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9 Project design management as a methodology

Learning Outcomes

  • Contextualise the phases of the Design Management Method (DMM).
  • Articulate the key benefits of DMM for project managers.
  • Determine the importance of DMM as the new Parading in project management.

Companies that manage design effectively and efficiently attain better performance than those that do not. Therefore, good design does not emerge by chance or by simply investing in design but rather as the result of a managed process. (Chiva and Alegre 2009)

Design Management

Design is a potent differentiator that some organisations use to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Implementing excellent design is not a stand-alone task; rather, businesses must build a wide range of project management skills in this area. Such design capabilities are increasingly acknowledged as a source of competitive advantage; however, they are frequently neglected by businesses due to their lack of understanding of how to implement this approach.

Design management refers to the management activities, methodologies, and competencies necessary to optimise and oversee design processes. In the 1980s, the marketing ‘expert’, Philip Kotler, asserted that the significance of design to a company’s competitiveness was obvious (Kotler 1984). However, it is only in recent times that design has gained popularity within businesses’ competitive methods.

In project management, design is a comprehensive approach. Managing design for successful projects is not just about the control of a creative process; it is also about delivering outputs effectively, efficiently, and efficaciously, such as achieving project objectives and outcomes at all levels and meeting all stakeholders’ requirements. The effective management of the design process helps decrease design-related problems in the project life cycle as well as minimise the overall project risks. This method also enables profitability maximisation for the organisation by providing a platform for continuous improvement. This is captured in the project design definition statement by Murray and Thomas (2008:2) below:

Successful businesses would never create a product and put it into production without the use of modelling, simulations, or prototypes. A good project design and plan is needed to justify this process.  According to Murray and Thomas (2008), project design, therefore, facilitates the project life cycle by bridging the gap between the strategic decision to execute the project and its actual implementation. It aids in responding to the issue of deciding on the most optimal and viable method for executing the project.

Therefore, why design?

We would like you to consider these 4 main reasons:

  • As a methodology, project design recognises, assesses, and describes the enormous coordinating effort inherent in all big projects.
  • It supports intricate interdependencies and provides a technique for rapidly recognising, assessing, and adjusting these interdependencies using visual modelling and simulation prior to time and cost impacts.
  • An effective project design management approach can eliminate ambiguity about the project’s scope and save time and money in the long run.
  • Companies that invest in design encourage innovation.

By establishing a clear project design framework, the management of the project life cycle in general will be facilitated by bridging the gap that often exists between the strategic decision to execute the project and its actual implementation. A clear project design framework will also aid in responding to the issue of what is the most optimal and viable method for executing the project, because it is a method embedded within all the existing approaches but also one that stands on its own.

Stages involved in project design

To be able to start you must be a CREATIVE project manager. Creativity and the ability to generate ideas/innovation are two core skills a project manager requires to design. In addition, for the organisation to properly manage design, they need to have a design management process that is both well-planned and highly efficient. Therefore, the DMM implementation for an organisation begins with the formulation of an implementation strategy, project conceptualisation and design review. These 3 stages will include the components highlighted in Table 10.

Table 10. DMM’s 3 core stages

Understanding the project’s purpose is essential for developing efficient project designs. Additional strategies for designing project plans include the following.

Focus on the objective . Align the project objectives with project deliverables to ensure that they are met while the project is executed. Start with the desired outcome and move backwards. Using project timeline tools such as Gantt Charts and a Work Breakdown Structures, the project manager can combine project objectives with the correct actions necessary to fulfil them.

Stakeholder engagement. Communication is vital for the success of every endeavour. It is the project manager’s role to invite team members and stakeholders to participate in project design consultations. This helps align all parties and ensures that they are aware of and committed to the project’s objectives.

Review and modify . Designing a project is not a one-done method. The design documentation may require modifications and updates over time. It is normal practice to modify project plans when new information is gathered as the project progresses.

A feasibility study. As discussed in earlier modules, this is a report that describes the optimal solution in broad but realistic terms. Additional research and development (R&D) may be necessary when establishing the facts to start the design of a project.

Develop prototypes. The adoption of models and simulations such as distribution, and scheduling is recommended.

According to Scacandi (2012) the following are critical tasks to define design requirements in the project life cycle.

  • Specify owner design specifications and project design prerequisites

In addition to the design-related information collected for the project, the project manager should collect any extra design-related information from all the relevant stakeholders. Identify any gaps in the available information and endeavour to get the missing data. This is the ideal moment to meet with the project host organisation, examine any design-related information, and determine how to proceed with gathering further data.

  • Engage design consultants

Now is the time to recruit all the essential design project team members needed to create the functional design brief and the concept design. It is crucial that the consultant’s job scope and needed degree of input be spelt out very clearly in their contract agreement.

  • Prepare the initial design concept

Manage and organise the design project team to create the initial design concept that responds to and documents all the stakeholder’s needs and criteria and serves as the basis for the design to be approved and moved to a planning and executing phase. The concept design needs to be complemented by concept design sketches and a complete design proposal report.

  • Develop the design management strategy

At this point of the design process, it is necessary to create the design management strategy, which serves as a guide for how the design will be managed. It is a crucial component of the project manager’s project management strategy. Figure 37 shows a flowchart of the events that need to be undertaken to develop the project management strategy.

Figure 37. Design project management strategy, by Carmen Reaiche and Samantha Papavasiliou, licensed under CC BY (Attribution) 4.0


  • Outline the project cost plan

The design project manager is responsible for supervising and coordinating the creation of the outline cost plan while incorporating the feedback of all relevant design consultants.

  • Specify the risks posed by the design

During the business case phase, any design-related risks that have been discovered should be analysed and elaborated on by the whole design team. Any risks connected to the design of the safety feature should also be recognised. After that, the project manager should assess the risks posed by the design, and the steps you took to mitigate those risks should be documented in the overall risk register. This will serve as the basis for future use and ongoing management.

  • Value proposition – Return on Investment

At this point in time, the design project manager ought to organise a session on value management. The purpose of a value management proposition is to conduct an exhaustive analysis of a project’s primary functions or performance in order to obtain the greatest possible return on investment (ROI). It gives a summary of the project’s goal as well as the recurring and one-time costs associated with it.

  • Determine the procedure for project approvals

At this point, it is the responsibility of the design project manager to collaborate with their design team in order to establish and clarify the process of planning approval and to integrate this with the needs of the whole design process.

  • Construct the report on the final design

Complete the functional design brief, concept drawings, and an outline design report for delivery to the project host organisation. The outline design report should include the conclusions of the outline design process. Before moving on to the next stage of design, this step allows all key stakeholders the chance to offer their comments and suggestions. After the project host organisation has given its approval, the design project manager is able to move on to the next step of the project’s life cycle, which is the scheduling design phase.

Like every project management methodology or approach, the design management methodology is one that follows the flow of the project life cycle. Project managers must start by having a conversation about the project’s objectives and intended outcomes with their team and any other key stakeholders. To get started, we recommend organising a brainstorming session during which the project manager will document the overall project plan as well as the major deliverables. Project managers have a better understanding of the criteria and standards for the project after gathering the right amount of information. If the project manager communicates with the team and asks for their input on the project’s practicability and feasibility, this will decrease the amount of time spent on planning, executing, and reviewing the project and enhance the likelihood that it will be successful.

Establish the primary goals of the project, then break each one down into smaller, more achievable pieces and activities. These need to contain all the actions and tasks that you, as the project manager, will carry out over the course of the project. It is recommended that the project manager pays close attention to anything that could stand in the way of finishing the project as soon as possible. To evaluate the factors that could have an effect on one’s level of success, it is necessary to take into account potential drawbacks, such as limitations in terms of time, money, and resources (remember the rule of the iron triangle). Maintaining communication with the relevant teams and stakeholders to find solutions to these problems before the project gets underway is also a must step while adopting DMM. Determine the factors that will regulate accomplishing the project and compile a list of criteria to determine whether or not the results, deliverables, and completed outcomes have been attained. Find out who is in charge of the approvals and the processes that need to be followed for the approvals to go through successfully and just in time. This will minimise potential delays.

In sum, the project manager is initially responsible for designing the project and this is one of their key responsibilities. At this stage, choices must be made about how to manage and steer the project administratively and ethically. In the process of developing a project plan, attention is paid to the requirements of the project’s stakeholders, the organisation, and, of course, the project itself. Following that, the next stages of the project will be supervised with the help of the overall design management strategy.

If the entirety of the development process as well as the outcome of the project are dependent on the structure of the project design, then you could give some thought to how difficult and crucial it is for the structure of the project design itself to be effective from the start. A project design may assist in removing any potential roadblocks from the process of developing the project and can also help lessen any confusion regarding the project objectives and outcomes that may exist among those participating in the project. Therefore, it is critical that you master this approach if you wish to excel as a project manager.

Test your knowledge

Key Takeaways

The following elements come together to form a comprehensive project design:

  • a comprehensive explanation of the organisation or company that will be in charge of the expansion of the project and the responsibilities that come along with that
  • a comprehensive review of the project, including its history and recommendations for its future growth
  • the aims, milestones, goals, and outcomes of the project are clearly outlined.

Design project management encompasses each and every product, key deliveries, assessment and monitoring standards, as well as features of success project criteria.

Design project management is the act of handling incoming design requests, assigning work to team members, and managing the project life cycle until its conclusion.

Design management methodology demands effective project collaboration

Chiva R and Alegre J (2009) ‘Investment in design and firm performance: the mediating role of design management’, Journal of Product and Innovation Management , 4:424–440, doi:10.1111/j.1540-5885.2009.00669.x.

Kotler, P (1984) Principles of Marketing , The Prentice-Hall series in Marketing. Prentice-Hall.

Murray P and Thomas S (2008) ‘Designing complex projects’, paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2008—North America, Denver, CO , Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, PA.

Scacandi P (2012) ‘9 steps to define design requirements on your project’, WriterType, accessed 3 August 2022. https://projectmanager.com.au/9-steps-design-requirements-project/

Management Methods for Complex Projects Copyright © 2022 by Carmen Reaiche and Samantha Papavasiliou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Project design

A Guide to Project Design in Project Management

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Project managers often face challenges when managing various project components and resources. However, a well-crafted project design can simplify project management and help teams collaborate. It lays the groundwork for your ideas, resources, and deliverables, setting a clear path before the project’s wheels are even in motion. An effective project design not only streamlines your preparatory work but also paves the way for more efficient project management. By establishing a coherent project design, teams can synchronize their understanding of the project’s vision, expected outcomes, and methodologies. This guide delves into the seven pivotal steps of project design, providing insights on crafting a design with precision using tools like Jira  and Confluence .

What is project design?

Project design is the process of planning a project’s objectives, structure, tasks, and deliverables and deciding on the definition of done. Project managers execute the design process before implementation to align teams on project objectives.  Developing alternative designs is helpful for stakeholders to decide on the best execution plan. A well-managed project design can ensure stakeholder buy-in. It’s important to get stakeholder buy-in sooner than later so you avoid getting their feedback late in the process, which can cause a roadblock.

How project design works

Project design happens early on in the five project management phases as a broad blueprint before any further detailed project planning. A project design uses Gantt charts and flowcharts to provide a project overview. It explains the project’s plan, timeline, and roadmap, establishing a baseline for the team and stakeholders. A project plan template outlines the project design.

Why is project design important?

Project design ensures the viability and success of a project and helps communicate project value to stakeholders. For example, you can demonstrate to stakeholders what your plans are and set expectations for the entire project.  Some other benefits of project design include: 

  • Ensuring project success: Without taking stock of a project’s potential scope and resources beforehand, you’ll build a project plan in the dark. 
  • Minimizing risks: A project design will take into account potential roadblocks. That way, you can figure out ways to circumvent them ahead of time. 
  • Maximizing use of resources: With a project design in place, you’ll know what resources are available and how to utilize them better. 

The design phase of a project determines the resources required and ensures efficient resource utilization.

Steps in the project design process

The seven steps in the project design process are important for Agile teams to simplify the Agile project management process and plan how the project will unfold. For effective project design, teams must follow these seven steps:

Define goals

Project goals should be clear and achievable, never exceeding team members’ abilities.  Goals should align with the project purpose and business objectives. As a project manager, you should consider whether your project’s goals add value to your company’s products and customers. The SMART system —specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound—is a proven method for establishing goals. You can use the template in Confluence to help you. Using the template will allow your team to set specific and measurable goals.

Establish outcomes

Outline the required project outcomes and align them with your project goals. Outcomes should resolve product problems for your users, such as functionality and usability. In short, they should further improve your product. For example, an outcome can be to improve the sales flow of the product.  It’s important to note that outcomes are not deliverables or work output. Instead, outcomes determine how customers will use deliverables and their value to customers and the company.  Outlining project outcomes provides a measure of success and a definition of done. From those outcomes, you can better assess their impact.

Identify risks

Risk management is essential to project design. Your job as a project manager is to anticipate problems. You’ll need to look for potential roadblocks, such as development’s current capacity, and determine its impact on the project. Risks include stretched resources, high costs, or scope creep. For example, once you have identified scope creep as a potential risk, you can mitigate this risk by creating clear project parameters and identifying and adhering to deliverables.

Create a project strategy

The strategy is the foundation of the project plan and ensures the team reaches its goals while adhering to project constraints. You should create the strategy at the same time as the project overview to ensure precision in your execution.  To create an excellent project strategy, study similar projects and learn from them. This can help unearth common pitfalls, allowing you to plan for them. Once you have identified several potential strategies, consider the pros and cons of each and apply your research to identify the best strategy. This process is part of continuous improvement .

Set a budget

The next step is to create a budget with the information gathered in the previous steps. The project budget will depend on the required project resources. The free budget template in Jira  is extremely useful for building a project budget.  Creating a budget helps to reduce the likelihood of cost increases and misallocated resources. Stakeholders appreciate project managers who stick to a budget.

Prepare a contingency plan

It’s important to create a contingency plan for all identified risks. For example, you may need to communicate a change to your customers, especially if the change fundamentally affects the product’s primary function. That kind of change could be a risk where you lose users if you don’t communicate the change to them properly. So, your contingency plan could include onboarding and customer success training, so you’re communicating any changes to customers.

Track deliverables

A well-rounded project design includes details on project deliverables. It’s important to monitor and track the progress of deliverables during the project to ensure the team stays on target, remains within budget, and meets deadlines.  Jira  helps project managers track deliverables using Gantt charts or Kanban boards to track project progress.

How to build the best project design

To build an effective product design for your business, there are a few important things to know, such as:

  • Communicate effectively. Communication and transparency are critical to project success. Jira includes advanced roadmaps to facilitate communication. These enable teams to collaborate and visualize boards, projects, and filters for insight into project design. You can use Confluence to create the documentation for your project and organize the team. 
  • Involve stakeholders. Getting stakeholder buy-in as soon as possible ensures a project will meet their expectations. 
  • Adapt to change. Deal with changes promptly by reviewing the contingency plan and quickly resolving issues as they arise. Jira  allows you to execute your plan by highlighting any possible roadblocks ahead of time. Jira integrates with Confluence for a seamless project management experience.

Excel in project design with Jira

Now that you understand the concept behind project design, you can use the process for your next venture. Effective project design is the foundation of a successful project, ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget. Jira helps you build an effective project design and assists your team with understanding and sharing project goals with other team members. Use Confluence and Jira to track your project and create your documentation.

Project design: Frequently asked questions

How do you define project scope.

The project scope lays out all aspects of a project, including deadlines and deliverables. It describes the project boundaries and helps communicate the exact nature of the project to key stakeholders. The project scope becomes a document that helps team members understand the project outcomes.

What is the difference between project scope and project objectives?

Project scope is the overall outcome of the project. For example, you’ll outline all the tasks and deliverables for this particular project. Project objectives define the project outputs and what the team wants to achieve. For example, an objective might be a deliverable that increases product performance.

How does project design contribute to overall project success?

A well-designed project plan enhances efficiency, minimizes risk, and guides the project toward success. Project design brings project details together for clarity, giving the team confidence to execute the project effectively.

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methodology of project design

Project Design Explained and 8 Steps to Make One

Learn about the missing project phase and how it can help your projects to achieve success. Discover how to make one and more.

methodology of project design

Many project management approaches overlook a critical phase that can impact project success. Project design is the missing link (project phase) that sets the stage for other project phases.

Teams can struggle to align ideas and objectives without a well-defined project design. Stakeholders may lose themselves in the complexities of project execution because of a lack of clarity. And scope creep can set in and infect every deliverable and stage of your work.

But what exactly is the design phase? And how do you create a successful design document?

Together, we’ll answer these questions and guide you toward project design success. We’ll also show you a few tips and tools to help control these and even other phases.

What is project design?

Project design  is sometimes called the “lost” phase of the customary  five project management stages . It is a primary phase in a project’s life cycle, usually preceding the design of a  project plan  or charter. This is because it concentrates more on the general view of the project rather than its minute details.

‎Once the project design phase is done, it's followed by the creation of a project proposal,  project charter , and  project plan . These project documents typically draw details from ‌the overview that the project design gives. They'll then be used to manage the rest of the  phases of the project life cycle .

For simple and small projects, the project design can replace the proposal and project plan. In these cases, it greatly simplifies the whole  project lifecycle  management process.

Project design is an opportunity to harmonize concepts, processes, and outcomes. Visuals like flowcharts,  Gantt charts , and  timelines  are frequently used to give stakeholders a clear view. The stakeholders are also sometimes given multiple choices, so they can pick the one they believe best meets their requirements.

What is included in project design?

This document phase requires a few key project elements, such as:

  • A project overview of the objectives, scope, and intended outcomes.
  • The chosen  methodology  for project execution such as  Agile  or  Waterfall .
  • This phase identifies the key deliverables, products, or features that the project aims to achieve. Therefore, it’s best to include them during this step.
  • A preliminary budget estimate. It doesn’t have to be a detailed financial breakdown; a rough estimate is all you need.
  • An outline of precise mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating project progress. This includes milestones, checkpoints, and performance metrics (KPIs).
  • The design document should have a rough estimate of the time needed to complete the project.
  • The project design defines the roles and responsibilities of the managerial stakeholders.

How to create a project design in 8 steps

Now that we know what a project design is and what it entails, let’s go over eight steps you can use to create one.

1. Identify the project purpose and objectives

To begin, you should first clearly define the purpose and objectives of the project. Look beyond the immediate goals and focus on the bigger picture.

Think about the following when identifying the project's purpose and objectives:

  • Reflect on your company's mission and vision as you want the project to align with its broader goals.
  • Articulate the core problem your project intends to solve or the value it aims to create.
  • Clearly outline the measurable objectives that will determine the project’s success.

2. Conduct a needs assessment

Once you know the aim and goals of the project, the next step is to evaluate stakeholder requirements. This assessment aims to understand their challenges, expectations, and requirements.

To do this:

  • List all parties involved in the project — team members, users, clients, and anyone impacted. Then, rank them in terms of importance and influence on the project.
  • Ask (highly influential) stakeholders about their pain points, desires, and expectations. Hold interviews, surveys, and workshops to gather information.
  • Rank the gathered information in order of importance.
  • Compare current project goals and stakeholder needs. Try to identify where discrepancies exist — these are your gaps to fill.
  • Capture concise project requirements based on stakeholder input.
  • Use these in the next step to define the project scope.

3. Define the project scope

In Step 3, we’ll define the  project scope  — a pivotal task where you create distinct boundaries. This entails outlining what your project will cover and, equally, what it won’t.

  • ‎To start, you define the outer limits of your project’s reach. Think about your resources,  timeline , capacity, and quality of the major deliverables.
  • Then, specify what exactly falls within and without your project’s scope.

With a well-defined scope, you have a solid benchmark to evaluate changes. This prevents uncontrolled expansion ( scope creep ) that could derail your project’s progress. Another benefit of a well-defined scope is that you can use it to set (and manage)  stakeholder  expectations.

4. Develop a project work plan

In this step, we will create a work plan outlining important project tasks and activities.

  • List all tasks necessary to complete your project.
  • Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
  • Then, organize the tasks logically (keep in mind any  dependencies ).

A helpful approach is to envision the outcome and work backward.

Another strategy is to use a work breakdown structure ( WBS ). This tool breaks down all work in a hierarchy that makes visualizing work easy. It also checks if all work has been considered or outlined in the plan later.

5. Estimate resources required

We must identify and estimate the resources required to execute the project successfully. Resources are things like personnel, equipment, materials, or a budget.

To estimate resources, you can:

A) Identify the resources you need for each task in your project work plan. Then, estimate the quantity required for each resource. And take into account any dependencies between tasks.

B) If you’ve used a WBS, you must determine the resources for each task. (The lowest level of the WBS gives you the tasks.)

6. Assign managerial roles

It’s common practice not to mention specific roles of lower-level staff, as this document will likely go through many iterations. However, identifying the managerial roles and their responsibilities is essential, as they’ll nurture the project from this phase into existence.

Here, you’ll capture the roles and responsibilities of senior-level stakeholders and managers. You’ll also have to ensure that the assigned duties align with the leaders' expertise.

7. Risk assessment and mitigation

We need to find any risks and plan to lower the impact or avoid them.

Here’s a quick way to do this for the design:

  • List out any potential risks that could impact your project. These could be anything from unexpected resource shortages to technical difficulties.
  • Determine how likely it is for each one to occur.
  • Develop strategies to lessen the impact of identified risks. Think of proactive steps to prevent them and  contingency plans  to handle them if they arise.

8. Finalize the project design document or presentation

Once you’ve gathered all the essential information from the previous steps, it’s time to create a comprehensive project design document. After that, you should present it to the relevant stakeholders and get their approval.

Visual tools for the project design phase

Using visual aids can greatly help to convey the message and create a better group understanding.

Here are several powerful visual tools that are helpful during this phase:

  • Flowcharts  are graphical representations that depict processes, sequences, and decision points. They help identify bottlenecks, decision pathways, and potential inefficiencies.
  • WBS  breaks down the project into manageable components. As mentioned, this helps identify all necessary tasks and lets you see what resources you need.
  • Gantt charts  display tasks along a timeline. You can visualize the project schedule, dependencies, and task durations with them.
  • Kanban boards  are often associated with task management but can also help with the project design phase. You can create a Kanban board to outline the different steps and activities of the project visually. Each column can represent a crucial phase in the design process, such as gathering requirements and conceptualizing. Within each column, you can place cards representing specific tasks or activities related to that phase.
  • Mind maps  visually capture ideas, concepts, and their relationships. They’re particularly helpful for brainstorming sessions and organizing thoughts around project components.
  • PERT  is an acronym for (program evaluation and review technique). PERT charts facilitate understanding project timelines and potential bottlenecks.

Plan your project design with Motion

Months (or years) of planning and testing came before Lance Armstrong took his first famous step on the moon, and before that came the project design. The project design was the guiding light of the project during execution and planning to help them reach success.

To help you reach newer heights with your project phases, try out Motion, a leading  project management tool . It features an automated task manager that you can use to help you plan out work to be done (like a mini-WBS).

With Motion’s built-in Kanban board, you can take ‌project design to the next level. Here, you can organize tasks,  workflows , and project stages to get a good overview of the work that has to be done. You can then save the project (and tasks you’ve defined), and when it goes into the planning phase, you can use the one you saved to allocate resources.

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methodology of project design

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Project Management Methodology: Definition, Types, Examples

project management methodology

What is a project management methodology ? How can it be defined? In simple terms, it is a must-have to avoid failure and reduce risks because it is one of the critical success factors as well as the core competency of the management team. It is the straightforward way to guide the team through the development and execution of the phases, processes and tasks throughout the project management life-cycle.

What is a Methodology? The Definition in Project Management

The term “ project management methodology ” was first defined in the early 1960s when various business organizations began to look for effective ways that could simplify the realization of business benefits and organize the work into a structured and unique entity (which was called “ project ” later on). Communication and collaboration were the key criteria for establishing productive work relationships between the teams and departments within one and the same organization.

Since that time, the term has been changed and modified many times, new definitions have been created, new elements and functions have been added. Today we consider a project management methodology as a set of broad principles and rules to manage a specific project that has a definite beginning and end. Below is the current definition of methodology .

Project Management Methodology is a strictly defined combination of logically related practices, methods and processes that determine how best to plan, develop, control and deliver a project throughout the continuous implementation process until successful completion and termination. It is a scientifically-proven, systematic and disciplined approach to project design, execution and completion.

The purpose of project methodology is to allow for controlling the entire management process through effective decision making and problem solving, while ensuring the success of specific processes, approaches, techniques, methods and technologies.

Typically, a project management methodology provides a skeleton for describing every step in depth, so that the project manager or program manager will know what to do in order to deliver and implement the work according to the schedule, budget and client specification.

Referring to the above mentioned definition, an appropriately chosen project management methodology paves the way for gaining the following achievements:

  • The needs of stakeholders are defined
  • A common “language” is established and understood by the team, so they know what’s expected of them
  • Cost estimates are complete, accurate and credible
  • Every task is done using a common methodological approach
  • Most conflicts are spotted and resolved early
  • Expected deliverables are produced and handed over
  • Lessons are learned and solutions are quickly implemented

Methodology in Project Management Framework

Project management (the acronym “PM”) provides the framework of planning, doing and delivering projects of any kind, size, nature and type. PM framework focuses on the realization of desired change in line with a chosen methodological approach. Actually, change is the core aspect that should be managed. PM framework identifies and defines how to best manage change. And methodology serves as the “way” to systematically realize change in terms of time, cost and quality.

Managing projects means describing and performing the activities required to meet the specific objectives of making change.

For example, writing a book is a kind of project in which the objective is to write a book. This objective can be fulfilled by a series of activities, including defining the topic, collecting material, creating a draft, typing, proofreading, others. So in terms of project management, the author needs to define and then complete all the necessary activities in order to write a book (which means make change).

Here’s a simplified example of how a project methodology can be presented in the management hierarchical structure:

PM Framework precedes Methodology which in turn precedes Lifecycle Stages and determines the project management Processes, Tasks and Activities

Project Management Methodology Types

In project management there are a variety of approaches and methods that can be employed in managing different kinds of project. All the types of project methodology can be conditionally divided into traditional and modern approaches.

Traditional Approach

A traditional approach involves a series of consecutive stages in the project management process. It is a step-by-step sequence to design, develop and deliver a product or service. It entails achieving the succession in the implementation process and provides the benefits of milestone-based planning and team building. In IT and software development, this methodology type is called “ Waterfall ” – one portion of work follows after another in linear sequence.

The following stages are included the traditional project management methodology:

  • Initiation (requirements specification)
  • Planning and design
  • Execution (construction and coding)
  • Control and integration
  • Validation (testing and debugging)
  • Closure (installation and maintenance)

Modern Approaches

Modern methodologies do not focus on linear processes but they provide an alternative look at project management. Some of the methods are best for IT and software development, while others can be implemented in production, process improvement, product engineering, and so on. Modern PM approaches use different models of the management process.

Project Management Methodology Examples

It is the matter of a project’s type, size and nature to select the right methodology. Here are the most popular PM methodologies:

PMBOK® Guide

Although A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge IS NOT a PM methodology in its “ pure state “, many people regard it as the methodological approach to planning, executing, controlling and terminating various projects. Meanwhile, the PMBOK® Guide is a broad inventory of best practices and ideas on planning and implementing projects. Please note that it is just a guide but not a project management methodology.

PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 ( PRINCE2 ) presents a suite of process-driven methods and documentation-oriented approaches that allow driving various projects in the private sector. It was developed the UK Government, and today this great example of project management methodology is used both in the UK and internationally.

Critical path method (CPM) explores the most important or critical tasks of a project by defining possible activity sequences and estimating the longest duration of each sequence. It helps figure out how long it will take to complete the work and what tasks will compose the scope.

Lean PM methodology intends to maximize customer value and minimize resource waste. Lean project management lets organizations create higher value for their customers with fewer resources. This approach achieves perfection in customer satisfaction and value generation through implementing an optimized process flow that eliminates waste in products, services, transportation, inventories, etc.

The method of Six Sigma was originally developed by Motorola to improve its production processes by eliminating defects (defined as “non-conformity of a product or service to its specifications”). Today Six Sigma is one of the most popular and worldwide trusted examples of project management methodology for ensuring the accuracy and speed of a process’s implementation through eliminating or minimizing waste.

Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is the way to plan, implement and review various kinds of work in single- and multi-project environments. This management methodology uses Theory of Constraints (TOC) and the concept of buffers to establish improved task durations and manage resource-dependent tasks and activities.

SCRUM is an example of Agile PM methodology that involves teams in producing a software product in 30-day “ sprints ” and monthly “ scrum sessions “. In a SCRUM-driven project, the deliverables are broken down into 30-day intervals. This methodology example is specific and applicable mainly to collaborative, 100%-dedicated teams, with no heavily constrained time and materials budget.

Project Management for Students

Project management for students is a vital part of the education and training process. Students can easily get a project management degree, but it does not mean that it comes as easy as taking the homework. Students need to take into account some important aspects if they want to manage a project properly.

For instance, choosing the best admission essay writing service is of great importance because if for some reason the student cannot deliver a high-quality essay in time, he will most likely fail the course or even worse he will be expelled from the college or university.

Students should prepare well for the project or the essay. They need to research on the topic beforehand, keep track of what is going on, write on time and work within the deadline.

This will allow them to catch up with their fellow students, focusing only on what they have to do and not worrying about what other people are doing.

Worth Reading

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Custom Software Development: A Business Owner’s Guide to Best Practices

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Chapter 3: Project management methodologies

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There are many project management methodologies and frameworks out there, designed to assist with different types of projects. But how do you know which one is best for your efforts? 

In this section, we’ll walk through the most popular PM methodologies, and share advice for how to choose the best method to fit your needs.

Waterfall or traditional project management

Waterfall or traditional project management is based on a defined set of tasks that are completed sequentially to produce a final deliverable. This method of PM is simple and predictable, but not very flexible. 

Waterfall project management is ideal for projects with a single, large deliverable, like a building. While it’s less useful for projects that require a lot of flexibility, are subject to change, or require multiple, dependent tasks to be completed in tandem, like software development. 

The main benefits of Waterfall are tight planning and organization, and a high degree of control over each project task and the greater project schedule. That said, using Waterfall can make it difficult to adapt to unexpected events or changes to project scope, which can result in added time, resources, and cost.

Teams often use a Gantt chart , a visual timeline tool that maps out project tasks in succession, in Waterfall-managed projects. Learn more about Gantt charts in Chapter 9 .

To learn more about the phases and pros and cons of Waterfall, visit our in-depth guide to creating and using a Waterfall chart .

The Agile family

The Agile family is a category of project management methodologies that prioritizes flexibility and continuous improvement over rigid, sequential processes. There are many popular methodologies within Agile, and we’ve dug into each below.

Agile project management

In Agile project management , teams complete smaller, incremental tasks, and then continually review, refine, and iterate based on feedback and demands of the end users.

Agile project management was formalized in 2001 by a group of software developers intent on finding a more collaborative, flexible method to complete projects. The group documented their ideas in the Manifesto for Agile Development , which lays out the following four values:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Agile PM prioritizes a collaborative relationship between the end user and the project team. The customer sets the project objectives, but the deliverables are subject to change as the team incrementally executes each project task. In Agile, each development feature is called a user story , which reflects how the end user will interact with it. 

Agile project management was initially intended for software development, but is now commonly used across a variety of industries and types of projects. Learn more about the Agile process and how to implement it by reading our comprehensive guide to Agile PM . 

Pros and cons of Agile project management

Agile is a good fit for projects that require a high degree of flexibility and are likely to shift as the project progresses. The top benefits of Agile include the following:

  • Less upfront planning
  • Increased open communication
  • Continual feedback
  • Flexible objectives 

When used effectively, Agile also often leads to speedier delivery.

However, there are some tradeoffs to this flexible approach: 

  • Lack of concrete delivery date, which can lead to scope creep 
  • A high degree of dedication and flexibility from the project team

Is Agile right for you?

Remember, Agile isn’t for everyone. The methodology is likely not right for your team if any of the following apply to you:

  • Your project is not very urgent.
  • Your client’s expectations don’t support Agile (e.g., they want to give final approval at every stage of the project, or incremental delivery isn’t appropriate for the project specs). 
  • You or your client’s organization requires detailed documentation at every stage.
  • Your current processes are not set up for a more flexible approach.
  • Your team or organization doesn’t currently use Agile, and implementing it would be too costly or time consuming.

In the following sections, we’ll go over other methodologies that fall within the Agile family.

Additional Resources

The ultimate agile dictionary, free agile project management templates, best practices for agile project planning.

Scrum , the most popular Agile methodology, involves smaller teams that complete tasks in short, time-bound periods, called sprints , in order to incrementally work through pieces of a larger project or release.

Scrum typically leads to greater responsiveness in customer relationships, lower costs of development, increased job satisfaction, and more immediate returns. Scrum is a fluid practice that takes many moving parts, teams, and goals into consideration as the project progresses. 

Scrum teams also engage in four regular meetings, or ceremonies , which provide structure to each sprint: 

  • Sprint planning: At this meeting, the product is presented and everyone on the Scrum team voices any concerns and feedback. The team designates priorities and estimates the timeline.
  • Daily stand-up: The Scrum team meets daily during the sprint to debrief with the team, establish a daily plan, and voice any concerns so the team can address them together.
  • Sprint review: Held at the end of each sprint, this meeting is a review of the working product and gives stakeholders transparency into what the team accomplished during the sprint.
  • Sprint retrospective: The sprint retrospective is a meeting that occurs after each sprint to discuss team performance and establish ways to improve future efforts.

Each Scrum team has designated members who own specific pieces of the process. These roles include the following:

  • Product owner: Possesses a thorough understanding of the product’s business value and serves as the middleman who communicates the stakeholder needs to the development team and writes and prioritizes user stories.
  • Development team: Performs the technical development of the product and is responsible for the analysis, design, code writing, testing, and technical communication based on the user stories provided by the product owner.
  • Scrum Master: Assists in the progress of the Scrum team by working hand-in-hand with the product owner and the development team to streamline work and eliminate distractions. 

As with Agile, Scrum is popular in software development, but it can also be deployed successfully across marketing, design, and other creative projects. Learn more by reading our guide to implementing Scrum with the right tools .

Kanban is an Agile framework that prioritizes continuous improvement , an ongoing effort to improve a product or service incrementally. Kanban teams complete work items based on team capacity and manage resources using a visual kanban board that shows task status.

Kanban originated in Japan in the 1940s. Based on what he had seen in supermarkets, Toyota engineer Taiichi Ohno implemented a supply-and-demand method on the factory floor, which greatly improved the company’s inventory management. 

Teams at Toyota created a visual cue (a kanban, which translates to “visual sign” or “card”) to communicate that they were ready to “pull,” or take on, more tasks or materials to complete their work. This approach enabled workers to only take on new tasks when they had capacity for them, which reduced excess work in progress (WIP) . This style of work is now known as the just-in-time (JIT) approach.

How to use a kanban board

The Kanban methodology centers on the kanban board, which is either a physical or digital “board” that includes three columns (or lanes ): to-do, doing, and done. Team members move cards, representing individual tasks, to different columns as a way to track task status. This provides a quick view of how items are progressing and ensures teams have adequate capacity to take on new work.

In recent years, teams have moved to online, digital kanban boards, which helps distributed teams collaborate on projects and gain real-time visibility into the work getting done. You can learn more about setting up a Kanban board with our guide . 

Pros and cons of Kanban

Overall, Kanban is great for teams that have many incoming requests, short work cycles, and flexibility with resources and scheduling. However, Kanban can be difficult for teams that work on many interconnected, dependent tasks, or have tight deadlines to adhere to. 

To learn more about implementing kanban from the ground up, read our complete guide for newbies .

Critical path method

Critical path method (CPM) is a technique for estimating the total duration of a project by identifying the order in which you must complete all project tasks, and then mapping out your sequenced tasks, called dependencies .

CPM follows the basic steps below:

  • Identify all project tasks.
  • Identify dependencies among tasks.
  • Estimate the duration of each task. 
  • Add up the durations to calculate the total duration of your project. 
  • Update the critical path as the project progresses to compare estimated vs. actual timelines.

CPM helps teams reduce project timelines by identifying and scheduling the most important tasks and then scheduling other tasks to happen in parallel. CPM also helps with project planning, as you can easily reference estimated vs. actual project schedules and more accurately estimate how long each task will take on future projects.

Learn more about the steps and advantages of the method with our beginner’s guide to the CPM .

The change management methodologies

Change management is an umbrella term for techniques that help individuals, teams, and organizations implement new processes or achieve organizational change. In this section, we’ll cover event chain and extreme project management. 

To learn more, visit our essential guide to change management , or find free change management templates .

Event Chain methodology

In event chain methodology , you identify tasks (events) and their relationships (event chains) in order to properly allocate resources and assess and reduce project risk. 

The goal of event chain is to estimate the amount of time and resources you need to complete a project. This method follows some of the same steps as the critical path method — you also break down activities into smaller tasks and outline their dependencies and durations. But, in event chain, you do so to create a realistic timeline and budget, rather than to simply better manage the tasks (and task order).

Event chain can also serve as a modeling technique to create more conservative scheduling estimates, which ultimately improves performance by building in time to address unforeseen risks.

This methodology is often used in change management efforts to eliminate the need to overhaul projects, which can be extremely time consuming and resource-heavy.

Extreme project management

Extreme project management (XP or XPM) is used to manage a massive amount of change in a short period of time. XPM is ideal for fast-paced, complex projects that can handle a trial-and-error approach to successfully pull off the effort.

Think of XPM as the opposite of Waterfall methodology. As opposed to valuing a linear, planned project development process, XPM allows you to change your project plan, budget, and the final deliverable as requirements shift. In XPM, the onus is on the project team to self-correct and shift as necessary. 

Extreme project management works well for projects with a high-degree of uncertainty, but is less useful for projects with a clear-cut timeline, budget, and scope.

The process-based methodologies

Process-based methodologies approach work as a collection of processes, rather than a strict methodology that you apply to a single project. These approaches are sometimes used as part of a larger business process management (BPM) strategy.

Lean is an approach aimed at maximizing value while minimizing waste. When deployed properly, Lean helps to identify and eliminate bottlenecks, delays, and other inefficiencies in order to deliver value faster.

Lean originated in manufacturing in the 1950s, but it has evolved over time and is used today across industries. As laid out in the book Lean Thinking , Lean involves the following five core principles and activities:

  • Define value: Identify the value of each product or service in the eyes of the customer. 
  • Map the value stream: Map out the process (aka value stream ) and identify areas of waste, in terms of  resources, time, or redundancy.
  • Create flow: Create a flow plan that eliminates the waste you identified. 
  • Employ a pull system: Progress through the plan only as the customer has new needs. Doing so will prevent you from taking on too much at once, or creating a bottleneck at any stage of the process. 
  • Pursue perfection: Using the idea of continuous improvement, aim to eliminate as much waste as possible from your process. 

Visit our comprehensive guide to Lean project management to learn more about different types of Lean methodologies and the best tools for implementing Lean.

Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that aims to improve quality across projects. Six Sigma takes a statistical approach to measuring and eliminating bugs or defects in project deliverables and raising quality standards.

The basic steps in Six Sigma include finding defects, identifying and eliminating their cause(s), and optimizing processes to increase reliability and accuracy going forward. 

Building off the Lean principle of pursuing perfection, Six Sigma aims to eliminate all opportunities for defects by using data-driven improvement cycles to achieve its goal. 

There are two main Six Sigma methodologies:

  • DMAIC: This stands for define , measure, analyze, improve, control , and is intended to help you improve existing processes.
  • DMADV: This stands for define, measure, analyze, improve, verify, and is best for when creating new processes or products.

There is no single, formal certification body for Six Sigma, but many organizations offer training so teams can learn to implement the practice in their organization. Read our article on Six Sigma belts and certifications to learn more. 

Six Sigma works well for teams who are interested in implementing data-driven ways to reduce defects and optimize business processes, but is less ideal for those looking for a strict set of steps to follow.

Read our in-depth guide to all things Six Sigma to learn more.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a hybrid approach to process improvement that combines the Lean principle of no waste and the Six Sigma principle of no defects to improve quality across processes, projects, and products.

Lean Six Sigma offers the following benefits:

  • Increased cost savings due to fewer bugs or defects
  • Improved quality
  • Time savings due to fewer process issues
  • Improved data-driven decision making
  • Continuous process improvement throughout the organization

While Lean Six Sigma originated in manufacturing, a variety of industries can deploy it to reap benefits. The most common use cases include healthcare, construction, design, and government.

All About Lean Six Sigma

Free lean six sigma templates, other project management methodologies.

Below, you’ll find details on a few more project management methodologies that are gaining traction in the modern PM world.

PRINCE2 , or Projects in Controlled Environments , is a project management methodology that focuses on defining and delivering work against precise requirements. As opposed to Agile PM, PRINCE2 emphasizes intense planning and documentation of work items.

PRINCE2 is a hybrid methodology initially used for information technology (IT) projects to help reduce cost and time overruns. Now, it’s deployed across many different industries. 

This approach works well for projects with a clearly defined goal. However, if you need more flexibility, or don’t have time to properly plan and document work, Agile methods might be a better option.

PRiSM , or Projects Integrating Sustainable Methods , is a modern project management methodology that values sustainability over all else. The goal of PRiSM projects is to reduce the environmental impact of a project and drive meaningful social impact.

The PRiSM model is based on the following six principles: 

  • Commitment and accountability 
  • Ethical decision making 
  • Integration and transparency 
  • Principal and values-based deployments 
  • Social and ecological equity 
  • Economic prosperity

Implementing PRiSM is a long term mindset shift that puts sustainability and equity at the center of all processes and projects and aims to maximize value for all involved.

Why you should choose a PM methodology for your organization

Choosing an organization-wide project management method ensures teams have a consistent guideline for how to manage each aspect of their projects, like resources, budget, communication, timeline, and more.

Of course, some teams and projects require different levels of planning, flexibility, and documentation. And, it can be overwhelming to choose one “perfect” approach when there are so many options out there.

But, by assessing the types of projects that you typically take on — as well as your existing processes — you can identify the most effective methodology for you.

In some cases, organizations may select multiple project management types to meet the requirements of different projects and teams.

How to choose the best PM methodology for you

To identify the right project management methodology, first consider the details of your project. Then, assess your existing systems and processes. Look at both what you need as well as what you already have in place to select the best method.

Ask yourself the following questions to evaluate your project needs:

Project basics

  • What is the project’s focus?
  • What industry are you in?
  • How complex is the project?
  • Is the project scalable?  


  • How flexible are your timeline, budget, and deliverables?
  • How much planning do you need to do beforehand?
  • What is your allotted budget, and how flexible is it?
  • What resources do you have, and what additional resources do you need to obtain?
  • How flexible is your timeline?
  • Are there set start and end dates?
  • Does your project have key milestones or a critical path?

Roles and responsibilities

  • How many people or teams are working together on this project?
  • How specialized is the work?
  • What is the level of customer and stakeholder involvement?

After you’ve worked through the project-related questions, follow these steps to identify which methodology aligns best:

  • Outline the main variables, like timeline, resources, and budget, that will drive the project.
  • Consider how the methodology you choose will impact these variables, such as how a more flexible approach might affect a hard-and-fast deadline.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of each methodology against the needs of your project. Think both about which will be the best fit and which will be least disruptive to your current processes.
  • Collaborate with other team members to get input.
  • Roll out the methodology to the team. This includes educating everyone on the new processes and setting up the necessary tools and documentation systems.
  • Apply the methodology to the project and monitor it for success.

methodology of project design

Here’s a simplified cheat sheet you can use to identify which methodology will work for your next project:

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  • What is Agile methodology? (A beginner’ ...

What is Agile methodology? (A beginner’s guide)

Sarah Laoyan contributor headshot

Agile methodology is a project management framework that breaks projects down into several dynamic phases, commonly known as sprints. In this article, get a high-level overview of Agile project management, plus a few common frameworks to choose the right one for your team.

Scrum, Kanban, waterfall, Agile. 

Agile project management isn’t just useful for software project management—all types of teams have been successful with this dynamic methodology. If you’re looking to get started with Agile, you’ve come to the right place.

What is the Agile methodology?

Agile methodology is a project management framework that breaks projects down into several dynamic phases, commonly known as sprints. 

The Agile framework is an iterative methodology . After every sprint, teams reflect and look back to see if there was anything that could be improved so they can adjust their strategy for the next sprint.

[inline illustration] Agile methodology (infographic)

What is the Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto is a document that focuses on four values and 12 principles for Agile software development. It was published in February 2001 by 17 software developers who needed an alternative to the more linear product development process .  

What are the 4 pillars of Agile?

As outlined in the Agile Manifesto, there are four main values of Agile project management:

Individuals over processes and tools: Agile teams value team collaboration and teamwork over working independently and doing things "by the book.”

Working software over comprehensive documentation: The software that Agile teams develop should work. Additional work, like documentation, is not as important as developing good software.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Customers are extremely important within the Agile methodology. Agile teams allow customers to guide where the software should go. Therefore, customer collaboration is more important than the finer details of contract negotiation.

Responding to change over following a plan: One of the major benefits of Agile project management is that it allows teams to be flexible. This framework allows for teams to quickly shift strategies and workflows without derailing an entire project.

What are the 12 Agile principles?

The four values of Agile are the pillars of Agile methodology. From those values, the team developed 12 principles. 

If the four values of Agile are the weight-bearing pillars of a house, then these 12 principles are the rooms you can build within that house. These principles can be easily adapted to fit the needs of your team. 

The 12 principles used in Agile methodology are:

Satisfy customers through early, continuous improvement and delivery. When customers receive new updates regularly, they're more likely to see the changes they want within the product. This leads to happier, more satisfied customers—and more recurring revenue.

Welcome changing requirements, even late in the project. The Agile framework is all about adaptability. In iterative processes like Agile, being inflexible causes more harm than good. 

Deliver value frequently. Similar to principle #1, delivering value to your customers or stakeholders frequently makes it less likely for them to churn. 

Break the silos of your projects. Collaboration is key in the Agile framework. The goal is for people to break out of their own individual projects and collaborate together more frequently . 

Build projects around motivated individuals. Agile works best when teams are committed and actively working to achieve a goal. 

The most effective way to communicate is face-to-face. If you’re working on a distributed team, spend time communicating in ways that involve face-to-face communication like Zoom calls. 

Working software is the primary measure of progress. The most important thing that teams should strive for with the Agile framework is the product. The goal here is to prioritize functional software over everything else.

Maintain a sustainable working pace. Some aspects of Agile can be fast-paced, but it shouldn't be so fast that team members burn out . The goal is to maintain sustainability throughout the project.

Continuous excellence enhances agility . If the team develops excellent code in one sprint, they can continue to build off of it the next. Continually creating great work allows teams to move faster in the future. 

Simplicity is essential. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. Agile aims to not overcomplicate things and find simple answers to complex problems. 

Self-organizing teams generate the most value. Similar to principle #5, proactive teams become valuable assets to the company as they strive to deliver value.

Regularly reflect and adjust your way of work to boost effectiveness . Retrospective meetings are a common Agile practice. It's a dedicated time for teams to look back and reflect on their performance and adapt their behaviors for the future.

What are the benefits of the Agile development methodology?

You commonly find Agile project management used in application development or other types of software development. This is because software is constantly changing, and the needs of the product have to change with it. 

Because of this, linear project management methods like the waterfall model are less effective. Here are a few other reasons why teams use Agile:

Agile methods are adaptable

There's a reason why they call it the Agile methodology. One of the main benefits of using Agile processes in software development is the ability to shift strategies quickly, without disrupting the flow of a project. 

Because phases in the traditional waterfall method flow into one another, shifting strategies is challenging and can disrupt the rest of the project roadmap . Since software development is a much more adaptable field, project managing rapid changes in the traditional sense can be challenging. This is part of the reason why Agile project management is favored in software development.

Agile fosters collaborative teamwork

One of the Agile principles states that the most effective way to communicate with your team is face-to-face. Combine this with the principle that encourages teams to break project silos and you have a recipe for collaborative teamwork. 

While technology has changed since Agile’s inception and work has shifted to welcome more remote-friendly policies, the idea of working face-to-face still hasn't changed.

Agile methods focus on customer needs

One of the unique aspects of software development is that teams can focus on customer needs much more closely than other industries. With the rise of cloud-based software, teams can get feedback from their actual customers quickly. 

Since customer satisfaction is a key driver for software development, it’s easy to see why it was included in the Agile process. By collaborating with customers, Agile teams can prioritize features that focus on customer needs. When those needs change, teams can take an Agile approach and shift to a different project. 

Agile methodologies

The Agile framework is an umbrella for several different variations. Here are a few of the most common Agile methodologies. 

Kanban is a visual approach to Agile. Teams use online Kanban board tools to represent where certain tasks are in the development process. Tasks are represented by cards on a board, and stages are represented in columns. As team members work on tasks, they move cards from the backlog column to the column that represents the stage the task is in.

This method is a good way for teams to identify roadblocks and to visualize the amount of work that’s getting done. 

Scrum is a common Agile methodology for small teams and also involves sprints. The team is led by a Scrum master whose main job is to clear all obstacles for others executing the day-to-day work. 

Scrum teams meet daily to discuss active tasks, roadblocks, and anything else that may affect the development team.  

Sprint planning: This event kicks off the sprint. Sprint planning outlines what can be delivered in a sprint (and how).

Sprint retrospective : This recurring meeting acts as a sprint review—to iterate on learnings from a previous sprint that will improve and streamline the next one. 

Extreme Programming (XP)

Typically used in software development, Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile framework that outlines values that will allow your team to work together more effectively.  

The five values of XP include:


Similar to daily Scrum standups, there are regular releases and iterations, yet XP is much more technical in its approach. If your dev team needs to quickly release and respond to customer requests, XP focuses on the “how” it will get done. 

Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

The Adaptive Project Framework, also known as Adaptive Project Management (APM) grew from the idea that unknown factors can show up at any time during a project. This technique is mainly used for IT projects where more traditional project management techniques don’t apply.

This framework is based on the idea that project resources can change at any time. For example, budgets can change, timelines can shift, or team members working on the project may transition to different teams. APF focuses on the resources that a project has, as opposed to the resources a project needs. 

Extreme Project Management (XPM)

This type of project management is often used for very complex projects with a high level of uncertainty. This approach involves constantly adapting processes until they lead to the desired result. This type of project involves many spontaneous changes and it’s normal for teams to switch strategies from one week to the next. 

XPM requires a lot of flexibility. This is one of the reasons why each sprint is short—only a few weeks maximum. This methodology allows for frequent changes, trial-and-error approaches to problems, and many iterations of self-correction.

Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

This Agile methodology enables teams to quickly adapt to changing requirements. The main focus of this process is continuous adaptation. The phases of this project type —speculate, collaborate, and learn—allow for continuous learning as the project progresses. 

It’s not uncommon for teams running ASD to be in all three phases of ASD at once. Because of its non-linear structure, it’s common for the phases to overlap. Because of the fluidity of this type of management, there’s a higher likelihood that the constant repetition of the three phases helps team members identify and solve problems much quicker than standard project management methods.

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

The Dynamic Systems Development Method is an Agile method that focuses on a full project lifecycle. Because of this, DSDM has a more rigorous structure and foundation, unlike other Agile methods. 

There are four main phases of DSDM:

Feasibility and business study

Functional mode or prototype iteration

Design and build iteration


Feature Driven Development (FDD)

Feature Driven Development blends different Agile best practices. While still an iterative method of project management, this model focuses more on the exact features of a software that the team is working to develop. Feature-driven development relies heavily on customer input, as the features the team prioritizes are the features that the customers need. 

This model also allows teams to update projects frequently. If there is an error, it's quick to cycle through and implement a fix as the phases of this framework are constantly moving. 

Organize Agile processes with Asana

You’ll often hear software development teams refer to the Agile process—but any team can run Agile. If you’re looking for a more flexible project management framework, try Agile. 

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12 Project Management Methodologies: Types, Tools, Techniques, And How to Choose

12 Project Management Methodologies: Types, Tools, Techniques, And How to Choose

Written By : Bakkah

27 Feb 2024

Table of Content

Definition of Project Management Methodologies:

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Project management methodologies are systematic frameworks and guidelines utilized by organizations to efficiently plan, execute, and complete projects. They offer structured approaches to project management, ensuring adherence to timelines, budgets, and objectives. These methodologies encompass diverse principles, practices, and tools designed to facilitate effective communication and coordination among project-implementing teams. 

Project management methodologies vary in their approach, with some emphasizing flexibility and adaptability (e.g., Agile) while others focus on sequential and structured processes (e.g., Waterfall). The appropriate methodology must be selected according to the type of project and its unique circumstances. The goal is to enhance project efficiency, minimize risks, and deliver high-quality results, ultimately contributing to achieving the specified goals and objectives of the project.

Project management methodologies refer to the systematic frameworks, processes, and guidelines organizations follow to plan, execute, monitor, and complete projects. These methodologies provide a structured approach to managing projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet the specified goals and objectives.

Project management methodologies encompass diverse principles, practices, and tools designed to facilitate effective communication and coordination among project-implementing teams.

They can vary in their approach, with some methodologies emphasizing flexibility and adaptability (e.g., Agile), while others focus on sequential and structured processes (e.g., Waterfall). The appropriate methodology must be selected according to the type of project and its unique circumstances.

The goal of Project Management Methodologies is to enhance project efficiency, minimize risks, and deliver high-quality results, ultimately contributing to achieving the specified goals and objectives of the project.

Various tools support their implementation, enhancing collaboration and communication, while diverse techniques facilitate effective project planning, execution, and control.

There are diverse project management methodologies, each with different principles, processes, and approaches. Here are some common types:

1. Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall project management is a traditional approach to project management where tasks are completed sequentially and linearly. 

The methodology is called "waterfall" because progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through phases, like a waterfall. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next one, and changes to the project are generally not allowed once a phase is closed.

Here are the main phases in the waterfall project management methodology:

  • Requirements: Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables.
  • Design: Create a detailed plan for how the solution meets requirements.
  • Implementation (or Construction): Include coding or construction of the project.
  • Testing: Ensure the project meets specified requirements through various testing phases.
  • Deployment (or Implementation): Implement the project in the production environment after the success of testing.
  • Maintenance and Support: Address issues and user concerns and make updates as needed.

The waterfall methodology is best suited for projects where the requirements are well-understood and unlikely to change significantly during the development process.

It is often used in industries like construction and manufacturing. However, one of its main drawbacks is its inflexibility to adapt to changes once the project has started, as it does not easily accommodate changes in requirements.

2. Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an iterative and flexible approach to project management that focuses on collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction.

Unlike the linear nature of the waterfall model, agile divides a project into small increments with minimal planning and delivers functional pieces of the project in short time frames, known as iterations or sprints.

Primary principles and practices of agile include:

  • Projects are divided into small manageable iterations, delivering potentially shippable product increments.
  • Collaboration and communication between team members, stakeholders, and customers are crucial for quick adaptation to changes and alignment with goals.
  • Continuous customer feedback allows for adjustments based on changing requirements.
  • Agile is flexible and adaptable to changes in requirements or priorities at any stage.
  • Continuous delivery aims for a potentially shippable product at the end of each iteration, allowing for early and regular value delivery to the customer.
  • Prioritization and timeboxing based on value and importance ensure focus and urgency in delivering value.
  • Agile encourages self-organizing, cross-functional team formation that collectively possess the necessary skills to deliver a complete product.

Popular agile frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP), each with specific practices and roles. 

Agile is widely used in software development and various industries for its adaptability and customer-centric approach.

3. Scrum Framework

Scrum is one of the most widely used agile frameworks for managing complex software development projects. It provides a structured yet flexible approach to product development.

Key elements of the Scrum framework include:

  • Roles: Include Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
  • Artifacts: Comprise the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment.
  • Events: Include Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-up, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Scrum's iterative and incremental approach, along with its emphasis on collaboration and adaptability, makes it particularly effective for projects where requirements may change or evolve during development.

4. Kanban Methodology

Kanban is a project management methodology that visualizes workflow using boards, cards, and columns. It also limits tasks that are in progress simultaneously to prevent overloading the team and ensure a steady flow of work.

Emphasizing continuous improvement, Kanban employs feedback loops and a pull system, adapting work based on demand. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are often used in Kanban to define the expected time frames.

Known for flexibility and adaptability, Kanban suits various industries like architecture, construction, marketing, education, software development, design, and law. Kanban fosters collaboration and shared responsibility and allows incremental process improvements based on specific needs and context.

5. Lean Project Management

Lean Project Management (LPM) is an approach to project management that draws inspiration from Lean principles. The Lean philosophy focuses on minimizing waste, optimizing efficiency, and continuously improving processes.

Lean principles are applied to enhance project delivery, reduce unnecessary activities, and deliver value more effectively. 

Principal aspects of Lean Project Management methodology include eliminating waste, using value stream mapping, continuous improvement (Kaizen), customer focus, pull scheduling, visual management, batch size reduction, flexible planning, and cross-functional team use. LPM is suitable for industries like manufacturing, construction, and software development.

Its focus on efficiency and customer value makes it a valuable approach for organizations seeking to optimize their project delivery processes.

6. PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments)

PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is a widely adopted project management methodology developed by the UK government. It provides a structured and process-driven approach to project management, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability.

PRINCE2 divides projects into manageable stages, with defined roles and responsibilities, ensuring organized and controlled project execution.

The methodology consists of seven processes:

  • Starting Up a Project (SU): Ensures project prerequisites are in place.
  • Initiating a Project (IP): Defines project scope, objectives, and plans.
  • Directing a Project (DP): Provides senior management with chief controls.
  • Controlling a Stage (CS): Manages day-to-day project activities.
  • Managing Product Delivery (MP): Ensures efficient product work.
  • Managing a Stage Boundary (SB): Focuses on transitioning between stages.
  • Closing a Project (CP): Formally closes the project and ties up loose ends.

PRINCE2 is known for its focus on continuous improvement and adaptability, making it a valuable tool for delivering successful projects within time, cost, and quality constraints.

Boost your career with Bakkah’s PRINCE2 courses:

  • PRINCE2® Training Course Online
  • PRINCE2® Agile Foundation & Practitioner Online Course and Certification

7. Critical Path Method (CPM)

Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management technique that identifies the critical path of activities, potential risks, team roles, and the sequence of tasks determining the shortest project duration. Key steps:

  • Task Breakdown: Identify and sequence project tasks. 
  • Duration Estimation: Assign time estimates to tasks.
  • Network Diagram: Create a visual representation of task dependencies.
  • Critical Path Identification: Find the path critical for project completion.
  • Float/Slack Calculation: Determine non-critical task flexibility.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocate resources.
  • Monitoring and Control: Monitor progress continuously, update schedules, and take corrective actions., update schedules, and take corrective actions.

CPM is an essential tool for effective project planning and control. It aids in prioritizing critical tasks, managing time constraints, and optimizing project schedules. CMP can be used in several projects, such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, and science.

8. Six Sigma ( Continuous Improvement Methodology)

Six Sigma is a data-driven project management methodology focused on improving process efficiency continuously and reducing defects or errors. Developed by Motorola in the 1980s, Six Sigma seeks to minimize variations and achieve higher levels of quality in processes. It is often applied in manufacturing and process improvement projects. Here is a concise overview of the Six Sigma project management methodology:

  • Define (D): Clearly articulate the problem, project goals, scope, and customer requirements.
  • Measure (M): Establish metrics, collect data, and measure baseline performance.
  • Analyze (A): Use statistical tools to identify root causes of defects or inefficiencies.
  • Improve (I): Develop and implement solutions, testing and refining as needed.
  • Control (C): Establish measures to sustain improvements and prevent recurrence of defects or issues.

The Six Sigma methodology is often represented by the acronym DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). Additionally, for more complex or considerable process changes, there is another phase known as DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify).

Bakkah provides certification levels such as Six Sigma Green Belt and Six Sigma Black Belt are available for individuals to demonstrate proficiency in applying Six Sigma principles and methodologies. Organizations implementing Six Sigma often experience enhanced efficiency, reduced defects, and improved customer satisfaction.

9. RAD (Rapid Application Development)

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a project development methodology that prioritizes quick iterations and prototypes over extensive planning.

It involves user participation throughout the process, parallel development of system components, and a flexible, adaptive approach. Prototyping is a key feature, allowing for continuous refinement based on user feedback. RAD aims to deliver a functional product rapidly, focusing on time and cost efficiency.

Popular RAD tools include Microsoft Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and OutSystems. The methodology suits projects with changing requirements but may not be ideal for highly structured endeavors.

10. Incremental and Iterative Methodologies

Incremental development involves dividing the project into small increments, each delivering a part of the final product's functionality linearly. User feedback is integrated after each increment, providing ongoing adaptability and the ability to identify and correct issues early. This approach enables early delivery and reduced project risk.

On the other hand, iterative development goes through cycles or iterations, refining the entire system with each iteration. It is highly flexible and accommodates changing requirements throughout the development process.

11. Hybrid Methodologies

Hybrid methodologies in project development involve blending elements from different traditional and agile approaches to create a flexible and tailored solution. That allows teams to adapt practices based on the project's unique requirements, leveraging both structured planning and iterative development. 

In a hybrid methodology, the most appropriate elements from each methodology are identified and combined harmoniously. Examples include combining Waterfall and Scrum or integrating lean principles with agile practices.

The goal is to manage risks effectively, enhance flexibility, and address the project-specific needs. Effective communication is crucial to mitigate potential challenges introduced by diverse practices integration.

12. Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is an Agile methodology that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and delivering high-quality software through practices such as continuous testing and frequent releases.

Extreme Programming methodology is one of the famous methodologies for managing and developing software and other technical projects. It is based on diverse principles and practices, focusing on increasing software quality and improving team productivity.

A team needs to follow this method if the project is fast-paced or subject to regular change and thus has a dynamic rather than static nature.

The Extreme methodology also aims to achieve productive cooperation between team members and increase the quality of the final product and its flexibility in the face of changes.

Here are the main principles and practices of Extreme Programming:

  • XP is built on a set of core values, including communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage.
  • Developers work in pairs, one writing code and the other reviewing it in real time. That promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and code quality.
  • Developers write tests before writing the actual code. That ensures that the code meets specifications and facilitates maintenance and updates.
  • Code is integrated frequently to identify and address integration issues early in the development process.
  • XP improves code design regularly without changing its functionality.
  • XP keeps the design as simple as possible, making it easier to understand, modify, and maintain.
  • Frequent and direct interaction with the customer allows for quick adjustments to changing requirements and priorities.
  • XP emphasizes continuous improvement through regular reflection on the development process and changes in implementation to enhance efficiency and quality.

Bakkah provides a variety of accredited project management Courses for all professional certificates in project management, risk management, and others.

In brief, choosing the most suitable project management methodology depends on factors such as project size, complexity, industry, and organizational culture. Project managers often customize or combine methodologies to best fit the unique requirements of their projects.

Project management methodologies are often supported and implemented using various tools to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and communication throughout the project lifecycle. Here are some commonly used tools associated with project management methodologies:

1. Project Management Software

Tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, Jira, Trello, and Monday.com provide features for project planning, scheduling, task assignment, and progress tracking.

2. Version Control Systems

Git, SVN (Subversion), and Mercurial help manage changes to source code and documentation, ensuring version control and collaboration in software development projects.

3. Communication and Collaboration Tools

Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord facilitate real-time communication, file sharing, and collaboration among team members, supporting Agile and remote work environments.

4. Gantt Charts

Tools like GanttPRO and SmartDraw help create visual representations of project timelines, tasks, and dependencies, commonly used in Waterfall and traditional project management methodologies.

5. Kanban Boards

Trello, KanbanFlow, and LeanKit enable teams to visualize work and optimize workflow, particularly in Agile and Lean methodologies.

6. Scrum Tools

Jira, VersionOne, and Targetprocess support the Scrum framework with features for sprint planning, backlog management, and burndown charts.

7. Resource Management Tools

Workfront, Mavenlink, and TeamGantt assist in resource allocation, workload tracking, and managing team capacity in project management.

8. Risk Management Tools

RiskWatch, RiskyProject, and ProjectManager.com help identify, assess, and manage risks throughout the project lifecycle.

9. Collaborative Document Management

Tools like SharePoint, Google Workspace, and Dropbox Business enable teams to collaborate on documents, share project-related files, and ensure version control.

10. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Tools

Jenkins, Travis CI, and GitLab CI/CD automate integration code changes process and deploying software, commonly used in Agile and DevOps methodologies.

11. Time Tracking and Timesheet Tools

Harvest, Toggl, and Clockify assist in tracking project-related activities, allowing for accurate time management and resource allocation.

12. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools

Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM support customer-centric projects. That helps teams manage client interactions, feedback, and requirements.

Project managers and teams should carefully select tools that align with their chosen methodologies and project requirements. Integrating these tools can significantly improve project management efficiency and contribute to successful project outcomes.

Project management methodologies involve various techniques to plan, execute, and control projects effectively. Here are some commonly used techniques associated with project management methodologies:

1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Break a project into smaller, manageable tasks and create a hierarchical structure to define clearly the scope and deliverables.

2. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method)

Techniques for scheduling and managing tasks by identifying critical paths and dependencies and estimating project duration.

2. SWOT Analysis

Evaluate the project's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.

3. Risk Management

Identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks throughout the project lifecycle to minimize potential negative impacts.

4. Stakeholder Analysis

Identify and analyze stakeholders to understand their interests, influence, and expectations and ensure effective communication and engagement.

5. PERT Charts (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

Graphical representations of project tasks and their dependencies, helping visualize the project schedule and critical path.

6. Scrum Meetings

Daily Standups, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective are regular Scrum meetings that facilitate communication and collaboration in Agile projects.

7. Earned Value Management (EVM)

Analyze project performance by measuring the planned value, earned value, and actual cost to assess progress and forecast future performance.

8. Quality Management

Implement techniques such as quality audits, inspections, and control charts to ensure project deliverables meet predefined quality standards.

9. Mind Mapping

Visualize project ideas, requirements, and tasks using mind maps to stimulate creative thinking and organize information in a structured way.

10. Critical Chain Method

Identify and manage resource dependencies to optimize project schedules and improve overall performance.

11. Prototyping

Creating a working model or prototype of a product or system to gather feedback early in the development process is common in Agile and iterative methodologies.

12. Benchmarking

Compare project performance metrics and processes against industry standards or best practices to identify areas for improvement.

13. Dependency Mapping

Identify and visualize dependencies between different tasks or project activities to understand their interrelationships and potential impacts.

14. Agile Estimation Techniques

Use techniques like Planning Poker, Relative Sizing, and Story Points to estimate the effort required for Agile project tasks.

15. Change Management

Implement strategies and techniques to manage and communicate changes effectively, ensuring minimal disruptions to project progress.

16. Communication Plans

Developing plans outlines how project information will be communicated to stakeholders, ensuring clear and consistent communication.

These techniques are often applied based on the specific requirements, characteristics, and principles of the chosen project management methodology. Project managers may tailor and combine these techniques to suit the needs of their projects.

Choosing a suitable project management methodology is crucial for the success of a project. The decision should be based on the project's characteristics, team dynamics, organizational culture, and the nature of the work to be performed. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to choose a project management methodology:

1. Understand Project Requirements

Clearly define the project scope, objectives, and deliverables. Consider the size, complexity, and nature of the project work.

2. Assess Team Skills and Experience

Evaluate the skills and experience of the project team. Consider their familiarity with different methodologies and their adaptability to new approaches.

3. Consider Project Flexibility

Assess the level of flexibility required throughout the project. Some projects may benefit from a more adaptive and iterative approach, while others may require a more structured and sequential process.

4. Examine Project Constraints

Identify any constraints such as budget limitations, time constraints, regulatory requirements, or client preferences that may influence the choice of methodology.

5. Evaluate Organizational Culture

Consider the existing organizational culture and whether it aligns with the principles of certain project management methodologies. Some organizations may prefer traditional, plan-driven approaches, while others may be more receptive to Agile or iterative methods.

6. Define Stakeholder Involvement

Determine the level of involvement and collaboration required from project stakeholders. Some methodologies, like Agile, emphasize continuous stakeholder engagement and feedback.

7. Analyze Project Risks

Evaluate the potential risks associated with the project. Some methodologies, such as Agile, are well-suited for projects with high uncertainty and evolving requirements.

8. Review Industry Standards

Consider industry standards and best practices. Certain industries or project types may have specific guidelines or regulations that align with particular methodologies.

9. Explore Hybrid Approaches

Assess the possibility of combining elements from different methodologies to create a hybrid approach tailored to the project's specific needs.

10. Pilot or Prototype

If feasible, consider running a pilot or prototype using a small-scale version of the project to test how well a methodology fits the team and project requirements.

11. Consult with Stakeholders

Seek input from key stakeholders, including team members, clients, and sponsors. Understand their preferences, expectations, and concerns regarding project management approaches.

12. Training and Transition Plan

Evaluate the readiness of the team to adopt a new methodology. Plan for necessary training and establish a transition plan to smoothly implement the chosen methodology.

13. Continuous Improvement

Be open to evaluating and adjusting the chosen methodology throughout the project. Continuous improvement is essential to address evolving project needs and improve overall project management processes.

Elevate your project management skills with Bakkah Learning's expert-led courses. From PMP to Prince2, Six Sigma to Agile, we offer tailored programs to suit your career goals. With interactive learning, flexible access, and certification preparation, we're your partner for professional growth. Start your journey to mastery today with Bakkah Learning!

Here are some Project Management Courses :

  • Certified Associate in Project Management CAPM Course
  • PMI-ACP® certification
  • PgMP certification
  • PMI Scheduling Professional - PMI-SP certification

Risk Management Courses And Certifications:

  • Risk Management Professional - PMI-RMP Course
  • MoR Certification and course

PRINCE2 Courses

  • PRINCE2 Certification
  • PRINCE2 Agile.

Project Management Tools:

  • Primavera P6 Course
  • MSP Course - Managing Successful Programmes
  • Microsoft Project training course  

Portfolio Management

  • P3O Foundation certification
  • Management of Portfolios MoP
  • The Portfolio Management Professional – PfMP certificate
  • Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course
  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Course

Ultimately, the choice of a project management methodology should be a thoughtful and informed decision that aligns with the unique characteristics of the project and the organization. Regularly reassess the chosen methodology to ensure its continued effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

Related Courses

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The Ultimate Guide…

Waterfall Model

Brought to you by projectmanager, the online project planning tool used by over 35,000 users worldwide..

ProjectManager's Gantt chart, showing a waterfall project

What Is the Waterfall Methodology in Project Management?

The phases of the waterfall model, waterfall software development life cycle.

  • What Is Waterfall Software?
  • Desktop vs Online Waterfall Software

Must-Have Features of Waterfall Software

  • The Waterfall Model & ProjectManager.com

Waterfall vs. Agile

  • Pros & Cons of the Waterfall Model

Benefits of Project Management Software for Waterfall Projects

Waterfall methodology resources.

The waterfall methodology is a linear project management approach, where stakeholder and customer requirements are gathered at the beginning of the project, and then a sequential project plan is created to accommodate those requirements. The waterfall model is so named because each phase of the project cascades into the next, following steadily down like a waterfall.

It’s a thorough, structured methodology and one that’s been around for a long time, because it works. Some of the industries that regularly use the waterfall model include construction, IT and software development. As an example, the waterfall software development life cycle, or waterfall SDLC, is widely used to manage software engineering projects.

Related: 15 Free IT Project Management Templates for Excel & Word

Gantt charts are the preferred tool for project managers working in waterfall method. Using a Gantt chart allows you to map subtasks, dependencies and each phase of the project as it moves through the waterfall lifecycle. ProjectManager’s waterfall software offers these features and more.

A screenshot of the gantt chart interface in ProjectManager

Manage waterfall projects in minutes with ProjectManager— learn more .

The waterfall approach has, at least, five to seven phases that follow in strict linear order, where a phase can’t begin until the previous phase has been completed. The specific names of the waterfall steps vary, but they were originally defined by its inventor, Winston W. Royce, in the following way:

Requirements: The key aspect of the waterfall methodology is that all customer requirements are gathered at the beginning of the project, allowing every other phase to be planned without further customer correspondence until the product is complete. It is assumed that all requirements can be gathered at this waterfall management phase.

Design: The design phase of the waterfall process is best broken up into two subphases: logical design and physical design. The logical design subphase is when possible solutions are brainstormed and theorized. The physical design subphase is when those theoretical ideas and schemas are made into concrete specifications.

Implementation: The implementation phase is when programmers assimilate the requirements and specifications from the previous phases and produce actual code.

Verification: This phase is when the customer reviews the product to make sure that it meets the requirements laid out at the beginning of the waterfall project. This is done by releasing the completed product to the customer.

Maintenance: The customer is regularly using the product during the maintenance phase, discovering bugs, inadequate features and other errors that occurred during production. The production team applies these fixes as necessary until the customer is satisfied.

Related: Free Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Let’s hypothesize a simple project, then plan and execute it with the waterfall approach phases that you just learned. For our waterfall software development life cycle example, we’ll say that you’re building an app for a client. The following are the steps you’d take to reach the final deliverable.

Requirements & Documents

First, you must gather all the requirements and documentation you need to get started on the app.

  • Project Scope: This is one of the most important documents in your project, where you determine what the goals associated with building your app are: functional requirements, deliverables, features, deadlines, costs, and so on.
  • Stakeholder Expectations: In order to align the project scope with the expectations of your stakeholders—the people who have a vested interest in the development of the app—you want to conduct interviews and get a clear idea of exactly what they want.
  • Research: To better serve your plan, do some market research about competing apps, the current market, customer needs and anything else that will help you find the unserved niche your app can serve.
  • Assemble Team: Now, you need to get the people and resources together who will create the app, from programmers to designers.
  • Kickoff: The kickoff meeting is the first meeting with your team and stakeholders where you cover the information you’ve gathered and set expectations.

System Design

Next, you can begin planning the project proper. You’ve done the research, and you know what’s expected from your stakeholders . Now, you have to figure out how you’re going to get to the final deliverable by creating a system design. Based on the information you gathered during the first phase, you’ll determine hardware and software requirements and the system architecture needed for the project.

  • Collect Tasks: Use a work breakdown structure to list all of the tasks that are necessary to get to the final deliverable.
  • Create Schedule: With your tasks in place, you now need to estimate the time each task will take. Once you’ve figured that out, map them onto a Gantt chart , and diligently link dependencies. You can also add costs to the Gantt, and start building a budget.


Now you’re ready to get started in earnest. This is the phase in which the app will be built and tested. The system from the previous phase is first developed in smaller programs known as units. Then each goes through a unit testing process before being integrated.

  • Assign Team Tasks: Team members will own their tasks and be responsible for completing them, and for collaborating with the rest of the team. You can make these tasks from a Gantt chart and add descriptions, priority, etc.
  • Monitor & Track: While the team is executing the tasks, you need to monitor and track their progress in order to make sure that the project is moving forward per your schedule.
  • Manage Resources & Workload: As you monitor, you’ll discover issues and will need to reallocate resources and balance workload to avoid bottlenecks.
  • Report to Stakeholders: Throughout the project, stakeholders need updates to show them progress. Meet with them and discuss a regular schedule for presentations.
  • Test: Once the team has delivered the working app, it must go through extensive testing to make sure everything is working as designed.
  • Deliver App: After all the bugs have been worked out, you’re ready to give the finished app to the stakeholders.

System Testing and Deployment

During this phase you’ll integrate all the units of your system and conduct an integration testing process to verify that the components of your app work properly together.

Once you verify that your app is working, you’re ready to deploy it.


Though the app has been delivered, the software development life cycle is not quite over until you’ve done some administrative tasks to tie everything up. This is technically the final step.

  • Pay Contracts: Fulfil your contractual obligations to your team and any freelance contractors. This releases them from the project.
  • Create Template: In software like ProjectManager, you can create a template from your project, so you have a head start when beginning another, similar one.
  • Close Out Paperwork: Make sure all paperwork has been rubber stamped and archived.
  • Celebrate: Get everyone together, and enjoy the conclusion of a successful project!


Of course, the nature of any software development project is that, through use by customers, new bugs will arise and must be squashed. So, past the verification stage, it’s typically expected that you will provide maintenance beyond launch. This is an ongoing, post-launch phase that extends for as long as your contract dictates.

What Is Waterfall Project Management Software?

Waterfall project management software is used to help you structure your project processes from start to finish. It allows managers to organize their tasks, sets up clear schedules in Gantt charts and monitor and control the project as it moves through its phases.

Project management training video (fgc8zj1dix)

A waterfall project is broken up into phases, which can be achieved on a Gantt chart in the waterfall project management software. Managers can set the duration for each task on the Gantt and link tasks that are dependent on one another to start or finish.

While waterfall software can be less flexible and iterative than more agile frameworks, projects do change frequently—and there must be features that can capture these changes in real-time with dashboards and reports, so that the manager can clear up bottlenecks or reallocate resources to keep teams from having their work blocked. Microsoft Project is one of the most commonly used project management software, but it has major drawbacks that make ProjectManager a great alternative .

Desktop vs Online Project Management Waterfall Software

When it comes to waterfall software, you can choose from either a desktop application or online, cloud-based project management software. This might not seem to be a big issue, but there are important distinctions between these two types of offerings.

That’s because there are differences between the two applications, and knowing those differences will help you make an informed decision.

Desktop waterfall software tends to have a more expensive up-front cost, and that cost can rise exponentially if you are required to pay per-user licensing fees for every member of your team.

Online waterfall software, on the other hand, is typically paid for on a subscription basis, and that subscription is usually a tiered payment plan depending on the number of users.


Online software, naturally, must be connected to the internet. This means your speed and reliability can vary depending on your internet service provider. It also means that if you lose connectivity, you can’t work.

Although the difference is minor, desktop waterfall software never has to worry about connection outages.

If security is a concern, rest assured that both options are highly secure. Desktop software that operates on a company intranet is nigh impenetrable, which can provide your company with a greater sense of security.

Strides in web security, like two-factor authentication and single-sign have made online, cloud-based waterfall software far more secure. Also, online tools have their data saved to the cloud, so if you suffer a crash on your desktop that might mean the end of your work.


Desktops are tied to the computers they are installed to or, at best, your office’s infrastructure. That doesn’t help much if you have distributed teams or work off site, in the field, at home and so on.

Online software is accessible anywhere, any time—so long as you have an internet connection. This makes it always accessible, but even more importantly, it delivers real-time data, so you’re always working on the current state of the project.

Waterfall software helps to organize your projects and make them run smoothly. When you’re looking for the right software to match your needs, make sure it has the following features.

Phases & Milestones icon

Keep Your Project Structured

Managing a project with the waterfall method is all about structure. One phase follows another. To break your project into these stages, you need an online Gantt chart that has a milestone feature. This indicates the date where one phase of the waterfall process stops and another begins.

Phases & Milestones image

Control Your Task and Schedule

The Gantt chart is a waterfall’s best friend. It organizes your tasks, sets the duration and links tasks that are dependent to keep work flowing later on. When scheduling, you want a Gantt that can automatically calculate your critical path to help you know how much float you have.

Dependencies & CPM image

Have Your Files Organized

Waterfall projects, like all projects, collect a lot of paperwork. You want a tool with the storage capacity to hold all your documents and make them easy to find when you need them. Also, attaching files to tasks gives teams direction and helps them collaborate.

Attachments image

Know If You’re on Schedule

Keeping on track means having accurate information. Real-time data makes it timely, but you also need to set your baseline and have dashboard metrics and reporting to compare your actual progress to your planned progress. This makes sure you stay on schedule.

Planned vs Actuals image

Get an Overview of Performance

Dashboards are designed to collect data and display it over several metrics, such as overall health, workload and more. This high-level view is important, so you want to have a feature that automatically calculates this data and doesn’t require you to manually input it.

Dashboards image

Make Data-Based Decisions

Reports dive deeper into data and get more details on a project’s progress and performance. Real-time data makes them accurate. Look for ease of use—it should only take a single click to generate and share. You’ll also want to filter the results to see only what you’re interested in.

Reports image

The Waterfall Model & ProjectManager

ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software that organizes teams and projects. With features such as online Gantt charts, task lists, reporting tools and more, it’s an ideal tool to control your waterfall project management.

Sign up for a free 30-day trial and follow along to make a waterfall project in just a few easy steps. You’ll have that Gantt chart built in no time!

1. Upload Requirements & Documents

Waterfall project management guarantees one thing: a lot of paperwork. All the documentation and requirements needed to address for the project can quickly become overwhelming.

You can attach all documentation and relevant files to our software, or directly on a task. Now, all of your files are collected in one place and are easy to find. Don’t worry about running out of space—we have unlimited file storage.

2. Use a Work Breakdown Structure to Collect Tasks

Getting to your final deliverable will require many tasks. Planning the waterfall project means knowing every one of those tasks, no matter how small, and how they lead to your final deliverable. A work breakdown structure is a tool to help you figure out all those steps.

To start, use a work breakdown structure (WBS) to collect every task that is necessary to create your final deliverable. You can download a free WBS template here . Then, upload the task list to our software.

A screenshot of a gantt chart in ProjectManager

3. Open in Gantt Project View

Gantt charts are essential project management tools used for planning and scheduling. They collect your tasks in one place on a timeline . From there, you can link dependencies, set milestones, manage resources and more.

In the software, open the Gantt chart view and add deadlines, descriptions, priorities and tags to each task.

4. Create Phases & Milestones

Milestones are what separates major phases in a waterfall method project. Waterfall methodology is all about structure and moving from one phase to the next, so breaking your project into milestones is key to the waterfall method.

In the Gantt view, create phases and milestones to break up the project. Using the milestone feature, determine when one task ends and a new one begins. Milestones are symbolized by a diamond on the Gantt.

5. Set Dependencies in a Gantt Chart

Dependent tasks are those that cannot start or finish until another starts or finishes. They create complexities in managing any waterfall project.

Link dependent tasks in the Gantt chart. Our software allows you to link all four types of dependencies: start-to-start, start-to-finish, finish-to-finish and finish-to-start. This keeps your waterfall project plan moving forward in a sequential order and prevents bottlenecks.

6. Assign From Gantt Charts

Although you’ve planned and scheduled a project, it’s still just an abstraction until you get your team assigned to execute those tasks. Assigning is a major step in managing your waterfall project and needs to happen efficiently.

Assign team members to tasks right from the Gantt chart. You can also attach any related images or files directly to the task. Collaboration is supported by comments at the task level. Anyone assigned or tagged will get an email alert to notify them of a comment or update.

ProjectManager's Gantt charts are ideal for waterfall project management

7. Manage Resources & Workload

Resources are anything you need to complete the project. This means not only your team, but also the materials and tools that they need. The workload represents how many tasks your team is assigned, and balancing that work keeps them productive.

Keep track of project resources on the Workload view. See actual costs, and reallocate as needed to stay on budget. Know how many tasks your team is working on with easy-to-read color-coded charts, and balance their workload right on the page.

A screenshot of ProjectManager’s resource management window, each team member has a row that shows their workload

8. Track Progress in Dashboard & Gantt

Progress must be monitored to know if you’re meeting the targets you set in your waterfall method plan. The Gantt shows percentage complete, but a dashboard calculates several metrics and shows them in graphs and charts.

Monitor your project in real time and track progress across several metrics with our project dashboard . We automatically calculate project health, costs, tasks and more and then display them in a high-level view of your project. Progress is also tracked by shading on the Gantt’s duration bar.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

9. Create Reports

Reporting serves two purposes: it gives project managers greater detail into the inner-workings of their waterfall project to help them make better decisions, and acts as a communication tool to keep stakeholders informed.

Easily generate data-rich reports that show project variance, timesheets , status and more. Get reports on your planned vs. the actual progress. Filter to show just the information you want. Then, share with stakeholders during presentations and keep everyone in the loop.

A screenshot of a project report generated by ProjectManager

10. Duplicate Plan for New Projects

Having a means to quickly copy projects is helpful in waterfall methodology, as it jumpstarts the next project by recreating the major steps and allowing you to make tweaks as needed.

Create templates to quickly plan any recurring waterfall projects. If you know exactly what it takes to get the project done, then you can make it into a template. Plus, you can import proven project plans from MSP, and task lists from Excel and Word.

The waterfall methodology is one of two popular methods to tackle software engineering projects; the other method is known as Agile .

It can be easier to understand waterfall when you compare it to Agile. Waterfall and Agile are two very different project management methodologies , but both are equally valid, and can be more or less useful depending on the project.

Waterfall Project Management

If the waterfall model is to be executed properly, each of the phases we outlined earlier must be executed in a linear fashion. Meaning, each phase has to be completed before the next phase can begin, and phases are never repeated—unless there is a massive failure that comes to light in the verification or maintenance phase.

Furthermore, each phase is discrete, and pretty much exists in isolation from stakeholders outside of your team. This is especially true in the requirements phase. Once the customer’s requirements are collected, the customers cease to play any role in the actual waterfall software development life cycle.

Agile Project Management

The agile methodology differs greatly from the waterfall approach in two major ways; namely in regards to linear action and customer involvement. Agile is a nimble and iterative process, where the product is delivered in stages to the customer for them to review and provide feedback.

Instead of having everything planned out by milestones, like in waterfall, the Agile software development method operates in “sprints” where prioritized tasks are completed within a short window, typically around two weeks.

These prioritized tasks are fluid, and appear based on the success of previous sprints and customer feedback, rather than having all tasks prioritized at the onset in the requirements phase.

Understanding the Difference Between Waterfall & Agile

The important difference to remember is that a waterfall project is a fixed, linear plan. Everything is mapped out ahead of time, and customers interact only at the beginning and end of the project. The Agile method, on the other hand, is an iterative process, where new priorities and requirements are injected into the project after sprints and customer feedback sessions.

Pros & Cons of the Waterfall Project Management

There are several reasons why project managers choose to use the waterfall project management methodology. Here are some benefits:

  • Project requirements are agreed upon in the first phase, so planning and scheduling is simple and clear.
  • With a fully laid out project schedule , you can give accurate estimates for your project cost, resources and deadlines.
  • It’s easy to measure progress as you move through the waterfall model phases and hit milestones.
  • Customers aren’t perpetually adding new requirements to the project, which can delay production.

Of course, there are drawbacks to using the waterfall method as well. Here are some disadvantages to this approach:

  • It can be difficult for customers to articulate all of their needs at the beginning of the project.
  • If the customer is dissatisfied with the product in the verification phase, it can be very costly to go back and design the code again.
  • A linear project plan is rigid, and lacks flexibility for adapting to unexpected events.

Although it has its drawbacks, a waterfall project management plan is very effective in situations where you are encountering a familiar scenario with several knowns, or in software engineering projects where your customer knows exactly what they want at the onset.

Using a project management software is a great way to get the most out of your waterfall project. You can map out the steps and link dependencies to see exactly what needs to go where.

As illustrated above, ProjectManager is made with waterfall methodology in mind, with a Gantt chart that can structure the project step-by-step. However, we have a full suite of features, including kanban boards that are great for Agile teams that need to manage their sprints.

With multiple project views, both agile and waterfall teams and more traditional ones can work from the same data, delivered in real time, only filtered through the project view most aligned to their work style. We take the waterfall methodology and bring it into the modern world.

Now that you know how to plan a waterfall project, give yourself the best tools for the job. Take a free 30-day trial and see how ProjectManager can help you plan with precision, track with accuracy and deliver your projects on time and under budget.

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  • Gantt Chart Software
  • Project Planning Software
  • Project Scheduling Software
  • Requirements Gathering Template
  • Gantt Chart Template
  • Change Request Form
  • Project Management Trends (2022)
  • SDLC – The Software Development Life Cycle
  • IT Project Management: The Ultimate Guide
  • Project Management Methodologies – An Overview
  • Project Management Framework Types, Key Elements & Best Practices

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Ideas Made to Matter

Design thinking, explained

Rebecca Linke

Sep 14, 2017

What is design thinking?

Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving process rooted in a set of skills.The approach has been around for decades, but it only started gaining traction outside of the design community after the 2008 Harvard Business Review article [subscription required] titled “Design Thinking” by Tim Brown, CEO and president of design company IDEO.

Since then, the design thinking process has been applied to developing new products and services, and to a whole range of problems, from creating a business model for selling solar panels in Africa to the operation of Airbnb .

At a high level, the steps involved in the design thinking process are simple: first, fully understand the problem; second, explore a wide range of possible solutions; third, iterate extensively through prototyping and testing; and finally, implement through the customary deployment mechanisms. 

The skills associated with these steps help people apply creativity to effectively solve real-world problems better than they otherwise would. They can be readily learned, but take effort. For instance, when trying to understand a problem, setting aside your own preconceptions is vital, but it’s hard.

Creative brainstorming is necessary for developing possible solutions, but many people don’t do it particularly well. And throughout the process it is critical to engage in modeling, analysis, prototyping, and testing, and to really learn from these many iterations.

Once you master the skills central to the design thinking approach, they can be applied to solve problems in daily life and any industry.

Here’s what you need to know to get started.

Infographic of the design thinking process

Understand the problem 

The first step in design thinking is to understand the problem you are trying to solve before searching for solutions. Sometimes, the problem you need to address is not the one you originally set out to tackle.

“Most people don’t make much of an effort to explore the problem space before exploring the solution space,” said MIT Sloan professor Steve Eppinger. The mistake they make is to try and empathize, connecting the stated problem only to their own experiences. This falsely leads to the belief that you completely understand the situation. But the actual problem is always broader, more nuanced, or different than people originally assume.

Take the example of a meal delivery service in Holstebro, Denmark. When a team first began looking at the problem of poor nutrition and malnourishment among the elderly in the city, many of whom received meals from the service, it thought that simply updating the menu options would be a sufficient solution. But after closer observation, the team realized the scope of the problem was much larger , and that they would need to redesign the entire experience, not only for those receiving the meals, but for those preparing the meals as well. While the company changed almost everything about itself, including rebranding as The Good Kitchen, the most important change the company made when rethinking its business model was shifting how employees viewed themselves and their work. That, in turn, helped them create better meals (which were also drastically changed), yielding happier, better nourished customers.

Involve users

Imagine you are designing a new walker for rehabilitation patients and the elderly, but you have never used one. Could you fully understand what customers need? Certainly not, if you haven’t extensively observed and spoken with real customers. There is a reason that design thinking is often referred to as human-centered design.

“You have to immerse yourself in the problem,” Eppinger said.

How do you start to understand how to build a better walker? When a team from MIT’s Integrated Design and Management program together with the design firm Altitude took on that task, they met with walker users to interview them, observe them, and understand their experiences.  

“We center the design process on human beings by understanding their needs at the beginning, and then include them throughout the development and testing process,” Eppinger said.

Central to the design thinking process is prototyping and testing (more on that later) which allows designers to try, to fail, and to learn what works. Testing also involves customers, and that continued involvement provides essential user feedback on potential designs and use cases. If the MIT-Altitude team studying walkers had ended user involvement after its initial interviews, it would likely have ended up with a walker that didn’t work very well for customers. 

It is also important to interview and understand other stakeholders, like people selling the product, or those who are supporting the users throughout the product life cycle.

The second phase of design thinking is developing solutions to the problem (which you now fully understand). This begins with what most people know as brainstorming.

Hold nothing back during brainstorming sessions — except criticism. Infeasible ideas can generate useful solutions, but you’d never get there if you shoot down every impractical idea from the start.

“One of the key principles of brainstorming is to suspend judgment,” Eppinger said. “When we're exploring the solution space, we first broaden the search and generate lots of possibilities, including the wild and crazy ideas. Of course, the only way we're going to build on the wild and crazy ideas is if we consider them in the first place.”

That doesn’t mean you never judge the ideas, Eppinger said. That part comes later, in downselection. “But if we want 100 ideas to choose from, we can’t be very critical.”

In the case of The Good Kitchen, the kitchen employees were given new uniforms. Why? Uniforms don’t directly affect the competence of the cooks or the taste of the food.

But during interviews conducted with kitchen employees, designers realized that morale was low, in part because employees were bored preparing the same dishes over and over again, in part because they felt that others had a poor perception of them. The new, chef-style uniforms gave the cooks a greater sense of pride. It was only part of the solution, but if the idea had been rejected outright, or perhaps not even suggested, the company would have missed an important aspect of the solution.

Prototype and test. Repeat.

You’ve defined the problem. You’ve spoken to customers. You’ve brainstormed, come up with all sorts of ideas, and worked with your team to boil those ideas down to the ones you think may actually solve the problem you’ve defined.

“We don’t develop a good solution just by thinking about a list of ideas, bullet points and rough sketches,” Eppinger said. “We explore potential solutions through modeling and prototyping. We design, we build, we test, and repeat — this design iteration process is absolutely critical to effective design thinking.”

Repeating this loop of prototyping, testing, and gathering user feedback is crucial for making sure the design is right — that is, it works for customers, you can build it, and you can support it.

“After several iterations, we might get something that works, we validate it with real customers, and we often find that what we thought was a great solution is actually only just OK. But then we can make it a lot better through even just a few more iterations,” Eppinger said.


The goal of all the steps that come before this is to have the best possible solution before you move into implementing the design. Your team will spend most of its time, its money, and its energy on this stage.

“Implementation involves detailed design, training, tooling, and ramping up. It is a huge amount of effort, so get it right before you expend that effort,” said Eppinger.

Design thinking isn’t just for “things.” If you are only applying the approach to physical products, you aren’t getting the most out of it. Design thinking can be applied to any problem that needs a creative solution. When Eppinger ran into a primary school educator who told him design thinking was big in his school, Eppinger thought he meant that they were teaching students the tenets of design thinking.

“It turns out they meant they were using design thinking in running their operations and improving the school programs. It’s being applied everywhere these days,” Eppinger said.

In another example from the education field, Peruvian entrepreneur Carlos Rodriguez-Pastor hired design consulting firm IDEO to redesign every aspect of the learning experience in a network of schools in Peru. The ultimate goal? To elevate Peru’s middle class.

As you’d expect, many large corporations have also adopted design thinking. IBM has adopted it at a company-wide level, training many of its nearly 400,000 employees in design thinking principles .

What can design thinking do for your business?

The impact of all the buzz around design thinking today is that people are realizing that “anybody who has a challenge that needs creative problem solving could benefit from this approach,” Eppinger said. That means that managers can use it, not only to design a new product or service, “but anytime they’ve got a challenge, a problem to solve.”

Applying design thinking techniques to business problems can help executives across industries rethink their product offerings, grow their markets, offer greater value to customers, or innovate and stay relevant. “I don’t know industries that can’t use design thinking,” said Eppinger.

Ready to go deeper?

Read “ The Designful Company ” by Marty Neumeier, a book that focuses on how businesses can benefit from design thinking, and “ Product Design and Development ,” co-authored by Eppinger, to better understand the detailed methods.

Register for an MIT Sloan Executive Education course:

Systematic Innovation of Products, Processes, and Services , a five-day course taught by Eppinger and other MIT professors.

  • Leadership by Design: Innovation Process and Culture , a two-day course taught by MIT Integrated Design and Management director Matthew Kressy.
  • Managing Complex Technical Projects , a two-day course taught by Eppinger.
  • Apply for M astering Design Thinking , a 3-month online certificate course taught by Eppinger and MIT Sloan senior lecturers Renée Richardson Gosline and David Robertson.

Steve Eppinger is a professor of management science and innovation at MIT Sloan. He holds the General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Chair and has a PhD from MIT in engineering. He is the faculty co-director of MIT's System Design and Management program and Integrated Design and Management program, both master’s degrees joint between the MIT Sloan and Engineering schools. His research focuses on product development and technical project management, and has been applied to improving complex engineering processes in many industries.

Read next: 10 agile ideas worth sharing

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Methodology Design 101

- “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.”

When we introduced “PRIDE” as the first commercial methodology for system design in 1971 we never realized the impact it would ultimately have on the industry. It spawned several competitors, both commercially and academically, many of which were various interpretations of the classic “waterfall” approach as implemented by colleges and CPA firms. Today, many companies avoid the use of methodologies as they are considered bureaucratic paper mills. In some instances, this is true, but the fact remains, you cannot build anything of substance, be it a system or otherwise, without a methodology. The question then becomes, how to construct a methodology suitable for your company or a given project. To this end, I offer this tutorial on designing methodologies.


If we lived in a perfect world, there would not be a need for managers. Everyone would know precisely what their assignments were and would successfully accomplish them on time and within budget. However, the reality is we live in an imperfect world. We as human beings make mistakes; we work on multiple assignments concurrently, and require guidance. It must be recognized from the outset that project management does not come free, nor does it come naturally to people.

Traditionally, the typical approach to project management has most often been to find a project manager, provide resources, and then give them an assignment with no direction as to how the project will be conducted or controlled. Under this approach, the success or failure of the project is dependent on the abilities and experience of the project manager and how well the manager can organize and train the project team, plan the project, estimate, etc. Consequently, there is significant trial and error in the process. This approach usually results in a unique method for the particular project because it reflects the thinking of the project manager. Different managers use different techniques and ideas. In other words, it is quite common for systems projects to lack uniformity and consistency, thereby workers have to learn the methodology with each new project assignment.

Another common approach used was the “brute-force approach.” Simply stated,  “I don’t care how you get the job done; just have it completed by (date).”  This approach shows a lack of sensitivity to the complexity of project management.

There is more to project management than maintaining costs and time schedules. It is the process of applying resources to a defined goal and attaining this goal within time and cost objectives. Fundamentally, it is a people oriented function as opposed to an administrative or clerical function. Project management, therefore, is not a tool or technique, but rather a philosophy of management.

Project management is to a methodology, what production control is to an assembly line. Without the assembly line, production control is a useless exercise. Conversely, without a methodology, project management is useless.

The ultimate test of a methodology is if it can operate independent of project management. The two are not synonymous. Although they work in concert, there are distinct differences. Whereas a methodology dictates what work is required, project management controls the application of work. Just as an assembly line can produce a product without production control, a methodology can produce a product without project management. Therefore, a methodology is independent of project management, but project management is totally dependent upon a methodology.

A project is an application of effort towards prescribed objectives through the execution of a defined sequence of events.  All projects have a life cycle; a beginning for planning, a middle for execution, and an end for review. Each project has a unique scope, set of objectives and defined sequence of events. The methodology thereby is the “road map” for a project. It provides organization and direction.

For any methodology, there should be a conceptual foundation explaining the rationale for its structure. In the case of “PRIDE,” we introduced the concept that  “a system is a product that can be engineered and manufactured like any other product.”  This was a revolutionary idea at the time, and still is to many system developers today. Nevertheless, this concept allowed us to use a hierarchical product structure to decompose a system top-down, and test/install bottom-up. This permits us to design and build the various parts of a system in parallel and concurrently, just as engineering and architectural projects are conducted.

“PRIDE” was a departure from the conventional wisdom that systems were developed using a linear approach, such as that found in the “waterfall” approach.


In order to perform project planning, we must resolve the following questions:

1. What is the scope of the project? – The scope must state the project’s objectives and the parts of the organization involved, both directly and indirectly.

2. What are the steps required to meet the project’s objectives? Performing work in a logical sequence gives direction to the project. The inability to do so results in lost time and effort. Therefore, not only do the required steps in a project need to be defined, but the precedent relationships between work steps must also be defined.

3. What are the deliverables and benchmarks of the project? In order to verify a particular project task has been completed, it is necessary to substantiate that all aspects of the task has successfully been executed. An impartial and objective mechanism checking the completeness of tasks is necessary. It is important to demonstrate tangible results from our project efforts in the form of accomplishments and deliverables.  Any task that does not result in a reviewable or tangible result is an unnecessary step that should be eliminated.

4. What resources are required to perform the work? Assigning the correct resources to the appropriate work steps is a critical factor in every project. By properly defining the work steps and the benchmarks, it is possible to clearly identify the skills required to execute the steps. Resources with the appropriate skills and availability can then be assigned to the project tasks.


All projects have a structure depending on the methodology used. The methodology defines what is going to be produced. It can be as simple as one step or as extensive as several phases involving multiple activities and tasks. The methodology represents the selected approach for implementing a project. It is structured into a hierarchy consisting of one or more phases of work. A phase represents a major “key event” or milestone in the project. Each phase consists of one or more activities representing “sub-events” required to meet the milestone. Each activity consists of one or more operational steps or tasks representing the individual actions to be taken in the project.

Each phase, activity and operation of a methodology should produce a reviewable result (work product) to substantiate completion of assignments. Otherwise, a methodology becomes a meaningless series of tasks.  In systems development, such deliverables include such things as reports (e.g., Feasibility studies, design documents, program source code (and executables), data base structures, test data, test results, project audit, etc.). If the deliverable hasn’t been produced, we can conclude the work step wasn’t performed. If the deliverable was produced, there should be criteria to evaluate it, thereby providing a mechanism to review and correct if necessary.

Bottom-line, for each work step, we should define:

* What is its purpose? * What will it produce (deliverable)? * What is the criteria for substantiating completion? * Who will perform the work (e.g., project functions assigned to the work step, such as analysts, programmers, managers, carpenters, architects, etc.).

The level of detail required to perform a project is ultimately left to the discretion of the Project Manager. If a simple project, perhaps the manager will only define a phase with a few activities. However, if a project is large and complex, the manager may wish to define and manage at the operation level.


Up to this point we have only defined WHAT work is involved, not its sequencing. A methodology defines not only the various units of work, but also dependencies between the work steps. Such dependencies are referred to as “precedent relationships.”

Project worksteps may be conducted either sequentially or in parallel (alluding to “branching”). Precedent relationships define what worksteps precede and succeed a single work step.

Precedent relationships can be defined between work steps in the same level of the methodology structure. This means:

PROJECT-TO-PROJECT relationships.

PHASE-TO-PHASE relationships.



This brings up two points:

* Progression between project work steps at the same level cannot proceed until the subordinate levels are fulfilled. This means you cannot move from one project to another until all of the phases from the first project have been performed; nor can you move from one phase to another until all of the activities from the first phase have been performed; nor can you move from one activity to another until all of the operations from the first activity have been performed.

* You cannot define lower level work steps until you have first defined the higher levels. In other words, you must define phases before you define activities, before you define operations.

The one exception to this is a PHASE-TO-PROJECT relationship where a separate project can be activated pending completion of a phase. This can be demonstrated by separate “PRIDE”-ISEM (Systems Engineering) and “PRIDE”-DBEM (Data Base Engineering) projects:

NOTE: Although Project-to-Project and Phase-to-Project Relationships are permitted, they are uncommon. Most projects will only show inner dependencies (phase-to-phase, activity-to-activity, operation-to-operation).

Although “branching” (parallelism) can occur at any level in the methodology, the project manager will typically find less need for branching at the lower levels of the methodology structure. This means phases are more apt to branch than operations. Most operational steps within an activity are performed serially (sequentially).

To expedite the development of methodology structures, we have provided a “Methodology Definition Worksheet” which is used to define the Work Breakdown Structure and precedent relationships. To illustrate:



In order to effectively organize a project it is important to recognize the basic elements of a methodology:

Mandatory Requirements

1. A defined Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – consisting of a series of work steps in various levels of abstraction (e.g., Phases, Activities, Operations).

2. Defines the project functions responsible for performing the various work steps.

3. Defines the project dependencies (the precedent relationships between work steps).

Without these mandatory requirements, a methodology is illegitimate and should be referred to as something else.

Optional Requirements

1. Have a single phase to initiate a project, and a single phase to conclude it. Multiple starts and multiple ends are not desirable from a management point of view.

2. The methodology structures should be based on reviewable work products to verify completeness. If the methodology is not defined accordingly, the “Dance of the Fairies” phenomenon occurs – this is where a series of meaningless work steps are defined with no verifiable end result.

3. The methodology structures should be reusable on multiple projects.

4. Provide for both sequential and parallel project execution.

5. The methodology structures should accommodate a product structure, thereby allowing parallel processing.

6. Although these latter requirements are not mandatory, they are highly desirable features and have been incorporated into the methodologies in “PRIDE”.

Project planning is made simpler by the existence of standard methodologies, such as “PRIDE,” which include defined phases, activities, deliverables, precedent relationships and the functions to perform the work. This saves time in project planning and brings consistency to projects of like kind.

Then again, system designers and programmers tend to resist the discipline of a methodology; as such, the old adage is true, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” However, it is inconceivable to build anything of substance without a methodology; it is how bridges and skyscrapers are built, automobiles, aircraft, consumer electronics, highways, even medical care and food service. Come to think of it, just about everything requires a methodology. So what makes system designers and programmers special?

For more information on the “PRIDE” Methodologies for IRM, see: http://www.amazon.com/PRIDE-Methodologies-IRM-Tim-Bryce/dp/097861822X

Keep the Faith!

Note: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Author : Tim Bryce,    Managing Director of  M&JB Investment Company

For Tim’s columns, see:   timbryce.com


Copyright © 2015 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

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Project Management Methodologies

Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban and more. If you’re wondering which methodology you should choose, then you need to read this guide to project management methodologies.

Table of Contents

What is a project management methodology, why are there so many different types of project management methodologies, the project management process: how to choose the right project management methodology, 17 project management methodology examples and frameworks, choosing the right project management methodology.

Once you’ve decided you want to  become a project manager , the next step is to figure out which project management methodologies are right for you and your team.

The landscape of project management methodologies can seem a bit overwhelming.

Whether you have a formal project management certification or you’re learning to become a project manager from experience, there’s an absolute smorgasbord of project methodologies to choose from. And they often come with their own rules, lists, principles, and endless acronyms.

We believe that finding the right project management methodology to manage your work shouldn’t be rocket science. So we’ve compiled this list of different project management methodologies to help you figure out which methods, principles and approaches you can use for each team and project.

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methodology of project design

A project management methodology is a set of principles and practices that guide you in organizing your projects to ensure their optimum performance.

Basically, it’s a framework that helps you to manage your project in the best way possible.

Project management is so important  to organizations and teams, but in order for it to be really effective, you need to make sure you’re correctly mapping your project management methodology to your team type, project, organization, and goals.

No two projects are exactly the same (even when you’re using handy features like project templates to replicate your past successes).

And when you factor in the different goals, KPIs and production methods of not only different types of teams but also different types of  industries , it makes sense that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing a project.

What works best for one type of team could be an absolute nightmare for another.

For example, many software developers started to find that traditional project management methods were hindering — rather than helping — their workflows and negatively affecting their performance and results.

As a result, software teams began to develop a new type of project management methodology, which was designed to address their particular concerns.

Before long, other teams and industries started to adapt those new project management methods to fit  their  unique needs and concerns. And on and on, with different project management methodologies being repurposed and adapted for different industries and tweaked to fit specific use cases.

What we’re left with is a ton of different project management methodologies to choose from. So how do you know which project management method (or methods, plural) is right for you and your team?

There are lots of factors that will impact which project management methodology is right for your project, team, and organization. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the key considerations that can help you decide:

Cost and budget: On a scale of $ to $$$, what sort of budget are you working with? Is there room for that to change if necessary, or is it essential that it stays within these predetermined limits?

Team size: How many people are involved? How many stakeholders? Is your team relatively compact and self-organizing, or more sprawling, with a need for more rigorous delegation?

Ability to take risks: Is this a huge project with a big impact that needs to be carefully managed in order to deliver Very Serious Results? Or is it a smaller-scale project with a bit more room to play around?

Flexibility: Is there room for the scope of the project to change during the process? What about the finished product?

Timeline: How much time is allotted to deliver on the brief? Do you need a quick turnaround, or is it more important that you have a beautifully finished result, no matter how long it takes?

Client/stakeholder collaboration: How involved does the client/stakeholder need — or want — to be in the process? How involved do you need — or want — them to be?

Waterfall methodology

Agile methodology

Scrum methodology

Kanban methodology

Scrumban methodology

eXtreme programming (XP) methodology

Adaptive project framework (APF) methodology

Lean methodology

Critical path method

Critical chain project management

New product introduction (NPI)

Package enabled reengineering (PER)

Outcome mapping


PRINCE2 methodology

Rapid application development (RAD) methodology

We’ve compiled a list of 17 effective project management methodologies to help you get to grips with the basics. Let’s dive right in.

1. Waterfall methodology

The Waterfall method is a traditional approach to project management. In it, tasks and phases are completed in a linear, sequential manner, and each stage of the project must be completed before the next begins.

The stages of Waterfall project management generally follow this sequence:



Deployment & maintenance

Progress flows in one direction, like a real waterfall.

Also like a real waterfall, though, this can quickly get dangerous. Since everything is mapped out at the beginning, there’s a lot of room for error if expectations don’t match up with reality. And there’s no going back to a previous stage once it’s completed (just imagine trying to swim against a waterfall — not fun).

Try this project management methodology if:

The end goal of your project is clearly defined — and isn’t going to change.

The stakeholders know exactly what they want (and it isn’t going to change).

Your project is consistent and predictable (i.e. isn’t going to change).

You’re working in a regulated industry that needs extensive project tracking or documentation.

You might need to bring new people into the project midway through and get them up to speed quickly.

This project management methodology might not be for you if:

Your project is liable to change.

You don’t have a full picture of all the requirements before you start.

You need to do continuous testing or adapt to feedback during the process.

2. Agile methodology

Agile project leaders help their team balance at the edge of chaos - some structure, but not too much; adequate documentation, but not too much; some up-front architecture work, but not too much. Finding these balance points is the art of agile leadership." ~ Jim Highsmith, author and software engineer

The agile project management methodology came from a growing dissatisfaction with the linear approach of traditional project management methodologies.

Frustrated with the limitations of project management methods that couldn’t adapt with a project as it progressed, the focus began to shift to more iterative models that allowed teams to revise their project as needed during the process instead of having to wait until the end to review and amend.

The concept of agile project management has gone on to spark several specific sub-frameworks and methodologies, such as scrum, kanban, and lean. But what do they all have in common? The key principles of agile project management methodologies are:

It’s collaborative.

It’s quick.

It’s open to data-driven change.

As such, agile project management methodologies usually involve short phases of work with frequent testing, reassessment, and adaptation throughout.

In many agile methods, all of the work to be done is added to a backlog that teams can work through in each phase or cycle, with project managers or product owners prioritizing the backlog so teams know what to focus on first.

You’re not sure at the outset what the solution will look like.

You need to work quickly, and it’s more important that you see speedy progress than perfect results.

Your stakeholders or client needs (or wants) to be involved at every stage.

This project management methodology isn’t for you if:

You need a lot of documentation (for example, if you’ll be bringing new people on-board during the project).

You need a predictable deliverable, and you need to be crystal clear about what that looks like from the outset.

Your project can’t afford to change during its course.

You don’t have self-motivated people.

You have strict deadlines or deliverables that you need to stay on top of.

The Best Agile Project Management Tools To Use In 2023 & Beyond

The Best Agile Project Management Tools To Use In 2023 & Beyond

It does little good to adopt the Agile method while still using a software that bogs down or complicates your projects. The best agile project management software should go hand-in-hand with the Agile method and make these adaptations smooth, fast, and easy.

3. Scrum methodology

Scrum is a form of agile project management. You can think of it more like a framework than as a project management methodology in itself.

With Scrum, work is split into short cycles known as “sprints”, which usually last about 1-2 weeks. Work is taken from the backlog (see: Agile project management, above) for each sprint iteration,

Small teams are led by a Scrum Master (who is not the same as the  project manager ) for the duration of the sprint, after which they review their performance in a “sprint retrospective” and make any necessary changes before starting the next sprint.

You’re striving for continuous improvement.

You don’t have the full commitment from the team needed to make it work.

4. Kanban methodology

"Kanban is not a software development lifecycle methodology or an approach to project management. It requires that some process is already in place so that Kanban can be applied to incrementally change the underlying process." ~ David J. Anderson, Author and pioneer of the Kanban method

Kanban is another method within agile project management.

Originating from the manufacturing industry, the term “kanban” has evolved to denote a framework in which tasks are visually represented as they progress through columns on a  kanban board . Work is pulled from the predefined backlog on a continuous basis as the team has capacity and moved through the columns on the board, with each column representing a stage of the process.

Kanban Content Example of a Column

Kanban is great for giving everyone an immediate visual overview of where each piece of work stands at any given time. (You can use kanban boards for everything from your  content marketing process  to  hiring and recruitment .)

It also helps you to see where bottlenecks are at risk of forming — if you notice one of your columns getting clogged, for example, you’ll know that that’s a stage of your process that needs to be examined.

Image of Kanban board view project collaboration

When used as part of an agile project management methodology, it’s also common to implement work in progress (WIP) limits. Work in progress limits restrict the amount of tasks in play at any given time, meaning that you can only have a certain number of tasks in each column (or on the board overall).

This prevents your team from spreading their energy across too many tasks, and instead ensures that they can work more productively by focusing on each task individually.

You’re looking for a visual representation of your project’s progress.

You want at-a-glance status updates.

You want to encourage using WIP limits so your team can stay focused.

You prefer to work on a continuous “pull” basis.

Your process is super complex or has tons of stages.

You want a push system instead of a pull system.

Kanban board view

Kanban board view

Use kanban boards in Teamwork.com to map out your workflow, quickly see the status of tasks, and automate your processes.

5. Scrumban methodology

It’s the answer to the age-old question: what if scrum and kanban had a baby?

Scrumban is a hybrid agile project management methodology that has scrum’s nose and kanban’s eyes.

The main benefit of scrumban as a method is that instead of deciding which task from the backlog to work on in each sprint at the outset (like you would in a “traditional” scrum framework), scrumban allows teams to continuously “pull” from the backlog based on their capacity (like they would in a kanban framework).

And using work in progress limits (from kanban) during your sprint cycle (from scrum), you can keep a continuous flow while still incorporating project planning , reviews and retrospectives as needed.

You’ve ever looked at scrum and kanban and thought “I wish those two crazy kids would get together”.

You’ve ever looked wistfully out the window and thought, “Oh, scrum is scrum, and kanban is kanban, and never the twain shall meet”.

6. eXtreme programming (XP) methodology

The eXtreme Programming (XP) methodology is another form of agile project management that was designed for software developmen t.

It emphasizes teamwork and collaboration across managers, customers, and developers, with teams self-organizing. It has a  defined set of rules  that teams should follow, which are based on its five values: simplicity, communication (face to face is preferred), feedback, respect, and courage.

Real time collaboration for the Teamwork content team

You want to foster teamwork and collaboration.

You have a small, co-located team.

You’re a rulebreaker.

Your team is spread across different places and time zones.

7. Adaptive project framework (APF) methodology

The adaptive project framework (APF) methodology, also known as adaptive project management (APM), is a type of agile project management methodology that was designed with the inevitability of change in mind.

The adaptive project framework knows that, as John Steinbeck might say, even the best-laid projects of mice and men often go awry. So the fundamental attribute of APF is that teams need to be able to adaptively respond to change.

That means that using adaptive project framework methods, teams must try to anticipate the risks and prepare for the unexpected in their project. They need to understand that key components are constantly in flux, and be able to constantly re-evaluate results and decisions with these moving parts in mind.

This requires lots of communication with all stakeholders and — like other agile project management methodologies — be able to work collaboratively.

You know your ultimate goals (in project management terms, you’ve outlined your Conditions of Satisfaction; or, in Beastie Boys terms, you’re clear about you’re clear about whatcha whatcha whatcha want).

You need predictability.

You don’t have the resources to handle the potential negatives of adaptability (e.g. scope creep, rework, misuse of time).

8. Lean methodology

Lean is another project management methodology that has its origins in manufacturing (and specifically the Toyota Production System). It’s all about applying lean principles to your project management methods to maximize value and minimize waste.

While this originally referred to reducing physical waste in the manufacturing process, it now refers to other wasteful practices in the project management process. These are known as the 3Ms: muda, mura, and muri.

Muda  (wastefulness) consumes resources without adding value for the customer.

Mura  (unevenness) occurs when you have overproduction in one area that throws all of your other areas out of whack, leaving you with too much inventory (wasteful!) or inefficient processes (also wasteful!).

Muri  (overburden) occurs when there is too much strain on resources such as equipment and people, which can often lead to breakdowns — in both machines and humans.

Using the key principles of lean, a project manager can reduce these types of waste to create more efficient workflows.

You’re looking for a set of principles that will help you cut the fat and optimize your flow.

You’re always trying to improve and add value for the customer.

You want to ultimately decrease costs.

You can’t afford to run into supply problems (e.g. you don’t have enough inventory in stock) or lose room for error (e.g. in the case of essential equipment failure).

You don’t have the budget to invest in it (while lean project management aims to reduce costs overall, it can be costly to implement).

You’re a raccoon and you love waste, actually.

9. Critical path method

A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder." ~ D. Meyer, Illinois Construction Law

The critical path method (also known as critical path analysis) is a way of identifying and scheduling all of the critical tasks that comprise your project, as well as their dependencies.

That means that you need to:

Identify all of the essential tasks you need to do to achieve your project goal

Estimate how much time each of those tasks will take (bearing in mind that certain tasks will need to be completed before others can be started)

Use all of that information to schedule the “critical path” you’ll need to take in order to get the project done as quickly as possible without missing any crucial steps.

The longest sequence of critical tasks becomes your critical path, and will define the timeframe for your project.

methodology of project design

Along the path, you’ll have  milestones  to meet that will signal when one set of tasks (or phase) is over and you can move on to the next one.

There are lots of ways to visualize the critical path, depending on the complexity of your project, from flow graphs to Gantt charts .

methodology of project design

Your project is large-scale and complex.

Your project has a lot of dependencies.

You’re looking for a visual way to map out the sequence of tasks.

You need to identify which tasks are the most important so you can better allocate your resources.

You have a strict plan and deadlines, with no room for silly business.

You love algorithms. Love ‘em!

You don’t need something with a lot of complexity.

You’re unsure about deadlines, timings, or durations.

Your project needs wiggle room to change.

10. Critical chain project management

Critical chain project management (or CCPM) takes the critical path method (CPM) one step further.

While the critical path method defines the length of time needed to get each critical activity done from the beginning of the project to the end, it can often be, well, unrealistic when the time comes to actually put it into practice.

Critical chain project management addresses those issues by allowing a bit more time for the human elements of your project — like delays and resourcing issues.


In critical chain project management, you have a few buffers built in that your critical chain can use without derailing everything else, so that your entire project doesn’t have to go off track just because life happens.

You like the sound of the critical path method, but you want something a little more realistic.

You were already overestimating task durations in CPM to allow for a buffer and you want more accurate data on how long the work is actually taking compared to your projections.

You think buffers are just a safety net for people who didn’t plan it right the first time.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

11. New product introduction (NPI)

New product introduction is a great project management methodology for when you want to, well, introduce a new product.

Also known as new product development (NPD), the new product introduction process covers everything you need to define, develop and launch a new (or improved) product.

The project follows a single product through the entire development process. This process involves multiple phases or a stage-gate process, which can vary from organization to organization, but usually include things like:

Defining the product spec and project scope

Evaluating the feasibility

Developing the prototype

Validating the prototype via testing and analysis

Manufacturing the product on a larger scale

Evaluating the product’s success in the market after launch

As the requirements for a successful new product introduction span a number of departments across an organization, from leadership to product managers to marketing and more, it requires a lot of cross-functional collaboration and communication.

Project management template

Project management template

Nail your next project with our project management template. Manage the bigger picture, and turn plans into actionable tasks - without missing a single detail.

You’re bringing a new or improved product to market.

You’re focusing on a single product.

You want to foster key stakeholder and cross-functional alignment right from the beginning.

You’re not bringing a new or improved product to market.

You’re looking for a more agile approach to product development (as NPI is usually sequential rather than iterative).

12. Package enabled reengineering (PER)

Package enabled reengineering (PER) is a project management methodology that aims to help organizations redesign products or processes with fresh eyes. It focuses on facilitating business transformations quickly and strategically, whether through redesign of processes or realignment of people.

Your organization needs an overhaul.

You need a fresh perspective on your products or processes.

You’re not trying to improve an existing system.

13. Outcome mapping

Outcome mapping is a project progress measurement system that was designed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). It differs from the other project management methodologies on this list in that it doesn’t focus on measurable deliverables; instead, it focuses on creating lasting behavioural change.

It’s a common project management methodology used in charitable projects in developing countries. As a project management methodology, it’s less about the project itself than the long-term impact of the project and its ability to effect change in the community. As a result, it measures influence rather than other (perhaps more “typical”) measures of project progress.

Outcome mapping consists of a lengthy design phase followed by a record-keeping phase to track the results.

Your project is aimed at changing behaviour rather than producing deliverables.

Your project is related to change and social transformation (e.g. in the fields of international development, charity, communications, research).

Your project is all about finished products rather than behavioural outcomes.

14. Six Sigma


"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it." ~ H. James Harrington, author and management mentor

Six Sigma is a method for improving processes with an emphasis on ensuring consistency in output and impeccable quality. (And if it’s  good enough for Jack Donaghy… )

There are a few different flavors available, such as Lean Six Sigma and Agile Sigma, but ultimately Six Sigma is a business methodology that aims to eliminate defects and reduce variation by using its defined methodologies.

Six Sigma methods can be used to optimize and improve existing processes or create new ones.

To improve business processes, you can use the Six Sigma DMAIC process, which stands for the phases in the project methodology:  D efine,  M easure,  A nalyze,  I mprove,  C ontrol.

To create new processes or products, you can use the Six Sigma DMADV process:  D efine,  M easure,  A nalyze,  D esign,  V erify.

As a set of principles and techniques (sometimes it’s even described as a “philosophy”) rather than a project management methodology in itself, Six Sigma methods can be applied alongside many other project management methodologies, like Lean and Agile.

You’re looking for a set of principles and philosophies you can bring with you to almost every project and organization.

You don’t have a lot of budget to invest in training — it can be expensive to get trained and certified.

You’re looking for a defined process for a particular project rather than a set of guiding rules.


The Project Management Institute’s Project Management Book of Knowledge (AKA the PMI’s PMBOK) isn’t a project management methodology in and of itself. However, it is a best practices guide — and it forms the basis of the PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, one of the leading project management qualifications.

As such, the PMBOK is an industry-standard set of guiding principles that you can use to ensure that your projects across multiple types of teams and organizations meet the PMI’s high standards and comply with best practices.

You have (or want to get) a PMP.

You want to stay up-to-date with industry standards and best practices.

You live and work in a place where the PMP is the standard project management qualification (such as the US).

You need a solid project management methodology to map your project, rather than general (albeit helpful) project management knowledge.

16. PRINCE2 methodology

PRINCE2 ( PR ojects  IN   C ontrolled  E nvironments) is a project management methodology and certification that aims to equip project managers with knowledge of best practices and processes.

Unlike the PMP certification, it doesn’t require a number of prerequisites, making it a good choice for project managers looking to get both a methodological grounding and a qualification.

Also unlike the PMP, PRINCE2 is a methodology in itself. It’s guided by seven principles, which in turn dictate the seven processes a project manager needs to use in each project when using PRINCE2.

You’re looking for a certification to give you an edge.

You live and work in a place where PRINCE2 is the standard project management qualification (such as the UK).

You don’t want to commit to full certification.

The seven-step process doesn’t map to your projects.

You find yourself tailoring (or outright ignoring) the process stages so much that it becomes PINO — “PRINCE in name only”.

17. Rapid application development (RAD) methodology

Rapid application development (RAD) is a type of agile project management methodology that aims to facilitate faster software development .

It uses rapid prototype releases and iterations to gather feedback in a short period of time, and values that user feedback over strict planning and requirements recording.

You want to be able to give customers/clients/stakeholders a working model much sooner (even if it’s not perfect).

You want to create multiple prototypes and work with stakeholders to choose the best one.

Speed is of the essence.

You want to encourage code reuse.

You don’t have an experienced team.

Your clients or stakeholders don’t have the time to commit to such a collaborative process or can’t give feedback within the necessary timeframes.

You have a large team.

You prefer to have a detailed spec that outlines all functional and non-functional requirements.

methodology of project design

The right project management methodology can elevate your project and help the project manager to get the best out of each team.

Whether you prefer the agile methods favored in IT project management or the more traditional waterfall project management and critical path methodology used in construction and manufacturing, there’s a project management methodology for every team.

But no matter which methodology you go for, you need a collaborative, flexible, and easy-to-use project management tool to support you every step of the way.

Choosing a team management software that supports multiple methodologies — i.e. that doesn’t lock you into one methodology or way of using it — like Teamwork.com means that every team in your organization has the freedom to work the way that works for them without sacrificing on features or complexity.

No matter how you like to work, Teamwork.com helps your team to replicate their best practices, ensure compliance and consistency, and constantly improve their processes.

What project management methodology allows some of the phases and tasks to overlap?

The project management methodology that allows some of the phases and tasks to overlap is known as "Agile" or "Agile Project Management." Agile is a flexible and iterative approach to project management that tends to be divided into "Sprints", which are time-boxed periods of work. Within each Sprint, cross-functional teams work on various tasks and features, allowing for a degree of overlap between different project phases.

What project management methodology requires the team to complete the previous phase before the next phase starts?

The project management methodology that typically requires the team to complete the previous phase before the next phase starts is the "Waterfall" methodology. Waterfall is a traditional, linear, and sequential approach to project management. In a Waterfall project, each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin.

Why do project managers use project management methodologies?

Project managers use project management methodologies to bring structure and organization to their projects, ensuring consistency, risk management, resource allocation, and quality assurance. These methodologies promote effective communication, change management, and scope control, leading to increased efficiency, client and stakeholder satisfaction, and overall project success. They also foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, allowing project managers to navigate changing requirements and uncertainties effectively.

How many project management methodologies are there?

There are numerous project management methodologies, with dozens of well-known approaches like Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, PRINCE2, Kanban, Lean, and Six Sigma, among others. Custom methodologies are also created by organizations to meet specific needs.

What is the difference between agile and scrum?

Agile is a broader project management philosophy that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback, while Scrum is a specific Agile framework. Scrum introduces roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team), fixed-time sprints, and defined ceremonies (Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective) to guide project teams. It also includes key artifacts like the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment.

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Design Thinking (DT)

What is design thinking (dt).

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It is most useful to tackle ill-defined or unknown problems and involves five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

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Why Is Design Thinking so Important?

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”

— Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO

Design thinking fosters innovation . Companies must innovate to survive and remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment. In design thinking, cross-functional teams work together to understand user needs and create solutions that address those needs. Moreover, the design thinking process helps unearth creative solutions.

Design teams use design thinking to tackle ill-defined/unknown problems (aka wicked problems ). Alan Dix, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, explains what wicked problems are in this video.

Wicked problems demand teams to think outside the box, take action immediately, and constantly iterate—all hallmarks of design thinking.

Don Norman, a pioneer of user experience design, explains why the designer’s way of thinking is so powerful when it comes to such complex problems.

Design thinking offers practical methods and tools that major companies like Google, Apple and Airbnb use to drive innovation. From architecture and engineering to technology and services, companies across industries have embraced the methodology to drive innovation and address complex problems. 

The End Goal of Design Thinking: Be Desirable, Feasible and Viable

Three Lenses of Design Thinking.

The design thinking process aims to satisfy three criteria: desirability (what do people desire?), feasibility (is it technically possible to build the solution?) and viability (can the company profit from the solution?). Teams begin with desirability and then bring in the other two lenses.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

Desirability: Meet People’s Needs

The design thinking process starts by looking at the needs, dreams and behaviors of people—the end users. The team listens with empathy to understand what people want, not what the organization thinks they want or need. The team then thinks about solutions to satisfy these needs from the end user’s point of view.

Feasibility: Be Technologically Possible

Once the team identifies one or more solutions, they determine whether the organization can implement them. In theory, any solution is feasible if the organization has infinite resources and time to develop the solution. However, given the team’s current (or future resources), the team evaluates if the solution is worth pursuing. The team may iterate on the solution to make it more feasible or plan to increase its resources (say, hire more people or acquire specialized machinery).

At the beginning of the design thinking process, teams should not get too caught up in the technical implementation. If teams begin with technical constraints, they might restrict innovation.

Viability: Generate Profits

A desirable and technically feasible product isn’t enough. The organization must be able to generate revenues and profits from the solution. The viability lens is essential not only for commercial organizations but also for non-profits. 

Traditionally, companies begin with feasibility or viability and then try to find a problem to fit the solution and push it to the market. Design thinking reverses this process and advocates that teams begin with desirability and bring in the other two lenses later.

The Five Stages of Design Thinking

Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, commonly known as the d.school, is renowned for its pioneering approach to design thinking. Their design process has five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These stages are not always sequential. Teams often run them in parallel, out of order, and repeat them as needed.

Stage 1: Empathize —Research Users' Needs

The team aims to understand the problem, typically through user research. Empathy is crucial to design thinking because it allows designers to set aside your assumptions about the world and gain insight into users and their needs.

Stage 2: Define—State Users' Needs and Problems

Once the team accumulates the information, they analyze the observations and synthesize them to define the core problems. These definitions are called problem statements . The team may create personas to help keep efforts human-centered.

Stage 3: Ideate—Challenge Assumptions and Create Ideas

With the foundation ready, teams gear up to “think outside the box.” They brainstorm alternative ways to view the problem and identify innovative solutions to the problem statement.

Stage 4: Prototype—Start to Create Solutions

This is an experimental phase. The aim is to identify the best possible solution for each problem. The team produces inexpensive, scaled-down versions of the product (or specific features found within the product) to investigate the ideas. This may be as simple as paper prototypes .

Stage 5: Test—Try the Solutions Out

The team tests these prototypes with real users to evaluate if they solve the problem. The test might throw up new insights, based on which the team might refine the prototype or even go back to the Define stage to revisit the problem.

These stages are different modes that contribute to the entire design project rather than sequential steps. The goal is to gain a deep understanding of the users and their ideal solution/product.

Design Thinking: A Non-Linear Process

Design Thinking Frameworks

There is no single definition or process for design thinking. The five-stage design thinking methodology described above is just one of several frameworks.

Hasso-Platner Institute Panorama

Ludwig Wilhelm Wall, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Innovation doesn’t follow a linear path or have a clear-cut formula. Global design leaders and consultants have interpreted the abstract design process in different ways and have proposed other frameworks of design thinking.

Head, Heart and Hand by the American Institution of Graphic Arts (AIGA)

The Head, Heart, and Hand approach by AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is a holistic perspective on design. It integrates the intellectual, emotional, and practical aspects of the creative process.

methodology of project design

More than a process, the Head, Heart and Hand framework outlines the different roles that designers must perform to create great results.

© American Institute of Graphic Arts, Fair Use

“ Head ” symbolizes the intellectual component. The team focuses on strategic thinking, problem-solving and the cognitive aspects of design. It involves research and analytical thinking to ensure that design decisions are purposeful.

“ Heart ” represents the emotional dimension. It emphasizes empathy, passion, and human-centeredness. This aspect is crucial in understanding the users’ needs, desires, and experiences to ensure that designs resonate on a deeper, more personal level.

“ Hand ” signifies the practical execution of ideas, the craftsmanship, and the skills necessary to turn concepts into tangible solutions. This includes the mastery of tools, techniques, and materials, as well as the ability to implement and execute design ideas effectively.

Inspire, Ideate, Implement by IDEO

IDEO is a leading design consultancy and has developed its own version of the design thinking framework.

The 3 core activities of deisgn thinking, by IDEO.

IDEO’s design thinking process is a cyclical three-step process that involves Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation.

© IDEO, Public License

In the “ Inspire ” phase, the team focuses on understanding users’ needs, behaviors, and motivations. The team empathizes with people through observation and user interviews to gather deep insights.

In the “ Ideate ” phase, the team synthesizes the insights gained to brainstorm a wide array of creative solutions. This stage encourages divergent thinking, where teams focus on quantity and variety of ideas over immediate practicality. The goal is to explore as many possibilities as possible without constraints.

In the “ Implement ” phase, the team brings these ideas to life through prototypes. The team tests, iterates and refines these ideas based on user feedback. This stage is crucial for translating abstract concepts into tangible, viable products, services, or experiences.

The methodology emphasizes collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach throughout each phase to ensure solutions are innovative and deeply rooted in real human needs and contexts.

The Double Diamond by the Design Council

In the book Designing Social Systems in a Changing World , Béla Heinrich Bánáthy, Professor at San Jose State University and UC Berkeley, created a “divergence-convergence model” diagram. The British Design Council interpreted this diagram to create the Double Diamond design process model.

Design Council's Double Diamond

As the name suggests, the double diamond model consists of two diamonds—one for the problem space and the other for the solution space. The model uses diamonds to represent the alternating diverging and converging activities.

© Design Council, CC BY 4.0

In the diverging “ Discover ” phase, designers gather insights and empathize with users’ needs. The team then converges in the “ Define ” phase to identify the problem.

The second, solution-related diamond, begins with “ Develop ,” where the team brainstorms ideas. The final stage is “ Deliver ,” where the team tests the concepts and implements the most viable solution.

This model balances expansive thinking with focused execution to ensure that design solutions are both creative and practical. It underscores the importance of understanding the problem thoroughly and carefully crafting the solution, making it a staple in many design and innovation processes.

methodology of project design

With the widespread adoption of the double diamond framework, Design Council’s simple visual evolved.

In this expanded and annotated version, the framework emphasizes four design principles:

Be people-centered.

Communicate (visually and inclusively).

Collaborate and co-create.

Iterate, iterate, iterate!

The updated version also highlights the importance of leadership (to create an environment that allows innovation) and engagement (to connect with different stakeholders and involve them in the design process).

Common Elements of Design Thinking Frameworks

On the surface, design thinking frameworks look very different—they use alternative names and have different numbers of steps. However, at a fundamental level, they share several common traits.

methodology of project design

Start with empathy . Focus on the people to come up with solutions that work best for individuals, business, and society.

Reframe the problem or challenge at hand . Don’t rush into a solution. Explore the problem space and look at the issue through multiple perspectives to gain a more holistic, nuanced understanding.

Initially, employ a divergent style of thinking (analyze) . In the problem space, gather as many insights as possible. In the solution space, encourage team members to generate and explore as many solutions as possible in an open, judgment-free ideation space.

Later, employ a convergent style of thinking (synthesize) . In the problem space, synthesize all data points to define the problem. In the solution space, whittle down all the ideas—isolate, combine and refine potential solutions to create more mature ideas.

Create and test prototypes . Solutions that make it through the previous stages get tested further to remove potential issues.

Iterate . As the team progresses through the various stages, they revisit different stages and may redefine the challenge based on new insights.

Five stages in the design thinking process.

Design thinking is a non-linear process. For example, teams may jump from the test stage to the define stage if the tests reveal insights that redefine the problem. Or, a prototype might spark a new idea, prompting the team to step back into the ideate stage. Tests may also create new ideas for projects or reveal insights about users.

Design Thinking Mindsets: More than a Process

methodology of project design

A mindset is a characteristic mental attitude that determines how one interprets and responds to situations . Design thinking mindsets are how individuals think , feel and express themselves during design thinking activities. It includes people’s expectations and orientations during a design project.

Without the right mindset, it can be very challenging to change how we work and think.

The key mindsets that ensure a team can successfully implement design thinking are.

Be empathetic: Empathy is the ability to place yourself, your thinking and feelings in another person’s shoes. Design thinking begins from a deep understanding of the needs and motivations of people—the parents, neighbors, children, colleagues, and strangers who make up a community. 

Be collaborative: No one person is responsible for the outcome when you work in a team. Several great minds are always stronger than just one. Design thinking benefits from the views of multiple perspectives and lets others’ creativity bolster your own.

Be optimistic: Be confident about achieving favorable outcomes. Design thinking is the fundamental belief that we can all create change—no matter how big a problem, how little time, or how small a budget. Designing can be a powerful process no matter what constraints exist around you.

Embrace ambiguity: Get comfortable with ambiguous and complex situations. If you expect perfection, it is difficult to take risks, which limits your ability to create radical change. Design thinking is all about experimenting and learning by doing. It gives you the confidence to believe that new, better things are possible and that you can help make them a reality. 

Be curious: Be open to different ideas. Recognize that you are not the user.

Reframe: Challenge and reframe assumptions associated with a given situation or problem. Don’t take problems at face value. Humans are primed to look for patterns. The unfortunate side effect of these patterns is that we form (often false and sometimes dangerous) stereotypes and assumptions. Design thinking aims to help you break through any preconceived notions and biases and reframe challenges.

Embrace diversity: Work with and engage people with different cultural backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking and working. Everyone brings a unique perspective to the team. When you include diverse voices in a team, you learn from each other’s experiences, further helping you break through your assumptions.

Make tangible: When you make ideas tangible, it is faster and easier for everyone on the team to be on the same page. For example, sketching an idea or enacting a scenario is far more convenient and easy to interpret than an elaborate presentation or document.

Take action: Run experiments and learn from them.

Design Thinking vs Agile Methodology

Teams often use design thinking and agile methodologies in project management, product development, and software development. These methodologies have distinct approaches but share some common principles.

Similarities between Design Thinking and Agile

Iterative process.

Both methodologies emphasize iterative development. In design thinking, teams may jump from one phase to another, not necessarily in a set cyclical or linear order. For example, on testing a prototype, teams may discover something new about their users and realize that they must redefine the problem. Agile teams iterate through development sprints.


The agile and design thinking methodologies focus on the end user. All design thinking activities—from empathizing to prototyping and testing—keep the end users front and center. Agile teams continually integrate user feedback into development cycles.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Both methodologies rely heavily on collaboration among cross-functional teams and encourage diverse perspectives and expertise.

Flexibility and Adaptability

With its focus on user research, prototyping and testing, design thinking ensures teams remain in touch with users and get continuous feedback. Similarly, agile teams monitor user feedback and refine the product in a reasonably quick time.

methodology of project design

In this video, Laura Klein, author of Build Better Products , describes a typical challenge designers face on agile teams. She encourages designers to get comfortable with the idea of a design not being perfect. Notice the many parallels between Laura’s advice for designers on agile teams and the mindsets of design thinking.

Differences between Design Thinking and Agile

While design thinking and agile teams share principles like iteration, user focus, and collaboration, they are neither interchangeable nor mutually exclusive. A team can apply both methodologies without any conflict.

From a user experience design perspective, design thinking applies to the more abstract elements of strategy and scope. At the same time, agile is more relevant to the more concrete elements of UX: structure, skeleton and surface. For quick reference, here’s an overview of the five elements of user experience.

Design thinking is more about exploring and defining the right problem and solution, whereas agile is about efficiently executing and delivering a product.

Here are the key differences between design thinking and agile.

Design Sprint: A Condensed Version of Design Thinking

A design sprint is a 5-day intensive workshop where cross-functional teams aim to develop innovative solutions.

The design sprint is a very structured version of design thinking that fits into the timeline of a sprint (a sprint is a short timeframe in which agile teams work to produce deliverables). Developed by Google Ventures, the design sprint seeks to fast-track innovation.

In this video, user researcher Ditte Hvas Mortensen explains the design sprint in detail.

Learn More about Design Thinking

Design consultancy IDEO’s designkit is an excellent repository of design thinking tools and case studies.

To keep up with recent developments in design thinking, read IDEO CEO Tim Brown’s blog .

Enroll in our course Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide —an excellent guide to get you started on your design thinking projects.

Questions related to Design Thinking

You don’t need any certification to practice design thinking. However, learning about the nuances of the methodology can help you:

Pick the appropriate methods and tailor the process to suit the unique needs of your project.

Avoid common pitfalls when you apply the methods.

Better lead a team and facilitate workshops.

Increase the chances of coming up with innovative solutions.

IxDF has a comprehensive course to help you gain the most from the methodology: Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide .

Anyone can apply design thinking to solve problems. Despite what the name suggests, non-designers can use the methodology in non-design-related scenarios. The methodology helps you think about problems from the end user’s perspective. Some areas where you can apply this process:

Develop new products with greater chances of success.

Address community-related issues (such as education, healthcare and environment) to improve society and living standards.

Innovate/enhance existing products to gain an advantage over the competition.

Achieve greater efficiencies in operations and reduce costs.

Use the Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide course to apply design thinking to your context today.

A framework is the basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text. There are several design thinking frameworks with slight differences. However, all the frameworks share some traits. Each framework: 

Begins with empathy.

Reframes the problem or challenge at hand.

Initially employs divergent styles of thinking to generate ideas.

Later, it employs convergent styles of thinking to narrow down the best ideas,

Creates and tests prototypes.

Iterates based on the tests.

Some of the design thinking frameworks are:

5-stage design process by d.school

7-step early traditional design process by Herbert Simon

The 5-Stage DeepDive™ by IDEO

The “Double Diamond” Design Process Model by the Design Council

Collective Action Toolkit (CAT) by Frog Design

The LUMA System of Innovation by LUMA Institute

For details about each of these frameworks, see 10 Insightful Design Thinking Frameworks: A Quick Overview .

IDEO’s 3-Stage Design Thinking Process consists of inspiration, ideation and implementation:

Inspire : The problem or opportunity inspires and motivates the search for a solution.

Ideate : A process of synthesis distills insights which can lead to solutions or opportunities for change.

Implement : The best ideas are turned into a concrete, fully conceived action plan.

IDEO is a leader in applying design thinking and has developed many frameworks. Find out more in 10 Insightful Design Thinking Frameworks: A Quick Overview .

methodology of project design

Design Council's Double Diamond diagram depicts the divergent and convergent stages of the design process.

Béla H. Bánáthy, founder of the White Stag Leadership Development Program, created the “divergence-convergence” model in 1996. In the mid-2000s, the British Design Council made this famous as the Double Diamond model.

The Double Diamond diagram graphically represents a design thinking process. It highlights the divergent and convergent styles of thinking in the design process. It has four distinct phases:

Discover: Initial idea or inspiration based on user needs.

Define: Interpret user needs and align them with business objectives.

Develop: Develop, iterate and test design-led solutions.

Deliver: Finalize and launch the end product into the market.

Double Diamond is one of several design thinking frameworks. Find out more in 10 Insightful Design Thinking Frameworks: A Quick Overview .

There are several design thinking methods that you can choose from, depending on what stage of the process you’re in. Here are a few common design thinking methods:

User Interviews: to understand user needs, pain points, attitudes and behaviors.

5 Whys Method: to dig deeper into problems to diagnose the root cause.

User Observations: to understand how users behave in real life (as opposed to what they say they do).

Affinity Diagramming: to organize research findings.

Empathy Mapping: to empathize with users based on research insights.

Journey Mapping: to visualize a user’s experience as they solve a problem.

6 Thinking Hats: to encourage a group to think about a problem or solution from multiple perspectives.

Brainstorming: to generate ideas.

Prototyping: to make abstract ideas more tangible and test them.

Dot Voting: to select ideas.

Start applying these methods to your work today with the Design Thinking template bundle .

Design Thinking

For most of the design thinking process, you will need basic office stationery:

Pen and paper

Sticky notes

Whiteboard and markers

Print-outs of templates and canvases as needed (such as empathy maps, journey maps, feedback capture grid etc.) You can also draw these out manually.

Prototyping materials such as UI stencils, string, clay, Lego bricks, sticky tapes, scissors and glue.

A space to work in.

You can conduct design thinking workshops remotely by:

Using collaborative software to simulate the whiteboard and sticky notes.

Using digital templates instead of printed canvases.

Download print-ready templates you can share with your team to practice design thinking today.

Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that helps teams better identify, understand, and solve business and customer problems.

When businesses prioritize and empathize with customers, they can create solutions catering to their needs. Happier customers are more likely to be loyal and organically advocate for the product.

Design thinking helps businesses develop innovative solutions that give them a competitive advantage.

Gain a competitive advantage in your business with Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide .

Design Thinking Process Timeline

The evolution of Design Thinking can be summarised in 8 key events from the 1960s to 2004.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Herbert Simon’s 1969 book, "The Sciences of the Artificial," has one of the earliest references to design thinking. David Kelley, founder of the design consultancy IDEO, coined the term “design thinking” and helped make it popular.

For a more comprehensive discussion on the origins of design thinking, see The History of Design Thinking .

Some organizations that have employed design thinking successfully are:

Airbnb: Airbnb used design thinking to create a platform for people to rent out their homes to travelers. The company focused on the needs of both hosts and guests . The result was a user-friendly platform to help people find and book accommodations.

PillPack: PillPack is a prescription home-delivery system. The company focused on the needs of people who take multiple medications and created a system that organizes pills by date and time. Amazon bought PillPack in 2018 for $1 billion .

Google Creative Lab: Google Creative Lab collaborated with IDEO to discover how kids physically play and learn. The team used design thinking to create Project Bloks . The project helps children develop foundational problem-solving skills "through coding experiences that are playful, tactile and collaborative.”

See more examples of design thinking and learn practical methods in Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide .

Innovation essentially means a new idea. Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that helps teams develop new ideas. In other words, design thinking can lead to innovation.

Human-Centered Design is a newer term for User-Centered Design

“Human-centred design is an approach to interactive systems development that aims to make systems usable and useful by focusing on the users, their needs and requirements, and by applying human factors/ergonomics, and usability knowledge and techniques. This approach enhances effectiveness and efficiency, improves human well-being, user satisfaction, accessibility and sustainability; and counteracts possible adverse effects of use on human health, safety and performance.”

— ISO 9241-210:2019(en), ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)  

User experience expert Don Norman describes human-centered design (HCD) as a more evolved form of user-centered design (UCD). The word "users" removes their importance and treats them more like objects than people. By replacing “user” with “human,” designers can empathize better with the people for whom they are designing. Don Norman takes HCD a step further and prefers the term People-Centered Design.

Design thinking has a broader scope and takes HCD beyond the design discipline to drive innovation.

People sometimes use design thinking and human-centered design to mean the same thing. However, they are not the same. HCD is a formal discipline with a specific process used only by designers and usability engineers to design products. Design thinking borrows the design methods and applies them to problems in general.

Design Sprint condenses design thinking into a 1-week structured workshop

Google Ventures condensed the design thinking framework into a time-constrained 5-day workshop format called the Design Sprint. The sprint follows one step per day of the week:

Monday: Unpack

Tuesday: Sketch

Wednesday: Decide

Thursday: Prototype

Friday: Test

Learn more about the design sprint in Make Your UX Design Process Agile Using Google’s Methodology .

Systems Thinking is a distinct discipline with a broader approach to problem-solving

“Systems thinking is a way of exploring and developing effective action by looking at connected wholes rather than separate parts.”

— Introduction to Systems thinking, Report of GSE and GORS seminar, Civil Service Live

Both HCD and Systems Thinking are formal disciplines. Designers and usability engineers primarily use HCD. Systems thinking has applications in various fields, such as medical, environmental, political, economic, human resources, and educational systems.

HCD has a much narrower focus and aims to create and improve products. Systems thinking looks at the larger picture and aims to change entire systems.

Don Norman encourages designers to incorporate systems thinking in their work. Instead of looking at people and problems in isolation, designers must look at them from a systems point of view.

In summary, UCD and HCD refer to the same field, with the latter being a preferred phrase.

Design thinking is a broader framework that borrows methods from human-centered design to approach problems beyond the design discipline. It encourages people with different backgrounds and expertise to work together and apply the designer’s way of thinking to generate innovative solutions to problems.

Systems thinking is another approach to problem-solving that looks at the big picture instead of specific problems in isolation.

The design sprint is Google Ventures’ version of the design thinking process, structured to fit the design process in 1 week.

There are multiple design thinking frameworks, each with a different number of steps and phase names. One of the most popular frameworks is the Stanford d.School 5-stage process.

Design Thinking: A Non-Linear process. Empathy helps define problem, Prototype sparks a new idea, tests reveal insights that redefine the problem, tests create new ideas for project, learn about users (empathize) through testing.

Design thinking is an iterative and non-linear process. It contains five phases: 1. Empathize, 2. Define, 3. Ideate, 4. Prototype and 5. Test. It is important to note the five stages of design thinking are not always sequential. They do not have to follow a specific order, and they can often occur in parallel or be repeated iteratively. The stages should be understood as different modes which contribute to the entire design project, rather than sequential steps.

For more details, see The 5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process .

IDEO is a leading design consultancy and has developed its own version of the design thinking framework and adds the dimension of implementation in the process.

methodology of project design

IDEO’s framework uses slightly different terms than d.school’s design thinking process and adds an extra dimension of implementation. The steps in the DeepDive™ Methodology are: Understand, Observe, Visualize, Evaluate and Implement.

IDEO’s DeepDive™ Methodology includes the following steps:

Understand: Conduct research and identify what the client needs and the market landscape

Observe: Similar to the Empathize step, teams observe people in live scenarios and conduct user research to identify their needs and pain points.

Visualize: In this step, the team visualizes new concepts. Similar to the Ideate phase, teams focus on creative, out-of-the-box and novel ideas.

Evaluate: The team prototypes ideas and evaluates them. After refining the prototypes, the team picks the most suitable one.

Implement: The team then sets about to develop the new concept for commercial use.

IDEO’s DeepDive™ is one of several design thinking frameworks. Find out more in 10 Insightful Design Thinking Frameworks: A Quick Overview .

Answer a Short Quiz to Earn a Gift

What are the stages in the design thinking process?

  • Brainstorm, Prototype, Design, Launch, Test
  • Define, Ideate, Research, Design, Test
  • Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test

Why is empathy critical in the design thinking process?

  • It allows designers to understand and address the real needs of users.
  • It helps designers maintain control over the creative process.
  • It makes sure the solution is inexpensive and easy to create.

What is the primary purpose of the prototyping phase in design thinking?

  • To explore potential solutions and how they might work in real-world situations
  • To finalize the product design for mass production
  • To sell the idea to stakeholders with a high-fidelity (hi-fi) demonstration

What is a "wicked problem" in design thinking?

  • Problems that are complex, ill-defined and have no single correct answer.
  • Problems that are straightforward and have a clear, single solution.
  • Problems that are tricky, but can be solved quickly with conventional methods.

Why is the iterative process important in design thinking?

  • It allows design teams to use up all available resources.
  • It allows for the improvement of solutions based on user feedback and testing.
  • It makes sure the solution remains unchanged throughout development.

Better luck next time!

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Literature on Design Thinking (DT)

Here’s the entire UX literature on Design Thinking (DT) by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Design Thinking (DT)

Take a deep dive into Design Thinking (DT) with our course Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide .

Some of the world’s leading brands, such as Apple, Google, Samsung, and General Electric, have rapidly adopted the design thinking approach, and design thinking is being taught at leading universities around the world, including Stanford d.school, Harvard, and MIT. What is design thinking, and why is it so popular and effective?

Design Thinking is not exclusive to designers —all great innovators in literature, art, music, science, engineering and business have practiced it. So, why call it Design Thinking? Well, that’s because design work processes help us systematically extract, teach, learn and apply human-centered techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way—in our designs, businesses, countries and lives. And that’s what makes it so special.

The overall goal of this design thinking course is to help you design better products, services, processes, strategies, spaces, architecture, and experiences. Design thinking helps you and your team develop practical and innovative solutions for your problems. It is a human-focused , prototype-driven , innovative design process . Through this course, you will develop a solid understanding of the fundamental phases and methods in design thinking, and you will learn how to implement your newfound knowledge in your professional work life. We will give you lots of examples; we will go into case studies, videos, and other useful material, all of which will help you dive further into design thinking. In fact, this course also includes exclusive video content that we've produced in partnership with design leaders like Alan Dix, William Hudson and Frank Spillers!

This course contains a series of practical exercises that build on one another to create a complete design thinking project. The exercises are optional, but you’ll get invaluable hands-on experience with the methods you encounter in this course if you complete them, because they will teach you to take your first steps as a design thinking practitioner. What’s equally important is you can use your work as a case study for your portfolio to showcase your abilities to future employers! A portfolio is essential if you want to step into or move ahead in a career in the world of human-centered design.

Design thinking methods and strategies belong at every level of the design process . However, design thinking is not an exclusive property of designers—all great innovators in literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business have practiced it. What’s special about design thinking is that designers and designers’ work processes can help us systematically extract, teach, learn, and apply these human-centered techniques in solving problems in a creative and innovative way—in our designs, in our businesses, in our countries, and in our lives.

That means that design thinking is not only for designers but also for creative employees , freelancers , and business leaders . It’s for anyone who seeks to infuse an approach to innovation that is powerful, effective and broadly accessible, one that can be integrated into every level of an organization, product, or service so as to drive new alternatives for businesses and society.

You earn a verifiable and industry-trusted Course Certificate once you complete the course. You can highlight them on your resume, CV, LinkedIn profile or your website .

All open-source articles on Design Thinking (DT)

What is design thinking and why is it so popular.

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Personas – A Simple Introduction

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Stage 2 in the Design Thinking Process: Define the Problem and Interpret the Results

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What is Ideation – and How to Prepare for Ideation Sessions

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Affinity Diagrams: How to Cluster Your Ideas and Reveal Insights

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  • 2 years ago

Stage 4 in the Design Thinking Process: Prototype

methodology of project design

  • 3 years ago

Stage 3 in the Design Thinking Process: Ideate

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  • 4 years ago

Stage 1 in the Design Thinking Process: Empathise with Your Users

methodology of project design

Empathy Map – Why and How to Use It

methodology of project design

What Is Empathy and Why Is It So Important in Design Thinking?

methodology of project design

10 Insightful Design Thinking Frameworks: A Quick Overview

methodology of project design

Define and Frame Your Design Challenge by Creating Your Point Of View and Ask “How Might We”

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Design Thinking: Get Started with Prototyping

methodology of project design

5 Common Low-Fidelity Prototypes and Their Best Practices

methodology of project design

Design Thinking: New Innovative Thinking for New Problems

methodology of project design

Test Your Prototypes: How to Gather Feedback and Maximize Learning

methodology of project design

The History of Design Thinking

methodology of project design

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding UX Roles and Which One You Should Go For

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Stage 5 in the Design Thinking Process: Test

methodology of project design

What Are Wicked Problems and How Might We Solve Them?

methodology of project design

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Evans D, Coad J, Cottrell K, et al. Public involvement in research: assessing impact through a realist evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 Oct. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 2.36.)

Cover of Public involvement in research: assessing impact through a realist evaluation

Public involvement in research: assessing impact through a realist evaluation.

Chapter 2 project design and methodology.

  • Introduction

This project was initially designed by a group of academic researchers and research partners drawn from the Service User and Carer Involvement in Research (SUCIR) group at the University of the West of England (UWE). An outline application was submitted in May 2010 to a joint funding call for proposals from the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme (HS&DR) and INVOLVE on public involvement in research (see Research brief ). The team were invited to submit a full proposal, which was submitted in October 2010 and approved in February 2011. The HS&DR Board asked the team to consider three points relating to the economic evaluation, the involvement of children and young people and the total number of interviews to be conducted, and changes were made in response in redrafting the project protocol in July 2011 prior to submission for ethical review. A second version of the protocol was drafted once the research fellow was in post in November 2011 and recruitment of case studies had been completed. The overall design and methodology remained similar, but some minor changes were made. In particular, the research fellow appointed was an anthropologist who argued the need for more informal visits at the beginning of the study and observation of case study processes. Because of the time between application, approval and commencing the project other factors became apparent that required additional minor modifications of the planned design. In particular the timescales for public involvement in the agreed case studies were not always optimal for our planned data collection processes and timescales and, as discussed below, research governance processes led to some delays in our starting data collection in some case studies.

Research brief

The NIHR HS&DR Programme and INVOLVE jointly invited proposals in 2010 to address the gap in evidence around the impact of public involvement in research. 15 A background paper summarised the evidence then available, particularly drawing on the reviews by Staley 11 and Brett et al. 12 The invitation expressed three key aims for the research: to collect evidence on the impact of public involvement in research, to identify methods of evaluating this involvement, and to identify effective ways of involving the public in research (implementation). The call was open to a range of methodological approaches.

  • Methodology

Realist evaluation framework

Our research design was based on the application of realist theory of evaluation, particularly drawing on the work of Ray Pawson, 13 , 16 , 17 which argues that social programmes (in this case public involvement in research) are driven by an underlying vision of change – a ‘programme theory’ of how the programme is supposed to work. The role of the evaluator is to compare the theory and the practice: ‘It is the realist evaluator’s task, and the added value of social science, to identify and explain the precise circumstances under which each theory holds.’ 17 Moreover, the outcomes of social programmes can be understood by identifying regularities of CMO. Thus the key question for the evaluator is ‘What works for whom in what circumstances . . . and why?’ 17 The realist approach is increasingly used in the evaluation of complex health programmes, and producing useful analyses. 18 , 19 After our study began, Staley et al. published a paper calling for the application of realist evaluation to the study of the impact of public involvement in research. 20 The development of our realist theory of public involvement in research over the course of our study is described in more detail in Chapter 3 .

Our realist theory of public involvement in research was based on the two recently published literature reviews, 11 , 12 which allowed us to identify a number of contextual factors and mechanisms that we believe were intended by policy-makers and other stakeholders in research policy to enable desired outcomes to be achieved. There has not previously been a robust testing of the underlying ‘programme theory’ of public involvement in research; our study was designed to allow an independent prospective testing of this underlying programme theory for the first time. We included an economic evaluation, designed to complement a realist evaluation design, estimating the resources used for public involvement across eight case studies.

Case study sampling

The setting for this project was within organisations hosting health and social care-related research studies (i.e. universities, NHS trusts and third-sector organisations) in the west of England. Our aim was to recruit a methodologically diverse sample of eight case studies which would have significant elements of public involvement during the period January to December 2012. There was no existing database or other source of routinely available data that enabled such upcoming studies to be identified. To meet our aims the studies needed only to be diverse, not representative, so we took the pragmatic decision to sample through our existing knowledge of studies with public involvement in the west of England and to ‘snowball’ through our existing networks, including the People and Research West of England consortium.

We developed a pro forma to identify from network stakeholders upcoming studies they were involved in or aware of with what they identified as ‘significant’ elements of public involvement. Our key inclusion criterion was evidence of some ongoing public involvement in key stages of the research process (design, recruitment, data collection, analysis, dissemination). A key exclusion criterion was that no study would be included unless both the principal investigator (PI) and at least one research partner agreed to take part. In order to identify generalisable regularities of CMO for public involvement in research, we wanted to identify a maximum variety sample of studies in terms of study type, stages of the research process and public involved. In a relatively small-scale study such as this, however, we knew we would not be able to achieve full diversity in all three dimensions. We therefore prioritised diversity of study type, as different study types can drive very different priorities for public involvement (e.g. emphasis on participant information and recruitment in clinical trials). We also prioritised including some studies involving young people and families with children because they make up a substantial minority of health service users but are underrepresented in the literature on public involvement in research. Our case studies are described in Chapter 4 .

In deciding the number of case studies to undertake we recognise that there is always a trade-off between the depth of exploration (which suggests a small number of case studies) and identification of regularities (which benefits from a larger number). There are many ways to categorise research studies (e.g. basic science vs. applied, qualitative vs. quantitative, pilot studies vs. full trials, clinical vs. epidemiological, primary vs. secondary data, action research, translational research) and we could not hope to cover the full diversity in our case studies. From previous experience of case study research, 21 we believed that eight case studies would enable us both to examine the CMO regularities in depth and to look for generalisable regularities across the case studies. This number of case studies did not enable us to examine all potential types of research study, but did enable us to include the most common, for example qualitative, mixed methods, feasibility and clinical trials. We received agreement from four PIs with appropriate funded studies taking place in the west of England at the application stage of our study, and the final four between approval and the early months of our study.

Case study data collection

The first stage of data collection involved initial mapping of the eight case studies through informal visits, encompassing observation of research settings and team meetings (where possible) and unstructured interviews.

Intelligence from the informal visits, together with previous findings from the two literature reviews and the CMO configuration, was then used to design an interview guide for semistructured interviews with case study project stakeholders. For each case study we aimed to carry out semistructured interviews with approximately five stakeholders (PIs, other researchers, research managers and two research partners) on three occasions over the course of the year of data collection, January–December 2012 (three interviews × five participants × eight case studies = 120 interviews in total during the year). Potential interviewees were identified in discussion with PIs and invitations forwarded via the PI or an administrative member of the PI’s team.

Interviews were broadly structured around our CMO hypothesis. Data collected include measurable elements (e.g. resources allocated for supporting public involvement and actual spend) and stakeholder perceptions (e.g. respective views of researchers and research partners on whether research partner contributions influenced project decisions). In addition, some of the stakeholders were given a resource log to record over 2 weeks, chosen at random, the amount of time spent contributing to a range of activities linked to public involvement in each case study. These were then costed using prices taken from published or recognised sources (see Chapter 7 ). Interviews were intended to take place at three broadly evenly spaced times over the 12-month data collection period.

In practice the number and timing of interviews varied widely across the case studies for a variety of reasons including delays in research governance approvals, illness among case study participants and research team members, delays in one research project commencing, and general logistical issues. In two case studies it was possible to carry out only two rounds of interviews rather than three, and the total number of interviews completed was 88 with 42 participants rather than the 120 with 40 participants initially envisaged. Table 1 summarises the total number of interviews (and research partner interviews) undertaken in each round across the case studies.


Total number of interviews (research partners) conducted per case study per round

Case study 4 was exceptional in that, unexpectedly, no public involvement activity took place during the year. Thus the PI, a research manager and one research partner were interviewed initially and only the research manager at the end of the year. The other case studies where numbers of interviews were relatively low were case study 6, which started much later in the year than expected and where only one research partner chose to participate, and case study 7, where the research team was relatively small, there was relatively little involvement activity, and illness prevented final interviews with the two research partners. The relatively low completion rates on the initially planned 120 interviews were not a problem in themselves, so much as a symptom of lack of involvement activity for long periods in some of the case studies.

Given the small numbers of research partners overall, and the fact that some case studies targeted particular socioeconomic or age groups, we do not believe it would be meaningful to present demographic data on these participants. Our perception was, however, that our experience echoed other reports that those members of the public who choose to get involved in research tend to have attained a higher educational level than the population as a whole.

We recognise that a few interviewees do not fall easily into the categories of researcher, research manager or research partner, but we have kept to a limited number of categories to ensure anonymity.

Each case study was intended to be conducted by pairing an academic researcher and a research partner, under the overall supervision of the PI and co-ordinated by the research fellow. In one case, for logistical reasons, the research fellow undertook the data collection on his own. In the other cases, interviews were conducted by both an academic and research partner, usually separately but on occasion interviewing together.

The first round of interviews focused particularly on understanding the context of the case study and the mechanisms for public involvement planned for the remainder of the year. The second round of interviews was ‘light touch’, intended to capture developments in public involvement since the first round and to identify members of the research team able to nominate at least one research partner per case study who could be approached to complete the resource logs for economic costing. The final round of interviews focused on capturing outcomes and learning from the year, to enable us to assess how the researchers’ initial intentions and aspirations for public involvement turned out in practice. In addition to the semistructured interviews, a flexible approach to capturing data included observation of meetings where possible and/or other group tasks directly related to public involvement, and collection of project documents related to involvement processes. Observations were carried out in case studies 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8 but were not possible in case studies 3, 4 or 6, either because of internal case study project considerations or because no public involvement activity took place during the study period.

Developing a methodology for the economic costing of public involvement

There has been minimal exploration and there is little evidence for the costs and benefits of public involvement in research. El Ansari and Andersson conclude that analysis of the costs and benefits of participatory activities should form part of an overall evaluation of public participation. 22 They state that, for participation to move forward as a field, a broader ‘set of analytical frameworks is required, which captures the richness and unique qualities of participation, [and] that recognises and values the different perspectives that led to its initial development.’ 22

Our work here is an attempt to develop an analytical framework of how to assess the economic costs of involvement in research. Planning the budget for public involvement in research at the outset is crucial. The budget needs to include all planned research involvement work to be completed by research partners (for example participating in patient advisory groups or undertaking data analysis) as well as time for academics to facilitate research partners. Two key aspects of budgeting for public involvement are the researcher and research partner relationship and contingency planning. For example, research partners may be asked to contribute their expertise to respond to problems arising during a research project, for example poor recruitment of participants to a study (there were several examples of this among our case studies). These contributions generally arose during the research process and were not foreseen.

Payment and reward issues have generally proved controversial. At our second consensus event our case study participants debated the nature of payment and reward for public involvement vigorously, revealing a wide range of strongly held views on this subject. INVOLVE has developed guidelines on payments for involvement research work to respond to these issues. A recent document outlines the issues to bear in mind in paying research partners, gives examples of payments and provides general tips about issues connected with payment and ‘payments in kind’ that need to be carefully considered by project managers. 23 A range of pay rates for different research activities connected with public involvement are mentioned in INVOLVE documents, including a flat rate payment of £19.40 per hour. 23

Our economic analysis aimed to collect data from each case study team, in order to:

  • identify all activities relating to public involvement
  • measure the amounts of activities using a resource log
  • value or put a price on these activities using prices from published or established sources.

Identifying and measuring involvement activity

To gather data from our eight case studies for our economic analysis, we asked selected members of the case study teams (researchers, research managers and research partners) to log all the resources that were used in public involvement work/activities over a snapshot 2-week period. During the 2 weeks each person recorded/logged:

  • all involvement-related activities
  • length of time spent on each activity.

We asked them to include all activities (or inputs) that were undertaken as contributing to or enabling the central objective (or output) of public involvement in research. A sample log sheet for research partners on 1 day is in Appendix 1 . Our ethical approval letter stipulated that research staff within each case study were to nominate research partners to provide our data, so we were dependent on these nominations being made successfully from within our case studies, as we were not able to make direct contact with research partners.

We issued user-friendly guidance for completing our resource log, and supported respondents over a 2-week period by e-mail and providing a telephone helpline. Our guidance document for research partners to complete resource logs is in Appendix 2 . Our contact and ongoing dialogue with the academics and research partners who used our guidance and completed our resource logs enabled us to become familiar with how involvement activities were working within each case study from the point of view of both academics and their nominated research partners. These exchanges helped us gain a rounded understanding of the nature and diversity of involvement activity and the relationships and issues within each case study.

Economic valuation/costing of involvement activities

We translated the knowledge we had accrued of each case study into some working assumptions about each one. These assumptions are significant but complex, so we have detailed them in Appendices 3 – 5 .

We then used the completed 2-week resource logs to estimate involvement costs for a projected 12-month period. From there we scaled up the 12-month projected costs to the length of each case study. This enabled us to compare the actual budgeted costs from each grant with the projected costs on a like-for-like basis.

We followed a standard economic approach to treat resource use and prices separately to arrive at a cost.

For example:

Ideally the price applied should come from a published source or the next best alternative, a recognised or established source. There are illustrative examples within INVOLVE guidelines of a range of prices for different research activities connected with public involvement. In our own project we had previously paid research partners at a ‘meeting rate’ of £19.77 per hour, but early in this project it became obvious that most work was being done outside meetings, so a lower ‘research associate’ rate of £14.02 per hour was agreed. Research partners kept records of all their work for the project (including e-mails, collecting and analysing data, and writing) and submitted claim forms regularly. Our project did not have a means of costing researcher time for public involvement activities, as working alongside research partners was a continuous process during our project.

A new set of guidelines from INVOLVE to budget for involvement was incomplete at the time of our analysis, but we saw the draft document, which again gave the example of the flat rate payment of £19.40 per hour for public involvement participation, so we used this price when costing research partners’ activities for our case studies. 23

Reflective practice

Data were captured on our reflective learning on the impact of public involvement in our own study. This was done by facilitating and audio-recording short reflective sessions during team meetings on our own experiences as a project team of academic researchers and research partners working together.

Consensus events

Two consensus workshops were organised as part of our plans to develop and test a theory of public involvement in research. Initially we aimed to hold the first event prior to the first round of data collection to inform the interview schedules for this round. As the project developed, however, we realised that this would not be practical in terms of the length of time research governance approval was taking from some NHS trusts and, more importantly, that an event after the first round would be more fruitful in terms of theory development. Thus, the decision was taken to hold the first consensus event between the first and second rounds of data collection.

At the first workshop we presented an overview of our initial findings from our first round of interviews and visits in the eight case studies. The overview was in the form of 12 statements drawn from our initial mapping of the case studies. The statements identify key contextual factors and mechanisms for public involvement in research that we hypothesised were regularly linked to positive impacts on research design and delivery.

The aim of the workshop was to test these statements with case study participants and steering group members, drawing on their experiences and insights regarding public involvement in research, in order to refine or replace the statements, to inform the next phase of data collection and analysis. The workshop was limited to one afternoon in the hope that this relatively short time commitment would make it more feasible for case study participants to attend.

Nineteen participants took part in the first consensus workshop. Six of the eight case studies were represented. The intention had been that all case studies would be represented by both research staff and research partners in their projects, but it was not possible to achieve this because of participants’ other commitments and some last-minute illness.

Participants first voted electronically on the 12 statements with the choices ‘agree’, ‘disagree’ or ‘abstain’. Participants were then divided into three groups, with each group asked to look in depth at four of the statements, discuss and revise them as necessary and identify any omissions, connections or other comments. The groups then fed back to a plenary session and participated in a final discussion.

A second half-day consensus workshop was held at the end of the third round of data collection. On this occasion all eight case studies were represented with a total of 29 participants. Our emerging theory of public involvement was presented in graphic form in a set of four slides covering different aspects of CMO regularities (field of research, leadership and culture, relationships and structures of involvement). Participants were asked to discuss, amend and comment on A1 printed versions of the slides. The output of the workshop was amended slides with marginal commentary, which were further analysed by the project team and used to form the basis of the analysis of findings presented in Chapter 5 and the development of our theory of public involvement as described in Chapter 8 , Our revised theory of public involvement in research .

Case study data analysis

All interview data were transcribed and entered into an NVivo 10 database (QSR International, Warrington, Cheshire, UK). A key team discussion was how to most fully involve our research partners in the analysis of these data given that only one of them had experience of using any version of the NVivo software. The decision was made to offer NVivo 10 training to research partners but not to require this, as some did not feel confident of learning and using the programme effectively in the time available. A manual coding alternative was therefore made available. In order to make this practical, we limited the number of codes we identified to a minimum necessary to allow meaningful analysis. Those team members coding in NVivo 10 were supplied with this coding framework. Those coding manually were given a numerical code to use with transcripts and the coding was entered into the NVivo 10 database by the project research associate. For each case study, at least one transcript was coded independently by a researcher and research partner, and any divergence discussed and a joint approach agreed.

Data analysis focused on identifying CMO regularities across our case studies. From the initial CMO configuration identified in the proposal, with amendments from the first consensus workshop, a coding framework was devised with 38 codes (see Appendix 6 ) organised into six broad themes: relationships, leadership and culture, field of research, structures of involvement, resources and outcomes. We agreed as a team that the codes were the primary unit of analysis and the themes were provisional. Following coding of data, team discussion lead to the codes being reordered in terms of hypothesised CMO regularities presented in Chapter 5 . This coding framework was then validated by one academic team member not involved in the case studies, who independently undertook a framework analysis 24 of a sample of transcripts and compared her emerging framework with that drawn from the CMO configuration.

Verification of coding

Initial data were analysed by team members identifying codes within interviews. NVivo 10 software was used for data storage, retrieval, coding, analysis, memo writing and theme building across the CMO approach. This was useful in that data coding and development of findings was a collective team activity but an overall verification process was also established. One senior team member, who had not been party to the initial coding discussions, undertook a second verification to ensure consistency and rigor. The coding verification consisted of five transcripts randomly chosen across the case studies and involved two activities: naive reading and structured coding review analysis.

First, transcripts were repeatedly read, blindly from assigned codes, by the independent reviewer, with memo writing with regard to potential codes. Next, data were coded line by line, and each sentence or group of sentences was given a code using the direct meaning of the text. The second reviewer then read the transcripts with the allocated codes assigned by the initial coder. Similarities and differences were recorded. Comparing and contrasting meanings across and within transcripts through the use of memos was used. There was very high agreement found between the coder and second reviewer, which was a very positive result.

Narrative review

There were many issues of agreement in the broader level of understanding. For example, leadership emerged in all five transcripts, as did common terms such as culture (team and organisational), PI beliefs or senior lead issues. Feeling valued, trust and interpersonal relationships and other ‘emotional’-type codes were allocated by coders in all five transcripts. The second reviewer found similar patterns and this showed good overall broad agreement of coders. Power emerged in three transcripts more clearly and repeatedly but was in all five transcripts in some form.

There were minor issues of differences in coding where coders had consistently coded information in a similar way in terms of the value of public involvement. There was only one research partner who coded public involvement not just in terms of value but in terms of impact .

The thematic analysis of each code across the case studies was then used as the basis for the thematic analysis used to test our theory of public involvement in research as presented in Chapter 5 .

Research ethics and governance

The study team took the importance of ethical practice extremely seriously and considered whether it raised any substantive ethical issues. As the study was primarily qualitative and did not involve questions around particularly personal health status or behaviours, we came to the view that it was relatively low risk. However, we recognised that, in asking researchers and research partners from the same studies about what was working and not working in terms of public involvement, we could potentially be raising some sensitive interpersonal relationship issues. We therefore sought to address these issues in our study design, participant information sheets and processes for ensuring confidentiality and anonymity. Following the screening questions on the Integrated Research Application System form, our study was identified as eligible for proportionate review. Ethical approval for the study was therefore sought from the County Durham & Tees Valley Research Ethics Committee prior to the commencement of the study and approval was given with minor conditions in August 2011. An application for a substantive amendment was made in December 2011 to include observation of case study meetings, which had not been included in the original application. Approval was given in February 2012.

Research governance approval, which was sought from the three NHS trusts hosting the four NHS-based case studies, proved much more time-consuming and problematic to obtain than expected. This was particularly because of our desire to enable research partners to participate fully in data collection, which required taking them through the NHS research passport system, something that neither the university nor the NHS trust human resources departments appeared familiar with. Final research governance approval for all three NHS trusts was not obtained until late March 2012, thus delaying our planned date for data collection in some case studies by around 3 months.

Throughout the study we sought to adhere to our ethical and research governance approvals by ensuring informed consent for all participants and fully complying with all conditions of our approvals. All case study participants were sent copies of the report in draft form and invited to comment on how their data had been used and any inaccuracies or other comments on their case studies.

Public involvement in our team

Our aim throughout this project has been to model good practice in our own research while studying the impact of public involvement in our case studies. The project was developed by the SUCIR group at UWE, which had strong service user representation. One research partner co-applicant was the cochair of SUCIR. Three other research partner co-applicants had previously worked with the PI and other academic co-applicants on developing the SUCIR scheme and/or on other research projects.

The four research partner co-applicants were involved in all aspects of the project including design, data collection, analysis and dissemination. The case studies were designed to be undertaken by four subteams, each consisting of one academic researcher and one research partner working together on two case studies. The research partners also formed a separate research partner reference group meeting bimonthly.

The initial intention was for two academic co-applicants with extensive experience in working with young people to recruit and support a young persons’ advisory group to work on the two case studies where participants were young people. In the end it did not prove feasible to recruit such a group and a decision was made to develop an alternative model of involving young people in the project. Two young people, one of whom who had worked on a previous study, were recruited to join the project as research partners. Over time they came to play a similar role to the original four research partners, attending team meetings, research partner meetings and other events, and participating in data collection and analysis in their two case studies.

Research partners were involved in our team’s reflective process on what worked well and what did not work well in terms of our own processes around public involvement. A period of approximately 15 minutes was set aside at the beginning of each team meeting and research partner meeting to share reflections and learning about public involvement in our own project. Research partners have co-authored and presented our outputs at the INVOLVE conference and elsewhere, and have contributed to ensuring that this final report is as user-friendly as possible, and that our wider dissemination plans include outputs specifically designed to be accessible to a wide public. The plain English summary of this report was drafted by research partners. Chapter 6 of this report includes the synthesis, led by one research partner, of the shared reflections on public involvement in our project by both the academic researchers and the research partners.

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  • Cite this Page Evans D, Coad J, Cottrell K, et al. Public involvement in research: assessing impact through a realist evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 Oct. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 2.36.) Chapter 2, Project design and methodology.
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Home » Research Methodology – Types, Examples and writing Guide

Research Methodology – Types, Examples and writing Guide

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Research Methodology

Research Methodology


Research Methodology refers to the systematic and scientific approach used to conduct research, investigate problems, and gather data and information for a specific purpose. It involves the techniques and procedures used to identify, collect , analyze , and interpret data to answer research questions or solve research problems . Moreover, They are philosophical and theoretical frameworks that guide the research process.

Structure of Research Methodology

Research methodology formats can vary depending on the specific requirements of the research project, but the following is a basic example of a structure for a research methodology section:

I. Introduction

  • Provide an overview of the research problem and the need for a research methodology section
  • Outline the main research questions and objectives

II. Research Design

  • Explain the research design chosen and why it is appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Discuss any alternative research designs considered and why they were not chosen
  • Describe the research setting and participants (if applicable)

III. Data Collection Methods

  • Describe the methods used to collect data (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations)
  • Explain how the data collection methods were chosen and why they are appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Detail any procedures or instruments used for data collection

IV. Data Analysis Methods

  • Describe the methods used to analyze the data (e.g., statistical analysis, content analysis )
  • Explain how the data analysis methods were chosen and why they are appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Detail any procedures or software used for data analysis

V. Ethical Considerations

  • Discuss any ethical issues that may arise from the research and how they were addressed
  • Explain how informed consent was obtained (if applicable)
  • Detail any measures taken to ensure confidentiality and anonymity

VI. Limitations

  • Identify any potential limitations of the research methodology and how they may impact the results and conclusions

VII. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key aspects of the research methodology section
  • Explain how the research methodology addresses the research question(s) and objectives

Research Methodology Types

Types of Research Methodology are as follows:

Quantitative Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection and analysis of numerical data using statistical methods. This type of research is often used to study cause-and-effect relationships and to make predictions.

Qualitative Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data such as words, images, and observations. This type of research is often used to explore complex phenomena, to gain an in-depth understanding of a particular topic, and to generate hypotheses.

Mixed-Methods Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that combines elements of both quantitative and qualitative research. This approach can be particularly useful for studies that aim to explore complex phenomena and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.

Case Study Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves in-depth examination of a single case or a small number of cases. Case studies are often used in psychology, sociology, and anthropology to gain a detailed understanding of a particular individual or group.

Action Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves a collaborative process between researchers and practitioners to identify and solve real-world problems. Action research is often used in education, healthcare, and social work.

Experimental Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the manipulation of one or more independent variables to observe their effects on a dependent variable. Experimental research is often used to study cause-and-effect relationships and to make predictions.

Survey Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection of data from a sample of individuals using questionnaires or interviews. Survey research is often used to study attitudes, opinions, and behaviors.

Grounded Theory Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the development of theories based on the data collected during the research process. Grounded theory is often used in sociology and anthropology to generate theories about social phenomena.

Research Methodology Example

An Example of Research Methodology could be the following:

Research Methodology for Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Depression in Adults


The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing symptoms of depression in adults. To achieve this objective, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted using a mixed-methods approach.

Research Design:

The study will follow a pre-test and post-test design with two groups: an experimental group receiving CBT and a control group receiving no intervention. The study will also include a qualitative component, in which semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a subset of participants to explore their experiences of receiving CBT.


Participants will be recruited from community mental health clinics in the local area. The sample will consist of 100 adults aged 18-65 years old who meet the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group.

Intervention :

The experimental group will receive 12 weekly sessions of CBT, each lasting 60 minutes. The intervention will be delivered by licensed mental health professionals who have been trained in CBT. The control group will receive no intervention during the study period.

Data Collection:

Quantitative data will be collected through the use of standardized measures such as the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7). Data will be collected at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and at a 3-month follow-up. Qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured interviews with a subset of participants from the experimental group. The interviews will be conducted at the end of the intervention period, and will explore participants’ experiences of receiving CBT.

Data Analysis:

Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in participants’ experiences of receiving CBT.

Ethical Considerations:

This study will comply with ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. Participants will provide informed consent before participating in the study, and their privacy and confidentiality will be protected throughout the study. Any adverse events or reactions will be reported and managed appropriately.

Data Management:

All data collected will be kept confidential and stored securely using password-protected databases. Identifying information will be removed from qualitative data transcripts to ensure participants’ anonymity.


One potential limitation of this study is that it only focuses on one type of psychotherapy, CBT, and may not generalize to other types of therapy or interventions. Another limitation is that the study will only include participants from community mental health clinics, which may not be representative of the general population.


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of CBT in reducing symptoms of depression in adults. By using a randomized controlled trial and a mixed-methods approach, the study will provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between CBT and depression. The results of this study will have important implications for the development of effective treatments for depression in clinical settings.

How to Write Research Methodology

Writing a research methodology involves explaining the methods and techniques you used to conduct research, collect data, and analyze results. It’s an essential section of any research paper or thesis, as it helps readers understand the validity and reliability of your findings. Here are the steps to write a research methodology:

  • Start by explaining your research question: Begin the methodology section by restating your research question and explaining why it’s important. This helps readers understand the purpose of your research and the rationale behind your methods.
  • Describe your research design: Explain the overall approach you used to conduct research. This could be a qualitative or quantitative research design, experimental or non-experimental, case study or survey, etc. Discuss the advantages and limitations of the chosen design.
  • Discuss your sample: Describe the participants or subjects you included in your study. Include details such as their demographics, sampling method, sample size, and any exclusion criteria used.
  • Describe your data collection methods : Explain how you collected data from your participants. This could include surveys, interviews, observations, questionnaires, or experiments. Include details on how you obtained informed consent, how you administered the tools, and how you minimized the risk of bias.
  • Explain your data analysis techniques: Describe the methods you used to analyze the data you collected. This could include statistical analysis, content analysis, thematic analysis, or discourse analysis. Explain how you dealt with missing data, outliers, and any other issues that arose during the analysis.
  • Discuss the validity and reliability of your research : Explain how you ensured the validity and reliability of your study. This could include measures such as triangulation, member checking, peer review, or inter-coder reliability.
  • Acknowledge any limitations of your research: Discuss any limitations of your study, including any potential threats to validity or generalizability. This helps readers understand the scope of your findings and how they might apply to other contexts.
  • Provide a summary: End the methodology section by summarizing the methods and techniques you used to conduct your research. This provides a clear overview of your research methodology and helps readers understand the process you followed to arrive at your findings.

When to Write Research Methodology

Research methodology is typically written after the research proposal has been approved and before the actual research is conducted. It should be written prior to data collection and analysis, as it provides a clear roadmap for the research project.

The research methodology is an important section of any research paper or thesis, as it describes the methods and procedures that will be used to conduct the research. It should include details about the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and any ethical considerations.

The methodology should be written in a clear and concise manner, and it should be based on established research practices and standards. It is important to provide enough detail so that the reader can understand how the research was conducted and evaluate the validity of the results.

Applications of Research Methodology

Here are some of the applications of research methodology:

  • To identify the research problem: Research methodology is used to identify the research problem, which is the first step in conducting any research.
  • To design the research: Research methodology helps in designing the research by selecting the appropriate research method, research design, and sampling technique.
  • To collect data: Research methodology provides a systematic approach to collect data from primary and secondary sources.
  • To analyze data: Research methodology helps in analyzing the collected data using various statistical and non-statistical techniques.
  • To test hypotheses: Research methodology provides a framework for testing hypotheses and drawing conclusions based on the analysis of data.
  • To generalize findings: Research methodology helps in generalizing the findings of the research to the target population.
  • To develop theories : Research methodology is used to develop new theories and modify existing theories based on the findings of the research.
  • To evaluate programs and policies : Research methodology is used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and policies by collecting data and analyzing it.
  • To improve decision-making: Research methodology helps in making informed decisions by providing reliable and valid data.

Purpose of Research Methodology

Research methodology serves several important purposes, including:

  • To guide the research process: Research methodology provides a systematic framework for conducting research. It helps researchers to plan their research, define their research questions, and select appropriate methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data.
  • To ensure research quality: Research methodology helps researchers to ensure that their research is rigorous, reliable, and valid. It provides guidelines for minimizing bias and error in data collection and analysis, and for ensuring that research findings are accurate and trustworthy.
  • To replicate research: Research methodology provides a clear and detailed account of the research process, making it possible for other researchers to replicate the study and verify its findings.
  • To advance knowledge: Research methodology enables researchers to generate new knowledge and to contribute to the body of knowledge in their field. It provides a means for testing hypotheses, exploring new ideas, and discovering new insights.
  • To inform decision-making: Research methodology provides evidence-based information that can inform policy and decision-making in a variety of fields, including medicine, public health, education, and business.

Advantages of Research Methodology

Research methodology has several advantages that make it a valuable tool for conducting research in various fields. Here are some of the key advantages of research methodology:

  • Systematic and structured approach : Research methodology provides a systematic and structured approach to conducting research, which ensures that the research is conducted in a rigorous and comprehensive manner.
  • Objectivity : Research methodology aims to ensure objectivity in the research process, which means that the research findings are based on evidence and not influenced by personal bias or subjective opinions.
  • Replicability : Research methodology ensures that research can be replicated by other researchers, which is essential for validating research findings and ensuring their accuracy.
  • Reliability : Research methodology aims to ensure that the research findings are reliable, which means that they are consistent and can be depended upon.
  • Validity : Research methodology ensures that the research findings are valid, which means that they accurately reflect the research question or hypothesis being tested.
  • Efficiency : Research methodology provides a structured and efficient way of conducting research, which helps to save time and resources.
  • Flexibility : Research methodology allows researchers to choose the most appropriate research methods and techniques based on the research question, data availability, and other relevant factors.
  • Scope for innovation: Research methodology provides scope for innovation and creativity in designing research studies and developing new research techniques.

Research Methodology Vs Research Methods

About the author.

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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methodology of project design

2024-Group 14

' title=

Fishing Simulator

Project team member(s): Haoran Bian, Zi�ang Cao, Qianzhong Chen, Ziqin Zhu

Give a one-paragraph description/summary of the project, which includes information like the motivation for the project, the goals of the project, and the resulting implementation and success of the project.

On this page... ( hide )


Hardware design and implementation, system analysis and control, demonstration / application, future work, acknowledgments, checkpoint 1, checkpoint 2.

Explain the motivation for your project in terms of the educational objectives and why your haptic device is an appropriate approach.

Explain the relevant prior work in the field of haptics and provide references. These will likely be different from the references in your project proposal. Make sure to do a thorough literature search on relevant haptic devices/application.

Provide a detailed description of your project, such that another student from the class could generally re-create your project/experiment from the report if necessary. (You don't need to document every screw, but the design should be clear.) Add images and videos as needed to support the description. You can refer to downloadable drawings and code in the "Files" section (later). You should divide this section into subsections, which can vary depending on your particular project. Here is an example set of subsections:

Describe the results, which may include qualitative responses from users at the open house.

Describe how your system could be tested (e.g., through experiments if you have not already done so), how it can be improved, and how it might be applied.

Here you can list any individuals or groups who helped you with your project. (e.g., another student in the class, a course assistant, or an especially helpful PRL TA). Optional, so delete this section if you aren't using it.

Code and drawings should be linked here. You should be able to upload these using the Attach command. If you aren't willing to share these data on a public site, please discuss with the instructor. Also, in this section include a link to a file with a list of major components and their approximate costs.

List the referenced literature, websites, etc. here.

Appendix: Project Checkpoints

In achieving this first checkpoint, after deciding on our project proposal, our group spent this week redesigning the haptic handles to fit into our design goals for the fishing game and composing the basic structure for pseudocode. In the last subsection, we look forward to finalizing the overall design of the fishing mechanism as well as the programming & GUI interface design which are expected to be finished by the end of Checkpoint 2.

Part 1: CAD design of haptics handle

Our current designs of the haptics handles and assembly are shown below. They will be positioned in a box, and there will be two handles controlling two directions (horizontal and vertical) by hand to simulate two different directions of applying force while fishing. Thus, we designed two versions of handles to suit the purpose.

CAD previews:

' title=

Plot 1: System Assembly Design

' title=

Plot 2: Base

' title=

Plot 3: Handler#1

' title=

Plot 4: Handler#2

CAD Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pOFbBWV0gV5ciep8PTAd9SzwnUzVsbVi?usp=drive_link

Follow this link to see our SolidWorks files of our redesigned components.

Part 2: Pseudocode for Fishing Game

' title=

Part 3: Next Steps

For the next step, we will try to build the actual prototype from the CAD model, and test its capability as well as reliability in realizing the functionality we propose for the haptic feedback effects. This coming week, before Checkpoint 2, we will be primarily focusing on building upon the CAD model for handles and developing the overall design of the fishing mechanism based on the prototype. By the end of this week, we expect to have the overall structure finalized and next week we intend to move on to the software aspects of the design, which includes programming based on the outline above and a GUI interface design. Hopefully, these will be completed by the end of next week so that we can carry out further testings and validation on the functionality of the device.

Here you will write a few paragraphs about what you accomplished in the project so far. Include the checkpoint goals and describe which goals were met (and how), which were not (what were the challenges?), and any change of plans for the project based on what you learned. Include images and/or drawings where appropriate.

Example Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_aLBql4Ufo

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Choice theme originally by DemusDesign , adapted by David Gilbert , powered by PmWiki


DARPA Selects 6 Teams to Mature Future VTOL Aircraft Designs

DARPA Selects 6 Teams to Mature Future VTOL Aircraft Designs

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has selected six companies to mature their design concepts for a low-weight autonomous aircraft system with vertical landing and take-off and long endurance leap-ahead capabilities.

AeroVironment, Griffon Aerospace, Karem Aircraft, Method Aeronautics, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin ‘s Sikorsky subsidiary will proceed to the next development phase of the AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY , or ANCILLARY, program, DARPA said Wednesday.

“Our performers are searching for innovative ways to increase payload weight and range/endurance of small, ship-launched UAS by means of novel configurations, propulsion, and controls while also removing the need for special infrastructure,” said Steve Komadina , DARPA program manager for ANCILLARY.

During the 10-month Phase Ib, the selected teams will refine their concept designs by reducing system risks and conducting component and configuration hover testing.

DARPA will downselect teams for the detailed design, fabrication and flight testing phase.

“While we anticipate this effort is most likely to support Navy and Marine missions, we have found other services are very interested in the capabilities this technology can bring to diverse missions, including logistics, strike, and special uses by the Army, Air Force, Special Operations Command, and Coast Guard,” Komadina said.

methodology of project design

Interest in This Insanely Simple Home Upgrade Has Skyrocketed—Plus, 5 More Red-Hot Renovation Trends

( Adobe Stock )

Interest in This Insanely Simple Home Upgrade Has Skyrocketed—Plus, 5 More Red-Hot Renovation Trends

Summer is the season for dabbling in home improvement projects—and this year, that tradition is more popular than ever.

According to Yelp’s 2024 Summer Home and Outdoor Trends report, searches for “home renovation” on the site climbed 184% from April 2023 to April 2024. And searches including the term “home contractor” jumped by 83%.

The study also reveals that apartment owners are also climbing aboard the renovation bandwagon, with searches for “apartment design” surging by an incredible 455%.

Curious which amenities and decor details are on the rise? Here are a few you might want to try around your own abode.

1. Soft and glowy lights

methodology of project design

Photo by  Houzz

No. More. Overhead. Lights. This mantra is actually wise counsel when it comes to home illumination. And Yelp’s research backs it up.

Searches for “ambient lights” shot up 106%, while searches for dimmer switches soared an astonishing 508% in one month alone.

A big and bright ceiling fixture, after all, saturates a room in harsh light. Instead, it’s generally nicer to create pockets of light with table lamps, floor lighting, and a variety of shades and warm bulbs for maximum glow.

“Lighting is one of the most accessible ways to improve the ambience of a room—it’s renter-friendly and can be an affordable way to elevate your space,” explains Tara Lewis , a Yelp trend expert.

2. Spa-worthy amenities

methodology of project design

Photo by Marsh and Clark Design  

Whether you call it wellness, mindfulness, or simply down time, self-care amenities are a big deal right now. And searches for at-home spa fixtures are climbing quickly.

Folks are looking for plunge tubs (up 313%), saunas (up 77%), and steam showers (up 38%). Lewis adds these relaxing extras “are little luxuries that homeowners can get to prioritize health and well-being—and big impacts can be made on a range of budgets, too.”

3. Fragrant gardens and flower beds

methodology of project design

Homeowners are turning their gardens into fragrant playgrounds this year. Photo by Pamela Bateman Garden Design  

Lilacs, gardenias, honeysuckle, peonies and more—a scented garden is pleasing to the nose.

One scent in particular is seeing big-time growth: Lavender, up 77%; and rosemary is right behind it at 38%. Apparently, lavender is also the new pumpkin spice (who knew?).

Laura Janney , gardening expert, botanical stylist, and the founder of The Inspired Garden , notes that these fragrant gardens aren’t just about smell—the other four senses play a role.

“Bring colors and textures into your garden for visual appeal, edible herbs, or a lemon tree for tasting; and try wind chimes for a soothing background melody,” she suggests.

Another outdoor trend is the surprising uptick (by 61%) in beekeeping.

“And it’s not just about honey—it’s a reflection of our growing connection to nature and the desire to play a role in preserving it,” notes Lewis.

4. Vintage pieces

methodology of project design

Americans are now more in favor of vintage, investment furniture pieces. Photo by Tara Bussema  

Many Americans are finally coming around to the idea that fast anything (food, fashion, etc.) isn’t great for one’s health or the environment. Yelp now reports that we’re also shifting away from fast furniture and embracing pieces from bygone eras.

Searches for “vintage decor” are up 57%, and there seems to be a robust interest in restoring or recovering furniture—”chair reupholstery” is up a remarkable 199%.

5. Color analysis

methodology of project design

Searches for paint consultants spiked this year. Photo by Stedila Design

Putting up the wrong shade of green is depressing—and costly—but now homeowners are keen to use color analysis to select the perfect hues; searches for for paint consultants are up 20%.

6. Coquette aesthetic

methodology of project design

Romantic decor is all the rage right now. Photo by My Romantic Home  

Last up: romantic decor! This flirty, fun look is called the coquette aesthetic, and it’s one of the most popular looks this summer. Light and airy, pink and girly, “coquette” searches increased an incredible 377%.

In the home, this look translates to lace trim, scalloped edges, gauzy curtains, and elegant, curved lines, such as cabriole legs on a table or chairs.

Jennifer Kelly Geddes creates content for WhatToExpect.com, American Airlines Vacations, Oxo, Livestrong, and Parade.

Twitter Follow @jkgeddes

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How To Fix ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED In React JS Application?

The ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error in a React JS application typically arises due to an underlying issue with the version of Node.js and OpenSSL being used. This error is commonly encountered when certain cryptographic algorithms or keys are not supported by the OpenSSL version bundled with the Node.js installation.

To temporarily fix this, Node.js 17 has a new option called –openssl-legacy-provider. This option lets you go back to using the old way of doing things until you can update your code to work with the new rules.




Table of Content

Update Package.json File

Update node.js, update dependencies, modify your project configuration.

To temporarily solve this issue, you can use the old way of handling OpenSSL. Here’s what you need to do: Go to your app’s main folder and open the package.json file.

Look for these lines:

  • Change “start”: “react-scripts start” to “start”: “react-scripts –openssl-legacy-provider start”
  • Change “build”: “react-scripts build” to “build”: “react-scripts –openssl-legacy-provider build”

This change tells your app to use the legacy method for OpenSSL, which should help bypass the ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error until a more permanent solution is implemented.

Note: In your ReactJS Application , change the package.json file and add the above 2 lines of code in this file, below code snippet is shown below.

First, ensure that you’re using a version of Node.js that includes the latest OpenSSL version. The error might be occurring due to a compatibility issue between Node.js and OpenSSL.

  • Download and Install the Latest Node.js :
  • Visit the Node.js official website.
  • Download and install the latest stable version of Node.js.

Sometimes, the issue can be due to outdated packages that depend on older methods. In your react project update your project’s dependencies.

If you are using a build tool like webpack, you can modify the configuration to include the OpenSSL legacy provider.

For a webpack configuration:

To fix the ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error in a React JS application, start by updating Node.js and your project dependencies. If the issue persists, use the legacy OpenSSL providers by setting the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. Modify your project’s build configuration if necessary, check for specific library issues, and as a last resort, consider downgrading Node.js. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error and ensure your React JS application runs smoothly.

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    Safety, progress, and investment risks are correlated during the construction period of large-scale water transfer projects. However, previous studies have only considered individual risk factors, overlooking the potential systemic risk posed to safety, progress, and investment, as well as any underlying common cause failures. Since traditional risk analysis methods are ill-suited to ...

  30. How To Fix ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED In React JS Application?

    Sometimes, the issue can be due to outdated packages that depend on older methods. In your react project update your project's dependencies. npm update Modify Your Project Configuration. If you are using a build tool like webpack, you can modify the configuration to include the OpenSSL legacy provider. For a webpack configuration: