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119 Genetics Research Topics You Must Know About

genetics research topics

Put simply, Genetics is the study of genes and hereditary traits in living organisms. Knowledge in this field has gone up over time, and this is proportional to the amount of research.

Right from the DNA structure discovery, a lot more has come out into the open. There are so many genetics research topics to choose from because of the wide scope of research done in recent years.

Genetics is so dear to us since it helps us understand our genes and hereditary traits. In this guide, you will get to understand this subject more and get several topic suggestions that you can consider when looking for interesting genetics topics.

Writing a paper on genetics is quite intriguing nowadays. Remember that because there are so many topics in genetics, choosing the right one is crucial. It will help you cut down on research time and the technicality of selecting content for the topic. Thus, it would matter a lot if you confirmed whether or not the topic you’re choosing has relevant sources in plenty.

What Is Genetics?

Before we even go deeper into genetics topics for research papers, it is essential to have a basic understanding of what the subject entails.

Genetics is a branch of Biology to start with. It is mainly focused on the study of genetic variation, hereditary traits, and genes.

Genetics has relations with several other subjects, including biotechnology, medicine, and agriculture. In Genetics, we study how genes act on the cell and how they’re transmitted from a parent to the offspring. In modern Genetics, the emphasis is more on DNA, which is the chemical substance found in genes. Remember that Genetics cut across animals, insects, and plants – basically any living organism there is.

Tips On How To Write A Decent Research Paper On Genetics

When planning to choose genetics topics, you should also make time and learn how to research. After all, this is the only way you can gather the information that will help you come up with the content for the paper. Here are some tips that can bail you out whenever you feel stuck:

Choosing the topic, nonetheless, is not an easy thing for many students. There are just so many options present, and often, you get spoilt for choice. But note that this is an integral stage/process that you have to complete. Do proper research on the topic and choose the kind of information that you’d like to apply.

Choose a topic that has enough sources academically. Also, choosing interesting topics in genetics is a flex that can help you during the writing process.

On the web, there’s a myriad of information that often can become deceiving. Amateurs try their luck to put together several pieces of information in a bid to try and convince you that they are the authority on the subject. Many students become gullible to such tricks and end up writing poorly in Genetics.

Resist the temptation to look for an easy way of gaining sources/information. You have to take your time and dig up information from credible resources. Otherwise, you’ll look like a clown in front of your professor with laughable Genetics content.

Also, it is quite important that you check when your sources were updated or published. It is preferred and advised that you use recent sources that have gone under satisfactory research and assessment.

Also, add a few words to each on what you’re planning to discuss.Now, here are some of the top genetics paper topics that can provide ideas on what to write about.

Good Ideas For Genetics Topics

Here are some brilliant ideas that you can use as research paper topics in the Genetics field:

  • Is the knowledge of Genetics ahead of replication and research?
  • What would superman’s genetics be like?
  • DNA molecules and 3D printing – How does it work?
  • How come people living in mountainous regions can withstand high altitudes?
  • How to cross genes in distinct animals.
  • Does gene-crossing really help to improve breeds or animals?
  • The human body’s biggest intriguing genetic contradictions
  • Are we still far away from achieving clones?
  • How close are we to fully cloning human beings?
  • Can genetics really help scientists to secure various treatments?
  • Gene’s regulation – more details on how they can be regulated.
  • Genetic engineering and its functioning.
  • What are some of the most fascinating facts in the field of Genetics?
  • Can you decipher genetic code?
  • Cancer vaccines and whether or not they really work.
  • Revealing the genetic pathways that control how proteins are made in a bacterial cell.
  • How food affects the human body’s response to and connection with certain plants’ and animals’ DNA.

Hot Topics In Genetics

In this list are some of the topics that raise a lot of attention and interest from the masses. Choose the one that you’d be interested in:

  • The question of death: Why do men die before women?
  • Has human DNA changed since the evolution process?
  • How much can DNA really change?
  • How much percentage of genes from the father goes to the child?
  • Does the mother have a higher percentage of genes transferred to the child?
  • Is every person unique in terms of their genes?
  • How does genetics make some of us alike?
  • Is there a relationship between diets and genetics?
  • Does human DNA resemble any other animal’s DNA?
  • Sleep and how long you will live on earth: Are they really related?
  • Does genetics or a healthy lifestyle dictate how long you’ll live?
  • Is genetics the secret to long life on earth?
  • How much does genetics affect your life’s quality?
  • The question on ageing: Does genetics have a role to play?
  • Can one push away certain diseases just by passing a genetic test?
  • Is mental illness continuous through genes?
  • The relationship between Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and the DNA.

Molecular Genetics Topics

Here is a list of topics to help you get a better understanding of Molecular genetics:

  • Mutation of genes and constancy.
  • What can we learn more about viruses, bacteria, and multicellular organisms?
  • A study on molecular genetics: What does it involve?
  • The changing of genetics in bacteria.
  • What is the elucidation of the chemical nature of a gene?
  • Prokaryotes genetics: Why does this take a centre stage in the genetics of microorganisms?
  • Cell study: How this complex assessment has progressed.
  • What tools can scientists wield in cell study?
  • A look into the DNA of viruses.
  • What can the COVID-19 virus help us to understand about genetics?
  • Examining molecular genetics through chemical properties.
  • Examining molecular genetics through physical properties.
  • Is there a way you can store genetic information?
  • Is there any distinction between molecular levels and subcellular levels?
  • Variability and inheritance: What you need to note about living things at the molecular level.
  • The research and study on molecular genetics: Key takeaways.
  • What scientists can do within the confines of molecular genetics?
  • Molecular genetics research and experiments: What you need to know.
  • What is molecular genetics, and how can you learn about it?

Human Genetics Research Topics

Human genetics is an interesting field that has in-depth content. Some topics here will jog your brain and invoke curiosity in you. However, if you have difficulty writing a scientific thesis , you can always contact us for help.

  • Can you extend your life by up to 100% just by gaining more understanding of the structure of DNA?
  • What programming can you do with the help of DNA?
  • Production of neurotransmitters and hormones through DNA.
  • Is there something that you can change in the human body?
  • What is already predetermined in the human body?
  • Do genes capture and secure information on someone’s mentality?
  • Vaccines and their effect on the DNA.
  • What’s the likelihood that a majority of people on earth have similar DNA?
  • Breaking of the myostatin gene: What impact does it have on the human body?
  • Is obesity passed genetically?
  • What are the odds of someone being overweight when the rest of his lineage is obese?
  • A better understanding of the relationship between genetics and human metabolism.
  • The truths and myths engulfing human metabolism and genetics.
  • Genetic tests on sports performance: What you need to know.
  • An insight on human genetics.
  • Is there any way that you can prevent diseases that are transmitted genetically?
  • What are some of the diseases that can be passed from one generation to the next through genetics?
  • Genetic tests conducted on a person’s country of origin: Are they really accurate?
  • Is it possible to confirm someone’s country of origin just by analyzing their genes?

Current Topics in Genetics

A list to help you choose from all the most relevant topics:

  • DNA-altering experiments: How are scientists conducting them?
  • How important is it to educate kids about genetics while they’re still in early learning institutions?
  • A look into the genetics of men and women: What are the variations?
  • Successes and failures in the study of genetics so far.
  • What does the future of genetics compare to the current state?
  • Are there any TV series or science fiction films that showcase the future of genetics?
  • Some of the most famous myths today are about genetics.
  • Is there a relationship between genetics and homosexuality?
  • Does intelligence pass through generations?
  • What impact does genetics hold on human intelligence?
  • Do saliva and hair contain any genetic data?
  • What impact does genetics have on criminality?
  • Is it possible that most criminals inherit the trait through genetics?
  • Drug addiction and alcohol use: How close can you relate it to genetics?
  • DNA changes in animals, humans, and plants: What is the trigger?
  • Can you extend life through medication?
  • Are there any available remedies that extend a person’s life genetically?
  • Who can study genetics?
  • Is genetics only relevant to scientists?
  • The current approach to genetics study: How has it changed since ancient times?

Controversial Genetics Topics

Last, but definitely not least, are some controversial topics in genetics. These are topics that have gone through debate and have faced criticism all around. Here are some you can write a research paper about:

  • Gene therapy: Some of the ethical issues surrounding it.
  • The genetic engineering of animals: What questions have people raised about it?
  • The controversy around epigenetics.
  • The human evolution process and how it relates to genetics.
  • Gene editing and the numerous controversies around it.
  • The question on same-sex relations and genetics.
  • The use of personal genetic information in tackling forensic cases.
  • Gene doping in sports: What you need to know.
  • Gene patenting: Is it even possible?
  • Should gene testing be compulsory?
  • Genetic-based therapies and the cloud of controversy around them.
  • The dangers and opportunities that lie in genetic engineering.
  • GMOs and their impact on the health and welfare of humans.
  • At what stage in the control of human genetics do we stop to be human?
  • Food science and GMO.
  • The fight against GMOs: Why is it such a hot topic?
  • The pros and cons of genetic testing.
  • The debates around eugenics and genetics.
  • Labelling of foods with GMO: Should it be mandatory?
  • What really are the concerns around the use of GMOs?
  • The Supreme Court decision on the patent placed on gene discoveries.
  • The ethical issues surrounding nurses and genomic healthcare.
  • Cloning controversial issues.
  • Religion and genetics.
  • Behavior learning theories are pegged on genetics.
  • Countries’ war on GMOs.
  • Studies on genetic disorders.

Get Professional Help Online

Now that we have looked at the best rated topics in genetics, from interesting to controversial topics genetics, you have a clue on what to choose. These titles should serve as an example of what to select.

Nonetheless, if you need help with a thesis, we are available to offer professional and affordable thesis writing services . Our high quality college and university assignment assistance are available to all students online at a cheap rate. Get a sample to check on request and let us give you a hand when you need it most.

exercise Physiology Research Topics

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  • News & Opinion

Our Favorite Genetics Stories of 2022

This year’s stories highlight the expanding versatility of genetic techniques and the increasing utility of such research in all life science fields..

composite of images from favorite posts

Christie is a seasoned science journalist and cell and molecular biology PhD; her debut book Venomous: How Earth’s Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry , received widespread acclaim. She was a member of The Scientist ’s editorial team from 2021–2023.

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Large Scientific Collaborations Aim to Complete Human Genome

The first draft sequence of the human genome, the culmination of more than a decade of scientific effort, was published more than 20 years ago. But it’s only now that researchers may finally have the sequencing and computational tools needed to sort through the complex, repetitive sequences that were left out of that draft. Although it only represents a small portion of the genome, this missing data has prevented scientists from fully understanding the genetic basis for traits and diseases, as Brianna Chrisman and Jordan Eizenga explained in our first feature in September. “From where we stand now, the future of the human reference genome looks bright,” they concluded.

interesting research topics in genetics

Does Human Epigenetic Inheritance Deserve a Closer Look?

To date, the bulk of genetic research has focused on DNA sequences. But the 3-letter amino acid code isn’t the genome’s only language: More and more, geneticists are finding that epigenetic instructions play essential roles in evolution and disease. Whether these instructions are passed down from generation to generation, however, remains hotly debated . Some scientists argue that exposures and experiences in one’s life can spur epigenetic changes that pass to the next generation, creating a harmful ripple effect. Others remain unconvinced by the evidence to date and say much more is needed to make such strong claims. Whichever side is right, determining how epigenetics shape phenotypes and their heritability will undoubtedly contribute to a deeper understanding of human health and disease.

See “ Epigenetics May Remember Ancestors’ Mutations ”

two hands connecting with DNA around them

Horizontal Gene Transfer Happens More Often Than Anyone Thought

One of the many insights gleaned from the increasing accessibility of whole genome sequencing is that the barrier between different species’ genomes is far less firm than scientists initially imagined. While the lateral transfer of DNA occurs far less frequently in animals, plants, fungi, and protists than it does in bacteria, it has become an irrefutable fact that it does happen—and that those horizontal gene transfers can have marked impacts on evolution. “We want to think not [just] in terms of number, but also in terms of impacts,” Université Paris-Saclay evolutionary biologist Clément Gilbert told The Scientist for the July feature. “Perhaps just one transfer may have had a huge impact on the viability of some species.”

See “ Adapting with a Little Help from Jumping Genes ”

A picture of a viper set in a picture of a cow

Environmental RNA Reveals Heat Stress in Water Fleas

The field of environmental DNA (or eDNA) has exploded in recent years, with scientists now able to spot all kinds of plants and animals from the tiny traces of themselves they shed every day. But while eDNA can reveal the presence or absence of species, it can only indirectly speak to the potential causes behind shifts in communities. Environmental RNA (eRNA), on the other hand, has the potential to reveal real-time impacts such as toxin exposures and environmental stresses—as long as the molecules aren’t too fragile to be recovered and sequenced. A November 18 bioRxiv preprint reported evidence that heat stress can be observed in water flea eRNA—arguably the first evidence that eRNA is, indeed, a viable field. “There’s a lot of attention on biological monitoring, and the kinds of ways we can quickly and efficiently and noninvasively collect data,” Joanne Littlefair, a molecular ecologist at the Queen Mary University of London, told The Scientist , so it’s a “good time” for eRNA to make the leap from theory to real-world application.

A water flea (Daphnia pulex)

See “ Our Favorite Genetics Stories of 2021 ”

Illustration of active RNA molecules behind machines

Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome

Scientists have recently discovered thousands of active RNA molecules that can control the human body

Philip Ball

Two whiteflies against a green background

Stolen Bacterial Genes Helped Whiteflies to Become the Ultimate Pests

Rather than relying on bacteria, whiteflies cut out the middleman and acquired their own genes to process nitrogen

Rohini Subrahmanyam

Sugar glider, mid-air on black background

How Sugar Gliders Got Their Wings

Several marsupial species, including sugar gliders, independently evolved a way to make membranes that allow them to glide through the air

Viviane Callier

Top view of beetle.

Unraveling the Secrets of This Weird Beetle’s 48-Hour Clock

New research examines the molecular machinery behind a beetle’s strange biological cycle

Andrew Chapman

A seated woman in a courtroom holds a photo of family members

Forensic Genealogy Offers Families the Gift of Closure

The forensic scientist’s toolbox is growing thanks to creative methods that generate reliable leads, analyze evidence, identify suspects and solve cold cases

Nancy La Vigne

Plasmodium falciparum microscopic image.

Ancient Malaria Genome from Roman Skeleton Hints at Disease’s History

Genetic information from ancient Roman remains is helping to reveal how malaria has moved and evolved alongside people

Tosin Thompson, Nature magazine

Brown giant panda approaching on leafy ground.

Rare Brown Panda Mystery Solved after 40 Years

Chinese researchers have found the gene responsible for the brown-and-white fur of a handful of giant pandas

Xiaoying You, Nature magazine

Colorful DNA helix

What Do You Mean, Bisexual People Are ‘Risk-Taking’? Why Genetic Studies about Sexuality Can Be Fraught

A recent study on risk-taking and bisexuality made assumptions that some experts don’t agree with.

Tulika Bose, Lauren Leffer, Timmy Broderick

Coccyx, computer illustration

How Humans Lost Their Tails

A newly discovered genetic mechanism helped eliminate the tails of human ancestors

This Genetically Engineered Petunia Glows in the Dark and Could Be Yours for $29

The engineered “firefly petunia” emits a continuous green glow thanks to genes from a light-up mushroom

Katherine Bourzac, Nature magazine

Dalmation standing outside, head turns towards tail

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail?

Is your dog’s tail-wagging a side effect of domestication, or did humans select for it?

Tom Metcalfe

Cloned rhesus monkey in cage

Meet ReTro, the First Cloned Rhesus Monkey to Reach Adulthood

A method that provides cloned embryos with a healthy placenta has led to the first cloned rhesus monkey that has survived to adulthood and could pave the way for more research involving the primates

Miryam Naddaf, Nature magazine

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122 The Best Genetics Research Topics For Projects

genetics research topics

The study of genetics takes place across different levels of the education system in academic facilities all around the world. It is an academic discipline that seeks to explain the mechanism of heredity and genes in living organisms. First discovered back in the 1850s, the study of genetics has come a pretty long way, and it plays such an immense role in our everyday lives. Therefore, when you are assigned a genetics research paper, you should pick a topic that is not only interesting to you but one that you understand well.

Choosing Research Topics in Genetics

Even for the most knowledgeable person in the room, choosing a genetics topic for research papers can be, at times, a hectic experience. So we put together a list of some of the most exciting top in genetics to make the endeavor easier for you. However, note, while all the topics we’ve listed below will enable you to write a unique genetic project, remember what you choose can make or break your paper. So again, select a topic that you are both interested and knowledgeable on, and that has plenty of research materials to use. Without further ado, check out the topics below.

Interesting Genetics Topics for your Next Research Paper

  • Genes and DNA: write a beginners’ guide to genetics and its applications
  • Factors that contribute or/and cause genetic mutations
  • Genetics and obesity, what do you need to know?
  • Describe RNA information
  • Is there a possibility of the genetic code being confidential?
  • Are there any living cells present in the gene?
  • Cancer and genetics
  • Describe the role of genetics in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease
  • What is the gene
  • Is there a link between genetics and Parkinson’s disease? Explain your answer.
  • Replacement of genes and artificial chromosomes
  • Explain genetic grounds for obesity
  • Development and disease; how can genetics dissect the developing process
  • Analyzing gene expression – RNA
  • Gene interaction; eye development
  • Advances and developments in nanotechnology to enable therapeutic methods for the treatment of HIV and AIDS.
  • Isolating and identifying the cancer treatment activity of special organic metal compounds.
  • Analyzing the characteristics in certain human genes that can withstand heavy metals.
  • A detailed analysis of genotypes that is both sensitive and able to endure heavy metals.
  • Isolating special growth-inducing bacteria that can assist crops during heavy metal damage and identifying lipid directing molecules for escalating heavy metal endurance in plants.

Hot and Controversial Topics in Genetics

  • Is there a link between genetics and homosexuality? Explain your answer
  • Is it ethical and morally upright to grow human organs
  • Can DNA changes beat aging
  • The history and development of human cloning science
  • How addictive substances alter our genes
  • Are genetically modified foods safe for human and animal consumption?
  • Is depression a genetically based condition?
  • Genetic diagnosis of the fetus
  • Genetic analysis of the DNA structure
  • What impact does cloning have on future generations?
  • What is the link between genetics and autism?
  • Can artificial insemination have any sort of genetic impact on a person?
  • The advancements in genetic research and the bioethics that come with them.
  • Is human organ farming a possibility today?
  • Can genetics allow us to design and build a human to our specifications?
  • Is it ethical to try and tamper with human genetics in any way?

Molecular Genetics Topics

  • Molecular techniques: How to analyze DNA(including genomes), RNA as well as proteins
  • Stem cells describe their potential and shortcomings
  • Describe molecular and genome evolution
  • Describe DNA as the agent of heredity
  • Explain the power of targeted mutagenesis
  • Bacteria as a genetic system
  • Explain how genetic factors increase cancer susceptibility
  • Outline and describe recent advances in molecular cancer genetics
  • Does our DNA sequencing have space for more?
  • Terminal illness and DNA.
  • Does our DNA determine our body structure?
  • What more can we possibly discover about DNA?

Genetic Engineering Topics

  • Define gene editing, and outline key gene-editing technologies, explaining their impact on genetic engineering
  • The essential role the human microbiome plays in preventing diseases
  • The principles of genetic engineering
  • Project on different types of cloning
  • What is whole genome sequencing
  • Explain existing studies on DNA-modified organisms
  • How cloning can impact medicine
  • Does our genetics hold the key to disease prevention?
  • Can our genetics make us resistant to certain bacteria and viruses?
  • Why our genetics plays a role in chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Is it possible to create an organism in a controlled environment with genetic engineering?
  • Would cloning lead to new advancements in genetic research?
  • Is there a possibility to enhance human DNA?
  • Why do we share DNA with so many other animals on the planet?
  • Is our DNA still evolving or have reached our biological limit?
  • Can human DNA be manipulated on a molecular or atomic level?
  • Do we know everything there is to know about our DNA, or is there more?

Controversial Human Genetic Topics

  • Who owns the rights to the human genome
  • Is it legal for parents to order genetically perfect children
  • is genetic testing necessary
  • What is your stand on artificial insemination vs. ordinary pregnancy
  • Do biotech companies have the right to patent human genes
  • Define the scope of the accuracy of genetic testing
  • Perks of human genetic engineering
  • Write about gene replacement and its relationship to artificial chromosomes.
  • Analyzing DNA and cloning
  • DNA isolation and nanotechnology methods to achieve it.
  • Genotyping of African citizens.
  • Greatly mutating Y-STRs and the isolated study of their genetic variation.
  • The analytical finding of indels and their genetic diversity.

DNA Research Paper Topics

The role and research of DNA are so impactful today that it has a significant effect on our daily lives today. From health care to medication and ethics, over the last few decades, our knowledge of DNA has experienced a lot of growth. A lot has been discovered from the research of DNA and genetics.

Therefore, writing a good research paper on DNA is quite the task today. Choosing the right topic can make things a lot easier and interesting for writing your paper. Also, make sure that you have reliable resources before you begin with your paper.

  • Can we possibly identify and extract dinosaur DNA?
  • Is the possibility of cloning just around the corner?
  • Is there a connection between the way we behave and our genetic sequence?
  • DNA research and the environment we live in.
  • Does our DNA sequencing have something to do with our allergies?
  • The connection between hereditary diseases and our DNA.
  • The new perspectives and complications that DNA can give us.
  • Is DNA the reason all don’t have similar looks?
  • How complex human DNA is.
  • Is there any sort of connection between our DNA and cancer susceptibility and resistance?
  • What components of our DNA affect our decision-making and personality?
  • Is it possible to create DNA from scratch under the right conditions?
  • Why is carbon such a big factor in DNA composition?
  • Why is RNA something to consider in viral research and its impact on human DNA?
  • Can we detect defects in a person’s DNA before they are born?

Genetics Topics For Presentation

The subject of genetics can be quite broad and complex. However, choosing a topic that you are familiar with and is unique can be beneficial to your presentation. Genetics plays an important part in biology and has an effect on everyone, from our personal lives to our professional careers.

Below are some topics you can use to set up a great genetics presentation. It helps to pick a topic that you find engaging and have a good understanding of. This helps by making your presentation clear and concise.

  • Can we create an artificial gene that’s made up of synthetic chromosomes?
  • Is cloning the next step in genetic research and engineering?
  • The complexity and significance of genetic mutation.
  • The unlimited potential and advantages of human genetics.
  • What can the analysis of an individual’s DNA tell us about their genetics?
  • Is it necessary to conduct any form of genetic testing?
  • Is it ethical to possibly own a patent to patent genes?
  • How accurate are the results of a genetics test?
  • Can hereditary conditions be isolated and eliminated with genetic research?
  • Can genetically modified food have an impact on our genetics?
  • Can genetics have a role to play in an individual’s sexuality?
  • The advantages of further genetic research.
  • The pros and cons of genetic engineering.
  • The genetic impact of terminal and neurological diseases.

Biotechnology Topics For Research Papers

As we all know, the combination of biology and technology is a great subject. Biotechnology still offers many opportunities for eager minds to make innovations. Biotechnology has a significant role in the development of modern technology.

Below you can find some interesting topics to use in your next biotechnology research paper. Make sure that your sources are reliable and engage both you and the reader.

  • Settlements that promote sustainable energy technology maintenance.
  • Producing ethanol through molasses emission treatment.
  • Evapotranspiration and its different processes.
  • Circular biotechnology and its widespread framework.
  • Understanding the genes responsible for flora response to harsh conditions.
  • Molecule signaling in plants responding to dehydration and increased sodium.
  • The genetic improvement of plant capabilities in major crop yielding.
  • Pharmacogenomics on cancer treatment medication.
  • Pharmacogenomics on hypertension treating medication.
  • The uses of nanotechnology in genotyping.
  • How we can quickly detect and identify food-connected pathogens using molecular-based technology.
  • The impact of processing technology both new and traditional on bacteria cultures linked to Aspalathus linearis.
  • A detailed analysis of adequate and renewable sorghum sources for bioethanol manufacturing in South Africa.
  • A detailed analysis of cancer treatment agents represented as special quinone compounds.
  • Understanding the targeted administering of embelin to cancerous cells.

Tips for Writing an Interesting Genetics Research Paper

All the genetics research topics above are excellent, and if utilized well, could help you come up with a killer research paper. However, a good genetics research paper goes beyond the topic. Therefore, besides choosing a topic, you are most interested in, and one with sufficient research materials ensure you

Fully Understand the Research Paper Format

You may write on the most interesting genetics topics and have a well-thought-out set of ideas, but if your work is not arranged in an engaging and readable manner, your professor is likely to dismiss it, without looking at what you’ve written. That is the last thing you need as a person seeking to score excellent grades. Therefore, before you even put pen to paper, understand what research format is required.

Keep in mind that part of understanding the paper’s format is knowing what words to use and not to use. You can contact our trustful masters to get qualified assistance.

Research Thoroughly and Create an Outline

Whichever genetics research paper topics you decide to go with, the key to having excellent results is appropriately researching it. Therefore, embark on a journey to understand your genetics research paper topic by thoroughly studying it using resources from your school’s library and the internet.

Ensure you create an outline so that you can note all the useful genetic project ideas down. A research paper outline will help ensure that you don’t forget even one important point. It also enables you to organize your thoughts. That way, writing them down in the actual genetics research paper becomes smooth sailing. In other words, a genetics project outline is more like a sketch of the paper.

Other than the outline, it pays to have an excellent research strategy. In other words, instead of looking for information on any random source you come across, it would be wise to have a step-by-step process of looking for the research information.

For instance, you could start by reading your notes to see what they have to say about the topic you’ve chosen. Next, visit your school’s library, go through any books related to your genetics research paper topic to see whether the information on your notes is correct and for additional information on the topic. Note, you can visit the library either physically or via your school’s website. Lastly, browse educational sites such as Google Scholar, for additional information. This way, you’ll start your work with a bunch of excellent genetics project ideas, and at the same time, you’ll have enjoyed every step of the research process.

Get Down to Work

Now turn the genetics project ideas on your outline into a genetics research paper full of useful and factual information.

There is no denying writing a genetics research paper is one of the hardest parts of your studies. But with the above genetics topics and writing tips to guide you, it should be a tad easier. Good luck!

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Thesis Helpers

interesting research topics in genetics

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150 Fantastic Genetics Research Topics To Write Best Thesis

genetics research topics

Studies on aging, cancer, genetics, clinical research, or disease have a thing to do with genetics. Every medical student needs this, and it doesn’t matter if you just got admission to college, are in a postgraduate study, or you’re graduating from a medical school. Genetics paper topics or topics for your essays guide you in deciding which area to focus on for your paper.

You can’t write a paper or essay out of context, which is why a custom and reliable genetics topic list can help you understand what to write about to impress your professors and get the best grades. This blog post is all about that, with recommendations on how to write an excellent paper.

What Is Genetics?

On the other hand, genes are the basic unit of inheritance. They are a transportation medium that passes features and characteristics down from ancestors to offspring. For instance, eye and hair color is a solid example of gene inheritance. If your parents are redheads, there’s a higher chance that you’ll be too.

How To Write A Good Research Paper

A good research paper heavily depends on how effectively you do your research. Research helps you understand your topic, making it easier to convey your information to the necessary audience. These are some of the essential steps to writing your paper:

Understand your topic to be able to research and express your thoughts well. Do your research and write an outline Draw up your first draft after thorough research. Remember, first drafts aren’t always perfect. Revisit your introduction, body of text, and conclusion Revise and edit Create a checklist, and see if you cross-checked all aspects Refine your paper

These steps are necessary to create an excellent paper. You also need a creative topic to whip out a fantastic paper. These are 140 genetics paper topics you can consider.

Topics In Genetics

There are hundreds of genetics topics to explore and build on to develop a well-written paper. Here are 25 of them:

  • Discuss the effects of genetics on human life.
  • How does conservation genetics affect livestock breeding?
  • Discuss the three general genetic disorders
  • Can gene mutation aid clinical malaria treatment?
  • Can genetics tests combat Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Discuss the relationship between genes and living cells.
  • Can human genetic formation be predetermined before birth?
  • Combating HIV with genetic mutation; discuss the possibility and consequences.
  • Can genetics help in treating intellectually disabled children?
  • Discuss the examples of genetic influences on human.
  • How does the environment influence human genes?
  • Analyze the characteristics and traits that are solely caused by genetic inheritance
  • Discuss the ethical implications of tampering with genetic imprints
  • Is genetic build a prerequisite for sports players?
  • How do genes affect mental health?
  • Discuss the influence of genetics on obesity
  • Is genetic mutation the anticipated cure for cancer?
  • Examine the influence of genes on human behavior
  • Thoroughly examine and discuss the importance of the five branches of genetics to the human body
  • Discuss the relationship between food security and genetics in the world economy.
  • Do genes determine a child’s character development?
  • How do scientists decipher the genetic code?
  • Examine the process of gene crossing in animals
  • Discuss gene regulation in animals and plants
  • Could genetics be the cure for numerous diseases?
  • Discuss the influence of cloning on cancer treatment.
  • Critically examine the structural syndrome and genetic influence of the long QT syndrome.
  • Discuss the possibility of using genetic mutation to strengthen bone density and avoid bone fragility.
  • Discuss the aftereffects of prenatal testing using diagnostic procedures
  • Discuss the impact of sexual dimorphisms in biomarkers; address both the metabolic and the genetic biomarkers.

Interesting Genetics Topics

There are controversial genetics topics that are interesting in nature. If you want to write engaging research papers, here are 20 interesting topics you can consider:

  • Discuss the relationship between DNA and Alzheimer
  • The benefits of genetic tests; do they save lives?
  • Analyze the impact of genetics on human aging
  • Discuss the effect of genetics on human-like longevity.
  • Analyze the unique characteristics that differentiate each human from the others.
  • Discuss the percentage of parental genes transmission to offspring; which parent passes down more genes?
  • Analyze the possibility of mental illness inheritance in relation to genetics
  • Discuss the relationship between diets and genetics
  • Examine the possibility of DNA modification
  • What is the basis of mutation?
  • Discuss the history of DNA change during human evolution
  • Is it possible to change human genes?
  • Discuss the nature of genetic influence on female
  • Examine the possibility of successful cloning in the future
  • Analyze the relationship between human genetics and allergies.
  • Discuss the ethical perspectives of genetics regarding research processes.
  • What are the current human genetics research methods?
  • Discuss the possible discovery of Dinosaur DNA in modern science.
  • Why do humans look different?
  • Does genetics influence human behavior?
  • Healthy living and genetics: discuss the better way to ensure long life-expectancy rate in humans
  • Discuss the animals that match human DNA closely, and examine why the resemblance exists.
  • Obesity in humans; can genetics be blamed?
  • Is the male gender more immune to obesity?
  • Discuss the preventive methods against general mental illnesses.

Genetics Topics For Research Papers

You need excellent genetics research paper topics to write great essays. You can find topics on molecular genetics, transmission, and population genetics for your papers here:

  • Discuss the futuristic possibility of genetic cloning.
  • Discuss the research extent and success of the biological dark matter of the human genome.
  • Does gene inheritance influence human behavior in any way?
  • Discuss the relationship between pediatric mental research and genetics
  • Do gene characteristics affect your investing capabilities?
  • Discuss the gorilla genome; how it helped rare apes escape extinction
  • Does gene inheritance include asthma?
  • Can genetic testing help patients with bone diseases?
  • Can In-Vitro disrupt the genetic reproduction chain?
  • The influence of genomic hybridization on fruits
  • Examine the future of genetic coding
  • Discuss the methods behind genetic engineering
  • Discuss how genetics can improve an individual’s personality
  • RNA — Give an analysis of the expression and its use during the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine
  • What’s the role of clathrin function in developing new tricks for an old protein
  • Complex challenges in genetics and public health
  • Lender’s congenital amaurosis: what are the long-term consequences of gene therapy?
  • Which framework is used to create a relative estimate of pathogenicity in human genetic variants?
  • Osteoporosis: assess how genetic mutations help in the severe bone disease
  • Human placentae: how is mosaicism distributed?
  • Genetics engineering: what are the foremost principles to adhere to?
  • How should doctors navigate using gene therapy in altering germline traits?
  • Hyperechogenic kidneys: Explain the expected outcome of prenatally diagnosed kidneys
  • Cancer vaccine: assess their efficacy based on quantitative data
  • DNA modules: What’s the role of 3D printing?

Genetics Topics For Presentation

If you’re writing a class presentation, and are skeptical about the best topic to choose. These are ten superb genetics topics up for grabs:

  • Discuss the science behind gene replacement
  • Examine the impact of genetics on diseases
  • Can genes form an immunity barrier against certain germs in humans?
  • Examine the development of transgenic organisms in genetic research laboratories
  • Can genetics be used to fight against Parkinson’s disease?
  • Analyze and compare the animal DNA to humans, using high compatibility animals like cows in the process
  • Is cloning the next genetic trend?
  • Discuss the influence of epigenetics on cocaine addiction
  • Are genetics the driving force of evolution?
  • Discuss Cystic fibrosis as a genetic disorder

Controversial Topics In Genetics

Genetics holds several disputations among scientists. If you want a debatable paper that’ll introduce and solve controversies. Here are 15 controversial topics genetics branches offer you:

  • Discuss the ethical beliefs surrounding gene therapy.
  • Will cloning produce a negative outcome in the future?
  • Examine the debate regarding artificial insemination and natural pregnancy
  • Are genetic tests 100% accurate?
  • Would you consider parent changing their children’s DNA before their birth an ethical practice?
  • Should human organs be grown?
  • Should genetic testing be conducted, or deemed unethical due to processes and outcomes?
  • Discuss the controversy surrounding a bioethics revolution
  • Discuss the religious beliefs on creating a perfect child
  • Are patients’ data at stake during human genetics research?
  • Explain the risk of discrimination that might come with genetics science
  • Examine the hospital’s right to patent human genetics, with or without patients’ discretion.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of human genome research
  • Discuss the ethical implications of gene editing
  • Can cloning cause lethal defects in humans and animals?

Hot Topics In Genetics

Numerous interesting topics in genetics are bound to tickle your fancy. If you want to write about the current medical situation in genetics, you can pick from any of these 15 topics:

  • Are genetically modified foods safe for consumption?
  • Discuss the genetic structure and symptoms of Huntington’s Chorea disease
  • What are the implications of DNA research?
  • Discuss the process of DNA alterations in plants
  • What factors determine mutation in animals’ and plants’ DNA
  • Can mental intelligence be genetically implanted?
  • Discuss the unproven superstition about genetics
  • Does genetics have any influence on homosexuality?
  • What differentiates the genetic build of men and women?
  • Why do women live longer than men?
  • Is foundational genetics knowledge necessary in the high school curriculum?
  • Will the human genome project do humanity good or bad?
  • Discuss the process of RNA formation
  • Can offspring inherit mutated genes?
  • Discuss the science between blood groups.

Human Genetics Topics

Human genetics studies gene inheritance in humans. You can find research titles in areas like cytogenetics, genomics, clinical genetics, and genetics counseling here, as well as appropriate biology topics to write about . These topics will give you solid research ideas and a perfectly formulated paper:

  • Discuss the kinds of genetically transmitted diseases
  • Discuss the effects of myostatin deficiency in humans
  • Discuss the predetermined characteristics of humans compared to those that can be changed.
  • How to program with DNA
  • Discuss the social and legal issues regarding genetic testing in your country
  • Analyze the pharmacogenetics of alcohol abuse
  • Provide insights into diseases that are discovered from family-based genomic studies.
  • Discuss the implications of transmission genetics
  • Explain the science behind the carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Does genetic mutation affect reproduction in humans?
  • Can you determine a person’s state of origin through genes?
  • Discuss the prevention of genetically transmitted diseases
  • Can DNA restructuring extend life expectancy?
  • Discuss the controversy between human metabolism and genetics
  • Do incestual relationships create malfunctioning genes?
  • Discuss several genetic issues that plague the human body.
  • Critically examine and explain the effect of Drosophila Melanogaster in genetics.
  • Does genetic inheritance affect crime rates in a country?
  • Discuss the negative impact of genetics on the human race
  • Why are humans mortal?

Molecular Genetics Topics

Molecular genetics studies the structure of the DNA, its expression, and its replication, including its influence on the human body. You can choose any of these current topics in genetics to write a fantastic paper on molecular genetics;

  • Discuss the experimental process of molecular genetics
  • Examine the process involved in gene information storage
  • Discuss the genetic formation and mutation in bacteria based on practical samples from any accessible laboratories
  • Identify the differentiation factors at molecular and structural levels.
  • Examine the simple and complex learning process of molecular genetics and how it contributes to the broader spectrum of the subject
  • Examine the process of gene mutation
  • Examine the study of the viral DNA
  • Analyze the process of predicting potential prostate cancer with a polygenic score
  • Discuss the possibility of paternal transmission of congenital myotonic dystrophy to an offspring.
  • Discuss the gene mutation processes in breast cancer

Get Help With Genetics Research

The magic to writing well-constructed essays is thorough research, good expression skills, going through examples online, following the required format, and, most importantly, choosing the best topic. We’ve made that easy with 150 genetics topics you can choose to create exceptional essays in return.

Although this is possible, it can be challenging to source these necessary features alone. That’s where we come in. If you’d like to write an outstanding, best-rated, error-free paper, you can get help with research papers online. We are a group of professional writers with years of writing and research experience. We provide thesis help and full-essay papers with high-quality information for college and university students at a cheap and affordable price.

We write high-quality essays, and we deliver them fast. All you need to do is give us the content of your assignment and other necessary details, including the deadline and your opinions on how you want it executed. You can send a message saying “I need help to write my thesis ” to us online to get an originally written sample at a cheap price.

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Research Topics & Ideas

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Research topics and ideas about biotechnology and genetic engineering

If you’re just starting out exploring biotechnology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan  to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Biotechnology Research Topic Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of biotech and genetic engineering-related research topics ideas. These are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • Developing CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing techniques for treating inherited blood disorders.
  • The use of biotechnology in developing drought-resistant crop varieties.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing biofuel production efficiency.
  • Investigating the potential of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine for spinal cord injuries.
  • Developing gene therapy approaches for the treatment of rare genetic diseases.
  • The application of biotechnology in creating biodegradable plastics from plant materials.
  • The use of gene editing to enhance nutritional content in staple crops.
  • Investigating the potential of microbiome engineering in treating gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The role of genetic engineering in vaccine development, with a focus on mRNA vaccines.
  • Biotechnological approaches to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Developing genetically engineered organisms for bioremediation of polluted environments.
  • The use of gene editing to create hypoallergenic food products.
  • Investigating the role of epigenetics in cancer development and therapy.
  • The application of biotechnology in developing rapid diagnostic tools for infectious diseases.
  • Genetic engineering for the production of synthetic spider silk for industrial use.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving animal health and productivity in agriculture.
  • The use of gene editing in creating organ donor animals compatible with human transplantation.
  • Developing algae-based bioreactors for carbon capture and biofuel production.
  • The role of biotechnology in enhancing the shelf life and quality of fresh produce.
  • Investigating the ethics and social implications of human gene editing technologies.
  • The use of CRISPR technology in creating models for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Biotechnological approaches for the production of high-value pharmaceutical compounds.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing pest-resistant crops.
  • Investigating the potential of gene therapy in treating autoimmune diseases.
  • Developing biotechnological methods for producing environmentally friendly dyes.

Research topic evaluator

Biotech & GE Research Topic Ideas (Continued)

  • The use of genetic engineering in enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Biotechnological innovations in creating sustainable aquaculture practices.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing non-invasive prenatal genetic testing methods.
  • Genetic engineering for the development of novel enzymes for industrial applications.
  • Investigating the potential of xenotransplantation in addressing organ donor shortages.
  • The use of biotechnology in creating personalised cancer vaccines.
  • Developing gene editing tools for combating invasive species in ecosystems.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving the nutritional quality of plant-based proteins.
  • The application of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of renewable energy sources.
  • Investigating the role of biotechnology in creating advanced wound care materials.
  • The use of CRISPR for targeted gene activation in regenerative medicine.
  • Biotechnological approaches to enhancing the sensory qualities of plant-based meat alternatives.
  • Genetic engineering for improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing treatments for rare metabolic disorders.
  • Investigating the use of gene therapy in age-related macular degeneration.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing allergen-free nuts.
  • Biotechnological innovations in the production of sustainable and eco-friendly textiles.
  • The use of gene editing in studying and treating sleep disorders.
  • Developing biotechnological solutions for the management of plastic waste.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of essential vitamins in crops.
  • Biotechnological approaches to the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
  • The use of gene therapy in treating muscular dystrophy.
  • Investigating the potential of biotechnology in reversing environmental degradation.
  • The application of genetic engineering in improving the shelf life of vaccines.
  • Biotechnological strategies for enhancing the efficiency of mineral extraction in mining.

Recent Biotech & GE-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in biotech, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the biotech space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Genetic modifications associated with sustainability aspects for sustainable developments (Sharma et al., 2022)
  • Review On: Impact of Genetic Engineering in Biotic Stresses Resistance Crop Breeding (Abebe & Tafa, 2022)
  • Biorisk assessment of genetic engineering — lessons learned from teaching interdisciplinary courses on responsible conduct in the life sciences (Himmel et al., 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering Technologies for Improving Crop Yield and Quality (Ye et al., 2022)
  • Legal Aspects of Genetically Modified Food Product Safety for Health in Indonesia (Khamdi, 2022)
  • Innovative Teaching Practice and Exploration of Genetic Engineering Experiment (Jebur, 2022)
  • Efficient Bacterial Genome Engineering throughout the Central Dogma Using the Dual-Selection Marker tetAOPT (Bayer et al., 2022)
  • Gene engineering: its positive and negative effects (Makrushina & Klitsenko, 2022)
  • Advances of genetic engineering in streptococci and enterococci (Kurushima & Tomita, 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering of Immune Evasive Stem Cell-Derived Islets (Sackett et al., 2022)
  • Establishment of High-Efficiency Screening System for Gene Deletion in Fusarium venenatum TB01 (Tong et al., 2022)
  • Prospects of chloroplast metabolic engineering for developing nutrient-dense food crops (Tanwar et al., 2022)
  • Genetic research: legal and ethical aspects (Rustambekov et al., 2023). Non-transgenic Gene Modulation via Spray Delivery of Nucleic Acid/Peptide Complexes into Plant Nuclei and Chloroplasts (Thagun et al., 2022)
  • The role of genetic breeding in food security: A review (Sam et al., 2022). Biotechnology: use of available carbon sources on the planet to generate alternatives energy (Junior et al., 2022)
  • Biotechnology and biodiversity for the sustainable development of our society (Jaime, 2023) Role Of Biotechnology in Agriculture (Shringarpure, 2022)
  • Plants That Can be Used as Plant-Based Edible Vaccines; Current Situation and Recent Developments (İsmail, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Taking RNAi from interesting science to impactful new treatments

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A rendering shows the green mRNA strand enclosed in the larger white RISC object. An orange strand is also in the white object.

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A rendering shows the green mRNA strand enclosed in the larger white RISC object. An orange strand is also in the white object.

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There are many hurdles to clear before a research discovery becomes a life-changing treatment for patients. That’s especially true when the treatments being developed represent an entirely new class of medicines. But overcoming those obstacles can revolutionize our ability to treat diseases.

Few companies exemplify that process better than Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. Alnylam was founded by a group of MIT-affiliated researchers who believed in the promise of a technology — RNA interference, or RNAi.

The researchers had done foundational work to understand how RNAi, which is a naturally occurring process, works to silence genes through the degradation of messenger RNA. But it was their decision to found Alnylam in 2002 that attracted the funding and expertise necessary to turn their discoveries into a new class of medicines. Since that decision, Alnylam has made remarkable progress taking RNAi from an interesting scientific discovery to an impactful new treatment pathway.

Today Alnylam has five medicines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (one Alnylam-discovered RNAi therapeutic is licensed to Novartis) and a rapidly expanding clinical pipeline. The company’s approved medicines are for debilitating, sometimes fatal conditions that many patients have grappled with for decades with few other options.

The company estimates its treatments helped more than 5,000 patients in 2023 alone. Behind that number are patient stories that illustrate how Alnylam has changed lives. A mother of three says Alnylam’s treatments helped her take back control of her life after being bed-ridden with attacks associated with the rare genetic disease acute intermittent porphyria (AIP). Another patient reported that one of the company’s treatments helped her attend her daughter’s wedding. A third patient, who had left college due to frequent AIP attacks, was able to return to school.

These days Alnylam is not the only company developing RNAi-based medicines. But it is still a pioneer in the field, and the company’s founders — MIT Institute Professor Phil Sharp, Professor David Bartel, Professor Emeritus Paul Schimmel, and former MIT postdocs Thomas Tuschl and Phillip Zamore — see Alnylam as a champion for the field more broadly.

“Alnylam has published more than 250 scientific papers over 20 years,” says Sharp, who currently serves as chair of Alnylam’s scientific advisory board. “Not only did we do the science, not only did we translate it to benefit patients, but we also described every step. We established this as a modality to treat patients, and I’m very proud of that record.”

Pioneering RNAi development

MIT’s involvement in RNAi dates back to its discovery. Before Andrew Fire PhD ’83 shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery of RNAi in 1998, he worked on understanding how DNA was transcribed into RNA, as a graduate student in Sharp’s lab.

After leaving MIT, Fire and collaborators showed that double-stranded RNA could be used to silence specific genes in worms. But the biochemical mechanisms that allowed double-stranded RNA to work were unknown until MIT professors Sharp, Bartel, and Ruth Lehmann, along with Zamore and Tuschl, published foundational papers explaining the process. The researchers developed a system for studying RNAi and showed how RNAi can be controlled using different genetic sequences. Soon after Tuschl left MIT, he showed that a similar process could also be used to silence specific genes in human cells, opening up a new frontier in studying genes and ultimately treating diseases.

“Tom showed you could synthesize these small RNAs, transfect them into cells, and get a very specific knockdown of the gene that corresponded to that the small RNAs,” Bartel explains. “That discovery transformed biological research. The ability to specifically knockdown a mammalian gene was huge. You could suddenly study the function of any gene you were interested in by knocking it down and seeing what happens. … The research community immediately started using that approach to study the function of their favorite genes in mammalian cells.”

Beyond illuminating gene function, another application came to mind.

“Because almost all diseases are related to genes, could we take these small RNAs and silence genes to treat patients?” Sharp remembers wondering.

To answer the question, the researchers founded Alnylam in 2002. (They recruited Schimmel, a biotech veteran, around the same time.) But there was a lot of work to be done before the technology could be tried in patients. The main challenge was getting RNAi into the cytoplasm of the patients’ cells.

“Through work in Dave Bartel and Phil Sharp's lab, among others, it became evident that to make RNAi into therapies, there were three problems to solve: delivery, delivery, and delivery,” says Alnylam Chief Scientific Officer Kevin Fitzgerald, who has been with the company since 2005.

Early on, Alnylam collaborated with MIT drug delivery expert and Institute Professor Bob Langer. Eventually, Alnylam developed the first lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that could be used to encase RNA and deliver it into patient cells. LNPs were later used in the mRNA vaccines for Covid-19.

“Alnylam has invested over 20 years and more than $4 billion in RNAi to develop these new therapeutics,” Sharp says. “That is the means by which innovations can be translated to the benefit of society.”

From scientific breakthrough to patient bedside

Alnylam received its first FDA approval in 2018 for treatment of the polyneuropathy of hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis, a rare and fatal disease. It doubled as the first RNAi therapeutic to reach the market and the first drug approved to treat that condition in the United States.

“What I keep in mind is, at the end of the day for certain patients, two months is everything,” Fitzgerald says. “The diseases that we’re trying to treat progress month by month, day by day, and patients can get to a point where nothing is helping them. If you can move their disease by a stage, that’s huge.”

Since that first treatment, Alnylam has updated its RNAi delivery system — including by conjugating small interfering RNAs to molecules that help them gain entry to cells — and earned approvals to treat other rare genetic diseases along with high cholesterol (the treatment licensed to Novartis). All of those treatments primarily work by silencing genes that encode for the production of proteins in the liver, which has proven to be the easiest place to deliver RNAi molecules. But Alnylam’s team is confident they can deliver RNAi to other areas of the body, which would unlock a new world of treatment possibilities. The company has reported promising early results in the central nervous system and says a phase one study last year was the first RNAi therapeutic to demonstrate gene silencing in the human brain.

“There’s a lot of work being done at Alnylam and other companies to deliver these RNAis to other tissues: muscles, immune cells, lung cells, etc.,” Sharp says. “But to me the most interesting application is delivery to the brain. We think we have a therapeutic modality that can very specifically control the activity of certain genes in the nervous system. I think that’s extraordinarily important, for diseases from Alzheimer’s to schizophrenia and depression.”

The central nervous system work is particularly significant for Fitzgerald, who watched his father struggle with Parkinson’s.

“Our goal is to be in every organ in the human body, and then combinations of organs, and then combinations of targets within individual organs, and then combinations of targets within multi-organs,” Fitzgerald says. “We’re really at the very beginning of what this technology is going do for human health.”

It’s an exciting time for the RNAi scientific community, including many who continue to study it at MIT. Still, Alnylam will need to continue executing in its drug development efforts to deliver on that promise and help an expanding pool of patients.

“I think this is a real frontier,” Sharp says. “There’s major therapeutic need, and I think this technology could have a huge impact. But we have to prove it. That’s why Alnylam exists: to pursue new science that unlocks new possibilities and discover if they can be made to work. That, of course, also why MIT is here: to improve lives.”

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  • Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
  • David Bartel
  • Department of Biology

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Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR)

Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR)

A peer-reviewed, all-electronic journal available at no charge to readers

Research Topics

Cultural evolution as a means to understand worldwide differences in the impact of the covid-19 pandemic and human health overall ( january 2022 ).

Though man has evolved very little physically and genetically since civilization arose about 5,000 years ago and even since the origins of Homo sapiens in Africa, the way in which we live has changed considerably and continues to change. The study of this process, which has its parallels in classical Darwinian evolution is called “Cultural Evolution”. An interesting and very relevant aspect of cultural evolution is how societies differ and how this affects their success, including how long and well people live. This is particularly pertinent at the moment, as we … READ MORE. 

Intelligent solutions in E-Health and Medical Communications Services (May 2021)

Vietnamese medical research (march 2021).

In 2019, Vietnam reached the 12 th position in scientific production in Asia, producing over 12,000 publications, according to the Scimago Journal & Country Rank, up from about 400 in 2000, showing a remarkable trend towards improvement. Investigators throughout the country have sought to insert Vietnam into the mainstream of world-class research. Herein, we present research concerning various areas of medical care, including autism, cardiovascular disease markers, hypertension, ischemic stroke, molecular diagnosis of cancer, neurological pathologies, novel cancer surgery techniques, and osteoporosis. This research topic special session demonstrates the diversity of medical research developed in Vietnam as well as the quality of their scientific studies. Besides adapting new techniques to local conditions, these studies demonstrate problems unique to this region of the world. We hope that this initiative helps insert Vietnam into the mainstream of international scientific investigation. We also believe that it will serve as encouragement to researchers from Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia, and those from other emerging countries, to continue to conduct and publish quality scientific investigations, so that they can effectively participate in the worldwide efforts to improve human health conditions.

The manuscripts were selected and submitted by a coalition of Vietnamese medical science researchers.

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Research Topics

The Center for Genetic Medicine’s faculty members represent 33 departments or programs across three Northwestern University schools and three Feinberg-affiliated healthcare institutions. Faculty use genetics and molecular genetic approaches to understand biological processes for a diverse range of practical and clinical applications.

Select a topic below to learn more and see a list of faculty associated with that type of research. For a full list of Center for Genetic Medicine members, visit our Members section .

  Animal Models of Human Disease

Using genetic approaches with model organisms to investigate cellular and physiological processes can lead to improved approaches for detection, prevention and treatment of human diseases.


  Bioinformatics & Statistics

Bioinformatics, a discipline that unites biology, computer science, statistical methods, and information technology, helps researchers understand how genes or parts of genes relate to other genes, and how genes interact to form networks. These studies provide insight to normal cellular functions and how these functions are disturbed by disease. Statistics is central to genetic approaches, providing quantitative support for biological observations, and statistical genetics is heavily used by laboratories performing gene and trait mapping, sequencing and genotyping, epidemiology, population genetics and risk analysis.

  Cancer Genetics and Genomics

Cancer begins with genetic changes, or mutations, that disrupt normal regulation of cell proliferation, survival and death. Inherited genetic changes contribute to the most common cancers, like breast and colon cancer, and genetic testing can help identify risks for disease. Tumors also develop additional genetic changes, or somatic mutations, that promote cancer growth and tumor metastases. These genetic changes can be readily defined through DNA and RNA sequencing. Genetic changes within a tumor can be used to develop and guide treatment options.

  Cardiovascular Genetics

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the US, and the risk of  cardiovascular disease is highly dependent inherited genetic changes. The most common forms of heart disease including heart failure, arrhythmias, and vascular disease are under heritable genetic changes. We work to identify and understand the functions of genes that affect the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as well as to understand the function of genes involved in the normal and pathological development of the heart.

  Clinical and Therapeutics

Using genetic data identifies pathways for developing new therapies and applying existing therapies. DNA sequencing and epigenetic profiling of tumors helps define the precise defects responsible for cancer progression. We use genetic signals to validate pathways for therapy development.  We are using gene editing methods to correct genetic defects. These novel strategies are used to treat patients at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.


The genomic blueprint of a single fertilized egg directs the formation of the entire organism. To understand the cellular processes that allow cells to create organs and whole animals from this blueprint, we use genetic approaches to investigate the development of model organisms and humans. Induced pluripotent stem cells can be readily generated from skin, blood or urine cells and used to mirror human developmental processes. These studies help us define how genes coordinate normal human development and the changes that occur in diseases, with the goal of improving detection, prevention and treatment of human disease.

  Epigenetics/Chromatin Structure/Gene Expression

Abnormal gene expression underlies many diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. We investigate how gene expression is regulated by chromatin structure and other regulators to understand abnormal gene expression in disease, and to learn how to manipulate gene expression for therapeutic purposes.

  Gene Editing/Gene Therapy

Gene editing tools like CRISPR/Cas can be used to directly alter the DNA code. This tool is being used to generate cell and animal models of human diseases and disease processes. Gene therapy is being used to treat human disease conditions.

  Genetic Counseling

As part of training in genetic counseling, each student completes a thesis project. These projects examine all aspects of genetic counseling ranging from family-based studies to mechanisms of genetic action. With the expansion of genetic testing, genetic counselors are now conducting research on outcomes, cost effectiveness, and quality improvement.

  Genetic Determinants of Cellular Biology

Genetic mutations ultimately change the functionality of the cells in which they are found. Mutations in genes encoding nuclear, cytoplasmic and extracellular matrix protein lead to many different human diseases, ranging from neurological and developmental disorders to cancer and heart disease. Using induced pluripotent stem cell and gene-editing technologies, it is now possible to generate and study nearly every human genetic disorder. Having cellular models of disease is necessary to develop new treatments.


Many immunological diseases, such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, scleroderma, and others have a genetic basis. We work to understand how genetic changes and misregulation contribute to immunological diseases, and use genetic approaches to investigate how the immune system functions.

  Infectious Disease/Microbiome

The susceptibility and/or pathological consequences of many infectious diseases have a genetic basis. We investigate how human genes interact with infectious diseases, and use genetic approaches to determine the interactions between pathogens and the host. Genetic tools, including deep sequencing, are most commonly used to define the microbiome as it undergoes adaptation and maladaptation to its host environment.


We work to understand how genes contribute to neurological diseases, and use genetic approaches to investigate how the nervous system functions. Epilepsy, movement disorders, and dementia are heritable and under genetic influence. Neuromuscular diseases including muscular dystrophies and myopathies arise from primary mutations and research in genetic correction is moving into human trials and drug approvals.

  Population Genetics/Epidemiology

Genetic data is increasingly available from large human populations and is advancing the population-level understanding of genetic risk. Northwestern participates in All-Of-US, which aims to build a cohort of one million citizens to expand genetic knowledge of human diseases. Race and ancestry have genetic determinants and genetic polymorphisms can help mark disease risks better than other markers of race/ancestry. We use epidemiology and population genetics to investigate the genetic basis of disease, and to assess how genetic diseases affect subgroups within broader populations.


Research is examining how germ cells are specified. We study the broad range of biology required to transmit genetic information from one generation to another, and how to facilitate the process of reproduction when difficulties arise or to avoid passing on mutant genes.

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341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best genetics topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 most interesting genetics topics to write about, ✅ good research topics about genetics, ⭐ interesting topics to write about genetics, 🔎 genetics writing prompts, ✍️ genetics essay topics for college, 📌 simple & easy genetics essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on genetics, ❓ genetics essay questions.

  • Genetically Modified Food Essay In spite of the perceived benefits of genetic engineering technology in the agricultural sector, the production and use of genetically modified foods has triggered a number of issues pertaining to safety and consequences of consumption.
  • The Study of Genetics: Importance for Society A key advantage of genetics for the clinical environment is the real possibility of manipulating the genetic code of a patient’s DNA in order to edit it.
  • Criminal Behavior: Role of Environment and Genetics In the Information age where a person has access to more knowledge about the folly of being involved in criminal activities and the negative impact of having a prison record, it is a mystery why […]
  • Genetic Disorders: Causes and Treatment The individual inherits some of the characteristics from the mother and the rest is inherited from the father. Genetic disorders may be passed from the parents to the offspring’s during the process of fertilization.
  • The role of genetics in development In this case, the dominant gene will win over the recessive gene, and the child may exhibit the characteristics of a parent who produced dominant genes.
  • Mendelian Corn Genetics: An Experiment Seeds are then sorted out on the basis of their color and shape and the obtained data recorded adjacent to the respective phenotypes. Determine the 2 value for each experiment, and use the table of […]
  • The Genetic Algorithm: Automatic Examination Timetable Scheduling Phenotype, on the other hand, represents the population in the search space corresponding to reality or a representation of the solutions through corresponding absolute values.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: For and Against The fact is that, genetic modification is the changing of the DNA code by the means of the genetic engineering, thus, the genes of the organisms are deviating from the normal genes of similar organisms, […]
  • Genetic Mapping and Its Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications The purpose of this paper is to analyze what social, ethical, and legal implications DNA mapping can have in the context of the current progress of genome research.
  • Should All Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled? According to this scholar, members of the public are always comfortable with the idea of not labeling the genetically modified food.
  • Genetic Counseling, Its Role, and Candidates In such cases, the benefits of such testing can be better explained to enable other family members to be tested and determine any other possible genetic problems.
  • Yeast Genetics and Complementation Lab Report In this study, the crossing of two mutants led to the development of phenotypic traits which are nothing but the colors, red or cream.
  • Genetic Mutation and Noonan Syndrome In general, the more nucleotide sequences that are impacted by a change, the more significant the impact of the conversion and the greater the likelihood that the mutation would be harmful.
  • Genetic and Genomic Technology Positive results mean that a patient has been diagnosed with the disease, and so treatment is essential to ensure the patient’s good health.
  • Biological and Genetic Influences on Criminality Men are twice as likely to be the victim of an assault or a robbery and 50 percent more likely to experience some crime of theft.
  • Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos: Bioethical Issues Nonetheless, although the modification of human genotype may help in achieving a perfect genetic composition and eliminate a number of genetically transmitted diseases, there is a looming risk. The assembling of genetic makeup to enhance […]
  • Genetics as a Field and Its Practical Use Even in newborn screening, an area where genetic testing is excelling, parents opt to terminate the pregnancy for lack of a better solution to their condition.
  • Achondroplasia Genetic Disorder: Pedigree The pedigree problem is generally featured with the necessity to provide the correct connections among the family members in a genetic history chart.
  • Marfan Syndrome in Genetic Counseling The two generation hierarchies above and one generation hierarchy below the Anne’s generation was pooled and presented in the chart as below: Firstly, the typical clinical symptoms attributed to MFS were sorted from the description […]
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Pesticides for Health There is fear that insects such as bees could bring about the emergence of insects that are resistant to insecticides due to coming in contact with the genetically modified pollen.
  • Privacy in Genetic Testing and Restriction of Access to Own Personal Information In a workplace context, genetic testing is associated with the most obvious intrusion of privacy within the aspects of job insurance coverage and promotion.
  • Comparison of Theories of Addiction: The Biological Model and the Genetic Model Genetic and biological models aim at disclosing the essence of addiction as something natural and irreversible and the methods which are supported by neurobiology and physiology and become more appropriate for using and controlling human […]
  • The Role of Genetics and Diet of Acne in Teenagers It is significant that the number of relapses, the duration of the course of therapy, and the increase in the number of patients with moderate and severe forms of acne directly depend on the adherence […]
  • Human Genetic Engineering: Key Principles and Issues There are many options for the development of events in the field of genetic engineering, and not all of them have been studied. To conclude, human genetic engineering is one of the major medical breakthroughs, […]
  • Influence of Genetic Factors on Personality Heritability of personality is one of the most contentious issues in the field of modern psychology. Overall, the use of general personality characteristics in the analysis of twins compromises the reliability of evidence.
  • Mitochondrial Diseases Treatment Through Genetic Engineering Any disorders and abnormalities in the development of mitochondrial genetic information can lead to the dysfunction of these organelles, which in turn affects the efficiency of intracellular ATP production during the process of cellular respiration.
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Manipulation The promise of such disease reduction measures may inspire propositions from minorities in ECOSOC to advocate for PGD’s accessibility and investment in research.
  • Aspects of the Genetic Enhancement Genetic enhancement means using genetic editing technologies to introduce changes into the genome of the fetus to achieve improvements in the physical or mental health of the future child.
  • Patenting of Genetic Information Completing the sequencing of the nucleic acid sequence of the human genome led to the mass patenting of genes in the United States.
  • Genetic Engineering: Is It Ethical to Manipulate Life? In the case of more complex operations, genetic engineering can edit existing genes to turn on or off the synthesis of a particular protein in the organism from which the gene was taken.
  • Cystic Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Overview of the Genetic Causes and Pathophysiology In the development of cystic fibrosis, three main points are leading: lesions of the external secretion glands, changes in the connective tissue, and water and electrolyte disorders.
  • Genetic and Environmental Impact of the Chornobyl Disaster The ecological impact of the explosion on the lands surrounding Chornobyl comes first. Chornobyl remains the worst in human history due to radioactive contamination.
  • Genetics and Antipsychotics: Usefulness of Pharmacogenetic Analysis The response to antipsychotics can be observed as complex phenotypes, a combination of genetic and clinical elements, and symptoms that vary in severity as well as in adherence level.
  • Crop Genetic Erosion: Understanding and Responding to Loss of Crop Diversity The recombining and shuffling of genes are expected to create more complexity and increase the capacity of the species to survive in the changing world.
  • Can the Human Race Survive Without Genetically Modified Food? Although genetically modified food is a recent invention, the humankind will be unable to survive without it due to the rise in the global population.
  • Children’s Temperament and Personality: Genetic Basis Biology is seen to play a major role in influencing children’s temperaments and personality traits, with outcomes being a result of genetic determination.
  • The Morality of Prenatal Genetic Screening Most of the time, “genetic screening has been more associated with this option in the collective mental, rather than the possibility to better address a specific condition, leading to the complex discussion of an ethical […]
  • Genetic Technology Integrated in Modern Society​ The recombinant DNA technique has a variety of uses and has enabled the development of novel enzymes that are well-suited for usage in particular food processing settings.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Benefit or Harm? In other words, scientists may choose the DNA of the foods that some individuals may be allergic to, which can be harmful if they eat GMO crops.
  • Experimentation in Inheritance and Genetics Eventually, a solution to the problem of development not referring to the cytoplasm was reached. In this regard, it is evident that experimentation plays a central part in the history of inheritance and genetics.
  • Breast Cancer as a Genetic Red Flag It is important to note that the genetic red flags in Figure 1 depicted above include heart disease, hypertension, and breast cancer.
  • T. Dobzhansky’s Input to Synthesis in Genetics One of the chapters titled “Dobzhansky, Waddington, and Schmalhausen: Embryology and the Modern Synthesis” discusses his views on the evolutionary theories of Schmalhausen and Waddington.
  • Role of Nutritional Genetics in Health In the recent past, there has been a heightened interest in applying genomic technologies to comprehend the role of diet in disease development and health.
  • Historical Development of Embryology and Epigenetics The theory of preformationism was widely recognized from the late 17th to the end of the 18th century. This concept proposed the occurrence of the generation of offspring due to the unfolding and development of […]
  • Genetic Screening: Advantages and Disadvantages The results of screening can be used for monitoring a patient, the prevention of occurrence of certain diseases, and the treatment of diseases after diagnosis.
  • Ethical Analysis: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Furthermore, it is imperative to ascertain the goals of the therapy and the probability of achieving success. The last step in this model of decision-making is acting.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Food Production Thus, in case of GMOs, it is necessary to acknowledge the internal motivations and character in people that adhere to this type of food production.
  • Aspects and Characteristics of Epigenetics In addition, the value of this source is that it shows the relationship between epigenetics and the occurrence of abnormalities such as diabetes and obesity.
  • International Bioethics and Genetics Genetic discrimination is a problem of bioethical significance in which a patient’s confidential rights are violated to create favorable conditions on the part of the person or company who is the subject of the discriminatory […]
  • The Ethical Dimensions of Genetic Testing If there is a hereditary condition that runs in the family, a DNA test can detect the presence of such conditions.
  • Breast Cancer: Genetics and Malignancy In the presence of such conditions, the formation of atypical cells is possible in the mammary gland. In the described case, this aspect is the most significant since it includes various details of the patient’s […]
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Ethical Perspective Of course, some use the deontological approach and state that it is simply wrong to interfere with genetic codes as it is the divine domain.
  • The Ethics of Genetic Modification In particular, the discussion of genetic modifications circulates around the possibilities of human embryo modifications and ethical considerations of the consequences of such experiments.
  • Researching the Concept of Epigenetics When it comes to the considerations of epigenetics in terms of a disease for which an individual is at high risk, it is necessary to consider family history as well as environmental factors that add […]
  • Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare Development The fourth dwells on the global utilization of genetics and genomics research while the fifth is an analysis of the influence of various factors on the utilization of genomics and genetics in healthcare.
  • Genetic Disease in a Pregnant Woman and Fetus The patient should consider the relationship between oncogenesis and pregnancy and consider folic acid to maintain birth defects. Folic acid is a common supplement during pregnancy to make new cells and prevent the development of […]
  • Triplet Nature of the Genetic Code One of the assumptions of molecular biology from an evolutionary perspective is that the triplet nature of the genetic code is a traditional form of two-nucleotide coding.
  • Epigenetics: Analysis of Article Based on the completed family history assessment, I would not wholly link my risk metric to the outcome of the investigation and infer that I am vulnerable to the above-identified conditions. The outcome could be […]
  • Idea of “Designer Babies” and Genetic Manipulations To date, the idea of “designer babies,” which claims that it is possible to alter the genes of the embryo, carrying out specific genetic manipulations, is becoming pretty popular but needs to be explored more.
  • Examination of Albinism Genetic Disease In the majority of albinos, the lack of melanin leads to such symptoms as the absence of pigmentation in skin and hair.
  • Gene Therapy and Genetic Enhancement On the other hand, genetic enhancement targets modifying the genes to augment the aptitudes of an organism outside the ordinary. Somatic gene editing impacts the cells of an individual under treatment and it is inherited […]
  • The Reasons for Genetic Counseling According to Abacan, “genetic counseling is the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease”.
  • Kidney Stones and Patient’s Genetics and Epigenetics Citrate inhibits the development of kidney stones through the formation of calcium citrate complexes thereby preventing the formation of insoluble crystals.
  • Cloning: Genetically Identical Copy The clone develops in the womb and eventually, the adult female gives birth, with the new clone having an identical genetic makeup to the organism from which the somatic cell originated.
  • Epigenetics: Subject and Example of Study Epigenetics refers to the study of how behaviors and the environment can cause changes that affect the way genes work. They are not static in the human body and are dynamically altered by changes in […]
  • Down Syndrome Genetics and Behaviors Using current research literature on behavioral issues and novel treatments for Down syndrome, this paper explores and discusses behavioral inflexibility, restrictive and repetitive behaviors, and Down syndrome’s neurogenetic nature.
  • Genetics: Only Girls Born in Miejsce Odrzanskie, Poland However, it may also be necessary to understand the limitations of such a study and consider the possibility of a coincidence.
  • Genetic Testing: Advantages and Disadvantages At the same time, I acknowledge all the benefits that genetic testing can bring in terms of diagnosing a wide range of diseases and conditions.
  • Mitosis and Genetic Makeup of Different Species As the centromeres of a cell align among the spindle equator, the genetic material of the maternal cell is duplicated, which allows for the two daughter cells to emerge.
  • ZIP Code Prevails Over Genetic Code One of the health determinants is diet, which depends directly on the climate a person lives in and the scope of food products they can afford.
  • Genetic Modification and Cloning Even though it is hard to predict all the outcomes of genetic modification and cloning, I would suggest using CRISPR Cas9 in treating retinal diseases such as the one described in the case study.
  • Color Blindness and Its Genetic Nature Nevertheless, color blindness genes may be carried by the non-color-blind female and transferred to future generations. Depending on the mutation, inherited color blindness may be congenital or may reveal itself in childhood or adulthood.
  • Genetic Modifications of Human and Animal Species As for the genetic modification of animals and insects, it can also be beneficial. In the case of humans, there must also be clear boundaries for modification.
  • Environmental and Genetic Factors That Influence Health The factors of inaccessibility of proper treatment, poor lifestyle, and environmental agents’ exposure combined with the costs of addressing the CKD challenge lead to disparities in populations.
  • SCN8A-Related Epilepsy – Genetic Seizure Disorder The paper contains the discussion of the standardized procedure for this diagnosis, suggests how the present experience would affect the medical practice concerning this kind of epilepsy.
  • Molecular Genetics: Gene Sequence Homology The emergence of the Mendelian genetics in the 19th century and the discovery of DNA structure by James Watson and Francis Crick in the 20th century have paved the way for the development of molecular […]
  • Genetic Testing: Screening for Colon Cancer This disorder is characterized by the development of hundreds of thousands of adenomatous polyps in the colon and rectum early in life.
  • DNA Profiling and Required Genetic Testing The reliable tests for conducting genetic testing should be more than one in order to remove the element of doubt on matching DNA bands.
  • The Relationship Between Epigenetics and the Effects of the Holocaust Tests are most likely to identify existing changes of DNA and the proteins related to DNA, which are responsible for the structure of the DNA and the availability of other elements related to the DNA.
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Genetic Features of Black Patients According to the researcher, the differences in the biological impact of disease and the socioeconomic factors play a crucial role in the disparity between the Blacks and the Whites in the recovery process.
  • Resolving Genetic Issues or Playing With Mother Nature? Because mother nature is essential in sustaining human life, it is not right to play with mother nature. It is not right to play with mother nature because of the consequences of playing with her.
  • Genetically Modified Food: Health Risks The main research question of the future study for me as a person with 1st Degree in Food and Nutrition will be the question of the harm of eating genetically modified foods and the possible […]
  • Barlow’s Syndrome: Genetics of Mitral Valve Prolapse and Its Clinical Impact For the patients with mitral valve prolapse experiencing the episodes of tachycardia and rapid heartbeats the use of beta-blockers is allowed. The patient should be allowed to share their concerns and feelings about the mitral […]
  • The Development of the Neural System and Genetic Program In the process of determining the connections worth keeping, a person’s brain takes into account their lived experiences and daily life, which in turn shape the direction of a person’s neural growth.
  • Genetic Disorder: “A Genetic Link to Anorexia” The author effectively proves that the development of anorexia nervosa may occur not only due to the exposure to the social pressure of beauty standards, but also the presence of a genetic predisposition.
  • Genetic Enhancement: Ethical Aspect In addition, it can take the shape of cosmetic modifications, which change the overall basis of human uniqueness and the unalterable aspect of the human body.
  • Genetic Modification and Implicit Bias Against People With Disabilities There is also a factor of disabilities that are life-threatening to a child, or illnesses that may be able to be fatal within the first few years of life.
  • Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Apart from that, there are some experiments that cannot be ethically justified, at least in my opinion, for example, the cloning of human being or the attempts to find the gene for genius.
  • Genetics and Genomics in Healthcare The first phase was used to determine the suitability of the survey tool while the main survey led to the collection of the desired data.
  • Genetics, Reproductive and Cloning Technology in “Frankenstein” If Mary Shelley was for the idea of cloning technology, I think her novel would have ended up with Frankenstein creating a female companion for the monster to compliment the theme of love in the […]
  • Genetic Mapping in the United States Genetic mapping is allowed and regulated by the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act in the United States. On the contrary, genetic mapping of children in the United States can be conducted with the consent of a […]
  • Knowing One’s DNA Genetic Makeup: Pros and Cons In addition, the knowledge that one might not get a job or insurance because of their genetic makeup is stressful and depressive.
  • Genetics of Human Social Behavior Twin study method addresses questions such as what effects do environmental factors have on the twin similarities and twin differences.study which stands for Genome wide association is a method that seeks to establish the components […]
  • The Factors That Cause Instances of Genetic Diversity Genetic diversity is a term that is used to refer to the difference in characteristics that occurs among members of the same species.
  • Genetic Testing: Should You Bother to Exercise? However, some people are of the view that the effect of genetic variation on exercise-mediated body responses is dismal. This argument is usually based on the idea that several other factors such as diet, lifestyle, […]
  • Genetic Screening for Mandatory Obesity Screening of Children The progress in behavioral genetics points to the significance of biological heredity in character traits, as well as in medical conditions. A good example is in the case of cancer where the affected genetic condition […]
  • Genetically Modified Food: Analysis and Implications A section of scientists are opposed to the idea with claims that it brings about irreversible damage to biodiversity by changing the natural setting of the environment. Genetic engineering involves alteration of the cell which […]
  • Epigenetics of High Fructose Corn Syrup at a Molecular Level Increasing or decreasing the amount of glucose concentration level in the blood, directly affects the concentration of fructose in blood, since they all act as determinants of the overall blood concentration In this case, high […]
  • Genetic Engineering in the Movie “Gattaca” by Niccol This would not be right at all since a person should be responsible for their own life and not have it dictated to them as a result of a societal construct created on the basis […]
  • Modern East Asians and Denisovans Share Genetic Material The researchers did not explain the specific mode of delivery of the genetic material through hybridization thus it must be assumed that the Denisovans in Siberia were able to travel to Southeast Asia and intermarry […]
  • Religious vs Scientific Views on Genetic Engineering With the need to increase the global economy, the field of agriculture is one among the many that have been used to improve the commercial production to take care of the global needs for food […]
  • Genetic Counseling – Tay Sachs Disease In this case, there is a 25% likelihood of passing the gene to their children. This would be effective in preventing further passing down of the disease to their offspring.
  • Psychiatric Genetics. Epigenetics and Disease Pathology The switching on and off of the imprinted genes is the same regardless of the parental origin. The genome-wide DNA analysis revealed that there was a difference in DNA methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene […]
  • The Genetics of Crime: ‘Criminal Gene’ The idea that criminal and offending behavior stands in the correlation with the genetic features of the offender is not a novelty of our time.
  • Genetic Family Historical Analysis In the family, Andrew is the only member who thinks that his disease is caused by a genetic predisposition. The above implies that Andrew should work closely with his physicians to ensure his therapy is […]
  • Genetic Counseling Analysis To take a detailed family history, I would start with gathering the information about the consumers. Finally, I would ask about the members of the family who have already passed away and clarify the cause […]
  • Genetics and the Asthma Case The allergies she complains of are some of the symptoms associated with asthma. Asthma is also known to attack children below the age of 15 years.
  • Genetic Engineering Using a Pglo Plasmid The objective of this experiment is to understand the process and importance of the genetic transformation of bacteria in real time with the aid of extrachromosomal DNA, alternatively referred to as plasmids.
  • Genetic Inheritance and Its Role in Obesity This essay therefore analysis the different formations of obesity, the causes and in particular the significance of inheritance in the occurrence of obesity.
  • Managing Diabetes Through Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering refers to the alteration of genetic make-up of an organism through the use of techniques to introduce a new DNA or eliminate a given hereditable material. What is the role of genetic engineering […]
  • Genetic Diseases: Sickle Cell Anemia This genetic disorder research paper aims to elucidate the underlying molecular causes of SCA as well as its symptoms, inheritance, treatment, diagnosis, and prevalence in certain populations.
  • Genetically Identical Twins and Different Disease Risk The study of MZ twins offers fascinating insights that help researchers explore the link between the sequence of the genotype and the phenotype.
  • Genetic Disorders That Can Be Treated With Gene Therapy It is in this context that the application of gene therapy has increased the hope of medical professionals in overcoming and controlling such failures in the treatment of genetic disorders.
  • Using Genetically-Modified Bacteria to Fight Cancer at Johns Hopkins To do so, a concise summary of the article will be provided, followed by a review of its relevance to the course.
  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: The Family Genetic History This paper aims at analyzing family genetic history of a family, evaluating the impact of the family history on an adult participant’s health and planning a future wellness change to promote the wellness of the […]
  • Forecast of Genetic Technology Therefore, this essay forecasts the advancement of genetic technology in the 22nd century in aspects of gene therapy and eugenics with the view of assessing its potential benefits and dangers.
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  • Watching Television: Genetic Influence This can be testified by the manner the research question correlates to the dynamics of examining why watching TV has such a huge influence on genetics.
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/genetics-essay-topics/

"341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/genetics-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/genetics-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/genetics-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "341 Genetics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/genetics-essay-topics/.

  • Alzheimer's disease & dementia
  • Arthritis & Rheumatism
  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Biomedical technology
  • Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
  • Endocrinology & Metabolism
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gerontology & Geriatrics
  • Health informatics
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Medical economics
  • Medical research
  • Medications
  • Neuroscience
  • Obstetrics & gynaecology
  • Oncology & Cancer
  • Ophthalmology
  • Overweight & Obesity
  • Parkinson's & Movement disorders
  • Psychology & Psychiatry
  • Radiology & Imaging
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sports medicine & Kinesiology
  • Vaccination
  • Breast cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Colon cancer
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Skin cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Full List »

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May 23, 2024

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Tracking the cellular and genetic roots of neuropsychiatric disease

by Yale University

brain map

A new analysis has revealed detailed information about genetic variation in brain cells that could open new avenues for the targeted treatment of diseases such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.

The findings, reported May 23 in Science , were the result of a multi-institutional collaboration known as PsychENCODE , founded in 2015 by the National Institutes of Health, which seeks new understandings of genomic influences on neuropsychiatric disease . The study was published alongside related studies in Science , Science Advances , and Science Translational Medicine .

Previous research has established a strong link between a person's genetics and their likelihood of developing neuropsychiatric disease, says Mark Gerstein, the Albert L. Williams Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Yale School of Medicine and senior author of the new study.

"The correlations between genetics and your susceptibility to disease are much higher for brain diseases than for cancer or heart disease," said Gerstein. "If your parents have schizophrenia, you're much more likely to get it than you are to get heart disease if your parents have the disease. There is a very large heritability for these brain-related conditions."

What's less clear, however, is how this genetic variation leads to disease.

"We want to understand the mechanism," said Gerstein. "What is that gene variant doing in the brain?"

For the new study, researchers set out to better understand the genetic variation across individual cell types in the brain. To do so, they performed several types of single-cell experiments on more than 2.8 million cells taken from the brains of 388 people, including healthy individuals and others with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder , autism spectrum disorder , post-traumatic stress disorder, and Alzheimer's disease.

From that pool of cells, the researchers identified 28 different cell types. Then they examined gene expression and regulation within those cell types.

In one analysis, the researchers were able to link gene expression to variants in "upstream" regulatory regions, bits of genetic code situated before the gene in question that can increase or decrease the gene's expression.

"That's useful because if you have a variant of interest, you can now link it to a gene," said Gerstein. "And that's really powerful because it helps you interpret the variants. It helps you understand what effect they're having in the brain. And because we looked across cell types, our data also allow you to connect that variant to an individual cell type of action."

The researchers also assessed how particular genes, such as those associated with neurotransmitters, varied across individuals and cell types, finding variability was usually higher across cell types than across individuals. This pattern was even stronger for genes that code for proteins targeted for drug treatment .

"And that's generally good for a drug," Gerstein said. "It means that those drugs are homing in on particular cell types and not affecting your whole brain or body. It also means those drugs are more likely to be unaffected by genetic variants and work in many people."

Using the data generated by the analysis, the researchers were able to map out within-cell type genetic regulatory networks and between-cell communication networks, and then plug those networks into a machine learning model . Then, using an individual's genetic information, the model could predict whether they had a brain disease.

"Because these networks were hard coded in the model, when the model made a prediction we could see which parts of the network contributed to it," said Gerstein. "So we could identify which genes and cell types were important for that prediction. And that can suggest candidate drug targets."

In one example, the model predicted an individual with a particular genetic variant might have bipolar disorder, and the researchers could see that prediction was based on two genes in three cell types. In another, the researchers identified six genes in six cell types that contributed to a schizophrenia prediction.

The model also worked in the opposite direction. The researchers could introduce a genetic perturbation and see how that might affect the network and an individual's health. This, Gerstein says, is useful for drug design or previewing how well drugs or drug combinations might fare as treatments.

Together, the findings could help facilitate precision-medicine approaches for neuropsychiatric disease, said the researchers.

To further this work, the consortium has made its results and model available to other researchers.

"Our vision is that researchers interested in a particular gene or variant can use our resources to better understand what it's doing in the brain or to perhaps identify new candidate drug targets to investigate more," said Gerstein.

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Genetics - research topics.

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Genes provide hope for the survival of Arabia's last big cat

Study finds that the release of captive bred animals carefully selected for their genes can make a significant contribution to the recovery of the dwindling wild population and avert the prospect of extinction.

The authors of a major study on the Critically Endangered Arabian leopard say that the release of captive bred animals carefully selected for their genes can make a significant contribution to the successful recovery of the dwindling wild population and avert the prospect of extinction.

An international collaboration led by scientists from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of Kent, University of East Anglia (UEA), University College London (UCL), Nottingham-Trent University (NTU) and the Diwan of Royal Court in Oman, surveyed the remote Dhofar mountain range of southern Oman to determine how many of Arabia's last big cat survive.

By deploying camera traps to identify individual leopards and performing DNA analyses from wild leopard scat alongside samples from the captive population, the team estimates there could be only 51 wild leopards remaining in Oman, distributed between three isolated, genetically impoverished but distinct subpopulations.

Despite revealing extremely low levels of genetic diversity in the wild leopard population in Oman, the team discovered higher levels of genetic diversity in captive leopards across the region, in particular among several individuals originating from neighbouring Yemen that helped found today's captive-breeding population. This important genetic resource has the potential for a major role in successful recovery of the Arabian leopard.

The team's research showed that the dwindling regional wild population, could most effectively be recovered thorough 'genetic rescue', namely, the introduction of offspring from captive-bred leopards -- which harbour the greatest amount of genetic diversity -- into the wild population. However, their predictions indicate that for genetic rescue to establish the most viable populations through leopard reintroductions, the benefit that new genes can bring needs to be carefully assessed, in particular because captive leopards may already be in-bred.

The study, published in Evolutionary Applications , used conservation genetic analysis at DICE, cutting-edge computer simulations developed at UEA, and extensive fieldwork in Oman, to closely examine Arabian leopard DNA and assess the risk of future extinction, as well as forecasting how genetic rescue can secure the leopard's viability. The authors say their findings could help other threatened species.

Professor Jim Groombridge, who led the research at Kent's DICE, explained how the genetic analysis was carried out: 'In collaboration with the Diwan of Royal Court in Oman, we surveyed and collected leopard scats from across the Dhofar mountain range, and extracted DNA from them which we analysed using microsatellite DNA markers to quantify genetic diversity.

'Using the genetic information, we were able to determine the number of leopard individuals that remain in the wild. We could then compare levels of genetic diversity between the wild leopard population and those in captivity.'

Dr Hadi Al Hikmani, Arabian leopard Conservation Lead at the Royal Commission for AlUla in Saudi Arabia, described the motivation for this study: 'The Arabian leopard is one of the world's rarest carnivores and is extraordinarily elusive. The only way to monitor these leopards in the wild is to deploy camera traps high up across the mountain ranges where the leopards live, and to collect the scats they leave behind on the mountain passes, for DNA analysis.'

Thomas Birley, a PhD researcher at UEA who performed the computer simulations for genetic rescue, said: 'By using the genetic information from the wild and captive populations, we were able to forecast the best plan for genetic rescue to ensure long-term viability for this Critically Endangered big cat.'

Professor Cock van Oosterhout, of the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA, added: 'The problem is that all individuals are somehow related to each other. They are the descendants of the few ancestors that managed to survive a major population crash. Hence, it becomes virtually impossible to stop inbreeding, and this exposes 'bad' mutations, what we call genetic load. In turn, this can increase the mortality rate, causing further population collapse.'

'The genetic load poses a severe threat, but it can be alleviated by genetic rescue, and our study has projected the best way to do this. The wild population needs 'genetic rescue' from more genetically diverse leopards bred in captivity. These leopards are genetically more diverse, and they can help to reduce the level of inbreeding and genetic load. However, there is a risk that we could introduce other bad mutations from the captive population into the wild, so we will need a careful balance.'

  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Wild Animals
  • Biochemistry Research
  • Biotechnology
  • Genetically Modified
  • Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • Biodiversity
  • Allele frequency
  • Genetic drift

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Kent . Original written by Olivia Miller. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Related Multimedia :

  • Critically Endangered Arabian leopard in Oman

Journal Reference :

  • Hadi Al Hikmani, Cock van Oosterhout, Thomas Birley, Jim Labisko, Hazel A. Jackson, Andrew Spalton, Simon Tollington, Jim J. Groombridge. Can genetic rescue help save Arabia's last big cat? Evolutionary Applications , 2024; 17 (5) DOI: 10.1111/eva.13701

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What to know

This page provides information about basic genetic concepts such as DNA, genes, chromosomes, and gene expression.

  • Genes play a role in almost every human trait and disease.
  • Advances in our understanding of how genes work have led to improvements in health care and public health.

A double helix

Your genes affect many things about you, including how you look (for example, your eye color or height) and how your body works (for example, your blood type). In some cases, your genes are linked to diseases that run in your family. In other cases, your genes influence how your body reacts to health conditions, such as infections; to medicines or other treatments for health conditions; or to certain behaviors, such as smoking or alcohol use.

Better understanding of how genes affect health can improve health in many ways. Knowing if someone has a genetic difference that makes them more likely to get a disease can help them take steps to prevent the disease or find it earlier, when it is easier to treat. If someone already has symptoms of a disease or condition, finding out the genetic difference that causes that disease or condition can help the healthcare provider understand what health outcomes the person might have in the future. Improved understanding of how genes are linked to disease can lead to better treatments for those diseases.

Terms to know

DNA (which is short for deoxyribonucleic acid) contains the instructions for making your body work. DNA is made up of two strands that wind around each other and looks like a twisting ladder (a shape called a double helix). Each DNA strand includes chemicals called nitrogen bases, which make up the DNA code. There are four different bases, T (thymine), A (adenine), C (cytosine), and G (guanine). Each base on one strand of DNA is paired with a base on the other strand. The paired bases form the "rungs of the DNA ladder".

The bases are in different orders on different parts of the DNA strand. DNA is "read" by the order of the bases, that is by the order of the Ts, Cs, Gs, and As. The order of these bases is what is known as the DNA sequence. The DNA in almost all living things is made up of the same parts. What's different is the DNA sequence.


Genetic inheritance is the process of passing down DNA from parents to children.

Your genome is all of the DNA in your body.


DNA is packaged into small units called chromosomes. A chromosome contains a single, long piece of DNA with many different genes. You inherit your chromosomes from your parents. Chromosomes come in pairs. Humans have 46 chromosomes, in 23 pairs. Children randomly get one of each pair of chromosomes from their mother and one of each pair from their father. There are 22 pairs of numbered chromosomes, called autosomes, and the chromosomes that form the 23rd pair are called the sex chromosomes. They determine if a person is born a male or female. A female has two X chromosomes, and a male has one X and one Y chromosome. Each daughter gets an X from her mother and an X from her father. Each son gets an X from his mother and a Y from his father.

Genes and proteins

Each chromosome has many genes. Genes are specific sections of DNA that have instructions for making proteins. Proteins make up most of the parts of your body and make your body work the right way.

You have two copies of every gene. You inherit one copy from your father and one copy from your mother. The genes people inherit from their parents can determine many things. For example, genes affect what a person will look like and whether the person might have certain diseases.

Alleles are forms of the same gene that may have small differences in their sequence of DNA bases. These differences contribute to each person's unique features. Each person has two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. If the alleles of a gene are the same, the person is considered homozygous for the gene. If the alleles are different, the person is considered heterozygous for the gene.

Most of the time, differences between alleles do not have much of an effect on the protein that is made. However, sometimes different alleles can result in differences in traits, such as blood type. Some alleles are associated with health problems or genetic disorders. In these alleles, the differences in the sequence of DNA bases affects the body's ability to make a certain protein.

Because your genes were passed down from your parents, you and your family members share many gene alleles. The more closely related you are, the more gene alleles you have in common.

Cells are the basic units of life. The human body contains trillions of cells. There are many different types of cells that make up the many different tissues and organs in the body. For example, skin cells, blood cells, heart cells, brain cells, and kidney cells are just a few of the cell types that perform different vital functions in the body.

The basic structure of a cell is a jelly-like substance known as cytoplasm, which is surrounded by a membrane to hold it together. Within the cytoplasm are various specialized structures that are important to the work of the cell. One of these structures is the cell nucleus, which contains the DNA packaged in chromosomes.

Gene expression

Gene expression refers to the process of making proteins using the instructions from genes. A person's DNA includes many genes that have instructions for making proteins. Additionally, certain sections of DNA are not part of a gene but are important in making sure the genes are working properly. These DNA sections provide directions about where in the body each protein should be made, when it should be made, and how much should be made.

For the most part, every cell in a person's body contains exactly the same DNA and genes, but inside individual cells some genes are active ("turned on") while others are not. Differences in how genes are used (expressed) to make proteins are why the different parts of your body look and work differently. For example, gene expression in the muscles is different from gene expression in the nerves.

Gene expression can change as you age. Also, your behaviors, such as smoking or exercise, or exposures in your environment can affect gene expression.

DNA methylation

DNA methylation works by adding a chemical (known as a methyl group) to DNA. This chemical can also be removed from the DNA through a process called demethylation. Typically, methylation turns genes "off" and demethylation turns genes "on."

DNA methylation is one of the ways the body controls gene expression. Methylation and demethylation do not change the DNA code (the sequence of the DNA bases), but they help determine how much protein is made.

Genetic change (mutation, gene variant, genetic variant)

A genetic change (sometimes called a mutation, gene variant, or genetic variant) is a change in a DNA base sequence. While not all genetic changes will cause problems, sometimes, changes in genes can lead to changes in proteins and then the proteins don't work the way they are supposed to. This can lead to disease.

Some genetic changes can be passed on from parent to child (inherited). These genetic changes occur in the germ cells, which are the cells that create sperm or eggs. Genetic changes that occur in the other cells in the body (known as somatic cells) do not get passed on to a person's children.

Genetic changes happen when new cells are being made and the DNA is copied. Also, exposures, such as high levels of radiation, can damage the DNA and cause genetic changes. However, most exposures will not result in genetic changes because each cell in the body has a system in place to check for DNA damage and repair the damage once it's found.

Copy number variation (CNV)

Copy number variation (CNV) refers to a feature of the genome, in which various sections of a person's DNA are repeated. While this happens in all people, the number of repeats (or copies) varies from one person to the next. CNVs play an important role in creating genetic diversity in humans. However, some CNVs are linked to diseases.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors include exposures related to where we live, such as air pollution; behaviors, such as smoking and exercise; and other health-related factors, such as the foods that we eat.


Epigenetics refers to the ways a person's behaviors and the environment can cause changes that affect the way the genes work. Epigenetics turns genes "on" and "off" and thus is related to gene expression.

Epigenetics change as people age, both as part of normal development and aging and because of exposure to environmental factors that happen over the course of a person's life. There are several different ways an environmental factor can cause an epigenetic change to occur. One of the most common ways is by causing changes to DNA methylation. DNA methylation works by adding a chemical (known as a methyl group) to DNA. This chemical can also be removed from the DNA through a process called demethylation. Typically, methylation turns genes "off" and demethylation turns genes "on." Thus, environmental factors can impact the amount of protein a cell makes. Less protein might be made if an environmental factor causes an increase in DNA methylation, and more protein might be made if a factor causes an increase in demethylation.

  • Medline Plus: Genetics This website has consumer-friendly information about the effects of genetic variation on human health.
  • National Human Genome Research Institute: About Genomics This website offers a talking glossary of genetic terms, fact sheets, and other genetics-related resources.
  • Genetic Science Learning Center: Learn. Genetics This website provides educational materials on life sciences for learners and interested individuals.
  • American Society of Human Genetics: Discover Genetics This website provides basic genetics information and resources.

Genomics and Your Health

Learn more about genomics and its importance for your health

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Is College Worth It?

As economic outcomes for young adults with and without degrees have improved, americans hold mixed views on the value of college, table of contents.

  • Labor force trends and economic outcomes for young adults
  • Economic outcomes for young men
  • Economic outcomes for young women
  • Wealth trends for households headed by a young adult
  • The importance of a four-year college degree
  • Getting a high-paying job without a college degree
  • Do Americans think their education prepared them for the workplace?
  • Is college worth the cost?
  • Acknowledgments
  • The American Trends Panel survey methodology
  • Current Population Survey methodology
  • Survey of Consumer Finances methodology

interesting research topics in genetics

Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand public views on the importance of a four-year college degree. The study also explores key trends in the economic outcomes of young adults among those who have and have not completed a four-year college degree.

The analysis in this report is based on three data sources. The labor force, earnings, hours, household income and poverty characteristics come from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey. The findings on net worth are based on the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances.

The data on public views on the value of a college degree was collected as part of a Center survey of 5,203 U.S. adults conducted Nov. 27 to Dec. 3, 2023. Everyone who took part in the survey is a member of Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. Address-based sampling ensures that nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for this report , along with responses, and the survey’s methodology .

Young adults refers to Americans ages 25 to 34.

Noncollege adults include those who have some college education as well as those who graduated from high school but did not attend college. Adults who have not completed high school are not included in the analysis of noncollege adults. About 6% of young adults have not completed high school. Trends in some labor market outcomes for those who have not finished high school are impacted by changes in the foreign-born share of the U.S. population. The Census data used in this analysis did not collect information on nativity before 1994.

Some college includes those with an associate degree and those who attended college but did not obtain a degree.

The some college or less population refers to adults who have some college education, those with a high school diploma only and those who did not graduate high school.

A full-time, full-year worker works at least 50 weeks per year and usually 35 hours a week or more.

The labor force includes all who are employed and those who are unemployed but looking for work.

The labor force participation rate is the share of a population that is in the labor force.

Young adults living independently refers to those who are not living in the home of either of their parents.

Household income is the sum of incomes received by all members of the household ages 15 and older. Income is the sum of earnings from work, capital income such as interest and dividends, rental income, retirement income, and transfer income (such as government assistance) before payments for such things as personal income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, union dues, etc. Non-cash transfers such as food stamps, health benefits, subsidized housing and energy assistance are not included. As household income is pretax, it does not include stimulus payments or tax credits for earned income and children/dependent care.

Net worth, or wealth, is the difference between the value of what a household owns (assets) and what it owes (debts).

All references to party affiliation include those who lean toward that party. Republicans include those who identify as Republicans and those who say they lean toward the Republican Party. Democrats include those who identify as Democrats and those who say they lean toward the Democratic Party.

At a time when many Americans are questioning the value of a four-year college degree, economic outcomes for young adults without a degree are improving.

Pie chart shows Only 22% of U.S. adults say the cost of college is worth it even if someone has to take out loans

After decades of falling wages, young U.S. workers (ages 25 to 34) without a bachelor’s degree have seen their earnings increase over the past 10 years. Their overall wealth has gone up too, and fewer are living in poverty today.

Things have also improved for young college graduates over this period. As a result, the gap in earnings between young adults with and without a college degree has not narrowed.

The public has mixed views on the importance of having a college degree, and many have doubts about whether the cost is worth it, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

  • Only one-in-four U.S. adults say it’s extremely or very important to have a four-year college degree in order to get a well-paying job in today’s economy. About a third (35%) say a college degree is somewhat important, while 40% say it’s not too or not at all important.
  • Roughly half (49%) say it’s less important to have a four-year college degree today in order to get a well-paying job than it was 20 years ago; 32% say it’s more important, and 17% say it’s about as important as it was 20 years ago.
  • Only 22% say the cost of getting a four-year college degree today is worth it even if someone has to take out loans. Some 47% say the cost is worth it only if someone doesn’t have to take out loans. And 29% say the cost is not worth it.

These findings come amid rising tuition costs and mounting student debt . Views on the cost of college differ by Americans’ level of education. But even among four-year college graduates, only about a third (32%) say college is worth the cost even if someone has to take out loans – though they are more likely than those without a degree to say this.

Four-year college graduates (58%) are much more likely than those without a college degree (26%) to say their education was extremely or very useful in giving them the skills and knowledge they needed to get a well-paying job. (This finding excludes the 9% of respondents who said this question did not apply to them.)

Chart shows 4 in 10 Americans say a college degree is not too or not at all important in order to get a well-paying job

Views on the importance of college differ widely by partisanship. Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners to say:

  • It’s not too or not at all important to have a four-year college degree in order to get a well-paying job (50% of Republicans vs. 30% of Democrats)
  • A college degree is less important now than it was 20 years ago (57% vs. 43%)
  • It’s extremely or very likely someone without a four-year college degree can get a well-paying job (42% vs. 26%)

At the same time that the public is expressing doubts about the value of college, a new Center analysis of government data finds young adults without a college degree are doing better on some key measures than they have in recent years.

A narrow majority of workers ages 25 to 34 do not have a four-year college degree (54% in 2023). Earnings for these young workers mostly trended downward from the mid-1970s until roughly a decade ago.

Outcomes have been especially poor for young men without a college degree. Other research has shown that this group saw falling labor force participation and sagging earnings starting in the early 1970s , but the last decade has marked a turning point.

This analysis looks at young men and young women separately because of their different experiences in the labor force.

Trends for young men

  • Labor force participation: The share of young men without a college degree who were working or looking for work dropped steadily from 1970 until about 2014. Our new analysis suggests things have stabilized somewhat for this group over the past decade. Meanwhile, labor force participation among young men with a four-year degree has remained mostly flat.
  • Full-time, full-year employment: The share of employed young men without a college degree who are working full time and year-round has varied somewhat over the years – trending downward during recessions. It’s risen significantly since the Great Recession of 2007-09, with the exception of a sharp dip in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For employed young men with a college degree, the share working full time, full year has remained more stable over the years.

Chart shows Earnings of young men without a college degree have increased over the past 10 years

  • Median annual earnings: Since 2014, earnings have risen for young men with some college education and for those whose highest attainment is a high school diploma. Even so, earnings for these groups remain below where they were in the early 1970s. Earnings for young men with a bachelor’s degree have also trended up, for the most part, over the past 10 years.
  • Poverty: Among young men without a college degree who are living independently from their parents, the share in poverty has fallen significantly over the last decade. For example, 12% of young men with a high school diploma were living in poverty in 2023, down from a peak of 17% in 2011. The share of young men with a four-year college degree who are in poverty has also fallen and remains below that of noncollege young men.

Trends for young women

  • Labor force participation: The shares of young women with and without a college degree in the labor force grew steadily from 1970 to about 1990. Among those without a college degree, the share fell after 2000, and the drop-off was especially sharp for young women with a high school diploma. Since 2014, labor force participation for both groups of young women has increased.
  • Full-time, full-year employment: The shares of employed young women working full time and year-round, regardless of their educational attainment, have steadily increased over the decades. There was a decline during and after the Great Recession and again (briefly) in 2021 due to the pandemic. Today, the shares of women working full time, full year are the highest they’ve ever been across education levels.

Chart shows Earnings of young women without a college degree have trended up in the past decade

  • Median annual earnings: Median earnings for young women without a college degree were relatively flat from 1970 until about a decade ago. These women did not experience the steady decline in earnings that noncollege young men did over this period. By contrast, earnings have grown over the decades for young women with a college degree. In the past 10 years, earnings for women both with and without a college degree have risen.
  • Poverty: As is the case for young men without a college degree, the share of noncollege young women living in poverty has fallen substantially over the past decade. In 2014, 31% of women with a high school diploma who lived independently from their parents were in poverty. By 2023, that share had fallen to 21%. Young women with a college degree remain much less likely to be in poverty than their counterparts with less education.

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From businesses and banks to colleges and churches: americans’ views of u.s. institutions, fewer young men are in college, especially at 4-year schools, key facts about u.s. latinos with graduate degrees, private, selective colleges are most likely to use race, ethnicity as a factor in admissions decisions, most popular, report materials.

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  • Published: 13 May 2024

Integrating population genetics, stem cell biology and cellular genomics to study complex human diseases

  • Nona Farbehi   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8461-236X 1 , 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Drew R. Neavin   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1783-6491 1   na1 ,
  • Anna S. E. Cuomo 1 , 4 ,
  • Lorenz Studer   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0741-7987 3 , 5 ,
  • Daniel G. MacArthur 4 , 6 &
  • Joseph E. Powell   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5070-4124 1 , 3 , 7  

Nature Genetics volume  56 ,  pages 758–766 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Population genetics
  • Transcriptomics

Human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells can, in theory, be differentiated into any cell type, making them a powerful in vitro model for human biology. Recent technological advances have facilitated large-scale hPS cell studies that allow investigation of the genetic regulation of molecular phenotypes and their contribution to high-order phenotypes such as human disease. Integrating hPS cells with single-cell sequencing makes identifying context-dependent genetic effects during cell development or upon experimental manipulation possible. Here we discuss how the intersection of stem cell biology, population genetics and cellular genomics can help resolve the functional consequences of human genetic variation. We examine the critical challenges of integrating these fields and approaches to scaling them cost-effectively and practically. We highlight two areas of human biology that can particularly benefit from population-scale hPS cell studies, elucidating mechanisms underlying complex disease risk loci and evaluating relationships between common genetic variation and pharmacotherapeutic phenotypes.

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Figures were generated with BioRender.com and further developed by A. Garcia, a scientific illustrator from Bio-Graphics. This research was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator grant (J.E.P., 1175781), research grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Special Research Initiative in Stem Cell Science, an ARC Discovery Project (190100825), an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship (A.S.E.C.) and an Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s Grant (J.E.P., N.F., D.R.N. and L.S.). J.E.P. is supported by a Fok Family Fellowship.

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Nona Farbehi, Drew R. Neavin.

Authors and Affiliations

Garvan Weizmann Center for Cellular Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nona Farbehi, Drew R. Neavin, Anna S. E. Cuomo & Joseph E. Powell

Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nona Farbehi

Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s Collaborative Research Network, Chevy Chase, MD, USA

Nona Farbehi, Lorenz Studer & Joseph E. Powell

Centre for Population Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Anna S. E. Cuomo & Daniel G. MacArthur

The Center for Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, NY, USA

Lorenz Studer

Centre for Population Genomics, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Daniel G. MacArthur

UNSW Cellular Genomics Futures Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Joseph E. Powell

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All authors conceived the topic and wrote and revised the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Joseph E. Powell .

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Competing interests.

D.G.M. is a founder with equity in Goldfinch Bio, is a paid advisor to GSK, Insitro, Third Rock Ventures and Foresite Labs, and has received research support from AbbVie, Astellas, Biogen, BioMarin, Eisai, Merck, Pfizer and Sanofi-Genzyme; none of these activities is related to the work presented here. J.E.P. is a founder with equity in Celltellus Laboratory and has received research support from Illumina. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Nature Genetics thanks Kelly Frazer, Gosia Trynka and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Farbehi, N., Neavin, D.R., Cuomo, A.S.E. et al. Integrating population genetics, stem cell biology and cellular genomics to study complex human diseases. Nat Genet 56 , 758–766 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01731-9

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Received : 24 January 2023

Accepted : 20 March 2024

Published : 13 May 2024

Issue Date : May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01731-9

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