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50 Useful German Essay Words and Phrases

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by  fredo21  

January 9, 2019


Essay-writing is in itself already a difficult endeavor. Now writing an essay in a foreign language like German ---that’s on a different plane of difficulty.  

To make it easier for you, here in this article, we’ve compiled the most useful German essay phrases. Feel free to use these to add a dash of pizzazz into your essays. It will add just the right amount of flourish into your writing---enough to impress whoever comes across your work!

German Essay Phrases

You can also download these phrases in PDF format by clicking the button below.

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Now here’s your list!

What other German vocabulary list would you like to see featured here? Please feel free to leave a message in the comment section and we’ll try our best to accommodate your requests soon!

Once again, you can download your copy of the PDF by subscribing using the button below!

For an easier way to learn German vocabulary, check out German short stories for beginners!

German Short Stories for Beginners 2021


  • 10 entertaining short stories about everyday themes
  • Practice reading and listening with 90+ minutes of audio 
  • Learn 1,000+ new German vocabulary effortlessly!

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Effortless Conversations

German Essay Phrases: 24 Useful Expressions to Write an Essay in German

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As we often think in English first, translating our ideas into useful German phrases can be tricky.

This handy blog post includes 24 essential German essay phrases to help make your writing flow more smoothly and sound more natural. Whether you’re preparing for the Goethe exam, a GCSE test, or just want to improve your written German for real-life situations, these chunks and phrases will help you. Easy German has a great video on useful German expression:

From organizing your thoughts with transitions like “ zudem ” and “ außerdem “, to expressing your opinion with phrases like “ meiner Meinung nach ” and “ ich denke, dass… “, this post has you covered.

Write an essay with German essay phrases: learn how to structure your story

Goethe tests love a clear and logical format. They follow the same structure throughout the different levels. The good news is, when you’re learning a language, you can use these German essay phrases with these structures even in your real-life dialogues. Then, gradually, you can shift your focus to a more natural-sounding speaking.

First, begin with an engaging introduction to get the reader’s attention. This intro paragraph should also include a short thesis statement that outlines the central argument you’ll be taking.

In the body of your essay, organize your thoughts into separate paragraphs. Use transitional phrases like “ außerdem ” (furthermore) and “ zudem ” (moreover) to connect your paragraphs and create a flow.

After that, summarize your main points and restate your thesis. But! Avoid introducing new information. Leave the reader with a compelling final thought or even a call to action that makes your central argument stronger.

If you’re not certain enough, check the following list and learn about the must-have go-to German essay phrases now!

german essay phrases presented in a notebook in a classroom

1. Erstens – Firstly

This German essay phrase is used to introduce the first point in your essay.

Erstens werden wir die Hauptargumente diskutieren. [Firstly, we will discuss the main arguments.]

2. Zweitens – Secondly

Normally, this phrase is there for you when you want to introduce the second point in a structured manner.

Zweitens betrachten wir einige Gegenbeispiele. [Secondly, we will look at some counterexamples.]

3. Drittens – Thirdly

Used to signal the third point for clarity in your argument.

Drittens ziehen wir eine Schlussfolgerung. [Thirdly, we will draw a conclusion.]

4. Einleitend muss man sagen… – To begin with, one has to say…

Start your essay with this phrase to introduce your key points.

Einleitend muss man sagen, dass dieses Thema komplex ist. [To begin with, one has to say that this topic is complex.]

5. Man muss … in Betracht ziehen – One needs to take … into consideration

When you want to consider a specific aspect in your discussion.

Man muss den historischen Kontext in Betracht ziehen. [One needs to take the historical context into consideration.]

6. Ein wichtiger Aspekt von X ist … – An important aspect of X is …

To highlight an important part…

Ein wichtiger Aspekt von Nachhaltigkeit ist die Ressourcenschonung. [An important aspect of sustainability is resource conservation.]

7. Man muss erwähnen, dass… – One must mention that …

Used to emphasize a point that need acknowledgement.

Man muss erwähnen, dass es verschiedene Ansichten gibt. [One must mention that there are different viewpoints.]

8. Im Vergleich zu – In comparison to…

To compare different elements in your essay.

Im Vergleich zu konventionellen Autos sind Elektrofahrzeuge umweltfreundlicher. [In comparison to conventional cars, electric vehicles are more eco-friendly.]

9. Im Gegensatz zu – In contrast to…

When you want to present an alternative viewpoint or argument.

Im Gegensatz zu optimistischen Prognosen ist die Realität ernüchternd. [In contrast to optimistic forecasts, reality is sobering.]

10. Auf der einen Seite – On the one hand

To add a new perspective.

Auf der einen Seite gibt es finanzielle Vorteile. [On the one hand, there are financial benefits.]

german essay phrases with german dictionary

11. Auf der anderen Seite – On the other hand

Present an alternative viewpoint.

Auf der anderen Seite bestehen ethische Bedenken. [On the other hand, ethical concerns exist.]

12. Gleichzeitig – At the same time

When you want to show a simultaneous relationship between ideas.

Gleichzeitig müssen wir Kompromisse eingehen. [At the same time, we must make compromises.]

13. Angeblich – Supposedly

If you want to add information that is claimed but not confirmed.

Angeblich wurde der Konflikt beigelegt. [Supposedly, the conflict was resolved.]

14. Vermutlich – Presumably

Used when discussing something that is presumed but not certain.

Vermutlich wird sich die Situation verbessern. [Presumably, the situation will improve.]

15. In der Tat – In fact

To add a fact or truth in your essay.

In der Tat sind die Herausforderungen groß. [In fact, the challenges are great.]

16. Tatsächlich – Indeed

Emphasize a point or a fact.

Tatsächlich haben wir Fortschritte gemacht. [Indeed, we have made progress.]

17. Im Allgemeinen – In general

When discussing something in a general context.

Im Allgemeinen ist das System reformbedürftig. [In general, the system needs reform.]

18. Möglicherweise – Possibly

Spice your essay with a possibility or potential scenario.

Möglicherweise finden wir einen Konsens. [Possibly, we will find a consensus.]

19. Eventuell – Possibly

To suggest a potential outcome or situation.

Eventuell müssen wir unsere Strategie überdenken. [Possibly, we need to rethink our strategy.]

20. In jedem Fall / Jedenfalls – In any case

Used to emphasize a point regardless of circumstances.

In jedem Fall müssen wir handeln. [In any case, we must take action.]

21. Das Wichtigste ist – The most important thing is

If you want to highlight the most important thing in your saying.

Das Wichtigste ist, dass wir zusammenarbeiten. [The most important thing is that we cooperate.]

22. Ohne Zweifel – Without a doubt

To introduce a statement that is unquestionably trues.

Ohne Zweifel ist Bildung der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. [Without a doubt, education is the key to success.]

23. Zweifellos – Doubtless

Just as the previous one, when you want say something that is, without a doubt, true.

Zweifellos gibt es noch viel zu tun. [Doubtless, there is still a lot to be done.]

24. Verständlicherweise – Understandably

If you want to add a thing that is understandable in the given context.

Verständlicherweise sind einige Menschen besorgt. [Understandably, some people are concerned.]

Practice the most important German essay phrases

Practice the German essay phrases now!

This is just part of the exercises. There’s many more waiting for you if you click the button below!

Learn the language and more German essay words and sentences with Conversation Based Chunking

Conversation Based Chunking represents a powerful approach to learning language skills. It’s especially useful for productive purposes like essay writing.

By learning phrases and expressions used in natural discourse, students internalize vocabulary and grammar in context rather than as isolated rules. This method helps you achieve fluency and helps you develop a ‘feel’ for a an authentic patterns.

Chunking common multi-word units accelerates progress by reducing cognitive load compared to consciously constructing each sentence from individual words. Sign up now to get access to your German Conversation Based Chunking Guide.

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Lukas is the founder of Effortless Conversations and the creator of the Conversation Based Chunking™ method for learning languages. He's a linguist and wrote a popular book about learning languages through "chunks". He also co-founded the language education company Spring Languages, which creates online language courses and YouTube content.

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Essential German Essay Phrases to Elevate Your Writing

Essential German Essay Phrases to Elevate Your Writing

Writing an essay in German can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the language’s unique expressions and structures. To help you navigate the intricacies of German essay writing and add sophistication to your compositions, we have compiled a list of 24 essential phrases. These phrases will not only enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing but also showcase your command over the German language .

Einleitende Sätze (Introductory Phrases):

a. Zunächst einmal… – Firstly…

b. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass… – It is generally known that…

c. In der heutigen Gesellschaft… – In today’s society…

d. Es lässt sich nicht leugnen, dass… – It cannot be denied that…

Beispielgebende Phrasen (Exemplifying Phrases):

a. Ein gutes Beispiel hierfür ist… – A good example of this is…

b. Zum Beispiel… – For example…

c. Dies wird deutlich, wenn man… – This becomes clear when one…

d. Als Veranschaulichung kann man… – As an illustration, one can…

Verbindende Wörter (Connecting Words):

a. Darüber hinaus… – Furthermore…

b. In Bezug auf… – With regard to…

c. Im Vergleich zu… – In comparison to…

d. Einerseits… andererseits… – On the one hand… on the other hand…

Zusammenfassende Phrasen (Summarizing Phrases):

a. Abschließend lässt sich sagen… – In conclusion, it can be said…

b. Alles in allem… – All in all…

c. Zusammenfassend kann man feststellen… – In summary, one can determine…

d. Im Großen und Ganzen… – By and large…

Hervorhebende Phrasen (Emphasizing Phrases):

a. Es ist besonders wichtig zu betonen… – It is particularly important to emphasize…

b. Es steht außer Frage, dass… – There is no question that…

c. Es lässt sich nicht bestreiten… – It cannot be denied…

d. Es ist unerlässlich, dass… – It is essential that…

Kontrastierende Phrasen (Contrasting Phrases):

a. Im Gegensatz dazu… – In contrast to that…

b. Trotzdem… – Nevertheless…

c. Während… – While…

d. Allerdings… – However…

Abschließende Sätze (Concluding Sentences):

a. Zusammenfassend lässt sich festhalten… – To summarize, it can be stated…

b. Abschließend kann man sagen… – In conclusion, one can say…

c. Letztendlich… – Ultimately…

d. Abschließend bleibt zu sagen… – In conclusion, it remains to be said…

Conclusion : By incorporating these 24 essential phrases into your German essays, you will elevate your writing and demonstrate a strong command of the language. Remember to practice using these phrases in context to ensure a natural flow in your compositions. With time and practice, your German essay writing skills will flourish, allowing you to express your ideas with clarity, coherence, and sophistication. Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

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German Writing: 5 Tips and 12 Resources

How much time do you actively spend writing in German?

It’s all too common—you might have reading , listening and speaking in German covered, but writing slips through the cracks.

German is the language of some of the most prolific authors and well-known literary works in the world, and it remains an important academic language even in today’s world.

Here are some strategies and tools for incorporating writing practice into your German study routine. 

Strategies for How to Write in German

1. read first, write second, 2. set a schedule, 3. start simple, 4. slowly move up to advanced topics, 5. work on weak spots, online tools for german writing practice, dictionaries, thesauruses, language learning apps, language exchange apps, social media, why you need to invest time in german writing, you can learn at your own tempo, it’s excellent practice ground for more complex grammar, you can practice by yourself, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Before you can be a producer of prize-winning German prose, you first need to become a consumer. Pretty much all prolific writers out there are also voracious readers.

So, go out and read, read, read. Material for beginners includes:

  • Children’s books
  • Comic books / Cartoons
  • Tabloid papers
  • Young fiction novels
  • Fairy tales

When attempting to learn a new skill, consistency beats effort every time. You’ve probably heard about the hare and the turtle (which, by the way, are Der Hase und Der Igel —the hare and the hedgehog— in German). Slow and steady wins the race and all that.

Therefore, when trying to learn to write German, make sure you practice every day. Aim for process instead of achievement. It’s better to do less regularly than more occasionally. Five sentences are enough for starters. The topic is up to you. Just make sure you get it done.

In the same vein, don’t be overly ambitious with your material. While ambition is generally a good thing, too much of it can lead to frustration. Develop a tolerance and an acuity for the level you’re at.

If you’ve just learned to string together subject, verb and object, don’t try to jump right into subjunctive II and the pluperfect. Moderation, young Padawan! Get comfortable at your current level first before moving on.

Consistently take it up a notch. Once you’re confident that you’ve mastered a certain grammatical topic, move on to more complex areas.

For example:

1. Learn simple sentence structure :

Ich mache einen Salat. Du kaufst Bier. Er trinkt Kaffee.   (I make a salad. You buy beer. He drinks coffee.) 

2. Then include additional elements such as location, manner and time designation:

Heute mache ich einen Salat. Du kaufst Bier im Supermarkt. Er trinkt gerne Kaffee.   (Today, I’m making a salad. You buy beer at the supermarket. He likes to drink coffee.) 

3. Maybe switch to the past tense : 

Ich habe einen Salat gemacht. Du hast Bier gekauft. Er hat Kaffee getrunken. (I made a salad. You bought bier. He drank coffee.) 

4. And do the same in that tense:

Gestern habe ich einen Salat gemacht. Du hast Bier im Supermarkt gekauft. Er hat gerne Kaffee getrunken.   (Yesterday, I made a salad. You bought beer at the supermarket. He liked to drink coffee.) 

Or instead of learning syntax, you could concentrate on practicing German cases , adjective endings or compound nouns .

By progressing slowly like that, soon you’ll arrive at writing gems like this:

Letztes Wochenende wäre ich mit meinem Mann zu unseren Freunden in Süddeutschland gefahren, wenn es keinen Streik bei der Bahn gegeben hätte. 


“Last weekend I would have travelled with my husband to our friends in Southern Germany if there hadn’t been a train strike.”

Take copious notes on what you’d like to say but can’t. Note down where you’re still blocked. Share what you write with a tutor or language partner and go over their corrections to figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

You’ll screw up some stuff over and over while other things will roll from your fingertips like you’re a native.

Make note of the former and compile a “worst of” list detailing the German phrase structures, tenses and other grammatical phenomena that you’re struggling with. This will enable you to address these weak spots in a targeted manner.

Put aside some time only to work on what you find most difficult. You’ll see that it’s possible to turn weakness into strength.

Check out these handy resources:  

There are a lot of free, online German dictionaries, but two of my favorites are Leo and Linguee .

how to write in german

Leo is perfect for looking up words and common phrases, but it also has the added benefit of discussion forums. If you’ve looked up a word but are still slightly confused by its exact translation then you can post a new discussion and other members will happily help you out.

Linguee is useful for intermediate to advanced German learners. When you search for a word, the websites will show you a number of paragraphs in which the word is used. This shows you the various contexts in which the word or phrase may be used.

Beginners may find that they repeat the same words over and over again. This is usually due to a limited vocabulary. Once you learn more words, you’ll have more to use.

It takes time to build up your German vocabulary but while you’re trying to, you’ll probably find online thesauruses really helpful.

how to write in german

One of the best online German thesauruses is Open Thesaurus . If you’re ever sick of repeatedly using schön to describe something or someone as beautiful, pop it in the thesaurus search engine and you’ll be amazed at what comes up. You’ll see in-context usage examples, so you’ll learn the different nuances and meanings of each alternative word.

After a quick search using the word  schön , you’ll know exactly how to use the likes of hübsch (cute), umwerfend (gorgeous) and prächtig (magnificent)!

Many important German documents and letters differ stylistically from those in America. Rather than rushing into it and writing an important letter exactly how you would here, you need to think carefully to ensure that bad form doesn’t give the reader the wrong impression. To ensure you don’t mess up, it’s a good idea to use an online template.

There are loads of letter and email templates online. Depending on what you need one for, you’ll find a lot by simply googling. So if you need a cover letter for a job, just google “German cover letter” or the German equivalent, ein   Anschreiben  or  Bewerbungsschreiben. 

how to write in german

You can connect your Duolingo account to other social media accounts and compete against friends—there’s nothing like some friendly competition to motivate your German learning!

If you don’t fully understand a question or translation, you can check in with other Duolingo members. After each question, you’ll be invited to comment on the answer.

german essay for beginners

FluentU also offers you the chance to read and write in German with its transcripts and exercises. It’s a unique learning resource that teaches you the language through video clips from authentic German media such as movie trailers, music videos and news segments.

As mentioned earlier, finding a native speaker to correct your writing is an excellent idea. I therefore recommend that you get a tutor or language partner . Places to find the latter are:

  • My Language Exchange

To make your relationship a success, find someone who’s just as eager to improve as you are. When correcting their writing, provide detailed feedback and annotations and have them return the favor. That way you can both grow in your proficiency and ramp up your knowledge in the shortest amount of time.

You can also try the Reddit forum r/WriteStreakGerman , where you can post your German writing and native speakers will give corrections.  

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If you want to put your German out there and practice with some native speakers, log into Twitter and follow all the excellent German-language accounts . Tweeting with Germans will show you the German they use in everyday life, and you may even pick up some quirky idioms and slang!

You can always flood your existing friends’ Facebook feeds with German language posts as well, or hop over to some German Facebook pages and groups to make new friends and join in some lively discussions.

Even if your primary objective is to speak German fluently, writing is an important step toward that goal. The act of putting words down on paper (or onto a screen) is a whole different deal than talking. Writing is a more deliberate way of processing language and therefore offers you some unique help in acquiring new language.

Here are the benefits:

Talking in a foreign language requires to you interact in real time. That can be stressful and you might miss out on a lot of nuances.

Paper, on the other hand, is patient. You can think about your sentences while writing, go back to revise, correct your errors, get a better feel for grammatical structures and become familiar with overall linguistic rules.

Since we’re talking about grammar: when speaking, it’s easy to go the path of least resistance by using the few phrases you already know over and over. Unless you’re deliberately pushing yourself, you’re probably sticking with your guns and using short and simple sentences.

That’s not a crime, mind you (not even in Germany). However, it might keep you confined in your language skills. Writing, with its slower tempo, allows you to dip your feet into more complex rules and give them a whirl before integrating new grammar structures into your everyday speech.

Speaking inherently requires more than one person. Since you cannot always have a language partner at hand and not everyone gets to live with a German host family , having some form of solo practice is important.

Writing is a solo form. While it’s quite a good idea to have someone available who can look over your literary outpourings and correct them, the act of writing in itself is a one-person job. All you German-studying introverts out there, take advantage of this fact!

Writing in German is a skill like everything else. All it takes is consistent practice, qualified feedback and continuously cranking up the challenge level.

Don’t be afraid to start small. Going through a “caveman phase,” where everything in your new language sounds like coming from a Neanderthal is normal (and fun).

You might not become the next Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, but practicing German writing might get you to the point where you can read him in the original. And that’s worth a lot.

Want to know the key to learning German effectively?

It's using the right content and tools, like FluentU has to offer ! Browse hundreds of videos, take endless quizzes and master the German language faster than you've ever imagine!


Watching a fun video, but having trouble understanding it? FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive subtitles.


You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don't know, you can add it to a vocabulary list.


And FluentU isn't just for watching videos. It's a complete platform for learning. It's designed to effectively teach you all the vocabulary from any video. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you're on.


The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you're learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Your guide to the best free online learning resources.

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Writing : appropriate and elegant

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Alpha ARD Educational Channel - Punctuation

Website language: English

Nancy Thuleen - Practise Writing in German

Schlaukopf.de - Spelling Rules

Mittelschulvorbereitung - Upper- and Lowercase Spelling

Mittelschulvorbereitung - Drafting German Texts

Online-lernen - Spelling and Dictations

Online Lernen - Discussions, Interpretations, and More

Orthographietrainer - Spelling Exercises and More

Mein Deutschbuch - Practise with Dictations

Deutschfoerdern.de - Interactive Exercises

Linguee - Learn Phrases in Context

YouTube: Alina Sonnenschein - Learn how to Write and Pronounce New Words

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German Texts for Beginners

Here are some easy and engaging texts to practice and develop your German reading and comprehension skills. Written by experienced German language intitlestructors, these texts are specifically written to aid German students from the elementary and beginner A1 and A2 levels, as well as meeting the needs of the more advanced B1 and B2 level student.

Texts for beginners include simple sentences with basic vocabulary. More advanced texts feature complex sentences with relative and subordinate clauses and wider use of tenses. Our innovative teaching system clearly indicates the vocabulary level in each reading, making it very easy for any German student to choose appropriate texts for their needs.

Upon completing each reading you can test your comprehension by answering the accompanying questions. Every text is available as a printable PDF. They are ideal for German language students working on their own. They are also perfect for German teachers to use in class or as take-home exercises.

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Easy German Reading | Texts for Beginners | A2 / B1

Beginner texts: a2.

Strengthen your German skills with our A2-level texts, perfect for beginners. Elevate your proficiency using our customized resources.

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Intermediate Texts: B1

Improve your German fluency with our B1-level texts, designed for intermediate learners. Boost your language skills with our extensive resources.

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Advanced Texts: B2

Take your German to the next level with our B2-level texts, tailored for advanced learners. Master the language using our comprehensive resources.

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Dive deeper into German language learning with more material from our curated collection of texts, written for learners of all levels.

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German Texts for Beginners

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German texts for beginners to practice reading and comprehension in German language. Understanding written German is both demanding and critical. Here is one simple and enjoyable way to see how you are doing.

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Experienced German teachers prepared easy articles and simple conversations in German for beginners (level A1 and A2) and intermediates (level B1 and B2) to evaluate your comprehension and leave you feeling challenged and satisfied. Just click, read, and then answer the multiple-choice questions of the associated test. Your answers get evaluated immediately, and you are ready to move on to the next exercise. It's easy, enjoyable and free.

As an added convenience, you can download and print a pdf version of all texts and exercises.

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Learn German Home Vocabulary: Essay Writing on Mein Haus

Learn German Home Vocabulary - Essay Writing on Mein Haus

Learning a new language is always an exciting and rewarding experience. When it comes to German, having a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication. In this article, we will explore some common German vocabulary words that are used to describe a house. We will also provide you with tips on how to write an essay on “ Mein Haus ” (My House) at different proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced. Whether you are just starting out with German or looking to expand your vocabulary and writing skills, this article will be a valuable resource for you.

In this article, we have provided a list of 50 German vocabulary words related to a house, including their English translations and pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). These words cover a range of features, from basic room types and furniture to outdoor structures and utilities. By learning these words, you will be able to describe your home or ask questions about someone else’s.

We have also included five essay titles that cater to different proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced. Whether you are just starting out with German or looking to challenge yourself with more complex sentences and vocabulary, there is an essay title for you. Each essay title comes with a minimum word count requirement, which will help you structure your writing and stay focused.

Table of Contents

50 german vocabulary words related to a house (mein haus), including their english translations and pronunciation using the international phonetic alphabet (ipa).

  • Haus (house) [haʊs]
  • Zimmer (room) [ˈtsɪmɐ]
  • Wohnzimmer (living room) [ˈvoːnzɪmɐ]
  • Schlafzimmer (bedroom) [ˈʃlaːfˌtsɪmɐ]
  • Küche (kitchen) [ˈkʏçə]
  • Badezimmer (bathroom) [ˈbaːdəˌtsɪmɐ]
  • Garten (garden) [ˈɡaʁtn̩]
  • Balkon (balcony) [ˈbalkɔn]
  • Terrasse (terrace) [tɛˈrasə]
  • Fenster (window) [ˈfɛnstɐ]
  • Tür (door) [tyːɐ̯]
  • Boden (floor) [ˈboːdn̩]
  • Wand (wall) [vand]
  • Dach (roof) [dax]
  • Treppenhaus (staircase) [ˈtʁɛpənˌhaʊs]
  • Treppe (stairs) [ˈtʁɛpə]
  • Teppich (carpet) [ˈtɛpɪç]
  • Sofa (sofa) [ˈzoːfa]
  • Sessel (armchair) [ˈzɛsl̩]
  • Bett (bed) [bɛt]
  • Schrank (wardrobe) [ʃʁaŋk]
  • Regal (bookshelf) [ʁeˈɡaːl]
  • Tisch (table) [tɪʃ]
  • Stuhl (chair) [ʃtuːl]
  • Lampe (lamp) [ˈlampə]
  • Steckdose (power outlet) [ˈʃtɛkdozə]
  • Spiegel (mirror) [ˈʃpiːɡl̩]
  • Waschmaschine (washing machine) [ˈvaʃmasçiːnə]
  • Kühlschrank (refrigerator) [ˈkyːlʃraŋk]
  • Herd (stove) [hɛrt]
  • Ofen (oven) [ˈoːfən]
  • Geschirrspüler (dishwasher) [ɡəˈʃɪʁʁʃplyːɐ̯]
  • Heizung (heating) [ˈhaɪtsʊŋ]
  • Kamin (fireplace) [kaˈmiːn]
  • Dusche (shower) [ˈdʊʃə]
  • Badewanne (bathtub) [ˈbaːdəˌvanə]
  • Handtuch (towel) [ˈhantʊx]
  • Decke (blanket) [ˈdɛkə]
  • Kissen (pillow) [ˈkɪsn̩]
  • Vorhang (curtain) [ˈfoːʁhaŋ]
  • Gardine (curtain) [ɡaʁˈdiːnə]
  • Rollladen (roller shutter) [ˈʁɔlaːdən]
  • Jalousie (blind) [ʒaluˈziː]
  • Sonnenschirm (sun umbrella) [ˈzɔnənʃiʁm]
  • Rasen (lawn) [ˈʁaːzn̩]
  • Zaun (fence) [zaʊn]
  • Türklingel (doorbell) [ˈtyːɐ̯klɪŋl̩]
  • Briefkasten (mailbox) [ˈbʁiːfkastn̩]
  • Hausnummer (house number) [ˈhaʊsˌnʊmɐ]
  • Garagen (garage) [ɡaˈʁaːʒən]

5 German Essays on My House: Meine Haus

Beginner level: mein haus.

Ich lebe in einem kleinen Haus in der Stadt. Es ist zweistöckig und hat einen kleinen Garten. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es ein Wohnzimmer, eine Küche und ein Badezimmer. Im ersten Stock gibt es zwei Schlafzimmer und ein weiteres Badezimmer. Mein Zimmer befindet sich im ersten Stock und ich mag es sehr. Es hat eine schöne Aussicht auf den Garten. Ich fühle mich hier sehr wohl.

I live in a small house in the city. It is two-story and has a small garden. On the ground floor, there is a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. On the first floor, there are two bedrooms and another bathroom. My room is on the first floor, and I like it very much. It has a beautiful view of the garden. I feel very comfortable here.

Elementary Level: Mein Haus

Essay Two: 

Mein Traumhaus

Mein Traumhaus ist sehr groß und modern. Es hat drei Stockwerke und einen großen Garten mit einem Pool. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es eine geräumige Küche, ein großes Wohnzimmer und ein Esszimmer. Es gibt auch ein Arbeitszimmer und ein Badezimmer. Im ersten Stock gibt es vier Schlafzimmer und drei Badezimmer. Das Hauptschlafzimmer hat ein eigenes Badezimmer und einen begehbaren Kleiderschrank. Im zweiten Stock gibt es einen Fitnessraum und ein Spielzimmer. Es gibt auch eine Dachterrasse mit einem Whirlpool. Das ist mein Traumhaus.

My Dream House

My dream house is very big and modern. It has three floors and a large garden with a pool. On the ground floor, there is a spacious kitchen, a large living room, and a dining room. There is also a study and a bathroom. On the first floor, there are four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The master bedroom has its own bathroom and a walk-in closet. On the second floor, there is a gym and a game room. There is also a roof terrace with a hot tub. That is my dream house.

Intermediate Level: Mein Haus

Essay Three: 

Mein Haus und meine Familie

Ich wohne mit meiner Familie in einem Haus am Stadtrand. Es hat vier Schlafzimmer, drei Badezimmer und ein großes Wohnzimmer. Wir haben auch einen Garten mit vielen Blumen und Bäumen. Im Sommer essen wir oft draußen auf der Terrasse. Meine Eltern haben ihr Schlafzimmer im ersten Stock und meine Geschwister und ich haben unsere Zimmer im zweiten Stock. Mein Zimmer ist groß und hat einen Balkon mit Blick auf den Garten. Ich verbringe viel Zeit in meinem Zimmer und lerne auch dort. Ich liebe mein Haus und meine Familie sehr.

My House and My Family

I live with my family in a house on the outskirts of the city. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a large living room. We also have a garden with many flowers and trees. In the summer, we often eat outside on the terrace. My parents have their bedroom on the first floor, and my siblings and I have our rooms on the second floor. My room is spacious and has a balcony with a view of the garden. I spend a lot of time in my room and also study there. I love my house and my family very much.

Advanced Level: Mein Haus

Essay Four: 

Mein Haus und die Umgebung

Mein Haus befindet sich in einer ruhigen Gegend am Rande der Stadt. Es ist ein freistehendes Haus mit einem großen Garten. Wir haben eine Garage und einen Abstellraum für unsere Fahrräder und Werkzeuge. In der Umgebung gibt es viele Grünflächen und Spielplätze für Kinder. Es gibt auch eine Bushaltestelle in der Nähe, von der aus wir bequem in die Stadt fahren können. In der Umgebung gibt es auch viele Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Restaurants. Wir haben Glück, dass wir in einer so schönen und praktischen Gegend wohnen.

My House and the Surroundings

My house is located in a quiet area on the outskirts of the city. It is a detached house with a large garden. We have a garage and a storage room for our bicycles and tools. In the surroundings, there are many green spaces and playgrounds for children. There is also a bus stop nearby from which we can easily travel to the city. In the area, there are also many shopping and dining options. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful and convenient area.

Essay Five:

Mein Traumhaus ist ein modernes Einfamilienhaus am See. Es hat große Fenster und eine Terrasse, die einen atemberaubenden Blick auf den See bietet. Das Haus ist in einem minimalistischen Stil gestaltet, mit klaren Linien und neutralen Farben.

Im Inneren gibt es eine offene Wohnküche mit einem großen Esstisch und modernen Geräten. Die Möbel sind bequem und stilvoll zugleich. Das Wohnzimmer verfügt über einen Kamin und eine gemütliche Couch, auf der ich mich entspannen und ein Buch lesen kann.

Das Haus hat auch ein Arbeitszimmer mit einem Schreibtisch und einem bequemen Stuhl, wo ich in Ruhe arbeiten kann. Das Schlafzimmer ist geräumig und hat ein großes Fenster, durch das ich den Sonnenaufgang über dem See sehen kann. Das Badezimmer ist modern und luxuriös, mit einer großen Badewanne und einer begehbaren Dusche.

Außerhalb des Hauses gibt es einen Garten mit einem Pool und einem Grillbereich, wo ich Freunde und Familie zu einem Barbecue einladen kann. Der See bietet viele Freizeitmöglichkeiten wie Angeln, Schwimmen und Bootfahren.

Mein Traumhaus ist der perfekte Ort, um zur Ruhe zu kommen und die Schönheit der Natur zu genießen.

My dream house is a modern single-family house by the lake. It has large windows and a terrace that offers a breathtaking view of the lake. The house is designed in a minimalist style, with clean lines and neutral colors.

Inside, there is an open-plan living kitchen with a large dining table and modern appliances. The furniture is comfortable and stylish at the same time. The living room has a fireplace and a cozy couch where I can relax and read a book.

The house also has a study with a desk and a comfortable chair where I can work in peace. The bedroom is spacious and has a large window through which I can see the sunrise over the lake. The bathroom is modern and luxurious, with a large bathtub and a walk-in shower.

Outside the house, there is a garden with a pool and a barbecue area where I can invite friends and family for a barbecue. The lake offers many recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, and boating.

My dream house is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, learning German home vocabulary and writing an essay on “ Mein Haus ” is an effective way to improve your language skills. By expanding your vocabulary and practicing your writing, you will gain confidence in expressing yourself in German. We hope that this article has been a valuable resource for you and has inspired you to continue learning and exploring the German language.

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Learn A Language Through Stories

basic german phrases

92 Basic German Phrases To Survive Your First Conversation With A Native

Olly Richards Headshot

Have you ever wanted to learn German?

Or are you planning a trip to a German-speaking country?

To get started and have your first basic conversations in German, you're going to need to learn some words!

In this post, you'll learn 92 basic German phrases and words that will help you on your travels or just at home. 

To make it easier for you, I've divided the phrases into different categories.

German Greetings & Introductions

  • “I do not understand!” – Getting Out Of Sticky Situations

Numbers In German

Visiting a german restaurant, transport – getting around in germany.

  • Asking For Directions
  • Shopping In German
  • Dealing with Medical Emergencies
  • Finding Hidden Gems

Whether you're going to Germany or Austria or Switzerland, chances are you can get by in English.  But if you learn basic German too, you'll be able to connect more with German speakers. 

Having a few common German phrases will make you experience these countries in a completely different way.

And even at home , learning German will allow you to learn more about German culture and connect with native German speakers in your local community.

You don't need to have a natural flair for language learning. Learning a few key phrases and being able to use them is a great start. And German isn't as hard as its reputation suggests, especially for native English speakers. 

You never know, maybe learning these phrases will motivate you to go on and learn to speak German fluently.

Note:  Want to go beyond basic German phrases and learn German with confidence and fluency? The best way to do so is by working through a comprehensive and well designed course.

My top recommendation is   German Uncovered , my in-depth online German course for beginners that teaches you through the power of story. If you’re ready to get started,  click here for a 7-day FREE trial.

German greetings and introductions

If you want to make a good impression with German speakers, you'll need a few basic phrases to meet and greet people.

After all, you're going to use greetings every time you have a conversation in German!

These phrases are simple, easy to remember and will help you make new German friends. 

#1 Hallo – Hello [any time of day]

#2 Hallo, wie geht’s? – Hello, how are you?

#3 Guten Morgen  – Good morning

#4 Guten Tag [lit. good day] – Good afternoon

#5 Guten Abend  – Good evening

#6 Gute Nacht  – Good night

#7 Vielen Dank  – Thank you very much

#8 Ich danke Ihnen auch –  Thank you, too [in reply to “thank you” from someone else else]

#9 Tschüss, bis zum nächsten Mal  – Goodbye, see you next time

#10 Schönes Wetter heute, nicht wahr? – It's lovely weather today, is not it?

#11 Mein Name ist _  – My name is _____

#12 Ich bin Amerikaner, Kanadier, Engländer (male)  – I'm American / Canadian / English

#13 Ich bin Amerikanerin, Kanadierin, Engländerin (female)  – I'm American / Canadian / English

#14 Woher kommen Sie? – Where are you from?

#15 Freut mich  – Nice to meet you!

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“I Do Not Understand!” – Getting Out Of Sticky Situations

getting out of sticky German situations

It might seem a little intimidating to speak German, especially if you're new to the language. German people will be understanding if you're struggling to get your message across or catch what they say .

At the same time, don't hesitate to use these expressions to help the conversation run smoothly if you don't understand something or need a little help.

#16 Es tut mir leid, aber ich verstehe nicht  – I'm sorry, but I do not understand

#17  Ich spreche nicht gut Deutsch  – I do not speak German very well

#18 Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? – Could you say that again please?

#19 Können Sie bitte langsamer sprechen? – Could you say that more slowly please?

#20  Schreiben Sie das bitte für mich auf – Please write that down for me

#21 Was bedeutet das? – What does that mean?

#22 Sprechen Sie Englisch? – Do you speak English?

#23  Es tut mir leid – I'm sorry

#24  Ich weiß nicht – I do not know

#25 In Ordnung  – All right

#26  Macht nichts – never mind

numbers in German

Whether you're at the supermarket, ordering in a restaurant, or just having a normal conversation, it's essential to know how to use numbers in German. Eins, zwei, drei….l et's get to it!

  • null – zero
  • eins – one
  • zwei – two
  • drei – three
  • vier – four
  • fünf  – five
  • sechs  – six
  • sieben – seven
  • acht – eight
  • neun – nine
  • zehn – ten
  • elf – eleven
  • zwölf – twelve
  • dreizehn – thirteen
  • vierzehn – fourteen
  • fünfzehn – fifteen
  • sechzehn – sixteen
  • siebzehn – seventeen
  • achtzehn – eighteen
  • neunzehn – nineteen
  • zwanzig  – twenty
  • einundzwanzig – twenty-one
  • zweiundzwanzig – twenty-two
  • dreiundzwanzig   – twenty-three
  • vierundzwanzig – twenty-four
  • fünfundzwanzig – twenty-five
  • sechsundzwanzig – twenty-six
  • siebenundzwanzig   – twenty-seven
  • achtundzwanzig – twenty-eight
  • neunundzwanzig – twenty-nine
  • dreißig – thirty
  • einunddreißig – thirty-one
  • zweiunddreißig – thirty-two
  • vierzig – forty
  • fünfzig – fifty
  • sechzig – sixty
  • siebzig – seventy
  • achtzig – eighty
  • neunzig – ninety
  • hundert  – one hundred
  • zweihundertfünfzig – two hundred and fifty
  • fünfhundert – five hundred
  • siebenhundertdreiundachtzig – seven hundred and eighty three
  • tausend – one thousand

eating out in German

One of the most enjoyable cultural experiences you can have in a German-speaking country is visiting a restaurant and trying out some of the delicious local dishes.

The following phrases cover all the questions and statements you need to make when eating out, from asking for a table to paying the bill!

#27 Ein Tisch für eine Person bitte  – A table for one, please

#28 Ein Tisch für zwei Personen, bitte  – A table for two, please

#29 Haben Sie schon auf? – Are you open yet?

#30 Können wir (auf einen Tisch) warten? – Can we wait (for a table)?

#31 Können wir dort sitzen? – Can we sit over there?

#32 Entschuldigung! – Excuse me! [Calling a waiter]

#33 Was empfehlen Sie? – What do you recommend?

#34 Was ist das beliebteste Gericht? – What's your most popular dish?

#35 Was ist das? – What is this?

#36 Was für Bier haben Sie?  – What type of beer do you have?

#37 Ein kleines Bier bitte  – A small beer, please

#38 Ein großes Bier bitte  – A large beer, please

#39 Bringen Sie mir bitte eine Auswahl von leckeren Sachen  – Please bring me a selection of nice things

#40 Bitte wählen Sie etwas  – It's up to you / You can decide

#41 Die Rechnung, bitte  – The bill, please

#42 Kann ich bitte die Speisekarte haben? – Can I have the menu, please?

By the way, if you're interested in food and drink as it relates to German culture, take a look at this post about Oktoberfest, the world-famous Bavarian beer festival. 

german transport

There are lots of practicalities to consider when taking a trip to Germany, including finding your way around. Finding the right train or bus on time isn’t always easy and you don’t want to end up being the ‘foreigner’ who is holding up the ticket queue!

In this section, you’ll learn some key transport phrases that will help you quickly and easily navigate your way around any German-speaking city or country.

#43 Ich möchte nach _____  – I want to go to

#44 Wann fährt der nächste Zug / Bus nach _____? – What time is the next train/bus to __ ?

#45 Was kostet das? – How much is it?

#46 Einmal/ zweimal (nach _____), bitte – 1 ticket / 2 tickets (to _____), please

#47 Wie lange dauert das? – How long does it take?

#48 Wohin muss ich jetzt gehen? – Where should I go now?

#49 Wann fährt er ab? – When does it leave?

#50 Wie spät ist es (jetzt)? – What time is it (now)?

#51 Hält der Zug/ Bus in _ ? – Does this train/bus stop in _____?

#52 Entschuldigen Sie, ist dies _____? – Excuse me, is this _____ ? [Useful when you're on the bus / train and are not sure when to get off]

#53 Können Sie das bitte für mich aufschreiben? – Can you write that down for me?

#54 Zeigen Sie mir das bitte auf der Karte? – Can you show me on the map?

#55 Wo ist _____ auf der Karte? – Where is _____  on the map?

german essay for beginners

Asking For Directions In German 

looking for directions

Public transport in Germany is notoriously excellent, but there are some places you'll need to walk or drive to yourself. And for most of us, that means occasionally getting lost and asking for directions!

Here are the phrases you need to ask and receive directions in German:

#56 Entschuldigung, darf ich Sie etwas fragen? –  Excuse me, could I ask you something?

#57  Ich möchte nach _____  – I want to go to _ [If you know the name of your destination]

#58  Ich möchte dahin  – I want to go here [Pointing to your destination on the map]

#59 Ich habe mich verlaufen  – I'm lost (on foot)

#60 Ich habe mich verfahren  – I'm lost (by car)

#61 Wie komme ich dahin? – How can I get there?

#62 Geht es hier lang? – Is it this way? [Useful for checking if you're walking in the right direction]

#63 Zeigen Sie mir das bitte auf der Karte? – Can you show me on the map?

#64 Wo ist __? – Where is _ ?

Shopping And Grabbing A Bargain In German

shopping in German

Whether you're at the supermarket, the shopping centre or the local farmer's market you're going to buy things at some point or another!

And even haggle a bit –  just like you would in English. Grab a bargain in German with these sentences. 

#65  Das gefällt mir  – I like this

#66 Was kostet das? – How much is this?

#67 Bitte wiederholen Sie das  – Can you say that again please?

#68 Schreiben Sie das bitte für mich auf? – Can you write that down for me?

#69 Und wenn ich das alles kaufe? – If I buy these together? [A useful way to knock the price down]

#70 Das ist mir zu teuer  – it's too expensive for me

#71 Geben Sie mir einen Rabatt? – Can you give me a discount?

#72  Ich suche nach _____  – I'm looking for a _____

#73  Ich schaue mich nur um – I'm just looking around

#74 Danke, ich suche noch weiter  – Thank you, I'll keep looking [if you're getting hassled to buy something]

#75 Moment, bitte  – Just a moment

#76 Ja, bitte  – Yes, please

#77 Nein, danke  – No, thanks

Dealing With Medical Emergencies In German 

german medical emergency

Hopefully, you'll never need the phrases in this section! Nonetheless, it's always good to know some basic medical vocabulary so that you can handle an emergency if you're unwell or have an accident.

#78 Können Sie mir bitte helfen? – Can you help me, please?

#79 Ich brauche einen Arzt  – I need to see a doctor

#80  Es geht mir nicht gut – I do not feel well

#81  Es geht ihm/ihr nicht gut – he / she does not feel well

#82 Gibt es ein Krankenhaus in der Nähe? – Is there a hospital near here?

#83 Fahren Sie mich bitte zum Krankenhaus  – Take me to the hospital [To a taxi driver]

#84 Es tut hier weh  – It hurts here [pointing to body part]

#85 Ich brauche Medizin  – I need some medicine

Finding Hidden Gems In German-Speaking Countries 

german cafe

I've included a couple of questions you can ask the locals, so you can find the hidden gems in their cities and have a more authentic German experience!

#86 Es tut mir leid, Sie zu stören, aber…  – I'm sorry to bother you, but …

#87 Kann ich Sie schnell etwas fragen? – Could I ask you something quickly?

#88 Ich suche ein Restaurant mit gutem Essen hier in der Nähe  – I'm looking for a place with good food around here

#89  Ich suche ein nettes Café in der Nähe  – I'm looking for a nice cafe in the area

#90 Wissen Sie etwas über _____?  – Do you know anything about _____ ?

#91 Gibt es hier in der Nähe etwas Interessantes zu sehen? – Is there anything interesting to see in this area?

#92 Trotzdem danke  – Thank you anyway [if the person can not help you]

Your Next Steps In German

German Uncovered Course 800px

So there you have it: a collection of German expressions to help you get started on your new adventure!

With these phrases in your back pocket, you'll soon find yourself having your first basic conversations and getting excited about continuing to improve your German .

So now that you've learned the basics, are you ready to take the next step in your German adventure?

I'm a big believer in the power of story to enable you to learn a language . That's why I've created an entire beginner course to help you learn German online by immersing yourself in a compelling story.

It's my German Uncovered course, and it's designed to take you from beginner to B1 Intermediate level.

Click here for more information on the course and how it'll help you.

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  1. Learning To Speak German Free Essay Example

    german essay for beginners

  2. german grammar printable cheat sheet for beginners

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  3. Useful+German+Essay+Writing+Phrases.docx

    german essay for beginners

  4. How To Write An Essay In German

    german essay for beginners

  5. 50 Useful German Essay Words and Phrases

    german essay for beginners

  6. AS German essay writing check list

    german essay for beginners


  1. About Myself. English Beginner A1 #beginnerA1

  2. German Essay on Holidays

  3. Essay for Beginners // THE AEROPLANE // English Essay //

  4. Master Everyday German: 90 Essential Conversations for Beginners

  5. Basic German Phrases for Beginners 🇩🇪

  6. 25 Useful German Phrases for Beginners and Advanced Beginners


  1. Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language

    The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German. So why not try writing one of these essays today and see how much progress you can make in your ...

  2. 50 Useful German Essay Words and Phrases

    50 Useful German Essay Words and Phrases. Essay-writing is in itself already a difficult endeavor. Now writing an essay in a foreign language like German ---that's on a different plane of difficulty. To make it easier for you, here in this article, we've compiled the most useful German essay phrases. Feel free to use these to add a dash of ...

  3. 24 German Essay Phrases

    The Different Types of German Essays. How to Write an Essay in German in 4 Steps. 1. Write down a list of words. 2. Do your research. 3. Make an outline using transition words. 4.

  4. Free German Essay on "My Town" (Meine Stadt)

    Essay Examples. 1. "My Small Town" (" Meine Kleinstadt ") Die Stadt, in der ich wohne, ist ziemlich klein. Sie hat nur 45.000 Einwohner und ist umgeben von Landwirtschaft und Wäldern. Wir haben auch einen schönen See, welcher im Sommer eine große Attraktion ist, und viele Turisten machen hier dann Urlaub.

  5. German Essay Phrases: 24 Useful Expressions To Write Essay

    1. Erstens - Firstly. This German essay phrase is used to introduce the first point in your essay. Erstens werden wir die Hauptargumente diskutieren. [Firstly, we will discuss the main arguments.] 2. Zweitens - Secondly. Normally, this phrase is there for you when you want to introduce the second point in a structured manner.

  6. Mein Haus: Free German Essay on My House

    I live in a two-bedroom flat on the top floor of a multi-story building with my family. Besides the two bedrooms, we have a small living room, a large kitchen with a seating corner and a bird cage, a long and narrow corridor, and one bathroom. In the bathroom, there is a sink, a bathtub, and a toilet.

  7. German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

    Read Also: Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills. der Bruder (dêr brooh-der) (brother) der Cousin (dêr kooh-zen) (male cousin) ... If you have a big family, this example may help you with your German essay: Meine Familie ist sehr groß. Ich habe zwei Schwestern, einen Bruder, drei Tanten, einen Onkel ...

  8. Essential German Essay Phrases to Elevate Your Writing

    b. Abschließend kann man sagen…. - In conclusion, one can say…. c. Letztendlich…. - Ultimately…. d. Abschließend bleibt zu sagen…. - In conclusion, it remains to be said…. Conclusion: By incorporating these 24 essential phrases into your German essays, you will elevate your writing and demonstrate a strong command of the ...

  9. Meine Familie: Free German Essays on Family

    First, you will find an example of a short essay in German. It shows you how you can describe your own family. Since every family is different, I wrote some more examples for you to choose from. After the German part follows a part in italics where I tell you in English what the German text is about. After the examples of short essays, you will ...

  10. German Writing: 5 Tips and 12 Resources

    1. Read first, write second. Before you can be a producer of prize-winning German prose, you first need to become a consumer. Pretty much all prolific writers out there are also voracious readers. So, go out and read, read, read. Material for beginners includes: Children's books. Magazines.

  11. Writing in German: The best free learning resources

    Whether recognizing words, arranging parts of sentences or practicing hyphenation - the tasks on this learning page are diverse and helpful! Improve your German writing skills for free Develop skills with fill-in-the-blank texts and other exercises. Useful learning content for beginners and advanced learners.

  12. Essay writing in German

    Essay writing in German is in itself already a difficult endeavor. Now writing an essay in a foreign language like German —that's on a different plane of difficulty. To make it easier for you, here in this article, we've compiled the most useful German essay phrases. Feel free to use these to add a dash of pizzazz into your essays.

  13. German Reading and Comprehension

    German Texts for Beginners. Here are some easy and engaging texts to practice and develop your German reading and comprehension skills. Written by experienced German language intitlestructors, these texts are specifically written to aid German students from the elementary and beginner A1 and A2 levels, as well as meeting the needs of the more advanced B1 and B2 level student.

  14. Easy German Reading

    Dive deeper into German language learning with more material from our curated collection of texts, written for learners of all levels. Immerse yourself in German culture with our beginner-friendly, interactive essays. Explore traditions, history, and contemporary life, enhancing language learning with engaging insights.

  15. German Reading: German Texts for Beginners

    40 free texts Premium: 212 texts. Experienced German teachers prepared easy articles and simple conversations in German for beginners (level A1 and A2) and intermediates (level B1 and B2) to evaluate your comprehension and leave you feeling challenged and satisfied. Just click, read, and then answer the multiple-choice questions of the ...

  16. Learn German Home Vocabulary: Essay Writing on Mein Haus

    50 German vocabulary words related to a house (Mein Haus), including their English translations and pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 5 German Essays on My House: Meine Haus. Beginner Level: Mein Haus. Mein Haus. My House. Elementary Level: Mein Haus. Mein Traumhaus.

  17. Learn How to Write Essays on Hobbies in German

    First, you will find an example of a short essay in German. It shows you how you can describe your own family. Since every family is different, I wrote some more examples for you to choose from. After the German part follows a part where I tell you in English what the German text is about. After the examples of short essays, you will find a ...

  18. Essays on "hobbies" in German

    There are many popular German hobbies that people enjoy. Some of these hobbies include playing sports, hiking, biking, and spending time outdoors. Germany is a country with a rich culture and history, so it is no surprise that its citizens enjoy spending time doing things that are both fun and educational. Playing sports is a popular German hobby.

  19. German Made Easy: Beginner's Lessons

    Learn German from scratch with this playlist of beginner's lessons. Watch engaging videos and practice essential grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

  20. 200 German Conversation Phrases for Beginners

    Let's practice the 200 phrases that beginners of German need to memorize first, along with super slow sounds read by a professional narrator!———————————————E...

  21. Free German Essay on Daily Routine: Mein Tagesablauf

    Hello, essay writers! If you know that "Mein Tagesablauf" means "my daily routine," then you have already mastered the first step to your A-plus German essay. The next step is easy: Just write down what you do every day and when you are doing it. Nothing special, just the ordinary stuff like brushing your teeth or having dinner.

  22. 92 Basic German Phrases to Survive Your First Conversations

    To get started and have your first basic conversations in German, you're going to need to learn some words! In this post, you'll learn 92 basic German phrases and words that will help you on your travels or just at home. To make it easier for you, I've divided the phrases into different categories. "I do not understand!".

  23. France's National Rally won't sit with Alternative for Germany in EU

    The French decision follows an interview with Maximilian Krah in the Italian daily La Repubblica in which the AfD lead candidate said he would "never say that anyone who wore an SS uniform was automatically a criminal," a reference to German novelist Günter Grass, who admitted late in his life to having joined the Waffen-SS as a teenager.. Anders Vistisen, a Danish far-right MEP whose ...

  24. Free Short German Essay on "My School" (Meine Schule)

    FREE German Essay on Hobbies for GCSE, High School. A new series of essays to support you with your German homework at school. They are based upon my experience working at schools in the UK. Part 2 covers the popular topic of writing about your hobby. FREE German Essay on Family: meine Familie.