Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane for Students

500+ words essay on technology for students.

In this essay on technology, we are going to discuss what technology is, what are its uses, and also what technology can do? First of all, technology refers to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to create, monitor, and design machinery. Also, technology helps in making other goods that aid mankind.

Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane?

Experts are debating on this topic for years. Also, the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution . Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers class.

Essay on technology

Familiarity between Technology and Science

As they are completely different fields but they are interdependent on each other. Also, it is due to science contribution we can create new innovation and build new technological tools. Apart from that, the research conducted in laboratories contributes a lot to the development of technologies. On the other hand, technology extends the agenda of science.

Vital Part of our Life

Regularly evolving technology has become an important part of our lives. Also, newer technologies are taking the market by storm and the people are getting used to them in no time. Above all, technological advancement has led to the growth and development of nations.

Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

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With new technology the industrialization increases which give birth to many pollutions like air, water, soil, and noise. Also, they cause many health-related issues in animals, birds, and human beings.

Exhaustion of Natural Resources

New technology requires new resources for which the balance is disturbed. Eventually, this will lead to over-exploitation of natural resources which ultimately disturbs the balance of nature.


A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment .

Types of Technology

Generally, we judge technology on the same scale but in reality, technology is divided into various types. This includes information technology, industrial technology , architectural technology, creative technology and many more. Let’s discuss these technologies in brief.

Industrial Technology

This technology organizes engineering and manufacturing technology for the manufacturing of machines. Also, this makes the production process easier and convenient.

Creative Technology

This process includes art, advertising, and product design which are made with the help of software. Also, it comprises of 3D printers , virtual reality, computer graphics, and other wearable technologies.

Information Technology

This technology involves the use of telecommunication and computer to send, receive and store information. Internet is the best example of Information technology.

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

FAQs on Essay on Technology

Q.1 What is Information technology?

A –  It is a form of technology that uses telecommunication and computer systems for study. Also, they send, retrieve, and store data.

Q.2 Is technology harmful to humans?

 A – No, technology is not harmful to human beings until it is used properly. But, misuses of technology can be harmful and deadly.

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Essay on Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

In the rapidly evolving digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From improving communications and convenience to transforming industries, the benefits are undeniable. Here you can explore an essay on advantage and disadvantage of technology.

The unstoppable progress of technology also comes with many challenges and drawbacks that require attention. This essay delves into the complex landscape of technology, analyzes its strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately sheds light on the complex relationship we share with the digital world. 

Technology is a double-edged sword and has profoundly changed the way we live, work, and interact with the world.

On the one hand, the benefits are huge. This has enabled unprecedented efficiency, connecting people and ideas over long distances in seconds.

Essay on Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

Access to a wealth of information has empowered individuals and fostered innovation in nearly every field. Medical miracles have lengthened our lives, improved our quality of life, and made convenience a hallmark of our daily lives.

However, the rapid advancement of technology is not without its drawbacks. Concerns about privacy, dependencies, and health issues play a big role.

The environmental impact of production and disposal strains the planet and social isolation exacerbated by shielding poses challenges to the structure of human relationships.

What is advantage and disadvantage of technology?

Finding the balance between exploiting the advantages of technology and mitigating its disadvantages remains a key challenge in our increasingly digital world. Here are some of the basic advantages and disadvantages of technology mentioned below as…

Advantages of Technology

1. Efficiency: Technology automates tasks, increases productivity, and reduces errors.

2. Connectivity: Enable instant global communication and collaboration.

3. Access to Information: Provides access to a wide range of knowledge and information resources.

4. Medical advances: leading to better health care, improved treatments, and longer lives.

5. Convenience: Simplify your daily life with time-saving devices and services.

6. Innovation: Driving progress and creating new products, services, and industries.

7. Accessibility: Helping people with disabilities live more independently.

Disadvantage of Technology

1. Privacy Concerns: Raise privacy, surveillance, and hacking issues.

2. Addiction: Excessive reliance on technology can lead to loss of necessary skills and addiction.

3. Health Issues: Promotes sedentary lifestyles, screen-related health issues, and digital eye strain.

4. Environmental Impact: This leads to electronic waste , energy consumption, and wasted resources.

5. Social isolation: Decreased face-to-face interactions can damage relationships.

6. Job Disruption: Automation may result in job transfers in some industries.

7. Security Threats: Increased risk of cyberattacks and cybercrime.

In the modern world, technology offers undeniable benefits, increasing efficiency, connectivity, and access to information. However, it also comes with downsides such as privacy concerns, addiction, and environmental impact.

Navigating the Digital Era: An Essay on the Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

Technology is an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we work, communicate, and move around the world. It’s a tool that empowers us in amazing ways, but it also has some drawbacks.

This essay examines the strengths and weaknesses of this technology and sheds light on its complex and evolving role in our society.

Efficiency and Productivity: One of the most obvious benefits of this technology is that it greatly increases efficiency. Tasks that previously took hours or even days to complete can now be completed in a fraction of the time. Technology-driven automation has streamlined industries from manufacturing to agriculture.

Global Connectivity: Technology transcends geographic boundaries, enabling instant communication and collaboration around the world. Whether you’re chatting with a friend halfway around the world or doing business with a partner abroad, technology has made it possible.

Access to information: The Internet, also known as the information superhighway, has democratized access to knowledge. A world of information is now accessible at the click of a button, empowering individuals to learn themselves and explore new horizons.

Medical Miracles: Technology is ushering in a new era of medicine with advances in telemedicine, robotic surgery, personalized medicine, and more. These innovations have improved patient outcomes and increased human lifespan.

Convenience and comfort: From smart homes that adapt to our preferences to wearable devices that monitor our health, technology has made our lives more convenient and comfortable. It simplifies your daily tasks and saves you time and effort.

Disadvantages of Technology

Privacy Issues: The digital age has raised serious concerns about privacy. Our personal information is often collected without consent, leading to alarming breaches and potential misuse.

Addiction and Addiction: The prevalence of technology, especially smartphones and social media, is facilitating addictions that can approach addiction. The temptation of constant notifications and endless scrolling can have a negative impact on our health.

Health Risks: Prolonged screen viewing combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to a variety of health problems such as obesity, sleep disturbance, and digital eye strain. Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Environmental Impact: The manufacture and disposal of electronic equipment causes significant environmental damage. E-waste containing hazardous substances poses a major ecological threat.

Social Impact: Paradoxically, the technologies that connect us digitally can cause social isolation in the physical world. Face-to-face interactions are declining, and the ability to form meaningful relationships can be compromised.

In summary, technology is a double-edged sword, its benefits are undeniable, revolutionizing our world and making life more comfortable. Still, its downsides, from privacy concerns to health concerns, cannot be ignored.

The challenge in the digital age is finding the balance between enjoying the benefits of technology and mitigating its drawbacks. Moving forward requires careful thought and responsible stewardship to ensure that technology continues to be a positive force in our lives.

10 Disadvantage of Technology

Here are 10 detailed disadvantages of technology, such as…

1. Privacy Concerns

Technology ushered in an era of continuous monitoring and data collection. Personal information is often stored and shared without our consent, leading to data breaches and identity theft.

2. Dependence and Addiction

Over-reliance on technology, especially smartphones and the internet, can lead to addiction. This addiction can affect productivity, mental health, and relationships.

3. Health Issues

Excessive screen time and sedentary behavior are associated with a variety of health problems, including obesity, sleep disorders, and digital eye strain. Blue light emitted from screens can also interfere with sleep patterns.

4. Environmental Impact

The manufacture and disposal of electronic equipment lead to environmental pollution. E-waste containing hazardous materials poses a major challenge to disposal and is harmful to the environment.

5. Social Isolation

Technology enables digital connectivity but reduces face-to-face interactions, which can lead to loneliness and a lack of interpersonal skills.

6. Job Displacement

Automation and artificial intelligence are replacing certain jobs, especially those with repetitive tasks. This can lead to unemployment and workers will have to acquire new skills.

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7. Security Threats

As technology advances, so do cyber threats. Hackers and cybercriminals can compromise personal and financial information, disrupt critical infrastructure, and cause significant economic and social damage.

8. Digital Divide

Technology has the potential to improve access to education and information, but digital divides exist where some people lack access to the tools and internet connectivity they need, exacerbating existing inequalities.

9. Loss of Critical Skills

Using calculators and spell checkers can lead to a decline in basic math and language skills. Additionally, GPS systems can affect your ability to navigate without digital support.

10. Ethical Dilemmas

Technological advances are raising complex ethical questions, such as the use of AI in decision-making, genetic engineering, and autonomous weapons. These dilemmas require careful scrutiny and regulation.

It is important to note that while this technology presents these drawbacks, it also offers many advantages. Weighing the pros and cons of technology is critical to continuing to integrate technology into our lives.

After completing the essay on advantage and disadvantage of technology , one thing becomes clear: technology will live on and continue to deeply shape our lives. The way forward is to realize your potential while recognizing the pitfalls.

By promoting responsible and ethical use of technology , we can ensure that the benefits of the digital age far outweigh its drawbacks. In doing so, we will ensure a future where technology truly serves as a tool for progress, innovation, and the betterment of mankind.

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What Makes Technology Good or Bad for Us?

Everyone’s worried about smartphones. Headlines like “ Have smartphones destroyed a generation? ” and “ Smartphone addiction could be changing your brain ” paint a bleak picture of our smartphone addiction and its long-term consequences. This isn’t a new lament—public opinion at the advent of the newspaper worried that people would forego the stimulating pleasures of early-morning conversation in favor of reading the daily .

Is the story of technology really that bad? Certainly there’s some reason to worry. Smartphone use has been linked to serious issues, such as dwindling attention spans , crippling depression , and even increased incidence of brain cancer . Ultimately, though, the same concern comes up again and again: Smartphones can’t be good for us, because they’re replacing the real human connection of the good old days.

Everyone’s heard how today’s teens just sit together in a room, texting, instead of actually talking to each other. But could those teenagers actually be getting something meaningful and real out of all that texting?

The science of connection

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

A quick glance at the research on technology-mediated interaction reveals an ambivalent literature. Some studies show that time spent socializing online can decrease loneliness , increase well-being , and help the socially anxious learn how to connect to others. Other studies suggest that time spent socializing online can cause loneliness , decrease well-being , and foster a crippling dependence on technology-mediated interaction to the point that users prefer it to face-to-face conversation.

It’s tempting to say that some of these studies must be right and others wrong, but the body of evidence on both sides is a little too robust to be swept under the rug. Instead, the impact of social technology is more complicated. Sometimes, superficially similar behaviors have fundamentally different consequences. Sometimes online socialization is good for you, sometimes it’s bad, and the devil is entirely in the details.

This isn’t a novel proposition; after all, conflicting results started appearing within the first few studies into the internet’s social implications, back in the 1990s. Many people have suggested that to understand the consequences of online socialization, we need to dig deeper into situational factors and circumstances. But what we still have to do is move beyond recognition of the problem to provide an answer: When, how, and why are some online interactions great, while others are dangerous?

The interpersonal connection behaviors framework

As a scientist of close relationships, I can’t help but see online interactions differently from thinkers in other fields. People build relationships by demonstrating their understanding of each other’s needs and perspectives, a cyclical process that brings them closer together. If I tell you my secrets, and you respond supportively, I’m much more likely to confide in you again—and you, in turn, are much more likely to confide in me.

This means that every time two people talk to each other, an opportunity for relationship growth is unfolding. Many times, that opportunity isn’t taken; we aren’t about to have an in-depth conversation with the barista who asks for our order. But connection is always theoretically possible, and that’s true whether we’re interacting online or face-to-face.

Close relationships are the bread and butter of happiness—and even health. Being socially isolated is a stronger predictor of mortality than is smoking multiple cigarettes a day . If we want to understand the role technology plays in our well-being, we need to start with the role it plays in our relationships.

And it turns out that the kind of technology-mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships. Spending your time online by scheduling interactions with people you see day in and day out seems to pay dividends in increased social integration . Using the internet to compensate for being lonely just makes you lonelier; using the internet to actively seek out connection has the opposite effect .

“The kind of technology-mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships”

On the other hand, technology-mediated interactions that don’t really address our close relationships don’t seem to do us any good—and might, in fact, do us harm. Passively scrolling through your Facebook feed without interacting with people has been linked to decreased well-being and increased depression post-Facebook use.

That kind of passive usage is a good example of “ social snacking .” Like eating junk food, social snacking can temporarily satisfy you, but it’s lacking in nutritional content. Looking at your friends’ posts without ever responding might make you feel more connected to them, but it doesn’t build intimacy.

Passive engagement has a second downside, as well: social comparison . When we compare our messy lived experiences to others’ curated self-presentations, we are likely to suffer from lowered self-esteem , happiness, and well-being. This effect is only exacerbated when we consume people’s digital lives without interacting with them, making it all too easy to miss the less photogenic moments of their lives.

Moving forward

The interpersonal connection behaviors framework doesn’t explain everything that might influence our well-being after spending time on social media. The internet poses plenty of other dangers—for two examples, the sense of wasting time or emotional contagion from negative news. However, a focus on meaningful social interaction can help explain decades of contradictory findings. And even if the framework itself is challenged by future work, its central concept is bound to be upheld: We have to study the details of how people are spending their time online if we want to understand its likely effects.

In the meantime, this framework has some practical implications for those worried about their own online time. If you make sure you’re using social media for genuinely social purposes, with conscious thought about how it can improve your life and your relationships, you’ll be far more likely to enjoy your digital existence.

This article was originally published on the Behavioral Scientist . Read the original article .

About the Author

Headshot of Jenna Clark

Jenna Clark

Jenna Clark, Ph.D. , is a senior behavioral researcher at Duke University's Center for Advanced Hindsight, where she works to help people make healthy decisions in spite of themselves. She's also interested in how technology contributes to our well-being through its effect on our close personal relationships.

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Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay About Technology

Last updated on: Apr 25, 2024

Make Your Argumentative Essay About Technology Unbeatable: Examples and Tips

By: Barbara P.

15 min read

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 9, 2023

argumentative essay about technology

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the task of writing an argumentative essay about technology? Don't worry – you're not alone. 

Technology is a vast and rapidly evolving field, making it a challenging topic to tackle. But fear not!  With the right structure, examples, and tips, you'll be equipped to create a persuasive and captivating essay that will impress your readers.

In this blog, we're here to guide you through the process, providing you with engaging examples and essential guidelines. With our help, you'll be able to create an argument that is both persuasive and well-supported by evidence.

So read on and make sure your argumentative essay about technology is unbeatable! 

argumentative essay about technology

On this Page

How to Write an Argumentative Essay About Technology?

Now you know what argumentative essays about technology are and why they're important? 

Let's look at how to write a compelling argument. 

Pick a Title

The title of your essay should capture the attention of your reader and summarize the main points of your argument. 

Think carefully about how you want to frame your argument in order to create an effective title. It should be short and catchy, but also accurately reflect the main arguments or ideas in your essay. 

Form an Outline 

After deciding on a title for your essay, it’s important to form an outline of the key points and arguments you will make in each paragraph. This will help keep you organized during the writing process and ensure that all of your ideas are connected. 

Make sure there is good flow between each section so that readers can follow along easily. 

Here is an outline template for argumentative essay about technology:

Write an Introduction 

Your introduction is where you set up the context for your essay and explain what it is that you will be arguing throughout the rest of the text. 

Include relevant background information, as well as any interesting facts or anecdotes that could help engage readers from the beginning. 

Be sure to end with a thesis statement that clearly lays out which side you are taking in this debate and what evidence will be used to support it.

Write Body Paragraphs 

Your body paragraphs are where most of your research comes into play! 

Ensure these paragraphs contain detailed evidence from reliable sources that supports each point being made in each paragraph. 

Additionally, be sure to use transition words throughout these sections so that readers can follow along easily from one point to another.  

Write a Conclusion

Your conclusion should briefly outline the key points and evidence used throughout your paper. While reiterating why this particular topic is so important and relevant today. 

Your conclusion should leave readers with something thought-provoking! 

Perhaps something they hadn’t considered before rather than just summarizing everything they have already read in previous paragraphs.

Looking for guidance on crafting powerful arguments? Look no further than our argumentative essay guide! 

Check out this informative video to learn how to construct a persuasive argumentative essay!

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Technology

Now that you know how to write an argumentative essay about technology, let's look at some examples.

These examples will help you get a better understanding of the argumentative essay structure and what types of arguments you can make. 

Argumentative Essay About Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Let’s take a look:

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Paper Due? Why Suffer? That's our Job!

Argumentative Essay On Technology And Society

Here is a short argumentative essay on technology and society: 

Example of a Research-Based Argumentative Essay About Technology

Argumentative essay examples are a great way to gain a better understanding of how technology is affecting our lives - both positively and negatively. 

To help illustrate this argument, this essay will look at the evidence for an argumentative essay about technology.

Here are some additional examples for you to get inspired!

Argumentative Essay About Technology And Social Media

Argumentative Essay About Technology In Education

Argumentative Essay About Technology A Friend Or A Foe

Argumentative Essay About Technology Make Us Alone

Is Technology Good Or Bad Argumentative Essay

5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay About Technology

If you're searching for the determination to create a persuasive essay, our blog of argumentative essay examples is just what you need!

Good Argumentative Essay About Technology Topics

When writing argumentative essays about technology, it's important to identify a topic that is relevant and argumentative.

Argumentative Essay About Technology Topics -

The following are some good argumentative essay topics related to technology: 

  • Will AI bring more benefits or risks to society?
  • Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  • How can individuals and organizations better protect themselves from cyber threats?
  • Should individuals have more control over their personal data online?
  • Will automation lead to mass unemployment or create new job opportunities?
  • Is VR technology more beneficial for entertainment or educational purposes?
  • Should governments have the authority to regulate and censor online content?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of widespread 5G implementation?
  • Is the use of biometric data for identification and security purposes ethical?
  • How can technology be effectively integrated into classrooms to enhance learning outcomes?

Want to write an essay that will grab your readers' attention? Explore our blog for more thrilling argumentative essay topics !

Summarizing it all,  argumentative essay examples about technology can help to illustrate the argument for or against its use in our lives. By exploring various argumentative essay topics related to technology, you can gain a better understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of its use. 

So, take a look at the argumentative essay topics provided above and create your argumentative essay today! 

And if you are still seeking help with your argumentative essay, contact our essay writer today!

Our argumentative essay writer has the knowledge and experience to write the best argumentative essay for you. 

So request “ write my paper ” today and we guarantee that your essay will be well-structured, argumentative, and insightful. 

So don't hesitate - to contact our argumentative essay writing service today! 

Take your writing to the next level with our essay writer AI . It's simple, it's easy, and it'll help you write better essays.

Barbara P.

Literature, Marketing

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages – Analytical Essay


Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. Here I analyze the advantages and disadvantages of technology

Thesis statement

I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

Analysis of cars on our roads

Cars and other vehicles are now readily available and are technologically advanced enough to be safe for use every day and to work as a reliable tool for getting people and goods from one place to another in a relatively short space of time.

The advantages of cars are that they are safe and that people can get to very specific places as per their own timeline. People do not have to rely on trains or planes in order to get to where they want to go, and they can set off at their own time and arrive when they wish without having to work around a train or plane schedule.

The disadvantage is that all forms of vehicle on our roads are polluting the atmosphere and are slowly killing the earth by adding to greenhouse gasses that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape. Even electric cars are powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels. Car accidents are also a very big killer worldwide and many lives have been lost because of car accidents/incidents.

Analysis of Smartphones

They allow people to stay in touch, even over long distances, and they are relatively safe and reliable to use. There are devices that can communicate with plus at the other end of the planet and getting and keeping in touch with other people is very easy.

The disadvantages to this is that it means people no longer need to meet in person as much, and interpersonal relationships are suffering worldwide because people are communicating through a small handheld device. Lots of people have Smartphones and they use them almost semi-continuously, including in public settings when they could be making new friends, finding new lovers, and talking/interacting with their current friends. Analysis – Fast and efficient Internet access

The advantages are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn’t moderated in the way that people think and a lot of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies.

Even brand-named websites that have a lot of trust are not accountable for what appears on their own websites. Even respected and branded news sites have stories that have passed through many people’s hands and originally started as lies with zero accountability throughout the dissemination process. For example, that is why so many celebrities have been reported as dead on news sites when they were actually alive. Conclusion

My analysis proves that technology is a good thing, and that is has its advantages, but that with each technological element we gain disadvantages as well as advantages, and many times those disadvantages are overlooked by technology users.

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Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Advantages of Technology — Advantages and Disadvantages of the Way Technology has Changed the World


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Essay on Technology

500+ words essay on technology.

The word technology comes from the two Greek words, ‘techne’ and ‘logos’. Techne means art, skills, or craft, and Logos means a word, saying, or expression that expresses inward thought. Thus, technology means the skill to convey an idea to reach a goal. But nowadays, the term technology mainly signifies the knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and organisation methods to solve a problem. Today, technological advancement has provided the human race with the ability to control and adapt to their natural environment. In this Essay on Technology, students will know the importance of technology, its advantages and disadvantages and the future of technology.

How Has Technology Changed Our Lives?

Various innovations and development took place in the field of technology which has made a significant impact on our lives in different ways. With the invention of technology, we become more powerful. We have the ability to transform the environment, extend our lifetime, create big and interconnected societies and even explore various new things about the universe. Today, we use technology from morning to evening, from the simplest nail cutter to television and personal laptop. Technology has touched all aspects of our lives, whether it is mobile phones, kettles, kitchen microwaves, electric cookers, television, water heaters, remote control, fridge, and other larger communication systems such as internet facilities, railways, air routes, and so on. Thus, technology plays an extremely crucial role in the lives of human beings.

Advantages of Technology

The advancement in technology has made our lives easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. It has reduced the effort and time required to complete a task, thus enhancing the quality and efficiency of work. Technology has become a part of our life and benefited us in many ways. Today, we can communicate with people living in any city or country. Communication has become much faster and easier as we are just a click away from people. In education, technology has played a vital role, especially during the COVID-19 breakdown period. It has brought virtual and online classes for students and teachers across the globe to share knowledge, ideas and resources online. Moreover, technology has made it easier for students to understand complex concepts with the help of virtualisation, graphics, 3D animation and diagrams.

Technology is considered to be the driving force behind improvements in the medical and healthcare field. Modern machines have helped doctors to perform operations successfully. Due to technology, the lifespan of the common person has increased. There are many more sectors, such as banking, automation, automobile, and various industries, where technology is making significant changes and helping us.

Disadvantages of Technology

Although we have so many advantages of technology, there are also disadvantages. Robots and machines have taken over the job of many people. Instead of bringing people together, technology has made them socially isolated. People now spend most of their time on smartphones or computers rather than interacting with other people. Technology in education has reduced the intellectual and analytical ability of students. It is like spoon-feeding to students as they don’t have the reasoning and aptitude skills to think differently. Technology has raised the issue of internet privacy. So, one has to be very careful while using banking passwords to make online transactions.

Future of Technology

The future of technology seems to be exciting but also scary. Futuristic predictions in technology can dish out some exciting or scary visions for the future of machines and science. Technology will either enhance or replace the products and activities that are near and dear to us. The answer to our technological dilemma about what will be the upcoming technological innovation in the future is not surprising. In the past, technology was mainly focused on retaining more information and efficient processing, but in the future, it will be based on industrial robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.

Technology alone cannot help in building a better world. The collateral collaboration of machines and human effort is required for the progress and prosperity of the nation. We need to develop a more robust management system for the efficient functioning of technology.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Technology Essay

What is the simple definition of technology.

The real-time application of science and knowledge is how technology can be defined in simple terms.

Which country is ranked first in technological advancement?

Finland ranks top in technological advancement ahead of the USA according to the UNDP.

Why is the development of technology important?

Technology has now become an important part of our lives and thus technical and technological advancements are essential to take us forward in all aspects.

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technology benefits and drawbacks essay

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Global Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

Technology refers to the material and immaterial application of scientific knowledge associated with the revolution of new machines, industries, and electronic devices. Essentially, it is a set of resources, processes, or methods that contribute to different areas such as economics, medicine, and education. The rapid development of technology since the mid-20th century has had a tremendous impact on human life. Although technology has contributed to vast opportunities for growth, there are disadvantages associated with them that must be considered. Given that technologies have permeated all aspects of the social domain, technological advancement has exacerbated developing political and social issues worldwide. This essay will consider the advantages and disadvantages of technology and establish two arguments for how the global issue should be addressed.

Modern technologies introduce innovative, practical solutions that assist or maximize different spheres of human activity. Technologies range from tools used every day by ordinary people to technologies necessary for complex industrial production, education, information and communication systems, and medicine. The latest technologies have significantly increased the productivity of various equipment and contributed to profit maximization and the consequent insurgence of techno-capitalism in many advanced countries. The ability of computers and machines to solve the most challenging mathematical equations allows scientists to speed up the execution of tasks that require measurement or other calculations.

A contemporary technological order is based on thermonuclear energy, genetic engineering, photonics, nanotechnology, and robotics. Flexible automatization of the production of goods has been taking place for decades, and improvement of information networks and transport systems continues. Sustainable energy carriers and renewable energy sources are gaining more and more prominence and have become the focus of many debates among world leaders and decision-makers.

The essential benefit of technological development and globalization is the accessible exchange of information worldwide. Users can instantly communicate with each other from anywhere globally by using the World Wide Web. Digital technologies allow students to acquire primary skills when working with information; students learn the basics of searching, sorting, organizing, and storing data. This involves working with text editors, resources for creating presentations and projects, and tools for dynamic tables.

Modern technology has dramatically changed the healthcare industry. Advances allow physicians to diagnose hidden diseases, increasing the chances of successful treatment and saving lives. Advances in medicines and vaccines have been highly influential, nearly eradicating diseases such as measles, diphtheria, and smallpox that used to cause massive, deadly epidemics. Modern medicine allows patients to treat chronic conditions once debilitating and life-threatening, such as diabetes and hypertension. Such achievements in healthcare have contributed to an overall improvement in the quality of life and life expectancy worldwide.

Production of goods and services has become faster, more efficient, and optimal due to technological processes. Various industry sectors and businesses have expanded and found great success worldwide, leading to the creation of multinational companies (MNCs). Nowadays, the maximized output is achieved by less labor used; high levels of technologization allow for substituting low-skilled labor with efficient machines. Although these processes have brought unparalleled capital inflows, many social classes have been significantly disadvantaged.

First, considering the rapid expansion of multinational corporations worldwide and their growing preference for developing countries with a vast cheap labor force, many people have experienced unemployment or bankruptcy. Christina (2019) establishes that technological unemployment is the loss of jobs caused by technological change (p.15). Domestic firms would mainly depend on low-skilled labor and, once the MNCs entered those markets, were pushed aside due to the inability to withhold competition. Technological changes such as labor-saving machines or time-efficient manufacturing processes played a significant role in shaping a paradoxical economic disparity in those regions.

The swift communication and globalization granted by technological advancement have created many issues for the world community. The interconnectedness of globalization and the Internet are potent means of spreading extremism and destructive behaviors. Diamandis and Kotler (2020) argue that technologies and the World Wide Web have made extremist ideas pervasive worldwide; proselytizing has become easier by exploiting accessible technology (p. 32). Advancement of digital terrorism and extremism have led to significant concerns over inappropriate usage of other types of technology, such as nuclear energy.

Concerns over nuclear tensions have been put to the fore by many. Diamandis and Kotler (2020) write that around 70,000 nuclear weapons were manufactured in the United States alone; powerful states like Russia and China also have nuclear armor in their military inventory (p.44). Considering the rising political tensions in the international domain, possession of nuclear energy does bring unease about the proper and appropriate use of atomic energy for the better of the global community.

To tackle these issues and help minimize risks, high-profile international organizations must step in. As presented above, technological development creates problems that the worldwide community must pay close attention to. Cristina (2019) states that The United Nations Counter-Terroristic Center was established in September 2011 to promote international cooperation against terrorism and support Member States in implementing the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (p.82). Extremism might influence many groups and societies and eventually lead to political instability.

The threat of exploiting nuclear energy for political and military purposes has become a significant part of the global dialogue. Politicians, scholars, and leaders worldwide address the pending threats of environmental disasters and irreversible damage to humankind. A suggestion could be a strict implementation of international law that would closely observe the production and execution of nuclear energy. These laws should establish that atomic power must only be used for causes related to the public good. The world could otherwise witness armed conflicts worsened by nuclear energy.

Christina, L., Heather. (2019). Critical Issues Impacting Science, Technology, Society (STS), and Our Future. IGI Global.

Diamandis, P. H., & Kotler, S. (2020). The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives. Simon and Schuster.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies

How it works

In today’s world, technological abundance is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, we can access information and contact others at anytime and anywhere. With the help with ships, trains, and planes, we can travel to different places in a short time. On the other hand, our surroundings become increasingly technological and dazzling, which provide a variety of sensory stimuli that constantly distract us. Someone might say technologies is convenient. We can find the information we want in minutes.

However, Internet is quite a mixed bag. Without the proper control of the uses of technologies, it will critically distract people, causing memory deterioration, and addicting to the Internet.

There are too many temptations online distract people from their tasks. When we are searching information, the website often fills with advertisements. Although people use all kinds of methods, such as plug-ins, it still pops up now and then. In general, open a web page will pop up five or six ads. It not only prevents people from reading the material, but also makes people who have no self-control forget their original task. Today’s network technology is more and more developed; according to the user’s usual click, many ads are filtered and will automatically provide different ads for different people. This shift makes people more susceptible to these ads. Moreover, social media often distract us from work. When we are doing homework or work, we are often attracted by messages popping up on social media. As soon as the message box pops up, we will click in, put down what we are doing and start chatting with friends or watching the news of stars. According to TeamLease World of Work Report, an average of 2.35 hours is spent accessing social media at work every day and 13 per cent of the total productivity is lost owing to the social media indulgence alone. (2016) Our social and hedonic needs make it easy for us to become addicted to social networks and make it a habit. Furthermore, gaudy type setting affects people from working. Some people create fancy websites to get people’s attention, but it’s not good for reading. Too many images and unusual fonts make reading more time- consuming and distracting. In general, the Internet is a world that let us focus on distracting.

All kinds of information online will deteriorate our memories. Internet brings negative effects while brings convenience. Fake news online often messes with our memories. As the Internet makes information spread more quickly, it leads to the rampant fake news. A photograph surfaced of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s children, who each wore a shirt with one letter of their last name. The children mistakenly lined up spelling out “MONEY”, rather than “ROMNEY”. Or at least that’s what the picture will have you believe. In reality, the children lined up properly, spelling their own last name, and someone later simply switched the letters on the image. (2012) People believe this despite the fact that the photos are fake. The process that occurs during the initial receipt of an error message can make it difficult to correct its effects later on, because people always believe in the initial memory, a preconceived feeling. And as social networks powerfully shape memory, people don’t need many cues to conform to mainstream memory — even if that’s wrong. As time went by what did not happen came true. Last but not least, some people will use technologies to multitask which will make them forgot details. In general people think about multitasking as a way of allowing people to deal with many things at the same time in order to increase efficiency. In fact, we are giving ourselves more distractions. Although we did a little bit on several of these missions, these are just the surface, it is not deep enough. For example, when we see cute cats on the Internet, we will search the knowledge of deer, and then find the natural enemies of deer, we will immediately look up the information of that natural enemies, and then we see a news of the natural enemies attack human beings, then we search for the attentions. This causes people to be distracted all the time, and the brain can’t absorb the new knowledge well because people are always shuttling between several knowledge points. People become depend on technology that they don’t need to memorize anything. Now if we have any questions, Google is the answer. Modern children no longer need a dictionary. This does not allow people to really study because the simple Internet access to information. People like this are just imitating robots, they’re not thinking, they’re not innovating. Reviewing the great monuments in human culture, their innovative and critical thinking makes their creations become classics. The paradox of the Internet is that it requires our brains to function constantly but it also creates the habit of not using them.

Some people might argue that technologies is convenient. We can find the information we want in minutes. As a mean of information communication, data transmission and resource sharing, network has unparalleled advantages. Its high efficiency, globality and virtuality are indispensable in modern society. We cannot deny the advantages of the Internet, but we should be aware of the influences. People nowadays are often addicted to technologies. People are looking at their cell phones when they walk, when they drive, and when they eat. Many people who have poor self-control would stick with it after they use once. The convenience, fun and excitement of the Internet make it hard for such people to get away from it. They feel happiness from the network, those things in life cannot get, cannot do are satisfied in the virtual world. No one will know who you are if you speak on the Internet which makes people think they do not need to be responsible. Internet addiction can lead to personal, family, academic, financial and professional problems. They lose interest in other hobbies, and when they leave the computer, they will feel anxious or depressed. Addicted to Internet not only would disrupts brain activity in the areas of emotion, attention, and decision-making?but also impacts people’s health. Their dependence on the Internet is reflected in the time out of control of the network operation, trapped in it, as soon as they stop surfing the Internet they will have a strong desire and impulse. In addition, attention cannot be focused and maintained, sensory perception ability is reduced, memory is impaired, and logical thinking activities are slow; They are depressed, pessimistic, lack of interest in life, and often make poor decisions due to a loss of self-esteem and self- confidence. Moreover, long time surfing the Internet and disturbed sleep rhythm led to the brain nerve center continuously in a highly excited state. This causes a series of complex biochemical changes in the body, leading to autonomic nerve dysfunction, endocrine disorders, immune function decreased. Long keystrokes can cause wrist syndrome. Staring at a computer screen for a long time can cause vision loss, and sitting rigidly in front of a computer for a long time can lead to lumbar muscle strain, spine pain and deformation.

All in all, when people stayed in the world that technologies are highly developed, they are exposed to technological distractions, which keep people to be addicted to it. In a long term, it will confuse and damage our memories.


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies. (2021, Oct 16). Retrieved from

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies." , 16 Oct 2021, (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22 May. 2024]

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies.", Oct 16, 2021. Accessed May 22, 2024.

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies," , 16-Oct-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22-May-2024] (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22-May-2024]

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Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology

Students are often asked to write an essay on Benefits of Modern Technology in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology


Modern technology has transformed our lives. It has made things easier, faster, and more efficient.

Improves Communication

Technology has revolutionized communication. We can now talk to anyone, anywhere, instantly.

Enhances Learning

With technology, learning has become fun and interactive. It provides access to vast knowledge.

Boosts Efficiency

Technology saves time and effort. It automates tasks, increasing productivity.

Improves Health

Modern technology has improved healthcare. It aids in diagnosis and treatment.

In conclusion, modern technology benefits us in many ways. It’s a tool that aids progress.

250 Words Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology

Modern technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering countless benefits that enhance various facets of human existence. It not only simplifies our tasks but also broadens our horizons by connecting us to a global network of knowledge and possibilities.

Efficiency and Productivity

One of the primary benefits of modern technology is the enhancement of efficiency and productivity. Tools like computers, software applications, and the internet have transformed traditional work methods, enabling us to accomplish tasks faster and with greater accuracy.

Communication and Connectivity

Technology has revolutionized communication, making it easier, faster, and more efficient. Social media, emails, and video conferencing have broken geographical barriers, fostering global collaboration and unity.

Education and Learning

Modern technology has transformed education by providing countless resources online, enabling self-paced learning and making education more accessible. Online courses, educational apps, and digital libraries offer a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips.

Healthcare Advancements

Technology’s impact on healthcare is profound. Advanced medical equipment, telemedicine, and AI-driven diagnostic tools have improved patient care, making treatments more precise and personalized.

In conclusion, modern technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. It offers numerous benefits, from enhancing productivity to revolutionizing healthcare. However, it’s crucial to use it responsibly to ensure its advantages outweigh its potential drawbacks.

500 Words Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology

The advent of modern technology has brought a revolutionary change in the world. It has impacted every sphere of human life, from communication to transportation, education to healthcare, and business to governance. This essay explores the manifold benefits of modern technology.

Enhanced Communication

One of the most significant benefits of modern technology is the transformation of communication. The digital era has enabled people to communicate in real-time, irrespective of geographical boundaries. Social media platforms, video conferencing tools, and instant messaging apps have not only made communication faster but also more efficient and cost-effective.

Improved Education

Modern technology has redefined the landscape of education. Digital classrooms, online courses, e-books, and interactive learning platforms have made education more accessible and engaging. Technology has broken the barriers of traditional education, enabling students to learn at their own pace and convenience. Furthermore, it has opened the doors to a wealth of information, fostering research and innovation.

The healthcare sector has immensely benefited from modern technology. Advanced diagnostic tools, telemedicine, robotic surgeries, and AI-powered predictive analytics have improved patient care and outcomes. These advancements have not only made treatments more effective but also reduced healthcare costs.

Boosting Business and Economy

Technology has revolutionized the business world. E-commerce, digital marketing, automation, and data analytics have given businesses a competitive edge. It has enabled small businesses to reach a global audience and has made transactions faster and safer with digital payments. Moreover, technology has created new jobs and industries, boosting the economy.

Environmental Sustainability

Modern technology plays a pivotal role in promoting environmental sustainability. Renewable energy technologies, waste management systems, and smart agriculture techniques are helping to combat climate change and conserve natural resources. Moreover, digital solutions like e-documents and virtual meetings are reducing the need for paper and travel, thereby reducing carbon emissions.

In conclusion, modern technology offers numerous benefits that enhance the quality of life, promote education, improve healthcare, boost the economy, and foster environmental sustainability. However, it is crucial to use technology responsibly and ethically to mitigate its potential negative impacts. The future holds immense possibilities for technological advancements, and it is up to us to harness its power for the betterment of society.

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technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Is technology good or bad for learning?

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, saro mohammed, ph.d. smp saro mohammed, ph.d. partner - the learning accelerator @edresearchworks.

May 8, 2019

I’ll bet you’ve read something about technology and learning recently. You may have read that device use enhances learning outcomes . Or perhaps you’ve read that screen time is not good for kids . Maybe you’ve read that there’s no link between adolescents’ screen time and their well-being . Or that college students’ learning declines the more devices are present in their classrooms .

If ever there were a case to be made that more research can cloud rather than clarify an issue, technology use and learning seems to fit the bill. This piece covers what the research actually says, some outstanding questions, and how to approach the use of technology in learning environments to maximize opportunities for learning and minimize the risk of doing harm to students.

In my recent posts , I have frequently cited the mixed evidence about blended learning, which strategically integrates in-person learning with technology to enable real-time data use, personalized instruction, and mastery-based progression. One thing that this nascent evidence base does show is that technology can be linked to improved learning . When technology is integrated into lessons in ways that are aligned with good in-person teaching pedagogy, learning can be better than without technology.

A 2018 meta-analysis of dozens of rigorous studies of ed tech , along with the executive summary of a forthcoming update (126 rigorous experiments), indicated that when education technology is used to individualize students’ pace of learning, the results overall show “ enormous promise .” In other words, ed tech can improve learning when used to personalize instruction to each student’s pace.

Further, this same meta-analysis, along with other large but correlational studies (e.g., OECD 2015 ), also found that increased access to technology in school was associated with improved proficiency with, and increased use of, technology overall. This is important in light of the fact that access to technology outside of learning environments is still very unevenly distributed across ethnic, socio-economic, and geographic lines. Technology for learning, when deployed to all students, ensures that no student experiences a “21st-century skills and opportunity” gap.

More practically, technology has been shown to scale and sustain instructional practices that would be too resource-intensive to work in exclusively in-person learning environments, especially those with the highest needs. In multiple , large-scale studies where technology has been incorporated into the learning experiences of hundreds of students across multiple schools and school systems, they have been associated with better academic outcomes than comparable classrooms that did not include technology. Added to these larger bodies of research are dozens, if not hundreds, of smaller , more localized examples of technology being used successfully to improve students’ learning experiences. Further, meta-analyses and syntheses of the research show that blended learning can produce greater learning than exclusively in-person learning.

All of the above suggest that technology, used well, can drive equity in learning opportunities. We are seeing that students and families from privileged backgrounds are able to make choices about technology use that maximize its benefits and minimize its risks , while students and families from marginalized backgrounds do not have opportunities to make the same informed choices. Intentional, thoughtful inclusion of technology in public learning environments can ensure that all students, regardless of their ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language status, special education status, or other characteristics, have the opportunity to experience learning and develop skills that allow them to fully realize their potential.

On the other hand, the evidence is decidedly mixed on the neurological impact of technology use. In November 2016, the American Association of Pediatrics updated their screen time guidelines for parents, generally relaxing restrictions and increasing the recommended maximum amount of time that children in different age groups spend interacting with screens. These guidelines were revised not because of any new research, but for two far more practical reasons. First, the nuance of the existing evidence–especially the ways in which recommendations change as children get older–was not adequately captured in the previous guidelines. Second, the proliferation of technology in our lives had made the previous guidelines almost impossible to follow.

The truth is that infants, in particular, learn by interacting with our physical world and with other humans, and it is likely that very early (passive) interactions with devices–rather than humans–can disrupt or misinform neural development . As we grow older, time spent on devices often replaces time spent engaging in physical activity or socially with other people, and it can even become a substitute for emotional regulation, which is detrimental to physical, social, and emotional development.

In adolescence and young adulthood, the presence of technology in learning environments has also been associated with (but has not been shown to be the cause of) negative variables such as attention deficits or hyperactivity , feeling lonely , and lower grades . Multitasking is not something our brains can do while learning , and technology often represents not just one more “task” to have to attend to in a learning environment, but multiple additional tasks due to the variety of apps and programs installed on and producing notifications through a single device.

The pragmatic

The current takeaway from the research is that there are potential benefits and risks to deploying technology in learning environments. While we can’t wrap this topic up with a bow just yet–there are still more questions than answers–there is evidence that technology can amplify effective teaching and learning when in the hands of good teachers. The best we can do today is understand how technology can be a valuable tool for educators to do the complex, human work that is teaching by capitalizing on the benefits while remaining fully mindful of the risks as we currently understand them.

We must continue to build our understanding of both the risks and benefits as we proceed. With that in mind, here are some “Dos” and “Don’ts” for using technology in learning environments:

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Updated 18 August 2023

Subject Communication

Downloads 53

Category Sociology

Topic Advantages of Technology

Technology has been widely advancing in the recent years and it continues to become even better with each passing year. The society and technology depend on each other. Sherry Turkle states that “Technology doesn’t just do things for us. It does things to us, changing not just what we do but who we are.” The demand for technology keeps on increasing on daily basis. People use technology in communication, traveling, learning, business, and entertainment. In today’s society, however, people are losing sight of more important things in life such as human interaction. Teenagers would not agree with the fact that

technology has had adverse effects on our lives. The society should, therefore, understand that technology has positive and negative effects socially, mentally and physically but the positives outweigh the negatives.

Social Effects

The advancement of technologies that are able to overcome time and space makes people think that these tools would be applied to gain an understanding of other cultures, meet people all over the world, communicate effectively with others, strengthen familiar relationships and assist people in the society to become more socially adept. Many Americans today tend to believe that technology enhances interaction or socialization since it brings interaction efficiency. While some people might argue that their phones have made their lives easy, I disagree as phones have been the main cause of disturbances especially in meetings

            Technological equipment causes disturbances and makes people to be isolated (McGrath 4). Therefore, it is essential to have some knowledge of the positive impacts of the technological factors that impact on people’s social matters. Technology brings easy accessibility connections. Use of internet enabled devices such as phones and computers does not only simplify the way individuals keep in touch with the people they care about, but the information is also much accessible to everyone. It is true to say that most of the young people today especially students use social networking sites. Most of the social network users utilize social network platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and, LinkedIn (Drago 7). Recent studies also show that use of these sites is increasing every year and it indicates some favorable impacts on the relationships among people in the household (McGrath 4). Creating strong and meaningful relationships is normally about sharing lives with others, and technology can allow people to do so through, texts, photos, videos, and music. Many people assume that online friendships do not last which is not true as some are genuine. I had always believed so till an online friend came to my rescue when I had lost hope of living due to many life challenges.

 In a broader perspective, technology has improved communication particularly broadcasting of news or information to the people in the society. Radios, television, internet and social media platforms have improved the way individuals broadcast news and exchange ideas which can help in developing society. In various nations, television and radios are applied to vice the concerns of the society. Live forums are always organized where the community can make their contributions via text services or call using mobile phones. At the political elections, contestants use radios, television and internet mead to reach people they are aspiring to serve.

On the other hand, however, technology has had negative effects as argued below. Some of the sites contribute to the poor relations among the people in the society; for example, sites such as Facebook, Instagram among other sites have contributed to social issues such as racism and enmity among the diverse social networks users (Elsobeihi 3).  Some of the cruel users tend to abuse people via social media networks thus contribute to animosity among the people in the diverse parts of the world since it brings some ideologies that certain communities are not friendly; for instance, the scene where a white person abuses a black person. The whites do not seem to see any problem with this, but I say that it is not acceptable as it is racism. Technology has also contributed to divorces and job loss. I have a friend who lost his job recently as the company adopted the use of computers and therefore his services to the company were no longer needed.  

According to Mc Grath, Technology is’ the basis of future social behavior.’ Recent researches show that use of the social networks have highly led to family breakups especially where one of the spouses is not faithful. Most of the communication made between the cheating spouses are done via mobile phones and computers since they can be easily accessed by other parties considering that most of the social sites do not provide sufficient security to the date of the users. I do not advocate for the trend where married people act like they are single on social media with an aim of luring young people. It is unethical. Married people need to be faithful to one another. It has become common today to dismiss the fact that being unfaithful is a sin.

 Many employees have been fired because of the contents they post on the social networks that undermined the person’s professional standings. My cousin was fired for this reason. When it comes to the topic of online bullying, most people are guilty hence would try to defend their actions. I, however, agree with the decision to fire online bullies since people seem to take advantage of the fact that people would not trace them. In addition to the negative social impacts brought by social threats is the isolation issue, some of the online communities and virtual worlds feel isolated and outcast due to the criticism that some of the online communities make over others. I would advise the social network users to consider some communication ethics as a way of avoiding adverse impacts of technology to socialization.

Mental Effects

Recent researches indicate that widespread application of digital technology such as computers, smartphones, internet and video games have significant on the development adaptation of the human brain, causing changes in people’s moods, sleep, learning, memory, and concentration as well as behaviors such as aggression and risk-taking. These impacts appear to be more pronounced for the young people in the society. In the general point of view, technology helps people improve diets, track fitness efforts and manage all kinds of health conditions. According to the most researches, being overly connected can lead to psychological issues such as destruction such as depression, distraction, the expectation of gratification and narcissism. Before the widespread of smartphones and internet, students used to have a clear focus and less distraction at school. Currently, most of the students do not feel well without smartphone and internet. Students waste a lot of time browsing the internet, particularly social networks (McGrath 5). I observed that before smartphones and internet era, students used to spend most of their time in libraries and they were always attentive in class and thus their academic performances were good. While it is true that technology can boost academic performance, it can also deteriorate the performance if used irresponsibly.

According to the recent report by researchers at Harvard University, the current students have been found to not be good researchers as compared to the 19th and 20th-century students because internet and computers have made work easier for them especially when carrying out some research due to the availability of the resources in the search engines. Google is one of the famous search engines which help in making research simply because it contains huge information. According to educator, Sutton,’ Computers help students In any way they need, including researching, typing and searching.’ Performing research manually is costly and consumes most of the researcher’s time thus search engines have great importance to all the researchers (Sutton 20).  Contrarily, people

who rely on search engines are more likely to be less creative and innovative since accessing information online is simple and does not require one to think critically. I agree with the research but I think technology has made researchers produce high-quality results because of the readily available content. Of course many will probably disagree with me on the grounds that creativity is most important and should not be traded for quality research.

There are disorders that are connected to the digital technologies. During the past decade, online social networking has led to some changes in the way people communicate and interact and thus it has caused certain psychiatric disorders. Many studies have indicated that the prolonged use of the social media networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram may be related to the signs and symptoms of depression (Jones 13). Jones argues that certain social network sites activities might be connected to low self-esteem, mostly in children and adolescents. Young people tend to desire what they access online thus raising their expectation without understanding that people have different lifestyles  (McGrath 6). I advise the young people to always be contented with whatever they have and strive to work for their future instead of admiring peoples’ standards of living.

 Spending more time online cause sleeplessness and low memory performance due to the exhaustion considering that most people like spending most of their time on their phones and computers instead of relaxing. For example, many people use their phones while in bed instead of sleeping. The most affected population is the students and people who are working during the day because they are supposed to sleep at night as a way of relaxing their brains. Therefore, people should understand that digital technologies among other advanced technologies are supposed to be applied in the right manner to avoid metal issues that are associated with the technology.

Physical Effects

Contemporary day living is a multifaceted compendium of the rapidly advancing technology and the social media. Communication channels are impacting on every part of the society that it may be complex to adjust. Technology has improved the lives of many individuals, with about half of the adults in the United States unable to think of life without their computers and smartphones. According to Elsobeihi, spending more time on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers cause physical effects. These physical effects include vision problems, neck strain, and hearing loss (Elsobeihi 21). Most people spend an aggregate of 5 hours daily on the screen of their devices. A good example is that people make calls and before they make a call, they must check the contacts, and when they interact with their friends and family via social media they also face the screen. In my view, however, people have to try and minimize the time they spend on the screens including the phones. I recommend a maximum of thirty minutes in a day.

Televisions also contribute to the vision problems because most of the people watch television especially when watching the news, TV shows among other programs (Jones 4).  Neck strains results due to the wrong position of the devices while using. People put their devices at some angles that make one either bend neck down or up. Therefore, due to the reason that people bend their necks down for long, some of the neck pains are experienced especially by those who are addicted to their tablets, smartphones, and computers. I happen to sympathize with the smartphones addicts as they are doing harm to their bodies which they will regret in future.

Hearing loss is caused by noise caused by modern technologies such as music systems. Music systems produce some sound that is always supposed to be regulated, but unfortunately, most of the users prefer high volume. High volume cause damages of the essential ear parts such as eardrums and therefore the evidence suggest that people should stop using earphones with the volume high. It is unfortunate that people

prefer using headphones while listening to music and other entertainments especially when they are in public places.

According to various research analyses, over 50% of the people who frequently use headphones have earing because they do not adjust the volume to the recommended levels. In the ancient era, people had physical exercise culture, but in the contemporary world, people prefer spending their leisure time in social places where they can play video games and drink. Relaxing cause accumulation of calories in the blood vessels and belly thus causing physical disorders such as obesity and heart failure. Watching and relaxing while chatting with friends online is the biggest contribution to the lifestyle diseases; hence it is always recommended for people to develop a physical exercise culture. Finally, governments and non-government organizations are supposed to hold serious campaigns to enlighten the entire society regarding the adverse effects of the current technology as a way of reducing physical issues in the community.

In conclusion, human interaction is important, but it is always essential to consider both positive and negative impacts of the technologies that are being used to interact with the society.  Social mental and physical effects are of great concern as far as modern technologies and interaction are concerned thus everyone is supposed to get enlightened regarding the favorable and adverse impacts of the technology. Positive impacts of technology in the society particularly in social, mental and physical perspective outweighs the negative impacts. What this really means is that the use of technology has to be encouraged. It is however important for the society to make some little adjustment to reduce any further harmful effects to save the current and the future generations.  

Works Cited

Drago. "The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication." The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications 6.1 (2015): 7. Document. 19 May 2018. .

Elsobeihi, Naser. "Effects of Mobile Technology on Human Relationships." International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS 1.5 (2017): 16. Document. 19 May 2018. .

Jones. "The Impact of Digital Technologies on Human Wellbeing." Nominel Trust (2011): 98. Document. 19 May 2018. .

McGrath. "The Impact of New Media Technologies on Social interaction in the Household." Third Year Report. National University of Ireland Maynooth, 2012. Document. 19 May 2018. .

Sutton. The Effects of Technolgy in Society and Education. Masters Thesis. The College at Brockport. New York, 2013. Document. 19 May 2018. .

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Technology Essay Titles

Essay questions for the topic of technology. A common topic in both IELTS speaking and writing.

Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages? (Reported 2017)
Some people argue that technological inventions, such as mobile phones, are making people socially less interactive. Do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, GT Test)
Modern technology is now very common in most work places. How do you think this has changed the way we work? Do you think there are disadvantages to relying too much on technology?
Some people think that the range of technology currently available is increasing the gap between rich people and poor people. Others think that it is causing the opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
New household appliances have resulted in more free time for women and has enabled them to both work and run a home with dependent children. What are the advantages for a family when the mother works? Do you think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
With the development of technology children are now living in a world that is completely different to what it was 50 years ago. What problems does this cause for society and the family?
An increasing number of people are now using the internet to meet new people and socialise. Some people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more isolated. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
More and more children as accessing the internet unsupervised and at a younger age. This can sometimes put children at risk. What problems do you think parents face when dealing with their children using the internet? How can this problem be solved?
Nowadays children watch a lot of TV and play video games. However, some people think that these activities are not good for a child’s mental health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
It is common nowadays for each member of the family to have their own piece of modern technology. Some people think this will lead to a break down in family relationships and communication. To what extent do you agree?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. These questions may vary slightly in wording from the original question. 

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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time


Updated On Jan 18, 2024

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

Achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module for questions, ‘IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial part of both the General Training and Academic versions of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic.

In this task, you will be presented with an Opinion Essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion, and you are asked to either agree or disagree with it.

To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS writing task 2 practice tests , that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 sample answer for ielts writing task 2: new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.

Currently, it is true that the way children spend their leisure time has been changed by new technology. While this has several benefits, In my opinion, the the drawbacks far outweigh them.

To begin with, computer games tend to be enjoyable for many kids and can potentially enhance their cognitive abilities. Strategic video games, for instance, compel players to hone their problem-solving aptitude and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. As a result, children who regularly play such games are likely to sharpen their logical reasoning and problem-solving prowess. Furthermore, the vast trove of easily accessible information online can benefit young people through early internet exposure. When children are able to surf the web from a young age, they can embark on the learning process sooner and accelerate their knowledge acquisition as they mature.

However, I would argue that the advantages discussed above are outweighed by the disadvantages. One main drawback is that children who enjoy spending time in front of the computer screen are often reluctant to do exercise. Low physical activity levels are likely to result in children becoming overweight, and in turn, they would end up being obese. In addition, some games tempt people to continue playing for hours, which could lead to gaming addiction. In role-playing games, for instance, people might need to stay in front of the computer for several hours in order to progress to higher levels, and therefore children may spend an excessive amount of time on games.

In conclusion, while there are some advantages to children spending time on advanced technologies, it seems to me that the disadvantages are more significant. Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. (285 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary

  • Cognitive :

Meaning : Related to mental processes such as thinking, learning, and remembering.

Example : Engaging in chess or other strategic board games can enhance children’s cognitive development by stimulating critical thinking.

  • Strategic :

Meaning : Involving a plan or strategy to achieve a specific goal.

Example : Playing strategic sports, like chess or soccer, encourages children to think strategically and make quick decisions on the field.

  • Reluctant :

Meaning : Unwilling or hesitant to do something.

Example : Children who prefer indoor activities may be reluctant to participate in outdoor adventures like hiking or camping.

Meaning : Extremely overweight, often to the point of negatively affecting health.

Example : Unhealthy eating habits, combined with a lack of physical activity, can lead to children becoming obese over time.

  • Addiction :

Meaning : A compulsive and harmful dependence on a substance or activity.

Example : Excessive engagement in social media can lead to addiction, where individuals find it challenging to disconnect from online platforms.

  • Excessive :

Meaning : Going beyond what is necessary or normal.

Example : Spending an excessive amount of time on video games may result in children neglecting other important aspects of their lives.

  • Triumphant :

Meaning : Having achieved victory or success.

Example : The local soccer team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-earned victory.

Meaning : Various or diverse.

Example : Outdoor activities offer sundry options for children, from hiking and biking to exploring nature and playing team sports.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

In today’s digital era, children’s leisure activities have undergone a profound transformation due to the pervasive influence of innovative technologies. While concerns about potential drawbacks are valid, I contend that the benefits derived from these technological advancements far outweigh any associated disadvantages for today’s youth.

The ubiquity of screens and digital interfaces has redefined how the younger generation engages with their free time, marking a paradigm shift in childhood experiences. Despite concerns about adverse effects, particularly excessive screen time, a judicious approach to technological integration, coupled with parental guidance, can effectively navigate these challenges. Concerns include potential hazards to physical and mental well-being, with research linking extended screen usage to decreased physical activity and an increased risk of obesity among children. Overexposure to digital interfaces is associated with potential setbacks in cognitive development, academic performance, and social skills. However, responsible technological use can mitigate these risks.

On the positive side, technology significantly benefits child development and learning. Educational applications and interactive games offer captivating alternatives to traditional learning methods, making subjects like math, science, and language more engaging. Video games, when approached responsibly, facilitate the development of problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and hand-eye coordination. Social media platforms and messaging applications serve as invaluable tools for maintaining connections in an interconnected world.

In conclusion, while adopting technology in children’s leisure activities raises concerns, the transformative potential for development and education cannot be overlooked. By carefully navigating risks through parental guidance and responsible usage, we can harness the myriad benefits that technology brings to the lives of today’s tech-savvy youth. (258 words).

Band 8 Vocabulary

Meaning : Having deep significance or impact.

Example : The digital revolution has had a profound effect on how children experience leisure.

  • Pervasive :

Meaning : Spread widely and consistently throughout an area or group.

Example : Technology has become pervasive, influencing every aspect of children’s daily lives.

Meaning : The state of being present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Example : The ubiquity of smartphones highlights their integral role in contemporary society.

  • Paradigm Shift :

Meaning : A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

Example : The advent of digital technology represents a paradigm shift in how children engage with entertainment.

  • Judicious :

Meaning : Showing wisdom and good judgment in decision-making.

Example : A judicious approach to screen time involves balancing technology use with other activities.

Meaning : Harmful or unfavorable.

Example : Excessive screen time can have adverse effects on a child’s physical and mental well-being.

Meaning : To lessen the severity or impact of something.

Example : Parental guidance can help mitigate the potential risks associated with technology use.

  • Interactive :

Meaning : Involving communication or action between people or things.

Example : Educational apps provide an interactive learning experience for children.

  • Captivating :

Meaning : Attracting and holding the interest or attention.

Example : Video games with captivating storylines can engage children in constructive ways.

  • Invaluable :

Meaning : Extremely useful or indispensable.

Example : Social media has become an invaluable tool for staying connected with friends and family.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

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Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. Although that comes along with the pace digitization has been moving ahead with and could prove advantageous in the same regard, however, it has its major share of drawbacks that supersedes its advantages in the long marathon. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will analyze both sides.

There are a few pros to children putting their hours of free time in learning the advancement of the technologies and the modus operandi of the same as that keeps them moving and aligning with the dynamic world, especially, during current times. It enhances their digital knowledge that somehow has become the need of the hour in every walks of life. Using technology not only improves children’s technical skills, but also keeps them engaged and focused, enhancing their expertise in this area. For example, learning coding, programming, and web development expands their knowledge and prepares them for future job opportunities.

However, there are also significant downsides to children’s technology use. Exposure at a young age can be harmful to children’s development and thinking. Teens are more vulnerable to cybercrimes and phishing. Inappropriate content and sites can also do more harm than good. Heavy technology use has health risks. Violent graphics in games are another major concern. Certain dangerous games like “Bluewhale” have been banned after being linked to youth suicide. Overall, while technology has benefits, uncontrolled use at a young age poses risks of crime, inappropriate content, and physical and mental health issues.

All in all, it could be concluded that although technical expansion is a requirement right now, the pitfalls of children spending their free time on the same often overtakes its advantages and is riskier in the long run. (297 words)

Band 9 Vocabulary

Example : The team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-fought victory.

Example : The museum displayed a sundry collection of artifacts from different cultures and time periods.

  • Digitization :

Meaning : The process of converting information into digital format.

Example : The rapid digitization of historical documents has made them more accessible to researchers.

  • Advantageous :

Meaning : Beneficial or favorable.

Example : Regular exercise is advantageous for maintaining good health and overall well-being.

  • Modus Operand i:

Meaning : A particular way of doing something; method or procedure.

Example : Detectives carefully analyzed the criminal’s modus operandi to solve the mysterious case.

  • Drawbacks :

Meaning : Disadvantages or negative aspects.

Example : Despite the benefits of remote work, there are drawbacks, such as potential feelings of isolation.

Meaning : Advantages or positive aspects.

Example : Pursuing a higher education degree has numerous pros, including expanded career opportunities.

  • Discernment :

Meaning : The ability to judge or understand things clearly.

Example : Developing discernment is crucial when evaluating the reliability of information in the age of misinformation.

Meaning : Skill or expertise in a particular area.

Example : A successful entrepreneur often possesses financial acumen, enabling them to make wise business decisions.

  • Proliferation :

Meaning : Rapid and widespread growth.

Example : The proliferation of social media platforms has changed the way people communicate and share information.

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Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers of IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Connectors , also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • On the flip side
  • On the positive side

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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Post your Comments

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Posted on Nov 8, 2021

Throughout the last decade, the digital age has arise with every child spending most of their time watching videos or playing games. I believe, advanced technologies has a detrimental impact on children’s quality of time spent. First of all, no one can deny the beneficial effects of technology and its progression over time and how it facilitated many processes. For instance, it enabled the children to receive additional online courses in times as the pandemic. Secondly, novel technology now provides evolution of some games that work on the IQ and mind-developing skills for children. On the contrary, nowadays families hardly have the opportunity to spend time with their offspring because of the endless series of games which highlights a lack of family time ritual. Adding to this, studies has shown that in the last decade autism and other psychological issues cases have sharply increased with regard to the excessive use of technology rather than spending time with real people. Also, spending more time indoors will be likely to increase obesity rate amongst children due to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. In conclusion, modern technologies has benefits to some extent but many disadvantages. Children do not become enthusiastic with to spend time with their parents at the playground as they would be to receive a new iPad, for instance.

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Gina Saavedra Mancipe

Posted on Oct 25, 2021

The whole world has been changing through the years as a consequence of multiples factors. Clearly, one of them is technology. Everyone is affected by this, especially children, who have found a new way to spent their free time. I agree with the fact that there are more disadvantages than advantages to this statement.

Studies have revealed that the young population is more vulnerable nowadays. They prefer to be at home playing online games or using social media on their phone instead of going out and meet their friends. So, the physical and mental conditions are affected. As a kid, it is essential to make a face to face friendships to develop social skills. In time, it helps them to build strong bases in their identity. Also, mental health can be more balanced and stable. Additionally, practising outdoor sports such a football or basketball improve physical condition, growing healthy youth. Severe sickness can be prevented, such as diabetes or obesity, by instilling training habits at early ages.

On the other hand, there are also several advantages. When parents know what kind of technology or content by the meticulous selection, technology can improve cognitive development. There are plenty of video games that require particular strategies to reach goals. The brain is stimulated through diversion, and the kids do not realize it. They can learn other languages, interact with other children on the other side of the world, mathematics or abstract reasoning. As a consequence, other diverse skills are introduced to their lives. In conclusion, excessing the use of technology brings more disadvantages than advantages. Kids with excellent physical and mental health are more important than sick and antisocial but strategic creatures.

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Overall band: 5.0

Grammar: Concentrate on tenses. You have used “spent” in place of “spend”. Collocations: “growing healthy youth” is wrong usage. Lexical Resource: The word “technology” has been used many times.

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Maimuna Zaman

Posted on Aug 21, 2021

The development of new technologies has drastically changed the way children spend their free time. This fact has both advantages and disadvantages and in this essay, I will discuss both. In my opinion, I firmly believe the disadvantages outweigh the advantages and that is because the emergence of these new technologies have had bad effects on children’s health and turned them into lazy sloth bears. To begin with, the arrival of this modern machinery has been beneficial for the little ones. Machines like computers, laptops, tablets, i-phones provide an open window for these little ones to grasp more knowledge and broaden their horizons. In their free time they can read articles, books apart from their academic guides on computers, laptops and learn about geography, astronomy and other things. With the advancement of science, they can socialise with kids from other countries and learn their cultures and languages. On the contrary, the development of this modern automation had an immense amount of bad effects on kids’ lives. For instance, in their spare hours, they stay indoors playing video games instead of going out and participating in outdoor activities. As a result, young ones are falling prey to obesity and laziness at a very young age. According to some recent reports and studies in the US heart problems, obesity and other ailments have become common in teenagers now. To put it more simply, in the past teenagers used to be more active and their life expectancy rates used to be higher as they used to spend their spare hours playing outdoor games like football, cricket and many different sports. To conclude, like the two sides of a coin there are both benefits and downfalls to the emergence of modern automation. As mentioned earlier in the essay, I hold the view that the disadvantages of this contemporary machinery outweigh the advantages as they have awful effects on children’s well-being.

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Adithya Sridhar

Posted on Aug 18, 2021

Yes, I agree to the fact that the spare time of children are easily influenced by the modern technological advancements. However, these evolving technologies help them stay updated to the digital world, still it is a wolf under the skin of a sheep as its negative impacts outweigh the benefits. On one hand, the digitalization of the world has demanded the parents and the society to make their kids indulge with techs which would help them survive in the modern world. The gaming sector has also started evolving targeting the younger generation with survival and strategy games that help in unlocking the logical and aptitude thinking in children. There are games and applications that are developed even for the newborns that would enhance their cerebral activity with multiple colors and patterns. On the other hand, I would have to lend my voice to the fact that the digital era has totally disrupted the physical growth and activities of the children. Before the technical advancements, children would step out and play their favorite sport along with their real friends whatsoever the weather be. But the kids of these generation are deprived of the fun from outdoor and indoor games as they spend their leisure time in playing virtual games with virtual people who may be real or could be a bot. These have lead to medical and mental health problems like childhood obesity, retinal damage, syndromes. In conclusion, even though the modern technology has improved the way and the pace in which a child learns and spend its free time, it also has its own adverse effects on the factors that are beyond our imagination.

technology benefits and drawbacks essay

Sunil Chaudhary

Posted on Jul 31, 2018

Nice blog. Thanks for sharing

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education Essay

Numerous advantages accrue to teachers who utilize technology not only in their teaching but also as a tool to interact with students across space and time. One of the significant advantages of using technology is that it enables teachers to design and implement interactive course materials that could be used to enhance learning experiences that are more pleasurable and meaningful to students.

There are millions of readily available applications and downloadable programs that teachers could use to design self-assessment tests to be administered to students via online protocols, not mentioning that science teachers often benefit immensely from the use of these free programs to design animations and simulations that could be used to elaborate complex scientific content to students.

From own experience, it can be stated that using simulations designed to teach students about the blood circulation system not only expose learners to a more pleasurable and exciting learning experience, but also ensure that learning outcomes are grasped and internalized with relative ease.

The second advantage of using technology, especially the World Wide Web, is that it has the capacity to bring isolated learners together in “virtual” groups without the limitations of space or time. Unlike in a traditional classroom context, teachers using the Web for teaching purposes enjoy the opportunity to teach and interact with disparate groups of learners located in diverse locations around the world.

Recent discoveries in Web-based technologies ensure that teachers are now able to interact with their students in real-time and to share resources across the network. In my teaching experience, I have made use of virtual classrooms to reach out to numerous students without necessarily making physical contact, not mentioning that I have also made use of the Web to get learning materials from my course instructors.

The third advantage is rested on the premise that it is indeed possible to not only protect intellectual property through the application of passwords and access codes but also to support confidential exchange of learning materials and information between registered users (Cantillon et al. 2003).

This implies that online technologies avail a safe and secure framework where learning, communication, and exchange of information can take place.

Using technology in education has obvious disadvantages. First, it is a well-known fact that teachers who use online assessments have no capacity to control the students’ unauthorized use of online resources and content to complete their assignments. Many teachers often face this hurdle and are unable to provide competitive assessments that could then be used to grade students on their performance.

However, in my view, performance in teaching should not be emphasized at the expense of task comprehension, implying that these assignments should be given in a manner that the teacher is able to evaluate the task comprehension of each student despite their use of online content to complete the tasks.

The second disadvantage arises from the fact that technology, if not well designed and adopted, will definitely provide students with the opportunity to collaborate with each other in taking their tests, therefore adversely affecting the core principles and justifications of good educational practice.

However, from own experience, it is indeed clear that teachers can now use the latest applications and plagiarism software not only to set availability dates and times for all assessments but also discourage students who would want to copy other people’s work and pass it as their own.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 2). Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education.

"Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education." IvyPanda , 2 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education'. 2 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education." June 2, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education." June 2, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education." June 2, 2019.

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Technology is probably changing us for the worse—or so we always think

For nearly a hundred years in this publication (and long before that elsewhere) people have worried that new technologies could alter what it means to be human.

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MIT Technology Review is celebrating our 125th anniversary with an online series that draws lessons for the future from our past coverage of technology. 

Do we use technology, or does it use us? Do our gadgets improve our lives or just make us weak, lazy, and dumb? These are old questions—maybe older than you think. You’re probably familiar with the way alarmed grown-ups through the decades have assailed the mind-rotting potential of search engines , video games , television , and radio —but those are just the recent examples.

Early in the last century, pundits argued that the telephone severed the need for personal contact and would lead to social isolation. In the 19th century some warned that the bicycle would rob women of their femininity and result in a haggard look known as “bicycle face.” Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein was a warning against using technology to play God, and how it might blur the lines between what’s human and what isn’t.

Or to go back even further: in Plato’s Phaedrus , from around 370 BCE, Socrates suggests that writing could be a detriment to human memory—the argument being, if you’ve written it down, you no longer needed to remember it.

We’ve always greeted new technologies with a mixture of fascination and fear,  says Margaret O’Mara , a historian at the University of Washington who focuses on the intersection of technology and American politics. “People think: ‘Wow, this is going to change everything affirmatively, positively,’” she says. “And at the same time: ‘It’s scary—this is going to corrupt us or change us in some negative way.’”

And then something interesting happens: “We get used to it,” she says. “The novelty wears off and the new thing becomes a habit.” 

A curious fact

Here at MIT Technology Review , writers have grappled with the effects, real or imagined, of tech on the human mind for nearly a hundred years. In our March 1931 issue , in his essay “Machine-Made Minds,” author John Bakeless wrote that it was time to ask “how far the machine’s control over us is a danger calling for vigorous resistance; and how far it is a good thing, to which we may willingly yield.” 

The advances that alarmed him might seem, to us, laughably low-tech: radio transmitters, antennas, or even rotary printing presses.

But Bakeless, who’d published books on Lewis and Clark and other early American explorers, wanted to know not just what the machine age was doing to society but what it was doing to individual people. “It is a curious fact,” he wrote, “that the writers who have dealt with the social, economic, and political effects of the machine have neglected the most important effect of all—its profound influence on the human mind.”

In particular, he was worried about how technology was being used by the media to control what people thought and talked about. 

“Consider the mental equipment of the average modern man,” he wrote. “Most of the raw material of his thought enters his mind by way of a machine of some kind … the Twentieth Century journalist can collect, print, and distribute his news with a speed and completeness wholly due to a score or more of intricate machines … For the first time, thanks to machinery, such a thing as a world-wide public opinion is becoming possible.”

Bakeless didn’t see this as an especially positive development. “Machines are so expensive that the machine-made press is necessarily controlled by a few very wealthy men, who with the very best intentions in the world are still subject to human limitation and the prejudices of their kind … Today the man or the government that controls two machines—wireless and cable—can control the ideas and passions of a continent.”

Fifty years later, the debate had shifted more in the direction of silicon chips. In our October 1980 issue , engineering professor Thomas B. Sheridan, in “Computer Control and Human Alienation,” asked: “How can we ensure that the future computerized society will offer humanity and dignity?” A few years later, in our August/September 1987 issue , writer David Lyon felt he had the answer—we couldn’t, and wouldn’t. In “Hey You! Make Way for My Technology,” he wrote that gadgets like the telephone answering machine and the boom box merely kept other pesky humans at a safe distance: “As machines multiply our capacity to perform useful tasks, they boost our aptitude for thoughtless and self-centered action. Civilized behavior is predicated on the principle of one human being interacting with another, not a human being interacting with a mechanical or electronic extension of another person.”

By this century the subject had been taken up by a pair of celebrities, novelist Jonathan Franzen and Talking Heads lead vocalist David Byrne. In our September/October 2008 issue, Franzen suggested that cell phones had turned us into performance artists. 

In “I Just Called to Say I Love You,” he wrote: “When I’m buying those socks at the Gap and the mom in line behind me shouts ‘I love you!’ into her little phone, I am powerless not to feel that something is being performed; overperformed; publicly performed; defiantly inflicted. Yes, a lot of domestic things get shouted in public which really aren’t intended for public consumption; yes, people get carried away. But the phrase ‘I love you’ is too important and loaded, and its use as a sign-off too self-conscious, for me to believe I’m being made to hear it accidentally.”

In “Eliminating the Human,” from our September/October 2017 issue, Byrne observed that advances in the digital economy served largely to free us from dealing with other people. You could now “keep in touch” with friends without ever seeing them; buy books without interacting with a store clerk; take an online course without ever meeting the teacher or having any awareness of the other students.

“For us as a society, less contact and interaction—real interaction—would seem to lead to less tolerance and understanding of difference, as well as more envy and antagonism,” Byrne wrote. “As has been in evidence recently, social media actually increases divisions by amplifying echo effects and allowing us to live in cognitive bubbles … When interaction becomes a strange and unfamiliar thing, then we will have changed who and what we are as a species.”

Modern woes

It hasn’t stopped. Just last year our own Will Douglas Heaven’s feature on ChatGPT debunked the idea that the AI revolution will destroy children’s ability to develop critical-thinking skills.

As O’Mara puts it: “Do all of the fears of these moral panics come to pass? No. Does change come to pass? Yes.” The way we come to grips with new technologies hasn’t fundamentally changed, she says, but what has changed is—there’s more of it to deal with. “It’s more of the same,” she says. “But it’s more. Digital technologies have allowed things to scale up into a runaway train of sorts that the 19 th century never had to contend with.”

Maybe the problem isn’t technology at all, maybe it’s us. Based on what you might read in 19th-century novels, people haven’t changed much since the early days of the industrial age. In any Dostoyevsky novel you can find people who yearn to be seen as different or special, who take affront at any threat to their carefully curated public persona, who feel depressed and misunderstood and isolated, who are susceptible to mob mentality.

“The biology of the human brain hasn’t changed in the last 250 years,” O’Mara says. “Same neurons, still the same arrangement. But it’s been presented with all these new inputs … I feel like I live with information overload all the time. I think we all observe it in our own lives, how our attention spans just go sideways. But that doesn’t mean my brain has changed at all. We’re just getting used to consuming information in a different way.”

And if you find technology to be intrusive and unavoidable now, it might be useful to note that Bakeless felt no differently in 1931. Even then, long before anyone had heard of smartphone or the internet, he felt that technology had become so intrinsic to daily life that it was like a tyrant: “Even as a despot, the machine is benevolent; and it is after all our stupidity that permits inanimate iron to be a despot at all.”

If we are to ever create the ideal human society, he concluded—one with sufficient time for music, art, philosophy, scientific inquiry (“the gorgeous playthings of the mind,” as he put it)—it was unlikely we’d get it done without the aid of machines. It was too late, we’d already grown too accustomed to the new toys. We just needed to find a way to make sure that the machines served us instead of the other way around. “If we are to build a great civilization in America, if we are to win leisure for cultivating the choice things of mind and spirit, we must put the machine in its place,” he wrote.

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Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning

Jonathan Lambert

A close-up of a woman's hand writing in a notebook.

If you're like many digitally savvy Americans, it has likely been a while since you've spent much time writing by hand.

The laborious process of tracing out our thoughts, letter by letter, on the page is becoming a relic of the past in our screen-dominated world, where text messages and thumb-typed grocery lists have replaced handwritten letters and sticky notes. Electronic keyboards offer obvious efficiency benefits that have undoubtedly boosted our productivity — imagine having to write all your emails longhand.

To keep up, many schools are introducing computers as early as preschool, meaning some kids may learn the basics of typing before writing by hand.

But giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.

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In kids, studies show that tracing out ABCs, as opposed to typing them, leads to better and longer-lasting recognition and understanding of letters. Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.

"There's actually some very important things going on during the embodied experience of writing by hand," says Ramesh Balasubramaniam , a neuroscientist at the University of California, Merced. "It has important cognitive benefits."

While those benefits have long been recognized by some (for instance, many authors, including Jennifer Egan and Neil Gaiman , draft their stories by hand to stoke creativity), scientists have only recently started investigating why writing by hand has these effects.

A slew of recent brain imaging research suggests handwriting's power stems from the relative complexity of the process and how it forces different brain systems to work together to reproduce the shapes of letters in our heads onto the page.

Your brain on handwriting

Both handwriting and typing involve moving our hands and fingers to create words on a page. But handwriting, it turns out, requires a lot more fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems. This seems to more deeply engage the brain in ways that support learning.

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"Handwriting is probably among the most complex motor skills that the brain is capable of," says Marieke Longcamp , a cognitive neuroscientist at Aix-Marseille Université.

Gripping a pen nimbly enough to write is a complicated task, as it requires your brain to continuously monitor the pressure that each finger exerts on the pen. Then, your motor system has to delicately modify that pressure to re-create each letter of the words in your head on the page.

"Your fingers have to each do something different to produce a recognizable letter," says Sophia Vinci-Booher , an educational neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Adding to the complexity, your visual system must continuously process that letter as it's formed. With each stroke, your brain compares the unfolding script with mental models of the letters and words, making adjustments to fingers in real time to create the letters' shapes, says Vinci-Booher.

That's not true for typing.

To type "tap" your fingers don't have to trace out the form of the letters — they just make three relatively simple and uniform movements. In comparison, it takes a lot more brainpower, as well as cross-talk between brain areas, to write than type.

Recent brain imaging studies bolster this idea. A study published in January found that when students write by hand, brain areas involved in motor and visual information processing " sync up " with areas crucial to memory formation, firing at frequencies associated with learning.

"We don't see that [synchronized activity] in typewriting at all," says Audrey van der Meer , a psychologist and study co-author at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She suggests that writing by hand is a neurobiologically richer process and that this richness may confer some cognitive benefits.

Other experts agree. "There seems to be something fundamental about engaging your body to produce these shapes," says Robert Wiley , a cognitive psychologist at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. "It lets you make associations between your body and what you're seeing and hearing," he says, which might give the mind more footholds for accessing a given concept or idea.

Those extra footholds are especially important for learning in kids, but they may give adults a leg up too. Wiley and others worry that ditching handwriting for typing could have serious consequences for how we all learn and think.

What might be lost as handwriting wanes

The clearest consequence of screens and keyboards replacing pen and paper might be on kids' ability to learn the building blocks of literacy — letters.

"Letter recognition in early childhood is actually one of the best predictors of later reading and math attainment," says Vinci-Booher. Her work suggests the process of learning to write letters by hand is crucial for learning to read them.

"When kids write letters, they're just messy," she says. As kids practice writing "A," each iteration is different, and that variability helps solidify their conceptual understanding of the letter.

Research suggests kids learn to recognize letters better when seeing variable handwritten examples, compared with uniform typed examples.

This helps develop areas of the brain used during reading in older children and adults, Vinci-Booher found.

"This could be one of the ways that early experiences actually translate to long-term life outcomes," she says. "These visually demanding, fine motor actions bake in neural communication patterns that are really important for learning later on."

Ditching handwriting instruction could mean that those skills don't get developed as well, which could impair kids' ability to learn down the road.

"If young children are not receiving any handwriting training, which is very good brain stimulation, then their brains simply won't reach their full potential," says van der Meer. "It's scary to think of the potential consequences."

Many states are trying to avoid these risks by mandating cursive instruction. This year, California started requiring elementary school students to learn cursive , and similar bills are moving through state legislatures in several states, including Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina and Wisconsin. (So far, evidence suggests that it's the writing by hand that matters, not whether it's print or cursive.)

Slowing down and processing information

For adults, one of the main benefits of writing by hand is that it simply forces us to slow down.

During a meeting or lecture, it's possible to type what you're hearing verbatim. But often, "you're not actually processing that information — you're just typing in the blind," says van der Meer. "If you take notes by hand, you can't write everything down," she says.

The relative slowness of the medium forces you to process the information, writing key words or phrases and using drawing or arrows to work through ideas, she says. "You make the information your own," she says, which helps it stick in the brain.

Such connections and integration are still possible when typing, but they need to be made more intentionally. And sometimes, efficiency wins out. "When you're writing a long essay, it's obviously much more practical to use a keyboard," says van der Meer.

Still, given our long history of using our hands to mark meaning in the world, some scientists worry about the more diffuse consequences of offloading our thinking to computers.

"We're foisting a lot of our knowledge, extending our cognition, to other devices, so it's only natural that we've started using these other agents to do our writing for us," says Balasubramaniam.

It's possible that this might free up our minds to do other kinds of hard thinking, he says. Or we might be sacrificing a fundamental process that's crucial for the kinds of immersive cognitive experiences that enable us to learn and think at our full potential.

Balasubramaniam stresses, however, that we don't have to ditch digital tools to harness the power of handwriting. So far, research suggests that scribbling with a stylus on a screen activates the same brain pathways as etching ink on paper. It's the movement that counts, he says, not its final form.

Jonathan Lambert is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance journalist who covers science, health and policy.

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technology benefits and drawbacks essay

The Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy

Vault’s viewpoint on solar energy.

  • In the right set of circumstances, the pros of solar energy can heavily outweigh the cons when compared to other electricity sources.
  • Solar energy’s practical, financial and environmental benefits make it a great choice for homeowners and commercial property managers alike.
  • Every solar project is different, therefore it’s advisable to seek expert consultations from multiple providers to determine what approach is best to meet your energy goals.

Analyzing Solar Energy Pros and Cons

When analyzing solar energy’s advantages and disadvantages, you should discuss the technology in two key ways: How solar power compares to other energy sources and the pros and cons of installing solar panels on your property.

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy as a Source of Electricity

  • With only a one-time upfront cost, solar energy is a reliable and renewable energy source
  • Emission-free and noise-free, on-site electricity generation
  • Works anywhere there is direct sunlight available
  • Long-term solution (solar panels last 25 years or more)
  • Durable and low expected maintenance throughout system lifespans
  • You can recycle the majority of solar panel system materials
  • Electricity generation depends on limited sunlight hours
  • Geographical and seasonal energy potential constraints
  • Generally high upfront costs of adoption for systems of all sizes
  • Ample space with direct sunlight needed for installations
  • Concerns with decommissioning and equipment end-of-life cycles
  • Energy storage required for 24/7 operation and off-grid applications

Rising in the east and setting in the west every single day, year after year, the sun is one of the most reliable sources of energy present on Earth. When considering today’s ever-evolving solar panel technology and increased public interest in green technologies, capturing the power of the sun and turning it into usable electricity has never been easier or more affordable.

Despite its advantages, however, there are also several drawbacks to solar energy, the most obvious of which is a reliance on direct sunlight. Overnight, new solar power cannot be produced while other energy sources like wind, hydropower and fossil fuel combustion can continue generating electricity without reliance on daylight. To make the most out of a solar power system, panels must be attached to a battery or the electric grid.

Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages for Homeowners

  • Provides an alternative to grid-supplied electricity
  • Many incentives available to reduce investment costs
  • Lowers utility bills with tax credits as well as net metering and net billing programs
  • Sustainable choice for lower household carbon footprint
  • Opportunity to combine with battery backup storage
  • Increases home value, often without increasing property tax
  • Significantly lower adoption costs over the last 15 years


  • May come with high upfront costs or required financing
  • Not an option for heavily shaded properties from trees or neighboring buildings
  • Can require significant amounts of unobstructed roof or yard space
  • Incentives like tax credits , utility programs and resources limited in some areas
  • Lengthy payback periods and tough to measure efficacy
  • Battery storage required for panels to operate during local grid outages

With a solar energy installation, you may be able to lower your long-term electricity costs at home, while simultaneously offsetting greenhouse gas emissions and increasing your property value. Although high upfront costs are typically required to purchase solar panels , these expenses can usually be recovered in energy bills avoided. However, there are also some instances in which a solar installation may not be worth it, such as when high financing rates make going solar difficult due to slimmer margins from increased interest payments.

Generally speaking, solar energy makes the most sense for homes with

  • High electricity usage or expensive utility energy rates
  • Sufficient roof area or yard space to host a large system
  • South, east or west-facing roofs that receive unobstructed daily sunlight
  • Net energy metering (or something similar) is available through your local utility

The Benefits of Solar Panels for Homeowners

Installing solar panels may benefit your home in three key ways: financially, environmentally and practically as a long-term energy solution.

1. Financial Advantages of Installing Solar Panels

When you install solar panels, you can experience immediate utility bill savings that help recoup your investment expenses over time. Although the expected payback period for solar panels varies from state to state and project to project, the 2024 national average is estimated to be 8.7 years—that is, solar panels will “pay for themselves” in utility costs avoided in less than a decade. Then considering that solar panels last for 25 years or more, an installation may potentially pay for itself in energy expenses avoided two or three times over in the right set of circumstances.

2. Environmental Impact of Solar Panels

With a green energy supply right on your roof, going solar can transform your property’s long-term, environmental impact. While utility-grade renewables are being installed every day, the reality is that the majority of electricity in the United States is generated by fossil fuels like natural gas, coal and petroleum. By adding an emission-free power generator to your property, you can help offset thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide every year and join the clean energy boom that is slowing down global greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Independence and Energy Security with Solar Panels

Capable of generating electricity anywhere the sun shines, solar panels are an essential home upgrade for those seeking greater energy independence. Whether you live in the middle of the city or way beyond the powerlines, installing a solar energy battery along with your panels will help you reduce your utility electricity consumption, sometimes entirely. By using a battery backup, you can power your home with solar overnight, during peak billing hours, and sustainably throughout local electrical outages.

Are solar panels worth it?

Although individual circumstances will always determine whether solar panels will be worth it for your particular installation, in general, solar panels are a good long-term investment for most homeowners. Predominantly, if you have enough exposed installation space and your local utility offers compensation for the electricity you share with the grid (through programs like net metering), then there is a very good chance that your solar panels will pay for themselves.

Even further, solar panels paired with battery storage may be worth it financially for homeowners attempting to limit utility energy consumption while having backup power during local outages. To help lower the costs of adoption of both solar and battery storage systems, there are many incentives available federally and locally for homeowners today, such as the Residential Clean Energy Credit .

How to Weigh Your Solar Energy Pros and Cons

While solar comes with many advantages, its technological disadvantages sometimes complicate whether or not an installation is worth it. To weigh the pros and cons of solar energy to power your home, we recommend seeking multiple consultations from solar companies in your area. With the help of a professional, you can determine if your property is suitable for an installation and estimate the lifetime expenses that your solar panels will offset on your energy bills.

Exploring Alternatives

If buying solar panels isn’t an option, a solar lease or Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) may deliver similar benefits while subbing investment costs for ongoing payments, much like the lease of a vehicle or apartment. If your property isn’t suitable for solar energy generation, you may also be able to participate in an off-site solar farm or green energy program to unlock the financial or environmental benefits of solar energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main advantage of solar.

The main reason why people are going solar today is to save money on long-term electricity costs. As solar power is the cheapest form of new electricity generation in the world, homeowners, businesses and entire communities can lower their energy costs by installing solar panels and harnessing the sun. Beyond financial savings, low-lifetime greenhouse gas emissions are another critical advantage of solar as a sustainable energy solution to combat the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

Does Solar Energy Really Save Money?

Yes, solar energy can really save you money on monthly expenses through federal tax credits and utility programs like net metering that compensate homeowners for the electricity they generate and share with the grid. After purchasing a solar panel system or signing a solar lease, the electricity that your panels produce will directly lower the amount of utility power you consume and therefore lower your monthly energy bills.

Can Solar Power My Whole House?

Yes, solar can power your whole house in both grid-connected and off-grid scenarios. While you will need a large battery bank to completely power your home with the solar energy you produce off of the grid, many grid-tied solar energy systems are designed to produce approximately the same amount of power that a property consumes each year.

The post The Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy first appeared on Newsweek Vault .

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    Advantages of Technology. 1. Efficiency: Technology automates tasks, increases productivity, and reduces errors. 2. Connectivity: Enable instant global communication and collaboration. 3. Access to Information: Provides access to a wide range of knowledge and information resources. 4.

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    The disadvantages of modern technology involve numerous risks related to people's cognitive intelligence and children's healthy development. Nowadays, even pre-school children have access to gadgets and some online sources, which helps them to learn "by modeling the adult world" (Given et al., 2016, p. 350). This "world" may involve ...

  5. Pros And Cons Of Technology: [Essay Example], 671 words

    Through a balanced examination of its benefits and drawbacks, we hope to empower our readers to navigate the digital landscape with knowledge and awareness. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey through the realms of technology, where innovation meets introspection. Narrower Issues Related to the Pros and Cons of Technology

  6. What Makes Technology Good or Bad for Us?

    A quick glance at the research on technology-mediated interaction reveals an ambivalent literature. Some studies show that time spent socializing online can decrease loneliness, increase well-being, and help the socially anxious learn how to connect to others. Other studies suggest that time spent socializing online can cause loneliness ...

  7. Argumentative Essay About Technology: Topics & Examples

    Here is an outline template for argumentative essay about technology: Argumentative Essay About Technology Outline. I. Introduction. A. Hook or attention-grabbing statement. B. Background information on technology. C. Thesis statement presenting the main argument. II. Body. A. Advantages of Technology.

  8. 10 Sources on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology to ...

    This article focuses on mobile technology and the benefits and drawbacks on mental health treatment. A few of the listed benefits include convenience, anonymity, and 24-hour care. A few of the listed drawbacks include questions of effectiveness, privacy, and regulations.

  9. Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn't moderated in the way that people think and a lot of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies. Even brand-named websites that have a lot of ...

  10. Technology and Society: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Technology is becoming an integral part of economies and private lives worldwide. Hardly can individuals, communities, and nations, especially developed ones, can carry their daily lives without making use of certain high-performance technologies (Byrnie, 2008, p. 256). This increased adaptation has affected societies in many different ways ...

  11. How Does Technology Affect Our Daily Lives? Essay

    Negative impact of technology. Despite its many benefits, technology has negative impacts. It has negative impacts on society because it affects communication and has changed the way people view social life. First, people have become more anti-social because of changes in methods of socializing (Harrington, 2008, p.103).

  12. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Way Technology has Changed the

    Technology has progressively grown and advanced overtime altering the way society functions. As technology has numerous beneficial qualities to offer, it also brings equal amounts of disadvantages.

  13. Essay on Technology For Students In English

    Essay on Technology: 500+ Words Essay on Technology is provided here to help students get familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of technology and use it in the right direction. Go through it and write more essays on similar topics.

  14. Global Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

    This essay will consider the advantages and disadvantages of technology and establish two arguments for how the global issue should be addressed. We will write a custom essay on your topic tailored to your instructions! Modern technologies introduce innovative, practical solutions that assist or maximize different spheres of human activity.

  15. Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

    Mobile technology and cameras are playing an important role for farmers. The advantages of modern technology in our life in general: Saving time. If someone in his work save 10 minutes of time because of technology, that's an extra 10 minutes they can do something useful.

  16. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies

    Without the proper control of the uses of technologies, it will critically distract people, causing memory deterioration, and addicting to the Internet. There are too many temptations online distract people from their tasks. When we are searching information, the website often fills with advertisements.

  17. Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology

    It offers numerous benefits, from enhancing productivity to revolutionizing healthcare. However, it's crucial to use it responsibly to ensure its advantages outweigh its potential drawbacks. 500 Words Essay on Benefits of Modern Technology Introduction. The advent of modern technology has brought a revolutionary change in the world.

  18. Is technology good or bad for learning?

    With that in mind, here are some "Dos" and "Don'ts" for using technology in learning environments: Do use technology: Don't use technology: To enhance or extend social interactions. To ...

  19. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

    Teenagers would not agree with the fact that. technology has had adverse effects on our lives. The society should, therefore, understand that technology has positive and negative effects socially, mentally and physically but the positives outweigh the negatives. Social Effects. The advancement of technologies that are able to overcome time and ...

  20. Technology Essay Titles

    Technology Essay Titles. Essay questions for the topic of technology. A common topic in both IELTS speaking and writing. Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages?

  21. IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children

    Band 7 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Currently, it is true that the way children spend their leisure time has been changed by new technology. While this has several benefits, In my opinion, the the drawbacks far outweigh them. To begin with, computer games tend to ...

  22. Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education Essay

    1 hour! Using technology in education has obvious disadvantages. First, it is a well-known fact that teachers who use online assessments have no capacity to control the students' unauthorized use of online resources and content to complete their assignments. Many teachers often face this hurdle and are unable to provide competitive ...

  23. Technology is probably changing us for the ...

    A curious fact. Here at MIT Technology Review, writers have grappled with the effects, real or imagined, of tech on the human mind for nearly a hundred years.In our March 1931 issue, in his essay ...

  24. Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

    Benefits and Drawbacks of the Internet of Things Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Workplace The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Mobile Phone at Work or School: An Essay Analysis of the Disadvantages of Technology in Criminal Justice Through the Advantages and Solutions to Eliminate Them Essay on the ...

  25. As schools reconsider cursive, research homes in on handwriting's ...

    For adults, one of the main benefits of writing by hand is that it simply forces us to slow down. During a meeting or lecture, it's possible to type what you're hearing verbatim.

  26. The Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy

    Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages for Homeowners. Provides an alternative to grid-supplied electricity. Many incentives available to reduce investment costs. Lowers utility bills with tax ...