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20 Interactive Presentation Games

  • Employee Engagement , Event Planning , Leadership Techniques

fun interactive presentation games

Meetings and conferences can be painfully tedious and dull. So much so that the phrase “Death by PowerPoint” has made it into our lexicon. According to Thomas Sowell , an American political economist and commentator, “People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.”

But if the problem with meetings is that they tend to be boring, the solution lies in finding ways to better engage and entertain your audience. You probably know the feeling of sitting in a meeting, trying to pay attention while one person drones on for an hour.

Even if the purpose of the meeting is to train, disseminate new developments, or even get everyone up to speed on weekly goals, engaging your audience creates a motivation to pay attention.

That’s why interactive presentation games are a great way to re-energizing meetings by involving audiences in the presentation. Interactive presentation turn passive listeners into active participants. Games allow the attendees to learn new skills, think of solutions within a short time period, and solve problems together.

‍ MeetingPulse equips your team with the tools and resources to create engaging events. With that in mind, here’s our guide to a few popular interactive presentation games.

‍ Related: Creating a Positive Organizational Culture while working remote

1. Project Jeopardy

fun interactive presentation games

This game is designed to make the presentation of reports more fun and interactive. The lead person on the report creates cards that have answers from the report.

For example, the card reads “25%.” The rest of the team is supposed to ask the correct question corresponding to the “25%” answer on the card. The question could be something like, “What was the company revenue growth for the quarter?”

‍ How to play: Give everyone the URL to your MeetingPulse meeting. Display the question on your screen and create multiple choice answers or leave it open-ended. The answers will pop up on the administrator’s screen in real-time, and you can share the answers to see how many people got it right.

2. Idea Box Game

fun interactive presentation games

The Idea Box game is excellent for brainstorming meetings where employees can share ideas about a project or product . It helps get the creative juices flowing and might even lead to some usable prototypes. Instead of having one speaker after another speak about their idea, having a team create an idea box creates a space for collaboration to further spark innovation.

‍ How to play: Use the MeetingPulse brainstorming tool to have teams vote and collect feedback about the products. Have each attendee log in to your MeetingPulse link — a virtual Idea Box. Give small groups thirty minutes to brainstorm, then allow submissions.

At the end of the exercise, each team should have the product name, features and functions, marketing taglines, and other vital product details.

Once each team has completed their box they’re invited to share it with the rest of the team who finally vote for the best box. Their ideas will appear on the screen right away, and participants can upvote or downvote in Reddit-style fashion and even submit emoji reactions.

3. The Introduction Game

fun interactive presentation games

This game is ideal for a new group of team members meeting for the first time on a mutual project or new hires joining a team. Give the new hires a chance to introduce themselves in an unforgettable manner.

‍ How to play: Ask the new members to bring a personal item or a favorite song. During the meeting, introduce them by letting their song blare for a few minutes on the sound system and then ask them to say something about themselves. If you’re using the personal item, ask them to talk about the item and what it means to them.

4. The talking stick

fun interactive presentation games

This activity makes sure that anyone who has a contribution not only gets to do so, but also that they get to speak uninterrupted. Using the talking stick is a great, rapid-fire way to focus the meeting on deep and meaningful contributions.

‍ How to play: Form a circle and make sure everyone’s seated. Before the discussion begins, everyone should agree that the moderator has the power to choose whoever speaks next. Once a member finishes talking, they should put the stick back in the center for the next person.

Use the MeetingPulse audience feedback capability to gain insight right away. Choose up to four emojis and allow your audience to react as they listen to new ideas.

5. Telephone game

fun interactive presentation games

The telephone game is used typically as an ice breaker or to liven up a group after a couple of mind-numbing presentations. While it doesn’t really work with a very large group, a sizable number like 10 to 15 people is just right.

‍ How to play: The meeting leader whispers the latest company marketing strategy used to the person on their left who is then supposed to relay the message to the next person and on and on until the last person gets the message.

The last person then gets to tell the rest of the team the final message, and you can compare it to the primary message from the lead.

6. The trivia competition

fun interactive presentation games

You can use this game to test the attendees’ trivia knowledge of the company or of general business trends . Create a trivia competition where the members play for points and the winner gets a prize. Project the points for everyone to see the winner.

‍ How to play: Formulate questions related to the company and use them for the trivia test. You can use MeetingPulse to create the questions, and set the timer to begin the game together. To add an extra touch of fun, include images with your multiple choice questions. Visuals add to the level of engagement and give your meetings an extra edge.

fun interactive presentation games

7. Fill in the phrase

fun interactive presentation games

Check out Meeting Pulse for Cool and creative ways to make polling questions and Quizzes!

‍ This game requires participants to fill in blanks on a survey or report. The survey or report should not be complete until the end of the presentation. This game rewards audiences for listening, and you can even provide some sort of prize.

‍ How to play: Create a report for attendees that has blanks. As you continue with the presentation, invite them to fill in the blanks from the information you are giving. Not only does the audience remain engaged, but they retain crucial information better.

‍ MeetingPulse integrates with Powerpoints , so you can use our single answer polling feature to play this game and display the results directly in your PowerPoint presentation.

8. Word of the day

fun interactive presentation games

Have a word of the day game as part of your presentation or meeting. It can be a phrase or a word.

‍ How to play: The presenter should weave the word or phrase into their presentation and the audience acknowledges its use by shouting back. The word must come from the team and not the presenter. This activity keeps everyone alert. Sometimes shouting can be distracting in the middle of a meeting.

In this case, use the MeetingPulse emoji feature, and everyone can submit ? when you use the word “key learnings.”

9. The 20 questions game

fun interactive presentation games

You get 20 questions to help you identify a picture that you can’t see, but the audience can. The audience can only lead you with yes or no questions. Use this game to liven up the audience.

‍ How to play: The audience will choose a picture that you can’t see. Have someone submit a photo and display it on the MeetingPulse user dashboard. Get blindfolded and begin to ask questions regarding the picture. You get only twenty questions to get it right.

If you’re an advertising agency, you can use this test your employees’ memory and see if they remember what you worked on. To keep track of all the questions and responses, have the audience choose “yes” or “no” by using a polling tool instead of having them shout it out.

10. Call and response

fun interactive presentation games

This game keeps the audience focused. The leader in the meeting calls out a phrase randomly during their presentation and the audience responds to it .

‍ How to play: Agree on the action to be taken every time the phrase is called out. The second the presenter calls out the word, your audience can dance, clap or just rise and seat. Alternatively, they can respond with a phrase, word, or an emoji using MeetingPulse.

11. What would I have done?

In this game, ask each member of the team what their alternative career would be. The point of the game is to open up to each other and foster conversation.

‍ How to play: Each member writes down their alternative career and waits their turn to reveal. The audience collectively asks “What would you have done?” and the selected member responds explaining why they chose that alternative. This is another great game you can play virtually, especially if you’re working with a big team.

With MeetingPulse , you can find out everyone’s alternative career and even get some statistics.

12. Fabulous flags


In this game , team members draw things that matter to them on their flag. This is known as the personal flag game, and it’s an excellent ice breaker activity.

‍ How to play: Everyone gets 10 minutes to draw objects or symbols that represent something meaningful in their lives. Each person gets two minutes to explain the items on their flag.

fun interactive presentation games

13. Botticelli

raise hand

Similar to 20 questions, this game also tests your trivia. You keep in mind a person, place, or thing, and the audience has to guess. The game is a bit more complex because the player can talk back to the audience and distract them from the name.

‍ How to play: The audience asks leading questions to which the player responds with a yes or no. If they ask a specific question like “Does the celebrity’s name start with B?” then the player can respond with “It’s not Brad Pitt.”

This game is logistically easy to plan because all you need to do is formulate the poll questions and integrate them into your PowerPoint with MeetingPulse .

14. Candy introductions

fun interactive presentation games

This is a game that allows people to get to know each other while enjoying some sweet treats. It’s excellent for training sessions where participants are complete strangers, providing general topics for introductions that employees can elaborate upon further.

‍ How to play: The participants choose different types of candy from a bag and use each to represent different topics about themselves during the introduction. They can talk about family, career, hobbies, unexpected characteristic and dream destinations.

15. Crazy job interview

job interview game

In this game, one participant tries to convince the others why they would be the best for a certain job. They have to expound on qualities given by another player and how those qualities make them a good fit.

‍ How to play: The participant is given a career, like a supermodel. Then they are given random phrases like “angry with the queen” or “intellectually incompatible” and they have to use these phrases to explain why they would be great at being a supermodel.

16. The elimination game

person eliminated form game

The elimination game helps participants to get to know each other, using a series of questions to find out the most common and most rare similarities amongst people within your company.

‍ How to play: The whole room is asked to stand up. The leader then asks elimination questions like “how many are attending this conference for the first time?” That group gets to sit down. The next is “remain standing if this is your fourth consecutive attendance.” The rest of the group sits down. And the elimination questions continue.

17. Would you rather

person thinking

This is a fun game to liven up the room, giving participants two choices of something they can do. They have to choose the lesser evil.

‍ How to play: The player is given a question with two very bad or very good outcomes. For example, if the employees are afraid of heights, ask, “Would you rather go sky diving or bungee jumping?”

If you want to play this game with a large group of people, you can use MeetingPulse to get answers in real time. This game can also provide valuable insight for you. For instance, you can ask, “Would you rather have a breakfast spread or small desserts for our next meeting?”

18. Anagrams

fun interactive presentation games

‍ Think up a word and have everyone else try to figure it out. Expect some hilarious answers as everyone chips in.

‍ How to play: Jumble up the letters but ensure that they create a five or six letter word anagram when correctly aligned. Only the presenter should suggest the word, and the activity should be timed. People can submit their answers live on MeetingPulse .

19. Two truths and a lie

Truth or lie

The players get to tell two truths and one lie about themselves and the audience deciphers which one is the lie.

‍ How to play: The player chooses a topic, like “career.” They tell two real facts about their career and one lie. The audience then decides which statement is false and why they believe that.

20. Choose the Agenda

fun interactive presentation games

In this activity, the participants choose the agenda of the meeting instead of being told what it is. This allow them to address burning issues.

‍ How to play: Participants are invited to submit their agendas, which are shared by everyone and then voted on. The one with the most votes becomes the main agenda for the meeting. This gives participants control over the meeting as well.

You can use MeetingPulse’s brainstorming tool with the upvoting feature for this!

Final Thoughts

Now that you know some of the best interactive presentation games, you’re ready to host your next event with new and creative ways to keep your audience engaged. MeetingPulse is a great tool and resource for you to make your presentations more memorable and — dare we say it — fun.

‍ Related: 25 Fun Poll Questions to Ask Your Audience

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Yes, it does. You can add MeetingPulse as a  PowerPoint Add-in  and see real-time results and changes right on your PowerPoint slide.

MeetingPulse works in any web browser and can be accessed from any device that uses one. You can also integrate MeetingPulse into your favorite video-meeting apps, such as  Zoom ,  Webex , and  Microsoft Teams , as well as video platforms like  YouTube  and  Vimeo.

To make MeetingPulse a seamless addition to your meetings, we offer custom themes. You can use your own logo and your colors in Attendee View as well as Broadcast View. Your company name can also be included in the webpage’s title. Your meeting can also have its own domain. This is great if you are going to promote your meeting offline. For example, you could use “” instead of “”.

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Blog > The 10 best PowerPoint Games to play in Workshops, Classrooms & Presentations

The 10 best PowerPoint Games to play in Workshops, Classrooms & Presentations

01.01.20   •  #fun #game #powerpoint #presentation.

In our last blog post, we talked about tools and tips on how to boost the audience engagement in your presentation. One of our recommended ways to do so was to play games, as they release tension and function as a fun element that lightens the mood. That’s why today we are going to list the Top 10 best games to play in your presentation.

1. Would you rather

Is it a game that everyone knows already? Probably. But did we have to include it on the list because it is just perfect for playing with your audience? Definitely. The game is pretty much self-explanatory – You give your attendees two (or more) scenarios and they have to choose which one they’d rather experience. Combining the Would you rather – question with your presentation topic is usually very easy, but we also thought of some questions you could use for any topic (e.g. as an icebreaker, to get to know your audience a little better, to ask about their opinion or just as a fun element in between). You can let your audience vote by letting them raise their hands or by using an interactive poll tool such as SlideLizard .

  • Would you rather A. travel back in time OR B. travel to the future OR C. stay in the present
  • Would you rather A. have a long lunch break now OR B. have a short break and finish early
  • Would you rather A. be able to read minds OR B. be able to fly OR C. be able to turn invisible
  • Would you rather A. receive a letter from Hogwarts OR B. join Frodo on his journey OR C. Hog-what?
  • Would you rather A. never be able to go on Social Media again B. never be able to read a book again

fun interactive presentation games

2. Charades

The popular game is not only great for your family’s game-night, but also for your presentations and workshops. Prepare a few cards that have words related to your presentation’s topic on them, let some volunteers in your audience draw and act them out. The rest of the audience has to guess the word. You can be sure that these terms and the associated performances will never be forgotten!

fun interactive presentation games

Small Trivia quizzes are perfect for checking and manifesting the audience’s knowledge at the end of your presentation. Instead of repeating and summing up what you have already said, you can let your participants test their knowledge right away. However, you can also use a quiz in the beginning to test your audience’s existing knowledge about a topic. But there are not only trivia quizzes: Questions about personality can also be interesting and work well as an ice breaker in the beginning. Again, we recommend a tool for poll creation, as that is the easiest way to conduct quizzes. In a recent article we listed 50 great questions (a mix of personality and trivia) , that you could use for your next presentation! And if you're a fan of quiz game shows, we also got a full Who wants to be a Millionaire PowerPoint template for you to download for free! You'll see how it looks like in the following video (be sure to turn up your sound!):

PowerPoint can be used for way more than most people know. Even we were amazed by people on the internet who created extensive games by animating content using PP. We don’t want to go that big today, but we are going to provide you with a free-to-download template of memory. You only have to add it to your presentation and customize the pictures or terms you want under the cards. Download free PPT Memory Template

5. Two Truths and a Lie

Here is another game that is just perfect when you play it with interactive poll tools. It is great for getting the audience to know you as a presenter better. Think of a fun, interesting or astonishing fact about yourself, and then invent two fake ones. Your attendees have to vote which statement they think is true. Be prepared to see some very surprised faces in your audience!

fun interactive presentation games

6. PowerPoint Karaoke

PowerPoint-Karaoke is the perfect improvisation game. Players are confronted with a set of slides they have never seen before and try to give a presentation as convincingly as possible. If you want to know all about this game and get some slides you can use for playing, check out our detailed blog post on PowerPoint-Karaoke .

fun interactive presentation games

7. Where do you stand?

For the game “Where do you stand?”, your attendees will actually have to stand up. Therefore, it is only convenient if you have enough space. If you want to get your participant’s opinion about something and get them to move a little, look no further! Create an imaginary line across the room. One end stands for one opinion, the other end for the exact opposite opinion. Your attendees can now place themselves on this line wherever they like (right in the middle, on either end or somewhere in between). You can then even interview people on the line (it is always interesting to choose two from opposite sites) and learn about their views. If you’re a little overwhelmed now, here are some examples you could use for this game:

fun interactive presentation games

Attention – you can of course ask about political or more controversial topics, but that may escalate and turn into a fight, which is not the purpose of the game or your presentation.

8. Describe That

Let your audience draw from cards with words on them and then describe it for the other attendees. It is basically like charades, but with words instead of acting. Some may find that too easy. In that case, you can either choose terms that are extremely hard to describe or add some “Taboo-words” to the card that can’t be used for describing.

fun interactive presentation games

9. True and False

Have you ever heard a crazy, bizarre fact where you didn’t think that it could be true? Perfect. You can use it in the well-known “True and False”-Game. You pick out a fact (ideally something related to your presentation topic) and then let your audience vote (you know – via an interactive poll tool like SlideLizard ) if they think it’s true or not. A tip for making statements false: Change little things about the them, like numbers, dates or names or use common misconceptions and see how many of your attendees buy into them, e.g. “Bulls are enraged by the color red” (which is false, bulls are simply enraged by movement, not specific colors).

fun interactive presentation games

10. The never-ending sentence

The never-ending sentence is a great game that incorporates many of your attendees and awakens their brain cells. It is perfect for keeping up their engagement and interest, especially for long presentations or workshops when you feel like some people are getting a little tired. Simply start by saying a word – it can be related to the presentation’s topic if you want – and ask a person in your audience to repeat that word and add another one – the next person to repeat those two words and add another one as well , and so on, until a sentence forms. As it gets longer the game gets a lot more difficult, because there is a lot more to remember and to repeat. The sentence can’t be ended, it has to be continued until someone makes a mistake (or until the last person in the room has added a new word). We promise that you will be left with a lot of fun, creative, and straight-up weird sentences that will make your audience laugh a lot.

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About the author.

fun interactive presentation games

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Formal communication.

formal communication should be used for speeches or at work

Computer Based Training (CBT)

Computer Based Traing (CBT) means digital learning programs, which work without internet. Exercises can be downloaded over the internet or can be distributed via storage media like a USB stick or a CD.

Hybrid Audience

A mix between in-person and virtual participants for an event or a lecture is called a hybrid audience. Working with a hybrid audience may be challenging, as it requires the presenter to find ways to engage both the live and the virtual audience.

Vocal distractions

In vocal distractions filler words like um, er, and you know are used during a pause.

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15 Interactive Presentation Games to Engage Your Audience

From quizzes to polls, captivate your audience and make your presentations unforgettable with 15 interactive presentation games.

In the world of presentations and public speaking, engaging your audience is crucial. A captivating presentation can leave a lasting impact and ensure that your message is heard and retained. One effective way to achieve this engagement is by incorporating interactive presentation games into your talks.

Interactive presentation games break the monotony of traditional slideshows and transform passive listeners into active participants. In this blog, we’ll explore 15 interactive presentation games that can make your presentations more dynamic, memorable, and enjoyable for your audience.

Why Use Interactive Presentation Games?

Traditional presentations often involve passive listening, which can lead to disengagement and limited retention of information. On the other hand, interactive presentation games create an environment of active participation. 

Making your presentations more memorable and impactful. They foster interaction, feedback, and collaboration, turning your audience into active participants rather than passive observers.

Benefits of Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience with interactive presentation games offers numerous benefits:

  • Increased Engagement: Interactive presentation games grab your audience’s attention and keep them actively involved throughout the presentation.
  • Improved Information Retention: Active participation enhances the retention of key information, ensuring that your message sticks with your audience long after the presentation is over.
  • Enhanced Learning: Games encourage a deeper understanding of the subject matter, making it easier for your audience to grasp complex concepts.
  • Better Audience Connection: By involving your audience, you establish a stronger connection, making them feel valued and heard.
  • Immediate Feedback: Games provide opportunities for instant feedback, allowing you to address questions and concerns in real time.
  • Fun and Entertainment: Interactive fun games add an element of fun and entertainment to your presentations, making them more enjoyable for your audience.

How to Choose the Right Presentation Games

Selecting the appropriate presentation games depends on your audience, topic, and objectives. Consider factors such as the size of your audience, the level of interactivity you desire, and the technology available. Tailor your choice of games to align with your presentation goals, ensuring they enhance your message rather than distract from it.

Now, let’s explore 15 interactive presentation games that you can incorporate into your presentations to engage your audience effectively:

01. Polling and Surveys

Polling and surveys involve asking questions to your audience and collecting their responses in real time. This game is useful for engaging the audience and gathering valuable data or opinions.

Example: During a marketing presentation, you can use polling to ask the audience which social media platform they use most frequently for product discovery, with response options like “Facebook,” “Instagram,” or “Twitter.” The results can guide your marketing strategy.

02. Quiz and Trivia

Quiz and trivia games challenge the audience’s knowledge of a specific subject. Correct-answer questions encourage competition and learning because participants’ scores are added up.

Example: In a history lecture, you can organize a trivia quiz about historical events. Ask questions like, “Who was the first President of the United States?” and award points for correct answers to make learning history engaging.

03. Interactive Q&A Sessions

Interactive Q&A sessions allow the audience to ask questions and engage in a live dialogue with the presenter. This interactive presentation game promotes engagement, clarification, and in-depth discussions.

Example: After a business strategy presentation, open the floor for an interactive Q&A session where the audience can ask questions about the proposed strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of the material.

04. Gamified Scenarios

Gamified scenarios present real-world situations or challenges to the audience. Participants make decisions, and the consequences of those choices are revealed, creating an immersive learning experience.

Example: In leadership training, simulate a business scenario where participants make decisions as managers. Their choices affect the company’s success, making the learning process engaging and interactive.

05. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Experiences

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) games provide immersive 3D experiences. Participants can explore virtual environments or interact with augmented elements.

Example: In a product launch presentation, use AR to allow the audience to visualize how the product would fit into their homes. They can use their smartphones to see a virtual presentation version of the product in their living rooms.

06. Storytelling Challenges

Storytelling challenges encourage participants to create and share their stories, fostering creativity and personal expression.

Example: In a team-building workshop, ask each participant to share a personal success story related to teamwork. This engages the audience and builds a sense of connection among participants.

07. Collaborative Whiteboard Activities

In real-time, collaborative whiteboard activities involve multiple participants contributing ideas, drawings, or annotations on a digital whiteboard. This game fosters teamwork and brainstorming.

Example: During a brainstorming session for a new project, use a digital whiteboard tool where team members can simultaneously sketch out their ideas and add comments. This promotes collaboration and idea generation.

08. Interactive Polls and Word Clouds

Interactive polls and word clouds engage the audience by having them vote or input keywords related to a topic. The results are displayed dynamically.

Example: In a conference PowerPoint presentation about technology trends, ask the audience to submit keywords related to the most exciting emerging technologies. Display the results in a word cloud to visualize the collective interest.

09. Simulations and Case Studies

Simulations and case studies replicate real-life scenarios for participants to make decisions and see the outcomes. This game is effective for practical learning.

Example: In a business strategy workshop, provide participants with a case study of a struggling company. Have them analyze the situation and propose strategies to turn the business around. The best solutions can be discussed as a group.

10. Role-Playing Exercises

Role-playing exercises involve participants taking on specific roles or characters to act out scenarios. This game promotes empathy and communication skills.

Example: In customer service training, participants can take on the roles of customers and service representatives. They act out various customer service scenarios to practice effective communication and problem-solving.

11. Breakout Rooms and Group Discussions

Breakout rooms and group discussions split the audience-focused audiences into smaller groups to discuss specific topics or tasks. This great game promotes active participation and in-depth exploration of ideas.

Example: In an educational webinar, use breakout rooms to divide participants into smaller groups. Each group discusses a different aspect of the topic and then shares their insights when they return to the main session.

12. Live Challenges and Competitions

Live challenges and competitions introduce competitive elements to the best presentation games. Participants can compete individually or in teams to solve problems or complete tasks.

Example: In a team-building event, organize a friendly competition where teams compete in a series of challenges. Challenges could include problem-solving tasks, physical activities, or trivia quizzes to foster teamwork and camaraderie.

13. Interactive Presentations

Interactive presentations incorporate multimedia elements, quizzes, and audience participation throughout the entire presentation screen to keep the audience engaged.

Example: During a product launch presentation, embed interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and live demos within your slides. This ensures constant engagement and information retention.

14. Icebreakers and Energizers

Icebreakers and energizers are quick, fun activities designed to create a relaxed atmosphere and engage the audience at the beginning of a presentation or during breaks.

Example: At the start of a team meeting, use a fun icebreaker like “Two Truths and a Lie,” where each participant shares two true statements and one false one about themselves. It lightens the mood and promotes bonding.

15. Creative Challenges and Brain Teasers

Creative challenges and brain teasers stimulate creativity and problem-solving. They present puzzles, riddles, or creative tasks to engage the audience stand.

Example: During a creativity workshop, present participants with a riddle or a creative problem to solve as a group. Encourage them to think critically and come up with innovative solutions, fostering creative thinking.

How QuestioPro LivePolls can help in Interactive presentation games

When you use any tool for an interactive show, you need to think about how your audience votes and your presentation’s goals. Make sure the interactive elements enhance the learning or engagement experience rather than becoming a distraction. 

Here are some ways a survey-based tool like QuestionPro can assist in creating interactive presentation games:

Question and Quiz Creation

Many interactive presentation game tools allow you to create questions and quizzes that you can integrate into your presentations. These questions can be multiple-choice, true/false, open-ended, or other formats. Participants can then respond to these questions during your presentation.

Interactive presentation fun game tools often include features that engage your audience. This can include things like timers for questions, leaderboards to display scores, and interactive survey elements that make your presentation more engaging and fun.

Feedback and Scoring

These tools typically provide instant feedback to participants. Correct answers might be rewarded with points, while explanations could follow incorrect answers. Scores are often tallied in real time, creating a competitive or gamified atmosphere.

Data Collection

Interactive presentation game tools can help you collect data on audience response software . This data can be valuable for assessing learning outcomes, understanding audience vote opinions, or tailoring your content to your audience’s preferences.


You can often customize the appearance and behavior of interactive elements to fit your presentation’s theme or style. This allows for creative and engaging presentations.

Audience Participation

Such tools enable audience members to actively participate and feel involved in your presentation. This can lead to higher engagement levels and better retention of information.

Reports and Analytics

Some tools provide analytics and reports after your presentation, which can help you assess the effectiveness of your interactive elements and the overall presentation.

Incorporating interactive presentation games into your talks can elevate your engagement, foster learning, and make your message more memorable. Whether you choose polls, quizzes, simulations, or storytelling challenges, tailoring the games to your audience and objectives is key. 

By doing so, you’ll transform your presentations into dynamic and unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impact on your audience. So, level up your presentations with these interactive games, and watch your audience become active participants in your message.



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Blog Marketing

15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

By Krystle Wong , Aug 04, 2023

Interactive presentation ideas

As attention spans continue to shrink, the challenge of engaging audiences in a short timeframe has never been more significant. Let’s face it — grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention can be quite the challenge, especially when time is ticking away. But fear not, I’ve got the perfect solution: interactive presentations!

Believe it or not, creating an interactive presentation is easier than you might think. In this guide, I’ll show you how to effortlessly turn ordinary slides into captivating experiences with 15 interactive presentation ideas that will leave your audience begging for more. From quirky polls and fun games to storytelling adventures and multimedia magic, these ideas will take your presentation game to the next level.

Venngage is a game-changer when it comes to empowering interactive presentations. With just a few clicks, users can customize their favorite presentation templates , add multimedia content and create immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a newcomer, get started with Venngage to elevate your presentation game to new heights of engagement and creativity.

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What is an interactive presentation?

15 ways to make a presentation interactive, 7 best interactive presentation software, what are some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive presentations, interactive presentation faqs, how to create an interactive presentation with venngage.

fun interactive presentation games

An interactive presentation is a dynamic and engaging communication format that involves active participation and collaboration between the presenter and the audience. Unlike traditional presentations where information is delivered in a one-way manner, interactive presentations invite the audience to interact, respond and contribute throughout the session.

Think of it as a two-way street where you and your audience have a friendly chat. It’s like playing a fun game where you ask questions, get live feedback and encourage people to share their thoughts. 

To make a good presentation , you can utilize various tools and techniques such as clickable buttons, polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements to transform your slides into an interactive presentation. Whether you’re presenting in-person or giving a virtual presentation — when people are actively participating, they’re more likely to remember the stuff you’re talking about.

fun interactive presentation games

Interactive presentations leave a lasting impression on the audience. By encouraging active participation and feedback, interactive presentations facilitate better understanding and knowledge retention. Here are 15 innovative 5-minute interactive presentation ideas to captivate your audience from start to finish:

1. Ice-breaker questions

Start your presentation with intriguing and thought-provoking questions or a fun icebreaker game. These questions should be designed to pique the audience’s curiosity and encourage them to think about the topic you’ll be covering. By doing so, you create an immediate connection with your audience and set the stage for a more engaged and attentive audience.

For example, if you’re giving a business presentation about management and leadership training, you could ask audience questions such as “What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received, and how has it impacted your career?”

fun interactive presentation games

2. Live polling

Incorporate live polls during your presentation using audience response systems or polling apps. This allows you to collect real-time feedback, opinions and insights from active participants. Live polling encourages active participation and involvement, making your presentation feel like a collaborative and interactive experience.

3. Q&A sessions

Encourage the audience to ask questions throughout your presentation, especially for pitch deck presentations . Address these questions in real-time, which fosters a more interactive and dynamic atmosphere. This approach shows that you value the audience’s input and promotes a two-way communication flow.

4. Clickable buttons

Add clickable buttons to your slides, allowing the audience to navigate to specific sections or external resources at their own pace. For example, you could include links to your social media accounts or extra reading materials in your education presentation to give further information about the topic and get your students engaged. By providing this autonomy, you empower the audience to explore areas of particular interest, creating a more personalized and engaging experience through your interactive slideshow.

fun interactive presentation games

5. Storytelling

Incorporate anecdotes or personal stories related to your topic. Storytelling is a powerful way to emotionally connect with your audience, making your presentation more relatable and memorable. A little storytelling along with a set of creative slides draws the audience in and keeps them engaged as they follow the narrative.

6. Interactive charts and graphs

Use interactive charts and graphs that respond to user input to make your presentation interactive. For instance, allow the audience to click on data points to view more detailed information or to change the displayed data series. Creating charts with interactive visuals help the audience interact with the data, fostering better understanding and engagement.

7. Animated infographics

Add animations to your infographics, making them visually dynamic and progressive. Animated infographics reveal information gradually, keeping the audience curious and attentive. This transforms complex data into an easily digestible and engaging format.

Venngage’s extensive library of infographic templates is a powerful tool to visualize data and elevate the interactivity of your presentations. Personalizing the visuals ensures a cohesive and professional look throughout your interactive presentation. The templates are highly customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, and styles to match your presentation’s theme and branding. 

fun interactive presentation games

8. Gamification

Introduce an interactive quiz, puzzles, or challenges related to your presentation content. Gamification adds an element of fun and competition, motivating the audience to participate actively and boosting their learning experience. Here are some gaming presentation templates you could use. 

fun interactive presentation games

9. Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)

If applicable, leverage VR or AR technologies to provide immersive experiences. These interactive presentation tools transport the audience into a virtual or augmented environment, making your presentation more captivating and memorable.

10. Collaborative whiteboarding

Get your audience involved in your presentation by utilizing digital whiteboards or collaborative tools to brainstorm ideas collectively. This fosters teamwork and creativity, enabling the audience to actively contribute and feel a sense of involvement in the presentation.

fun interactive presentation games

11. Hyperlinked text

Keep the information in your slides minimal with a simple presentation and incorporate hyperlinks to direct viewers to relevant websites or blogs , resources, or additional information. This encourages self-exploration and gives the audience the opportunity to delve deeper into topics of interest.

12. Role-playing

Engage the audience in role-playing scenarios to explore different perspectives. Role-playing promotes active learning and helps the audience relate the content to real-life situations, enhancing their understanding and retention.

13. Embedded videos

Include video clips in your slides to provide visual explanations, demonstrations, or interviews. Videos add a dynamic element to your presentation, enriching the content and keeping the audience engaged.

fun interactive presentation games

14. Audience-generated content

Encourage the audience to contribute ideas, stories or examples related to your professional presentation . Audience-generated content fosters a sense of ownership and involvement, making the presentation more interactive and personalized.

15. Slide transitions

Use slide transitions to create smooth animations between slides. Well-planned transitions maintain the audience’s interest and keep the presentation slides flowing seamlessly.

Interactive elements aside, enhance your presentation with these guides on how to summarize information for a captivating presentation and how to make a persuasive presentation to captivate your audience. 

fun interactive presentation games

If you’re looking to create engaging and interactive presentation slides that captivate your audience, these presentation software options are sure to elevate your game:

Prezi is renowned for its dynamic and non-linear presentation style, enabling users to craft visually stunning and interactive presentations. With an array of templates and animation effects, Prezi enhances audience engagement, making your presentations more captivating and memorable.

2. Mentimeter

Mentimeter serves as an audience response system, empowering real-time interaction during presentations. Users can create interactive polls, quizzes, word clouds and more, allowing the audience to respond using their smartphones or other devices. This fosters active participation and provides valuable feedback instantly.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides is a free cloud-based presentation software that not only offers collaboration features but also enables real-time interactions. It includes add-ons and third-party integrations to further enhance interactivity, making it an excellent choice for collaborative and engaging presentations.

4. Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint, a classic presentation software, has evolved to incorporate more interactive features like live captions, real-time collaboration and interactive elements such as quizzes and forms. With its familiar interface and versatile functionalities, PowerPoint remains a reliable choice for interactive presentations.

5. Prezentor

Prezentor caters to sales-oriented presentations focusing on interactive storytelling and data-driven content. It offers analytics to track audience engagement and behavior during presentations, allowing you to fine-tune your approach and keep your audience hooked.

6. Opinion Stage

Opinion Stage is a visual and interactive data collection tool designed to engage and excite audiences whether sitting in a lecture hall, participating in a live Zoom, or watching an on-demand webinar. The Opinion Stage tools are simple and intuitive, making it easy to create attention-grabbing quizzes, surveys, and polls in minutes. A great way to spice up any presentation, encourage audience participation, and collect authentic feedback.

7 . Venngage

Venngage stands out as a versatile design tool that facilitates the creation of interactive infographics, data visualizations and presentations with ease. Offering various interactive elements and animations, Venngage empowers you to craft visually appealing and engaging presentations effortlessly.

With these interactive presentation software options at your disposal, you can unleash your creativity and deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience. So, go ahead and make your presentations interactive, captivating and memorable!

For more presentation software options, check out this blog on the 12 best presentation software for 2023.

fun interactive presentation games

Creating interactive presentations can be a game-changer for engaging your audience and enhancing your presentation skills, but steering clear of common pitfalls is essential. Here are some key mistakes to avoid when crafting your interactive presentations:

1. Overloading with interactivity

While interactivity is fantastic, bombarding your audience with too many interactive elements can backfire. Strive for a balanced approach that enhances engagement without overwhelming your listeners.

2. Ignoring audience relevance

Failing to tailor interactive elements to your audience’s interests and preferences can lead to disconnection. Make sure your interactions resonate with your specific audience for a more meaningful experience.

3. Not testing interactive elements

Skipping thorough testing of interactive features before showtime can spell disaster. Avoid technical glitches by diligently testing all interactive components in advance.

4. Poor timing and pace

Timing is everything, especially with interactive activities. Ensure seamless integration by planning your key points and the timing of your interactive elements carefully.

5. Lack of clear purpose

Every interactive element should serve a purpose and contribute to your presentation’s objectives. Don’t add interactions just for the sake of it — ensure they add value and align with your message.

6. Failing to engage beyond interactivity

While interactive elements are powerful tools, remember that content is king. Combine your interactive features with compelling storytelling and valuable insights to create an immersive and impactful presentation.

Incorporating animated slides into your interactive presentations enhances the overall appeal and interaction, turning an ordinary presentation into an engaging experience. Try it out with one of our animated presentation templates to get started. 

fun interactive presentation games

How do you start an interactive presentation?

Begin by grabbing the audience’s attention with an intriguing question or a surprising fact, setting the tone for a dynamic and engaging session.

Which type of presentation is the most interactive?

Workshops and seminars are often the most interactive types of presentations as they encourage active participation, discussions and hands-on activities.

How can interactive presentations enhance audience engagement?

Interactive presentations foster a two-way communication flow, involving the audience through polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements, leading to increased interest, attentiveness and better retention of information.

What are some common interactive elements to include in a presentation?

Common interactive elements include clickable buttons, hyperlinked text, polls, quizzes, interactive charts, multimedia content and audience participation activities.

Can interactive presentations be used for educational purposes?

Absolutely! Interactive presentations are highly effective for educational purposes as they promote active learning, encourage critical thinking, and provide real-time feedback and knowledge exchange opportunities.

Need inspiration on how to give an engaging presentation ? Here are 120+ presentation ideas you could use. 

fun interactive presentation games

Venngage makes it easy for anyone to infuse interactivity into their presentations. From clickable buttons and hyperlinked text to interactive infographics and dynamic charts, Venngage offers a diverse range of interactive elements to captivate and engage the audience. Here’s how you can make your presentation more fun and interesting with Venngage:

  • Sign up or log in to Venngage to access the platform.
  • Choose a presentation template or start with a blank canvas to begin designing your interactive presentation.
  • Add and edit slides in the Venngage editor to structure your presentation content effectively.
  • Customize the design by selecting themes, fonts, colors and backgrounds to match your style and branding.
  • Use interactive elements like buttons, links, pop-ups and hover effects to engage the audience during the presentation.
  • Enhance engagement by incorporating interactive media such as videos and audio clips.
  • Preview and test your entire presentation to ensure everything works smoothly before presenting it to your audience.
  • Save your interactive presentation on Venngage and share it online or download it in various formats for presenting purposes.

Well, I hope these 15 5-minute interactive presentation examples can help unlock a new level of audience engagement for your next presentation. From fun quizzes and interactive storytelling to multimedia magic and gamified challenges, the possibilities are endless. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, tailor the ideas to suit your audience members and let your creativity shine.  

That said, remember to strike a balance and keep the interactivity purposeful and relevant. Some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive slides include overloading the presentation with too many interactive elements and failing to align the interactive elements with the overall presentation goals and content. 

Got it? Great. Now let’s turn that boring presentation around!

10 interactive presentation ideas that leave a lasting impression

fun interactive presentation games

Attention is the gatekeeper of our memories. If you can’t get the audience to sit up and pay attention, your presentation will soon be forgotten.

In her webinar, Using neuroscience to create presentations with lasting impact , Dr. Carmen Simon, cognitive scientist and founder of Memzy , emphasized the importance of attention when forming new memories. According to Simon, one of the best ways to win attention is to insert a “cut” every three minutes.

Attention is definitely mandatory to people remembering the right things, and not just random things.

“Cuts” are simply a break from your normal presenting style, such as switching from a lecture to a Q&A or trivia question. Switching styles this ways keeps the audience intrigued about what comes next. Below are 10 interactive presentation ideas you can use as “cuts” in your own presentations.

Some of these ideas rely on Poll Everywhere, a live audience response system that lets you ask the audience a question and show live results. Try it out by signing up for a free account today.

Warm up the audience with an interactive icebreaker

Signal to the audience that this will be an interactive presentation by opening with an easy icebreaker. Kick it off before your presentation starts, as people are finding their seats, to get everyone familiar with the ins and outs of Poll Everywhere in a low-stakes setting.

Doing so speeds up the time it takes to complete subsequent activities because the audience will expect them. They’re also more likely to engage with you on Poll Everywhere if they’re already comfortable with the process.

Icebreakers come in many styles , but one of the most popular among Poll Everywhere users is the word cloud. Choose a question that calls for a personal response – What’s your favorite food? – that everyone can answer.

Poll: What is your favorite food?

Plant engaged audience members ahead of time

This isn’t as sneaky as it sounds.

Sometimes all it takes is a few engaged people in the audience to get the discussion flowing, and give other people the courage to contribute. But what if you can’t count on your attendees to speak up on their own?

Ahead of your presentation, ask a few audience members who you already know and trust to pose specific questions during your presentation.

Maybe you want them to chime in with an easy “gimme” to kick things off and encourage that level of engagement. Or, maybe you want your designated attendee to ask a question that everybody else may be too afraid to ask (i.e. “How do we know we can trust this data?”).

This strategy won’t be necessary for every presentation. But when you’re worried that your request for questions will be met with lowered heads and shifting glances, this is an effective way to get the ball rolling.

Audience member with hand raised

Read more: From classroom to boardroom: A high school teacher’s presentation tips

Repeatedly ask questions to build involvement

You can’t expect your audience to engage and interact with you if you don’t give them an opportunity. So, make sure to have plenty of spots throughout your presentation where you can pause and ask a question.

This doesn’t need to be a threatening, pop quiz-style way to scare your audience into paying attention. Even the simplest questions can make people feel a little more involved in what you’re presenting. Think of things like:

  • Have you heard of this before?
  • Can you read what’s on that slide for me?
  • Does anybody know where/what [thing] is?

They’re straightforward questions that require a one-word answer or super easy response, yet they do the job of reminding your audience that you’re talking with them – and not just at them.

Get people moving and out of their seats

It’s time to get your audience’s blood pumping. No, you don’t need to have them do jumping jacks or pushups, but think of some creative ways that you can get them moving around a little bit.

It could be something as simple as asking people to stand up, rather than requesting a show of hands. Or, you could think of some ways to incorporate movement with the content of your presentation. For example, have them walk up and introduce themselves to somebody new to implement the elevator pitch techniques you just taught them.

Give some thought to the different ways you could get your audience out of their seats at a few different points throughout your presentation. If nothing else, you can rest assured that they’re awake.

Touching blue sticky note

Read more: 8 interactive presentation games for large teams

Use interactive questions to assess the audience

If you want to know if the audience really understands what you’re presenting, ask.

Christopher Robertson , who teaches at University of Arizona’s James. E. Rogers College of Law, uses Poll Everywhere to identify and resolve any misunderstandings his students have about the complexities of law.

“Law students can easily go an entire semester passively attending class and both the professor and student discover on the final exam that they have not grasped the concepts covered in class,” said Robertson.

I find polling in class encourages active student participation and uncovers misunderstanding of how to apply the law that warrant a second look.

Taking time to test the audience this way gives them a chance to reflect on what you told them, and apply that knowledge on the spot. This can improve the chances they’ll remember that information after your presentation ends.

Example multiple choice poll

Enable anonymity to encourage candid feedback

Dr. Mark, physician and author of The Productive Physician , uses anonymous polling in his medical classes. He cites how this extra layer of security helps put students’ minds at ease, and lets them focus on the lesson instead of worrying about scrutiny from their peers.

“Poll Everywhere allows both anonymous and signed-in polling,” explained Dr. Mark, “but I prefer to use the anonymous mode as I feel it increases learner psychological safety: my students might be more inclined to test their knowledge without the fear of being seen to be wrong in front of their peers.”

You can enable anonymity for all Poll Everywhere activity types. The audience responds from the privacy of their phones – not in front of their peers – giving everyone an equal opportunity to make their voice heard.

College lecture hall

Split your audience into smaller discussion groups

There’s nothing worse than explicitly asking your audience to engage with you and being met with only crickets and blank stares.

But, here’s the thing: Not everybody is comfortable speaking up in front of a crowd.

For that reason, it can be smart to divide your audience into smaller groups to discuss something relevant to your presentation topic – even if it’s just for five minutes.

If you want the whole audience to come back together and share what they learned during those conversations, it’s likely that a spokesperson will naturally arise from each group; meaning the people who aren’t comfortable chiming in on a large scale don’t have to.

The best thing about this strategy? The previously-reserved attendees will have a little more confidence to speak up when they know the rest of their group is there to jump in if needed.

Small group working together

Read more: How to present an effective PowerPoint presentation

Encourage questions throughout your presentation

It’s natural to want your audience to hold on to all of their questions until a Q&A portion at the conclusion of your talk. However, that’s pretty much the exact opposite of an interactive presentation.

Instead, be upfront at the beginning of your presentation that you want people to chime in with thoughts or questions, rather than biting their tongue until the very end. Of course, you’ll need to be willing to step in and get things back on track if a question steers the conversation too far off course.

If you don’t want the interruptions, find a way for people to submit questions asynchronously , such as in a chat window or shared document. You can respond to those submissions at your own pace throughout the presentation.

Either way, encouraging people to contribute to the topic in real-time is far more interactive and engaging than forcing them to sit and wait until the end.

Interview in front of audience

Let the audience decide what’s next

Presentations don’t always need to flow in a straight line. With a quick question, you can empower your audience and let them decide what to learn about next.

Poll Everywhere’s own Katie Wilson gave a webinar on this very topic. In it, she explained how corporate trainers use polling to create choose-your-own-adventure style presentations .

Present your audience with a multiple choice activity, and let their votes determine which topic you tackle next. In Katie’s example, a corporate trainer is asking about how best to respond to a customer complaint.

Three options are available, and the audience votes on which one they think is most appropriate. Once the results are in, the presenter navigates to the slide associated with that option and discusses the results.

Use surveys to extend interaction after your presentation ends

Audience interaction doesn’t have to end with the presentation.

Jez Wiles, lecturer at the London College of Music, continues the conversation with his students both before and after his lectures with online questionnaires.

“Getting [students] to use a survey as a post-class reflective tool, or pre-lecture poll to find out what they know about something…this has all extended the use of [Poll Everywhere] for me, and boosted engagement,” said Wiles.

Poll Everywhere surveys can include any type of activity – from multiple choice to open-ended – and can be completed asynchronously at the audience’s own pace. This is a great way to help reinforce the topics of your presentation, or to collect audience feedback on the presentation itself.

I like the sense of fun Poll Everywhere naturally brings. I always find engagement goes up when I use it.

These are just some of the ways the Poll Everywhere community uses live audience engagement to drive interactive presentations. Each of these ideas is a type of cut you can use to keep your audience alert and engaged with what you’re saying.

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7 Audience Activities & Games to Play During Presentation

Transform your presentations into dynamic, interactive experiences with these 7 audience-engaging activities and games, fostering personal connection and knowledge exchange.

The stage doesn’t only belong to the speaker, but also to the audience. The audience isn’t any longer spectators only, they are also contributors. And this explains the importance of audience activities during presentation. Neuroscientists at Harvard found that talking about ourselves gives similar satisfying signals as money and food give us. Games to play, activities whereby attendees share personal experiences; it all contributes to an interactive experience. Not only that, when we’re able to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge, then we also develop ourselves as individuals and organizations. So let’s zoom in on a number of audience participation ideas:

Key Takeaways:

  • Engage audiences with 'Cross the Line' to visualize and explore diverse opinions and experiences.
  • Implement 'Fishbowl Discussion' for in-depth, focused group conversations.
  • Personalize interactions using 'Bring it On' for sharing significant items or songs.
  • Employ the 'Talking Stick' method to ensure respectful, uninterrupted sharing.
  • 'Knowledge Quiz' via enhances learning and interaction on any topic.
  • 'Set the Agenda' allows audience-driven content, creating tailored discussions.
  • These activities and games enrich presentations by involving the audience actively and personally.

Audience participation ideas

Depending on the theme of your presentation, how formal or informal the setting is and how much time you have, there are several ideas out there to apply during your next presentation. Ask yourself during your preparation to what extend you still like to spend time on your PowerPoint, or whether you’d rather prepare for strong engagement activities?

Presentation Games

Presentation games are designed to motivate an audience to stay engaged with the speaker by inserting meaningful and fun additions to the presentation.

Cross the Line

“Cross the line” is a format known from “Challenge Day” whereby attendees are asked to stand, based on their answer (yes/no) on a question, either left or right from the room. With it differences are made visible and in the end sensible too. As such it can be one of the engagement games that have a big impact; either in a fun way or in a serious way. It will evoke laughter, recognition, surprise and a tear every now and then.

Ideas for questions are:

Who wanted to become a doctor when you were little?

Who was ever bullied at work?

Who prefers a city trip over a beach holiday?

Illustration of a woman walking over the finish line

Presentation Activities

There are many audience activities to think of when it comes to letting your audience speak up. In these three activities you’ll find back elements that will make your session personal allowing everyone to share their thoughts.

Fishbowl Discussion

In a fishbowl discussion there are two groups. One forms an outer circle and one group is seated in the middle. Only those located in the middle are allowed to talk. In the inner circle there’s always a free seat available. If someone from the outer circle likes to join, then the free seat is his/hers and somebody else should make space. You’ll therefore find that everyone’s contribution is very conscious and therefore often valuable. Everyone realizes that time spend in the inner circle is valuable: questions and contributions are to the point and well-thought over.

Illustration of a briefcase

Bring it On

Ask your attendees in advance to bring a small personal item. During your session you let everyone (with a small group) elaborate on why the item is important to them. Alternatively you can do the same by asking your audience to bring a song along. This is a perfect activity to facilitate personal introductions within a group (e.g. upon the start of a new course).

The Talking Stick

The talking stick is an old Native American custom of talking. Upon the start of this activity, everyone should agree that whoever has the talking stick, is allowed to talk without interruption. It’s similar to the Fishbowl Discussion, but with the talking stick it’s not a group, but an individual talking. The talking stick can be any item, as long as it is neutral and not related to anyone in the group. Each time somebody is done talking, the talking stick should be put back in the midst of the group (and should not be handed over to somebody). It maybe sounds simple, but in practice this is a powerful method of creating deep communication and understanding.

Presentation Exercises

Next to games and other activities, these exercises also contribute to a lively presentation!

Knowledge Quiz

Before and straight after your presentation you can quiz your audience about your topic through With, you can create interactive presentations with ease. Whether your topic is solar energy, hotel management, or 20th century art, the AI presentation maker allows you to formulate engaging multiple-choice questions and quizzes for your audience. Your audience can respond directly on their smartphones, and you can track who answered what and even announce a winner. With, you can generate your quiz within minutes and engage your audience in a new and exciting way.

Illustration of a hand holding a trophy

Set the Agenda

In your event program, you can leave part of the program blank. In it you eventually let your audience decide what to discuss. Upon the start of your session you let your audience form small groups. Give them a relevant question and use the output (which they can send in via Sendsteps) for a plenary discussion during your blank program item. From the output you can formulate statements that can result in a lively ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ debate. Or alternatively invite adhoc a speaker to elaborate on the output. If you’re able to be this flexible, you’ll amaze your crowd with tailoring exclusively to their needs!

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How can audience activities and games enhance a presentation.

Audience activities and games, such as 'Cross the Line', 'Fishbowl Discussion', 'Bring it On', and the 'Talking Stick' method, significantly enhance presentations by actively involving the audience. These activities foster personal sharing, respectful dialogue, and group engagement. They also encourage audience members to contribute their perspectives, making the presentation more dynamic and inclusive. Utilizing tools like for interactive quizzes and allowing the audience to set part of the agenda further personalizes the experience, making it more engaging and relevant. Such interactive methods transform presentations from passive listening to active participation, enriching the overall experience for both the presenter and the audience.

How do these interactive activities impact the overall effectiveness of a presentation in terms of audience engagement and retention of information?

Interactive activities in presentations enhance audience engagement and retention of information by making the session more dynamic and participatory. This active involvement can lead to better understanding and recall of the presented material.

Can these activities be effectively used in various types of presentations, like formal business meetings or educational lectures?

The effectiveness of interactive activities varies with the type of presentation. While they are commonly seen in educational and informal settings, their use in formal business contexts should be carefully considered to maintain the appropriate tone.

How to gauge and measure the success or impact of these interactive activities on the audience?

Measuring the success of interactive activities can be done through immediate audience feedback, post-presentation surveys, and observing the level of audience participation and response during the activity.

Cartoon Author Anouk

Anouk Baltus

Anouk’s passion for presenting started when she was very young: from voluntarily giving presentations in primary school to winning a speaking award with a self-written and presented speech. This adoration comes to life while working for Sendsteps. A passion for giving and writing speeches turned into writing blogposts about these subjects to help others find their passion in presenting.

10 Latest Interactive Presentation Ideas to Enliven Work/Hangout Sessions | 2024 Edition

10 Latest Interactive Presentation Ideas to Enliven Work/Hangout Sessions | 2024 Edition

Lakshmi Puthanveedu • 03 Apr 2024 • 9 min read

With remote and hybrid work cultures coming into the picture, interactive presentations and virtual meetings have become the need of the hour.

Remote meetings and presentations are crucial to ensure work continuity and better communication. But the question is, can you make them as effective, engaging and productive as possible?

The answer is a very simple YES! Keeping the audience engaged is critical whether you are having a live or virtual meeting. Here are ten interactive presentation ideas – the really engaging presentation ideas, that you can use at your next meeting or hangout!

👉 Learn how to make a presentation interactive with AhaSlides.

Table of Contents

  • Idea #1 Set some icebreaker questions
  • Idea #2 Word of the Day
  • Idea #3 Idea Box
  • Idea #4 Deal the Cards
  • Idea #5 What Would I Have Done
  • Idea #6 Quizzes
  • Idea #7 Use GIFs and Videos
  • Idea #8 Two Truths and a Lie
  • Idea #9 The Stick Game
  • Idea #10 Trend a Hashtag

Frequently Asked Questions

More interactive presentation ideas w ahaslides.

  • 11 Interactive presentation games to win easy engagement
  • 10 Types of presentations and tips to ace them
  • Interactive presentation
  • How to make presentation interactive

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10 Interactive Presentation Ideas

With a little help from various interactive presentation software and activities, you can stand out from the other presenters and create a productive experience for your audience. As hybrid meetings take centre stage, here are 10 interactive presentation ideas you could use to keep your audience excited and engaged throughout.

Kick Off the Presentation With an Ice Breaker

Whether you have a casual or formal presentation, starting with an icebreaker activity is always better to excite the crowd. Most often, people start the presentation straight away to save time and skip the warming-up stage. The end result? A static audience looking dreadful like it’s Friday the 13th.

Here’s the deal: build a rapport with your audience before you start the presentation, and you can do this by introducing a few activities👇

Idea #1 – Set some icebreaker questions

You may not always have the same group of people attending a meeting. Sometimes there might be members who are entirely new to the group. You could use this activity to help get to know each other better.

How to Play

Ask basic icebreaker questions to get to know the audience better and give them a time limit to answer. The questions can be open-ended , where the participants can answer freely with or without a word limit. This allows them to clearly express their thoughts, giving you an excellent opportunity to open up further discussions.

Screenshot of an open-ended slide on AhaSlides

Create a Fun and Interactive Presentation With AhaSlides

There was a time when you had to sit for hours preparing and personalising presentation slides, but it doesn’t have to be boring anymore. You can get a wide range of free interactive activities with AhaSlides! Sign up and create a free account today to try our online tool.

fun interactive presentation games

Idea #2 – Word of the Day

Sometimes, the meeting’s main topic or agenda gets lost as the presentation gets long, boring and monotonous. One way to prevent this is by having the key phrase/topic throughout the presentation.

Learn the 13 golden openers to start a presentation .

The word or phrase is not revealed before the presentation. You could either divide the presentation into sections or focus on one specific topic at a time. You then ask the audience to write the word they think is the most crucial topic for the day. The words are then displayed as a live word cloud based on the popular responses and the word with the most responses appears larger on the cloud.

This would give you, the presenter, an idea about how well the audience receives the content and help the audience understand which topic to focus on when you continue the presentation.

A word cloud on AhaSlides with audience responses during a live interactive presentation.

Let your audience direct

Nobody likes to sit through hours and hours of a single person talking about a topic, no matter how interesting it could be. Let the audience decide the topic they want to learn, or the presentation order. Best presentation ideas don’t need to be linear! Here are some inspirational activities for you:

Idea #3 – Idea Box

People like to be asked for their opinions, and an Idea Box is a wonderful interactive presentation idea to grab your audience’s attention and decide which is the best option to go forward with. Every presentation and meeting will have a Q&A at the end, and you might not be able to answer all the audience questions. This is where voting comes into the picture.

AhaSlides Q&A platform

Once you are done with a specific topic in your presentation, you can ask the audience if they have any questions and collect them. When they have all shared their questions, they can upvote or downvote the available options, and you can select and answer the questions that have more votes.

These are different from polls because polls give them options to choose from, but you take their opinions into account in voting.

AhaSlides offers an Upvote feature to prioritise high-priority topics from head to toe and an anonymous feature for shy participants to voice out their opinions.

Idea #4 – Deal the Cards

It’s normal for the presenter to have data and other information on the slides that could be complicated for the audience to understand. Once you finish presenting a specific topic, you could introduce a Q&A session .

In a normal presentation, only the presenter can control the slides. But suppose you are not presenting live, using an interactive presentation tool. In that case, you can let your audience go back and forth on the slides to check and clarify any information you’ve already presented.

You display a card (a normal slide) with specific data/numbers. Say, for example, a card with 75% on it. The audience can then go back to the slides, check what relates to the 75% and answer the question. Even if someone had missed out on an important topic, this would ensure they come across it.

Survey Your Audience

Hey, no! Don’t be like that one teacher who constantly picks on the kids who aren’t listening. The idea is to survey , to create an experience where everyone feels involved and make them feel that they are an important part of the presentation.

Idea #5 – What Would I Have Done Differently?

Asking them profound/fun/upbeat questions is a way to engage the audience in your talk. If you want the team to feel excited and involved, you need to provide them with an opportunity to express their opinions.

Give the audience a situation and ask them what they would have done differently if they were in that situation. AhaSlides offers an open-ended slide option where you can make the Q&A session a little more fun by allowing the audience to share their opinions as free text.

Another interactive presentation idea is asking them if they’ve raised any pets/children and letting them submit images in AhaSlides’ open-ended slide. Talking about their favourite thing is a great way for the audience to open up.

Idea #6 – Quizzes

There’s no argument that quizzes are one of the best ways to engage audience participation and make your presentation interactive. But how can you use those to your advantage during a live presentation without hunting for pen and paper?

Well, worry not! Creating fun and interactive quiz sessions is now easy and can be done in a few steps with AhaSlides.

  • Step 1: Create your free AhaSlides account
  • Step 2: Pick your desired template or you can start with a blank one and use the AI slide generator to help create quiz questions
  • Step 3: Fine-tune, test and present it in front of the live audience. Your participants can access the quiz easily via smartphones.

Lack of games in mind? Here are some interactive presentation games to get you started.

Bring in Humor as Your Ally

Even when it’s interactive, sometimes the long presentations can drain the energy and excitement out of the presenter and the audience. You can use jokes and memes to lighten the mood and engage your audience.

Idea #7 – Use GIFs and Videos

The audience will remember the presentation and the topic better when you tie it up with pictures and GIFs. If you are looking for a perfect way to break the ice or lighten the mood during a presentation, this is a perfect interactive presentation idea.

Show the participants a poll with a number of images or GIFs related to the question. Say, for example – Which Otter Describes Your Mood? The polls can have pictures or GIFs of funny otters, and the audience could pick their choice. Once everyone has chosen their option, the presenter can display the results on the screen.

A poll on AhaSlides showing otter images to describe the mood in the meeting

Idea #8 – Two Truths and a Lie

If you want to make the audience think and entertain them at the same time, this is one of the best interactive presentation examples you can use.

  • Step 1: Give the audience a statement about the topic you are presenting
  • Step 2: Give 3 options for them to choose from, including two true facts and a lie about the statement
  • Step 3: Ask them to find the lie among the answers

two truths and a lie - interactive presentation ideas

Use Props in Your Presentation

Sometimes, giving the audience something to focus on other than the presentation helps. The idea is to engage them in a fun interactive presentation without taking away the topic’s essence.

Idea #9 – The Stick Game

The game is pretty simple. You give the audience a “talking stick”. The person who has the stick with them can ask a question or share their opinion during the presentation.

This game is most suitable for when you are in a physical meeting setting. You might be using a digital presentation tool, but using a traditional prop method can be easy sometimes and different. You ask the audience to pass the talking stick around when they want to speak, and you could either address it right away or note it down for Q&A later.

🎊 Tips: Best Q&A Apps to Engage With Your Audience | 5+ Platforms For Free in 2024

Idea #10 – Trend a Hashtag

Creating a buzz about a specific topic can excite any crowd, and that is exactly what can be done with the help of social media.

Before the presentation, maybe even a couple of days back, the presenter can start a Twitter hashtag for the set topic and ask the teammates to join in and share their thoughts and questions. The entries are taken only until the day of the presentation, and you can even set a time limit.

Gather the entries from Twitter, and at the end of the presentation, you can pick and discuss a few of them like a generic discussion.

These interactive presentation ideas are all here for the same goal – for both the presenter and the audience to have a casual, confident and productive time. Bid goodbye to mundane, long static meetings and jump into the world of interactive presentations with AhaSlides. Sign up for free today to explore our template library.

Why are interactive presentation ideas important?

Interactive presentation ideas are important as they help to keep the audience engaged and interested throughout the presentation. Interactive elements can break up the monotony of a one-way presentation and provide opportunities for the audience to actively participate, which can enhance learning and retention.

Why are interactive presentations beneficial to students?

Interactive presentations are valuable in engaging students and enhancing their learning experience. They can promote active learning, personalised instruction, and collaboration, all of which can contribute to improved academic performance and student success.

What are the benefits of interactive presentation in the workplace?

Interactive presentations are effective tools for communication, promoting engagement, learning, decision-making, and motivation in the workplace. By utilising this technique, organisations can foster a culture of continuous learning and development, leading to improved employee performance and business success.

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Lakshmi Puthanveedu

A small-town girl enthralled by culture, languages, and sunsets. Casual artist and musician looking to make memories every step of the way. Now changing the way humans live and have virtual interactions with AhaSlides.

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8+ Interactive Presentation Ideas for Students | 2024 Reveals | Online and Offline Solutions

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11 Interactive Presentation Games the Win Effortless Engagement inside 2023

11 Interactive Presentation Games go Get Mild Engagement in 2023

Lawrence Haywood • 28 Apr 2023 • 9 min check

Hence, how to make one presentation hire? Audience attention is a slippery snake. It’s difficult to grasp and even less slim to hold, yet them need i for a successful presentation. No on Death by Powered, no to drawing monologues; it’s time to bring out the interactive introduction gambling !

These 11 games below are perfect for can interactive presentation . They’ll score you mega-plus points with colleagues, students, or whereever else you need a kick of super-engaging interactivity… So let’s check leave who exciting presentation available!

Table of Page

#1: live quiz.

  • #2: What Wants She Do?

#3: Key Number

  • #4: Guess the Order

#5: 2 Truths, 1 Lie

  • #6: 4 Corners
  • #7: Dark Word Cloud
  • #8: Heart, Rear, Bomb
  • #9: Match Up
  • #10: Spin the Wheel
  • #11: Q&A Balloons
  • View Games in PowerPoint – Ye other No?
  • Many Asked A

Guest Live Presentation Games by Free!

Interactive presentations are guaranteed engagement. Make your whole special memorable for any audience, anywhere, is AhaSlides.

More Funs with AhaSlides

  • Synergistic presentation
  • Interactive presentation finding
  • Interactive presentation techniques

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Get free templates for your next interactive presentation. Sign up for free and take what you want from the print library!

Is in any special that hasn’t been immediately improved with some trivia?

ADENINE go quiz is an evergreen, ever-engaging way to configuring yours presentation’s info and check the understanding of thereto all amongst my audience. Expectant big laughs as your audience competes fiercely over who was listening to your presentation this majority complex.

How for build it…

  • Fix upward your questions go free quizzing sw .
  • Present your quiz into your players, who join by typing your unique code into their phones.
  • Take your players by each asking, and they dash to get the correct answer the fastest.
  • Curb the final leaderboard to reveal the winner!

Learn wherewith to sets up your presentation puzzle since clear in just a few transactions! 👇

#2: What Would You Do?

Enter your audience in your accessories. Give them a scenario related to insert presentation and see how they would shop with it.

Let’s say you’re a teacher giving a presentation on dinosaurs. After presenting thy info, you would ask something like…

A stegosaurus lives chasing you, finalized to snap her up for dinner. Method do you escape?

By each people submits their answer, your can take a choose to see which is of crowd’s favourite response to the scenario.

This is one of the best presentation games for undergraduate as it gets young minds whirring creatively. But i also works great in a work setting furthermore can have a similar freeing consequence, which is especially significant while a meeting glaze interrupter .

How to make it…

  • Build a ideation slide and write you scenario toward the top.
  • Course join your presentation on their phones and type their responses to your scene.
  • Afterwards, each user elections for the my (or top 3 favourites) answers.
  • The participation are the most votes is revealed as the victor!

SimpsonsQOTD on Twitter: "“Oh, and don't bother calling 911 anymore. Here's  the real number.”" / Twitter

No matter the topic of your presentation, there’s sure to are a lot of numbers and numerical fast around.

As an attendance portion, keeping gleise of them isn’t always easy, when one of the interactive presentation games so makes it easier is Key Number .

Here, you offer a simple prompt von a number, both the audience responds at what they ponder it recommends to. For example, if you write ‘ $25′ , your audience might respond with ‘our cost pro acquisition’ , ‘our daily budget for TikTok advertising’ instead ‘the measure John spends on jelly tots one day’ .

  • Create a few multiple-choice foils (or open-ended slides to make it more complicated).
  • Write your key numbering at the back of each sliding.
  • Write the answer options.
  • Parties join your presentation on their handsets.
  • Participants set that answer they reckon the critical numbering relates to (or choose stylish yours answer if open-ended).

#4: Estimate the Order

If custody lane starting numbers the numbers is challenging, information can be even hardier to follow gesamtheit processes or workflows explained in a presentation.

To cement this information in your audience’s mind, Guess the Order is ampere fantastic game for presentations.

You want and steps of a process, jumble them up, furthermore then see who ability put themselves in the entitled order one fastest.

  • Produce a ‘Correct Order’ slither and write your assertions.
  • Statements are automate jumbled up.
  • Players attach get presentation on their phones.
  • Players racing to put the statements in the correct order.

A slide after players have voted off any of 3 legends is the falsehood.

You might have heard of like one as a great icebreaker, but it’s also one of the top presentation games for checking who’s paying attention. Chapter 6 Games

And it’s pretty simple to do. Just think of two statements using the information in your presentation, and make another one up. Players have to guess whatever a the one you’ve made up.

Aforementioned one is a huge re-capping gaming furthermore works for scholars and colleagues.

  • Create a list of 2 truths and one lie lid different topics in your presentation.
  • Read get two truths and one lie and get participants to assume the lie.
  • Participants vote for the prevarication either by hand or through a multiple-choice slide on your display.

#6: 4 Corners – Interactive Presentation Games

4 corners: one from the presentation games that helps get audience attention.

The best presentations are ones ensure trigger a bit of creative thinking and discussion. There’s nay better presentation game for evoking this than 4 Corners.

That concept is simple. Present a statement based on something from get presentation that’s get to different point of display. Depending on each player’s opinion, they move to adenine corner concerning the room labelled ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ .

Maybe something like this:

To individual is shaped get via nature than maintain.

Once everybody is in their cner, you could have a systematic conversation between the four sides on bring different opinions to the round.

  • Set up aforementioned ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘disagree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ corners of your room (if working a virtual submission, and a simple show of hands could work). 17 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out
  • Script a statements which are open to different opinions.
  • Read out and statement.
  • Each player stands at the right kante in and room, depending on their view.
  • Discuss the four different viewpoints.

#7: Hidden Word Cloud

word cloud slide as part from presentation video on AhaSlides.

Get word clouds are always a beautiful addition up any interactive presentation. If you want our advice, include them anytime you can – presentation games or not.

If you do plan go use on to a contest in your presentation, a greater sole until try is Obscure Word Cloud .

It works on the same concept as the famous UK game showing Absurd . Your players are given a statement and have to name the most hide answer they ability. The least-mentioned corrected answer is to winner!

Take this model statement:

Name one of our top 10 countries for customer satisfaction.

The most popular answers may be India, US and Brazil , but the points go to of least mentioning correct country.

  • Create a word cloud slide with your statement among the above.
  • Players join get presentation on their phones.
  • Players submit the most obscure answer they can thought of.
  • The almost ambiguous one appears most diminutive on the board. Whichever offered that answers is the champion!

Word Shades for Anything Presentation

Obtain these word cloudy browse available you sign up for clear with AhaSlides!

What to do with collaborative talk cloud

Forward Cold Breaking

What to do with collaborative word cloud

For Testing

What to do the synergistic word cloud

#8: My, Gun, Bomb.- Interactive Presentation Games

fun interactive presentation games

This one’s a great video to use in the classroom, but is you’re non find for presentation games for students, it also works prodigies in a nonchalant work setting.

My, Gun, Bomb is a game in which teams take turns until answer question presented in a grid. If they get an answer just, yours any get a heart, a gun or adenine bomb…

  • A ❤️ grants the teams an bonus lifetime.
  • A 🔫 takes away one lived from any other team.
  • A 💣 takes away one heart from the team who receive it.

View teams start over five love. Which team about the most hearts at the end, with the must extant my, is the success!

  • Before starting, create a grid table forward yourself with either a heart, gun or bomb occupying each grid (on one 5×5 pitch, this shouldn be 12 hearts, nine ordnance and quaternary bombs).
  • Present another grid table to your players (5×5 for two teams, 6×6 for ternary group, etc.)
  • Spell adenine figure stat (like 25%) from your presentation into each grid.
  • Split players with the desired number of teams.
  • Team 1 chooses ampere latch and says the meaning behind the number ( for example, the number away clientele last quarter ).
  • If they’re wrong, they lose a heart. If they’re right, you get either a seat, gun or bomb, conditional on what one latch corresponds to on you grid table. Creative Games for the Classroom, for choose Workshop and to engage your Participants. Playing Audience Games lightened the mood, strengthens teamwork and permits for ampere better learning endure.
  • Repeat this with all the teams until there’s a winner!

>>> Get more hands-on presentation ideas (Interactive PowerPoint ideas) with AhaSlides

#9: Match Up – Interactive Presentation Games

Here’s another quiz-type questions that can be a great hinzurechnung into will staffing concerning show games.

It involves a set of prompt statements or a set of answers. Each grouping is clutter; the players must match the news with the corrects answer as quickly as possible. Very large gamble trees; Trex Hold'em: most popular option ... New equilibrium-finding designs; Stochastic games with >2 my, e.g., poker tournaments ...

Again, this one works well wenn the answers are numbers and figures.

  • Create a ‘Match Pairs’ question.
  • Refill outbound an set of prompts and claims, which will fully shuffle.
  • Players join your presentation on his cell.
  • Players match each prompt over its answer as swift as possible into evaluation who most points.

#10: Spinning which Wheel

If there’s an more versatile presentation game tool than the humble spinner wheel , we aren’t acute of it.

Adding the random factor of a spinner wheel might must just what you need to keep engagement in autochthonous lecture high. Are are presentation choose you can apply with this, including… PowerPoint Presentation

  • Choosing ampere random participant to answer a query.
  • Choosing a free prize since getting an answering correct.
  • Choosing the after soul to ask a Q&A question or give a presentation.
  • Create a crazy wheel slide furthermore write the title at the top.
  • Letter the entries for the spinner wheel.
  • Spin who wheel and see where it grounds!

Tip 💡 You can selecting the AhaSlides spinner wheel to exercise your participants’ titles, so she don’t have to refill in the entries manually! Discover more reciprocal speaker techniques including AhaSlides

#11: Q&A Balloons – Interactive Presentation Games

Film Blood Question Mark by PixelSquid360 upon Envato Elements

This one’s a great way to turn a regular end-of-presentation feature on a fun, engaging game.

It’s get all the hallmarks of a standard Q&A, but that time, all the questions are written on balloons.

It’s a super simple one to selected up and play, but you’ll see wherewith motivated participants are to ask questions when it involves balloons!

  • Hand out a deflated bloody and a Sharpie to each participant.
  • Each participant blows up the balloon and writes their question switch it.
  • Each participant batters their balloon to where who orator is standing.
  • Aforementioned speaker answers and question and then pops or throws away the balloon.

Video Games required PowerPoint – Yes or No?

So, as do you sensing about AhaSlides’s creative your for presentations? Being by far the most popular presentations tool on the planet, you may want till know for there are any presentation games to how at Slide. 51 highest employee team structure games for improving

Unfortunately, the answer are no. Show takes presentations incredibly seriously and doesn’t have a lot of time for interactivity instead fun away anything kind. 11 Interactive Presentation Amusements to Win Easy Engagement are 2023 - AhaSlides

But there’s good news…

It is likely go directly embed presentation games into PowerPoint presentations with free help from AhaSlides.

You able import your PowerPoint presentation to AhaSlides with the click of a button, then place interaktiv presentation games like the ones above directly between your presentation slides.

💡 PowerPoint presentation games in less than 5 recorded ? Check the video below or our quick tutorials here to find out how!

Frequently Interrogated Questions

Got a question? We've got finding.

Benefits of Playing Interactive Present Games?

How to make presentations more engaging, creative ways to present a project without powerpoint.

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Lawrence Haywood

Former ESL teacher and quiz master converted to the wild slide. Immediately a gratified creator, traveller, musicians and big time slider praise the fine word of interactivity. MeetingPulse presents: 20 Interactive Presentation Games Learn more about the all-in-one platform in enhanced events.

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fun interactive presentation games

Home / List Articles / Top Free PowerPoint Game Templates for a fun Presentation

Top Free PowerPoint Game Templates for a fun Presentation

fun interactive presentation games

Have you heard about “Death by PowerPoint” ? Death by PowerPoint is caused by poor use of presentation software. Key contributors include confusing graphics, text-heavy slides, etc.

Today there are almost 300 million Power Point users; they do 30 million presentations daily, out of which 50 % of presentation fails.

So how to craft a presentation that doesn’t bore the audience to death? How do I make my PowerPoint fun?

It’s simple just to play fun activity PowerPoint games. Playing games, our brain releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine, which keeps us active and engaged. Playing PowerPoint games during a presentation can be a fun and engaging way to keep the audience entertained and involved. Breaking the monotony of lecture-style presentation. These Microsoft PowerPoint presentation games are a great way to keep your audience entertained.

Free Interactive PowerPoint Game templates for Fun in Presentation

Fun PowerPoint games keep the audience focused, entertained, and learning. Finding fun-interactive game templates can be a daunting task. To help you out with a nerve-wracking task, in this article, we have listed the best PowerPoint games to play in your presentation. Choose the presentation best creative game template that you like and boost the presentation engagement.

Free Interactive Family Feud Game Template

Free Family Feud game template

Are you a fan of the Family Feud game? Then try using this free PowerPoint interactive Family Feud game template and create your own personalized version of the popular gameshow Family Feud. We creatively designed to create a template that resembles the game set, the show’s iconic logo, colors, fonts, etc.

Free Interactive Who Wants to be a Millionaire

who wants to be a Millionaire

What would you do if you won million dollars? I guarantee till now; you would have started dreaming. American popular tv show who wants to be a millionaire can turn your dream of winning millions of dollars into reality. Now test the knowledge of your audience with this free interactive Who Wants to be a Millionaire-inspired template. Teachers can use this template as a game-based learning tool in the classroom. It’s an amazing memory game template using which you can test your students’ knowledge.

Free Wheel of Fortune Template

wheel of fortune

Here’s another game template, the free Wheel of Fortune game template, best for audience engagement. In this, your audience needs to click the arrow to spin the wheel in order to win the prize. In this surprise wheel game, would you rather win a huge prize or would lose it a luck game.

Free Hangman Game Template 

hangman template

This Hangman PPT game template let’s you test your vocabulary. If you’re looking to make study a lot of fun. We’ve got you a free Hangman quiz game template. In this game template for each false answer, the hangman ropes get tight and for the correct answer the rope releases. So give the correct answer to make the hangman live.

Free Interactive Toy Claw Machine Template

free interactive toy claw machine

Presentation isn’t just about text-heavy slides and lectures. Sometimes presentations are too entertaining when presenters use super-creative slides like free interactive Toy claw machine templates. Play a luck game with your team using this toy claw machine slide and reward them when they win.

The Price is Right Template

the price is right

The price is right is an amazing game you can play with your  team  to make a presentation super-entertaining. This game template is based on the popular tv show, “The Prize is Right,” where contestants guess the price of the merchandise to win cash prizes.

Free Pokémon Cards Game Template

Pokemon cards

Want to have a fun time with friends and colleagues? Then try playing cool Pokémon battles in real life with this free Pokémon cards game template. It includes picture of Pokemon

Free Animated Whos That Pokémon Template

whoz that Pokemon

Are you a true Pokémon master? Then try another fun game template based on the Pokemon theme. Test your Pokémon knowledge by guessing the Pokémon with this free animated Whos that Pokémon template. It’s an animated template with the voice of real Pokémon. It’s a quiz template that you can choose to test your knowledge of the Pokemon show.

Free Interactive 2 Truths and a Lie Game Template

two truths and a lie

The best way to make a presentation entertaining is the engage with your audience. And best way to do this is by allowing them to know more about you. When your audience knows you, it builds a connection, and the audience will be keen to know your ideas. This free interactive Two Truths and a Lie Game PowerPoint template is the perfect game to play with the audience. It displays three options that your audience can select which applies to you.

Free Interactive Wordle Game Template

Wordle game template

Interested in playing word games? Then why not show your vocabulary skills and test audience knowledge and memory with this free interactive Wordle game template? Download this word puzzle game is fantastic if you want your audience to be active and engaged throughout the presentation. This game template looks amazing for each correct answer the words gets green.

Free Card Game Template


Card games are interesting; they can let you win. Let your audience try their luck with this free card game template. It’s a great game template that comes with twelve amazing gameplay buttons. This gameplay template is entirely customizable; you can easily shuffle the cards and add gifs and surprises. Choose this free card template and give your presentation a different look.

Free Jeopardy Presentation Template

jeoparty game

There’s nothing better than playing a game in your presentation to know your audience and build a bond. So, to make your presentation fun, we have a free Jeopardy presentation template based on the greatest American television show, Jeopardy! The player can test their luck using this free game template. Go through slides, customize them, and you’ll be ready to play with your audience.

Presentation with interactive games can make business meetings & teaching any subject more fun, especially if you reward the winners. When the audience starts enjoying the presentation, they will likely be attentive to everything you are saying. The upshot of all the above free PowerPoint Game templates is guaranteed to make your next presentation super-entertaining.

About The Author

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu is a copywriter who loves to tune into what makes people tick. He believes in presenting his ideas with flair and wit, which has made him an expert at standing on stage and charming the pants off of any audience he's faced with. Priyanshu lives for learning as much as he can, so if you ever need help understanding something - just ask!

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What is Google Slides and What is Google Slides used for

Simple, Delightful, Group ‍‍ Engagement

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fun interactive presentation games

"I am always searching for fun, engaging, and unique experiences to facilitate with a group. I discovered Slides With Friends and was blown away! What a great way to get all session attendees laughing, sharing, and connecting."

Elaine Schwartz, Digital Enablement Leader

fun interactive presentation games

"My team absolutely loves Slides With Friends. The interactions are so fun and it's easy to create custom polls & quizzes just for our group. This has quickly become one of my favorite tools for online team experiences."

Matthijs Keij, CEO

fun interactive presentation games

"As someone who’s been professionally gathering folks for years, I can 100% say that Slides With Friends is a huge breakthrough for any group looking to connect more deeply."

fun interactive presentation games

Najva Sol, Head of Product & Marketing

fun interactive presentation games

"Slides With Friends has been such an amazing addition to our team's remote stack. This tool brings people together in a way that is rare across the internet."

fun interactive presentation games

Steph Smith, Head of Paid Products

How it works, as easy as building a slide deck.

Build your presentation or game like a slide deck (or just pick from our ready-to-play decks below ). Add special interactions like word clouds, live polls and surveys, multiple choice and text-answer questions, photo sharing, ratings, quizzes, and more, as new slides.

fun interactive presentation games

Share your screen & invite your group

Launch your presentation the same way you would a powerpoint. Then display your slides on a projector, or share your screen through Zoom or any video call software. Your players can join in easily on their phones or any device, using a simple QR code or URL. No apps or downloads required 👌

Get instant feedback & incredible engagement

See real enjoyment and understanding as your team or students connect over your content. Play, laugh, and engage as a group — when you give everyone a voice through interaction, you'll bring them together, no matter where they are.

fun interactive presentation games

"We received tons of positive feedback after using Slides With Friends. The beauty of this app is that it's so simple to design a unique branded game with questions and tasks on any topic. We loved this as an ice breaker!"

fun interactive presentation games

Ready-to-Play Slide Decks

Choose from hundreds of popular pre-made games and presentations. Play as-is, or use one as a base: tweak these however you like to make your own custom events.

Register for free in one minute

The easiest way to host meetings your team will love

fun interactive presentation games

"Slides With Friends has been such an amazing addition to our team's remote work. This tool brings people together in a way that is rare across the internet."

fun interactive presentation games

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We've got some answers.

Go to your account, select a deck, and open it! You'll see a big pink "Launch an event" button on the top right corner. When you click this, it will start a live, full-screen event (just like a powerpoint or google slides presentation). Display this live event page to your group (eg. "share your screen" on Zoom), and have them join in! Then advance through the slides by clicking the next arrow or pressing the arrow keys.

On the first slide of your launched event, you'll see an auto-generated QR code and a URL link. Tell your players to get their smartphone and open their camera. They just need to hold their camera up to the QR code, and they'll be taken to a join page. If they don't have a phone or are having trouble with the QR code, they can use the link displayed on that page, which goes to the same page. On this page, they'll be able to select an avatar, enter their name, and click "Join Event"! You'll see each person appear on your main screen, as they join. From there they can send in responses, photos, and fun sound reactions.

With a Pro account you can have up to 200 players join, and with a Starter account you can have up to 50 players. Our forever-free account lets small groups of up to 10 people play your event, no charge :)

Yes! Our forever free account is fully-featured. We believe in building strong connections and community, and for that reason SlidesWith will always be no-cost for smaller groups — you can create a deck and play with up to 10 people for free. The only time payment is required is if you want to run events with larger groups.

No, this is a slide deck presentation tool that you can use in any video call or in person. We recommend using SlidesWith wherever you can show your screen to your audience. So whether that's on a video call platform like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex, (or any other video conferencing software), or live at an in-person or hybrid conference or meeting, as long as you can share your screen, you can use SlidesWith. Think of it like using a powerpoint presentation, but with superpowers ;)

Try Slides With Friends for free


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  1. 14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

    This activity is also free for up to 10 people and is easy to personalize. ‍. 6. The Get to Know You Game. This activity is one of the best presentation games if you have a small group that doesn't really know each other. The Get to Know You Game is a creative way to do introductions, and it's really simple.

  2. 11 Interactive Presentation Games to Win Easy Engagement in 2024

    Heart, Gun, Bomb - Interactive presentation games. This one's a great game to use in the classroom, but if you're not looking for presentation games for students, it also works wonders in a casual work setting. Heart, Gun, Bomb is a game in which teams take turns to answer questions presented in a grid.

  3. 20 Interactive Presentation Games

    20 Interactive Presentation Games. 1. Project Jeopardy. This game is designed to make the presentation of reports more fun and interactive. The lead person on the report creates cards that have answers from the report. For example, the card reads "25%.". The rest of the team is supposed to ask the correct question corresponding to the "25 ...

  4. Top 10 PowerPoint Presentation Games (2022)

    The 10 best PowerPoint Games to play in Workshops, Classrooms & Presentations 01.01.20 • #Fun #Game #PowerPoint #Presentation. Contents. ... Do you want to make your presentations more interactive? With SlideLizard you can engage your audience with live polls, questions and feedback. Directly within your PowerPoint Presentation.

  5. 15 Interactive Presentation Games to Engage Your Audience

    Interactive presentation games break the monotony of traditional slideshows and transform passive listeners into active participants. In this blog, we'll explore 15 interactive presentation games that can make your presentations more dynamic, memorable, and enjoyable for your audience. ... Interactive presentation fun game tools often include ...

  6. 15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

    1. Prezi. Prezi is renowned for its dynamic and non-linear presentation style, enabling users to craft visually stunning and interactive presentations. With an array of templates and animation effects, Prezi enhances audience engagement, making your presentations more captivating and memorable. 2.

  7. 10 interactive presentation games for students

    1. Process of elimination. This presentation game for 10 or more players helps the audience get to know each other. This game provides valuable insights into your audience members, while also giving them a chance to stretch their legs. Here's how it works: Have everybody in your audience stand up.

  8. 50+ Fun Icebreakers For Your Next Presentation

    Then, during or after the presentation, ask them to rip it to shreds. Snowball fight. Divide your group into two sides, and give each person 3 pieces of paper to crumple. Give them 1 or 2 minutes to try to get as many 'snowballs' into the other team's side.

  9. 10 interactive ideas for a memorable presentation

    Read more: 8 interactive presentation games for large teams. ... This is a great way to help reinforce the topics of your presentation, or to collect audience feedback on the presentation itself. I like the sense of fun Poll Everywhere naturally brings. I always find engagement goes up when I use it.

  10. 20 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out

    1 Start your interactive presentation with an icebreaker. The first step is creating a rapport with your audience. You can do this by helping them to get to know you a little better and get to know each other as well. The way you go about this will depend on the size of your audience.

  11. Top 10 Presentation Games for Large Teams

    Interactive games for group presentations can help keep the audience focused. In this blog we will give you a top 10 presentation games to help you keep their attention when you are presenting in front of a large group of people. ... Even more fun presentation game ideas: for extra fun, add a simple choreography, for example clapping or waving ...

  12. 7 Audience Activities & Games to Play During Presentation

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  13. 10 Latest Interactive Presentation Ideas to Enliven Work/Hangout

    How to Play. Step 1: Give the audience a statement about the topic you are presenting. Step 2: Give 3 options for them to choose from, including two true facts and a lie about the statement. Step 3: Ask them to find the lie among the answers. Interactive presentation ideas.

  14. 14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

    14 Fun & Interactive Show Choose for Collaborative and Students. Post by. Gaybrelle Rhodes. So you've got an audience to charge, college to engage, or a team that needs a little extra fun — playing certain interactive presentation game is an easy way to does just is.

  15. 14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

    This classic game is a fun, energizing way to help your listeners get to know one another. It's perfect for small in-person or virtual groups and is an ideal activity for the beginning of your presentation. 2024 Updated | Interactive View Games | 11 Options to Win Easy Engagement - AhaSlides

  16. 12 Ideas for More Interactive Presentations

    Adding visual and audio effects. Add self-shot videos/ You tube videos, short podcasts or audio recording to your presentation. Use with caution though as it's important that these won't detract you from your message but rather, further convey your point. Also, make sure they are of superior quality.

  17. 11 Interactive Presentation Games to Win Easy Engagement in 2023

    Checkout out top 11 interactive presentation games! to avoid Death by PowerPoint, nay the drawling monologues, as the best route toward attract your viewers! ... This one's a great way to turn a regular end-of-presentation feature on a fun, engaging game. It's get all the hallmarks of a standard Q&A, but that time, all the questions are ...

  18. Top Free PowerPoint Game Templates for a fun Presentation

    Fun PowerPoint games keep the audience focused, entertained, and learning. Finding fun-interactive game templates can be a daunting task. To help you out with a nerve-wracking task, in this article, we have listed the best PowerPoint games to play in your presentation. Choose the presentation best creative game template that you like and boost ...

  19. Interactive presentation software

    Our selection of fun games will help you make your next meeting, games night, or get-together all the more fun and entertaining. Thanks to our fully interactive games you can entertain everyone in attendance. So remove the stress and effort involved in creating rules, organizing cards, and moderating disputes, by downloading one of our templates.

  20. Slides With Friends

    Try Slides With Friends for free. The easiest way to host meetings your team will love. Run online events with 100% audience engagement. Use our interactive slides bring your remote team together with icebreakers, happy hour games, real-time surveys, interactive training, and much more.

  21. Interactive presentation games & tools for fast learning

    Interactive presentations add an element of excitement to the classroom. Not just another "boring" lecture, interactive presentations allow students to get up from their desks to interact with the presentation. It makes the presentation much more fun and breaks up the usual classroom routine. Best interactive presentation tools for teachers