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A website review.

A website review

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Technology review:

One of my favourite websites is It’s great because you can learn English while you listen to your favourite songs. You choose a song and then listen to the song and complete the lyrics. You can also watch the video of the song.

The good points include the fact that there are lots of up-to-date groups you can listen to such as The Script or One Direction. In addition, you can choose the level: beginner, intermediate or expert, depending on your level of English. Another good feature is that you can repeat a line of the song as often as you want, until you know the missing word. Also, the website is very easy to navigate and you can listen to songs in different languages, for instance in Spanish, German and Italian.

One of the drawbacks is that some songs aren’t on the website. Another bad point is that there is a lot of advertising on the website. However, you can just ignore it.

To sum up, I think this is an excellent website if you like music and you want to improve your English. You should check it out!

Example Of Website Review Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Customers , Internet , Website , Products , Business , Shopping , Layout , Information

Published: 11/01/2020


Chinavasion Wholesale Website Review is a well crafted, professionally designed website with clear menus and categories which are easy to navigate. This website provides its customers with any kind of electronics, electronic gadgets, and home electronic devices. The description offered concerning the products is very comprehensive and has good pictures of the products. Chinavasion makes it convenient and easy for its customers to purchase products of their choice. Customers from anywhere in the world can use this site since it has several languages namely English, Italiano, Francias, Espanol, and Deutsch. The website name “” and also its URL is very simple and satisfactory to the customers since it is easy to remember and locate it. The layout of Chinavasion website offers a sharp and clear layout of its content, hence allowing its prospective customers to grasp clearly the presented information. The splitting of the content into specific categories such as wholesale, new products, hot products, and specials allows the customer viewing the website to immediately find his or her products of interest. Moreover, within these subsections, there is a specification of the products available, for instance computer accessories, smart watches, mobile phones, health and lifestyle, android tablets and many more, hence giving a precise synopsis of what Chinavasion offers to the consumer. Generally, the design and content-layout is user friendly, this is mainly because it combines specific product categories with a layout that is pleasant. Its good layout encourages the consumer to explore the website. is a website that is easy to navigate and the customer can easily find any kind of product he or she is looking for. When new users visit this website, they find it relatively easy to understand since the titles and keywords are compelling, clear, easy to understand and attractive. This website also provides an option of “Search For Products” that helps the users to find fast what they want if they cannot exactly find specific items they are looking for or if they are searching from the category menu. The searching option provides guidelines and advanced options that allow the website users to narrow their search into specifics. This website limits its selling only to electronic gadgets, accessories and devices. In this category, there are many ranges of products. All the products listed in the website have descriptions from its manufacturers making it easy for the consumers to identify product brand of their choice. Effectiveness of the shopping cart; the main objective of a shopping cart is to instill trust in the potential customers and look professional. This website makes the shopping experience of its customers convenient and pleasant when ordering products of their choice. The features of the shopping cart allow the consumer to send item selections to the shopping cart from the shopping page while they continue with their shopping. It also tabulates the total cost plus the shipping cost for the selected shipping method by the customer. Chinavasion made its shopping cart easy to use by putting pictures and listing accordingly their products, and also deciding the method that can be used by the customers to make payments by options such as PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Maestro credit cards, and American Express card. Customers can as well contact the company’s customer service for additional information via live chat. Chinavasion website has been designed professionally, crafted well with clear menus and categories which are easy to navigate. The website provides detailed information such as buying guidance, product categories and live chat. The website also provides information about the company that can be traced back to its physical location. The description provided about the product is comprehensive. Consumers are also able to read customer reviews of the items found on the site, this helps them in knowing the experience other consumers who have used the same product. The products on this site also come with a warranty of 12 months whether you are a drop shipper, wholesaler or end user. Customers can shop securely on this site with their credit cards. The site also has good reviews that have helped it gain customer confidence. Therefore, according to my observation the contrast of the website should be improved, this is because contrast plays a crucial role in a website. Contrast is the difference in visual properties of an object. is too colorful and the color combination is difficult for the viewer’s eyes. Chinavasion used different text style and colors fonts throughout the site. This makes both important and the unimportant information appears similar (FrozenFire, 2015). This shows no uniqueness and no originality. Chinavasion should therefore improve the contrast between elements so as to attract visitors’ attention.

FrozenFire. (2015). Best practices in website design. Accessed 27 June 2015 from <>


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website review essay spm


website review essay spm

As highlighted, MELICA offers model essays for lower intermediate or "halus" / weak learners of English. They are the candidates who may have been failing the SPM 1119 paper yet they still have the ability to write essays using the limited vocabulary that they possess. With this in mind, model essays which mostly use basic vocabulary and include simple and logical ideas, are composed. For sure, the model essays can be adopted and adapted accordingly based on certain factors, needs, contexts or/and circumstances.

The three model essays offered in MELICA Part 4 are three pieces of evidence that can further convince lower intermediate candidates that it is possible for them to compose 200-250 words for Part 3 essay. Based on the requests made by teachers, MELICA Part 4 still focuses on review writing as many teachers believe, review writing could be the easiest question for their weak candidates to focus on in Part 3 of SPM 119/2.

Personally, I do not encourage teachers to merely ask the weak candidates to copy the model essays. Each model essay should be discussed thoroughly and each discussion should have at least one focus. Once the discussion is done, perhaps, the lower intermediate candidates can be asked to copy the essay. I am positive at that juncture, it will be a meaningful copying activity.

The following are practical activities that could be carried out with or reinforced on the weak SPM candidates based on the model essays:

i) Examine the sentence structures. The candidates can be taught to differentiate between simple and complex structures. Certain complex structures in the model essays can be underlined by the candidates. In doing so, teachers must highlight the importance of having some complex structures in their essay.

ii) Revise with the students three different techniques of writing their introduction; questioning (Model Essay 1), repetition (Model Essay 2) and listing (Model Essay 3). Let them apply the techniques in small groups. They write their own introductory paragraphs.

iii) Underline all adjectives in the model essay. In groups, candidates suggest other relevant adjectives that can be used/included.

iv) underline linking words, connectors or cohesive devices. They are also encouraged to suggest other additional connectors or cohesive devices in the model essay.

v) The candidates transfer the main idea and details or elaborations from the essay to a suitable mind-map. This activity can allow them to see how each main idea is developed.

vi) In groups, the candidates can examine the ideas in the model essay. They discuss and suggest other possible ideas and details that can be included to fulfil each task.

1. MELICA stands for Model Essays for Lower Intermediate Candidates of SPM 1119/2.

2. The model essays offered here may not suit all learning and teaching contexts. Perhaps, the model essays also do not meet the expectations of certain teachers. Therefore, teacher's discretion is crucial. Do make changes on your own wherever necessary.

3. The suggested activities may require teachers to adopt and adapt to suit their realities; needs, context, learning and teaching styles, availability of time and pupils’ readiness.

4. Other model essays for lower intermediate candidates will be shared in this blog from time to time in future. Do subscribe this blog so that you won’t miss any of the latest sharing of materials.

Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at the top of the answer space.

You recently saw this notice in a magazine.

Novel Review

Have you read any novel lately?

Send us your review of the novel.

Explain the good things about the novel.

Who would you recommend the novel to? Why?

Write your review .

Do you like to read textbooks? Do you like to read magazines? Do you like to read novels? If you can choose, which one do you choose? I choose reading novels. I love to read novels.

I just finished reading a Malay novel. The title of the novel is Pelangi Kejayaan or Rainbow of Success. The author is Meor Hasnan. The novel has 122 pages. The publisher is Kenanga Publishing. It is a new novel.

I like Pelangi Kejayaan a lot. First, the story is very good. The story is about a teenager, Naim who lives in a village. Naim has to face many challenges but he works hard. He works hard to achieve his success. Next, the novel teaches me good lessons. I learn about determination. We must not easily give up when we face challenges. I also learn we must be kind to other people.

I also like the novel because it is not too long. It only has 122 pages. I can finish reading the novel fast. My friend Badri reads the novel in two hours. Besides, it is cheap. It is only RM5.00. I think everybody can buy the novel. Moreover, I like the cover too. The cover is very colourful. There are many colours like the rainbow.

I recommend the novel to all teenagers. I know they have money to buy the novel. The story is interesting. The story teaches many lessons about life. Furthermore, they just need a short time to read the novel.

In conclusion, I give the novel five stars. I love it so much!

[262 words]

New Mall Review

Have you been to any mall new lately?

Send us your review of the new mall.

How would you describe your experience visiting the mall for the first time?

Would you recommend it to your classmates? Why?

Mall, mall, mall. My friends and I are very happy when Kemaman has a new mall. The name of the mall is Star Mall. It is located at Jalan Sultan Mahmud. It is a big mall. It was opened last week.

Two days ago, Navin, Vee, Chin, Ghanesh, Husin and I went to Star Mall. There were many people. It was not easy to find a parking but finally we got a parking space. Star Mall. The mall is awesome. Besides, it is also very clean. My friends and fell in love with the mall. To me, it is the best mall in Kemaman. It is better than Cahaya Mall and Kemaman Bay Mall.

I would recommend Star Mall to my classmates. First, there are many shops. I think, the mall has 100 shops. My classmates can do window shopping. Moreover, they can also play bowling or watch movies at the GTX Cinema. The cinema is big. My friends and I watched Spiderman 6 that day.

My classmates must go to the mall because it has the best food court in Kemaman. There are many food stalls. We can eat chicken rice, Thai foods, western foods and fast foods. That day, we enjoyed eating ice-cream. Chin, Vee and I loved the coconut ice-cream. It was so delicious. Navin, Ghanesh and Husin loved strawberry ice-cream.

To conclude, the Star Mall is the best. Everybody must go to the mall. [238 words]

School Canteen Review

Are you happy with your school canteen?

Send us your review of your school canteen.

What do you like and dislike about the canteen?

What one special thing about the school canteen that you wish to highlight? Why?

KFC, McDonald, Marrybrown, A&W and Dominos are my favourite brands. I wish my school canteen sells foods like at KFC and McDonald. However, I know I can only dream. It will not be a reality.

I am happy with my school canteen. I am happy because the canteen sells fried chicken. The fried chicken is crunchy and juicy. It is like KFC fried chicken. Beside the great fried chicken, I like my canteen because they sell the best nasi lemak in Langkawi. To me, other nasi lemak in Langkawi cannot beat my school canteen's nasi lemak. Moreover, the canteen workers are friendly. I always get extra rice for my nasi lemak.

What I dislike about my school canteen is the price of foods. My friends, Danny, Kenanga, Zee and Izzat feel the foods are expensive. I have no problem because my father is rich. He gives me RM20 a day for my pocket money. I am sad because some of my friends do not eat at the canteen because they do not have enough money.

Anyway, there is one special thing about the school canteen. They offer 50% discount on all foods and drinks every Tuesday. My friends Danny, Kenanga, Zee and Izzat love to go to the canteen early every Tuesday. They eat the best nasi lemak and fried chickens.

In conclusion, my school canteen is not perfect. It has to improve from time to time. [237 words]

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Why Are Divorce Memoirs Still Stuck in the 1960s?

Recent best sellers have reached for a familiar feminist credo, one that renounces domestic life for career success.

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An illustration of a laptop computer dropping inside a stew pot, along with a tomato, an apron, a spoon and a spice shaker.

By Sarah Menkedick

Sarah Menkedick’s most recent book is “Ordinary Insanity: Fear and the Silent Crisis of Motherhood in America.”

“The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own,” Betty Friedan wrote in “ The Feminine Mystique ,” in 1963. Taking a new role as a productive worker is “the way out of the trap,” she added. “There is no other way.”

On the final page of “ This American Ex-Wife ,” her 2024 memoir and study of divorce, Lyz Lenz writes: “I wanted to remove myself from the martyr’s pyre and instead sacrifice the roles I had been assigned at birth: mother, wife, daughter. I wanted to see what else I could be.”

More than 60 years after Friedan’s landmark text, there remains only one way for women to gain freedom and selfhood: rejecting the traditionally female realm, and achieving career and creative success.

Friedan’s once-provocative declaration resounds again in a popular subgenre of autobiography loosely referred to as the divorce memoir, several of which have hit best-seller lists in the past year or two. These writers’ candid, raw and moving exposĂ©s of their divorces are framed as a new frontier of women’s liberation, even as they reach for a familiar white feminist ideology that has prevailed since “The Problem That Has No Name,” through “Eat, Pray, Love” and “I’m With Her” and “Lean In”: a version of second-wave feminism that remains tightly shackled to American capitalism and its values.

Lenz, for example, spends much of her book detailing her struggle to “get free,” but never feels she needs to define freedom. It is taken as a given that freedom still means the law firm partner in heels, the self-made woman with an independent business, the best-selling author on book tour — the woman who has shed any residue of the domestic and has finally come to shine with capitalist achievement.

It is not the freedom for a woman to stay home with her child for a year, or five. The freedom to stop working after a lifetime toiling in low-wage jobs. The freedom for a Filipina nanny to watch her own children instead of those of her “liberated” American boss. The freedom to start a farm or a homestead or engage in the kind of unpaid work ignored by an economy that still values above all else the white-collar professional labor long dominated by men — and in fact mostly fails to recognize other labor as valuable at all.

One of the paradoxes the divorce memoir highlights is that women’s work is made invisible by a society that disparages it, and the only way it becomes visible is through the triumphant narrative of a woman’s escape from it — which only reinforces its undesirability and invisibility.

In Maggie Smith’s 2023 memoir “ You Could Make This Place Beautiful ,” Smith details the critical inflection point when her poem “ Good Bones ” goes viral, her career takes off and her marriage begins to implode. She tells a reporter from The Columbus Dispatch: “I feel like I go into a phone booth and I turn into a poet sometimes. Most of the other time, I’m just Maggie who pushes the stroller.”

Nothing threatening, nothing meaningful. Just a mom pushing the stroller in the meager labor of women — until she slips into the phone booth and transforms into an achieving superhero.

This is not to diminish Smith’s work, a unique and highly refined series of linked essays that build into an emotional symphony about marital breakdown. Her intention is not, like Lenz’s, to condemn the institution of marriage or to rejoice in her release from hers, which is complicated, excruciating and tender. Her depictions of divorce clearly resonate with readers and offer solace and insight into a common experience of heartbreak. But it’s worth asking what exactly is being celebrated in the huge cultural reception her memoir, and other popular divorce memoirs, have received.

Leslie Jamison’s book “ Splinters ,” published the same day as “This American Ex-Wife,” is an exquisite, textured and precise articulation of the collapse of her marriage, all nuance and interiority where Lenz’s writing is blunt and political. But here, too, we get a female narrator for whom freedom and acceptance ultimately signify professional success. Jamison is much more vexed about this formula, but in the end she settles for lightly querying rather than assailing it. She jokes about how her editor is stressed about book sales while she’s stressed about her baby sleeping on airplanes, and mocks this as a “humblebrag”: “ I don’t care about ambition! I only care about baby carriers! ” She rushes to clarify in the next sentence, “Of course I cared about book sales, too.”

Herein lies the ultimate paradigm, the space no woman wants to explore: What if the modern woman didn’t actually care about book sales? About making partner? About building a successful brand? That would be unthinkable. Embarrassing. Mealy, mushy, female.

But later in “Splinters,” Jamison skewers the cult of male, capitalist achievement: “My notion of divinity was gradually turning its gaze away from the appraising, tally-keeping, pseudo-father in the sky who would give me enough gold stars if I did enough good things, and toward the mother who’d been here all along,” she writes. I felt an electric optimism reading this. If feminism wants to tackle patriarchy, it needs to start with that pseudo-father and his metrics of a person’s worth.

Jamison struggles toward this in “Splinters.” She wants so badly to be remarkable. To banter about the Russian G.D.P. while she spoon-feeds her toddler, or to impress arrogant lovers who critique her conversation as only “85 percent as good as it could be.” At the same time, she yearns “to experience the sort of love that could liberate everyone involved from their hamster wheels of self-performance,” a love that will “involve all your tedious moments.”

Yes , I found myself saying, I want to read about this love . A mother love that is radical, creative, affirming, even and especially in its difficulty and tedium. Jamison almost gets there, but returns ultimately to the affirmation that it’s OK to want more: “quiet mornings at my laptop, tap-tap-tapping at my keyboard.”

It is certainly OK, and natural, to want more. But what I find most exhilarating in this beautiful book is the possibility that it’s also OK to let go of wanting. It’s OK to not write a best seller, to not hold a prestigious title, to not start your own brand. It’s OK, even, to not try to find yourself, that most American of quests.

Divorce, sure. Ditch the toxic men, strike out on your own. But there’s nothing new or radical there. The radical is in a feminism that examines care as profound, powerful work and centers rather than marginalizes mothering, as both a lived act and a metaphor. We must let go of this half-century-old notion that the self can be “found” only after the roles of “mother, wife, daughter” have been rejected.

With friends, Jamison recounts lively anecdotes from a trip to Oslo with her daughter in order to prove that her life had not “‘gotten small,’ a phrase I put in quotes in my mind, though I did not know whom I was quoting.” Yet in this phrase lies another way of living: letting things get small, in a world that sees and celebrates mostly superlatives, and getting down to the level of the local, the intimate, the granular, the home.

Explore More in Books

Want to know about the best books to read and the latest news start here..

An assault led to Chanel Miller’s best seller, “Know My Name,” but she had wanted to write children’s books since the second grade. She’s done that now  with “Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All.”

When Reese Witherspoon is making selections for her book club , she wants books by women, with women at the center of the action who save themselves.

The Nobel Prize-winning author Alice Munro, who died on May 14 , specialized in exacting short stories that were novelistic in scope , spanning decades with intimacy and precision.

“The Light Eaters,” a new book by ZoĂ« Schlanger, looks at how plants sense the world  and the agency they have in their own lives.

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .


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    Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder, by Salman Rushdie. In his candid, plain-spoken and gripping new memoir, Rushdie recalls the attempted assassination he survived in 2022 during a ...

  25. 100 Years After Kafka's Death, People and Nations Are Still Fighting

    A hundred years after Kafka's death, people and nations are still fighting over his legacy. By Benjamin Balint Benjamin Balint is the author of "Kafka's Last Trial" and, most recently ...

  26. Essay SPM Bahasa Inggeris : Free Guy (Movie Review)

    Movie Review. Free Guy is a movie that will make you appreciate the video game culture. It is a fast-paced and action-packed movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Ryan Reynolds delivers a fantastic performance as Guy, a lovable and innocent NPC who learns to stand up for himself and fight for what he believes in.

  27. Why Are Divorce Memoirs Still Stuck in the 1960s?

    May 25, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET. "The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own," Betty Friedan wrote in " The Feminine ...