cultural programs on this day. The teachers are garlanded and given gifts by their students. Students extend their sincere gratitude to their beloved teachers. Teachers’ Day is a special occasion to celebrate and enjoy the relationship between teachers and students.

Teachers Day Essay in English

Also Read: Teachers Day Speech in English

Teachers Day Essay: 300 words

In India, teachers’ day is celebrated every year on September 5 with great enthusiasm. It is celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President of India. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a philosopher, educationist, and teacher. He dedicated his life for the betterment of education. He had a unique way of teaching and he was favourite among students.

Teachers’ Day reminds the importance of teachers in society. It is a day to honour the invaluable contribution of teachers in our life and society.

Teachers play a very significant role in a student’s life. Teachers are the ones who ignite the minds of the youth. They are the main pillars of a sound and progressive society. They make us strong enough to stand on our own feet and face any challenge. Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions. A teacher is not just an instructor but also a friend, a guide, and a philosopher who not only imparts knowledge but also gives us moral and spiritual values for life. It is rightly said that teachers are the real builders of the nation.

Special programs are organized in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. Schools and colleges are beautifully decorated by the students on this day. Students sing, dance, perform dramas, recite poems to express their sincere gratitude towards their teachers. On this day teachers are honored with various awards. Many students make the day even more special by handing teachers handmade gifts or greeting cards.

Teachers’ day is a celebration of the special bond between children and their mentors who influence their lives in numerous ways. It is impossible to imagine an ideal society without the contribution of Teachers.

Teachers Day Essay

Read More: 1. Report Writing on Teachers Day Celebration 2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Essay 3. 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

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essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

My mother is my first teacher. She is my life🤩.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Teachers’ Day

Writing a short essay on Teacher’s Day is a wonderful way to express appreciation for teachers and understand the significance of their role in society. Teacher’s Day is celebrated to honor the contributions of teachers and acknowledge the impact they have in shaping the minds and futures of students. Here’s a structured guide to help you craft a thoughtful and engaging essay.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title:  Choose a title that captures the essence of your essay, such as “Honoring the Architects of Future: Teacher’s Day.”

Introduction:  Start with an engaging opening that could include a personal anecdote or a broad statement about the influence of teachers in education. Define Teacher’s Day and mention how it is celebrated across different countries to honor teachers. Conclude your introduction with a thesis statement that outlines what aspects of Teacher’s Day you will be focusing on, such as the history of the day, its importance, and personal reflections on the impact of teachers.

Historical Background

Origin of Teacher’s Day:  Briefly discuss the history and origin of Teacher’s Day. This might differ from country to country, so if focusing on a specific region, mention relevant details. For example, in many countries, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the birthday of a significant educational figure, explaining why this date was chosen.

Significance of Teacher’s Day

Purpose and Importance:  Explain why Teacher’s Day is celebrated. Discuss the role of teachers in society and the importance of recognizing their dedication and hard work. Teachers not only educate but also mold the character and future of individuals, making a profound impact on society.

Global Celebrations:  Highlight how different cultures celebrate Teacher’s Day. Some countries might have parades, award ceremonies, or special activities at schools where students prepare performances and gifts for their teachers. These examples show the universal respect and admiration for educators.

Personal Reflections

Impact of Teachers:  Share personal stories or reflections on how teachers have influenced your life or the lives of others. This can be a narrative about a particular teacher who made a significant impact on your education or a general appreciation of how teachers have supported your academic journey.

Appreciation and Gratitude:  Discuss the ways in which students and communities can show appreciation for teachers. This might include simple gestures like thank-you notes, gifts, or public acknowledgments that can make teachers feel valued and respected.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing the key points discussed. Reinforce the significance of celebrating Teacher’s Day and the enduring impact of teachers on individual lives and society as a whole. End with a reflective note or call to action, encouraging others to express gratitude towards educators not just on Teacher’s Day, but every day.

Teachers’ Day Essay Example #1

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. Their dedication, hard work, and commitment to education are often underappreciated. However, there is one day set aside each year to recognize and honor the invaluable contributions of teachers – Teachers’ Day. This special day not only celebrates the teachers but also highlights their impact on the lives of students and the development of nations. In this essay, we will explore the importance of Teachers’ Day, delve into its history and significance, and discuss various ways to celebrate this significant occasion.

Importance of Teachers’ Day holds great importance as it provides an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the role of teachers in society. Teachers are responsible for imparting knowledge, shaping young minds, and nurturing the future leaders of our world. They play a crucial role in molding the character and values of students, instilling in them a love for learning and a desire for personal growth. Teachers’ Day is a chance to acknowledge the tireless efforts of these educators and express gratitude for their unwavering commitment to their profession. Furthermore, this day serves as a platform to celebrate the dedication and hard work of teachers. Teaching is not merely a profession; it is a vocation that requires immense passion, patience, and perseverance. Teachers spend countless hours preparing lessons, grading assignments, and providing guidance and support to their students. Their unwavering commitment to their students’ success deserves recognition and appreciation. Moreover, Teachers’ Day highlights the impact teachers have on shaping the future of individuals and the nation as a whole. Teachers play a pivotal role in nurturing the talents and abilities of students, helping them unlock their full potential. The knowledge and skills imparted by teachers lay the foundation for the success of individuals in their personal and professional lives. Additionally, well-educated individuals contribute to the progress and development of a nation, making teachers essential in building a brighter future for society.

The history of Teachers’ Day dates back to ancient times. In many cultures, teachers have been revered and respected for centuries. For example, in India, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5th, the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned philosopher, scholar, and the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan himself was a teacher and believed that “teachers should be the best minds in the country.” His birthday was chosen as a day to honor all teachers and recognize their contributions to society. Different countries celebrate Teachers’ Day in various ways, but the underlying purpose remains the same – to honor and appreciate teachers. In the United States, National Teacher Appreciation Week is celebrated in May, with the first Tuesday of the week designated as National Teacher Day. In China, Teachers’ Day is observed on September 10th, while in Mexico, it is celebrated on May 15th. These dates may vary, but the sentiment behind the celebration remains constant – to express gratitude to teachers for their tireless efforts in educating and inspiring students. The cultural and historical significance of Teachers’ Day cannot be overlooked.

Teachers’ Day Essay Example #2

Teachers Day is an annual celebration that recognizes and honors the invaluable contributions of educators in society. It is a day dedicated to expressing gratitude and appreciation towards teachers for their tireless efforts in shaping the lives of individuals and the future of our society. This essay will delve into the importance of Teachers Day celebration, explore the historical background of this commemoration, and discuss various ways in which Teachers Day can be celebrated.

Teachers Day holds immense significance as it provides an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers. Educators play a crucial role in shaping individuals’ lives, imparting knowledge, and fostering personal growth. They serve as mentors, guiding students in their academic pursuits and helping them develop essential life skills. Teachers also contribute to the overall development of society by nurturing responsible citizens who can actively participate in the betterment of their communities. By celebrating Teachers Day, we promote respect and gratitude towards educators. It is a day to recognize their selfless efforts and the impact they have on the lives of countless individuals. Through this celebration, we encourage students, parents, and the community at large to express their appreciation for teachers, thereby fostering a culture of gratitude and respect for the teaching profession.

The concept of Teachers Day has its roots in ancient civilizations, where teachers were revered and held in high esteem. In India, the celebration of Teachers Day can be traced back to the ancient Gurukul system, where students lived with their teachers and received education in a holistic manner. This system emphasized the importance of the teacher-student relationship and the role of teachers in imparting knowledge and moral values. The modern observance of Teachers Day in many countries can be attributed to the efforts of key individuals and events. For instance, in India, Teachers Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned philosopher, scholar, and the second President of India. Dr. Radhakrishnan’s deep respect for education and teachers led to the establishment of this commemoration as a way to honor the teaching profession.

Different ways to celebrate Teachers Day can be celebrated in various ways to express appreciation and honor teachers. Traditional customs and practices include organizing special assemblies or events in schools, where students present cultural performances, speeches, and heartfelt messages to their teachers. These activities not only showcase the talents of students but also provide an opportunity for them to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers. In modern times, there are innovative ideas for recognizing and honoring teachers on this special day. Schools can organize workshops or training sessions where teachers can share their expertise and experiences with their colleagues. Additionally, community events can be organized to involve parents and community members in showing appreciation for teachers. Online platforms and social media can also be utilized to create awareness about the importance of teachers and to encourage people to share their stories and experiences with educators.

Teachers Day is a significant celebration that acknowledges the vital role of teachers in society. By honouring and appreciating educators, we not only express gratitude for their tireless efforts but also inspire future generations to value education and respect the teaching profession.

Teachers’ Day Essay Example #3

Teacher’s Day is a special occasion celebrated in many countries around the world to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of teachers. It is a day dedicated to honoring the hard work, dedication, and commitment of educators who play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of individuals. This essay will explore the importance of celebrating Teacher’s Day, discuss various ways in which it can be celebrated, and highlight the positive impact of such celebrations on teachers and students alike.

Importance of celebrating Teacher’s Day is an important event as it provides an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the tireless efforts of teachers. These dedicated professionals work tirelessly to impart knowledge, inspire curiosity, and instill important values in their students. By celebrating Teacher’s Day, we acknowledge the significant role teachers play in shaping individuals and society as a whole. Teachers are not only responsible for imparting academic knowledge but also for nurturing the holistic development of their students. They provide guidance, support, and mentorship, helping students navigate through challenges and discover their true potential. By celebrating Teacher’s Day, we foster a positive and supportive environment for teachers and education as a whole, emphasizing the importance of their role in society.

There are various ways in which Teacher’s Day can be celebrated to show appreciation for teachers. One way is by organizing special events and activities in schools and educational institutions. These events can include performances, skits, or presentations by students to showcase their gratitude towards their teachers. Such events not only provide an opportunity for students to express their appreciation but also create a sense of camaraderie and unity within the school community. Another way to celebrate Teacher’s Day is by presenting gifts, cards, or tokens of appreciation to teachers. These gestures can range from simple handwritten notes expressing gratitude to more elaborate gifts that reflect the individuality and interests of each teacher. By giving these tokens of appreciation, students and parents can convey their heartfelt thanks for the dedication and hard work of teachers. Furthermore, hosting ceremonies or assemblies to honor exceptional teachers and their contributions is another way to celebrate Teacher’s Day. These ceremonies can include speeches, awards, or certificates of recognition for outstanding teachers. By publicly acknowledging and highlighting the achievements and impact of exceptional teachers, we inspire and motivate other educators to strive for excellence.

Celebrating Teacher’s Day has a profound impact on both teachers and students. Firstly, it boosts teacher morale and motivation. When teachers feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to be motivated and enthusiastic about their work. This, in turn, translates into better teaching practices, improved student engagement, and overall positive classroom dynamics. Secondly, Teacher’s Day celebrations strengthen the student-teacher relationship. By expressing gratitude and appreciation, students develop a deeper sense of respect and admiration for their teachers. This fosters a positive and nurturing learning environment where students feel comfortable seeking guidance and support from their teachers. Lastly, celebrating Teacher’s Day promotes a culture of respect and gratitude towards educators. It raises awareness about the importance of education and the role teachers play in shaping the future of society.

Final Writing Tips

  • Be Concise:  Since it’s a short essay, keep your points clear and concise. Stick to the word limit by focusing on the most significant aspects.
  • Use Quotes:  Incorporate quotes from famous educators or writers to add depth and perspective to your essay.
  • Maintain a Respectful Tone:  While writing, ensure that the tone is respectful and appreciative of the teaching profession.
  • Proofread:  Always proofread your work to correct any grammatical errors and ensure the flow and coherence of the essay.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

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Essay On Teacher

A teacher is someone who facilitates students' acquisition of information, competence, or virtue through the activity of teaching. A teacher is the individual who will educate and improve you as a person. They also recognise their students' potential when no one else does. Here are a few sample essays ‘teacher’.

Essay On Teacher

100 Words Essay On Teacher

Teachers are the second parent who helps the students balance their lives in the right path. A teacher shows not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical and moral values. This will help us to shape our personality as better as human beings. Similar to how we got influenced by our parents in our childhood, our teachers will also help us to shape into the people we want to become when we grow up. Teachers teach their students to identify both good and bad things in life. Teachers also determine the fate of a nation since they have influence over the children.

200 Words Essay On Teacher

Parents are our first teachers who guide us on how to work, how to eat, how to speak. The second teacher is the one who guides us in studies. The third teacher is a manager or a lead who guides us in our work. Finally, a teacher is not only the one who teaches in school or a college but they can be anyone or anywhere who guides us.

Teachers never discriminate amongst their students. The key to success, according to many, is education. The teachers are entrusted with this significant responsibility. Only their knowledge, abilities, and teaching attitudes differ, but they all strive to offer the student their very best. Our interest in studying will be piqued by the way they instruct us.

I did not enjoy math when I was in school. I am aware that it is rather typical for many of us to dislike math in school. The teacher would tell us that the first person to solve a math problem would be rewarded with a chocolate. My arithmetic skills improved because of the anticipation of winning chocolate. It's just a little trick the teacher used to keep the subject interesting for us students.

500 Word Essay

During teaching, a teacher uses all creativity in such a way that each and every student can concentrate on their studies. Having such patience and confidence in handling every student is possible only for a teacher.

Teacher's day

Teacher's day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers. Every year teacher's day is celebrated on 5 September on the birth anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The first teacher day in India was celebrated on 5 September 1962. Since then teacher's day is celebrated in every school, universities, colleges and educational institutions

In ancient days teachers were called "Guru" . The Guru used to educate their shishyas ( Students). In the past, Guru used to teach his shishya at gurukulam ar ashrama. They were supposed to teach about Veda, Warcraft, spirituality and other necessary skills. One of the greatest Guru- Shishya duo since the time of Mahabharata is Dronacharya and Arjuna. Similarly as Teachers day, Guru purnima or Vyasa purnima is celebrated to pay our gratitude to our gurus.

Ancient Relation of Student and Teacher

There used to be a very sacred relationship in ancient times between teacher and the student. There are so many stories written in our scriptures . Out of all those, the sacrifice made by Ekalavya for Dronacharya is one which shows the relationship between teacher and a student.

The relationship between the teacher and a student is lacking in recent times. Nowadays it is considered as just a profession. It has become a source of income or a business when compared to the past. We should be conscious enough not to stain such a noble profession and should not create an example which will break people's trust in teachers.

Success of a Teacher

Every teacher's aim is to teach his or her student. By some teachers we gain knowledge, by some we gain ethics and by some we gain practical knowledge. But everywhere and at any time the success of a teacher is that they get only when their student reaches great heights in the right way.Hardwork is the key to being a good teacher. Unity in heart, without any discrimination towards any one will make you a good teacher.

Importance of Teacher

Every student's life has a teacher who serves as a support system. Since not all students have the same abilities, a teacher must teach in a way that a sufficient number of students can understand. They educate us about time management and its limitations.


When a child is questioned about what they want to be when they grow up. In addition to being a police officer, doctor, or lawyer, some of them will declare that teaching is their true calling. Therefore, a teacher is a person who many look up to and emulate.

Last but not least, teaching is a responsibility to mould the brains of many young people, not merely a way to make money. I have a great respect for all the teachers in my life who have had and will continue to have a big impact. Another important insight to remember is that "teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions" .

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  • Report Writing On Teachers Day

Report Writing on Teachers’ Day

Report writing is generally introduced in the English language syllabus when students are in 8th or 9th classes. There are plenty of topics on which reports can be asked to be written. This article will discuss how to write a report on Teachers’ Day. But students who have not written reports on Teachers’ Day might face some issues. So before discussing different reports on Teachers’ Day, let’s look at the importance of Teachers’ Day and why it is celebrated worldwide.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on two different dates, on 5th September in India and 5th October worldwide. In India, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September, i.e., the birthday of our former president Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Besides being India’s former president, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a scholar, teacher and philosopher. It is said that this day came into existence when some of his students decided to celebrate his birthday, and he said instead of celebrating his birthday, they should celebrate this day as Teachers’ Day and show respect to all the teachers.

On this day, students around the country pay their respects and express gratitude, love and respect to their teachers and professors. Many cultural events are also organised by the students to entertain and give their teachers a day to remember.

Let’s now look at the following reports on Teachers’ Day discussed below.

Report on Teachers’ Day held in School

On 5th September, 2022 (Monday), Loreto School in Pune organised Teachers’ Day on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former president of India. All students decorated their classrooms and gave their teachers a bouquet of roses. After the morning assembly, the Teachers’ Day program was scheduled to start. Along with the teachers, the Principal, Vice Principal and the Chairperson of the school’s management committee were also present at the function. The function started with the students of Class 6 singing Saraswati Vandana and dancing beautifully with it. Soon after that, a student of class 8 gave a speech on why we celebrate Teachers’ Day and how Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan contributed to society. Soon after the speech, Miss Davis, the Principal of Loreto School, gave a speech thanking and appreciating all the teachers for their hard work and dedication, and for their role in helping the school achieve new heights. At the end of the speech by the principal, the students of Class 9 and 10 performed a comedy-drama that everyone enjoyed. The program ended with the Head Boy and Head Girl thanking the teachers for their efforts in shaping the life of students and inspiring them.

Report on Teachers’ Day held in College

On 5th September, 2020 (Saturday), the RCV Engineering College organised Teachers’ Day celebrations. The function took place in the auditorium of the college. All the departments of the college were beautifully decorated by the students for Teachers’ Day. The students of various departments, along with the help of the Student’s Union, organised a function for the teachers. The Dean of the college, too, was present at the function. The program started with the Dean, the Teacher-in-Charge and the Heads of the Department cutting the ribbon and lighting the diyas. The program started with the Sanskrit department reciting the Ganesh Vandana. Then the English Department performed a Shakespearean play and dedicated the play to their Head of the Department. A student from the Bengali Department recited a poem from Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali. Students of various departments performed for their teachers. At the end of the program, the Dean of the college gave away trophies to the Best Teachers nominated by the students. The Dean gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the teachers and also appreciated the teachers for their immense contribution to the institution for years. The entire program ended on a happy note.

Also explore: Article on Teacher’s Day | Speech on Teacher’s Day | Slogans on Teacher’s Day

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is report writing.

Report writing is a formal way of writing detailed accounts on any topic based on specific evidence/ information.

Why is Teachers’ Day celebrated?

Teachers’ Day is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was not only the second president of independent India but also a great teacher.

essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

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Essay on Teachers Day Celebration in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Teachers Day Celebration : Teachers Day celebrations are held in India on the 5 th of September every year on the occasion of Teachers Day. The students observe the day with much zeal and enthusiasm in schools and colleges. Teachers take a day off from their daily routine and enjoy the various programs students have organized for them. Students organize stage performances and several other activities to entertain their teachers.

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They give gifts to their favorite teachers and felicitate them in other ways. The main objective of the whole celebration is to show the teachers how much loved and respected they are for the service they do to the students. It is a day to show the teachers that they do a commendable service to society and the nation by educating the youth.

Long and Short Essay on Teachers Day Celebration in English

Below, we provide short and long essays on Teacher’s Day Celebration in English for your knowledge and information.

These Teachers Day Celebration Essays are written in simple English so that you can easily understand them and remember them when needed.

After going through the essays, you will know how enthusiastically teacher’s day is celebrated and how it is celebrated in schools and colleges.

You can use the essays during competitions like essay writing, speech giving, debate, etc.

Also check: Essay on My Favorite Teachers

Essay on Teachers Day Celebration 200 Words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated with immense zeal in various schools across India on the 5 th of September. It is a day to pay respect to the teachers and thank them for the efforts and hard work they put in every day, all around the year, to nurture the students.

Every school comes up with different activities to celebrate this special day. Some of the common activities that form a part of the Teachers’ Day celebration in schools include enacting the part of one’s favourite teacher, dance performances, skits, and fancy dress competitions. The teachers are made to sit comfortably as an audience while the students give these performances to entertain them and add joy to this special day.

Teachers are made to play games such as passing the parcel, musical chairs, dumb charades, and dancing statues to add to the fun element. This creates an atmosphere of joy and laughter. Some schools also organize activities allowing teachers and students to collaborate and work as a team.

Teachers’ Day is certainly the day that offers a respite from the mundane school routine and allows indulging in light, joyful activities. It is a great time to strengthen the student-teacher bond.

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Essay on Teachers Day Celebration 300 Words

Teachers’ Day is one of the most memorable days for students and a teacher’s life. Teachers especially wait for this day all year round as they get to relax and chit-chat with one another, unlike the other days when they are loaded with work during and after school hours. Various activities are organized in different schools to celebrate this day.

Students Dress Up as Teachers

Students from the senior classes go to school dressed up as teachers. They play the part of different teachers and are sent to various classes to teach different subjects. This role-playing is one of the main parts of the Teachers’ Day celebration. Students eagerly look forward to it. They are clad in beautiful suits and saris to match the personality of the teachers they are depicting.

The junior wing students look forward to the classroom sessions undertaken by their seniors as these are not the usual lectures. These are way more interesting. Different games and activities are played in the classrooms on this day while maintaining the decorum of the school.

Fun Activities and Cultural Programs

Cultural programs and fun activities are mostly organized during the second half of the day. The teachers are made to sit in the audience, where they are served refreshments. Students organize various performances to entertain their teachers. Dance performances, songs are sung, and plays are performed, among other interesting activities.

Teachers and students also indulge in games and other fun activities. It is a good time to bond with one another.

There are many ways to celebrate Teachers’ Day. The students from the senior wing take the initiative to decide how it should be celebrated in their school while the teachers relax and enjoy the celebrations.

Essay on Teachers Day Celebration 400 Words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5 th of September in our country each year. 5 th September is the birth anniversary of India’s second President, Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a respected teacher. Dr. Radhakrishnan served as a professor in various reputed universities. He was appreciated by his colleagues and loved by his students. When he became the President of India, his students requested him to let them celebrate his birthday on a big scale in schools each year. He replied that he would rather feel good if they dedicated this day to the teachers and celebrated it as Teachers’ Day. 5 th September is thus being celebrated as Teachers’ Day since 1962.

Importance of Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day holds immense importance. Here is why it is considered significant:

  • Way to Express Gratitude

Teachers work hard continually to nurture their students well. Students come first to the teachers, and they make sure each student inculcates good habits and discipline and does well academically. They also encourage them to take part in sports and other activities for their overall development. They do their best to help their students evolve. This day is the student’s way of expressing gratitude to the teachers for all they have done for them.

  • Pay Respect

On Teachers’ Day, the students respect the teachers who act as their mentors and show them the right direction in life. Students give performances, deliver thank you speeches, and present bouquets, cards, and other customized gift items to their teachers as a mark of respect.

  • Strengthen Student- Teacher Bond

Teachers Day is also a day that strengthens the student-teacher bond. It is important for this reason as well. Students dress up as teachers and take lectures on this day, and by doing so, they understand the hardships of being a teacher. They understand the true value of their teachers and the hard work and effort they put in. This raises the respect they have for their teachers.

A number of games and other activities involving the teachers and students are organized on this day. Students and teachers play these together and bond well over them. It is a great way to strengthen their bond.

Teachers’ Day is thus an important day in the life of the teachers as well as the students. It is a day when the efforts and hard work of the teachers are appreciated and applauded. They are made to feel special by the students who organize various activities and performances specially dedicated to them.

Essay on Teachers Day Celebration 500 Words

Teachers’ Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across various schools in India on the 5 th of September. Students and teachers look forward to this occasion as it is extremely special for them. Students come up with different innovative ideas each year to celebrate this day and make their teachers feel special.

Ways to Celebrate Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is completely different from the usual school days. On this day, the teachers do not teach the students. Instead, they relax and indulge in fun activities on the school premises.

  • Playing the Part of Teachers

One of the key features of Teachers’ Day is students dress up as teachers. In most schools, the students from the senior classes dress up as teachers. Mostly, a student who is good at maths dresses up as a maths teacher, someone who is good with English dresses up as an English teacher, and so on. These students-dressed-as-teachers visit the junior classes and teach the students. They also indulge in various fun activities during their classroom sessions. Playing the part of the teacher is quite exciting for these students, and the experience is equally enjoyable for the junior wing students, as well as they do not need to study much.

  • Enacting Like Favourite Teachers

Not just the senior wing students, in many schools, the students from the junior classes are also asked to come dressed up as teachers. They are further asked to learn two –three lines and enact the part of their favourite teacher. They are made to do the enactment on the stage in front of the teachers. The students who enact well are given special prizes. These performances add to the overall fun.

  • Performances

The second half of the day is mainly reserved for different kinds of performances. The teachers are invited to the school auditorium and are shown various performances organized by students from different classes. Dance performances, poem recitations, plays, and fancy dress competitions are held. Some teachers also volunteer to perform a dance or sing songs on this occasion.

Games such as musical chairs, dumb charades, and passing the parcel are played on this occasion. Most of these games are played along with the teachers. Seeing the teachers playing these games with full enthusiasm is a treat. Many team-building games are also played as a part of the Teachers’ Day celebration. Students and teachers play these games together. This is a great way to build a bond between the two.

  • Gifts/Prizes

Students present bouquets and cards to the teachers to pay respect to them. Students deliver thank you speeches to their teachers as they wind up the event. Teachers are also given titles such as best dressed teacher, miss polite, miss cool, etc. They are given special prizes for the same.

Teachers’ Day is indeed a day that offers a much-needed respite from routine school activities. It is a fun-filled day for students and teachers, and both of them look forward to it. Together, the teachers and students have a lot of fun on this special occasion.

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Essay on Teachers Day Celebration 600 Words

Teachers are known to have a strong influence in shaping their students’ life. An encouraging and appreciative teacher nurtures students into positive-minded and confident beings. On the other hand, a teacher who is always critical de-motivates the students. Likewise, a strict teacher inculcates discipline in students. On the other hand, a teacher who isn’t serious about his job gives the same mindset to his students, who eventually become careless and unfocused. Teachers must possess certain qualities to nurture their students the right way. They must also understand their role and carry out their responsibilities with dedication.

Qualities of a Teacher

Here are some of the qualities teachers must possess:

  • Pleasing Personality

A teacher must have a pleasing personality. This is the first and foremost trait a teacher must possess. This helps create a good rapport with the students. Students tend to look up to someone with a positive and pleasing personality.

A teacher must be disciplined. She/he must come to school on time, complete every task in the stipulated time, and be disciplined in every aspect. Only when the teacher is disciplined will he/she be able to inculcate discipline in her students.

  • Skill to Handle Students

This is another essential quality a teacher must possess. A teacher must know how to handle the students well. She must be strict yet cool. She must also be patient and possess the skill of listening to the students. This goes a long way in handling the students efficiently.

  • Hold Over Their Subject

One of the most important qualities that a teacher must possess is that she must have complete knowledge of her subject. She should know her subject inside out. She must be able to answer the queries of the students instantly.

  • Good Teaching Skills

The teachers must know their subject and how to put their point across well so that the students understand it properly. They should have good teaching skills.

  • Good Management Skills

A teacher must also have good management skills as they are required to manage numerous tasks simultaneously.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher

Here are the roles and responsibilities of a teacher:

  • Nurture Students

A teacher’s responsibility is to nurture all her students with care, so they grow up as good human beings and perform well in their respective fields.

  • Inculcate Discipline

A teacher must ensure that she inculcates discipline in her students. Discipline is of utmost importance. Students who learn this art are focused and perform better. It is an essential quality that teachers must imbibe in their students.

  • Identify the Student’s Interest and Calibre

Teachers must understand that each child is unique. The teacher’s responsibility is to help the students identify their interests. They must also understand their caliber and encourage them to hone their skills in the subject or activities they can do well in.

  • Motivate Students

Teachers must also act as a motivational force for the students. They must use different techniques to motivate the students from time to time.

  • Ensure Complete Participation

A teacher must ensure she engages the entire class in her sessions. She must give equal opportunities to all her students to ensure their complete participation in different school activities rather than promoting just a handful of bright students.

Teachers help build the future of our nation. They must be appointed very cautiously. Every school, big or small, must ensure it properly assesses and evaluates the candidates applying for the teachers’ position before appointing them. The teachers must be disciplined, hard-working, and focused. They must have a strong hold on their subject and good teaching skills. They should have a pleasing personality and must know how to engage the students in the classroom sessions to ensure complete participation.

Essay on Teachers Day Celebration FAQs

How to celebrate teachers day essay in english.

Celebrate Teachers Day by writing an essay in English about your favorite teacher and their impact on your life.

What is the short paragraph for Teachers Day?

A short paragraph for Teachers Day can express gratitude to teachers for their dedication and guidance.

What is teacher day in 10 lines?

Teachers' Day is a special day to honor and appreciate our teachers' hard work and commitment to education.

What is line 5 of teacher day speech?

Line 5 of a Teacher's Day speech can mention a specific example of a teacher's influence on a student's life.

How to write an essay for Teachers Day?

Write a Teachers Day essay by sharing personal experiences and thanking teachers for their valuable lessons.

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500+ Words Essay on Teachers Day

Teachers’ Day in India is a special occasion that honors the remarkable contributions of educators in shaping the future of the nation. This essay will argue that Teachers’ Day is a significant day of appreciation and gratitude for the dedicated mentors who play a pivotal role in nurturing young minds and imparting knowledge. We will explore the history, customs, and importance of this day.

Significance of Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5th in India, commemorating the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned philosopher and the second President of India. It serves as a reminder of the crucial role teachers play in molding the character and intellect of students.

Honoring the Teaching Profession

Teachers are the architects of a nation’s future. They shape the minds of students, instill values, and impart knowledge that transcends textbooks. According to experts in education, the quality of teaching directly influences a student’s academic performance and personal development.

Customs and Traditions

On Teachers’ Day, schools and colleges across India organize special programs and events to pay tribute to teachers. Students often prepare cultural performances, heartfelt speeches, and handcrafted cards to express their gratitude. These customs foster a sense of appreciation and respect for educators.

Expressing Gratitude

Teachers’ Day is an opportunity for students to express their gratitude to teachers who have made a lasting impact on their lives. It is a day when students convey their heartfelt thanks and admiration through various gestures, such as gifts, flowers, and tokens of appreciation.

The Role of Teachers in Society

Teachers play a multifaceted role in society. They not only impart knowledge but also act as mentors, counselors, and role models. Experts agree that teachers contribute significantly to the personal and intellectual growth of students, shaping them into responsible citizens.

Teacher-Student Relationships

The relationship between teachers and students is built on trust, respect, and guidance. It is a unique bond that fosters learning and personal development. Teachers’ Day highlights the importance of this bond and reinforces the need for positive teacher-student relationships.

Teacher Appreciation Worldwide

Teachers’ Day is celebrated in many countries worldwide, albeit on different dates. The universal recognition of educators underscores their global significance in shaping the future. International experts emphasize the critical role of teachers in achieving educational goals.

Challenges faced by Teachers

Despite the invaluable contributions of teachers, they face numerous challenges, including heavy workloads, low salaries, and changing teaching methods. It is essential to acknowledge these challenges and work towards creating a conducive environment for educators.

Empowering Teachers

Empowering teachers with professional development opportunities and adequate resources is crucial. Experts recommend investing in teacher training and providing them with the tools they need to excel in their profession.

The Future of Education

As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, we must also contemplate the future of education. Experts stress the importance of adapting to changing educational paradigms and equipping teachers with the skills to navigate the evolving landscape.

Conclusion of Essay on Teachers Day

In conclusion, Teachers’ Day in India is a day of profound significance, celebrating the educators who shape the nation’s future. It is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering dedication to imparting knowledge and nurturing young minds. As we honor teachers on this special day, it is essential to recognize their pivotal role in society, acknowledge the challenges they face, and work towards empowering them for a brighter future of education. Teachers’ Day is not just a celebration; it is a reminder of the enduring impact of teachers on generations to come.

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Teachers Day Essay in English for Students | 500 Words Essay

March 12, 2021 by Sandeep

Teachers Day Essay: Teachers Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year all over India. It is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of our former president Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Guru Purnima is another form of Teachers’ Day celebration which falls in June-July. World’s Teachers Day falls on the 5th of October. On this occasion, schools and colleges host programs containing dramas, speeches and essay writing competitions.

Below we have provided Teachers Day Essay in English, suitable for kids and class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 school students. This essay is drafted in easy and simple language.

Teachers Day Essay 500 Words in English

Please find below Teachers Day Essay, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Teachers’ Day is a national festival in India and celebrated every year on the 5th of September. It is dedicated to honour Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan . He was a philosopher, statesman and the former second president of India. Moreover, he is commemorated as the most renowned teachers of the twentieth century.

Teachers are known to be the epitome of patience, compassion, resilience, and love. They play a vital role in moulding a child’s behaviour as they are the asset a child possesses half of his life. They are often referred to as the torchbearer because of the core ideals they hold within.

Why Teachers’ Day is Celebrated?

Teachers Day is celebrated to acknowledge the hardships and challenges that a teacher faces while moulding a child’s behaviour. Dr Radhakrishnan was one such teacher who supported edification morally, spiritually and intellectually.

He was a renowned scholar and a recipient of Bharat Ratna. Also, he was the first vice-president of India and held a special place for teachers. When children were excited to celebrate his birthday, he instructed them to celebrate his birthday as Teachers Day rather than his birthday.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born in Andhra Pradesh in 1888. He believed that only the right kind of education could promote creativity and analytical skills. Seeking knowledge means to think practically, to adhere to truth and produce an instinct to resist mob passion.

He instructed to get educated not for namesake but to think critically. Also, he was an advocate of Hinduism and desired to shape the young minds in terms of Hinduism. Therefore, he earned the stature of a bridge-builder between India and West. The world knew him as a remarkable philosopher with a spiritual outlook. His readers were spellbound by his writing work and believed that he has the potential to create a powerful impact on the people.

Celebration of Teachers’ Day

The president of India gives awards to the primary, middle and secondary school teachers for exemplary performance in terms of creativity and dedication. Schools and colleges organize events where children revisit the times when Radhakrishnan was a teacher through speech, literary competitions, drama etc.

Special guests are invited who have contributed to bringing change and improvement in the children through their relentless efforts. Students give flowers, gifts and cards as a token of appreciation and to express their love and respect towards their teachers. Many ex-students also visit their school and college teachers who left a long-lasting positive impression in their minds.

Importance of Teachers

Teachers never demarcate children based on class or caste. For them, every child is equal. There is no distinction between good or bad students, but rather the feeble kids are brought to the surface of confidence. The awareness and consciousness are generated among the children through consistent efforts.

They assist children in garnering knowledge, skills, confidence and correct course. In addition, they inspire to work in teams and encourage each other to live in harmony. As the familiar adage goes, the future of the country solely depends upon the teachers as they are significant contributors to frame the destiny of any nation. A good teacher makes sure that a child transforms into a good human, a better member of the society and the best citizen of the country.

It is rightly stated- “Gururbrahma Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Parabrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah”. This means that Guru or teacher is the representative of the trinity-Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He creates, preserves and destroys the roots of ignorance. I salute such a Guru or a teacher.

Teachers Day Essay

Essay on Teachers Day 250 Words in English

Below we have provided a few lines about Teachers Day Essay, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 school students.

Teachers’ Day is a celebration observed to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was born on 5th September in Andhra Pradesh. Since then, his birthday is dedicated to the hard work and knowledge of the teachers.

He was a bright student and an ardent reader. He earned laurels in his academic career because of his intellectual calibre. He wrote several books on philosophy. Among them, the most famous book was “An Idealist View of life.”. He was even invited to the Manchester College of Oxford to deliver a lecture on philosophy.

Radhakrishnan believed that teachers should be the greatest minds in the world. He desired to build a classless society through education and to reduce the disparity between rich and poor. Moreover, he looked beyond space and time to yield productivity.

Learning by example and practical approach were his basic principles in education. He further stated that learning doesn’t mean attaining degrees but inculcating values for character making and life building. A unique program is arranged to celebrate teacher’s day in school and colleges. Literary competitions, dance, singing and delivering a speech are conducted to offer respect and gratitude.

Essential and valuable messages are disseminated through guest speakers to enlighten and direct the young minds to walk on the correct path. Each teacher is felicitated by offering flower bouquets and cards. Awards are conferred upon the meritorious teachers by the President of India. The awards are given to express gratitude and praise for the outstanding work in primary, middle and secondary schools.

In the words of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Teaching is not a profession but a way of life. Teachers should reclaim the status of Vishwaguru and motivated the children to ponder critically on the issues concerning the nation. Lastly, teaching is not a service but a pillar of society.

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Teachers Day Essay

Teacher’s Day is a special day dedicated to all teachers celebrated every year to honor the teachers and appreciate their special contributions towards education. In India Teachers Day is celebrated every year on 5 th September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He served as the first Vice-President of India and also as its second President. He was a statesman, a distinguished scholar, but above all, a remarkable teacher. He was the first Indian to teach in the prestigious Oxford University.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was very popular among his students and was highly revered and respected. Hence Teachers Day is observed to celebrate the contributions of a teacher to the society and nation. The day is observed with much joy by the students, who organize several events to entertain their teachers. Students give gifts to the teachers, sing song for them, felicitate them and do lots of similar things to show their love and respect.

Long and Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in English

The role of teachers in everyone’s life is great as they are the only visual source of knowledge for their students. Below, we are providing long and short essay on Teachers Day in English.

These Teachers Day Essays in English are written effectively, covering significant information on origin of Teacher’s Day , its celebration and significance.

The Teachers Day essay are written keeping in mind the needs of school students.

You can use these essays during several activities on Teachers Day in your school.

the essays can be used during essay writing competitions, speech competition and debates.

Teachers Day Essay 1 (100 words)

As we all know that our teachers play a great and most important role in our lives. They helps us to improve our knowledge, skill level, confidence as well as they shape us in the right shape to get success. So, we too have some responsibilities towards our loyal teachers. We all as an obedient student need to do a heartily welcome and say them wishful thanks for their selfless service of teachings all through the life as well as shaping the life of various students. Teacher’s day (which is celebrated once a year on 5 th of September) is the great chance to us to spend a day for them and say thanks.

Teachers Day

Teachers Day Essay 2 (150 words)

Teacher’s day in India is celebrated every year on 5 th of September to honour the contributions of the teachers in our study, society and country. There is a great reason behind celebrating the teacher’s day on 5 th of September. 5 th of September is the birth anniversary of a great person named, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was highly devoted towards education and well known as the scholar, diplomat, President of India and most importantly a Teacher.

Once, when he became an Indian President in 1962, some students requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday on 5 th of September. He said that, instead on celebrating 5 th of September as my birthday personally, why not, it is celebrated as Teachers’ Day as my dedication towards the teaching profession. After his statement, 5 th of September has been started celebrating as a Teachers’ Day all over the India.

Teachers Day Essay 3 (200 words)

Teacher’s day is celebrated every year on the birth anniversary of a great person Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was highly dedicated towards the teaching profession. It is said that, once he was approached by some students and requested for celebrating his birthday on 5 th of September. And he replied that instead of celebrating it my birthday only, you should celebrated it as a teachers day to pay honour to all teachers for their great works and contributions. Teachers are the real shapers of the future building blocks of the country means they shape up the students life who are ultimately the future of country.

Teachers are the nation-builders by building the future of citizens living in the country. But nobody was there in the society to think about teachers and their contributions. The whole credit goes to only one leader of India, President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan who advised us to celebrate his birthday as teacher’s day. Since 1962, 5 th of September is being observed as Teacher’s Day every year. Our teachers not only teach us about subjects, but they also improve our personality, confidence and skill level. They make us able to get over from any problem or difficulty all through the life.

Teachers Day Essay 4 (250 words)

Teachers are the real holder of knowledge, enlightenment and prosperity using which they nourish and prepare us for our life. They serve as source of lighting lamp in our lives. It is our teachers who stand behind our success. Out teachers too have lots of daily routine problems just like us and our parents but they always keep their teaching profession at top and attend schools or colleges to complete their job responsibilities. Nobody say them thanks for their priceless job. So, we as students have some responsibility towards our teachers at least we can say them thanks once a year.

Teacher’s day is celebrated every year on 5 th of September to pay honour to our selfless teachers and their priceless job. 5 th of September is a birth anniversary of our earlier President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan who had requested to celebrate his birthday as the teachers day to respect teachers all over India. He was great fond of the teaching profession. Our teachers shape us to be academically wonderful and morally good by enhancing our knowledge, skill and confidence level. They always promote us to do every impossible thing possible to do better in the life. Teacher’s day is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by the students. They say give them lots of greeting orally or through greeting cards.

Teachers Day Essay 5 (300 words)

Teacher’s Day is a very special occasion for everyone especially for the teachers and students. It is celebrated by the students every year on 5 th of September to honour their teachers. 5 th of September has been declared as the Teachers day in India. Our earlier President, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5 th of September so Teacher’s Day in India is being celebrated on his birthday because of his love and affection towards teaching profession. He was a great believer of education and highly famous as the scholar, diplomat, teacher and President of India.

Teacher’s day is a great occasion for celebrating and enjoying the relationship between teachers and students. Now a day, it is celebrated with the big enthusiasm and joy in the schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions by both students and teachers. Teachers are given lots of wishes about long life from their students. In the modern time the celebration strategy of the teacher’s day has been standard.

Students become so happy at this day and plan for the way of wishing their favourite teachers. Some students wish their favourite teachers by giving them gifts, greeting cards, pen, diaries, etc. Some students wish their teachers by sending them audio messages, emails, video messages, written messages, through online chat, social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. Someone just say “Happy teacher’s day” orally to wish.

We should realize the necessity and value of our teachers in our lives and celebrate Teachers’ Day every year to pay them homage for great job. Teachers are more than our parents who mold our mind towards success. They become happy and get their success in life only if their dedicated students go ahead and spread teachers name all over the world through his activities. We should follow all good lessons in our life taught by our teachers.

Teachers Day Essay 6 (400 words)

It is said that nothing is there to compare from the teaching profession. It is the noblest profession in the world. 5 th of September has been dedicated to the teaching profession by celebrating this day as teachers day all through the India. It is celebrated every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of earlier India President, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan as well as pay honour to the teachers. The birth anniversary day of our earlier president has been dedicated to highlight the nobility of the teaching profession as well as contributions of our teachers in the society and country development.

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher who had spent around 40 years of his life in the teaching profession. He was well known about all the roles and contributions of the teachers in students life. So, he was the first person who thought about teachers and requested his birthday means 5 th of September to be celebrated as the Teachers day every year. He was born on 5 th of September in 1888 and started his career as a philosophy teacher by entering to the teaching profession at his 21 at Presidency College, Chennai in 1909.

He taught philosophy in many famous universities of the India as well as and abroad like University of Chennai, Kolkata, Mysore, Benares, Oxford in London, etc. Because of his committed dedication towards the teaching profession, he was appointed as the Chairman of University Grants Commission in 1949 in order to recognize his valuable services. 5 th of September was started celebrating as the teachers day from 1962. After serving the nation for a long period of time through his great services, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan passed away in 1975 on 17 th of April.

Teachers are like real potters who not only give our life a shape, but also enable to lit like a lamp forever after dispelling the darkness from all across the world. So that, our nation can be enlightened with lots of bright lamps. Therefore, the nation pays homage and respect to all the teachers in the country. We can nothing give our teachers in return to their great job however; we should respect them always and say thanks. We should take a pledge to heartily respect and honour our teachers in our daily lives as without a good teacher we all are incomplete in this world.

Long Essay on Importance of Teacher’s Day – Essay 7 (800 Words)


Teacher’s Day in India is celebrated on the 5 th of September each year. Schools throughout our country are decorated and special events are organized to celebrate this event. Students as well as teachers participate in various events with full zeal. It is a day that offers a break from the usual school activities. So students particularly look forward to this day.

Why is Teacher’s Day Celebrated on 5 th September?

5 th September is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President of India. He served the nation from the year 1952 to 1962. He also served the country as its second President from 1962 to 1967.

Dr. Radhakrishnan held great regards for the teachers. Before entering politics, he taught at different universities including the University of Calcutta, University of Mysore and University of Oxford. He was appreciated for his work and was immensely loved by his students. He believed that it is the teachers who shape the youth who in turn shape the future of the nation. This is the reason he did his job as a professor diligently and gave good values to his students.

When he became the president of our country, his students expressed the wish to celebrate his birthday each year. Responding to them, Dr. Radhakrishnan said, he would be rather glad if they celebrate 5 th September as Teachers’ Day. Thus, his birthday is celebrated as Teachers’ Day every year.

The Importance of Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is of utmost importance. It is a day to respect and value the efforts of the teachers who work tirelessly all year round. Teachers’ job is one of the toughest jobs in the world as they are given the responsibility to nurture young minds. They are given a class full of students. Each student is unique and has a different calibre. Some students may be good in Sports others could be Maths genius while others may show keen interest in English. A good teacher helps the students explore their interest and identify their capabilities. She/he encourages the students to hone their skills in the subjects or activities they are interested in and at the same time ensures they do not neglect other subjects or academics as a whole.

The reason why a special day has been dedicated to people belonging to this profession is to give them respect and express gratitude.

Teachers’ Day Celebration at Schools

Students in schools across India celebrate Teachers’ Day with great enthusiasm. Students dress up like their favourite teachers on this day and visit junior classes. They are assigned different classes where they go and teach on this day. This is great fun for both senior wing as well as junior wing students. They study as well as indulge in different activities during these sessions. The senior students ensure the school discipline is maintained all through and the juniors co-operate with them in the same.

In many schools, junior students also dress up as different teachers and are asked to enact their role. Competitions are held and the one with the best dress and role play wins the same. Various other competitions are also held and cultural activities are organized on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. These activities usually take place in the second half of the day. During the first half, the senior students take the classes while the teachers relax and have fun in the staff room.

Teachers are also seen dressed up beautifully. Most of them wear a Sari or some other special attire and go for great hair styles. The schools are decorated well to welcome them. Students especially stay back after school a day before to decorate the classes for this occasion. They apply various innovative methods to decorate the classes and also come up with creative activities for the day. They begin the preparation for Teacher’s Day celebrations days before the same.

In many schools, students give dance performances, perform plays, conduct fancy dress competitions, deliver speeches and indulge in many other activities while the teachers watch them perform. In some schools collective activities are organized for students and teachers. This is all the more fun. They play different games and indulge in various activities together and bond well over the same.

Students also bring Greeting Cards, Flowers and other gifts items for their teachers on this special occasion. The teachers also get delighted to receive different types of colourful gifts from their students.

Teacher’s Day is celebrated in India to pay respect to the teachers who work hard all year round to ensure their students do well in academics as well as extra-curricular activities. A number of activities are planned on this day in various schools across the country. These activities are a good way to strengthen the bond between teachers and students.

All in all, it is a special day for teachers as well as students.

Long Essay on Teachers Day 8 (1300 Words)

Teacher’s Day in India is a very important annual event to applaud and recognize our teachers for their exceptional and extraordinary work. The Teacher’s Day is also a good medium for students to express their love and respect for their teachers. It is celebrated on 5 th September every year with great enthusiasm by the students across the whole nation. Teacher’s Day falling on 5 th September of every year is actually the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who served as the first vice-President and second President of India and also was a distinguished scholar and excellent teacher. We celebrate this day just to remember him and pay him tribute for his great acts and achievements.

Teachers Day is not about only those teachers who have taught us in Schools, Colleges or any other Institution but it is also about all those people who have ever taught us something valuable.

Why do We Celebrate Teacher’s Day?

As it is clear from its name, Teacher’s Day is a day of Teachers. According to Hindu Scripts, ‘Brahma’ is the creator of the Universe. In the same way, a teacher is the creator of the future of the Nation. A teacher is a person who never leaves teaching and keeps educating the youngsters throughout his/her life. S/He performs his/her duty with full honesty and dedication just to make his/her pupils successful and the success of his/her pupils is the actual success of the teacher.

For a good teacher, teaching is not just a profession, a service or a job but s/he regards education as a pillar of the Nation. We can never get over their beneficences so we celebrate the Teacher’s Day just to pay them respect and make them understand how valuable they are for us.

Origin of Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day which is celebrated across the country to mark the contribution of the Teachers and tribute to them is actually the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5 th September 1888. He was an Indian Philosopher and Statesman who also served as India’s 1 st Vice-President and 2 nd President. He was honoured with several awards including Bharat Ratna in 1954, Knighthood in 1931, and Order of Merit in 1963.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had also served as a teacher and professor during his early career. He was loved and highly respected by his pupils. He was elected the 2nd President of India on 14 th May 1962. While serving as the President in 1962, some of his friends and Students requested him to celebrate his Birthday every year as “Radhakrishnan Day”, as they wanted to pay him tribute every year for his service and achievements. Dr. Radhakrishnan denied celebrating 5 th September as his birthday, instead he requested them to celebrate 5 th September as Teacher’s Day saying “Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if September 5th is observed as Teachers’ Day”.

Since then the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan is being celebrated as the Teacher’s Day. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan wanted the students of India to understand the importance of their Teachers and always pay them respect that is why his birthday is celebrated as the Teacher’s Day every year.

Teacher’s Day Celebration

On 5 th September, Teacher’s Day is celebrated all across the Nation with great enthusiasm and respect for the teaching community. The most of the excitement can be seen among the students of pre college schools. They eagerly wait for the day to celebrate and tribute their teachers.

Various kinds of social and cultural events and especially acts based on teachers are organised in Schools and Colleges on this day. The preparation starts few days before the Teachers Day. The students prepare speeches and poems dedicated to their teachers and perform them on the stage. They also prepare some beautiful gifts, greeting cards and flowers for their teachers.

Also many quizzes, essay competitions and other such events are organised by authorities. The celebration usually starts with cutting of cake by the teachers. It is not necessarily done in every institution but most of the institutions, Schools and Collages do so. Students also bring presents for their favourite teachers. Teachers accept the gift and respect of their students and fill them with their love and blessings. Students also decorate their School and Classroom beautifully to surprise their Teachers. The excitement for teacher’s day and the love and respect for their teachers can clearly be seen in the eyes of every student.

Importance of Teacher’s Day

Importance of Teacher’s Day in our life depends completely upon the importance of Teachers in our life.

If you are a student then you know very well what a teacher is. A teacher teaches us, guides us, amends our mistakes, scolds us when necessary and also punishes us too, but deep in our heart we all know that he is trying to make us civilized and successful by policing and improving our positive sides. To pay them high respect and follow their every direction should be our utmost aim at this age forgetting all other things. Celebrate the Teacher’s Day to pay respect to your teachers.

If you are a successful person, either employed or a businessman, then undoubtedly you understand very well the importance of a teacher and his contribution in your successful life. All that you have achieved till date and also what you will achieve in future is just because of the knowledge given to you by your teachers. The Teacher’s Day is very important for you and it brings you the chance to thank your teacher and show your love to them.

Relation between an Ideal Teacher and Student

The bonding between a teacher and his pupils is a very important and sacred part of Indian Culture. Our history is the proof of it. A student is like a bud of flower which has not bloomed yet and the Teacher is the gardener. S/He nourishes it, cares for it, and helps it in growing and smelling the entire Garden.

A good teacher is always dedicated towards developing his/her students. S/He works on making him/her able to fight and survive in the fast moving world. It does not matter if s/he lives in a hut or a small room but s/he becomes much happier to see the success of his/her students.

A student must understand the purpose of teacher and s/he can pay him/her teachers respect only by applying their teachings in life and making them feel proud. Instead of being rich and successful being a good citizen and responsible person obliges the teachers most.

A good bond between a teacher and a student has always led to success and fame. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi who asked Gandhi ji to return from South Africa and serve his Nation. It was Chanakya who guided Chandragupta Maurya to fight against Nanda Dynasty with the help of which Chandragupta Maurya established Maurya Dynasty.

Thus a good relation between a teacher and his student always has the power to change the history of the world.

So we have come to know that the Teacher’s Day is a very important day in the life of every person because every individual of the nation whether, young or old, has been a student some day. We must celebrate this day with zeal and respect to express our gratitude towards our teachers. It is not necessary to give them heavy and costly gifts but just a sense of utmost respect is enough to make them happy. A student and teacher’s relation is the most important thing in our nation that needs to be maintained for a long time to make the nation leader of the world.

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Teachers Day Speech

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essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

A Teachers Day speech is a formal or informal address delivered in honor of Teachers Day, a special day dedicated to appreciating and celebrating the contributions of teachers. Teachers Day is observed in many countries worldwide, though the date varies. The speech typically highlights the importance of teachers, their impact on students’ lives, and their role in shaping the future.

What is Teachers Day Speech?

A Teachers Day speech is an address delivered in celebration of Teachers Day, recognizing and honoring the significant role teachers play in education and society. This speech can be given by students, fellow educators, or school administrators and is designed to convey appreciation, respect, and admiration for teachers.

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Teachers Day Speech Format

1. introduction.

Greet the audience. Mention the occasion (Teachers Day). State the purpose of the speech.

2. Opening Remarks

Briefly introduce yourself. Share a personal anecdote or quote related to teachers.

3. Acknowledgment

Thank teachers collectively. Highlight the importance of teachers in society.

4. Main Content

Discuss the role and impact of teachers. Share specific examples or stories of teacher influence. Mention the dedication and hard work of teachers.

5. Conclusion

Summarize key points. Offer final words of gratitude and appreciation. End with a motivating or inspiring quote.
Thank the audience for listening. Wish everyone a happy Teachers Day.

Teachers Day Speech Example

Introduction Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day, a special occasion to honor and appreciate the remarkable contributions of our teachers. I am truly delighted and humbled to have the opportunity to speak about the incredible impact teachers have on our lives. Opening Remarks My name is [Your Name], and as a student of [School/College Name], I have been fortunate to learn from some of the most dedicated and inspiring teachers. As William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of what great teachers do. Acknowledgment On this special day, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have shaped our minds and guided us through our educational journey. Teachers are the backbone of our society, molding young minds and preparing us for the future. Their dedication, patience, and passion for teaching are truly commendable. Main Content Teachers play a vital role in our lives. They not only impart knowledge but also inspire us to dream big and work hard to achieve our goals. I remember how [Teacher’s Name] helped me overcome my fear of math by patiently explaining complex concepts in a way that made them simple and easy to understand. This support and encouragement boosted my confidence and made a significant difference in my academic performance. Teachers often go above and beyond their duties, spending countless hours preparing lessons, grading assignments, and providing extra help to students in need. Their commitment to our education and personal growth is invaluable, and their influence extends far beyond the classroom. Conclusion In summary, teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives and deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to ensure that we have a bright and successful future. Thank you to all the teachers who make a difference every day. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for everything you do. As Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Closing Thank you all for listening. Let’s take a moment to appreciate and celebrate our wonderful teachers. Happy Teachers Day to all!

Short Teachers Day Speech Example

Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day, a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating our teachers. I am [Your Name], and I am excited to share a few words on this special occasion. Acknowledgment First and foremost, I want to thank all our teachers for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire us, challenge us, and help us grow. Main Content Teachers play a vital role in shaping our lives. They not only teach us academic subjects but also valuable life lessons. I remember how [Teacher’s Name] made learning fun and engaging, turning even the toughest subjects into enjoyable experiences. Their patience and encouragement have left a lasting impact on me. Conclusion In conclusion, teachers deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. Their efforts shape our futures and make the world a better place. Thank you to all the teachers for your commitment and passion. Happy Teachers Day to all! Closing Thank you for listening, and let’s give a round of applause to our amazing teachers!
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essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

  • Teachers Day Speech for Teachers

essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

More Teachers Day Speech Topics

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  • Teachers Day Speech for Different Grades
  • The Role of Teachers in Shaping the Future
  • Celebrating the Dedication and Hard Work of Teachers
  • The Evolution of Education
  • The Importance of Lifelong Learning for Teachers
  • Building Strong Teacher-Student Relationships
  • The Impact of Technology on Modern Teaching
  • Teachers as Role Models and Mentors
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Teaching
  • Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Education
  • The Power of a Growth Mindset in Education

How to Write Teachers Day Speech

  • Greet the audience.
  • Mention the occasion (Teachers Day).
  • Introduce yourself briefly.

Example: “Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day. My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to share a few words about our wonderful teachers.”

2. Acknowledge Teachers

  • Thank the teachers collectively.
  • Highlight their importance and dedication.

Example: “First and foremost, I want to thank all our teachers for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire us, challenge us, and help us grow.”

3. Share Personal Experience or Story

  • Mention a specific teacher or experience.
  • Explain the impact they had on you or others.

Example: “I remember how [Teacher’s Name] made learning fun and engaging, turning even the toughest subjects into enjoyable experiences. Their patience and encouragement have left a lasting impact on me.”

4. Highlight the Role of Teachers

  • Emphasize the significance of teachers in shaping lives.
  • Mention their contributions beyond academics.

Example: “Teachers not only teach us academic subjects but also valuable life lessons. They are role models who inspire us to be better individuals.”

5. Conclude with Gratitude

  • Summarize your key points.
  • Offer final words of gratitude and appreciation.

Example: “In conclusion, teachers deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. Their efforts shape our futures and make the world a better place. Thank you to all the teachers for your commitment and passion.”

  • Thank the audience for listening.
  • End with a positive note or applause for teachers.

Example: “Thank you for listening, and let’s give a round of applause to our amazing teachers! Happy Teachers Day to all!”

Tips for Teachers Day Speech

  • Start with a Greeting : Begin with a warm welcome.
  • Introduce Yourself : Briefly say who you are.
  • Thank the Teachers : Show gratitude to all teachers.
  • Share a Personal Story : Mention a specific experience or teacher.
  • Highlight Their Role : Emphasize their importance beyond teaching.
  • End with Gratitude : Summarize and thank the teachers again.
  • Close with Positivity : End on a positive note.

Uses of Teachers Day Speech

  • Comedy Shows : Comedians use entertainment speeches to deliver stand-up routines. These speeches are crafted to evoke laughter through jokes, anecdotes, and humorous observations about everyday life, politics, culture, and human behavior.
  • Award Ceremonies : Hosts and presenters at award ceremonies use entertainment speeches to engage the audience, introduce award categories, and celebrate the achievements of recipients. These speeches often include witty commentary, light-hearted jokes, and memorable stories about the nominees.
  • Weddings : At weddings, the best man, maid of honor, and even the newlyweds often deliver entertainment speeches. These speeches are filled with humorous stories, heartfelt anecdotes, and well-wishes, making the celebration more enjoyable and memorable for all attendees.
  • Corporate Events : During corporate events, entertainment speeches can be used to lighten the atmosphere, foster team spirit, and make the event more enjoyable. These speeches might include humorous reflections on the workplace, motivational stories, or entertaining observations about the industry.
  • Fundraising Events : Entertainment speeches at fundraising events can help engage the audience, making the event more enjoyable and encouraging donations. Speakers might share inspiring and amusing stories related to the cause, helping to connect emotionally with attendees.
  • Social Gatherings : At parties, reunions, and social gatherings, entertainment speeches can be used to entertain guests and enhance the overall experience. These speeches often include humorous anecdotes, personal stories, and playful commentary on shared experiences.
  • After-Dinner Speeches : After-dinner speeches at banquets and formal dinners are often entertaining. These speeches aim to amuse the guests with humorous anecdotes, witty observations, and light-hearted reflections on the event or the organization hosting it.
  • Talent Shows and Competitions : Hosts of talent shows and competitions use entertainment speeches to introduce acts, fill time between performances, and keep the audience engaged. These speeches are typically lively, humorous, and designed to maintain the energy of the event.
  • Festivals and Cultural Events : During festivals and cultural events, entertainment speeches can introduce performances, celebrate traditions, and engage the audience with stories and humor. These speeches help set a festive tone and enhance the overall experience.
  • Public Speaking Events : In public speaking events, motivational speakers and entertainers use entertainment speeches to captivate their audience. By combining humor, storytelling, and engaging content, they can make their messages more impactful and memorable.

When is Teacher’s Day celebrated?

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th each year. This date honors Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday, who was a respected teacher and the second President of India. In the United States, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May.

Why do we celebrate Teacher’s Day?

We celebrate Teacher’s Day to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers in educating and nurturing students.

How should I start my Teacher’s Day speech?

Begin your speech by greeting everyone, thanking the teachers, and stating the purpose of your speech—honoring and appreciating teachers.

What should I include in my Teacher’s Day speech?

Include personal anecdotes, inspirational quotes, the impact of teachers on your life, and the importance of education.

How long should a Teacher’s Day speech be?

A Teacher’s Day speech should typically be around 3-5 minutes long to keep it engaging and respectful of everyone’s time.

How can I make my speech engaging?

Use a conversational tone, share personal stories, use humor appropriately, and express genuine gratitude to make your speech engaging.

Can I include quotes in my Teacher’s Day speech?

Yes, including quotes from famous educators or leaders can add depth and inspiration to your speech.

What tone should I use in my speech?

Use a respectful, warm, and appreciative tone to convey your gratitude and admiration for teachers.

How can I conclude my Teacher’s Day speech?

Conclude by thanking the teachers again, summarizing your main points, and ending with an inspirational quote or a heartfelt note.

Should I practice my speech beforehand?

Yes, practicing your speech will help you deliver it confidently and smoothly, ensuring you convey your message effectively.


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Essay on My First Day in School: Sample in 100, 200, 350 Words

essay writing on teachers day in 200 words

  • Updated on  
  • Jan 23, 2024

Essay on my first day in school

Essay on My First Day in School: The first day of school is often considered an important day in every child’s life. It is a time of a mix of emotions, like nervousness, excitement, homesickness, feelings of shyness, and likewise. But did you know these feelings are responsible for making our day memorable?

As children, we all are like a blank canvas, easily dyed into any colour. Our first day in school is like a new world to us. As a child, we all have experienced those feelings. So, to make you feel nostalgic and refresh those special feelings, we have brought some samples of essay on my first day in school.

Quick Read: Essay on Best Friend

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My First Day in School in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on My First Day in School Sample in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on My First Day in Day in School in 350 Words
  • 4 FAQs 

Essay on My First Day in School in 100 words

It was a cloudy day when I took my first step into the compound of my school. I was carrying a new backpack that was filled with notebooks. Though the backpack was a bit heavy, instead of focusing on the weight, I was excited about the beginning of my journey on my first day in school.

My classroom was at the end of the corridor. As I entered my classroom, my class teacher introduced me to the class and made me feel welcome. Activities like reading, solving problems in groups, and sharing our lunch boxes slowly and steadily transformed the new student with a sense of belonging.

The whole day progressed with mixed excitement as well as emotions. As the bell rang, declaring the end of the school day, the school felt like a world of possibilities where the journey was more than textbooks.

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My First Day in School Sample in 200 Words

It was a sunny day and the sun was shining brightly. With my new and attractive backpack, I was moving through the school gate. It was my first day in school and I was filled with nervousness and excitement. From the tower of the building to the playground everything was bigger than life. As a school student, I was about to enter a new world. 

The corridor was filled with the echo of students. As I entered the classroom, wearing a mix of curiosity and excitement, my classmates and class teacher welcomed me with a warm smile. After a round of introductions and some warm-up activities, strangers gradually started tuning into potential friends. At lunchtime, the cafeteria was filled with the smell of delicious food. However, I hesitated before joining the group of students but soon enough, I was laughing with my new friends and sharing stories. The unfamiliar were now my friends and transformed my mixed emotions into delightfulness. 

The bell rang for the next class and I stepped out for new learning in my new academic home. My first day of school had many memorable stories, with old subjects and new introductions of knowledge. The day was spent learning, sharing and making new memories. 

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Essay on My First Day in Day in School in 350 Words

My first day in school started by stepping onto the school bus with a bag full of books and a heart full of curiosity. It was like I was starting a new chapter in my life. After travelling a long way back, I stepped at the gate of my school. The school gate welcomed me with open arms and greeted me with a sense of excitement as well as nervousness.

As I entered the classroom, I found many new faces. Arranging my stuff on the seat, I sat next to an unknown, who later on turned into the best friend of my life. I entered my class with a welcoming smile, and later on, I turned everything in with ease. During our lunchtime, the cafeteria was filled with the energy of students. 

At first, I hesitated to interact with the children, but later on, I was a part of a group that invited me to join the table. At lunchtime, I made many new friends and was no longer a stranger. After having delicious food and chit-chatting with friends, we get back to our respective classrooms. Different subjects such as mathematics, science, and English never left the same impact as they did on the first day of school. 

The teacher taught the lessons so interestingly that we learned the chapter with a mix of laughter and learning. At the end of the day, we all went straight to the playground and enjoyed the swings. Moreover, in the playground, I also met many faces who were new to the school and had their first day in school, like me.

While returning home, I realised that my first day was not just about learning new subjects; it was about making new friends, sailing into new vibrant classrooms, and settling myself as a new student. The morning, which was full of uncertainty at the end of the day, came to an end with exciting adventures and endless possibilities. With new experiences, I look forward to new academic and personal growth in the wonderful world of education.

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My first day of school was filled with mixed feelings. I was nervous, homesick, and excited on the first day at my school.

While writing about the first day of school, I share my experience of beginning my journey from home. What were my feelings, emotions, and excitement related to the first day of school, and how did I deal with a whole day among the unknown faces, these were some of the things I wrote in my first day of school experience essay. 

The first day of school is important because, as a new student, we manage everything new. The practice of managing everything is the first step towards self-responsibility.

Along with studying my favourite subjects, I share fun moments and delicious foods with my friends in school. 

Parents are filled with emotions on the first day of their child. As school is the place to gain knowledge, skills, and experience, parents try their best to give their children the best academics they can.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, ap world history tips.

I'm about to take AP World History as a junior and I'm pretty nervous about it. What should I expect and how can I better prepare for the course? Any resources or study tips would be much appreciated!

You have every reason to be excited about taking AP World History, as it's a fascinating course that covers the history of various civilizations from around the globe. Don't worry – with the right strategies, you can succeed in the class! Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare and excel throughout the year:

1. Familiarize yourself with the course content and structure: Review the AP World History Course and Exam Description on the College Board website, which outlines the key historical themes, periods, and concepts covered. This will help you get a sense of what's to come and aid in structuring your study sessions.

2. Develop solid note-taking skills: High-quality notes will be invaluable for studying and test preparation. In-class and from your textbook, focus on main ideas, overarching themes, and key events or developments. Don't forget to summarize information in your own words. Abbreviations and bullet points will help keep your notes organized and concise.

3. Stay organized and keep up with readings: Staying organized and keeping up with assigned readings is crucial for success in any AP course. Create a study schedule that allows you to break down chapters into manageable sections and set goals for completing them. This will help ensure you don't feel overwhelmed as the year progresses.

4. Utilize additional resources: Take advantage of various online resources that can support your understanding of the material. Websites like Khan Academy, Crash Course, and History Hub offer videos and articles that explore key themes and events. Additionally, there are AP World History study guides available for purchase or at your local library that cover the course content and provide practice questions.

5. Participate in study groups: Collaborate with your classmates and engage in focused group discussions. This not only helps solidify your understanding of the material, but also offers new perspectives on topics or events. Be ready to challenge yourself and others to deepen their knowledge and comprehension.

6. Regularly review past material: With the sheer volume of content in AP World History, it's important to regularly review past material to maintain a strong grasp on the concepts. Set aside time each week to review your notes and readings; this will help improve your long-term retention.

7. Practice answering multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions: The AP Exam includes various question types, so practicing these formats throughout the year is important. Use released previous exams or study guides to find sample questions and practice writing under timed conditions to simulate test day conditions.

8. Seek help when needed: If you're struggling with a particular concept or topic, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification or additional support. They can provide guidance and resources to help you better understand the material.

I hope these tips prove helpful as you embark on your AP World History journey. Good luck, and remember that consistent effort and dedication throughout the year will pay off in the end!

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Telangana Formation Day 2024: Short and Long Essay Ideas in English!

Telangana formation day 2024 essay ideas: this article talks about short and long essay ideas in english for telangana formation day. find here some of the best ideas in 10 lines, 150 words, 250 words, and long format. .

Akshita Jolly

Top 10 Best Lines On Telangana Formation Day (2024)

  • Telangana Formation Day is a state public holiday in the Indian state of Telangana-commemorating the formation of a wonderful state on 2 June 2014 . 
  • This day is very important as it marks the contributions of many people who fought for a separate state. 
  • This occasion is celebrated with formal events across the districts, along with many social and cultural activities. 
  • The state of Telangana has a rich cultural heritage with influences from Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Islam. 
  • The demand for a separate Telangana state emerged in the 1950s. 
  • Several movements were launched by various social groups to demand statehood for Telangana. 
  • The most prominent movement was led by the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) party, founded by K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) in 2001.
  • After years of negotiations, the Congress Working Committee passed the resolution to recommend a separate Telangana state. 
  • The state of Telangana was officially formed on June 2, 2014, with Hyderabad as the capital. 
  • On this special day, the state also sponsors a four-day festival that showcases its food, art, music, dance and literature. 

Telangana Formation Day Essay In 150 Words

Every year on 2nd June, Telangana bursts into celebration for the formation day. The day marks an important reminder of the culmination of a long struggle to get a separate state, achieved in 2014. 

Telangana is a state that is rich in its history and distinct cultural diversity. The formation of Telangana was a victory for the self-determination shown by many individuals and for recognising the potential and unique needs of the region. 

Telangana Formation Day Essay In 200 Words

Telangana Formation Day is celebrated every 2nd June. It marks a momentous occasion for the people of Telangana. It is a special day to remember as on this day, Telangana became its state in India. 

For many years, the people of Telangana felt that they needed their state. After a long time, their dream finally came true in 2014. Formation Day is one big party! It is celebrated wonderfully. The people enjoy this day as a festival by singing, dancing and going to parades. 

Some of the popular events include Batukamma (a floral festival), Bonalu (a thanksgiving festival), Bathukamma Panduga (a nine-day festival), Kite Festival (a colourful festival), Sammakka Saralamma Jatara (a tribal festival), and other amazing events as well. 

Additional Lines For Telangana Formation Day Essay Writing

  • Before 2014, Telangana was a region within Andhra Pradesh. The Telangana movement gained momentum over the years. 
  • Formation Day honours the heroes and martyrs who did their best for the state and its people. 
  • The day starts with ceremonial flag hoisting by the Chief Minister followed by the grand parade showing the high spirit of the people of Telangana. 
  • The Telangana government also presents awards to those who have made contributions for the betterment of the state. 
  • Telangana Formation Day is a testament to the power of perseverance.
  • The day shows the collective commitment to making the state a land of opportunity for everyone. 

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My dying high school writing teacher has one more lesson. Don't wait to say thank you.

The last words I spoke to George Lukacs were sincere but woefully delayed: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Mr. Lukacs was my high school English teacher in the 1980s. He is, in many ways, the reason I write for a living.

In late March, I learned via a social media post that he’s dying, and realized I had never – not in the 30-plus years since graduating – told him what a profound impact he had on my life. I had never thanked him.

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So I rushed to track him down, and he graciously carved out time for a call. We caught up recently, we laughed and chatted, condensed decades into minutes, and I told him the things I should have said long ago. In that conversation, there was, appropriately, a final lesson.

Too often we forget to thank those who've helped us along the way

I wasn’t planning on writing about this – it was personal. But in the weeks that followed, it stuck with me, and I came to think what I learned from Mr. Lukacs should be shared.

It’s simple, really: Don’t wait. Don’t wait to thank those who have changed you. Don’t wait to let the teachers, mentors or counselors, the ones who once helped you take the next step, know they made your life better than it would have been without them.

A teacher who changed the way I think

When I entered Mr. Lukacs’ English class in high school, I already had the fundamentals of good writing stamped into my brain. I had learned the form and structure that undergird a strong essay, but it had often felt like someone was teaching me with one hand holding a lid tight on my imagination.

Mr. Lukacs lifted that lid. He was an advocate for young writers letting their freak flags fly. He delighted in creativity and busting some of the previously sacrosanct rules that restrained our inventiveness.

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He sarcastically awarded a gold-painted shovel – the Golden Shovel – to the students who most gloriously and effectively B.S.’d, as in "shoveled the bull----," their way through essays.

Other teachers had kept us grounded because we needed to be. Mr. Lukacs let us soar because we were ready.

High school comes and goes, and we move on

I remember him from high school as a character – affable and kind. His trademark laugh often echoed off the buildings, sounding – and I say this with great reverence – like someone had stepped on a dolphin’s tail.

As high school students often do, I moved on from the foundational teachers who molded and shaped my mind. I grew up, found a career, formed a family and lived. All things good teachers want for their charges. A good life.

And as that good life unfolds, we forget to look back. 

A sad announcement that landed like a gut punch

In March, a friend shared a video Mr. Lukacs had posted. It was titled “ A Farewell Wave ,” words that punched.

I sat on my couch and watched as the now-gray-haired, bespectacled man looked into a camera and said: “Now an endgame has begun. I don’t know how much time I have, but it won’t likely be long.”

He was diagnosed with liposarcoma in 2001. Surgeries and treatment kept him alive, but his students, past and present, kept him going.

"The joy that I derived from interacting with all of you gave me a reason to be alive,” he said in the video.

He continued: “Thank you for making nearly every day of my life a joy. I hope that your lives have been magical. Even more, I hope that you recognize how magical they have been.”

A scramble for a chance to say thanks

I reached out to another past teacher to get Mr. Lukacs' email, then reached out to him asking to speak by phone, writing, “You have, lo these many years, remained a voice in the back of my head as I write.”

We had the chance to talk. I had the chance to tell him how much I owe him for teaching me to love writing and for showing me that I don't need to write like everyone else to be a writer – I just need to be myself and let the writing follow.

When I decided to share this story, I emailed him for permission. He responded, “I’m frankly surprised to be still here.” And he ended with “please write something powerful!”

No pressure.

We can all learn from Mr. Lukacs' final lesson

It’s my hope Mr. Lukacs will be able to read this before he ascends to the great classroom in the sky. (Don’t worry, I think he’d like that joke.)

But more so, I hope others read this and think about reaching back into their past and finding that person they should’ve thanked ages ago. That person who made a difference. That person who mattered.

Remember Jim Valvano: I inherited a cancer gene from my dad. He also left me a game plan to live.

A farewell, a poem and gratitude immeasurable

Mr. Lukacs ended his farewell video quoting the poet Walt Whitman: “And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.”

That’s from Whitman’s epic “ Song of Myself .” As much as I will miss Mr. Lukacs, and as much as I appreciate him, I will never forgive him for forcing me to read a 52-part poem.

But I did (sort of … OK, I skimmed part of it), and what struck me was the line preceding the one he quoted: “All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.”

Onward, Mr. Lukacs. Thank you for the final lesson. (Though I could’ve done without the poetry, if I’m being honest.)

Your student, always,

Follow USA TODAY columnist Rex Huppke on X, formerly Twitter,  @RexHuppke  and Facebook  facebook.com/RexIsAJerk

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: My dying high school writing teacher has one more lesson. Don't wait to say thank you.

A screenshot of George Lukacs, the author's high school English teacher, from a video he made announcing that he's dying.


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