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100 creative 6th Grade Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts |

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100 Creative 6 th Grade Writing Prompts

Sixth grade is the right time to introduce students to activities that promote self-expression and improves their overall writing skills. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts — from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts — to help students tap into their creativity and hone their writing skills.

In this post, we have for you:

  • Storytelling writing prompts
  • Research writing prompts
  • Reflective writing prompts
  • Narrative writing prompts
  • Expository writing prompts
  • Procedural writing prompts
  • Creative writing prompts

So, let’s put this show on the road.

creative writing project grade 6

Storytelling writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • When we found that the grandpa’s closet opens up to a deep forest, we decided to…
  • As I was walking around the local park, a dog came up to me and said, “You have got to listen to my story.” And then he began speaking…
  • The most surprising thing we have found in our school was…
  • As I was cleaning the attic in my grandparent’s house, I found the genie’s lamp. I decided to…
  • My brother and I were in the first fight ever. It all began when…
  • Our dream family vacation to… got canceled my younger brother woke up with…
  • As the world’s first 12-year scientist, I need to share my invention…
  • My first road trip with my dad didn’t go as per the plan. First…
  • When Lucy opened her lunch box, she couldn’t help exclaiming “Ugh” because the food looked as gross as…
  • I got the biggest surprise of my life when my dog…
  • I had never laid eyes on a dragon until that morning when our school took us to the nearby jungle as part of a trekking tour.
  • I woke up one morning only to find I have been turned into a big bug. While I was still coming to terms with this, my mother shouted, “Hurry up or you’ll be late for the school.” So I did what I had to do, which was…

Research writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • How much time do students spend on the internet?
  • How much screen time students have per day?
  • Does social media makes peer pressure worse?
  • How long can human beings survive without water?
  • How long can human beings survive without food?
  • How long can fish survive out of water?
  • Research your dream career? Mention all the things you must do to achieve it.
  • Research the childhood of your favorite writer?
  • When, why, and how was your country founded?
  • How long camels can go without drinking water? Can they survive long? If yes, how do they manage that?
  • How smoking affects your lungs?
  • Which has been the most important discovery in the last 50 years?
  • What steps can we take to minimize global warming?
  • What are civil rights? Who fought for them?
  • How do penguins survive in extreme cold?
  • Are polar bears good swimmers? If yes, how are they able to swim efficiently in spite of their weight?
  • How much food does an elephant needs in a day?
  • How shark uses senses to hunt?

creative writing project grade 6

Reflective writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • Write about a time when you were not able to keep a promise. What had happened? How did you feel?
  • What’s the best thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What’s the worst thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What has been your biggest learning in the last six months?
  • What are the qualities that a good friend must have?
  • Write about three qualities you admire in your dad?
  • Which sport you like the best and why?
  • List your favorite extracurricular activities. What have you learned from them?
  • Track the weather for five days? Which was the most comfortable day?
  • How students can reduce their screen time?
  • Is reading a more satisfying activity than watching television?
  • What are the negative effects of social media?

Narrative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Do you think you can go three months without the internet?
  • Write a letter to your emotional self?
  • Is it important for kids to have responsibilities and chores at home?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is being bullied at the school?
  • Which animal in your opinion represents your personality the most and why?
  • Do you like making new friends? Why or why not?
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
  • Write a poem or essay about your parents?
  • Describe your favorite family vacation?
  • Think about the best day in your life so far. What made the day so memorable?
  • Think about the worst day in your life so far. What made the day so miserable?
  • Which is your favorite book? How has it impacted you?
  • Which your favorite movie? Why do you like it so much?
  • Think about your future self. Write about a day in your life, five years from today.
  • Tell a family story from the perspective of your mom.
  • Who is the fittest person you know? Would you like to become as fit as this person? Why or why not?
  • Write about how it feels to spend a night at home alone?
  • What are three great things about your school?
  • Describe your life if you lived during the Middle Ages?
  • What is the biggest problem the world is facing today? How would you solve it?
  • How did computers affect our lives?
  • Imagine you were asked to pick a new holiday. Describe what you’ll be celebrating and how.
  • Could you live without a cell phone for a year? How would you communicate with your friends?
  • How hearing and listening are two different things?
  • If you could go back in time, which year would you choose?
  • You meet a wise man who knows answers to all questions, but you can ask him only one question. What would you ask?
  • Who is the oldest person you know?
  • Think about a time you were not able to keep a New Year’s resolution? What had happened? Why did you fail?

creative writing project grade 6

Expository prompts for 6 th grade

  • Describe your favorite short story in your own words.
  • Find an interesting story in the newspaper or a local magazine and write it in your own words.
  • Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences between you and your sibling or your best friend.
  • In what ways Barrack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are similar? In what ways they are different?
  • Is life as a sixth grader today different than it was when your parents were studying in the sixth grade? If yes, how it is different.
  • Compare and contrast your two close friends.
  • How has been your school year so far? What are the main highlights? 
  • What was the cause of the recent argument you had with your mom or dad? How did it go?
  • Compare and contrast two of your most favorite books?
  • How is empathy different from sympathy? Explain the concept of empathy?
  • How important is to have a hobby? Explain the benefits of having a hobby.
  • Explain a problem in your school? How would you solve it?
  • How has cell phone changed our lives?
  • Is there really something as cell phone addiction? If yes, what it is?
  • Gaming addiction is on the rise among kids? How do you think we can tackle this problem effectively?

Procedural writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Your friend wants to learn how to play your favorite board game. Explain the steps to him or her.
  • Explain a grandparent how to use Facebook.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite computer game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to tie shoelaces.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite card game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to create a post on Instagram.
  • Explain how to complete all the levels of a video game.
  • Describe how you get home from school.

Creative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • If you could spend a week in any holiday destination in the world, where would you go?
  • If you had the power to communicate with pets, what conversations would you have?
  • Write a poem that describes your family.
  • If you could meet one media personality, who would you choose and why?
  • If you could change one thing about your country, what would you choose and why?
  • You wake up one morning to find that you can fly. What adventures will you have?
  •  You wake up one morning to find that you have grown taller and your clothes and shoes don’t fit you anymore. What would you do?

We hope these writing prompts will help get your pen or pencil moving. Some of these writing prompts need research, some are intellectually challenging, and some others are fun and creative. If you would like more writing prompts, have a look at this post , which offers tons of additional writing prompts you can use to unleash your writing talent. Good luck!

  • Get other writing prompts for kids here :
  • 3rd-grade writing prompts
  • 4th-grade writing prompts
  • 5th-grade writing prompts
  • Middle School Writing Prompts

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creative writing project grade 6

50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

Victory Ihejieto

  • February 22, 2024

Table of Contents Hide

Table of contents, personal narratives:, creative stories:, opinion pieces:, descriptive essays, expository essays, book reviews, research projects, journal entries:, exclusive 6th grade writing prompts , 6th-grade writing prompts , creative writing topics for grade 6 , 6th grade writing prompts with reading passages , recommendations.

For sixth graders, imagination can be the key to creative expression. It’s a strong weapon. With specialized 6th Grade Writing Prompts, you can have an insight into the distinctive thoughts of these young authors and inspire a wide range of creative and inventive ideas.

As a student, every prompt offers you the chance to use narrative to explore new aspects of yourself, from ones that take them to far galaxies to those that delve deeply into your feelings and experiences.

In this article, we will take you through 50 exclusive 6th grade writing prompts that are printable for free. Carefully read through!

  • Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts
  • 6th-grade Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6
  • 6th Grade Writing Prompts with Reading Passages

What Should a 6th Grader Write about?

A sixth grader’s writing can cover a wide range of subjects, contingent upon their experiences, interests, and the particular assignment or goal of the writing work. Some possibilities for topics a sixth grader could write about are as follows:

Students are encouraged to explore their own experiences and share them with others through the use of personal narratives.

They can relive with vivid detail special occasions, like the time they overcame their fear of heights by scaling a mountain, obstacles they’ve overcome, like learning to ride a bike without training wheels, or memorable times spent with loved ones, like a touching holiday celebration or an adventure that strengthened their bond with siblings.

Students acquire insight into their own lives and ideals by thinking back on these experiences and expressing them in writing, in addition to honing their storytelling abilities.

Students can express their imagination and ingenuity via creative stories. Authors can showcase their storytelling skills by creating inventive stories with captivating characters, compelling narratives, and unique settings.

Students are free to let their imaginations run wild, whether they go on an exhilarating journey through a magical kingdom, solve a mystery in a chilling haunted mansion, or explore the depths of space in a futuristic starship.

They hone their narrative abilities, create gripping stories, and bring their imaginative ideas to life on paper via the process of storytelling.

Students can express their opinions on a variety of subjects that are important to them through opinion pieces. Students can use persuasive writing to communicate their ideas, advocate for their beliefs, and express their perspectives on a variety of topics, from pop cultural phenomena to environmental issues to school laws.

Students gain the ability to effectively express their thoughts, provide evidence to back up their claims, engage in critical thinking, and debate—whether they are advocating for tighter environmental rules, defending their favorite book or movie, or suggesting changes to school procedures.

Descriptive essays require students to use language to conjure up vivid images in the readers’ minds and arouse their senses. They can paint a detailed picture of a location they have been to, such a busy city street, a calm beach at dusk, or a comfortable lodge in the woods.

As an alternative, individuals can use rich descriptions and striking pictures to delve into the sensory nuances of a beloved memory, a favorite dish, or an interesting object. Students who practice descriptive writing are better able to arouse readers’ emotions, appeal to their senses, and produce immersive writing.

Expository essays educate students how to present facts and provide a clear, structured explanation of difficult subjects.

They can delve into a variety of topics, including historical events, cultural customs, how-to manuals, and scientific ideas.

Whether they’re breaking down a cultural ritual, exploring the history of ancient civilizations, or explaining how photosynthesis works, students learn how to effectively research, analyze, and present information. This helps them improve their writing, research, and critical thinking abilities.

Through the skillful use of language and images, poetry provides students with a unique means of expression, enabling them to explore themes such as nature, emotions, friendship, and identity. They can play around with various poetry forms, including limericks, sonnets, haikus, or free verse, and investigate the lyrical and rhythmic aspects of language.

Students learn how to use words to express emotions, generate images, and build meaning in their poetry, whether they’re writing a whimsical limerick, a heartfelt sonnet, or a haiku that captures the majesty of a sunset.

By giving students a platform to express their ideas and opinions about books they’ve read, book reviews support the growth of their analytical and critical thinking abilities.

They can assess the book’s advantages and disadvantages, character and topic analysis, and storyline summary.

Students gain the ability to engage with literature thoughtfully, express their opinions clearly, and participate in literary discussions and debates—whether they are analyzing a classic work of literature, suggesting a favorite novel to their peers, or delving into the themes of a recent bestseller.

Research projects allow students to explore interesting subjects in-depth, gather data, and present their results in an orderly and systematic manner. They can delve into a variety of topics, such as social issues, cultural customs, historical events, and scientific occurrences.

Whether they’re looking into the origins of climate change, studying the past of ancient civilizations, or examining how social media affects society, students gain important research skills from these projects.

These skills include how to collect data from trustworthy sources, assess the validity of the data, and effectively and persuasively present their findings.

Keeping a journal gives students a private place to consider their feelings, ideas, experiences, and observations. Journaling allows them to keep track of their daily activities, examine their feelings and responses to situations, and think back on their development and education.

Regular journaling helps kids develop self-awareness, introspection, and mindfulness. This can be done by having them write down their ideas before going to bed, reflect on their experiences after a difficult day, or capture moments of inspiration and insight.

Read ALSO:  107+ Creative Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

  • Write a tale about a time-traveling excursion to a significant historical occasion.
  • Describe a world in which all people’s dreams come true.
  • Which historical figure, and why, would you want to meet if you could?
  • Ten years from now, write a letter to yourself.
  • Consider being able to teleport to any location on Earth. Which place would you visit first?
  • Describe a superhero’s typical day in the life of a neighborhood resident.
  • If you could communicate with animals, how would you respond?
  • Write a story about a magical item that, although granting desires, has drawbacks.
  • Describe a future society in which all aspects of existence are governed by technology.
  • What superpower, if any, would you choose to have, and how would you use it?
  • Write a tale about a bunch of pals figuring out a mystery in their community.
  • Describe an unruly world. How would that feel?
  • What exactly does being a good friend entail? Write about an instance where you showed friendship.
  • Which disciplines would you include in your own curriculum, if you could create one?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for the writing of your favorite author.
  • Tell about a moment when you had to make a tough choice and how you came to an answer.
  • Consider being able to travel to any fictitious place from a book. To what place would you go?
  • Write about a moment when, despite the difficulty, you stood up for what you believed in.
  • What would you alter, and why, if you could, in the world?
  • Write a tale that takes place in a bleak future when humanity is about to perish.
  • Write about a day in the life of your favorite movie or book character.
  • For you, what does success mean? Write about a moment when you felt accomplished.
  • Consider being able to speak with extraterrestrials on a different world. How would you respond?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for your role model.
  • Describe a society in which mind reading is a common skill.
  • What new technology, and how might it help civilization, if you could create it?
  • Write about a failure you’ve had and the lessons you took away from it.
  • Describe a civilization that is utopian and in balance with the natural world.
  • What would you change if you could travel back in time to alter one particular historical event?
  • Write a tale about a party of adventurers finding a lost culture.
  • Describe a world in which magic exists but is kept out of the public eye.
  • What does being brave really mean? Write about a brave moment in your life.
  • Which historical period—past or future—would you like to live in, and why?

Read ALSO:  140 Exclusive Writing Prompts For Adults

  • A Magical Land : Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life.
  • Time Travel Adventure : Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event.
  • Superhero Origins : Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.
  • Mystery Mansion : Describe a spooky mansion and the mysteries hidden within its walls.
  • Animal Kingdom : Imagine a world where animals can talk and interact with humans.
  • Dream Vacation : Describe your ideal vacation destination and what you would do there.
  • Invent a New Planet : Design a planet with unique geography, inhabitants, and customs.
  • Lost in the Wilderness : Write about being lost in the wilderness and the adventures that follow.
  • Sports Star : Imagine becoming a professional athlete in your favorite sport. Describe your journey to success.
  • School of Magic : Enroll in a school for wizards and witches. Describe your experiences learning spells and potions.
  • Alien Encounter : Describe an encounter with an alien species and the impact it has on Earth.
  • Underwater Adventure : Dive deep into the ocean and explore an underwater world full of wonders and dangers.
  • Robot Revolution : Write about a future where robots have become sentient and demand equal rights.
  • Time Capsule : Imagine burying a time capsule with items representing your life. What would you include and why?
  • A Day in the Life of a Celebrity : Describe a day in the life of a famous celebrity of your choice.
  • The Quest for a Magical Artifact : Write a story about a quest to find a powerful magical artifact and the challenges faced along the way.
  • Haunted House : Explore a haunted house and uncover its dark secrets.
  • Space Exploration : Describe a journey to explore a distant planet in search of new life forms.
  • Future Career : Imagine your future career and what a typical day in that profession would be like.
  • Invisible Friend : Write about having an invisible friend and the adventures you have together.

Read ALSO:  50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free

  • Prompt : Imagine you are one of the characters in the passage below. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings about the events that unfolded.

Reading Passage : “The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. As Sarah packed her bag, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of dread. She knew she had to face her bully on the bus ride home.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a persuasive essay arguing whether or not schools should implement a dress code policy like the one described.

Reading Passage : “As students entered the school gates, they were greeted by the sight of their peers dressed in a rainbow of colors and styles. Some wore jeans and T-shirts, while others donned skirts and blazers. There was no uniform requirement, allowing students to express their individuality through their clothing choices.”

  • Prompt : Use the information from the passage to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your opinion on the issue discussed.

Reading Passage : “The town council is considering banning plastic bags in an effort to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Many residents are divided on the issue, with some arguing that it would inconvenience shoppers and hurt businesses, while others believe it is a necessary step towards a greener future.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a narrative describing a day in the life of the protagonist, using details from the passage to inspire your story.

Reading Passage : “Jake woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. As he stretched and yawned, he glanced at the clock and realized he was running late for school. He quickly dressed, grabbed his backpack, and raced out the door, eager to start the day.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a summary of the main arguments presented by each side of the debate.

Reading Passage : “The school cafeteria is considering replacing unhealthy snacks with nutritious options. Proponents of the change argue that it will improve student health and academic performance, while opponents worry about increased costs and decreased student satisfaction.”

  • Prompt : Use the passage below as inspiration to write a descriptive essay about your favorite outdoor activity.

Reading Passage : “As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah and her friends gathered around the campfire. They roasted marshmallows, told stories, and gazed up at the starry sky, feeling at peace in the great outdoors.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a compare and contrast essay discussing the similarities and differences between the two characters.

Reading Passage : “Emily was outgoing and adventurous, always eager to try new things and meet new people. In contrast, her sister Olivia was shy and reserved, preferring to spend her time lost in books or exploring nature alone.”

  • Prompt : Using the information provided in the passage, write a persuasive speech arguing for or against the proposed changes.

Reading Passage : “The city council is considering implementing a curfew for teenagers in an effort to reduce crime and keep young people safe. Supporters believe it will decrease juvenile delinquency, while opponents argue it will unfairly restrict the freedoms of law-abiding teenagers.”

  • Prompt : Write a narrative inspired by the passage below, imagining yourself as the protagonist navigating the challenges described.

Reading Passage : “Mark stared at the blank page in front of him, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. He had a history essay due tomorrow, but he had no idea where to begin. With a sigh, he picked up his pen and started writing, determined to conquer his writer’s block.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a response discussing your opinion on the topic and providing evidence to support your viewpoint.

Reading Passage : “The debate over homework continues to divide educators, parents, and students alike. Some argue that it reinforces learning and teaches responsibility, while others believe it causes stress and detracts from family time. What is your stance on the issue?”

Yes, these writing prompts are designed to be age-appropriate and engaging for all 6th graders.

Yes, these writing prompts have been carefully crafted to align with common core standards for 6th grade writing.

It’s recommended to introduce a new prompt regularly, such as once a week, to keep your students inspired and practicing their writing skills consistently.

Engaging with a variety of creative and thought-provoking prompts can definitely help enhance your students’ writing abilities over time.

These varied subjects for sixth-grade writing assignments are sure to stimulate young writers’ creativity and critical thinking. Teachers and parents can easily include these prompts in their lesson plans or home-schooling activities because they are free to print.

Students will be able to convey their own views and perspectives while practicing a variety of writing abilities by responding to these prompts.

These writing prompts can be used as homework assignments, daily warm-ups, or creative writing exercises. They are an invaluable tool for supporting the development of young writers.

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25+ Creative Writing Activities + Projects GRADES 6-12 (Digital Included)

$ 16.00

This Creative Writing Workbook includes 25+ different creative writing projects + activities for students to complete! It is designed for grades 6-12 and includes student descriptions, student examples, brainstorming pages, and rubrics for each project!

This resource provides teachers with a unique way to present creative writing projects to students. The journal is organized by fiction and non-fiction, and allows students to work independently while simultaneously creating a portfolio of their written expression. Students will strengthen their writing and language skills with each creative writing activity.

This resource includes a DIGITAL version for distance learning. It is compatible with Google Slides and Google Classroom!

— OR —


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This resource includes:

  • Teacher directions
  • EDITABLE version included
  • Personalized
  • Non-fiction
  • Student directions for each project
  • Student example for each project  (serves as an answer key since each project will be different)
  • Rubric for each project
  • Project brainstorming page for each activity
  • DIGITAL version compatible with Google Slides and Google Classroom for distance learning purposes
  • Writing reflection piece
  • Section breakdown/outline for reference

Below are the various creative writing activities included in the journal

  • Children’s book
  • Screen play
  • Graphic novel
  • Short (horror) story
  • Short (sensory) story


  • Personal mantra
  • Book review
  • Travel blog
  • One-word essay
  • Newspaper article
  • Personal biography
  • Podcast Script
  • Career-Readiness Essay
  • College-Readiness Essay


  • Art analysis
  • Nature essay
  • Modern day hero
  • Elevator speech
  • Social media campaign
  • Marketing plan
  • Infographic
  • Theme essay
  • Persuasive essay
  • Research essay


  • OPTION ONE:  Give students the creative writing portfolio at the beginning of the school year or semester and have them select 3-6 projects to complete throughout their time with you.
  • OPTION TWO:  Assign each student the same number activity/project and have them complete it simultaneously.
  • OPTION THREE:  For a creative writing unit, have students choose one activity from each of the sections.
  • OPTION FOUR:  Use these activities as extra practice or reinforcement for struggling or advanced students.
  • OPTION FIVE:  Have a fiction writing unit and a separate non-fiction writing unit and give students the opportunity to CHOOSE their project.

Please download the preview for more information. The preview provides images of the CREATIVE WRITING WORKBOOK pages in action.

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NOTE: All resources are digital downloads designed to be printed and distributed by the teacher. You will not receive a physical hard copy of the product. This saves in shipping costs and allows teachers the flexibility to assign the materials when convenient for them. Enjoy!

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creative writing project grade 6

Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

Creative Writing: Discover a world of imagination with our free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 6 students. Enhance your students' skills and creativity with Quizizz's diverse resources.


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Explore printable Creative Writing worksheets for 6th Grade

Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an excellent resource for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a variety of activities and exercises designed to help students develop their skills in fiction writing, as well as other forms of creative expression. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can provide a structured and supportive environment for students to explore their creativity and improve their writing abilities. With a focus on reading and writing, these Grade 6 worksheets offer a comprehensive approach to developing students' literacy skills, ultimately preparing them for more advanced writing tasks in the future.

Quizizz is a fantastic platform that complements Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 6, offering teachers a variety of interactive and engaging activities to further enhance their students' learning experience. This platform provides a wide range of quizzes and games that can be tailored to specific topics, such as reading and writing or fiction writing, allowing teachers to reinforce key concepts and assess their students' progress. In addition to its extensive quiz library, Quizizz also offers a variety of other resources, including flashcards and interactive presentations, making it an invaluable tool for teachers seeking to create a dynamic and immersive learning environment for their Grade 6 students. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their students are not only developing their creative writing skills but also having fun in the process.



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creative writing project grade 6

Grade 6 English Creative Writing Project

creative writing project grade 6

R 92.00

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Grade 6 English Creative Writing Project Term 3 is an easy to read and understand project. It is centered around the novel, the BFG by Roald Dahl. It comprises of research, writing, questions and an oral. A memorandum is also attached.

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Grade 7 English Term 3 Test

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English Narrative Essay and Rubric Grade 5 or 6

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Grade 7 Technology Exam Term 4

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Grade 7 History Exam Term 4

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

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The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

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Free 6th grade creative writing rubrics

Preview of ESSENTIAL Reading +Writing Anchor Charts Collection BUNDLE - Editable - Google

ESSENTIAL Reading +Writing Anchor Charts Collection BUNDLE - Editable - Google

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Character Traits | 4th Grade | Anchor Charts, Reading Passages, Answer Key

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Beginner ESL Lesson Bundle for Adults & Teens (25 lessons) (A1)

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Summer Coloring Pages Parts of Speech Worksheets for End of Year Activity

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Reader's Theater Bundle: 12 Engaging Scripts for Big Kids

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6th Grade Statistics - Game Show Review Game

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Rock n' Roll: comprehensive, engaging Music History PPT (links, handouts & more)

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Early Finishers Activities & May Coloring Pages - After State Testing Activities

Preview of Master Writing Curriculum

Master Writing Curriculum

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Classwork/Homework Grading Rubric

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Writing Rubric System

Preview of Brainstorming Rubric

Brainstorming Rubric

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Acrostic Poems Writing Project with Rubric

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Legend writing rubric

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  • Google Docs™

Preview of ELA Family Interview Narrative Writing and Rubric

ELA Family Interview Narrative Writing and Rubric

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Give Essay Feedback on Excel Sheets Speedily (Focus: Intro for Narrative)

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Preview of Greek Mythology Projects

Greek Mythology Projects

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  • Word Document File

Preview of Narrative Writing 4 Point Rubric

Narrative Writing 4 Point Rubric

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Creative Writing Grading Rubric

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Creative Writing Rubric

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Writing Rubric

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Narrative Writing Rubric

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10 pt Narrative Writing Rubric (Student Friendly)

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Personal Narrative/ Descriptive Writing Rubric EDITABLE

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  • Google Sheets™

Preview of Argumentative Essay Rubric

Argumentative Essay Rubric

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Expository Essay Rubric

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Narrative Writing Checklist

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Middle School Writing Rubric

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Memoir poem instructions and corresponding rubric

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Tic Tac Toe Book Report

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Poetry Writing Rubric

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Newspaper Article Rubric

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Creative Writing & Transactional Writing

Creative Writing & Transactional Writing - To prepare for Examinations: PAPER 3

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  1. 100 creative 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    100 Creative 6 th Grade Writing Prompts. Sixth grade is the right time to introduce students to activities that promote self-expression and improves their overall writing skills. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts — from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts — to help students tap ...

  2. Free 6th grade creative writing projects

    This Book Week Writing Project is designed to be completed across a whole week and can be used in the classroom or for online learning.Students will work their way through planning, writing, editing, publishing, illustrating and then recording their own picture book. Subjects: Creative Writing, Reading, Writing.

  3. Creative Writing Worksheets for Grade 6

    Sixth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets. Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: November 9, 2022. Let your sixth-grade students show you how imaginative they can be, with our most popular creative writing printables. We have plenty of poetry and short-story activities for them to enjoy, plus many other types of lessons!

  4. 50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

    Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6. A Magical Land: Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life. Time Travel Adventure: Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event. Superhero Origins: Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.

  5. Awesome 6th Grade Writing Prompts (Updated!)

    121 More FREE Grade 6 Writing Resources. Take a look at this list of even more wonderful writing prompts and resources for 6th graders. 37 6th Grade Writing Prompts; 31 6th Grade Writing Ideas; 53 Reflective Writing Prompts; Until next time, write on… If you enjoyed these Writing Prompts for 6th Graders,

  6. 6th grade creative writing project pdfs

    Students LOVE this Cereal Box Book Report template! Students pick a fiction book and design a cereal based on it. This creative & fun cereal box project resources comes with a

  7. 6th grade creative writing projects

    All 'For All Subject Areas' Arts & Music. English Language Arts

  8. 6th Grade Creative Writing Lesson Plans

    Letter for Great Mail Race. Students practice writing and word processing a letter to be used in The Great Mail Race. Browse our printable 6th Grade Creative Writing Lesson Plans resources for your classroom. Download free today!

  9. Printable 6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

    Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #1: Secrets of the Sand. Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #3: The Captivating Carnival. Worksheet. Leap Year Creative Writing Prompt #3: A Time for Superpowers. Worksheet. Spring Creative Writing Prompt #2: Foul Ball Fiasco. Worksheet.

  10. 19 Great Sixth-Grade Writing Activities

    8. Cookbook/Recipe. Have your sixth-graders compile their own cookbooks or write recipes. Using clear instructions, vivid descriptions, and culinary terminology, students will create engaging cookbooks or recipes. 9. Quotation Response. Provide students with thought-provoking quotes, and ask them to share insightful written reflections.

  11. Grade 6 Creative Writing Project (Folktales, Myths and Legends)

    Grade 6 Creative Writing Project (Folktales, Myths and Legends) Genre: Folktales Word Document Includes: Research: Compare structural information (differences) between folktales, myths and legends Writing: Character sketch (descriptive essay) Oral: Discussion of character sketch 8 PAGES Includes rubrics and writing templates

  12. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets (Free Printables)

    More Free Grade 6 Writing Resources. 6th Grade Journal Prompts — Here you will find a wonderful list of 31 prompts and writing ideas for your grade 6 child.. As sixth graders enter middle school and prepare to become teenagers, many kids find themselves struggling to understand their emotions and to express their changing, unique personalities.

  13. Grade 6 Creative Writing Project

    We have a BRAND NEW English module for Grade 6. Join us as we dip into the Creative Writing Project focused on "Stereotyping in Fairy Tales". You don't want ...

  14. 25+ Creative Writing Activities + Projects GRADES 6-12 (Digital

    This Creative Writing Workbook includes 25+ different creative writing projects + activities for students to complete! It is designed for grades 6-12 and includes student descriptions, student examples, brainstorming pages, and rubrics for each project! This resource provides teachers with a unique way to present creative writing projects to students.

  15. Grade 6 Term 3 English Project (teacher made)

    This Grade 6 term 3 English project comes complete with instructions, research and writing prompts as well as rubrics. Simply download, print and hand out the project booklet to your learners and watch them shine! The Grade 6 term 3 English writing project is designed according to the departmental guidelines for the task and comes with a handy ...

  16. Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

    With a focus on reading and writing, these Grade 6 worksheets offer a comprehensive approach to developing students' literacy skills, ultimately preparing them for more advanced writing tasks in the future. Quizizz is a fantastic platform that complements Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 6, offering teachers a variety of interactive and ...

  17. Creative Writing 6th Grade Teaching Resources

    This project will probably take at least a week for your students to complete. Contents: -Teacher Directions -Student Directions -6 pages of story plan. ... Look no further than the 6th Grade Creative Writing Prompts and Lesson Plan! This unique collection of 180 prompts includes 60 character prompts, 60 story setting prompts, and 60 plot ...

  18. PDF Creative Writing Activity Packet

    Wonka Words is a creative argument-writing game. Works for slightly older students, although all can compete. Groups of three players or more. One player is the judge, and the judge thinks of something that the rest of the players have to guess. They can think of anything (a puppy, their grandpa, the table everyone is sitting at,

  19. Year 6 Creative Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents

    This step-by-step explanation to KS2 creative writing can help you support your Year 6 child's learning at home. The subject of Creative Writing is broken down into manageable chunks, providing you with a simple guide to follow when exploring creative writing together, either as part of homework or if you decide to give your child some extra ...

  20. Grade 6 English Creative Writing Project • Teacha!

    The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Grade 6 English Creative Writing Project Term 3 is an easy to read and understand project. It is centered around the novel, the BFG by Roald Dahl. It comprises of research, writing, questions and an oral. A memorandum is also attached. Grade 6 English Creative Writing Project Term 3 is an ...

  21. PDF To: Teachers and Parents Topic: Creative Writing project (Formal

    In the SP Term 3, learners will be required to do a Creative Writing Project in a Literature genre of their choice e.g. short story drama, poems. Learners will need to be familiar with the outline of the project including the mark allocation. Learners will be required to do research on a literature genre and thereafter do a creative response

  22. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  23. Free 6th grade creative writing rubrics

    Created by. Jackie Saviano. This is a Narrative Writing Rubric based on NYS 5th Grade Writing CC Standards. Very specific and detailed. In PDF Format and Word, so it can be adjusted to meet grade level. Subjects: Creative Writing, English Language Arts, Writing. Grades: 3 rd - 6 th.

  24. Creative Writing & Transactional Writing

    Creative Writing & Transactional Writing - To prepare for Examinations: PAPER 3. ... 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 ... Projects and Initiatives for Teachers