
Top 25 Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

kraken case study interview

Kraken Digital Asset Exchange, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform, has been at the forefront of the digital currency revolution since its inception in 2011. Founded by Jesse Powell, Kraken has grown to become one of the largest and most respected cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, boasting a diverse range of tradable digital assets and a strong commitment to security and regulatory compliance. As the platform continues to expand its global footprint, job seekers interested in joining the Kraken team may be curious about the interview process and the types of questions they can expect. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and intriguing interview questions asked by Kraken, providing valuable insights for those looking to embark on a career in the exciting world of digital currency.

Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Hiring Process

The Kraken Digital Asset Exchange hiring process typically consists of multiple stages, including an initial HR screening, technical interviews, and a case study or assessment. Candidates report a positive atmosphere and friendly interviewers, but some have experienced disorganization and lack of communication from the HR team. The process can be lengthy, with some candidates waiting weeks for feedback or experiencing last-minute changes to interview schedules. Overall, Kraken’s hiring process is thorough and focused on finding the right fit for both technical skills and company culture.

Common Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions

1. can you describe your experience with digital asset exchanges, specifically relating to client engagement and customer support.

Understanding your experience with digital asset exchanges is crucial because this industry has its own set of unique challenges, including highly technical issues and complex regulatory compliance requirements. Your ability to navigate these complexities while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction will be a key indicator of your potential success in the role. Furthermore, it’s a way to assess your knowledge of the industry and your ability to handle the pressures that come with it.

How to Answer:

In your response, highlight your familiarity with digital asset exchanges and emphasize any specific experience in client engagement or customer support. Discuss scenarios where you’ve effectively resolved issues, onboarded new clients, or enhanced user experiences within this field. If you’re less experienced, discuss how your skills transfer to this context and outline the strategies you would use to engage customers and provide high-quality support.

Example: In my experience with digital asset exchanges, I’ve found that client engagement and customer support are pivotal to the success of any platform. For instance, I was involved in a project where we had to implement a new feature on our exchange. We ensured that clients were part of the process from the onset by soliciting their feedback and incorporating it into our development roadmap. This not only improved the final product but also fostered a sense of ownership among our users.

Customer support is another area where I have extensive experience. In one particular situation, there was an issue with delayed transactions which caused significant concern among our users. My team and I worked around the clock to address each query, providing updates and reassurances. We also took this as an opportunity to improve our communication channels and implemented automated notifications for transaction statuses. This greatly reduced the volume of similar queries in the future and increased overall user satisfaction. These experiences underscored for me the importance of proactive engagement and responsive support in maintaining trust and confidence in a digital asset exchange.

2. How would you handle a high-stress situation involving a frustrated client or user of our platform?

A core part of any customer-facing role, especially in the fast-paced and often volatile field of digital asset trading, is the ability to handle stress and diffuse tense situations. This question probes your capacity to maintain composure, use problem-solving skills, and exhibit empathy when dealing with frustrated clients. The goal is to ensure that you can not only manage the immediate issue, but also nurture the client relationship in the long run, thereby bolstering the company’s reputation.

Start your response by acknowledging the importance of maintaining calm under pressure. Highlight past experiences where you’ve successfully navigated stressful situations, focusing on effective communication and problem-solving skills. Discuss your strategies for understanding the client’s frustrations and working towards a resolution. If you’re new to this, explain how you’d empathize with the user, actively listen to their concerns, propose possible solutions, and ensure follow-ups until satisfaction is achieved. Remember, the key here is showcasing your ability to turn a negative situation into a positive experience.

Example: In a high-stress situation involving a frustrated client, my first step would be to remain calm and composed. It’s crucial to not let the stress of the situation affect my ability to effectively communicate with the client. I’d actively listen to their concerns, empathize with them, and assure them that I’m there to help resolve their issue.

Once I fully understand their problem, I’ll provide clear and concise information on how we can address it. If it’s something that can’t be resolved immediately, I’d set realistic expectations about what steps need to be taken and the timeline for resolution. Throughout this process, maintaining transparency and regular updates is key to reassure the client that their issue is being handled diligently. This approach not only helps in resolving the current issue but also aids in building trust and long-term relationships with clients.

3. What programming languages are you proficient in, and how do they apply to developing software for a digital asset exchange?

This question aims to gauge both your technical skills and your understanding of the specific needs of a digital asset exchange. Coding languages might be universal, but the ways they’re applied can vary greatly depending on the industry. For a digital asset exchange, for example, security, speed, and reliability might be paramount. So, being proficient in a programming language is one thing, but knowing how to apply that knowledge to meet the unique needs of a digital asset exchange is another.

Reflect on the programming languages you excel in and describe how each one could benefit a digital asset exchange. Highlight experiences where you used these languages to solve problems or enhance functionality, preferably in FinTech-related projects. Speak about your adaptability to learn new technologies if required. Remember, they are not only interested in your technical skills but also how you apply them creatively and strategically.

Example: I am proficient in several programming languages including Python, JavaScript, and Solidity. Python is a versatile language that can be used for various aspects of software development such as back-end server scripting, data analysis, AI, and more. It’s particularly useful in the context of a digital asset exchange due to its robust libraries for handling financial data.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is essential for front-end development. With it, I can create intuitive user interfaces and ensure seamless interaction between the client-side and the server-side. Lastly, Solidity is an object-oriented language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum. This skill comes in handy when dealing with cryptocurrencies and creating secure, decentralized exchanges. All these languages combined provide a comprehensive toolkit for developing efficient, user-friendly, and secure digital asset exchange platforms.

4. Describe a time when you had to source and recruit candidates for technical positions within the financial industry.

As a company operating at the intersection of finance and technology, hiring managers want assurance that you understand the unique skills and experiences required for roles in this niche field. Sourcing and recruiting candidates for technical positions in the financial industry requires an understanding of both sectors. This question allows them to gauge your expertise in identifying top talent and your ability to attract these individuals to the company.

Reflect on your experiences of sourcing and recruiting for similar positions. Highlight methods you’ve used, such as networking events, online platforms or referrals. Discuss specific instances where you successfully found a candidate who was an excellent fit. If you’re less experienced, discuss strategies you would use, emphasizing your understanding of the industry’s needs. Remember to showcase your determination and resourcefulness.

Example: In my previous experience, I was tasked with sourcing and recruiting candidates for a fintech company that required technical professionals skilled in blockchain technology. Given the niche nature of this field, it was crucial to have a strategic approach. I started by identifying key skills needed such as knowledge of distributed ledger technology, cryptography, and programming languages like Solidity or Go.

I leveraged various channels including LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow to find potential candidates. Additionally, I attended relevant industry conferences and meetups to network and identify passive talent. Throughout the process, I kept communication transparent and consistent, ensuring candidates were informed about the company’s mission, culture, and the role’s expectations.

The screening involved assessing their technical proficiency through coding tests and problem-solving scenarios related to financial transactions on the blockchain. This helped evaluate not just their hard skills but also their ability to innovate and adapt, which is vital in the rapidly evolving crypto space. The result was successful placement of several qualified individuals who made significant contributions to our projects.

5. How have you ensured compliance with regulations and policies at previous companies dealing with digital assets?

When it comes to dealing with digital assets, compliance with regulations and policies is a linchpin for success. By asking this question, the hiring team wants to assess your knowledge of the regulatory landscape, your ability to implement policies effectively, and your experience in maintaining compliance within the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of digital assets. This is crucial in ensuring that the company operates within legal boundaries while also protecting its interests and those of its clients.

Begin by detailing your understanding of the importance of compliance in the digital assets industry. Refer to specific regulations you’ve dealt with, and provide examples where you proactively ensured adherence to these policies. Highlight any tools or resources used for tracking and maintaining compliance. If possible, demonstrate how your actions reduced risk or led to positive outcomes for the company. Emphasize your commitment to staying updated on regulatory changes within the industry.

Example: In my previous company, I was part of a team responsible for ensuring compliance with various regulations and policies related to digital assets. One key strategy we adopted was implementing robust internal controls designed to meet the specific requirements of each regulation or policy. For instance, in response to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, we established detailed customer identification procedures, ongoing transaction monitoring systems, and risk assessment mechanisms.

Furthermore, we recognized that maintaining compliance is not a one-time task but requires continuous effort. Therefore, we regularly conducted internal audits and reviews to identify any potential areas of non-compliance and rectify them promptly. We also provided regular training sessions for our staff to ensure they were up-to-date on the latest regulatory changes and understood their roles in achieving compliance. This proactive approach helped us stay ahead of regulatory changes and ensured our operations remained within the legal framework at all times.

6. Explain your approach to managing administrative tasks while supporting multiple teams within a fast-paced organization.

At the heart of this inquiry is your ability to juggle multiple responsibilities and teams in a high-octane environment. It’s all about demonstrating your organizational skills, time management abilities, and how you prioritize tasks. Your potential employer wants to see a track record of efficiency, flexibility, and the ability to stay cool under pressure. Your answer should reflect how you can contribute to the smooth running of operations, and how your approach aligns with the company’s fast-paced culture.

To respond effectively, illustrate your ability to multitask and prioritize. Discuss experiences where you handled administrative tasks across several teams successfully. Mention your use of tools or systems that helped in organization and efficiency such as project management tools. Highlight an instance when your organizational skills directly contributed to a team’s success. Remember, it’s vital to show adaptability and keenness for thriving under pressure.

Example: In managing administrative tasks within a fast-paced organization like Kraken Digital Asset Exchange, I prioritize effective organization and clear communication. I utilize digital tools such as project management software to keep track of all ongoing projects, deadlines, and responsibilities across various teams. This allows me to have an overview of the entire operation at any given time, enabling me to make informed decisions about resource allocation and task prioritization.

Moreover, I firmly believe in proactive communication. By keeping everyone updated on their responsibilities and upcoming deadlines, it ensures that each team member is aware of what’s expected from them and can plan their work accordingly. For instance, if there are changes in priorities or new tasks coming up, I ensure these are communicated immediately to avoid confusion and maintain productivity. In essence, my approach revolves around strategic planning, efficient use of technology, and transparent communication to manage administrative tasks while supporting multiple teams effectively.

7. How do you maintain excellent customer service standards even when dealing with complex issues related to cryptocurrency transactions?

Those in the hot seat for this question need to demonstrate a deep understanding of the balance between technical expertise and customer service skills. In the complex world of cryptocurrency, where transactions can be intricate and confusing for many customers, maintaining high service standards is paramount. Interviewers want to ensure you can handle intricate problems, explain them in a user-friendly way, and still provide a positive customer experience, all at the same time.

Kickstart your response by sharing real-life instances where you’ve dealt with complex issues while maintaining high customer service standards. Highlight your problem-solving skills, patience and ability to explain complex information in simple terms. Mention if you have experience in the cryptocurrency sector. If not, emphasize your eagerness to learn and adapt to new industries and technologies, as well as your commitment to delivering exceptional customer service no matter what.

Example: Maintaining excellent customer service standards in the face of complex cryptocurrency issues requires a combination of technical expertise, clear communication, and empathy. For instance, if a client is having trouble understanding why their transaction hasn’t been confirmed on the blockchain yet, I would first ensure that I fully understand the issue myself by looking into the specifics of the transaction, including factors like network congestion or low transaction fees which could be causing the delay.

Once I have a grasp of the situation, I would then communicate this to the customer in a simple and understandable manner, avoiding jargon as much as possible. It’s important to acknowledge their frustration and reassure them that their concern is valid and being addressed. This approach not only resolves the immediate problem but also builds trust and fosters a positive relationship with the customer, ensuring they feel valued and understood. Ultimately, maintaining high customer service standards means combining deep knowledge of cryptocurrency transactions with an ability to make customers feel heard and supported.

8. Share an example of a recruiting strategy that helped you attract top talent for senior-level roles.

At the heart of every successful organization is a team of talented individuals. Therefore, a company’s ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent, particularly for senior-level roles, is critical. This question seeks to understand your strategic thinking, creativity, and effectiveness in attracting high calibre candidates. Your ability to devise and implement successful recruiting strategies directly impacts an organization’s performance and growth, hence the importance of this question.

Reflect on a time when your strategic approach made a significant difference in attracting senior-level talent. You might discuss proactive sourcing methods, targeted job descriptions or leveraging industry networks. Mention how you utilized data and analytics to refine the recruitment process. Highlighting a specific instance where your strategy resulted in hiring an impactful leader will showcase your capability and understanding of high-level recruitment. Remember, it’s not just about filling a role, but finding the right fit for both the company and candidate.

Example: In a previous position, I implemented a strategy that focused on building relationships with potential candidates long before a relevant role became available. This proactive approach involved identifying key industry professionals and engaging them through networking events, social media interactions, and personal introductions. By establishing these connections early on, we were able to create a pool of high-quality candidates who already had some familiarity with our company and culture.

When it came time to fill senior-level roles, we could then reach out to this network directly. Not only did this save significant time in the recruitment process, but it also increased the likelihood of finding a candidate who was both highly skilled and a good cultural fit for our team. The result was an improvement in both the speed of hiring and the quality of hires for senior positions.

9. Describe your experience managing product development from ideation to launch, particularly for trading platforms or fintech products.

The essence of this question lies in the interviewer’s desire to gauge your familiarity with the full product development cycle, especially in the fintech or trading platform sector. They want to understand your ability to conceptualize, manage, and execute the launch of a product, ensuring its alignment with industry standards and customer expectations. Your answer will reveal your strategic thinking, project management skills, and understanding of the fintech market.

Begin by detailing your experiences with specific projects you’ve worked on. Describe the stages from ideation, planning, execution to launch and how you managed each phase. Highlight any unique challenges faced in fintech or trading platforms and how you overcame them. Also emphasize your ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and your role in making critical decisions. If you’re new to this, discuss theoretical knowledge and steps you’d take based on that understanding.

Example: In my previous experience managing product development for a fintech firm, I was responsible for the entire lifecycle of our new trading platform. Starting with ideation, I led brainstorming sessions and conducted market research to understand user needs and industry trends. This informed our vision and objectives for the product.

During the design phase, I worked closely with UX/UI designers and developers to ensure that our platform was intuitive, secure, and efficient. We iteratively tested prototypes with users, incorporating their feedback into subsequent designs. Throughout this process, I maintained open lines of communication between all stakeholders, ensuring everyone was aligned on our goals and progress.

As we moved towards launch, I coordinated marketing efforts to generate buzz and managed the beta testing process to identify any last-minute issues. Post-launch, I oversaw the collection and analysis of user data to assess the success of the platform and identify areas for improvement. The end result was a robust trading platform that saw significant adoption among our target audience, demonstrating the effectiveness of our thorough, user-centered approach to product development.

10. How do you manage project timelines, resources, and stakeholders during the implementation of new technology solutions?

When you’re spearheading the implementation of new tech solutions, you’re essentially at the helm of a ship. This question helps hiring managers understand your navigation skills—how you strategically allocate resources, ensure all stakeholders are in the know, and keep the project running like a well-oiled machine despite potential bumps along the way. It’s about demonstrating your ability to lead a complex project from inception to completion, all while maintaining the highest standards of efficiency and communication.

To answer this question, focus on your experience in project management within the context of implementing new technology. Highlight situations where you’ve had to manage timelines effectively and allocate resources wisely. Discuss how you’ve communicated with stakeholders throughout the process, ensuring their expectations were met. If you’re less experienced, explain your understanding of the importance of these tasks and how you would approach them. Show that you understand the balance between speed, efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Example: Managing project timelines, resources, and stakeholders during the implementation of new technology solutions requires a well-structured approach. I usually start by setting clear goals and expectations for all involved parties. This includes defining what success looks like, establishing milestones, and creating a detailed timeline with specific tasks and deadlines.

To manage resources effectively, I use project management tools to track progress and ensure that we’re staying on budget. Additionally, I regularly communicate with team members to understand any potential roadblocks they may be facing and work together to find solutions. For stakeholder management, I believe in maintaining transparency throughout the process. Regular updates are provided to keep them informed about the project’s status, potential risks, and mitigation strategies. In my experience, this proactive communication helps build trust, ensures alignment, and ultimately leads to successful project delivery.

11. In what ways have you stayed informed about changes and trends within the cryptocurrency market, and how does this knowledge benefit your work?

To navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest trends and developments. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to assess your commitment to continuous learning and your ability to use that knowledge to make informed decisions. Your ability to stay abreast of market changes can directly influence your effectiveness in roles involving strategy, trading, customer service, and more.

When answering this question, discuss the various sources you use to stay updated on cryptocurrency trends such as financial news outlets, blogs, forums or social media. Highlight how you analyze and apply this information in your work; perhaps by making informed decisions, forecasting market trends, managing risks or advising clients. If possible, provide specific examples where your knowledge of the cryptocurrency market positively impacted your job performance.

Example: I have made it a habit to stay informed about the cryptocurrency market through various channels. I regularly follow reputable crypto news outlets, blogs, and forums like CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, and Reddit’s r/cryptocurrency for up-to-date information on market trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. Additionally, I use tools like CoinMarketCap and CryptoCompare to monitor price movements and trading volumes of different cryptocurrencies.

This knowledge greatly benefits my work as it allows me to make data-driven decisions and provide strategic advice based on current market conditions. Understanding the volatility of the market, its cyclical nature, and being aware of factors that influence price movements are crucial in managing risks and capitalizing on opportunities. Also, staying updated with regulatory changes helps in ensuring compliance and navigating potential challenges. Ultimately, this continuous learning process enhances my ability to contribute effectively to Kraken’s mission of promoting the adoption of cryptocurrency.

12. How do you balance prioritizing requests and concerns across various departments, including engineering, customer support, and compliance?

When you’re in a role that requires managing and balancing priorities across various departments, it’s essential that you can demonstrate your ability to efficiently prioritize tasks and manage time effectively. This is particularly important in a dynamic environment like digital asset exchange, where changes happen quickly and decisions often have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line. Your potential employer wants to be sure you can handle these demands while keeping all departments aligned and moving towards the company’s overall goals.

Start by discussing your experience in managing different departments’ requests and concerns. Highlight how you effectively use prioritization tools or techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix or ABC Analysis. Speak about your ability to understand each department’s urgency, deadlines, and importance. Also, mention your strong communication skills that enable you to keep all stakeholders informed of progress, mitigating any potential conflicts. Lastly, demonstrate your flexibility and adaptability to changing priorities.

Example: Balancing priorities across various departments requires a clear understanding of the company’s strategic goals, effective communication skills, and an ability to make data-driven decisions. For instance, if we have a major product release coming up, the engineering department might need more attention to ensure that they’re on track for the launch. However, this doesn’t mean ignoring other departments like customer support or compliance. It’s crucial to maintain regular check-ins with all teams to understand their needs and concerns.

In terms of prioritization, I believe in using a mix of quantitative and qualitative metrics. This could involve looking at key performance indicators such as the number of open tickets in customer support or potential risk factors identified by the compliance team. At the same time, it’s important to consider the impact on overall business objectives and stakeholder expectations. Regularly reassessing these priorities is also essential as business needs change over time. Ultimately, balancing requests and concerns across departments involves constant communication, careful analysis, and thoughtful decision-making.

13. What methods have you used to effectively onboard new team members remotely?

Given that many businesses are increasingly shifting towards a more remote or hybrid work model, having a robust remote onboarding process is key. This question is designed to assess your ability to integrate new hires into the team, even when you can’t do so face-to-face. It’s about understanding how you streamline communication, foster relationships, and ensure that new team members have all the resources they need to hit the ground running, all from a distance.

To answer this question, highlight your experience in remote team integration. Discuss strategies like setting clear expectations, providing comprehensive virtual training, and developing open lines of communication for queries and feedback. If you have initiated regular check-ins or established a buddy system to make new members feel welcome, don’t forget to mention that. Also, talk about any tools or technologies you leveraged to enhance the onboarding process.

Example: In my experience, effectively onboarding new team members remotely requires a combination of structured training and personal engagement. I have utilized digital tools like Asana for task management, where we can set up an onboarding project with all the necessary tasks and resources that a new employee needs to get started. This provides a clear roadmap for their first few weeks.

However, it’s also crucial to build connections between the new hire and the rest of the team. To facilitate this, I’ve organized virtual meet-and-greets or one-on-one meetings with key team members. These sessions are not only about discussing work but also getting to know each other on a personal level. Additionally, regular check-ins during the initial period help ensure any questions or concerns are addressed promptly and the new member feels supported in their transition.

14. Describe how you have successfully resolved conflicts between team members to ensure a productive working environment.

Resolving conflicts among team members is pivotal in any organization. In the fast-paced, dynamic world of digital asset exchange, it’s especially critical. Disputes can slow down productivity, create a toxic environment, and ultimately impact the company’s performance and bottom line. As such, hiring managers are keen to understand your conflict resolution skills, how you maintain team harmony, and ensure collaboration towards common goals.

Begin your response by illustrating a specific situation where you faced conflict among team members. Discuss the measures you took to understand different perspectives, mediate the disagreement and encourage open communication. Highlight any techniques or strategies used for conflict resolution such as active listening, empathy, problem-solving skills or negotiation. Don’t forget to mention the successful outcome that resulted from your intervention, showing how it led to a more harmonious and productive working environment.

Example: In one of my previous projects, I noticed a conflict arising between two team members due to differing opinions on the direction of the project. The disagreement was causing tension and affecting the overall productivity of the team.

To address this issue, I first arranged individual meetings with each party involved in the dispute to understand their perspectives. By doing so, I aimed to create an environment where they could express their concerns freely without feeling defensive. After gaining insights into both sides, I facilitated a joint meeting where everyone had the chance to present their viewpoint. This approach allowed them to better understand each other’s perspective and find common ground.

The key here was promoting open communication and ensuring that every voice was heard. We eventually reached a compromise that satisfied all parties and moved forward as a more cohesive unit. This experience taught me the importance of proactive conflict resolution in maintaining a productive working environment.

15. How do you monitor and measure the performance of different teams within the company and facilitate their improvement?

Understanding how to monitor and measure team performance is crucial in any organization. It speaks to your ability to identify key performance indicators, implement systems for tracking those metrics, and develop strategies for improvement. Furthermore, it shows your potential as a leader who can foster a culture of continuous improvement and high performance. This is especially important in a fast-paced, dynamic industry where teams must adapt quickly to changes and consistently deliver high-quality results.

Start by discussing your experience with various performance metrics used in past roles. Highlight how you’ve leveraged these to track team progress, identify areas of improvement, and implement strategies for enhancement. Mention if you have facilitated workshops or training sessions to upskill teams. Provide an example where your monitoring and facilitation led to significant improvements. Remember, the goal is to show your analytical skills and proactive approach towards improving team efficiency.

Example: Monitoring and measuring the performance of different teams within a company involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are crucial in this process, as they provide measurable and objective data on various aspects such as productivity, efficiency, and quality of work. For instance, for a team handling customer service at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange, KPIs could include average response time, resolution rate, or customer satisfaction scores.

However, it’s also important to consider qualitative factors like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Regular meetings, feedback sessions, and one-on-one discussions can help gauge these aspects. To facilitate improvement, I believe in creating an open environment where teams feel comfortable sharing their challenges and ideas. Providing ongoing training and development opportunities is also key. Additionally, using tools that provide real-time analytics can help identify trends and areas needing attention promptly. This balanced approach ensures not only high-performance levels but also continuous learning and growth within the team.

16. Can you provide an example of a process improvement you implemented that increased efficiency or reduced costs at your previous organization?

Hiring teams want to see that you’re not just capable of doing a task, but that you’re also capable of improving the way it’s done. By asking this question, they’re looking for evidence of your problem-solving skills, your ability to take initiative, and your capacity to bring about positive change in an organization. It’s also a way to gauge your understanding of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, two concepts that are critical in any business environment, including digital asset exchange.

Reflect on your past experiences where you’ve made a significant difference in process enhancement. Discuss the scenario, what actions you took, and the results of those actions. Be specific about any metrics or data that prove success, such as reduced time spent on tasks, decreased costs, or increased productivity. If you’re new to the field, discuss theoretical strategies you would use based on your knowledge and studies. Remember, this is a chance to showcase your problem-solving skills and impact on an organization’s bottom line.

Example: In my previous organization, we were facing challenges with the time taken to resolve customer support tickets. The process was inefficient and led to a backlog of unresolved issues which negatively impacted customer satisfaction. I initiated an analysis of the existing process and identified key areas that were causing delays. One of the primary bottlenecks was the lack of categorization of issues, leading to misallocation of resources.

To address this, I proposed implementing a ticket triage system where incoming issues would be categorized based on their complexity. Simple issues could be resolved by junior team members, while complex ones would be escalated to senior staff. This allowed us to utilize our resources more effectively and reduce the resolution time significantly. Additionally, I suggested automating certain repetitive tasks using AI-based tools which further increased efficiency. As a result, we managed to decrease the average resolution time by 30% and cut costs associated with overtime and overstaffing. Moreover, it improved our customer satisfaction rate considerably.

17. Explain how you’ve handled situations where you needed to deliver difficult feedback to an underperforming team member.

Giving feedback, especially when it’s not all positive, is a fundamental aspect of leadership. It is a test of your ability to balance honesty with empathy, and it’s a key driver of team performance. Therefore, a question about providing difficult feedback helps interviewers gauge your communication skills, your judgment, and your ability to manage and develop others, all of which are critical for leadership roles.

Start by explaining the importance of open communication and honesty in a team. Then, share an example where you provided constructive criticism to a colleague who was underperforming. Make sure to highlight your approach to keeping the feedback focused on their work performance, not personal attributes. Discuss how you proposed actionable solutions to improve and monitored their progress afterwards. Finally, express that difficult conversations are essential for growth and improvement, despite being uncomfortable at times.

Example: In a previous situation, I had to provide feedback to a team member who was consistently missing deadlines. Instead of directly pointing out the issue, I initiated a conversation about how they were managing their workload and if there were any challenges they were facing. This approach allowed them to reflect on their performance without feeling attacked.

After understanding their perspective, I shared my observations with concrete examples and data. I made sure to emphasize that the goal was not to criticize but to help them improve. We then collaboratively developed an action plan which included regular check-ins for progress updates. By handling the situation in this manner, it not only helped the individual improve their performance but also strengthened our professional relationship.

18. Discuss a challenging problem you encountered while working on a software engineering project, and outline the steps you took to address it.

A software engineering role often involves tackling complex problems and finding innovative solutions. Therefore, this question is designed to assess your problem-solving skills and your ability to navigate challenges. Additionally, it gives insight into your thought process, illustrating how you approach difficult situations, your resilience, and your ability to think critically and logically to deliver effective outcomes in your projects.

You should be ready to share a real-life story where you faced a significant challenge in your software engineering project. Start by explaining the project’s context, then describe the problem in detail and why it was challenging. Highlight the strategy or steps you took to solve the issue, demonstrating your creativity, analytical skills, and resilience. Don’t forget to mention what you learned from this experience and how it has helped you become a better engineer.

Example: One of the most challenging problems I encountered was during a project where we were migrating our microservices architecture from a monolithic system. The issue arose when we realized that some services, which were heavily dependent on each other, were not communicating efficiently after the migration and this was causing significant performance issues.

To address this problem, I first conducted a thorough analysis to identify the root cause. It turned out that the inter-service communication was suffering due to network latency and inefficient data serialization formats. To resolve these issues, I proposed using gRPC protocol instead of HTTP/REST for service-to-service communication because of its lower latency and built-in protobuf serialization. Additionally, I also suggested implementing circuit breaker patterns to prevent failure cascading between services. After conducting a successful proof-of-concept demonstrating the benefits of these changes, I led the team in implementing them across our microservices ecosystem. This significantly improved the system’s performance and resilience.

19. How do you stay current with the latest industry regulations and ensure that your team is compliant?

Navigating the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of digital assets requires a constant commitment to learning and adaptability. This question is designed to assess your ability to keep up with the dynamic regulatory environment. It also tests your leadership and management skills, as it’s not just about your individual compliance, but also ensuring your team’s adherence to the latest rules and standards.

Highlight your discipline in keeping up-to-date with regulatory changes through reading industry news, attending webinars or conferences. Discuss how you disseminate this information to your team – perhaps via meetings or training sessions. Mention any systems you have in place to ensure compliance is monitored and maintained. If possible, provide examples of when your proactive approach to staying current has benefited a past employer or project.

Example: Staying current with the latest industry regulations is a crucial part of my work. I do this by subscribing to relevant newsletters, attending webinars and conferences, and being an active member in professional groups that discuss these topics. For instance, within the cryptocurrency space, regulatory changes are common and can significantly impact operations. Therefore, it’s essential to keep abreast of updates from organizations such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

To ensure compliance within my team, I believe in proactive communication and training. Whenever there’s a significant update, I organize briefings or workshops to explain the implications and necessary adjustments to our procedures. Additionally, we use compliance software tools that alert us to any non-compliant activities. This combination of continuous learning and leveraging technology helps us stay compliant amidst the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

20. What strategies have you used to maintain a strong company culture while managing remote teams?

In an age where remote work is becoming increasingly common, a company’s culture can often be its backbone. It’s what keeps employees engaged, motivated, and loyal. Interviewers want to know if you have the experience and skills to foster a positive, inclusive, and productive company culture, even when team members are scattered across different locations. Your ability to maintain a strong company culture in a remote setting speaks volumes about your leadership, communication skills, and understanding of what drives employee satisfaction and performance.

Reflect on your experience in managing remote teams and the tactics you used to foster a strong culture. Discuss strategies like regular virtual team meetings, one-on-one check-ins for personalized attention, online team-building activities or creating open channels of communication. Share any successful outcomes, such as improved collaboration or employee satisfaction rates. If you haven’t managed remote teams before, suggest measures you’d implement based on your understanding of effective remote work dynamics.

Example: In managing remote teams, I’ve found that communication is key to maintaining a strong company culture. Regular check-ins and meetings via video conferencing platforms have been instrumental in ensuring everyone feels connected and part of the team. These meetings aren’t just for work updates; they also serve as an avenue for casual conversations and bonding activities, which are crucial in fostering a sense of community.

Additionally, I’ve implemented virtual team-building activities such as online games or shared movie nights to promote camaraderie among team members. It’s important to create opportunities for social interaction beyond work-related matters to replicate the office environment as much as possible. Furthermore, recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements publicly has helped maintain motivation and engagement levels high. This not only reinforces the company’s values but also shows appreciation for employees’ hard work, contributing to a positive company culture.

21. Describe how you’ve worked with cross-functional teams to achieve a shared objective, particularly within a digital asset exchange context.

This question is about assessing your teamwork and collaborative skills. In a digital asset exchange company, it’s critical to work effectively within cross-functional teams, as such teams often include members from different departments like technology, marketing, finance, and legal. These diverse perspectives are central to creating and managing complex digital exchange platforms. Your ability to navigate these varied perspectives and foster a cooperative environment is key to achieving shared objectives.

Prepare for this question by reflecting on your past experiences where you had to collaborate with various departments to reach a common goal. Discuss how you communicated effectively, resolved conflicts, and managed tasks within the team. If not directly in a digital asset exchange context, highlight instances where you’ve dealt with complex projects or situations which demanded similar skills. Stress on your adaptability and eagerness to work in diverse teams towards shared objectives.

Example: In my experience, working with cross-functional teams within a digital asset exchange context requires clear communication and alignment of objectives. For instance, I was part of a project where we aimed to enhance the security features of our platform. This involved collaboration between the engineering team, cybersecurity experts, user experience designers, and business strategists.

The first step was to ensure everyone understood the shared objective: improving security without compromising user-friendliness. We held regular meetings for updates on each team’s progress and challenges. The UX designers needed to understand the technical constraints from the engineers, who in turn had to comprehend the importance of intuitive design. Meanwhile, the business strategists were responsible for aligning these efforts with market demands and regulatory requirements.

Through open dialogue and mutual respect for each other’s expertise, we successfully rolled out enhanced security measures that maintained ease-of-use. It significantly reduced security-related incidents while maintaining high customer satisfaction levels. This experience taught me the value of effective cross-functional collaboration in achieving complex goals within the fast-paced environment of digital asset exchanges.

22. Can you provide an example of when you had to adapt quickly to a change in project requirements or priorities?

In the fast-paced, ever-changing landscape of digital asset exchange, agility is key. Projects can shift gears overnight, and priorities can change as quickly as the market does. Therefore, hiring managers want to ensure that you can handle sudden changes in stride, adapt quickly, and still deliver high-quality work. Your ability to demonstrate flexibility and resilience in the face of changing demands is a strong indicator of your potential success in this field.

When answering this question, share a specific instance from your past experience where project requirements or priorities changed suddenly. Detail the steps you took to adapt and how you maintained productivity during this shift. Highlight your skills in flexibility, problem-solving, and communication. If possible, mention any positive outcomes that resulted from your quick adaptation like meeting deadlines, client satisfaction, or team efficiency.

Example: In one of my previous projects, we were developing a blockchain solution for a client. Midway through the project, the client decided to pivot from Ethereum to Cardano due to its scalability and cost-effectiveness. This was a significant change as our team had primarily been working with Ethereum-based solutions.

However, I quickly adapted to this change by diving deep into understanding the technicalities of Cardano’s architecture, smart contract functionality, and consensus algorithm. I also coordinated several training sessions for my team to ensure everyone was on the same page. We managed to transition smoothly without extending the project timeline significantly. In the end, not only did we successfully deliver the project but also expanded our expertise in another major blockchain platform.

23. How have you managed stakeholder expectations during projects involving significant risk or uncertainty?

Navigating the unpredictable terrain of digital asset exchange often requires taking on projects that come with a substantial amount of risk or uncertainty. The question is designed to assess your ability to manage expectations, communicate effectively, and deliver results even in challenging circumstances. It’s all about showcasing your ability to keep stakeholders informed and reassured, even when the path forward isn’t entirely clear.

Start by outlining your process for managing expectations, such as clear communication and transparency from the beginning. Then discuss a past project where you successfully managed stakeholder expectations during a period of risk or uncertainty. Highlight how your strategies reduced tension and led to a positive outcome. If you haven’t directly handled this situation before, share steps you would take to ensure all stakeholders are kept informed about progress and changes.

Example: In one of my previous projects, we were implementing a new blockchain technology that was still in its early stages. This inherently involved significant risk and uncertainty due to the novelty of the technology and unforeseen technical challenges that could arise during implementation. To manage stakeholder expectations, I ensured open communication from the very beginning. I explained the potential risks and uncertainties involved with the project, but also highlighted the potential benefits if successful.

I also established clear milestones for the project, each with specific deliverables, so stakeholders could see progress being made even amidst the uncertainty. Regular updates were provided on our progress towards these milestones, including any roadblocks or delays encountered and how they were being addressed. By maintaining transparency about both the risks and our strategies for mitigating them, I was able to keep stakeholder expectations realistic while still fostering enthusiasm for the project’s potential.

24. What steps do you take to foster collaboration and effective communication among distributed team members?

As a global company, it’s critical to have team members who can work effectively in a distributed environment. This question is designed to assess your ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues across different time zones and cultures. It also reflects the company’s commitment to maintaining a cohesive and productive work environment, despite the geographical distances between team members.

When answering this question, highlight your experience with virtual communication tools and methodologies. Discuss practices like regular check-ins, transparent sharing of information, and use of collaborative platforms. Mention how you create an inclusive environment for all team members, regardless of location, by encouraging participation and providing space for everyone’s voices to be heard. If applicable, share specific instances where your efforts led to a successful collaboration within a distributed team.

Example: Fostering collaboration and effective communication among distributed team members is critical, especially in a digital asset exchange environment like Kraken. One of the first steps I take is to establish clear lines of communication using appropriate tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams for instant messaging and Zoom or Google Meet for video conferencing. Regularly scheduled meetings are essential for keeping everyone on track and informed about ongoing projects and tasks.

In addition to these, it’s important to create an inclusive virtual culture where every member feels valued and heard. This can be achieved by encouraging open dialogue, promoting active participation during meetings, and recognizing individual contributions. For complex projects, I find that using project management software like Jira or Asana helps keep everyone aligned with their responsibilities and deadlines. Lastly, fostering a sense of camaraderie through virtual team-building activities can also help improve collaboration and communication.

25. Explain your approach to identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans for various business scenarios within the digital asset industry.

When you’re working in a rapidly evolving industry like digital assets, it’s critical to be proactive in risk management. Hiring managers ask this question to gauge your strategic thinking skills and ability to anticipate potential challenges. They want to see if you can identify risks and plan accordingly to ensure business continuity and resilience. Whether it’s market volatility, cybersecurity threats, or regulatory changes, your role involves minimizing exposure to these risks and preserving the integrity of the company’s operations.

To answer this question effectively, reflect on your previous experience identifying risks and developing contingency plans. Discuss how you stay updated with industry trends and use that knowledge to anticipate potential challenges. Highlight your analytical skills and strategic thinking in managing these situations. If applicable, mention instances where your foresight helped mitigate a risk. For those new to the field, outline your approach to learning about the digital asset industry, understanding its unique risks, and how you would develop contingency plans accordingly.

Example: In identifying potential risks within the digital asset industry, my approach is to first conduct a comprehensive analysis of both internal and external factors. This includes understanding the market trends, regulatory changes, technological advancements, and competitive landscape in the crypto industry. For instance, I would closely monitor developments in blockchain technology for any new vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by hackers.

Once potential risks are identified, developing contingency plans involves creating strategies that can help mitigate these risks or lessen their impact should they materialize. These plans need to be flexible enough to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, yet robust enough to provide clear direction during times of crisis. For example, if there’s a risk of a major security breach due to an emerging hacking technique, the contingency plan might involve ramping up our cybersecurity measures, conducting regular audits, and having a dedicated response team ready to address any issues promptly. The key here is not just planning but also testing these plans regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

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ILULISSAT, GREENLAND - SEPTEMBER 05: Icebergs which calved from the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier (BACKGROUND) float in the Ilulissat Icefjord on September 05, 2021 in Ilulissat, Greenland. 2021 will mark one of the biggest ice melt years for Greenland in recorded history. Researchers from Denmark estimated that in July of this year enough ice melted on the Greenland Ice Sheet to cover the entire state of Florida with two inches of water. According to NASA, Greenland has melted 5 trillion tons of ice over approximately the past 15 years, enough to increase global sea level by nearly an inch. The observations come on the heels of the recent United Nations report on global warming which stated that accelerating climate change is driving an increase in extreme weather events. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

New Study Predicts The Doomsday Glacier Will Rapidly Melt Within Two Decades With Potential Calamitous Consequences For Coastal Communities

kraken case study interview

It’s no surprise that Earth’s ice has been melting. Average global temperatures are increasing slightly over two degrees Fahrenheit—seemingly minuscule but enormous compared to the warming rates in prior years.

The ten warmest years in Earth’s history have all occurred in the past decade. Though this change has been anticipated, a new study conducted by glaciologists at the University of California, Irvine, has revealed an unexpected finding: the so-called Doomsday Glacier is in jeopardy of eroding within the next ten to 20 years, much sooner than the previously estimated 100 to 500 years.

The Doomsday Glacier is a nickname for West Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, derived from the glacier’s potential to raise sea levels by as much as 60 meters. Each day, the ocean eats away at the glacier’s base, causing the glacier to recede deeper into its basin. Salty seawater from the ocean can contain heat, which, when coming into contact with a cold glacier, makes the glacier much more susceptible to melting.

Using high-resolution satellite radar data from Finland’s ICEYE satellites, University of California, Irvine glaciologists collected evidence on the transgression of warm seawater into the Doomsday Glacier. The ICEYE satellites roved multiple times over small areas of the glacier, allowing smooth and accurate data generation.

“Until now, some of the most dynamic processes in nature have been impossible to observe with sufficient detail or frequency to allow us to understand and model them. Observing these processes from space and using radar satellite images, which provide centimeter-level precision InSAR measurements at daily frequency, marks a significant leap forward,” ICEYE Director of Analytics and co-author  Michael Wollersheim  said in a statement.

The study is the first to provide “solid observations” of the process of seawater intrusion, lead author Eric Ringot said. The process needs to be factored into ice sheet models so scientists can severely underestimate global sea level rise projections.

The ramifications of rising ocean levels are costly—many coastal communities risk losing their homes, especially if the Doomsday Glacier collapses entirely. Many studies have shown that these record low sea ice levels would have been unlikely to happen without the influence of human-caused global warming, perpetuated by power consumption and fossil fuels.

The Doomsday Glacier has only recently entered climate change discussions. Still, many well-known figures, such as television personality and scientist  Bill Nye , have been  raising awareness  about its potential impact for years.


Your article is in error – 60 meters should read as 60 centimeters ~ 2 feet not 180 feet

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Case Interview Study Samples

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These case studies represent cases across firm styles (McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Deloitte, & more), including interviewer-led and interviewee-led (candidate-led) cases. The video examples demonstrate the nuances of the virtual case interview and include feedback from an MBB coach. The sessions feature consultants or consulting candidates.

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  1. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions

    Initially reached out by a recruiter for a 45 minute intro call, gauging interest, experience and crypto knowledge. Proceeded to several other steps of the process with a similar structure. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Provide examples of when you went above and beyond for the customer. Answer Question.

  2. Top 25 Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions & Answers

    The Kraken Digital Asset Exchange hiring process typically consists of multiple stages, including an initial HR screening, technical interviews, and a case study or assessment. Candidates report a positive atmosphere and friendly interviewers, but some have experienced disorganization and lack of communication from the HR team.

  3. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Project Manager Interview Questions

    As others have stated, Kraken's interview process is a mess. I was passed around no less than 3 recruiting coordinators with poor follow up cadence over the course of about ~3 months. In between I was asked to do a case study investing 3-5 days.

  4. Working at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange

    Average Interview. Application. I applied online. The process took 2 months. I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange (Singapore) in Dec 2023. Interview. 1 exam and 3 interviews. Assessment: The assessment exam was a rigorous three-hour challenge that required a deep dive into various topics. While the difficulty level was high, the FAQ ...

  5. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Software Engineer Interview Questions

    The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange (San Francisco, CA) in May 2022. The process was split in 3 phases: -30' min video screening with HR - Take-home assignment that is supposed to take 2-3h but it will take you much more time. (+8h) -Technical Interview with 2 engineers.

  6. 15 Kraken Interview Questions & Answers (2024)

    phone screen initially and then offered opportunity to do an interview panel to review a case that was designed to take 24 hours of work, i declined to participate in the panel and case study. Interview questions [1] Question 1. A lot of behavioral phone screen type questions initially, walk me through your resume etc.

  7. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Client Onboarding Specialist Interview

    I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange in 1/11/2023. Interview. It consists of a series of interviews after an initial short written assessment. It was a mind-stimulating assessment, and the interviews are casual and light, as long as you know what you are talking about. Interview questions [1] Question 1.

  8. 15 Kraken Interview Questions & Answers (2024)

    panel interview with follow-up questions on written assessment. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Have you reviewed our cultural statement and provide feedback on it. provide examples of when you assessed competing interests and how do you choose between them.

  9. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions

    Application. I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange. Interview. Kind of hard mostly the first stage with the task, you need to be able to Google really well and have a lot of crypto knowledge to answer that question. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Find the first order of sell on the eth usd pair at Kraken.

  10. Looking to work for Kraken : r/Bitcoin

    Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin.

  11. Kraken interview questions (2024)

    An exhaustive set of recently asked Kraken interview questions. Contributed by candidates, vetted by current Kraken employeess in 2024. Kraken interview questions. 600K+ questions; Recent submissions; 1087 Kraken questions; Employee-verified; 600,000+ questions and growing;

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  13. - Why Kraken

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    Kraken interview details: 12 interview questions and 11 interview reviews posted anonymously by Kraken interview candidates. Skip to ... Consisted of an initial screening, discussion of previous experience, case study and a technical interview. Everyone was very friendly throughout the process and were quick to respond following each interview. ...

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    Kraken interview details: 11 interview questions and 10 interview reviews posted anonymously by Kraken interview candidates.

  17. kraken case study interview

    According to Simply Psychology, case studies involve in-depth studies of a..... Hiring process is in 4 stages with three interviews and assessment which should be presented at the last interview. Overall very positive... Kraken interview questions. ; What are you most proud of in your design career? How would you like to continue that trend at ...

  18. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions

    I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange. Interview. Kind of hard mostly the first stage with the task, you need to be able to Google really well and have a lot of crypto knowledge to answer that question. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Find the first order of sell on the eth usd pair at Kraken. Answer.

  19. Kraken Interview Questions (2024)

    phone screen initially and then offered opportunity to do an interview panel to review a case that was designed to take 24 hours of work, i declined to participate in the panel and case study. Interview questions [1] Question 1. A lot of behavioral phone screen type questions initially, walk me through your resume etc.

  20. New Study Predicts The Doomsday Glacier Will Rapidly Melt Within Two

    The study is the first to provide "solid observations" of the process of seawater intrusion, lead author Eric Ringot said. The process needs to be factored into ice sheet models so scientists ...

  21. Case Interview Study Samples

    Case Interview Study Samples. These case studies represent cases across firm styles (McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Deloitte, & more), including interviewer-led and interviewee-led (candidate-led) cases. The video examples demonstrate the nuances of the virtual case interview and include feedback from an MBB coach. The sessions feature consultants or ...

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    This employer has not claimed their Employer Profile and is missing out on connecting with our community.

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    I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange in Mar 2024. Interview. The interview process was well-organized and consisted of several steps designed to assess my qualifications and fit for the role. It began with an initial assessment containing questions that covered crypto and client service topics.

  24. Transgender men getting 'postmenopausal' problems aged 28, study reveals

    Experts analysed 68 transgender men who were taking the cross-sex hormone to change their identity from female to male and found that 95 per cent had developed pelvic floor dysfunction. The ...

  25. Kraken Business Analyst Interview Questions

    1 Kraken Business Analyst interview questions and 1 interview reviews. Free interview details posted anonymously by Kraken interview candidates. ... phone screen initially and then offered opportunity to do an interview panel to review a case that was designed to take 24 hours of work, i declined to participate in the panel and case study ...

  26. Trump Spews False Claims and Fury in Wake of Conviction

    Central to the case was a $130,000 payment made days before the election to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, who said she had had sex with Mr. Trump a decade earlier, and his reimbursements to his ...

  27. Kraken Digital Asset Exchange Interview Questions

    I interviewed at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange. Interview. Kind of hard mostly the first stage with the task, you need to be able to Google really well and have a lot of crypto knowledge to answer that question. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Find the first order of sell on the eth usd pair at Kraken.