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What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

application letter body parts

What Is the Body of a Cover Letter?

What to include in each paragraph, first paragraph, middle paragraphs, final paragraph, what else to include in your letter, include keywords.

  • Write a Custom Cover Letter
  • When You're Emailing a Cover Letter

Short and Sweet is Fine

Aim for natural language, proofread and proofread again.

Writing cover letters is no one’s favorite part of the job search process, and the body of the letter is the hardest part. This is where you try to capture the hiring manager’s attention and emphasize your unique qualifications for the job, without repeating the same exact information you’ve included on your resume.

The body of your cover letter is the section which tells the hiring manager what position you're applying for and why the employer should select you for an interview. You're selling your candidacy to the reader, so it's important to be specific about your qualifications as they relate to the position.

The body of your cover letter should include an explanation of why you're interested in and qualified for the job for which you're applying. These persuasive paragraphs are intended to convince the reader that you're the perfect person for the position.

A successful cover letter will win you an interview, so it's important to be compelling and show the hiring manager that you're a strong candidate. The hiring manager will spend seconds reviewing your letter or email message , which means you don't have much time to connect with the employer and make a positive impact.

The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you're writing. Mention the position you're applying for and where you saw the listing. Include the name of a contact or reference, if you have one.

The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Make strong connections between your qualifications and the position requirements. Mention specifically how your skills and experience match the job you're applying for. Use several shorter paragraphs or a bulleted list of your qualifications rather than one large block of text. This will make it easy for the reader to quickly scan and absorb this important information.

Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up if you have the contact information for the hiring manager to do so.

The rest of letter is important, too. You will need to include your contact information, which is listed at the top of a written letter or below your signature in an email cover letter.

Your letter also needs to include a professional greeting, a professional closing, and your signature. You will sign your name on a printed cover letter. If you upload or email your cover letter, your signature will be your typed name.

This is especially important if you’re submitting your cover letter and resume to an online listing. To get past the applicant tracking system and to a real human being, your cover letter will need to contain the right keywords. To find these, scan the job listing for keywords related to the skills and qualifications required.

Write a Custom Cover Letter Every Time

It’s fine to begin with a cover letter template , but you’ll want to customize your cover letter to each role. Include details like how you found out about the job, why you’re particularly interested in the role, and why your experience, skills, and qualifications make you the perfect candidate.

Here is an example of a cover letter. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Custom Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Jasmine Applicant  123 Main Street  Anytown, CA 12345  555-555-5555  jasmine.applicant@email.com

September 1, 2018

Michael Lee  Director, Human Resources  Calico Corner  123 Business Rd.  Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to apply for the store manager training program as posted on the careers page of Calico Corner’s website. I was excited to see this opening because I enjoy shopping at your stores and I have experience in retail management.

After reading the requirements, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the management position. I’ve spent the past three years as an assistant manager of a small convenience store, while finishing my bachelor’s degree. This job has given me the opportunity to manage employees as well as work with the general public. In addition, I have a background in textiles and recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western State University, with a minor in business and marketing. 

I’ve included my resume so you may review my education and work experience in addition to the skills I’ve gained, such as customer service, employee management, communication, social media marketing, and design.

If you have any questions or wish to know more about my qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555 and my email is jasmine.applicant@email.com.

I look forward to hearing from you about this exciting position.

Jasmine Applicant

When You're Emailing a Cover Letter

If you're emailing a cover letter , list your contact information after your typed name instead of at the top of the letter.

Don’t feel the need to go on and on. Three well-written paragraphs that highlight your experience and make your case are better than a lengthy letter that no one will read.

While resumes are necessarily a bit more to the point, you’re trying to woo the hiring manager, and that means letting your natural charm and enthusiasm shine through. Think about what would make you sit up and take notice if you were reading this cover letter. What would inspire you to call you in for an interview?

It can never be said enough, have a trusted friend proofread your cover letter before you send it along. Even professional editors miss mistakes in their own writing. Get a second set of eyeballs on your cover letter before you hit send or upload. 

Parts of a Cover Letter: A Detailed Breakdown of 6 Must-Have Sections

Nathan Thompson

3 takeaways

  • Learn each part of a cover letter and proper cover letter structure
  • Discover how to correctly write each section of your cover letter 
  • The best method for generating personalized cover letters in seconds with the Teal AI Resume Builder

When you’re job searching, writing a cover letter can be one of the most discouraging tasks on the list. After all, you’ve already bookmarked the job you want, researched the company, and tailored the perfect resume to match the job description. 

And now, you need to find the time (and energy) to fit all that information into a single-page cover letter.

But by knowing all the parts of a cover letter, along with how to write them, you’ll have a massive head start in the application process. 

What are the parts of a cover letter?

Before you get started creating your cover letter sections, it's important to know the main parts of a professional cover letter. Here they are in order:

  • Salutation (or greeting)
  • Opening paragraph
  • Closing paragraph

Struggling to land interviews with your current resume and cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder today.

Just like there are resume sections , cover letters have sections, too.  So, first things first: should a cover letter have a header? Absolutely. 

More than just a list of ways to reach you, the header of your cover letter is your first branding opportunity. It should mirror the header of your resume to frame your application as a polished and cohesive package. 

This symmetry isn't just visually appealing; it shows a deliberate and meticulous approach to your job application.

But what should be on a cover letter header?

The key elements of a cover letter header include your:

  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL (Optional)
  • Phone number

Here’s an example: 

Parts of a cover letter showing the header

Consider adding a link to your professional online profile, like LinkedIn, especially if you’re applying for a remote job. 

Note: Even if you’re sending an email cover letter, you should attach your letter as a PDF. First, it’s just easier to format. Second, it helps the hiring manager print or share this document with other decision-makers. 

Following the date, you’ll want to add the:

  • Name of the hiring manager 
  • The company you’re applying to 

Here’s what this looks like: 

Parts of a cover letter showing hiring manger details in the header

2. Salutation

When you’re on the hunt for a new job, first impressions matter. This is what makes the cover letter salutation so important.

This is where writing a personalized cover letter begins and where you demonstrate your interest and effort in connecting with the company on a human level. Directly addressing the hiring manager is highly recommended when you know their name. It signals respect, shows that you've done your homework, and positions you as a candidate who values personal engagement.

Why not just start your cover letter as “To whom it may concern”? 

Because in today's job market, where a lot of applications flood an inbox, a personalized greeting helps you stand out. It sets a tone of attentiveness and immediately tells the hiring manager that you pay attention to detail. 

Even this little gesture can transform a generic cover letter from a one-size-fits-all document into a tailored conversation starter that resonates with the person responsible for filling the role.

How to find the hiring manager's name

Finding the hiring manager’s name may seem difficult, but it’s often simpler than you think. 

Here are some strategies to uncover this key piece of information:

  • LinkedIn : The professional network is your first port of call. Search for the company and sift through employee listings, focusing on those with titles like “Hiring Manager,” “Recruitment Officer,” or specific department heads if you’re applying for a specialized position.
  • Company website : Sometimes, the information is hidden in plain sight on the company’s ‘Team’ or ‘About Us’ page. Larger companies might list their staff, job titles, and contact information.
  • Calling in : A direct approach can be the most effective. Call the company’s front desk or HR department. Be polite, introduce yourself, and explain that you wish to address your cover letter appropriately. Most will be happy to help.
  • Networking outreach : Rely on your network. Ask colleagues or mentors if they know who the hiring manager might be for the position you're eyeing. A mutual connection can often provide you with the name you need.
  • Social media scan : Companies often post about their team and new hires on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. A quick search might yield the right name.

If you can’t find the hiring manager's name despite your best efforts, opt for a polite and general salutation like “Dear hiring manager” or “Dear hiring team” over the impersonal “To whom it may concern.” 

This retains a level of personalization and respect for the team's collaborative hiring effort. It also sets you apart from the many others who simply wrote: “to whom it may concern.”

Write the elements of a cover letter with Teal's AI

Before you start writing the main parts of your cover letter, consider using Teal instead.

Teal’s cover letter generator pulls from the information you added to a specific resume (also extracting the main keywords and details from the job posting you’re applying to) to align your content. Then, in just a click, you’ll have a great cover letter written before your eyes.

All of the parts of a cover letter written with AI

3. Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to captivate the reader's interest and set the stage for your narrative. 

When it comes to your cover letter format , this section should include a succinct introduction of who you are, a brief mention of the position you’re applying for, and a compelling reason why the role aligns perfectly with your skills and career aspirations. 

How to grab your reader’s attention in the opening paragraph

To make your entrance memorable, the opening paragraph must do more than introduce – it must intrigue. Here’s how to ensure it does that:

  • Start with a bang : Lead with a strong statement or a striking fact about your career achievements. Alternatively, a concise, bold expression of your enthusiasm for the company can be just as effective.
  • Show, don't tell : Use a mini anecdote or a powerful example from your experience that reflects your capabilities and mirrors the values or needs of the company.
  • Tailor your tone : Match the tone of your writing to the culture of the company. A startup might appreciate a more casual and innovative opener, while a traditional firm might respect a formal and straightforward approach.
  • Add some flair : Add a touch of your personality without overshadowing your professionalism. Make sure it’s a blend that conveys your unique professional identity.
  • Research results : Mention something recent about the company that impressed you, showing you’re up-to-date and genuinely interested in what they do.
  • Give the why and the what : Clearly articulate why you’re excited about the role and what you bring to the table – this is your unique value proposition.

Example of cover letter content for an opening paragraph

“Imagine a marketing strategy so engaging that it doesn't just capture attention but creates a movement. That's been the hallmark of my approach as a Marketing Manager for the past decade, where I've increased brand engagement by an average of 65% year-over-year. Inspired by [Company Name]'s recent groundbreaking campaign on sustainability—a subject close to my heart since I was just a kid—I am eager to bring my expertise in crafting compelling narratives to the role of Head of Marketing.”

You can find more cover letter samples in these marketing manager cover letter examples .

What makes this a strong opening:

  • Engages with storytelling: The opening verb is “Imagine,” which is much more engaging than something more traditional, like “My name is…”
  • Quantifiable achievements: It includes a specific, measurable achievement (increasing brand engagement by 65% year-over-year), which adds credibility to the applicant’s claims and showcases a track record of success.
  • Personal connection: There’s a personal touch with the mention of a lifelong passion for sustainability, making the applicant’s interest in the company feel genuine and deeply rooted.
  • Alignment with company values: The reference to the company’s campaign on sustainability suggests that the applicant has done their research and shares the company’s values, implying a natural cultural fit.
  • Focus on contribution: By stating a desire to bring expertise in crafting compelling narratives, the applicant immediately addresses how they can contribute to the company’s success rather than just what they wish to gain from the position.

If you can get all of those qualities to shine through in your cover letter, you’ll be more likely to get the reader over to the body of your cover letter. 

Your cover letter body is the meat of your message. It's where you dive into your professional journey, aligning your skills and experiences with the needs of the job at hand. 

This part should be structured in a clear and compelling manner, usually composed of one to three paragraphs, each serving a distinct purpose. 

The first paragraph should connect your past successes to the potential future contributions you'll make to the company. Subsequent paragraphs , like the second or third paragraph , can be used to go further into your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements while also reflecting your knowledge of the company’s goals and challenges.

How to showcase relevant skills and experiences

Here’s how to write a cover letter body that resonates with hiring managers:

  • Customize and contextualize : Tailor each example of your experience to mirror the job description. It’s about relevance—show the reader why and how your background prepares you for the specific role.
  • Quantify your impact : Use numbers and metrics to give weight to your achievements. Whether it’s increasing sales by a certain percentage or reducing costs through innovative solutions, numbers speak louder than words .
  • Problem, action, result (PAR) method : For each skill or experience you share, present the problem you encountered, the action you took, and the result of your efforts. This method illustrates your thought process and problem-solving skills.
  • Align with the company's vision : Show that you’ve done your homework by relating your experience to the company's current projects or goals. This demonstrates not just alignment but also initiative and forward-thinking.
  • Storytelling with substance : Craft your experiences into a narrative that’s engaging. Your goal is to lead the reader on a journey that showcases growth, impact, and relevance to the role.
  • Be concise, be clear : Avoid jargon and overly complex language. The body of your cover letter should be easy to read and understand, ensuring that your points are made without confusion.

Example of what should be in a cover letter body

During my tenure with XYZ Corp, a pioneer in eco-friendly packaging, I spearheaded a transition that faced significant initial resistance both internally and from our customer base. The challenge was formidable: to reframe the public's perception of sustainable packaging from a costly alternative to a savvy, consumer-driven choice. My strategy was to launch an educational campaign that highlighted not just the environmental impact but also the long-term economic benefits. This initiative not only garnered a 120% increase in consumer engagement but also positioned XYZ Corp as a thought leader in the market. In my most recent project, I led a cross-functional team to address a 15% slump in market share due to increased competition. By instituting a thorough competitor analysis and customer feedback loop, we identified key areas where our messaging fell flat. I orchestrated a brand revitalization campaign focused on our core strengths, infused with customer success stories. The result was a 25% market share rebound within the first quarter post-campaign. In each role, I've aligned my actions not only with the company's immediate goals but with a visionary outlook. For instance, anticipating the rise of AI in marketing, I initiated a successful pilot program at XYZ Corp that utilized machine learning to personalize customer interactions, leading to a 30% uptick in customer retention rates.

But remember, not every cover letter will focus on the same information. You’ll need to craft your cover letter according to the specific job you’re applying to. 

While this level of personalization may seem tedious, it’s absolutely necessary. 

5. Closing paragraph

One of the last main parts of a professional cover letter , the closing paragraph, isn’t just a summary but a strategic push to get you into the interview room. This part should reiterate your interest in the position, succinctly summarize why you’re the right fit, and express your enthusiasm about the potential to contribute to the company. 

It's also the place to include a call to action, such as expressing your desire to discuss your application in more detail in a personal interview.

How to end the cover letter on a strong note

  • Reaffirm your value : Concisely restate how your skills and experiences align with the job and can benefit the company.
  • Personal touch : Express genuine enthusiasm and confidence in your ability to perform the role. Let them feel your eagerness and readiness to take on the challenges it presents.
  • Call to action : Encourage the hiring manager to take the next step. You can say you look forward to the opportunity to discuss how you can contribute to their team or that you're eager to provide further details on how you can help achieve their goals.

Closing paragraph example in a cover letter

I am excited to contribute to [Company Name]'s innovative marketing efforts. My skill set aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the Head of Marketing position. I am eager to apply my expertise in strategic planning and digital engagement to drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your brand's vision, and I look forward to discussing how my experience and insights can support your company's success. Thank you for considering my application, and I am hopeful for the opportunity to discuss collaboration in person.

If you're looking for more inspiration, check out this comprehensive database of 1300+ cover letter examples .

6. Sign-off

A professional sign-off sets the tone for how your cover letter is received. It's the equivalent of the final handshake after a successful meeting—it should convey respect and formality. 

Here's how you can ensure your sign-off strengthens your application:

  • Choose the right closing : "Sincerely," "Best regards," and "Kind regards" are safe and professional options. If the company culture is more casual, "Best" or "Warm regards" may be suitable.
  • Include your full name : Your sign-off should always include your full name to ensure clarity and formality. If you've established a personal connection with the hiring manager, adding a handwritten signature above your typed name can add a personal touch.
  • Professional contact details : Beneath your name, include your professional contact details, such as your phone number and email address, and LinkedIn profile URL to facilitate easy follow-up.

The best way to write a cover letter 

Again, if writing a cover letter is your least favorite part of the job application, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to take all the bullet-point information from a resume and turn that into a single page of compelling and persuasive text. 

From getting the cover letter format just right to writing the actual information, it’s not an easy task. 

That’s why, with a tool like Teal’s cover letter generator , there’s simply no excuse for not having a personalized cover letter with each application. 

Simply build your resume, and with the click of a button, you can have a polished and personalized cover letter in seconds. 

Sign up for Teal today to give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should each section of a cover letter be to maintain the reader's interest, can i include bullet points in the body of my cover letter to highlight my achievements, is it necessary to address the cover letter to a specific person, and what if i can't find a name.

application letter body parts

Nathan Thompson

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How To Write A Cover Letter Body (With Examples)

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You’ve got the basic formatting and structural elements figured out, but now it’s time to focus on writing the body of your cover letter .

This is the area where most job seekers begin looking for some help, because the body (also called the argument) is the most important part of the document.

It will also vary greatly depending on the specific job market you intend to enter.

You want to make sure that every part of your cover letter is formatted correctly from top to bottom. That means your body paragraphs need to be laid out properly between your heading and signature . Having a concise cover letter makes it easier for the reader to scan and pick up the important details of your qualifications. That is why understanding the importance of formatting is the first step in writing a great cover letter.

Key Takeaways:

The body of the a cover letter is broken down into 4 paragraphs, an introduction, proven qualifications, what you offer, and a conclusion.

A body of a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words.

Use the STAR method to help frame your qualifications.

Projects, awards, and notable accomplishments are great examples to explore in-depth in your cover letter.

How To Write A Cover Letter Body (With Examples)

What is the Body of a Cover Letter?

What to include in a cover letter body, how to demonstrate your qualifications and fit, sales cover letter body example, design cover letter body example, hr cover letter body example.

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The body of a cover letter is where you give a hiring manager a closer look into your stand-out accomplishments and what makes you the perfect fit for the position. This section is where you sell yourself and explain your most relevant skills and experiences.

The body is taking all of this information and breaking it down into easily digestible sections. Typically, the body of your cover letter will be four paragraphs that each have a defined focus:

Introduction. The first paragraph is a straightforward introduction that hooks the reader into learning more about you.

Proven qualifications. The second paragraph demonstrates your skills with proven experience.

What you offer. The third paragraph highlights what you have to offer your potential employer.

Conclusion. The fourth paragraph concludes your argument for yourself and provides a call to action.

Each paragraph will be explored further below. Also note that a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words, with the majority of these words used in the body paragraphs.

First Paragraph: Introduction

The best way to start your cover letter is with a strong introductory paragraph. Let the recruiter know what experience has led you to applying for this particular position and show enthusiasm. At the same time, this experience should also begin to show the recruiter your potential as a good candidate for the specific role.

Second Paragraph: Proven Qualifications

The second paragraph is where you go into detail on why you are qualified for the position and what makes you perfect the role. Here is where you can show how you are different from other candidates with your work history, skills, and accomplishments. You want to relate all of these qualifications to the duties of the job you are applying for .

One of the best cover letter tips we can give is to scan the original job description for keywords. This is a fool-proof way to make sure you include the most relevant skills that the hiring manager is looking for. Of course, stay honest. Many people writing an entry-level cover letter might be lacking in certain areas, but this is where transferable skills and speaking to your character can come into play.

It is crucial to show your qualifications by providing a quantifiable achievement by telling a story. Pick one or two responsibilities you performed and provide a specific example on what you did and what you accomplished. Consider using the STAR method to structure your example by providing a situation, a task, an action, and a result.

Third Paragraph: What You Offer

The third paragraph of your cover letter should cater to the employer, showcasing why you are a good match for the company. Spend time doing research on the organization , learning the core principles it was built around and what its main mission is. Look into the overall company culture and what type of people work there. All of this information can be found within the job posting, the company website, and professional sites like LinkedIn .

Once you’ve done your research, write a paragraph describing how you fit in and what value you could bring to the company. How can you help with the mission? What have you done to prove that your values align? Here, sell the recruiter on what you can bring to the team.

Fourth Paragraph. Conclusion

The end of your cover letter is just as important as the opening. You need to give the hiring manager a final thought on why you would be perfect for the role, without regurgitating the points already presented.

A strong way to close your cover letter is by simply showing your passion for the role, expressing gratitude, and then adding a call-to-action (CTA). The CTA will prompt the recruiter to take action on your application packet, ultimately scheduling you for the next step in the interview process.

One of the biggest cover letter mistakes is to have too much information that is not relevant to the position. When writing your argument, you should keep in mind that your goal is show the recruiter why you would be an asset to the organization and essentially show evidence through past results.

If you let these two questions guide what you include, it will help to ensure that your letter is focused.

So, how do you actually show that you are a good fit for a company and have the necessary skills ? This comes by simply stating what you believe your skills and credentials are.

Ask yourself questions such as:

Are you a team-player ?

Are you results-driven?

Are you empathetic?

Are you persistent?

Mention skills that match the job description . Include previous job titles you held while acquiring these skills and be specific.

Then you need to demonstrate your value.

This involves backing up what you say in terms of your qualifications. You should also use this an opportunity to show how your experiences are unique , giving the recruiter a better sense of who you are. Some ways you can do this are by discussing:

Projects. Discuss specific projects that you were a lead on or played an integral role to overall success.

Awards. Mention any special awards of recognition you received.

Notable Accomplishments. Explain any goals or objectives that you were able to exceed. This could be helping to develop a process or improving overall productivity.

Dear Ms. Lee, After being a sales professional in the public sector for nearly a decade, I felt compelled to apply for your Sales Consultant position with SalesTech. I have been looking to get into the private sector after being a results-driver in my previous roles. I have the necessary skills of organization and prioritization that I feel would also drive my success with your company. In my previous role as a Sales Consultant at Avid Corp., I proved to be an effective problem solver. I was able to provide custom solutions to some of our biggest clients, earning me Sales Lead of the Year. I also am a team-player that welcomes collaborative input, with my talents contributing to over $150,000 in sales Q1 for my department. Similarly to SalesTech, I believe that technology is a key driver to success. Just as the company invests in using the most cutting-edge technology to improve overall efficiency, I continuously invest in myself via certifications. As a licensed CPA, I bring a deeper understanding of finances and numbers than most candidates. I also believe that continuous education leads to success, and I would take full advantage of the professional development programs offered at SalesTech. I know that I would be an ideal fit for the Sales Consultant position, and I am excited to learn more about the opportunity. With my valuable insights and proven history of results, I can be an asset to the team. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail during the interview process. Best regards, Khalid Jones
Dear Mr. Thomas, As the constant creative, I was pleased to find the Web Designer job posting on your company’s website. Recently freelancing for a sports marketing company, I believe Sports One would be the ideal company for me to start focusing my talents on my true passion. While I have designed websites for diverse industries, my vast knowledge of sports and the clientele involved would make me an ideal member of the Sports One team. In my former Web Designer role, I focused on website creation and mobile app design. I created more than 20 apps in a two-year time period, proving that I can deliver a high volume of projects. Several of my apps received special recognition, including multiple App Innovator awards. I also am highly motivated when it comes to meeting deadlines, delivering completed designs to clients well ahead of schedule. I regularly use the latest software to create search engine optimized graphics, further driving positive results for clients. Sports One is also known for their initiatives in the industry, including the Women in Sports Design program for young women. I also believe in developing future talent, which is why I have offered free workshops for high school students. Our core values of youth development and ushering in fresh perspectives are similarly aligned. I have the creativity, drive, and passion for sports that would make me excel at the web designer position. I would love the opportunity to further detail my work experience and qualifications. Please reach out at your earliest convenience to discuss what an asset I would be to the Sports One team. Best Regards, April Smith
Dear Ms. Washington , Having been an enthusiastic and motivated HR professional for nearly seven years, your posting for the Human Resources Manager position appears to be an excellent fit. I have been searching for an opportunity that would allow me to broaden my horizons, and First Choice is the innovative company that I have been looking for. My experience in human resources and dedication to employee relations make me an ideal candidate. In my previous Human Resources Liaison role at Avid Corp. I managed a team of four people. I trained them on all aspects of company benefits, compensation, and payroll. I also created many of the company’s materials for HR and safety regulations. To further showcase my collaborative efforts, I served as a liaison to hourly employees and mid and senior management. I was such an effective communicator that I led various all-employee meetings and was promoted to Lead Liaison within one year with the company. One of the main reasons that I would be an excellent team member at First Choice is because the company truly cares about its employees. The organization has been on the “Top 5 Companies To Work For” list three years in a row, and I believe this is an environment I would thrive in. My go-getter attitude and positive outlook would also be well received. I welcome the chance to further illustrate how my vast human resources experience would make me a great employee at First Choice. Reach out at your earliest convenience and I can detail my work experience, while also learning more about the role at the company. Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and cover letter. I appreciate your consideration. Best Regards, Lane Johnston

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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Essential Parts of a Job Application Cover Letter

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Applying for jobs is stressful, and having to tailor each application to the job and company in a timely manner just adds to the effort level. But if you want to stand out from the crowd of 100+ people that may apply for any job, you can’t just submit the same cover letter (or job application letter) to each hiring manager for each role.

When you’re submitting cover letters, it’s essential to get them right. From the basics, such as contact information, greeting, and salutation, to the bulk of the letter, we’ve laid out the key areas to cover and guidance for writing yours to stand out.

Note: We also have downloadable templates you can use so you don’t have to worry about coming up with your own professional designs. You can download and customize them for free from the Templates page.

As with any letter, there is an expected flow of information.


The top part of your letter sets the stage by covering some of the common elements of a greeting and contact information.

Your Contact Information

Name, mailing address, phone number(s), email address, and any social media handles if you’d like to make it easier for the employer to check you out.

application letter body parts

Employer Contact Information

Unlike the resume, where you don’t include information directly about the potential employer, you do in the cover letter.

application letter body parts

Include the date either after your own contact information or before the greeting. By providing the date, you can also reference it if you need to follow up with the potential employer if you haven’t heard back about an interview. Here are a few examples of where you can place the date in the introductory design.

application letter body parts

You need to address the letter to someone, but what do you do if you don’t know the name of the recruiter/hiring manager? First try to call or email the contact person listed on the job advertisement to see if you can find out who for sure will review your letter. That way, you show commitment to researching details and solidify your interest in the role. If that doesn’t work, you can always go with the customary “To Whom It May Concern.”

application letter body parts

Requisition Number

When a job requisition number/identifying number is included on the job posting, you should include it somewhere within the cover letter to make it very clear the exact job you’re applying for. You can place it at the top in the introductory material, and/or mention it in the body text.

application letter body parts

The first part of the letter was easy. The next part gets a little more challenging because you need to paint a positive picture of why this company would benefit from hiring you, but you don’t just want to rehash bullet points from your resume. To write a compelling letter, you need to answer these questions/ask yourself these questions and tie your experience to the job ad and your understanding of it. Use these prompts to help build your story rather than aimlessly tossing text into paragraphs. These prompts take some of the guesswork out.

Who I Am and How That Can Improve Your Business – Introductory paragraph

Don’t speak in general terms, just saying how many years you’ve held a certain job title or where you went to school. You also don’t want to sound self-serving by saying “I want to use this role to fulfill my goal of becoming a manager” or a similar statement. You do want to show enthusiasm for the role; just be certain that how you frame it shows the benefits you bring to the employer. Have you designed a training program that has been proven to increase employee retention? Simplified a process to reduce the number of minutes it takes to complete each task? Organized a yearly charity event to benefit the local community? Consistently worked with “difficult” team members to discover they were just in the wrong department / hired for the wrong job? Show how you can repeat these accomplishments for the new employer, based on the exact requests they’ve placed in the job ad.

Before you officially put the refined details into the introductory paragraph of your cover letter, you can jot out ideas, read them out loud, and improve them. Improvements include being specific and measurable in your details, and making sure you’re speaking directly rather than sounding too formal or forced.

In this paragraph, you’ll also want to let the hiring manager know how you learned about this open position. For example, were you referred by an employee, a long-time follower of their company who noticed the open position on Twitter, or happened upon it on a job board?

How I Have Achieved Success Before and How I Can Do it for You – Second/third paragraph

In the following body paragraphs, you elaborate on how your unique skills and experience will be an asset to the company. Don’t use generic statements like “my skills would lend well to the position.” Focus on specific skills, how they match the job ad, and support your claims with actual accomplishments from your work history (measurable, quantifiable if possible).

This is the time when you need to be persuasive, even if it feels like you’re bragging and it feels uncomfortable! It’s hard for most people to frame their talents and wins in a way that is persuasive and unique without feeling big-headed or arrogant. But it’s up to you to make it clear; no one can read between the lines.

In the last paragraph, thank them for considering your application to the role and reiterate why you’re excited to contribute to the organization and its customers. Indicate when you will follow up if you have not yet heard back from the recruiter or hiring manager. This strategy is not to sound impatient or ungracious; it’s really to make sure you are committed to the entire process of working toward earning the role, and to give the heads up in a polite and professional manner that you will continue to follow through on that commitment. Follow the standard letter format to close out your cover letter. Use a professional word such as “regards/kind regards” or “sincerely” followed by your full name.

Other Things to Consider

Keep the cover letter to one page. Even though the pages allowed has changed for resumes, you don’t need to drone on for more than a page in the letter.

You don’t need to spend money hiring and expensive graphic designer or professional career material creator, but do use some basic design elements to make the letter look professional. Simply using a letterhead template in your word processor or looking up standard letter formats on the web will guide you into clear design.

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What is an application letter?


Also known as a cover letter, an application letter is a summary of your strongest and most relevant skills and abilities that will be expanded in your resume or selection criteria. It introduces you to potential employers and highlights your suitability for the position you are applying for.

All written applications should include an application letter. In many cases, your application letter is just as important as your resume. It is unlikely that your resume will be read if your application letter doesn't make a good first impression.

The Dos and Don'ts

What to include.

At the top ↑ :

application letter body parts

At the bottom ↓ :

An application letter can be structured into 3 parts:


The beginning of your application letter should include:

The body of the application letter is where you 'sell yourself. It should address the key requirements stated in the job ad, describing how you have the required qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience.

Identify keywords, phrases and skills mentioned in the ad and focus on emphasising your strengths in these areas. It isn't necessary to include everything mentioned in the job ad. Instead, focus on three to five of the most important elements.

Points to remember:

  • Keep to one theme per paragraph and support your claims with examples.
  • Write persuasively
  • Explain why you are interested in the position or working for the company / organisation
  • State the value you will bring to the position
  • Identify how your achievements and skills qualify you for the role

At the end of the letter:

Sample Cover Letter

Mailing address

Telephone number(s)

Email address

Today's date

Your addressee's name

Professional title

Organisation name

Dear Mr/Ms [last name],

RE: Application for [job role], reference number [number]

Start your application letter with a statement that establishes a connection with your reader. Briefly say what job you are applying for and where you saw the job advertisement.

The mid-section of your application letter should include short paragraphs that make relevant points about how your qualifications and skills make you a good fit for the position. You should not summarise your resume. You may include bullet points here. Choose some qualifications, skills and experience that really target the position you are applying for. Do not go overboard and save information for the interview.

Your concluding paragraph should instigate the reader to contact you for an interview. Refer to any attachments added to your application. Show appreciation for consideration and say thank you.

Yours sincerely, 

(Include your contact details here if you do not add them at the top of the letter)

Further Support

Below are some useful links providing further support with:

They also include example cover letters. Please note, it is important to use examples as a guide only. DO NOT copy the examples and use them as your own.

  • What is a Cover Letter? Useful advice and tips from seek.com.
  • Cover Letters - The Good and The Bad A few simple tips from seek.com to help you get your cover letter noticed.
  • Cover Letters - Monash University More advice about format and content of a cover letter, as well as industry specific examples.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 16, 2022 9:36 PM
  • URL: https://top-au.libguides.com/career-support

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The 5 Parts of a Cover Letter for Your Job Application

The 5 Parts of a Cover Letter for Your Job Application

When looking for a job, you probably think only submitting a resume will suffice. While that may be true, having a cover letter submitted along with the resume can also impact your chances of being hired.

Crafting the perfect resume is taught to everyone before they're sent out to the world. However, not everyone knows how to write a cover letter. Before you start drafting one, you'll need to know the parts of a cover letter. You need to consider the position you're applying for, relevant qualifications to improve, and valuable skills.

Writing a Cover Letter

Proper structuring is important when it comes to your cover letter parts. A good cover letter provides benefits compared to just sending a resume. Among other things, it helps you stand out, especially in a job opening with many applicants.

The primary purpose of having a cover letter is to engage employers when they review your application. Succeeding in this can help give you an interview and maybe even an offer. It also shows information they may not find on your resume, like your motivation.

Parts of a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a one-page document submitted along with your resume. Since all companies are different, it's important to tailor your cover letter to ensure it aligns with your job's values.

For each position, you'll need to tailor the letter in a way that helps you stand out to employers. These include regularly modifying the following depending on the job description:

The salutation part of your cover letter is your greeting. Doing this makes the letter seem much more personal since you're addressing a specific person. That means you're better off writing a “Mr.” or “Ms.” Instead of a “To whom it may concern.” To make this part more effective, you'll have to do some research to understand who will be reviewing your resume.

Opening line

The opening line sets the tone for any cover letter. It has the potential to make the entire document more memorable. Examples of strong opening lines can include jokes and puns. You can also open a cover letter with strong emotions, like passion or enthusiasm.

The story is the biggest part of your cover letter. This part is your unique selling point, covering your skills, qualifications, and what you can bring to the table if you're hired. Here, you write the details of what makes you stand out compared to others. It's nearly impossible to have a similar career journey with someone else.

Closing line

Once you finish the letter's main body, a closing line allows you to end the letter gracefully and professionally. It's also here where you can express gratitude and thank the employer for their time. A good closing line summarizes your letter, meaning you should also remind the employer why you make the perfect fit for the role.

You can find the signature at the very bottom of the cover letter. It has your name, signature, and sign-offs like “Sincerely” or “Regards.” It's perhaps the least important to include out of the five, but it's a good closer. Contact information is unnecessary here since they can already find it on your resume.

A Letter That's Got You Covered!

Cover letters are a great way to add value to your application. Drafting one also highlights your motivations and expectations for the role. It tells employers that you're a candidate they should consider because you have the qualifications and skills to fulfill the role.

A good cover letter is nothing without any prospects. With over 51,000 job openings available, Career.com can help you land your dream job today!

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