80 Best universities for Blockchain and Cryptography in Germany

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Germany ranked based on their research performance in Blockchain and Cryptography. A graph of 759K citations received by 47.5K academic papers made by 80 universities in Germany was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Technical University of Munich

For Blockchain and Cryptography

Technical University of Munich logo

2. Darmstadt University of Technology

Darmstadt University of Technology logo

3. Technical University of Berlin

Technical University of Berlin logo

4. Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum logo

5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology logo

6. RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University logo

7. University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart logo

8. University of Erlangen Nuremberg

University of Erlangen Nuremberg logo

9. University of Paderborn

University of Paderborn logo

10. Dresden University of Technology

Dresden University of Technology logo

11. University of Mannheim

University of Mannheim logo

12. TU Dortmund University

TU Dortmund University logo

13. Saarland University

Saarland University logo

14. University of Hamburg

University of Hamburg logo

15. Kiel University

Kiel University logo

16. Humboldt University of Berlin

Humboldt University of Berlin logo

17. Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Technical University of Kaiserslautern logo

18. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main logo

19. Braunschweig University of Technology

Braunschweig University of Technology logo

20. Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf

Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf logo

21. University of Duisburg - Essen

University of Duisburg - Essen logo

22. University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam logo

23. Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg logo

24. University of Bremen

University of Bremen logo

25. University of Passau

University of Passau logo

26. University of Freiburg

University of Freiburg logo

27. University of Rostock

University of Rostock logo

28. University of Ulm

University of Ulm logo

29. University of Wurzburg

University of Wurzburg logo

30. Ilmenau University of Technology

Ilmenau University of Technology logo

31. University of Bielefeld

University of Bielefeld logo

32. University of Augsburg

University of Augsburg logo

33. University of Bonn

University of Bonn logo

34. University of Munich

University of Munich logo

35. University of Gottingen

University of Gottingen logo

36. Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg

Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg logo

37. Free University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin logo

38. Chemnitz University of Technology

Chemnitz University of Technology logo

39. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg logo

40. Leibniz University of Hanover

Leibniz University of Hanover logo

41. University of Hagen

University of Hagen logo

42. Hamburg University of Technology

Hamburg University of Technology logo

43. University of Tubingen

University of Tubingen logo

44. University of Munster

University of Munster logo

45. University of Hildesheim

University of Hildesheim logo

46. University of Siegen

University of Siegen logo

47. Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg

Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg logo

48. University of Lubeck

University of Lubeck logo

49. University of Marburg

University of Marburg logo

50. University of Trier

University of Trier logo

51. Heidelberg University - Germany

Heidelberg University - Germany logo

52. University of Leipzig

University of Leipzig logo

53. University of Kassel

University of Kassel logo

54. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences logo

55. Bauhaus - University Weimar

Bauhaus - University Weimar logo

56. University of Konstanz

University of Konstanz logo

57. Jacobs University Bremen

Jacobs University Bremen logo

58. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences logo

59. Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt

Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt logo

60. Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces

Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces logo

61. Clausthal University of Technology

Clausthal University of Technology logo

62. Munich University of Applied Sciences

Munich University of Applied Sciences logo

63. University of Koblenz-Landau

University of Koblenz-Landau logo

64. University of Bayreuth

University of Bayreuth logo

65. Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena logo

66. Osnabruck University

Osnabruck University logo

67. University of Regensburg

University of Regensburg logo

68. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz logo

69. Aachen University of Applied Sciences

Aachen University of Applied Sciences logo

70. University of Bamberg

University of Bamberg logo

71. University of Wuppertal

University of Wuppertal logo

72. University of Cologne

University of Cologne logo

73. Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences

Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences logo

74. University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg logo

75. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences logo

76. Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences logo

77. Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences logo

78. Offenburg University of Applied Sciences

Offenburg University of Applied Sciences logo

79. Reutlingen University

Reutlingen University logo

80. Berlin University of Applied Sciences

Berlin University of Applied Sciences logo

The best cities to study Blockchain and Cryptography in Germany based on the number of universities and their ranks are Munich , Darmstadt , Berlin , and Bochum .

Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), M. Sc.

Changing the world with blockchain.

Forgery-proof digital verification paves the way from the Internet of digital copies to the Internet of digital originals and values. Blockchain technology is the basis for this. It enables digital identity management, digital currencies, and verifiable digital documentation of transactions, as well as decisions and processes, and it will massively change the state system, the financial sector, the real economy, and society.

Blockchain is the foundation for the Internet of Things and the sharing economy. We are convinced of this and are working, funded by the federal government, on the Blockchain Showcase Region Mittweida, in which we are transferring the technology into real applications. This practical experience of how abstract ideas become blockchain reality is migrating directly into the content of the master's program at Mittweida University. 

Blockchain is computer science? Not only.

The master's program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) is open not only to computer scientists but also to bachelor's graduates from a wide range of other disciplines such as mathematics, forensics, economics and humanities. Programming experience can be helpful, but is not a must.

This is because the program combines technical, business and social topics. Students choose four elective modules in each of the first two semesters and are free to choose between technical and non-technical topics. Game theory, for example, is used as a tool for understanding and analyzing decentralized decision-making processes. E-Entrepreneurship focuses on blockchain solutions when it comes to knowledge about start-ups. To deepen the knowledge of computer science from the bachelor's program, the cryptographic modules of the technical block and the architecture of complex software systems, among other things, are suitable.

The elective modules complement four compulsory subjects that all students take. In this way, they are introduced to all aspects related to blockchain applications - technical as well as economic and social. All students will program at least one smart contract.

What all modules have in common is that the content is up to date. Textbooks are the exception rather than the rule in the Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) master's program. The application of blockchain is advancing so rapidly that book content is usually outdated after a short time. Recently published papers and scientific exchanges at conferences are the main source of knowledge. With the Blockchain Autumn School, one of these conferences takes place annually at Mittweida University. In addition, the application knowledge that the Mittweida scientists have already gathered in the Blockchain Competence Center Mittweida and through the Blockchain Schaufensterregion Mittweida plays a major role. 

The full-time Master's program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) is open to students who have completed their first university degree qualifying them for a profession. A special field of study is not required. Previous computer science knowledge is an advantage, but not mandatory.

Application and Admission


Register yourself at  hs-mittweida.de/bewerben . As soon as you have sent us all the forms and documents, you can enroll. With your enrollment you have your spot in the program secured. 

Information about application deadlines and required documents can be found at  information for international applicants .

For international applicants, special deadlines are noted. All information to that regard can be found on the page  deadlines for international students  

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New PhD positions are open: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies group at UZH

Are you looking for a PhD position in Blockchain? Are you interested in cryptoeconomic analysis modelling, implementation of blockchain-based incentives, and creation of efficient and versatile data collection approaches for processing UTXO and e-UTXO blockchains? Now, two new PhD positions in Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies (BDLT) group at University of Zurich are open for a person with your profile! Join an excellent university, among the most active in the space, and work with Prof. Claudio Tessone, at the frontier of a disruptive interdisciplinary research field.

The deadline for the application is 1 st June 2022. Details and More positions: https://www.ifi.uzh.ch/en/bdlt/Positions.html

phd blockchain germany

If you would like to collaborate with us, learn from us, let us know about your project, just get in touch .

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© 2018-2022 UZH Blockchain Center

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University of Zurich Andreasstrasse 15, 4th floor 8050 Zurich

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  • PhD School 2021

phd blockchain germany

PhD School of Logistics 2021

What to expect? Blockchain in Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

phd blockchain germany

The Blockchain Era begins!

phd blockchain germany

Blockchain will change the world of Logistics!

phd blockchain germany


Phd school of logistics 2021 july 19-23, 2021 digitally, networks works digitally.

Participants from different countries and disciplines, international scientists and experts from Fraunhofer IML work together intensively for one week. Theory becomes practice. This year’s Summer School of the Graduate School of Logistics will take place from July 19-23, 2021 digitally.

Following the mission statement of the Graduate School of Logistics, the program provides a balanced mix of theoretical foundations and practical implementation. In addition to keynotes, we offer hands-on workshops and a live case study with a company. You will act in interdisciplinary groups, create new ideas and work on concrete examples from the business world. In preparation for the case we also offer an ideation workshop.

The PhD School of Logistics 2021 is offered in cooperation with Blockchain Europe – the project to establish the European Blockchain Institute.

Logo Blockchain Europe

What to expect

Program & topics.

phd blockchain germany


What to expect.

Blockchains will fundamentally change the world as we know it in the coming years. They will disrupt entire industries, payment transactions and established processes, and turn familiar business models upside down. Moreover, blockchain is the enabler of the approaching platform economy. Reason enough to focus our PhD School of Logistics on the technology, its possibilities and the enormous potential for benefits and transformation.

Our scientific experts will introduce you to different facets of Blockchain: What are key technical developments? What does a Blockchain architecture look like? How are systems designed with Blockchain and new business models built with Blockchain? In our live case study, you will work on a concrete problem from practice and find suitable solution concepts with Blockchain using what you have learned and in interdisciplinary groups. As always, the best solution concept will be awarded a prize.

Drill deeper

Let’s start a journey and get deeper into the topic. What is Blockchain? What does it mean for logistics? What are key technical developments? And why are Smart Contracts important for the realization of  a plattform oeconomy like the Silicon Economy?

Mission Statement

The focus is on scientific methods and the transfer to your dissertation project. Logistics is an interdisciplinary science. That’s why we work together with engineers, computer scientists, economists and data scientists. Together we will shape the future of logistics science.

For PhD students

  • You are a PhD student in logistics or in related fields (computer science, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, business administration, Statistics, Data Science, …)
  • You want to learn from international scientists.
  • You want to be a member of an important logistics network.
  • You are interested in a program with scientific and practical aspects.

Be part of the PhD School of Logistics!

This year’s topics:.

  • Kick Off Blockchain Era
  • The Essence of Blockchain
  • Blockchain key technical development
  • Blockchain Architecture
  • Blockchain Systems
  • Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
  • Blockchain & Smart Contracts
  • Ideation during dissertation process

phd blockchain germany

Live Case Study

This year, in cooperation with the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and Lamb Weston/Meijer, we are offering our Live Case Study “Blockchain & Supply Chain Management”. In interdisciplinary teams, you will identify practical solution concepts based on a concrete question posed by the company. You will present your concepts on the final day of the Summer School and the best team will receive a prize.

This year’s Summer school case will focus on the European supply chain of french fries, from potatoes growers to consumption. In this field Supply chains are confronted with several challenges, from temperature control to food safety, sustainability and certifications. Managing information, physical flow and financing opportunities at the same time opens up several opportunities for different Blockchain use cases that require challenging current business processes as well as develop state-of-the-art technological, industrial and managerial solutions.

phd blockchain germany

Register here

Please let us know your motivation for participating (2.000 characters in registration form). We will check your registration and will inform you about your admission by email.

Your registration is binding!

The participation fee is 175 Euro (+VAT). You will receive an invoice after the event.

For any further questions don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] .

Event Package

All those who register bevor July 7 , 2021 will receive an Event Package. We will provide you with delicacies from Germany and the Ruhr Area.


Doctoral students who actively participate in all formats will receive a certificate of successful participation in the Summer School upon completion of the Summer School and payment of the fee for expenses.

Registration for PhD School of Logistics 2021

Personal data, invoice information, motivation for participation.

phd blockchain germany

Current Job Offerings - Research Associates

Current job offerings - student research assistants.

Unfortunately, there are no current job offerings at the moment. However, we are looking forward to your speculative application!

Speculative Application

We are always interested in excellent researchers, postdocs or student research assistants with a self-motivated interest in one or several of our research fields (Cloud, Blockchain, Privacy). If you think that this is the right job for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Teaching and Research Assistants

The application deadlines for the following job postings have already passed.

Research Associate - PhD Opportunity

We are looking for two research associates (d/m/w) to start at the earliest possible for - innovative research in one or more of the above-mentioned focus areas - development of innovative methods and prototypes - scientific dissemination of results at leading conferences worldwide - dedicated teaching especially in the bachelor's and master's programs of computer science and business informatics. Participation in new national and European lighthouse projects at the ISE chair, in cooperation with renowned partners in industry and science, including the project family "GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility" or also in the new EU Horizon Program, is possible. Requirements: - Successfully completed academic university degree (master's degree, diploma, or equivalent) in Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering/Management, or a related field of study. - High level of competence in the areas of distributed systems and software engineering - Excellent written and oral English language skills - Ability to teach in both German and English languages - Ability to communicate and work in a team, independent working style, high motivation - Basic experience in research methods and scientific writing is an advantage - Experience in teaching and didactic competence are an advantage The deadline for applications already expired.

Research Assistants

Open position: research associate for phd (gaia-x).

As part of the “Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility” funding program, we at the ISE department, together with other national partners, are exploring the efficient, confidential and traceable exchange of data in open data ecosystems for autonomous, automated driving. To this end, a suitable architecture for a decentralized data marketplace is being developed, which combines cloud, blockchain and identity management solutions in a new way. We are looking for a research assistant for: - Passionate research and development within this project - Research and development of novel approaches for quality-driven design, observation and experimental evaluation of this architecture, especially with respect to traceable yet confidential data settlement - Scientific dissemination of results at national and international conferences and workshops. The opportunity to do a doctorate is given and explicitly encouraged. Requirements: - Successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering/Management, Industrial Engineering or a related field of study. - Knowledge in the design and operation of distributed systems - Knowledge in at least one of the following fields: cloud platforms, blockchain technologies, marketplaces, distributed data management - Ability to communicate and work in a team, independent working style, high motivation - Very good knowledge of the English language The application deadline already expired!

Student Research Assistants

Student research assistants (zokratesplus).

We are looking for two student research assistants to start in September with 40 monthly hours. The following skills are required: - solid programming skills, in one or more of the following programming languages: Javascript, Python,Rust, Solidity or Java - skills in the area of DevOps as well as practical experience with software development and -management tools, e.g. Github - very good English skills, both written and spoken - implementation-driven, goal-oriented working style The following skills are desirable: - experience and knowledge in blockchain technologies, security, zero-knowledge proofs, web3 software development, privacy engineering - experience in the context of open source software development as well as -community management - experience in marketing, innovation management and business model development The deadline for applications already expired.

Student Research Assistant (TEADAL)

We are looking for a student research assistant to start in September with 40 monthly hours. The following skills are required: - Excellent programming skills, preferably in one of the following programming languages: Python, Java, Kotlin (Solidity or Ligo would also be advantageous). - Very good English skills, both written and spoken - Implementation-driven, goal-oriented working style The following skills are desirable: - Experience and knowledge in blockchain-based applications, privacy engineering, data protection, data management or cloud computing. The deadline for applications already expired.

4 open positions for student research assistants in research project on cloud & privacy

We are now looking for 4 student assistants for the research project TOUCAN (Transparency in Cloud-Native Architecture and Engineering), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project will provide support in the prototypical development of system components that assist in the architecture and implementation of privacy-friendly software systems in the cloud. This includes supporting activities in the development of concepts and documentation for continuous integration/deployment pipelines, BPMN business process models or service mesh extensions for the transparent processing of personal data as well as support in the development of corresponding software components according to the specified system architecture and preparation of a demonstrator prototype. The project offers contact with a well-known industry partner and business travel (subject to funding commitment). Desired Knowledge and Skills: - Excellent programming skills, preferably in one of the programming languages: Python, Java, Go. - Very good English skills, both written and spoken - Implementation-oriented and goal-oriented way of working - Technical-legal interest in data protection (incl. EU-GDPR) - Also desirable: experience and knowledge in the areas of cloud computing and/or privacy engineering. Contact: Elias Grünewald, M.Sc. The deadline for applications already expired.

Information Technology Blockchain Technology

  • Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
  • 3 Semesters

Our Blockchain Technology Master's degree is specialized in the following areas: Blockchain Cryptography, Blockchain Security, Smart Contract Programming, Computer Networks, Information and Coding Theory, Transmission Technology and Blockchain App.

  • summer and winter semester

Two students from the Blockchain Master's degree in Heidelberg

What you will learn

Blockchain technology is the basis of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and enables a secure and transparent record of data and transactions, leading to a variety of uses beyond the financial world. Your technical expertise in the field of blockchain technology focuses on the areas of cryptography, decentralized systems, programming of smart contracts and knowledge of various blockchain protocols and technologies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger, etc. During your studies you will also learn technical, methodological, social and Personal competences that ultimately flow into action competence.

In addition, in the Blockchain Technology course you will learn the practical implementation of theoretical contexts as well as getting to know devices and processes from the future professional world. Through experimentation, subsequent interpretation of results and application of the results, you will acquire engineering expertise and practical skills. In this way, you can already gain work-related experience during your studies, from which you can benefit in your future professional life. These experiments with unexpected outcomes generate learning effects that reinforce your engagement with the subject matter.

Your engineering studies: The core competencies of engineers include the ability to break down complex problems into small sub-problems, analyze them, create prototypes and test them. Also to carry out laboratory tasks and the implementation of hardware and software experiments as well as the simulation of experiments with software tools, the practical implementation of theoretical results as well as getting to know devices and processes from the future professional world.

Our innovative approach that pays off

The fact that the profession of Blockchain Technology Engineer offers excellent career opportunities is due, among other things, to the growing importance of information technology and the corresponding increase in demand for young professionals. Companies and organizations are increasingly looking for professionals in this field to optimize their processes - In recent years, the number of graduates has always been smaller than the annual demand for engineers of blockchain technology.

Your career options include: Blockchain Expert in logistics, energy, healthcare or the financial industry.

Portraitfoto Laukik Kotawadekar

" From the moment I stepped onto the campus, I was greeted by a vibrant community of students, faculty, and staff who are passionate about learning and personal growth. I am thankful for the invaluable education and learnings I have gained at SRH .

Your curriculum

Information- and Coding- Theory

Transmission Technology

Communication Networks

Introduction to Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Security and Kryptography

Blockchain and Smart Contract Programming

Blockchain Applications and use Cases

Project Work

Master Thesis

We help you achieve your goals

  • Study Programme Director

Portraitfoto Achim Gottscheber

Our requirements

You can be admitted to study at the SRH University Heidelberg if:

  • you have a 7-semester bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, communications engineering, or similar.
  • and if you have also successfully completed our selection process, that also includes sufficient knowledge of English.

Your tuition fees

Our tuition fees for the Information Technology course with a focus on Blockchain Technology (M.Eng.) are €770 per month; you also pay a one-time enrollment fee of €750.

If you come from a non-EEA country without a settlement permit, the enrollment fee is €1,000 – we ask you to pay the tuition fees for one semester in advance. From the second semester, payments for the remaining semesters are due six weeks before the end of the study period that has already been paid for. Payments are to be made every semester.

You can find more information and payment modalities in the current fee schedule (valid from April 1st, 2023).

Fees schedule EEA students Fees schedule non-EEA students

Application process and deadlines

We look forward to welcoming you to the SRH University Heidelberg soon! We do not have application deadlines. Your application process looks like this:

  • If you are interested in the Information Technology master's program with a focus on blockchain technology, you can send us your application easily and conveniently online.
  • If you have any technical difficulties with the online application or if you have any questions about your application, your contact person Simin Chen will be happy to help.
  • If you meet the admission requirements, we will invite you to a selection interview
  • If the selection interview is successful, you will receive the acceptance and the study contract from us You sign the study contract and send it back to us
  • You pay the registration fee
  • If you come from a non-EU country, you pay your tuition fee one semester in advance in addition to the registration fee. From the second semester onwards, payments for the remaining semesters are due six weeks before the end of the study period that has already been paid for. Payments are to be made every semester.
  • We will issue your admission notice
  • You take part in our Ready-to-Start days - and off you go with your studies!

APS Certificate

Please note that special conditions apply to applicants from some countries: 

The People’s Republic of China

Please note that you don’t need to complete the APS procedure if you apply for our 3+1 programmes. 

The Academic Evaluation Centre of the German Embassy in Hanoi has been checking the university entrance qualifications of Vietnamese applicants since 2007. The procedure includes checking the submitted written documents as well as an interview with the applicant. An original copy of proof of successful completion of this process, the APS certificate, must be enclosed with the application documents. 

Studentin mit Handy in der Hand läuft an einer roten Wand vorbei

If you have any questions, our team is happy to help you

  • Your contact

Portraitfoto Vanessa Lehr

Erasmus University

  • PhD Programmes

Cryptocurrency and Blockchains

Summer School

Cryptocurrency and Blockchains Summer School

Summer School

To acquaint students with the fundamentals of blockchains, digital currency, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and other important FinTech topics, while providing an overview of the new academic literature in this area.  The importance of ideas such as crowdfunding, decentralization, algorithmic governance, and financial disintermediation will receive special attention.


This course will survey academic research in the emerging area of FinTech, an interdisciplinary field which studies the application of Information Technology to the Finance area. The FinTech movement began a decade ago with the publication of Nakamoto’s (2008) proposal for the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. However, it is now recognized that FinTech builds upon important antecedents such as Haber and Stornetta’s (1991) introduction of blockchains and distributed ledgers and Szabo’s (1997) ideas for smart contracts. We will survey the foundational literature of cryptocurrency, blockchains, smart contracts, consensus protocols, and related regulatory issues.  Applications of FinTech in areas such as corporate finance, central banking, investment management, real estate, supply chain management, and personal finance will be studied. We will also study crypto asset investment markets including recent developments in the derivative and NFT markets. We will draw upon the academic literature currently being featured in numerous research conferences and special issues of some of the leading peer reviewed journals.  We will conduct some hands-on data exercises using live FinTech data from public blockchains.

Please note that the Netherlands is a particularly active contributor to FinTech with important applications being introduced in locations such as the Port of Rotterdam: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/europes-largest-shipping-port-launches-blockchain-field-lab/

This will be a pass/fail course requiring active preparation and participation by students.

A reading list of academic articles will be posted on the course website in .pdf form.

Additional info

For the timetable of this course, please click  here . The timetable is in the local time of Rotterdam, which is CEST (UTC+02:00).

This course is given in a fully online format.

---- Registration ERIM PhD candidates : Please register on  OSIRIS student  using your student ERNA. ERIM faculty members : Please register on  SIN Online . External (non-ERIM) doctoral students : Please fill in the  registration form  and e-mail it to  [email protected]  by 4 weeks prior to the start of the course.

Please note that the number of places for this course is limited. In case the number of registrations exceeds the number of available seats, priority is given to ERIM RM students and PhD candidates.

This course is free of charge for ERIM members (PhD candidates and faculty members) and Part-time PhD candidates of RSM. For external participants, the course fee is 250 euro per ECTS credit.

David Yermack

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Karimli Tural Doctoral student

Granted to all successfull candidates

Management Concentration

This concentration is one of the three concentrations offered in  Frankfurt School's Doctoral Programme.

We are among the very few European business schools conducting top-level scientific research and training doctorates in English. Joining the Management track enables you to study cognitive and behavioural processes shaping the decisions of managers, entrepreneurs, employees and customers as well as the external and internal drivers of organisational design, strategy and performance in fast-changing, globalised markets.

Choosing life as a management scholar is an ambitious but rewarding career choice. If you join our five-year doctoral programme, you will be expected to get your bearings through a number of theory and method courses before moving on to produce research of international scientific standard.

Programme Structure

A prototypical path through our programme would have you brush up on statistical inference, qualitative induction, or machine learning, immerse yourself in the theory of the firm or decision making, beef up your knowledge of your chosen specialist area with internal and external courses, learn-by-doing on research projects with faculty members, craft and execute an original thesis, present and publish ongoing work at conferences and journals, go on an overseas visit to engage with leaders in your field, hone your teaching skills and prepare for the institutional demands of entering the professorial job market.

Each field of research specialisation deserves a slightly modified version of the above. To get you started, you will have approximately two years’ worth of courses, beginning with the standard courses required for all Frankfurt School doctoral students. These will be complemented with the specific management courses. During the course period, you can start exploring research projects with Frankfurt School faculty. The idea is to thus identify an advisory team for the later, research stage of the programme.

Management research at Frankfurt School is to move the research frontier, be it through theoretical or empirical contributions. We pride ourselves on making meaningful additions to knowledge by tackling hard problems with novel approaches. To equip students with the foundation needed to join us in this scientific endeavour, we deliver the in-house courses listed below and additionally ask students to partake in specialised courses outside Frankfurt School. This is to ensure that students get exactly the content needed for their individual research foci:

Mathematics & Statistics

Calculus of Several Variables Functions of Several Variables Implicit Functions and Their Derivatives Quadratic Forms and Definite Matrices Unconstrained Optimization Constrained Optimization Concave and Quasiconcave Functions Economic Applications Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Advanced Linear Algebra Advanced Analysis Basic Probability and Statistics

Econometrics I

The class provides key knowledge on how different econometric models work and most importantly sheds light on their limitations. The course also provides step by step application of new tools to different data sets in the computer lab. You will be asked to replicate and in some cases improve, prior empirical studies.


1. Demand Theory 2. Expected Utility Theory 3. General Equilibrium Theory 4. Non-Cooperative Game Theory a) Dominant strategies and applications b) Nash Equilibrium and applications c) Subgame Perfect Equilibrium and applications 5. Principal-Agent Theory 6. The Theory of Incomplete Contracts

Field Experiments

Coming soon

Students can choose up to three elective courses suitable for their chosen area of specialisation. These can be offered by Frankfurt School but often are found at other research universities. The faculty and the programme office help the student identify appropriate courses.

Econometrics II

Game Theory

The course aims to familiarise students with the basic concepts of game theory. Students learn different classes of games and a variety of solution concepts to predict strategic behaviour in these games. They will learn how to capture practically relevant situations in a game and the necessary tools to solve these games.

Causal Inference

Computational Statistics

Industrial Organization

Advanced Topics in Management

The course covers a variety of methodological concerns, topic include: Philosophy of science, experimental design, case study methodologies, problems with and alternatives to traditional model fitting approaches, replication and prediction, data management.

Multivariate Statistics

Students can choose up to three elective courses suitable for their chosen area of specialisation. These can be offered by Frankfurt School but often are found at other research universities. The faculty and the programme office help you to identify appropriate courses.

PhD Brownbag

Master's Thesis / 2nd year paper

The second year paper is the first piece of the student’s very own presentable research work. It can also be used to obtain a Master’s degree in Business Research and Analytics.

Research (Dissertation and Defence)

Upon passing the Qualifying Exam at the end of the 2 nd year, students enter the research phase of the programme. Students dedicate themselves to their research projects, produce scholarly papers and present their research at international academic conferences. They also have the opportunity to interact with international scholars visiting Frankfurt School to present research in the seminar series.

Seminars & Conferences

Research is a social process. Your Frankfurt School experience includes opportunities to both solicit feedback on your own research as well as learn from others’ ongoing research. The former you can do by presenting early drafts of your ideas and papers at the department’s brownbag seminar series, where colleagues provide a friendly environment for improvement. Besides informal chats with the faculty and your peers, the department’s annual summer school provides an additional intensive event for discussing research. To learn about and discuss current research conducted at other universities, a regular seminar series and occasional conferences with outside speakers provides ample possibilities for interaction with the field. You can find the upcoming management seminars in the below table.

Recent management conferences at FS include:

FS Marketing Research Camp

PROGIC : Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic

SMS : Strategic Management Society Frankfurt Special Conference

Research projects at FS

We are currently looking for highly motivated researchers interested in our research projects in marketing, strategy and organizational behaviour.

Strategic Decision Making of CEOs, TMTs, and BRDs

The goal of our research is to gain a greater understanding of how social and behavioural forces affect human actors at the top of the organisation. We do that by studying the contexts of strategic decision making by CEOs, top management teams, and boards of directors. Our research has an impact through the development and testing of new theoretical insights in top journals, and also by disseminating those insights through articles geared towards a lay audience.

Prof. Dr. Markus Fitza

Prof. Dr. Stevo Pavicevic

Microfoundations of Scaling: Implications for Strategy and Organization Design

The goal of this project is to develop a novel research agenda that investigates the microfoundations of scaling in firms, including the properties of organizations that give rise to scaling laws, as well as the implications of scaling laws for strategy and organization design. Today, the most valuable companies in the world employ a significant share of digital resources, such as software, algorithms, and data.  The greater scalability of firms’ digital resources is fundamentally changing the nature of competition and the basis of competitive advantage.  Yet, we are only beginning to understand the underlying forces that determine scaling and its implications for strategy and organization design.  What organizational challenges must be met to achieve success in the age of scaling?  What strategies are (not) effective in the age of scaling?  Are you excited about the opportunity to contribute research that addresses these questions?

Prof. Dr. Thorbjørn Knudsen

Prof. Dr. Lucas Böttcher

Consumer Information Processing

From the perspective of marketers it is very important to be able to predict and influence consumer choice. We study the relationship between cognitive and motor processes in consumer decision making/choice using eye and mouse tracking technologies. Our goal is to predict and influence choice. For example, we ask in the context of asking consumers to donate to a cause, in an online environment, would the design of the webpage and the physical location of the cursor (mouse) impact willingness to donate?

Prof. Dr. Selin Atalay

Prof. Dr. Florian Ellsäßer

Customer Reviews in the Context of Products with Short Life Cycles

Reviews are important for consumers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers for various reasons. The review history of a product has a strong effect on the success of the product on the market. It reduces uncertainty about product quality and fit and can therefore stimulate a purchase or help to avoid costly product returns. A rich product review history has proven to be very powerful, especially in market places with large product assortments. In the context of products with short life cycles, such as products in the fashion industry, accumulation of product reviews pose a substantial challenge as products’ life span is very limited. We are interested in how the fashion industry (and other industries with products with short life cycles) can address this problem. The topic is crucially important from the perspective of brand reputation building.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Bleier

Prof. Dr. Siham El Kihal

Prof. Dr. Tetyana Kosyakova

Experimental Organization Science

The goal of this project is to examine behavioural patterns of judgement and decision making at the group level, including dynamics arising from temporal or hierarchical structures. An example topic is the aggregation of individual decisions under uncertainty into organisational resource allocation and outcomes. Few lab studies examine behaviour at the organisational level, and organisation science comprises few experimental studies. Yet, properly understanding firms requires research on the level above the individual, and below that of markets. To isolate mechanisms operating at that level, experimental methodologies have few rivals. In theory. In practice, organisation-level lab work requires special care. If you want to contribute to a fledgling movement on experimental organisation science, we would love to hear from you.

Prof. Dr. Ronald Klingebiel

Prof. Dr. Mirko Kremer

Constructing and Evaluating R&D Portfolios

The goal of this project is to understand the theoretical and behavioral issues when building R&D portfolios, and to develop  novel methods and tools to evaluate the quality of an R&D portfolio

For R&D- and innovation-driven organizations, long-term success critically hinges on those firms’ ability to build impactful R&D portfolios. However, constructing an R&D portfolio—that is, selecting which innovation projects (not) to pursue—is a daunting challenge: In the early stages of such innovation projects, uncertainty dominates, and it is hence hard to predict, ex ante, which projects will be the best choice ex post. In addition, firms can rarely predict, with sufficient precision, the interaction effects between the different projects in their R&D portfolio. So, what is the best way to build an R&D portfolio? Which biases do managers introduce to that decision process? And how can we evaluate, ex post, how well an R&D portfolio was constructed? Are you excited about the opportunity to contribute research that addresses these questions? Join us!

Prof. Dr. Jochen Schlapp

Sample Publications

Frankfurt School publishes in the top outlets for management research. To get a sense for the kind of research we conduct, please click on the following sample publications:

Management Faculty

Strategy & organisation area, data & decision analysis area, technology & operations area, marketing area, student funding and scholarships.

Frankfurt School offers fully-funded study places for the doctoral programme in order to attract and support the brightest minds in academia.

Students are expected to devote 100% of their working time to their doctoral studies at Frankfurt School for up to five years.

Funding includes a tuition fee waiver and a cost-of-living stipend. The monthly stipend comprises of EUR 1,820.

The stipend will be granted for five years conditional on the continued satisfaction of all academic programme requirements.

From the first year onwards doctoral students will receive EUR 1,820 for the period of 5 years.

Furthermore Frankfurt School covers costs related to research, including conferences and overseas visits.

Application process

1. target group.

Outstanding graduates of a Bachelor‘s or Master’s programme in business administration, finance, management, accounting or related fields who aspire to launch an academic career.

Candidates in the final year of a Master’s or Bachelor’s programme are welcome to apply with their most recent academic transcript. Please note that the degree has to be completed by the time of the beginning of the programme.

2. Online Application

The first step of our application process is to complete the online application form. You will need to upload the following required documents. Please note that you need a certified English or German translation for all documents, that are not originally in German or English. The application platform will be open between 15th September and 15th January.

Required Documents

  • CV and list of publications (if existent)
  • Certified copy of your University Entrance Qualification (Abitur, A-levels or equivalent)
  • Certified copy of your University Degree Certificate or equivalent and academic transcript of records
  • Official GMAT or GRE results
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency Test (TOEFL IBT min. score of 100/IELTS min. score of 7.0)
  • Statement of Purpose (up to 2 pages): Why are you interested in your chosen field of study? What are the potential areas of research you might pursue? Have you completed any research projects with faculty? Is the research of any member of the FS faculty of interest to you?
  • Optional Statement: If you would like the committee to consider any of the following factors, you can describe their relevance in a separate statement within the application. This can contribute to the diversity of the entering class: background, extracurricular activities, work experience.

Two letters of recommendation: To request the letters from your recommenders, you have to register on a separate platform and send your request from there.

Please click on this link to access the platform: http://apply.interfolio.com/79802

Create a profile by clicking on the button “Apply now”.

If you require assistance, go to the “Home” tab and click the “Dossier Quick Start Guide”.

Once you send your request to your potential recommender, they will receive an e-mail together with a link where they can upload their recommendation letter confidentially. Please provide a deadline for your recommendation letter to ensure we receive it on time. Once the recommender has uploaded the letter, we will be notified and will be able to access it.

3. Interview

Successful applicants will be invited to a online interview with faculty members of the chosen concentration.

The final decision regarding admission to our doctoral programme will be made by the Committee for Doctoral Proceedings. It is based on the applicants overall portfolio and the interview.

phd blockchain germany

Isabeau Köhncke Recruitment Officer

phd blockchain germany

Lianna Mirzoyan Recruitment & Admissions Manager

PhD Candidate in Network Properties of Blockchain Ecosystems

Times Higher Education

Job Information

Offer description.

About the job

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. 

When it comes to DLT (Blockchain), organizations are required to resolve technological, innovation, governance, and stakeholder management tensions at the organizational (internal innovation development and management), ecosystem (alliances, platform emergence) and societal level (government, user adoption). Consequently, industry and research bodies must join forces and share expertise to properly investigate the phenomenon and maximize the societal and economic impact of DLT for EU and global entities. 

We are looking to recruit 12 motivated candidates interested in the area of digital ecosystems/Digital Transformation to study the complexity of DLT adoption and management. These positions will be part of the DIEM (DLT: Innovation & Ecosystem Management) Marie Curie Industrial Doctoral Network. DIEM is a consortium of leading academic, industrial, and governmental organizations involving: Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, NL), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, NO), IE Business School (Madrid, ES), Durham University (Durham, UK), Accenture (FR), the Ministry of Digital Governance (GR), WEST Trade (M), CRH (IE) and multiple other associated partners.

The Doctoral Candidates will be spending 18 months with an academic partner and 18 months with an industrial partner. The goal of the project is to offer excellent training and networking opportunities and develop the Doctoral Candidates into thought leaders in the areas of DLT, Digital Transformation and Innovation Management so that they can pursue a successful career in academia or industry. 

Project 8 (Network properties of blockchain ecosystems) aims at understanding how blockchain-based ecosystem networks are developed. The project will focus on vendor-client relationships and the network properties that underpin them. 

The Doctoral Candidates are expected to successfully complete a rigorous training program, participate in research and networking events, orchestrate the content creation and social campaigns for DIEM, and deliver research excellence.

This is a position funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) project DIEM, grant #101073510. What this means in practice is that all applicants must comply with the following eligibility criteria:

  • Mobility requirement. The candidates cannot – at the date of the recruitment – have resided in Norway for more than 12 of the past 36 months, counting backwards from the date of recruitment. The date of the recruitment is defined as the first day of employment.
  • All candidates must be doctoral candidates. This means that they cannot already be in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of recruitment. This also excludes candidates who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis, but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree.

Your immediate leader is the Head of ISSE group.

Duties of the position

  • Discover the governance structures that facilitate different Blockchain ecosystems. 
  • Conduct a literature review and research design for platform-based governance structures. 
  • Explore best governance practices for blockchain projects. 
  • Conduct survey on key governance challenges. 
  • Develop a Blockchain Governance Framework (practitioner tool). 
  • Draft journal and conference manuscripts on Blockchain Governance.
  • Work with industry partners to achieve project objectives.

Required selection criteria

The researcher is hired under a full employment contract and benefits from a monthly living allowance, social security cover, plus a mobility and family allowance (must meet eligibility requirements). Researchers may be of any nationality. The salary follows the Marie Curie-Sklodowska DN funding scheme.

A career development plan will be prepared for the Doctoral Candidate in accordance with their supervisors and will include training, planned placements/secondments and outreach activities. Doctoral Candidates are expected to complete their PhD thesis by the end of their employment.

Candidates will be required to meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidate eligibility criteria:  http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions / and the entry requirements for the PhD programme at their host university.

Candidates must have had less than four years full-time equivalent research experience and must not have already obtained a PhD.

Please note that residency requirements for these DIEM positions apply: You must not have resided in the country of the host university more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the appointment. The researcher must undertake extensive transnational mobility.

With regards to researchers with refugee status, time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status (under the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 Protocol) are not considered (for mobility rules). It should be noted, however, that any time spent in your host university country after refugee status has been obtained is then counted when determining eligibility.

Researchers at risk are especially encouraged to apply. ‘Researchers at risk’, under the current MSCA work programme refers to “researchers who are either at risk in their origin countries (due to discrimination, persecution, suffering and/or violence), or are seeking refuge out of these reasons or have recently found refuge in Europe”.

The required selection criteria include the following:

  • You must have a professionally relevant background in Computer Science, business informatics, or management science.
  • Your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at master's level.
  • Have an evidence of independent research skills.
  • Experience in empirical research.
  • Have fluency in English.
  • You must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the master's degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with  NTNU's grading scale.  If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a PhD education.
  • You must meet the requirements for admission to the  faculty's doctoral program .
  • Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the  PhD programme in Computer Science  within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning  State Employees and Civil Servants , and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with  Regulations on terms of employment for positions such as postdoctoral fellow, Phd candidate, research assistant and specialist candidate  and  Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctor and research assistant 

Preferred selection criteria

  • Affinity with the FinTech, DLT, Digital Ecosystems themes.
  • Affinity with new technology and forms of collaboration as technology and new business model drivers.
  • Knowledge of social network modeling.
  • Knowledge of R (statistics program) or other advanced statistical modeling programs or advanced qualitative research methods.

Personal characteristics

  • Communicates information with clarity and ease, both orally and in writing.
  • Keeps others informed, provides specific and constructive feedback.
  • Relates to other people in an open and accepting way, and makes them feel welcome.
  • Adapts their behaviour quickly, and is skilled at adapting to the circumstances.
  • Looks for new perspectives and ideas to improve performance and stimulate innovation.
  • exciting and stimulating tasks in a strong international academic environment
  • an open and  inclusive work environment  with dedicated colleagues
  • favourable terms in the  Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • employee benefits

Salary and conditions

As a PhD candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 501 200 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is 18 months, followed by a separate 18 month contract at the industrial partner (WES Trade).

Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the  PhD programme in Computer Science  within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period. 

After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

The position is subject to external funding.

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution daily.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English.

Publications and other scientific work must follow the application. Please note that applications are only evaluated based on the information available on the application deadline. You should ensure that your application shows clearly how your skills and experience meet the criteria which are set out above. 

The application must include:

  • CV, certificates and diplomas.
  • Transcripts and diplomas for bachelor's and master's degrees. If you have not completed the master's degree, you must submit a confirmation that the master's thesis has been submitted.
  • a) why you want to be part of DIEM and which university partner you would like to apply for;
  • b) why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position;
  • c) a list of three achievements in your life that you are proud of;
  • A copy of the master's thesis. If you recently have submitted your master's thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Documentation of a completed master's degree must be presented before taking up the position.
  • A copy of academic works such as papers or thesis (if available).
  • Demonstrated English proficiency

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor's and master's education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found  here . If you already have a statement from NOKUT, please attach this as well.

We will take joint work into account. If it is difficult to identify your efforts in the joint work, you must enclose a short description of your participation.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. 

NTNU is committed to following evaluation criteria for research quality according to  The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment - DORA.

General information

Working at NTNU

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is our strength. We want to recruit people with different competencies, educational backgrounds, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to solving our social responsibilities within education and research. We will facilitate for our employees’ needs.

The city of Trondheim  is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.

As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with  current legislation . You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Professor Patrick Mikalef, email  [email protected] . If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR at the Department, e-mail  [email protected] .

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via jobbnorge.no with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation.  

Application deadline: 25.03.23


NTNU - knowledge for a better world

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.  

Department of Computer Science

We are the leading academic IT environment in Norway, and offer a wide range of theoretical and applied IT programmes of study at all levels. Our subject areas include hardware, algorithms, visual computing, AI, databases, software engineering, information systems, learning technology, HCI, CSCW, IT operations and applied data processing. The Department has groups in both Trondheim and Gjøvik. The  Department of Computer Science  is one of seven departments in the  Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering  .

Deadline  25th March 2023 Employer  NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Municipality  Trondheim Scope  Fulltime Duration Temporary Place of service NTNU Trondheim


Additional information, work location(s), where to apply.

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Best Doctorates in Blockchain: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salaries

Blockchain technology is the foundation of Web3, an idea many consider to be the next evolutionary step of the World Wide Web. This idea has taken the world by storm and sparked academic interest, leading to research into blockchain technology. These pockets of research have matured into some of the best PhDs in Blockchain.

Blockchain seeks to provide a secure, decentralized, and distributed database of digital ledgers separate from centralized organizations. This article examines the best blockchain PhDs you can obtain to contribute to developing and advancing this emerging technology. It also shows you the best blockchain jobs waiting for you upon graduation.

Find your bootcamp match

What is a phd in blockchain.

A PhD in Blockchain is a postgraduate degree awarded to those who have completed either a research project or doctoral program in blockchain technology and other related fields. This degree is the highest academic qualification you can achieve in blockchain. A blockchain PhD program offers many areas of specialization, from computer science to business and finance.

How to Get Into a Blockchain PhD Program: Admission Requirements

The admission requirements to get into a blockchain PhD program are a bachelor’s degree and/or a master’s degree in any field related to blockchain, a proposal letter to your intended supervisor, and your undergraduate and master’s academic transcripts.

Other admission requirements include a language proficiency certification for non-native English speakers, recommendation letters, and a minimum undergraduate GPA. Many schools also request proof of sufficient funding to cover the duration of your program. In addition to these requirements, you will have to demonstrate knowledge of topics related to the specific program.

PhD in Blockchain Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in blockchain or related fields
  • Undergraduate and master’s academic transcripts
  • A proposal letter to your intended supervisor
  • Language proficiency certification (for international students)
  • Sufficient funds to cover the duration of your program

Blockchain PhD Acceptance Rates: How Hard Is It to Get Into a PhD Program in Blockchain?

It is not very hard to get into a PhD program in blockchain. Blockchain is a relatively new field and it is not yet established as an independent field of study. Consequently, you have to major in another program and study blockchain as a concentration. Note that some of these programs tend to be competitive and accept only the very best of all applicants.

How to Get Into the Best Universities

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Best PhDs in Blockchain: In Brief

Best universities for blockchain phds: where to get a phd in blockchain.

The best universities for blockchain PhDs are those that have a strong research focus on blockchain technology and its impact on finance. Most of them feature a research center or laboratory dedicated to blockchain, cryptography, and digital currency research. If you’re wondering where to get a PhD in Blockchain, this section examines the best available options.

Operating for more than 250 years, Columbia University is the oldest higher learning institution in New York state. It has very high research activity and has pioneered several scientific breakthroughs. Columbia is a leading university in technological innovation, with its researchers producing more than 400 new inventions every year .

PhD in Computer Science

This program has a strong focus on research and emphasizes practical work. The department of Computer Science conducts research in all areas of computer science, including blockchain and network security. In addition, several faculty members serve as advisers to PhD candidates at the Columbia-IBM Center for Blockchain and Data Transparency.

PhD in Computer Science Overview

  • Program Length: 5 - 6 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition: $25,248/semester
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Graduate research assistantship, internal or external fellowship

PhD in Computer Science Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or master’s degree
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • Standard test scores including GRE (temporarily optional)
  • Language proficiency scores for TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, or DET (for non-native English speakers)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • A written statement of purpose explaining your background and intended study
  • Application fee of $85

Fordham University was established in 1841, making it one of the oldest Jesuit Catholic universities in the country. Fordham has an active cooperative education program, evidenced by internship partnerships with at least 3,500 companies. The school also has high research activity, with six of its 10 constituent schools and colleges being graduate schools.

PhD in Business

This PhD program from the Gabelli School of Business offers students the opportunity to specialize in one of the eight available fields of study, including accounting, business law and ethics, marketing, and finance. The program curriculum contains several courses in blockchain and digital currency.

PhD in Business Overview

  • Program Length: 5 years
  • Tuition: $1,732/credit
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Loan programs, gift aid, assistantships, veteran initiatives 

PhD in Business Admission Requirements

  • Official transcripts for every previously obtained degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4-point scale
  • Your resume or CV
  • A writing sample to demonstrate your research and writing skills 
  • Standard test scores including GRE and TOEFL, IELTS (for non-native English speakers)
  • A one- to two-page statement of purpose summarizing your past academic achievements and current interests
  • Interview (optional)
  • Non-refundable application fee of $75

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the best global universities , second only to Harvard University, according to US News & World Report. It was founded in 1861 and established its MIT Sloan School of Management in 1914. The graduate programs at MIT Sloan are some of the most selective globally and involve collaboration with other top schools like the Harvard Kennedy School.

MIT Sloan PhD

MIT Sloan offers this PhD in General Management Studies. Graduate students can research topics in business, finance, economics, accounting, and behavioral and policy sciences. The school also features a Blockchain lab where students can experiment with cryptographic and blockchain technologies.

MIT Sloan PhD Overview

  • Program Length: 6 years
  • Tuition: $80,400/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Student loans and scholarships, assistantship, research fellowship

MIT Sloan PhD Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • A strong background related to your chosen concentration. For example, accounting requires calculus
  • Knowledge of microeconomics and macroeconomics
  • Statement of purpose
  • Transcripts for all post-secondary institutions attended (even if you did not graduate)
  • Video essay (optional based on program)
  • 3 letters of recommendation 
  • Valid GMAT or GRE scores 
  • Valid TOEFL or IELTS scores (non-native English speakers)

Established in 1885, Stanford University is a private research institution with a strong focus on entrepreneurship. This school is one of the four best national universities offering a doctoral computer program. Stanford is helping to shape the future of the Internet through its Center for Blockchain Research .

This doctoral program is the only available PhD from the Department of Computer Science. It provides a broad range of topics for graduate students to conduct their research on, including blockchain. Several department members work at the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research, and they offer to supervise PhD candidates in blockchain research. 

  • Tuition: $18,105/quarter
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: 5-year funding guarantee, assistantship, research fellowship
  • Undergraduate transcripts
  • TOEFL scores (for non-native English speakers)
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • A non-refundable $125 application fee 

The University of Bern, over its 187-year history, has spread out all over the city of Bern, the capital of Switzerland. The university offers more than 100 graduate programs from its eight faculties and 150 institutes. It has also established 10 strategic centers for research to fulfill one of its mission goals. 

This English-taught program involves close collaboration with a supervisor from the Institute of Computer Science. PhD candidates can research areas covered by research groups within the institute, including the Cryptology and Data Security Research Group. This group focuses on applying cryptographic protocols to blockchains, distributed ledger technology, cryptocurrencies, and their economics.

  • Program Length: 3 - 4 years
  • Tuition and Fees: CHF 750 (approx. $753.08)/semester (residents of Switzerland); CHF 950 (approx. $954.14)/semester (non-residents of Switzerland)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Assistantship, doctoral post, funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • A bachelor’s degree and/or master’s degree from a recognized university
  • Certified photocopies of academic transcripts
  • A resume showing an uninterrupted timeline of your academic studies
  • A photocopy of a valid identification card or international passport
  • A declaration of consent
  • Fulfill the requirements stipulated by the relevant faculty or graduate school

The University of British Columbia was founded in 1908 and is ranked second among the best universities in Canada  and among the top 40 globally. It is notable for its research activities and funds an estimated 10,000 projects with a research budget of $795.1 million. International students make up about 25 percent of the student population at UBC.

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering

This program is designed to provide students the ability to perform independent research in fields like communications systems, energy systems, and micro and nanotechnologies. PhD candidates can also conduct research under the auspices of the Blockchain@UBC research cluster. This group provides blockchain training to augment existing PhD programs.

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering Overview

  • Acceptance Rate: 21%
  • Tuition and Fees: $5,301.54 CAD (approx. $4,135.90)/year (residents of Canada) ; $9,313.92 CAD (approx. $7,266.08)/year (nonresidents of Canada)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: PhD minimum funding, scholarships, research assistantships, internal or external tuition awards, additional funding for Blockchain students

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering Admission Requirements

  • A bachelor’s degree and/or master’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or related fields
  • Minimum GPA of 3.3 on a 4-point scale
  • Citizenship verification for permanent residents
  • A statement of interest

The University of California, Berkeley offers more than 100 graduate programs from its 14 schools and colleges. UC Berkeley has high research activity and is host to several research centers, including the Space Sciences Laboratory. It also has nine Nobel prize winners among its current researchers.

PhD in Finance

This PhD program is one of the fields of study available at the Berkeley Haas Business School. It aims to contribute to the latest innovations and technology in finance. One such innovation is blockchain, and the UC Berkeley Haas Blockchain Initiative aids in its development. The initiative funds research in distributed ledger technology, applied cryptography, and global financial inclusion.

PhD in Finance Overview

  • Acceptance Rate: 11%
  • Tuition and Fees: $35,822.75/year (in state); $39,051.25/year (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Grants, awards, research fellowships

PhD in Finance Admission Requirements

  • A bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited university
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale
  • IELTS and TOEFL test score (non-native English speakers)
  • A personal statement and a statement of purpose
  • A non-refundable application fee of $120

UCLA, formerly the southern branch of UC Berkeley, was established as a separate university in 1951. UCLA has over 14,000 graduate and professional students enrolled in its eight professional schools.  

The UCLA computer science PhD program provides nine fields of study to students including computer network systems and artificial intelligence. The school also features the UCLA Connection Lab where PhD students can research blockchain and applied cryptography under the supervision of computer science faculty members.

  • Tuition and Fees: $17,756/year (in state); $32,858/year (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: University-wide fellowships, research grants, departmental funding, teaching assistantships, traineeships
  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited institution
  • An academic transcript from every post-secondary institution attended
  • A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale
  • At least three letters of recommendation
  • GRE scores (optional) 
  • A personal history statement and statement of purpose
  • Application fee of $120 (US citizens and permanent residents); $140 (all other applicants)

Operating since 1583, the University of Edinburgh is the sixth-oldest running university in the world . The school is proud to be a global university and offers hundreds of PhD programs to local and international candidates. It also hosts more than 20 research centers and institutes.

PhD in Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust

This PhD program trains students as researchers in digital information security, privacy, and trust topics. It also teaches students how to design technologies based on the understanding of the law, business processes, cost, and useability. Presently, the Blockchain Research Laboratory at the university is advertising open positions for PhD candidates from the School of Informatics.

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PhD in Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: £4,596 (approx. $5,779.24)/year (domestic & UK); £28,000 (approx. $35,205.77)/year (international)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: UK government postgraduate loans, scholarships, departmental funding, fellowships

PhD in Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust Admission Requirements

  • A minimum of UK 2:1 honors or its international equivalent in computer science, mathematics, or a related discipline
  • A master’s degree in a relevant subject 
  • A research proposal
  • English language competency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS

The University of Portsmouth is a public university that was founded in 1870. It offers 150 postgraduate degrees and 65 research programs from its five faculties and 25 departments. Portsmouth is one of only four universities in the southeast region of the UK possessing the highest gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework. 

PhD in the Economics of FinTech and Digital Money

This program focuses on understanding the benefits and risks of FinTech. It also aims to contribute to the development of financial technology such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The three areas of research in the program are Central Bank Digital Currency (CBCD), cryptocurrency, and alternative finance.

PhD in the Economics of FinTech and Digital Money Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: £4,500 (approx. $5,665.70)/year (United Kingdom and Europe); £16,300 (approx. $20,522.43)/year (international)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Government doctoral loans, scholarships, referral awards

PhD in the Economics of FinTech and Digital Money Admission Requirements

  • A minimum of second class upper honors in bachelor’s degree or equivalent or a Master’s in Economics, Finance, or related degrees
  • English language proficiency at a minimum IELTS score band of 6.5
  • A research proposal of 1,000 words
  • Strong quantitative skills including statistics, programming, and mathematics. 
  • Competency in MATLAB, Stata, Python, or R software packages

Can You Get a PhD in Blockchain Online?

Yes, you can get a PhD in Blockchain online. Blockchain is a suitable field for online studies due to its digital nature. Several schools provide online PhD programs with blockchain courses where you can conduct research using a flexible schedule. The following section outlines some of these schools and the programs they offer.

Best Online PhD Programs in Blockchain

How long does it take to get a phd in blockchain.

It generally takes five years to get a PhD in Blockchain. You will spend the first year meeting with your supervisor and attending lectures. In the second to fourth years, you will conduct research, collect results, and plan your thesis layout. During the fifth year, you will spend much of your time writing your thesis and completing any research.

A PhD takes noticeably longer than a master’s degree to complete because it is an advanced degree and requires extensive study. You have to present satisfactory research results to the examining body to get approval for your degree. Moreover, your program duration may increase if you do not complete your research within the allocated time.

Is a PhD in Blockchain Hard?

No, a PhD in Blockchain is not hard. Most blockchain PhDs research the societal, economic, and financial impact of blockchain without delving deep into its technological aspects. This research direction is relatively easier to pursue compared to other blockchain PhDs.

Nevertheless, you should note that blockchain involves some advanced concepts like applied cryptography, smart contracts, and distributed ledger technology. PhDs in these research areas may seem challenging, but your program’s faculty can aid in your research. You can also use online resources to guide you on how to learn blockchain technology .

How Much Does It Cost to Get a PhD in Blockchain?

It costs between $1,000 and $80,000 per year to get a PhD in Blockchain. The exact cost depends on your university and program of study. Generally, private universities cost more money to attend than public universities.

In many US universities, rather than you paying for the program, the school pays you a monthly stipend. This arrangement is tailored more to research PhDs than academic PhDs. These funding options are worthwhile to consider when searching for funding for your degree.

How to Pay for a PhD in Blockchain: PhD Funding Options

The PhD funding options that students can use to pay for a PhD in Blockchain include research grants from the government or university, scholarships, tuition waivers from the university, and salaried research fellowship positions. In rare cases, your supervisor might make a special request for you as a research student and offer to bear the cost of your education.

Best Online Master’s Degrees

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What Is the Difference Between a Blockchain Master’s Degree and PhD?

The difference between a blockchain master’s degree and a PhD is the length of study. A master’s degree in blockchain usually requires one to two years of study with a semester-long thesis concluding the program. On the other hand, a PhD in Blockchain requires three to five years of advanced research and results in peer-reviewed publications.

Another difference is that a master’s degree is more career-oriented and provides more employment opportunities. A PhD is research-oriented and focuses more on contributing to the blockchain field. Finally, a PhD is a higher academic qualification than a master’s and costs more money to attain.

Master’s vs PhD in Blockchain Job Outlook

A PhD in Blockchain is most useful when you want to pursue a career in academia like lecturing or a research fellowship. Corporations usually do not require a higher qualification than a master’s degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 12 percent job growth for blockchain academic positions through 2030.

Difference in Salary for Blockchain Master’s vs PhD

The average salary for a Master’s Degree in Blockchain or other related fields is $107,000, while the average salary for a PhD in the same fields is $133,000, according to PayScale. This significant difference shows the prestige proffered upon a PhD by employers. Job seekers with a blockchain PhD get more offers for senior positions than their contemporaries with a master’s degree.

Unfortunately, these figures do not tell the entire story. Corporate jobs that require a PhD qualification are few and far between, hence the lucrative salary. Many blockchain PhD holders have to settle for jobs that they are overqualified for or go into academia. However, you should know that most blockchain jobs that do not need a PhD still have salaries much higher than the national average.

Related Blockchain Degrees

[query_class_embed] https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-become-a-blockchain-developer/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/what-is-blockchain/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/best-schools-for-blockchain/

Why You Should Get a PhD in Blockchain

You should get a PhD in Blockchain because it enables you to contribute to the development of revolutionary blockchain technology. An undergraduate or Master’s Degree in Blockchain will only teach you how to use the technology developed by others. Other reasons why you should get a PhD in Blockchain are listed below.

Reasons for Getting a PhD in Blockchain

  • Academic Recognition. Blockchain is an emerging field with relatively few people pursuing an advanced degree, meaning fewer competitors. If you get a PhD in this field, you can gain recognition among the world’s leading blockchain experts.
  • Lucrative Job Opportunities. The jobs available to a blockchain PhD holder have some of the best salaries when weighed against the national average. Furthermore, companies are more likely to employ PhD holders in senior blockchain positions.
  • Travel Experience. Pursuing a blockchain PhD often involves moving to other cities or even countries. This program will grant you the opportunity to gain life experiences to bolster your academic prospects.
  • Valuable Connections. During your PhD program, you will work with an amazing team of researchers and make new connections. By the end of your program, you will have developed an extensive peer network that can assist you throughout your career.

Getting a PhD in Blockchain: Blockchain PhD Coursework

Books and papers scattered on a study-table

Getting a PhD in Blockchain means that you have to satisfy several graduation requirements. One of those requirements is that you complete the blockchain PhD coursework. The following section describes some of the blockchain courses you will encounter in a typical curriculum for this program.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchains

This course introduces students to concepts such as cryptocurrency, blockchain fundamentals, smart contracts, digital assets, and decentralized finance. It also studies the applications of FinTech in real estate, banking, and corporate finance. Students will also learn the usefulness of  FinTech in their personal finances and investments.

Blockchain in Business Research

In this course, students will learn how to develop conceptual and practical business solutions. In addition, they will examine the inner workings of blockchain technology and its effects on a business model. This course will explain the paradigm shifts occurring from economics, organizational, and computer science viewpoints.

Blockchain Ethics

This course examines the impact blockchain technology has on modern society. Students will learn how blockchain technologies like cryptography and artificial intelligence influence the evolution of blockchain organizations. Students will also explore the history and philosophy of blockchain as well as methods to shape this technology.

Introduction to Cryptography

Students will develop a background in cryptography from this course. This course explains cryptography for blockchains primitives and how to use them correctly. At the end of this course, you will understand several cryptographic techniques and their applications. This course is very complex, and you will need supplementary training from external cryptography bootcamps .

The Blockchain Ecosystem and Applications

This course examines the stakeholders that make up the global blockchain community and their roles, incentives, and organizational dynamics. Students learn strategies to apply blockchain technology in cryptocurrencies and digital assets, governance, and economics.

Best Master’s Degrees

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How to Get a PhD in Blockchain: Doctoral Program Requirements

Knowing how to get a PhD in Blockchain goes beyond enrolling in your program and writing a dissertation. There are several other hurdles to jump over to become a successful candidate. Every university uses its own set of doctoral program requirements and the following list highlights the prerequisites common to all universities.

You have to obtain at least the minimum required grade point average and maintain it through every semester of your program. Most universities stipulate the minimum GPA to be 3.0 but the exact value depends on the university and the program of study.

You must complete the required amount of master’s degree and PhD credit hours to be eligible for graduation. The number of credits varies for each school and program but most universities mandate you to complete a large percentage of them during the master’s program.

PhD programs require students to complete a final examination and successfully verify the results. In some universities, you may have to complete a series of oral and written tests throughout your program. The examination office then collates the results to access your performance.

Universities expect PhD students to complete their research and defend their thesis within five years. You can request an additional one to two years to finish your work, after which the school may withdraw your candidacy. 

The entirety of your PhD in Blockchain culminates in a written thesis based on your academic research. You will have to submit this thesis for examination and defend it from scholarly criticism by internal and external examiners. Finally, you must submit a copy of the accepted thesis to the university while adhering to the stipulated guidelines for submission.

Potential Careers With a Blockchain Degree

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PhD in Blockchain Salary and Job Outlook

Blockchain is revolutionizing the Internet, and we are only just beginning to understand its potential impact on every facet of a modern economy. To this effect, Indeed states that employers are willing to pay an annual salary of up to $130,000 to employees with a blockchain PhD .

What Can You Do With a PhD in Blockchain?

With a PhD in Blockchain, you can work as a researcher or a postsecondary teacher in academia. You can also use the mathematics and programming skills gained during your study to work as a cryptographer or software engineer. The blockchain PhD curricula also equip you with the skills needed for success in a blockchain engineering position.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Blockchain

  • Blockchain Engineer
  • Cryptographer
  • Software Engineer
  • Blockchain Postsecondary Teacher
  • Blockchain Researcher

What Is the Average Salary for a PhD in Blockchain?

The average salary for a PhD in Blockchain holder is $110,140, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can earn more than this amount depending on your employer, job location, and experience. As this is a rapidly advancing field, the job prospects and average salary are unsurprisingly lucrative.

Highest-Paying Blockchain Jobs for PhD Grads

Best blockchain jobs with a doctorate.

The best blockchain jobs with a doctorate are jobs that have a very lucrative salary and working benefits. They are likely to be in high demand for several years and have numerous open positions presently. These jobs make full use of the doctorate qualification without leaving employees feeling overqualified.

Blockchain researchers examine current blockchain technologies and infrastructure to identify key areas for improvement. They research these areas to develop better blockchain technology. Blockchain researchers are not limited to working in university blockchain research centers. Corporate organizations like Google and IBM also employ blockchain researchers.

  • Salary with a Blockchain PhD: $131,490
  • Job Outlook: 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 33,000
  • Highest-Paying States: Oregon, Arizona, Texas

A blockchain engineer designs, implements, deploys, and maintains blockchain-based networks or applications. As a blockchain developer or engineer, you will maintain battle-designed security infrastructure for blockchains and ensure frequent security upgrades to the infrastructure.

  • Salary with a Blockchain PhD: $110,140
  • Number of Jobs: 1,847,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Washington, Maryland

As a software engineer specializing in blockchain, you will develop smart contracts and secure protocols for blockchain infrastructure. You will also apply your programming skills to create software such as privacy protocol for Web3 apps.

  • Highest-Paying States: California, New York, Washington

Cryptographers develop fool-proof encryption systems for data networks. Their most important task is to prevent unauthorized decryption of secure data. They employ various techniques to perform this task such as lattice-based cryptography and post-quantum cryptography.

  • Salary with a Blockchain PhD: $102,600
  • Job Outlook: 33% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 47,100
  • Highest-Paying States: California, New York, Maryland

This job is arguably the best suited for blockchain PhD holders. A postsecondary teacher applies all the knowledge gained during their PhD program to teaching a new set of blockchain students. Depending on the institution, this job may be described using other terms like a lecturer, instructor, teaching assistant, or professor.

  • Salary with a Blockchain PhD: $79,640
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,276,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Oregon, Massachusettes

Is a PhD in Blockchain Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in Blockchain is worth it. Blockchain is not just the future of the Internet, it is the present and there is plenty of room for the development of this technology. This means that there are ample opportunities for you to contribute to this field. It also indicates that there are lucrative jobs available to you.

If you have decided to pursue a blockchain PhD, this article should guide you in choosing the best university for your studies. Moreover, the job opportunities and attractive salaries shared above should help sway you if you are undecided.

Additional Reading About Blockchain

[query_class_embed] https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-get-a-job-in-blockchain/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/blockchain-terminology/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-get-a-job-in-blockchain/

PhD in Blockchain FAQ

Blockchain is relevant because it offers a viable alternative to the current method of handling data. Blockchain provides a data network that is accessible, secure, immutable, and decentralized. When combined with cryptography, blockchain forms the foundation for all types of digital currency.

No, you don’t need a computer science background to earn a blockchain PhD. If you already have your master’s and undergraduate degrees in other areas of study, you can still obtain a blockchain PhD. You can conduct your research on blockchain concepts such as business, finance, law, and sociology.

No, blockchain is not the same as cryptocurrency, but rather is the technology behind cryptocurrency. Blockchain was specifically invented to power the first and largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. However, it has since evolved beyond that application and can operate anywhere a secure, decentralized database is needed.

Yes, you can get a blockchain job without a PhD in Blockchain. The majority of blockchain jobs do not require a PhD. Several of them do not even require any academic qualifications. Nonetheless, you need to demonstrate your expertise in blockchain and its related fields. You can do so by obtaining a certification from some of the best blockchain bootcamps available.

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Researchers and PhD students

A list of researchers and PhD students involved with the Blockchain Technology Lab.

This article was published on 2024-03-18

International School of Advanced Studies

International School of Advanced Studies

University of camerino, phd in blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

An innovative way to tackle the complexity of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology and their applications in the era of the “twin technologies”.

Educate and train a new generation of researchers, professionals and innovators on “Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology” who can provide proper answers to the scientific and innovation emerging challenges from the private sector and public administration.

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International Dimension

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How to be an Open Scientist

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  • Publications
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We offer scholarships to high-potential, motivated and committed researchers from a variety of academic backgrounds. Whether you are a Postdoc, a PhD student or a Masters student, discover the impact you could make with a scholarship at the Blockchain Research Lab.

We are looking forward to your application!

Scholarship Vacancies

No vacancies at the moment.

Further information

In addition to the documents and information listed in §2(5) of the Funding Guideline, any application that is to be considered must contain the following documents:

  • a CV (academic) in tabular form;
  • a single-page motivation letter;
  • any graduation certificates obtained so far;
  • a statement (including information about the institution, the duration as well as the amount of the scholarship and the topic), regarding any scholarships already received from other institutions;
  • the applicant’s assurance that any changes to his or her situation that are relevant to the awarding or disbursement to the scholarship will be communicated immediately;
  • the certificate of enrolment if the applicant is currently studying.

The application documents must be submitted in English.

Please also note our  data protection information for applicants .

When applying by email, please make sure that the file size of your application does not exceed 3 MB. Please send us your application in PDF format only.

You have all your records together? Then we look forward to receiving your written application to

Blockchain Research Lab gGmbH Personalabteilung Weidestraße 120b 22083 Hamburg

or via Mail to:  [email protected]

Funding guideline

In our funding guideline, you’ll find all important information relating to your application as well as answers to any questions you may have. Make sure to carefully read them before applying.

Find the answers to the most important questions relating to scholarships.

What are the aims of the scholarship?

The Blockchain Research Lab grants scholarships to promote scientific projects on blockchain technology. The scholarships are intended to further the intellectual potential of gifted and highly motivated (junior) researchers for the scientific, economic and technological further development in the interest of society. The aim is to further the scientific discourse about the technology and, in doing so, to either improve the general understanding of blockchain, to analyse the expected socio-economic and societal change induced by the technology, or to identify and work out promising opportunities for its application.

The scholarship holders will receive financial and personal support to enable them to engage in substantive research. Furthermore, the Blockchain Research Lab strongly encourages the scholarship holders to publish the insights and results gained from their research so as to make them accessible to the general public.

What is the application procedure?

Applications must be addressed in writing to the Blockchain Research Lab. Applicants may either respond to a call for applications or apply on their own initiative. For further information, please see the funding guidelines.

Who can apply?

The Blockchain Research Lab  awards scholarships to Postdocs, PhD students and students who study for a Master’s degree.

The Blockchain Research Lab funds high-potential, motivated and committed (junior) scientists domestically and abroad who are interested in doing research on the challenges and opportunities of blockchain technology and its consequences for society at large.

The scholarship can only be granted upon application, which is open to anyone aged 18 or above. Further criteria are set out in the funding guidelines and in the call for applications, if applicable.

What is the selection process?

The Blockchain Research Lab evaluates all applications received in relation to the selection criteria and the formal requirements. Applications that fail to meet the formal requirements will not be considered. The Blockchain Research Lab decides on the basis of the application material received which applicants to invite for a personal interview. A final decision on granting the scholarship will be taken when all interviews have been concluded.

What documents to include with the application?

Please see the funding guideline or the call for applications, if applicable.

What is the funding period?

The scholarships are granted for a maximum of two years. The funding period is determined individually for each research project. Please see the funding guideline for further details.

What is the amount of funding?

The Blockchain Research Lab awards scholarships to Postdocs, PhD students and students who study for a Master’s degree. Postdocs and PhD students are normally awarded full-time scholarships; part-time arrangements can be made in individual justified cases.

The monthly amount of a full scholarship is €2,000 for a Postdoc and €1,800 for a PhD student. The amount of a part-time scholarship is agreed proportionally.

The scholarship for students in a Master’s programme amounts to €400 per month. The maximum funding period equals the standard period of study for that particular Master’s programme.

For further details, please see the funding guideline.

Does the scholarship affect my eligibility for public student grants (BAföG)?

The Blockchain Research Lab cannot and will not evaluate the circumstances under which successful applicants can also receive public student grants in Germany (BAföG). For information on BAföG, please see the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Is my personal data protected during the application process?

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Mai 20 2022

Die ökologische realität von blockchains & kryptowährungen.

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(Copyright unsplash)

In der Debatte über die Gründe des Klimawandels stehen insbesondere fossile Brennstoffe, die industrielle Landwirtschaft und die zunehmende Verschmutzung ganz oben auf der roten Liste. In den letzten 1-2 Jahren hat sich die Diskussion aber zunehmend auch auf Kryptowährungen konzentriert. Denn beim sogenannten Mining (bzw. Schürfen) werden immense Mengen an Energie verbraucht. Hier haben insbesondere das Bitcoin- und Ethereum-Mining den mit Abstand höchsten Bedarf; und das aus einem eigentlich guten Grund. Denn um zu verhindern, dass eine einzelne Person oder Gruppe die Kontrolle über das gesamte Netzwerk übernehmen kann, wurden digitale Währungen so konzipiert, dass sie schwer zu schürfen sind und daher viel Rechenleistung benötigt wird, um sie zu erzeugen. Diese Eigenschaft ist ein Teil dessen, was Kryptowährungen zu einem dezentralisierten System macht, was bedeutet, dass sie keinen einzigen Kontrollpunkt haben.

Beliebte Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum arbeiten mit einem so genannten Proof-of-Work-System (PoW). Dies bedeutet, dass Gleichungen mit unterschiedlichem Schwierigkeitsgrad zu lösen sind, um neue Münzen zu schürfen und zusätzliche Informationsblöcke zur Blockchain einer digitalen Währung hinzuzufügen. Wer die Gleichungen als erster löst, erhält eine finanzielle Belohnung – was zu einem entsprechend großen Wettbewerb führt. Dabei hat derjenige mit den größten Rechenleistungen die besten Chancen. Dies schafft Anreize, ganze Mining-Farmen aufzubauen, die über ihre Kapazitäten die Gleichungen schneller lösen können. Und da die verbrauchte Energiemenge von der Größe des Mining-Netzwerks abhängt, werden immer größere Energiemengen benötigt, um neue Münzen zu schürfen.

Umweltschützer*innen befürchten, dass es Miner dorthin zieht, wo der Strom am billigsten ist – und das können Orte sein, die insbesondere Kohle zur Stromgewinnung verwenden. Das Beispiel China bestätigt diese Bedenken: Die mit Abstand meisten digitalen Währungen werden in China geschürft. Und obwohl sich das Land in Richtung erneuerbare Energien bewegt, stammen etwa zwei Drittel des Stroms aus Kohle.

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Es gibt aber auch Alternativen zu diesen energieintensiven Blockchains. Im Gegensatz zu Ethereum oder Bitcoin basieren solche Blockchain-Lösungen nicht auf dem Proof-of-Work-Prinzip, sondern folgen dem Proof-of-Stake (PoS). Polygon und Tezos sind solche PoS-Blockchains, die wir in den nächsten Abschnitten näher beleuchten wollen.

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Polygon, kürzlich von Matic Network umbenannt, bietet eine attraktive Alternative zur Ausgabe von Token auf Ethereum. Das Projekt wurde als Layer-2-Skalierungslösung für Ethereum entwickelt. Daher sind Token, die auf Polygon ausgegeben werden, vollständig mit der Ethereum-Virtual-Machine kompatibel. Schätzungen zufolge verbrauchen die größten PoW-Blockchains jährlich zwischen 35 und 140 TWh Strom, mit einem kontinuierlichen Stromverbrauch von 3 bis 15 GW. Allein die beiden größten PoW-Blockchains würden, wenn sie ein Land wären, auf Platz 27 des jährlichen Energieverbrauchs rangieren – vor Ländern wie Schweden, Vietnam und Argentinien.

Im Gegensatz dazu verbrauchen die Validatoren von Polygon etwa 0,00079 TWh Strom pro Jahr mit einem kontinuierlichen Verbrauch von 0,00009 GW, was um ein Vielfaches unter dem Energieverbrauch der großen PoW-Blockchain-Netzwerke liegt.

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Tezos gewinnt in der NFT-Gemeinschaft, von der viele durch die hohen Energiekosten von Ethereum abgeschreckt werden, schnell an Zugkraft. Die NFT-Kunstmarktplätze Versum, Teia und fxhash auf Tezos haben viele Kunstschaffende angezogen, darunter den KI-Künstler Mario Klingemann und die Computer/Pixel-Art Künstler Nicolas Sassoon & P1xelfool, die eine ökologischere Plattform für ihre digitalen Sammlungen suchten. Die Tezos Foundation, der Schweizer Non-Profit-Arm der Tezos-Blockchain, hat angekündigt, 1 Million Pfund für den Aufbau einer permanenten Sammlung von Kunst-NFTs bereitzustellen. Die Sammlung wird kuratierte digitale Kunstgalerien umfassen, die Künstler*innen würdigen, die im Tezos-Ökosystem ihre Werke schaffen. Für die Eröffnung der permanenten Kunstsammlung arbeitet die Stiftung mit dem weltweit renommierten Fotografen und Aktivisten Misan Harriman zusammen, der ausgewählt wurde, die erste digitale Kunstgalerie des PAC zu kuratieren.

Aber was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Proof-of-Work vs. Proof-of-Stake?

phd blockchain germany

Ethereum entwickelt sich auch weiter – Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum 2.0 steht für eine bedeutende Veränderung des Konsens-Algorithmus des Netzwerks. Statt eines energieintensiven Proof-of-Work-Algorithmus wechselt Ethereum mit dem Eth2-Upgrade zu einem Proof-of-Stake-Algorithmus.

Ethereum 2.0 ist ein notwendiges Upgrade für die Zukunft von Ethereum. In seinem derzeitigen Zustand zahlen die Nutzer*innen unglaublich hohe Gasgebühren, erleben lange Transaktionsvalidierungszeiten und verbrauchen während des Prozesses sehr viel Energie.

Grundlegende Transaktionen auf Ethereum sind nicht die einzigen Faktoren, die von der mangelnden Skalierbarkeit des Netzwerks betroffen sind. Die Probleme von Ethereum betreffen auch NFTs und Aspekte des dezentralen Finanzwesens (DeFi), wie Kreditvergabe und -aufnahme. So kann beispielsweise der Aufbau und Handel von NFTs auf Ethereum aufgrund von Netzwerküberlastungen Hunderte von Euros an Gasgebühren (Gas Fees) kosten.

Mit dem Start von Ethereum 2.0 wird das Netzwerk sofort in jeder Hinsicht Vorteile erfahren. Der Handel und das Minten von NFTs auf Ethereum wird durch Sharding und den Proof-of-Stake-Konsensalgorithmus günstiger sein. Und schließlich wird die Umstellung von Ethereum auf Proof-of-Stake das Netzwerk zugänglicher machen als je zuvor und gleichzeitig minimale Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben.

PHD Einschätzung:

Der Ethereum 2.0 Launch wurde bereits mehrfach geschoben. Ursprünglich war ein Release bereits 2019 geplant. Aktuell geht man jedoch von Q3 2022 aus.

Die Einführung von Ethereum 2.0 wird aus unserer Sicht ein Meilenstein im Krypto-Ökosystem sein. Der Grundgedanke hinter Blockchains und die hohe Transparenz der Transaktionen sind für Unternehmen höchst attraktiv, aber in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit stehen die aktuellen Blockchain-Lösungen über Kreuz mit der umweltbewussten Haltung, die immer mehr Marken leben. Und wie ernst es diesen Unternehmen hinsichtlich des Klimas und der Umwelt ist, erleben wir in Pitch-Briefings, in denen Fragen zu Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) eine hohe Priorität beigemessen wird. Denn gerade in der Media- und Marketingindustrie gibt es vielfältige Hebel, um einen echten Impact zu generieren. Entsprechend sind auch wir uns unserer Verantwortung bewusst, weshalb wir uns im Bereich der Mediaplanung bereits intensiv mit dem CO2-Abdruck der erstellten Mediakampagnen beschäftigen – und hierfür unser Produkt OMG Core eingeführt haben. Unseren Kunden können wir nun, mittels eines CO2-Rechners, die Belastung für die Umwelt ausweisen. Neben einer CO2-Kompensation wollen wir das Thema aber ganzheitlich angehen und beraten unter anderem auch in Hinblick auf Net-Zero Strategien sowie Sustainable-Change-Management und bieten Unterstützung bei CSR-Kommunikation und Testimonial-Matching an.

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