business plan en word

Create a business plan

You've been dreaming of starting your own business. You've started with some concrete steps, and you're ready to put your proposal together. But how do you start, and how do you know when you have the right information?

How to get it done

Create a business plan with templates in Word:

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Start with a template

Download these templates from the Office Templates site to create your plan:

Fill in your Business plan .

Analyze your market with the Business market analysis template .

Detail your financials in a Financial plan .

Divide up the work and track deliverables with this Business plan checklist .

Wrap up with this Business startup checklist .

Need a little help?

Learn how to:

Start a document from a template .

Apply themes to change your plan's look.

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Comment faire un business plan ? Modèle gratuit !

Téléchargez notre modèle vierge de business plan et suivez nos conseils pour bien le remplir !

business plan en word

Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre projet et cherchez comment faire un business plan ? Découvrez ce qu’est un business plan, pourquoi il est important d’en faire un et notre modèle de business plan gratuit à télécharger (modèle vierge). Suivez nos conseils et exemples pour bien le remplir !

Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan ?

Le business plan (plan d’affaires, en français) est un dossier synthétique qui présente un projet de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, en définissant sa stratégie commerciale et financière. Vous pouvez en quelque sorte le considérer comme un CV ou un “book” destiné à structurer et à vendre votre projet.

La création d’un business plan intervient après les recherches documentaires, la prospection, les études et des démarches que vous avez pu mener en amont comme : 

  • Le choix d’une forme juridique pour votre entreprise
  • La réalisation d’une étude de marché (ou d’un sondage en ligne )
  • L’évaluation de vos ressources et de votre business model (modèle économique)

Pour le réaliser, vous aurez plusieurs choix que nous vous présenterons par la suite, mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser notre modèle de business plan gratuit.

Pourquoi faire un business plan ?

Un business plan vous sert d’abord à vous-même : il permet de structurer votre projet de création d’entreprise et de mettre à plat vos idées. Il n’est pas obligatoire. Vous n’êtes donc pas contraint de vous coller à sa conception, assez chronophage.

Dans certains cas de figure, le business plan ne présente pas vraiment d’intérêt. Par exemple, si vous venez de créer votre micro-entreprise et vendez une prestation de  services depuis votre domicile, un business plan se révélera sûrement inutile. À l’inverse, ce document nous paraît incontournable si vous souhaitez créer une boutique en ligne , par exemple ou bien ouvrir un restaurant.

Rappelez-vous : il s’agit aussi d’un outil de communication. Voici quelques exemples concrets pour lesquels on risque fort de vous demander un business plan : 

  • lorsque vous désirez ouvrir un compte ou obtenir un prêt bancaire ou un autre financement ;
  • lorsque vous recherchez des fournisseurs ;
  • lorsque vous comptez vous associer et/ou trouver des partenaires ;
  • lorsque vous souhaitez lever des fonds.

Concernant ce dernier point, on peut penser à une start-up qui se lance, souhaite financer son développement et/ou accélérer sa croissance. Faire un business plan doit permettre à l’investisseur de savoir s’il peut s’engager avec elle. Va-t-il y trouver son compte ? Est-ce un projet rentable ? Quels risques prend-il en investissant avec cette startup ?  Un business plan est là pour le séduire et le convaincre. Mais c’est également un outil qui doit inspirer confiance et rassurer sur l’équilibre financier de votre projet, mais aussi et surtout sur les perspectives de bénéfices.

Le business plan a aussi une utilité en interne. Grâce à lui, votre entreprise peut contrôler le pilotage de certaines opérations, tester différentes hypothèses, et réajuster au besoin en le mettant à jour, puisqu’il fournit un cadre de comparaison (ce dont vous manquez cruellement à votre lancement).

Enfin, si vous souhaitez reprendre un commerce ou une entreprise, vous pouvez aussi mettre sur pied un business plan. La trame de base est la même que pour un projet de création d’entreprise, sauf que vous devez aussi intégrer des éléments spécifiques sur l’entreprise que vous allez racheter (ex : historique, clientèle, produits, bilan financier etc.).

Modèle de business plan gratuit et conseils pour le remplir

Les modèles de business plan télécharger.

Vous êtes ici pour ça, donc ne faisons pas durer le suspense. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un modèle de business plan vierge à télécharger gratuitement. Nous l’avons décliné sous plusieurs formats, en fonction de vos besoins :

  • Modèle de business plan gratuit word téléchargeable ici
  • Modèle de business plan gratuit powerpoint (en cours de création)

Le format Word est idéal pour réaliser un business plan simplifié. Il vous suffira de remplir les différentes parties en suivants nos conseils et en l’adaptant au business d’un food-truck.

Nous vous fournissons uniquement le modèle Word, mais sachez que certains acteurs comme par exemple Créer-mon-business-plan fournissent des modèles beaucoup plus complets pour quelques dizaines d’euros qui vous permettront de recevoir à la fois un modèle Word et un outil Excel pour simuler les projections financières de votre projet de food-truck, ainsi que de l’aide pour le remplir.

Enfin, certains cherchent un modèle de business plan en PDF. Aucun intérêt à notre avis, il sera beaucoup plus facile de le modifier sous Word et d’en télécharger ensuite une version finalisée en PDF.

Exemple de trame du business plan

Le modèle de business plan que nous vous fournissons gratuitement intègre la trame suivante :

C’est un bon exemple de business plan simple et une trame relativement classique, que vous pouvez adapter développer certaines catégories ou au contraire en passer certaines sous silence, selon votre projet.

Nos conseils pour un business plan simple et efficace

Maintenant que vous avez en tête la structure et les éléments incontournables du business plan, il est temps de vous livrer quelques conseils pour concevoir un business plan simple et efficace. Ces conseils valent que vous utilisiez notre modèle ou non.

  • Misez sur la clarté et la simplicité. N’en faites pas trop, en particulier si vous présentez un projet avec beaucoup de jargon technique. Mettez-vous toujours à la place de votre lecteur et n’entrez pas trop dans les détails. Adressez-vous à lui avec ses mots.
  • Pensez à faire concis et synthétique . Il n’y a pas de règle préétablie sur le sujet, mais on estime qu’un business plan ne devrait pas contenir de 20 à 25 pages. 
  • Aérez votre texte en faisant des paragraphes et organisez vos idées avec des parties et des sous-parties regroupées au sein d’un sommaire.
  • Ajoutez des visuels lorsque c’est pertinent (ex : diagrammes, graphiques, images)
  • Faites-vous relire . Il n’y a rien de pire que de se retrouver à parcourir un document truffé de fautes d’orthographes. Soyez vigilant là-dessus !
  • Pensez aussi aux annexes . Elles vous permettent de joindre des documents complémentaires sans alourdir le coeur de votre business plan.
  • Etayez votre propos en citant vos sources . Expliquez tous vos calculs et tableaux de chiffres. Justifiez tout ce que vous avancez, en particulier vos projections financières. 

Rappelez-vous, l’objectif du business plan est de convaincre votre interlocuteur, alors produisez un document sérieux et béton, qui ne laisse aucune place au doute. 

4 erreurs à ne pas commettre dans votre business plan

Que vous utilisiez notre modèle de business plan ou non, voici les 4 principales erreurs à éviter lors de la rédaction de votre plan d’affaires :

  • Bâcler la forme du business plan
  • Mal présenter l’équipe
  • Ne pas être exhaustif dans l’étude de marché et de la concurrence
  • Négliger le modèle économique et la stratégie commerciale

Comment faire un business plan ?

Les différentes parties.

Chaque business plan est propre à chaque projet. Si sa structure et sa présentation peuvent varier, il doit néanmoins comporter des éléments essentiels que l’on a regroupés en 2 grands domaines (+ 1 bonus) :

  • La présentation de votre projet et de votre entreprise : c’est le modèle de business plan que nous vous avons fourni
  • Les projections financières : en général un fichier excel

La présentation de votre projet et de votre entreprise 

Dans cette partie du modèle de business plan, vous allez notamment expliquer les modalités opérationnelles de votre business plan en suivant une trame : 

  • Le statut de votre entreprise : date de création, forme juridique, nombre d’actionnaires, composition du capital etc.
  • Qui vous êtes, les membres de votre équipe et vos associés : parcours, compétences, expérience. Expliquez qui fait quoi au sein de l’entreprise, tout en démontrant que vous disposez de l’ensemble des compétences nécessaires à la réussite de l’activité.
  • Une synthèse de votre étude de marché . Elle contient la présentation du produit ou du service que vous souhaitez vendre, votre politique de prix, vos concurrents, le marché que vous souhaitez attaquer, vos avantages concurrentiels etc.
  • Une présentation de votre business model .
  • Votre stratégie et plan d’action . En premier lieu, on pense à la stratégie commerciale, qui doit présenter vos objectifs en termes de chiffre d’affaires et de croissance. Mais aussi au marketing, à la communication, à la distribution, ou encore à la gestion des ressources humaines.

Tous ces éléments sont bien évidemment inclus dans le business plan gratuit que nous vous avons fourni.

Les projections financières

C’est grâce à toutes ces projections financières que vous allez pouvoir démontrer à vos interlocuteurs la faisabilité et la solidité économique de votre projet. Votre business plan doit notamment contenir les éléments suivants : 

  • Le compte de résultat prévisionnel . Il s’agit d’un des éléments-clés de votre plan d’affaires. Ce compte de résultat se présente sous la forme d’un tableau financier. Il doit déterminer le degré de rentabilité de votre entreprise, en démontrant que votre chiffre d’affaires à venir couvrira vos dépenses (charges). Les projections se font souvent sur les trois premières années d’existence de l’entreprise.
  • Le seuil de rentabilité : il s’agit du chiffre d’affaires minimum à partir duquel l’activité d’une entreprise devient rentable.
  • Le tableau ou plan de trésorerie : établi mensuellement, il présente les encaissements et les décaissements prévus au cours de la première année d’activité de l’entreprise.
  • La capacité de financement , c’est-à-dire tous les capitaux et les sources de financement qui permettent de lancer le projet (ex : fonds propres, aides etc.).
  • Le plan de financement à trois ans : il détaille vos besoins en financement sur les trois premières années d’activité. Il permet de vérifier que votre entreprise sera pérenne dans le temps.
  • Le besoin en fonds de roulement (BFR) . Le BFR correspond aux sommes d’argent dépensées par l’entreprise au lancement de son activité et qu’elle ne pourra récupérer qu’après l’encaissement du paiement de ses premières factures.

Si la partie présentation de l’entreprise est assez facile à remplir, comme vous pouvez le voir dans l’exemple de business plan que nous vous avons fourni gratuitement, la partie financière est plus complexe. Pour cette partie, nous vous recommandons de vous faire accompagner.

Bonus : l’executive summary

L’executive summary – résumé opérationnel, en français – est un teaser d’une à deux pages qui doit donner envie de lire la suite de votre business plan et de découvrir votre projet. Il se place au début d’un plan d’affaires et doit mettre en avant de façon synthétique les informations les plus importantes :

  • Votre projet et les problèmes qu’il résout
  • Votre stratégie
  • Votre offre avec votre avantage concurrentiel
  • Votre business model
  • Votre marché etc.

Vous disposerez ainsi d’une vision globale de tous les éléments à mettre en avant, ce qui vous facilitera la tâche.

Faire un business plan : quelles sont vos options ?

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous pour réaliser un business plan : le faire vous-même sans aide tierce, utiliser un logiciel en ligne, ou faire appel aux services d’un professionnel. Chaque solution présente des avantages et des inconvénients.

Option n°1 : faire votre business plan gratuitement (mais vous-même)

Première possibilité pour faire votre business plan : vous y coller seul, sans l’aide d’un logiciel ou d’un professionnel. Pour cela, vous pouvez partir de notre modèle de business plan gratuit et vierge, ou bien d’un modèle de business plan déjà pré-rempli pour certains secteurs. En fonction de vos besoins, utilisez le format Excel, PDF et PowerPoint. 

Créer son business plan en partant de zéro présente d’abord un avantage financier. Vous n’avez aucun frais à prévoir si vous choisissez un modèle de business plan gratuit. Cette solution est idéale pour les entreprises aux budgets serrés, mais elle présente un autre avantage non négligeable : cela vous force à réfléchir en profondeur sur votre projet de création d’entreprise. Par contre, préparez-vous à y passer du temps. La conception d’un business plan est chronophage et peut se révéler fastidieuse, surtout lorsque l’on attaque les prévisions financières.

Notez enfin que certains acteurs (comme Créer-mon-business-plan par exemple), proposent à la fois des modèles de business plan payants à télécharger et la possibilité de le réaliser en ligne. Comptez quelques dizaines d’euros pour un modèle de business plan thématisé (c’est à dire adapté à votre secteur), ce qui à notre avis peut valoir le coup pour éviter de repartir de notre modèle de business plan vierge :

  • Choix parmi des dizaines de modèles de business plan
  • Business plan au format Word de 10 à 20 pages
  • Exemples de textes fournis tout à long du modèle
  • Volet financier au formt Excel.

C’est donc un bon compromis entre le business plan gratuit et l’accompagnement (en ligne ou par un professionnel).

Option n°2 : faire son business plan en ligne

La deuxième option consiste à se faire accompagner un peu plus en réalisant son business plan en ligne , à l’aide d’un logiciel dédié. De nombreux sites sont en concurrence sur le marché.

Voici les avantages à utiliser un outil en ligne : 

  • Vous disposez de modèles de business plans payants prêts à l’emploi, adaptés à différents corps de métiers.
  • Tous les modèles sont centralisés sur la même interface : vous gagnez du temps dans le processus de création. On vous aide à mettre en forme le document, à créer le prévisionnel financier etc.
  • Pas besoin d’avoir de connaissances en comptabilité.
  • Vous pouvez bénéficier de ressources complémentaires pour concevoir votre plan d’affaires, comme un accompagnement en ligne avec un conseiller.
  • Certains logiciels de business plan sont gratuits.

En ce qui concerne les inconvénients, ces modèles de business plan ne sont pas gratuits (mais ils sont complets). Ensuite, en fonction du logiciel que vous choisirez, vous n’aurez pas le droit à du conseil et vous ne pourrez pas déléguer la partie rédactionnelle. Il faudra quand même consacrer du temps pour l’écriture et avoir un minimum de bases pour élaborer votre business plan. Ceci-dit, ces logiciels fournissent de nombreux conseils et des exemples de business plan pour vous aider à remplir le vôtre de manière efficace.

Option n°3 : passer par un professionnel

Si vous cherchez de l’aide pour faire votre plan d’affaires personnalisé sans utiliser un modèle de business plan, rien ne vous empêche de vous attacher les services d’un professionnel. On pense notamment aux professionnels suivants :

  • L’expert-comptable local
  • L’expert-comptable en ligne
  • Les experts et consultants en business plan (ex : les spécialistes de la fiscalité, les avocats d’affaire).

Grâce à un professionnel du business plan, vous vous assurez de gagner du temps et disposez des conseils et du savoir-faire d’un expert. On le recommande en particulier aux projets complexes qui font appel à de nombreuses donnés financières.

Par contre, ce genre de service implique un coût financier plus important qu’avec un logiciel en ligne. Sans compter que vous risquez quand même de devoir collaborer à la partie descriptive du document. Un expert saura parfaitement jouer avec les chiffres, mais il aura besoin de vous pour comprendre la genèse de votre projet ainsi que tous les tenants et aboutissants.

Au cours de vos recherches, pensez aussi à vous rapprocher des structures d’accompagnement de créateurs, de certaines legaltech , des Chambres de commerce et d’industrie ( CCI ), ou encore des Chambres de métiers et de l’artisanat ( CMA ).  Ces différents organismes professionnels proposent souvent des formations et ateliers autour du business plan et pourront vous accompagner dans la construction de votre plan d’affaires.

Au final, quelle que soit la méthode choisie, gardez bien cela en tête : comme le dit l’expression, “on n’a qu’une seule chance de faire bonne impression.” Alors appliquez-vous, et utilisez nos conseils pour réaliser un business plan solide !

Combien coûte un business plan ?

Le coût d’une business plan dépend de l’option que vous allez choisir. Si vous vous utilisez notre business plan gratuit, vous n’y passerez que du temps. Si vous choisissez un modèle payant, vous en aurez pour entre 50 et 100€ environ. Si vous optez pour un logiciel de business plan en ligne , les prix varient d’une solution à l’autre.

La solution la moins économique consiste à passer par un professionnel. Les tarifs dépendent de la complexité et de la technicité du projet. Pour vous donner un ordre d’idées, on a recensé des tarifs partant de 300€ et pouvant aller jusqu’à 4 000€.

Un business plan gratuit, c’est possible ?

Faire un business plan gratuitement, oui, c’est possible en utilisant un modèle de business plan et en y passant du temps, ou bien via certains organismes comme la CCI.

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10 Free Business Plan Templates in Word, Excel, & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

Turning your vision into a clear and coherent business plan can be confusing and tough. 

Hours of brainstorming and facing an intimidating blank page can raise more questions than answers. Are you covering everything? What should go where? How do you keep each section thorough but brief?

If these questions have kept you up at night and slowed your progress, know you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve put together the top 10 business plan templates in Word, Excel, and ClickUp—to provide answers, clarity, and a structured framework to work with. This way, you’re sure to capture all the relevant information without wasting time. 

And the best part? Business planning becomes a little less “ugh!” and a lot more “aha!” 🤩

What is a Business Plan Template?

What makes a good business plan template, 1. clickup business plan template, 2. clickup sales plan template, 3. clickup business development action plan template, 4. clickup business roadmap template, 5. clickup business continuity plan template, 6. clickup lean business plan template, 7. clickup small business action plan template, 8. clickup strategic business roadmap template , 9. microsoft word business plan template by microsoft, 10. excel business plan template by vertex42.

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A business plan template is a structured framework for entrepreneurs and business executives who want to create business plans. It comes with pre-arranged sections and headings that cover key elements like the executive summary , business overview, target customers, unique value proposition, marketing plans, and financial statements.  

A good business plan template helps with thorough planning, clear documentation, and practical implementation. Here’s what to look for:

  • Comprehensive structure: A good template comes with all the relevant sections to outline a business strategy, such as executive summary, market research and analysis, and financial projections 
  • Clarity and guidance: A good template is easy to follow. It has brief instructions or prompts for each section, guiding you to think deeply about your business and ensuring you don’t skip important details
  • Clean design: Aesthetics matter. Choose a template that’s not just functional but also professionally designed. This ensures your plan is presentable to stakeholders, partners, and potential investors
  • Flexibility : Your template should easily accommodate changes without hassle, like adding or removing sections, changing content and style, and rearranging parts 🛠️ 

While a template provides the structure, it’s the information you feed it that brings it to life. These pointers will help you pick a template that aligns with your business needs and clearly showcases your vision.

10 Business Plan Templates to Use in 2024

Preparing for business success in 2024 (and beyond) requires a comprehensive and organized business plan. We’ve handpicked the best templates to help you guide your team, attract investors, and secure funding. Let’s check them out.

ClickUp Business Plan Template

If you’re looking to replace a traditional business plan document, then ClickUp’s Business Plan Template is for you!

This one-page business plan template, designed in ClickUp Docs , is neatly broken down into the following sections:

  • Company description : Overview, mission, vision, and team
  • Market analysis : Problem, solution, target market, competition, and competitive advantage
  • Sales and marketing strategy : Products/services and marketing channels
  • Operational plan : Location and facilities, equipment and tools, manpower, and financial forecasts
  • Milestones and metrics: Targets and KPIs

Customize the template with your company logo and contact details, and easily navigate to different sections using the collapsible table of contents. The mini prompts under each section guide you on what to include—with suggestions on how to present the data (e.g., bullet lists, pictures, charts, and tables). 

You can share the document with anyone via URL and collaborate in real time. And when the business plan is ready, you have the option to print it or export it to PDF, HTML, or Markdown.

But that’s not all. This template is equipped with basic and enterprise project management features to streamline the business plan creation process . The Topics List view has a list of all the different sections and subsections of the template and allows you to assign it to a team member, set a due date, and attach relevant documents and references.

Switch from List to Board view to track and update task statuses according to the following: To Do, In Progress, Needs Revision, and Complete. 

This template is a comprehensive toolkit for documenting the different sections of your business plan and streamlining the creation process to ensure it’s completed on time. 🗓️

ClickUp Sales Plan Template

If you’re looking for a tool to kickstart or update your sales plan, ClickUp’s Sales Plan Template has got you covered. This sales plan template features a project summary list with tasks to help you craft a comprehensive and effective sales strategy. Some of these tasks include:

  • Determine sales objectives and goals
  • Draft positioning statement
  • Perform competitive analysis
  • Draft ideal customer persona
  • Create a lead generation strategy

Assign each task to a specific individual or team, set priority levels , and add due dates. Specify what section of the sales plan each task belongs to (e.g., executive summary, revenue goals, team structure, etc.), deliverable type (such as document, task, or meeting), and approval state (like pending, needs revisions, and approved).

And in ClickUp style, you can switch to multiple views: List for a list of all tasks, Board for visual task management, Timeline for an overview of task durations, and Gantt to get a view of task dependencies. 

This simple business plan template is perfect for any type of business looking to create a winning sales strategy while clarifying team roles and keeping tasks organized. ✨

ClickUp Business Development Action Plan Template

Thinking about scaling your business’s reach and operations but unsure where or how to start? It can be overwhelming, no doubt—you need a clear vision, measurable goals, and an actionable plan that every member of your team can rally behind. 

Thankfully, ClickUp’s Business Development Action Plan Template is designed to use automations to simplify this process so every step toward your business growth is clear, trackable, and actionable.

Start by assessing your current situation and deciding on your main growth goal. Are you aiming to increase revenue, tap into new markets, or introduce new products or services? With ClickUp Whiteboards or Docs, brainstorm and collaborate with your team on this decision.

Set and track your short- and long-term growth goals with ClickUp’s Goals , break them down into smaller targets, and assign these targets to team members, complete with due dates. Add these targets to a new ClickUp Dashboard to track real-time progress and celebrate small wins. 🎉

Whether you’re a startup or small business owner looking to hit your next major milestone or an established business exploring new avenues, this template keeps your team aligned, engaged, and informed every step of the way.

ClickUp Business Roadmap Template

ClickUp’s Business Roadmap Template is your go-to for mapping out major strategies and initiatives in areas like revenue growth, brand awareness, community engagement, and customer satisfaction. 

Use the List view to populate tasks under each initiative. With Custom Fields, you can capture which business category (e.g., Product, Operations, Sales & Marketing, etc.) tasks fall under and which quarter they’re slated for. You can also link to relevant documents and resources and evaluate tasks by effort and impact to ensure the most critical tasks get the attention they deserve. 👀

Depending on your focus, this template provides different views to show just what you need. For example, the All Initiatives per Quarter view lets you focus on what’s ahead by seeing tasks that need completion within a specific quarter. This ensures timely execution and helps in aligning resources effectively for the short term.

This template is ideal for business executives and management teams who need to coordinate multiple short- and long-term initiatives and business strategies.

ClickUp Business Continuity Plan Template

In business, unexpected threats to operations can arise at any moment. Whether it’s economic turbulence, a global health crisis, or supply chain interruptions, every company needs to be ready. ClickUp’s Business Continuity Plan Template lets you prepare proactively for these unforeseen challenges.

The template organizes tasks into three main categories:

  • Priorities: Tasks that need immediate attention
  • Continuity coverage: Tasks that must continue despite challenges
  • Guiding principles: Resources and protocols to ensure smooth operations

The Board view makes it easy to visualize all the tasks under each of these categories. And the Priorities List sorts tasks by those that are overdue, the upcoming ones, and then the ones due later.

In times of uncertainty, being prepared is your best strategy. This template helps your business not just survive but thrive in challenging situations, keeping your customers, employees, and investors satisfied. 🤝

ClickUp Lean Business Plan Template

Looking to execute your business plan the “lean” way? Use ClickUp’s Lean Business Plan Template . It’s designed to help you optimize resource usage and cut unnecessary steps—giving you better results with less effort.

In the Plan Summary List view, list all the tasks that need to get done. Add specific details like who’s doing each task, when it’s due, and which part of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) it falls under. The By Priority view sorts this list based on priorities like Urgent, High, Normal, and Low. This makes it easy to spot the most important tasks and tackle them first.

Additionally, the Board view gives you an overview of task progression from start to finish. And the BMC view rearranges these tasks based on the various BMC components. 

Each task can further be broken down into subtasks and multiple checklists to ensure all related action items are executed. ✔️

This template is an invaluable resource for startups and large enterprises looking to maximize process efficiencies and results in a streamlined and cost-effective way.

ClickUp Small Business Action Plan Template

The Small Business Action Plan Template by ClickUp is tailor-made for small businesses looking to transform their business ideas and goals into actionable steps and, eventually, into reality. 

It provides a simple and organized framework for creating, assigning, prioritizing, and tracking tasks. And in effect, it ensures that goals are not just set but achieved. Through the native dashboard and goal-setting features, you can monitor task progress and how they move you closer to achieving your goals.

Thanks to ClickUp’s robust communication features like chat, comments, and @mentions, it’s easy to get every team member on the same page and quickly address questions or concerns.

Use this action plan template to hit your business goals by streamlining your internal processes and aligning team efforts.

ClickUp Strategic Business Roadmap Template 

For larger businesses and scaling enterprises, getting different departments to work together toward a big goal can be challenging. The ClickUp Strategic Business Roadmap Template makes it easier by giving you a clear plan to follow.

This template is packaged in a folder and split into different lists for each department in your business, like Sales, Product, Marketing, and Enablement. This way, every team can focus on their tasks while collectively contributing to the bigger goal.

There are multiple viewing options available for team members. These include:

  • Progress Board: Visualize tasks that are on track, those at risk, and those behind
  • Gantt view: Get an overview of project timelines and dependencies
  • Team view: See what each team member is working on so you can balance workloads for maximum productivity

While this template may feel overwhelming at first, the getting started guide offers a step-by-step breakdown to help you navigate it with ease. And like all ClickUp templates, you can easily customize it to suit your business needs and preferences.

Microsoft Word Business Plan Template by Microsoft

Microsoft’s 20-page traditional business plan template simplifies the process of drafting comprehensive business plans. It’s made up of different sections, including:

  • Executive summary : Highlights, objectives, mission statement, and keys to success
  • Description of business: Company ownership and legal structure, hours of operation, products and services, suppliers, financial plans, etc.
  • Marketing: Market analysis, market segmentation, competition, and pricing
  • Appendix: Start-up expenses, cash flow statements, income statements, sales forecast, milestones, break-even analysis, etc.

The table of contents makes it easy to move to different sections of the document. And the text placeholders under each section provide clarity on the specific details required—making the process easier for users who may not be familiar with certain business terminology.

Excel Business Plan Template by Vertex42

No business template roundup is complete without an Excel template. This business plan template lets you work on your business financials in Excel. It comes with customizable tables, formulas, and charts to help you look at the following areas:

  • Highlight charts
  • Market analysis
  • Start-up assets and expenses
  • Sales forecasts
  • Profit and loss
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow projections
  • Break-even analysis

This Excel template is especially useful when you want to create a clear and visual financial section for your business plan document—an essential element for attracting investors and lenders. However, there might be a steep learning curve to using this template if you’re not familiar with business financial planning and using Excel.

Try a Free Business Plan Template in ClickUp

Launching and running a successful business requires a well-thought-out and carefully crafted business plan. However, the business planning process doesn’t have to be complicated, boring, or take up too much time. Use any of the above 10 free business plan formats to simplify and speed up the process.

ClickUp templates go beyond offering a solid foundation to build your business plans. They come with extensive project management features to turn your vision into reality. And that’s not all— ClickUp’s template library offers over 1,000 additional templates to help manage various aspects of your business, from decision-making to product development to resource management .

Sign up for ClickUp’s Free Forever Plan today to fast-track your business’s growth! 🏆

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Free business plan template for small businesses. Updated for 2024.

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Business Plan Template for Small Businesses

Business planning can feel complicated. it doesn't have to be. start putting pen to paper today with your free business plan template download..

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Our free template includes:

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  • Fill-in-the-blanks simplicity

You don't need to be an expert. This template makes business planning easy.

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All 100% free. We're here to help you succeed in business, no strings attached.

Why you need a business plan

Writing a business plan can seem like a big task, especially if you’re starting a business for the first time and don’t have a financial background. After all, business plans have changed over the years, and what lenders and investors expect now is different than it was even just 10 years ago.

What hasn’t changed is that writing a business plan will help you:

  • Develop a strategy for success
  • Reduce the risk of starting a business
  • Explore new business ideas
  • Attract investors and get funding

Learn more about how you can get value out of your business plan .

What is included in this business plan template?

This template includes definitions, guidance, and examples for every business plan component needed to start, fund, and grow your business.

After downloading the full template, you’ll receive instructions on how to fill out each of the following sections.

Executive summary

The brief summary of your business plan introduces everyone to your business, the problem you solve, and what you’re asking from your readers. It’s the first chapter of your business plan and the last thing you write once you have the details from your full plan.

Problem & solution

More than a simple description of your products and services – here you define the problem you’re solving and the value you provide. It’s also your chance to showcase any initial traction that shows you’re on the right track.

Market analysis and target market

A detailed assessment of the market you intend to enter, including the size and value of the market, potential customer segments, and their buying patterns.


Show that you know who your competitors are, what advantages you have, and how you’re positioning your business to be competitive.

Marketing & sales

Describe how you’ll reach and sell to potential customers with a detailed sales plan and chosen marketing channels.

What makes your business run? Outline the day-to-day workflows and what needs to be set up for your business to deliver a product or service.

Milestones & metrics

Set goals for your business that include the dates and people responsible for accomplishing them. This is what you’ll use to manage responsibilities, track growth, and execute your larger strategy.

Company overview and team

Provide a brief rundown of the legal and structural components of your company, including your history, current team, and gaps you need to fill.

Financial plan

Create well-structured and accurate financial statements to help you pitch to investors, land funding, and achieve long-term success. All without the help of a financial advisor or a degree in accounting.

While not required, this last section of your business plan is a great place to drop in additional documents that support and strengthen the rest of your plan.

How do you write a simple business plan?

If you’re exploring a business idea and don’t plan to pursue funding, then you actually don’t need to write a traditional business plan. Instead, opt for a one-page plan , which is far easier to create but just as effective.

To write a simple one-page business plan, follow the same core sections as a traditional plan. But instead of lengthy paragraphs and multiple pages covering each area of your business, stick with single sentences and bulleted lists.

If a one-page plan sounds like a better option, download our free simple business plan template to get started.

Start your business plan today

Whether you're writing a business plan to validate your business idea, secure funding, or grow your existing business – our template will help you achieve your goals.

Woman smiling with graphics overlayed

Business plan template FAQ

What file formats are available for this business plan template?

You can download and use this business plan template as a Google Doc, .docx (Microsoft Word), or PDF.

Can you print out this template?

This is a printable business plan template that can be downloaded and printed no matter which format you choose.

Why should you start with a business plan template?

Starting with a good business plan template (like this one) includes everything you need to get started. It helps you organize your thoughts, and provides guidance, instructions, and examples to create an investor-ready and SBA-approved business plan format. It really speeds up the planning process. Oh, and it's 100% free!

Is writing a business plan easy?

Using a business plan template can make writing a business plan easier. Additionally, if you focus on just getting your information down quickly, with the expectation that you'll revisit and revise your plan, you can speed up and simplify the process .

Can someone write your business plan for you?

If you're still struggling to write your business plan even when using a template, you can look into hiring a professional business plan writer. We even have a free resource to help you ask just the right questions  to make sure you find the right plan writer.

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Free Business Plan Template

One of the reasons that so many small businesses fail is that they don't do the necessary up front work to create an accurate and realistic business plan. Creating a business plan doesn't guarantee success, but the process of writing a plan is critical for any successful new business. It isn't our goal to try to tell you everything you need to know about creating a business plan. Instead, our goal is to make the process easier by providing a professionally designed business plan template that you can edit easily using Word and Excel .

Business Plan Template

Business Plan Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

Authors : Jon Wittwer and Jim Wittwer

Update (7/22/2016) : We've added a basic break-even analysis worksheet to the companion Excel workbook.


This template provides a business plan outline with sample questions, tables, and a working table of contents. It was created for newer versions of Word and Excel (Office 2007 or later) so that you can easily change the fonts and color scheme and the file will be compatible with the mobile and web-based Word & Excel apps.

It is best to use Excel for financial statements, data tables and charts. So, we have provided a companion Excel workbook with these sample financial statements and other tables and graphs that you can copy and paste into your Word document.

The companion workbook combines many of the different spreadsheets you can find on, but customized specifically for inclusion in a business plan.

Using the Business Plan Template

Editing headings and table of contents.

Word allows you to assign format Styles to text and paragraphs, and we've designed the template to use these Styles for defining headings, sub-headings, and figure captions.

If you want to add a new section so that the Table of Contents updates correctly, just add a new heading in the body of the document and assign it the Heading 1 or Heading 2 style.

To update the Table of Contents, go to the References tab and within the Table of Contents group of buttons, click on Update Table and then "Update entire table."

Copy/Paste From Excel to Word

For simple tables, you can use Copy/Paste (Ctrl+c / Ctrl+v) to copy a table from Excel to Word. This will typically paste the data as a formatted and editable table in Word, though none of the formulas will be functional within Word (and the table will not be linked to Excel). If you don't want the table to be editable in Word, you can "Paste as a Picture" using Paste Special or by choosing the "Picture" option when you right-click in Word to paste the table.

Important : When you paste a chart object into your business plan, make sure to "Paste as a Picture" because pasting the chart as an embedded object means that the entire spreadsheet becomes embedded in your Word document (even though what you see is only the chart).

If you want to insert a table into Word as a "Linked Object" so that when you edit Excel, the table in Word will update automatically, you may have a more difficult time preserving the formatting of the original. However, at the least the entire spreadsheet won't be embedded within your business plan Word document.

More Related Templates

Thumbnail - Business Startup Costs Template

Resources for Writing a Business Plan

  • Write Your Business Plan at - Anybody starting a business should become familiar with the SBA (small business association). also has an online tool for creating a business plan .
  • YouTube: How to Write a Business Plan - Business Wales (3 minutes) - This video offers a quick overview and tips for the essential parts of a business plan.
  • YouTube: How to Write a Business Plan - Berkeley-Haas (71 minutes) - This presentation offers both the venture capitalist and entrepreneur perspective on how to write a business plan that can successfully attract funding.
  • Write Your Business Plan at - A book written by the staff of a company that should know what they are talking about.
  • Sample Business Plans at - Finding a business plan for similar businesses in your industry is a great way to get ideas for what to include in your plan. This site is a great resource for not only finding sample plans, but also for creating a business plan online using their step-by-step approach.

Other Free Business Plan Templates

  • Business Planning Template Gallery at - This nonprofit organization (supported by the SBA) has provided expertise and free mentorship for millions of small business owners. They also have a useful collection of templates.
  • Develop Your Business Plan at - This Australian Government site provides a really good business plan template for Word, including a detailed guide, questions to answer, and sample financial statements.

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Business Plan Template

Use this free Business Plan Template for Word to manage your projects better.

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To start your business journey on the right foot, download our free business plan template and break down your business goals into actionable components.

Before you can start your business, you need to find your niche, seek financial backing and create a business plan to bring your idea to fruition. Our free business plan template will guide you through every step of the way. But first, let’s quickly define what a business plan is.

What Is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that explains how a business will operate and establish itself in the market to generate profits. Business plans are usually created before a new business starts, to make sure there are no loose ends that could affect its profitability or ability to operate. They can also be created for business improvement purposes.

Business plans are also crucial for raising funds for new business ventures, as they’re used to provide the key details an investor should know to determine whether or not a business is a sound investment.

What Is a Business Plan Template?

Our business plan template outlines the business, product or service that you want to launch. It also details the market you’re targeting, the goals and objectives of the venture and how you propose to achieve them.

ProjectManager's free business plan template for Word.

The business plan is one of the three pillars that any new idea must stand on to be successful. The other two are a marketing plan and a financial plan. These will be touched upon in part within the business plan template and included in full as supporting documents.

What Should Be Included In a Business Plan Template?

Business plans vary from one organization to another. However, there are key elements that any business plan should have to provide a clear picture of a business, especially if you’re creating a business plan to request funding from investors. Here’s an outline that includes some of the most fundamental aspects to add to your business plans.

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing & sales strategy
  • Operational plan
  • Financial projections
  • Organizational structure and management
  • Legal structure

While you can decide how thorough you want your business plan to be, you’ll want to provide as many details as possible. A detailed business plan can reveal significant flaws in your business model. Business planning flaws such as ignoring industry trends can cost your company money, or could even lead to bankruptcy, so it’s important that you take your time when making a business plan.

How to Use This Free Business Plan Template

Now, let’s dive into each of those sections to have a better idea of how to use this business plan template for Word.

Executive Summary

Here’s where you lay out your idea. Your executive summary is the elevator pitch, something that encapsulates your business plan contents in just one page or a couple of paragraphs.

The main purpose of your executive summary is to highlight the key elements from your business plan thatyou wish to communicate to investors or stakeholders such as the market opportunity, an overview of how you’ll manage the venture, competitive advantages, key aspects of the company background, etc.

Company Description

This section explains what your company does and what it intends to achieve.

  • Mission statement: The mission statement is a short action declaration that explains the purpose of your business and what it does. It should be one or two sentences long.
  • Vision statement: The vision statement is similar to your mission statement in terms of length, but the vision statement states the future goals of the organization.
  • Value proposition: The value proposition explains how your company will offer value to customers in a unique way that differentiates it from the competition.
  • Core values: The core values are the guiding principles that shape your company’s organizational culture, such as integrity, innovation and collaboration.

Market Analysis

This section should explain to readers how your company intends to compete and position itself in a particular market. To do so, you should include the following:

  • Industry analysis: Provide an overview of your business industry. Briefly explain if there are any current trends that might affect your business, either positively or negatively, such as new competitors, new technologies or any other changes. You should include statistics to explain how your industry has grown over the years to convince stakeholders of its value.
  • Target market: The target market section should explain the ideal customer for your products. Your marketing activities will be focused on this type of customer, so it should be the most profitable customer to serve. You can easily express what your target market is by creating buyer personas.
  • Direct competitors: Direct competitors are businesses that offer exactly the same type of product you do and also serve the same target market. For this reason, you should use your unique value proposition to differentiate from them. Think about two different brands of soda. They offer the exact same product to the same market, at the same place.
  • Indirect competitors: Indirect competitors are businesses that offer substitute products to your target market, which means they don’t offer the same product as you do, but their product could also be used to satisfy the same customer need. Now think about butter and margarine. While the product isn’t exactly the same, it can be purchased by customers to satisfy the same need.
  • SWOT analysis: SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A SWOT analysis is a very important part of a business plan because it allows you to do a quick assessment of your current competitive position by looking at the internal strengths and weaknesses of your business while also considering any opportunities and threats from the external environment, such as the risk of new competitors or the opportunity of an underserved market.

Marketing & Sales Strategy

The purpose of this section is to explain how your company will market the product to your customers. It uses the 4 Ps of marketing as the guiding principle.

  • Product: Explain what your product is, how it works and how it’s meant to be used. Also, explain some of the main attributes or features that make it superior to other products on the market. This can be anything such as lower production costs , durability or ease of use.
  • Price: Pricing is an important part of your marketing strategy. Use this template to indicate your estimated profit margin along with a general description of the expected costs.
  • Place: Place simply refers to two main things. Your sales channels, which are the methods you use to sell your product, such as online e-commerce platforms or brick-and-mortar locations and your distribution channels, which are the methods of transportation you’ll use to bring your product from the production line to the final customer.
  • Promotion: Use this section to explain the various methods you’ll use to advertise your product, such as websites, social media platforms or traditional methods such as TV, newspaper or radio ads.

Operational Plan

This section should provide a quick overview of how your business will operate by outlining the following areas:

  • Day-to-day operations: Briefly explain how your business will serve customers or manufacture products. The goal is to provide a quick overview of the daily operations of your business for stakeholders and investors.
  • Supply chain: Every business needs to purchase raw materials, parts and components to deliver products or services to its target market. Use this section to explain the key steps in your supply chain , and who are your key suppliers.
  • Permits and regulatory compliance: Use this section to list any permits or regulatory compliance standards your products should meet, if any.

Financial Projections

Use this section to attach any financial documents you might have. If you’re starting a new business you can use financial forecasts. Here are some of the financial documents you can include.

  • Income statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Cash flow statements
  • Capital expenditure budgets
  • Cost forecasts
  • Gross profit projections
  • Profit & loss statement
  • Projected balance sheet

In addition to these documents, it’s advisable to include an exit strategy. The exit strategy is a contingency plan that’s executed to minimize losses for investors and business owners in the event of bankruptcy or if the business must be terminated at some point. Use this section to briefly explain how you’d execute your exit strategy.

Management Team and Key Personnel

It helps to build confidence and give investors a sense of the risk they’re dealing with if you can provide profiles of your executive and management team. In fact, anyone who will be instrumental in executing the business plan should be included. Their skills and experience can go a long way to realizing your business plan.

Legal Structure

Last but not least, use this section to explain whether your business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or any other type of legal structure.

While you can decide how thorough you want your business plan to be, the more details you provide the better, as a detailed business plan can reveal significant flaws in your business model. Business planning flaws such as ignoring industry trends can cost your company money, or could even lead to bankruptcy, so it’s important that you take your time when making a business plan.

Why Should You Use a Business Plan Template?

The main reason for a business plan template is to show off your idea in the best possible way to attract investors by collecting the points that show why your business, product or service is viable.

The other reason is that nothing is possible without a plan. Launching a new business, product or service is a project, and a project without a plan is like a boat without a rudder. It might not sink, but it’s unlikely to get where you want it to go.

There are more detailed reasons to take the time and effort required to fill in our business plan template. For example, a bank and investors won’t let you in the door without a business plan. The same is true for any potential partners.

On top of that, the template provides broad strokes as to how to implement your idea . This is vitally important if you sway your investors and need to make the plan a reality.

Once you have investors on board, you need to turn your business plan into a viable project. Project management software like ProjectManager can help. Our Gantt charts can organize tasks, track costs, allocate resources and more. Plus, live dashboards give you a high-level view of performance to catch issues before they become problems. With project management software, you can plan, track and report on everything that matters. We’ll help you make your business plan a successful venture.

business plan en word

When Should You Use This Free Business Plan Template for Word?

You should use a business plan template when you’re getting ready to shop your idea for the bank, investors or a partner. Before using our template, you’ll want to have done all the necessary due diligence.

In other words, once you have an idea for the business, product or service, you need to do market research to see where it fits in the larger commercial landscape. Then, you’ll need to figure out how much capital you’ll need to realize the idea.

Once you have all the work done for your proposal, then you can start the process of filling in the business plan template. The more thorough your preparation, the more convincing your plan and the more likely you’ll get it off the ground.

Who Should Use This Free Business Plan Template for Word?

Anyone who is planning to run a business needs to use our business plan template. It’s your roadmap  and provides you with a plan forward by outlining objectives, establishing priorities and more.

You’ll also need this business plan template if you already have an established business and are looking for buyers to sell it to. This is also true if you’re looking to determine the value of your business says for taxes or estate planning.

How to Track the Execution of Your Business Plan With ProjectManager

ProjectManager is award-winning software that helps you organize your plan and execute it more effectively. Once you’ve filled in your business plan template, the real work begins. Our tool helps you create a schedule and manage your resources to successfully deliver your plan.

Gantt Charts to Plan

Use our Gantt chart project view to input your tasks or import the task list from any spreadsheet. You can also use one of the many industry-specific templates loaded into the tool to get you started. Then add durations for your tasks and they’ll populate the timeline side of the Gantt, giving you a full picture of the plan laid out chronologically.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Dashboards to Track Progress

When you execute your plan, you need to monitor its actual progress to make sure you’re on track. Our real-time dashboard collects status updates and automatically monitors your schedule, costs and other vital metrics, displaying them in easy-to-read graphs and charts. This high-level view helps you catch issues before they become problems.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

Reports for Your Stakeholders

Keeping executives and other stakeholders in the loop is important. One-click reporting makes it simple to get data on the performance of your plan as it’s executed and then share those reports. They can even be filtered to give stakeholders the only information they want.

ProjectManager's status report filter

There’s so much more that ProjectManager does to make sure your plan is a success. From unlimited file storage to resource and team management, we allow you to make your business plan and implement it successfully.

What Other Free Excel Templates Can Help You Build a Business Plan?

Our business plan template collects a lot of information, but in order to have a thought-through plan, you’ll want to use some of the other free project management templates we have free on our website.

Project Charter Template

For your plan to work, you need to have a project charter. Our free project charter template helps you figure out the scope of your project, identify objectives and deliverables and even start figuring out the tasks, resources and costs for the work to come.

Statement of Work Template

The statement of work outlines the course of your project plan, including activities, deliverables and the timetable. It defines these essential components of any plan and acts as the first step in your journey to creating a project plan. The free statement of work (SOW) template lays it all out for you.

Project Proposal Template

Before the plan comes the proposal. It’s the pitch to get your project approved so you can then create a plan. The free project proposal template sets the stage and all you have to do is add the details. When approved you have already made the first step towards a plan, which makes it that much easier.

Related Business Planning Resources

If you’re looking for more information about business and planning, then check out the resources page on our website. We have tutorial videos, blog posts and guides that address every aspect of project management. Here are just a few relevant articles.

  • 15 Free Word and Excel Templates for Business 
  • Strategic Planning in Business
  • Why You Need a Reliable Business Continuity Plan
  • How to Choose a Project Planner That’s Right for You

ProjectManager is an online tool that gives you real-time data to make better decisions when managing your project. Organize your teams, help them collaborate and drive your project more efficiently to a successful end. Join the tens of thousands of teams that already use ProjectManager and take your free 30-day trial today.

Start your free 30-day trial

Deliver faster, collaborate better, innovate more effectively — without the high prices and months-long implementation and extensive training required by other products.

6+ FREE Multipage Business Plan Templates: Your Path to Business Excellence

Why is a business plan called the “foundation” of a business, download business plan templates in ms word format.


#1 – General Business Plan Format


#2 – Business Plan Template with Sample Data


Helpful Video Tutorial

#3 – nonprofit business plan.


#4 – Small Business Plan


#5 – Startup Business Plan


#6 – Business Continuity Plan


How does a business plan help you start and manage your business?

Serves as your light in the tunnel:, earns you triple the outcomes:, helps you in proving your efficacy:, helps you in securing investments and funding:, brings the right team on board:, how does one jump into the process of business plan designing.

  • The Concept and idea behind your business
  • Identifying your potential Clients or Customers
  • Carving the Cashflow trails that can be expected

How do we organize a business plan for maximum efficiency?

  • Executive summary – company’s goals (short-term as well as long-term), missions, and objectives
  • Company and enterprise description – the structure, nature, history, mission, goals, and strategies. Explain what your enterprise aims to achieve and the industry it operates in.
  • Products/services – What offerings will you provide to your market?
  • Market Analysis – Understand your targeted customer base, industry knowledge, marketing data, and insights into your competitors.
  • SWOT analysis – Analyzing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to refine your strategy.
  • Strategy and Implementation – Craft a sales and marketing strategy, plan for business promotion, navigate market entry, manage production and delivery, and outline your workforce strategies.
  • Legal considerations – Address the legal matters essential for legitimizing your enterprise.
  • Financial plans and projections – Detail profit and funding generation, strategies for sales maximization, cash flow management, and income statement projections.
  • Timeline – Establish a timeline to track milestones and goals for your enterprise’s development.
  • Appendix – Include additional supporting documents and resources.

How to choose the most appropriate plan for one’s business?

  • A strategic plan can be chosen when you specifically want to focus on the organization’s vision and properties.
  • A traditional plan can be selected when you wish to stick to the basic, standard template
  • A lean plan can be your out-of-the-box thinking, helping you formulate a document based on new ideas. It takes less time to be formulated and is a summarized document.

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Template Highlights

  • Eight (short) sections: Business Opportunity, Industry Analysis, Target Market, Company Description, Timeline, Marketing Plan, Financial Plan, and Funding Requirements.
  • Easy instructions for each part.
  • Zhuzh it up a bit with your company logo and branding.
  • Download it as a PDF or Word file.
  • Print it, email it, send it via Morse code.

Why all businesses should create a business plan

For startups and enterprises alike, there are many reasons to create a one-page business plan. For example, it can help you:

  • Show your progress and how you intend to grow : Your business plan lists vital information on your company, such as your goals, market research results, and success milestones.
  • Determine a realistic budget to ensure success : If you don’t create a proper plan, you might underestimate fixed and variable costs and, therefore, lack the financial capacity to succeed.
  • Provide concrete information to potential investors : By having a detailed business plan in place, you’ll be able to effectively convey your business goals to internal stakeholders, and you’ll stand a better chance of winning over investors.
  • Fulfill the requirements for securing a business loan : Many financial institutions won’t even consider giving you a loan without seeing your plan.

Should you create a business plan from scratch?

You can do this, but it’s often more hassle than it’s worth. If you’ve never made a business plan before, you’ll need to do a lot of research on what to include and ensure you create a professional and eye-catching document.  If you download our free one-page business plan template, you’ll save time and ensure you cover every relevant detail.

How to use the one-page business plan template

Here are the steps for filling out our template:

  • Enter your contact details to download the template in Microsoft Word or as a PDF.
  • Gather your relevant business documents, such as market research results and financial statements, in case you need to include details from them.  
  • Add information to all the fields, including Company Description, Target Market, Industry Analysis, Implementation Timeline, Funding Required, and Financial Summary.
  • Get feedback from business partners, employees, or other parties to ensure that all information is correct and up to date.
  • Proofread to ensure there are no errors. These look unprofessional, leaving a bad impression of your business.  
  • Save your business plan in various locations and formats. This helps you share your plan with stakeholders via email or present it at company meetings.

Template Preview

One page business plan.

One-Page Business Plan Template

This brief business plan template encourages you to stick to your core message and provide investors with just the information they need to know about your new venture.

The Business Opportunity

What is the problem your business will solve? Focus on the customer’s needs.

Give your elevator pitch. Be succinct, clear, and persuasive.

Be sure to include your value proposition -- What do you offer that no one else does?

Industry Analysis

List key factors for success in your industry.

Who is your main competition?

Company Description

Identify important facts about your business:

• Founding date

• Mission statement

• Type of organization

• Core strengths

• Main leadership

Target Market

Describe your customer segments.

Will you serve a particular geographical area?

Implementation Timeline

Provide a brief summary of how you will roll out the business. Consider depicting the different phases in a diagram. You can use the timeline below as a template.

Marketing Plan

Describe what methods you will use to acquire new customers.

Why would your target market prefer your product or service to another option?

Financial Summary

Cost Structure: What are your fixed and variable costs?

Revenue Streams: How will your business make money?

Funding Required

Present the amount of funding that you are seeking from investors and how it will be used.

HubSpot Tip: Be sure to edit and review your plan for typos before distributing it. Errors in a short document can be distracting to the reader and make you look unprofessional.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should i create a business plan, what types of companies need a business plan, how do i write a one page business plan, what should my business plan focus on, is this template free, can i edit this template, related tags:.

  • Business Plans

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Comment faire un business plan ?

Par l'équipe de

faire un business plan

C ombien de temps pour faire un business plan ? Par où commencer ? Est-ce qu’il faut suivre une structure particulière ? Quel logiciel dois-je utiliser ? Est-ce que je suis obligé de me plonger dans Excel et ses formules horribles ? Est-ce qu'il me faut une étude de marché ? Pourquoi le banquier m’a parlé d’un “Executive Summary” ? Quid du plan de financement ? Est-ce que quelqu’un peut le faire à ma place ? Combien cela va me coûter ? Où est-ce que je trouve ce consultant pour business plan ? Et puis d’abord, c’est quoi, exactement, un business plan ? Lorsqu’on doit faire un business plan, les questions sont nombreuses et on se retrouve facilement face à un océan d’incertitudes. À moins d’avoir étudié en école de commerce ou d’avoir déjà monté une entreprise dans le passé, très peu d’entrepreneurs savent exactement quoi faire lorsqu’il s’agit de rédiger un business plan. Tout d’abord, il faut savoir que la majorité des personnes ne savent même pas correctement définir un business plan. Ensuite, personne ne peut faire un business plan complet sans aide extérieure. Que ce soit des articles sur le net, des modèles de business plan à télécharger ou un consultant, vous devrez trouver des ressources pour faire votre business plan. Cependant, sans la bonne méthode, vous pouvez facilement passer plus d’un mois sur un business plan … qui ne sera même pas réussi. Cela ne sera pas de bonne augure pour créer un business rentable . Il ne faut pas se lancer tête baissée dans la rédaction d’un business plan. Sinon vous allez faire beaucoup d’erreurs et perdre un temps considérable. Un business plan est un exercice difficile mais précieux, dans la mesure où il vous permettra de lever des fonds, de trouver des partenaires, d’être intégré dans un incubateur ou de présenter votre entreprise. Autant d’enjeux qui peuvent changer le destin de votre projet. Notre équipe a réalisé des centaines de business plans et connait toutes les erreurs à ne pas faire, les conseils à appliquer et les méthodes qui vous feront gagner du temps . On vous explique comment faire un business plan dans la suite de l’article.


business plan en word

Nous avons plus de 150 modèles, trouvez-le vôtre : 

On commence par définir correctement le terme business plan

Dans un groupe de 10 personnes différentes qui pensent savoir ce qu’est un business plan, on retrouvera probablement 5 ou 6 définitions différentes. Et nous ne sommes pas sûrs d’en obtenir une qui sera correcte. Voici une définition simple et correcte d’un business plan : "Un business plan est un document (ou un ensemble de documents) qui présente la stratégie pour le développement de votre entreprise sur le court, le moyen et le long terme ." Un business plan décrit en détail comment une entreprise, généralement en phase de démarrage, va atteindre ses objectifs. Nous avons également écrit un article pour comprendre la définition d'un business plan en 5 minutes.  Le business plan a deux fonctions principales : 1) présenter votre entreprise à de potentiels investisseurs et partenaires 2) servir de feuille de route par la gestion future de votre entreprise Bien qu’ils soient particulièrement utiles pour les jeunes pousses, chaque entreprise devrait avoir un business plan. Idéalement, une entreprise devrait revoir périodiquement son business plan pour voir si les objectifs ont été atteints ou ont changé et évolué. C’est une sorte de feuille de route.

business plan en word

Concrètement, à quoi ressemble un business plan ?

Un business plan est généralement rédigé sur Word ou sur Powerpoint. . Si vous voulez u n business plan esthétique, concis et facile à comprendre, vous devez utiliser Powerpoint. Nous utilisons Powerpoint pour nos modèles de business plan. Les formats sur Word sont souvent trop longs et difficilement lisibles. Or, vous ne voudriez pas que votre business plan tombe des mains de votre banquier.  À côté de cela, il y a de fortes chances pour que vous utilisiez Excel … afin de rédiger votre prévisionnel financier. Ou alors, un consultant ou un comptable utiliseront un logiciel pour le réaliser.  Les éléments financiers devront être inclus dans votre business plan sur Word ou sur Powerpoint. Cependant, vous pouvez joindre le modèle Excel lorsque vous envoyez un email à votre banque ou votre investisseur.

business plan swot

Le format Powerpoint est à privilégier pour avoir une présentation esthétique et impactante.

Quelle longueur pour faire un bon business plan ?

Généralement, un bon business plan sur Powerpoint ne doit pas faire moins de 15 slides (diapositive) et ne doit pas dépasser le nombre de 50 slides. `Nos modèles de business plans font environ 40 slides. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans notre exemple gratuit de business plan . Bien entendu, rien ne sert de meubler avec du verbiage ou des images de grande taille ; les investisseurs et banquiers ne sont pas dupes. Pour le prévisionnel financier, celui ci peut s’étaler sur 1 an, 3 ans (l’option la plus classique) ou sur 5 ans. Vous pouvez voir à quoi ressemble ce document en téléchargeant notre exemple gratuit de prévisionnel financier .

Combien de temps nécessaire pour faire un business plan ?

Si vous avez passé moins de 3 heures sur votre Business Plan, alors vous avez probablement fait des erreurs. D’après notre expérience, pour un débutant, un bon business plan, solide et structuré, ne prend jamais moins de 20 heures. Bien entendu, vous pouvez télécharger un prévisionnel financier gratuit, ne rien y comprendre mettre des chiffres au hasard, puis écrire 3 pages sur votre entreprise. Oui, vous aurez un business plan. Non, vous ne convaincrez personne avec ce business plan. Oui, faire un business plan est un exercice pénible, qui fait mal à la tête. Oui, vous pouvez facilement y passer des mois. Après tout, vous devez penser à tous les aspects de votre projet. Vous devez tout décortiquer : marché, concurrence, marketing, embauches, revenus, coûts, rentabilité etc Vous devez être béton. Vous ne devez rien oublier. Pour cette raison, beaucoup trop de personnes passent des heures sur un business plan, avant d’abandonner. Vous devez adopter une méthode précise et une approche structurée. En moyenne, vous passerez entre 30 et 50 heures sur votre business plan. Nous sommes conscient que cela est difficile, et c'est pour cela que nous avons créé des modèles de business plans. Pour que nos entrepreneurs puissent gagner du temps et faire leur business plan rapidement.  Réussir votre business plan est primordial.   Un bon business plan vous donnera une feuille de route claire pour le futur. Un bon business plan vous aidera à lever des fonds et donc assurer la survie de votre projet. Un bon business plan vous donnera l’occasion de réfléchir à tous les aspects de votre projet. Un bon business plan vous permettra d’anticiper tous les risques liés à votre activité. C’est un exercice fastidieux mais qui comporte de nombreuses récompenses.

Est-ce que quelqu’un peut faire un business plan à ma place ? Combien ça coûte ?

Vous êtes un entrepreneur et vous n’avez probablement pas beaucoup de temps libre. Oui, quelqu’un peut le faire pour vous. Vous pouvez demander à un expert comptable. Mais il est fort probable pour que celui-ci ne vous aide pas du tout avec votre stratégie . Seulement avec le prévisionnel financier. Il se contentera de vous demander vos hypothèses financières, il les rentrera dans son logiciel et il sortira un prévisionnel financier. Ce prévisionnel financier sera très probablement correct, mais vous ne saurez pas l’expliquer à vos investisseurs. Un expert comptable ne sera probablement d’aucune aide lorsqu’il s’agira d’établir une stratégie marketing, d’analyser la concurrence ou même tout simplement de rédiger un business plan sur Powerpoint. La meilleure solution reste de faire appel à un consultant qui : 1) vous aidera à concevoir des hypothèses financières 2) construira un modèle financier complet 3) vous conseillera sur votre stratégie 4) jouera le rôle d’un investisseur potentiel et vous posera des questions 5) rédigera le business plan à votre place 6) vous expliquera toutes les hypothèses qu’il a fait à votre place 7) s’assurera que vous avez bien compris le déroulé de votre business plan Lorsque vous êtes en contact avec un consultant, demandez lui de vous envoyer des exemples de business plans qu’il a réalisé. Assurez vous qu’il respecte tous les points ci-dessus. Le budget se situe entre 350 et 2 000 euros et varie selon les points suivants : - l’avancement de votre projet - le nombre de documents dont vous avez besoin - la complexité de votre activité - la complexité de votre prévisionnel financier - le type d’investisseurs que vous allez contacter - le niveau de précision demandé - si vous avez besoin d’un business plan dans plusieurs langues En tant qu’entrepreneur, c’est très bien de vouloir faire des économies. Cependant, c’est une mauvaise idée de vouloir économiser quelques centaines d’euros et de se retrouver avec un business plan qui ne va convaincre personne . N’oubliez pas que ce document peut être déterminant pour la survie de votre projet. Oui, le prix n’est pas non plus un gage de qualité. Si un consultant vous propose un prix au dessus de 1 000 euros pour un business plan, vous pouvez lui demander des références et parler à certain de ses anciens clients. Si vous rencontrez un consultant qui vous propose une tarification avec un % de votre levée de fonds (exemple : 1% du montant de votre levée de fonds), alors c’est une bonne chose. Cela montre que le consultant est intéressé par le succès de votre entreprise et qu’il fera de son mieux pour vous rendre un business plan de grande qualité. Une méthode efficace est d'acheter un modèle pré-rempli et de le compléter avec ces informations. Nous proposons plus de 100 modèles pré-remplis . Concernant, l'étude de marché, nous vous conseillons de la faire vous même. En effet, c'est essentiel que vous soyez la personne qui aille parler à votre marché cible et qui analyse vos concurrents. Cependant, pour la mise en forme de l'étude de marché, vous pouvez faire appel à un consultant ou bien utiliser notre exemple gratuit d'étude de marché .

Quels sont les critères d'un bon business plan ? 

Un bon business plan répond à plusieurs critères. Tout d’abord il doit être détaillé. Ne dites pas “je vais faire 1 million de chiffre d’affaires dans 3 ans” sans expliquer comment vous allez faire. Ensuite, il doit être chiffré. Ne dites pas “je vais avoir une forte croissance”. Donnez des chiffres. Puis, il doit être structuré. Ne commencez pas par parler de vos coûts pour finir sur le fonctionnement de votre produit. Puis, il doit être complet. N’oubliez pas de parler de votre marché, de votre besoin de financement où de votre stratégie de croissance. Puis, il doit être concis. Pas la peine de mettre des formules toutes faites qui n’impressionnent personne. De plus, personne n’a envie de lire 100 pages sur Word. Puis, il doit être agréable à lire. 50 pages sans graphique ni image ? Personne ne le lira Puis, il doit être simple à comprendre. Peut-être que vos investisseurs ne sont pas du tout familier avec votre industrie. Ne mettez pas d’abréviation et expliquez les termes compliqués. Puis, il doit aller à l’essentiel. Rien ne sert de mentionner le collège où ont étudié vos cofondateurs. Pas la peine de détailler le prix de chacun de vos produits si vous lancez un site eCommerce. Puis, il doit être propre. 0 faute d’orthographe, pas de langage familier, pas de police d’écriture douteuse, pas de capture d’écran horrible, pas de couleurs flashy etc Enfin, il doit être r éaliste. Non, vous n’allez pas faire 5 millions de chiffre d’affaires en un an sans investir en marketing et communication . Non, tout le monde ne se jettera pas sur vos produits. Non, vous n’êtes pas tout seul sur votre marché.

business plan en word

Finalement, faire un business plan n’est pas si difficile lorsqu’on utilise la bonne méthode. Tout d’abord, il faut être au clair avec la définition d’un business plan. Il s’agit d’un document ou d’un ensemble de documents qui explique clairement votre plan pour votre entreprise sur les prochaines années. Pourquoi faire un business plan ? Il y a deux objectifs principaux : 1) réaliser une feuille de route qui guidera vos décisions futures 2) obtenir un document de présentation de votre projet de sa stratégie Ensuite, il faut choisir le bon logiciel : - Excel pour votre plan financier - Powerpoint ou Word pour la partie rédactions Si vous utilisez Word, visez environ 30 pages. Si vous utilisez Powerpoint, visez environ 30 slides. Nous vous conseillons également de lire nos conseils pour réussir un business plan . Vous pouvez bien évidemment décider de faire faire votre business plan. Soyez sûr de la personne que vous embaucherez. Cela vous coûtera entre 350 et 2 000 euros. Une solution plus économique et qui peut s'avérer gagnante est l'achat d'un modèle . Si vous le pouvez, prenez un modèle spécialisé dans votre industrie.  Quoiqu’il en soit, votre business plan doit respecter les critères suivants : - Détaillé - Chiffré - Structuré - Complet - Concis - Agréable à lire - Simple à comprendre - Aller à l’essentiel - Propre - Réaliste Bon courage !

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Le business plan (plan d’affaires) : contenu, utilité, modèle

Mis à jour 13/09/2021

Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan ou plan d’affaires ? Comment établir un business plan convaincant ? Que doit contenir un plan d’affaires ? Où trouver un modèle ou un exemple de business plan gratuit ?

Définition : Un business plan, ou plan d’affaires, est un dossier rédigé qui présente un projet de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, déroulant tous les aspects du projet.

Un business plan ou plan d’affaires n’est pas qu’un plan financier : les aspects financiers ne sont pas les seuls à être exposés.

Le business plan ou plan d’affaires est souvent élaboré sous Word ou Powerpoint , ou tout logiciel de ce type. Il n’y a pas de format type ni de longueur particulière à respecter.

Quel est l’utilité du business plan ou plan d’affaires ?

Le business plan ou plan d’affaires a un objectif principal : CONVAINCRE.

Le business plan ou plan d’affaires est rédigé en vue d’être présenté à des tiers, qui peuvent être des futurs associés, des partenaires, des fournisseurs, des clients, des prescripteurs, ou encore des financeurs : les banques, les proches, les capitaux-risqueurs ou encore les donateurs d’une opération de crowdfunding .

En lisant le business plan ou plan d’affaires, ces personnes :

  • devront comprendre l’idée et le concept,
  • devront être rassurées sur l’adéquation entre les porteurs de projet et le projet lui-même,
  • devront être convaincues par le potentiel du marché,
  • devront être convaincues par la stratégie marketing et commerciale prévue,
  • devront être convaincues par le modèle économique et organisationnel imaginé,
  • devront être rassurés sur tous les risques susceptibles de peser sur l’entreprise.

Voir aussi notre article : 5 façons de rater son entretien avec un banquier.

Un business plan ou plan d’affaires peut aussi se révéler nécessaire lors de la vente d’une entreprise, pour valoriser le fonds de commerce.

Le business plan ou plan d’affaires peut aussi être rédigé pour soi-même, c’est-à-dire rester interne à l’entreprise : l’idée est de poser les choses pour savoir où l’on va. Rédiger un business plan ou plan d’affaires permet de bien formuler son idée , d’aborder tous les aspects sans rien oublier, et de se poser les bonnes questions. Il est aussi un bon outil de travail entre associés , permettant de s’accorder sur une vision commune.

De la même manière qu’il est bon d’avoir un CV à jour en permanence, il est bon d’avoir un business plan ou plan d’affaires Word tenu à jour, afin d’être en mesure de présenter son projet à toute personne intéressée, à toute occasion.

Un business plan ou plan d’affaires est donc à la fois le résumé d’une étude de marché, l’exposé de l’offre, un plan financier et un point d’étape dans la vie de l’entrepreneur. C’est un test réel sur la capacité du porteur de projet a être lucide, réaliste et convaincant.

Quel est le contenu d’un business plan ou plan d’affaires ?

Le business plan ou plan d’affaires comprend plusieurs parties (le nombre et l’ordre sont donnés à titre indicatif) :

  • la présentation des porteurs de projet : CV (compétences, expériences, diplômes…),
  • l’historique du projet et de l’idée,
  • la présentation du produit ou du service,
  • la présentation du marché : l’ étude de marché,
  • la description de la stratégie commerciale et marketing,
  • les moyens techniques qui sont prévus,
  • les moyens humains et l’organisation cible,
  • le choix du statut juridique et les raisons de ce choix,
  • les aspects financiers, c’est-à-dire le financement, la rentabilité et la trésorerie. Voir notre article sur le plan financier,
  • les annexes : documents complémentaires ou détails concernant les points ci-dessus.

Quelles sont les clés pour concevoir un business plan ou plan d’affaires de qualité ?

Nous l’avons vu plus haut, l’objectif n°1 du business plan ou plan d’affaires est de convaincre.

Pour rédiger un business plan ou plan d’affaires de qualité, il faut d’abord être convaincu soi-même par ce que l’on écrit !

  • Faites des phrases simples, allez droit au but.
  • Présentez les données sous forme de points ou de tableaux plutôt que sous forme de longs paragraphes.
  • Mettez en exergue les données importantes.
  • Renforcez vos arguments par des éléments factuels, concrets, vérifiables.
  • Montrez que vous avez identifié tous les risques et que vous avez une réponse pour chacun d’eux.
  • Séduisez le lecteur en lui permettant de se projeter à travers des éléments concrets : esquisse du produit, illustrations, mises en situation, exemples.
  • Utilisez de la couleur, donnez envie.
  • Relisez-vous.
  • Faites relire votre dossier par des personnes extérieures.

Modèle Word de business plan / plan d’affaires à télécharger (gratuit)

Cliquez pour télécharger un modèle exemple de plan d’affaires sous Word (gratuit): Modèle exemple de business plan Word (plan d’affaires)

Ce modèle Word est simple, taillé pour convaincre.

Pour ce qui est du plan financier chiffré, utilisez notre modèle Excel gratuit, très simple à remplir (cliquez).

Bonus : 3 outils Excel pour gérer votre entreprise (gratuit).

  WikiCréa met à votre disposition des outils Excel gratuits pour gérer votre entreprise :

  • un facturier permettant d’établir devis et factures : cliquez ici pour y accéder,
  • un livre de recettes , obligatoire pour les auto-entrepreneurs : cliquez ici pour y accéder,
  • un modèle de suivi de trésorerie : cliquez ici pour y accéder.

. Voir aussi nos articles :

  • Les 20 qualités essentielles d’un bon entrepreneur
  • Création d’entreprise : les meilleures idées peuvent vous tuer !

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11 Best Word Business Plan Template Sites (2024) [FREE]

1. introduction.

The business landscape today is hugely competitive and engaging. Large corporations, small businesses, and start-ups alike must present clear, thorough, and compelling business plans to convince investors, partners, and stakeholders of their vision and viability. This is where Word Business Plan Template Sites come into play.

1.1 Importance of Word Business Plan Template Site

Best characterized as a detailed roadmap to success, a business plan outlines a company’s goals, strategies, marketing and financial plans, and provides detailed projections and forecasts. However, creating a business plan from scratch can be time-consuming and, at times, overwhelming. This is where Word Business Plan Template Sites can be immensely beneficial.

These sites offer a wide range of business plan templates that cater to different industries, company sizes, and specific needs. These templates provide a structured layout, ensuring essential aspects are not overlooked and that the plan is both comprehensive and visually engaging. These templates are designed in a way that promoting clear and professional communication of the company’s objectives and strategies becomes straightforward. Being in Word format makes these templates easily editable, customizable, and accessible for almost everyone.

Word Business Plan Template Site Introduction

1.2 Objectives of this Comparison

This comparison aims to offer an in-depth look at various Word Business Plan Template Sites, underscoring their strengths and weaknesses. Each site will be evaluated based on the variety, quality, and user-friendliness of their templates. The objective is to equip the reader with the necessary information, facilitating informed decisions about which site best serves their specific needs and preferences.

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2. Microsoft Business Plan Template

Microsoft Business Plan Templates are provided by the tech giant Microsoft, a market leader in office tools and software. The selection of business plan templates is available on Microsoft’s own template website. These templates constitute preformatted business plans designed in MS Word to make the business planning process more manageable. They cater to a wide range of sectors, from startups to established corporations.

Microsoft Business Plan Template

  • Wide Variety: Microsoft offers a substantial assortment of business plan templates. These cover various industries, making it easier for businesses to find a model that fits their specific needs.
  • Easy Accessibility: Being Microsoft products, these templates can be readily accessed and used by anyone with MS Word software. There is no need for additional downloads or installations.
  • User-friendly: Microsoft templates maintain a high degree of user-friendliness. They ensure easy editing, customizing, and filling, further simplifying the planning process.
  • Professional Design: The layouts are professionally designed to create sophisticated, investor-ready business plans. Readability and aesthetic appeal are well taken care of.
  • Generic: While Microsoft offers a vast array of templates, they can be somewhat generic. Some businesses may find them lacking in specialized, industry-specific details.
  • Limited Customization: Although the templates can be customized, the options for customization within the Word format might be limited, unlike some specialized planning tools or software.
  • No Additional Guidance: The templates do not come with additional strategic advice, financial forecasting tools, or guidance. Users must rely on their own knowledge and resources to complete the plan.

3. Smartsheet Simple Business Plan Templates

Smartsheet is a work execution platform that specializes in collaborative work and task management. They offer simple business plan templates as part of their extensive template library. The templates aim to simplify the business planning process by providing structured, straightforward, and easy-to-use layouts. They are particularly useful for start-ups or small businesses that need to put together a basic, clear business plan efficiently and swiftly.

Smartsheet Simple Business Plan Templates

  • Simplicity: Smartsheet underlines simplicity and ease-of-use. Layouts are uncomplicated and don’t involve any extraneous elements, allowing users to focus on content.
  • Collaboration Features: The platform facilitates real-time collaboration, a feature that proves useful when creating business plans that require input from multiple team members.
  • Flexibility: Smartsheet templates can be used across different sectors, making it an effective tool for various types of businesses.
  • Integration: Smartsheet integrates well with various other work apps, like Google Drive, Dropbox, making the process more streamlined and efficient.
  • Requires Subscription: Access to Smartsheet’s business plan templates requires a subscription to the platform, making it a potentially costly choice for small businesses or startups.
  • Limited Design Options: The focus on simplicity may limit the design appeal of the templates. Users may have to compromise on aesthetics for functionality.
  • Relatively Steeper Learning Curve: Smartsheet may have a steeper learning curve for first-time users, particularly when trying to explore its more advanced collaboration and integration capabilities.

4. HubSpot Business Plans | Word Templates & Examples

HubSpot’s Business Plans Templates & Examples represent a collection of well-structured, easy-to-use Word templates for business planning. HubSpot, known for its marketing, sales, and customer service software, offers these templates to help businesses create robust, professionally formatted business plans.

HubSpot Business Plans | Word Templates & Examples

  • Free Resource: Unlike some other template centers, HubSpot’s business plan resources are entirely free, making it a cost-effective choice for startups and small businesses.
  • User-friendly: The templates are designed in a user-friendly manner, ensuring that even those without extensive business planning experience can use them efficiently.
  • Complementary Examples: HubSpot provides examples alongside templates, acting as a useful guide for businesses as they navigate the planning process.
  • Included Guidance: The templates come with guiding questions and prompts, providing additional assistance for businesses during the planning process.
  • Requirement of Personal Information: To access the free templates and examples, users must provide HubSpot with their contact details, which some might find off-putting.
  • Dependent on Word: As these are Word templates, complete flexibility in design and formatting may be constrained by the capabilities of MS Word.
  • Limited Range: HubSpot’s variety of templates is somewhat limited compared to other platforms, potentially restricting choices for specialized sectors or unique needs.

5. Template.Net Business Plan Template is a comprehensive source of templates for various business needs, and among this vast collection, their business plan templates hold a prominent place. They offer templates that cater to different types of businesses, from start-ups to established corporations, ensuring that whoever you are and whatever you do, you’ll find a template that mirrors your requirements.

Template.Net Business Plan Template

  • Range and Variety: offers an impressively wide range of business plan templates. Diverse business models across various market sectors should find their needs catered to under this platform.
  • Editable and Customizable: The templates are designed to be flexible, with the ability to be edited and customized to fit evolving needs.
  • Additional Resources: also provides additional resources, tips and guides, contributing to deeper insights and better plan creation.
  • Proposes Multilingual Support: The platform provides multilingual support, a useful facility for global or non-English speaking businesses.
  • Subscription Required: While there are some free templates available, the majority require a subscription to access. This expense may put off some businesses, particularly start-ups and smaller entities.
  • Overwhelming Choices: The extensive range could potentially be overwhelming for users who prefer simpler, less confusing options.
  • Shared Templates: The widespread use of these templates might result in business plans that resemble those of many others, potentially reducing the unique standing of a business.

6. Vertex42 Business Plan Template

Vertex42 offers a collection of free Word templates, including a helpful business plan template. The company, a provider of consumer and business tools, designed this template with its users’ diverse needs in mind . It aims to support businesses as they compile the relevant and essential data to present a compelling and comprehensive business plan.

Vertex42 Business Plan Template

  • Free of Cost: Unlike some of its counterparts, Vertex42’s business plan template is entirely free, making it a great option for smaller businesses or startups operating on a tight budget.
  • Straightforward Design: The straightforward, unfussy design of the template ensures focus is maintained on the content, without distracting embellishments.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: The Vertex42 template provides additional guidance and tips for each section of the business plan, making it easier for users to cover all essential areas comprehensively.
  • Financial Templates: Vertex42 also offers several free Excel templates for financial projections, further enhancing its utility in business planning.
  • Limited Customization: The template’s design and format are relatively rigid, offering limited scope for visual customization or personal branding.
  • Generic Design: While the template is functional, it is fairly generic and doesn’t cater to certain industries or niche requirements.
  • Single Template: Vertex42 predominantly offers a single business plan template rather than a range of options. This absence of variety might turn away businesses looking for more specialized solutions.

7. SCORE Business Plan Template

SCORE is a nonprofit organization providing mentorship, workshops, and educational resources to aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses. Their Business Plan Templates are designed to be comprehensive guides, helping businesses to clearly articulate their objectives and strategies and are ideal for both startups and growing businesses looking to fine-tune their plans.

SCORE Business Plan Template

  • Free Resource: SCORE’s business plan templates are available free of charge, proving an advantageous tool for budget-conscious businesses.
  • Extensive Business Guidance: Apart from templates, SCORE provides extensive guidance and resource material related to each section of the business plan.
  • Access to Expertise: SCORE is backed by experienced business mentors who provide their expertise and advice to small businesses, a feature that supplements the effectiveness of their templates.
  • Straightforward Format: The SCORE template maintains a straightforward and easy-to-understand format, making it accessible to users with various degrees of business planning experience.
  • Generic Approach: SCORE’s business plan template tends to be rather generic and may not cater well to businesses with unique, industry-specific requirements.
  • Limited Design Options: The template provides limited options for customization, both in terms of its visual aesthetic and overall layout. Businesses aiming for a distinct look might find this limiting.
  • Overwhelming Information: While the wealth of additional resource material can be helpful, some users might find the volume of information overwhelming.

8. Office Templates Online Personal And Business Plan Templates In MS Word

Office Templates Online offers a collection of free personal and business plan templates compatible with MS Word. The website aims to provide a straightforward resource for individuals and businesses seeking easy-to-use templates for their various needs, including the development of a business plan.

Office Templates Online Personal And Business Plan Templates In MS Word

  • No Cost: The platform offers templates free of charge, making it accessible regardless of budget constraints.
  • Easy to Use: The templates have been designed with simplicity in mind, allowing swift modification and filling. Users don’t need advanced technical skills to make the most of them.
  • Wide Range: The platform provides an extensive variety of templates, making it possible to select one best suited to specific needs.
  • Minimalist Design: The templates maintain a clean, minimalist design that focuses on content rather than visual embellishments. This makes them straightforward and easy to navigate.
  • Limited Customization: The design and formatting options can be somewhat limited, constraining users who wish to add a personal touch to their business plans.
  • No Additional Support: Office Templates Online provides the templates, but users receive no additional individualized support, guidance, or resources to help them through the planning process.
  • Generic Format: The platform’s business plan templates lean towards a generic format, which may not suffice for businesses with specific or complex needs.

9. Wenta Business Plan Template

As part of their suite of business resources, Wenta, a non-profit agency supporting enterprise growth, offers a comprehensive Business Plan Template. This template is intricately designed with the aim to help both startups and existing businesses in preparing a compelling business plan without missing crucial elements.

Wenta Business Plan Template

  • Free Access: Like many of Wenta’s resources, the Business Plan Template is provided free of charge, making it a valuable resource especially for startups on a tight budget.
  • Comprehensive Structure: The Wenta template is designed to be comprehensive, ensuring that key areas of the business plan are covered extensively.
  • Additional Resources: Wenta offers a wealth of related resources, helpful articles, and advice, supplementing the effectiveness of the template itself.
  • User Support: As part of their commitment to aiding small businesses, Wenta provides additional support and guidance to its users.
  • Registration Required: To access the business plan template, users are required to register an account on Wenta’s website, which might be a deterrent for some.
  • Limited Customization: Like most other Word templates, the degree of customization available might not be able to meet the needs of businesses requiring a highly personalized layout.
  • No Industry-Specific Templates: The template is quite generic, potentially making it less fitting for certain industry-specific considerations.

10. Bplans Business Plan Template For Small Businesses

Bplans, a resource site offering a host of free business planning resources, provides a specialized business plan template for small businesses. Bplans is a product of Palo Alto Software, a company renowned for its business planning and managing software. The template is designed with the view to simplifying the complex process of business planning by providing a clear structure and outline.

Bplans Business Plan Template For Small Businesses

  • Designed for Small Businesses: The template is specifically designed with the needs of small businesses in mind, making it an excellent fit for this demographic.
  • Free Access: Bplans offers its business plan template free of charge, adding to its appeal for budget-sensitive small businesses.
  • Complementary Resources: In addition to the template, Bplans provides a wealth of free articles, guides, and resources to help small businesses navigate planning and management challenges.
  • Experience and Expertise: The template is backed by the expertise and experience of Palo Alto Software, ensuring a product that understands the intricacies of business planning.
  • Limited Customization: Despite being user-friendly, the template’s design offers a limited scope for customization, which might be a constraint for businesses looking to add a unique touch to their plans.
  • Narrow Focus: The template’s focus on small businesses may exclude bigger businesses or those with more unique needs.
  • Requires Personal Information: To download the template, users are required to provide personal information. This might be a concern for those who value their privacy highly.

11. TEMPLOOLA Business Plans

TEMPLOOLA offers a selection of well-structured business plan templates designed to meet a wide variety of business needs. Especially focused on professional and sophisticated designs, these templates appeal to a broad spectrum of businesses from startups to established corporations.

TEMPLOOLA Business Plans

  • Stylish and Professional Designs: TEMPLOOLA templates are visually appealing, featuring stylish and professional designs. This makes them ideal for businesses looking to make a strong impression.
  • Easy to Use: The templates are not only visually appealing but also simple to use. They are designed in Word, making them easily accessible for most users.
  • Versatile: TEMPLOOLA templates are not industry-specific and are therefore versatile, catering to a multitude of different businesses.
  • Immediate Download: The templates are available for immediate download post-purchase, ensuring users can get to work on their business plan without delay.
  • Cost: Unlike many other providers, TEMPLOOLA’s business plan templates come at a cost, potentially rendering them a less appealing option for budget-conscious businesses.
  • Registration Required: To access the templates, users must create an account on TEMPLOOLA, a step some might find bothersome.
  • Lack of Additional Resources: TEMPLOOLA provides templates, but lacks additional resources, guides, or tips to facilitate the business planning process.

12. Wise Business Plans Business Plan Template In Word

Wise Business Plans provides a simple, straightforward business plan template in Word format. As a company offering custom-written business plans, their free Word template aims to provide a solid foundation for businesses looking to draft their initial plan.

Wise Business Plans Business Plan Template In Word

  • Free Access: The template is entirely free, making it an excellent resource for budget-conscious startups or small businesses.
  • Professional Format: Wise Business Plans, being a company dedicated to writing business plans, ensures that their template maintains a professional format that covers all essential parts of a business plan.
  • Supported by Expertise: The template is backed by Wise’s team of business plan experts, ensuring that it aligns with professional standards and expectations.
  • Straightforward: Designed to be simple and easy-to-use, Wise’s template is ideal for those who want a straightforward yet comprehensive business plan.
  • Generic Format: The template maintains a generic format that might not adequately cater to businesses from certain specialized industries.
  • Limited Design Options: There are limited design options in the template; those looking for a visually appealing or highly customized design might find it restricting.
  • No Additional Resources: Wise does not provide any other resources or guides to assist in the business planning process. Users must rely on their own expertise to complete the plan.

13. Summary

13.1 overall comparison table, 13.2 recommended template site based on various needs.

If free access is a priority, Microsoft Business Plan Template and HubSpot Business Plans provide comprehensive, user-friendly templates at no cost. For those seeking comprehensive guidance and resources, SCORE may be the most suitable. Businesses looking for a platform with advanced design aesthetics could consider TEMPLOOLA. For teams wanting collaborative features, Smartsheet would be an appropriate choice.

14. Conclusion

14.1 final thoughts and takeaways for choosing an word business plan template site.

Selecting the right Word Business Plan Template Site is not a decision to be rushed. Take your time to assess your business needs, consider your budget, and examine the additional resources or support provided by the platform. Keep in mind that while aesthetics matter, the content that these templates facilitate is ultimately what will sway your stakeholders. Therefore, focus on choosing a platform that will aid you in articulating your objectives, strategies, and financial plan effectively and comprehensively. Above all, remember that a business plan is not a one-time effort; it’s a living document that should evolve as your business does. Therefore, choose a platform that is flexible and can adapt with you.

Word Business Plan Template Site Conclusion

Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, which provides a wide range of products, including a powerful OST to PST file converter .

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Free MS Word Strategic Planning Templates

By Courtney Patterson | May 11, 2024

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Below is a collection of the best strategic planning templates in Microsoft Word to help you create a comprehensive roadmap for future growth and success.

Included in this article, you'll find: 

  • A one-page business strategy template
  • A Microsoft Word IT Strategic Plan Template
  • A 5-year strategic business plan template
  • A nonprofit strategic plan template
  • A list of related strategic planning templates

Microsoft Word Basic Strategic Plan Template

Basic Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download the Sample Basic Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word   Download the Blank Basic Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word  

When to Use This Template : Use this template with or without sample data when you are starting your business and need to outline a clear direction and foundational strategies. This tool is crucial for transitioning from an informal approach to a more structured strategic planning process. 

Notable Template Features : This basic strategic plan template simplifies the planning process with a clear, easy-to-follow structure that covers essential strategic elements. It includes sections for mission and vision statements, a SWOT analysis, goals, and action plans, making it accessible for first-time strategists.

Check out these  free strategic planning templates that offer robust resources, including ready-to-use frameworks and expert advice, so you can meticulously craft and execute your strategic vision.

Microsoft Word One-Page Business Strategic Plan Template

One Page Business Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download Sample One-Page Business Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word Download Blank One-Page Business Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Consider this template when you’re on a deadline and need a swift, comprehensive snapshot of your strategy. Available with or without sample data, the template is ideal for pre-meeting preparations, allowing you to quickly and thoroughly review your strategic position.

Notable Template Features : This one-page business strategic plan template boils down intricate strategies to a single, accessible page. Featuring streamlined sections for goals, actions, and metrics, it delivers a clear and concise strategic outline that's easy to share and discuss. Download the sample version for a pre-filled template, or try the blank version to fill in the sections with your own data.

Check out this  strategic planning guide , complete with free templates that offer you all the tools and insights you need to expertly develop and implement your strategic plans.

Microsoft Word IT Strategic Plan Template

Information Technology Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download Microsoft Word IT Strategic Plan Template Download Sample IT Strategic Plan Template  

When to Use This Template : Dive into this template when your IT department is gearing up for a major overhaul or aligning with new business strategies. Available with or without example text, the template is a must-have for plotting out the technological roadmap that supports your organization's long-term vision.

Notable Template Features : This IT strategic plan template features IT-specific sections, such as technology assessments and future roadmaps, making it a powerhouse for managing and planning IT investments. The template includes detailed prompts, so you can thoroughly address and align each aspect of your IT strategy, from cybersecurity to cloud computing, with overarching business objectives.

Explore this  article on crafting strategic plans . It offers a treasure trove of free templates to guide your team through the strategic planning process, ensuring a seamless and effective strategy formulation.

Microsoft Word Advanced Strategic Planning Template

Advanced Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download the Sample Advanced Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word Download the Blank Advanced Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Turn to this dynamic template with or without sample data when you’re ready to plan an all-inclusive strategy. Perfect for times of significant growth or change, it's especially useful for teams looking to blend comprehensive market insights with long-term planning.

Notable Template Features : This advanced strategic planning template is designed to guide you through every facet of strategic development, from SWOT analysis to detailed financial planning. Offering structured sections for an all-encompassing view of your business landscape, it ensures that you have a robust foundation for decision-making and future growth. Download the sample version for a pre-filled template, or try the blank version to fill in your own data.

Dive into this comprehensive  guide on strategic planning model templates to access a diverse array of free resources and streamline the path to your strategic goals.

Microsoft Word One-Year Strategic Business Plan Template

One Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download Sample One-Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word Download Blank One-Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this one-year template with or without sample data to reach your key goals within the next year. It's a must for companies looking to translate annual objectives into clear, actionable steps.

Notable Template Features : This one-year strategic business plan template is designed with simplicity in mind, featuring sections that help break down goals into achievable actions and timelines. The template’s streamlined approach ensures that you can focus on what matters most, making it easier to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Microsoft Word 5-Year Strategic Business Plan Template

5 Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download the Sample 5-Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word Download the Blank 5-Year Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template to lay the strategic groundwork for the medium-term achievements your organization aims to reach in the next five years. Available with or without sample text, it's perfect for transitioning from startup to established entity, allowing you to focus on expansion and scalability.

Notable Template Features : This 5-year strategic business plan template empowers you to set ambitious yet attainable goals and create strategies for market expansion. It also includes tools for financial forecasting and resource allocation, making it easier to manage growth and measure success over a longer period.

Microsoft Word Long-Term Strategic Business Plan Template

Long Term Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word

Download the Long-Term Strategic Business Plan Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Use this template when you’re aiming for a plan of 10 years or longer and envisioning your business's journey toward long-term innovation and industry leadership.

Notable Template Features : Featuring a decade-spanning outlook, this long-term strategic plan template empowers you to set visionary goals and detailed strategies for sustainable growth and innovation. It’s designed to help you align your long-range plans with actionable steps, ensuring every department is moving toward a common, ambitious future.

Microsoft Word University Strategic Plan Outline Template

University Strategic Plan Outline Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download Sample University Strategic Plan Outline Template for Microsoft Word Download Blank University Strategic Plan Outline Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : This template helps university leaders chart a future course that enriches academic excellence and campus life. Use it during periods of strategic reflection or in advance of accreditation reviews to ensure all goals align with the institution's mission and vision.

Notable Template Features : Tailored to the academic sector, this strategic plan outline includes sections for setting educational priorities, creating a strategy for program development, and planning campus enhancements. Available with or without example text, it facilitates a comprehensive approach to institutional growth, encouraging stakeholder engagement and long-term planning for academic and infrastructural improvements.

Microsoft Word Marketing Strategic Planning Template

Marketing Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word Example

Download the Sample Marketing Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word Download the Blank Marketing Strategic Planning Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Turn to this template when you're preparing to put a new product on the market or revamping your brand's presence. It's ideal for synchronizing your marketing initiatives with your overarching business goals.

Notable Template Features : This template with or without sample data stands out with its clear sections for defining marketing objectives, pinpointing your audience, and crafting detailed campaign strategies. It supports marketers by laying out a comprehensive plan that not only attracts but also retains customers, ensuring all marketing activities are in lockstep with the business's vision and objectives. Try the pre-filled template to see sample text, or use the blank template to fill in your own data.

Microsoft Word Nonprofit Strategic Plan Template

Nonprofit Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word

Download the Nonprofit Strategic Plan Template for Microsoft Word

When to Use This Template : Reach for this template when your nonprofit is gearing up for a period of strategic renewal or aiming to better align its efforts with its core mission. Helping you clearly articulate your organization's direction and impact, this tool is crucial for running annual planning sessions or preparing funding and grant applications.

Notable Template Features : This template is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations, featuring sections dedicated to mission statement clarification, stakeholder engagement strategies, and impact assessment methods. It offers a comprehensive framework for nonprofits to navigate the complexities of sustainability and mission-driven planning, ensuring every activity contributes to long-term success.

Related Strategic Planning Templates

Discover this list of free templates that perfectly complement your strategic planning needs. From business model canvases to detailed market analyses and customer journeys, these tools ensure a solid value proposition and guide your business toward success.

Free Microsoft Word Action Plan Templates

Check out these  free Microsoft Word action plan templates for tools to streamline your project planning, enhance your task management, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Simple Action Plan Template

Free Gap Analysis Templates

Explore this  collection of free gap analysis templates to help you identify the discrepancies between your business's current state and its desired future state, offering a clear pathway for strategic improvement and goal achievement.

General Gap Analysis Template

Free Scenario Analysis Templates

Use these  free scenario analysis templates to get frameworks that prepare you for various future possibilities, enabling strategic decision-making and risk management.

Simple Scenario Analysis Spreadsheet Template EXAMPLE

Secure Your Organization’s Future Success with Strategic Planning Templates from Smartsheet

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Navigating Your WordPress Journey with Monthly Support Plans by WPOfficialSupport

business plan en word

WordPress has cemented its position as the leading content management system (CMS), empowering millions of websites worldwide. However, maintaining a WordPress site requires ongoing attention to updates, security, performance, and content management. For website owners, entrepreneurs, and businesses alike, managing these aspects can be time-consuming and daunting. This is where Monthly WordPress support plans by WPOfficialSupport come into play, offering comprehensive solutions to alleviate the burdens of WordPress management. Let’s explore in detail how these support plans can benefit you.

Understanding Monthly WordPress Support Plans

Monthly WordPress support plans are subscription-based services offered by WPOfficialSupport to ensure the smooth operation and security of your WordPress website. These plans are designed to cater to the diverse needs of website owners, ranging from individuals with personal blogs to large enterprises with complex websites. They encompass a wide array of services aimed at simplifying WordPress management and enhancing website performance.

Key Features of WPOfficialSupport’s Monthly Plans

WPOfficialSupport’s monthly WordPress support plans are meticulously crafted to provide a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your specific requirements. Here are some key features you can expect:

24/7 Security Monitoring: Proactive monitoring of your website for security threats, malware, and suspicious activities to ensure the safety of your data and visitors.

Regular Updates: Timely updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins to patch security vulnerabilities, improve performance, and maintain compatibility.

Daily Backups: Automated daily backups of your website’s data, ensuring that you have a reliable backup in case of accidental data loss or website issues.

Performance Optimization: Optimization measures to enhance your website’s speed, load times, and overall performance, providing visitors with a seamless browsing experience.

SEO Maintenance: Assistance with SEO optimization, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and content updates to improve your website’s search engine visibility.

Content Management: Support for content updates, additions, and revisions to keep your website’s content fresh, engaging, and up-to-date.

Expert Technical Support: Access to a team of WordPress experts who are available round-the-clock to assist with troubleshooting, configuration, and guidance on best practices.

Monthly Reports: Detailed monthly reports summarizing the activities performed on your website, including updates, security scans, performance improvements, and more.

Benefits of Monthly WordPress Support Plans

Investing in monthly WordPress support plans by WPOfficialSupport offers numerous benefits that can streamline your WordPress management experience and ensure the success of your website:

Peace of Mind: With expert professionals managing your website’s security, updates, and performance, you can focus on your core business activities without worrying about technical issues.

Improved Security: Regular security monitoring and updates help protect your website against cyber threats, malware, and hacking attempts, safeguarding your data and reputation.

Enhanced Performance: Optimization measures implemented by WPOfficialSupport’s experts ensure that your website loads quickly and operates smoothly, providing visitors with an exceptional user experience.

Time and Cost Savings: Outsourcing WordPress management to WPOfficialSupport frees up your time and resources, allowing you to allocate them more efficiently to growing your business.

Access to Expertise: Benefit from the knowledge and experience of WPOfficialSupport’s WordPress professionals, who can provide guidance, recommendations, and solutions tailored to your needs.

Regular Updates and Maintenance: Stay ahead of the curve with timely updates and maintenance, ensuring that your website remains secure, up-to-date, and compliant with industry standards.

Transparent Reporting: Gain insights into your website’s performance and maintenance activities through detailed monthly reports provided by WPOfficialSupport, allowing you to track progress and make informed decisions.

Choosing the Right Plan for You

WPOfficialSupport offers a range of monthly WordPress Assistance and Support plans tailored to different needs and budgets. Whether you’re a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or a large enterprise, there’s a plan to suit your requirements. Consider factors such as the size and complexity of your website, your budget, and the level of support you need when choosing a plan.

Monthly WordPress support plans by WPOfficialSupport provide a hassle-free solution for managing and maintaining your WordPress website. With a comprehensive suite of services, expert guidance, and transparent reporting, these plans offer peace of mind and enable you to focus on what matters most – growing your business. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced website owner, investing in a monthly support plan can help you navigate your WordPress journey with confidence and ease.

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Copilot Pro: Get a 1-month free trial

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Copilot Pro

Microsoft copilot pro.

More power, more speed and more creativity

Get 1 month free

R430,00 user/month

After trial ends, your subscription continues to be charged at the regular price each month, unless cancelled in Microsoft account. See Microsoft Store Terms of Sale .

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Get answers faster

Enjoy the speed of priority access to top-of-the-line models for faster response times and build your own Copilot GPTs tailored to your individual needs and interests.

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Unlock Copilot in your favourite apps

Experience Word, Excel (in preview), PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft email address required) in a whole new way with built-in Copilot features. 1

business plan en word

Create and design better than ever

Generate unique images even faster with DALL-E 3 and then enhance your creations with 100 daily boosts with Designer.

Choose the Copilot that suits you best

For everyone who wants to find robust information, create unique content and get things done faster.

With your free Microsoft account, you can:

  • Use Copilot on the web and in Windows, macOS and iPadOS
  • AccessGPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo during non-peak times
  • Use text, voice and images in conversational search
  • Create and edit AI images with 15 boosts per day with Designer 
  • Use plug-ins and GPTs

For those who want faster performance, enhanced creativity capabilities and a supercharged Copilot experience.

This monthly subscription includes everything in Copilot, plus you can:

  • Get priority access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo even during peak times for faster performance
  • Build your own Copilot GPTs tailored to your individual needs and interests  
  • Use Copilot in productivity apps 1 like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft email address required)
  • Generate unique images and then enhance your creations using 100 daily boosts with Designer

Experience AI in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook like never before

Microsoft Word using Copilot Pro is open on a laptop.

Get Copilot for Microsoft 365 for your business

Top questions, what is copilot pro, what is priority access, what are boosts in copilot, where is copilot pro available, which languages does copilot pro support, where can i access copilot pro, where can i buy copilot pro, how does copilot pro work with microsoft 365 apps.

Copilot Pro subscribers can use Copilot in the free web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook (Microsoft email address required). Those who have a separate Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription will receive the added benefit of using Copilot in the more fully featured desktop apps.

Excel features are currently in preview and in English only.  

Note: Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with,, or email addresses and are available to Copilot Pro subscribers via, the new Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Mac. Any Microsoft account using an account from a third-party email provider, such as Gmail, Yahoo or iCloud, can still use Outlook, but won’t have access to the Copilot features.

How many people can use a Copilot Pro subscription?

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A Copilot GPT is a custom version of Microsoft Copilot and can be used to accomplish specific tasks. In Copilot you can see Copilot GPTs that have been created and are available to use such as holiday planner and cooking assistant.  

The Copilot GPT Builder is a feature of Copilot Pro, that allows you to create and configure your own unique Copilot GPTs based on your interests and that you can keep private or share with others.

Follow Microsoft 365



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  26. Navigating Your WordPress Journey with Monthly Support Plans by

    Choosing the Right Plan for You. WPOfficialSupport offers a range of monthly WordPress Assistance and Support plans tailored to different needs and budgets. Whether you're a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or a large enterprise, there's a plan to suit your requirements. Consider factors such as the size and complexity of your website ...

  27. Copilot Pro Plan & Pricing

    Copilot Pro. For those who want faster performance, enhanced creativity capabilities and a supercharged Copilot experience. This monthly subscription includes everything in Copilot, plus you can: Get priority access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo even during peak times for faster performance. Build your own Copilot GPTs tailored to your individual ...