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My Sister’s Wedding Essay & Paragraphs for Students

Last month, my big sister Sarah got married! It was one of the most exciting days ever. In this essay, I am going to tell you all about her wedding and why it was so special. I will talk about everything from getting ready to the ceremony and reception. It definitely was a day I will never forget!

Table of Contents

My Sister’s Big Day – Weeding Day

Getting ready.

The morning of the wedding was so fun but also a bit crazy. All the bridesmaids, including me, went to Sarah’s house to help her get ready. We did our hair and makeup, played music, and laughed a lot. I felt so grown up in my dress! Nevertheless, Sarah looked the most beautiful – her white dress was huge and puffy. We took tons of pictures before the ceremony. When it was time to leave, I was both nervous and excited about what was coming next.

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We all piled into fancy cars and drove to the church. There were flowers and ribbons everywhere, making it feel magical. When the music started, I walked slowly down the aisle ahead of Sarah, trying not to trip in my high heels! When she came around the corner with our dad, I thought she looked like a real princess. The pastor talked for what seemed like forever, but it was actually really nice. Then Sarah and her new husband Jeremy kissed – yuck! However, everyone cheered so loudly.

The Reception

After pictures at the church, we went to a big party in a fancy hall. The DJ played fun music, and everyone danced, even some of the older people, which was funny. They cut the wedding cake too, which had about a million layers and was much too sweet! I sat at a special kid’s table with my cousins, and we had the best meal ever, way better than normal dinners. At the end of the night, Sarah and Jeremy left in a limo to go on their honeymoon, throwing flowers and rice everywhere as they drove off into the night. I hope they had an amazing trip!

My Favorite Memories

If I had to pick, I think my three favorite parts of the wedding were,

1) dancing with all my girl cousins during one of the songs.

2) catching the flower bouquet that Sarah threw into the crowd (even though I am way too young to get married!).

3) giving a short speech at the reception about how much I love my big sister. Those moments really made the day super special for me.

Looking Back

Now that some time has passed since the wedding, I enjoy looking through the pictures with Sarah and reliving the magical day. She seems really happy with Jeremy, and I am glad they got their fairy tale wedding. Planning it must have been much work, but it turned out perfect. I hope that someday, maybe in 15 more years, I will get to have a big fancy wedding just like Sarah’s!

In conclusion, my sister Sarah’s wedding was definitely one of the best days ever. From getting ready to celebrate at the reception, the whole event was like something out of a movie. I feel lucky that I got to be a part of her special day and make so many wonderful memories. Her marriage is starting a new chapter, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Sarah and Jeremy!

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Personal Narrative Essay: My Sister's Wedding

There she was my go to, my confidante, my secret keeper, my everything, my sister. I have dreaded this day for the past year and it's finally here.The day that she had always dreamed of and the day I ironically dreaded. As I wait here at the altar I am faced with a whirlwind of emotions. I am devastated to give her away yet I am happy my longing wish of her finding a man that will take care of her in the manner she truly deserves, has come true. I always knew, all good things come to an end, and there would come a time, when she would  cease to be just mine, but I was not prepared for it to be this hard. As the dulcet music began to play and I felt my eyes become moist. Everyone in the crowd slowly stood from the old squeaky church pews and turned to watch her come in. My beautiful sister, in her bridal attire, emotional yet beautiful began to walk down the aisle for the first time towards her new life.

The dank and dreary weather caused her dress to be slightly stained on the bottom from the wet walk to the church doors. She wore a strapless, white wedding gown with a beautiful rhinestone belt around her waist. As she began to get closer to the stage I could see the raindrops that glistened in her hair giving the illusion of diamonds. At the end of each seated aisle was a set of cranberry and steel blue colored flowers that looked otherworldly. Each time she passed the delicate bouquets, her flowy dress would brush against them. Once she finally reached the bottom step of the stage I looked over at my dad on her left arm. His grip began to tighten and his eyes became glossy trying to hold back the tears.

The music began to fade, and the preacher stepped up to the microphone with a Bible in hand.

“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

My dad gave my sister one last look before he turned to the preacher with watery eyes and said “I do.”.

He slowly walked to the front pew and once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. I quickly focused my attention back to the bride and groom because it hurts to see someone so strong in so much despair. My sister gently turned around to hand me her diaphanous bouquet. Her bright green eyes met mine, bloodshot red, but beautiful nevertheless. Her eyes were something I had always envied. They were as green as the jade ring she always stole from my drawer. Today they put the best cared for yard to shame. After giving me a softhearted smile she turned back to her soon to be husband. He grabbed her shaking hand and the preacher began talking. Both of them had anchored their attention and stared fixedly at one another.

I could no longer hear the preacher and his tender words about the couple. I was too busy thinking about my ambivalent feelings towards this marriage. I have never had to share my sister with someone and now I am having to give her away. I am thrilled she has found the one but I am broken-hearted to know she is moving on in life without me. The gentle whisper of rain against the roof became a source of peace for me. I guess I can finally breathe with relief because she has found the person I always wished for her to have. Someone that can give her a life she truly deserves and a love that consumes her.

“I, Shelby, take you, Micah, to be my husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful wife in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live."

I still find it hard to fathom that this is the same snaggletooth sister I used to play barbies with. Standing there, all in white by my now brother in law.

“By the power vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you husband and wife” You may now kiss your bride”.

As soon as their lips brushed they pulled apart and faced the crowd shyly and began to walk down the aisle hand in hand. After the two made it out the thick wooden doors, it was my turn to face the happy audience. I carefully stepped off the stage and walked towards the double doors. Immediately, I am met with millions of droplets that fall from the nubilous sky,as the wind softly blows and the trees breezily dance. The ice cold water carelessly touches my skin, before developing tiny rivers of their own. The smell of damp earth and wet leaves enter my nostrils as I take a deep breath. Turning to the old oak tree at the front of the church, I watch my sister and her husband hold one another in the rain and a sense of joy overcomes me. I finally understood that when you love someone, your happiness is theirs.

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My Sisters Wedding

My sister’s wedding was a beautiful and joyous occasion. It was great to see all of our family members come together to celebrate such a special event. My sister looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress, and it was so wonderful to see her so happy. The whole day was just perfect.

I got to meet my sister, Jamie, for the first time in September of 2019. Jamie is four years younger than I am and shares our father’s biological parentage, Ben. Our grandmother arranged a day for my family and my sister to meet at Sea World as a surprise. Jamie and I were extremely alike; we had identical noses and smiles, as well as similar features with our genetic father who we had only met a few times throughout our lives.

It was an instant connection and I felt like I had known her my whole life. A few months after we met, Jamie told me she was getting married. She had been dating her fiancé, Matt, for over a year and they were ready to take the next step in their relationship. I was so happy for her and I instantly said yes when she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding.

The wedding was beautiful and it was so special to be able to witness my sister declaring her love for Matt in front of all their friends and family. It was also great to see our father at the wedding and to finally have him meet Jamie. It was a day that I will never forget and I am so grateful to have been a part of it.

It was an excellent day, and when it was over and before it was time for us to go home, my sister invited me to her wedding. Her wedding is the topic of this essay. On a warm but breezy late Friday afternoon, I arrived at Baltimore Airport. The airport was packed with travelers rushing about in search of flights, luggage, and loved ones. I located a taxi and drove downtown.

After I checked in, I went to my room and called my sister. We chatted for a bit and she told me that the wedding would be at four o’clock the next afternoon. She also said that the rehearsal dinner would be at seven that evening.

I took a long nap, woke up, showered, and dressed. I then went downstairs and had a light meal in the hotel restaurant before heading out to the wedding rehearsal. The rehearsal was held in a large room at a banquet hall attached to a church. There were about fifty people there, all of whom were relatives or friends of the bride or groom. After the rehearsal, we all walked over to the banquet hall for the dinner.

The wedding itself was a beautiful affair. The ceremony was held in the church, and the reception followed in the banquet hall. There were about two hundred people at the reception, and it was a very festive atmosphere. The food was excellent, and the dancing went on into the night.

It was a wonderful weekend, and I am so glad that I was able to be a part of my sister’s wedding. Family is so important to me, and I am grateful to have such a close and loving relationship with my sister. weddings are such special occasions, and I am honored to have been able to share this one with her.

The cab driver was quiet, only uttering my address. In almost every way, Baltimore is different from Florida. The highways are always more congested, and the roads’ bends make it difficult to keep up if you don’t know where you’re going.

I was happy to see my sister, it had been a while since I had last seen her. Family is always important, and weddings are a time to celebrate that bond. My sister was getting married to the man of her dreams, and I couldn’t have been happier for her. Even though I didn’t know him very well, he seemed like a good guy. The wedding was beautiful, and everything went off without a hitch. It was a happy day for everyone involved, and I am so glad that I was able to be there for my sister on her special day.

I was looking out the cab window when I saw it: a beautiful panoramic view of trees, hills, and buildings that were both lively and cheerful. We got to my hotel and checked in. My room was Room #513 on the fifth floor with a spectacular view of a large park as well as one king-size bed with a fluffy bright comforter and a huge soaker tub. I was ecstatic. My phone began ringing; it was my Grandmother calling to see how my flight had gone and whether I had gotten settled into my hotel room yet.

I told her both were great and I would see her at the wedding rehearsal dinner. Rehearsal dinner was at a nice restaurant near the hotel, my family and the groom’s family met for the first time. It was awkward at first, but we all loosened up after a while and had a good time.

The wedding day arrived, everything went smoothly. The ceremony was outside under a big tree; it was beautiful. The reception was held in a huge hall with lots of windows. The food was great and the music was even better. We danced all night and had so much fun. I’m so glad I was able to be a part of my sister’s special day.

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my sister wedding essay in english

--> Wedding as a Memorable Event in My Life

Every person has memorable events in his or her life that can change them, influence them greatly, or leave unforgettable impressions. I must admit that I am a happy person as I have many occasions, and they are related to my family and close friends. Frankly speaking, earlier I was very skeptical about any celebrations as they demanded time and effort and presupposed the gathering of many people, noise, and mess. However, after my sister’s wedding, I realized that such parties were necessary to reunite families, cheer, leave positive memories, and entertain from the everyday routine. Consequently, my sister’s wedding was the brightest occasion and memorable event in my life as it had changed my perception of family life and relationships between people.

The marriage of my sister happened in May last year. However, I remember it as if it were today. It was the most auspicious ceremony as my sister had been preparing for it for a long time, involving her friends, relatives, and specialists organizing weddings. We belong to a traditional family; therefore, my sister’s wedding was like a family and religious festival. It means that the church ceremony was the most festive part of the wedding. Thus, my sister felt responsible for having it in the church visited by our family. Earlier, I did not suppose my family was friendly as we had differences in our opinions and attitudes. However, the preparations for that wedding proved that everybody wanted to support and help my sister on such a memorable day.

Before the wedding, we sent invitations to the guests, and they were handmade to show the importance and personal meaning of that occasion. For me, it was like a game, but my sister followed the wedding invitation tradition to attract the attention of all guests. Moreover, she followed the general conception of the wedding by making the invitations pink and colorful.

At the wedding, the biggest admiration deserved the church ceremony. Most of all, I was impressed with the bridal party entrance where bridesmaids and groomsmen were dressed in the same suits and dresses, and the prevailing color in their clothes was pink, which only reinforced the tender feelings of the couple. My sister was dressed in a long white silk gown that underlined her slender figure and sophisticated taste. It was the white wedding type which originated from the color of the bride’s gown. Consequently, it took time to design that dress and express my sister’s taste. She wanted that dress to become evidence of her wedding and be passed down to her daughter. It means that my sister implemented her heart and soul into that occasion.

However, the clothes were less important compared to the sights of my sister and her groom; they could not stop looking at each other. Their sights were full of love, tenderness, and passion, and I realized that their feelings were genuine. Moreover, when my sister walked down the aisle with our father, I saw their tears of happiness and excitement that made the wedding a truly family holiday. As for my mother, she was not less thrilled than my father; I noticed love, admiration, and happiness in her life. I understood that they wished their children happiness.

The symbolic part of that wedding was the throwing of uncooked rice that symbolized fertility. At first sight, one could think that such small details could be omitted. However, indeed, such small traditions reinforced the importance of the occasion. Another part of the wedding that brought me much pleasure was when all guests gathered for giving gifts, eating, and drinking and expressed their best wishes to the newlywed couple. They were personal, spiritual, religious, serious, and funny, and they opened up a lot about my sister and her husband. Consequently, a wedding is not a holiday or celebration; it is the possibility to see and understand the family in another way and learn to appreciate it. Moreover, their decision to get married convinced me that love was necessary to build a family, understand the partner, commit to life, and accept each other completely. Touching on tradition was another aspect of the wedding that made that day memorable and helped to revitalize them in our family.

My sister’s wedding was like a theater play as there was a minister who involved guests in doing something, singing, and saying. Thus, he managed to set the necessary mood and entertain the guests in a proper way. The wedding celebration was based on ceremony activities, ceremony songs, and wedding readings. One should say that the vows of the newlywed couple were the most thrilling as their words of love were not empty promises but serious intentions which they wanted to implement in life.

In conclusion, one should say that my sister’s wedding was the brightest occasion that was well-planned and organized according to my sister’s taste, family, and wedding traditions that were accompanied by the participation of relatives and close friends. That wedding was the memorable event in my life as it gathered all members of my family, revitalized many memories, and united everybody with joy and happiness. That wedding had changed my perception of family life and relationships between people. I understood that love, tenderness, and mutual respect were the most essential feelings, and if they were genuine, one could notice them even at the wedding.

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My Sister Essay

500 words essay on my sister.

Sisters are a blessing for everyone in this world. Many of us have sisters whom we love unconditionally. Some have elder sisters while others have younger sisters. Nonetheless, we all are lucky to have been blessed with sisters. Through my sister essay, I will tell more about my sister and my unconditional love for her.

my sister essay

My Younger Sister

I have a younger sister who is five years younger than me. She is my whole world and I cannot live without her. When I first found out that I’m a big sister, I couldn’t contain my happiness . I remember playing with her all day when she was an infant.

My sister used to stop crying whenever I came back from school. As she started to grow up, we became even closer. Somehow, the age gap between us started to lessen and she turned into a friend of mine.

I can share all my secrets with my younger sister. Even though she is younger than me, she does not act like it. She is a very mature girl who handles all my moods and whims accordingly.

Moreover, she is the one who makes me understand things sometimes when I cannot see them clearly. Moreover, she also makes everyone in our family laughs with her cute little antics. Everyone in my family adores her as she is the youngest member of our family.

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My Sister’s Personality

My sister has a very unique personality which is not seen commonly in today’s world. She never judges anyone for their deeds. She is a religious person who believes we humans must not judge someone else as God will take care of it.

She has a bubbly personality and can brighten up the room wherever she goes. My sister is a sweet person who always tries to help out others. I have seen her help her friends all the time, even if they are acquaintances, she helps them equally.

Moreover, she is very lively. You will always find her playing around or goofing around with someone. She does not like sitting in one place, thus she is always all over the place. Further, she is very creative.

She has a solution to almost anything and everything. My sister has the special talent to find easy ways to do a difficult job. All of us always ask for her advice to simplify any kind of work.

I respect my sister for standing out of the crowd and always doing her own thing. Even if no one is doing it, she does not back off from doing the unique thing. She is my support system and inspiration.

Conclusion of My Sister Essay

All in all, I adore my sister a lot. She inspires me to become a better person and not judge anyone. As she is always empathetic towards animals , I also try my best to feed them and take care of them whenever possible. I hope to be a good sister to her and bring all the joy in her life.

FAQ of My Sister Essay

Question 1: Why are sisters so important?

Answer 1: Sisters are an essential part of everyone’s lives. When we have sisters, we tend to not feel lonely and fearful. Moreover, they love us unconditionally and accept us without any judgement. Thus, we feel someone is always there for us.

Question 2: What is the role of a sister?

Answer 2: A sister acts as a role model and teacher who help the younger siblings to learn about many things. Just like parents, older sisters have a positive influence on their siblings. Similarly, younger sisters bring joy and help us never lose our childish side.

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The Bridal Tip

Older Sister Wedding Speech Examples

Being asked to give a wedding speech as an older sister is an honor that comes with a mix of emotions. On one hand, you are excited to celebrate your sister’s big day and show your love and support. On the other hand, the pressure to deliver a memorable and heartfelt speech can be daunting. But fret not! In this article, we will guide you through the process of crafting a memorable wedding speech as an older sister, providing you with examples and inspiration along the way.

Understanding the Role of the Older Sister

As the older sister, you have a unique bond with the bride that goes beyond just being siblings. You have seen her grow, witnessed her journey toward love, and have been a pillar of support throughout. Your role during the wedding is not just to celebrate, but also to ensure that your sister feels loved and cherished on this special day.

Now let’s dive into the steps to create an engaging and memorable wedding speech that will leave a lasting impression:

Step 1: Introduction and Greeting

To start your speech off on the right foot, begin with a warm and engaging greeting. This is your chance to capture the attention of the audience and set the tone for the rest of your speech. Consider incorporating a heartfelt anecdote or quoting a famous saying that encapsulates the bond between sisters.

Step 2: Reflect on Childhood Memories

One of the most endearing aspects of being an older sister is the shared childhood memories. Take this opportunity to reminisce about the good times, the adventures, and even the mischief you got into together. Share anecdotes that highlight your sister’s personality, her dreams, or any funny incidents that will bring back fond memories and put a smile on everyone’s faces.

Step 3: Praise and Compliment the Bride

Now it’s time to shower your sister with love and compliments. Speak about her admirable qualities, her achievements, and the person she has become. Highlight her strengths, her kind heart, and the impact she has had on those around her. Let the audience see the incredible person she is through your words.

Step 4: Welcome the Groom and His Family

As the older sister, you are not just welcoming a new member into your sister’s life but also into your family. Extend a warm welcome to the groom and his family, expressing your excitement for the new bonds that will be formed. Emphasize the importance of unity and inclusiveness, and how their presence enriches your lives.

Step 5: Share Wisdom and Advice

Draw from your own experiences and share wisdom and advice with the newlyweds. Offer heartfelt words of guidance and lessons you have learned along the way. Whether it’s about communication, compromise, or the secret to a happy marriage, your insights as an older sister can be invaluable to the couple as they embark on this beautiful journey together.

Step 6: Toast to the Couple’s Future

Conclude your speech with a heartfelt toast to the couple’s future. Wish them endless love, laughter, and happiness as they embark on this new chapter of their lives. Raise your glass and invite the guests to join you in celebrating their love and the exciting adventures that lie ahead.

Adding Personal Touches to the Speech

While the steps above serve as a guideline, it is important to inject your own personal touches into the speech. Include inside jokes, favorite memories, or shared experiences that will make the speech uniquely yours. This personal touch will not only make your sister feel extra special but also engage the audience on a deeper level.

Practice Makes Perfect

To ensure a smooth and confident delivery, practice your speech. Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or seek feedback from trusted friends or family members. The more you practice, the more natural and heartfelt your delivery will be on the big day.

As an older sister, giving a wedding speech is a memorable and cherished moment. By following the steps outlined above and infusing your own personal touch, you can create a speech that captures the love, support, and joy you feel for your sister on her special day. So, gather your thoughts, speak from the heart, and create a wedding speech that will be remembered for years to come.

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Jessica Rankin

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My sister’s wedding

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: Color , Feeling

Photographs are a wonderful way to capture moments in an instant. This picture is an important part of a special memory, which is of my sister’s wedding. My sister’s wedding was an amalgam of excited, felicitous, and somber feelings. Whenever I look at this picture, the whole occasion relives in my mind.

An important part of the wedding was the selection of dresses and beauty salon. I remember when my cousins and my sisters, and I used to go to different malls daily, scouting for the perfect outfits. We purchased elegant dresses of different colors with exquisite jewelries, such as, ear rings, necklace, and bangles. The color of bride’s sharara (special outfit of brides) was orange, golden, and maroon. Every one was very excited, because we all wanted to look beautiful for that event. Our joyful excitement was like a forest fire which could be seen from a mile away.

In my culture, wedding ceremony consists of two days function. The first day called “mehndi” is the day for youngsters to celebrate. I can still remember the girls and boys singing songs and dancing. There was a fun-filled singing and dancing competition between relatives of the bride and the groom. Girls were painting beautiful designs on the bride’s hands and their own hands with mehndi (a paste of leaves, which makes temporarily tattoos).

The second day was the actual wedding day. My sister and her husband were looked stunning in their wedding attire. While our four hundred guests dined on a delicious meal in the festively decorated banquet room, the family was holding a photo session.

The Essay on Wedding And Bride

... beats the excitement of preparing and organizing my dream wedding.” The wedding day is the day when couples make a lifelong commitment to their ... She is a friend of the bride. Right after her follows the second bridesmaid, the bride’s sister-law. Two more friends follow the ... bridesmaid path; and then, last but not least, the Maid of Honor, the bride’s ...

At the end of the ceremony, there is a time for the bride, to go to her new home by leaving her own family. Her departure created a gloomy mood for many of us. It was stressful to try desperately not to feel deeper feelings of grief which result in weird actions like obsession, anger, or crying. My sister was also feeling somber, as it is natural to be sad when one is at the end of a formative period in life. Sorrow is a part of existence, and often mixed with joy.

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my sister wedding essay in english

Paragraph on my Sister’s marriage – by Supriya

my sister wedding essay in english

My Sister- A gift of God:

God has given me a beautiful gift in the form of a sister. I am going to cherish this gift for the rest of my life.

My sister’s name is Nancy. She is 11 years senior to me. When I was 10 years old she got married to a very handsome guy.

She has 2 children now. Even today when I recall the day she got married and left our house, tears roll down my cheeks and I try to hide my emotions.


My Sister’s marriage- The most memorable day of my life:

My sister’s marriage was the most memorable and saddest day of my life. It was memorable because I had never seen her so happy before. It was sad because she left our house forever. Though we both have a big age difference, we are best friends. She has always pampered me like her own child and not like a brother. We share strong bonds, affection and love. Since my childhood I am more attached to my sister than my parents. When I was in class V she got married. I can never forget that day. It was a personal loss for my family, especially for me.

The marriage day:

As a bride’s brother I was excited for this day. I was excited to see the lovely guests especially my friends and my sister’s in-law. My sister’s marriage was a big day for my family. My parents ordered various types of delicious sweets and food for the guests. We bought expensive clothes to wear. When the marriage was about end, Nancy pressed my fingers tightly and felt nostalgic.

Tears rolled down my cheeks thinking that my adorable sister is going to leave me forever. Life would never be the same again. For me the marriage ended at that point of time. I hardly remember what happened after that. I only remember that Nancy left us after the marriage ceremony was over. She was crying holding my fingers. My parents and I were crying too. Then she sat in the car and her in-laws’ family took her to their home.

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Write a letter to your friend inviting her to your sister’s wedding. English Letter for Class 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Write a letter to your friend inviting her to your sister’s wedding.

C-105, Malviya Nagar,

New Delhi – 110 017.

November 21, 200___

Dear Sonia,

I am glad to inform you that my sister’s marriage is being solemnized on 22nd December, 200___. It will be in the city itself. The bridegroom has his own business of leather goods.

I want you to come at least a week before the wedding so that you may lend a helping hand in the arrangements for the marriage. I know you have done a beautician’s course and I want you to dress my sister as a lovely bride. She also wants the same. Please let me know the date and time of your arrival.

I, once again invite you and your parents on this auspicious occasion.

Please give my regards to your parents and love to Tarun and Riya.

Yours sincerely,

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My Sister Essay & Paragraph

Having a sister or more in life is a blessing in fact. Since the way a sister loves and cares is incomparable. Many of us have an elder sister, some got a younger sister, and some are lucky to have both elder and younger sisters. We love our sisters unconditionally. Here is a bunch of My Sister Essay & My Sister paragraph, highlighting the character, love, and care of a sister.

Essay & Paragraph on Sister

Table of Contents

My Sister Essay in English, 200 Words

I feel lucky to have a younger sister. Her name is Suranjana. She is five years younger than me. She is now in class five.

My sister is my best friend in the family. She is a very cheerful girl. She keeps an eye on my every little need. When I sit down to read, he brings me a cup of tea. Then she also sat with me with her books.

My sister helps my mother with household chores. She handed her the cooking utensils. She puts our clothes in the closet. In the afternoon, she watered the flower plants in our yard. She can sing very well. She values ​​time . So, she is always seen busy studying or working.

My sister likes sour fruits. I often bring her plums or mango pickles. She is very happy to get it. I love my sister very much. She loves me too.

My sister’s character is very good. She insults nobody, she doesn’t like those who talk nonsense. She is attentive in her studies. Her memory is sharp. So, she always does well in school exams. That is why the teachers at school love her, her classmates admire her, and everyone in our family loves my sister very much.

Check also: My Parents Essay & Paragraph

My Sister Paragraph, 100 Words

I am a student. I read in class three. I have a younger sister. She is in class two. Her name is Sara. She is the youngest in our family. Sara is a very fickle girl. She speaks non-stop. She has many toys. She pretends to cook delicious things in her toy pots. There is no limit to her busyness with cooking. Even toys are often found in her school bag. But my sister is also good at studying. She goes to school with me every day. She can easily learn her lessons. She can also draw nice pictures. Everyone loves her.

Related Post: My Mother Essay & Paragraph

A Paragraph on Sister, 150 Words

I have a sister. Her name is Farhana. She is seventeen years old. My sister reads in Chittagong Government College. Now she is in the eleventh class. My sister is a very responsible person. She is also very hardworking. As a student of intermediate level, she has a lot of studies to do. I often find her reading books or preparing her assignments. She also does a lot of household work. After finishing her college work, she helps my mother do the household chores. My sister Farhana is a very special person to me. She loves me very much. Whenever I am in any sort of problem she comes forward to help me. She helps me understand the difficult points of mathematics and the English language. I also love and respect her very much.

A Descriptive Essay about My Sister, 200 Words

My sister is a kind and caring person who always puts others before herself. She has a warm and welcoming personality that draws people in, making her a beloved friend to many. She has long, curly brown hair that cascades down her shoulders and frames her beautiful face perfectly. Her brown eyes sparkle with intelligence and kindness, and her smile is contagious.

In terms of her interests, my sister is quite versatile. She enjoys reading and writing, and has a particular passion for poetry. She is also an avid painter and enjoys expressing herself through art. She is also a great cook and enjoys experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

But what I admire most about my sister is her selflessness and generosity. She is always willing to help others, whether it’s volunteering at a local charity or simply lending a listening ear to a friend in need. She has a big heart and is never afraid to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves.

In conclusion, my sister is a truly special person. She is beautiful inside and out, and her kindness and generosity make her a role model for all to follow. I am so grateful to have her as my sister and am constantly inspired by her strength and compassion.

Check out: My Family Paragraph & Composition

My Sister Essay, 400 Words

Introduction: In this essay, I will be discussing my sister and her impact on my life. I will explore her personality, interests, and the qualities that make her a unique and special person. This essay aims to provide an in-depth understanding of my sister and her role in my life.

Personality: My sister is a kind and caring person who always puts others before herself. She has a warm and welcoming personality that draws people in, making her a beloved friend to many. She is very empathetic and is always willing to lend a listening ear to anyone who needs it. Her ability to connect with people and make them feel comfortable is one of her greatest strengths.

Interests: My sister has a wide range of interests that make her a well-rounded individual. She is an avid reader and writer, and has a particular passion for poetry. She is also an accomplished painter and enjoys expressing herself through art. In addition to this, she is an excellent cook and enjoys experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. She is someone who is always looking to expand her horizons and try new things.

Generosity and Selflessness: One of the qualities that I admire most about my sister is her selflessness and generosity. She is always willing to help others, whether it’s volunteering at a local charity or simply lending a listening ear to a friend in need. Her willingness to go out of her way to help others is truly inspiring. She has a big heart and is never afraid to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves.

Role in my Life: My sister has played an instrumental role in my life. She has been my confidant, my mentor, and my friend. She has been there for me through the good times and the bad. Her unwavering support and encouragement have helped me to become the person I am today. I am so grateful to have her as my sister and am constantly inspired by her strength and compassion.

Conclusion: In conclusion, my sister is a truly special person. Her kind and caring nature, her wide range of interests, and her selflessness and generosity make her a role model for all to follow. She has played an instrumental role in my life and has been a constant source of inspiration and support. I am so grateful to have her as my sister and look forward to many more years of friendship and love.


My sister, Sucharita, is one of the most important people in my life. She is my older sister, and we have been close since we were young. In this essay, I will describe her physical appearance, personality and traits, and my relationship with her.

Physical Description

Sucharita is tall and slim, with long, dark hair and bright brown eyes. She has a distinct dimple on her left cheek that appears when she smiles. Her smile is one of her most striking features, and it lights up her whole face.

Personality and Traits

Sucharita is a kind and compassionate person who is always willing to help others. She has a great sense of humor and can always make me laugh. She is also very intelligent and hardworking, and is currently studying to become a doctor. Despite her busy schedule, she always makes time for her family and friends.

Relationship with Me

Sucharita and I have always been close, and we have shared many memorable moments together. We have a special bond as sisters, and we confide in each other about everything. She is my role model and I look up to her a lot. She always gives me good advice and supports me in everything I do. I am grateful to have her as my sister.

Check out: 300+ Essays & Paragraphs in English

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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A Place to Learn English

Write Letter To Friend Inviting Him to Marriage Ceremony of Your Sister.

In this post, we shall learn how to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your sister.

Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend Your Sister Marriage.

Your address …………

Sub: Invitation Letter for Sister Marriage

My dear friend,

How are you? I hope you are well. I am also well by the grace of God. I am writing this letter with just a special purpose. I am very glad to inform you that my sister’s marriage ceremony comes off on 15th December 2019. It will be solemnized that special day at our house. I am writing this letter to invite you to attend my sister’s marriage ceremony.

My father has already sent invitations to all my relatives and I also have invited all the teachers in our school as well as the headmaster. Along with my father, I am also busy with all the arrangements for this wedding. I want you to come to my house at least a week before the wedding so that you too can extend a helping hand. Along with this letter, you will also receive the formal invitation card as soon as possible.

I hope you will definitely attend my sister’s wedding and join the dinner with all our relatives. I am expecting an early answer from you.

My best regards to your parents. With love to you,

Yours lovingly,

Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Your Sister’s Wedding.

Date …………..

Sub: Sister Marriage Invitation Letter

I have just received your sweet letter and I am very happy to know that you are well. I am also fine. You will be very glad to know that my sister’s marriage ceremony will come off on 17.11.2019. It will be solemnized at the local community hall near my house in Kolkata. I am writing this letter to invite you to join my sister’s wedding ceremony.

We have already invited all my relatives. I can not afford to miss you. My family has decided that a formal invitation card should be sent to you but I told them that my relationship with you is so deep that there is no need for this formal invitation. I think that a personal letter is much better than an invitation card.

Please come at least a week before the marriage ceremony. I hope you will not disappoint me. My parents will be very happy if you come to my house and join the marriage party. I shall early wait for your arrival.

Convey my best regards to your parents. With love to your brother and sister,



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English Summary

Write A Letter To Your Friend About My Sister Marriage In English

House No 13/4 Basant Nagar Trivandrum 15/05/2019 Dear Rohan, I hope you and your family are in good health and are happy. I am writing this letter to talk about my sister’s marriage. She has found the love of her life, and both of them have decided to get married. Her fiancé’s name is Vivek, and he is her colleague. They have known each other for a year and a half. Both the parents from each side have met each other and fixed the wedding date.

The wedding will take place three months later, on August 29. When we get the wedding invitation letter after the printing is done, I will send one to you. Consider this as my unofficial invitation. Every day, my cousins and I had lengthy discussions about what to wear, what color, which songs to play, etc., for the wedding and other events. My sister also participates in the discussions. Anyway, wedding planning is in full swing. Bye and take care Your friend Varsha F

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my sister wedding essay in english

Paragraph Buzz

  • My Sister Essay in 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Words for All Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Sister: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

I have a younger sister; she is only 7 years old. She is the youngest member of our family. Her name is Sushi. Sushi is a really cute girl and everyone loves her very much. I also love her a lot. Her behavior and attitude are very fine. She reads in class two.

She never misses her classes. I take her school with me and bring back too. Sometimes my father takes her. Her hobby is playing with dolls. She has a lot of dolls in her cabinet. He has most of them as a gift on her birthday.

My Sister: Essay (200 Words) for Class 4, 5

My Sister Essay

Introduction: Most of us have sisters in my family . Some of us have a younger sister and some of us have an elder. In my family, we are four brothers and sisters. There is only a sister who is elder than all of us. Today I am going to share something about her.  

My Sister: My sister’s name is Tahmina and she reads to the nearest college in Physics. I think she is going to become a scientist. She has set up a small lab in the house and our entering is limited there. But sometimes she calls all of us to show her little experiments. I love her science experiments, these are really exciting.

She is a bright student at her college. She is very helpful and helps everyone. When any of us face any problem, we ask her and she finds a solution for us. We think that she knows everything and can do anything. She is our superhero. We love to spend time with her.  

Conclusion: My sister the best sister ever, she is the strongest, the funniest and the greatest of all time. We all love her so much and she also loves us.

Essay on My Younger Sister (300 Words) for Class 6, 7

My Sister Essay

Introduction: A younger sister is always cute and adorable. I have got a younger sister . Today I will share a few words about her. She is really adorable and loving.  

My Younger Sister:  Her name is Neha, and she is five years old. She has just started to go to kindergartens. Neha is the youngest member of our family. And that’s why she is the most loving one. Everyone loves her a lot. In her school time, my mother takes her to school and my father brings her back. Sometimes I also do that.  

Her Hobbies: We all have got some hobbies. Neha also has a really beautiful hobby . She loves reading books. When she started learning the letter and then words, she started reading. My father bought lots of Hindi cartoon storybooks for her. She started reading and now performing really well.

She spends lots of time reading books which is pretty much rare to see at the age of five. She is an exceptional girl. She can understand so many things at that young age.  

Best Friend: Besides reading books, she spends most of her time with me. She thinks as an elder brother, I know everything in the world. While she asks me anything, I can give her a good and suitable answer that’s why she considers me a brilliant person. And that’s how I am her best friend . While she keeps asking several questions.  

Conclusion: I think Neha has a really good brain and she is going to be one of the brightest students. I really love her so much. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen in my entire life.

My Elder Sister: Essay (400 Words) for Class 8

My Sister Essay

Introduction: Maybe my sister is not the greatest, the funniest, or not the perfect but she is the one whom I can trust. She is the one who can make me laugh. She is the one who can make me feel great. And that’s how every sister has been really important in our life. Today I will share a few words about my elder sister.

She is a really amazing girl. It’s not possible to complete writing about her. One of the cutest things about me and her, we always keep fighting. She is elder than me, but I win the fight always. But I never hit her and she also doesn’t.  

My Elder Sister: Her name is Tanisha. She is a student of computer engineering is the nearest college. She is a very bright student. She is doing really amazing at college. In her school time, she was the top one in every class. I and she spend lots of time together. Even we live in the same room.

When I face any problem or depression, I tell her about the whole matter. Most of the time, she is so much supporting and find a solution for me. She doesn’t mock me with my weaknesses. And that’s why I love and respect her so much.  

Her Special Skill: She has really amazing singing skills. She started singing in her school days. When my father realizes that she is an amazing singing vocal, he calls a teacher for her. She is still learning music from then. I think she is going to be the next big singer because he has that potential for her.

In a few local programs, she performed very well and got lots of appreciation. Last year, she participated in a musical competition in Mumbai, she became third and got the opportunity to sing for a record company. This is a very big milestone in her life. I always wish her the best for an amazing singing career.  

Her Kindness and Other Virtues: One of the most important virtues that he has got is kindness. She is always kind for the poor and helpless people. In last winter vacation , we went to spend time with our uncle, aunt, and cousins. She bought lots of blanket for the poor villagers in that winter .  

Conclusion: I love her so much. I think she is the best sister ever in the world.

Essay on My Sister (500 Words) for Class 9, 10

My Sister Essay - 500 Words

Introduction: I have got an elder sister. And she is one of the most important people in our family. Everyone has younger or elder sisters. I’ve got too. Sisters always love, they love us so much. We need to love them too; they are our best well-wisher. There is none in the world who wants better for us than our sisters. Today I will share my words about my elder sister.  

My Sister: Her name is Alia; she is a student at Medical College. She is studying MBBS for two years. After completing college, she will start working as a doctor. She is the only sibling that I have got. Her college is near our house and that’s why she can move from home.

That’s the reason that’s why I have got so much time to spend with her. She is really amazing. I love everything about her. She shares and teaches me so many things. When I go through difficulties, I have none to share but my dear sister.

She is always there for me, supporting and suggesting to me. She is the best advisor; I have got in my life. She never asks to do any bad thing. She has a very good judgmental brain, and that never let her take wrong decisions. She is a bright student too.

In her school time, she was top everywhere from grades one to ten. She never looked back and gets admitted into medical college. She is performing really well there and hoping the best for the future.  

My Role model, My Sister: I consider my sister as my role model. I want to be like her. And that’s why I am following her. I take tips from her about everything in my life. And she is helping me without any hesitation. There are a few reasons that are why I want to be like her.

The most important thing is she has no negativity. She is super positive every time. I love her laughing face, she never gets worried anytime. And that thing gives me so much motivation and inspiration. I forget the pain and all the problems in my life when I spend time with her.

Another reason is her amazing studying skills. She is a very good student. I want to be a good student like her and want to perform well in every stage of my life.  

Helpful Mentality: His most important and attractive character part is a helpful mentality. She is really helpful. We always say charity begins at home. She started helping my mother in the kitchen and that’s how she started. She always works hard even after her so much study pressure. Sometimes she cooks food and washes clothes.

My parents are really happy with her helpful mentality. Not only in the family, but she is also helpful in the college too. I found a few girls came to our house for free tuition. She even helps them with her own notes.  

Conclusion: She is my most amazing sister in the world. I know and admit that every sister is special for everyone. She loves me so much and I love her too.

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my sister wedding essay in english

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My sister’s wedding day.

  • Thread starter mandarina_82
  • Start date Oct 9, 2005



  • Oct 9, 2005

in English, please if you have time, check it out and tell me your opinion, remeber I must use as many adejetives as possible! Thank you very much!!! My sister’s wedding day. ​ ​ The wedding was hold in a little town church, at the beginning of September so the weather was good and warm. The church was plain but pretty at the same time. In the altar there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit with her baby in nappies. My sister was punctual and she came out from a splendid Mercedes. She looked gorgeous, everybody looked at her. The bride was in a white sequined dress with a short round train, the sleeves were tree-quarter length and the neckline was boat kind. She only wore some little flowers on her hair, she didn’t use veil. The bouquet consisted of many different shades of pink and red roses. She was very elegant. The best man, my father was very smart dressed too, he wore a charcoal grey costume with a pearl grey tie and shiny new shoes, of course. He looked great that day. The second main character was my now brother in law, the bridegroom, he chose a dark grey suit with a touch of frock coat style, it was a modern but at the same time it was a traditional costume. His tie was lightly striped. My other bigger sister wore a strapless light blue shirt with a little ruffles at the very top, a trouser suit and stole of the same colour. She used blue sling back shoes. My mother's ensemble was a salmon colour clothes and beige peepshoes. Also my mom put a nice pin on her jacket. Both of them used black little hand bags. I dressed a black pair of trousers and a cute fully sequined green tube top and a couple of black and white high heels sandals. My accessories were a necklace and a bracelet of silver and a green silky shawl. The priest ecclesiastical attire was green and white, e was a nice and kind man. In general, everybody’s garments were adequate to the event.  


Senior Member

mandarina_82 said: My sister’s wedding day. ​ The wedding was held in a little town church, at the beginning of September so the weather was good and warm. The church was plain but pretty at the same time. At the altar there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit (what's a habit?) with her baby in nappies (what are nappies?) . My sister was punctual and she stepped out from a splendid Mercedes. She looked gorgeous, everybody stared at her. The bride was in a white sequined dress with a short rounded train, the sleeves were three -quarter length and the neckline was boat kind (I don't understand boat kind... Like, circular, and low?) . She only wore some little flowers on her hair, she didn’t use a veil. The bouquet consisted of many different shades of pink and red roses. She was very elegant. The best man, my father , was dressed very smart too . H e wore a charcoal grey suit/tuxedo? with a pearl grey tie and shiny new shoes, of course. He looked great that day. The second main character was my now brother - in - law, the bridegroom . H e chose a dark grey suit with a touch of frock coat style (This last part if confusing....dark grey suit with a frock coat seems fine to me) . I t was a modern but traditional at the same time. His tie was lightly striped. My other older sister wore a strapless light blue shirt with a little ruffles at the very top, a trouser suit and stole of the same colour. She wore blue sling back shoes. My mother's ensemble was a salmon colour clothes and beige peepshoes. Also my mom put a nice pin on her jacket. Both of them used black little hand bags. I dressed in a black pair of trousers and a cute fully sequined green tube top with a couple of black and white high heels sandals. My accessories were a necklace , silver bracelet and a green silky shawl. The priest 's ecclesiastical attire was green and white . H e was a nice and kind man. In general, everybody’s garments were adequate to the event. Click to expand...
VenusEnvy said: At the altar there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit (what's a habit?) with her baby in nappies (what are nappies?) om put a nice pin on her jacket. Both of them used black little hand bags. Click to expand...

Hi, A nun's habit refers to the religious robes and head covering nuns wear. I'm not Christian, so I am a bit out of my league, but what about saying "the Virgin Mary's robes"? Nappy (ie?) is British English for diaper. I have used the term boat neck. It is a neckline that is high and narrow and exposes almost all of your shoulders. It looks like a long slit across the top. Here is an example: Here's another example: Have a great day! Susan  


VenusEnvy said: I hope my corrections help you! Beautiful descriptions! If you need me to elaborate on any of my comments, let me know. Click to expand...
"The wedding was held in a little town church in the beginning of September , so the weather was nice and warm. The church was plain but pretty at the same time. At the altar there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit (what's a habit?) with her baby in nappies (what are nappies?) (good points, Venus... it's kind of the same way in Spanish sometimes I'll say a dictionary word like 'carbón vegetal' for charcoal when all I needed to say is 'carbón', and then nobody understands me!) . My sister was right on time, stepping right out of a splendid Mercedes. She looked so gorgeous that everybody just stared at her. The bride was in a white sequined dress with a short rounded train, the sleeves were three -quarter length and the neckline was boat kind (I don't understand boat kind... Like, circular, and low?) . She only wore some little flowers on her hair ; she didn’t use a veil. The bouquet consisted of many different shades of pink and red roses. She was very elegant. The best man, my father , was dressed smartly as well (or you can say sharply para decir lo mismo) . H e wore a charcoal grey suit/tuxedo? with a pearl - grey tie and shiny new shoes, of course. He looked great (no necesario decir "that day " otra vez. Ya sabemos que día es) . The second main character was my now brother - in - law, the bridegroom . H e chose a dark grey suit with a touch of frock coat style (This last part if confusing....dark grey suit with a frock coat seems fine to me) . I t was a modern but traditional at the same time. His tie was lightly striped. My other older sister wore a strapless light blue shirt with a little ruffles at the very top, a trouser suit and stole (what is a stole? Maybe just a word I'm not familiar with, but then I speak English fluently so perhaps a clearer word may help?) of the same colour. She wore blue sling back shoes. My mother's ensemble was a salmon colour clothes and beige peepshoes. Also my mom put a nice pin on her jacket. Both of them carried little black (no es "black little", pero "little black". Cólor después de otros descripciónes (the little black children, the little red car, etc) hand bags. I wore a black pair of trousers and a cute fully sequined green tube top with a couple of black and white high heels sandals. My accessories were a necklace , a silver bracelet and a green silky shawl. The priest 's ecclesiastical attire was green and white . H e was a nice and kind man. In general, everybody’s garments were adequate for the event. (en inglés, tratamos de escoger la palabra más poderoso; especialmente cuando estás terminando un ensayo. Entonces, 'adequate', en mi opinión, no suena apropriada para un evento tan grande... a menos que quieras decir que solamente se vistieron "así así" las personas.")" Click to expand...
chintino said: Venus, may you please tell me how you crossed out what they wrote in the text? That looks very useful! Click to expand...


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  • Oct 10, 2005
" Because t he wedding was held in a little town church in the beginning of September , so the weather was nice ("nice" is not a descriptive adjective and should be avoided. I would suggest "pleasant") and warm. The church was plain but pretty at the same time . At the altar , there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit (what's a habit? I think she means "dress" or "attire" [which would require getting rid of the "a"]. I know the French verb habiller means "to dress," so there may be a similar verb in Spanish that led to that confusion...) with her baby in nappies (what are nappies? I'm confused as well. ) (good points, Venus... it's kind of the same way in Spanish sometimes I'll say a dictionary word like 'carbón vegetal' for charcoal when all I needed to say is 'carbón', and then nobody understands me!) . My sister was right on time, stepping right out of a splendid Mercedes. She looked so gorgeous that everybody just stared at her. The bride was in a white sequined dress with a short rounded train ; the sleeves were three -quarter length and the neckline was boat kind (I don't understand boat kind... Like, circular, and low?) . She wore only a few little flowers on her hair ; she didn’t use a veil. The bouquet consisted of roses in many different shades of pink and red . She looked very ("very" is a very weak adverb! ) elegant. The best man, my father , was also dressed smartly as well (or you can say sharply para decir lo mismo (I like "sharply" better.) ) . H e was wearing a charcoal - grey suit/tuxedo? with a pearl - grey tie and shiny new shoes , of course . He looked great (no es necesario decir "that day " otra vez. Ya sabemos que día es) . The second main character was my now brother - in - law, the bridegroom . (I don't like this sentence. "Main character" sounds like you're telling a fictional story.) My brother-in-law, the bridegroom, had chosen a dark grey suit with a touch of frock coat style (This last part if confusing....dark grey suit with a frock coat seems fine to me I agree. ) . I t was a modern but traditional at the same time. His tie was lightly striped. My other older sister was wearing a strapless , light blue shirt with a little ruffles at the very top, a trouser suit and stole (what is a stole? Maybe just a word I'm not familiar with, but then I speak English fluently so perhaps a clearer word may help? I'm lost as well. ) of the same colour. She was wearing blue sling back shoes. My mother's ensemble consisted of a salmon - colour ed clothes and beige peepshoes. Also , my mom had a nice (again, I would use a different word. "Attractive," perhaps?) pin on her jacket. Both of them carried little black (no es "black little", sino "little black". Cólor después de otros descripciónes (the little black children, the little red car, etc) hand bags. I was wearing a black pair of trousers and a cute , fully sequined green tube top with a pair of black and white high heel ed sandals. My accessories were a necklace , a silver bracelet and a green silky shawl. The priest 's ecclesiastical attire was green and white . H e was a nice (there it is again! How about "friendly"?) and kind man. In general, everybody’s garments were adequate for the event. (en inglés, tratamos de escoger la palabra más poderos a ; especialmente cuando estás terminando un ensayo. Entonces, 'adequate', en mi opinión, no suena apropriada para un evento tan grande... a menos que quieras decir que solamente se vistieron "así así" las personas.")" Click to expand...
elroy said: Just to make things even more fun: Blue: corrections/suggestions Green: comments Maroon: corrections for Chintino! Click to expand...
  • Jan 18, 2010

Can someone plz help me learn spanish for school. i think that it's an amazing subject and i want to be fluent spanish speaker. PLZZZ. I am begging everyone that can speak fluent spanish. plz help me to get good grades in school. SPanish is my fave subject.I LOVE IT!! Plz help me.  


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  23. My sister's wedding day.

    The wedding was hold in a little town church, at the beginning of September so the weather was good and warm. The church was plain but pretty at the same time. In the altar there was only a virgin in a blue and white habit with her baby in nappies. My sister was punctual and she came out from a splendid Mercedes.