Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay

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Books Vs. Movies – Introduction

Similarities between books and movies, difference between books and movies, works cited.

This paper examines the similarities and differences between books and movies. Although both tell stories and evoke emotions, they also have distinct characteristics. For example, books rely on the reader’s imagination, while movies present a pre-determined visual interpretation. Another difference between books and movies is that books typically offer a more in-depth exploration of characters, while movies may prioritize visual spectacle over character development. Despite these contrasts, both books and movies have the power to entertain, educate, and inspire. This essay compares and contrasts the two products in detail and provides examples from famous works.

Books and movies are two of the most important mediums for communicating ideas to an audience. The two can be used for various purposes, including entertaining and informing. Books make use of written words to communicate with the reader. On the other hand, movies utilize audio-visual technology to communicate with the viewing audience. Books and Movies have several significant similarities and differences.

A major similarity is that both books and movies set out to tell stories that are often fascinating to the audience. Regardless of which medium is being used, efforts are made to create stories that are going to be engaging to the reader or viewer. For both movies and books, the story is a central part, and the authors or directors come up with themes and plotlines that can captivate and entertain the audience (Bordwell and Staiger 262). By using elements such as characters, setting, conflict, and resolution at the end, book authors and movie directors can come up with successful stories.

Another similarity is that both books and movies make great use of characters through whom the story is told. Bordwell and Staiger note that the characters used must be well suited to the story, and they must be clearly distinguished from one another (262). They are given personalities and used to fulfill the key elements of the story being told through the book or the movie. In most cases, it is the characters that make the audience regard a movie or book as superior or inferior.

A significant difference between books and movies is in the manner in which the visual images are created. When reading a book, the reader has to use his/her imagination to create a visual image from the words contained in the book (Mayer 17). For example, in the Harry Potter books, the reader is required to form his/her own image of the various magical creatures. On the other hand, movies present the reader with a ready visual image. In the Harry Potter Movies, the images of creatures such as trolls and goblins are presented to the audience. The imagination of the viewer is not required since the movie makers have already created the image they want the audience to have.

Books and movies differ in the level of detail provided. In books, the author spends a lot of time providing details of characters, events, objects, and places. These lengthy descriptions are necessary to help the reader to create a mental image of the story. With movies, there are no lengthy details used. Movies do not have to engage in detailed descriptions since a complicated image can be shown in a single movie shot. Mayer notes that a movie can, within the span of a few seconds, graphically show a mass of details to the viewer (17).

Books and movies are both adequate means of telling a story. While the two make use of different technologies to communicate with an audience, they have some similarities. These include the use of stories and the reliance on characters to tell the story. However, the two have major differences in terms of the level of imagination required of the audience and the use of details. Overall, books and movies are important communication mediums that play a great role in our society.

Bordwell, David, and Janet Staiger. The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960. NY: Routledge, 2003. Print.

Mayer, Robert. Eighteenth-Century Fiction on Screen . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 17). Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay.

"Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay." IvyPanda , 17 June 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay'. 17 June.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay." June 17, 2020.

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IvyPanda . "Books Vs. Movies: Similarities and Differences Essay." June 17, 2020.

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Books vs. movies: the age-old debate.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

The Mountain Between Us , It , Murder on the Orient Express , Wonder , My Cousin Rachel . These films released in 2017 have one thing in common, and you may have guessed it already: They were all books that were later adapted into movies.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Similar to its affinity for sequels and remakes , it seems to me like Hollywood is increasingly looking to books for inspiration for the next blockbuster hits. From a business standpoint, it makes total sense because producers can draw on the popularity of a certain book and use that to their advantage when it comes to marketing the film’s release.

As an avid reader, I am always excited at the news that a book is being adapted as a feature film. My mind is occupied by thoughts of who the actors/actresses are going to be (and if I approve), if the film will stay true to the book, and most importantly, if the movie will be just as good as the book. The thought of finally being able to visualize what has only previously been limited to my imagination is always an exciting prospect.

However, I am usually underwhelmed after watching a certain film based on a book, and if you asked me a year ago which one I would prefer: the movie or the book, I would have immediately chosen the book.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Hands down. No doubt. However, within the past year, I have come to appreciate movie adaptations of books more because I have realized that comparing books to their counterpart movies isn’t fair; at the end of the day, the two mediums of storytelling have different advantages and different qualifications for what makes them good. Like Stephen King once said, comparing one to the other is like comparing apples to oranges. They are both great sources of entertainment, but they aren’t comparable. For those still reluctant to accept this theory, I’ll be delving more into this age-old question: “What’s better: books or movies?” I’ll make a case for each argument and let you make the final call.

The popular belief is that books are often a hundred times better than their movie counterparts; if you need any further proof, just take a look at the following Washington Post visual.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Books are great because they allow the reader to be a part of the story; we are the observers that have insight into the character’s thoughts and feelings, and all the nuances that create three-dimensional characters. With books, there’s just more. More detail, more focus on character development, and more depth to the meaning of the artwork. It’s also the more time-consuming form of the two, and after finishing a novel, after a couple of hours of being immersed into a different world and mind space, it seems like you have suddenly been thrust back into reality.

On the other hand, the great thing about movies is their ability to show, and the overall experience of watching one. While reading a book, I often have a movie reel playing in my head. I can map out the setting, I can see the characters’ expressions, and I can empathize with their emotions.

However, watching the same story unfold on the big screen is a different experience. While reading spurs your imagination, a movie helps you visualize all the elements of the books that were previously confined to your imagination. It immerses you into the story in a different way than a book.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

For example, instead of reading about the magical world of Harry Potter, while watching the movie, I can actually see what J.K. Rowling means by “He was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild – long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he had hands the size of dustbin lids and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins.” To put it simply, movies make it easier for us to just lean back and enjoy the show.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

An added benefit of movies is the music and visual designs that enhance the experience of watching a film. Imagine, for example, that you are watching an emotional scene. It’s the climax of the story, and in the background plays a gentle orchestra, that eventually swells into a big crescendo as the story reaches its resolution. In that moment, you feel exactly what the characters feel, and your heart races along with the melody of the music. So although (in some cases) the audience might not have a play by play of the characters’ thoughts and emotions, movies have another way of conveying the emotion and tone of a certain scene.

If you feel like further exploring this age-old debate personally, come down to Media Services to check out movies even the worst critic would have to admit are just as good as the books. Don’t know where to start? Try Pride and Prejudice, Psycho, Jaws, The Godfather, etc.

Until next time! RE

Robiati Endashaw is a sophomore studying public policy analysis in KSB with a minor in Economics. In her spare time, she enjoys reading non-fiction and watching crime documentaries.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Robiati Endashaw offers a balanced perspective on the age-old debate between books and their movie adaptations. As an avid reader, she acknowledges the initial skepticism toward films based on beloved books. However, she also appreciates the unique advantages of both mediums of storytelling. While books allow for deeper immersion and detailed character development, movies excel in visual storytelling and immersive experiences. Endashaw emphasizes that comparing books and movies is like comparing apples to oranges; they serve different purposes and offer distinct pleasures. Her insights encourage readers to appreciate the merits of both forms of storytelling and explore adaptations with an open mind.

Oh gee thanks so much . I also feel quite the same way too when it comes to books as in they are so much enjoyable because they allow us as the reader to explore the depths of my imagination and every thing happening Is felt dearly. 😊

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Bookish Place

To Watch or to Read: The Great Debate of Books vs. Movies

The debate between books vs. movies has been raging for decades. Some people prefer the immersive experience of reading a good book, while others enjoy the visual and auditory spectacle of a blockbuster movie. While both mediums have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, there is no denying that they both offer a powerful and engaging way to tell a story.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both books and movies and delve into the reasons why some people prefer one medium over the other. We will also examine the impact that film adaptations have had on the literary world, and how books and movies have influenced and inspired each other over the years.

Through this exploration, we hope to provide a better understanding of the book vs. movie debate and help readers decide which medium they prefer. Whether you’re a die-hard bookworm or a film buff, there’s no denying that both books and movies have a place in our cultural landscape. So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the great debate of book vs. movie.

Book Vs Movie: Compare And Contrast

Books vs. movies: The age-old debate. Here’s a chart summarizing the key differences between books and movies:

These are just a few of the many differences between books and movies, and there is no right or wrong choice when it comes to deciding which medium you prefer. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what you enjoy most in a story.

The Advantages of Reading a Book Over Watching a Movie

Books and movies are two very different forms of media. While movies can be visually stunning and entertaining, books offer a deeper, more immersive experience that simply can’t be replicated on the big screen. In this section, we’ll explore some of the key advantages of reading a book over watching a movie and find out the reasons why good books are better than movies.

Reading a book offers a more immersive experience than a movie, as it allows readers to delve deeper into the story and form a stronger connection to the characters. With more extensive descriptions of people, places, and events, readers can visualize the story in their own way and bring their own experiences and perspectives to the reading experience. This personal connection is not possible with a movie, which visualizes the story for the viewer.

Books Vs. Novel - A Reader Enjoying His Favourite Book

Reading also has cognitive benefits, improving memory, focus, and concentration, as readers actively process and make connections between story elements. Additionally, reading expands vocabulary and language skills, exposing readers to a wider range of words and sentence structures.

While movies have their own unique advantages, such as a cinematic experience and visual and auditory stimulation, reading a book offers a deeper, more engaging experience that cannot be matched by any other medium. Overall, the benefits of reading make it an essential and highly rewarding activity.

The Advantages of Watching a Movie Over Reading a Book

While there are numerous advantages to reading a book, there are also many reasons why watching a movie can be a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. In this section, we’ll explore some of the key advantages of watching a movie over reading a book and find out the reasons why movies are better than books.

Movies have a distinct advantage over books due to their visual medium, which can create stunning visuals, deliver visceral impacts, and transport viewers to different worlds. Movies are also more convenient than books, as they require less time and effort to enjoy. Additionally, movies are accessible to a broader audience, including young children and those with limited literacy skills. 

Books Vs. Movie - Enjoying a Movie in a Theater

Finally, movies offer a shared experience that can bond friends and family and create lasting memories. While books offer a deeper, more immersive experience and can improve cognitive functioning and language skills, movies should not be overlooked. Movies are an essential and valuable part of our culture, and their unique advantages should be appreciated.

The Importance of Originality: The Book vs. Movie Debate

The importance of originality is a crucial factor in the debate of book vs. movie. Books and movies require originality to stand out in their respective mediums. 

In books, originality is crucial to the success of the story, as readers are looking for something new and fresh. Authors who can deliver original and compelling stories are more likely to attract a loyal following of readers. 

On the other hand, movies need to offer something unique and different from what has come before to succeed in a crowded marketplace. Audiences want to be entertained and challenged, to see something they haven’t seen before. The challenge lies in adapting a book for the screen, as movies need to capture the essence of the original story while also offering something new and original to viewers. A successful movie adaptation captures the spirit of the original story while also offering something fresh and unique to the audience. 

Overall, originality is crucial for both books and movies to be successful and memorable.

The Impact of Film Adaptations on Book Sales

Film adaptations of books have become common in the entertainment industry, and their impact on book sales is significant. A successful movie adaptation can result in a surge of book sales and increased attention for the author. However, a poorly received adaptation can damage the reputation of the source material and turn potential readers away. 

The impact of film adaptations on book sales can also vary depending on the genre of the book , with young adult novels having a particularly strong impact. A successful adaptation can also lead to increased interest in the author and their other works. 

Books Versus Movie - Best Selling Harry Potter Book Series

Nonetheless, the relationship between books and movies is complex, and a delicate balance must be struck between staying true to the source material and offering something new and original. 

Despite the challenges, it is clear that the relationship between books and movies is important, with each medium having the potential to influence and enhance the other.

Comparing the Popularity of Books and Movies: A Statistical Analysis

This section explores the popularity of books and movies by analyzing sales figures and audience engagement. 

According to the Association of American Publishers, book sales in the US reached $25.8 billion in 2020, while global box office revenue for movies was $42.2 billion in 2019. However, these figures are not necessarily indicative of overall popularity, as the success of a book or movie can depend on various factors such as genre and marketing. 

In terms of audience engagement, a survey by the Pew Research Center found that 65% of American adults reported reading a book in print or digital format in 2019, while data from the Motion Picture Association shows that the average US moviegoer attended about 5 movies in theaters in 2019 . 

Nonetheless, it is important to note that reading books and watching movies are not mutually exclusive activities, and personal preference and taste play a significant role in determining the popularity of these two forms of entertainment. 

Ultimately, both books and movies have the potential to provide enjoyable and meaningful experiences for viewers and readers alike.

Why Some Movies Fail to Capture the Essence of the Book

Movie adaptations of books often face challenges in capturing the essence of the original work. The biggest challenge is condensing the story into a shorter running time, which can result in a movie that feels rushed or incomplete, with important plot points or character development left out. 

Gulliver's Travels - Books Vs. Movies

Another challenge is finding the right tone and style, as books can be written in a variety of styles, from lyrical and poetic to straightforward and simple. Filmmakers may make changes to the story or characters that alter the tone or style of the original work, resulting in a movie that feels different from the book. Inner thoughts and emotions, which are extensively described in books, can be difficult to convey visually, leading to clunky or awkward voiceovers or other techniques. 

Lastly, some movies fail to capture the essence of the book simply because they are not faithful to the original work, as filmmakers may make changes that are not in line with the author’s vision.

Overall, adapting a book to a movie is a challenging task that requires balancing various elements such as condensing the story, finding the right tone, conveying inner experiences, and staying faithful to the original work. However, when done well, a movie adaptation can provide a fresh perspective on a beloved story and introduce new audiences to the world of the book.

How Movies Can Enhance or Detract from the Reading Experience

Movies can impact the experience of reading books in both positive and negative ways. While a well-made movie adaptation can bring a story to life in a new way and provide new insights into the characters and settings, it can also limit your imagination and leave out important details or changes that affect the overall meaning of the story

A movie adaptation can enhance the reading experience by providing a visual representation of the story and bringing new nuances to the characters and events. On the other hand, movies can detract from the reading experience by limiting the reader’s imagination and leaving out important details or changing aspects of the story that affect its overall meaning. When a movie adaptation leaves out a key subplot or character, the story may feel incomplete, and if it changes the ending of the story, it can alter the entire meaning of the book. 

Ultimately, the decision to read a book or watch a movie adaptation is a personal one and depends on the individual’s preferences and the specific book and movie in question.

Does Reading the Book First Ruin the Movie Experience?

book versus movie

The debate over whether reading the book before watching the movie adaptation ruins the movie experience has been ongoing. Some people believe that knowing the story beforehand takes away the suspense and surprises that make movies enjoyable, while others argue that reading the book first enhances the movie experience. 

Those against reading the book first argue that it takes away from the suspense and surprise of the movie and leads to constant comparison with the book. However, reading the book first can also provide a deeper understanding of the story and characters, making the story more meaningful and impactful. It can also help fill in gaps that are often left out in the movie adaptation. Movies have to condense the story, leaving out important details or subplots, which can leave viewers feeling confused or unsatisfied. 

Ultimately, whether reading the book first ruins the movie experience is a matter of personal preference. It’s up to the individual to decide whether they want to read the book first or wait to see the movie without any prior knowledge of the story.

The Role of Directors and Screenwriters in Adapting Books for Film

Adapting a book into a film is a challenging task that requires a skilled director and screenwriter to bring the story to life on the big screen. They must carefully decide which elements of the book should be included in the movie, considering the pacing, structure, characters, and motivations, to ensure that the movie stays true to the spirit of the book while also being entertaining for moviegoers. Without understanding the psychology of movie watchers, a movie hardly gets success at the box office. The tone and mood of the book must also be captured in the movie adaptation, which can be particularly challenging when adapting books known for their unique style or voice.

Books Vs. Movies - Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit

Practical constraints of the movie medium must also be considered, such as deciding which scenes and characters can realistically be portrayed on screen and which elements of the story may need to be altered or omitted to fit within the constraints of the movie format.

The success of a movie adaptation depends on the skill and creativity of the director and screenwriter, who must work together to craft a cinematic experience that stays true to the book while also being engaging for moviegoers. When done well, a movie adaptation can bring a beloved book to life in a new and exciting way, creating a powerful and memorable cinematic experience.

The Future of Books and Movies: Will One Outlast the Other?

The future of books and movies is uncertain, and it is difficult to predict which medium will outlast the other. 

Books have been around for centuries and provide an immersive experience, allowing readers to engage with the story and characters. They have a wide range of genres and subject matter, making them accessible to a broad audience. On the other hand, movies offer a unique cinematic experience that cannot be replicated by any other medium. They visually immerse viewers in the story and characters and can reach a wider audience through mass distribution in theaters and online streaming platforms.

However, concerns remain about the future of both mediums. The rise of e-books and audiobooks and the decline of traditional print books are concerns for the book industry, while the decline of movie theaters and the rise of streaming services are affecting the movie industry. 

Despite these concerns, both books and movies have shown resilience over time. While the formats may change, the desire for stories and entertainment will always be present. It is likely that both mediums will coexist in the future, with each offering its unique benefits to audiences.

The debate between books and movies will continue as both have their unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on personal preference. While books provide an immersive experience and movies offer a unique cinematic experience, the impact of movie adaptations on book sales and the role of directors and screenwriters in the adaptation process is crucial. Both books and movies have influenced and inspired each other, but some movies fail to capture the essence of the book. 

Ultimately, both mediums have a place in our cultural landscape, and it’s important to celebrate and appreciate their unique benefits while enjoying the stories and characters they bring to life.

So, Keep Watching and Be Bookish !

Bookish Place Author Dennis K. Hawkins

Dennis K. Hawkins is a writer, blogger, book critic and bookish person. He has written several books and regularly write blogs. As a bookish, he reads a lot and regularly share his opinion regarding books. Besides, he has a huge collection of unique accessories related to book. So, he is an expert and also a real user of the book accessories that he chooses to write on.

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55 Writing about the Novel: Film Comparison

You began the process of writing your literary comparison paper in the Introduction to the Novel chapter by choosing an essay, reading it carefully, and writing a personal response. In this chapter, we will move through the remaining steps of writing your paper.

Step 3: Choose a Film for Comparison

The key to a good comparison essay is to choose two subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of conducting the comparison is not to state the obvious, but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities.

When writing a film comparison paper, the point is to make an argument that will make your audience think about your topic in a new and interesting way. You might explore how the novel and the film present the theme…or how the novel and the film explore the identity of a main character…or…the options are limitless. Here’s a quick video giving you a little overview of what a film vs novel comparison might look like:

To this end, your next goal is to choose a film adaptation of your novel. Some novels may only have one, but some have many that have been created over the last 100 years! Your adaptation could be a feature film, a YouTube short, or an indie film. Choose one that allows you to make an interesting point about the portrayal of the theme of the novel and the film.

Step 4: Research

Once you’ve chosen a second piece, it’s time to enter into the academic conversation to see what others are saying about the authors and the pieces you’ve chosen.

Regardless of the focus of your essay, discovering more about the author of the text you’ve chosen can add to your understanding of the text and add depth to your argument. Author pages are located in the Literature Online ProQuest database. Here, you can find information about an author and his/her work, along with a list of recent articles written about the author. This is a wonderful starting point for your research.

The next step is to attempt to locate articles about the text and the film themselves. For novels, it’s important to narrow down your database choices to the Literature category. For essays, you might have better luck searching the whole ProQuest library with the ProQuest Research Library Article Databases or databases like Flipster that include publications like newspapers and magazines.

Finally, you might look for articles pertinent to an issue discussed in the novel. For example, The Grapes of Wrath is about the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, but it also contains an environmental theme. Depending on what aspect you want to highlight in your comparison, you might look for articles about the Great Depression or about farming and the environment.

Remember, it is helpful to keep a Research Journal to track your research. Your journal should include, at a minimum, the correct MLA citation of the source, a brief summary of the article, and any quotes that stick out to you. A note about how you think the article adds to your understanding of the topic or might contribute to your project is a good addition, as well.

Step 5: Thesis & Outline

Similar to other academic essays, the film comparison essay starts with a thesis that clearly introduces the two subjects that are to be compared and the reason for doing so.

This video highlights some of the key differences between novels and films:

Begin by deciding on your basis for comparison. The basis of comparison could include items like a similar theme, differences in the focus of the piece, or the way both pieces represent an important issue.

This article gives some helpful advice on choosing a topic.

Once you’ve decided on the basis of comparison, you should focus on the points of comparison between the two pieces. For example, if you are focusing on how the literary elements and the cinematic elements used impact the message, you might make a table of each of these elements. Then, you’d find examples of each element from each piece. Remember, a comparison includes both similarities and differences.

By putting together your basis of comparison and your points of comparison, you’ll have a thesis that both makes an argument and gives readers a map of your essay.

A good thesis should be:

  • Statement of Fact: “The novel and the film of Pride and Prejudice are similar in many ways.”
  • Arguable: “The film version of Pride and Prejudice changes key moments in the text that alter the portrayal of the theme.”
  • Personal Opinion: “‘The novel is definitely better than the movie.”
  • Provable by the Texts: “Both the novel and the film focus on the importance of identity.”
  • Obvious: “The movie provides a modern take on the novel.”
  • Surprising: “Though the movie stays true to the original themes of the novel, the modern version may lead viewers to believe that the characters in the book held different values than are portrayed in the novel.”
  • General: “Both the novel and the film highlight the plight of women.”
  • Specific: “The novel and the film highlight the plight of women by focusing on specific experiences of the protagonist. “

The organizational structure you choose depends on the nature of the topic, your purpose, and your audience. You may organize compare-and-contrast essays in one of the following two ways:

  • Block: Organize topics according to the subjects themselves, discussing the novel and then the film.
  • Woven: Organize according to individual points, discussing both the novel and the film point by point.

Exercises: Create a Thesis and Outline

You’ll want to start by identifying the theme of both pieces and deciding how you want to tie them together. Then, you’ll want to think through the points of similarity and difference in the two pieces.

In two columns, write down the points that are similar and those that are different. Make sure to jot down quotes from the two pieces that illustrate these ideas.

Following the tips in this section, create a thesis and outline for your novel/film comparison paper.

Here’s a sample thesis and outline:

Step 6: Drafting Tips

Once you have a solid thesis and outline, it’s time to start drafting your essay. As in any academic essay, you’ll begin with an introduction. The introduction should include a hook that connects your readers to your topic. Then, you should introduce the topic. In this case, you will want to include the authors and title of the novel and the director and title of the film. Finally, your introduction should include your thesis. Remember, your thesis should be the last sentence of your introduction.

In a film comparison essay, you may want to follow your introduction with background on both pieces. Assume that your readers have at least heard of either the novel or the film, but that they might not have read the novel or watched the film–or both–…or maybe it’s been awhile. For example, if you were writing about Pride and Prejudice , you might include a brief introduction to Austen and her novel and an introduction to the version of the film you’ve chosen. The background section should be no more than two short paragraphs.

In the body of the paper, you’ll want to focus on supporting your argument. Regardless of the organizational scheme you choose, you’ll want to begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. This should be followed by the use of quotes from your two texts in support of your point. Remember to use the quote formula–always introduce and explain each quote and the relationship to your point! It’s very important that you address both literary pieces equally, balancing your argument. Finally, each paragraph should end with a wrap up sentence that tells readers the significance of the paragraph.

Here are some transition words that are helpful in tying points together:

Finally, your paper will end with a conclusion that brings home your argument and helps readers to understand the importance/significance of your essay.

In this video, an instructor explains step by step how to write an essay comparing two films. Though you will be writing about a novel and a film, rather than two films, the same information applies.

Here’s another instructor explaining how to write a comparison essay about two poems. Note the similarities between the two videos.

Here’s a sample paper:


  • Content created by Dr. Karen Palmer. Licensed under CC BY NC SA .
  • Content adapted from “Comparison and Contrast” from the book Successful Writing licensed CC BY NC SA .

The Worry Free Writer Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Karen Palmer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Books vs. Movies: Comparison of Features

We all have a friend who yells during a movie that this moment was shown differently in the book. At the same time, another friend says that he or she is bored with reading and would rather wait for the movie adaptation. Both of these friends can be right, since much of a book or film’s success depends on the talent of its writer, screenwriter, director, and actors. Hence, comparing books and movies is a challenging task as both have their advantages.

The main thing in common between books and films is that they convey a story and evoke emotion. A plot can be fiction, fantasy, or a real story from someone’s life. However, it is extremely rare that a story is completely truthful. This statement does not mean that all authors and screenwriters lie, but embellishment or exaggeration is an integral part of books and films. The author can slightly change the sequence of events or the order of words in the phrase, add or omit minor details to make the story more engaging. The director casts an actor with a different color of eyes or hair than a real character or uses a more picturesque setting for the stage. These features are intended to bring readers or viewers more pleasure and evoke stronger emotions, and they are common to movies and books.

At the same time, a book differs from a movie because it can have more details and focus on the characters’ feelings. Quite often, fans of famous books, such as Harry Potter, are outraged that the movie does not show this or that episode, which distorts the character’s personality. Such flaws arise because all the book details cannot be placed in the standard or the appropriate time for a movie. In addition, actors may not accurately convey the characters’ feelings with their acting, while the words in a book precisely describe them. For this reason, the advantage of books is that they can reveal details of the story and feelings of its characters, which bring stronger emotions in readers.

However, the advantage of movies is that a director can use impressive graphics that are difficult for a person to imagine, and musical accompaniment to emphasize the atmosphere of the moment. For example, a person who reads about aliens, magic, or outer space cannot clearly visualize some images, since he or she has no real experience with such objects, but computer graphics can create anything. Music also enhances the mood of the moment; for example, a dramatic song sounds during battles or the scene of a character’s death, and harsh sounds are usually a part of horror films. Thus, a viewer can feel the mood of the moment and enjoy the visuals while relaxing in a movie theater.

Therefore, books and movies have a common purpose in conveying a story to readers or viewers. Their similar feature is that they often embellish reality more or less to offer readers or viewers the best version of a story. However, the main advantage of books is their detail and description of the characters’ feelings, while films allow people to perceive their plot visually and audibly but not only through the prism of their experience. Consequently, books and movies are different in the way of delivering ideas, and the choice of people depends on their preferences.

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StudyCorgi . "Books vs. Movies: Comparison of Features." March 31, 2022.

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Cover to Cover: Comparing Books to Movies

Cover to Cover: Comparing Books to Movies

  • Resources & Preparation
  • Instructional Plan
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Movies can be an integral part of the language arts classroom when they are used in ways that encourage and develop students' critical thinking. In this activity, students explore matching texts—novels and the movies adapted from them—to develop their analytical strategies. They use graphic organizers to draw comparisons between the two texts and hypothesize about the effect of adaptation. They analyze the differences between the two versions by citing specific adaptations in the film version, indicating the effect of each adaptation on the story, and deciding if they felt the change had a positive effect on the overall story. Students then design new DVD covers and a related insert for the movies, reflecting their response to the movie version.

Featured Resources

  • Grades 6–8 Book and Film List : This text list includes books and their corresponding movies that are appropriate for the middle school classroom.
  • DVD Cover Creator : This online tool allows users to type and illustrate CD and DVD covers and related booklets for liner notes and other information.

From Theory to Practice

Movies have long been a part of the educational setting, but they can take on the role as simple entertainment unless teachers develop lessons that ask students to move beyond seeing the film as "just entertainment." Renee Hobbs explains that "When we use film and television in the classroom, it is important to do so in ways that promote active, critical thinking" (48). Hobbs urges teachers to design activities that "engage and motivate reluctant readers, enabling them to build comprehension strategies" (45). As students compare novels and the related film adaptations in this lesson plan, they move beyond simple entertainment to the kind of deeper critical thinking Hobbs advocates. Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
  • 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

  • Grades 6–8 Book and Film List
  • Book(s) and film you plan to share with students
  • Television and VCR or DVD player
  • Writer’s Notebook
  • Permission to View Film/Video handout
  • Focused Reading and Viewing Guide
  • Book and Movie Comparison/Contrast Guide
  • Thinking Critically about the Movie Adaptations: Preferences and Effects
  • DVD Cover Templates and Layout
  • Movie Adaptation DVD Cover and Notes Project
  • Movie Adaptation DVD Cover and Booklet Project Rubric
  • A Closer Look at Book and DVD Covers (optional)


  • Select a book that has been made into a movie to read aloud to the class. Possible titles have been included on the Grades 6–8 Book and Film List . If you wish to make these activities cross-curricular then cross-check the title with the Website Teach with Movies .
  • Obtain permission for viewing the film using the Permission to View Film/Video handout, or the permission forms and any other documents required by your school or district.
  • Decide whether students will complete the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide as they read or after the novel is complete.
  • Share the novel with the class.
  • Make copies of all necessary handouts.
  • Test the DVD Cover Creator on your computers to familiarize yourself with the tool and ensure that you have the Flash plug-in installed. You can download the plug-in from the technical support page.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • identify the characters, setting, plot, and resolution in a book and in the movie based upon the book.
  • describe how the elements of the book and movie are alike and different.
  • discuss the effects of and state preferences toward these similarities and differences.
  • hypothesize reasons that movie makers altered characteristics from the book.
  • design a DVD cover and booklet reflecting their response to the movie adaptation.

Session One

  • After the book has been completed, ask the students to think about a time when they read a book and then saw a movie based upon that book.
  • Ask students to recall the kinds of things that they thought about as they watched the movie. Students will respond with ideas that suggest they were comparing the book to the movie and mentally noting similarities and differences.
  • Inform students that since they have just finished the book, they are going to watch a movie based upon it. During the movie they will consider how well the movie honors the ideas presented in the book.
  • Have students fill in the book column on the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide , working individually or in small groups.
  • Review items in the book column of the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide as a class, and ask students to watch for these elements during the movie.
  • Explain when students will complete the film section of the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide —while watching the movie or after. Students’ ability to attend to multiple tasks should be a factor in making your decision.
  • Begin viewing the film.

Session Two

  • Review the previous session’s viewing.
  • See if students have any questions or concerns regarding the film section of the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide .
  • Continue viewing the film.

Session Three

  • After viewing the film, go over students’ responses to the film section of the Focused Reading and Viewing Guide .
  • Pass out copies of the Book and Movie Comparison/Contrast Guide , which asks them to determine how different elements of the story are alike and different, and ask students to complete the guide in pairs or small groups.
  • Have students share their observations with the class.
  • As a closure activity, ask students to share why they think some of the elements are different and whether it is important for movies to remain identical to the novels on which they are based.

Session Four

  • Explain that students will be create a new DVD cover for the movie adaptation the class has viewed.
  • To prepare for the task, review the Book and Movie Comparison/Contrast Guide .
  • Using the handout as a guide, ask students, independently or in small groups, to discuss the changes they like most and least as well as the aspects of the film that remained true to the text that were most satisfying. If necessary, reference A Basic Glossary of Film Terms for appropriate cinematic terminology.
  • Pass out copies of the Thinking Critically about a Movie Adaptation: Preferences and Effects handout.
  • Have students determine one change or similarity that was crucial to their overall opinion of the film, and discuss it in the first row.
  • Ask students to choose two elements of moderate importance to discuss in the middle rows.
  • Have students indicate and discuss a fairly inconsequential change in the last row.
  • As students complete the charts, collect them for informal feedback, focusing on comments that will help students strengthen their analytical skills.
  • If students need additional time, this work can be completed on their own before the next session.

Session Five

  • Return Thinking Critically about a Movie Adaptation: Preferences and Effects handouts, and share any general comments on students’ work.
  • Have students or groups share their ranked responses to the film adaptation.
  • Encourage engagement from other students, as there should be varying views at many levels at this point: Some students will think a change was significant, but was an improvement. Other students will see the same change as trivial, but feel it was a poor choice.
  • Distribute the Movie Adaptation DVD Cover and Notes Project and DVD Cover Project Rubric to students and discuss the options for the project and related expectations.
  • If possible, preview the DVD Cover Creator interactive on a projector so students understand their choices for templates in both Cover and Booklet modes. If this is not possible, distribute copies of the DVD Cover Creator Templates and Layout .
  • Allow students time to plan the front cover, spine, and back cover. They should plan for a mix of images and text that will suit the needs of the project they choose.
  • Allow students time to plan the text for their booklet. Responses should be brief, as the DVD Cover Creator interactive can hold approximately 50 lines of text (if no images are used). Guide students to connect their overall impressions of the film adaptation with the choices they made on their covers.
  • If students need additional guidance in writing the review of the movie, see ReadWriteThink lesson So What Do You Think? Writing a Review . Students may also use the Internet Movie Database as needed to find information about the movie.

Session Six

  • Take students to the computer lab and lead them in a brief demonstration of the DVD Cover Creator interactive if not completed in the previous session.
  • Have students use their planning documents to transfer their ideas to the DVD Cover Creator interactive.
  • Emphasize that tudents cannot save their work, so they should complete all work on one component (the cover or booklet) and print their work within the confines of a session.
  • Gauge levels of completion and allow additional time in the computer lab if necessary.

Session Seven

  • Have students share their responses through presentations or by setting up a display of the various projects around the room.
  • Allow students to reflect on their work and the work of their classmates by quickwriting on the different perspectives offered in the DVD covers presented today.
  • Facilitate a “Point/Counterpoint” debate between the students who preferred the book to the movie and vice versa.
  • Have students create an alternate soundtrack to the film, justifying their choices in liner notes and creating a CD cover with the CD Cover Creator .
  • In Session 5, have students analyze book and DVD cover art using the A Closer Look at Book and DVD Covers handout. Guide students to explore elements such as placement of text and what words are featured or downplayed; color choices; choice of images; placement of images; and the like.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Collect students’ graphic organizers, and check for evidence of students’ understanding of story elements.
  • During discussion, look for comments that show students can think critically about why movies and books would not be identical and that communicate their preferences for the film or book.
  • For a formal assessment of group performances, use the DVD Cover Project Rubric .
  • Calendar Activities
  • Student Interactives

Students compare the film versions of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's novels. Students then imagine how a scene in a current novel that they are reading would be filmed.

The CD/DVD Cover Creator allows users to type and illustrate CD and DVD covers and related booklets for liner notes and other information. Students can use the tool to create covers for books, music, and films that they explored as well as to create covers for media they compose individually or as a class.

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34 Compelling Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Topics cover education, technology, pop culture, sports, animals, and more.

books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Do your writers need some inspiration? If you’re teaching students to write a compare and contrast essay, a strong example is an invaluable tool. This round-up of our favorite compare and contrast essays covers a range of topics and grade levels, so no matter your students’ interests or ages, you’ll always have a helpful example to share. You’ll find links to full essays about education, technology, pop culture, sports, animals, and more. (Need compare-and-contrast essay topic ideas? Check out our big list of compare and contrast essay topics! )

What is a compare and contrast essay?

  • Education and parenting essays
  • Technology essays
  • Pop culture essays
  • Historical and political essays
  • Sports essays
  • Lifestyle essays
  • Healthcare essays
  • Animal essays

When choosing a compare and contrast essay example to include on this list, we considered the structure. A strong compare and contrast essay begins with an introductory paragraph that includes background context and a strong thesis. Next, the body includes paragraphs that explore the similarities and differences. Finally, a concluding paragraph restates the thesis, draws any necessary inferences, and asks any remaining questions.

A compare and contrast essay example can be an opinion piece comparing two things and making a conclusion about which is better. For example, “Is Tom Brady really the GOAT?” It can also help consumers decide which product is better suited to them. Should you keep your subscription to Hulu or Netflix? Should you stick with Apple or explore Android? Here’s our list of compare and contrast essay samples categorized by subject.

Education and Parenting Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Private school vs. public school.

Sample lines: “Deciding whether to send a child to public or private school can be a tough choice for parents. … Data on whether public or private education is better can be challenging to find and difficult to understand, and the cost of private school can be daunting. … According to the most recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics, public schools still attract far more students than private schools, with 50.7 million students attending public school as of 2018. Private school enrollment in the fall of 2017 was 5.7 million students, a number that is down from 6 million in 1999.”

Read the full essay: Private School vs. Public School at U.S. News and World Report

Homeschool vs. Public School: How Home Schooling Will Change Public Education

Homeschool vs. Public School: How Home Schooling Will Change Public Education

Sample lines: “Home schooling, not a present threat to public education, is nonetheless one of the forces that will change it. If the high estimates of the number of children in home schools (1.2 million) is correct, then the home-schooling universe is larger than the New York City public school system and roughly the size of the Los Angeles and Chicago public school systems combined. … Critics charge that three things are wrong with home schooling: harm to students academically; harm to society by producing students who are ill-prepared to function as democratic citizens and participants in a modern economy; and harm to public education, making it more difficult for other parents to educate their children. … It is time to ask whether home schooling, charters, and vouchers should be considered parts of a broad repertoire of methods that we as a society use to educate our children.”

Read the full essay: Homeschool vs. Public School: How Home Schooling Will Change Public Education at Brookings

Which parenting style is right for you?

Sample lines: “The three main types of parenting are on a type of ‘sliding scale’ of parenting, with permissive parenting as the least strict type of parenting. Permissive parenting typically has very few rules, while authoritarian parenting is thought of as a very strict, rule-driven type of parenting.”

Read the full essay: What Is Authoritative Parenting? at Healthline

Masked Education? The Benefits and Burdens of Wearing Face Masks in Schools During the Pandemic

Sample lines: “Face masks can prevent the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2. … However, covering the lower half of the face reduces the ability to communicate. Positive emotions become less recognizable, and negative emotions are amplified. Emotional mimicry, contagion, and emotionality in general are reduced and (thereby) bonding between teachers and learners, group cohesion, and learning—of which emotions are a major driver. The benefits and burdens of face masks in schools should be seriously considered and made obvious and clear to teachers and students.”

Read the full essay: Masked Education? The Benefits and Burdens of Wearing Face Masks in Schools During the Pandemic at National Library of Medicine

To Ban or Not: What Should We Really Make of Book Bans?

To Ban or Not: What Should We Really Make of Book Bans?

Sample lines: “In recent years, book bans have soared in schools, reaching an all-time high in fall 2022. … The challenge of balancing parent concerns about ‘age appropriateness’ against the imperative of preparing students to be informed citizens is still on the minds of many educators today. … Such curricular decision-making  should  be left to the professionals, argues English/language arts instructional specialist Miriam Plotinsky. ‘Examining texts for their appropriateness is not a job that noneducators are trained to do,’ she wrote last year, as the national debate over censorship resurged with the news that a Tennessee district banned the graphic novel  Maus  just days before Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

Read the full essay: To Ban or Not: What Should We Really Make of Book Bans? at Education Week

Technology Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Netflix vs. hulu 2023: which is the best streaming service.

Sample lines: “Netflix fans will point to its high-quality originals, including  The Witcher ,  Stranger Things ,  Emily in Paris ,  Ozark , and more, as well as a wide variety of documentaries like  Cheer ,  The Last Dance ,  My Octopus Teacher , and many others. It also boasts a much larger subscription base, with more than 222 million subscribers compared to Hulu’s 44 million. Hulu, on the other hand, offers a variety of extras such as HBO and Showtime—content that’s unavailable on Netflix. Its price tag is also cheaper than the competition, with its $7/mo. starting price, which is a bit more palatable than Netflix’s $10/mo. starting price.”

Read the full essay: Netflix vs. Hulu 2023: Which is the best streaming service? at TV Guide

Kindle vs. Hardcover: Which is easier on the eyes?

Kindle vs. Hardcover: Which is easier on the eyes?

Sample lines: “In the past, we would have to drag around heavy books if we were really into reading. Now, we can have all of those books, and many more, stored in one handy little device that can easily be stuffed into a backpack, purse, etc. … Many of us still prefer to hold an actual book in our hands. … But, whether you use a Kindle or prefer hardcover books or paperbacks, the main thing is that you enjoy reading. A story in a book or on a Kindle device can open up new worlds, take you to fantasy worlds, educate you, entertain you, and so much more.”

Read the full essay: Kindle vs. Hardcover: Which is easier on the eyes? at Books in a Flash

iPhone vs. Android: Which is better for you?

Sample lines: “The iPhone vs. Android comparison is a never-ending debate on which one is best. It will likely never have a real winner, but we’re going to try and help you to find your personal pick all the same. iOS 17 and Android 14—the latest versions of the two operating systems—both offer smooth and user-friendly experiences, and several similar or identical features. But there are still important differences to be aware of. … Owning an iPhone is a simpler, more convenient experience. There’s less to think about. … Android-device ownership is a bit harder. … Yet it’s simultaneously more freeing, because it offers more choice.”

Read the full essay: iPhone vs. Android: Which is better for you? at Tom’s Guide

Cutting the cord: Is streaming or cable better for you?

Sample lines: “Cord-cutting has become a popular trend in recent years, thanks to the rise of streaming services. For those unfamiliar, cord cutting is the process of canceling your cable subscription and instead, relying on streaming platforms such as Netflix and Hulu to watch your favorite shows and movies. The primary difference is that you can select your streaming services à la carte while cable locks you in on a set number of channels through bundles. So, the big question is: should you cut the cord?”

Read the full essay: Cutting the cord: Is streaming or cable better for you? at BroadbandNow

PS5 vs. Nintendo Switch

PS5 vs. Nintendo Switch

Sample lines: “The crux of the comparison comes down to portability versus power. Being able to migrate fully fledged Nintendo games from a big screen to a portable device is a huge asset—and one that consumers have taken to, especially given the Nintendo Switch’s meteoric sales figures. … It is worth noting that many of the biggest franchises like Call of Duty, Madden, modern Resident Evil titles, newer Final Fantasy games, Grand Theft Auto, and open-world Ubisoft adventures like Assassin’s Creed will usually skip Nintendo Switch due to its lack of power. The inability to play these popular games practically guarantees that a consumer will pick up a modern system, while using the Switch as a secondary device.”

Read the full essay: PS5 vs. Nintendo Switch at Digital Trends

What is the difference between Facebook and Instagram?

Sample lines: “Have you ever wondered what is the difference between Facebook and Instagram? Instagram and Facebook are by far the most popular social media channels used by digital marketers. Not to mention that they’re also the biggest platforms used by internet users worldwide. So, today we’ll look into the differences and similarities between these two platforms to help you figure out which one is the best fit for your business.”

Read the full essay: What is the difference between Facebook and Instagram? at SocialBee

Digital vs. Analog Watches—What’s the Difference?

Sample lines: “In short, digital watches use an LCD or LED screen to display the time. Whereas, an analog watch features three hands to denote the hour, minutes, and seconds. With the advancement in watch technology and research, both analog and digital watches have received significant improvements over the years. Especially in terms of design, endurance, and accompanying features. … At the end of the day, whether you go analog or digital, it’s a personal preference to make based on your style, needs, functions, and budget.”

Read the full essay: Digital vs. Analog Watches—What’s the Difference? at Watch Ranker

AI Art vs. Human Art: A Side-by-Side Analysis

Sample lines: “Art has always been a reflection of human creativity, emotion, and cultural expression. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a new form of artistic creation has emerged, blurring the lines between what is created by human hands and what is generated by algorithms. … Despite the excitement surrounding AI Art, it also raises complex ethical, legal, and artistic questions that have sparked debates about the definition of art, the role of the artist, and the future of art production. … Regardless of whether AI Art is considered ‘true’ art, it is crucial to embrace and explore the vast possibilities and potential it brings to the table. The transformative influence of AI art on the art world is still unfolding, and only time will reveal its true extent.”

Read the full essay: AI Art vs. Human Art: A Side-by-Side Analysis at Raul Lara

Pop Culture Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Christina aguilera vs. britney spears.

Christina Aguilera vs. Britney Spears- compare and contrast essay example

Sample lines: “Britney Spears vs. Christina Aguilera was the Coke vs. Pepsi of 1999 — no, really, Christina repped Coke and Britney shilled for Pepsi. The two teen idols released debut albums seven months apart before the turn of the century, with Britney’s becoming a standard-bearer for bubblegum pop and Aguilera’s taking an R&B bent to show off her range. … It’s clear that Spears and Aguilera took extremely divergent paths following their simultaneous breakout successes.”

Read the full essay: Christina Aguilera vs. Britney Spears at The Ringer

Harry Styles vs. Ed Sheeran

Sample lines: “The world heard our fantasies and delivered us two titans simultaneously—we have been blessed with Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles. Our cup runneth over; our bounty is immeasurable. More remarkable still is the fact that both have released albums almost at the same time: Ed’s third, Divide , was released in March and broke the record for one-day Spotify streams, while Harry’s frenziedly anticipated debut solo, called Harry Styles , was released yesterday.”

Read the full essay: Harry Styles versus Ed Sheeran at Belfast Telegraph

The Grinch: Three Versions Compared

Sample lines: “Based on the original story of the same name, this movie takes a completely different direction by choosing to break away from the cartoony form that Seuss had established by filming the movie in a live-action form. Whoville is preparing for Christmas while the Grinch looks down upon their celebrations in disgust. Like the previous film, The Grinch hatches a plan to ruin Christmas for the Who’s. … Like in the original Grinch, he disguises himself as Santa Claus, and makes his dog, Max, into a reindeer. He then takes all of the presents from the children and households. … Cole’s favorite is the 2000 edition, while Alex has only seen the original. Tell us which one is your favorite.”

Read the full essay: The Grinch: Three Versions Compared at Wooster School

Historical and Political Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Malcolm x vs. martin luther king jr.: comparison between two great leaders’ ideologies .

Sample lines: “Although they were fighting for civil rights at the same time, their ideology and way of fighting were completely distinctive. This can be for a plethora of reasons: background, upbringing, the system of thought, and vision. But keep in mind, they devoted their whole life to the same prospect. … Through boycotts and marches, [King] hoped to end racial segregation. He felt that the abolition of segregation would improve the likelihood of integration. Malcolm X, on the other hand, spearheaded a movement for black empowerment.”

Read the full essay: Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King Jr.: Comparison Between Two Great Leaders’ Ideologies  at Melaninful

Contrast Between Obama and Trump Has Become Clear

Contrast Between Obama and Trump Has Become Clear

Sample lines: “The contrast is even clearer when we look to the future. Trump promises more tax cuts, more military spending, more deficits and deeper cuts in programs for the vulnerable. He plans to nominate a coal lobbyist to head the Environmental Protection Agency. … Obama says America must move forward, and he praises progressive Democrats for advocating Medicare for all. … With Obama and then Trump, Americans have elected two diametrically opposed leaders leading into two very different directions.”

Read the full essay: Contrast Between Obama and Trump Has Become Clear at Chicago Sun-Times

Sports Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Lebron james vs. kobe bryant: a complete comparison.

Sample lines: “LeBron James has achieved so much in his career that he is seen by many as the greatest of all time, or at least the only player worthy of being mentioned in the GOAT conversation next to Michael Jordan. Bridging the gap between Jordan and LeBron though was Kobe Bryant, who often gets left out of comparisons and GOAT conversations. … Should his name be mentioned more though? Can he compare to LeBron or is The King too far past The Black Mamba in historical rankings already?”

Read the full essay: LeBron James vs. Kobe Bryant: A Complete Comparison at Sportskeeda

NFL: Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning Rivalry Comparison

NFL: Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning Rivalry Comparison

Sample lines: “Tom Brady and Peyton Manning were largely considered the best quarterbacks in the NFL for the majority of the time they spent in the league together, with the icons having many head-to-head clashes in the regular season and on the AFC side of the NFL Playoffs. Manning was the leader of the Indianapolis Colts of the AFC South. … Brady spent his career as the QB of the AFC East’s New England Patriots, before taking his talents to Tampa Bay. … The reality is that winning is the most important aspect of any career, and Brady won more head-to-head matchups than Manning did.”

Read the full essay: NFL: Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning Rivalry Comparison at Sportskeeda

The Greatest NBA Franchise Ever: Boston Celtics or Los Angeles Lakers?

Sample lines: “The Celtics are universally considered as the greatest franchise in NBA history. But if you take a close look at the numbers, there isn’t really too much separation between them and their arch-rival Los Angeles Lakers. In fact, you can even make a good argument for the Lakers. … In 72 seasons played, the Boston Celtics have won a total of 3,314 games and lost 2,305 or a .590 winning mark. On the other hand, the Los Angeles Lakers have won 3,284 of 5,507 total games played or a slightly better winning record of .596. … But while the Lakers have the better winning percentage, the Celtics have the advantage over them in head-to-head competition.”

Read the full essay: The Greatest NBA Franchise Ever: Boston Celtics or Los Angeles Lakers? at Sport One

Is Soccer Better Than Football?

Sample lines: “Is soccer better than football? Soccer and football lovers have numerous reasons to support their sport of choice. Both keep the players physically fit and help to bring people together for an exciting cause. However, soccer has drawn more numbers globally due to its popularity in more countries.”

Read the full essay: Is Soccer Better Than Football? at Sports Brief

Lifestyle Choices Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Mobile home vs. tiny house: similarities, differences, pros & cons.

Mobile Home vs. Tiny House: Similarities, Differences, Pros & Cons

Sample lines: “Choosing the tiny home lifestyle enables you to spend more time with those you love. The small living space ensures quality bonding time rather than hiding away in a room or behind a computer screen. … You’ll be able to connect closer to nature and find yourself able to travel the country at any given moment. On the other hand, we have the mobile home. … They are built on a chassis with transportation in mind. … They are not built to be moved on a constant basis. … While moving the home again *is* possible, it may cost you several thousand dollars.”

Read the full essay: Mobile Home vs. Tiny House: Similarities, Differences, Pros & Cons at US Mobile Home Pros

Whole Foods vs. Walmart: The Story of Two Grocery Stores

Sample lines: “It is clear that both stores have very different stories and aims when it comes to their customers. Whole Foods looks to provide organic, healthy, exotic, and niche products for an audience with a very particular taste. … Walmart, on the other hand, looks to provide the best deals, every possible product, and every big brand for a broader audience. … Moreover, they look to make buying affordable and accessible, and focus on the capitalist nature of buying.”

Read the full essay: Whole Foods vs. Walmart: The Story of Two Grocery Stores at The Archaeology of Us

Artificial Grass vs. Turf: The Real Differences Revealed

Sample lines: “The key difference between artificial grass and turf is their intended use. Artificial turf is largely intended to be used for sports, so it is shorter and tougher. On the other hand, artificial grass is generally longer, softer and more suited to landscaping purposes. Most homeowners would opt for artificial grass as a replacement for a lawn, for example. Some people actually prefer playing sports on artificial grass, too … artificial grass is often softer and more bouncy, giving it a feel similar to playing on a grassy lawn. … At the end of the day, which one you will choose will depend on your specific household and needs.”

Read the full essay: Artificial Grass vs. Turf: The Real Differences Revealed at Almost Grass

Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Differences, Similarities, and Use Cases

Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Differences, Similarities, and Use Cases- compare and contrast essay example

Sample lines: “Maximalists love shopping, especially finding unique pieces. They see it as a hobby—even a skill—and a way to express their personality. Minimalists don’t like shopping and see it as a waste of time and money. They’d instead use those resources to create memorable experiences. Maximalists desire one-of-a-kind possessions. Minimalists are happy with duplicates—for example, personal uniforms. … Minimalism and maximalism are about being intentional with your life and belongings. It’s about making choices based on what’s important to you.”

Read the full essay: Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Differences, Similarities, and Use Cases at Minimalist Vegan

Vegetarian vs. Meat Eating: Is It Better To Be a Vegetarian?

Sample lines: “You’ve heard buzz over the years that following a vegetarian diet is better for your health, and you’ve probably read a few magazine articles featuring a celeb or two who swore off meat and animal products and ‘magically’ lost weight. So does ditching meat automatically equal weight loss? Will it really help you live longer and be healthier overall? … Vegetarians appear to have lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure  and lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes than meat eaters. Vegetarians also tend to have a lower body mass index, lower overall cancer rates and lower risk of chronic disease. But if your vegetarian co-worker is noshing greasy veggie burgers and fries every day for lunch, is he likely to be healthier than you, who always orders the grilled salmon? Definitely not!”

Read the full essay: Vegetarian vs. Meat Eating: Is It Better To Be a Vegetarian? at WebMD

Healthcare Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Similarities and differences between the health systems in australia & usa.

Sample lines: “Australia and the United States are two very different countries. They are far away from each other, have contrasting fauna and flora, differ immensely by population, and have vastly different healthcare systems. The United States has a population of 331 million people, compared to Australia’s population of 25.5 million people.”

Read the full essay: Similarities and Differences Between the Health Systems in Australia & USA at Georgia State University

Universal Healthcare in the United States of America: A Healthy Debate

Universal Healthcare in the United States of America: A Healthy Debate

Sample lines: “Disadvantages of universal healthcare include significant upfront costs and logistical challenges. On the other hand, universal healthcare may lead to a healthier populace, and thus, in the long-term, help to mitigate the economic costs of an unhealthy nation. In particular, substantial health disparities exist in the United States, with low socio-economic status segments of the population subject to decreased access to quality healthcare and increased risk of non-communicable chronic conditions such as obesity and type II diabetes, among other determinants of poor health.”

Read the full essay: Universal Healthcare in the United States of America: A Healthy Debate at National Library of Medicine

Pros and Cons of Physician Aid in Dying

Sample lines: “Physician aid in dying is a controversial subject raising issues central to the role of physicians. … The two most common arguments in favor of legalizing AID are respect for patient autonomy and relief of suffering. A third, related, argument is that AID is a safe medical practice, requiring a health care professional. … Although opponents of AID offer many arguments ranging from pragmatic to philosophical, we focus here on concerns that the expansion of AID might cause additional, unintended harm through suicide contagion, slippery slope, and the deaths of patients suffering from depression.”

Read the full essay: Pros and Cons of Physician Aid in Dying at National Library of Medicine

Animals Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Compare and contrast paragraph—dogs and cats.

Compare and Contrast Paragraph—Dogs and Cats- compare and contrast essay example

Sample lines: “Researchers have found that dogs have about twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes than what cats have. Specifically, dogs had around 530 million neurons, whereas the domestic cat only had 250 million neurons. Moreover, dogs can be trained to learn and respond to our commands, but although your cat understands your name, and anticipates your every move, he/she may choose to ignore you.”

Read the full essay: Compare and Contrast Paragraph—Dogs and Cats at Proofwriting Guru via YouTube

Giddyup! The Differences Between Horses and Dogs

Sample lines: “Horses are prey animals with a deep herding instinct. They are highly sensitive to their environment, hyper aware, and ready to take flight if needed. Just like dogs, some horses are more confident than others, but just like dogs, all need a confident handler to teach them what to do. Some horses are highly reactive and can be spooked by the smallest things, as are dogs. … Another distinction between horses and dogs … was that while dogs have been domesticated , horses have been  tamed. … Both species have influenced our culture more than any other species on the planet.”

Read the full essay: Giddyup! The Differences Between Horses and Dogs at Positively Victoria Stilwell

Exotic, Domesticated, and Wild Pets

Sample lines: “Although the words ‘exotic’ and ‘wild’ are frequently used interchangeably, many people do not fully understand how these categories differ when it comes to pets. ‘A wild animal is an indigenous, non-domesticated animal, meaning that it is native to the country where you are located,’ Blue-McLendon explained. ‘For Texans, white-tailed deer, pronghorn sheep, raccoons, skunks, and bighorn sheep are wild animals … an exotic animal is one that is wild but is from a different continent than where you live.’ For example, a hedgehog in Texas would be considered an exotic animal, but in the hedgehog’s native country, it would be considered wildlife.”

Read the full essay: Exotic, Domesticated, and Wild Pets at Texas A&M University

Should Zoos Be Banned? Pros & Cons of Zoos

Should Zoos Be Banned? Pros & Cons of Zoos

Sample lines: “The pros and cons of zoos often come from two very different points of view. From a legal standard, animals are often treated as property. That means they have less rights than humans, so a zoo seems like a positive place to maintain a high quality of life. For others, the forced enclosure of any animal feels like an unethical decision. … Zoos provide a protected environment for endangered animals, and also help in raising awareness and funding for wildlife initiatives and research projects. … Zoos are key for research. Being able to observe and study animals is crucial if we want to contribute to help them and repair the ecosystems. … Zoos are a typical form of family entertainment, but associating leisure and fun with the contemplation of animals in captivity can send the wrong signals to our children.”

Read the full essay: Should Zoos Be Banned? Pros & Cons of Zoos at EcoCation

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Plus, if you liked these compare and contrast essay examples check out intriguing compare and contrast essay topics for kids and teens ..

A good compare and contrast essay example, like the ones here, explores the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

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compare and contrast a book vs a movie - activities and questions for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students

Compare and Contrast A Book and Movie Activities

compare and contrast a book vs a movie - activities and questions for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students

My first year teaching - when I was constantly running on empty - I slipped several movie watching afternoons into my lesson plans. I defended this as educational, claiming that we were going to compare and contrast the book and movie.  Really, however, I just needed some time to play catch up.

Now, we did actually spend some time comparing and contrasting the book with the movie, but this was still a little bit of a cop-out.  My students filled in a blank Book Vs. Movie Venn Diagram, and most of the similarities and differences they found were simply the first observations that came to their head.  These were surface level observations that required no real thinking.

I wanted my students to think more critically and more deeply. 

Comparing and contrasting a book and a movie can be a very meaningful, educational experience that requires critical thinking - and without all the prep.  Use the questions and activity ideas below to help make your movie vs book lesson plans more rigorous for your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.

Or, check out these ready to use, no prep activities for comparing books and movies.

Questions to Include in Your Movie Vs. Book Lesson Plans

I found the best way to encourage deeper thinking was to ask upper elementary students some questions before watching the movie so that they would be thinking more critically while watching the movie. This also helped my 3rd graders think about what they expected from the movie.  (No duh - teachers use before, during, and after reading questions with books. For some reason it took me a while to translate that to movies.)

Then, after the movie, I encouraged my students to think about very specific details about the book and movie, rather than just comparing and contrasting using the first thing that popped into their heads.

Not all of the questions I asked were directly related to comparing and contrasting the book and the movie, but these questions got students thinking more critically, which made their comparisons later more thoughtful.

Use the example questions below in your own compare and contrast lesson plans.  And while you're at it, teach students to ask their own meaningful questions.  

Pre-Movie Questions

• What do you think your favorite part of the movie will be, and why? • What do you think the main characters will look like/act like? • What do you think the main setting will look like? Will it be messy, small, bright, noisy, beautiful, spooky, cold, colorful, etc? • What parts of the book do you think will be cut out of the movie? • What should be added to the movie to make it better than the book? • Which do you think you will enjoy more – the book or the movie? Why? • What was your favorite scene in the book? Would you be upset if this scene was changed in the movie? • What parts of the book will be difficult to portray in the movie? For example, how should the movie portray what a character is thinking?

Post-Movie Questions

• Which did you enjoy more – the book or the movie? Why? • Did the main characters look and act like you expected? Why or why not? • Did the main setting look like you expected? Why or why not? • Think about the scenes that the movie changed so that they were different from the book. What scenes do you wish hadn’t been changed? What scenes were better because of the change? • What parts of the book did the movie leave out? What scenes were added to the movie that weren’t in the book? Were these changes good or bad, and why? • What are some other differences between the book and the movie? • What stayed the same in both the book and the movie? • Whose point of view do you agree with more - the author of the book or the director of the movie?  Why?

Want to hold students accountable while watching a movie?  Check out this No Prep Movie Vs. Book Resource.

Compare and contrast books to movies in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade

Activity Ideas to Compare and Contrast

Apart from asking questions, there several fun, yet rigorous activities you can do with your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to help them compare and contrast the movie.

For example:

  • Have students assign a grade to the movie based on how well it stayed true to the book, and then defend the grade.
  • Have students write an essay comparing and contrasting the movie and the book.
  • Have students write book reviews and movie reviews.
  • Have partners or groups of students list as many differences they can find.  See what group can find the most!
  • Have students think about one of the scenes that wasn't included in the movie.  Then, have them draw/write about what it would have looked like if the director would have included it.
  • Have students use paragraph frames to write an opinion paper explaining which was better - the book or the movie.

Principal Problems?

Some principals look down on activities like this for upper elementary students, and understandably so.  Too often, movies are used as a way to babysit students - however, this activity really can be meaningful.

This no prep resource is a great way to convince your principal that comparing and contrasting a book with its movie version can be rigorous.  They will LOVE the scaffolded compare and contrast essay and other activities.  Best of all, it can be used over and over again with ANY book that has a movie companion.

This is a great activity for the end of the year!  

Activities to compare and contrast a movie with its book for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade.

Books and Movies that can be Compared and Contrasted

Below is a list of children's books that are also movies. Before showing the movies to your class, be aware of your school's policy on movies. Some of these are rated PG or PG-13 and have some language and content that you might want to fast-forward through or that might require parental consent.

Because of Winn Dixie

  • The Tale of Despereaux
  • The Phantom Tollbooth
  • Charlotte's Web
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • James and the Giant Peach
  • Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMN
  • Where the Red Fern Grows
  • Polar Express (a great option for a fun Christmas activity )
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
  • The Indian in the Cupboard

Where the Wild Things Are

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Spookley the Square Pumpkin
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • A Wrinkle in Time
  • Tuck Everlasting
  • Percy Jackson Series
  • Harry Potter Series (your students who love Harry Potter might like some of these similar books)
  • The Mouse and the Motorcycle
  • The Witches

City of Ember

  • Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
  • Freak the Mighty
  • Flora and Ulysses
  • The Bad Guys
  • Maniac Magee

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Comments 178

I love to do Polar Express, Tuck Everlasting, Jumanji, The Wizard of Oz, and Charlotte’s Web (both the cartoon and regular one). I wish I could do them all in a year, but I have to pick a couple to do each year. I am doing a 4/5 split this year, so it will be harder to decide.

I love teaching Because of Winn Dixie!

I am currently teaching a Christmas carol to my 7th grade learning support students. We are going back and forth between reading the play and watching the movie. However, as far as our comparing and contrasting go, we are having more discussion than anything. This would be s fantastic resource that I could use with them right now!

Charlotte’s Web as it works great as a cross-curricular unit with life cycles in science.

My favorite novel to compare and contrast with the movie is “Hatchet”!

I love to compare and contrast The BFG. I feel that students often times enjoy the movie so much more after they have read and discussed the book. There are so many things in the book that are not in the movie and the students love to point them out.

Sarah, Plain and Tall…I’m from Kansas and I love this book because it reminds me of home and my grandparents farm. The movie was actually shot in Emporia, Kansas, where I attended college, and I actually waited on Christopher Walken at a restaurant I worked at at the time. 🙂 Great memories!

I like to compare Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” with Theodor Seuss Geisel’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. Fingers crossed! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Teresa Special Ed Shenanigans

Polar Express would be perfect!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a good one! I also like doing Shiloh!

I loved comparing the first Harry Potter because my students loved the book and I was able to get permission to show the movie. I also do Because of Winn-Dixie and my students love that

I love to compare the movie and book: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and The Polar Express

Wonder – It sparks great discussions and has so many great messages that benefit the students.

I just commented and realized that I hit submit too quickly. I meant to add that we like to compare Number the Stars to the Disney movie Miracle at Midnight. I accidentally mentioned the picture book The Butterfly. (Which is another great comparison)

Jumanji and Zathura, as well as Percy Jackson are all interesting to compare and contrast.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

My class loves to compare Number the Stars with the picture book The Butterfly. We also enjoy reading Island of the Blue Dolphins and then watching/comparing it to the movie.

I would love the holes package as I am planning on reading that novel in the new year

My favorite book to read and compare with the movie is the Newberry Award-winning novel The Phantom Tollbooth… such amazing fun with words, maps, adventure, and learning important lessons. Truly a timeless treasure! 🙂

My students and I love Winn Dixie! We’ll be watching the movie soon.

The Witches by Roald Dahl

Holes is my favorite!

Inside Out, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, or Sky High

I also love Matilda! Harry Potter is also a strong movie representation of the book. 🙂

Thank you so much!!

My 5th graders compare and contrast the book The Sign of the Beaver to its companion movie Keeping the Promise.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs or Horton Hears a Who!

I am a first year teacher and my 4th grade students and I have just completed reading aloud all 17 Chapters of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” – it has taken us the entire semester! I was able to get approval for us to the watch the movie the last day before winter break, and I could really use some compare/contrast activities to make the experience more meaningful (and to fill the afternoon when the movie is done!) Here’s hoping you choose a newbie to the profession! (Krista G., TMP member and 4th grade teacher in Johns Creek,GA)

We’re reading Fantastic Mr Fox at the moment, because the film is quite different it’s really interesting to see what the students can pick apart for an author’s intent and why it might be different.

Percy Jackson – The Lightning Thief! My kids love it!

I would love to compare/contrast The Giver. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I love the book! 🙂 Thank you and happy holidays!

I am an absolute Wizard of Oz fanatic! I even had a “Toto” dog and named her Ruby, after the red slippers! I always wanted to to compare and contrast with the book and movie, but couldn’t find a resource where my admin. would allow me to do it. I also love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as well! And of course WONDER!

We’ve done To Kill a Mockingbird. I would love to do Wonder.

The Polar Express!

Thank you for all you thorough work. In my 5th grade class, we read and watch War Horse. The film adaptation is a favorite among my students. They love comparing the book and movie to see the differences. One of most talked about differences is about Joey and Albert at the end. I will not say more and spoil it! Check it out!

My favorite book to compare to the movie is The Grinch. We do the animated and the Jim Carrey version. Now, there is a new movie. We could start comparing the movies to each other!

Wonder!!!! My class LOVES the book, and they are SO excited to watch the movie! They are very similar, but my kids were mad they left a few things out, and laugh at how different the characters looked compared to what they had imagined!

compare and contrast Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Freak the Mighty and Tuck Everlasting

I love teaching Charlotte’s Web! Comparing and contrasting is one of my favorite things to do with this!

Any Narnia book with the movie version.

Tale of Desperaux and Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief.

I like to use compare and contrast of the movie and the book with either The Polar Express or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I use the old version of this movie and book rather than the Johnny Depp version which is almost identical to the book.

I’m a huge Roald Dahl fan and do at leats two of his books a year. My favourites for compare and contrast book to movie are The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate factory. This is more about content and missed bits than plot change.

Another good one is The Tale of Despereaux – the movie is so sanitised and happified (is that a word?!) compared to the darker, and in my opinion better, book – more opportunity for critical thinking.

Winn Dixie!

Our school is showing The Polar Express to families as a fun evening activity next week. I would love to read my students the book and compare and contrast the movie and book:-)

Thanks for the awesome free resources!!!

I would love to compare “The Hate You Give!” with my class.

Wonder would be a great book/movie to compare and contrast!

Holes would be great!

We love comparing and contrasting both Where the Red Fern Grows, To Kill a Mockingbird a Mockingbird and Old Man and the Sea. I would love to do the same with Freak the Mighty or The Giver!

I love any Ronald Dahl book. Currently, we are doing BFG. Next is Matilda! 🙂

The City of Ember has been a fun one to compare movie and book. I would love to teach Because of Winn Dixie, since Kate DiCamillo is one of my favorite writers.

Swindle. I do it as a read aloud at the beginning of school, then we watch the movie.

To Kill a Mockingbird book and movie

Tuck Everlasting is a good one!

Phantom Tollbooth is one of my favorites and has been since I was younger. Although I think it’s a little too high for my current students.

Wonder is a favorite of mine.

I did Polar Express last week, and we are going to do It’s A Wonderful Life/ The Great Experience next week! 🙂

I love Holes for my 5th grade babies.

The Grinch, and The Lorax are my favorite. I am interested in looking into comparing Tale of Despeaurex

I love reading Because of Winn Dixie and we are going to watch the movie this year too! I also love the Polar Express!! I would love use your resources please!

We are just finishing Wonder and will watch the movie in a couple of weeks.

Our grade level loves to compare and contrast “The Polar Express.” We do a whole week centered around this book, then wrap up the week with a Polar Express party and the movie. Then we complete a graphic organizer to compare and contrast both of them, and write a short essay response.

Wonder! We are going to start reading that after Christmas break!

I love Because of Winn Dixie!

I love to use Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone or Chamber of Secrets with upper elementary because I’m a huge HP nerd. They take a long time to read though!

Charlotte’s Web

Right now we are reading Harry Potter (the 1st one). We will be watching the movie version to compare and contrast. 🙂

I’ve done The Grinch with classes multiple times, I was excited to do Stubby the War Dog last spring unitl I realized the movie wasn’t out yet!

Harry Potter is a fun compare and contrast.

The Worst/ Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

I want to do Ferdinand this year with my Dual Language students!

Sarah, Plain and Tall (and the series)

I use Shiloh.

Wonder. Or any Harry Potter

I’ve done Charlie and the chocolate factory as well as Charlotte’s Web. Love the activity 🙂

I love comparing and contrasting Holes.

This is such a fun activity! I’d like to try the Nutcracker, once the new movie comes out, or use an older version. I’d love to see if there is a movie for Hatchet. The Indian in the Cupboard would be fun!

We read “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” as a class novel every year in December and then watch the movie.

I have compared and contrasted Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs many times, but I would like to compare and contrast Matilda.

I like to compare/contrast Charlotte’s Web.

I like to compare/contrast “Series of Unfortunate Events”. My 4th graders love that book. We use the old movie with Jim Carey, and now with the Netflix version they are able to view it at home and come up with yet another take on the story.

Stone Fox or Polar Express!

I love comparing and contrasting the Polar Express or the Grinch with my 4th grade students.

I love to use Charlotte’s Web and Wonder.

I love your resources! I look forward to and enjoy the freebies you send! They are greatly appreciated. I would like to compare/contrast Wonder. I am currently reading the book to my students. Thank you! 🙂

I read Stelluna to my class every year, but I didn’t realize there was a movie too! I am definitely going to have to get the movie so we can compare and contrast the book vs movie. Thanks for the idea!

I love to compare and contrast The Grinch and The Lorax.

We usually compare and contrast Maniac Magee. The book is amazing, but the movie leaves out SO much of the story! Great one to prove the book is much better.

Wonder and Phantom Tollbooth

I love to compare and contrast the book/movie Wonder. Both the book and the movie are wonderful and my students enjoy both. I am doing Tuck Everlasting and The Giver this year as well.

We compare and contrast the movie The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Maniac Magee, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My kids love finding ways the movie is different. Many of them have also promised me they will create a movie for There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom when they grow up. It is one of our favorites! 🙂

I love comparing and contrasting Because of Winn-Dixie with my students

Charlotte’s Web is fun to compare and contrast! There’s several different versions of movies to choose from – animated and non-animated.

I just started reading Because of Winn-Dixie with a fifth grader and he already saw the movie, so your compare/contrast resource is very helpful! Thank you

Each year I compare/contrast The Christmas Shoes just before Winter break. I also did Wonder last year.

I love to compare and contrast Wonder with my fifth graders!

When I taught third grade I would compare and contrast Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlotte’s Web. With my sixth graders, we compare and contrast Where the Red Fern Grows.

I love to do the movie/book comparison for HOOT. There are a lot of differences and it is a popular book with both the boys and the girls.

Book to movie– Matilda

I think The Grinch would be a great one!

The grinch is a movie and book I would like to compare/contrast

I would like to compare/contrast Wonder. Thanks for all of your resources.

I would like to compare and contrast The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! 🙂

We ha e read the Tale of Despereaux and I’d love to compare/contrast that story with the movie.

I love Charlotte’s Web!

I love compare and contrasting The Outsiders with my 6th graders, but this year I’m embarking on a new one – Percy Jackson and the Olympians – The Lightning Thief. The students are so jazzed about finishing the book and looking forward to watching the movie!!

My class reads Wizard of Oz every year. Of course, we also watch the movie. It’s the best compare & contrast! Although we did do Because if Winn Dixie last year too, because it was a Battle of Books. 😉

This is perfect! We are working on comparing and contrasting and getting ready to do Polar Express. Awesome! Choose me, choose me

Thanks for all of your resources you provide. I am interested in compare/contrast for the movie Polar Express! Thanks

This time of year I like to “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” as a compare and contrast of the book versus the movie. It has such a nice message.

Book/Movie to compare/contrast: The Grinch!!

I love doing Stuart Little! 🙂

Love Love love Charlotte’s Web to compare and contrast.

I love to compare and contrast Stone Fox with my fourth graders.

I have been comparing and contrasting movies for years. The last few years it has been harder to find the time because some administrators do not feel that showing a movie is educational. Last year I showed the movie Holes after having read the book with my fourth graders. I think I will go back to my all time favorite this year, Peter Pan (the cartoon). Many of my students have not heard of the great Disney classic movies yet alone read one.

My team teacher and I are hoping to compare and contrast the book/movie of Wonder this year in fourth grade!

I would love to use this with Wonder. 🙂

Actually, my team and I are planning to compare and contrast the Polar Express! Thank you!

Some of the book/movies I’ve done:

Hachiko Waits vs. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale Sarah, Plain & Tall Holes

Jumanji & Zathura

I have compared the books and movies for Polar Express and The BFG.

We do Wonder and we compare and contrast the book and movie! Lots of fun!

My favorite movie & book to compare & contrast is Stone Fox. There are a ton of differences between the 2 so it’s very easy to contrast for sure!

My students and I have been reading Escape from Mr Lemoncello’s Library and I just learned there is a series/movie! I’d love to use your resources!

Percy Jackson, The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. We love the book.

We used Winn Dixie this year, which was a hit. We also did this last year with Wonder. We read it aloud to start the year and watched it towards the end to have a full circle ending! I’d love to try the Polar Express around this time of year as well.

I love to use Mr. Popper’s Penguins to compare and contrast a book and a movie. There students have to really listen and focus to find the similarities in the two. They always love how many differences there are and are very quick to point them out…so much so that they can hardly watch the movie for telling each other and me things like, “Hey! They didn’t do that in the book.” or “That’s not anything like how Mr. Popper acted in the book.” I love to see that they are paying attention to those details, and it helps me know how well they listened to the book as we read it in class. I would love to have additional resources to use in my classroom to make my book/movie comparison lessons more engaging. Thank you for the opportunity, and thank you for all that you do and share with educators.

I love to compare and contrast The Sign of The Beaver. It’s old but every year the students love it. The movie is different enough that it gives lots of opportunities for discussions.

I would like to try to compare and contrast the book and movie versions of Stellaluna.

I am comparing and contrasting The Westing Game book and movie the week before Christmas.

[email protected]

The Grinch would be great for my fourth graders!

I want to compare and contrast Because of Winn Dixie with my students!

Because of Winn Dixie and Polar Express

Holes for sure is my favorite! What a great resource.

I would love to compare and contrast the book and movie Polar Express!

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

We have compared and contrasted the book and movie “Holes”! I also like to do “Charlotte’s Web”.

I also love reading Matilda! So many themes you can pull from that text. Around this time of year, we like to read The Grinch, discuss it in depth, then watch the classic version of the movie. Inadvertently, we are also able to make comparisons with the more recent version of The Grinch and compare both adaptations with the book.

My students and I are finishing Charlie and the chocolates factory! I would love to put this great spin on watching the movie. #12daysofChristmas

I would love any of the books/movies listed above. Especially Polar Express! One of my favorites! Thanks for everything!

I love Polar Express of course! But earlier this year we did Stone Fox with my third graders and that was so fun! They loved finding all the little differences!

Where the red fern grows is an excellent comparison but watching the movie students can really feel the emotion which in the book they may not understand some of the events that take place

My favorite book/movie to compare and contrast is “Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson. The students get to compare and contrast events that happen in the book and not in the movie (or vice versa), but an added bonus is they get to compare and contrast the visual that they create in their minds of imaginary world Terabithia and the magical world the producers made. There are lot of points to compare that it always leads to a great discussion!

We love to compare any Roald Dahl books/movies.

My third graders have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and they have been loving it!! We will be finishing it next week, so the following week (right before break) we will be watching the movie! I was already planning on having my students compare and contrast the movie to the book, so this resources would definitely be a huge help!!

I would like to compare the book/movie Wonder with my kiddos.

My favorite book and movie to compare and contrast is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. My 5th graders love it!

A unit my students are doing focuses on the Nez Perce Indian tribe. We read the book, Thunder Rolling in the Mountains, and then watch the movie, I Will Cry No More Forever. I have my students do some comparing/contrasting, but I would love your resources! Thank you!

The first book we read is Mrs Frisby and the Rays of NIMH. We then compare and contrast it with the movie, the Rats of Nimh. This time of year we read A Christmas Carol together and then watch A Muppet Christmas Carol and compare. It’s a bit silly, but so fun for the last week before Christmas break. I also hope to use The Man Who Invented Christmas and do a little compare and contrast with Dickens actual life.

So I would love to compare and contrast Harry Potter, but it is such a taboo book and I don’t know that I’d even want to try it. I would also love Matilda! I’ve never thought of that one, but I saw it on the list as I was scrolling through, and thought it would sound fun!

I would love to compare and contrast “The Polar Express” movie and book. Not only is it perfect to read around the holidays, but we are actually working on comparing and contrasting right now. It is a perfect way to do something fun and interesting with the kids that will also be educational and get them in the holiday spirit.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the latest book/movie we have done this with. Back when the first Harry Potter movie came out, we did that one and it was a HUGE hit. There were so many points to compare and contrast in that set! The kids loved it!!! One student told me that reading the book was like a movie playing is his head, because the details were so well written in the book. I think I may need to recycle that one. 🙂

Thank you! Have a great day!

I am reading Because of Winn-Dixie for the first time with a class. I would love to have the movie to show them when we finish right before winter break.

I am currently reading Tale of Depereaux with my four sections of language arts classes. I would love to have some resources to help my students compare and contrast the book to the movie!

Thank you, Ms. G Heiligenstein

My latest favorite movie/book to compare/contrast is Wonder.

I just compared and contrasted The Jungle Book movie and story and then we got to watch a play of it too. The kids loved it!

I would love to compare/contrast the book and movie “Wonder” with my students. Such good themes and point of view!!

I would love to be able to compare and contrast the book and movie “Wonder”.

My all time favorite read aloud and movie to watch with my kids is Holes! I read this book as a kid probably 5 or 6 times. I love being able to share my love for this book and the movie. 🙂 It’s great for 5th and 6th grade students.

I love comparing Balto to the movie. The real story to the cartoon. I would love to have this resource to use during this unit. Happy Holidays. Debbie

My students are a little older than yours but good materials are good materials. We are currently doing 2 different book/movie projects (the students had a choice.) We are doing Wonder and The Hate U Give.

I use The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Giver with my middle school students.

I’ve been receiving your newsletter for some time now. Perhaps I originally requested your sub plans, but if so I’m afraid I’ve mislaid them. Now when I click on the button to request them, nothing happens.

Could you please send me your sub plans, maybe via email?

I emailed them to you!

My class always enjoys “Lemoney Snickett: A Series of Unfortunate Events.”

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books vs movies compare and contrast essay

Here I am comparing and contrasting Movies and Books. This essay to me was easy, because I had some debates regarding the same topic.

To download the powerpoint:  AlMarzooqi_Compare&contrast_0213

To download the essay:  ALMARZOOQI_Compare_ContrastSummary

Movies Vs. Books

Nowadays, most of people in the United State of America either read a book or watch a movie at their free time, for entertainment purposes. Printed books and movies have some similarities and differences. Some people argue that books are better than movies and visa versa. However, this is a controversial issue that has been discussed a lot recently. In this article, I will compare and contrast movies and printed books. I will be discussing five main points: imagination, time consumption, entertainment value, ideas and media. I chose this topic because there has been a lot of controversy regarding movies and books.

Imagination plays a very important role when we speak of books and movies. Reading allows us to imagine the situation, environment, characters and their personality. Basically, movies are made from our imagination. Studies show that reading does improve a person’s creativity due to imagination: because you are using your brain while reading, your concentration and focus levels improve. On the other hand, movies leave viewers with little imagination, but they focus on visual effects. Researchers from Lancaster University propose that watching fantasy movies may help enrich the creativity in children.

A point that is worth noting is time consumption. A lot of people argue about this topic. Reading a book from cover to cover takes a lot of time; of course it depends on the book, the writing style and the wording. Many people enjoy reading books for leisure purposes. Veronis Suhler Stevenson (VSS), an American research company, made a survey, where it showed the estimated time spent on reading books (in a year) in the United States of America from 2002 to 2012 for those who are 18 years old and older. As you can see in the graph below, the average time spent is around 110 hours a year.

Screen Shot 2013-02-20 at 4.54.30 PM

However, movies takes at most 4 hours of your time, such as the movie “Lord of the Rings 3”, but the average length of a movie is between 1.5 to 2 hours. A lot of people would rather watch a movie than read a book, claiming that it is not worth spending effort and time as you can watch the movie without requiring much effort from your side.

Furthermore, Entertainment Value is a part of a programme whose goal is to entertain or attract the audience’s attention. Books do that by enticing the reader by specific details that engage you. Some people find books more entertaining due to this reason.  Several people who both read books and watch movies claim that they were disappointed after seeing the movie as they had a higher expectations set up when they previously read the book . On the contrary, the movie experience is better shared with friends because movies are less imaginative, so it is easier to discuss the topic with your friends.

A final point to share is that even though books and movies are different entities, they have some similarities. For instance: the ideas of both topics share the same main idea. Also, both books and movies are considered as sources of media, as they are both sources of knowledge and are used for entertainment purposes. However, they differ in some points. For example: Books, as we all know, tend toward focusing on details while movies cut out the over detailed parts so that the viewer doesn’t feel bored while watching the movie. In addition, movies are considered as visual media while books is a typographic media.

In conclusion, we can’t conclude which media is better because this all depends on the individuals’ choice, personality and even age. Older people read books more than they watch movie, while the youth would rather watch a movie at their recreation time.  Movies and Books have different ways presenting the story. However, they provide some similar prospects such as main ideas.

TIME SPENT READING BOOKS IN THE U.S. FROM 2002 TO 2012. Veronis Suhler Stevenson, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2013. <>.

5 Top Tips For Why Reading Is Important! . N.p.. Web. 6 Apr 2013. <>.

Study suggests watching fantasy movies may help enhance creativity in children. N.p., 21 Mar 2012. Web. 6 Apr 2013. <>.

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Democrats Push Biden to Make Trump’s Felonies a Top 2024 Issue

Interviews with dozens of Democrats reveal a party hungry to tell voters that Donald Trump’s conviction makes him unfit for office, and hopeful that President Biden will lead the way.

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President Biden standing at a lectern with a portrait of Abraham Lincoln behind him.

By Reid J. Epstein and Nicholas Nehamas

Reporting from Washington

Now that former President Donald J. Trump is a convicted criminal, the Democratic Party finds itself wrestling with a choice that will help define this year’s presidential race: Should it try to push his felonies to the center of the election?

The route Democrats take may determine not only Mr. Biden’s fortunes but also, they say, the future of American democracy. Widely believing a vengeful Mr. Trump poses a grave threat to the nation, Democrats at all levels of the party are simultaneously thrilled to see him found guilty and fearful that he has a supernatural ability to survive even this political peril.

Post-verdict interviews with more than 50 Democrats — including current and former members of Congress, statewide elected officials, veteran strategists, Democratic National Committee members and local officials — revealed a party hungry to tell voters that Mr. Trump’s conviction makes him unfit and worried that Mr. Biden might not use the bully pulpit of the presidency to press that argument.

“I do think it is the obligation of every Democrat to remind every voter that Donald Trump is now a convicted felon and just how unprecedented this is,” said former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas, a Democrat who ran for the presidential nomination against Mr. Biden in 2020.

Even as Democrats broadly push Mr. Biden to capitalize on Mr. Trump’s felonies, there is a spectrum of opinion on just how much to focus on them.

Mr. Biden himself has deployed a two-pronged strategy, speaking carefully about Mr. Trump’s legal problems even as his campaign grows more aggressive: On Friday evening, it fired off an evening statement that referred, for the first time, to “Convicted Felon Donald Trump.”

But Mr. Biden, trying to avoid fueling false claims that he is orchestrating Mr. Trump’s criminal cases, took a restrained tone as he addressed the conviction at the White House on Friday. He said the verdict demonstrated the strength of the American judicial system and stressed that he had nothing to do with the prosecution, as Mr. Trump has argued without merit .

“This jury was chosen the same way every jury in America has been chosen,” Mr. Biden said. “It was a process that Donald Trump’s attorney was part of. The jury heard five weeks of evidence — five weeks — and after careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict.”

Fellow Democrats were much less cautious, and happy to say what Mr. Biden did not.

“That Trump paid hush money to a porn star and jurors found he falsified business records to cover it up is just one short, tawdry chapter of a much bigger story: Trump is an aspiring tyrant who intends to rule, not lead, the United States,” said Senator Jon Ossoff of Georgia.

The ramifications of Mr. Trump’s conviction for the 2024 campaign remain unknown . But Democrats hope it will break through to voters who long ago tuned out a dispiriting campaign between two unpopular candidates.

“I think it’s the contrast — the man of lies and chaos versus the guy who is trying to make this country work for everyone,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Though pre-verdict polling was inconsistent and was based on a hypothetical outcome, a survey in early May from the Democratic firm Navigator suggested the conviction could alter views of Mr. Trump. In that poll, 47 percent of registered voters surveyed — including 46 percent of independents and 35 percent of Democrats — predicted that Mr. Trump would not be convicted in New York court. Those numbers hint that plenty of Americans were caught by surprise.

“That Donald Trump magic has been that he has been able to evade everything,” said Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington State, the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “I did wonder myself if they would split the baby and not convict him on everything.”

The Biden campaign’s internal polling suggests the conviction will resonate more strongly with voters who are not yet paying close attention to the election, especially younger people and those without college degrees — two groups Mr. Biden needs to reach. But for many voters, the importance of the trial pales in comparison to issues like the economy and immigration.

Mr. Biden’s comments on Friday about the conviction indicated that he plans to stick with his strategy: Leave the most biting attacks on Trump’s legal troubles to allies and outside groups while emphasizing the rule of law. Campaign aides say abortion rights, democracy and the economy will remain the central focus of the president’s re-election message. In his remarks, Mr. Biden leaned heavily on the idea that the jury had weighed all the evidence and reached a verdict appropriately in the time-honored tradition of U.S. law.

James Carville, the Democratic strategist who worked for Bill Clinton, said Mr. Biden should strike a patriotic tone rather than a partisan one.

“The jury, the jury, the jury — for God’s sakes, hide under the dress of the jury,” Mr. Carville said. “And you don’t need to say much more than that.”

Mr. Biden seems to be thinking the same way. On his campaign account on Friday, he posted simply, “No one is above the law.”

Other Democrats energetically highlighted Mr. Trump’s felon status and tried to tar his Republican allies by association. House Majority PAC, the super PAC that backs Democratic House candidates, blasted out news releases on Friday declaring that a host of Republican incumbents who had defended Mr. Trump “support crime.”

“If you can’t see through Trump now, you’re blind,” said William Shaheen, a Democratic National Committee member from New Hampshire who is a former state judge and is married to Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat. “He’d be doing jail time if I was the judge.”

The biggest question for Democrats now is what Mr. Trump’s conviction means for the 2024 campaign. He has led Mr. Biden in polls of battleground states for months, and party officials have described focus groups of voters as being very sour on the economy and the president. The verdict presented a rare moment of optimism, with Democrats saying in interviews that they had begun to feel more hopeful about Mr. Biden’s chances.

“The biggest thing I’m seeing is significant re-mobilization of an anti-Trump movement in America,” said Faiz Shakir, the manager of Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign. “There’s no doubt it has reinfused energy at this moment.”

Democratic National Committee members, many of whom have spent months fretting about Mr. Biden’s droopy poll numbers, had a host of advice for Mr. Biden.

William Owen of Tennessee suggested that the campaign should begin advertising on Christian media outlets in battleground states, to reach parishioners who he believes would find the conviction against their values. John Verdejo of North Carolina said Mr. Biden “should not take the high road.” Larry Cohen of Maryland, who leads the progressive group Our Revolution, said Mr. Biden should “pivot from the conviction to the issue of billionaires like Trump using their economic power to build political power.”

Even though Democrats have had a long series of electoral victories since Mr. Trump rose to the White House, it is not hard to find those in the party who retain a bit of post-traumatic stress from his 2016 ascent.

Julián Castro, the former housing secretary who emerged last year as an intraparty Biden skeptic , said Friday that he was more confident the president would win re-election after Mr. Trump’s conviction — but he remained a bit skittish.

“I’d be lying if I said that this alone is the thing that makes me think now I’m sure that Donald Trump is going to lose in November,” Mr. Castro said. “Trump has been tied or slightly ahead in these battleground states. To me and to a lot of people, that is very worrisome.”

Democrats in battleground states said their experience with the kinds of disengaged voters who often decide close races suggested that the Biden campaign and its allies had a lot of work to do to change people’s minds based on the Trump conviction.

“The idea that all politicians are corrupt is pretty prevalent among infrequent voters,” said Danielle Johnson, a Democrat running for a State Assembly seat in western Wisconsin. “It is not easy to paint a picture that this is a clear good guy-bad guy situation.”

After celebrating on Thursday, Democrats quickly faced the reality of a fired-up Republican Party . Mr. Trump’s campaign said on Friday evening that he had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after the jury’s verdict.

Soon, the Biden campaign had sent fund-raising appeals from Gov. Gavin Newsom of California (“I don’t need to tell you about Donald Trump’s conviction yesterday”) and the actor Mark Hamill (“You may know me from my role as Luke in ‘Star Wars’”). The Biden campaign declined to disclose its fund-raising totals from the verdict’s aftermath.

And yet no matter how downbeat Democrats feel about Mr. Biden’s standing in polls or his ability to inspire voters, they will for the next 22 weeks have Donald Trump, convicted felon, as their general-election opponent. That is enough to put wind in their sails, at least for now.

“I’ve always believed this is a very tough election that will be very close because Trump is such a convincing carnival barker,” said Jim Roosevelt, a longtime Democratic National Committee member from Massachusetts. “I was at a 47 percent confidence level before, and I’m at 51 percent now.”

Reid J. Epstein covers campaigns and elections from Washington. Before joining The Times in 2019, he worked at The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Newsday and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. More about Reid J. Epstein

Nicholas Nehamas is a Times political reporter covering the re-election campaign of President Biden. More about Nicholas Nehamas

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .


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  20. Compare & Contrast

    To download the essay: ALMARZOOQI_Compare_ContrastSummary. Movies Vs. Books. Nowadays, most of people in the United State of America either read a book or watch a movie at their free time, for entertainment purposes. Printed books and movies have some similarities and differences. Some people argue that books are better than movies and visa versa.

  21. Compare and Contrast Essay about Book vs Movie

    For instance, digital films in cinemas were introduced, and for reading, books comprising smooth pieces of paper were introduced. This led to making a comparison of films vs. movies. Book reading and movie watching are the two most fundamental ways of conveying ideas to the spectators. Books and movies can be utilized for several purposes.

  22. Comparing and Contrasting Book to Movie Adaptations

    identify the main events in a story. compare and contrast a book and its movie adaptation. analyze the choices directors make in creating a movie based on a book. write a critique on the film adaptation of the book. Workplace Readiness Skill: (place an X in front of all which apply) X Social Skills X Communication. X Teamwork X Critical Thinking.

  23. Democrats Push Biden to Make Trump's Felonies a Top 2024 Issue

    Even as Democrats broadly push Mr. Biden to capitalize on Mr. Trump's felonies, there is a spectrum of opinion on just how much to focus on them. Mr. Biden himself has deployed a two-pronged ...