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Doctor Of Science Vs Phd: What Are The Key Differences?

For those considering an advanced research degree, two options often come to mind – the Doctor of Science (DSc) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). But what exactly is the difference between these two doctoral degrees?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll examine the key distinctions between the DSc and PhD, from program focus and format to career outlook, so you can determine which advanced degree is the best fit for your goals.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: While both are research-focused doctoral degrees, the main differences lie in prestige, structure, and research focus . The DSc is seen as a higher-level degree compared to the PhD.

DSc programs are less structured, take longer to complete, and focus more on applying research to practice, while PhDs are more academic and theory-based.

Overview of the Doctor of Science Degree

The Doctor of Science (DSc) degree is a prestigious academic title awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to their field of study. It is considered the highest level of academic achievement and is often seen as equivalent to a PhD.

However, there are some key differences between the two degrees.

What is a DSc?

A Doctor of Science degree is typically awarded in scientific or technical disciplines such as engineering, computer science, or natural sciences. It is a research-based degree that requires students to conduct extensive original research in their chosen field.

The focus of a DSc program is on advancing scientific knowledge and solving complex problems through research.

Unlike a PhD, which is more commonly awarded in social sciences, humanities, and some technical disciplines, the DSc is specifically designed for individuals who have already made significant contributions to their field and wish to further their expertise.

Program Format and Duration

The format and duration of DSc programs can vary depending on the university and field of study. However, most DSc programs are structured similarly to PhD programs, with a combination of coursework and research components.

On average, a DSc program can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years to complete, although this can vary depending on the student’s research progress and the requirements of their specific program.

Research Focus and Dissertation

The primary focus of a DSc program is on conducting original research that contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge. Students are expected to undertake a significant research project and produce a dissertation that demonstrates their expertise in their chosen field.

The dissertation for a DSc program is typically more focused and specialized compared to a PhD dissertation. It may involve cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and the development of new theories or technologies.

It is important to note that the specific requirements for a DSc degree can vary between universities and disciplines. Some universities may require additional coursework or examinations in addition to the research component, while others may have specific requirements for publication or presentations at academic conferences.

Overview of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is one of the highest academic achievements that individuals can pursue in their field of interest. It is a research-based degree that requires students to contribute original knowledge to their chosen field through an extensive dissertation.

The PhD degree is highly respected and is generally considered the standard qualification for pursuing a career in academia or research.

What is a PhD?

A PhD is an advanced degree that allows students to specialize in a specific area of study and conduct original research. It requires a significant amount of independent work and self-motivation. During their PhD journey, students are expected to develop critical thinking skills, conduct in-depth research, and contribute new knowledge to their field.

The degree is awarded based on the completion and successful defense of a dissertation, which is a lengthy and comprehensive research project.

PhD programs are typically full-time, although some universities offer part-time options for working professionals. The duration of a PhD program can vary depending on the field of study and the individual’s progress.

On average, it takes about 4 to 6 years to complete a PhD, but it can take longer for some students. The program usually consists of coursework, comprehensive exams, and the completion of a dissertation.

The main focus of a PhD program is the dissertation, which is a substantial piece of original research that contributes to the existing knowledge in the field. The topic of the dissertation is chosen by the student and is usually based on their research interests.

The dissertation requires students to demonstrate their ability to conduct independent research, critically analyze data, and present their findings in a clear and coherent manner. It is often a lengthy and time-consuming process, but it is also a valuable opportunity for students to make a significant contribution to their field.

Key Differences Between DSc and PhD Degrees

Prestige and perception.

When it comes to prestige and perception, both the Doctor of Science (DSc) and PhD degrees are highly respected and regarded in the academic community. However, there are some key differences in how these degrees are perceived in certain fields or regions.

The DSc degree is often associated with scientific and technical disciplines, such as engineering, computer science, and natural sciences. It is typically seen as a higher level of achievement and expertise in these fields.

On the other hand, the PhD degree is more commonly associated with humanities, social sciences, and some scientific disciplines. It is widely recognized as a research-based degree that demonstrates a deep understanding of a specific subject.

It is important to note that the perception of these degrees may vary across different countries and institutions. In some regions, the DSc degree may be more prevalent and preferred, while in others, the PhD degree may hold more weight.

Program Structure

The structure of DSc and PhD programs can vary depending on the institution and field of study. In general, both degrees require a significant amount of research and a dissertation or thesis as a culmination of the program.

PhD programs typically have a more structured curriculum, with required coursework and examinations in addition to the research component. These programs aim to provide students with a broad foundation in their field and develop their research skills.

On the other hand, DSc programs often focus more on the research aspect and may have fewer coursework requirements. These programs are designed for individuals who have already acquired a substantial amount of knowledge and experience in their field and wish to further their research expertise.

Research Focus and Application

The research focus and application of DSc and PhD degrees can also differ based on the field of study.

In DSc programs, the emphasis is often on applied research and the development of practical solutions to real-world problems. This degree is commonly pursued by professionals who are already working in industry or applied research settings and want to advance their knowledge and expertise in their specific field.

PhD programs, on the other hand, tend to have a more theoretical and academic focus. The research conducted in these programs often contributes to the broader knowledge and understanding of a particular subject.

PhD graduates typically pursue careers in academia, research institutions, or other scholarly settings.

Career Paths

Career paths for DSc and PhD graduates can vary depending on the field, industry, and individual goals.

Individuals with a DSc degree often find opportunities in industry, government agencies, and applied research settings. They may work as senior researchers, consultants, or experts in their field. The DSc degree is highly valued for its practical applications and the ability to solve complex problems.

PhD graduates, on the other hand, often pursue careers in academia as professors or researchers. They may also work in research and development roles in industry or government organizations. The PhD degree is highly regarded for its research and analytical skills, as well as the ability to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a particular field.

In short, while both the DSc and PhD are advanced research degrees, there are some notable differences when it comes to prestige, flexibility, research focus, and career outcomes. Those wanting a more structured path that leads to academic research and teaching roles may find the PhD a better fit.

For individuals seeking a degree to support applied research and expert-level clinical practice, the DSc may be more aligned. Weighing your own research interests, career aspirations, and academic capabilities can help determine which of these prestigious doctoral degrees is right for you.

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Ph.D. vs. Doctorate: What are the Differences?

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For those who have a deep-seated attitude, pursuing a doctoral degree can be a tough yet beneficial journey. Currently enrolled in a doctorate program means that a person has already scooched over college admissions, went through high stake tests and exams, and finished all those research papers and long hours spent in university libraries hitting the books. While studying for a doctorate entails asserting oneself to an extensive amount of quality time and money , its significance and purpose usually pave the way to a lucrative end.

After having finished the Master’s Degree , students begin to think about their next step in their academic career. Then, paradoxically, while navigating through academia, they find themselves baffled by the immense terms and terminologies used to label specific degrees. Because the terms “Doctorate” and “Ph.D.” are somehow interlocked and overlap, and because “PhD” is sometimes used inconsistently, it can lead to considerable confusion. Ph.D. vs. Doctorate? You might wonder what their difference is, and why they are important. E xplaining what each of these terms stands for, the difference between them, and why they are valuable, can help you steer yourself down the right path from the outset.

Doctorate Degree vs. Ph.D.


At first glance, it is pretty easy to confuse these two terms. But it is important for everyone to be able to make a distinction between the two. In this article, we will discuss the difference between Ph.D. and Doctorate in detail in order to get rid of any confusion you may have. In the academic world, the terms Doctorate and Ph.D. are currently used interchangeably. Both of them are the top cap of the ladder. However, a doctorate is mostly used as an umbrella term covering many fields ranging from professional degrees, humanities, and scientific disciplines.

A Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy, on the other hand, is a subcategory of a doctoral degree, it is much more distinct and clear-cut and is usually narrower in nature encompassing only humanities and scientific fields. In plain English, when someone says they are enrolling on a doctoral degree, it means they are doing a Ph.D. in a specific field. So, technically, in common parlance, there is no difference between the two terms.

But at the other end of the spectrum, one should be careful not to confuse a professional doctoral degree with a Ph.D. The former is more practical and is designed to prepare students to apply existing knowledge to find solutions to real-life problems and has a direct application to a particular profession.

A Ph.D. is theoretical by nature and is more academic and research-focused. it is often fixed on disseminating knowledge by conducting authentic research which means reviewing and identifying gaps in current literature and evaluating the relevance of existing and emerging theories within a particular field.

What Is a Ph.D. Degree and Why Should You Go for It?

Students who acquire a Ph.D. are justly proud — they wear it as a badge of identity in the academic elite. Traditionally, a Ph.D. was associated with teaching, which from Latin licentia docendi meant “license to teach”. However, the concept of Ph.D. has been on shifting sands nowadays and has become a more general term that isn’t necessarily confined to teaching only.

The Value of a PhD


Obtaining a Ph.D. helps you capitalize on the emerging academic opportunities making you more easily identifiable to employers or businesses seeking to fill professional, higher-level job positions. Many of these career options, conversely, are not available to those who do not belong to the Ph.D. club. While pursuing a Ph.D. requires devoting a tremendous effort and time and making significant personal sacrifices pushing the boundaries of knowledge, it’s all in service of the area of study you’re most passionate and zealous about. Ultimately, once you’ve attained your Ph.D., you will have achieved the pinnacle of education— something not too many people have or are able to accomplish.


difference between phd and doctor of science

A Guide to Choosing and Applying to Ph.D. Programs

Learn everything you need to know about selecting and applying to Ph.D. programs. Learn tips and tricks for a successful application and find your ideal program today!

What Is a Doctorate Degree?

A doctoral or doctorate degree is usually the most advanced degree one can earn in an academic discipline. Many pursue a doctorate degree to increase their professional credibility, be acknowledged as an expert in a specific field, and improve their resume.

A doctorate degree is a graduate-level credential that is usually earned after multiple years of graduate school. Earning a doctoral degree requires a significant level of research and work. In order to get this degree, one has to research a subject thoroughly, conduct new research and analysis, and provide a solution or interpretation into the field. But what types of doctoral degrees are available?

Types of Doctorate Degrees

There are two categories of doctorate degrees: an academic degree and a professional doctorate degree. An academic degree focuses on research, data analysis, and the evaluation of theory. A professional doctorate degree, on the other hand, is considered a terminal degree, which means that one has achieved the most advanced degree in the field. This degree is specifically designed for working professionals who want to grow in their careers.

Professional Doctorate Degrees

A professional doctorate is designed for working professionals who have experience in the field and want to increase their knowledge, improve their credibility, and advance their careers. This degree focuses on applying research to practical issues, coming up with interpretation and solutions, as well as designing effective professional practices within a particular field.

Professional doctoral degrees include:

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA degree is ideal for students who already have a general business background and are interested in delving deeper into the practical and theoretical aspects that underpin business education. More to the point, in DBA you will develop the ability to solve real-life problems, discover the relevant expertise to innovate and uphold complex business issues and so much more. Upon completion, DBA students will possess enhanced leadership and strategic skills as well as the tools to propel their careers in today’s marketplace. The Business Administration industry is keen on finding such graduates with business skills and this is indicated by the immense job positions currently available.

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

If you are interested in setting your eyes on creating lifelong learning among your students, making a positive influence in educational culture, contributing to the growing body of research in the education realm , or just enhancing your subject matter expertise, the Doctor of Education program ticks all the boxes. This degree maintains a rigorous approach in academic education that prepares graduates to showcase the skills and expertise to devise solutions in tackling the challenges in contemporary education practice and become transformational leaders in the industry.

Doctor of Computer Science (DCS)

The demand for computer scientists has reached its peak and it is among the most sought-after positions nowadays. With a degree in DCS, you will have the opportunity to design, apply innovative experiments, predict trends and, ultimately, develop a richer understanding and contribute to your area of expertise. After all, who doesn’t want an exciting and financially stable career?

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Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

The Doctor of Medicine degree is designed to prepare you for various medical challenges in different settings nationally and internationally. This program will further develop your critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills required for safe, high-quality medical practices. It will also improve your leadership, communication, and teamwork skills for collaborative patient care.

Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)

This professional degree typically requires four years of study. It focuses on basic biological sciences such as anatomy and physiology, microbiology, neuroanatomy, and so on. This doctoral degree will prepare, educate, and train professionals to practice at the highest level of proficiency, professionalism, and integrity.

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)

The Doctoral of Psychology degree concentrates on the clinical and applied aspects of psychology. This type of doctorate prepares students for professional practice and clinical placement. This degree will be highly beneficial when working directly with patients who need psychology services. In addition, this degree allows doctors of psychology to confidently function as researchers and clinicians.

How to Choose a Ph.D. Program?

Choosing a Ph.D. program can be pretty challenging; it is a big academic decision and investment that requires commitment and perseverance. But how can you pick the right Ph.D. program for you? Well, there are some tips to help you choose the best fit for your goals and preferences:

  • Think about the reasons why you want a Ph.D., what you expect to gain from it, and whether it is compatible with your professional goals.
  • Consider your research environment.
  • Take your time to research, compare, and consider multiple opportunities carefully.
  • Pick a subject that interests and motivates you but is also practical.
  • Ask your professors and other scholars in the field for advice.

All in all, the terms “Doctorate’’ and “Ph.D.” are in essence the same, which means all Ph.D. students are Doctoral students as well. On the other hand, earning a Ph.D. degree is no joke. If anything, Ph.D. students have the tenacity, patience, persistence, and years of hard work that you can vouch for. Ultimately, deciding what type of doctoral degree you should hop on, depends on your career goals, what you are passionate about and how you are going to achieve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a doctorate and a ph.d..

In academic contexts, the terms “Doctorate” and “Ph.D.” are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction. A Doctorate is an umbrella term covering a wide range of fields, including professional degrees, humanities, and scientific disciplines. A Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy, is a specific type of doctoral degree, typically focused on research and academic pursuits in the humanities and scientific fields.

Why should I pursue a Ph.D.?

Pursuing a Ph.D. can be a valuable endeavor, as it opens up academic and research opportunities, enhances your expertise in a specific field, and makes you more attractive to employers seeking candidates for high-level positions. It’s a chance to push the boundaries of knowledge and become an expert in your chosen study area.

What are the benefits of a professional doctorate?

Professional doctorate degrees, such as Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), are designed for working professionals who want to apply research to practical issues in their field. These degrees can enhance your career prospects, leadership skills, and problem-solving abilities within your profession.

How do I choose the right Ph.D. program?

To choose the right Ph.D. program, consider your career goals, research environment, and personal interests. Take your time to research and compare programs, seek advice from professors and experts in your field, and ensure that the program aligns with your professional aspirations.

What are the main differences between academic and professional doctorate degrees?

Academic doctorate degrees focus on research, theory evaluation, and data analysis, often leading to careers in academia or research. Professional doctorate degrees are more practical, designed for working professionals, and concentrate on applying research to real-world problems within a specific field.

Can I earn a Ph.D. in any field?

Ph.D. programs are available in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and more. However, the specific availability of Ph.D. programs may vary by field and university.

Is a Ph.D. a challenging journey?

Yes, pursuing a Ph.D. can be a challenging journey that requires dedication, patience, and years of hard work. It involves conducting original research, writing a dissertation, and often teaching or assisting in courses. It’s a significant commitment, but it can be highly rewarding.

What are the potential career opportunities after earning a Ph.D.?

With a Ph.D., you can pursue careers in academia as a professor or researcher, work in research and development roles in various industries, or take on leadership positions in organizations. The specific career path will depend on your field of study and personal interests.

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Doctorate vs. PhD: Understanding the Key Differences [2024]

If you’re interested in pursuing a doctoral degree, you may wonder about the differences between a doctorate vs. PhD.

Doctorate vs. PhD: Understanding the Key Differences

A doctorate and a PhD are both terminal degrees that allow you to develop specialized knowledge and skills in your chosen field. But these degrees typically have different areas of focus, requirements, and career outcomes.

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Understanding the difference between PhD and doctorate can help you pick the degree that most aligns with your career aspirations and interests.

What’s the Difference Between Doctorate vs. PhD Degrees?

is a doctorate a PhD

A doctorate and a Ph.D. are the highest college degrees students can earn. Graduates of both types of programs receive the title of “doctor” and may qualify for specialized careers in their fields.

But, while doctorate programs focus on professional competencies and knowledge, PhD programs prioritize academic research.

What Is a Doctorate Degree?

Man pursuing a Doctorate degree

A doctorate degree is a professional degree that enables students to become experts in a specific field or industry. This degree focuses on applying academic research and theories in the workplace to improve performance and solve problems.

Courses vary by field and program but typically emphasize professional skills like collaboration, leadership, and project management. Additionally, many doctorate programs require students to complete a capstone project that addresses real issues affecting their industry.

Graduates often qualify for advanced administrative, leadership, and managerial positions in their fields.

What Is a PhD Degree?

Woman taking PhD degree

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is an opportunity to strengthen your academic research skills and generate original knowledge. This degree trains students to become independent scholars who conduct cutting-edge research in their areas of expertise.

PhD curriculums cover advanced concepts and theories in a discipline. They also teach students qualitative and quantitative methodologies to design studies and conduct research. Additionally, most PhD programs require students to produce a dissertation that contributes fresh knowledge to the field.

Current professionals with PhDs often work as academic researchers and professors. They may also secure government and industry jobs.

Key Differences Between a PhD vs. Doctorate Degree

What’s a PhD degree ? What’s a doctorate degree? The main difference between a doctorate and a PhD is their area of focus. A doctorate prioritizes applied knowledge and professional skills, while a PhD emphasizes academic research. Let’s compare some more differences between a professional doctoral degree vs. PhD.

students taking PhD degree doing research works

A doctorate enables students to become expert practitioners in their discipline. Students study existing concepts and theories and learn how to apply these ideas in the workplace.

By contrast, a PhD prepares students to conduct innovative research and educate others.

Goals and Outcomes

Doctorate students working on their research task

Doctorate programs help prepare students for senior administrative and leadership positions in their industries. They also help students enhance their professional competencies and tackle industry-specific challenges.

Students who pursue PhDs aim to advance their disciplines by generating new knowledge. They may also publish peer-reviewed research and teach undergraduate courses.

Student Population

students attending a doctorate program

Doctorate degrees are designed for current or aspiring working professionals who want to become industry leaders. These programs also enable students to increase their knowledge and credibility.

PhD programs attract students who want to expand their knowledge of research methodologies and theories. These learners also frequently pursue academic careers.

Admissions Requirements

Man preparing requirements for PhD degree

Doctorate and PhD programs typically require students to have bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Additionally, prospective doctorate students may be asked to provide evidence of work experience, while PhD students might demonstrate their research abilities with a writing sample.

Program Length

People pursuing PhD degree

Requirements vary by program, but full-time students typically complete a doctorate in 3 to 5 years. Programs that require a capstone project may take longer. For those considering quick degrees, a number of universities now offer accelerated doctoral programs online .

PhD programs often take 4 to 7 years to finish. The speed at which students research and write their dissertations can significantly impact the timeline.

Doctorate student doing online research works

The curriculum for doctorate programs typically centers on practical skills and contemporary issues in the field. Topics may include communication, ethics, and leadership.

PhD programs offer classes on research methods, theories, and disciplinary trends. Students also learn how to write journal articles and present at conferences.

Assessment and Completion Requirements

PhD student working on his dissertation

Doctorate and PhD students both complete 2 or more years of coursework. They also demonstrate their knowledge during comprehensive exams.

Doctorate students may produce a capstone project that applies their knowledge to real problems. By contrast, PhD students write dissertations based on original research.

If You Have a PhD, Are You a Doctor?

are PhD doctors

Is a PhD a doctor ? While graduates who earn a PhD are referred to as doctors, a PhD is different from a Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Doctors with MDs are medical doctors who can legally prescribe medications, perform surgery, and treat patients. They typically apply existing medical knowledge instead of conducting research. Doctors with PhDs don’t have any of these abilities. Instead, they have specialized knowledge and perform academic research in a particular field.

PhD or Doctorate Degree – Which Is Right for You?

students taking doctorate degree

Understanding the difference between a doctorate and a PhD can help you select the right degree for you.

Professional doctorate degrees help students become leading practitioners and problem solvers. By contrast, PhD degrees enable students to hone their research skills and learn advanced concepts. Both degrees allow you to enrich your understanding of your chosen discipline or profession. They also help you boost your credentials and develop new skills.

After you decide between a doctorate degree vs. PhD, you can explore program options from accredited schools to find the best fit.

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Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): Time to move towards Higher Doctorate Degrees

Sultan ayoub meo.

1 Sultan Ayoub Meo, MBBS, Ph.D. (Pak), M Med Ed (Dundee), FRCP (London), FRCP (Dublin), FRCP (Glasgow) FRCP (Edinburgh), Professor and Consultant, College of Medicine, King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Shaukat Ali Jawaid

2 Shaukat Ali Jawaid, Chief Editor, Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Secretary, Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME). Karachi, Pakistan

Nadia Naseem

3 Nadia Naseem, MBBS, M.Phil, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology, University of Health Sciences, Khayaban-e-Jamia, Lahore, Pakistan. Email: [email protected]

The present most modern and highly advanced 21’st century is the era of science and technology. In human history, universities are the basic birthplace of higher education, research, and innovation and play a significant role in the countries’ performance, prosperity, and economic progress. Worldwide, there is a swift shift in the pattern of biological, environmental, economic, and educational systems. This broader change is rotating around the higher academia and its allied innovative research impact. The leading universities develop a culture and curricula as per need and demand and produce knowledge and skills-based professional graduates. The universities prepare graduates to keep in view their country’s requirements and compete with their peers at international levels.

Moreover, worldwide, universities are transforming towards higher doctorate degrees (D.Sc / S.Dc) to provide an elevated helipad to the applicant to compete in this modern and highly advanced era. The higher doctoral degree, D.Sc, is earned 6-8 years after the post Ph.D. The candidates with higher academic titles, professional skills, and innovative research could compete and achieve top-ranked positions worldwide. Many universities worldwide, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, promote D.Sc degree programs in various science disciplines, including medical sciences. This manuscript explores the dynamics of a higher doctorate and its significance, need, and demand in academia to compete globally.

Worldwide in higher education, competition is a comparatively old phenomenon but has new diverse dynamics that greatly influence the nations’ health, public prosperity, economies, and sustainable development. Higher Education has a strong association with the global knowledge economy and its influence on globalization. 1 The international competition in academia is fueled by the idea of the “world-class university”. 2 , 3 where renowned faculty and scientists are engaged in producing innovative research, thus raising the global rankings of the universities. 4 The authors of this manuscript further coin this concept that “best universities are those which produce evidence-based, research-oriented five-star physicians, scholars, and scientists who are practicing high levels of research, ethics and professionalism.”

In recent decades worldwide, there has been an accelerating pace in developing and adopting novel technologies, although gaps persist in various corners of the globe, particularly in developing countries. 5 This swift technological change affects every segment of life, including the economy, society, and culture. 5 The academic and technology-based change has also moved around the higher academia and innovative research. 6 The world today is prepared for another significant shift in the understanding of the university as an institution. The nations with high literacy rates, mainly higher education, strive towards academic excellence, scholarship and continuous progress, and development to compete globally.

In the global competition, the role of universities is enhanced to provide sub-specialty-based academia and research opportunities for their graduates to compete and achieve leading positions with sustainable development. In the 1960s, simple university graduates could get a good place in any national and multinational organization. In the 1970s, the graduates were gradually replaced by postgraduates. However, in the early 1980s, the doctorate Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) became a more popular and terminal academic title. The Ph.D. scholars were moved towards a postdoctoral experience known as “post-doctorate or postdoc.” A postdoc is a 6-12 months research position that allows Ph.D. scholars to enhance their research skills and knowledge and prepare them for their progressive academic careers. Although, there is no official degree awarded for postdoc training.

In this science and technology-based modern era, there is a significant change in every segment of life, including academic titles in various science disciplines. The academicians and researchers are moving fast towards higher doctorate educational titles, Doctor of Science. The higher doctorate, “Doctor of Science,” also known as “D.Sc or Sc.D,” is a postdoctoral degree program that is awarded to an individual who has significantly contributed to the field of research and science. ( Table-I ) Many universities award this degree based on the extensive research work published in reputable science journals. ( Table-II - III ) After Ph.D., the D.Sc could be awarded to a candidate who has vast experience in higher academia, research and earns excellence as an academician and a researcher in a specific field. The main advantage of acquiring a D.Sc degree is that this title could provide a high helipad to the applicant to compete in this modern and highly advanced era and get a leading position globally. It also provides a chance to excel at broader levels in a particular specialty. Moreover, the benefits are limited not only at personal levels but also at institutional and state levels. The science community believes that this title can better contribute to knowledge-based economies.

Comparison between Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctor of Science (D.Sc / S.Dc) Degrees.

Higher doctorate (DSc / S.Dc) degrees awarded in medical science by various universities in the United Kingdom.

Higher doctorate (DSc / S.Dc) degrees awarded in medical science by various universities in Asian Universities.

Worldwide, like other higher academic titles, universities are awarding this title through two routes, research work and honorary. Table-II - III . The Doctor of Science degree offers various opportunities in terms of professional career. This title is pursued to recognize an applicant’s work and advanced research skills and provides opportunities for candidates to work with global universities, research centers, and organizations. The higher doctorate academic titles facilitate the topmost positions in the leading national and international institutes and organizations. The career opportunities, perks, prestige, and privileges of D.Sc degree holders are significantly better than Ph.Ds ( Table-I ).

In the new millennium worldwide, there is a significant shift in the pattern of biological, environmental, economic, and educational systems. This broader change and its impact is rotating around the higher academic titles and innovative research. The universities are developing the curricula and producing graduates according to the community’s needs and international demand. Moreover, the universities prepare their graduates not only to compete with their peers at national levels but also at international levels. The universities are transforming their academic framework towards higher doctorate degrees at a fast pace (DSc/S.Dc).

In many countries, the D.Sc, a higher doctoral degree, is earned a few years (about 6-8 years) after the Ph.D. Once their graduate has higher academic titles with published innovative research, they can easily compete for top-ranked positions at global levels. The United States of America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, India, and few universities in Pakistan promote higher doctorate in various science disciplines. Table-II - III .

In human history, the universities, academic and research institutes have produced scholars who compete at international levels and deliver beneficial impacts to societies. Higher Education is the right path to the empowerment of people and the sustainable development of nations. It is a fact that advanced countries have focused primarily on the progressive academic institutions that would facilitate knowledge creation and dissemination. The advanced universities encouraged sub-specializations structured in the various disciplines. However, a growing awareness has appeared that the difficulties of the 21st century require a holistic experience of knowledge in its various aspects. Presently, the gauges of strong and sustainable economies depend on advanced academia and innovative research. Research-based higher academia plays a vital role in the nations’ excellence of life, economies, and sustainable development. 7

Pakistan is home to “224 million people 8 and 229 universities, 9 including 30 medical universities, 176 public and private sector medical and dental schools’ 10 125 engineering, 98 management sciences, and 30 agricultural institutes”. It is high time that Pakistan must understand that the survival and ranking of its research universities in the coming decades depend upon the provision of advanced education and research qualification with a significant contribution towards the complex, globalized economies of the 21st century.

National competition and global competition are two distinct domains; higher education provides social prestige and income-earning access. The global competition in higher education is an emergent property of competitive relations among nation-states. The new institutionalist approach claims that the international competition results from the universities turning into organizational performers 1 . The universities compete in the global higher education market. To achieve a higher competitive position at international levels, the candidate must attain the highest academic titles. Similarly, the students and faculty must achieve unique academic titles to compete at international levels.

As academic commercialization progresses, universities must operate similarly to multinational corporations. Indeed, not all universities participate in the global competition, but only those with a worldwide capacity “world-class university”. 11 Similarly, not all students, researchers, and faculty members participate in the global competition, but only those who have the potential to earn the highest possible academic titles and research to become a “world-class researcher or faculty.” The best universities produce well-qualified, evidence-based, research-oriented graduates who are in high demand in the intellectual and skill-based market; they conduct leading-edge research published in the top scientific journals, and contribute to innovations through patents and licenses.” 2 , 3 , 11

Narrating about Pakistan, we have the shining example of Aga Khan University, which attracts numerous research grants worldwide, has earned a name, and established its credibility as a leading university. Though they enjoy numerous advantages, this does not mean that public sector medical universities may not strive for excellence. In fact, the problem with us in the field of higher education and higher medical education, in particular, is that Higher Education Commission which looks after higher postgraduate education, neither has a separate section or division of medical education nor anyone with the medical background; hence it is futile to expect any revolutionary steps from it in this field. We had pointed out even earlier 6 that we need to establish a separate division of higher medical education within HEC headed by a qualified medical educationist with proven academic accomplishments for better understanding and resolution of these issues with a vision to plan and implement policies aimed at facilitating reforms at our public sector medical universities. Ideally, it would be much better if the higher medical education is shifted from HEC to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education by changing its name as was done by one of our neighboring countries in 1985, and it paid rich dividends.

Yet another problem that we face in Pakistan is the selection of Vice-Chancellors to head these universities, which is most often based not on merit but some other considerations. Of course, there are exceptions when people have been selected on merit. The rot starts here. Those who feel their rights have been ignored then go to the courts to seek justice and suspend such orders. 12 Incompetent, inefficient, ill-trained, those who lack foresight and vision when appointed to these coveted posts themselves feel threatened. They do not encourage competent and highly qualified people among the faculty but feel secure while surrounded by “Dead Wood,” who will sing their praises all the time. Again, we have not yet understood the difference between the post of the Dean, Principal, and the Vice Chancellor. These posts have different rights and responsibilities. However, in Pakistan, many medical universities do not have the post of the Dean and or Principal. Those who inserted these clauses in the Act did not want to share the powers and wanted themselves to be fully powerful; little do they realize that they are not going to be in those posts forever, and graveyards are full of people who once thought themselves indispensable. The first and foremost important thing is to make necessary changes in the Act that help establish these universities, having Principal and clearly laying down the rights and responsibilities of each one.

The Principal, the Dean, looks after the medical student’s affairs and issues related to undergraduate medical education, whereas the Vice Chancellor plans to start a new postgraduate academic programme, research projects, arrange funding through different sources, and establish international linkages with institutions of excellence in the respective fields. With the team’s help, schemes to generate funding enables the university to reduce its dependence on government funding. If there is a will, there is always a way. Just look at Dow University of Health Sciences and Jinnah Sindh Medical University in Karachi. Both have established a state-of-the-art Research and Reference Laboratory. The DUHS, in particular, established a network of collection units all over the city and earns a lot of money which is an additional useful resource for these universities. Why cannot this be replicated and what forbids the Vice Chancellors of other public sector medical universities to opt for this model? Faculty infected with politics effectively retards the growth and development of our medical universities. The working environment is such that the public sector medical universities also fail to attract and retain talented faculty for reasons that are not difficult to understand.

It is extremely important that to gain a competitive advantage, universities must launch novel, specialized degree-awarding programs so that their graduate could find a place in a global market. They have to engage their graduates and faculty in innovative research, patents, profit-oriented academic activities. It is high time to appreciate the worth of higher education, innovative research, and its impact on socio-economic development and political stability. Pakistan should implement strict policies to establish and promote higher postgraduate degree programs, Ph.D., and DSc. The advanced higher academic titles facilitate the graduates to compete with the world and lead the state towards a knowledge-based economy. 6 Higher education is the only weapon of any nation to fight against poverty, terrorism and bring peace, prosperity, socio-economic development, and political stability in the country and the region.

The University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore, has started multiple novel postgraduate programs in basic and clinical medical sciences, medical education. More recently, it has started a Certificate Course in Medical Editing, which will eventually lead to Masters in Health Journalism. It will comprise four Modules of six months each. 13 Pakistan happens to be the second country in the EMRO Region to have started this innovative program to train the medical editors, which will help improve the standard of medical journals published from Pakistan.

The UHS, in its adolescent age, has produced many Ph.Ds in various disciplines of medical sciences. Furthermore, UHS leads in launching a higher doctorate degree program, D.Sc in medical sciences. These graduates will play a significant positive role in academics, research, innovation and benefit humanity and the country. Therefore, Pakistan must set the higher education reforms and research-oriented architecture that can emerge as a knowledge power. 6


We thank the “Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for supporting the work through a research group project (RGP-1442-181)”.

Conflicts of interest: None.

Ph.D./Sc.D. Program

difference between phd and doctor of science

The Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering are identical; students may choose for themselves the appellation they prefer. This traditional, research-based doctoral degree program provides a thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of chemical engineering, as well as an intensive research experience.

The Doctor of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering are identical degree programs. Degree candidates may choose to be called a “doctor of philosophy” or a “doctor of science”.

The degree requires that you complete:

  • the core curriculum in chemical engineering
  • one chemical engineering H Level class
  • the departmental biology requirement
  • a minor program of related subjects outside of chemical engineering
  • written and oral doctoral qualifying examinations
  • the writing and oral defense of a thesis on original research

The core curriculum is:

  • Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering 10.34
  • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 10.40
  • Analysis of Transport Phenomena 10.50
  • Chemical Reactor Engineering 10.65

The departmental biology requirement is fulfilled by completing an undergraduate subject equivalent to MIT 7.01x, either at MIT or at your undergraduate institution. Examples of minor programs for some recent doctoral students include applied mathematics, control theory, physical, organic or analytical chemistry, mechanical structure, power systems, process metallurgy, nuclear engineering, management, economics, music, ancient history and philosophy.

The normal duration of the degree program is five to six years. (Including an intermediate M.S. CEP degree normally has little effect on the duration.) A master’s degree is not required for entrance into the doctoral program, nor is the M.S. CEP required.

For incoming, first-year graduate students, academic advisors are members of the Committee for Graduate Students. When you select a research topic and begin your thesis, the research supervisor becomes your academic advisor. In general, students choose research advisors at the end of their first Fall semester at MIT. Should you wish to choose a research advisor from a department other than Chemical Engineering, you will also need to choose a co-advisor from the Chemical Engineering faculty.

Prior to Registration Day (Fall and Spring semesters), your subject selection must first be approved by your advisor before the Graduate Officer can authorize registration on Registration Day. Advisor approval should also be obtained for any subsequent subject add/drop actions during the term (no additional authorization by the Graduate Officer is required).

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Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality..

Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical engineering, and medical physics. This means that, excepting the departments outlined above, the coursework and expectations to earn a Doctor of Philosophy and for a Doctor of Science degree from these schools are generally the same. Doctoral students may choose which degree they wish to complete.

Applicants interested in graduate education should apply to the department or graduate program conducting research in the area of interest. Some departments require a doctoral candidate to take a “minor” program outside of the student’s principal field of study; if you wish to apply to one of these departments, please consider additional fields you may like to pursue.

Below is a list of programs and departments that offer doctoral-level degrees.

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What’s the Difference Between a Ph.D. and a Doctorate?

  • May 1, 2023

Table of Contents

Research (academic), applied (professional), what is a ph.d., is a ph.d. higher than a professional doctorate, doctoral study vs. dissertation, who is it for, what do you learn in each, can a ph.d. be called a doctor, the bottom line.

The terms Ph.D. and Doctorate are often used interchangeably when considering advanced degrees in academia. Both degrees involve rigorous academic study and research, but their focus, duration, and requirements differ. Hence, these significant differences between the two are worth understanding before deciding which path to pursue.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between doctorate vs. Ph.D., including their definitions, the types of programs they are offered in, and the career opportunities they lead to. By the end, you should have a clear understanding of the differences between these two degrees and which one is right for you.

What Is a Doctorate?

A doctorate degree is the highest level of academic degree that can be awarded by a university. It typically requires a minimum of three to five years of advanced study and research beyond a bachelor’s or master’s degree . Doctoral programs are designed to prepare individuals for advanced careers in academia, research, or other professional fields. There are two main types of doctorates: Research (Academic) and Applied (Professional). Let’s talk about each in more detail.

A research doctorate, also known as an academic doctorate, is a type of doctoral degree focused on original research and advancing knowledge in a specific academic field. These programs require students to take advanced coursework in their field and complete original research contributing to the body of knowledge in their study area. The research component is typically the program’s centerpiece, and students are expected to produce a dissertation or thesis that represents a significant contribution to their field of study.

A research doctorate is highly valued in academia, and graduates often pursue careers as professors, researchers, or scholars in their field. While a significant time commitment and dedication are required, they provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to make contributions to their field and advance their careers in academia. Examples of research doctorates include the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) , among others.

An applied doctorate, or professional doctorate, is a type of doctoral degree that focuses on applying knowledge and skills in a specific profession or industry. These programs emphasize the practical application of research and theories to solve real-world problems in their field.

The curriculum includes coursework designed to enhance students’ professional skills, including leadership, management, or organizational behavior. An applied doctorate program’s capstone project or dissertation addresses a real-world problem or issue within the student’s profession or industry. The research is conducted in collaboration with professionals in the field.

While applied doctorate programs require a significant time commitment and dedication to a specific profession, they provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to become experts in their field and make a great impact. Graduates of such programs are well-prepared to take on leadership roles in their profession. The degree can lead to career advancement and higher salaries.

Examples of applied doctorates include the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), among others.

Students who have completed advanced studies in a particular academic field and contributed original research to that field are awarded a Ph.D., also known as a Doctor of Philosophy. Ph.D. programs are geared toward developing independent scholars who can conduct original research and advance knowledge in their chosen fields.

The coursework of a Ph.D. program involves advanced studies in the student’s area of interest, coupled with a significant research component. Students must produce a dissertation or thesis that adds to the existing body of knowledge in their field of study.

Ph.D. programs generally require multiple years to complete and lead to opportunities for graduates to work as professors, scholars, or researchers within their field of specialization. While Ph.D. degrees are commonly associated with academic careers, they can also offer advantages for graduates seeking positions in government or industry, as they demonstrate expertise in a specific area and an aptitude for original research.

Comparing a Ph.D. to a professional doctorate is difficult, as both degrees have distinct characteristics and are designed for different purposes.

A Ph.D. is primarily a research-focused degree focused on producing independent scholars who can conduct original research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a particular field. On the other hand, a professional doctorate focuses on the application of knowledge and skills in a specific profession or industry.

These programs typically emphasize the practical application of research and theories to solve real-world problems in their field. Graduates of professional doctorate programs are well-prepared to take on leadership roles in their profession, and the degree can lead to career advancement and higher salaries.

So, in terms of purpose and focus, Ph.D. and professional doctorate degrees are different. It’s not a matter of one being higher than the other, but rather, it depends on an individual’s career goals and aspirations. Both degrees are considered terminal degrees, meaning they represent the highest level of academic achievement in their respective fields.

Ph.D. vs. Professional Doctorate: Differences

Understanding the differences between a Ph.D. and a professional doctorate can help you make an informed decision about which program is right for you and your career goals. And while both types of degrees require extensive study and research, there are significant differences between the two.

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One of the key differences between a Ph.D. and a professional doctorate is the focus of the doctoral study. Ph.D. programs typically focus on producing independent scholars who can conduct original research and advance knowledge in their chosen field. In contrast, professional doctorate programs emphasize the practical application of research and theories to solve real-world problems in their field.

While both degrees require extensive research, Ph.D. programs often require a significant original contribution to the field in the form of a dissertation, while professional doctorate programs typically require a capstone project or applied research project that demonstrates the student’s ability to apply their knowledge to a real-world problem.

Ph.D. programs are geared toward individuals interested in pursuing an academic career, such as becoming a professor or researcher. These programs prepare students for a life of scholarship and original research.

On the contrary, professional doctorate programs are geared toward professionals already working in a specific profession or industry and wanting to advance their careers through further education. These programs provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to take on leadership roles in their profession or industry.

The content of the curriculum in Ph.D. and professional doctorate programs differs significantly. Ph.D. programs aim to give students extensive knowledge of their field of study and equip them with the skills to conduct original research. On the other hand, professional doctorate programs have a practical focus, with students taking courses that prepare them for leadership positions in their respective professions or industry, including management, ethics, and professional communication.

The title “Doctor” is used to refer to someone who has earned a doctoral degree, whether it is a Ph.D. or a professional doctorate. In academic and professional settings, it is common for individuals with a Ph.D. to be referred to as “Dr.” along with their name, just as someone with a professional doctorate would be.

However, it’s important to note that the title “Doctor” does not necessarily indicate that the person is a medical doctor or a physician. Additionally, it is worth noting that different countries and cultures have different conventions for how the title “Doctor” is used, so it’s always a good idea to check local customs and norms to ensure proper usage.

In conclusion, the decision to pursue a Ph.D. or a professional doctorate ultimately depends on your individual career goals and aspirations. Both degrees are highly respected and can lead to exciting and fulfilling careers.

Remember, the pursuit of advanced education is a challenging but rewarding journey that leads toward new opportunities, personal growth, and the chance to make a positive impact in your field.

Bay Atlantic University

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difference between phd and doctor of science

University of Bridgeport News

A Doctor of Health Science student with test tubes

Ph.D. vs. Doctor of Health Science: What’s the Difference?

There are many benefits of pursuing a postgraduate degree, such as a doctorate. Individuals with this level degree are highly-regarded as experts or authorities in their fields, and therefore carry great credibility. Healthcare professionals looking to advance their careers and expand their knowledge may find themselves considering the pursuit of a doctoral degree. A Health Science doctorate degree program prepares graduates for careers in healthcare administration, advanced clinical practice, teaching, and research. However, not all doctoral programs are the same. There are two doctoral routes a student can take in the field of Health Science, a  Doctor of Health Science (DHSc)  degree and a Ph.D.. Here are a few ways in which these two paths differ.

Ph.D. in Health Science

A Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy, in Health Sciences, will typically prepare students for a career in academic research as well as higher education. While it is possible to work as a researcher with a DHSc, there are other significant ways in which a Ph.D. differs from a DHSc program.

Education and Focus

One of the primary differences between a Ph.D. and a DHSc is the way in which the program is structured. While both degrees typically experience some crossover in course work (for example in the areas of community health promotion, health management, and epidemiology), the focus and length of the Ph.D. differ greatly from the DHSc.

Firstly, a Ph.D. contrasts with a DHSc in terms of the length of the program. Typically, a Ph.D. in Health Science can take anywhere from 4 to 7 years to complete. This is in addition to any prior education, as applicants to Ph.D. programs must hold a master’s degree or a professional doctorate in a health-related area.

As in most Ph.D. programs, the program culminates in a dissertation. The primary focus of a Ph.D. program is to train students to become experts in a narrowly defined discipline. Within this discipline, they’ll endeavor to conduct research and advance their knowledge. In turn, they’ll also be prepared to work as educators in their field. Many individuals with a Ph.D. go on to become professors in universities.

Career Outcomes

As noted above, those who hold a Ph.D. in Health Science are mainly qualified to work as educators in higher education, helping to train the next generation of researchers in the field. Additionally, Ph.D. holders can work as researchers themselves. While the focus of a Ph.D. is mostly academic in nature, some may work as hospital administrators or public health officials.

Doctor of Health Science

A Doctor of Health Science, or DHSc, provides students with the knowledge they need to become leaders in the field of healthcare. Unlike a Ph.D., the focus is less on research and more on practical applications. The two programs differ in other ways, as well.

A DHSc program differs from a Ph.D. in several ways. Many  DHSc programs  can be completed within three years, shorter than the Ph.D. path, and some programs are even offered online. This provides flexibility to working professionals. Similar to a Ph.D., however, successful applicants to DHSc programs must hold a master’s degree, at minimum. Additionally, they are expected to have healthcare experience, professional credentials, or licensure in a health-related field. Applicants without healthcare experience should have ample experience as a leader in the fields of education, nutrition, or health sciences.

The DHSc program prepares graduates for a more varied career path than the Ph.D. by offering specializations and electives. For example, a DHSc candidate may specialize in education, clinical work, or clinical nutrition. They may also take courses in toxicology and infectious diseases, which prepare graduates for work in epidemiology. Dissertation topics in a DHSc program will center around a student’s preferred area of specialization.

While DHSc graduates may enter a career in higher education, they are also well-prepared to become healthcare leaders. In addition to teaching, DHSc holders will be eligible to work in healthcare leadership positions, helping to improve community health outcomes. They may work in health management, health policy, or global health. They will have newfound research skills, enabling them to deliver evidence-based care and make critical clinical decisions.

The need for healthcare leaders is ever-growing. According to the Department of Labor Statistics, employment in  medical management  is expected to grow by  32%  between 2019 and 2029. Employment in epidemiology is also expected to grow. In other words, a DHSc will serve graduates very well, no matter where your professional goals lie.

Doctorate vs. Ph.D.: Choosing the Best Health Science Graduate Degree

The decision to enter into a doctoral program should not be made lightly. Doctoral programs, whether it is a Ph.D. or Doctor of Health Science, require a large investment of time as well as dedication. However, if you want to make a difference in the complex and ever-changing world of healthcare, the pursuit of a doctorate is a wonderful choice. When choosing between a DHSc and a Ph.D., you will ultimately need to decide what your career goals are. If you’d like to contribute to the field by creating new knowledge, a Ph.D. is a good fit. If you’re more interested in a hands-on or practical approach, the DHSc is right for you. In either circumstance, you will be well-prepared to step into a leadership role and make a greater impact in the field of healthcare.

Are you ready to pursue a Doctor of Health Science?  Start your application for University of Bridgeport’s online DHSc program today!

Doctor of Science


Effective Fall 2016, the five separate Doctor of Science (SD) programs that have been previously offered by the School of Public Health (ScD in Epidemiology; ScD in Environmental Health; ScD in Global Health and Population; ScD in Nutrition; and ScD in Social and Behavioral) will no longer be offered to incoming students. Instead, prospective doctoral students who would like to train with faculty from the Epidemiology  department should apply to the Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) Program in Population Health Sciences and choose Epidemiology  as their Field of Study.

What is the new PhD program?

The new PhD in Population Health Sciences is offered under the aegis of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and is awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Students in this program will gain broad, interdisciplinary knowledge in quantitative and qualitative methods of enquiry for understanding the health of populations, and developmental approaches to population health science. In addition, students will belong to one of the following Fields of Study associated with the departments of: Environmental Health , Epidemiology , Global Health and Population , Nutrition , or Social and Behavioral Sciences .

Through students’ explicit selection of the Field of the Study, the new PhD program will retain elements of the former SD program including the ability to choose an “Area of Specialization” within any given Field of Study, while introducing new curriculum aspects including a rigorous program-wide methods course, training in scientific communication, and seminars providing a broad understanding of population health.

For further details on the new PhD program, please visit this website . It will be continually updated. Prospective doctoral students may also continue to browse the departmental websites for information on faculty expertise, research, and courses, which may assist prospective students in choosing a Field of Study.

What is the admissions process for this new PhD program?

Applications to the PhD Program in Population Health Sciences are due December 1, 2015 . Information about the admissions process for this new PhD Program In Population Health Sciences may be found here starting soon. Applicants may wish to visit the GSAS Admissions website for general information for prospective students.

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EdD vs. PhD in Education: What’s the Difference?

EdD vs. PhD in Education: What’s the Difference?

Industry Advice Education

If you’re interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in education, one of the first questions you’ll face is: Should I apply for a Doctor of Education (EdD) or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education?

The decision between these two culminating degrees can be career-defining as each serves a very different purpose despite being equivalent in level. In order to ensure you choose the path that best aligns with your future goals and career path, it’s important to take the time to first understand the differences in program curriculum and future career opportunities that relate to each degree.

Read on to learn about the defining qualities and key differences of an EdD and a PhD in Education to determine which program is the right fit for you.

EdD vs. PhD in Education

A Doctor of Education (EdD) is a professional degree designed for practitioners pursuing educational leadership roles. A PhD in education , on the other hand, is designed to prepare graduates for research and teaching roles.

“With a PhD, [students are] reviewing the research, seeing a gap in the literature, and generating new knowledge based on a theory or hypothesis,” Joseph McNabb , a professor of practice in Northeastern’s Graduate School of Education , explains. “Conversely, an EdD student starts with a problem of practice and [works to learn] the skills it will take to resolve that complex problem of practice.”

EdD vs PhD

What is an EdD Degree?

An EdD, or Doctor of Education , is a professional doctorate best suited for experienced educators and mid- to senior-level working professionals who want to lead and implement change within their organization.

EdD candidates work in a broad range of fields ranging from K-12 and higher education to nonprofits, government, healthcare, and the military. What each share is a desire to transform their everyday environment and apply the lessons learned through their doctorate to a complex, critical issue facing their workplace. 

The EdD is practice-based. Students in an EdD program don’t want to just research their area of interest, but leverage that research in ways that could positively influence their community or organization’s decision-making process.

Learn More: 5 Tips for Choosing Your EdD Concentration

Those who pursue an EdD focus on qualitative, exploratory research. Students collect data and conduct individual interviews, observations, or focus groups to construct hypotheses and develop strategies that can help solve or clarify a specific problem of practice, such as how to support student veterans transitioning to civilian life or how to foster more female leaders in higher education—two dissertation topics recently explored through Northeastern’s EdD program .

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


What Can You Do with an EdD Degree?

While an EdD can be applied to a variety of industries and career options—such as K-12, higher education, the nonprofit sector, or civic service—there are several job titles you’ll likely come across within your cohort of classmates. They include:

  • Postsecondary Education Administrators: Postsecondary education administrators work in colleges or universities, and typically oversee faculty research, academics, admissions, or student affairs. Some job titles that fall under this category include president, vice president, provost, and dean. The average annual salary for a postsecondary education administrator rings in at $99,940 .
  • Elementary and Secondary School Education Administrators: Superintendents, who are the top executives of a school district, fall under this category. They manage academic programs, spending, and the staffing of all educational facilities within their district, and typically earn an average of $106,850 per year .
  • Top Executives : In education, a top executive could be a “chief learning officer” or “chief academic officer”—senior-level professionals who drive and develop strategies that help their organization meet critical business goals. Top executives make an average of approximately $100,090 per year .
  • Instructional Coordinators : Instructional coordinators create and manage school curricula and other educational materials. They help teachers implement effective classroom learning strategies and measure the effectiveness of what’s being taught and how. The average annual salary for instructional coordinators is roughly $66,490 .

difference between phd and doctor of science

These are just a few of the many career opportunities available to EdD graduates.

Learn More: Top Careers with a Doctorate in Education

What is a PhD in Education?

A PhD in Education is a terminal degree best suited for individuals who want to pursue a career in academia or research at the university level.

Students in PhD or doctoral programs take a more theoretical, study-based approach to learning. In most cases, their goal is to master a specific subject or add their unique findings to a body of existing literature. PhD candidates conduct original research in the hopes of driving change in their field or inspiring others to make change based on their work.

A PhD is the degree most popular amongst those who aspire to become a professor or obtain a tenure position. Through these programs, students tend to focus on getting published in well-respected journals, presenting at national conferences, and learning how to teach future educators.

What Can You Do with a PhD in Education?

While some of the above roles can also be earned through a PhD program, the most common job titles for PhD-holders include:

  • Postsecondary Teachers: Postsecondary teachers instruct students at a college or university. When they’re not in the classroom, they’re often focused on conducting research, attending conferences, and publishing scholarly papers and books. Postsecondary teachers earn an average $80,840 per year .
  • Academic Researcher : Researchers often have the opportunity to create their own centers or institutes, hire staff to help carry out their work, and secure funding for that work. Salaries often vary by subject area, but a general academic researcher typically earns an average $83,971 per year .

EdD or PhD: Which is Better For You?

Once you’ve explored the differences between an EdD and PhD in Education, the most relevant question to consider will be: What’s the next step I want to take in my career, and which degree can help me achieve my professional goals? The answer to this question will determine which degree program you ultimately pursue.

Earning your doctorate can pay off no matter which path you choose. Professionals with a doctoral degree earn an average $98,000 a year —nearly $20,000 more a year than master’s degree holders. Similarly, doctoral degree holders see an unemployment rate of only one percent compared to the national unemployment rate of two percent.

Regardless of which degree you ultimately pursue, there is enormous potential for you to advance your career in the field of education. Evaluating your needs and values will help you understand whether an EdD or PhD in Education is best suited to your personal and professional goals.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

This article was originally published in July 2017. It has since been updated for accuracy and relevance.

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Difference Between PhD and DSc

• Categorized under Words | Difference Between PhD and DSc

difference between phd and doctor of science

Having a degree raises the status of one person and gives an edge in the workplace as well as society. PhD is an already well known degree but DSc is still rather vague to many. The main difference between the two is in what they mean. PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy while DSc stands for Doctor of Sciences. Most people think that they are identical because people who hold these degrees are often equals.

One major difference between PhD and DSc is the fields they can be acquired with. This is highly dependent on which country you are in, but a PhD can be acquired regardless of what field you are pursuing. In contrast, a DSc can only be acquired when under a science or engineering field. You can also get a PhD under these two fields and many actually do prior to getting their DSc.

That is actually the case in Europe where DSc is prevalent in many countries. In other parts of the world, it is not that popular or even unheard of. Any country that has a standing education system also provides PhD degrees. But people in Europe often regard DSc as a higher degree compared to PhD as in some countries, only those who have a PhD and have a portfolio of published researches that are of very high standards. But in other countries, like the US, the two are basically identical and you can get one or the other without getting them both.

PhD and DSc are simply two degrees that are at the top of the education ladder. The most distinct difference between them is in what fields they can be had. The other differences are not as fixed because they vary from country to country. PhD does seem to have a slight advantage simply because of its popularity around the world and it is known as the utmost pinnacle in education. Many do not know DCs and they often consider it to be inferior to PhD just because they are uninformed.

1.PhD means Doctor of Philosophy while DSc stands for Doctor of Sciences 2.PhD is a more recognizable degree than DSc 3.PhD is used for all fields while DSc is only used in sciences and engineering 4.DSc is more prevalent in Europe while PhD is used around the world 5.DSc is better or equal to a PhD

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Cite APA 7 , l. (2011, July 4). Difference Between PhD and DSc. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/words-language/difference-between-phd-and-dsc/. MLA 8 , lanceben. "Difference Between PhD and DSc." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 4 July, 2011, http://www.differencebetween.net/language/words-language/difference-between-phd-and-dsc/.

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PsyD vs PhD in Psychology

difference between phd and doctor of science

When considering a graduate degree in psychology, students are confused between a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in psychology. We will discuss what you need to know about PsyD vs PhD in psychology. This will help you choose one that fits your career goals.

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Psyd vs. phd in psychology.

Understanding the human mind and behavior is the core of psychology. This knowledge opens doors to counseling, social work, and marketing careers.

Woman wearing a suit while holding a clipboard

Your love of psychology can lead you to a fulfilling career. You can help others, from people to organizations. Both PsyD and PhD in psychology offer doctoral-level expertise in distinct focus areas. Let’s explore what makes the two programs different.

What is PsyD?

The PsyD, or Doctor of Psychology, is a doctoral degree to prepare graduates for clinical practice. Unlike a PhD that leans heavily towards research, a PsyD program prioritizes hands-on clinical training. This means you’ll spend a significant time of your studies improving the skills necessary to diagnose and treat mental health conditions.

PsyD programs typically focus on the following areas:

  • Psychological assessment : Developing and interpreting tests to evaluate a person’s mental health and cognitive functioning.
  • Psychotherapy theories and techniques : Learning various therapeutic approaches to treat different disorders.
  • Psychopharmacology : Understanding the effects of medications used in mental health treatment (though prescribing medication may require additional training).
  • Ethical and legal considerations : Navigating the ethical and legal aspects of practicing psychology.

PsyD programs also involve clinical practice. Students gain real-world experience working directly with patients under the supervision of licensed psychologists. This allows them to refine their skills, build confidence, and gain invaluable exposure to diverse clinical settings.

What is a PhD?

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, in psychology , equips you with the knowledge and skills to become a leading researcher. Some PsyD programs may include research training. A PhD program is a deep dive into scientific psychology research. You’ll develop expertise in research methodology, including designing experiments, analyzing complex data, and interpreting results.

The core curriculum focuses on areas like:

  • Statistics and research methods : Learning about the tools to conduct rigorous psychological research.
  • Psychological theory and research : Gaining a deep understanding of existing psychological theories and research findings.
  • Data analysis : Learning advanced statistical techniques to analyze and interpret research data.
  • Grant writing : Developing the skills to secure funding for your own research projects.

PhD programs require students to work on a research project called a dissertation. This allows them to make an original contribution to psychological knowledge by conducting independent research.

Comparing PsyD and PhD in Psychology

Choosing the right doctoral program in psychology  is important for your career, whether you aspire to conduct research or focus on clinical practice.


The PsyD and PhD programs require a master’s degree or equivalent for admission. In addition, both programs are competitive, with applicants needing a strong academic background and relevant experience. In terms of curriculum, both degrees cover foundational psychological theories, ethics, and an understanding of diverse populations. Standardized tests like the GRE are part of the enrollment requirements.


A PhD in Psychology tends to be research-oriented, preparing students for an academic or specialized research career. In contrast, a Psy.D. program focuses on clinical practice, aiming to develop your skills for therapeutic and assessment interventions.

A PhD generally provides more research opportunities, while a Psy.D. focuses more on practical clinical experience. Psychology PhD programs often take longer to complete  – usually around 5 to 7 years – compared to the shorter duration of 4 to 6 years for most Psy.D. programs.

Distinguishing Factors

One of the key distinguishing factors is the end goal of each program. If your goal is to enter into academia or high-level research positions, a PhD in Psychology is ideal. The reason is that it provides a strong emphasis on research and teaching.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a career where you can work directly with clients and provide therapy, a Psy.D. is the better fit.

Therapist showing test materials to her patient

When Can a PsyD in Psychology Be Useful?

A Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) is ideal for those who aim to engage with patients directly in a clinical setting. With a PsyD, you’ll be trained in various therapeutic techniques, giving you the tools to support and understand your patients’ mental health needs.

Applications of a PsyD

  • Clinical Practice : As a clinical psychologist, you can diagnose and treat mental health disorders, offering much-needed care.
  • Healthcare Teams : Work collaboratively within healthcare systems, contributing psychological expertise to complement the physical healthcare other medical professionals provide.
  • Private Practice : Establish your own practice, giving you the flexibility and autonomy to work with the patients you’re most passionate about helping.

Benefits and Opportunities

  • Career Opportunities : A PsyD can lead to positions in hospitals, schools, private practice, or even corporate settings where psychological expertise is valued.
  • Salary Potential : While salaries can vary widely based on location and specialty, your expertise as a PsyD may provide you with a competitive salary in the healthcare sector.
  • Impact on Patients:  Directly influence and improve patient lives through various therapeutic modalities and personalized care.

When Can a PhD in Psychology be Useful?

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology could be instrumental in your profession. Let’s look at where this degree can take you:

  • Academia and Teaching : With a PhD, you can shape future generations of psychologists as a professor. Your days might consist of conducting lectures and seminars, assisting in departmental duties, and guiding graduate students.
  • Research : A PhD equips you with the knowledge and skills to perform advanced psychological research. Whether in labs, universities, or private sectors, you could be at the forefront of discoveries in the field of psychology.
  • Clinical Training : Although a Psy.D. is clinically focused, a PhD offers clinical training. If you want to combine research with practice, a PhD may fulfill that balance, allowing you to provide evidence-based therapies while conducting research.
  • Career Opportunities Beyond Psychology : With the skills you acquire with a PhD, you can pursue rewarding careers in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or consulting roles.

Your education in a PhD program would be thorough and often includes a combination of coursework, comprehensive exams, research projects, and a dissertation. Pursuing this degree positions you for a career that can influence the educational landscape, contribute to valuable research, and extend beyond traditional psychology roles.

Which is Better - A PsyD or a PhD in Psychology?

When choosing between a PsyD (Doctor of Psychology) and a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology), your career goals significantly influence your decision. A PsyD might be better if you aim for a career in clinical practice, therapy, and patient care. On the other hand, a PhD is ideal for those who see themselves in research roles or academia, contributing to the science of psychology through research and teaching.

Clinical Practice

  • PsyD : Focuses on practical, hands-on training in psychology. Great for those looking to interact directly with clients.
  • PhD : Includes clinical training with a greater emphasis on research methodology.

Research Roles

  • PsyD : Provides research training , less than a PhD.
  • PhD : Prepares you for a career in psychological research. Conduct studies and publish findings.

Woman taking notes while using her laptop

Carefully consider how each degree aligns with your professional goals. For value for money, consider tuition and funding opportunities. Generally, psychology PhD programs can be costly , but they do offer more substantial funding options, such as assistantships that can reduce tuition costs.

If you value versatility, a PhD provides diverse opportunities, from teaching to consulting. Your scope with a PsyD can be equally broad and more clinically oriented. Some appreciate the PsyD’s practical focus, while others value the PhD’s research opportunities. Both degrees can lead to licensure and are respected in their fields.

Tips for Choosing Between a PsyD and a PhD

A PsyD is ideal for those who aim for clinical practice, focusing on therapy and counseling. In contrast, a PhD prepares you for a career in research or academia. Interests also play a key role. If your passion lies in applied psychological work and direct patient care, choose a PsyD. If you love teaching, theory, or scientific exploration, a PhD might be more suitable.

When looking at universities with strong psychology programs , ensure they offer robust programs with quality training opportunities. Regardless of your psychology degree preference , checking for accreditation is vital . Accredited programs meet professional and educational standards important for future licensure.

Your decision will influence the type of licensure you’ll be eligible for after graduation. Address this early by understanding the licensure requirements in your state or the region you wish to practice. This will ensure you choose a program that aligns with those goals. Keep in mind that the route to becoming a licensed psychologist often varies depending on your degree.

Psychology Careers Outside Clinic Psychology and Research

A PsyD and a PhD in psychology open diverse career paths  for you. Following are some careers outside the traditional clinical and research roles:

Jury Consultant

Ever wondered how courts select jurors? Jury consultants use psychology to help attorneys understand juror biases, personality traits, and decision-making processes. They assist courts in jury selection and develop strategies to present cases persuasively.

An empty court room

Forensic Psychologist

This role applies psychological principles to the legal system. Forensic psychologists consult with law enforcement , attorneys, and courts on various issues, such as criminal profiling, eyewitness testimony, and assessing competency to stand trial.

Rehabilitation Counselor

This role focuses on helping individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses improve their quality of life. You’ll work with clients to develop rehabilitation plans, provide counseling support, and connect them with resources to address specific challenges.

Addiction Counselor

Specializing in substance abuse and addiction, addiction counselors provide vital support to individuals struggling with addiction. You’ll use evidence-based interventions like motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy to help clients overcome addiction and build healthier lifestyles.

Sports Psychologist

Mental health plays a critical role in athletic performance. Sports psychologists use psychological principles to help athletes enhance focus, build confidence, manage stress, and achieve peak performance.

Related Questions

Do most psychologists have a phd or psyd.

A PhD is the more commonly held degree among professionals. This is due to its long-standing presence in the academic and research area compared to the PsyD.

What Is the Difference Between a Psychiatrist and a PsyD?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in mental health, meaning they’ve pursued an MD or DO and are qualified to prescribe medication. In contrast, someone with a PsyD is an expert in therapy and psychological testing. They do not typically have a medical license.

What Are the Origins of a PsyD?

In the 1960s, the need for more rigorous clinical training instead of research led to the introduction of PsyD programs. Psychologists at the time recognized a gap in preparing professionals directly for working with patients, as opposed to solely research in a lab setting.

PsyD and PhD in psychology offer rewarding paths that cater to different passions. The PsyD equips you with direct patient care, while the PhD hones your research skills to push the boundaries of psychological knowledge. Remember, the degree you pursue shapes your contribution and journey in psychology.

General election latest: Labour attack Sunak's 'desperate' National Service pledge

Rishi Sunak says he will introduce a new form of mandatory National Service for 18-year-olds if the Conservatives win the general election - but Labour says the "desperate" pledge is "only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon".

Sunday 26 May 2024 00:55, UK

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The Conservatives would bring in National Service for 18-year-olds, they will announce on Sunday.

In the first new policy announcement of the election campaign, the prime minister has unveiled a plan that would see new adults given the choice of a full-time military placement for 12 months or a scheme to volunteer for one weekend a month for a year.

The placement would be selective - with tests used to decide who is eligible - and involve working with the armed forces or in cyber defence. 

Read more from our political correspondent Rob Powell :

At a breakfast with veterans on Saturday morning, Rishi Sunak made light of the wetter-than-hoped election announcement earlier this week.

Standing at a lectern outside Number 10 on Wednesday, the prime minister had to ignore the steady rain as he outlined his plan for the upcoming polling day.

This morning - a sunnier one - he met the group of eight veterans and sat in The Buck Inn, a Wetherspoon's pub on the High Street in his Richmond constituency, where the group were sipping tea and some tucked into breakfasts.

But it was the wet weather that was the subject of conversation...

The Conservatives would introduce National Service for 18-year-olds, it will be announced on Sunday.

Hailed by the party as a "bold new model", the plans would see new adults working in the armed forces or volunteering in their community.

The scheme would be mandatory.

"We have so much to be proud of in the United Kingdom, but we also need to be open and honest about the long-term challenges that our country and our society faces," the party said.

"And one of the problems in our society is that we have generations of young people who don’t have the opportunities they deserve."

Young people would be able to choose from:

- A selective, full-time 12-month placement in the armed forces or UK cyber defence

- Volunteering the equivalent of one weekend per month (25 days per year) in their community with organisations such as fire, police and the NHS as well as charities tackling loneliness and supporting older, isolated people

It has not been confirmed that the 12-month placement option would be paid.

This National Service will provide valuable work experience and ignite a passion for a future career in healthcare, public service, charity or the armed forces, the Conservatives say.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world." 

What was Labour's reaction?

Responding to the plans, a Labour Party spokesperson said: “This is another desperate £2.5bn unfunded commitment from a Tory Party which already crashed the economy, sending mortgages rocketing, and now they’re spoiling for more. 

“This is not a plan – it’s a review which could cost billions and is only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon. 

“Britain has had enough of the Conservatives, who are bankrupt of ideas, and have no plans to end 14 years of chaos. It’s time to turn the page and rebuild Britain with Labour.”

UNISON has commented on Sir Keir Starmer's package of workers' rights. 

Earlier, the Unite criticised Labour's plans for having "more holes in it than Swiss cheese".

General secretary Sharon Graham accused the party of watering down its policies after rebranding "Labour's new deal for working people" as "Labour's plan to make work pay".

But Christina McAnea, UNISON's general secretary, backed the plans.

She said: "Labour's new deal best illustrates that choice. It will make work fairer and boost the economy too."

She said its measures are "proving popular on the doorstep" and said that "bad employers" will no longer be able to cut corners and costs by exploiting staff.

"An end to dodgy zero-hours contracts, paid travel time for care workers and a new fair pay agreement to help boost recruitment in that crisis-stricken sector too. Plus a wave of bringing public service contracts back in-house to end the profiteering in frontline services. Labour is the only party with a plan to help working families." 

The Liberal Democrats are "way more in tune" with young voters than "any other party", their leader has argued.

Sir Ed Davey spoke in Chichester in reaction to Labour's pledge to lower the voting age to 16.

He pointed to his party's position on housing, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and their pro-European stance as policies that may appeal to younger people.

Sir Ed welcomed Labour's promise to reduce the voting age to 16 but said "bolder" reform is needed to fix the country's "broken" political system.

When asked how the Lib Dems could regain the trust of young voters following the U-turn on their pledge to scrap university fees during the 2010 coalition government, Sir Ed said his party had "fought the Conservatives every single day" during the power-sharing agreement but "weren't able to get everything we wanted".

Under the coalition, university tuition fees were trebled to a maximum of £9,000-a-year from 2012. 

Now that Rishi Sunak has called the next general election for Thursday 4 July, the nation is preparing for its first polling day since December 2019.

Here's everything you need to know about the general election and how it's going to work...  

Scottish First Minister John Swinney has defended his decision to challenge the sanction ordered against his colleague Michael Matheson.

Mr Matheson drew criticism over a near-£11,000 data roaming bill on his parliamentary iPad.

The Scottish parliament's standards committee backed a 27-day suspension for the MSP.

But SNP leader Mr Swinney said he did not support the cross-party committee’s sanction as one of its members, Conservative Annie Wells, had previously made critical comments about Mr Matheson’s explanation for the bill, which Mr Swinney believes therefore prejudiced the decision.

Speaking to journalists, he said: "I’m not going to have prejudice taken forward in any part of Scottish life, it shouldn’t happen in the Scottish Parliament."  

Flight logs appear to show Rishi Sunak used a Tory donor’s helicopter to travel from his Yorkshire home to campaign in London this afternoon.

Online route data shows a helicopter believed to be owned by millionaire businessman Richard Harpin landing in grounds next to Rishi Sunak’s mansion this morning after previously taking off from an airfield 15 minutes’ drive away in Bagby.

It then flew via Nottingham to Central London.

Rishi Sunak has since been photographed campaigning in Wimbledon and Carshalton in South London – two Tory-held Lib Dem marginals.

It comes after Labour accused the Prime Minister of taking a day off in the first week of the election race.

Conservatives denied that saying Mr Sunak was leading "from the front".

On Thursday and Friday he campaigned in all four nations of the UK, using a plane to visit Wales, the North of Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister then met veterans in his Richmond constituency this morning, but the media had not been made aware of any other visits.

A Conservative source did not deny that Rishi Sunak used a helicopter to travel from Yorkshire but said the London visits were "pre-planned".

"As with literally all campaigns, politicians do canvassing, door knocking, meeting activists and volunteers without media as well as with", the source added. 

 Rishi Sunak has hit out at Labour and said a Keir Starmer-led government would be marked by "uncertainty" and mean a "more dangerous world".

In a lengthy thread on X, the prime minister claimed that Labour "doesn't have a plan".

Expanding on what he said would be the uncertainty of a Labour government, he said: "Who knows what they would do in government? They won't tell us how they would fund any of their policies. They refused to meet our defence spending pledge." 

He argued that an "uncertain future" has consequences.

"Our enemies notice. The world becomes more dangerous as they take advantage of our weakness. This leads to higher prices of food and fuel, as well as a greater risk of attacks against our nation." 

Mr Sunak is referred to his pledge to raise defence spending to 2.5% of GDP, at a time when Russia appears to be on the front foot in Ukraine.

Meanwhile Sir Keir, who has sought to re-establish Labour's security credentials in recent years, has said he wanted to commit to the 2.5% "when resources allow".

Earlier we brought you discussion of Richard Tice's somewhat tenuous links to Skegness in Lincolnshire.

The Reform Party leader is standing to be an MP in the seaside destination, but how well he actually knows the town is an open question.

Here's what he told Sky News:

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    If you're short on time, here's a quick answer: While both are research-focused doctoral degrees, the main differences lie in prestige, structure, and research focus. The DSc is seen as a higher-level degree compared to the PhD. DSc programs are less structured, take longer to complete, and focus more on applying research to practice, while ...

  3. Ph.D. vs. Doctorate: What are the Differences?

    A Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy, on the other hand, is a subcategory of a doctoral degree, it is much more distinct and clear-cut and is usually narrower in nature encompassing only humanities and scientific fields. In plain English, when someone says they are enrolling on a doctoral degree, it means they are doing a Ph.D. in a specific field.

  4. Doctor of Science

    In France, the Doctor of Sciences degree ( doctorat ès sciences also called doctorat d'État) was a higher doctorate in the fields of experimental and natural sciences, superseded in 1984 by the habilitation . In Denmark, Dr Scient. is a higher doctorate. In Bulgaria, PhD is the highest education level and first science degree.

  5. PhD Types

    The traditional PhD (or 'Doctor of Philosophy') is the best-known advanced research qualification, but several other types of doctoral degree exist. Some of these are academic qualifications in specific subject areas. ... Doctor of Science: Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Higher / Honorary: DLitt / LitD: Doctor of Science:

  6. PhD vs Doctorate: What's the Difference?

    Doctorate, or doctoral, is an umbrella term for many degrees — PhD among them — at the height of the academic ladder. Doctorate degrees fall under two categories, and here is where the confusion often lies. The first category, Research (also referred to as Academic) includes, among others: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)**.

  7. Doctorate vs. PhD: Understanding the Key Differences [2024]

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is an opportunity to strengthen your academic research skills and generate original knowledge. This degree trains students to become independent scholars who conduct cutting-edge research in their areas of expertise. ... Understanding the difference between a doctorate and a PhD can help you select the right ...

  8. Doctoral Degrees: Eng.Sc.D. and Ph.D.

    For the Eng.Sc.D. Degree. A student must obtain the master's degree (M.S.) before enrolling as a candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree. The minimum requirement in coursework for the doctoral degree is 60 points of credit beyond the bachelor's degree. Eng.Sc.D. candidates will be required to complete a minimum of 30 additional points of credit ...

  9. Doctor of Science (DSc)

    1. Course overview. The Doctor of Science (DSc) is of a higher standing than either a masters degree (such as the Master of Science (MSc)) or the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and is awarded for work that makes an original, substantial and distinguished contribution to knowledge in a field with which the faculty is concerned.

  10. Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): Time to move towards Higher Doctorate

    Moreover, worldwide, universities are transforming towards higher doctorate degrees (D.Sc / S.Dc) to provide an elevated helipad to the applicant to compete in this modern and highly advanced era. The higher doctoral degree, D.Sc, is earned 6-8 years after the post Ph.D. The candidates with higher academic titles, professional skills, and ...

  11. Ph.D./Sc.D. Program

    Ph.D./Sc.D. Program. The Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering are identical; students may choose for themselves the appellation they prefer. This traditional, research-based doctoral degree program provides a thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of chemical engineering, as well as an intensive ...

  12. PhD vs Doctorate: What's the Difference?

    The primary difference in coursework between Ph.D. and doctorate programs primarily involves the type of assignments the students complete. Ph.D. students mainly concentrate on a curriculum that emphasizes philosophical ideas, theories and research. The coursework of a doctorate focuses on practical applications, problem-solving and innovation ...

  13. Doctoral Degrees

    A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality. Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical ...

  14. Master's vs PhD

    The two most common types of graduate degrees are master's and doctoral degrees: A master's is a 1-2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers. A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3-7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research. A master's is also the necessary first ...

  15. What's the Difference Between a Ph.D. and a Doctorate?

    One of the key differences between a Ph.D. and a professional doctorate is the focus of the doctoral study. Ph.D. programs typically focus on producing independent scholars who can conduct original research and advance knowledge in their chosen field. In contrast, professional doctorate programs emphasize the practical application of research ...

  16. Ph.D. vs. Doctor of Health Science

    Firstly, a Ph.D. contrasts with a DHSc in terms of the length of the program. Typically, a Ph.D. in Health Science can take anywhere from 4 to 7 years to complete. This is in addition to any prior education, as applicants to Ph.D. programs must hold a master's degree or a professional doctorate in a health-related area.

  17. DEng vs. PhD

    At Johns Hopkins University, both the Doctor of Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy involve mentored research and in-depth investigation. There are a few key differences, though (although these are not hard and fast rules). DEng. PhD. Guiding Philosophy. Engineering practice and application. Engineering theory and scholarship.

  18. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin: philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is the most common degree at the highest academic level, awarded following a course of study and research. The degree is most often abbreviated PhD (or, at times, as Ph.D. in North America).It is derived from the Latin Philosophiae Doctor, pronounced as three separate letters (/ p iː eɪ tʃ ˈ d ...

  19. Doctor of Science

    The new PhD in Population Health Sciences is offered under the aegis of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and is awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Students in this program will gain broad, interdisciplinary knowledge in quantitative and qualitative methods of enquiry for understanding the health of populations ...

  20. What's the Difference Between a PhD and a ...

    A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. In answer to the question, "Is a PhD a doctor," the answer is yes. Both a PhD and a professional doctorate like an EdD earn you the title of "doctor.". But there are differences between the types of doctoral degrees. Learn more about a PhD vs. a professional doctorate below.

  21. Doctor of Health Science vs. Medical Science: Which Is Better?

    What's the Difference Between a DMSc and a DHSc? A Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) and Doctor of Health Science (DHSc) are doctoral degrees for medical professionals who have education and experience in a health-related field and want to transition into a leadership role. However, there are two key differences between a DMSc and DHSc degree.

  22. EdD vs. PhD in Education: What is the Difference?

    A Doctor of Education (EdD) is a professional degree designed for practitioners pursuing educational leadership roles. A PhD in education, on the other hand, is designed to prepare graduates for research and teaching roles. "With a PhD, [students are] reviewing the research, seeing a gap in the literature, and generating new knowledge based ...

  23. Difference Between PhD and DSc

    1.PhD means Doctor of Philosophy while DSc stands for Doctor of Sciences. 2.PhD is a more recognizable degree than DSc. 3.PhD is used for all fields while DSc is only used in sciences and engineering. 4.DSc is more prevalent in Europe while PhD is used around the world. 5.DSc is better or equal to a PhD.

  24. Earning an Online PhD in Management

    Also known as UMGC, this is the distance learning branch of the University of Maryland system. They offer a variety of online doctoral programs, including a specialized Doctor of Management program with a concentration in community college policy and administration. This concentration, unlike the general online PhD in management, is intended specifically for people to earn a role at the ...

  25. PsyD vs PhD in Psychology

    A PhD generally provides more research opportunities, while a Psy.D. focuses more on practical clinical experience. Psychology PhD programs often take longer to complete - usually around 5 to 7 years - compared to the shorter duration of 4 to 6 years for most Psy.D. programs.

  26. General election latest: Labour attack Sunak's 'desperate' National

    Rishi Sunak says he will introduce a new form of mandatory National Service for 18-year-olds if the Conservatives win the general election - but Labour says the "desperate" pledge is "only needed ...