my aim in life essay for 2nd year zahid notes

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My aim in life | an essay for 2nd year students.

My Aim in Life Essay

My Aim in life

             What makes life dreary is the want of motive .

To live without ambitions and desires is impossible. Everybody has his own dreams and goals to fulfill in his future life. The aim is significant in life to bring all the energies to one point. It is like a guiding star. It provides directions for our attempts. As Robert Browning says:

              The aim, if reached or not makes a great life.

It is our desires and ambitions, which give us the stimulus to work and act. They are the main source of inspiration. We must select our future career keeping in view our taste, temperament, and ability. A prince may have a dream to be a king and a king may have the aim to be an emperor.

Quotation on desire & ambition

There are as many aims as men. Some want to be doctors. Others to be engineers. Some wish to be civil and military officers. Others to be poets and writers. As far as my aim in life is concerned. I desire to become a professor of English.

Teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers are the low-paying community all over the world. Their services are not considered. That is why this becomes the cause of low pay. There are many reasons that I choose this profession of teaching.

First, teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers all over the world are those who teach others. To me, this profession is the only profession in which a man can serve his nation in the best possible manner.

Engineering may build grand buildings, roads, and massive dams. Doctors may become the cause of life or a cause of death for patients. Civil and military officers may boast of their services to the nation. However, could they be so without the guidance of their teachers?

A teacher is an engineer maker, a doctor maker, and an officer maker. He is like a ladder, which remains at its place but helps others to climb higher and higher. It is only the men that glorify the nation. These men are made in the teaching institution.

Secondly, I am suited to this profession. I am fond of reading and teaching. I feel happiness in solving problems and explaining them to others. By adopting the profession, I will be able to lead a life of learning.

Thirdly, some persons may ask if I want to be a professor, then why a professor of English. The answer is that English literature is my favorite subject. A man can serve his nation well if he is interested in his work and only then, he can inspire his students.

Quotation about a good teacher

Realization of such a noble ambition is possible only when a man devotes all his time to studies. Keeping this in view, I work hard and make an intensive study of English literature. Whatever, others think of my aim, I am contented with is according to my taste and nature. As Wordsworth says.

         A noble aim faithfully kept, is a noble deed.

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

14 thoughts on “ My Aim in Life | an Essay for 2nd Year Students ”

Thank U mam for everything AP hme English ki hr cheez define kerti h or urdu me translate kr k smjhati h jis leye hme bohat achi smaj Ati h and isi leye ap meri favourite teachers me se 1 ho❤

Brilliant lines…

Thanx student.More content is in the will be benefited with that.

Superb so interesting

Thank U mam apne essay bohat acha write kiya h or define to is se b acha kiya h or jo aim apne us me write kiya h wo actually hi mera aim h ke me professor bnana chahti hun pr ye mere father ka dream h ke me English ki professor bnoo😊and this essay is according to my aim and mind

That's very nice.every person should have aim and work to fulfil that aim

thanx student,wait for the more data

Mam ap nei jo qutations hmein dei thn un se kafi help mili the. Mam ap nei selfwriting skills hum studnts mn promote kein. JzakAllah

Good morning mam assalam o Alaikum and jumma MUBARAK🥰

Weldone anila keep it up.your's is very helpful for the student

Good morning Mam g

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  • My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students


Essay on My Aim in Life for Students

Essay writing is an essential skill that every student must have because words are the weapon of an educated man. Because by effectively using words you can make changes that are not possible otherwise. And therefore, in the English subject, the students are always required to write an essay.

An essay is a creative writing skill, and it is an important skill for the students to develop at an early stage of their life. Because it enables the students to express themselves in such a manner that it becomes easy for others to understand them in a better manner. Therefore, here we have provided a sample essay on the topic of, My Aim in Life. 

Essay writing is a pretty creative skill to develop at a very young age for every kid. Writing an essay or learning how to write an essay invokes interest in them from a tender age. Hence every parent should encourage and guide their kid about how to write an essay. 

Here we have provided a sample essay on ‘My Aim in Life’ for a reference that you can use to guide your kids or your kids can use it directly by using our website or downloading our app. There are many more essays on various topics that are also available on our site/ app in PDF format at absolutely free of cost. Download and use these as per your convenience. 

My Aim in Life

An aimless person is just like a ship without any direction. You cannot move forward without having an aim or goal in your life. Everyone has their own aim. Everyone’s aim is different from others. Having a potential goal in life helps you to define your existence. Not only that, but a goal or several goals also help one in understanding their career goals and life goals.

Why Should you have an Aim in Life?

An aimless man can never be successful in his life. All of his goals will either be shattered or fail at a certain point. He limps in his way of life. It is crucial to have a realistic aim or goal in life. It will add a new layer of meaning to your life. 

Once you can achieve it, you will be able to find the true purpose of life and set an example for others on how to live life in the best possible way. Not only that but also achieving your goal successfully will bring immense joy and happiness in your life and for your family as well. 

How to Choose the Right Aim for You?

Generally, a person chooses their ambition or goal by getting inspired by the people surrounding them. Parents or teachers or relatives play a very crucial role in selecting an aim. Choosing the right goal as per your aptitude will help you to drive your life towards the right path. But one small mistake or choosing a wrong goal can shatter that. Hence everyone must be cautious while making this decision. 

Your aim defines your career path. So, it could be really difficult to choose a career path at a very young age, it could be possible that a person fails to reach his goal after a certain point in time. But fixing the mistake and taking the right decision at that moment will show you light in the right direction. Therefore, do not give up hope and keep trying. And, be ambitious.  

How to Achieve That?

The first and foremost task is you have to be very careful while making the decision. An aim leads towards the right career. So, here are a few steps that you must remember in every phase of your life.

Always be Proactive

Maintain a healthy and balanced life

Stay away from negativity

Avoid procrastination

Gain more knowledge

Embrace your failures

Get expert opinions

Visualize your final destination

Track your progress

Stay focused

Every person decides at some point what he wants to become. And, in this era of modernization, I am aiming to become a doctor. Not just because my mom is a doctor but also it is a noble profession. 

Many people aspire to become an engineer, architects, dancers, interior designers etc. Amid all the other professions, there are some particular reasons behind my preference for becoming a doctor. 

A doctor is a person who saves others’ lives by treating them well. He helps people in curing all the diseases by giving them the required medicine or through surgery or various other procedures. Not only curing people by treatment but also a doctor must offer hope and joy to the patient and his family in times of difficulty. 

No One would be able to survive in this world if there was no doctor. Nothing could be greater than saving someone’s life and spreading joy in the world. 

However, it is not easy to become a doctor. I have to overcome a lot of hurdles to gain success. First I have to study hard and then I have to clear the medical entrance examination to secure a seat in a medical college first and then complete the programme to reach my goal. 

I want to be a doctor because I want to help those who cannot afford the cost of treatment of many difficult diseases. I have a goal of opening a hospital of my own that will be equipped with all the modern medical instruments. And those who require treatment but can’t afford the cost of it will be able to get treated in my hospital. I idolize Dr Devi Shetty, the well known cardiac surgeon. Hence I have decided to embark on this journey.

It is a long journey. But I am quite ambitious and I will put in a lot of hard work to fulfill my goal.

Characteristics of a Good Essay

It must be concise: Essays must always be concise. It does not mean that the essay is supposed to be the short one, but it must be of the length required to convey the idea, no more no less. In this instance, the idea of Aim in the life of the student.

It must be clear: Essays are supposed to be clear; it means the main argument or the central idea of the essay must be clear and not vague, and the same goes for each of the sentences of the essay.

For example, in the topic, My Aim in Life, if the student is writing, My aim in life is to become a doctor, then the next sentence must be something that adds meaning to it, such as because I like to help the people, and not something irrelevant, such as, I like singing.

It is very important to be successful in your life. Hence, fixing a goal and staying focused is crucial in your life. So, making a proper plan from a young age and timely execution along with the right attitude are the ultimate keys to success.


FAQs on My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students

1. Why is having an aim important?

If we want to travel from one place to another then the first thing we must know is the final destination, otherwise we may keep walking and walking, and at last we get tired without reaching anywhere. And the same goes for the aim in life, if you know your aim in life then you can make a map to reach there, and therefore you can avoid wasting the time on wrong pursuits of life, instead, you can give your complete focus to your aim.

2. What aim should I have in life?

Every person has a different aim in their life; therefore, the only person who can decide about the aim of your life is you and no one other. Because the life of each individual is different and so are the circumstances of their lives, which to a certain extent affects the aim of the individual. But on the other hand, you must develop a habit of reading the lives of great people such as Nelson Mandela, because doing so can inspire you and help you find your dream.

Also, if you wish you can read about Nelson Mandela here on Vedant u.  

3. How can I achieve My Aim in Life?

Achieving an aim in life is not an easy task. You need to develop many virtues, and many good qualities and habits in your life to fulfill that aim. But the three basic things you must always take care of are:

Patience: As already said, it takes time to set a goal in life. Rome was not built in a day, hence you must wait and have patience.

Consistency: Always be consistent at whatever you are doing, if you are aiming to become a doctor, then you must work consistently in that direction.

Hard Work: No great result can be produced without great efforts, hence you have to work hard to achieve your aim in life.

4. Why is it necessary to write an essay on a topic such as My Aim in Life?

As said earlier, writing is a skill that students need to develop to express themselves. But before expressing oneself the important thing is to know oneself. And hence writing forces the students to know themselves, especially the topics such as My aim in life. Also, it makes them think and imagine the possible scenarios of their lives, and therefore it helps in the cognitive development of the child. Also, a topic such as My aim in life helps the students in being clear about their lives.

5. Why should I use the essay on My Aim in Life, provided by Vedantu?

Vedantu has a team of expert teachers who prepare all the study materials that Vedantu provides. And hence it is prepared very carefully, and the same goes for the essay on the topic, My aim in life. Since our expert teachers know the capabilities of the students according to their class, the essay is written accordingly. Also, this essay serves as an example of how to write an essay on such a topic. Additionally, the essay is available for download in a PDF file format, and it is free of cost.

My Aim in Life Essay Quotations for Students – 2nd Year English

This post contains 15 Quotations for My Aim in Life Essay for students of FSC, 2nd year. Students of intermediate level need 4 to 6 quotations for a very good essay length. You can choose quotes that you feel easy and appropriate for your essay and use them in your content.

You should also visit Quotations for Essays if you are collecting material to prepare your English paper.

Quotations for My Aim in Life Essay in English for FSC, 2nd Year Students

My Aim in Life English Essay is very important for FSC Students. Not only for F.A, FSC students but also very important for matric level and also for B.A, BSC students. Students who are preparing this essay can write the same content if any of the following essays, is asked in the exam.

  • Essay on Aims in life
  • Essay on My ambition in life
  • The dream of my life Essay
  • The  profession of my choice
  • The profession I want to choose
  • My future as I would like it to be
  • The profession I Like to Choose

I have already shared a list of complete English Essays for FSc students. So, if you are looking for complete English Essays on My Aim in Life with Quotations , you can visit English Essays . However, some students have Essay content already but looking for Quotes. This post is especially for those students.

Students should go for quality instead of quantity. They should choose easy to understand and famous quotes. The 2nd thing is where to place these quotations.

Choose the most appropriate and relevant place to place the quotation for a better paper presentation.

My Ambition in Life Quotes in English for Class 10 and Class 12

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” – (Bill Bradley)

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” – (Salvador Dali)

my aim in life essay for 2nd year zahid notes

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My Aim in Life Essay

My Aim in Life Essay

How can we define aim? The aim can be shortly defined as the ardent desire of an individual to achieve something in their life. Along with a strong will, the person has to put great effort to achieve their objective. With the assistance of activities like my aim in life essay for kids, parents can easily make them realise the significance of aim in life. Moreover, by practising essay writing, kids easily improve their vocabulary and general knowledge, making the learning process a simplified one. 

Aims play a very vital role in transforming individuals into better human beings. The journey of following a strong objective helps individuals to grasp enough ideas and information that will mould them to be better individuals in life. An aimless or goal-less person can be correlated with a kite without control. Along with the wind, the kite keeps flying undirected. Setting an aim is like tying a thread to a kite. It will help the kite to fly high aimfully. Practising essays in English helps kids to better their communication skills and strengthen their comprehension of different topics. BYJU’S my aim in life short essay in English will help them understand the necessity of setting goals in life. 

How to Achieve an Aim?

Setting an aim and working to achieve it plays a big role in structuring the lives of individuals. In one way, it gives meaning to an individual’s life. Different people have different aims or goals in their lives. Some may want to join the Indian Army and serve the nation, while another may want to be a teacher and educate kids. An aim is decided on the basis of the ideologies, politics, visions, beliefs and perceptions that the person believes in. 

The journey to achieve an aim is not as easy as setting it. To experience the sweetness of goals, there are some key qualities that kids have to keep in their minds. To reach the expectation, it is vital to work hard without giving up. Avoid negativity, be open to feedback, unlearn errors, and try to seek advice from successful people. Always stay positive and embrace failure. As we all know, failures are the stepping stones to success. So never doubt one’s ability and be confident in the actions that near one to their aim. Upholding these qualities will ease their voyage to success. If your kids are searching for resources to get motivated and set an ambition in life, then BYJU’S my ambition in life essay will be beneficial to refer to.

Why is Setting an Aim Important in Life?

‘Why is setting goals important in life?’ is one of the most repetitive questions that students put forward to their parents and teachers. Setting a goal in life is one of the initial steps that will assist a person in finding the true purpose in life. There are numerous benefits that individuals receive by setting an aim in their life. Individuals can simultaneously work to achieve a single and multiple aims in their lives. Setting an aim helps one to improve their focus. As they are determined to achieve their goals, they will not be ready to quit tasks easily. Goals help to stay motivated and to measure our progress. One can easily analyse their journey and can put effort to make their journey much faster. Without a proper aim, there is no point in working for success in life. There is a famous Japanese proverb, “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” So let us make our children understand the journey and motivate them to do action by keeping a precise vision of success. 

Children have to be provided with enough education to set positive goals and ambitions in their lives. By making them practise essay exercises on topics like my aim in life, parents can easily realise their passion and ambition from their writings. It will help parents to offer the support that kids want to achieve their aim in life. Moreover, exercising them on such topics will help them improve their self-awareness . For more essays, worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of setting aims in life.

Setting an aim helps individuals to improve their focus, measure progress, beat procrastination and stay inspired.

What makes a person’s voyage to success more undemanding?

Setting aims and working hard for them makes a person’s voyage to success more undemanding.

What do kids learn from BYJU’S my aim in life essay in English?

BYJU’S my aim in life essay in English will help kids understand the importance of setting aims in their lives. Practising such informative essay topics will help them improve their vocabulary and communication skills.

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1. What is pollution

2. Types of Pollution

3. Causes of Pollution

4. Effects of Pollution

5. Our responsibility

6. Measures to control pollution

7. Conclusion

Pollution is the forerunner of perdition - John Trapp
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Written by:   Prof. Muhammad Aamir Shahzad (0345 – 2627801)

B.A (Associate degree in Arts) English application pdf

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English essay on Curbing Child Abuse for 2nd year

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English essay on curbing child abuse in Pakistan for 2nd year class 12 2021

Child abuse essay with quotations

1. What is child abuses

2. Different forms of child abuse

3. Child abuse in Pakistan

4. Curbing the child abuse

5. Govt laws

6. Role of parents and society

When the gates of mockery and abuse is opened, the heart becomes a shock absorber ― Ikechukwu Izuakor
Child abuse casts a shadow the length of a lifetime - Herbet Ward
How do you forgive the people who are supposed to protect you? ― Courtney Summers
If you say there is no such thing as morality in absolute terms, then child abuse is not evil, it just may not happen to be your thing.― Rebecca Manley Pippert

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Rising prices / inflation essay 300 - 400 words.

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Inflation essay for 2nd year, class 12 PDF download

Inflation is taxation without legislation - Milton Friedman
Inflation is the crabgrass in your savings - Robert Orben
Inflation is the parent of unemployment and the unseen robber of those who have saved - Margret Thatcher
Production is the only answer to inflation - Anonymous

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Importance of MuslimUnity Essay with quotations

Importance of Muslim Unity essay for 2nd year class 12

English essay on Muslim Unity for 2nd year

1. The word "Muslim"

2. Importance of Unity

3. Unity and brotherhood in Islam

4. Unity is the need of hour

5. Suggestions

6. Conclusion

The  Muslims should become united to protect "Haram", from the bank of Nile to the land of Kashgar - Allam Iqbal (RA)
Hold firmly to the rope of Allah and be not divided (into groups and sects).
The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity - Tariq Ramadan
Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions. Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light. life and unity - Allam Muhammad Iqbal (RA)

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english essay on science and society for class 12 2nd year

The quotations and outline for the essay are given for the students to get maximum marks out of it. You should download 2nd year English essays in pdf on Zahid Notes too.

Science and Society Essay with quotations for 2nd year

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I am aware of the usefulness of science to society and of the benefits society derives from it - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
The science of today is the technology of tomorrow- Edward Teller
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science - Carl Sagan

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2nd year class 12 english essays notes smart syllabus 2021

Essays in Smart syllabus 2021

Full syllabus remaining essays, english letters notes for 1st year class 11, 1st year english letters notes pdf download, important letters for class 11th english.

1st year English letters notes pdf download smart syllabus

Importance of technical education essay in English

 Here is another Essay in English for the 2nd year and 10th class, 12 class with outlines and quotations. The essay is best on the topic of Technical education in Pakistan. The context of this essay is technical education in Pakistan. You can download the essay in pdf here.

English essay on Technical Education

Now the essay with outline is given. Class 12 and class 10 students can see this essay topic in their smart syllabus. So, I have written these essays to help the students in 2021 exams in English. The quotations are included at various points in the essay.

Essay on the Importance of Technical education for 2nd year

Essay on the Importance of Technical education for 2nd year

I had to gain experience as I did not have technical education- Mikhail Kalashnikov
The great end of life is not knowledge but action- T.H Huxley
The goal of education is understanding, the goal of training is performance - Frank Bell

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Essay on corruption in pakistan in english with quotations, english essay on corruption.

English essay on curruption for class 12 pakistan

EssayCorruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy - Peter Ustinov
Corruption is cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fiber, and destroys trust- Robert Zoellick
Corruption is like a ball of snow. Once it's set a rolling it must increase- C.C Cotton

Letter to friend telling him/her about the profession you want to adopt

 The smart syllabus of 1st year English has this letter. This letter is also part of the English syllabus for 1st year. class 11 English letter notes has been published on Goher Amin now. You can go there and download complete letters notes. This letter is from a friend to tell other friend about the profession one want to adopt in the future.

Letter to a friend about the profession you want to adopt

The letter starts from below:

-------------------------------------- Examination Hall,

Feb 08, 2021

Dear Ahmed, 

I received your letter a week ago. I could not reply to you timely because I was thinking to decide my career ahead. As you know that I passed my intermediate with brilliant marks, I had to decide which profession would I adopt in the future. I spend days and nights thinking about it. I took pieces of advice from the elders. I consulted my teachers and even examined my temperament. 

Since you asked me to write to you about my career selection, I intend to share with you that I have decided to pursue the field of Public Administration. I have applied to a well-known university in Pakistan to get admission in the BS degree program in Public Administration. 

As for my profession, I believe in dreaming high. So I have decided to go for CSS after completing my degree. Although CSS is a challenging pursuit, I can attempt it well and crack it with the help of my field. 

Public Administration is a field in which you learn the essentials and methods of dealing with the public through social institutions. CSS also offers brighter opportunities for selection and allocation for degree holders in Public Administration.  After carefully observing the cons and pros of this decision, I have finally taken it. 

Convey my salaam to Uncle and lots of love for your younger siblings, particularly Ali.

Your friend,


Please see the following letters too:

1. Letter to a friend asking him to lend you some books 2. Letter to brother advising to pay attention to studies 3. Letter to father writing about your health and studies 4. Letter to your brother suggesting ways to improve English

5. Smart syllabus Eglish letters 1st year

Letter to your younger brother suggesting some methods to improve English

 Her is another letter from the English smart syllabus for class 11. 1st year English smarts syllabus 2021 letters are written on Zahid Notes and you can easily download all letters notes in English. This letter has been written by an elder brother/Sister to his/her younger brother/sister to suggest him/her some ways to improve his/her English.

Letter to younger brother suggesting him how to improve his English

Now the letter is an example which shows you how you will write a detailed long letter to your younger brother or sister on how to improve in English. If your younger brother or sister is weak in English, you can advise him/her to imporve his English by giving some tips and ways to make his English better.

Letter to younger brother/sister suggesting methods to improve English

The letter goes below:


Examination Hall,

February 08, 2021 Dear Ali, I hope you are fine and enjoying good health. From the last letter that I received from the mother, I came to know you have failed your English midterm exam. This brought me no disappointment. It forced me to write to you as soon as possible to express my concern.

My dear, I am writing to you to suggest to you some of the methods to improve your English. 

First of all, consider it like any other language. It is not rocket science. You just need to learn the basics of it and start practicing it in reading, writing, and speaking. I ask you to buy a quality English grammar book.  It would help you in understanding the basic constituents of the language. 

Try to maximize your reading scope and spend your pocket-money on buying books. Start reading English short-stories. You can begin with Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince. Reading will allow you to learn new words and understand the grammatical formation of the language. 

Whenever you read a new word, consult any reliable dictionary; always try to read meanings in English. After learning a new word, practice making correct sentences. Keep your focus on learning one word every day. 

Reply to my letter after a week of receiving it and tell me about the changes you notice in your language. Convey my salaam to everyone at home, particularly Ammi and Abbu.

With best wishes,

Your Brother,


Other letters that might be related:

1. Letter to a friend asking him to lend you some books

2. Letter to brother advising to pay attention to studies

3. Letter to father writing about your health and studies

4. Smart syllabus Eglish letters 1st year

Letter to father writing him about your health and studies

 Class 11, 1st year English smart syllabus letter have been added to the list of letter on Zahid notes. We are constantly generating new content for your exams preparation. The smart syllabus notes and test series being prepared now. the guess paper will also be published for 2021.

Write a letter to father about your health and studies

This letter has been written by a son to his father telling him about his health and studies. The students can read this easy and simple letter to have an idea how they would write a letter on this topic in exams.

Dear Father,

How are you? How is the mother now? I found your letter yesterday. It is your kindness and love which fills me with energy and passion. Your letters always bring me joy.

Dear father! I am alright here. My progress in my studies is very good. I take classes regularly. I give proper time to my studies after school time. I have two best friends. They both are excellent students. We do group study and exchange our concepts. It gives us a deep understanding of the concepts.

I am fully aware of your expectations from me. I am trying my best to top the school this time too. My health is better than before. I feel full of energy. I take good care of my diet. I eat healthy food and avoid junk food.

I take exercise and go for a morning walk daily. So, things are absolutely right here. I will come home after my final term exams. The exams are expected to be held next month.

Pay my regards to mother. 

You might be interested in the following letters too:

1. Lette to a friend to borrow books

2. Letter to brother advising to avoid bad company

3.  Letter to a friend telling him/her to about the profession you want to adopt

3. English smart syllabus letters notes

A letter to your brother advising him to pay attention to his studies and avoid bad company

 This is another letter for 1st year English smart syllabus. Now the letter for smart syllabus are almost complete for 11 class English. This letter is written to younger brother advising him to pat attention to studies and quit bad company.

Being an elder brother, you will write a letter to your younger brother to advise him to pay attention to his studies. You will also ask him to avoid the company of bad guys.

Letter to younger brother asking him to avoid bad company and pay attention to studies

Letter to your friend asking him to lend you some books.

 Here is an example letter from a friend to another friend asking him to lend some books. Borrowing books from friends is a common practice in Pakistan. That is why this letter has been included in the English syllabus for 1st year (class 11). Now this smart syllabus letter have been published on Zahid Notes.

A letter to a friend requesting him/her to lend you some books

This letter has been written to a friend requesting him/her to lend you some books. Then you will return the borrowed books to him. The English smart syllabus of class 11, 1st year has this letter topic. So, I have written it here to help the students.

Letter to a friend to borrow books from him

February 07, 2021

Dear Friend!

How are you? Congratulations on the new job. I am happy to know about your successful job test and Interview. Your hard work brought you the fruit. 

You once told me that you have excellent books on current affairs and General knowledge. I am sure these books have helped you pass the PPSC exams with distinction. 

As you know, I have applied for the post of Assistant Director in the Community Development Department. I have decided to improve my General knowledge. It will help me in my PPSC exam which is going to be held on 15 next month. 

I request you to lend me some great books which you have on General knowledge and Current affairs. I will be thankful to you for this favour. Books are great assets I know. I will keep your books safe. I will return the books to you as soon as my PPSC test is taken.

You might be interested in the following letters:

1. letter to younger brother advising him to pay attention to studies

2. Letter to father about your health and studies

3. Letter to a friend about the profession you want to adopt

4. letter to younger brother suggesting methods to improve English

5. Smart syllabus English letters notes

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  2. Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations for Students

    Essay on My Aim in Life with Outline. Outline: Ambition is a guiding star in our life. The Choice of the profession is an uphill task for a Youngman. The future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person. The general perception of the civil administration is bad. Objective to join the civil administration.

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  4. My Aim in Life

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  7. Zahid Notes

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  8. My Aim in Life Essay Quotations for Students

    70,185. This post contains 15 Quotations for My Aim in Life Essay for students of FSC, 2nd year. Students of intermediate level need 4 to 6 quotations for a very good essay length. You can choose quotes that you feel easy and appropriate for your essay and use them in your content. You should also visit Quotations for Essays if you are ...

  9. Zahid Notes

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  17. February 2021

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  18. My Aim in Life Quotations

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